Updated on 2024/07/26


YAMABE, Nobuyoshi
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title
Doctor of Philosophy ( 1999 Yale University )
Master of Philosophy ( 1994 Yale University )
Master of Arts ( 1993 Yale University )
Master of Arts ( 1987 Osaka University )

Research Experience

  • 2015.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 2003.04

    Tokyo University of Agriculture   Faculty of Agriculture   Professor

  • 2002.04

    Kyushu Ryukoku Junior College   Department of Human Community   Professor

  • 2000.04

    Kyushu Ryukoku Junior College   Department of Buddhist Studies   Professor

  • 2001

    Kyushu Ryukoku Junior College   The Institute of Buddhist Culture   Director

  • 1996.04

    Kyushu Ryukoku Junior College   Department of Buddhism   Associate Professor

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Education Background


    Yale University Graduate School   Religious Studies  


    Osaka University  


    Otani University   Faculty of Letters  


    Osaka University   School of Law   Department of Law  

Committee Memberships


    The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies  Editorial Advisory Board

Professional Memberships








    国際仏教学会(The International Association of Buddhist Studies)




    アメリカアジア学会(The Association for Asian Studies)


    アメリカ東洋学会(American Oriental Society)


    アメリカ宗教学会(American Academy of Religion)





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Research Areas

  • History of arts / Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy and Buddhist philosophy


  • An Shigao as a Precursor of the Yogācāra Tradition: Preliminary Study

    Asian Culture and Thought   32   12 - 70  2024

  • 汉文禅观文献与蒙古语禅经的比较研究—基于《五门禅经要用法》《思惟略要法》和《禅秘要法经》


    西域文史   17   123 - 134  2023.06

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Did Monks Practice Meditation in Indian Rock-Cut Monasteries? and If Affirmative, Where in the Monastery?

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture   33 ( 1 ) 19 - 59  2023.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Introduction

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture   33 ( 1 ) 7 - 15  2023.06  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A Comparative Study of the Methods of Practice in the Tendai and Zen Traditions in Medieval Japan

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Proceedings of the International Conference on East Asian Buddhism   9   329 - 381  2021.02

    Authorship:Lead author

  • The Position of Conceptualization in the Context of the Yogācāra Bīja Theory

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Illuminating the Dharma: Buddhist Studies in Honour of Venerable Professor KL Dhammajoti     463 - 486  2021

  • 『成唯識論』における種子の継時的因果説・ 同時的因果説の問題について


    駒澤大學禪硏究所年報   ( 特別号 ) 349 - 377  2020.12  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Ālayavijñāna in a Meditative Context

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Mārga: Paths to Liberation in South Asian Buddhist Traditions     249 - 275  2020  [Invited]

  • A Hypothetical Reconsideration of the “Compilation” of Cheng Weishi Lun

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    From Chang’an to Nālandā: The Life and Legacy of the Chinese Buddhist Monk Xuanzang (602?–664)     6 - 78  2020  [Invited]

  • 《成唯識論》“糅譯”的假設性再探


    從長安到那爛陀:玄奘 (602?-664) 的生平與遺產     24 - 68  2020  [Invited]

  • Nine Similes of Tathāgatagarbha in Tathāgatagarbha-Sūtra and the Six Similes of Buddhānusmṛti in Guanfo Sanmei Hai Jing

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Investigating Principles: International Aspects of Buddhist Culture—Essays in Honour of Profesor Charles Willemen—     397 - 419  2019  [Invited]

  • Ālayavijñāna from a Practical Point of View

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Journal of Indian Philosophy   46 ( 2 ) 283 - 319  2018

  • 「禅定窟」再考—インド・中央アジアから敦煌にいたる「ヴィハーラ」窟の展開


    アジア仏教美術論集 中央アジアI ガンダーラ~東西トルキスタン     473 - 498  2017  [Invited]

  • On Bījāśraya: Successive Causality and Simultaneous Causality

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Śrāvakabhūmi and Buddhist Manuscripts     9 - 25  2017  [Invited]

  • 身心論の観点からみた瑜伽行派の人間観—アーラヤ識説を中心に—


    日本佛教學會年報   82   165 - 87  2017

  • A Comparison of a Buddhist Classification of Human Temperaments and Ernst Kretschmer’s Model

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Waseda RILAS Journal   5   293 - 302  2017

  • Once Again on “Dhātu-vāda”

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Critical Review for Buddhist Studies   21   9 - 43  2017

  • On the Practical Background of Alayavijnana

    山部 能宜

    東洋の思想と宗教   ( 33 ) 1 - 30  2016.03


  • 从《观无量寿经》看吐鲁番吐峪沟“摩尼教窟”之指归

    山部能宜, 杨富学译, 侯明明 译

    陕西历史博物馆论丛   23   257 - 268  2016

  • On the Interpretation of the First Proof of Alayavijnana in the Viniscayasamgrahani of the Yogacarabhumi

    山部 能宜

    インド論理学研究   8   123 - 143  2015.11


  • "An Examination of the Mural Paintings of Meditating Monks at Toyok Cave 42: In Conjunction with the Origin of Some Chinese Meditation Text

    Dunhuang Research   152   35 - 42  2015

  • A Reexamination of On Being Mindless: Possible Meditative Implications of the Eightfold Proof of Ālayavijñāna

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Buddhist Meditative Praxis: Traditional Teachings & Modern Applications     137 - 307  2015  [Invited]

  • Indian Myth Transformed in a Chinese Apocryphal Text: Two Stories on the Buddha’s Hidden Organ

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    India in the Chinese Imagination: Myth, Religion, and Thought     61 - 80  2014

  • 禅观与石窟


    东亚佛教研究4 佛教制度与实践     145 - 172  2014  [Invited]

  • 禅観経典にみられる灌頂のイメージについて


    アジアの灌頂儀礼:その成立と伝播     166 - 186  2014  [Invited]

  • Yogācāra Influence on the Northern School of Chan Buddhism

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Buddhist Meditative Traditions: Their Origin and Development     249 - 314  2014  [Invited]

  • Parallel Passages between the Manobhūmi and the *Yogācārabhūmi of Saṃgharakṣa

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: The Buddhist “Yogācārabhūmi” Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet     596 - 737  2013

  • A Comparison of the Transformation Tableaux of the Amitāyus Visualization Sūtra and of the Favor Repayment Sūtra

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Buddhist Meditation: Texts, Tradition and Practice     299 - 309  2012  [Invited]

  • Zen in Northern Kyushu

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Hakata: The Cultural Worlds of Northern Kyushu     299 - 309  2012

  • An Analysis of the Guanjing bianxiang Focusing on Дх-316: A Reconsideration of the Relationship between Art and Text

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Dunhuang Studies: Prospects and Problems for the Coming Second Century of Research     299 - 309  2012  [Invited]

  • アーラヤ識論


    シリーズ大乗仏教7 唯識と瑜伽行     95 - 125  2011  [Invited]

  • Visionary Consecration: A Meditative Reenactment of the Buddha’s Birth

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    The Birth of the Buddha: Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Lumbini, Nepal, , October 2004     239 - 276  2010  [Invited]

  • The Paths of Śrāvakas and Bodhisattvas in Meditative Practices

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Acta Asiatica   96   47 - 75  2009

  • Transformation Tableaux "Based on" the Amitayus Visualization Sutra: Their Deviations from the Text

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Kristi   1   1 - 31  2008

  • On the School Affiliation of Aśvaghoṣa: “Sautrantika” or “Yogacara”?

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies   26 ( 2 ) 225 - 249  2003

  • 共同研究 馬鳴の学派所属について--Saundaranandaと『声聞地』の比較研究(1)

    山部 能宜, 藤谷 隆之, 原田 泰教

    仏教文化   ( 12 ) 1 - 65  2002.03


  • An Examination of the Mural Paintings of Visualizing Monks in Toyok Cave 42: In Conjunction with the Origin of Some Chinese Texts on Meditation

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Turfan Revisited : The First Century of Research into the Arts and Cultures of the Silk Road    2002

  • Practice of Visualization and the Visualization Sūtra: An Examination of Mural Paintings at Toyok, Turfan

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies   3rd. ser., 4   123 - 152  2002

  • On the School-Affiliation of Asvagliosa : A Comparative Study of the Saundarananda and the Sravakabhumi, Part1 (Co-authored)

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Buddhist Culture   (12), 1-65  2002

  • Internal Desire and the External World: An Approach to Environmental Problems from a Buddhist Perspective

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    The Eastern Buddhist   33 ( 1 ) 128 - 143  2001.11

  • The Abridged Essence of Meditation and the Essence of the Meditation Manual Consisting of Five Gates

    YAMABE Nobuyoshi

    Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies   49 ( 2 ) 866 - 872  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • An Aspect of the Causality Theory in the Yogācārabhūmi : Centering on the Theory that Mind and Body Mutually Hold Each Other's Bija

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    The Journal of the Nippon Buddhist Research Association   65 ( 65 ) 127 - 146  2000


  • <A Research Note>A Passage from the Abhidharmakosabhasya Attributed to the Purvacaryas

    YAMABE Nobuyoshi

    Bulletin of Kyusyu Ryukoku Junior College   45 ( 45 ) 203 - 217  1999.03


  • The Examination of the Mural Paintings of Toyok Cave 20 in Conjunction with the Origin of the Amitayus Visualization Sutra

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Orientations   30 ( 4 ) 38 - 44  1999

  • The Significance of the "Yogalehrbuch" for the Investigation into the Origin of Chinese Meditation Texts

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Buddhist Culture   9 ( 9 ) 1 - 74  1999

  • New Fragments of the "Yogalehrbuch"

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Bulletin of Kyushu Ryukoku Junior College   43   11 - 39  1997

  • Controversy on the Origination Bija : passages in the Vivrtaguhyarthapindavyakhya Parallel to the Cheng weishi lun

    Yamabe Nobuyoshi

    Studies in Buddhism   47 ( 47 ) 93 - 112  1991.03


  • Bīja Theory in Viniścayasaṃgrahaṇī

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe



  • The Theory of the Samanantarapratyaya of the Six Pravṛttivijñānas Attributed to Nanda

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Bulletin of Institute of Buddhist Cultural Studies, Ryukoku University   ( 28 ) 26 - 31  1990

  • Material Elements as Representations of Mind in Sino-Japanese Fa-hsiang Buddhism

    Journal of the Nanto Society for Buddhist Studies   ( 63 ) 1 - 18  1989.12


  • Bīja and Vāsanā : From the Yogācarabhūmi to the Ch'êng wei-shih lun

    The Journal of the Nippon Buddhist Research Association   ( 54 ) 43 - 58  1989


  • Yogācāra Refutation of the Ātman Theories of the Sāmkhya and the Vaiśeṣika Schools

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Bulletin of Institute of Buddhist Cultural Studies, Ryukoku University   27   17 - 21  1989

  • 初期瑜伽行派に於ける界の思想について--Aksarasisutraをめぐって

    山部 能宜, Yamabe Nobuyoshi, ヤマベ ノブヨシ

    待兼山論叢   21 ( 0 ) p21 - 36  1987


  • On the Dhātu Theory of the Early Yogācāra School : Centering on the Akṣarāśisūtra

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Machikaneyama Ronso : Philosophy   21 ( 21 ) 21 - 36  1987


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Books and Other Publications

  • 中日古典学ワークショップ論集ー文献・文学・文化ー

    山部能宜( Part: Contributor, 白隠禅師の「軟蘇之法」とその背景)

    汲古書院  2024.03

  • “如是我聞”:佛教敘事範式與邏輯

    山部能宜( Part: Contributor, 敦煌的“觀經變相”: 文獻與美術之間關係的再思考)

    World Scholastic Publishers  2023.12

  • Encyclopedia of Buddhism IV-2 “History”

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe( Part: Contributor, Buddhism in Turfan)

    Brill  2023.07

  • 文獻・文學・文化:中日古典學交流與融通工作坊論集・第一卷

    山部能宜( Part: Contributor, 白隱禪師之“軟酥之法“與其背景)

    北京大學出版社  2022.08

  • The Oxford Handbook of Meditation

    ( Part: Contributor, Concentration and Visualization Techniques in Buddhist Meditation)

    Oxford University Press  2021

  • The Sutra on the Concentration of Sitting Meditation: Translated from the Chinese of Kumārajīva

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe, Fumihiko Sueki( Part: Joint translator)

    Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research  2009

  • Iwanami Buddhist Dictionary, 2nd ed.

    ( Part: Contributor)

    Iwanami Shoten  2002

  • History of Chinese;Buddhist Thoughts from the Northern Dynasties to the;Sui-Tang Periods

    ( Part: Contributor, A Study of Visionary Elements in the Brahma Net Sutra In Conjunction with Medidation Manuals and Visualization Sutras)


  • The Sutra on the Ocean-Like Samadhi of the Visualization of the Buddha : The Interfusion of the Chinese and Indian Cultures in Central Asia as Reflected in a Fifth Century Apocryphal Sūtra

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    UMI Dissertation Services  1999

  • Essays on Japanese Buddhist Culture In Honor of Dr. Tensei Kitabatake on the Occasision of his Seventieth Birthday

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe( Part: Contributor, Self and Other in the Yogācāra Tradition)


  • Buddhist Thought and History of Buddhist Culture : A Collection of Papers in Honor of Professor Watanabe Takao on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe( Part: Contributor, An Shigao as a Precursor of the Yogācāra Tradition : A Preliminary Study)


  • A Comprehensive Study of Rennyo

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe( Part: Contributor, The Impications of the "Manichean" Caves at Toyok, Turfan, for the Origin of he Guan wuliangshou jing)


  • Pruning the;Bodhi Tree;The Storm over;Critical Buddhism

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe( Part: Contributor, The Idea of Dhātu-vāda in Yogacara and Tathāgatagarbha Texts; Riposte)

    University of Hawai’i Press  1997

  • Japanese Buddhism and Culture : Papers in Honor of Professor Tensei Kitabatake on His Sixtieth Birthday

    ( Part: Contributor, On Tathatālambanapratyayabīja)


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  • 北朝後半期仏教思想史


  • Buddhist Thought in the Latter Northern-Dynasties Period


  • シルク・ロード・プロジェクト


  • Silk Road Project


  • The Silk Road Project : Reuniting Turfan's Scattered Treasures (Fieldwork in the Turfan Area)


  • 唯識論書における漢文用語の註釈的研究


  • A Study of the terminology of Chinese Yog(]E87BC[)c(]E87BC[)ra Texts


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  • 《梵文瑜伽書》對西域佛教實踐研究的意義─關注“悲”觀

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2024.06

    Event date:
  • 文献、美术和实践

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2024.06

    Event date:
  • 莫高窟第285 窟侧室再考─禅窟或影窟?

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2024.06

    Event date:
  • 禅とシルクロードー白隠の伝えた「軟蘇の法」の背景を探るー

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.12

  • アーラヤ識説と禅定実践の関係について—特に身心論の問題に着目して—

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.11

    Event date:
  • 再論吐峪溝石窟的意義

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.08

    Event date:
  • 印度僧院里的禅修、禅堂

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.08

    Event date:
  • Approaching Buddhist Caves: A Focus on the Toyok Cave Monastery

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    International Perspectives on Buddhism in East Asia: A Symposium in Honor or William Bodiford 

    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • The Possibility of Sense Perceptions in Deep Meditation: An Examination of a Passage on Meditative Experience in the Yogācārabhūmi

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    Maitreya Faith/Philosophy and Buddhist Community Service International Symposium 

    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • The Yogalehrbuch, Chapter 8, Karuṇā: Sarvāstivāda System and Visionary Images

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    The 2023 Cambridge Workshop on Meditative Visual Experience in Buddhist Traditions 

    Presentation date: 2023.04

    Event date:
  • 觀想、禪修、禪窟:山部能宜教授的學思遊歷

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.02

    Event date:
  • “Thus Have I Heard”: Patterns and Logics in Buddhist Narrative Literature

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    “Thus Have I Heard”: Patterns and Logics in Buddhist Narrative Literature 

    Presentation date: 2022.11

    Event date:
  • The Textual Relationship between the ‘Five Gates’ and the ‘Abridged Essentials’ Reexamined

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    A Celebration of Buddhist Philology: A Conference in Honor of the Legacy of Yehan Numata and BDK’s Contributions to the Study of Buddhist Texts 

    Presentation date: 2022.10

    Event date:
  • Textual Sources Relevant to the Practical Use of Buddhist Cave Monasteries

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    The XIXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 

    Presentation date: 2022.08

    Event date:
  • Mind-body Correlation, Meditation, and Ālayavijñāna

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • The Position of the Conceptualization in the Context of the Yogācāra Bīja Theory

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • 日本中古曹洞宗和天台宗的实践法对比研究

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.07

  • 阿赖耶识的实践背景

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.06

  • The Significance of Ālayavijñāna in Meditative Contexts

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    The Fifth Annual Meeting on Asian Yogācāra Studies 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

    Event date:
  • Buddhist Visualization and Caves

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    Third International Conference on Buddhist Art 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • Meditation Practice from the Point of View of Mind-Body Correlationship: Focusing on the Theory of Ālayavijñāna

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    The Eighth Meeting of the Japanese Association of Somatics & Somatic Psychology, 2021 

    Presentation date: 2021.10

    Event date:
  • 身心相関の観点からみたアーラヤ識説の実践的意義

    山部能宜  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.02

  • Chinese Buddhist Caves in Comparison with Indian Caves: Focusing on the Function of Vihāra Caves

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    Buddhist Rock Cut Architecture in Maharashtra  (India)  Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association’s Sathaye College and Pradaya Heritage Management Services

    Presentation date: 2020.05

  • The Tree Image in the Yoga Manual Reconsidered: In Comparison with a Japanese Esoteric Painting

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    Textual and Visual Sources on Buddhist Meditation: Fifty-Six Years after the First Publication of the ‘Buddhist Yoga Manual’ (‘Yogalehrbuch’)  (Heidelberg) 

    Presentation date: 2020.02

  • Do Sense Perceptions Operate in Deep Meditation?: An Examination of a Passage on Meditative Experience in Cheng weishi lun

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Response to Yogācāra Studies Consultation

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    American Academy of Religion 

    Presentation date: 2009.11

    Event date:
  • On the School Affiliation of Asvagliosa : "Santrāntika" or "Yogācāra" (Presentation)

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    The ⅩⅢth Conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 

    Presentation date: 2002

    Event date:
  • Yogācāra Influence on the Northern School of Chan Buddhism (Presentation)

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    Symposium Yogacara Buddhism in China 

    Presentation date: 2000

    Event date:
  • The Abridged Essence of Meditation and the Essence of the Meditation Manual Consisting of Five Gates

    Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies 

    Presentation date: 2000

    Event date:
  • An Aspect of the Causality theory in the Yogacārabhūmi

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Annual Meeting of the Nippon Buddhist Research Association 

    Presentation date: 1999

    Event date:
  • On the Mural Paintings of Visualizing Monks in Toyok Cares : In Conjunction with the Origin of the Second Some Apocryphal Visualization Texts (Presentation)

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    Silk Road Conference 

    Presentation date: 1997

    Event date:
  • Self and Other in the Yogācāra Tradition (Presentation)

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    Annual Meeting of International Association for Asian Philosophy and Religion 

    Presentation date: 1997

    Event date:
  • An Shigao as a Precursor of the Yogācāra Tradition : A Preliminary Study (Presentation)

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    Annual Meeting of West-Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies 

    Presentation date: 1996

    Event date:
  • On the School Affiliation of An Shigao : Sarvāstivāda and Yogācāra

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    International Institute for Asian Studies Workshop : The Works of An Shigao 

    Presentation date: 1996

    Event date:
  • Visionary Repentance and Visionary Ordination in the Fanwang jing (Presentation)

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe  [Invited]

    The Conference on Interpretation and Implementation of Vinaya in East Asian Buddhism 

    Presentation date: 1995

    Event date:
  • The Critique of "Dhātu-Vāda" in the Critical Buddhism Movement

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion 

    Presentation date: 1993

    Event date:
  • Bīja Theory in the Viniścayasaṃgrahaṇī

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies 

    Presentation date: 1989

    Event date:
  • 『瑜伽論』摂決択分に於ける種子説について(口頭発表)


    Presentation date: 1989

  • Bīja and Vāsanā : From the Yogācārabhūmi to the Ch'êng wei-shih lun

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Annual Meeting of the Nippon Buddhist Research Association 

    Presentation date: 1988

    Event date:
  • 種子の本有と新熏の問題について(口頭発表)


    Presentation date: 1988

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Research Projects

  • Comprehensive research on Meditation(Cessation and Observation) through collaboration between Buddhist studies, Psychology and Brain science

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A Comprehensive Study of Buddhist Practice through the Use of Digital Image Restoration Technology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A Comprehensive Research on the Bauddhakosa Project: Constructing a New Model for the Coming Generation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Saito Akira

     View Summary

    The objective of this research project is to take up for consideration the important scriptures and treatises that were originally composed in India, extract the definitions (or rules about their usage) of terms used in those works, and, based on them, establish standard translations in both Japanese and English. The research was executed by the effective use of XML (Extensible Markup Language).
    The three years' term of this research from April 2018 to March 2022 has seen its outcome opened to public is three books as well as Website (http://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~b_kosha/start_index.html).

  • A Study of Alayavijnana from the Point of View of the Mind-Body Interrelationship

    Project Year :


  • Comprehensive Examination of Buddhist Meditation by Means of Digital Image Restoration Technology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Yamabe Nobuyoshi

     View Summary

    In the field of art history, I have continued my study of Pure Land paintings, photographing examples that I have not studied before, and I have shed more light on the process of their transformation. I have also photographed paintings of the Ten Kings of the netherworld and a Vimalakirti painting, neither of which I have studied previously, and discovered some interesting things.
    Regarding Buddhist caves, I have examined traces of paintings of masters on the rear walls of the side cells of Dunhuang Mogao Cave 285. Although these cells have often been interpreted as “meditation cells,” in fact, they were probably memorial cells for deceased masters.
    In the area of textual studies, I have studied the similarities between the six similes of “calling the Buddha to mind” in Guanfo sanmei hai jing and the nine similes of tathagatagarbha in Tathagatagarbha-sutra. In addition, I have joined an international project for translating “A Sanskrit Yoga Manual from Qizil” into English.

  • Further Development of the Bauddhakosa: The Creation of Standard Japanese-English Glossary of the Important Buddhist Terms with Their Illustrative Sentences

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Saito Akira, Muller Charles, Wangchuk Dorji, Harrison Paul, Ye Shaoyong, He Huanhuan, Wang Junqi, Jung Sangkyo, Kelsang Tsultrim, Minowa Kenryo, Ishii Kosei, Watanabe Shogo, Sakurai Munenobu, Baba Norihisa, Niisaku Yoshiaki, Kikuya Ryuta, Nagasaki Kiyonori, Tomabechi Toru, Horiuchi Toshio, Isshiki Daigo, Choi Kyeongjin, Shimizu Hisafumi, Yang Jie, Wang Nan, Liu Chang, Shono Masanori, Kawasaki Yutaka, Nawa Ryuken, Furukawa Yohei, Okada Eisaku, Takatsukasa Yuki, Nakayama Keiki, Yokoyama Takeshi, Miyo Mai, Manabe Tomohiro, Sasaki Ryo, Sato Akira, Hayashi Keijin, Notake Miyako, Fujimoto Yosuke, Michimoto Daisei, Kuranishi Ken'ichi, Otsuka Shigetoshi, Ijuin Shiori

     View Summary

    The objective of this research project is to take up for consideration the important scriptures and treatises that were composed in India, extract the definitions (or rules about usage) of terms used in those works, and, as well as comparing these, establish standard tranalations in both Japanese and English. The research was executed by the effective use of XML (Extensive Markup Language).The three years' term of this research from 2016 to 2018 has seen its outcome opened to public in five books as well as in the Website (http://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~b_kosha/start_index.html). Among those results is The Seventy-five Elements (dharma) of Sarvastivada in the Abhidharmakosabhasya and Related Works which was published in English in 2018

  • A Comprehensive Study of Sthiramati's Thought

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKUMA Hidenori, YAMABE Nobuyoshi, DELEANU Florin, MULLER Albert, KITSUKAWA Tomoaki, MORO Shigeki, MINOURA Akio, KANO Kazuo, NEMOTO Hiroshi, HAYASHIMA Satoshi, ITO Yasuhiro

     View Summary

    This study was undertaken because discrepancies can be found between traditional accounts of Sthiramati, accepted as conventional wisdom in Buddhist studies, and the information obtained from his Sanskrit commentaries, and it started out from the premise that there may have been more than one Sthiramati. The following points were ascertained. (1) The Sanskrit commentaries on the Madhyantavibhaga, etc., attributed to Sthiramati were written by the same person, who differs, however, from the author of the commentary on the Mahayanasutralamkara surviving in Tibetan translation. (2) Sthiramati’s ideas as presented in traditional doctrine cannot be found in his Sanskrit commentaries. (3) The account of Sthiramati given in modern Buddhist studies represents an erroneous view that arose because the Sthiramati mentioned in copper-plate inscriptions from Valabhi was identified with Jianhui mentioned in the Da Tang xiyuji, but this Sthiramati differs from both of the above commentator

  • A Synthetic Study of Buddhist Ritual: Its formation and Development

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    This research project focuses upon the Buddhist ritual, especially its formation, development and transformation in the history of Buddhism in Asian countries. The research was carried out in the style of the interdisciplinary joint project consisting of several researchers of various fields: such as Indology, Buddhist studies, history, anthropology, art history, architecture, religious studies and so on. In order to realize the interdisciplinary research we set up five frameworks, i. e. kingship, representation, space, technique and human body. One of the most significant results of the project is the proceedings of the symposium about consecration ritual (abhiseka). This publication has enabled to display the general picture of this ritual all over Asian countries and to lead to the new horizon of ritual studies. As a concluding project we organized an international symposium about the relationship between rituals and the visual imagery

  • The Creation of Bauddhakosa: A Treasury of Buddhist Terms and Illustrative Sentences

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    During the five-year term of this project from 2011 to 2016, the research was executed by the effective use of XML (Extensible Markup Language). The project applies the method, which was previously established by our related project on the analysis of Sarvastivada's Seventy-five dharmas, to the other two fields, namely the corresponding dharma-systems of both Early Buddhism and Yogacara scool.The above research brought to us the following two books: The One Hundred Elements (dharma) of Yogacara in the Abhidharmasamuccaya and Pancaskandhaka, Bauddhakosa II, ed. by Akira Saito et al and Pali Terms Corresponding to the Seventy-five Elements (dharma) up to Buddhaghosa, Bauddhakosa III, ed. by Fumio Enomoto et al, both of which were published from Tokyo: Sankibo Press, 2014. Besides, Those contents, along with its more detailed data, are now widely opened in the Home-page of this project (http://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~b_kosha/html/preface_1.html)

  • A Comprehensive Research of Meditation and Visualization through Digital Restoration

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMABE Nobuyoshi

     View Summary

    (1) The paintings on the rear wall of Toyok Cave 20 are poorly preserved, but by referring to fragments kept in the State Hermitage Museum and a record of the German Turfan expedition, I have restored significant portions. In addition, through infrared photography and image processing, I have made it possible to observe to a certain extent paintings and inscriptions, which are covered with mud, on the side wall of that cave.(2) Through digital processing and (somewhat hypothetical) restoration, I have made the faded long inscription on the rear wall of Qumtura Cave 75 partly legible. By comparing its content with the paintings on the same wall, I have shown that they are tied to Esoteric visualization.(3) Through infrared photography and image processing, I have clarified images of a Guanijng bianxiang (MG. 17669) kept in the Guimet Museum. It turns out that this Guanjing bianxiang is closely tied to another Guanjing bianxiang (Дx. 316) stored in the State Hermitage Museum

  • A Study of Buddhist Visualization in Central Asia Utilizing Digital Image Restoration Technology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMABE Nobuyoshi

     View Summary

    Pictures were taken in a few caves at Toyok, Bezeklik, and Baixihar(in the Turfan area) and at Qizil, Qumtura, and Subashi(in the Kucha area). These images have been digitally processed in order to obtain clearer images of the faded paintings and inscriptions in these caves. Some illegible inscriptions have already become legible.In addition, various aspects of visualization were examined. In particular, there has been progress in the ongoing research of the transformation tableaux based on the Amitayus Visualization Sutra

  • A Study of Central Asian Paintings of Meditating Monks Using Infrared Pictures

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMABE Nobuyoshi

  • On the Development of Buddhist Visualization in Central Asia: A Comparative Study of Art and Text

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMABE Nobuyoshi

     View Summary

    1. Visionary consecration is a common image in Buddhist visualization texts. This is a mystical experience in which the meditator encounters various deities (like Brahma and Indra) in his vision and is consecrated by them. In this experience, the liquid sprinkled by these deities enters the head of the practitioner and fills his body. I believe this image originally came from the legend that the Buddha was consecrated by Brahma and Indra just after his birth. This originally legendary motif was at some point combined with the old meditative image of gratification and happiness filling the body like water, and another legendary motif of rays of light entering the head of the Buddha. Thus, the alleged experience of the Buddha was internalized and became something that the meditator could experience by himself.2. In my doctoral dissertation, I argued that the Guanfo sanmei hai jing was an apocryphal text compiled in the Turfan area in the fifth century based on prior Chinese texts. This time I tried to demonstrate the availability of those source texts in the Turfan area in that period by pointing out the existence of early manuscripts of the relevant texts found there.3. Guanjing bianxiang are paintings supposedly based on the Amitayus Visualization Sutra. However, relatively late pieces of Guanjing bianxiang in Dunhuang substantially deviate from the Amitayus Visualization Sutra. Namely, these paintings contain many objects of visualization not mentioned in the sutra, and the arrangement of the items of visualization does not agree with the system of the sutra, either. I believe both of these phenomena were caused by the misunderstanding of previous paintings of the same motif on the part of the painters. In other words, the painters based their works on their own artistic traditions and were not directly guided by any textual tradition

  • 『観仏三昧海経』-5世紀成立の疑経に反映された中央アジアにおける中国・インド両文化の交流-

    Project Year :


  • The S(]J1173[)tra on the Ocean-Like Samadhi of the Visualization of the Buddha : The Interfusion of the Chinese and Indian Cultures in Central Asia as Reflected in a Fifth Century Apocryphal S(]E87CD[)tra

    Project Year :


  • 禅定における身心相関の研究

  • 『坐禅三昧経』の英訳

  • 瑜伽行派の形成過程の研究

  • A Study of Psychosomatic Interrelationship in Zen Meditation

  • English Translation of the Zuochan sanmei jing

  • A Study of the Formative Process of the Yog(]E87BC[)c(]E87BC[)ra School

  • 観仏経典の成立史的研究

     View Summary

    本年度の主たる成果は,以下の二点である.(1) 『観仏三昧海経』 (『海経』)の中心的テーマである「観仏」の修行は,仏像を用いた観想行であったと考えられるが,このような行法を明確に説くインド文献が殆ど確認できないことが,従来の観仏経典研究の上での大きなネックであった.ところが,『大宝積経』中に編入されている「弥勤師子吼経」(「師子吼経」)には,『海経』の記述と極めて類似した観仏行が説かれている.ここで,「師子吼経」のインド成立には疑問の余地がなく,かつ本経が『海経』成立段階で漢訳されていないことは重要である.『海経』が疑経であったことを否定するのは難しいので,以上の事実は,恐らくは『海経』が中央アジアで成立したということを示唆するであろうまた,「師子吼経」の背後にはさらに『維摩経』があったものと思われ, 『維摩経』にみられるような極めて哲学的な「仏を見る」思想が,「弥靭師子吼経」を経て『海経』に見られる極めて視覚的な行へと変化していったことが伺われるのである.(2) 『海経』にみられる陰馬蔵相をめぐる四つの説話は,極めて特異なものであり,他の仏典に類例を見ないものである.これらの説話には,明らかにインド・シヴァ派のリンガ崇拝の影響が認められるが,リンガ崇拝が中国では殆ど知られていなかったことは,上述の「師子吼経」の場合と同様の問題をはらむものであり,示唆的である.さらにまた,『海経』における陰馬蔵の記述には,リンガのイメージとナーガのイメージとの混淆が見られること,中央アジアの美術表現からの影響が伺われること,漢訳仏典にみられる要素の不用意な導入が認められること,天山地域に確認される生殖器崇拝が,これらの説話の背景となっていた可能性があることなどを指摘した.これらの諸点は,『海経』が中央アジアの多文化混在状況の中から生み出されてきたものであるとする私の仮説を支持するであろう

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  • 朝河貫一の仏教論理学(因明)受講ノートについて


    朝河貫一研究会ニュース   96   3 - 7  2023.11  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Compte rendu: Giuseppe Vignato & Satomi Hiyama, with Appendices by Petra Kieffer-Pülz & Yoko Taniguchi, Traces of the Sarvāstivādins in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha, New Delhi, Dev Publishers & Distributors (Leipzig Kucha Studies 3), 2022

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient   108   395 - 399  2023.09  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • Notes on Eastern studies at home and abroad : A report on the 18th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies

    山部 能宜

    東方學   136   101 - 111  2018.07


  • 崔恩英氏の発表論文に対するコメント (第6回学術大会テーマ 東アジアにおける禅仏教の思想と意義)

    山部 能宜

    東アジア仏教学術論集 = Proceedings of the International Conference on East Asian Buddhism : 韓・中・日国際仏教学術大会論文集   ( 6 ) 32 - 35  2018.01


  • Guan Wuliangshou jing as a Visualization Sutra : Its Ties to the Silk Road

    YAMABE Nobuyoshi

    Bulletin of the Institute of Shin Buddhist culture   24   1 - 37  2015.03


  • PUBLIC LECTURE Practice of Visualization in Central Asi sakuin

    Yamabe Nobuyoshi

    駒沢大学仏教学部論集   0 ( 42 ) 1 - 29  2011.10


  • Turfan Revisited : The First Century of Research into the Arts and Cultures of the Silk Road, September 2002

    松井 太, 山部 能宜

    東方学   106   168 - 177  2003.07


  • Book Review, Hakamaya Noriaki, Essays on Conscioussness-Only Philosophy

    Journal of Religious Studies   76 ( 2 ) 579 - 587  2002.09


  • Conference Report : Yogācāra Buddhism in China, Leiden, June 8-9

    Buddhist Culture   ( 11 ) 67 - 73  2001.01


  • Introduction to Prof. HATAYA Akira, "Simple-Mindedness" as the Ground : Learning from the Buddhists Who Lived on the Ground of "Simple Mindedness"

    Buddhist Culture   ( 11 ) 67 - 73  2001

  • Book Review, Hakamaya Noriaki, Essays on Consciousness-Only Philosophy

    Chugai Nippo   (26252), 6  2001

  • Book Review : Robert Kritzer, Rebirth and Causation in the Yogācāra Abhidharma

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Buddhist Seminar   ( 72 ) 59 - 69  2000


  • Participating in the Xllth Conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (23-28 August,1999,Lausanne)(jointly authored)

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Tohogaku (Eastern Studies)   99   114 - 121  2000

  • Introduction to Prof. HATAYA Akira, Living the Final Life

    Buddhist Culture   ( 9 ) 1 - 4  1999

  • Professor Nagayama Shuichi : His Life and Scholarship

    YAMABE Nobuyoshi

    Bulletin of Kyusyu Ryukoku Junior College   44 ( 44 ) 37 - 51  1998.03


  • Book Review : The Selected Writings of Fukihara Shōshin on Buddhist Studies

    Nobuyoshi Yamabe

    Buddhist Seminar   ( 49 ) 72 - 86  1989


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Overseas Activities

  • アーラヤ識と禅定実践の研究


    アメリカ   UC Berkeley

    中国   北京大学

    台湾   国立政治大学


  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • Faculty of International Research and Education   School of International Liberal Studies

Internal Special Research Projects

  • デジタル画像復原技術を用いた仏教実践の総合的研究


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    コロナ禍の関係で新たな調査や対面での学会発表はできなかったため、既撮影の画像資料の処理と分析を進めてオンラインで発表した。従来の私の仏教美術関係の研究は、新彊の禅観僧壁画に関するものと、敦煌の観経変相に関するものが中心であったが、今回は大英博物館所蔵の維摩経変相&nbsp;Stein painting 57 を検討した。観経変相の場合、特に後期の作品には多くの写し崩れが見られ、そのため図像が経典の内容から大きく乖離していることが少なくない。Stein painting 57&nbsp;の場合、観経変相のような深刻な経典からの乖離はないが、それでも若干の写し崩れは認められ、やはり類似の製作過程を経ていたことが窺える。

  • 実践的観点からみたアーラヤ識説の総合的研究


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     本研究の眼目は,禅定実践における身心相関の重要性に着目し,アーラヤ識をその身心相関の要となるものとしてとらえ直すことにある.アーラヤ識は種子説と不可分であるから,その双方に目を配りつつ研究を進めた. アーラヤ識そのものに焦点をあてたものが,9月に日本仏教学会で行った発表であって,禅定の実践における身心の転換がアーラヤ識の転換と連関していることを論じた。 一方,種子説に焦点をあてたのが,5月に大正大学でおこなった発表と,11月にU.C. Berkeleyで行った発表である.前者では,種子をめぐる異時因果と同時因果の問題を考察し,後者では,種子説の発展において概念構想が果たした役割について検討した.&nbsp;

  • 『瑜伽師地論』「本地分」と「摂決択分」の文献学的比較研究


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     今回は『瑜伽師地論』の「本地分」から「摂決択分」に至る形成過程のなかで、どのようにして瑜伽行派固有の概念である「アーラヤ識説」が導入されたかに焦点を絞って研究を進めた。 シュミットハウゼン教授の大著Ālayavijñānaにおいて、教授は『瑜伽師地論』「本地分」の「三摩呬多地」の滅尽定に関する一節を、アーラヤ識説導入の本来の文脈を示す「最初の一節」として重視するのであるが、私は「摂決択分」冒頭のアーラヤ識説存在の八論証、特にその第一、第六、第八論証を重視して、そこで述べられるアーラヤ識による身体維持の問題と身体的感受の問題が、アーラヤ識説導入の背後にあったのではないかと考えている。私見によれば、アーラヤ識説は身心双方の基盤としてそれ等双方の状態と密接な相関関係にあり、従って禅定の実践によって身心が麁重から軽安の状態に転換するとき、その転換はアーラヤ識自体の転換に支えられているのである。