Updated on 2025/03/11


Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title
Associate Professor
PHD (Doctor of Philosophy), ( 2014.03 University College London (United Kingdom) )
MA (Master of Arts), ( University College London (United Kingdom) )
BA (Bachelor of Arts), ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2020.09

    Waseda University   Faculty of Commerce   Associate Professor

  • 2018.09

    University of Delaware   Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences   Affiliated Associate Professor

  • 2022.08

    City University of New York, Graduate Center   Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences   Visiting Research Scholar

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University, Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce   Assistant Professor

  • 2017.09

    University of Delaware   Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences   Affiliated Assistant Professor

  • 2014.04

    Waseda University, Faculty of Scienceand Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering   Center for English Language Education in Science and Engineering (CELESE)   Assistant Professor (without tenure)

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Education Background

  • 2010.09

    University College London   PHD Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences  

  • 2008.09

    University College London   MA Phonetics  

  • 2004.04

    Waseda University   School of Education   Department of English Language and Literature  

Committee Memberships

  • 2024.04

    The 5th International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics  Local Organizer

  • 2019.07

    The Linguistic Society of Japan  Local Organizing Committee for the 162nd Meeting

  • 2017.12

    New Sounds 2019  Local Organizer

  • 2015.07

    The English Phonetic Society of Japan  Kanto Branch Committee Member

  • 2016.07

    Mental Architecture for Processing and Learning of Language (MAPLL) 2016  Local Organizer

Professional Memberships

  • 2018.05

    Institute of Language and Speech Science, Waseda University

  • 2017.01

    Acoustical Society of America

  • 2012.03

    British Association of Academic Phoneticians

  • 2021.06

    The Linguistic Society of Japan

Research Areas

  • Linguistics / English linguistics / Foreign language education

Research Interests

  • Phonetics

  • Phonology

  • Second Language Acquisition

  • Cognitive Neuroscience


  • R.I.B.A. Research Award

    2024.05   Research Institute of Business Administration, Waseda University  

    Winner: Yasuaki Shinohara

  • R.I.B.A. Research Award

    2022.05   Research Institute of Business Administration, Waseda University  

    Winner: Yasuaki Shinohara

  • R.I.B.A. Research Award

    2021.05   Research Institute of Business Administration, Waseda University  

    Winner: Yasuaki Shinohara

  • R.I.B.A. Research Award

    2020.05   Research Institute of Business Administration, Waseda University  

    Winner: Yasuaki Shinohara

  • E-teaching Award (Good Practice)

    2020.03   Waseda University  

    Winner: Yasuaki Shinohara

  • R.I.B.A. Research Award

    2018.05   Research Institute of Business Administration  

    Winner: Yasuaki Shinohara

  • Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship for Studying Abroad (Long Dispatch, Sept. 2010- Aug. 2013)

    2010.09   JASSO  

    Winner: Yasuaki Shinohara

  • Departmental Studentship (Univeristy College London)

    2008.09   University College London  

    Winner: Yasuaki Shinohara

  • Okuma Memorial Scholarship

    2007.05   Waseda University  

    Winner: Yausaki Shinohara

  • Okuma Memorial Scholarship

    2006.05   Waseda University  

    Winner: Yasuaki Shinohara

  • Okuma Memorial Scholarship

    2005.05   Waseda University  

    Winner: Yasuaki Shinohara

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  • The impact of typological similarities and differences between German and Italian on the acquisition of language-specific phonetic cues in bilingual children: insights from the T-complex

    Theresa Bloder, Yasuaki Shinohara, Tanja Rinker, Valerie L. Shafer

    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience   18  2024.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary


    Lateral temporal neural measures (Na and T-complex Ta and Tb) of the auditory evoked potential (AEP) index auditory/speech processing and have been observed in children and adults. While Na is already present in children under 4 years of age, Ta emerges from 4 years of age, and Tb appears even later. The T-complex has been found to be sensitive to language experience in Spanish-English and Turkish-German children and adults. In particular, Ta elicited to a vowel has been found to be sensitive to language experience in bilingual preschool children. This paper examines neural responses in 4-to-6-year-old Italian-German bilingual and German monolingual children using language-specific phonetic cues for voicing.


    We tested children's processing of voicing features in bilabial stop consonants in relation to (1) their language status (i.e., being monolingual vs. bilingual) as well as to (2) their relative amount of current exposure to the heritage (Italian) and the societal language (German). Italian-German bilingual and German monolingual children were hypothesized to encode the temporal properties of a set of Voice Onset Time (VOT) stimuli differently as indexed by Ta and Tb.


    The results revealed no main effects of language group, but interactions of group with hemisphere and stimulus. In particular, bilingual children showed less hemispheric differentiation and an attenuated (less positive) response at the right site (T8) for the 0 ms VOT stimulus during the Ta-Tb time window. Children with more German (and consequently, less Italian) input showed a more positive T8 response for the Na, Ta and Tb time intervals.


    These findings partially replicated previous studies, but also revealed that stimulus factors modulate the response. They suggest that a delay in commitment is found only in bilinguals with less input in the target language, and those who are strongly dominant in one of the two languages will resemble monolinguals in the development of T-complex responses. However, the finding of greater Na positivity for German-dominant bilinguals suggests that their specific experience also influences processing, but perhaps via a different mechanism than found for the more balanced bilinguals.



  • English Vowel Discrimination and Perceptual Assimilation by Japanese Listeners

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Chao Han, Arild Hestvik

    Language and Speech    2024.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Production of non-native quantity contrasts by native speakers of Cantonese, English, French, and Japanese

    Albert Lee, Yasuaki Shinohara, Faith Chiu, Tsz Ching Mut

    Proc. Speech Prosody 2024     141 - 145  2024.07  [Refereed]


  • Perception of vowel and consonant quantity contrasts by Cantonese, English, French and Japanese speakers

    Albert LEE, Yasuaki SHINOHARA, Faith CHIU, Tsz Ching MUT

    Proc. the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic 2023.     2477 - 2481  2023.08  [Refereed]

  • Perception of Japanese pitch accent by typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorders

    Yasuaki SHINOHARA, Mariko UCHIDA, Tomoko MATSUI

    Proc. the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic 2023     231 - 235  2023.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


    Yasuaki Shinohara, Chao Han, Arild Hestvik

    Studies in Second Language Acquisition   44 ( 5 ) 1260 - 1278  2022.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary


    This study examined how discriminability and prototypicality of nonnative phones modulate the amplitude of the Mismatch Negativity (MMN) event-related brain potential. We hypothesized that if a frequently occurring (standard) stimulus is not prototypical to a listener, a weaker predictive memory trace will be formed and a smaller MMN will be generated for a phonetic deviant, regardless of the discriminability between the standard and deviant stimuli. The MMN amplitudes of Japanese speakers hearing the English vowels /æ/ and /ɑ/ as standard stimuli and /ʌ/ as a deviant stimulus in an oddball paradigm were measured. Although the English /æ/-/ʌ/ contrast was more discriminable than the English /ɑ/-/ʌ/ contrast for Japanese speakers, when Japanese speakers heard the /æ/ standard stimulus (i.e., less prototypical as Japanese /a/) and the /ʌ/ deviant stimulus, their MMN amplitude was smaller than the one elicited when they heard /ɑ/ as a standard stimulus (i.e., more prototypical as Japanese /a/) and /ʌ/ as a deviant stimulus. The prototypicality of the standard stimuli in listeners’ phonological representations modulates the MMN amplitude more robustly than does the discriminability between standard and deviant stimuli.



  • Perception of noise-vocoded sine-wave speech of Japanese pitch-accent words

    Yasuaki Shinohara

    JASA Express Letters   2 ( 8 ) 085204 - 085204  2022.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    The present study examined whether the identification accuracy of Japanese pitch-accent words increased after the sine-wave speech underwent noise vocoding, which eliminates the quasi-periodicity of the sine-wave speech. The results demonstrated that Japanese listeners were better at discriminating sine-wave speech than noise-vocoded sine-wave speech, with no significant difference in identification between the two conditions. They identify sine-wave pitch-accent words to some extent using acoustic cues other than the pitch accent. The noise vocoder used in the present study might not have been substantially effective for Japanese listeners to show a significant difference in the identification between the two conditions.



  • Non-native length contrast perception by Japanese and Cantonese speakers

    Albert Lee, Yasuaki Shinohara, Tsz Ching Mut

    Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics   45   060003  2022.02  [Refereed]



  • The effect of age on English /r/-/l/ perceptual training outcomes for Japanese speakers

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Paul Iverson

    Journal of Phonetics   89   101108 - 101108  2021.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Audiovisual English /r/−/l/ Identification Training for Japanese-Speaking Adults and Children

    Yasuaki Shinohara

    Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research   64 ( 7 ) 2529 - 2538  2021.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    This study tested the hypothesis that audiovisual training benefits children more than it does adults and that it improves Japanese-speaking children's English /r/−/l/ perception to a native-like level.

    Ten sessions of audiovisual English /r/−/l/ identification training were conducted for Japanese-speaking adults and children. Assessments were made of age effects on the increase in identification accuracy in three testing conditions (audiovisual, visual only, and audio only) and auditory discrimination of the primary acoustic cue (F3 frequency).

    The results showed that both adults and children increased their identification accuracy in the audiovisual condition more than in the single-modality conditions (visual only and audio only). Their improvement in the visual-only condition was larger than that in the audio-only condition. Japanese-speaking adults and children improved their primary acoustic cue (F3) sensitivity to a similar extent. In addition, their identification improvement in the audiovisual condition was positively correlated with those in the audio-only and visual-only conditions. The improvement in the audio-only condition was also positively correlated with that in the visual-only condition and with primary acoustic cue sensitivity.

    It was unclear whether children had an advantage over adults in improving their identification accuracy, but both age groups improved their auditory and visual perception of the English /r/−/l/ contrast and showed additive effects in the multisensory (i.e., audiovisual) condition.




  • Abstractness of human speech sound representations

    Hestvik, A., Shinohara, Y., Durvasula, K., Verdonschot, R.G., Sakai, H.

    Brain Research   1732  2020.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Effects of perceptual assimilation: The perception of English /æ/, /ʌ/, and /ɑ/ by Japanese speakers

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Chao Han, Arild Hestvik

    Proc. the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences     2344 - 2348  2019.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • High variability identification and discrimination training for Japanese speakers learning English /r/–/l/

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Paul Iverson

    Journal of Phonetics   66   242 - 251  2018.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Audiovisual Training Effects for Japanese Children Learning English /r/-/l/

    Yasuaki Shinohara

    Proc. Interspeech 2016     204 - 207  2016.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author


  • Effects of English /r/-/l/ perceptual training on Japanese children’s production

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Paul Iverson

    Proc. the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences     article 540  2015  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Computer-based English /r/-/l/ perceptual training for Japanese children

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Paul Iverson

    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America   133 ( 3333 ) 1 - 4  2013.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • Perceptual training effects on production of English /r/-/l/ by Japanese speakers

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Paul Iverson

    Proc. the Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference: PTLC2013     83 - 86  2013  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Differences in glottal stop perception between English and Japanese listeners

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Mark Huckvale, Michael Ashby

    Proc. the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences     1830 - 1833  2011  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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Books and Other Publications

  • Communication Strategies 1 (6th ed.)

    Chris Sheppard, Masatsugu Fujii, Emmanuel Manalo, Hinako Masuda, Naho Orita, Hiromu Sakai, Yasuaki Shinohara, Nobue Tanaka-Ellis, Yoshio Ueno( Part: Joint author)

    DTP Publishing  2024.03

  • Communication Strategies 2 (5th ed.)

    Chris Sheppard, Masatsugu Fujii, Emmanuel Manalo, Hinako Masuda, Naho Orita, Hiromu Sakai, Yasuaki Shinohara, Nobue Tanaka-Ellis, Yoshio Ueno( Part: Joint author)

    DTP Publishing  2023.09

  • Communication Strategies 1 (5th ed.)

    Chris Sheppard, Masatsugu Fujii, Emmanuel Manalo, Hinako Masuda, Naho Orita, Hiromu Sakai, Yasuaki Shinohara, Nobue Tanaka-Ellis, Yoshio Ueno

    DTP Publishing  2023.03

  • Communication Strategies 2 (4th ed.)

    Sheppard, C, Fujii, M, Manalo, E, Masuda, H, Shinohara, Y, Tanaka-Ellis, N, Ueno, Y

    DTP Publishing  2017.09 ISBN: 9784862116116

  • Communication Strategies 1 (4th ed.)

    Sheppard, C, Fujii, M, Manalo, E, Masuda, H, Shinohara, Y, Tanaka-Ellis, N, Ueno, Y

    DTP Publishing  2017.03 ISBN: 9784862116109


  • Production of non-native quantity contrasts by native speakers of Cantonese, English, French, and Japanese

    Albert Lee, Yasuaki Shinohara, Faith Chiu, Tsu Ching Mu

    Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden, The Netherlands 

    Presentation date: 2024.07

    Event date:
  • High variability phonetic training for L2 speakers: Training methods and chronological age effects

    Yasuaki Shinohara  [Invited]

    Invited talk given at the Colloquium of Ph.D. Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, City University of New York Graduate Center, New York, USA 

    Presentation date: 2024.02

  • Cross-linguistic differences in neural encoding and processing of stop consonants: the impact of language experience on attention allocation

    Aline OLIVEIRA, Yuga KOTHARI, Theresa BLODER, Yasuaki SHINOHARA, Valerie SHAFER, Phillip CUNHA

    Neuroscience 2023, Washington, D. C., USA 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

    Event date:
  • Mismatch Negativity responses for phonemic representations and acoustic-phonetic realizations

    Yasuaki SHINOHARA  [Invited]

    Invited talk to be given at the Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences, University of Delaware, Delaware, USA 

    Presentation date: 2023.10

  • Japanese pitch-accent perception by typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorders

    Yasuaki SHINOHARA, Mariko UCHIDA, Tomoko MATSUI

    The 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2023, Prague, Czech Republic 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

    Event date:
  • Perception of vowel and consonant quantity contrasts by Cantonese, English, French and Japanese speakers

    Albert LEE, Yasuaki SHINOHARA, Faith CHIU, Tsz Ching MUT

    The 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2023, Prague, Czech Republic 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

    Event date:
  • Development of phoneme perception in children aged 6-12: Investigating with an auditory discrimination task

    Mariko UCHIDA, Yasuaki SHINOHARA, Tomoko Matsui

    The Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS) 2023: The 24th Annual International Conference, Tokyo, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2023.07

    Event date:
  • Neural indices of acoustic-phonetic and phonological differences

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Valerie Shafer

    PhonolEEGy 2, Amherst, Massachusetts USA 

    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • Cross-Linguistic neural discrimination of stop consonant laryngeal features by Hindi, English and Romance-language speakers

    Yuga Kothari, Aline Durney, Theresa Bloder, Tanja Rinker, Yasuaki Shinohara, Valerie Shafer

    PhonolEEGy 2, Amherst, Massachusetts USA 

    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • Discrimination and identification of Japanese quantity contrasts by native Cantonese, English, French, and Japanese listeners

    Albert LEE, Yasuaki SHINOHARA, Faith CHIU, Tsz Ching MUT

    Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics & Cognitive Sciences of Language 2023 (HISPhonCog 2023), Seoul, Korea 

    Presentation date: 2023.05

    Event date:
  • Japanese pitch-accent identification accuracy by children with autism spectrum disorder

    Yasuaki SHINOHARA, Mariko UCHIDA, Tomoko MATSUI

    The 184th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, Illinois USA. 

    Presentation date: 2023.05

    Event date:
  • Japanese pitch-accent perception of noise-vocoded sine-wave speech

    Yasuaki Shinohara

    The 183rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Nashville, Tennessee USA 

    Presentation date: 2022.12

    Event date:
  • Perception of non-native quantity contrasts by Cantonese and Japanese speakers

    Albert Lee, Yasuaki Shinohara, Tsz Ching Mut

    The 181st meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, Washington USA 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

    Event date:
  • Phonological category perception of children with autism spectrum disorder

    Uchida, M, Shinohara, Y, Matsui, T, Ikeda, K, Fujino, H, Tojo, Y, Hakarino, K

    The 31st Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology (JSDP 2020) 

    Presentation date: 2020.03

  • Effects of perceptual assimilation and vowel peripherality in perceiving non-native vowels

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Chao Han, Arild Hestvik

    New Sounds 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Effects of perceptual assimilation: The perception of English /æ/, /ʌ/, and /ɑ/ by Japanese speakers

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Chao Han, Arild Hestvik

    The 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Examination of theoretical models in second-language (L2) speech perception: The Perceptual Assimilation Model (PAM) and the Natural Referent Vowel (NRV) framework

    Yasuaki Shinohara

    Research Workshop of Institute of Language and Speech Science 

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • Effects of Perceptual Assimilation for Japanese speakers perceiving English vowels

    Shinohara, Y  [Invited]

    Invited talk given at the Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences 

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • English /r/-/l/ perception for Japanese speakers: Training methods and age effects

    Shinohara, Y  [Invited]

    The 33rd annual meeting of the Sophia Linguistic Society  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • Asymmetric memory encoding for voicing contrasts across languages

    Shinohara, Y, Hestvik, A, Durvasula, K, Sakai, H

    The 8th Mismatch Negativity Conference (MMN 2018)  (Helsinki) 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Phonological representation of voicing contrasts and Mismatch Negativity

    Shinohara, Y, Sakai, H

    2018 Research Workshop of Institute of Language and Speech Science  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • Underspecification and MMN asymmetry: Voicing contrasts in Japanese

    Shinohara, Y, Sakai, H

    Brain Science of Language Inference and Thought (BLIT) Colloquium  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2018.04

  • Cross-linguistic differences in MMN asymmetry: Voicing underspecification in Japanese

    Shinohara, Y, Hestvik, A, Durvasula, K, Verdonschot, R, Sakai, H

    Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL) 2017  (Maryland) 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • L2 phonetic perceptual training for Japanese speakers learning English /r/-/l/

    Shinohara, Y  [Invited]

    Invited Guest Lecture  (Delaware)  Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences, University of Delaware, Delaware, USA

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Influence of age-related factors on English /r/-/l/ audiovisual training for Japanese speakers

    Shinohara, Y

    The 5th Joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan  (Hawaii, US) 

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • Audiovisual Training Effects for Japanese Children Learning English /r/-/l/

    Yasuaki Shinohara

    Interspeech 2016  (San Francisco) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Effects of audiovisual training on the English /r/-/l/ identification by Japanese adults and children

    Shinohara, Y

    Center for English Language Education in Science and Engineering Colloquium  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2016.04

  • Effects of English /r/-/l/ perceptual training on Japanese children’s production

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Paul Iverson

    The 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences  (Glasgow) 

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • Influence of age-related factors on second-language perceptual training

    Shinohara, Y  [Invited]

    the 96th Kagamiyama Linguistics Colloquium  (Hiroshima) 

    Presentation date: 2015.02

  • Theories of second-language speech acquisition and training methods

    Shinohara, Y  [Invited]

    Invited Guest Lecture  (Tokyo)  Faculty of Foreign Languages (English Department), Daito Bunka University

    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • Effects of English /r/-/l/ perceptual training for Japanese adults, adolescents and children

    Shinohara, Y

    Center for English Language Education in Science and Engineering Colloquium  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2014.04

  • Perceptual training effects on production of English /r/-/l/ by Japanese speakers

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Paul Iverson

    The Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference: PTLC2013  (London) 

    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • Computer-based English /r/-/l/ perceptual training for Japanese children

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Paul Iverson

    The 21st International Congress on Acoustics / The 165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America  (Montreal) 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • Age effects on English /r/-/l/ phonetic learning for Japanese speakers

    Shinohara, Y, Iverson, P

    New Sounds 2013  (Montreal) 

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • Perceptual training for English /r/-/l/ for adult Japanese listeners

    Shinohara, Y, Iverson, P

    British Association of Academic Phoneticians 2012 Colloquium  (Leeds) 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • Effects of identification and discrimination training techniques on English /r/-/l/ perception and production for Japanese speakers

    Shinohara, Y, Iverson, P

    Bilingual and Multilingual Interaction  (Bangor) 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • Differences in glottal stop perception between English and Japanese listeners

    Yasuaki Shinohara, Mark Huckvale, Michael Ashby

    The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences  (Hong Kong) 

    Presentation date: 2011.08

  • A cross-language study of glottal stop perception

    Shinohara, Y

    British Association of Academic Phoneticians 2010 Colloquium  (London) 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

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Research Projects

  • Neural indices of phonemes and allophonic variants

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) 

    Project Year :


    Yasuaki SHINOHARA

  • nvestigating the relationship between auditory discrimination and word recognition using Japanese pitch accent

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) 

    Project Year :


    Yasuaki SHINOHARA

  • 自閉スペクトラム症児の「聞き取り」と「読み取り」の困難さの要因を探る実証研究

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    MATSUI, Tomoko

  • Investigation of the differences between phonetic and phonemic perception using mismatch negativity (MMN) responses

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

    Project Year :


    SHINOHARA, Yasuaki

  • English Vowel Perception for Japanese speakers Evaluated by Event-Related Potentials (ERP)

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS)  Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    SHINOHARA, Yasuaki

  • Second-Language Audiovisual Training for Children and Adults

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS)  Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up

    Project Year :


    SHINOHARA, Yasuaki

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  • Frontier in Psychology, Review Editor

  • Australian National University PhD Thesis Examiner

  • Studies in Second Language Aquisition, Reviewer

  • Cambridge University (UK) MPhil Thesis External Examiner

  • Interspeech 2022 Technical Program Committee, Reviewer

  • Waseda University (Japan) PhD Thesis Associate Examiner

  • Waseda University (Japan) MA Thesis Associate Examiner

  • Language & Speech, Reviewer

  • Interspeech 2020 Technical Program Committee, Reviewer

  • Speech Prosody 2020, Reviewer

  • Interspeech 2019 Technical Program Committee, Reviewer (2019)

  • Cambridge University (UK) MPhil Thesis External Examiner

  • Interspeech 2018 Technical Program Committee, Reviewer

  • Waseda University (Japan) MA Thesis Associate Examiner

  • Journal of Acoustical Society of America Express Letters Reviewer

  • PLOS ONE Reviewer (2016)

  • PLOS ONE Reviewer (2015)


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Social Activities

Overseas Activities

  • Neural indices of speech perception


    United States   City University of New York, The Graduate Center

Research Institute

  • 2017

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日本語ピッチアクセント知覚


     View Summary

     本研究では、サイン波音声(sine-wave speech; SWS)とノイズノーコード化されたサイン波音声(noise-vocoded sine-wave speech; NzVocSWS)を用いて、日本語話者のピッチアクセントの知覚を調査した。SWSでは、「雨」と「飴」の対に見られるようなピッチアクセントの対語を識別することは日本語話者にとって難しくなるが、NzVocSWSにおいては、その識別力がSWSよりも高くなるという仮説を検証した。仮説通りの結果は得られなかったが、その成果を国際ジャーナル(JASA Express Letters)より出版した。本研究には改善の余地があったため、来年度以降も継続して本研究を発展させる。

  • 母音弁別の神経指標


     View Summary


  • 音素認識とミスマッチ陰性電位


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  • 音素認知と音声知覚の関連性調査


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     本研究課題では、事象関連電位(ERP)と呼ばれる脳活動の内、ミスマッチ陰性電位(MMN)という成分を分析することで、音声と音素に対する知覚能力を評価している。2019年度は、日本語話者による音素/t/-/d/に対する知覚を分析し、論文を執筆した。この論文は2020年に国際ジャーナル(Brain Research)から出版された。 その後、コロナウイルス感染拡大の状況に合わせて研究を中断した。再開後は日本語話者や広東語話者に対して、母音や子音の長さに係る知覚実験をオンラインで実施し、母語の音韻体系による知覚能力への影響を調査した。我々はその結果を国際学会論文にまとめ、提出した。

  • 第二言語音声知覚の言語間研究

    2019   Arild HESTVIK, Chao HAN

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     本研究は、日本語話者が英語の音素を知覚する際、日本語音素の存在がその知覚にどのような影響を及ぼすか、行動実験と脳波計測実験の両面から調査した。研究代表者はPerceptual Assimilation Model (PAM; Best, 1994; 1995)を基に仮説を立て、まずは行動実験によりその仮説を検証した。その結果は、国際学会(ICPhS 2019, New Sounds 2019)で発表し、論文も出版した。同時に脳波計測実験も実施し、事象関連電位(ERP)と呼ばれる脳活動の内、ミスマッチ陰性電位(MMN)という成分を分析した。行動実験では仮説通りの結果が表れたが、MMNの分析では予測と異なる結果が表れた。本研究費を使用して、第二言語音声知覚の分野で著名な研究者を国内にお呼びし、研究結果に関してディスカッションを行った。

  • 言語間における母音知覚

    2018   Arild Hestvik

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    3年間のプロジェクトである本研究課題は、第二言語音声知覚に関する理論を行動実験及び脳波計測の両面から検証することを目的としている。最終年度にあたる2018年度は、英語話者と日本語話者による母音の知覚能力を調査した。音響の統制された母音の刺激音に対する知覚能力が、第一言語の音韻体系の違いによってどのように異なるか、実験を行った。それらの研究成果は2019年度に開催予定の国際学会(ICPhS2019やNew Sounds2019)での発表を予定している(Accepted)。その他、子音に対する知覚能力の実験結果は、2018年6月に国際学会(MismatchNegativity 2018)で発表した。

  • 事象関連電位による第二言語音声知覚の評価

    2017   酒井弘

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     本研究課題は3年間のプロジェクトであり、日本語話者と英語話者による音声知覚能力を行動的評価だけでなく、脳科学的アプローチによって比較分析することを目的としている。二年目にあたる2017年度には、主に子音/t/-/d/の知覚を対象した研究を行った。日本語話者を対象に、音声の変化を知覚した際に表れる脳波形の変化 (Mismatch Negativity; MMN)を計測し、先行研究で示された英語話者のものと比較した。我々は本研究成果を国際学会(Society for the Neurobiology of Language 2017)で発表し、また、国際ジャーナルへ投稿した。2018年3月現在、査読を待っている状態である(Under review)。

  • 日本語母語話者による英語音声知覚


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