Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of International Research and Education, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Job title
PhD ( University of California at Davis )
MA ( University of California at Davis )

Research Areas

  • Economic policy

Research Interests

  • International Trade, Development Economics



  • Impacts of additional compliance requirements of regulations on the margins of trade

    Kaoru Nabeshima, Ayako Obashi, Kunhyui Kim

    Japan and the World Economy   59  2021.09

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    It is widely known that countries export less to destination countries with greater regulatory burdens. Using finely disaggregated product-level bilateral trade value and quantity data for 98 countries, together with a new data set of detailed information on technical regulations, we answer the following question: If a country faces a greater regulatory burden in a particular destination market, is that country more likely to export a narrower set of goods (the extensive margin) and lower quantities of each good at a higher price (the intensive margin)? We find that beyond the overall trade-diminishing effect, regulatory burdens adversely affect the extensive margin of trade. With respect to the intensive margin, regulatory burdens negatively affect the quantity margin but positively affect the price margin. As the negative effect on the quantity margin is relatively larger in magnitude than the positive effect on the price margin, the result is a negative net impact on the intensive margin.



  • National origin diversity and innovation performance: the case of Japan

    Byeongwoo Kang, Kaoru Nabeshima

    Scientometrics   126 ( 6 ) 5333 - 5351  2021.06

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    The debate on whether a team’s diversity influences innovation outcomes has gained attention in literature on innovation. Our study focuses on national origin among various teams’ diversity criteria. We use Japanese patent data between 2001 and 2015 to analyze inventors teams. Our analysis reveals that the inventors’ national origin diversity positively impacts the inventions’ quality measures. Furthermore, as the national origin diversity increases, its negative effects become dominant, eliciting an inverted-U-shaped effect. The results were consistent even after controlling for other research and development outcome determinants. Our findings have theoretical and practical implications for innovation policies.



  • Impact of Regulatory Burdens on International Trade

    Kaoru Nabeshima, Ayako Obashi

    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies   59  2021.03

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    In this paper, we develop the additional compliance requirement indicator (ACRI) to quantify the extra regulatory requirements that an exporter may face when serving the foreign country's market. The higher the value of ACRI, the greater the difference between the sets of technical measures in the destination and origin countries. Employing the ACRI, we estimate the impact on trade of regulatory burdens via product-level bilateral gravity equations. We find a significant negative impact of regulatory burdens on bilateral trade for a full sample, but the estimated trade effects vary across sectors and depend on the development levels of the trading countries.



  • The impacts of export competition on international technology flows

    Kaoru Nabeshima, Mila Kashcheeva, Byeongwoo Kang

    Applied Economics Letters   25 ( 15 ) 1058 - 1061  2018.09

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    Knowledge flow is a key to building technological capabilities. This article investigates how competition in international trade affects knowledge flow between countries using patent data and trade data for analysis. The main finding is that export competition in the third market (in our study, the US market) seems to have a positive impact on the flow of knowledge. The findings from this study contribute to the debate on ‘learning-by-exporting’.



  • Descriptive analysis of the knowledge network formation in East Asia

    Kaoru Nabeshima, Byeongwoo Kang, Mila Kashcheeva

    Technology in Society   47   66 - 100  2016.11

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    This paper shows descriptively how the knowledge network in East Asia has been formed. In addition, the correlation between the knowledge network and economic growth is also examined. Evidence is provided to show that plugging into the knowledge network of developed economies could be a key for increasing innovativeness in an economy.



  • The Source of Sustainable Growth in Costa Rica

    Kaoru Nabeshima, Tadashi Ito, Kiyoyasu Tanaka, Mila Kashcheeva, David Bull, Natalia S, nchez

    IDE Discussion Paper 500    2015.03

  • Innovation in Eastern Europe: A Case Study of Czech Republic

    Mila Kashcheeva, Kaoru Nabeshima

    IDE Discussion Paper 506    2015.03

  • Emergence of Asian GAPs and Its Relationship to Global G.A.P.

    Kaoru Nabeshima, Etsuyo Michida, Aya Suzuki, Vu Hoang Nam

    IDE Discussion Paper 507    2015.03

  • Avoiding the Middle Income Trap: The Impact of Indigenous Innovation Effort

    Byeongwoo Kang, Kaoru Nabeshima, Fang-Ting Cheng

    IDE Discussion Paper 509    2015.03


    Kazunobu Hayakawa, Fukunari Kimura, Kaoru Nabeshima

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS   17 ( 1 ) 113 - 137  2014.05  [Refereed]

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    The scope of recent regional trade agreements (RTAs) has become much broader than before by the inclusion of nonconventional provisions such as those on competition policy and intellectual property rights protection. This paper empirically examines the extent to which those nonconventional provisions in RTAs enhance international trade between RTA member countries by estimating a gravity equation with detailed information on the contents of RTAs. We find that the provision for competition policy has the largest effect on international trade, followed by the government procurement provision. These two provisions have significant and positive impacts on intensive margin intensive margin (trade values per variety) and extensive margin (number of varieties traded)



  • Role of Laboratories for Adapting Product-Related Environmental Regulations (PRERs)

    Sau Soon Chen, Helme bin Moh, Helan Mohd, Etsuyo Michida, Kaoru Nabeshima

    IDE Discussion Paper 452    2014.03

  • Impact on Asian Firms of Product-Related Environmental Regulations through Global Supply Chains: A Study of Firms in Malaysia

    Etsuyo Michida, Yasushi Ueki, Kaoru Nabeshima

    IDE Discussion Paper 453    2014.03

  • Estimating the Effect of Chemical Safety Standards on Firm Performance in Malaysia and Vietnam

    Tsunehiro Otsuki, Etsuyo Michida, Kaoru Nabeshima, Yasushi Ueki

    IDE Discussion Paper 455    2014.03

  • Impact of Product-Related Environmental Regulations in Asia: Descriptive Statistics from a Survey of Firms in Penang, Malaysia

    Etsuyo Michida, Yasushi Ueki, Kaoru Nabeshima

    IDE Discussion Paper 457    2014.03

  • Impact of Product-Related Environmental Regulations in Asia: Descriptive Statistics from a Survey of Firms in Vietnam

    Etsuyo Michida, Yasushi Ueki, Kaoru Nabeshima

    IDE Discussion Paper 466    2014.03

  • Food Safety Control System of Chinese Eel Export and Its Challenges

    Romio Mori, Kaoru Nabeshima, Nanae Yamada

    IDE Discussion Paper 418    2013.05

  • Impact of Product-Related Environmental Regulations/Voluntary Requirements on Thai Firms

    Nudjarin Ramungul, Etsuyo Michida, Kaoru Nabeshima

    IDE Discussion Paper 383    2013.02

  • Role of Supply Chains in Adopting Product Related Environmental Regulations: Case Studies of Vietnam

    Etsuyo Michida, Kaoru Nabeshima

    IDE Discussion Paper 343    2012.03

  • Can FDI Promote Export Diversification and Sophistication of Host Countries? Dynamic Panel System GMM Analysis

    Manabu Iwamoto, Kaoru Nabeshima

    IDE Discussion Paper 347    2012.03

  • Growth Strategies in a Greener World

    Kaoru Nabeshima

    IDE Discussion Paper 314    2011.11

  • Non-conventional Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements: Do They Enhance International Trade?

    Kazunobu Hayakawa, Fukunari Kimura, Kaoru Nabeshima

    IDE Discussion Paper 309    2011.09

  • Innovation Networks in China, Japan, and Korea: Further Evidence from U.S. Patent Data

    Kaoru Nabeshima, Kiyoyasu Tanaka

    IDE Discussion Paper 297    2011.04

  • Innovation Networks in China, Japan, and Korea: Evidence from Japanese Patent Data

    Ikuo Kuroiwa, Kaoru Nabeshima, Kiyoyasu Tanaka

    IDE Discussion Paper 285    2011.03

  • Can Malaysia Escape the Middle-Income Trap? A Strategy for Penang.

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #4971    2009.06


  • Introduction to special section on university-industry linkages: The significance of tacit knowledge and the role of intermediaries

    Fumio Kodama, Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    RESEARCH POLICY   37 ( 8 ) 1165 - 1166  2008.09  [Refereed]



  • Strengthening China's Technological Capability

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #4309    2007.11


  • Opening the ivory tower to business: university-industry linkages and the development of knowledge-intensive clusters in Asian cities

    Eric Hershberg, Kaoru Nabeshima, Shahid Yusuf

    WORLD DEVELOPMENT   35 ( 6 ) 931 - 940  2007.06  [Refereed]

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    In a globalizing environment in which the competitiveness of firms and the economic prosperity of major urban centers hinges on technological dynamism and the capacity to nurture innovation, universities have an increasingly vital role. Beyond the traditional role of teaching, leading universities in middle and lower-middle income countries are finding that the need to enlarge or build research capabilities in basic research and also in technology development is being urged upon them by governments and by firms. This collection of papers charts progress to date indicates where it might be heading and assesses the pace and direction of change. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Income and Health in Cities: the Messages from Stylized Facts

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima, Wei Ha


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    The benefits of good health to individuals and to society are strongly positive, and improving the health of the poor is a key millennium development goal (MDG). A typical health strategy advocated by some calls for increased public spending on health targeted to favor the poor backed by foreign assistance, combined with an international effort to perfect drugs and vaccines to ameliorate the major infectious diseases prevalent in developing nations. However, if the objective is better health outcomes at the least cost and a reduction in urban health inequity, our research suggests that the four most potent policy interventions are: improving access to clean water and sanitation; widely available primary care and health programs aimed at influencing diets and lifestyles; raising the level of education; and better urban land use and transport planning which contains urban sprawl and minimizes the trend towards sedentary living habits. The payoff from these four, in terms of health outcomes especially for those in low-income categories, dwarfs the returns from new drugs and curative hospital-based medicine, although these certainly have their place in a modern urban health system. We find, moreover, that the resource requirements for successful health care policies are likely to depend on an acceleration of economic growth rates, which increase household purchasing power and enlarge the pool of resources available to national and subnational governments to invest in and maintain health-related infrastructure and services. Thus, an acceleration of growth rates may be necessary to sustain a viable urban health strategy, which is equitable, and to ensure steady gains in health outcomes.



  • What Makes Cities Healthy?

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima, Wei Ha

    World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #4107    2007.01


  • Two Decades of Reform: The Changing Organization Dynamics of Chinese Industrial Firms

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #3806    2006.01


  • Japan’s Changing Industrial Landscape

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #3758    2005.10


  • Creative industries in East Asia

    S Yusuf, K Nabeshima

    CITIES   22 ( 2 ) 109 - 122  2005.04  [Refereed]

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    Throughout East Asia, the growth process and its sources are changing in a number of important respects, especially for middle and higher income economies. Growth will increasingly come from the strength of innovative activities in these economies instead of factor accumulation as in the past. Recent research suggests that such innovative activities, especially in producer services and the creative industries, are concentrated in high-tech clusters in globally linked cities. The development of such cities is influenced by ongoing structural changes and initiatives by governments and firms. This paper explores these issues and suggests how policies and institutions can induce and furnish an urban environment that supports innovative activities that in turn lead to rapid growth. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Raising the Quality of Secondary Education in East Asia

    Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #3140    2003.09


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Books and Other Publications

  • "A Snapshot of the Effects of Product-Related Environmental Regulations on Firms in Vietnam, Malaysia, and Japan." In Regulations and International Trade: New Sustainability Challenges for East Asia, Michida, Etsuyo, Humphrey, John and Nabeshima, Kaoru (eds.)

    Palgrave Macmillan  2017.09

  • "Transmission Channels of Requirements for Chemicals in Products to Firms in Vietnam." In Regulations and International Trade: New Sustainability Challenges for East Asia, Michida, Etsuyo, Humphrey, John and Nabeshima, Kaoru (eds.)

    Palgrave Macmillan  2017.09 ISBN: 9783319550404

  • "Preliminary Theoretical Model for Standard Promotion from the Perspective of Governments." In Regulations and International Trade: New Sustainability Challenges for East Asia, Michida, Etsuyo, Humphrey, John and Nabeshima, Kaoru (eds.)

    Palgrave Macmillan  2017.09 ISBN: 9783319550404

  • "A Snapshot of the Effects of Product-Related Environmental Regulations on Firms in Vietnam, Malaysia, and Japan." In Regulations and International Trade: New Sustainability Challenges for East Asia, Michida, Etsuyo, Humphrey, John and Nabeshima, Kaoru (e

    Palgrave Macmillan  2017.09 ISBN: 9783319550404

  • "Diffusion of Private Food Standards from the Europena Union to Asia." In Regulations and International Trade: New Sustainability Challenges for East Asia, Michida, Etsuyo, Humphrey, John and Nabeshima, Kaoru (eds.)

    Michida, Etsuyo, Kaoru Nabeshima

    Palgrave Macmillan  2017.09 ISBN: 9783319550404

  • "Introduction: New Sustainability Challenges for East Asia." In Regulations and International Trade: New Sustainability Challenges for East Asia, Michida, Etsuyo, Humphrey, John and Nabeshima, Kaoru (eds.)

    Michida, Etsuyo, John Humphrey, Kaoru Nabeshima

    Palgrave Macmillan  2017.09 ISBN: 9783319550404

  • Regulations and international trade : new sustainability challenges for East Asia

    2017.09 ISBN: 9783319550404

  • 「技術」(黒岩郁夫・高橋和志・山形辰文編著『テキストブック 開発経済学 [第3版]』)

    鍋嶋 郁

    有斐閣  2015.02 ISBN: 9784641184220

  • 「技術革新」(黒岩郁雄編著『東アジア統合の経済学』)

    鍋嶋 郁

    日本評論社  2014.01 ISBN: 9784535557581

  • Meeting Standards, Winning Markets: Regional Trade Standards Compliance Report East Asia 2013



  • 「新しい自由貿易圏としてのTPP:形成の論理と共同体含意」(金泰旭、金聖哲編著『ひとつのアジア共同体を目指して』)

    鍋嶋 郁

    御茶の水書房  2012.11 ISBN: 9784275010025

  • Some Small Countries Do It Better: Rapid Growth and its Causes in Singapore, Ireland, and Finland

    Yusuf, Shahid, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank  2012.02 ISBN: 9780821388464

  • アジアにおける新エネルギー政策の動向と福岡県における今後の新エネルギーの推進 : アジアの需要を視野に入れた福岡県の新エネルギー市場・産業振興のための提言

    福岡県, アジア経済研究所

    福岡県 (企画・地域振興部総合政策課);日本貿易振興機構 (ジェトロ) アジア経済研究所  2012

  • Changing the Industrial Geography in Asia: The Impact of China and India

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank  2010.09 ISBN: 9780821382400

  • Two Dragon Heads: Contrasting Development Paths for Beijing and Shanghai

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank  2010.01 ISBN: 9780821380482

  • Tiger Economies Under Threat: A Comparative Analysis of Malaysia’s Industrial Prospects and Policy Options

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank  2009.10 ISBN: 9780821378809

  • “China's Fiscal Policies for Innovation.” in Qimiao Fan, Kouqing Li, Douglas Zhihua Zeng, Yang Dong, and Runzhong Peng (eds.) Innovation for Development and the Role of Government: A Perspective from the East Asia and Pacific Region

    Shahid Ysuuf, Shuilin Wang, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank  2008.10 ISBN: 9780821376720

  • Accelerating Catch-up: Tertiary Education for Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

    World Bank

    World Bank  2008.10 ISBN: 9780821377383

  • Growing Industrial Clusters in Asia: Serendipity and Science

    Shahid Ysuuf, Kaoru Nabeshima, Shoichi Yamashia

    World Bank  2008.05 ISBN: 9780821372135

  • "Kitakyushu: Desperately Seeking Clusters," in Yusuf, Shahid, Kaoru Nabeshima, and Shoichi Yamashita (eds.), Growing Industrial Clusters in Asia, Serendipity and Science

    Kaoru Nabeshima, Shoichi Yamashita

    World Bank  2008.05 ISBN: 9780821372135

  • “Two Decades of Reform: The Changing Organization Dynamics of Chinese Industrial Firms” in John R. Logan (ed.). Urban China in Transition

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    Wiley-Blackwell  2008.01 ISBN: 9781405161466

  • “Optimizing Urban Development” in Shahid Yusuf and Tony Saich (eds.) China Urbanizes: Consequences, Strategies, and Policies.

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank  2008.01 ISBN: 9780821372111

  • "Strengthening China's Technological Capability." in Jiwei Lou and Shuilin Wang (eds.) Public Finance in China: Reform and Growth for a Harmonious Society

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank  2008.01 ISBN: 9780821369272

  • “China and India Reshape Global Industrial Geography," in Winters, L. Alan and Shahid Yusuf (eds.), Dancing With Giants: China, India, and the Global Economy. Washington, DC: World Bank.

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank  2007.01 ISBN: 9780821367490

  • How Universities Promote Economic Growth

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank  2006.12 ISBN: 9780821367513

  • Post-Industrial East Asian Cities: Innovation for Growth

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    Stanford University Press  2006.09 ISBN: 9780804756730

  • China’s Development Priorities

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    World Bank  2006.05 ISBN: 9780821365090

  • Under New Ownership: Privatizing China’s State-Owned Enterprises

    Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima, Dwight H. Perkins

    Stanford University Press  2005.11 ISBN: 9780804753906

  • Global Change and East Asian Policy Initiatives

    Shahid Yusuf, M. Anjum Altaf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    Oxford University Press  2004.07 ISBN: 9780821356203

  • Global Production Networking and Technological Change in East Asia

    Shahid Yusuf, M. Anjum Altaf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    Oxford University Press  2004.07 ISBN: 9780821356180

  • “Technology Transfer in East Asia: A Survey” in Shahid Yusuf, M. Anjum Altaf, and Kaoru Nabeshima (eds.). Global Production Networking and Technological Change in East Asia.

    Shahid Yusuf, M. Anjum Altaf, Kaoru Nabeshima

    Oxford University Press  2004.07 ISBN: 9780821356180

  • Innovative East Asia: The Future of Growth

    Shahid Yusuf, M. Anjum Altaf, Barry Eichengreen, Sudarshan Gooptu, Kaoru Nabeshima, Charles Kenny, Dwight H. Perkins, Marc Shotten

    Oxford University Press  2003.03 ISBN: 9780821353561

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Research Projects

  • Research on assessing the impacts of NTMs on international trade and regional economy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Empirical analyses of vertical spillover and induced innovation of product safety regulations through international production networksaaaa

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • International Trade and Regulations/Standards

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Empirical research on assessing the impact of NTMs on international trade

    Project Year :


  • Optimal Design of Trade Liberalization and Product Safety Regulations - Trade and Welfare Analysis Using Firm, Consumer and Market Data

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OTSUKI Tsunehiro, MICHIDA Etsuyo

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    The consciousness of consumers about product safety has been increasingly elevated, and the balance between trade and safety is one of the major policy agenda. This research project conducted highly professional studies on this matter including the building of individual and market-level data, development of analytical methods, and providing policy prescriptions. The major achievements of this project includes, for example, the estimation of the willingness to pay of Japanese consumers for veterinary drug residues and radioactive contaminations in imported poultry meat, the estimation of the impact of the EU RoHS and REACH regulations on the production cost and export competitiveness of development country firms

  • Impacts of Product-Related Environmental Regulations on International Trade

    Project Year :


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    The research project examined impacts of product-related environmental regulations, which are often seen as non-tariff measures, introduced in an important market on policy of export countries, firm behavior, and flow of international trade. An edited volume ”Regulations and International Trade: New Sustainability Challenges in East Asia"(2017, Palgrave Macmillan) was published as the project output. The book focused on impacts of produce-related chemicals regulations introduced in developed countries and examined firms behavior in order to deal with regulations introduced in export markets and policy reactions in Asian countries.The research results were disseminated through Japanese academic journal articles, international and domestic academic conference, WTO Public Forum, and policy discourse to both government of Japan and developing countries. Members had a number of occasions to hold seminars to general public as well for dissemination

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  • Comment on “the Evolution of University–Industry Linkages in Thailand”

    Kaoru Nabeshima

    Asian Economic Policy Review    2023

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  




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Research Institute

  • 2019

    Vietnam Research Institute   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 非関税措置が国際貿易に与える影響


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    The research utilized the non-tariff measures (NTMs) data compiled by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), which has become available recently to researchers.  The aim of the research is to assess the differences in the NTMs among countries and how this may impact international trade and regional integration efforts.  In terms of comparing various NTMs applied in different countries, we took the automotive industry as an illustrative industry.  The automotive industry is an important industry for the Japanese economy, especially in terms of exports.  The result suggests that compared to other goods, automotive goods exported from Japan tend to face more regulatory burdens around the world and in East Asia.  In addition to examining NTMs at the industry level, we also looked at the potential costs associated with regional integration efforts currently ongoing in East Asian region: ASEAN economic community (AEC), Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).  The main question we explored is to calculate the degree of difficulties in achieving regulatory harmonization in various regional integration efforts, given the current regulatory regimes in member countries, then identify the base country where the potential cost of adjustment is the lowest.  

  • 食品安全規制が多国間貿易に及ぼす影響分析


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    In recent years, there is a heightened interest in the food safety issue.  This reflects the number of food scares in developed countries as well as globalization where countries are relying more and more on the imported food materials.  Research in this area is still sparse owing to the lack of systematic data gathering efforts. The purpose of this research is to construct an internationally comparable dataset of US port rejection data from 2007-2010 so that quantitative analysis can be conducted.  Of 37,000 cases of the rejections, more than one third of the data (13,000) was processed to be assigned HS codes.  The result indicates that there is a large variations among different types of agriculture and food commodities in terms of their shares in rejections.  In case of the US, the share of aquatic products (HS03) was the largest (18%), followed by edible preparations (HS21) with 14%, preparations of vegetable products (HS20) with 11%,  and bakery products (HS17) with 10%.  Compared to the Japanese data, the compositions of the products with frequent rejections are different reflecting both the differences in imported goods and the focus of the regulatory agencies.  

  • 日本の食品安全規制が貿易に与える影響の実証分析


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    In recent years, there is a heightened interest in the food safety issue.  This reflects the number of food scares in developed countries as well as globalization where countries are relying more and more on the imported food materials.  Research in this area is still sparse owing to the lack of systematic data gathering efforts. Existing research relies on specific commodities but does not cover the entire agriculture and food materials.  The purpose of this research is to construct a dataset of Japanese port rejection data from 2000-2005 so that quantitative analysis can be conducted.  The result indicates that there is a large variations among different types of agriculture and food commodities in terms of their shares in rejections.  In case of Japan, the share of vegetables (HS07) was the largest (17%), followed by preparations of meat and aquatic products (HS16) with 15%, edible preparations (HS21) with 12%, and aquatic products (HS03) with 12%.  Compared to these, cereals accounts for only 2% of the rejections.  Thus, among agriculture and food products, the share of rejections vary widely among different commodity groups.  The future research could explore the link between the frequency of rejections to commodity and/or country characteristics.