Updated on 2024/10/24


SAKAI, Hiromu
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
文学修士 ( 京都大学 )
Ph. D. ( University of California, Irvine )

Research Experience

  • 2015

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 2010

    Hiroshima University   Graduate School of Education

  • 2008

    Hiroshima University   Graduate School of Education

  • 2001

    - 広島大学大学院教育学研究科 助教授

  • 2001

    - Hiroshima University, Associate Professor

  • 1995

    Hiroshima University   School of Education

  • 1995

    Hiroshima University, Assistant Professor


    Hiroshima University Graduate School of Education, Department of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language, Graduate School of Education Department of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language   Associate Professor,Director in General

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Education Background

  • 1990.08

    University of California Irvine   Graduate School of Social Sciences   Department of Linguistics  

  • 1984

    京都大学大学院   文学研究科   言語学専攻  

  • 1980

    Kyoto University   Faculty of Letters  

Committee Memberships

  • 2021.04

    The Linguistics Society of Japan  Award Committee, Chair

  • 2020.09

    Frontiers in Psychology  Editorial Board of Language Sciences, Review Editor

  • 2007.04

    日本英語学会  日本英語学会評議員

  • 2003.04

    日本言語学会  日本言語学会評議員

  • 2013.08

    日本学術振興会  日本学術振興会特別研究員等審査会専門委員及び国際事業委員会書面審査委員

  • 2006.04

    Springer  Journal of East Asian Linguistics Editorial Board

  • 2010.09

    日本言語学会  日本言語学会広報委員

  • 2009.12

    日本語文法学会  日本語文法学会大会委員

  • 2009.12

    日本学術振興会  日本学術振興会科学研究費委員会専門委員

  • 2006.10

    日本英語学会  日本英語学会編集委員

  • 2006.08

    日本学術振興会  日本学術振興会特別研究員等審査会専門委員及び国際事業委員会書面審査委員

  • 2004.04

    日本言語学会  日本語文法学会学会誌委員

  • 2004.04

    日本語文法学会  学会誌編集委員

  • 2001.12

    日本英語学会  日本英語学会大会準備委員

  • 2001.09

    日本言語学会  大会運営委員

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Professional Memberships













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Research Areas

  • Linguistics / Science education


  • Neural underpinnings of processing combinatorial unstated meaning and the influence of individual cognitive style

    Yao-Ying Lai, Hiromu Sakai, Michiru Makuuchi

    Cerebral Cortex   33 ( 18 ) 10013 - 10027  2023.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary


    We investigated the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the processing of combinatorial unstated meaning. Sentences like “Charles jumped for 5 minutes.” engender an iterative meaning that is not explicitly stated but enriched by comprehenders beyond simple composition. Comprehending unstated meaning involves meaning contextualization—integrative meaning search in sentential-discourse context. Meanwhile, people differ in how they process information with varying context sensitivity. We hypothesized that unstated meaning processing would vary with individual socio-cognitive propensity indexed by the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ), accompanied by differential cortical engagements. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we examined the processing of sentences with unstated iterative meaning in typically-developed individuals and found an engagement of the fronto-parietal network, including the left pars triangularis (L.PT), right intraparietal (R.IPS), and parieto-occipital sulcus (R.POS). We suggest that the L.PT subserves a contextual meaning search, while the R.IPS/POS supports enriching unstated iteration in consideration of event durations and interval lengths. Moreover, the activation level of these regions negatively correlated with AQ. Higher AQ ties to lower L.PT activation, likely reflecting weaker context sensitivity, along with lower IPS activation, likely reflecting weaker computation of events’ numerical-temporal specifications. These suggest that the L.PT and R.IPS/POS support the processing of combinatorial unstated meaning, with the activation level modulated by individual cognitive styles.



  • Word orders, gestures, and a view of the world from OS languages

    Hajime Ono, Takuya Kubo, Manami Sato, Hiromu Sakai, Masatoshi Koizumi

    Cross-Linguistic Studies     63 - 88  2023.07  [Refereed]



  • Sentential inference bridging between lexical/grammatical knowledge and text comprehension among native Chinese speakers learning Japanese

    Katsuo Tamaoka, Hiromu Sakai, Yayoi Miyaoka, Hajime Ono, Michiko Fukuda, Yuxin Wu, Rinus G. Verdonschot

    PLOS ONE   18 ( 4 ) e0284331 - e0284331  2023.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The current study explored the role of sentential inference in connecting lexical/grammatical knowledge and overall text comprehension in foreign language learning. Using structural equation modeling (SEM), causal relationships were examined between four latent variables: lexical knowledge, grammatical knowledge, sentential inference, and text comprehension. The study analyzed 281 Chinese university students learning Japanese as a second language and compared two causal models: (1) the partially-mediated model, which suggests that lexical knowledge, grammatical knowledge, and sentential inference concurrently influence text comprehension, and (2) the wholly-mediated model, which posits that both lexical and grammatical knowledge impact sentential inference, which then further affects text comprehension. The SEM comparison analysis supported the wholly-mediated model, showing sequential causal relationships from lexical knowledge to sentential inference and then to text comprehension, without significant contribution from grammatical knowledge. The results indicate that sentential inference serves as a crucial bridge between lexical knowledge and text comprehension.



  • Everyday Language Exposure Shapes Prediction of Specific Words in Listening Comprehension: A Visual World Eye-Tracking Study

    Aine Ito, Hiromu Sakai

    Frontiers in Psychology   12  2021.02

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    We investigated the effects of everyday language exposure on the prediction of orthographic and phonological forms of a highly predictable word during listening comprehension. Native Japanese speakers in Tokyo (Experiment 1) and Berlin (Experiment 2) listened to sentences that contained a predictable word and viewed four objects. The critical object represented the target word (e.g., /sakana/; <italic>fish</italic>), an orthographic competitor (e.g., /tuno/; <italic>horn</italic>), a phonological competitor (e.g., /sakura/; <italic>cherry blossom</italic>), or an unrelated word (e.g., /hon/; <italic>book</italic>). The three other objects were distractors. The Tokyo group fixated the target and the orthographic competitor over the unrelated objects before the target word was mentioned, suggesting that they pre-activated the orthographic form of the target word. The Berlin group showed a weaker bias toward the target than the Tokyo group, and they showed a tendency to fixate the orthographic competitor only when the orthographic similarity was very high. Thus, prediction effects were weaker in the Berlin group than in the Tokyo group. We found no evidence for the prediction of phonological information. The obtained group differences support probabilistic models of prediction, which regard the built-up language experience as a basis of prediction.



  • Abstractness of human speech sound representations

    Arild Hestvik, Yasuaki Shinohara, Karthik Durvasula, Rinus G. Verdonschot, Hiromu Sakai

    Brain Research   1732   146664 - 146664  2020.04

    Authorship:Last author



  • Comprehension of underspecified iterative meaning in Japanese

    Lai Y-Y, Makuuchi M, Pinango M, Sakai, H

    IEICE Technical Report   119 ( 151 ) 101 - 106  2019  [Refereed]

  • Inverting and modeling morphological inflection

    Oseki Y, Sudo Y, Sakai H, Marantz A

    Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology (SIGMORPHON)     170 - 177  2019  [Refereed]


  • Evidentials in causal premise semantics: theoretical and experimental investigation

    Hara, Y., Orita, N., Sakai, H.

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   10838 LNAI   282 - 298  2018  [Refereed]



  • The impact of argument-omitted sentence in learning of the Japanese direct object case-markers

    Zhao, Z A, Luo Y, Sakai H

    In Proceedings of the 42th annual Boston University Conference on language development     836 - 847  2018  [Refereed]

  • The Interplay of Relational and Non-relational Processes in Sentence Production: The Case of Relative Clause Planning in Japanese and Spanish

    Rodrigo L, Igoa J M, Sakai H

    Front. Psychol   9 ( 1573 )  2018  [Refereed]



  • Inflectional directionality in morphological productivity

    Oseki Y, Sudo Y, Sakai H, Marantz A

    IEICE Technical Report   117 ( 149 ) 73 - 78  2017

  • 日本語を母語とする幼児及び年少児童の格助詞学習における項省略の影響:人工格助詞を用いた検討

    趙 曌, 酒井 弘

    認知科学(日本認知科学会学会誌)   24 ( 3 ) 344 - 359  2017  [Refereed]


  • Unconscious translation from Japanese kanji to Chinese hanzi by Chinese-Japanese Bilinguals: An ERP investigation

    Wang Y, Luo Y, Momma S, Sakai H

    IEICE Technical Report   116 ( 159 ) 71 - 76  2016  [Refereed]


  • An experimental investigation of how L2 learners of Japanese comprehend the meanings of mimetics

    Studies in language sciences : journal of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences   14   184 - 205  2015.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author


  • Relative clause processing in Japanese: Psycholinguistic investigation into typological differences "

    Kahraman, B, Sakai, H

    Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics, M. Nakayama (ed), Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter     1 - 41  2015.05

  • What kind of linguistic information is used by children when learning case markers?

    Zhao Zhao, Hiromu Sakai

    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology   2015   55 - 55  2015  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    Decades of study documented that when children learn a language, especially content words, they use the linguistic information, which is often used in their input. However if the information does not appear in their input so often, children will not use it to learn the language. The current study investigates whether children use linguistic information in the learning of function words, especially in Japanese case markers. We introduced twenty-two five-year-olds to novel case markers, i.e., po and bi, which indicate the agent and patient of an action respectively at the sentence level. And we introduced po, bi in tow types of sentences. One is rich information sentence (SOV), other is poor information sentence (SV/OV). Children successfully learned bi in the SV/OV sentence, but not in the SOV sentence. These results indicate that the optimal context for case marker learning depends on numerous factors, especially the number of input they hear.

    DOI CiNii

  • Mechanisms for VOS Sentence Production in Kaqchikel:Evidence from Animacy Effects on Choice of Word Order

    Kubo Takuya, Ono Hajime, Tanaka Mikihiro, Koizumi Masatoshi, Sakai Hiromu

    Cognitive Studies   22 ( 4 ) 591 - 603  2015  [Refereed]

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    Research on sentence production often assumes that there is a universal mechanism<br> for the sentence production. Nevertheless, languages investigated so far are typolog-<br>ically quite limited. The aim of this paper is to investigate how VOS sentences are<br> produced in Kaqchikel, a Mayan language spoken in Guatemala, examining animacy<br> effects on the choice of word order. We conducted two picture description tasks manip-<br>ulating animacy of the patient entity in the event while the agent was always human<br> being. Throughout those experiments, less VOS sentences were produced with an an-<br>imate patient than with an inanimate patient, suggesting that the similarity between<br> agent and patient, rather than the accessibility of the patient per se, affects the choice<br> of word order in Kaqchikel. Based on these results, we argue that VOS sentences are<br> produced in a way that an agent is processed first and retained in the memory until<br> the end of the sentence.

    DOI CiNii

  • Do Chinese L2 Learners of Japanese Incrementally Use Prosodic Cues in Word Recognition?: Eye-Tracking Evidence

    YIN Shuai, SATO Manami, LUO Yingyi, IGARASHI Yosuke, SAKAI Hiromu

    Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan   19 ( 3 ) 1 - 12  2015  [Refereed]

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    Previous studies have shown that prosodic information plays an important role in spoken word recognition by L2 learners (Cooper et al. 2002). However, it remains unclear exactly how and when learners use prosodic cues during the word recognition process. This study addresses the question of whether Chinese (Mandarin) learners of Japanese utilize prosodic information incrementally by investigating the patterns and timing of their use of accentual information in the course of the word recognition process. We conducted eye-tracking experiments with a visual world paradigm, using artificial Japanese words. The analysis of saccadic eye-movement patterns revealed that Chinese L2 learners can use prosodic cues incrementally in word recognition.

    DOI CiNii

  • Reference resolution in discourse with multiple knowledge representations: A view from NP-no-koto in Japanese

    Kim, Y.-J, Sakai, H

    Japanese/Korean Linguistics   21   139 - 153  2013.10  [Refereed]

  • Semantic realization of the layered TP: Evidence from the ambiguity of the sentential koto-nominal

    Hara, Y, Kim, Y.-J, Sakai, H, Tamura, S

    Japanese/Korean Linguistics   20   313 - 327  2013.07  [Refereed]

  • Temporal distance between the cause and the effect affects the reading of causality sentences: Eye-tracking evidence

    Luo, Y, Sato, M, Sakai, H

    Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Technical Report   113 ( 174 ) 139 - 144  2013.07

  • 名詞句の類似性が語順の選択に与える影響 ~ カクチケル語における検討 ~

    久保琢也, 小野 創, 田中幹大, 小泉政利, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   113 ( 174 ) 63 - 68  2013.07

  • 日本語を母語とする幼児の動詞語彙概念学習における言語的手がかり使用の発達

    坂本杏子, 佐治伸郎, 今井むつみ, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   113 ( 174 ) 45 - 50  2013.07

  • 日本語と中国語の関係節の受身文産出 ~ L1とL1,L1とL2の比較を中心に ~

    李 在鉉, 福原涼子, 金 京怡, 久保琢也, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   113 ( 174 ) 39 - 43  2013.07

  • 韓国語属格主語節の統語構造~プロソディーと文法のインターフェースからの探求~

    金 英周, 五十嵐陽介, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   113 ( 174 ) 57 - 62  2013.07

  • Projections of events and propositions in Japanese: A case study of Koto-nominalized clauses in causal relations

    Hara, Y., Kim, Y., Sakai, H., Tamura, S.

    Lingua   133   262 - 288  2013  [Refereed]



  • How do children map verbs onto subcomponents of a causative event?

    Chiu, R.S, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    The Proceedings of the Thirteenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics     243 - 262  2012.11  [Refereed]

  • 第二言語の文処理に動詞のアスペクト情報が及ぼす影響-中国語を母語とする日本語学習者を対象として-

    龍 盛艶, 中石ゆうこ, 小野 創, 酒井 弘

    Studies in Language Sciences   11   198 - 211  2012.11  [Refereed]

  • How function assignment and word order are determined: Evidence from structural priming effects in Japanese sentence production

    Deng, Y, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    In N. Miyake, D. Peebles, & R.P. Cooper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society     1488 - 1493  2012.08  [Refereed]

  • Towards a cognitive science of literary style: Perspective-taking in processing omniscient versus objective voice

    Sato, M, Sakai, H, Wu, J, Bergen, B

    In N. Miyake, D. Peebles, & R.P. Cooper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society     959 - 964  2012.08  [Refereed]

  • 文法的アスペクトの処理過程〜日本語母語話者を対象とした事象関連電位計測実験の結果から〜

    龍 盛艶, 里麻奈美, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   112 ( 145 ) 31 - 36  2012.07

  • When is the object relative clause processed easier than the subject relative clause?

    Sato, A, Kahraman, B, Sakai, H

    Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Technical Report   112 ( 145 ) 41 - 46  2012.07

  • The cognitive representation of giving and receiving verbs: Evidence from eye-tracking study

    Sato, M, Long, S.-Y, Sakai, H

    Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Technical Report   112 ( 145 ) 37 - 40  2012.07

  • 「こころの動き」を言語はどのように捉えるか-心理形容詞と心理動詞の使い分けを通して-

    小竹直子, 酒井 弘

    日中理論言語学の新展望3     145 - 167  2012.07

  • Japanese sentential nominalization and different kinds of causation

    Tamura, S, Hara, Y, Kim, Y.-J, Sakai, H

    The Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics   62   91 - 105  2012.06  [Refereed]

  • Does word order influence non-verbal event description by speakers of OS language?

    Hiromu Sakai, Takuya Kubo, Hajime Ono, Manami Sato, Masatoshi Koizumi

    Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society(CogSci)    2012

  • Effects of word order alternation on the sentence processing of Sinhalese written and spoken forms

    Tamaoka, K, Kanduboda, P. B. A, Sakai, H

    Open Journal of Modern Linguistic   1 ( 2 ) 24 - 32  2011.11  [Refereed]

  • Incremental processing of gap-filler dependencies: Evidence from the processing of subject and object clefts in Japanese

    Kahraman, B, Sato, A, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    The Proceedings of the Twelfth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics     133 - 147  2011.11  [Refereed]

  • Grammatical encoding in the production of passive sentences: Evidence from structural priming effects in Japanese

    Deng, Y, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    The Proceedings of the Twelfth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics     71 - 92  2011.11  [Refereed]

  • Word-initial prosody in the utterance of Chinese Native Speakers Learning Japanese : Through a comparison to the utterance of Japanese Native Speakers

    GUO Kanliang, SAKAI Hiromu, IGARASHI Yosuke

    IEICE technical report   111 ( 170 ) 13 - 18  2011.07

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    In the utterance of Japanese native speakers, the pitch rising is observed from the first mora to the second mora of each phonological unites. In previous research, it is argued that word-initial prosody in the utterance of Chinese native speakers learning Japanese is different from those of Japanese native speakers. In this study, we examined word-initial prosody produced by Chinese learners in detail. We found that, although Japanese native speakers' word initial prosody is influenced by syllable weight or weakening of accent, Chinese learners' word initial prosody is not influenced by these factors. This result suggests that phonetic instruction about word-initial prosody is valuable for Chinese learners of Japanese.


  • 子どもはどのように事象の切り出しを行っているのか~ 動詞意味推論における日本語児の格助詞使用からの検討~

    坂本杏子, 佐治伸郎, 今井むつみ, 酒井 弘

    技術研究報告(電子情報通信学会)   111 ( 170 ) 43 - 48  2011.07

  • 母語話者における日本語動詞活用形の処理過程~ 事象関連電位(ERP)を指標として~

    于 泉華, 鄧 瑩, 酒井 弘

    技術研究報告(電子情報通信学会)   111 ( 170 ) 37 - 42  2011.07

  • 中国語を母語とする学習者は日本語のオノマトペをどの程度使用できるのか-アニメーションを用いた産出実験を中心として-

    中石ゆうこ, 佐治伸郎, 今井むつみ, 酒井 弘

    中国語話者のための日本語教育研究, 第2号     42 - 58  2011.07  [Refereed]

  • Semantic conditions on property description sentences with Japanese psychological verbs

    Journal of Japanese grammar   11 ( 1 ) 20 - 36  2011.03  [Refereed]


  • Types of causal relations: A survey

    Tamura, S, Hara, Y, Kim, Y.-J, Sakai, H

      ( 29 ) 153 - 170  2010.12

  • Relative clauses processing before the head noun: Evidence for strong forward prediction in Turkish

    Kahraman, B, Sato, A, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    The Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics     155 - 170  2010.12  [Refereed]

  • ことばについて脳を調べてわかること・わからないこと-言語認知神経科学への招待-

    酒井 弘

    第二言語としての日本語習得研究   13   147 - 160  2010.12

  • [Research Notes] Types of causal relations: a survey

    Sanae Tamura, Yurie Hara, Youngju Kim, Hiromu Sakai

    Kyoto Universty Linguistic Research   29   1 - 26  2010.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Processing two types of ditransitive sentences in Turkish: Preliminary results from a self-paced reading study

    Kahraman, B, Sato, A, Sakai, H

    The Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Technical Report   110 ( 163 ) 37 - 42  2010.07

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    In Japanese sentence processing, Miyamoto and Takahashi (2002, 2004) showed that the [NOM>DAT>ACC] order is easier to process than the [NOM>ACC>DAT] order, and argued that the filler-gap dependencies which is driven by the case markers can explain the processing difficulty of scambled ditransitives. On the other hand, Sakai et al. (2009) showed that the animacy has also impact on the processing of ditransitives in Japanese. Yet, it is unknown whether case markers and animacy affect the processing of ditransitive sentences and their word order alternations in other languages as well. In the present study, by manipulating the animacy of DAT-noun in Turkish, we first investigated how ditransitive sentences are processed through two self-paced reading experiments. We then evaluated whether the case markers and animacy affect the processing of ditransitives and their word order alternations in Turkish. The results of Experiment 1 showed that when the DAT-noun was animate, the participants read the [NOM>DAT>ACC] order faster than that of the [NOM>ACC>DAT]. This result is consistent with Miyamoto and Takahashi's, and the filler-gap dependency can account for. On the other hand, when the DAT-noun was inanimate, the [NOM>ACC>DAT] order was read faster than the [NOM>DAT>ACC] order. This result cannot be accounted for by the case driven filler-gap dependencies. Overall, our study indicates that semantic factors such as animacy also have an impact on the processing of ditransitive sentences in Turkish.


  • 日本語における語順交替処理のタイムコース〜可逆文を用いた事象関連電位計測研究〜

    酒井 弘, 小野 創, 龍 盛艶, 鄧 瑩, 入戸野宏

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   110 ( 163 ) 67 - 69  2010.07

  • 第二言語の動詞学習における意味推論のための手がかり〜中国語を母語とする日本語学習者を対象として〜

    坂本杏子, 中石ゆうこ, 龍 盛艶, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   110 ( 163 ) 7 - 12  2010.07

  • 文理解の過程における事象タイプの認知-日本語のアスペクト情報処理を手がかりに-

    龍 盛艶, 小野 創, 酒井 弘

    認知科学   17 ( 2 ) 313 - 331  2010.06  [Refereed]

  • コトの意味の二側面-コト節とノコト名詞句の比較を中心に-

    金 英周, 酒井 弘

    Proceedings of the 30th annual meeting of Kansai Linguistic Society     132 - 142  2010.06  [Refereed]

  • Locality and incrementality in the human linguistic computation: A view from aggressively non-D-linked wh-phrases in Japanese

    Ono, H, Sakai, H

    Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of The Kansai Linguistic Society     180 - 191  2010.03  [Refereed]

  • Expectation driven by case-markers: Its effect on Japanese relative clause processing

    Sato, A, Kahraman, B, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    The Proceedings of the Tenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics     215 - 238  2009.11  [Refereed]

  • Processing Japanese subject and object relative clauses by advanced learners: Comparison with native speakers by a whole-sentence reading experiment

    Kahraman, B, Sato, A, Koide, M, Uno, M, Takemura, M, Sakai, H

    Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Technical Report   109 ( 140 ) 57 - 62  2009.07

     View Summary

    Previous studies have shown that subject relative clauses (SRCs) are easier to process than object relative clauses (ORCs) in Japanese both for native speakers and elementary learners. They argued that the results can be explained by the Structural Distance Hypothesis (SDH). In the present study, we conducted a whole-sentence reading experiment, with advanced Chinese-speaking learners (CLJ; N=21) and native speakers of Japanese (NSJ; N=24) as participants. We examined whether SDH can accurately predict the processing difficulty of SRCs and ORCs for advanced learners. Results revealed that CLJ read SRCs faster than ORCs, whereas NSJ read ORCs faster than SRCs. This indicates that SDH can predict processing difficulty even for advanced learners, but that processing difficulty might vary depending on the task type.


  • 三項述語文における語順交替に名詞句の有生性と述語タイプの及ぼす影響〜事象関連電位による探求〜

    酒井 弘, 濱田 香, チュウ ロザリン, 龍 盛艶, 鄧 瑩, 小野 創, 入戸野宏

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   109 ( 140 ) 63 - 66  2009.07

  • 文産出に名詞句の有生性と語順の及ぼす影響〜視覚世界パラダイムを用いた視線計測による研究〜

    小野加奈子, 鄧 瑩, 小野 創, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   109 ( 140 ) 39 - 44  2009.07

  • アスペクトによる漢字二字熟語のサ変複合動詞化に対する予測

    松岡知津子, 玉岡賀津雄, 酒井 弘

    語彙の意味と文法     121 - 138  2009.02

  • "数量表現による事象限定と動詞連続構造 "

    酒井 弘, 張 超, 吉村めぐみ

    語彙の意味と文法     331 - 348  2009.02

  • Rethinking Functional Parametrization: A View From Honorification in the Nominal Domain in Japanese

    Hiromu Sakai, Adrian Ivana

    English Linguistics   26 ( 2 ) 437 - 459  2009  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Research on Japanese-English comparative syntax has argued that the Japanese-type languages lack functional categories. Nevetheless, certain syntactic phenomena in Japanese have often been argued to support intricate phrase architecture with multiple layers of functional projections as assumed in the English-type languages. Faced with this apparent contradiction, this paper rethinks the role of functional categories in the theory of parameters from the viewpoint of honorification in the nominal domain in Japanese. The result shows that parametric variation between the two types of languages should be attributed to a more fine-grained difference as to how categories with lexical content are integrated into their syntactic computation. © 2009, The English Linguistic Society of Japan. All rights reserved.



  • "Processing of gapless dependency without thematic cues: A study on negative adverbs in Japanese "

    Chiu, R.S, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    The Proceedings of the Nineth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics     57 - 82  2008.11  [Refereed]

  • Syntax in a native language still continues to develop in adults: Honorification judgment in Japanese

    Kanako Momo, Hiromu Sakai, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai

    BRAIN AND LANGUAGE   107 ( 1 ) 81 - 89  2008.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Native languages (L1s) are tacitly assumed to be complete and stable in adults. Here we report an unexpected individual variation in judgment of L1 regarding Japanese sentences including honorification, and further clarify its neural basis with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). By contrasting an honorification judgment task with a spelling judgment task, the lower performance group showed more extensive activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus than did the higher performance group. Moreover, activation in the left dorsal and ventral triangular parts negatively correlated with the performance of the honorification judgment task. This modulation pattern demonstrates that cortical activations recruited for sentence processing depend on individual performances even in L1. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • 動詞語彙概念の習得における意味推論〜成人日本語母語話者の場合〜

    坂本杏子, 佐藤智照, 小竹直子, 鄧 瑩, チュウ ロザリン, 金 英周, 小野 創, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   108 ( 184 ) 23 - 28  2008.08

  • "構造的曖昧文の処理における項と付加詞の非対称性〜日本語の名詞句と副詞を比較して〜 "

    チュウ ロザリン, 小野 創, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   108 ( 184 ) 29 - 34  2008.08

  • Priming effects in Japanese passive sentence production: evidence from picture description task in dialogue

    Deng, Y, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Technical Report   108 ( 184 ) 55 - 60  2008.08

  • Processing object relative clauses in the context: Another support for the discourse function account for the processing load asymmetry

    Sato, A, Kaframan, B, Sakai, H

    Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Technical Repor   108 ( 184 ) 95 - 100  2008.08

     View Summary

    Roland et al. (2007, 2008) argued that the processing load asymmetry between object and subject relative clauses (ORCs/SRCs) arose from discourse factors rather than structural factors. According to Fox and Thompson (1991), the discourse function of ORCs is to anchor a newly introduced noun to the context. The lack of appropriate context thus makes the processing of ORCs more difficult than that of SRCs. We conducted a self-paced reading experiment using Japanese relative clauses and observed that grounding to the context resolved the processing asymmetry between ORCs and SRCs. The result thus provides another support for the discourse function account.


  • "Message planning and lexical encoding in sentence production "

    Ono, H, Sakai, H

    Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Technical Report   108 ( 184 ) 119 - 124  2008.08

  • Honorification and light verbs in Japanese

    Adrian Ivana, Hiromu Sakai

    JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN LINGUISTICS   16 ( 3 ) 171 - 191  2007.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper deals with the syntactic structure of subject-honorific and object-honorific constructions in Japanese through a detailed examination of the morphological make-up of the so-called honorific form of verbs. The main claim is that the honorific form of verbs actually consists of separate morphemes, which include honorific prefixes, verb stems, nominalisation suffixes, and light verbs. We further argue that the honorific prefix o-, which has been generally disregarded in previous literature, is a functional category which heads its own projection. The proposed analysis solves a long-standing problem in the investigation of Japanese honorific constructions, as to why honorific verbs cannot be separated from light verbs, originally pointed out by Harada (1976). Furthermore, this analysis shows how the syntactic distinction between the light verbs naru and suru leads to the meaning difference between the subject-honorific and object-honorific constructions.



  • "未解決の依存関係によって生まれる処理負荷〜日本語の否定副詞を用いて〜 "

    チュウ ロザリン, 小野 創, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   107 ( 138 ) 29 - 34  2007.08

  • "日本語の文産出における統語的プライミング効果と予測メカニズム〜能動・受動文を用いた文完成課題による検討〜 "

    鄧 瑩, 小野 創, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   107 ( 138 ) 17 - 22  2007.08

  • "関係節処理における普遍性と個別性〜日本語使役関係節の処理を通して〜 "

    佐藤 淳, カフラマン バルシュ, 小野 創, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   107 ( 138 ) 51 - 56  2007.08

  • 時間副詞と動詞アスペクトの関係が日本語の文処理過程に及ぼす影響

    龍 盛艶, 羅 薇, 鄧 瑩, 小野 創, 酒井 弘

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   107 ( 138 ) 57 - 60  2007.08

  • Word order and clause boundary insertion: Behavioral and ERP studies

    Ono, H, Tanaka, J, Sakai, H

    Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Technical Report   107 ( 138 ) 115 - 120  2007.08  [Refereed]

  • Syntactic priming effects on the processing of Japanese sentences with canonical and scrambled word order

    Tanaka, J, Tamaoka, K, Sakai, H

    Cognitive Studies   14 ( 2 ) 173 - 191  2007.06  [Refereed]


  • Syntactic priming effects in Japanese sentence comprehension

    Tanaka, J, Tamaoka, K, Sakai, H

    Sakamoto, T. (ed.), Communicating Skills of Intention, Hitsuji Shoboo, Tokyo     213 - 238  2007.02  [Refereed]

  • Predicting attachment of the light verb –suru to Japanese two-kanji compound words using four aspects

    Tamaoka, K, Matsuoka, C, Sakai, H, Makioka, S

    Glottometrics   10 ( 10 ) 73 - 81  2005.12  [Refereed]


  • 話し言葉における情報統合を支える脳機能〜fMRIによる探求〜

    酒井 弘, 宮谷真人, 田中潤一, 丸石正治, 村中 博, Fiorentino, R, Poeppel, D

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   105 ( 170 ) 13 - 16  2005.07  [Refereed]

  • Priority information used for the processing of Japanese sentences: Thematic roles, case particles or grammatical functions?

    K Tamaoka, H Sakai, J Kawahara, Y Miyaoka, H Lim, M Koizumi

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH   34 ( 3 ) 281 - 332  2005.05

     View Summary

    The present study investigated scrambling effects on the processing of Japanese sentences and priority information used among thematic roles, case particles and grammatical functions. Reaction times for correct sentence decisions were significantly prolonged for scrambled active sentences with transitive verbs in the first experiment and with ditransitive verbs in the second experiment. Errors were made with scrambled sentences more than canonical sentences in both experiments, which suggested that scrambling effects were apparent in active sentences. Passive sentences in the third experiment indicated that canonical order defined based on case particles, not thematic roles, was more quickly and accurately identified than scrambled order. Potential sentences in the fourth experiment and causative sentences in the fifth experiment indicated that the processing of scrambled sentences based on grammatical functions, but not on case particles, required longer reaction times and resulted in higher error rates than canonical sentences. Consequently, scrambling effects in the present study indicated that neither thematic roles nor case particles can provide fully-satisfactory information for canonical phrase order, and that only grammatical functions offer satisfactory information in all types of sentences.



  • Entropy and redundancy of Japanese lexical and syntactic compounds

    Tamaoka, K, Lim, H.-J, Sakai, H

    Journal of Quantitative Linguistics   11 ( 3 ) 233 - 250  2005.01  [Refereed]

  • Statistical analysis of frequency data of lexical and syntactic compound verbs taken from corpora of Japanese newspapers and novels.

    The Third Asian Conference for Lexicology.     6 - 7  2003  [Refereed]

  • Complex NP constraint and Case-conversions in Japanese

    Sakai, H

    M. Nakamura (ed.) Current Topics in English and Japanese, Hitsuji Shoboo, Tokyo    1994.09

  • Idioms in generative syntax

    Sakai, H

    京都大学言語学研究室言語学研究   ( 7 ) 1 - 20  1988.03

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • ここからはじめる言語学プラス統計分析

    小泉政利編, 分担執筆( Part: Contributor, 「第7章言語産出」)

    共立出版  2016.04

  • 思春期学

    長谷川, 寿一監修, 笠井 清登, 藤井 直敬, 福田 正人, 長谷川, 眞理子編, 分担執筆( Part: Joint author, 「言語・コミュニケーションの思春期発達」)

    東京大学出版会  2015.05

  • 認知心理学事典

    日本認知心理( Part: Joint author, 心理言語学)

    有斐閣  2013.12

  • 日本語学

    SAKAI Hiromu( Part: Sole author, 学際的研究の舞台裏)

    日本語学,第29巻 第2号  2010.02

  • 心のなかの言葉-心内辞書への招待-

    Jean Aitchison著, 宮谷真人, 酒井 弘翻訳( Part: Joint translator)

    培風館  2010.02

  • よくわかる認知科学

    乾敏郎( Part: Joint author, 文理解の仕組み(1))

    ミネルヴァ書房  2010.02

  • 言語聴覚士のための基礎知識 音声学・言語学

    今泉敏( Part: Joint author, 語彙・文法・意味)

    医学書院  2009.03

  • 知ってワクワク!ことばの学びことばの仕組み

    水町伊佐男( Part: Joint author, 「文法」と脳の働き)

    凡人社  2007.02

  • 講座日本語教育学第6巻 言語の構造と体系

    多和田眞一( Part: Joint author, 日本語と英語,言語理論と言語教育)

    スリーエーネットワーク  2006.09

  • 講座日本語教育学第3巻 言語学習の心理

    迫田久美子( Part: Joint author, 脳の働きから「ことば」を観る,言語の認知と運用の基盤)

    スリーエーネットワーク  2006.09

  • Predicate Ellipsis and Nominalization in Japanese

    Proceedings of 2000 Seoul International Conference on Language and Computation  2000

  • Predicate Ellipsis and Nominalization in Japanese

    Proceedings of 2000 Seoul International Conference on Language and Computation  2000

  • Derivational Uniformity : A Study of Syntactic Derivation in Parametric Setting.

    Ann Arbor : University Microfilms Inc.  1996

  • Derivational Uniformity : A Study of Syntactic Derivation in Parametric Setting.

    Ann Arbor : University Microfilms Inc.  1996

  • Complex NP constraint and Case-Conversions in Japanese

    Current Topics in English and Japanese, Hitsuji Shoboo  1994

  • Complex NP constraint and Case-Conversions in Japanese

    Current Topics in English and Japanese, Hitsuji Shoboo  1994

▼display all


  • Dissociating and localizing prediction in language comprehension: An MEG study on Japanese classifier-noun processing

    Sakai, H, Oseki, Y, Ito, A, Matsumoto, A, Makuuchi, M

    The 12th annual meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language 

    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • Neural correlates of inferential reasoning in evidentiality and modality: An ERP study

    Sakai, H, Hara Y, Orita N, Koshizuka N  [Invited]

    Exploring Interface #1: Grammatical Theory and Neurolinguistics 

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • Emergence of grammar in the human brain: An insight from EEG studies on Japanese classifier-noun combinations

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • A neurolinguistic investigation into semantic differences of evidentiality and modality

    Hara Y, Orita N, Koshizuka T, Sakai H

    Sinn und Bedeutung 24 Special Session on neurolinguistics approaches to semantics and pragmatics 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Prediction of orthographic information during listening comprehension,

    Ito A, Sakai H

    Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP) and The Attentive Listener in the Visual World (AttLis) 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Neurolinguistic differences between evidentiality and Modality

    Hara Y, Orita N, Koshizuka T, Sakai H

    The eighth experimental pragmatics conference 

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • Semantics of evidentiality and modality: a neurolinguistic approach

    Hara Y, Orita N, Koshizuka T, Sakai H

    The Japanese Society for Language Science 

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • 補文のタイプと主動詞ー意味計算の神経基盤を探るー

    酒井 弘, 上垣渉, 須藤靖直

    Prosody and Grammar Festa 2017 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • 話者の視線が明らかにする文産出のタイムコース

    酒井 弘  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • Time Course of Sentence Production revealed by Speakers' Eye-Movement

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    CiNet Seminar 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • Predictive processing of Japanese classifier-noun combinations: An ERP study

    Sakai H, Oseki Y, Orita N

    The 10th meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Asymmetric memory encoding for voicing contrasts across languages

    Shinohara Y, Hestvik A, Durvasula K, Sakai H

    The 8th Mismatch Negativity Conference, 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 話者の視線が解き明かす言語と思考の関係

    酒井 弘  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Cross-linguistic differences in MMN asymmetry: Voicing underspecification in Japanese

    Shinohara Y, Hestvik A, Durvasula K, Verdonschot R, Sakai H

    he 9th meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Typological variation in the time-course of sentence production: Eye-tracking studies on Kaqchikel, Spanish, and Japanese

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    Leiden Center for Linguistics Colloquium 

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • What do gaze-patterns tell us about the design of human language?: A sentence and gesture production study in Kaqchikel

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    Facultados de Psicologia Collocuium 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 実験語用論研究の展望ー言語は文脈といつ・どのように結びつけられるのか

    酒井 弘

    Prosody and Grammar Festa 2017 

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • Unconscious translation from Japanese kanji to Chinese hanzi by Chinese-Japanese bilinguals: An ERP investigation

    Wang Y, Luo Y, Momma S, Sakai H

    The 8th meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • 話者の視線を通して探る思考と言語の相関性ー日本語・スペイン語・カクチケル語における文産出実験を通してー

    酒井 弘  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 言語の認知神経科学(導入),ワークショップ「理論言語学と認知神経科学:言語理論はどうすれば脳科学実験によって確かめられるのか?」

    酒井 弘


    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • Lexical predictions and the structure of semantic memory: EEG evidence from case changes

    Momma S, Luo Y, Sakai H, Lau E, Phillips C

    29th Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • Give me several hundred more milliseconds: the temporal dynamics of verb prediction

    Momma, S, Sakai H, Phillips C

    Talk presented at the 28th annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • “He laughs because/therefore the book is funny”: The neural evidence of order processing in causal inference during reading

    Luo Y, Sato M, Ito S, Wang Y, Sakai H

    2015 annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • Experimental syntax of genitive subject in Korean and Japanese: A View from prosody-syntax interface

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    Korea Society for Language and Information Workshop on Meaning and Cognition 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • Anti-locality preference in the processing of Japanese reflexive binding

    Omaki, A, Dillon, B, Kubo, T, Sato, M, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • ERP responses to code-switching in cognate/non-cognate word recognition by Chinese-Japanese bilinguals

    Luo, Y, Jiang, C, Long, S-H, Sakai, H

    The 5th Annual Meeting of Society for the Neurobiology of Language 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • Genitive subjects in Korean and Japanese at prosody-syntax interface

    Kim, Y.-J, Sakai, H

    The 23rd Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • Real-time computation of beneficiary and perspective in social context: An eye-tracking study on Japanese give/receive auxiliary

    Sato, W, Long, S-Y, Luo, Y, Sakai, H

    Architecture and Mechanisms for Language Processing 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Effects of Similarity in the production of VOS word order in Kaqchikel

    Kubo, T, Ono, H, Tanaka, M, Koizumi, M, Sakai, H

    Architecture and Mechanisms for Language Processing 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • The language-culture interface: Studies on the correlation between eye movements and sentence/gesture production in Kaqchikel, a Mayan language spoken in Guatemala

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    The 2nd International Symposium on Signed and Spoken Language Linguistics: Word Order and Sentence Structure in Languages 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Self-recognition in socio-cultural context: Linguistic, behavioral, and neurophysiological evidence

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    Tokyo Conference on Philosophy of Psychiatry 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • An ERP Investigation into L2 Learners’ Processing of aspect information

    Long, S-Y, Sato, M, Sakai, H

    The 9th International Symposium on Bilingualism 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • Genitive subjects in Korean and Japanese: A view from prosody-syntax interface

    Sakai, H, Kim, Y.-J, Igarashi, Y  [Invited]

    The 8th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • Unfolding an event differently: An ERP study on L1 and L2 processing of grammatical aspect

    Long, S-Y, Sato, M, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • How do speakers think for speaking in a VOS language

    Kubo, T, Sato, M, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Neurocognitive mechanisms for agreement computation: A view from an ERP study on Japanese honorific processing

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    The 14th Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • OS言語から観た人間言語のデザイン-カクチケル語の文とジェスチャーの産出-

    酒井 弘


    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • Code-switching effects in word recognition of visually presented ideograms: An event-related potential study on Chinese-Japanese proficient bilinguals

    SAKAI Hiromu

    The 14th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages 

    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • Do L2 speakers of Japanese use accent information incrementally in word recognition?: An eye-tracking study using artificial-word learning paradigm

    Yin, S, Sato, M, Igarashi, Y, Sakai, H

    The 14th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages 

    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • Exclamation by overt marker for factivity: A case of sentence-final koto in Japanese

    Kim, Y-J, Sakai, H

    The 6th International Workshop on Formal Approach to Japanese Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • What do Japanese honorifics tell us about agreement processing: A neurocognitive investigation

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    The 6th International Workshop on Formal Approach to Japanese Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • Processing event in real-time

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    GLOW (Generative Linguistics in Old World) in Asia IX 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • How does animacy affect word order in a VOS language

    Kubo, T, Ono, H, Tanaka, M, Koizumi, M, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • Perception order affects message content in sentence production

    Sato M, Ostrand R, Sakai H, Bergen B

    Architecture and Mechanisms for Language Processing 2011 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Grammatical function assignment and word order determination in grammatical encoding level: Evidence from structural priming effects in Japanese sentence production

    Deng, Y, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    Architecture and Mechanisms for Language Processing 2011 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • The Linguistic cues for event mapping in L2 verb learning

    Sakamoto, K, Nakaishi, Y, Long, S-Y, Sakai, H

    Architecture and Mechanisms for Language Processing 2011 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 視線を手がかりに探る言語と状況のインタラクション

    酒井 弘  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Reference resolution in discourse with multiple knowledge space

    SAKAI Hiromu

    The 9th Workshop on Inferential Mechanisms and their Linguistic Manifestation and Kyunghee Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing 

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • Neurocognitive indices for event comprehension

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    2010 International Symposium on Language and Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • Processing Altaic ditransitive constructions in real-time

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    The 7th Altaic Formal Linguistics Workshop 

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • The time course of animacy and word order effects on sentence production: An eye-tracking study on Japanese existential sentences

    Deng, Y, Ono, K, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science 

    Presentation date: 2010.08

  • Real-Time Computation for Semantic Composition of Events: An ERP study on aspectual coercion in Japanese

    Long, S-Y, Deng, Y, Ono, H, Nittono, H, Sakai, H

    The 6th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2010.08

  • What do experimental methodologies tell us about theoretical East Asian linguistics: Introduction to the special session on experimental East Asian linguistics

    SAKAI Hiromu

    The 6th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 

    Presentation date: 2010.08

  • Does frequency of occurrence make relative clause processing easier in Japanese?

    Sato, A, Kahraman, B, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2010 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • What we cannot expect from experimental syntax

    SAKAI Hiromu

    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • Neurotypology: A view from processing of head-final languages

    SAKAI Hiromu  [Invited]

    The New Korean Association of English Language and Literature 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • Does structural priming override conceptual constraints?: A case of passive sentence production in Japanese

    Deng, Y, Ono, H, Tamaoka, K, Miyaoka, Y, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2009 

    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • Fixation out of the utterance order: A case of Japanese existential construction

    Ono, H, Ono, K, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2009 

    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • 機能範疇パラメータ化再考

    酒井 弘


    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • 大学院生を対象とした生成文法の教育

    酒井 弘


    Presentation date: 2008.05

  • Processing Japanese relative clause with local assignment of clause boundaries

    Kahraman, B, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Rethinking relative clause processing in Japanese: New evidence with causatives

    Sato, A, Ono, H, Kahraman, B, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Aspectual information in head-final languages: A case of temporal adverbs, numeral quantifiers, and predicates in Japanese

    Long, S-Y, Ono, H, Deng, Y, Luo, W, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Grammatical encoding in the production of passive sentences: Evidence from priming effects in Japanese

    Deng, Y, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Processing cost for the scrambled word order: Where and why does it emerge?

    Ono, H, Nashiwa, H, Miyatani, M, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • Resolution of left edge ambiguity in the processing of multi-clause sentences: The case of adjunct subordinate clauses in Japanese

    Sakai, H, Ono, H, Fukuda, M, Yoshimura, M

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2007 

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • Investigating the sources of cognitive cost for the processing of scrambled word order

    Ono, H, Tanaka, J, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2007 

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • Unsolved dependency and memory cost: A study of negative adverbs in Japanese

    Chiu, R, Ono, H, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2007 

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • 脳の働きから見た日本語文法脳の働きから見た日本語文法

    酒井 弘


    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • Syntactic priming effects in the processing of a head-final language

    Tanaka, J, Tamaoka, K, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2006 

    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • Mismatch of social rank features elicits syntactic positive shift: An ERP study of Japanese honorific constructions

    Sakai, H, Harada, N, Yoshimura, M, Shiraishi, M, Tanaka, J, Miyatani, M

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2006 

    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • アル・ナル・スルからみた日本語の統語構造

    酒井 弘  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2005.11

  • 敬語文と軽動詞

    酒井 弘, アドリアン イヴァナ


    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • ERP responses distinguish morphological processing from lexical memory

    Sakai, H, Shiraishi, M, Miyatani, M

    Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting 2005 

    Presentation date: 2005.04

  • Syntactic priming effects in the processing of alternating word order

    Tanaka, J, Tamaoka, K, Sakai, H

    CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2005CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2005 

    Presentation date: 2005.03

  • Processing of verb morphology is independent of lexical memory: An fMRI study

    Sakai, H, Kawahara, J, Tanaka, J, Maruishi, M, Muranaka, H, Dojyo, H

    Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting 2004 

    Presentation date: 2004.04

  • Configurationality and feature visibility

    SAKAI Hiromu

    Linguistics and Phonetics 2002 

    Presentation date: 2002.09

  • 生物言語学アプローチの可能性-古典的類型論の再考を通して-

    酒井 弘


    Presentation date: 2001.11

  • Derivational theta-marking and argument sharing

    SAKAI Hiromu

    Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics: Chinese in East Asian Context 

    Presentation date: 2001.06

  • 統語操作の類型と機能的主要部の特性

    酒井 弘


    Presentation date: 1999.05

  • The Uniformity Measure for Derivations

    SAKAI Hiromu

    Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America 1994 

    Presentation date: 1994.01

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Explorations into the Neurocognitive Basis of Symbolic Processing: Focusing on the Mediation System between Form and Meaning of Human Language

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 脳磁図と頭蓋内脳波の時間分解MVP解析による言語の形式と意味を繋ぐシステムの解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘, 西本 伸志, 井上 貴文, 田中 慶太, 大関 洋平, 松本 敦, 太田 真理, 久保田 有一, 宮本 陽一, 村田 昇, 大須 理英子

  • Compensatory contribution of linguistic and social factors for early language acquisition: Cross linguistic study between European and Asian languages

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 人工言語を用いた項省略の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    折田 奈甫, 高橋 大厚, 酒井 弘

     View Summary

    2021年は、日本語母語話者を対象に、目的語と動詞の一致(目的語に付く単複のマーカーとそれに対応する動詞接尾辞)を持つ準日本語か、目的語の数(単複)のみを表すマーカーを持つ準日本語のどちらかを学習させ、その後でそれぞれの準日本語における空項をどのように解釈するかを調査する実験を行った。結果、2通りの可能な解釈--厳密な同一性とゆるやかな同一性--のうち、厳密な同一性の解釈において有意差がみられた。目的語と動詞の一致を学習した実験参加者の方がゆるやかな同一性の解釈を容認しやすかった。この結果は、一致を学習した影響で、空項を空代名詞のように解釈している可能性を示唆し、本研究の仮説と矛盾しない。しかし、ゆるやかな同一性の解釈において2グループで差がみられなかったため、2022年度は実験刺激を改善し、日本語話者とスペイン語話者でさらに実験を進める予定である。2021年度の実験結果については、国際学会で口頭発表を行った(International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics 採択率 21.5%)。
    また、本研究が基にしている統語理論の検討として、日本語のコーパスにおける空項の分布を調査した。日本語の一人称空目的語は、その文脈中に先行詞がある場合のみ生起できると提案されている (髙橋 2020)。コーパスを用いてこの仮説を定量的に検証するため、空項の人称と先行詞の位置についてアノテーションを行った結果、一人称空目的語は他の人称や主語位置の空項と比較して顕著に頻度が低く、その先行詞の分布にも制限があることがわかった。研究者の内省によらない自然な言語データにおいても一人称空目的語は生起に制限があることが確認された。これらの結果については、国内学会でポスター発表を行った(日本言語学会第163回大会)。

  • Field-based Cognitive Neuroscientific Study of Word Order in Language and Order of Thinking from the OS Language Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • hierarchical structure building in drawing by humans, chimpanzees and monkeys

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Makuuchi Michiru

     View Summary

    We constructed a data formatting procedure to analyze the order of drawing and the time information of brush strokes in human adults, and clustered the data. A hierarchy of drawing by parts was observed in most of the drawings. We also examined the drawing data of Thai-speaking adults and found that the drawing order and hierarchical structure were almost the same. In the case of brain-injured patients, we proposed a typology by classifying the characteristics of Rey's complex figures according to which part of the figure they started drawing. In chimpanzees, we attempted to record drawing behavior using a digital pen and special paper, and in one individual, we were able to obtain digital data of the stroke. The monkeys were able to learn 1/4 point and 3/4 point, but not the middle point.

  • Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge of JSL children and its relation to academic and inference skills: From the Perspective of Cognitive Science

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Our study group has been working on research to reveal how children learn words as a system. In this project, we have examined the following points: (1) to observe how the difference of verbs in the same domain is acquired by Japanese and Chinese L1 children; (2) to observe the production of verbs in the same domains, the usage of time and space words by JSL children.
    Individual differences are found in the vocabulary knowledge of JSL children. We also found that the correct use of verbs in the same domain is difficult not only for JSL children but also even for L1 children in their younger stage. Picture cards were designed to manipulate synonyms based on our research findings and handed to the school teachers and supporters in several areas in Japan. . In 2021, we are working to develop the assessment materials “KOTOBA NO TATSUJIN”, with which school teachers and supporters can observe the Japanese skills of JSL children easily focusing on the depth of their vocabulary knowledge.

  • Seeking the onset of infant speech development: An explanation of developmental mechanisms form the perspective of Asian languages

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Why linguistic symbols should and should not be arbitrary: An integrative account from language evolution, acquisition, and brain functions.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IMAI Mutsumi

     View Summary

    Uncovering the relation between form and meaning of words is important for understanding the nature and evolution of language. Form and meaning of words are associated not only by language-specific arbitrary conventions, but also by an intrinsic link, called sound symbolism, which reflects perceived resemblance between sound and properties of referents. Does one need to be able to hear sound to detect sound symbolism? Here, we show that one does not need to. Deaf-and-Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) participants, even those with profound hearing loss, could judge the sound symbolic match between shapes and words in the same way as hearing participants do, as long as DHH participants could move their tongue freely. This indicates that they detected sound symbolism via inherent resemblance between articulatory movements and shapes. This further suggests that linguistic symbols can emerge through iconic mapping between oral gesture and sensory experience of the world.

  • なぜ言語には文法が必要なのか-脳磁図を用いた予測処理における神経律動の分析

    学術振興会  科研費 挑戦的研究(萌芽)

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • OS言語からみた「言語の語順」と「思考の順序」に関するフィールド言語心理学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小泉 政利, 安永 大地, 木山 幸子, 大塚 祐子, 遊佐 典昭, 酒井 弘, 大滝 宏一, 杉崎 鉱司, Jeong Hyeonjeong, 新国 佳祐, 玉岡 賀津雄, 伊藤 彰則, 金 情浩, 那須川 訓也, 里 麻奈美, 矢野 雅貴, 小野 創

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    また、関連する研究動向について情報収集を行うために、日本言語学会 第158回 大会(一橋大学)に参加した。

  • 脳はどのように文法を生み出すのか―東アジア言語比較認知神経科学からの探求―

    学術振興会  科研費 基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • 語用論的推論に関する比較認知神経科学的研究

    国立国語研究所  「新領域創出型」共同研究プロジェクト

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • A field-based psycholinguistic study of the discourse processing mechanisms of OS languages

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Koizumi Masatoshi

     View Summary

    This research project investigated the comprehension, production, and acquisition of OS languages such as Kaqchikel (Mayan, Guatemala) and Truku (Austronesian, Taiwan). More specifically, we examined the following: (i) Effects of word order and context on sentence processing load in natural discourse, (ii) Effects of context on word order choice in sentence production, (iii) Language acquisition, (iv) Order of thought.

  • Relationship between Silent and Filled Pauses and Syntactic Structure in Second Language Use

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Rose Ralph, WATANABE Michiko, SAKAI Hiromu, MASUDA Hinako, MONISZ Helena, VASILESCU Ioana, CANDEA Maria, MILLER Bonita

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    This project investigated the relationship between silent and filled pauses and the syntactic structure of speech. In particular, it focused on differences between the two pause types as they are realized in second language production and perception. At first, the study investigated the occurrence of pauses in a crosslinguistic speech corpus. Results show that native Japanese speakers use pauses consistently between Japanese and English: Major syntactic boundaries were more likely to be preceded by silent than filled pauses and their duration was longer than average. Secondly, the project investigated this trend psycholinguistically, showing converging results. Native and nonnative listeners to English both found silent pauses to be more reliable indicators of syntactic structure than filled pauses. Furthermore, nonnative listeners’ comprehension was facilitated by pauses. On the whole, the project finds silent pauses to be more closely related to syntactic processing of speech.

  • 事象関連電位を用いた日本語文理解研究の基盤構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    坂本 勉, 中野 陽子, 大石 衡聴, 酒井 弘, 小泉 政利, 広瀬 友紀, 玉岡 賀津雄, 時本 真吾, 荒生 弘史, 小野 創

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    本研究の目的は, 脳波の一種である事象関連脳電位(event-related potentials, ERP)を指標とした日本語文理解研究の基盤を構築することである。近年, 実証的な言語研究の進展とともにERPを用いた日本語文理解研究が盛んになってきたが, 実験刺激や解析方法が研究者間で共有されていないため, 各研究成果を比較検討することが困難であった。この問題の解決のため, 本研究は統一的な研究基準を設定し, 最終的には, いつ・どこで・誰が実験を行っても同様の結果が得られるような, 「日本語ERP実験キット」を作成する。
    本年度は九州大学でワークショップを開催し, 共同研究者らが各研究機関で行ったERPを用いた日本語文理解実験を報告し, 実験手法・分析方法・実験結果解釈時の注意点などについて基準を共有するため議論を行った。また, 統一的な実験システムを構築するために必要となる実験の具体的な内容, 進行スケジュール, および役割分担を協議した。様々な言語現象について体系的な検討を行うため, 実験で呈示する刺激のレベルによって(1)単語, (2)句, (3)文を用いる3つの副研究課題を設け, 各課題について担当研究者を決定した。そして各課題において①最適な刺激, 実験課題, 実験パラメータ(呈示時間など)の決定と, ②言語現象(例 : 名詞と動詞の間の意味的不一致)とそれに対応して得られるERP成分の特定, およびその関係(言語現象-ERP成分)の安定性の検証を行うための実験計画を協議した。その協議内容に従い, 各研究機関において課題に関連した研究知見の収集と本実験に向けたパイロット実験の実施を行った。

  • 乳児の音素獲得のメカニズムに迫る:アジアの4言語の対照研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    馬塚 れい子, 窪薗 晴夫, 酒井 弘, 川原 繁人, 宇都木 昭, 久能 三枝子

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    科研費基盤研究(S)16H06319『乳児音声発達の起源に迫る:アジアの言語から見た発達メカニズムの解明』 代表:馬塚 れい子

  • Order in Thought and Language

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Goldin-Meadow et al. (2008) examined whether word orders of speakers’ own languages influence their non-verbal behaviors by asking speakers of four languages to describe events non-verbally using gestures. They found that speakers of all four languages preferred to perform gestures in Actor-Patient-Action order. Although they argued that this reflects a natural order of event description for humans, their research is limited in languages with Subject-Object word order. In order to verify their claim, we examined Kaqchikel, employing Object-Subject (VOS) word order. In our non-verbal event description experiment, Kaqchikel native speakers described pictures of transitive events using gestures. We found predominant Actor-Patient order (86.2%) as well as Patient-Actor order (13.8%). These results revealed that event descriptions are not only governed by universal conceptual preference to Actor-Patient order but also influenced by word orders of speakers’ own languages.

  • What makes incremental processing possible in Japanese: predictive, integrative, selective use of various sources of information

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIROSE Yuki, IGARASHI Yosuke, SAKAI Hiromu, MIYAMOTO T. Edson, ONO Hajime

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    This project investigated in what way (not "whether") real-time incremental processing is possible in head final languages such as Japanese. We conducted several experiments employing various psycholinguistic method to show how information in the linguistic domain (such as selectional restrictions such as prosody) and extra-linguistic domain (such as world knowledge and referential context) play a role in predicting the upcoming structure. In the document to follow, we report selected experiments among several more.

  • Development of self regulation mechanism in metacognition and social behavior

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Fujii Naotaka, HASHIMOTO Ryuichiro, FUKUDA Masato, OKANOYA Kazuo, SAKAI Hiromu, HAGIWARA Hiroko, HOMAE Fumitaka

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    We aimed to understand neural basis of self regulation during adolescent period by implicating comparative cognitive approach in terms of metacognition and social adaptive behavior. We revealed neural mechanism of social adaptation in monkeys, developed novel method of studying metacognition in rodent, self-awareness mechanism in human, and differences of neural mechanism of social communication between patients in psychological disorders.

  • Adolescent Mind & Self-Regulation, steering committee

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kasai Kiyoto, HASEGAWA Mariko, TAKAHASHI Taiki, NISHIDA Atsushi, SASAKI Tsukasa, Fujii Naotaka, HAGIWARA Hiroko, HASHIMOTO Ryuichiro, SAKAI Hiromu, FUKUDA Masato, OKANOYA Kazuo, YAMASAKI Syudo, YAMAWAKI Shigeto, MURAI Toshiya, TANAKA Satoshi

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    The steering committee of the Adolescent Mind & Self-Regulation has consolidated our two key concepts, or “Adolescence” and “Self-regulation”, which evolved into a textbook “the Science of Adolescence (University of Tokyo Press)”. Comprehensive management for each research stages (A01-A03) has led to a great deal of trans-disciplinary achievements among humanities and sciences. A lot of cooperation works with other academic fields have resulted in establishment of the UTIDAM, an official multidisciplinary-research institute in University of Tokyo. The committee have also created an international network engaging in research for adolescence, and have got a leading position in East Asia. Outreach and public-relation to the public and adolescents have been emphasized throughout the study period.

  • A field-based cognitive neuroscientific study of the processing of OS-type languages

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOIZUMI Masatoshi, YASUGI Yoshiho, CHIGUSA Shinichi, SAKAMOTO Tsutomu, GOTO Hitoshi, YUSA Noriaki, GYOBA Jiro, SAKAI Hiromu, TAMAOKA Katsuo, SAKAI Kuniyoshi, NASUKAWA Kuniya, SUGISAKI Koji, TANAKA Mikihiro, ONO Hajime, KIM Jungho, SATO Manami, KIKUSAWA Ritsuko, KIYAMA Sachiko, OTAKI Koichi, YASUNAGA Daichi

     View Summary

    In this study, we investigated factors affecting word order preference in the comprehension and production of OS-type languages such as Kaqchikel Mayan (a language spoken in Guatemala). We found in Kaqchikel: (1) The syntactically basic word order, VOS, induces less processing load than other grammatically possible word orders in this language such as SVO; (2) Despite that, SVO is more frequently used than VOS; (3) As in SO languages such as Japanese and English, in Kaqchikel, the most natural order that the speaker imposes on events when describing and reconstructing them nonverbally (= order of thought) is "Actor-Patinet", which corresponds to SO order in language. These results, taken together, show that the primary factor that determines processing load is different from the one that determines production frequencies, which calls for a new psycholinguistic theory that is equally applicable to SO and OS-type languages.

  • Can super-advanced Japanese learners process a Japanese sentence like native Japanese speakers? – Investigation by behavioral and brain-science experiments

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAMAOKA Katsuo, MIYAOKA Yayoi, TOKIMOTO Shingo, SAKAI Hiromu, SUGIMURA Yasushi, LIM Hyunjung

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    Since super-advanced Japanese learners have achieved at the high level of Japanese proficiency, they are expected to be able to understand complex-structured sentences as in native Japanese speakers. Thus, using experiments of reaction-time paradigm and brain event-related potentials, the present study investigated how native Chinese speakers with the super-advanced Japanese proficiency process Japanese sentences. When syntactic information of verbs in sentences is shared by both languages, they could efficiently process them. However, when syntactic information of L1 Chinese differs from L2 Japanese, they process worse than information shared by two languages. Consequently, L1 syntactic information is automatically activated to interact with the processing of L2 Japanese sentences. The present study provided evidence that syntactic characteristics of L1 affect L2 sentence processing among Japanese learners even with the super-advanced level.

  • Sound symbolism bootstraps infants into referential insight

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IMAI Mutsumi, OKADA Hiroyuki, SAKAI Hiromu

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    Relating speech sound to meaning is a critical step for infants to break into language. Using EEG phase synchronization and event-related brain potentials, we show that sound symbolism helps 11-month-olds establish this link. Sound-symbolically matched shape-sound pairs (e.g., a spiky shape followed by the sound 'kipi') elicited smooth long-distance phase synchronization, suggesting effortless binding. In contrast, sound-symbolically mismatched shape-sound pairs elicited effortful communication over the left hemisphere, and increased brain potential negativity 400 ms after word onset. This suggests that infants spontaneously map speech sounds and the referent by biologically endowed multi-modal integration ability, and this ability bootstraps infants into referential insights for speech sounds and grasp the symbolic nature of words.

  • 言語の多様性と認知神経システムの可変性―東アジア言語の比較を通した解明―

    学術振興会  科研費 基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • OS型言語の文処理メカニズムに関するフィールド言語心理学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小泉 政利, 八杉 佳穂, 行場 次郎, 坂本 勉, 玉岡 賀津雄, 酒井 弘

     View Summary

    1. 先行研究を再調査し研究計画の妥当性を再検討する作業を開始した。
    2. 22年4月初旬にグアテマラを訪問し、調査対象地域の視察ならびに現地協力機関への協力依頼を行った。
    3. 4月のグアテマラ滞在中に、カクチケル語母語話者の協力を得て、22年9月に行う予備実験の刺激文を作成し、帰国後に修正を加えて、予備実験用の実験プログラムを作成した。

  • A comparative study on the acquisition of collocational expressions by native Chinese and Korean speakers learning Japanese

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAMAOKA Katsuo, MIYAOKA Yayoi, LIM Hyonjong, SAKAI Hiromu

     View Summary

    We conducted tests of general Japanese ability and collocational expressions on 2^<nd> and 3^<rd> year native Chinese speaking university students studying Japanese. Test data were analyzed by a statistic technique of structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed the causal relations of acquisition from lexical knowledge via idioms to onomatopoeia. We organized a workshop related to the SEM technique to share the results of this study with teachers and students involved in Japanese language education. A series of these collocation studies were presented at various academic conferences such as Japanese language education, second language acquisition, and Japanese language sciences. A research paper on collocational frequencies of onomatopoeias and verbs used for constructing test questions for non native Japanese learners has been accepted by a refereed journal Gengo Kenkyu published by the Japanese Linguist Society.

  • インプット・アウトプットの処理を通した言語学習の認知神経メカニズム

    学術振興会  科研費 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • 文産出時の統語構造構築に関わる脳機能の解明

    文部科学省  科研費 特定領域研究「脳の高次機能学」

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • A comprehensive study of event expressions in terms of the comparison between Chinese and Japanese

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHEN Li, KAGEYAMA Taro, MURAKI Shinjiro, TANOMURA Tadaharu, YANG Kairong, CHRISTINE Lamarre, SAKAI Hiromu, SADANOBU Toshiyuki, ZHANG Qin, MORIYAMA Takuro, HOSHI Hidehito

     View Summary

    This research has achieved the following important results, accord to our original research objectives : (1) we discovered new linguistic facts concerning the description of event expressions, (2) we constructed a theory of stative events and the comparative syntax between Chinese and Japanese causatives, (3) we carried out some psychological experiments about event expressions and published some papers, (4) We applied our theory to the development of the corpus study of events and created the data base system of 40 Chinese dialects, (5) we held research meetings about event expressions twelve times, (6) we held international conferences twice in order to publish the conference proceedings and to facilitate the academic interactions among linguists in China and Japan, (7) we already published one proceedings of the international conference held in China and we are now planning to publish four volumes of books concerning the descriptive and theoretical studies of the structure and interpretation of events. For more detailed information, see below.
    Finally, on the basis of the above achievements, we are convinced that we can promote exchange of various ideas with linguists in China, which enables us to start a new research project together.

  • A cognitive-neuroscientific study of the contextual effects on the comprehension of scrambled sentences

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOIZUMI Masatoshi, TAMAOKA Katsuo, MIHARA Ken'ichi, YUSA Noriaki, SAKAI Hiromu, SAKAI Kuniyoshi, SUGISAKI Koji

     View Summary

    Using behavioral and neuro-physiological indices, we investigated the effects of syntactic structure and information structure on human sentence comprehension. The results revealed (1) that syntactic structure and information structure exhibited main effects and interaction not only in head-initial languages such as Finnish, but also in head-final languages such as Japanese, and that these two factors are processed incrementally without waiting for the input of a verb.

  • Acquisition of Japanese Noun Phrase Order by Native Chinese, Korean and Turkish Speakers Learning the Japanese Language

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    During the period of the present research grant, we have investigated noun phrase structure and it acquisition by Chinese, Korean and Turkish native speakers learning the Japanese language. Fist, we have developed a testing measurement for Japanese lexical, grammatical, pragmatic and reading comprehension. Noun phrases are classified as a grammatical knowledge of lexical relations. Each collaborator took responsibility for each language; Sakai for Korean, Matsuhita for Chinese and Kuribayashi for Turkey. For Korean and Chinese native speakers learning Japanese, a multi-variable approach was used to examine phrasal-constructional knowledge in relation to lexical, grammatical, pragmatic and reading comprehension. Studies of noun phrases were investigated all collaborators. We have competed 13 academic research papers. Among them, 12 papers were published in refereed journals, and four papers were published in internationally-recognized journals listed in the citation report.

  • 統語的・語彙的プライミングを用いた再帰的計算能力を支える皮質構造の解明

    文部科学省  科研費 特定領域研究「脳の高次機能学」

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • 話し言葉の理解における複合語処理の認知神経機構の解明

    学術振興会  科研費 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • A Cognitive Neuroscientific Study of Argument Structure, Syntactic Structure and Canonical Word Order

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOIZUMI Masatoshi, SAKAI Hiromu, TAMAOKA Katsuo, YUSA Noriaki, SUSAKI Koji, SAKAI Kuniyoshi

     View Summary

    There are three major hypotheses regarding basic word order and syntactic structure of ditransitive constructions in Japanese. Hoji (1985) argues that the dative argument of a ditransitive verb is projected in a position higher than the accusative argument, yielding the basic order of NOM-DAT-ACC-V. The NOM-ACC-DAT-V order is derived from the NOM-DAT-ACC-V order by scrambling the accusative object to a position structurally higher than the dative object. Miyagawa (1997) advances an alternative hypothesis, according to which both the DAT-ACC and ACC-DAT orders can be base-generated without syntactic movement. Matsuoka (2003) provides a more elaborate analysis. He argues that Japanese has (at least) two types of ditransitive verbs. One type of verb, represented by miseru 'show', generates the dative object in a position higher than the accusative object, yielding the canonical DAT-ACC order, and the ACC-DAT order is derived by scrambling the accusative object. The other type of verb, represented by watasu 'pass', projects the accusative object higher than the dative object, with the ACC-DAT order being the canonical order and the DAT-ACC order derived by scrambling. In the present research project, we investigatged the basic word order and syntactic structure of constructions in Japanese from a perspective of cognitive neuroscience. Our behavioral and functional brain imaging studies provided convergent evidence for the linguistics hypothesis that Nominative-Dative-Accusative (or Agent-Goal-Theme) is the canonical order associated with a syntactic structure without scrambling.

  • 統語的プライミングを手がかりとした再帰的計算能力を支える皮質構造の解明

    文部科学省  科研費 特定領域研究「脳の高次機能学」

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • Acquisition of Japanese Word Order by Native Chinese, Korean and Turkish Speakers Learning the Japanese Language

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    In the quest for a universal cognitive sentence mechanism for L1 (the first language) and L2 (the second language) syntactic processing, Tamaoka, Sakai, Kawahara, Miyaoka, Lim and Koizumi (2005) have investigated scrambling effects on the processing of Japanese sentences and priority information used among thematic roles, case particles and grammatical functions. Reaction times were significantly prolonged for scrambled active sentences with transitive verbs and ditransitive verbs alike. Passive sentences also indicated that canonical order as defined by case particles, not thematic roles, was more quickly and accurately identified than scrambled order. Potential sentences and causative sentences further indicated that the processing of scrambled sentences based on grammatical functions, but not on case particles, required longer reaction times and resulted in higher error rates than canonical sentences. Consequently, neither thematic roles nor case particles can provide fully-satisfactory information for canonical phrase order, and only grammatical functions offer satisfactory information for all types of sentences. This study (Tamaoka et al., 2005) was a stepping stone to further investigation into L1 and L2 sentence processing, expanded to various languages with scrambling. Both the Turkish and Korean languages (manuscript in preparation) showed scrambling effects similar to those found in the Japanese language. A series of experiments using the Turkish language revealed a similar tendency found in the Japanese language. A study on the scrambling paradigm was conducted to native Chinese and Korean speakers learning Japanese which revealed scrambling effects in the L2 condition, but they displayed difficulties in potential sentences which conflict information between case particles and grammatical functions.

  • Development of VOD Contents and Networking Learning Support System for Teaching Japanese as a Second Language

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NUIBE Yoshinori, MIZUMACHI Isao, MACHI Hiromitsu, CHUJO Kazumitsu, MATSUMI Norio, SAKAI Hiromu

     View Summary

    (1)A survey research was conducted about how Japanese universities keep up with the new Japanese language teacher education curriculum by the Japanese Agency of Cultural Affairs. The results indicated that Japanese universities with teacher education programs were divided into four groups. A revised version of curriculum was presented based on the research results. (2)Educational effects, including effects on students attitude towards the class and the course material, of the eighteen lecture program of ‘introduction to Teaching Japanese as a second language' was assessed by asking students to watch the program during or after the class. Several minor modifications or addition to the program was made following the results of evaluation. The part of ‘psychology of language' was newly recorded and open to public on the web. (3)Computer assisted Japanese language learning material "Listening : Japanese lifestyle around a year" was prepared and published. (4)An experimental research was conducted as to the effective visual presentation of lecturers in VOD program ‘introduction to teaching Japanese as a second language'. (5)Results of the three year research were summarized and published as a report booklet (131 pages).

  • 動詞形態の認知処理過程を手がかりとした言語機構の構造の解明

    学術振興会  科研費 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • 言語の認知神経科学

    Project Year :


  • Cognitive Neuroscience of Langauge

    Project Year :


  • 日本語の類型論的特徴が文の認知処理過程に及ぼす影響に関する研究

    学術振興会  科研費 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    酒井 弘

  • 言語学・心理学・教育学に基づく日本語CALLコースウェアの研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    大浜 るい子, 松崎 寛, 酒井 弘, 松見 法男, 堀田 泰司, 深見 兼孝

     View Summary

    1 日本語CALL資料として、日本語学習用コースウェア、英語学習用コースウェア、その他の言語学習用コースウェア、日本語の学習に役立つホームページリンク集、CAI/CALL関連の文献(日本語)、CAI関連の文献(外国語)、CALL関連の文献(外国語)を収集整理し、下記のURLに掲載した。
    2 日本語教師ならびに日本語学習者へのニーズ調査を行った上で、日本語CALL教材を「アパート探し、契約、住む、退去」をテーマとし、ヒアリングを基本とした総合的なCALL教材とすることとし、これら4コースの基本的会話を作成し、その翻訳を完了させた。ヒントや辞書類を作成中であり、また収集する画像資料についても提言した。
    3 日本語教育におけるよりよいCALL教材とはいかなるものであるべきかについて、言語学、心理学、教育学の立場から総合的に考察し、教材作成に向けて具体的な企画や方針、材料を提示するための基礎的研究を行った。(1)言語学的検討:動詞を中心とした文の構造と意味の関係、「の」を介した名詞の接続、あいづちとターン交代の関係、音声指導のための韻律諸要素と音声の意識化の有効性について検討した。成果の一部は論文として発表された。(2)心理学的検討:言語の記憶メカニズムについての分析と実験を行った。この成果は平成13年度中国四国心理学会第57回大会(安田女子大学)にて発表の予定。(3)教育学的検討:アメリカの大学に対してCALL教材開発・利用についての実態調査を行った。

  • 日本語心理言語学

  • 日本語と東アジア諸語の文法の比較

  • 生成文法理論に基いた日本語・英語の対照研究

  • Japanese Psycholinguistics

  • Comparative Syntax of East - Asian Languages

  • A Contrastive study of Japanese and English based on Generative Grammar

▼display all


  • 韓国語慶尚道方言における属格主語構造

    金英周, 五十嵐陽介, 宇都木昭, 酒井弘

    日本言語学会第151回大会予稿集     110-115  2015.11  [Refereed]

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Computation for syntactic dependency at language-culture interface: A view from Japanese honorific processing

    Hiromu Sakai, Shengyan Long, Yingyi Luo, Manami Sato


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  


  • ERP responses to code-switching in cognate/non-cognate word recognition by Chinese-Japanese bilinguals

    Yingyi Luo, Changhao Jiang, Shengyan Long, Hiromu Sakai


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  


  • Children's comprehension of the syntactic marker : A study of Japanese case marker ga, wo

    ZHAOCHOU Akiko, LUO Yinyi, SAKAI Hiromu

    Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language   114 ( 176 ) 7 - 12  2014.08

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    In this study we investigated how Japanese children acquire the syntactic case markers in their native language, i.e., ga and wo. Particularly we focused on the question of whether the learning process of ga, wo is verb-specific or verb-general. Previous research reported that 2 years old children managed to use case marker in spontaneous speech but showed difficulties in understanding the sentences with them under laboratory circumstance, implying a verb-specific process of acquiring the knowledge of case markers (Tomasello, 2000). We therefor expected to observe: a. incapability of understanding sentences with ga and wo for children at the age of 2 years. The results showed that 2-3 years old children accomplished the forced-choice task at a chance level, suggesting that the syntactic knowledge of the case markers has not been acquired at this age. Children were able to correctly respond to the sentences with ga until 4 years old, and to the sentences with wo even later until 5 years old. From this result our data indicates that the thematic/syntactic knowledge of the case markers are likely to be acquired gradually during 4 to 5 years old on a verb-specific basis.


  • Aspect and Event Type of Japanese verbs : From the Point of View of Speakers' Event Recognition

    CHOSA Hideki, TAMURA Ayaka, SAKAI Hiromu

    Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language   114 ( 176 ) 61 - 65  2014.08

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    Although there are a lot of studies, which classify event aspects based on a verb classification, there are not so many studies, which investigate the relation between a speaker's cognitions and event aspects. In this study, by using two types verbs, [process] verbs and [result] verbs, we conducted a questionnaire study to investigate Moriyama's (1988) test method and a lexical judgment experiment were carried out. As a result, we found that two verb groups are distinguished in subject's judgments. In addition, since the reaction time of the [result] verbs was longer than the [process] one, we suggest that the difference between two verbs lead the difference in cognitive load of the subjects.


  • Do Chinese L2 learners of Japanese Incrementally Use Prosodic Cues in Word Recognition? : Eye-Tracking Evidence

    YIN Shuai, SATO Manami, LUO Yingyi, IGARASHI Yosuke, SAKAI Hiromu

    Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language   113 ( 174 ) 7 - 12  2013.08

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    Previous studies have shown that prosodic information plays an important role in spoken word recognition (Sekiguchi et al., 1999). However, it still remains unclear exactly how and when listeners use prosodic cues in the word recognition process. In addition, no study has been conducted to examine the role of prosodic information on spoken word recognition for L2 learners. This study aims to answer the questions of whether or not L2 learners utilize prosodic information incrementally by investigating exactly how and when Chinese learners of Japanese use accentual information in the course of word recognition process. We conducted eye-tracking experiments with a visual world paradigm, using artificial Japanese words. We measured eye movements of Chinese L2 learners of Japanese during a word identification task where they choose one picture out of three that corresponds to the sound stimulation.


  • How Do Children Map Verbs to Event Representations? : Case particles as Cues for Japanese Children

    SAKAMOTO Kyoko, SAJI Noburo, IMAI Mutsumi, SAKAI Hiromu

    IEICE technical report   111 ( 170 ) 43 - 48  2011.07

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    We investigate whether 5-years-old native Japanese children can effectively use case particles as a cue to map conceptual representations to novel verbs. In a novel experiment, we utilize (1) causative events that involve an Action component as well as a Causative component and (2) event descriptions that are marked by a nominative marker '-GA'. We will discuss how children use case particles as effective cues in figuring out novel-verb meanings comparing with adults mapping.


  • Grammatical Function Assignment and Word Order Determination in Japanese Sentence Production : Evidence from Structural Priming Effects in a Picture Description Task

    DENG Ying, ONO Hajime, SAKAI Hiromu

    IEICE technical report   111 ( 170 ) 25 - 30  2011.07

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    Using a structural priming paradigm, the details of sentence production model have been investigated substantially, specifically the processes in grammatical encoding level. Many studies provide evidence that the function assignment stage and the constituent assembly stage are processes separately in grammatical encoding. However, it is less known whether these two stages are interacted with each other during the production processes, and if so, how the processes are executed. In this study, we report a structural priming experiment in Japanese, in which function assignment and word order were manipulated independently and simultaneously in order to examine the processes at two stages directly. Our results revealed that priming effects patterns were different depending on whether the effects occur at function assignment stage or at constituent assembly stage.


  • Why object clefts are easier to process than subject clefts in Japanese : Frequency or expectation?

    KAHRAMAN Baris, SATO Atsushi, ONO Hajime, SAKAI Hiromu

    IEICE technical report   111 ( 170 ) 67 - 72  2011.07

     View Summary

    Previous studies have shown that both frequency and expectation for upcoming structures play an important role on sentence processing. However, it is still unclear which one of these factors has a stronger impact on sentence processing. In order to explore the possible effects of frequency and expectation; we conducted a corpus analysis in Japanese in the current study. We first calculated the distribution and transitional probabilities of subject and object clefts, and then compared them with reading time data in our previous study. The results showed the number of subject clefts was higher than object clefts, whereas transitional probability of object clefts was higher than subject clefts at the embedded verb position. The results indicate that expectation can account for the processing difficulty of clefts in Japanese, whereas the simple frequency failed to explain the processing difficulty.


  • Empathy in Mental Simulation : Can We Experience Emotional Events through Another Person's Eyes?

    SATO Manami, BERGEN Benjamin K., WU Jennifer, SAKAI Hiromu

    IEICE technical report   111 ( 170 ) 73 - 78  2011.07

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    This study explores how we understand descriptions of others' emotional states and sensorimotor behaviors. Imitating or observing others' emotional behaviors activates neural circuits similar to those activated during our own behaviors. Moreover, when we understand language, it causes the retrieval of our prior perceptual experiences, which generates mental simulation of the described scenes from specific perspectives. In this study, we investigate whether different narrative modes, which either induce empathetic feelings or depict objective appearances, affect what perspective readers adopt during sentence processing in third-person language.


  • VOS言語において有生性が語順に与える影響 ―カクチケル語における線画描写課題での検討

    久保拓也, 小野創, 田中幹大, 小泉政利, 酒井弘

    『信学技報』 (電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 TL2011)   111   19 - 24  2011  [Refereed]

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 日本語かき混ぜ文の処理と節境界の挿入.

    小野創, 田中潤一, 酒井弘

    日本言語学会第134回大会予稿集     336 - 341  2007

  • Increased processing cost due to unresolved dependency induced by Japanese negative adverbs

    CHIU Rosalynn S., ONO Hajime, SAKAI Hiromu

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 138 ) 17 - 22  2007

     View Summary

    Unresolved syntactic dependency leads to cost increase in processing. Recent studies on Japanese wh-interrogatives showed that absence of the required clause-final question particle in the earliest grammatically possible position leads to a reading time slowdown (Typing Mismatch Effect; Miyamoto & Takahashi, 2003; Aoshima, Phillips, & Weinberg, 2004). Since Japanese negative adverbs and negative predicates also form dependencies, a question arises whether a similar observation holds for processing negative adverbs. This study shows that unresolved dependency induced by Japanese negative adverbs results to a reading time slowdown as an indication of increase in processing cost.


  • Syntactic Priming Effect and Prediction Mechanism in Japanese Sentence Production : Examination using Sentence Completion Task with Active/Passive Sentences

    DENG Ying, ONO Hajime, SAKAI Hiromu

    IEICE technical report   107 ( 138 ) 29 - 34  2007

     View Summary

    The spreading-activation-based model has been proposed in previous studies investigating the syntactic priming (SP) effects in head-initial languages (e.g., English). The present study investigates the possibility of applying the same model in Japanese, a head-final language, with the use of a sentence completion task to examine the SP effects in the production of passives. Results show that the spreading-activation-based model can also be applied in Japanese. Moreover, implications to the sentence production mechanism in Japanese were scrutinized, viewing from the predictive mechanism proposed in the field of sentence processing.




    EL   21 ( 2 ) 348 - 375  2004

     View Summary

    This paper looks at the transitivity alternation phenomenon in Japanese, evinced by the verbs suru 'do' and naru 'become, ' and tries to bring empirical evidence to support the proposal that these verbs are the counterparts of the two kinds of light verbs, v and v*, proposed by Chomsky (2001). An empirical basis is given for the existence of v/v*, and the result of the analysis clarifies the similarities and differences between the clause architecture of English and Japanese. From a theoretical standpoint, the result supports the Agree mechanism proposed by Chomsky (2001).

    DOI CiNii

  • Entropy and redundancy of Japanese lexical and syntactic compound verbs

    Katsuo Tamaoka, Hyunjung Lim, Sakai Hiromu

    Journal of Quantitative Linguistics   11 ( 3 ) 233 - 250  2004

     View Summary

    The present study investigated Japanese lexical and syntactic compound verbs (V1+V2) using Shannon's concept of entropy and redundancy calculated using corpora from the Mainichi Newspaper and a collection of selected novels. Comparing combinations of a V2 verb with various V1 verbs, syntactic compounds were higher in entropy than lexical ones while neither differed in redundancy. This result suggests that V2 verbs of syntactic compounds are likely to combine with a wider range of V1 verbs than those of lexical compounds. Two exceptional V2 verbs, komu and ageru, both of which create lexical compounds, showed a wide variety of combinations with V1 and therefore act like prefixes in English. Comparing V2 verbs in the two corpora, the V2eru, which adds the meaning of "possibility" to a V1, functions like the auxiliary verb "can" in English and seems to be a favored expression in newspapers. In contrast, the V2komu, adds the meaning of "internal movement" similar to the preposition "into" in English and appears to be preferred in the novels to enrich the expression of lexical compounds. In general, both lexical and syntactic compounds were used similarly in both corpora. © Taylor &amp
    Francis Ltd.


  • 脳機能イメージングが明らかにする日本語動詞活用形の処理過程

    日本言語学会第127回大会予稿集     281 - 286  2004

  • 文処理における統語的プライミング効果

    信学技報   Vol.104 ( No. 170 ) 43 - 48  2004

  • 生物言語学の探求-古典的類型論の再考を通して-

    広島大学日本語教育研究   ( 14 ) 17 - 24  2004

  • The role of light verb projection in transitivity alternation


    English Linguistics   21 ( 2 ) 348 - 375  2004

     View Summary

    This paper looks at the transitivity alternation phenomenon in Japanese, evinced by the verbs suru 'do' and naru 'become, ' and tries to bring empirical evidence to support the proposal that these verbs are the counterparts of the two kinds of light verbs, v and v*, proposed by Chomsky (2001). An empirical basis is given for the existence of v/v*, and the result of the analysis clarifies the similarities and differences between the clause architecture of English and Japanese. From a theoretical standpoint, the result supports the Agree mechanism proposed by Chomsky (2001).

    DOI CiNii

  • Entropy and redundancy of Japanese lexical and syntactic compound verbs

    Journal of Quantitative Linguistics    2004


  • Biolinguistic exploration -A view from reconsideration of classical typology-

      ( 14 ) 17 - 24  2004

  • The effects of phrase-length order and scrambling in the processing of visually presented Japanese sentences

    K Tamaoka, H Sakai, J Kawahara, Y Miyaoka

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH   32 ( 4 ) 431 - 454  2003.07

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    The present study investigated the effects of phrase length and scrambling in the processing of Japanese sentences. Reading times of short phrases, long phrases, verbs, and whole sentences, measured by the method of self-paced reading, did not differ in terms of phrase-length order and scrambling. In addition, four types of sentences constructed on the basis of phrase-length order and scrambling did not affect duration times of correctness decision-making for sentences. However, error rates differed between canonical and scrambled sentences regardless of phrase-length order. This result implies that scrambled sentences were harder to judge as correct sentences than canonical sentences. Thus, scrambling affects the appropriate integration of information, whereas phrase-length order is simply an indication of preference and not of cognitive processing. To explain the present result, the authors propose the "configurational structure without movement," which predicts no difference in speed between the processing of canonical and scrambled sentences, apart from error rates.


  • The visibility guideline for functional categories: verb raising in Japanese and related issues

    N Fukui, H Sakai

    LINGUA   113 ( 4-6 ) 321 - 375  2003.04

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    This paper discusses the issues concerning functional categories in Japanese as they pertain to Universal Grammar. A minimalist guideline called the Visibility Guideline for Functional Categories is proposed, according to which functional categories are required to be "detectable" (directly or indirectly) in the primary linguistic data. Various candidates for functional categories in Japanese are examined in light of the Visibility Guideline. and it is concluded that none of them is qualified as an active functional category inducing formal and mechanical computations. An alternative view of the relevant phenomena in terms of "PF reanalysis" is put forth. and the analysis is extended to the case marking mechanism in Japanese. All overall picture of Japanese grammar is also suggested as the result of the discussion on functional categories: In many areas of Japanese grammar, PF and semantic mechanisms are at work in place of mechanical computations in narrow syntax. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • The visibility guideline for functional categories: verb raising in Japanese and related issues

    N Fukui, H Sakai

    LINGUA   113 ( 4-6 ) 321 - 375  2003.04

     View Summary

    This paper discusses the issues concerning functional categories in Japanese as they pertain to Universal Grammar. A minimalist guideline called the Visibility Guideline for Functional Categories is proposed, according to which functional categories are required to be "detectable" (directly or indirectly) in the primary linguistic data. Various candidates for functional categories in Japanese are examined in light of the Visibility Guideline. and it is concluded that none of them is qualified as an active functional category inducing formal and mechanical computations. An alternative view of the relevant phenomena in terms of "PF reanalysis" is put forth. and the analysis is extended to the case marking mechanism in Japanese. All overall picture of Japanese grammar is also suggested as the result of the discussion on functional categories: In many areas of Japanese grammar, PF and semantic mechanisms are at work in place of mechanical computations in narrow syntax. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • 敬語文の構造と軽動詞

    日本言語学会第126回大会予稿集    2003

  • The effects of phrase-length order and scrambling in the processing of visually-presented Japanese sentences.

    Journal of Psycholinguistic Research   32 ( 4 ) 431 - 454  2003


  • Derivational Theta-Marking and Argument Sharing

    International Association of Chinese Linguistics 10th Annual Conference(Oral Presentation)    2001

  • Review of Jeong-Seok Kim(1997)'Syntactic Focus Movement and Ellipsis : A Minimalist Approach'

    Glot International   5 ( 2 ) 67 - 73  2001

  • Derivational Theta-Marking and Argument Sharing

    International Association of Chinese Linguistics 10th Annual Conference(Oral Presentation)    2001

  • Review of Jeong-Seok Kim(1997)'Syntactic Focus Movement and Ellipsis : A Minimalist Approach'

    Glot International   5 ( 2 ) 67 - 73  2001

  • 古典的類型論と比較統語論-日本語動詞形態の分析を通して-

    京都大学言語学研究   ( 19 ) 117 - 149  2000

  • Predicate Ellipsis and Nominalization in Japanese

    Proceedings of 2000 Seoul International Conference on Language and Computation     297 - 307  2000

  • 補助動詞アル・イルと文の階層構造(共著)

    広島大学日本語教育学科紀要   ( 10 ) 79 - 86  2000

  • Predicate Ellipsis and Nominalization in Japanese

    Proceedings of 2000 Seoul International Conference on Language and Computation     297 - 307  2000

  • Linguistic Typology and Composition/Decomposition of Predicates

    第22回岡山英文学会招待講演(口頭発表)    1999

  • 統語操作の類型と機能的主要部の特性

    日本英文学会第71回大会シンポジウム第11部門「主要部をめぐる主要課題」(口頭発表)    1999

  • Linguistic Typology and Composition/Decomposition of Predicates


  • Typological Variations in Syntactic Operations and Properties of Functional Heads


  • Feature checking and morphological merger

    H Sakai

    JAPANESE/KOREAN LINGUISTICS, VOL 8   8   189 - 201  1998

  • Raising Asymmetry and Improper Movement

    Japanese/Korean Linguistics vol. 7     481 - 498  1998

  • Feature Checking and Morphological Merger.

    Japanese/Korean Linguistics Vol. 8   8   189 - 201  1998

  • Raising Asymmetry and Improper Movement

    Japanese/Korean Linguistics vol. 7     481 - 498  1998

  • Checking and Merger : Classical Typology Meets Parametric Syntax

    Proceeding of the Fourth Seoul International Conference on Linguistics     664 - 673  1997

  • Checking and Merger : Classical Typology Meets Parametric Syntax

    Proceeding of the Fourth Seoul International Conference on Linguistics     664 - 673  1997

  • Derivational Uniformity: A Study of Syntactic Derivation in Parametric Setting, 1996, University Microfilms Inc. Ann Arbor; USA, pp. 1-198.

    University Microfilms Inc. Ann Arbor; USA     1 - 198  1996

  • Clause Reduction in Japanese

    MIT Working Papers in Linguistics : Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics2   ( 29 ) 193 - 212  1996

  • 繰り上げ構文の非対称性と派生の統一性

    Kansai Linguistic Society   ( 16 ) 1 - 11  1996

  • Derivational Uniformity: A Study of Syntactic Derivation in Parametric Setting, 1996, University Microfilms Inc. Ann Arbor; USA, pp. 1-198.

    University Microfilms Inc. Ann Arbor; USA     1 - 198  1996

  • Clause Reduction in Japanese

    MIT Working Papers in Linguistics : Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics2   ( 29 ) 193 - 212  1996

  • Raising Asymmetry and Derivational Uniformity

    Kansai Linguistic Society   ( 16 ) 1 - 11  1996

  • Alignment with Place Nodes : An Analysis of Lexical Domain Distinctions in Japanese

    Proceedings of 13th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics   13   106 - 121  1995

  • Alignment with Place Nodes : An Analysis of Lexical Domain Distinctions in Japanese

    Proceedings of 13th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics   13   106 - 121  1995

  • The Uniformity Measure for Derivations

    Annual Meeting of Linguistic Society of America (oral presentation)    1994

  • Derivational Economy in Long Distance Scrambling

    Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 1, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics   ( 24 ) 295 - 314  1994

  • The Uniformity Measure for Derivations

    Annual Meeting of Linguistic Society of America (oral presentation)    1994

  • Derivational Economy in Long Distance Scrambling

    Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 1, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics   ( 24 ) 295 - 314  1994

  • 日本語の非動作主使役文 (Non-Agentive Causatives) について

    日本言語学会第100回大会 (口頭発表)    1990

  • Non-Agentive Causatives in Japanese

    Linguistic Society of Japan    1990

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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 脳磁図の時間分解多変量パタン解析による言語の形式と意味を繋ぐシステムの解明


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    人間は言語を使用するために、単語の意味と形式に関する表象を長期記憶中に貯蔵していると考えられてきた。近年の研究成果によって、これらの心内表象を大脳皮質全域に分散的に表現された神経活動として捉える試みが進行してきたが、まだどのようなタイミングで神経活動として意味と形式のそれぞれが表現されているかは、十分にわかっているとは言い難い。そこで本研究では、同一の対象物について、その名称の文字表記を読み上げる際の神経活動と、その対象物のイメージを口頭で命名をする際の神経活動を脳磁計を使用して記録し、機械学習を使用してクロスデコーディングを行った際の正答率がどのように時間的に変動するか探る解析を行った。これによって、入力モダリティから独立した単語の心内表象が、いつどのように神経活動として捉えられるかを探った。試験的な解析の結果を2023年9月に開催された思考と言語研究会(東京大学駒場キャンパス)において発表し、さらに解析アルゴリズムを改良して、10月に開催されたAnnual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language(マルセイユ:フランス)において発表を行った。2023年12月には、再び東京電機大学において改良された実験パラダイムを使用した計測実験を実施し、2024年度中の学会発表を目指して解析に取り組んでいる。

  • 神経回路の動態として捉える単語の脳内表現ー脳磁気信号の符号化・復号化を手がかりに

    2022   田中慶太, 宮永裕樹

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  • 神経活動のエンコーディング・デコーディングで辿る言語の知覚から応答への道筋

    2021   田中慶太, 塚原彰彦, 加藤隆典

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  • 脳磁気信号の解読による動的神経活動としての言語の脳内表象の解明

    2021   田中慶太, 塚原彰彦, 加藤隆典

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  • 脳磁気信号を手掛かりとした言語の脳情報デコーディング

    2020   大関洋平, 伊藤愛音, 松本敦, 幕内充, 大須理英子, 高橋裕太

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  • 脳磁図および脳表・深部電極脳波の計測による言語処理の神経メカニズムの解明

    2019   大関洋平, 幕内充

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    連携研究者である幕内充国立障害者リハビリテーションセンター研究所高次脳機能障害研究室長の協力を得て、同じく連携研究者である早稲田大学理工学術院大関洋平講師とともに、同センターの脳磁計(Electa社製)を使用して、2019年度中に言語理解時の脳磁気信号計測実験2種類(文の読解時の磁気信号計測および文の聴取時の磁気信号計測)を実施した。計測結果を現在分析中であり、2020年10月に開催予定のInternational Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Scienceにおいて発表予定である(応募申請済)。この他に、2020年9月に開催予定のSociety of Neurobiology of Language、2021年開催予定のBioMagnetism2021において研究成果を発表することを計画している。

  • 言語の予測処理メカニズムの神経基盤の解明-EEG及びfMRIを使用した多角的検討


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    視線計測を通して言語の産出過程を探る研究の成果を論文として国際学術誌(Frontiers in Psychology)に掲載するとともに、関西言語学会第43回大会等で招待講演者として発表を実施した。予測処理のEEG計測実験及びVOT知覚のEEG計測について、成果をそれぞれ国際学会(Neurobiology of Language 2018及びMismatch Negativity Conference 2018)で発表した。さらに、日本語文末モダリティー処理のEEG計測実験及び予測処理のEEG計測実験の追加データ取得も実施した。

  • 脳は文法をどのように生み出すのか-予測(prediction) メカニズムの神経基盤に注目して-

    2017   須藤靖直, 大関洋平, 篠原靖明, HESTVIK, Arild, MARANTZ, Alec, VERDONSCHOT, Rinus, DURVASULA, Karthik, 折田奈甫, 幕内充, LAI, Yao-Ying, PINANGO, Maria

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    人間の脳がどのように文法を処理し、学習するのかという謎の解明を目指して、予測(prediction)メカニズムに焦点を当てて研究を実施した。具体的には、名詞の予測可能性が文処理にどのような影響を及ぼすかを探る事象関連電位計測実験を実施し、実験の結果を第3囘坂本記念神経科学研究会で発表した。また、昨年までに実施した日本語動詞活用形の産出実験の結果は国際学会Mental Architecture for Processing and Learning of Language 2017で発表して発表論文集に論文を掲載し、日本語母語話者によるVOT知覚の事象関連電位差計測実験の結果は国際学会Neurobiology of Language 2017において発表し、論文を国際学術誌に投稿した。

  • 脳は文法をどのように生み出すのか-数量表現処理の事象関連電位計測実験を通した検討-

    2016   大関洋平, 須藤靖直, 王韻竹, LUO, Yingyi, HESTVIK, Arild, 篠原靖明

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  • 脳は文法をどのように生み出すのか


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    人間が高速かつ正確に文を処理するために重要な役割を果たす「予測」メカニズムを探る事象関連電位計測実験を実施し,語彙知識に基づく予測と文法形式に基づく予測が異なるタイミングで処理されていることを確かめた.因果推論の神基盤を探る事象関連電位計測実験を実施し,事象間の時間的順序が因果推論を制約していることを示す結果を得た.文処理の認知神経基盤に関する国際ワークショップBLIT/CELESE International Workshop onNeurocognitive Basis for Languageを開催し,各国の研究者と情報交換を実施した.

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