Updated on 2025/03/13


Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
学術博士 ( 東京工業大学 )
Associate Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University

PhD in Social Engineering: Tokyo Institute of Technology, March 2012
MSc in Local Economic Development: London School of Economics, November 2008
BA in Economics: Waseda University, March 2007

Research Experience

  • 2016.04

    Tokyo University of Science   Department of Business Economics   Tenured Assistant Professor

  • 2014.04

    Waseda University   Global Education Center   Non-tenured Assistant Professor

Professional Memberships


    Econometric Society

Research Areas

  • Economic statistics

Research Interests

  • 因果推論

  • 社会的相互作用

  • 計量経済学


  • Waseda Research Award


    Winner: Tadao Hoshino

  • SEEPS Young Achievement Award

    2018.09   Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies  

    Winner: Hoshino Tadao



  • Estimating a Continuous Treatment Model with Spillovers: A Control Function Approach

    Tadao Hoshino

    Journal of Business & Economic Statistics    2024.04  [Refereed]



  • Causal Inference with Noncompliance and Unknown Interference

    Tadao Hoshino, Takahide Yanagi

    Journal of the American Statistical Association     1 - 12  2024.01



  • Treatment effect models with strategic interaction in treatment decisions

    Tadao Hoshino, Takahide Yanagi

    Journal of Econometrics   236 ( 2 ) 105495 - 105495  2023.10  [Refereed]



  • A pairwise strategic network formation model with group heterogeneity: With an application to international travel

    Tadao Hoshino

    Network Science   10 ( 2 ) 170 - 189  2022.06  [Refereed]



  • Estimating marginal treatment effects under unobserved group heterogeneity

    Tadao Hoshino, Takahide Yanagi

    Journal of Causal Inference   10 ( 1 ) 197 - 216  2022.01  [Refereed]

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    This article studies the treatment effect models in which individuals are classified into unobserved groups based on heterogeneous treatment rules. By using a finite mixture approach, we propose a marginal treatment effect (MTE) framework in which the treatment choice and outcome equations can be heterogeneous across groups. Under the availability of instrumental variables specific to each group, we show that the MTE for each group can be separately identified. On the basis of our identification result, we propose a two-step semiparametric procedure for estimating the group-wise MTE. We illustrate the usefulness of the proposed method with an application to economic returns to college education.



  • 5
  • Accounting for Heterogeneity in Network Formation Behaviour: An Application to Vietnamese SMEs

    Hoshino, T., Shimamoto, D., Todo, Y.

    Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics   82 ( 5 )  2020  [Refereed]




    Hoshino, T.

    Econometric Theory   36 ( 1 )  2020  [Refereed]



  • Semiparametric Spatial Autoregressive Models With Endogenous Regressors: With an Application to Crime Data

    Hoshino, T.

    Journal of Business and Economic Statistics   36 ( 1 ) 160 - 172  2018.01  [Refereed]

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    This study considers semiparametric spatial autoregressive models that allow for endogenous regressors, as well as the heterogenous effects of these regressors across spatial units. For the model estimation, we propose a semiparametric series generalized method of moments estimator. We establish that the proposed estimator is both consistent and asymptotically normal. As an empirical illustration, we apply the proposed model and method to Tokyo crime data to estimate how the existence of a neighborhood police substation (NPS) affects the household burglary rate. The results indicate that the presence of an NPS helps reduce household burglaries, and that the effects of some variables are heterogenous with respect to residential distribution patterns. Furthermore, we show that using a model that does not adjust for the endogeneity of NPS does not allow us to observe the significant relationship between NPS and the household burglary rate. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.



  • Two-Step Estimation of Incomplete Information Social Interaction Models with Sample Selection

    Tadao Hoshino

    Journal of Business & Economic Statistics     0  2017.10  [Refereed]



  • Sieve instrumental variable quantile regression estimation of functional coefficient models

    Su, L., Hoshino, T.

    Journal of Econometrics   191 ( 1 ) 231 - 254  2016.03  [Refereed]

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    In this paper we consider sieve instrumental variable quantile regression (IVQR) estimation of functional coefficient models where the coefficients of endogenous regressors are unknown functions of some exogenous covariates. We estimate the functional coefficients by the sieve-IVQR technique and establish the uniform consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators. Based on the sieve estimates, we propose a nonparametric specification test for the constancy of the functional coefficients and study its asymptotic. We conduct simulations to evaluate the finite sample behavior of our estimator and test statistic, and apply our method to study the estimation of quantile Engel curves. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Economic valuation of environmental quality using property auction data: A structural estimation approach

    Hoshino, T., Nakanishi, H.

    Land Economics   92 ( 4 ) 703 - 717  2016  [Refereed]

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    This study proposes a method to economically evaluate environmental quality using property auction data. Our approach is consistent with microeconomic auction theory and can directly estimate the value function from the data, a task that is often difficult when using conventional revealed preference methods such as the hedonic approach. We use a method of simulated moments to estimate the value function, which in turn is used to calculate the economic value of environmental quality changes.We apply this method to data on foreclosure property auctions in Tokyo in order to economically evaluate hypothetical improvements in neighborhood fire risks.



  • The effect of seismic hazard risk information on property prices: Evidence from a spatial regression discontinuity design

    Hidano, N., Hoshino, T., Sugiura, A.

    Regional Science and Urban Economics   53   113 - 122  2015.07  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we utilize a spatial two-dimensional regression discontinuity (RD) design to study how Tokyo's property market evaluates information on seismic hazard risk. This approach is superior to the conventional one-dimensional RD design as it is able to account for spatially heterogeneous treatment effects and reduce small-sample biases. Our data consists of residential property transactions from the 23-ward area of Tokyo. Our results show that the unit prices of residential properties in low-risk zones were between 13,970-17,380 JPY higher than those in high-risk zones depending on the type of seismic hazard risk. In addition, we find that information on seismic hazard risk does not significantly affect the prices of newly constructed apartments, which are more resistant to earthquake damage than older residences. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All tights reserved.



  • Quantile regression estimation of partially linear additive models

    Hoshino, T.

    Journal of Nonparametric Statistics   26 ( 3 ) 509 - 536  2014  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we consider the estimation of partially linear additive quantile regression models where the conditional quantile function comprises a linear parametric component and a nonparametric additive component. We propose a two-step estimation approach: in the first step, we approximate the conditional quantile function using a series estimation method. In the second step, the nonparametric additive component is recovered using either a local polynomial estimator or a weighted Nadaraya-Watson estimator. Both consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators are established. Particularly, we show that the first-stage estimator for the finite-dimensional parameters attains the semiparametric efficiency bound under homoskedasticity, and that the second-stage estimators for the nonparametric additive component have an oracle efficiency property. Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators. An application to a real data set is also illustrated.



  • Estimation of the preference heterogeneity within stated choice data using semiparametric varying-coefficient methods

    Tadao Hoshino

    Empir Econ   45 ( 3 ) 1129 - 1148  2013.12  [Refereed]

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    This study proposes the use of semiparametric varying-coefficient methods to estimate the preference heterogeneity within stated choice data. Semiparametric varying-coefficient methods have the potential to overcome the disadvantages of conventional random parameter models and latent class models. For binary probit models with varying coefficients, in particular, this study proposes an easy-to-compute local iterative least squares (LILS) approach, based on the expectation-maximization algorithm. The finite sample properties of the LILS estimator are assessed using Monte Carlo experiments. In order to demonstrate the practical usefulness of semiparametric varying-coefficient methods, we present an empirical study, conducting an economic valuation of a landscape with dichotomous choice contingent valuations.



  • Partial identification in binary response models with nonignorable nonresponses

    Tadao Hoshino

    Economics Letters   121 ( 1 ) 74 - 78  2013.10  [Refereed]

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    This study investigates the identification of parameters in semiparametric binary response models of the form y=1(x'β+v+ε&gt
    0) when there are nonignorable nonresponses. We propose an estimation procedure for the identified set, the set of parameters that are observationally indistinguishable from the true value β, based on the special regressor approach of Lewbel (2000). We show that the estimator for the identified set is consistent in the Hausdorff metric. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.



  • Estimation and Analysis of Preference Heterogeneity in Residential Choice Behaviour

    T. Hoshino

    Urban Studies   48 ( 2 ) 363 - 382  2010.07  [Refereed]

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    Effective and efficient planning and development of residential environments require clarifying the nature of residential preferences. In reality, residential preferences are heterogeneous, so the standard econometric models that assume only one type of preference are not optimal. In this study, conjoint choice experiment methods are employed with a mixed logit approach. The findings reveal significant heterogeneity with regard to some residential attributes. The determinants of preference heterogeneity were also investigated by conducting regression analyses on the attributes that were valued heterogeneously. Overall, the relationships observed between the explanatory variables and the heterogeneity in the valuations were understandable. However, coefficient of determination values for each model were low, indicating that the bulk of preference heterogeneity results from unobservable factors.



  • Measuring the Benefits of Neighbourhood Park Amenities: Application and Comparison of Spatial Hedonic Approaches

    Tadao Hoshino, Koichi Kuriyama

    Environ Resource Econ   45 ( 3 ) 429 - 444  2009.09  [Refereed]

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    The hedonic price method was used to estimate the influence of parks on the rental prices of single-room dwellings in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo, Japan. A simple least squares method is not optimal when the data set contains spatial autocorrelation. To improve the accuracy of estimates, we employed spatial autoregression and kriging models, resulting in a higher validity of the spatial models compared to the least squares model. Kriging models were superior to others particularly in terms of prediction accuracy, indicating that these models should be employed if the objective is superior prediction rather than estimation. The results showed that the effect of parks on property values varied with the buffer distance and park size.




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Books and Other Publications

  • Rによる実証分析 : 回帰分析から因果分析へ(第2版)

    星野, 匡郎, 田中, 久稔, 北川, 梨津

    オーム社  2023.01 ISBN: 9784274230028

  • Rによる実証分析:回帰分析から因果分析へ

    星野 匡郎( Part: Joint author)

    オーム社  2016

  • 統計リテラシーβ:データの分布

    星野 匡郎( Part: Sole author)

    早稲田大学出版部  2014

  • 環境評価の最新テクニック

    星野 匡郎( Part: Joint author)

    勁草書房  2011

Research Projects

  • Combining statistical causal inference and structural estimation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Towards establishing a policy design lab: Inducing social groups in an economic experiment lab for incentive design

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Estimation of Treatment Effects in the Presence of Interference

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Hoshino Tadao

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    There are many situations in which one's choice of treatment status is interdependent with the treatment choices of others. For example, focusing on smoking behavior as a treatment of interest, it would be natural that the decision to smoke or not is dependent on her partner's smoking habit. In such cases, it is known that it is difficult to identify the causal impact of smoking on one's outcome variable (e.g., health status) using conventional treatment evaluation methods. In this study, we developed a method for estimating the treatment effects from one's own treatment and that from the others separately.



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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 構造推定アプローチによる経済政策評価

    2014   中西勇人

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    (1) 不動産オークションデータを活用し,環境質に対する需要関数をデータから直接推定する方法を提案した。実証分析では,東京地方裁判所において実施された住居用マンションの競売データを用い,住居近隣の防火水準の改善がもたらす経済的価値を測定した。以上の結果を論文としてまとめ,学術誌Land Economicsへ投稿した。(2) 内生変数を含むセミパラメトリック空間計量経済モデルに対して,Series 2SLS法を用いた推定方法を提案した。Series 2SLS推定量の漸近的性質を証明した後,実証分析として,東京都における地域犯罪と交番立地の関係性を調べた。以上の結果を論文としてまとめ,学術誌Journal of Business & Economic Statisticsへ投稿した。