Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of International Research and Education, School of International Liberal Studies
Job title
B.A in Public Communication ( The American University )
M.S. in Mass Communication ( Boston University )
Ph.D. in Mass Media ( Michigan State University )

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   School of International Liberal Studies   Professor

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   School of International Liberal Studies   Associate Professor

  • 2012.09

    Sophia University Faculty of Liberal Arts, Department of Liberal Arts   Associate Professor

  • 2010.09

    Emerson College   Assistant Professor

  • 2005.08

    University of Georgia   Assistant Professor

Education Background

  • 2001.08

    Michigan State Univ.   College of Communication Arts & Science   Mass Media Ph.D. Program  

  • 1995.08

    Boston University   School of Communication   Mass Communication  

  • 1991.08

    The American University   School of Communication   Public Communication  

Professional Memberships

  • 2019

    International Communication Association

  • 2002

    American Academy of Advertising

  • 2002

    Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication



Research Areas

  • Commerce

Research Interests

  • Marketing Communication, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Privacy



  • The Association between Brand Trust, Familiarity and Personal Information Disclosure: A Case of Japanese Consumers

    Mariko Morimoto

    Journal of Promotion Management     1 - 30  2023.11  [Refereed]



  • The Status Quo of Japanese Consumers’ Personal Information Disclosure: the Influence of Information Control and Privacy Concerns

    Mariko Morimoto

    Journal of International Consumer Marketing     1 - 15  2022.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Consumers' information control and privacy concerns in personalised social media advertising

    Mariko Morimoto

    International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising   17 ( 3/4 ) 325 - 325  2022  [Refereed]


  • Privacy concerns about personalized advertising across multiple social media platforms in Japan: the relationship with information control and persuasion knowledge

    Mariko Morimoto

    International Journal of Advertising   40 ( 3 ) 431 - 451  2021.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Advertising Education in Japan: Challenges in the Age of Globalization

    Mariko Morimoto

    Journal of Advertising Education   23 ( 2 ) 144 - 150  2019.11

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Congruence and celebrity endorser credibility in Japanese OTC drug advertising

    Mariko Morimoto

    International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing   12   234 - 250  2018.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: Based on congruency theory, this study aims to examine the effects of celebrity endorsement on endorser credibility in Japanese over-the-counter (OTC) drug advertising using multiple celebrity categories. In particular, this research explored brand–endorser congruence and endorser–consumer congruence and their roles in attitude formation. Design/methodology/approach: A 3 (endorser categories: actor/actress, athlete and talent/TV personality) × 2 (endorser’s gender) factorial experimental design with 480 Japanese consumers was used in the study. Findings: In Japanese OTC drug advertising, actors/actresses and athletes were regarded as more credible than talents (TV personalities) by Japanese consumers. Endorser categories also had a significant influence on identification with the endorser through ideal self-congruency. Additionally, endorser credibility mediated the relationship between identification and advertising evaluations. However, it did not mediate the relationship between perceived similarity with the endorser and advertising responses. Originality/value: Little is known about the effectiveness of celebrity endorsers in OTC drug advertising from a source credibility perspective. This study attempted to shed light on the role of endorser fit in the framework of source credibility in drug advertising that usually places an emphasis on informational cues rather than peripheral cues such as source effects.



  • Information Contents in Japanese OTC Drug Advertising from Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective: Content Analysis of TV Commercials and OTC Drug Websites

    Mariko Morimoto

    Journal of Promotion Management   23 ( 4 ) 575 - 591  2017.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model, the current study investigates information types that are cross-promoted in Japanese pharmaceutical advertising. The results from a quantitative content analysis of OTC drug brands' TV commercials broadcasted in Japan between 2014 and 2015 and their corresponding product websites (n = 150) show that Japanese OTC drug promotions feature more informational cues in the latter
    cues such as price, safety, quality, components, and guarantees/warranties are particularly prominent. Furthermore, product websites tend to focus more on rational appeals, whereas TV commercials emphasize emotional appeals. No difference is found between these media types regarding celebrity and noncelebrity endorser usage.



  • Personalization, perceived intrusiveness, irritation, and avoidance in digital advertising

    Mariko Morimoto

    Digital Advertising: Theory and Research, Third Edition     110 - 123  2017.01

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Japanese consumer rights

    Mariko Morimoto

    Routledge Handbook of Japanese Business and Management     251 - 259  2016.02

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Content Characteristics of OTC Drug Advertising in Japan: A Comparison between TV Commercials and OTC Drug Websites

    Morimoto Mariko

    Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising     109 - 109  2016  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Death of the Guitar Hero, for Now: A Qualitative Consumer Behavioral Analysis of Music Instrument Customers in Japan

    Trevor Gradin, Morimoto Mariko

    Sophia International Review   37 ( 37 ) 37 - 49  2015


  • Advertising Regulation in Japan

    Mariko Morimoto

    The Global Advertising Regulation Handbook     206 - 219  2014

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Consumers’ Use of Blogs as Product Information Sources: From Need-for-Cognition Perspective

    Morimoto, Mariko, Carrie S. Trimble

    Marketing Management Journal   22 ( 2 ) 45 - 60  2012.09  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Stay away from me

    Tae Hyun Baek, Mariko Morimoto

    Journal of Advertising   41 ( 1 ) 59 - 76  2012.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study attempts to identify the potential determinants of advertising avoidance in the context of personalized advertising media, including unsolicited commercial e-mail, postal direct mail, telemarketing, and text messaging. Using a self-administered survey (n = 442), the proposed model is tested with structural equation modeling analysis. The findings indicate that while ad skepticism partially mediates the relationship between ad avoidance and its three determinants (perceived personalization, privacy concerns, and ad irritation), both privacy concerns and ad irritation have a direct positive effect on ad avoidance. However, increased perceived personalization leads directly to decreased ad avoidance. © 2012 American Academy of Advertising. All rights reserved.



  • The Influence of Acculturation and In-Group Bias on Source Credibility: The Case of Asian American Female Consumers

    Mariko Morimoto

    Journal of Promotion Management   18 ( 2 ) 254 - 274  2012.04  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Electronic Marketing Communications: An Evolving Environment, but Similar Story Regarding the Perception of Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail and Postal Direct Mail

    Susan Chang, Mariko Morimoto

    Journal of Promotion Management   17 ( 3 ) 360 - 376  2011.07  [Refereed]  [International journal]  [International coauthorship]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author



  • A Conceptual framework for unsolicited commercial e-mail: Perceived intrusiveness and privacy concerns

    Mariko Morimoto, Wendy Macias

    Journal of Internet Commerce   8   137 - 160  2009.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    While e-mail remains a popular advertising medium for marketers, consumers' privacy concerns about the medium have become a serious issue. In this study, an online survey examined how two aspects of privacy-perceived intrusiveness and psychological reactance-influenced consumers' attitudes toward unsolicited commercial e-mail and marketing in general. The results indicate that the more intrusive an individual perceives an e-mail, the stronger their reactance will be against it, the more they will avoid it, and the more negative their attitudes toward it. Implications for marketers and academics, as well as suggestions for industry regulations, are also addressed. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.



  • Western and Asian Models in Japanese Fashion Magazine Ads: The Relationship With Brand Origins and International Versus Domestic Magazines

    Mariko Morimoto, Susan Chang

    Journal of International Consumer Marketing   21 ( 3 ) 173 - 187  2009.04  [Refereed]  [International journal]  [International coauthorship]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • The Impact of Life-Stage on Asian American Females' Ethnic Media Use, Ethnic Identification, and Attitudes Toward Ads

    Carrie la Ferle, Mariko Morimoto

    Howard Journal of Communications   20   147 - 166  2009.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Significant buying power positions Asian Americans as an attractive market for advertisers. However, little is known about this group with respect to advertising responses and even less with respect to in-group differences. In this exploratory study, life-stage is identified as one of the potential factors that may differentially influence important advertising relevant variables for student and working Asian American females. The results of an experiment indicate differences between the two groups in terms of their ethnic media use, ethnic identification, and advertising evaluations. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.



  • Psychological Factors Affecting Perceptions of Unsolicited Commercial E-mail

    Mariko Morimoto, Susan Chang

    Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising   31 ( 1 ) 63 - 73  2009.03  [Refereed]  [International journal]  [International coauthorship]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Examining the influence of culture on perceived source credibility of asian americans & the mediating role of similarity

    Mariko Morimoto, Carrie La Ferle

    Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising   30   49 - 60  2008.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    The current study examines some of the cultural influences for Asian Americans on perceived model credibility. Specifically, the effects of racial congruency and ethnic identification are examined between consumers and ad stimuli as well as the role that similarity plays in the process. The findings reveal that model-consumer racial congruency is an important consideration for enhancing source credibility. However, similarity with the model in terms of values and cultural background was found to mediate the relationship. In contrast to other ethnic groups, strength of ethnic identification did not have a significant impact on Asian Americans' perceptions of source credibility. © 2008 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.



  • Considerations for Integrated Marketing Communication Education: The Need and Expectations from the Workplace

    Battle, Torise A, Mariko Morimoto, Bryan H. Reber

    Journal of Advertising Education   11 ( 2 ) 32 - 48  2007  [Refereed]

  • Consumers’ Attitudes Toward Unsolicited Commercial E-mail and Postal Direct Mail Marketing Methods

    Mariko Morimoto, Susan Chang

    Journal of Interactive Advertising   7 ( 1 ) 1 - 11  2006.09  [International journal]  [International coauthorship]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • Advertising Evaluations of Asian Americans

    Morimoto Mariko, Carrie La Ferle

    Proceedings of the 2005 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising     5 - 5  2005  [Refereed]

  • Caucasian Models in Luxury Product Advertisements: Attitudes of Japanese Female Consumers

    Carrie La Ferle, Morimoto Mariko

    Proceedings of the 2004 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising     108 - 115  2004  [Refereed]

  • Effects of media formats on emotions and impulse buying intent

    T Adelaar, S Chang, KM Lancendorfer, B Lee, M Morimoto

    JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY   18 ( 4 ) 247 - 266  2003.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    One way of generating revenue from broadband media content rests upon the assumption that multi-media content may trigger a greater intent to buy products and services impulsively. An experiment was performed in order to explore the effects of media formats on the emotions and impulse buying intentions for music compact discs (CDs). Three distinct media formats of World Wide Web pages were set up: (1) the text of the lyrics, (2) still images from the song's music video and (3) the music video itself. Each had a varying degree of visual/verbal intensity while simultaneously playing the soundtrack in all three conditions. The results of this study indicate that displaying the text of the lyrics had a greater effect on the impulse buying intent than showing still images of the music video. In addition, different media formats caused emotional responses that can explain the participant's impulse buying intent to buy the CD. Unexpectedly, the still images and video did not necessarily generate more buying intention than combinations of the text and music. Therefore, it is recommended that electronic commerce and marketing managers explore innovative ways of integrating visual and verbal media formats for eliciting an effective consumer response.



  • Representations of Asian Americans in Magazine Advertisements

    Morimoto Mariko, Carrie La Ferle

    2002 Conference Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising     138 - 147  2002  [Refereed]

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  • Cultural Influence on Online Personal Information Disclosure: A Case of Japanese Consumers

    Mariko Morimoto

    73rd annual conference of the International Communication Association  (Toronto, ON)  International Communication Association

    Presentation date: 2023.05

  • Social Media Advertising and Consumers’ Online Privacy Concerns in Japan: The Case of Personalized Advertising

    Mariko Morimoto  [Invited]

    Transforming Advertising in the New Media Landscape: Perspectives for Asia Pacific, Nanyang Technological University 

    Presentation date: 2019.05

    Event date:
  • Celebrity Endorsement in OTC Drug Advertising in Japan: The Relationship between Congruency and Perceived Endorser Credibility

    Mariko Morimoto

    2018 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

    Event date:
  • Examining Ad Appeals in Over-the-Counter Drug Advertising in Japan

    Mariko Morimoto

    Annual Conventions of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

    Event date:
  • Content Characteristics of OTC Drug Advertising in Japan: A Comparison between TV Commercials and OTC Drug Websites

    Mariko Morimoto

    2016 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

    Event date:

Research Projects

  • 健康医療アプリ受容傾向の先行要因について:信頼性とプライバシー理論からの探究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    森本 真理子

  • The theoretical advancement of the relationship between consumers' privacy paradox and self-disclosure

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • Personalized advertising and psychological reactance: An approach from privacy perspectives

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Morimoto Mariko

     View Summary

    Based on Psychological Reactance framework, the current study explored consumers’ privacy concerns and responses to personalized advertising on social media through personal interviews, an online survey and an experiment. The findings indicated that as consumers age, their online privacy concerns become intensified. Also, privacy concerns mediated the relationship between consumers’ personal information control and ad avoidance as well as perceived ad intrusiveness. Additionally, the degree of personal information used in ads and social media platform types had an interaction effect on advertising evaluations. The results have been presented at international conferences, and several manuscripts are under review for publication in international journals.

  • Celebrity Endorsers in OTC Drug Advertising in Japan: From the Source Credibility Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    MORIMOTO Mariko

     View Summary

    In this study, the effect of celebrity endorsement on perceived source credibility and brand evaluations in OTC drug advertising in Japan, as well as the current state of celebrity use, has been closely examined.
    The results indicated that OTC drug ads tended to feature more actors/actresses than athletes and“talents.” Also, among the three sub-components of perceived source credibility, attractiveness and trustworthiness were the significant influential factors on advertising and brand evaluations. While actors/actresses were regarded as relatively dissimilar, they were also considered the most identifiable category of celebrities by participants in the study.



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Academic Activities

  • Editorial Review Board, Journal of Advertising Education

    Peer review

    Journal of Advertising Education  

  • Editorial Review Board, Journal of Promotion Management

    Peer review

    Journal of Promotion Management  

  • Editorial Review Board, Journal of Interactive Advertising

    Peer review

    Journal of Interactive Advertising  

  • Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Advertising

    Peer review

    International Journal of Advertising  



  • Faculty of Commerce   School of Commerce

  • Faculty of International Research and Education   Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies