早稲田大学 理工学術院 教授
東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター(認知科学分野) 准教授
(独)産業技術総合研究所 人間福祉医工学研究部門 研究員(兼務)
(独)科学技術振興機構 下條潜在脳機能プロジェクト意思決定研究グループ グループリーダ(兼務)
2024/10/10 更新
早稲田大学 理工学術院 教授
東京大学 先端科学技術研究センター(認知科学分野) 准教授
(独)産業技術総合研究所 人間福祉医工学研究部門 研究員(兼務)
(独)科学技術振興機構 下條潜在脳機能プロジェクト意思決定研究グループ グループリーダ(兼務)
Cognitive Science 査読委員
Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking 編集委員
Cognitive Processing 編集委員
PLoS ONE 編集委員
Frontiers in Psychology 編集委員
(ー財)機械振興協会「没入型映像システムに関する戦略策定委員会」 委員
(一財)機械振興協会「人工視覚等の先進的医療機器の技術開発における医工連携体制の日米比較調査委員会」 委員
内閣府(国民生活局):国民生活白書「消費者の意志決定行動に関わる経済実験の実施及び分析調査委員会」 委員
経済産業省(技術振興課)「脳科学が拓くイノベーション国際ワークショップ」 委員
(独)科学技術振興機構(研究開発戦略センター)「人間の機能と感性研究会」 委員
文部科学省(科学技術・学術政策局)「デジタルミュージアム実現のための調査・検討委員会」 委員
ムーンショット目標9 外部専門家
消費者庁「消費者の心理的特性等に応じた注意喚起に係る実証事業」 外部有識者
JST-さきがけ「生体多感覚システム」 領域アドバイザー
JST-さきがけ「人間中心インタラクション」 領域アドバイザー
Scientific Reports 編集委員
文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術予測センター 専門調査員
2020年11月 日本基礎心理学会 「余分な短線」錯視
科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞(研究部門)
2020年04月 人間の認知行動の潜在過程に関する学際的研究
Top 10 Best Illusion of The Year Contest Finalists
2010年05月 Neural Correlate Society
Top Reviewer
2009年03月 Vision Research
2008年 日本心理学会
2023年12月 日本基礎心理学会 運動の自動模倣傾向の非線形な発達
2023年12月 日本基礎心理学会 運動意思決定課題におけるリスク志向バイアスに影響する主観的過程
2023年12月 日本基礎心理学会 時間的オッドボール効果における知覚的新奇性の影響
2023年10月 日本スポーツ心理学会 運動意思決定における利得最大化行動を妨げる主観的態度
Student Travel Award
2023年08月 European Conference on Visual Perception 2023 The role of perceptual novelty in the temporal oddball effect.
Best Poster Award
2023年08月 International Conference on Cognitive Science, Seoul, South Korea (2023) The relationship between social relationships and interpersonal distance.
2023年08月 Motor Control 研究会 運動意思決定におけるリスク志向バイアスに影響する主観的態度と方略選好
2023年03月 情報処理学会シンポジウム(INTERACTION2023) ダンスパフォーマンスにおけるあがりに弱い人を支援するための動作・生体情報分析
2022年12月 日本基礎心理学会 選ばないことは難しい:複数の選択肢がある中での時間制約下での意思決定
2022年12月 日本基礎心理学会 リスク下での運動意思決定における最適な計算と非最適な行動
2021年10月 日本心理学会 物体カテゴリー情報による刺激間の結びつきが知覚時間に与える影響
2021年06月 日本認知心理学会 逆相関法による政治家の顔ステレオタイプの可視化
2021年03月 HAIシンポジウム2021 ヒトは話しかけて欲しいかどうかを表情から判断できるか
2020年11月 日本基礎心理学会 陰陽運動錯視
2020年05月 早稲田大学 人間の認知行動に関わる顕在的・潜在的過程の研究
2019年03月 日本認知心理学会 データ駆動処理による顔魅力印象の規定要因の検討-美しい顔とは女性的な顔なのか?-
2019年03月 電子情報通信学会 データ駆動処理による顔支配性印象のモデル化
2018年 日本心理学会 顔魅力評価における顔の形態情報と表面情報の相対寄与度
2017年 ICIT-2017
2017年 日本基礎心理学会 データ駆動型アプローチによる顔魅力の統計モデル構築と魅力の定量的操作
2016年02月 早稲田大学
2013年12月 日本基礎心理学会 3DCGが拓く新しい錯視の世
2013年12月 日本基礎心理学会 拡大縮小運動盲
ヒューマンコミュニケーション賞 (HIP部門)
2013年12月 電子情報通信学会 食器の材質・質感における感覚間統合が味覚評価に及ぼす影響
2012年12月 日本基礎心理学会 有色無色置換
2010年12月 日本認知心理学会 時間知覚に与える個人差の影響
Best Paper Award 2010
2010年03月 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research Kansei information processing in product design: Exploring the role of visual information in designers' activity
ヒューマンコミュニケーション賞 (HIP部門)
2009年03月 電子情報通信学会 無視される刺激による知覚の不安定化
2008年03月 ヒューマンインタフェース学会 仮想物体の変形に対する視触覚間同時性知覚の順応
ヒューマンコミュニケーション賞 (MVE部門)
2007年06月 電子情報通信学会 仮想物体の変形に対する視触覚間同時性知覚の順応
2007年 日本基礎心理学会 イベントベースの注意
2007年 日本基礎心理学会 視知覚と短期記憶における容量同一性 : 個人差からのアプローチ
2004年 日本基礎心理学会 バイオロジカルモーション知覚中心視と周辺視における検出能力
インターネットマガジン DIG THE TEA
インターネットマガジン DIG THE TEA
BSフジ 『ガリレオX』
NHK ヒューマニエンス
日経BP 日経エレクトロニクス
In an Era of Face Masks, We’re All a Little More Face Blind
New York Times New York Times
特集 世界を変える6人の研究者
朝日新聞出版 早稲田理工 by AERA 2020
特集 世界を変える6人の研究者
日本科学技術振興機構(JST) JST News
早稲田大学 早稲田 CloseUp
人がアンドロイドの夢を見る日 玉城絵美×笠原俊一×渡邊克巳 VR鼎談
早稲田大学 早稲田 Weekly
Catch the tiger
SBS Japanese
宣伝会議 販促会議2017年6月号
リバネス出版 someone Vol.37
「心」はどこから来る――? 主観や無意識をサイエンスで解明する
執筆者: 本人
早稲田大学 WASEDAオンライン
TOPPAN FORMS idea preview
TBSラジオ 夢★夢Engine!
日経BP 日経クロステックOnline
KAIKA Style Magazine
和食 おいしさの秘密探る
早稲田大学 WASEDAオンライン
加賀料理の魅力 解明へ
"What science reveals about the sixth sense"
Science View
朝日新聞出版 AERA特集「感情とうまく付き合う」
生命38億年スペシャル 最新脳科学ミステリー"人間とは何だ…!?
TBS 未来遺産
NHK あさイチ
She's got a mind all of her own
The Sydney Morning Herald
Creative robotics lab hoping to change the face of technology in Australia
ABC ABC Australia
Life-like robot arrives in Sydney
SBS SBS news
NHK ギャクテン教室
BSフジ ガリレオX
文化放送 ドコモ団塊倶楽部
FILT Vol.49
AU Woman Style
Illusions contest: Blurry heart
サイエンス・チャンネル サイエンスフロンティア21
文化放送 ドコモ団塊倶楽部
SONY 『CX-PAL』(SONY 半導体情報誌) Vol.86
日本経済新聞 日経キッズプラス
マガジンハウス TARZAN No.536
Choice Blindness: You don't know what you want
NewScientist Ltd. NewScientist
テレビ東京 ワールドビジネスサテライト
NHK 解体新ショー
How to Make Better Decisions
朝日新聞出版 AERA
朝日新聞 be on Sunday
Axis Inc. AXIS/アクシス Vol.128
Sense of object ownership changes with sense of agency. (accept)
Sasaki, K, Watanabe, K, Yamada, Y
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 2024年12月 [査読有り]
Self-supervised machine learning approach for autism detection in young children using MEG signals
Kasturi Barik, Spandan Dey, Katsumi Watanabe, Tetsu Hirosawa, Yuko Yoshimura, Mitsuru Kikuchi, Joydeep Bhattacharya, Goutam Saha
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 98 106671 - 106671 2024年12月 [査読有り]
Different judgment frameworks for moral compliance and moral violation
Risako Shirai, Katsumi Watanabe
Scientific Reports 14 ( 1 ) 16432 2024年07月 [査読有り]
Jan Mikuni, Blanca T. M. Spee, Gaia Forlani, Helmut Leder, Frank Scharnowski, Koyo Nakamura, Katsumi Watanabe, Hideaki Kawabata, Matthew Pelowski, David Steyrl
Scientific Reports 14 ( 1 ) 15948 2024年07月 [査読有り]
Tatsunori Ishii, Katsumi Watanabe
PLOS ONE 19 ( 6 ) e0305635 - e0305635 2024年06月 [査読有り]
Comparing experience- and description-based economic preferences across 11 countries
Hernán Anlló, Sophie Bavard, FatimaEzzahra Benmarrakchi, Darla Bonagura, Fabien Cerrotti, Mirona Cicue, Maelle Gueguen, Eugenio José Guzmán, Dzerassa Kadieva, Maiko Kobayashi, Gafari Lukumon, Marco Sartorio, Jiong Yang, Oksana Zinchenko, Bahador Bahrami, Jaime Silva Concha, Uri Hertz, Anna B. Konova, Jian Li, Cathal O’Madagain, Joaquin Navajas, Gabriel Reyes, Atiye Sarabi-Jamab, Anna Shestakova, Bhasi Sukumaran, Katsumi Watanabe, Stefano Palminteri
Nature Human Behaviour 2024年06月 [査読有り]
Increase in speed eliminates duration expansion of a novel motion stimulus
Shunsuke Sakai, Akira Sarodo, Katsumi Watanabe
Perception 2024年03月 [査読有り]
Fear in action: Fear conditioning and alleviation through body movements
Maria Alemany-González, Martijn E. Wokke, Toshinori Chiba, Takuji Narumi, Naotsugu Kaneko, Hikaru Yokoyama, Katsumi Watanabe, Kimitaka Nakazawa, Hiroshi Imamizu, Ai Koizumi
iScience 27 ( 3 ) 109099 - 109099 2024年03月 [査読有り]
Face adaptation induces duration distortion of subsequent face stimuli in a face category-specific manner. (accept)
Sarodo, A, Yamamoto, K, Watanabe, K
Journal of Vision 24 ( 2 ) :7, 1 - 14 2024年02月 [査読有り]
Shirai, R, Watanabe, K
Cognitive Processing 24 ( 4 ) 2023年09月 [査読有り]
Cultural Differences in Interoceptive Accuracy: Comparison Between Japan and Europe1
Ubukata, S, Watanabe, K, Isomura, T
Japanese Psychological Research 12468 2023年08月 [査読有り]
Crossmodal correspondences between visual features and tastes in preschoolers: an exploratory study
Meng, X, Chen, Na, Ishida, J, Watanabe, K, Murakami, T
Frontiers in Psychology 14 1226661 2023年08月 [査読有り]
Sasaki, K, Kobayashi, M, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Royal Society Open Science 10 ( 6 ) 201791 2023年06月 [査読有り]
People with higher autistic traits show stronger binding for color–shape associations
Chen, N, Watanabe, K, Spence, C, Wada, M
Scientific Reports 13 ( 1 ) 9611 2023年06月 [査読有り]
Effect of colour–shape associations on visual feature discrimination
Chen, N, Watanabe, K
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 2023年03月 [査読有り]
Effects of false statements on visual perception hinge on social suggestibility.
Anllo, H, Watanabe, K, Sackur, J, de Gardelle, V
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 48 ( 8 ) 889 - 900 2022年08月 [査読有り] [国際誌]
The spatio-temporal features of perceived-as-genuine and deliberate expressions
Namba, S, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
PLoS ONE 17 ( 7 ) e0271047 2022年07月 [査読有り] [国際誌]
de Lissa, P, Watanabe, K, Li, G, Ishii, T, Nakamura, K, Kimura, T, Sagasaki, A, Caldara, R
i-Perception 13 ( 4 ) 1 - 14 2022年07月 [査読有り]
Computational Process of Sharing Emotion: An Authentic Information Perspective
Namba, S, Sato, W, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Frontiers in Psychology 13 849499 2022年05月 [査読有り] [国際誌]
Do Empathetic People Have Strong Religious Beliefs? Survey Studies with Large Japanese Samples
Ishii, T, Watanabe, K
The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 33 ( 1 ) 1 - 18 2022年04月 [査読有り]
Kato, T, Kaneko, N, Sasaki, A, Endo, N, Yuasa, A, Milosevic, M, Watanabe, K, Nakazawa, K
European Journal of Neuroscience 55 ( 7 ) 1810 - 1824 2022年03月 [査読有り]
Cross-cultural evidence of a space-ethnicity association in face categorisation
Dalmaso, M, Vicovaro, M, Watanabe, K
Current Psychology 42 15883 - 15892 2022年02月 [査読有り]
Open biological negative image set
Shirai, R, Watanabe, K
Royal Society Open Science 9 ( 1 ) 211128 2022年01月 [査読有り]
Endo, N, Ito, T, Watanabe, K, Nakazawa, K
PLoS ONE 16 ( 12 ) e0260859 2021年12月 [査読有り] [国際誌]
Rapid saccadic categorization of other-race faces
de Lissa, P, Sokhn, N, Lasrado, S, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K, Caldara, R
Journal of Vision 21 ( 12 ) 1 - 17 2021年11月 [査読有り]
Yokoyama, H, Kaneko, N, Watanabe, K, Nakazawa, K
Journal of Neural Engineering 18 ( 4 ) 046099 2021年08月 [査読有り] [国際誌]
Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Scientific Reports 10 16588 2020年10月 [査読有り]
Vasopressin enhances human preemptive strike in both males and females
Kawada, A, Nagasawa, M, Murata, A, Mogi, K, Watanabe, K, Kikusui, K, Kameda, T
Scientific Reports 9 9664 2019年12月 [査読有り]
Neural correlates of online cooperation during joint force production
Abe, M.O, Koike, T, Okazaki, S, Sugawara, S.K, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K, Sadato, N
NeuroImage 191 150 - 161 2019年02月 [査読有り] [国際誌]
Nakamura K, Watanabe K
Royal Society Open Science 6 ( 5 ) 182189 - 182189 2019年 [査読有り]
Yokoyama H, Kaneko N, Ogawa T, Kawashima N, Watanabe K, Nakazawa K
iScience 15 623 - 639 2019年 [査読有り] [国際誌]
DAVID: An open-source platform for real-time transformation of infra-segmental emotional cues in running speech
Rachman, L, Liuni, M, Arias, M, Lind, A, Johansson, P, Hall, L, Richardson, D, Watanabe, K, Dubal, S, Aucouturier, J. J
Behavior Research Methods 50 ( 1 ) 323 - 343 2018年02月 [査読有り]
Covert digital manipulation of vocal emotion alter speakers' emotional states in a congruent direction
Jean-Julien Aucouturier, Petter Johansson, Lars Hall, Rodrigo Segnini, Lolita Mercadie, Katsumi Watanabe
Neural correlates of rewarded and unrewarded eye movements in the primate caudate nucleus
K Watanabe, J Lauwereyns, O Hikosaka
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 23 ( 31 ) 10052 - 10057 2003年11月
Intentional facial expression variation per taste preference for beverages.
Mukai, K, Nakazato, K, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46 3231 - 3234 2024年07月 [査読有り]
Effects of Dynamic Facial Expressions of Positive and Negative Emotions on Recognition Memory.
Wakui, M, Mukai, K, Saegusa, C, Sugiyama, H, Tsuchiya, Y, Kawashima, M, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46 2005 - 2009 2024年07月 [査読有り]
Gaze inversion effect: Sex invariance and difference in gaze direction sensitivity
Daisuke Matsuyoshi, Kana Kuraguchi, Hiroshi Ashida, Katsumi Watanabe
The healthy=tasty intuition seems to prevail in Japan.
Bucher, B, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering (ISASE2024) 2024年03月 [査読有り]
Color-taste correspondence tested by the Stroop task
Yang, Y, Chen, N, Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K
Frontiers in Psychology 15 1250781 2024年01月 [査読有り]
Red backgrounds enhance dominance judgement of both human faces and simple geometric shapes.
Yang, Y, Chen, N, Kobayashi, M, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of AIC2023 the 15th Congress of the International Colour Association. 983 - 988 2023年11月 [査読有り]
What type of advice does change decisions on moral dilemma effectively?
Shirai, R, Yamamoto, K, Sugiura, S, Watanabe, K
2023 27th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC) 60 - 64 2023年09月 [査読有り]
Do fictive sexual orientations induce In-Group bias in emotion recognition?
Benoit Bucher, Maiko Kobayashi, Katsumi Watanabe
2023 27th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC) 220 - 225 2023年09月 [査読有り]
Effects of facial expressions and parts on changes in facial attractiveness by brief presentation
Maiko Kobayashi, Chihiro Saegusa, Haruko Sugiyama, Yoko Tsuchiya, Misaki Kawashima, Katsumi Watanabe
2023 27th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC) 143 - 147 2023年09月 [査読有り]
Red biases sex categorization of human bodies
Chen, N, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Frontiers in Psychology 14 ( 1234417 ) 2023年09月 [査読有り]
Red background color biases gender categorization of human faces
Chen, N, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Scientific Reports 13 7792 2023年05月 [査読有り]
Barik, K, Watanabe, K, Bhattacharya, J, Saha, G
Journal of Neural Engineering 20 ( 2 ) 026012 2023年03月 [査読有り]
Chen, N, Watanabe, K, Kobayakawa, T, Wada, M
Journal of Food Quality 2023 9945339 2023年02月 [査読有り]
Autism detection in children using common spatial patterns of MEG signals.
Barik, K, Watanabe, K, Hirosawa, T, Yoshimura, Y, Kikuchi, M, Bhattacharya, J, Saha
Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2023) 2023年 [査読有り]
Barik, K, Watanabe, K, Bhattacharya, J, Saha, G
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2022年10月 [査読有り]
Motor engagement enhances incidental memory for task-irrelevant items
Shimane, D, Tanaka, T, Watanabe, K, Tanaka, K
Frontiers in Psychology 13 914877 2022年08月 [査読有り]
Relationships between autistic traits, taste preference, taste perception, and eating behaviour
Chen, N, Watanabe, K, Kobayakawa, T, Wada, M
European Eating Disorders Review 30 ( 5 ) 628 - 640 2022年06月 [査読有り] [国際誌]
Teraji, T, Shiroshita, K, Komori, M, Nakamura, K, Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of 2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW), 2022年 [査読有り]
Shiroshita, K, Komori, M, Nakamura, K, Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering (CSDE) 1 - 6 2021年12月 [査読有り]
Chen, N, Watanabe, K, Wada, M
Frontiers in Psychology 12 714277 2021年09月 [査読有り]
Sex Differences in the Motivation for Viewing Sexually Arousing Images
Kobayashi, M, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Evolutionary Psychological Science 7 ( 3 ) 273 - 283 2021年09月 [査読有り]
Source memory and social exchange in young children
Meng, X, Ishii, T, Sugimoto, K, Itakura, S, Watanabe, K
Cognitive Processing 22 ( 3 ) 529 - 537 2021年08月 [査読有り]
Ishii, T, Watanabe, K
Religion, Brain & Behavior 11 ( 4 ) 361 - 370 2021年07月 [査読有り]
Takao, S, Watanabe, K, Cavanagh, P
Journal of Vision 21 ( 6 ) 4 2021年06月 [査読有り]
Managed postures modulate social impressions after limited and unlimited time exposure
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K
Current Psychology 42 3957 - 3963 2021年04月 [査読有り]
Precise force controls enhance loudness discrimination of self-generated sound
Endo, N, Ito, T, Mochida, T, Ijiri, T, Watanabe, K, Nakazawa, K
Experimental Brain Research 239 ( 4 ) 1141 - 1149 2021年04月 [査読有り] [国際誌]
Sense of agency with illusory visual events.
Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 47 ( 2 ) 238 - 251 2021年02月 [査読有り]
Investigation of Facial Preference Using Gaussian Process Preference Learning and Generative Image Model
Komori, M, Shiroshita, K, Nakagami, M, Nakamura, K, Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 12883 LNCS 193 - 202 2021年 [査読有り]
Effects of Secondhand Information on Impression Formation in Spoken Communication
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K
International Journal of Affective Engineering 20 ( 3 ) 189 - 198 2021年 [査読有り]
Self-reported sensory responsiveness patterns in typically-developing and early-onset schizophrenia adolescents: Its relationship with schizotypal and autistic traits
Zhou H, Yang H, Cui, X, Shi, L, Gong, J, Lui, S.S.Y, Cheung, E.F.C, Watanabe, K, Chan, R.C.K
Journal of Psychiatric Research 131 255 - 262 2020年12月 [査読有り]
Immediate action effects motivate actions based on the stimulus–response relationship
Tanaka, T, Watanabe, K, Tanaka, K
Experimental Brain Research 239 67 - 78 2020年10月 [査読有り]
Yokoyama, H, Kaneko, N, Masugi, Y, Ogawa, T, Watanabe, K, Nakazawa, K
European Journal of Neuroscience 54 ( 12 ) 8092 - 8105 2020年06月 [査読有り]
MutualEyeContact: A conversation analysis tool with focus on eye contact
Schäfer, A, Isomura, T, Reis, G, Watanabe, K, Stricker, D
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications 1 1 - 5 2020年06月 [査読有り]
Matsuyoshi, D., Watanabe, K.
Psychological Research 85 ( 4 ) 1713 - 1723 2020年05月 [査読有り]
Attractive faces are rewarding irrespective of face category: Motivation in viewing attractive faces in Japanese viewers
Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K, Nakamura, K
Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020) 186 - 190 2020年02月 [査読有り]
Changes in cortical networks during motor imagery and action observation of walking.
Naotsugu Kaneko, Hikaru Yokoyama, Yohei Masugi, Katsumi Watanabe, Kimitaka Nakazawa
Proceedings of the 42th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society - Developing a Mind: Learning in Humans, Animals, and Machines(CogSci) 2020年
Classification of autism in young children by phase angle clustering in magnetoencephalogram signals.
Barik, K, Watanabe, K, Bhattacharya, J, Saha, G
Proceedings of 2020 National Conference on Communications (NCC) 1 - 6 2020年 [査読有り]
Self-initiation of visual object motion has little influence on visual mislocalization by auditory stimuli.
Oishi, H, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020) 195 - 198 2020年 [査読有り]
Deciding when to start in 100-m sprints at Athletic World Championships.
Mukai, K, Onagawa, R, Tanaka, T, Watanabe, K, Kudo K
Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST) 191 - 194 2020年 [査読有り]
Size-numerosity interaction depends retinal rather than perceived size
Takao, S, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020) 2020年01月 [査読有り]
Truth out of our awareness: Subliminal mere exposure drives illusory truth effect (Provisional title)
Sasaki, K., Nakamura, K., Watanabe, K.
Consciousness and Cognition 2020年 [査読有り]
Accounting for private taste: Facial shape analysis of attractiveness and Inter-individual variance.
Tanaka, T, Mikuni, J, Shimane, D, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020) 203 - 206 2020年 [査読有り]
Sasaki, K, Ariga, A, Watanabe, K
Scientific Reports 10 4630 2020年 [査読有り]
Marmolejo-Ramos, F, Murata, A, Sasaki, K, Yamada, Y, Ikeda, A, Hinojosa, J. A, Watanabe, K, Parzuchowski, M, Tirado, C, Ospina, R
Experimental Psychology 67 ( 1 ) 14 - 22 2020年01月 [査読有り]
Blue-yellow asymmetries in the perception of illuminant vs. surface color.
Ilic, I, Yang, J, Yamaguchi, M.K, Watanabe, K, Mizokami, Y, Webster, M.A
19th Vision Science Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision 19 ( 10 ) 296b 2019年 [査読有り]
Ebbinghaus illusion depends more on the retinal than perceived size of surrounding stimuli
Takao, S, Clifford, C. W. G, Watanabe, K
Vision Research 154 80 - 84 2019年01月 [査読有り]
How People Attribute Minds to Non-Living Entities
Ishii T, Watanabe K
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST 2019) 213 - 217 2019年 [査読有り]
Color-Shape Association in Chinese People
Chen N, Jiang X, Watanabe K
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST 2019) 209 - 212 2019年 [査読有り]
Switch or stay? Automatic classification of internal mental states in bistable perception
Sen S, Daimi S.N, Watanabe K, Takahashi K, Bhattacharya J, Saha G
Cognitive Neurodynamics 14 ( 1 ) 95 - 113 2019年 [査読有り]
Sense of agency in continuous action is influenced by outcome feedback in one-back trials
Oishi H, Tanaka K, Watanabe K
Acta Psychologica 199 2019年 [査読有り]
Smiling enemies: Young children better recall mean individuals who smile
Meng X, Ishii T, Sugimoto K, Song R, Moriguchi Y, Watanabe K
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 188 104672 - 104672 2019年 [査読有り]
Visual attention influences audiovisual event perception and the susceptibility to the fusion illusion.
Loria, T, Hajj, J, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K, Tremblay, L
Proceedings of the SCAPPS 2018 Annual Conference 2018年11月 [査読有り]
Implicit ambient surface information: From personal to interpersonal.
Watanabe, K, Kashino, M, Nakazawa, K, Shimojo, S
Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI 2018 Workshops co-located with the 23rd ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI 2018) 2018年03月 [査読有り]
Gaze-cueing with crossed eyes: Asymmetry between nasal and temporal shifts
Takao, S, Murata, A, Watanabe, K
Perception 47 ( 2 ) 158 - 170 2018年02月 [査読有り]
Audiovisual semantic congruency effect with onomatopoeia.
Fidalgo, A.R, Takahashi, K, Murata A, Watanabe K
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2018) 254 - 259 2018年 [査読有り]
Link between color-space association, left-right confusion, mirror image copy, and autistic traits
Ikeda H, Wada M, Watanabe K
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST 2018) 268 - 271 2018年 [査読有り]
FFAB-The Form Function Attribution Bias in Human-Robot Interaction
Haring K.S, Watanabe K, Velonaki M, Tossell C.C, Finomore V
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 10 ( 4 ) 843 - 851 2018年 [査読有り]
Development of human-agent attachment by form of address
Kitamura M, Oya K, Kurata K, Watanabe K
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2018) 101 - 105 2018年 [査読有り]
Feedback of action outcome retrospectively influences sense of agency in a continuous action task
Oishi H, Tanaka K, Watanabe K
PLoS ONE 13 ( 8 ) 2018年 [査読有り]
AIBO Robot Mortuary Rites in the Japanese Cultural Context
Knox E, Watanabe K
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2020 - 2025 2018年 [査読有り]
Ethical considerations of gendering very humanlike androids from an interdisciplinary perspective
Knox, E, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017) 539 - 546 2017年12月 [査読有り]
Decoding mental states in bistable perception by using source based wavelet features
Sen, S, Watanabe, K, Bhattacharya, J, Saha, G
Proceedings of 2017 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON) 144 - 149 2017年 [査読有り]
A machine learning approach to decode mental states in Bistable perception.
Sen, S, Daimi, S.N, Watanabe, K, Bhattacharya, J, Saha, G
Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) 1 - 6 2017年 [査読有り]
Explicit and implicit aspects of human cognition and behavior
Watanabe, K.
Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2017) XVIII - XVIII 2017年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Variability in advice taking in decision making,
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K
Proceeding of CogSci 2017 2426 - 2431 2017年 [査読有り]
The Influence of human body orientation on distance judgments
Jung, E, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K, de la Rosa, S, Butz, M.V, Bülthoff, H.H, Meilinger, T
Frontiers in Psychology 7 ( 217 ) 2016年03月 [査読有り]
Impacts of visuomotor sequence learning methods on speed and accuracy: Starting over from the beginning or from the point of error
Kanji Tanaka, Katsumi Watanabe
ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA 164 ( 180 ) 169 - 180 2016年02月 [査読有り]
Elimination of the back-view bias in attractiveness judgement with short-term exposure.
Proceedings of 6th International Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research conference (KEER 2016) 2016年
金相賢, 盛川浩志, 三家礼子, 渡邊克巳, 河合 隆史
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 The transactions of Human Interface Society 18 ( 4 ) 329 - 337 2016年
金 相賢, 盛川 浩志, 渡邊 克己, 河合 隆史
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 21 ( 4 ) 675 - 683 2016年
金 相賢, 盛川 浩志, 三家 礼子, 渡邊 克巳, 河合 隆史
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 21 ( 4 ) 657 - 664 2016年
Mental summation of temporal duration within and across senses
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
PLoS ONE 10 ( 10 ) 2015年10月 [査読有り]
Effects of image blur on visual perception and affective response.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 7th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2015) 169 - 172 2015年 [査読有り]
Changes in perception of a small humanoid robot.
Haring, K.S, Silvera-Tawil, D, Velonaki, M, Takahashi, T, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 6th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA) 83 - 89 2015年
Touching an android robot: Would you do it and how?
Haring, K.S., Silvera-Tawil, D., Velonaki M., Matsumoto Y., & Watanabe, K.
Proceedings for 2015 International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics 8 - 13 2015年
The role of global configuration in detection of mirror and translational symmetries
Yamamoto, K, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 7th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2015) 165 - 168 2015年 [査読有り]
Consistency of color-shape associations in deaf people
Chen, N, Tanaka, K, Namatame, M, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 7th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2015) 173 - 175 2015年 [査読有り]
Color-Shape Associations Revealed with Implicit Association Tests
Na Chen, Kanji Tanaka, Katsumi Watanabe
PLOS ONE 10 ( 1 ) e0116954 - e0116954 2015年01月
Cultural Differences in Perception and Attitude towards Robots
Haring, K.S, Mougenot, C, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
International Journal of Affective Engineering, 13 149 - 157 2014年10月
Face is beautiful: Aesthetic evaluation of pareidolian faces.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2014) 108 - 111 2014年 [査読有り]
Cognitive characteristics of human vision: A tutorial.
Watanabe, K.
Proceedings for 6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2014) 2014年 [招待有り]
The effect of occlusion on the flash-lag effect.
Yamamoto, K, Au, R.K.C, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for ASIAGRAPH 2014 35 - 38 2014年 [査読有り]
Perception of an android robot in Japan and Australia: A cross-cultural comparison.
Haring, K.S, Silvera-Tawil, D, Matsumoto, Y, Velonaki, M, Watanabe, K
Beetz, M., Johnston, B., Williams, MA. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8755 166 - 175 2014年 [査読有り]
Distortion of visual localization in three-dimensional virtual space.
Chien, S, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 2014 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA) 1 - 4 2014年 [査読有り]
Seeing faces in noise: Exploring machine and human face detection processes by the reverse correlation method
Saegusa, C, Yamaoka, M, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 2014 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA) 1 - 5 2014年 [査読有り]
Is an attractive face attractive for all? An exploratory research on attractiveness evaluation by female observers
Saegusa, C, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2014) 105 - 107 2014年 [査読有り]
Interhemispheric differences in the perception of human gaze direction
Matsuyoshi, D, Kuraguchi, K, Ashida, H, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2014) 116 - 118 2014年 [査読有り]
Seeing objects as face modulates visual search performance
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
2014 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA) 1 - 5 2014年 [査読有り]
Larger Right Posterior Parietal Volume in Action Video Game Experts: A Behavioral and Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) Study
Satoshi Tanaka, Hanako Ikeda, Kazumi Kasahara, Ryo Kato, Hiroyuki Tsubomi, Sho K. Sugawara, Makoto Mori, Takashi Hanakawa, Norihiro Sadato, Manabu Honda, Katsumi Watanabe
PLoS ONE 8 ( 6 ) 2013年06月
Differential brain response to one- or two-hand handling action: an fMRI study
Keiko Tagai, Shimakura, Takata, Nagai, Katsumi Watanabe, Kazuhisa Niki, Iwaki, Kumada
Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics 21 - 21 2013年06月 [査読有り]
Influence of designers' kansei on design outcomes.
Mougenot C, Ikeda H, Watanabe K
International Journal of Affective Engineering, 12 245 - 250 2013年06月
Objective and subjective sizes of the effective visual field during game playing measured by the gaze-contingent window method
Seya, Y, Watanabe, K
International Journal of Affective Engineering 12 11 - 19 2013年04月
Visual-motor sequence learning by competitive fighting game experts.
Ikeda, H, Kasahara, K, Tanaka, S, Hanakawa, T, Honda, M, Kato, R, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2013) 178 - 181 2013年02月 [査読有り]
A transient auditory signal shifts the perceived offset position of a moving visual object
Sung-en Chien, Fuminori Ono, Katsumi Watanabe
Perception, attention, action, decision making from cognitive science perspective.
Watanabe K
Proceedings for 5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2013) xxvi 2013年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Short-term memory for event duration: An MEG study.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2013) 173 - 175 2013年 [査読有り]
Posterior probability estimation for actual and artifactual components from MEG data.
Phothisonothai, M, Yoshimura, Y, Kikuchi, M, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2013) 176 - 177 2013年 [査読有り]
5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
Effect of a partner's presence during practice on subsequent joint action.
Abe, M.O, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2013) 182 - 183 2013年 [査読有り]
The influence of robot appearance on assessment.
Haring, K. S, Watanabe, K, Mougenot C
Proceedings for 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) 131 - 132 2013年 [査読有り]
Extraction of expression from Japanese speech based on time- frequency and fractal features.
Phothisonothai, M, Arita, Y, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 10th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology 1 - 5 2013年 [査読有り]
Brain network efficiency and Intelligent scores of children. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics
Duan, F, Tsubomi, H, Yoshimura, Y, Kikuchi, M, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K, Aihara, K
Proceedings for the Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics 2013 3 - 7 2013年 [査読有り]
Effects of different manners of speaking on voice like ability, credibility, and intentionality ratings.
Ueda, H, Arita, Y, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 2013 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering 117 - 120 2013年 [査読有り]
Effects of time windowing for extraction of expression from Japanese speech: Higuchi's fractal dimension.
Phothisonothai, M, Chamnongthai, K, Arita, Y, Watanabe, K
Proceedings for 13th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2013) 665 - 668 2013年 [査読有り]
Temporal dynamics of functional networks from multivariate electrophysiological time series
生体医工学 51 M - 131 2013年 [査読有り]
A near-infrared spectroscopy study of differential brain responses to one or two-handed handing actions: An implication for cultural difference in perceived politeness
Keiko Tagai, Sadaki Takata, Masayoshi Nagai, Katsumi Watanabe, Takatsune Kumada
Universitas Psychologica 12 ( 5 ) 1567 - 1581 2013年 [査読有り]
Retrospective perceptual distortion of position representation does not lead to delayed localization
Ricky K. C. Au, Fuminori Ono, Katsumi Watanabe
Advances in Cognitive Psychology 9 ( 1 ) 20 - 31 2013年 [査読有り]
Boosting Specificity of MEG Artifact Removal by Weighted Support Vector Machine
Duan, F, Phothisonothai, M, Kikuchi, M, Yoshimura, Y, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K, Aihara, K
35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2013) 2013 6039 - 6042 2013年 [査読有り]
Overestimation and underestimation in a configural response learning task
Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
Kansei Engineering International Journal, 11 ( 4 ) 171 - 178 2012年12月
高橋康介, 三橋秀男, 村田一仁, 則枝真, 渡邊克巳
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D J95-D ( 4 ) 1048 - 1055 2012年04月
Thai speech assessment based on fractal theory.
Phothisonothai, M, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology 1 - 4 2012年 [査読有り]
Are sounds more inspirational than images?
Mougenot C, Watanabe K
Proceedings of International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC2012) 2012年
Studying designers: Affective components of design creativity.
Mougenot C, Watanabe K
Proceedings of ICDC 2012 - 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity 2 61 - 69 2012年 [査読有り]
The use of ACT-R to develop an attention model for simple driving tasks.
Haring K. S, Watanabe, K, Ragni, M, Konieczny, L
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 34 432 - 437 2012年 [査読有り]
Linear and nonlinear features for automatic artifacts removal from MEG data based on ICA
Phothisonothai, M, Tsubomi, H, Kondo, A, Kikuchi, M, Yoshimura, Y, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of the 2012 Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA) 6411790 2012年 [査読有り]
Motor Cortical Beta Oscillations are modulated by Mastery of Observed Handwritings
Kansei Engineering International Journal 11 ( 4 ) 225 - 233 2012年 [査読有り]
Effects of visual cues on the complicated search task
Keiji Ogata, Yasuhiro Seya, Katsumi Watanabe, Tohru Ifukube
NordiCHI 2012: Making Sense Through Design - Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 478 - 485 2012年 [査読有り]
Artifactual Component Classification from MEG Data using Support Vector Machine
Phothisonothai, M., Duan, F., Tsubomi, H., Kondo, A., Aihara, K., Yoshimura, Y., Kikuchi, M., Minabe, Y., & Watanabe, K.
Proceedings of the 5th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCon2012) 75 - 76 2012年 [査読有り]
Interaction between viewpoint and exposure angle in perception of Buddha statues
Yonemura, K, Morisaki, A, Ariga, A, Watanabe, K, Yoshikawa, S
Proceedings of Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 827 - 833 2012年 [査読有り]
Measuring Cognitive Abilities and Resting-State Neuromagnetic Signals in Children
Takahashi, K, Iwayama, K, Kondo, A, Tsubomi, H, Yoshimura, Y, Hirata, Y, Aihara, K, Kikuchi, M, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of the 5th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCon2012) 1 - 5 2012年 [査読有り]
Abacus in the brain: a longitudinal functional MRI study of a skilled abacus user with a right hemispheric lesion
Satoshi Tanaka, Keiko Seki, Takashi Hanakawa, Madoka Harada, Sho K. Sugawara, Norihiro Sadato, Katsumi Watanabe, Manabu Honda
Single Session of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Transiently Increases Knee Extensor Force in Patients With Hemiparetic Stroke
Satoshi Tanaka, Kotaro Takeda, Yohei Otaka, Kahori Kita, Rieko Osu, Manabu Honda, Norihiro Sadato, Takashi Hanakawa, Katsumi Watanabe
Interface design of a central monitoring device taking cognitive aging into account
Ogata, K, Suto, S, Kumada, T, Watanabe, K, Ifukube, T
Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2455 - 2460 2011年 [査読有り]
Feelings of animacy and pleasantness from tactile stimulation: Effect of stimulus frequency and stimulated body part
Takahashi, K, Mitsuhashi, H, Norieda, S, Murata, K, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 3292 - 3297 2011年 [査読有り]
Neural substrates for storage of duration information: An fMRI study.
Takahashi K, Sugawara S, Tanaka S, Watanabe K, Sadato N
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Florence, ITALY, 2011年
Non-invasive cortical stimulation enhances lower limb function in chronic stroke patients.
Tanaka S, Takeda K, Otaka Y, Kita K, Osu R, Honda M, Sadato N, Hanakawa T, Watanabe K
14th European Congress on Clinical Neurophysiology, Rome, ITALY, 2011年
Social praise enhances the off-line improvement of the procedural motor skill.
Sugawara S, Tanaka S, Okazaki S, Watanabe K, Sadato N
Society for Neuroscience 41st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 2011年
Neurovascular coupling in the human somatosensory cortex: a single trial study
Mitsuru Kikuchi, Kiyomi Shitamichi, Sanae Ueno, Yuko Yoshimura, Gerard B. Remijn, Kikuko Nagao, Toshio Munesue, Koichi Iiyama, Tsunehisa Tsubokawa, Yasuhiro Haruta, Yoshihiro Inoue, Katsumi Watanabe, Takanori Hashimoto, Haruhiro Higashida, Yoshio Minabe
NEUROREPORT 21 ( 17 ) 1106 - 1110 2010年12月
Exogenous temporal cues enhance recognition memory in an object-based manner
Junji Ohyama, Katsumi Watanabe
ATTENTION PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS 72 ( 8 ) 2157 - 2167 2010年11月
Junji Ohyama, Katsumi Watanabe
PSYCHOLOGIA 53 ( 2 ) 125 - 137 2010年06月 [査読有り]
Japanese onomatopoeias and sound symbolic words in describing interpersonal communication.
Takahashi, K, Mitsuhashi, H, Norieda, S, Sendoda, M, Murata, K, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER) 2 2162 - 2171 2010年 [査読有り]
Kansei information processing in product design: Exploring the role of visual information in designers' activity.
Mougenot, C, Watanabe, K, Bouchard, C, Aoussat, A
Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER) 2 1855 - 1864 2010年 [査読有り]
Decoding Subjective Simultaneity from Neuromagnetic Signals
Takahashi, K, Hidaka, S, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Biomagnetism Advances in Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2010) 28 191 - 194 2010年 [査読有り]
瀬谷安弘, 佐藤皇太郎, 木村祐介, 大久保明, 遠山茂樹, 山形仁, 笠原和美, 藤懸大也, 山本有紀, 池田華子, 渡邊克巳
デジタルゲーム学研究 4 ( 1 ) 49 - 58 2010年 [査読有り]
Neuromagnetic responses related to endogenous metrical interpretation.
Ono, F, Takahashi, K, Kondo, A, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Kansei. 2010年
Neuromagnetic activity reflecting brightness in the human visual cortex.
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Kansei. 2010年
Perceiving the faces of Buddha statues: On the relation with viewpoint and affective evaluation.
Ariga, A, Kitamura-Suzuki, M, Watanabe, K, Yoshikawa, S
Proceedings of International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER) 2 766 - 773 2010年 [査読有り]
Regulation of extracellular dopamine level in striatum by transcranial direct current stimulation
Tomoko Tanaka, Yuji Takano, Satoshi Tanaka, Katsumi Watanabe, Takashi Hanakawa, Manabu Honda, Naoyuki Hironaka
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 68 E191 - E192 2010年 [査読有り]
Neuroanatomy of action video-game experts: a structural MRI study.
Tanaka S, Kato R, Hanakawa T, Ikeda H, Kasahara K, Hosoda C, Mori M, Honda M, Watanabe K
The Society for Neuroscience 40th Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA. 2010年
Synchronized brain activity changes related to perceptual alternations
Iwayama K, Takahashi K, Watanabe K, Hirata Y, Aihara K, Suzuki H
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, AROB2010 747 - 750 2010年 [査読有り]
Yasuhiro Seya, Kotaro Sato, Yusuke Kimura, Akira Ookubo, Hitoshi Yamagata, Kazumi Kasahara, Fujikake Hiroya, Yuki Yamamoto, Hanako Ikeda, Katsumi Watanabe
Proceedings of the 2009 DiGRA International Conference: Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory 2009年
Enhancement of leg motor function by transcranial direct current stimulation.
Tanaka S, Hanakawa T, Honda M, Watanabe K
19th Neural Control of Movement Society Annual Meeting, Hawaii, USA. 2009年
R. M. Yulmetyev, E. V. Khusaenova, D. G. Yulmetyeva, P. Haenggi, S. Shimojo, K. Watanabe, J. Bhattacharya
Common capacity limit for visual short-term memory with and without delay interval.
Tsubomi, H, Kondo, H. M, Watanabe, K
基礎心理学研究 27 ( 1 ) 119 - 120 2008年09月 [査読有り]
Non-persistent effect of prior experience on change blindness: Investigation on naive observers
Kohske Takahashi, Katsumi Watanabe
PSYCHOLOGIA 51 ( 2 ) 115 - 125 2008年06月 [査読有り]
A dual-processes model of attentional guidance for contextual cueing
Hirokazu Ogawa, Katsumi Watanabe
VISUAL COGNITION 16 ( 1 ) 124 - 127 2008年 [査読有り]
How an expected distractor is rejected in rapid serial visual presentation
Ariga, A, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of International Workshop on Kansei 102 - 105 2008年
Does attention accompany the conscious awareness of both location and identity of an object?
Ghorashi S, Jefferies L.N, Kawahara J.-I, Watanabe K
Psyche (Pasadena) 14 ( 2008 ) 2008年 [査読有り]
Relaxation and phase space singularities in time series of human magnetoencephalograms as indicator of photosensitive epilepsy
R. M. Yulmetyev, P. Haenggi, D. G. Yulmetyeva, S. Shimojo, E. V. Khusaenova, K. Watanabe, J. Bhattacharya
Object-based anisotropic mislocalization by retinotopic motion signals
Katsumi Watanabe, Kenji Yokoi
VISION RESEARCH 47 ( 12 ) 1662 - 1667 2007年06月
Measuring spatial distribution of visual attention in action video game.
Yokoi, K, Watanabe, K, Kato, R, Kawai, T, Sato, T, Yamazaki, T, Yamagata, H
Kansei Engineering International 6 13 - 18 2006年06月
Speed tuning of biological motion perception
Ikeda, H, Watanabe, K
Kansei Engineering International, 6 7 - 12 2006年06月
Dynamic evaluation of distribution of visual attention during playing video game.
Yokoi, K, Watanabe, K, Kawai, T, Kato, R, Sato, T, Yamazaki, T, Yamagata, H
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGCHI International conference on advances in computer entertainment technology 96 - es 2006年 [査読有り]
Eccentricity dependency of biological motion perception
Ikeda H, Blake, R, Watanabe, K
Proceedings of the 5th workshop on Attention and Cognition 2004年 [査読有り]
Perceptual organization of moving stimuli modulates the flash-lag effect
K Watanabe, R Nijhawan, B Khurana, S Shimojo
Introduction to the Special Issue on Sound in Human-Robot Interaction
Frederic Robinson, Hannah Pelikan, Katsumi Watanabe, Luisa Damiano, Oliver Bown, Mari Velonaki
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2023年12月
山口真美, 河野哲也, 床呂郁哉( 担当: 編集, 担当範囲: 第1章 コロナ下でのコミュニケーションとポスト・コロナに向けた顔身体[山口真美・渡邊克巳])
勁草書房 2022年07月 ISBN: 9784326299348
( 担当: 共著, 担当範囲: 人はもの自体を認知することはできない)
博報堂 2022年03月
河野哲也, 山口真美, 金沢創, 渡邊克巳, 田中章浩, 床呂郁哉, 高橋康介( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))
東京大学出版会 2021年03月 ISBN: 9784130111492
フレグランスジャーナル : 香粧品科学研究開発専門誌48(4), 30-36
中村航洋, 小林麻衣子, 渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 進化心理学の視点から見た化粧の視覚効果ー化粧がもたらす心身機能への効果)
フレグランスジャーナル社 2020年04月
渡邊 克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 同じ商品やサービスが選ばれ続けるのかー顧客の習慣を科学する)
DIAMOND 社 2018年03月
『日常と非日常からみる こころと脳の科学』
渡邊 克巳( 担当: 共著, 担当範囲: トピック17 泣くから悲しいのか、悲しいから泣くのか、トピック18 その決定、本当にあなたの意思どおり?)
コロナ社 2017年03月
Social Robotics: 8th International Conference, ICSR 2016, Kansas City, MO, USA, November 1-3, 2016 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9979)
( 担当: 分担執筆)
Springer 2016年10月 ISBN: 3319474367
Human-Harmonized Information Technology, Volume 1 Vertical impact
Kashino, M., Shimojo, S., & Watanabe, K.( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Critical Roles of Implicit Interpersonal Information in Communication)
Springer 2016年 ISBN: 9784431558651
Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: Ten Years
Watanabe, K, Battro AM, Fischer KW, Majdalani ML( 担当: 共著)
Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture 2016年
日本官能評価学会誌 2016年
現代心理学シリーズ 認知心理学 全10巻
渡邊克巳( 担当: 監修, 担当範囲: ②知覚ー情報の入力ー)
株式会社 サン・エデュケーショナル 2015年11月
日本顔学会, 原島博, 渡邊克巳, 三枝千尋( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 顔の魅力)
丸善出版 2015年09月 ISBN: 9784621089583
Clinical Systems Neuroscience
Watanabe, K( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Effects of Successful Experience and Positive Feedback on Learning and Rehabilitation)
Springer 2015年03月 ISBN: 4431550364
Awareness shaping or shaped by prediction and postdiction
Chien, S, Ono, F, Watanabe, K( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: A transient auditory signal shifts the perceived offset position of a moving visual object.)
Frontiers Media S.A. 2015年
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 自分はどの程度自分なのか―幸せな意思決定のためのプロセス)
MOKU出版 2015年
渡邊克巳, 三枝千尋( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 第2章:魅力顔の視覚心理と認知科学、2-2顔の魅力の知覚)
映像情報メディア学会 2015年
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 脳科学と組織科学の境界)
エヌティーエス 2014年
日本認知心理学会編, 渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 第1部 歴史・方法・理論)
有斐閣 2013年12月
田中啓治, 御子柴克彦( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 無意識)
Mougenot, C, Watanabe, K( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Sensory stimulation of designers.)
Springer 2013年04月 ISBN: 9781447149835
画像ラボ編集委員会, 高橋康介, 渡邊克巳, 三橋秀男, 村田一仁, 則枝真( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: アニマシー知覚:触覚・視覚・聴覚における刺激周波数と生物性)
日本工業出版 2013年04月
ECTI Transactions on Communication Engineering, Vol.7(4). ECTI-E-Magazine
( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Human-machine communication: State-of-the-art technologies)
Brain-Computer Interface Systems - Recent Progress and Future Prospects
Phothisonothai, M, Watanabe, K( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Optimal Fractal Feature and Neural Network: EEG Based BCI Applications.)
IntechOpen 2013年
渡邊克巳, 高橋康介( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 認知科学からみた臨場感の創出)
映像情報メディア学会 2013年
Learning Disabilities
Yatabe, K, Goto T, Watanabe, K, Kaga, M, Inagaki, M( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Reading and writing achievement tests for assessing orthographical and phonological impairments of Japanese children with developmental disorders.)
IntechOpen 2012年03月
Haptics Rendering and Applications,
Takahashi, K, Mitsuhashi, H, Murata, K, Norieda, S, Watanabe, K( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Abstract feelings emerging from haptic stimulation.)
IntechOpen. 2012年01月
Biomedical Engineering and Cognitive Neuroscience for Healthcare: Interdisciplinary Applications
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Crossmodal interactions in visual competition.)
IGI Global 2012年
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 第6章「社会と認知科学」)
オーム社 2012年
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: ADHDをどう捉えるか:臨床の現場と基礎的研究を結ぶために)
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 認知科学から見た〈他者〉:意識的・無意識的・反意識的)
『マーケティングジャーナル』 119号
渡邊克巳, 高桑瞳, 天野美穂子, 佐野良太, 阿久津聡( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 選好・選択における暗黙知の影響~実験心理学アプローチ~)
Systems Neuroscience and Rehabilitation
Watanabe, K( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Exceeding the limits: Behavioral enhancement via external influence.)
Springer 2011年
Taura, T., & Nagai, Y. (eds.).Design Creativity 2010
Mougenot, C, Watanabe, K( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Verbal stimuli in design creativity: a case study with Japanese sound-symbolic words)
Springer 2010年10月 ISBN: 9780857292230
Nijhawan, R. & Khurana, B. (eds.). Space and Time in Perception and Action
Nagai, M, Suganuma, M, Watanabe, K, Nijhawan, R, Miller, G, Freyd, J.J( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Conceptual influence on the flash-lag effect and representational momentum.)
Cambridge University Press 2010年10月
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 〈モノ〉の表情・眼力の実証研究)
京都大学 2010年
日本色彩学会誌 特集「感覚をつなぐ色の可能性」
高橋康介, 渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 色彩と視覚・聴覚・触覚情報の脳内処理)
日本色彩学会 2010年
渡邊克巳, 池田華子, 坪見博之( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 認知科学からみた発達障害:小児精神神経学における多面的アプローチの必要性)
日本小児精神神経学会 2010年
乾敏郎, 川口潤, 吉川左紀子( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 好感・選好 時間と認知)
ミネルヴァ書房 2010年
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 〈モノ〉の表情・眼力の実証研究:実験に至るまでの道のり)
京都大学 2009年09月
『Brain and Nerve-神経研究の進歩』61巻12号
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 行動・感情・意思決定における<他者>の影響)
医学書院 2009年
『Brain and Nerve-神経研究の進歩』61巻1号
田中悟志, 渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 経頭蓋直流電気刺激法-ヒト認知神経科学への応用)
医学書院 2009年01月
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 意識化される意思決定 vs 意識化されない意思決定)
感性工学 8巻
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 感性の科学的研究−研究室 vs 実社会−)
心理学ワールド43号 特集 身体に生じる変化と心理学
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 他力本人:他者の潜在的影響)
日本心理学会 2008年10月
月刊『言語』 2008年6月号 特集 コミュニケーションの身体性:からだは何を伝えるか
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 社会のなかの複合感覚――マルチモーダルに他者と共感する脳)
大修館書店 2008年05月
心理学評論 51巻2号 特集 視覚研究の最前線
有賀 敦紀, 渡邊 克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 視覚的注意の時間的限界)
心理学評論刊行会 2008年
Itti, L., Rees,G., & Tsotsos, J. (eds), Neurobiology of Attention
Watanabe, K, Shimojo, S( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Crossmodal attention in event perception.)
Elsevier. 2007年05月
基礎心理学研究 24巻1号
Randolph Blake, 渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 視覚の「心理解剖学」(実験心理学の今日的意義))
日本基礎心理学会 2005年
Space and Time in Perception and Action
Nijhawan, R, Khurana, B
Academic Press/Elsevier 2005年
基礎心理学研究 23巻1号
渡邊克巳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 尾状核ニューロンの可塑性と行動への影響)
日本基礎心理学会 2004年
Braun, J., Koch, C., & Davis, J. (eds.). Visual Attention and Cortical Circuits
Shimojo, S, Watanabe, K, Scheier, C( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: The resolution of ambiguous motion: Attentional modulation and development.)
MIT Press 2001年
Ito, M. (ed.). Brain and Mind: For Better Understanding of the Dynamic Function of Mind and its Supporting Brain Mechanism
Shimojo, S, Tanaka, Y, Watanabe, K( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Stimulus-driven facilitation and inhibition of visual information processing in environmental and retinotopic representations of space.)
Elsevier 1997年
日本未来館ビジョナリーキャンプ チームパー メンター
Snoösphere: sensory modulation in a synthesized night garden
Lindsay Webb, Elena Knox, Dawn-Joy Leong, Katsumi Watanabe 芸術活動
OMIKUJI 御御籤. in Beijing Media Art Biennale 2018
Elena Knox, Katsumi Watanabe 芸術活動
OMIKUJI 御御籤, Nine Tomorrows (九个明天).
Knox, E, Watanabe, K 芸術活動
OMIKUJI 御御籤: A better version of you in Baijing and Odaiba
Knox, E, Watanabe, K 芸術活動
OMIKUJI (御御籤). A Better Version of You in Seoul and Odaiba
Elena Knox, Katsumi Watanabe 芸術活動
Catch the Tiger@ The Big Anxiety: Festival of Arts + Science + People
UNSW Black Dog Institute, Watanabe, K その他
渡邊克巳 芸術活動
渡邊克巳 その他
渡邊克巳 その他
Visual images of contaminated objects affect the process of attentional shift.
Shirai, R, Watanabe, K
The 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE) 2024
発表年月: 2024年07月
Gray areas between persuasion and manipulation in UX design: An exploratory study in Japan.
Panjaitan, N.V, Watanabe, K
The 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE) 2024
発表年月: 2024年07月
EEG-based emotion recognition using heterogeneous graph transformer.
Chen, C, Watanabe, K
The 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE) 2024
発表年月: 2024年07月
Effects of variety of dynamic facial expressions on attractiveness judgments with successive viewing on digital media.
Taniguchi, S, Sarodo, A, Saegusa, C, Sugiyama, H, Tsuchiya, Y, Kawashima, M, Watanabe, K
The 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE) 2024
発表年月: 2024年07月
Intentional facial expression variation per taste preference for beverages.
Mukai, K, Nakazato, K, Watanabe, K
発表年月: 2024年07月
Effects of Dynamic Facial Expressions of Positive and Negative Emotions on Recognition Memory.
Wakui, M, Mukai, K, Saegusa, C, Sugiyama, H, Tsuchiya, Y, Kawashima, M, Watanabe, K
発表年月: 2024年07月
Developmental change in the integration of head and eye information in eye gaze perception.
Otsuka, Y, Watanabe、K, Clifford, C
Asia Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV)
発表年月: 2024年07月
Tracking probability implicitly: the inconsequential role of explicit knowledge.
Hung, S. -M, Sarodo, A, Watanabe, K
27th Annual meeting of Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC)
発表年月: 2024年07月
Deceptive patterns in Japan’s digital landscape: Insights from user experience.
Panjaitan, N.V, Watanabe, K
HCI International 2024
発表年月: 2024年07月
Analytic atheism in Japan: Examining the association between analytic thinking and religious belief.
Ishii, T, Watanabe, K
9th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Cognitive and Evolutionary Sciences of Religion 2024
発表年月: 2024年06月
The implicit penalty effect: implicit cue validity regulates performance in an exogenous cueing paradigm.
Sarodo, A, Watanabe, K, Hung, S.-M
Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2024)
発表年月: 2024年05月
What we don’t see shapes what we see: peripheral word semantics gates visual awareness.
Hung, S. -M, Taniguchi, S, Sarodo, A, Watanabe, K
Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2024)
発表年月: 2024年05月
Dynamic duos: Human-Robot co-worker adaptation in manufacturing.
Bodenhagen, L, Ulfert-Blank, A-S, Watanabe, K
A workshop organized in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024)
発表年月: 2024年05月
Subjective processes underlie risk-seeking bias in action timing selection under risk.
Onagawa, R, Kudo, K, Watanabe, K
Society for the Neural Control of Movement 2024
発表年月: 2024年04月
Impact of targets by human and object on accuracy in motor task.
Kusafuka, A, Yamamoto, R, Okegawa, T, Yamasaki, D, Takao, S, Kudo, K, Watanabe, K
Society for the Neural Control of Movement 2024
発表年月: 2024年04月
女川亮司, 工藤和俊, 渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
日本認知科学会 知覚と行動モデリング(P&P)研究分科会
発表年月: 2024年03月
吉良瑞希, 小林麻衣子, 林元浩, 渡邊克巳, 田中観自
第14回STYP (Society of Tokyo Young Psychologist)
発表年月: 2024年03月
若林実奈, 田中拓海, 宇津木安来, 向井香瑛, 渡邊克巳, 今水寛
第14回STYP (Society of Tokyo Young Psychologist)
発表年月: 2024年03月
岡崎千晶, 白井理沙子, 杉本海里, 渡邊克巳
電気情報通信学会メディアエクスペリエンス・バーチャル環境基礎 (MVE) 2024年3月研究会
発表年月: 2024年03月
趙漪, 杉本海里, 渡邊克巳
電気情報通信学会メディアエクスペリエンス・バーチャル環境基礎 (MVE) 2024年3月研究会
発表年月: 2024年03月
The healthy = tasty intuition seems to prevail in Japan.
Bucher, B, Watanabe, K
The 10th International Society of Affective Science and Engineering
発表年月: 2024年03月
江口茉奈, 小林麻衣子, 佐々木恭志郎, 麻生典子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2024年03月
鈴木春香, 倉澤智子, 小林麻衣子, 佐々木恭志郎, 渡邊克巳, 麻生典子
発表年月: 2024年03月
Understanding religious beliefs.
Katsumi Watanabe [招待有り]
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
発表年月: 2024年02月
Subjective processes contribute to risk-seeking bias in action timing selection under risk.
Onagawa, R, Kudo, K, Watanabe, K
The 9th CiNet Conference: - Cutting Edges of Cognitive and Action Information Processing.
発表年月: 2024年02月
Implicit Behavioral/Emotional Contagion.
Katsumi Watanabe [招待有り]
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Innovation Seminar
発表年月: 2024年01月
佐良土晟, 渡邊克巳, Hung Shao-Min
発表年月: 2024年01月
中西航大, 白井理沙子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年12月
野原康平, 女川亮司, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年12月
高尾沙希, 渡邊克巳, Patrick Cavanagh
発表年月: 2023年12月
谷口創太郎, 洪紹閔, 佐良土晟, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年12月
宗教的CREDsと宗教的信念:International Social Survey Programmeデータの二次分析によるGervais & Najle (2015) の拡張的追試
石井辰典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年12月
佐良土晟, 山本健太郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年12月
女川亮司, 工藤和俊, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年12月
坂井俊介, 佐良土晟, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年12月
山本浩輔, 渡邊克巳, 塩入諭
発表年月: 2023年12月
向井香瑛, 女川亮司, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年12月
向井香瑛, 女川亮司, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年12月
Red backgrounds enhances dominance judgement of both human faces and simple geometric shapes.
Yang, Y, Chen, N, Kobayashi, M, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
AIC2023 the 15th Congress of the International Colour Association
発表年月: 2023年11月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2023年11月
山下紗世子, 杉本海里, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年11月
山本浩輔, 渡邊克巳, 塩入諭
発表年月: 2023年11月
小林麻衣子, 三枝千尋, 杉山東子, 土谷洋子, 河島三幸, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年10月
Aging companion dogs and human caregivers' emotional responses
Liu, Y.L, Murata, A, Watanabe, K
発表年月: 2023年10月
女川亮司, 工藤和俊, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年09月
野中雄斗, 荻野まみ, 近藤あき, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年09月
Becoming the other: The self can be associated with unfamiliar faces from different social groups.
Dalmaso, M, Vicovaro, M, Sarodo, A, Watanabe, K
28th Congress of the Italian Association of Psychology, Florence, Italy
Do fictive sexual orientations induce In-Group bias in emotion recognition?
Bucher, B, Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K
27th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference 2023 (ICSEC 2023)
発表年月: 2023年09月
Effects of facial expressions and parts on changes in facial attractiveness by brief presentation.
Kobayashi, M, Saegusa, C, Sugiyama, H, Tsuchiya, Y, Kawashima, M, Watanabe, K
27th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference 2023 (ICSEC 2023)
発表年月: 2023年09月
What type of advice does change decisions on moral dilemma effectively?
Shirai, R, Yamamoto, K, Sugiura, S, Watanabe, K
27th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference 2023 (ICSEC 2023)
発表年月: 2023年09月
佐藤海斗, 河合隆史, 盛川浩志, 渡邊克巳, 伴地芳啓
発表年月: 2023年09月
石井辰典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年09月
Heterosexuals' emotional perceptions toward fictive homosexual profiles: an examination from in-group bias.
Bucher, B, Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K
発表年月: 2023年09月
斉藤俊樹, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年09月
The role of perceptual novelty in the temporal oddball effect.
Sarodo, A, Yamamoto, K, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception 2023, Paphos, Cyprus
発表年月: 2023年08月
The shortened line segment illusion.
Takao, S, Cavanagh, P, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception 2023, Paphos, Cyprus
発表年月: 2023年08月
女川亮司, 工藤和俊, 渡邊克巳
Motor control研究会
発表年月: 2023年08月
The relationship between social relationships and interpersonal distance.
Mukai, K, Isomura, T, Watanabe, K
International Conference on Cognitive Science, Seoul
発表年月: 2023年08月
女川亮司, 工藤和俊, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年08月
Task load modulates subliminal visual signals in the early visual cortex.
Hung, S.M, Yen-J. F, Y.J.,Hsieh,P.J, Watanabe, K
46th Annual Meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society
発表年月: 2023年08月
Effect of combination of three human-like objects' directions on choice between the two apertures.
Makino, R, Kodama, K, Tomono, T, Watanabe, K
COGSCI2023, Sydney, Australia
発表年月: 2023年07月
An on-line study about recognition of improvisation theatre using audio-visual information.
Hughes, Y, Mukai, K, Watanabe, K, Kudo, K
COGSCI2023, Sydney, Australia
発表年月: 2023年07月
Influence of relative position between two persons on heart rates.
Mukai, K, Isomura, T, Onagawa, R, Watanabe, K
COGSCI2023, Sydney, Australia
発表年月: 2023年07月
Color–shape associations in children and parent–child pairs.
Chen, N, Watanabe, K
COGSCI2023, Sydney, Australia.
発表年月: 2023年07月
Autism detection in children using common spatial patterns of MEG signals.
Barik, K, Watanabe, K, Hirosawa, T, Yoshimura, Y, Kikuchi, M, Bhattacharya, J, Saha, G
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2023)
発表年月: 2023年07月
Children's religious belief in Japan: The relationships with empathy and parental belief.
Ishii, T, Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K
The 15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology
発表年月: 2023年07月
Relationships among gaming habits, anxiety level, and personality traits in Japanese smartphone gaming pop.
Shiyuan, C., Watanabe, K., Watanabe, K.
発表年月: 2023年07月
Beliefs in the hot-hand phenomenon in game plays.
Xiaotian, Y, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, K
発表年月: 2023年07月
萩尾和真, 齊藤俊樹, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年07月
Semantics induces invisibility in an audiovisual illusion.
Hung S.M, Wu D.W, Hsieh, P.J, Shimojo, S, Watanabe, K
ASSC2023, New York
発表年月: 2023年06月
Correlation between perceived size and depth changes in the Dynamic Ebbinghaus illusion.
Takao, S, Watanabe, K, Cavanagh, P
Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2023), Florida
発表年月: 2023年05月
Adaptation-based duration distortion shows face category specificity.
Sarodo, A, Yamamoto, K, Watanabe, K
Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2023), Florida
発表年月: 2023年05月
野中雄斗, 向井香瑛, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年03月
涌井望花, 向井香瑛, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年03月
杉本海里, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年03月
Cardiac afferent activity modulates the perceived intensity of emotional faces in school-age children.
Isomura, T, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Brussels
発表年月: 2023年03月
Investigation of interaction In-Group biases of sexual orientation and race on emotion recognition.
Bucher, B, Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS)
発表年月: 2023年03月
Moral violation and dehumanization: Harming and degrading behaviors lead more dehumanizing perception.
Saito, T, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Brussels
発表年月: 2023年03月
Implicit contagion and others
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Center for Adaptive Rationality (ARC). at the MPI for Human Development
発表年月: 2023年03月
向井香瑛, 仲里謙佑, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年01月
杉本海里, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年01月
佐良土晟, 山本健太郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2023年01月
鈴木勇輝, 杉本海里, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年12月
HUA YIYUN, 佐良土晟, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年12月
佐良土晟, 山本健太郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年12月
涌井望花, 向井香瑛, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年12月
女川亮司, 工藤和俊, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年12月
日常物体への単純接触効果の再考 -観察角度に着目して-
木村太紀, 白井理沙子, 佐々木恭志郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年12月
大塚由美子, Clifford Colin, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年12月
杉原成美, Matthews Julian, 渡邊克巳, 柴田和久
発表年月: 2022年12月
牧野遼作, 児玉謙太郎, 友野貴之, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年10月
Exploring facial traits associated with beauty and cuteness based on an alternative forced choice task.
Teraji, T, Shiroshita, K, Komori, M, Nakamura, K, Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K
ACII 2022 workshop on Culture-Originated Affect, Nara
発表年月: 2022年10月
向井香瑛, 仲里謙佑, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年10月
嵯峨崎天音, 向井香瑛, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年10月
白井理沙子, 中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年10月
向井香瑛, 女川亮司, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年10月
小森政嗣, 寺地哲平, 中村航洋, 小林麻衣子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年09月
Social interactions with machines -- Algorithm exploitation: humans are keen to exploit benevolent AI.
Karpus, J, Krüger, A, Verba, J.T, Shirai, R, Bahrami, B, Watanabe, K, Deroy, O
52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim
発表年月: 2022年09月
K Lダイバージェンスにもとづく顔画像に対する選好判断の類似性の評価
寺地哲平, 城下慧人, 小森政嗣, 中村航洋, 小林麻衣子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年09月
向井香瑛, 女川亮司, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年09月
The influence of category deviations on the temporal oddball effect.
Sarodo, A, Yamamoto, K, Watanabe. K
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2022, Nijmegen
発表年月: 2022年08月
Does induced depth contribute to the dynamic Ebbinghaus illusion?
Takao, S, Watanabe, K, Mruczek, R, Caplovitz, G, Cavanagh, P
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) 2022, Nijmegen
発表年月: 2022年08月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2022年07月
The open biological negative image set (OBNIS). with emotional ratings.
Shirai, R, Watanabe, K
Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion
発表年月: 2022年07月
Dynamic Ebbinghaus vs the contracting-expanding square illusions: so similar and yet not the same.
Takao, S, Watanabe, K, Cavanagh, P
Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2022)
Do people in Japan cooperate more with artificial agents? Lessons from game theory and psychology.
Karpus, J, Krüger, A, Verba, J.T, Shirai, R, Bahrami, B, Watanabe, K, Deroy, O
AI and the Human: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Science and Fiction, Berlin
Perceiving and understanding faces, animacy, and existence.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
AI and the Human: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Science and Fiction
発表年月: 2022年05月
Na Chen・Katsumi Watanabe, Tatsu Kobayakawa, Makoto Wada
発表年月: 2022年02月
中島璃子, 磯村朋子, 石井辰典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2022年01月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
生理研研究会「スポーツからみる 日常と非日常の神経生理学 」(オンライン)
発表年月: 2022年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2022年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2022年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2022年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2022年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
「次世代脳」プロジェクト 冬のシンポジウム2022 (オンライン)
発表年月: 2022年
田島悠介, 白井理沙子, 石井辰典, 杉本海里, 山本和彦, 杉浦繁貴, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年12月
木村太紀, 佐々木恭志郎, 中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年12月
Application of Gaussian process preference learning for visualizing facial features related to personality traits.
Shiroshita K, Komori M, Nakamura K, Kobayashi M, Watanabe K
2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering (CSDE), Brisbane
女川亮司, 向井香瑛, 中村統, 渡邊克巳, 工藤和俊
発表年月: 2021年12月
視線方向知覚に対する顔向き及び輻輳角の影響:Web 実験による検討
大塚由美子, Clifford Colin, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年12月
中島璃子, 磯村朋子, 石井辰典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年12月
小森政嗣, 城下慧人, 中村航洋, 小林麻衣子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年11月
Investigation of facial preference using Gaussian process preference learning and generative image model.
Komori, M, Shiroshita, K, Nakagami, M, Nakamura, K, Kobayashi, M, Watanabe, K
20th International Conference of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management (CISIM 2021), Ełk, Poland
中村航洋, 川谷李々子, 本波香織, 橋本公男, 渡邊克巳, 山口あゆみ
発表年月: 2021年09月
ヒュース 由美, 向井香瑛, 渡邊克, 工藤和俊
発表年月: 2021年09月
陳娜, 渡邉克巳, 和田真
発表年月: 2021年09月
佐良土晟, 山本健太郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年09月
小森政嗣, 城下慧人, 中村航洋, 小林麻衣子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年09月
The motion-induced size illusion is driven by motion that follows the test prove.
Takao, S, Anstis, S, Watanabe, K, Cavanagh, P
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2021) [online]
発表年月: 2021年08月
Are facial impressions in the eyes of beholder?: the relative contributions of face- and perceiver-variance in perception of trait impressions from faces.
Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2021) [online]
発表年月: 2021年08月
Prosodic conformity facilitates egocentric bias of emotional estimation for conversation partner.
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K
International Congress of Psychology (ICP2020+) [online]
Higher discrimination sensitivity for trustworthiness than untrustworthiness from facial appearance.
Sasaki, K, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
International Congress of Psychology (ICP2020+) [online]
Effect of sexual orientation on the incentive salience of the sexual arousing image.
Kobayashi, M, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
International Congress of Psychology (ICP2020+) [online]
Religious belief and social cognitive ability in Japan: A meta-analytic assessment.
Ishii, T, Watanabe, K
International Congress of Psychology (ICP2020+) [online]
Dynamic presentation boosts the Ebbinghaus illusion but eliminates (reduces) simultaneous contrast and Muller-Lyer illusions.
Takao, S, Watanabe, K, Cavanagh, P
V-VSS 2021 [online]
発表年月: 2021年05月
Modulation of auditory cortical response to self-generated sound by walking during split-belt treadmill adaptation.
Endo, N, Kato, T, Kaneko, N, Ogawa, T, Watanabe, K, Nakazawa, K
Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM). [online]
発表年月: 2021年04月
Explicit and implicit aspects of human-human and human-machine interactions.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Social BRIDGES: The near-future of AI: How will humans and AI interact in 5 years?
発表年月: 2021年04月
嵯峨崎天音, 向井香瑛, 依田信一郎, 豊田平司郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年03月
高木あい, 佐々木恭志郎, 中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年03月
小林麻衣子, 中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年03月
陳娜, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2021年03月
中村航洋, 浅野正彦, 渡邊克巳, 尾野嘉邦
発表年月: 2021年03月
中村航洋, 渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2021年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
日本歯科心身医学会総会 (オンライン)
発表年月: 2021年
北村美穂, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2020年12月
大塚由美子, 渡邊 克巳
発表年月: 2020年11月
中村航洋, 本波香織, 山口あゆみ, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2020年10月
田中拓海, 島根大輔, 渡邊克巳, 田中観自
発表年月: 2020年09月
Concept-color association in Chinese and Japanese student.
Zhang, Y, Chen, N, Watanabe, K
KEER2020, Tokyo, Japan. [online]
発表年月: 2020年09月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2020年08月
Multi-dimensional taste preferences and daily beverage drinking: A data-driven approach.
Kato, N, Ibaraki, T, Yamazaki, T, Sashihara, K, Nakamura, Y, Shimizu, J, Watanabe, K
International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) 2020 [online]
Changes in cortical networks during motor imagery and action observation of walking.
Kaneko, N, Yokoyama, H, Masugi, Y, Watanabe, K, Nakazawa, K
Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference 2020 [online]
発表年月: 2020年08月
Immediate action-effects facilitate response speed via stimulus-response association.
Tanaka, T, Watanabe, K, Tanaka, K
Annual Virtual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society [online]
発表年月: 2020年07月
Modulation of auditory cortical response to self-generated sound by walking.
Endo, N, Kaneko, N, Watanabe, K, Nakazawa, K
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS2020) [online]
Individual and population differences in face categories.
Lee, K.R, Nakamura, K, Nakashima, Y, Yamaguchi, M.Y, Watanabe, K, Webster, M. A
Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2020) [Virtual: V-VSS]
MutualEyeContact: A conversation analysis tool with focus on eye contact.
Schäfer A, Isomura T, Reis G, Watanabe K, Stricker D
Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA 2020) [online]
中島璃子, 磯村朋子, 石井辰典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2020年05月
Belief in gods and cultural transmission: Pre-registered replication of Gervais & Najle (2015). using the international social survey programme data.
Ishii, T, Watanabe, K
The 21st annual convention of the society for personality and social psychology (SPSP2019), New Orleans
発表年月: 2020年02月
Prosodic synchrony unconsciously modulates fun of conversation.
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K
The 21st annual convention of the society for personality and social psychology (SPSP2019), New Orleans
発表年月: 2020年02月
Classification of autism in young children by phase angle clustering in magnetoencephalogram signals.
Barik, K, Watanabe, K, Bhattacharya, J, Saha, G
National Conference on Communications (NCC)
発表年月: 2020年02月
Attractive faces are rewarding irrespective of face category: Motivation in viewing attractive faces in Japanese viewers.
Kobayashi, M, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020)
発表年月: 2020年01月
Deciding when to start in 100-m sprints at Athletic World Championships.
Mukai, K, Tanaka, T, Watanabe, K
12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020)
発表年月: 2020年01月
Size-numerosity interaction depends retinal rather than perceived size.
Takao, S, Watanabe, K
12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020)
発表年月: 2020年01月
Accounting for private taste: Attractiveness and Inter-individual differences.
Tanaka, T, Mikuni, J, Shimane, D, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020)
発表年月: 2020年01月
Self-initiation of visual object motion has little influence on visual mislocalization by auditory stimuli.
Oishi, H, Watanabe, K
12th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2020)
発表年月: 2020年01月
天野夏葵, 佐々木恭志郎, 石井辰典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2020年01月
齋藤有瑳, 小林麻衣子, 中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2020年01月
日本人顔モデルを用いたReverse caricature effectの持続性
森岡祐士, 中村航洋, 小林麻衣子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2020年01月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2020年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2020年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2020年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
日本科学未来館研究エリア公開ミーティング (オンライン)
発表年月: 2020年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2020年
北村美穂, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年12月
田中拓海, 渡邊克巳, 田中観自
発表年月: 2019年12月
中村航洋, Ticcinelli Valentina・Richoz Anne-Raphaelle・Caldara Roberto, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年12月
大塚由美子, Clifford Colin・Colin Palmer, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年12月
佐々木恭志郎, 中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年12月
高尾沙希, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年12月
杉本海里, 田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年11月
大石博之, 田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年11月
宗教的信念と文化伝達:International Social Survey ProgrammeデータによるGervais & Najle (2015). の事前登録済み追試
石井辰典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年11月
Sociosexuality judgments based on physical appearance
Kobayashi, M, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
58th Annual Convention of the Taiwan Psychological Association
発表年月: 2019年11月
Theory of mind or moral concern? Social cognitive ability and religious belief in Japan.
Ishii, T, Watanabe, K
58th Annual Conference of Taiwan Psychological Association
発表年月: 2019年11月
What can audiovisual illusions teach us about gaze vs. action related spatial attention?
Loria, T, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K, Tremblay, L
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago
発表年月: 2019年10月
Exploring Human Minds with Minimalist Approach and Inclusive Approach
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
International Conference on Applying Neuroscience to Business
発表年月: 2019年09月
小林麻衣子, 齋藤有瑳, 中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年09月
中村航洋, 小林麻衣子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年09月
三枝千尋, 三ツ松鞠菜, 福永恭子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年09月
小林麻衣子, 中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年09月
石井辰典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年09月
高尾沙希, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年09月
中村航洋, 三國珠杏, ヘルムート・レダー, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年09月
遠山和杜, 北村美穂, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年09月
Implicit Behavioral/Emotional Contagion.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Centre for Motor Control, Toronto University
発表年月: 2019年09月
Red biases sex categorization of bodies.
Chen, N, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Vision Perception (ECVP), Leuven, Belgium
発表年月: 2019年08月
Gaze adaptation induced by the bloodshot illusion.
Otsuka, Y, Palmer, C, Watanabe, K, Clifford, C
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Leuven, Belgium
発表年月: 2019年08月
Data-driven mathematical model of universality and cultural differences in facial attractiveness judgements.
Nakamura, K, Mikuni, J, Helmut, L, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Leuven, Belgium
発表年月: 2019年08月
The prospective-contrast and retrospective-assimilation effects within and across visual hemifields.
Takao, S, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Leuven, Belgium
発表年月: 2019年08月
Increased central bias in time reproduction in schizophrenia with dominant positive symptoms.
Ueda, N, Tanaka, K, Maruo, K, Sumiyoshi, T, Watanabe, K, Hanakawa, T
WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal
小林麻衣子, 中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年08月
Transformational affects of death in artificial life: AIBO robot mortuary rites in Japan.
Knox, E, Watanabe, K
Society for East Asian Anthropology Conference 2019, Tokyo
発表年月: 2019年08月
Grapheme-gender associations in Japanese people.
Zhang, Y, Chen, N, Anllo, H, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Osaka
発表年月: 2019年07月
Color-shape associations in kids and parent-kid pairs.
Chen, N, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Osaka
発表年月: 2019年07月
Correlations among geometrical illusions dissociate length illusions from size illusions.
Suzuki, T, Matsuyoshi, D, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Osaka
発表年月: 2019年07月
Female bias in face memory.
Lee, J.J, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Osaka
発表年月: 2019年07月
Serial dependence in perception of facial attractiveness.
Kondo, A, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Osaka
発表年月: 2019年07月
Cultural differences in the generalization of the mere exposure effect.
Yarimizu, H, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K, Yamaguchi, M
Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Osaka
発表年月: 2019年07月
Data-driven mathematical modeling reveals hidden cues to attractiveness: Are attractive faces always feminine-looking?
Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Osaka
発表年月: 2019年07月
Angular tuning of tilt illusion depends upon duration.
Takao, S, Clifford, C, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Osaka
発表年月: 2019年07月
An investigation of the influence of false heartbeat feedback on subjective facial attractiveness.
Zhou, Y, Nakamura, K, Murata, A, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, J
IEEE World Haptic Conference, Tokyo
Activity in the sensorimotor cortex during action observation of walking combined with motor imagery.
Kaneko, N, Yokoyama, H, Masugi, Y, Watanabe, K, Nakazawa, K
International Society of Posture & Gait Research (ISPGR), Edinburgh
発表年月: 2019年07月
Sense of agency in continuous action is influenced by outcome feedback in one-back trials.
Oishi, H, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
Association Scientific Study of Consciousness, Ontario, Canada
発表年月: 2019年06月
Omikuji. International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA): Lux Aeterna.
Knox, E, Watanabe, K
International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA): Lux Aeterna.
発表年月: 2019年06月
Agency, experience, and social interactions in cognitive scientific views
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
International Symposium - Beyond anthropomorphism: rethinking human-machine relations in robotics and A.I.
発表年月: 2019年06月
Prospective-contrast and retrospective-assimilation effects in size and brightness perception.
Takao, S, Watanabe K
Association for Psychological Science (APS). Annual Convention, Washington DC
Effect of color-shape association on visual process.
Chen, N, Watanabe, K
Association for Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention, Washington DC
大石博之, 田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年05月
佐々木恭志郎, 渡邊克巳, 山田祐樹
発表年月: 2019年05月
データ駆動処理による顔魅力印象の規定要因の検討 –美しい顔とは女性的な顔なのか?–
中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年05月
Do we precisely monitor our own advice-taking behaviors?
Kitamura, M, Sasaki, K, Ishii, T, Watanabe, K
Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science (DUCOG2019)
発表年月: 2019年05月
Blue-yellow asymmetries in the perception of illuminant vs. surface color.
Ilic, I, Yang, J, Yamaguchi, M.K, Watanabe, K, Mizokami, Y, Webster, M.A
Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2019), Florida
発表年月: 2019年05月
The deployment of spatial attention during goal-directed action alters audio-visual integration.
Loria, T, Hajj, J, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K, Tremblay, L
Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2019), Florida
発表年月: 2019年05月
A new companion species: Attachment to robots as pets, confidantes, gurus and lovers.
Knox, E, Watanabe, K
European Robotics Forum, Bucharest
Sense of agency for action-effect grouping with illusory visual events.
Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS2019)
Implicit effect of dyadic coordination during joint action.
Murata, A, Abe, M, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS2019)
Is red romantic? Implicit association between red and romance.
Chen, N, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS2019)
Spatial congruency bias in identifying object is based on retinotopic processing.
Sasaki, K, Ariga, A, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS2019)
The magical number 10: Limited but efficient human face recognition.
Matsuyoshi, D, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS2019)
Gender differences in effort-based motivation to view sexually arousing stimuli.
Kobayashi, M, Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS2019)
中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2019年03月
渡邊克巳, 河野哲也, 山口真美 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2019年03月
How people attribute minds to non-living entities: Two-dimensional structure of mind-perception in Japan.
Ishii, T, Watanabe, K
11th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2019)
発表年月: 2019年01月
Color-shape association in Chinese people.
Chen, Na, Jiang, X, Watanabe, K
11th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2019)
発表年月: 2019年01月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2019年
Agency, experience, and social interactions in cognitive scientific views.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
International Symposium - Beyond anthropomorphism: rethinking human-machine relations in robotics and A.I.
発表年月: 2019年
Development of product attachment in human-agent interaction.
Kitamura, M, Kurata, K, Oya, K, Watanabe, K
6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction
佐々木恭志郎, 有賀敦紀, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2018年12月
中村航洋, Ticcinelli Valentina・Richoz Anne-Raphaelle・Caldara Roberto, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2018年12月
松吉大輔, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2018年12月
近藤あき, 中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2018年12月
大塚由美子, Clifford Colin・Colin Palmer, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2018年12月
高尾沙希, Colin Clifford, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2018年12月
Modulation of audio-visual processes at attended vs. unattended spatial locations.
Loria, T, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K, Tremblay, L
Society for Neuroscience 2018, San Diego
発表年月: 2018年11月
Enhanced unidirectional motor cortex to muscle connectivity in beta and gamma bands during voluntary gait task in humans.
Yokoyama, H, Kaneko, N, Masugi, Y, Tagawa, T, Watanabe, K, Nakazawa, K
Society for Neuroscience 2018, San Diego
発表年月: 2018年11月
Visual attention influences audiovisual event perception and the susceptibility to the fusion illusion.
Loria, T, Hajj, J, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K, Tremblay, L
Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, Toronto
発表年月: 2018年10月
AIBO robot mortuary rites in the Japanese cultural context.
Knox, E, Watanabe, K
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
村田藍子, 熊野史朗, 佐藤尚, 吉田成朗, 渡邊克巳, 渡邊淳司
発表年月: 2018年09月
佐々木恭志郎, 渡邊克巳, 山田祐樹
発表年月: 2018年09月
中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2018年09月
三枝千尋, 福永恭子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2018年09月
渡邊克巳, 山口真美, 中村航洋, 三枝千尋, 下條信輔, 入戸野宏, David Perre, 金沢創
発表年月: 2018年09月
Empathy in Cognitive Science: Implicit Behavioral/Affective Contagion
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
The Age of Super Sensing 2018
発表年月: 2018年09月
Is red more attractive? Clothing color effect on female body attractiveness.
Chen, N, Matsuyoshi, D, Watanabe, K
International Association of Empirical Aesthetics Congress (IAEA2018), Toronto
大石博之, 田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2018年09月
触るな危険!? 円形集合体への接触忌避反応
佐々木恭志郎, 山田祐樹, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2018年09月
The Ebbinghaus size illusion depends more on the retinal than perceived size of surrounding stimuli.
Takao, S, Clifford, C.W.G, Watanabe, K
41st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP2018)
発表年月: 2018年08月
河田淳, 永澤美保, 村田藍子, 茂木一孝, 渡邊克巳, 菊水健史, 亀田達也
発表年月: 2018年08月
Data-driven quantitative modeling of facial attractiveness.
Nakamura, K, Watanabe, K
The 14th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2018)
Temporal modulation of contextual effect on orientation perception.
Takao, S, Clifford, C.W.G, Watanabe, K
The 14th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2018)
Facial attractiveness judgments across cultures (Symposium "Culture shapes face processing").
Watanabe, K
The 14th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2018)
Parts-based facial attractiveness judgment in different cultures.
Saegusa, C, Richoz, A-R, Caldala, R, Watanabe, K
The 14th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2018)
発表年月: 2018年07月
第41回日本神経科学大会 個性と身体表現の創発に関わる神経機構(シンポジウム)
発表年月: 2018年07月
Unpredictable feedback of results in continuous action retrospectively influences sense of agency.
Oishi, H, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
The 22nd Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Krakow
発表年月: 2018年06月
Emotional judgment of invisible trypophobic images.
Sasaki, K, Watanabe, K, Yamada, Y
The 22nd Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Krakow
発表年月: 2018年06月
Attentional modulation of multisensory event perception in a voluntary reaching movement.
Loria, T, Tanaka, K, Tremblay, L, Watanabe, K
The 19th Annual International Multisensory Research Forum, Toronto
Effects of voice prosody on interpersonal impression formation.
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K
5th Annual Conference of European Philosophical Society of the study of Emotions (EPSSE 2017)
発表年月: 2018年06月
Effects of advice credibility on change opinion.
Kitamura, M, Sasaki, K, Watanabe, K
30th Association for Psychological Science (APS). Annual Convention
The Ebbinghaus illusion changes numerosity perception.
Takao, S, Watanabe, K
The 18th annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2018)
発表年月: 2018年05月
Race at first sight.
Lasrado, S, Sokhn, N, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K, Caldara, R
The 18th annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2018)
発表年月: 2018年05月
Size contrast versus size assimilation in the Ebbinghaus illusion.
Takao, S, Watanabe, K
45th annual meeting of the Australasian Society for Experimental Psychology
Evaluating human-robot interaction from inside and outside comparison between the first-person and the third-party perspectives.
Yanai, K, Murata, A, Mizutani, R, Ichiboshi, A, Komatsuzaki, K, Thapliya, R, Watanabe, K
The 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research (KEER2018)
発表年月: 2018年03月
Implicit ambient surface information: From personal to interpersonal.
Watanabe, K, Kashino, M, Nakazawa, K, Shimojo, S
IUI 2018 Workshop on Symbiotic Interaction and Harmonious Collaboration for Wisdom Computing
発表年月: 2018年03月
Teaching and learning from a cognitive scientific view: Interpersonal and interpersonal understanding of education.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
3rd International Conference on Educational Neuroscience
発表年月: 2018年03月
Behavioral/Emotional Contagion: Ambient information goes implicitly
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
France-Japan Bilateral Workshop on Hybrid Quantum Systems
発表年月: 2018年02月
Ambient information goes implicit. On what is between: an interdisciplinary dialogue around MA (間)
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku, University
発表年月: 2018年02月
Audiovisual semantic congruency effect with onomatopoeia.
Fedalgo, A, Takahashi, K, Murata, A, Watanabe, K
10th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2018)
発表年月: 2018年02月
Link between color-space association, left-right confusion, mirror image copy, and autistic traits
Ikeda, H, Wada, M, Watanabe, K
10th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2018)
発表年月: 2018年02月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2018年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
日本基礎心理学会平成29年度第2回フォーラム 「顔から読むー音声・印象・視線の知覚研究」
発表年月: 2018年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
第27回日本意識障害学会 特別企画セッション
発表年月: 2018年
「個人の身体パフォーマンス」を超えて 〜こころとからだ/個人と集団の不可分性〜
渡邊克巳, 柏野牧夫, 西薗良太, 中澤公孝, 箱山愛香, 南澤孝太, 下條信輔, 為末大 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2018年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2018年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2018年
Ambient information goes implicit. On what is between: an interdisciplinary dialogue around MA (間).
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University
発表年月: 2018年
Behavioral/emotional contagion: ambient information goes implicitly.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
École Normale Supérieure
発表年月: 2018年
Empathy in cognitive science: Implicit behavioral/affective contagion.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
The Age of Super Sensing 2018, Japan Society
発表年月: 2018年
A machine learning approach to decode mental states in bistable perception.
Sen S, Daimi S.N, Watanabe K, Bhattacharya J, Saha G
2017 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)
Animacy perception & implicit ambient contagion
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
発表年月: 2017年12月
Implicit processes for crossmodal and intramodal interaction.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Symposium on Synesthesia, Expertise, and Multisensory Perception
発表年月: 2017年12月
Decoding mental states in bistable perception by using source based wavelet features.
Sen, S, Watanabe, K, Bhattacharya, J, Saha, G
2017 IEEE Kolkata Conference (CALCON)
田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2017年12月
近くのモノは私のモノ ―所有感を変調する自己との空間的距離―
佐々木恭志郎, 田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2017年12月
中村航洋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2017年12月
Accepting advice takes longer than rejecting.
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K
Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Conference
発表年月: 2017年11月
Ethical considerations of gendering very humanlike androids from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Knox, E, Watanabe, K
26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)
発表年月: 2017年08月
Attractiveness judgment of facial parts: Attractive facial parts are looked longer.
Saegusa, C, Watanabe, K
40th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2017)
発表年月: 2017年08月
Asymmetric temporal order tuning of the Ebbinghaus size illusion.
Takao, S, Watanabe, K
40th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2017)
発表年月: 2017年08月
Social learning of fear from others showing different responsiveness.
Murata, A, Watanabe, K
International Ethological Conference (BEHAVIOR 2017)
Variability in advice taking in decision making.
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K
Annual meeting of the cognitive science society (COGSCI 2017)
発表年月: 2017年07月
Bidirectional effect of emotional contagion for pain during face-to-face interaction.
Murata, A, Kameda, T, Watanabe, K
Annual meeting of the cognitive science society (COGSCI 2017)
発表年月: 2017年07月
渡邊克巳, 本田学, 長神風二, 檜山聡, 橋本亮太, 高山文博, 萩原一平 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2017年07月
Dynamics of attractiveness judgments (Symposium: Attractiveness and bodily interactions at implicit levels – Reading social evaluation from eyes and/or bodily interactions)
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2017)
The magical number 10 in face recognition.
Matsuyoshi, D, Watanabe, K
13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2017)
発表年月: 2017年07月
Parts-based facial attractiveness judgment is modulated by attention to detail.
Saegusa, C, Watanabe, K
13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2017)
発表年月: 2017年07月
Expertise prompts initial faster processing followed by increased short-term memory.
Dall, J.O, Watanabe, K, Sørensen, T.A
17th annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS2017), Florida
発表年月: 2017年05月
The asymmetric influence of expertise on short-term memory and processing speed.
Dall, J.O, Watanabe, K, Sørensen, T.A
Neuroscience Day 2017, Aarhus, Denmark
発表年月: 2017年05月
Judgment of standing postures with different attitudes with short exposure time.
Kitamura. M, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS 2017)
発表年月: 2017年03月
Gaze-cueing effect by single eye: Nasal versus temporal shift.
Takao, S, Murata, A, Ariga, A, Watanabe, K
2017 International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS 2017)
発表年月: 2017年03月
Can we guess the potential impact of the research? Analysis of abstracts in a psychological journal.
Megumi, F, Watanabe, K
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS 2017)
発表年月: 2017年03月
Implicit Interpersonal Communication via Bodily and Brain Synchrony: Symposium for "Cultural Neuroscience of Face Processing and Interpersonal Communication"
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS 2017)
発表年月: 2017年03月
Onomatopoeic Classification of Pure Tones.
Suzuki, T, Kitamura, M, Otsuka, S, Watanabe, K
International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering (ISASE2017)
発表年月: 2017年03月
Implicit behavioral contagion and ambient surface information.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique
発表年月: 2017年02月
Impacts of cue reliability and explicit instruction on visual attention.
Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
9th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2017)
発表年月: 2017年02月
Relations between personality traits and empathy for social pain and physical pain.
Murata, A, Watanabe, K
9th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2017)
発表年月: 2017年02月
Explicit and Implicit Aspects of Human Cognition and Behavior (Keynote Talk)
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
9th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
発表年月: 2017年02月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2017年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2017年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2017年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2017年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2017年
Explicit and implicit aspects of human cognition and behavior.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
9th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
発表年月: 2017年
Implicit interpersonal communication via bodily and brain synchrony.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Symposium for "Cultural Neuroscience of Face Processing and Interpersonal Communication" International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS 2017)
発表年月: 2017年
Dynamics of attractiveness judgments
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Symposium: Attractiveness and bodily interactions at implicit levels – Reading social evaluation from eyes and/or bodily interactions, The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2017)
発表年月: 2017年
Animacy perception & implicit ambient contagion.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
A BETTER VERSION OF YOU, Art Sonje Center for Contemporary Art
発表年月: 2017年
三枝千尋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2016年11月
The influence of robot appearance and interactive ability in HRI: A cross-cultural study.
Haring, K.S, Silvera-Tawil, D, Velonaki, M, Watanabe, K
International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2016)
上田大志, 山本健太郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2016年10月
三枝千尋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2016年10月
田中観自, 河合隆史, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2016年09月
上田奈津貴, 田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2016年09月
Engaging facial muscular activity biases the emotion recognition of point-light biological walkers.
Murata, A, Marmolejo-Ramos, F, Parzuchowski, M, Tirado, C, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2016)
発表年月: 2016年09月
Elimination of the back-view bias in attractiveness judgement with short-term exposure.
Yonemura, K, Ariga, A, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
International Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research Conference (KEER 2016)
発表年月: 2016年09月
Visual search asymmetry between photographs and illustrations of animals and man-made objects.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2016)
発表年月: 2016年08月
Variability of false-consensus in decision making.
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K
International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016)
発表年月: 2016年07月
Time evaluation while performing sequential actions.
Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016)
発表年月: 2016年07月
Effects of adding a color stimulus sequence to a spatial response sequence on visuomotor sequence learning.
Tanaka, K, Kawai, T, Watanabe, K
Asia Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2016)
発表年月: 2016年07月
Emotional inhibition increases risky decisions in a gambling task.
Watanabe, K, Tanaka, K
The first meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making Studies, Palma de Mallorca
発表年月: 2016年07月
Variability in advice taking in decision making.
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K
The first meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making Studies, Palma de Mallorca
発表年月: 2016年07月
発表年月: 2016年06月
田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2016年06月
池田華子, 和田真, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2016年06月
山本健太郎, 田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2016年06月
Implicit Contagion in Cognition, Behavior, and Emotion
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California
発表年月: 2016年05月
Changes in audiovisual cue utilization strategy when cues become unreliable.
Lee, R. K, Tanaka, K, Kakizaki, M, Watanabe, K
Vision Science Society 16th Annual Meeting (VSS2016)
発表年月: 2016年05月
Expectations towards two robots with different interactive abilities.
Haring, K. S, Watanabe, K, Silvera-Tawil, D, Velonaki, M
2016 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2016)
発表年月: 2016年03月
The effects of functional disparity on route memory in stereoscopic images.
Kim, S, Takahashi, M, Watanabe, K, Kawai, T
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2016
発表年月: 2016年02月
Memory distortion of depth of a visual stimulus for perception and action.
Tanaka, K. Chien, S, Yamamoto, K, Watanabe, K
8th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2016)
発表年月: 2016年02月
Category specific knowledge modulate capacity limitations of Visual Short-Term Memory.
Dall, J, Watanabe, K, Sørensen, A. K
8th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2016)
発表年月: 2016年02月
Gender differences in visuomotor sequence learning.
Ueda, N, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
8th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2016)
発表年月: 2016年02月
Effects of synchronous motion and spatial alignment on animacy perception.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
8th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST2016)
発表年月: 2016年02月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
super sensing forum オープニングセミナー
発表年月: 2016年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2016年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2016年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2016年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2016年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2016年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2016年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2016年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2016年
山口真実, 渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2016年
Implicit Contagion in Cognition, Behavior, and Emotion.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California
発表年月: 2016年
Depth cue combinations for density judgment in three-dimensional display.
Yamamoto, K, Au, R.K.C, Watanabe, K
2015 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA 2015)
発表年月: 2015年12月
Measuring and enhancing performances from cognitive science perspective.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
発表年月: 2015年12月
高橋康介, 大黒舞衣, 黎南, 福田玄明, 渡邊克巳, 植田一博
発表年月: 2015年12月
田中観自, 高橋康介, 吉野知伸, 内藤整, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2015年12月
上田大志, 高橋康介, 渡邊克巳, 山口泰
発表年月: 2015年11月
山本健太郎, 田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2015年11月
松吉大輔, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2015年11月
Perception and acceptability of robots in the first time interaction.
Haring, K.S, Watanabe, K
International Workshop on Intervention of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders using a Humanoid Robot (ASD-HR 2015), JSAI International Symposia on AI 2015 (IsAI-2015)
Neural substrates of motor coordination in joint action.
Abe, M, Koike, T, Okazaki, S, Sugawara, S, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K, Sadato, N
Society for Neuroscience, Chicago
発表年月: 2015年10月
三枝千尋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2015年09月
山本健太郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2015年09月
三枝千尋, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2015年09月
Probing visual perception outside of conscious awareness.
発表年月: 2015年09月
田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2015年09月
Spatial orientation as a social cue – the case of objects and avatars.
Meilinger, T, Takahashi, K, Foster, C, Watanabe, K, Bülthoff, H.H, de la Rosa, S
6th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2015)
Explicit and Implicit Aspects of Embodied Knowledge.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers
Perception of a humanoid robot: A cross-cultural comparison.
Haring, K.S, Silvera-Tawil, D, Takahashi T, Velonaki M, Watanabe, K
The 24th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN 2015)
発表年月: 2015年09月
Magnifying glass optical illusion occurs for multiple stimuli but not for a single stimulus.
Takao, S, Kondo, A, Ariga, A, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
The 19th annual meeting of ASSC, Paris
発表年月: 2015年07月
Feeling animacy from tactile vibration.
Takahashi, K, Itagaki, T, Watanabe, K
16th International Multisensory Research Forum, Pisa2015
Effects on body sway viewing tilted 3D images using binocular disparity.
Kim, S, Ohta, F, Kawai, T, Watanabe, K, Seto, R, Fujita Y
発表年月: 2015年06月
Touching an android robot: Would you do it and how?
Haring, K.S, Silvera-Tawil, D, Velonaki M, Matsumoto Y, Watanabe, K
2015 International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR)
発表年月: 2015年05月
数の大きさが時間知覚に及ぼす影響 ~ 数字の組合せによる検討 ~
山本健太郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2015年05月
田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2015年05月
Cleaving to cues that are no longer informative: Audio-visual asymmetry in cue utilization.
Lee, R. K, Tanaka, K, Hachisuka, K, Okuno, E, Watanabe, K
Vision Science Society 15th Annual Meeting, Florida
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2015年03月
Looking at me? Influence of facing orientation of avatars and objects on distance estimation.
Foster, C, Takahashi, K, Kurek, S, Horeis, C, Bäuerle, M, de la Rosa, S, Watanabe, K, Butz, M.V, Meilinger, T
Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP)
発表年月: 2015年03月
Changes in perception of a small humanoid robot.
Haring, K.S, Silvera-Tawil, D, Velonaki, M, Takahashi, T, Watanabe, K
6th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA)
発表年月: 2015年02月
Partially converted stereoscopic images and the effects on visual attention and memory.
Kim, S, Morikawa, H, Mitsuya, R, Kawai, T, Watanabe, K
IS&T/SPIE 2015, San Francisco
発表年月: 2015年02月
Adding information does not necessarily help the motion perception: a study of the curate cycloid illusion.
Ueda, H, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K, Yamaguchi, Y
7th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
発表年月: 2015年01月
Consistency of color-shape associations in deaf people.
Chen, N, Tanaka, K, Namatame, M, Watanabe, K
7th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
発表年月: 2015年01月
Effects of image blur on visual perception and affective response.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
7th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
発表年月: 2015年01月
The role of global configuration in detection of mirror and translational symmetries.
Yamamoto, K, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
7th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
発表年月: 2015年01月
Effects on body sway viewing tilted 3D images using binocular disparity
Kim, S, Ohta, F, Kawai, T, Watanabe, K, Seto, R, Fujita Y
発表年月: 2015年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2015年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2015年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
Computer Entertainment Developers Conference (CEDEC2015)
発表年月: 2015年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2015年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2015年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2015年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2015年
Roberto Caldara, 渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2015年
Explicit and implicit aspects of embodied knowledge.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers
発表年月: 2015年
Toward harmonized fusion of humans and robots: A cognitive science perspective. Social HRI: Overcoming Barriers Through Appearance, Behaviour and Context-Based Design.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
The 24th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN 2015)
発表年月: 2015年
Time-frequency analysis of duty cycle changing on steady-state visual evoked potential: EEG recording.
Phothisonothai, M, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC)
発表年月: 2014年12月
Distortion of visual localization in three-dimensional virtual space.
Chien, S, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC)
発表年月: 2014年12月
Seeing objects as face modulates visual search performance.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC)
発表年月: 2014年12月
Seeing faces in noise: Exploring machine and human face detection processes by the reverse correlation method.
Saegusa, C, Yamaoka, M, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC)
発表年月: 2014年12月
近藤あき, 高尾沙希, 有賀敦紀, 高橋康介, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2014年12月
北村美穂, 渡邊 克巳, 北川智利
発表年月: 2014年12月
池田華子, 渡邊 克巳
発表年月: 2014年12月
吹き出し内の発話の本心らしさ評価に対する表情の影響 :健聴者と聴覚障害者の比較
三枝千尋, 生田目美紀, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2014年12月
Perception of an android robot in Japan and Australia: A cross-cultural comparison.
Haring, K.S, Silvera-Tawil, D, Matsumoto, Y, Velonaki, M, Watanabe, K
International Conference in Social Robotics
発表年月: 2014年10月
Electrophysiological measures reveal similar capacity limits for both present and absent information.
Tsubomi, H, Fukuda, K, Watanabe, K, Vogel, E.K
17th World Congress of Psychophysiology
Map-based reference frames are used to organize memory of subsequent navigation experience.
Meilinger, T, Frankenstein, J, Watanabe, K, Bülthoff, H.H, Hölscher, C
Spatial Cognition 2014, Bremen
系列学習における顕在的知識が転移に与える影響: 知識䛾直接的教示と自発的発見䛾差異
田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2014年09月
金沢創, 山口真美, 飯高哲也, 神尾陽子, 渡邊克巳, 松井三枝
発表年月: 2014年09月
小森政嗣, 高橋英之, 村田藍子, 中野珠実, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2014年09月
Color-grapheme associations in deaf people.
Chen, N, Tanaka, K, Nagamori, Y, Namatame, M, Watanabe, K
The 2nd Conference of Asia Color Association (ACA2014)
発表年月: 2014年09月
Contribution of parts on the whole changes over time in facial attractiveness judgment.
Saegusa, C, Watanabe, K
37th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP)
発表年月: 2014年08月
Pattern from visual noise motion: animacy versus intention.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
37th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP)
発表年月: 2014年08月
Modulation of crowding of biological motion by action congruency.
Ikeda, H, Watanabe, K
37th European Conferenceon Visual Perception (ECVP)
発表年月: 2014年08月
Interference of manual reactions by concurrent saccades.
Ueda, H, Takahashi, K, Watanabe K
10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2014)
発表年月: 2014年07月
Impaired speed estimation of overlapping moving objects.
Yamamoto, K, Watanabe, K
10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2014)
発表年月: 2014年07月
The level of categorical knowledge affects visual search efficiency.
Tanaka, K, Chen, N, Watanabe, K
10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2014)
発表年月: 2014年07月
Human variation in autistic traits predicts the perception of direct gaze for males, but not for females.
Matsuyoshi, D, Kuraguchi, K, Tanaka, Y, Uchida, S, Ashida, H, Watanabe, K
10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2014)
発表年月: 2014年07月
Seeing objects as face enhances object detection.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2014)
発表年月: 2014年07月
Crossmodal semantic priming of visual sensitivity with onomatopoeia.
Rei-Fedalgo, A, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
9th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Milan
池田華子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2014年06月
Successful experiences lead to more implicit transfer
Kanji Tanaka, Katsumi Watanabe
発表年月: 2014年06月
Effects of positive emotion on audiovisual integration.
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K, Kitagawa, N
15th International Multisensory Research Forum, Amsterdam
平賀大貴, 松浦 訓人, 金 相賢, 盛川 浩志, 三家 礼子, 河合 隆史, 渡邊 克巳
発表年月: 2014年06月
Cognitive characteristics of directional judgment through binocular disparity on a virtual tilted screen.
Kim, S, Itaoka, H, Morikawa, H, Mitsuya, R, Kawai, T, Watanabe, K
The 1st Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design 2014
発表年月: 2014年05月
The effect of occlusion on the flash-lag effect.
Yamamoto, K, Au, R.K.C, Watanabe, K
Implicit transfer in visuomotor sequence learning.
Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
Conference on Systems Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, Saitama
Interhemispheric differences in the perception of human gaze direction.
Matsuyoshi D, Kuraguchi K, Ashida H, Watanabe K
6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
Color-shape association in deaf and hearing people.
Chen N, Tanaka K, Matsuyoshi D, Nagamori Y, Namatame M, Watanabe K
6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
Face is beautiful: Aesthetic evaluation of pareidolian faces.
Takahashi K, Watanabe K
6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
Is an attractive face attractive for all? An exploratory research on attractiveness evaluation by female observers.
Saegusa C, Watanabe K
6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST)
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2014年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
潜在脳と自閉症~当事者・基礎・臨床の対話から 見えてくる社会性障害への新しいアプローチ~
発表年月: 2014年
渡邊克巳, 奥成洋輔, 堀井直樹, 河合隆史 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2014年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2014年
Cognitive characteristics of human vision
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST-2014)
発表年月: 2014年
Creative design from cognitive science perspective.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Department of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University
発表年月: 2014年
The mind across cultures.
Watanabe K, Oshlyansky, L, Herrmann, B, Spikins, P [招待有り]
A British Academy Early Careers Networking Event
発表年月: 2014年
Implicit behavioral/social contagion.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Mini-Symposium on Cognition, Decision-making and Social Function
発表年月: 2014年
Implicit behavioral/social contagion.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Queensland Brain Institute, Queensland University
発表年月: 2014年
Correlated preference for color combination and shape.
Chen, N, Tanaka, K, Matsuyoshi, D, Watanabe, K
The 1st Asia Color Association Conference (ACA2013)
発表年月: 2013年12月
近藤あき, 高橋康介, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年12月
顔認知から顔科学の新展開に向けて ― 顔認知の障害に起因する社会性の障害の理解と支援
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2013年12月
Capacity limits to representing objects still within view.
Tsubomi, H, Fukuda, K, Watanabe, K, Vogel, E.K
54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
発表年月: 2013年11月
Development of visual working memory storage and resistance to distraction in children with Asperger syndrome.
Tsubomi, H, Watanabe, K
21st Annual Meeting on Object Perception, Attention, and Memory
発表年月: 2013年11月
How do motor and social characteristics of individuals affect interpersonal organization on goal-directed joint actions?
Abe, M.O, Watanabe, K
Society for Neuroscience
発表年月: 2013年11月
A computational model for motor and social effects on joint force productions.
Abe, M.O, Watanabe, K
Translational and Computational Motor Control, San Diego
発表年月: 2013年11月
How do people perceive and trust a lifelike robot?
Haring K. S, Matsumoto, Y, Watanabe, K
International Conferenceon Intelligent Automation and Robotics (ICIAR 2013)
発表年月: 2013年10月
植田一博, 渡邊克巳, 山田歩, 熊田孝恒, 鮫島和行, 萩原一平, 辻本悟史
発表年月: 2013年09月
坪見博之, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年09月
山本健太郎, 佐々木恭志郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年09月
田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年09月
Effects of time windowing for extraction of expression from Japanese speech: Higuchi’s fractal dimension.
Phothisonothai, M, Chamnongthai, K, Arita, Y, Watanabe, K
13th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2013)
Gaze cueing by face-like objects.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
18th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology
発表年月: 2013年09月
Associations between colors and shapes in Japanese observers.
Chen, N, Tanaka, K, Matsuyoshi, D, Watanabe, K
5th international congress of international association of societies of design research (IASDR2013)
Sequential effects in attractiveness judgment for upright and inverted faces.
Kondo, A, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen
発表年月: 2013年08月
Gaze of a face fixation stimulus influences the saccadic gap.
Ueda, H, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
17th European Conference on Eye Movements
Implicit transfer of mirrored spatial structure in visuomotor sequence learning.
Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin
Object motion continuity and the flash-lag effect.
Au, R.K.C, Watanabe, K
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin
Physiological signal processing for human-machine communication technology: Recent progress and future prospects.
Phothisonothai, M, Watanabe, K
2013 International Conference on Digital Broadcasting Technologies (ICDB 2013)
A comparison of actual and artifactual features based on fractal analyses: Resting-state MEG data.
Phothisonothai, M, Tsubomi H, Kondo A, Kikuchi M, Yoshimura Y, Minabe Y, Watanabe, K
8th Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications
高橋康介, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年07月
田中観自, 陳娜, 坂井信之, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年07月
松吉大輔, 藏口佳奈, 内田聖菜, 田中優実子, 蘆田宏, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年07月
Mislocalization of a moving object in three-dimensional space.
Au, R.K.C, Watanabe, K
9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV2013)
Hair-color matching and self-concept: An exploratory study on Japanese women.
Saegusa, C, Watanabe, K
2013 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE 2013)
Person recognition based on memory of back view.
Yonemura, K, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
2013 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE 2013)
Correlated preference for color and shape.
Chen, N, Tanaka, K, Matsuyoshi, D, Watanabe, K
2013 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE 2013)
Effects of different manners of speaking on voice like ability, credibility, and intentionality ratings.
Ueda, H, Arita, Y, Watanabe, K
2013 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE 2013)
Temporal dynamics of functional networks from multivariate electrophysiological time series.
Iwayama, K, Hirata, Y, Kondo, A, Tsubomi, H, Takahashi, K, Yoshimura, Y, Ueno, S, Kikuchi, M, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K, Suzuki, H, Aihara, K
35th Annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2013)
発表年月: 2013年07月
Boosting specificity of MEG artifact removal by weighted support vector machine.
Duan, F, Phothisonothai, M, Kikuchi, M, Yoshimura, Y, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K, Aihara, K
35th Annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2013)
発表年月: 2013年07月
上田大志, 高橋康介, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年06月
Brain network efficiency and intelligent scores of children.
Duan, F, Tsubomi, H, Yoshimura, Y, Kikuchi, M, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K, Aihara, K
International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics
発表年月: 2013年06月
Summation of duration within and across senses.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
14th International Multisensory Research Forum
上道寛子, 小井土慶久, 金相賢, 盛川浩志, 三家礼子, 河合隆史, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年06月
平賀大貴, 金相賢, 盛川浩志, 三家礼子, 河合隆史, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年06月
髙橋昌大, 金相賢, 盛川浩志, 三家礼子, 河合隆史, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2013年06月
渡邊克巳, 小野史典
発表年月: 2013年06月
Extraction of expression from Japanese speech based on time-frequency and fractal features.
Phothisonothai M, Arita Y, Watanabe K
10th Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON)
Underestimation of numerosity in dynamic visual display.
Au, R.K.C, Watanabe, K
Vision Science Society 13th Annual meeting
Reference frames in the integration of spatial information across views.
Meilinger, T, Watanabe, K
Vision Science Society 13th Annual meeting
The gap effect is predominantly determined by the awareness of the fixation disappearance.
Ueda, H, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Vision Science Society 13th Annual meeting
Depth modulation of attentional repulsion and attraction effects.
Chien, S, Watanabe, K
Vision Science Society 13th Annual meeting
Effects of motor optimization and social interaction on an interpersonal force matching task.
Abe, M.O, Watanabe, K
23rd Annual Meeting of the Neural Control of Movement
Connectivity analysis of background MEG in 3‐4 year old children. Explorative study.
Spokas, A, Cuesta, Prieto, P, Watanabe, K, Bhattacharya, J
British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Meeting, Nottingham
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2013年04月
The influence of robot appearance on assessment.
Haring, K.S, Watanabe, K, Mougenot, C
8th Annual Conference for Basic and Applied Human-Robot Interaction Research (HRI 2013)
Short-term memory for event duration: an MEG study.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe. K
5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technologies (KST 2013)
Perception of different robot design.
Haring, K.S, Mougeno, Watanabe, K
5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technologies (KST 2013)
Effect of partner’s presence during practice on subsequent joint action.
Abe, M.O, Watanabe. K
5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technologies (KST 2013)
Visual-motor sequence learning by competitive fighting game experts.
Ikeda, H, Watanabe, K
5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technologies (KST 2013)
Posterior probability estimation for actual and artifactual components from MEG data.
Phothisonothai, M, Yoshimura, Y, Kikuchi, M, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K
5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technologies (KST 2013)
Cultural differences in representation of three-dimensional space: Linear perspective versus "Mitsuwari" composition.
Akutsu, S, Miyamoto, Y, Watanabe, K, Peng, K
14th meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2013年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2013年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2013年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2013年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
(御厨貴x牧原出x廣瀬通孝x渡邊克巳) 駒場リサーチキャンパス公開シンポジウム
発表年月: 2013年
渡邊克巳, 小野史典 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2013年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2013年
Philip J. DeLuca・Kevin Perry, 渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2013年
渡邊克巳, 秋葉哲也, 河合隆史 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2013年
Perception, attention, action, decision making from cognitive science perspective.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
5th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technologies (KST-2013)
発表年月: 2013年
Implicit behavioral contagion: A potential marker of implicit social interaction.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Italy-Japan workshop on Complex Systems: the multidisciplinary contribution
発表年月: 2013年
Digitalization of education from a cognitive-science perspective.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
8th International Summer School on Mind, Brain and Education., Science Education in the Digital Era.
発表年月: 2013年
Implicit processes in perception, attention and action.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Department of Psychology, Taiwan National University
発表年月: 2013年
Crossmodal semantic priming of visual sensitivity with onomatopoeia
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Dept. de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
発表年月: 2013年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2012年12月
発表年月: 2012年12月
Effects of projection geometry on shape perception of 3D cuboids by 2D drawings.
陳娜, 坪見博之, 高橋康介, 新美亮輔, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2012年12月
田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2012年12月
Short-term memory for event duration.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Time and Space in Perception and Action, Special International Seminar for Time Study
発表年月: 2012年12月
Motor optimization and social interaction in joint action.
Abe, M.O, Watanabe, K
Time and Space in Perception and Action, Special International Seminar for Time Study
発表年月: 2012年12月
The effect of backward attention on perception of spatial position.
Ono, F, Chien, S., Au, R. K. C, Watanabe, K
Time and space in perception and action, Special International Seminar for Time Study
発表年月: 2012年12月
Measuring cognitive abilities and resting-state neuromagnetic signals in children.
Takahashi, K, Iwayama, K, Kondo, A, Tsubomi, H, Yoshimura, Y, Hirata, Y, Aihara, K, Kikuchi, M, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K
5th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON 2012)
Artifactual component classification from MEG data using support vector machine.
Phothisonothai, M, Duan, F, Tsubomi, H, Kondo, A, Aihara, K, Yoshimura, Y, Kikuchi, M, Minabe, Y, Watanabe, K
5th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON 2012)
Linear and nonlinear features for automatic artifacts removal from MEG data based on ICA.
Phothisonothai, M, Tsubomi H, Kondo A, Kikuchi M, Yoshimura Y, Minabe Y, Watanabe, K
4th Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA)
How well do we know others' average liking.
Niimi, R, Watanabe, K
Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis
北村美穂, 渡邊克巳, 北川智利
発表年月: 2012年11月
池田華子, 渡邊克巳, Patrick Cavanagh
発表年月: 2012年11月
上田大志, 高橋康介, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2012年11月
Effects of adaptive navigation support on the search task on a central control system.
Ogata, K, Seya, Y, Watanabe, K, Ifukube, T
7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI2012)
Abacus in the brain: a longitudinal neuroimaging study of a skilled abacus user with a right hemispheric lesion.
Tanaka, S, Seki, K, Hanakawa, T, Harada, M, Sadato, N, Watanabe, K, Honda, M
Society for Neuroscience 2012
Neural processes of short-term memory for number recall: Nonlinear interdependence analysis of MEG signals.
Tsubomi, H, Iwayama, K, Takahashi, K, Kondo, A, Kikuchi, M, Yoshimura, Y, Minabe, Y, Hirata, Y, Aihara, K, Watanabe, K
Society for Neuroscience 2012
Effect of visual feedback information on interpersonal force production.
Abe, M.O, Watanabe, K
Society for Neuroscience 2012
山岡めぐみ, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2012年10月
Studying designers: Affective components of design creativity.
Mougenot C, Watanabe K
International conference on design creativity (ICDC)
発表年月: 2012年09月
新美亮輔, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2012年09月
瀬谷安弘, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2012年09月
鈴木宏昭, 植田一博, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2012年09月
Dynamic desaturation illusion.
Takahashi, K, Yamada, S, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP)
Effect of gender membership on sequential decision of face attractiveness.
Kondo, A, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception(ECVP)
Development of visual working memory and its relation to academic performances in elementary school children.
Tsubomi, H, Watanabe, K
European Conference on Visual Perception(ECVP)
Influence of crowding on discriminating the direction of biological motion.
Ikeda, H, Watanabe, K, Cavanagh, P
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP)
The use of ACT-R to develop an attention model for simple driving tasks.
Haring, K.S, Ragni, M, Konieczny, L, Watanabe, K
34th Annual Cognitive Science Conference (COGSCI 2012)
Effects of explicit knowledge on transfer of visuomotor sequence learning.
Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
34th Annual Cognitive Science Conference (COGSCI 2012)
Retrospective perceptual distortion of position representation does not lead to delayed localization.
Au, R.K.C, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV)
Attentional modulation of perception of spatial position does not necessitate visual awareness
Au, R.K.C, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
Transient auditory signal shifts perceived offset position of a moving visual object.
Chien, S, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
Perceptual, rather than physical, disappearance of a fixation point determines the magnitude of the gap effect.
Ueda, H, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
The relationship of two numerical magnitudes influences spatial shifts of attention.
Tanaka, K, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
Effects of projection geometry in drawing of 3D objects and scenes on reality and preference judgments.
Chen, N, Tsubomi, H, Akutsu, S, Peng, K, Watanabe, K
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
Moods alter audiovisual integration.
Kitamura, M, Watanabe, K, Kitagawa, N
13th International Multisensory Research Forum, Oxford
Are sounds more inspirational than images?
Mougenot, C, Watanabe, K
International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC 2012)
近藤あき, 高橋康介, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2012年06月
田中観自, 小野史典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2012年06月
Influence of designers' kansei on design outcomes.
Mougenot C, Ikeda H, Watanabe K
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
Cultural differences in perception and attitude towards robots.
Haring K.S, Mougenot C, Ono F, Watanabe K
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
Interaction between viewing angle and presentation height in perception of Buddha statues.
Yonemura, K, Morisaki, A, Ariga, A, Watanabe, K, Yoshikawa, S
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
Effects of exposure to and simulated purchase of green products on altruistic and pro-environmental behaviors.
Chien, S, Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
Effects of feedback on an energy conservation task under uncertainty.
Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
Politeness perception in action: Subjective impression of handing actions by professional salespersons.
Ikeda, H, Fukui, T, Tagai, K, Takata, S, Watanabe, K
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
Thai speech assessment based on fractal theory.
Phothisonothai, M, Watanabe, K
9th annual international conference of Electrical Engineering/Electronics. Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI)
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2012年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2012年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2012年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2012年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
URCF超体験デザイン・評価部会セミナー 「体験の評価とデザインの可能性」
発表年月: 2012年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2012年
Implicit behavioral contagion.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
The Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Departmental Colloquia
発表年月: 2012年
Measuring cognitive performances and its relation to educational practices: Toward interdisciplinary collaborations between basic research and applied fields.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
7th International Summer School on Mind, Brain and Education. Teaching: A New Frontier of the Neurocognitive Sciences, Education and Culture.
発表年月: 2012年
田中観自, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2011年12月
小野史典, 坪見博之, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2011年12月
北村美穂, 河地庸介, 北川智利, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2011年12月
新美亮輔, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2011年12月
顔の魅力判断における系列効果 : 物理的属性の判断との比較
近藤あき, 高橋康介, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2011年12月
Interpersonal optimization for error correction in a goal-directed joint action.
Abe, M.O, Watanabe, K
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
発表年月: 2011年11月
Short-term active interactions enhance implicit behavioral mirroring.
Watanabe, K, Abe, M.O, Takahashi, K, Shimojo, S
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
発表年月: 2011年11月
Social praise enhances the off-line improvement of the procedural motor skill.
Sugawara, S, Tanaka, S, Okazaki, K, Watanabe, K, Sadato, N
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
発表年月: 2011年11月
Differential brain responses to polite and impolite actions: An fMRI study.
Tagai, K, Kumada, T, Nagai, M, Iwaki, S, Niki, K, Watanabe, K, Shumakura, H, Takata, S
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
発表年月: 2011年11月
Unconscious finger movement synchronization as a somatic marker of implicit social interaction.
Yun, K, Watanabe, K, Shimojo, S
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
発表年月: 2011年11月
Multi-modal inference in animacy perception for artificial object.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF 2011)
Implicit and explicit auditory modulation on vision.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Symposium on "Audiovisual interaction: How early does it occur?" at 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF 2011)
Interface design of a central monitoring device taking cognitive aging into account.
Ogata, K, Suto, S, Kumada, T, Watanabe, K, Ifukube, T
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2011)
Feelings of animacy and pleasantness from tactile stimulation: Effect of stimulus frequency and stimulated body part.
Takahashi, K, Mitsuhashi, H, Norieda, S, Murata, K, Watanabe, K
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2011)
Overestimation and underestimation in learning and transfer.
Tanaka, K, Watanabe, K
2011 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE 2011)
Improving shared experiences by haptic telecommunication.
Takahashi, K, Mitsuhashi, H, Murata, K, Norieda, S, Watanabe, K
2011 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE 2011)
Separating estimation process from response by using the sequential effect.
Kondo, A, Watanabe, K
2011 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE 2011)
Extrinsic motivation underlies precise temporal production.
Yamamoto, K, Ono, F, Yamada, Y, Sasaki, K, Ihaya, K, Watanabe, K
2011 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering (ICBAKE 2011)
Neural substrates for storage of duration information: An fMRI study.
Takahashi, K, Sugawara, S, Tanaka, S, Watanabe, K, Sadato, N
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
Consistency of likability to objects across views and time.
Niimi, R, Watanabe, K
Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Hong Kong
発表年月: 2011年07月
Effects of familiarity and preference on visual search for brand logos.
Chen N, Tsubomi H, Watanabe K
3rd Beijing International Symposium on Computational Neuroscience
Differential effects of transient signals on disappearance and appearance locations of moving stimuli.
Chien, S-E, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
3rd Beijing International Symposium on Computational Neuroscience
Implicit modulation of visual detection of facial expression.
Ueda, H, Kondo, A, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto
Forward and backward attention concurrently but differently induce mislocalization of visual stimuli.
Chien, S, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto
Differential factors for time retrospection and time production.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto
Sequential effects in attractiveness judgment for faces.
Kondo, A, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto
Priming effect of sense of agency in handwritten traces.
Yatabe, K, Hosoda, C, Watanabe, K, Hanakawa, T
Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Kyoto
小野史典, 岡耕平, 巖淵守, 中邑賢龍, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2011年05月
近藤あき, 高橋康介, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2011年05月
有賀敦紀, 鍋田智広, 山田祐樹, 小野史典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2011年05月
坪見博之, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2011年05月
池田華子, 福井隆雄, 互恵子, 高田定樹, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2011年05月
Effect of transient signals on disappearance location of moving stimuli.
Chien, S, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
Conference on Systems-neuroscience and Rehabilitation, Saitama
Crossmodal interaction in sequential effects.
Kondo, A, Watanabe, K
Conference on Systems-neuroscience and Rehabilitation, Saitama
Creative stimulation in design: A cognitive approach.
Mougenot, C, Watanabe, K
4th Design Theory SIG Workshop, Paris
発表年月: 2011年01月
How well do we know others' preferences?
Niimi, R, Watanabe, K
International Workshop for Young Researchers "Knowing Self, Knowing Others"
発表年月: 2011年01月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2011年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
未来設計会議 脳科学から見た社会デザイン
発表年月: 2011年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2011年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2011年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2011年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2011年
Creative Stimulation in Design : A Cognitive Approach.
Mougenot C, Watanabe K [招待有り]
4th International Workshop on Design Theory (Design Society SIG)
発表年月: 2011年
Perceiving the faces of Buddha status.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Cultural Strategies for Overcoming Negative Emotion, Kyoto University
発表年月: 2011年
How people look faces differently.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
The Whitehead Lectures in Cognition, Computation and Culture
発表年月: 2011年
Maintaining visual attention over time: Effects of object continuity.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Symposium on Attentional Selection at Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision
発表年月: 2011年
Verbal stimuli in design creativity: a case-study with Japanese sound-symbolic words.
Mougenot, C, Watanabe, K
First International Conference on Design Creativity, Kobe
発表年月: 2010年11月
Modulation of extracellular dopamine levels in the striatum by transcranial direct current stimulation.
Tanaka, T, Takano, Y, Tanaka, S, Watanabe, K, Hanakawa, Honda, M, Hironaka, N
Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego
Differential brain responses to polite and impolite actions: A NIRS study.
Tagai, K, Kumada, T, Nagai, M, Watanabe, K
Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego
Neuro-anatomy of action video-game experts: A structural MRI study.
Tanaka, S, Kato, R, Hanakawa, T, Ikeda, H, Kasahara, K, Hosoda, C, Mori, M, Honda, M, Watanabe, K
The effect of the temporal predictability of an exogenous cue on visual perception and memory.
Ohyama, J, Watanabe, K
Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego
Hand-actions implied in hand-written Chinese radicals in the human motor system.
Yatabe, K, Inagaki, M, Suzuki, K, Kaga, M, Watanabe, K
29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Kobe
発表年月: 2010年10月
Motion perception of explicit and implicit hand action associated with writing letters.
Yatabe K, Inagaki M, Suzuki K, Watanabe K, Kaga, M
50th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research
発表年月: 2010年09月
Environmental reference frame alters the perceived orientation of three-dimensional object.
Niimi, R, Watanabe, K
33rd European Conference on Visual Perception
Cueing effects in a useful field of view task.
Seya, Y, Tsutsui, K. I, Watanabe, K
33rd European Conference on Visual Perception
Task-irrelevant simple auditory feedback can reinforce saccadic eye movements.
Ogawa, H, Watanabe, K
33rd European Conference on Visual Perception
Inter-trial effect in luminance processing revealed by MEG.
Kondo, A, Tsubomi, H, Watanabe, K
33rd European Conference on Visual Perception
Illusory motion of blurred blue–red edges.
Takahashi, K. Niimi, R, Watanabe, K
33rd European Conference on Visual Perception
Characteristics of visuomotor sequential learning in ADHD and Asperger syndrome.
Ikeda, H, Miyao, M, Watanabe, K
33rd European Conference on Visual Perception
Attention can distort visual space backwards.
Ono, F, Watanabe, K
Asia Pacific Conference on Vision
Feature-location binding when tracking moving objects does not affect distribution of attention within objects.
Chien, S-E, Watanabe, K, Yang, L-X
Asia Pacific Conference on Vision
Auditory transient recovers change detection of imperceptible visual stimulus.
Takahashi, K, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
11th International Multisensory Research Forum
発表年月: 2010年06月
小野史典, 堀井幸子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2010年05月
大山潤爾, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2010年05月
The blurry heart illusion.
Takahashi, K, Niimi, R, Watanabe, K
6th Annual Best Illusion of the Year Contest
発表年月: 2010年05月
Decoding subjective simultaneity from neuromagnetic signal.
Takahashi, K, Hidaka. S, Watanabe. K
17th International Conference on Biomagnetism (Biomag 2010)
発表年月: 2010年03月
Japanese onomatopoeias and sound symbolic words in describing interpersonal communication.
Takahashi, K, Mitsuhashi, H, Norieda, S, Sendoda, M, Murata, K, Watanabe, K
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
発表年月: 2010年03月
Perceiving the faces of Buddha statues: On the relation with viewpoint and affective evaluation.
Ariga, A, Kitamura-Suzuki, M, Watanabe, K, Yoshikawa, S
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
発表年月: 2010年03月
Kansei information processing in product design: Exploring the role of visual information in designers' activity.
Mougenot, C, Watanabe, K, Bouchard, C, Aoussat, A
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
発表年月: 2010年03月
Neuromagnetic responses related to endogenous metrical interpretation.
Ono, F, Takahashi, K, Kondo, A, Watanabe, K
The 3rd International Workshop on Kansei
発表年月: 2010年02月
Neuromagnetic activity reflecting brightness in the human visual cortex.
Kondo, A, Tsubomi, H, Takahashi, K, Ono, F, Watanabe, K
The 3rd International Workshop on Kansei
発表年月: 2010年02月
Comparing the effects of visual and auditory stimuli in design creativity.
Mougenot, C, Aucouturier, J.J, Yamanaka, T, Watanabe, K
The 3rd International Workshop on Kansei
発表年月: 2010年02月
Minimal time required to process visual information in complex visual task measured by using gaze contingent visual masking.
Seya, Y, Watanabe, K
The 3rd International Workshop on Kansei
発表年月: 2010年02月
Synchronized brain activity changes related to perceptual alternations.
Iwayama, K, Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K, Hirata, Y, Suzuki, H, Aihara, K
International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 15th '10)
発表年月: 2010年02月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2010年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2010年
宮尾益知, 渡邊克巳, 吉川雄一郎 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2010年
宮尾益知, 渡邊克巳, 吉川雄一郎 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2010年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2010年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2010年
The effect of environmental context on time perception.
Ono, F, Horii, S, Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Conference on Systems-neuroscience and Rehabilitation, National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities
発表年月: 2010年
Implicit behavioral contagion.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Conference on Systems-neuroscience and Rehabilitation, National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities
発表年月: 2010年
Implicit processes in attention, action, and decision making.
Watanabe, K [招待有り]
Helsinki University of Technology
発表年月: 2010年
スナップショット記憶保持効果 : 映像の視覚的変化が視覚情報の記憶に与える影響
大山潤爾, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2009年12月
小川洋和, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2009年12月
小野史典, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2009年12月
Object-based maintenance of attentional state in rapid serial visual presentation.
Ariga, A, Kawahara, J, Watanabe, K
The 50th Psychonomic Society
発表年月: 2009年11月
The expected distractor is rejected belatedly when a local representation of the distractor is available.
Ariga, A, Watanabe, K
39th Society for Neuroscience
Visual materials and designers' cognitive activity: Towards in-depth investigations of design cognition.
Mougenot, C, Watanabe, K, Bouchard, C, Aousssat, A
International Association of Societies of Design Research, Seoul
発表年月: 2009年11月
Temporal gap disrupts attentional state in rapid serial visual presentation.
Ariga, A, Kawahara, J, Watanabe, K
The 17th Object Perception Attention & Memory
発表年月: 2009年11月
高橋康介, 三橋秀男, 則枝真, 仙洞田充, 村田一仁, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2009年10月
Effects of peripheral visual information on performance of video game with hemi-spherical immersive projection screen.
Seya, Y. Sato, K, Kimura, Y, Ookubo, A, Yamagata, H, Kasahara, K, Fujikake, H, Yamamoto, Y, Ikeda, H, Watanabe, K
DiGRA2009, London
発表年月: 2009年09月
Distortion of visual and auditory duration in short term memory.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
10th International Multisensory Research Forum
発表年月: 2009年06月
Modality-independent modulation of unpredictable event on visual perceptual stability.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
13rd Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC 13)
発表年月: 2009年06月
Enhancement of leg motor function by transcranial direct current stimulation.
Tanaka, S, Hanakawa, T, Honda, M, Watanabe, K
19th Neural Control of Movement Society Annual Meeting
発表年月: 2009年04月
Visual and auditory duration distorted in short term memory.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
Mini RIEC Workshop on Multimodal Perception, Sendai
発表年月: 2009年04月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2009年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2009年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2009年
坪見博之, 近藤洋史, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2008年12月
池田華子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2008年12月
高橋康介, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2008年11月
Locus of distractor rejection in rapid serial visual presentation.
Ariga, A, Watanabe, K
The 29th International Congress of Psychology (ICP2008)
Rapid and implicit categorization of basic colors.
Yokoi, K, Watanabe, K, Saida, S
Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision
Visual and auditory modulation of perceptual stability of ambiguous visual patterns.
Takahashi, K, Watanabe, K
9th International Multisensory Research Forum
When fear is in my voice but not my brain: Feedback effects of emotional voice transformation on self-rated emotion experience.
Segnini, R, Aucouturier, JJ, Johansson, P, Hall, L, Watanabe. K
ASSC 12th Annual Meeting
Crossmodal temporal memory averaging.
Ohyama. J, Watanabe, K
ASSC 12th Annual Meeting
Implicit auditory modulation on visual transition of a bistable motion stimulus.
Takahashi. K, Watanabe, K
ASSC 12th Annual Meeting
Neuromagnetic activities in failure retrieval versus success retrieval of Japanese kanji characters.
Ariga. A, Watanabe, K
ASSC 12th Annual Meeting
Choice blindness and consumer decision making.
Johansson, P, Watanabe, K
ASSC 12th Annual Meeting
Effects of feedback valence on implicit learning of attentional guidance.
Ogawa, K, Watanabe, K
ASSC 12th Annual Meeting
有賀敦紀, 河原純一郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2008年05月
Recognizing emotional states from biological motion within noise.
Ikeda, H, Watanabe, K
Vision Science Society Annual Meeting
Implicit learning of attentional guidance modulates visual preference.
Ogawa, H, Watanabe, K
Vision Science Society Annual Meeting
Common capacity limit for visual perception and working memory.
Tsubomi, H, Kondo, H, Watanabe, K
Vision Science Society Annual Meeting
How an expected distractor is rejected in rapid serial visual presentation.
Ariga, A, Watanabe, K
The 2nd International Workshop on Kansei
発表年月: 2008年03月
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2008年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2008年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
DO-IT Japan 障害のある高校生のための大学体験プログラム
発表年月: 2008年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2008年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2008年
小川洋和, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2007年12月
有賀敦紀, 河原純一郎, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2007年12月
池田華子, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2007年12月
A dual-processes model of attentional guidance for contextual cueing.
Ogawa, H, Watanabe, K
OPAM 15th Annual Meeting
発表年月: 2007年11月
Effects of video games on dynamics of visual attention.
Yokoi, K, Watanabe, K, Kawai, T, Kato, R, Sato, T, Yamazaki, T, Yamagata, H
International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research
発表年月: 2007年09月
Recalibration of vision-haptic temporal simultaneity.
Takahashi, K, Saiki, J, Watanabe, K
8th International Multisensory Research Forum
発表年月: 2007年07月
The power of successful experience: Immediate change in learning strategy for visuomotor sequences.
Ikeda, H, Watanabe, K
11th Annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
発表年月: 2007年06月
Behavioral speed contagion: Automatic modulation of movement timing by observation of body movements.
Watanabe, K
11th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
発表年月: 2007年06月
When to encode implicit contextual cue.
Ogawa, H, Watanabe, K
11th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
発表年月: 2007年06月
Brain activation during visuomotor sequence tasks measured by NIRS.
Ikeda, H, Endo, N, Nagai, M, Watanabe, K
13th Annual Meeting of Human Brain Mapping
高橋康介, 齋木潤, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2007年06月
有賀敦紀, 渡邊克巳
発表年月: 2007年05月
Category-based and item-based processes in rejecting distractors in RSVP.
Ariga, A, Watanabe, K
Vision Sciences Society Annual meeting
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2007年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2007年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2007年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2007年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
日本心理学会 第71回大会
発表年月: 2007年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
第18回 こころの未来セミナー
発表年月: 2007年
渡邊克巳 [招待有り]
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