Research Experience
Waseda University Faculty of Political Science and Economics
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
Waseda University Faculty of Political Science and Economics
Stanford University Department of Economics
international economics
development economics
Ryo Takahashi, Yasuyuki Todo, Yu Ri Kim, Yuzuka Kashiwagi, Denu Lemma Tsegaye
Journal of Development Effectiveness 1 - 28 2024.11
Hiroyasu Inoue, Yasuyuki Todo
PLOS ONE 18 ( 11 ) e0294574 - e0294574 2023.11
Simulation of supply chain disruptions considering establishments and power outages
Hiroyasu Inoue, Yoshihiro Okumura, Tetsuya Torayashiki, Yasuyuki Todo
PLOS ONE 18 ( 7 ) e0288062 - e0288062 2023.07
Democratic institutions and social capital: Experimental evidence on school-based management from a developing country
Yasuyuki Sawada, Takeshi Aida, Andrew S. Griffen, Eiji Kozuka, Haruko Noguchi, Yasuyuki Todo
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 198 267 - 279 2022.06
Identifying and decomposing peer effects on decision-making using a randomized controlled trial
Daichi Shimamoto, Yasuyuki Todo, Yu Ri Kim, Petr Matous
Empirical Economics 2021.11
Propagation of economic shocks through global supply chains—Evidence from Hurricane Sandy
Yuzuka Kashiwagi, Yasuyuki Todo, Petr Matous
Review of International Economics 2021.05
Yuzuka Kashiwagi, Yasuyuki Todo
Contemporary Economic Policy 39 ( 2 ) 348 - 364 2020.10 [Refereed]
Hiroyasu Inoue, Yasuyuki Todo
PLOS ONE 15 ( 9 ) e0239251 - e0239251 2020.09 [Refereed]
How does the global network of research collaboration affect the quality of innovation?
Takashi Iino, Hiroyasu Inoue, Yukiko U. Saito, Yasuyuki Todo
The Japanese Economic Review 2020.06 [Refereed]
Accounting for Heterogeneity in Network Formation Behaviour: An Application to Vietnamese SMEs
Tadao Hoshino, Daichi Shimamoto, Yasuyuki Todo
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 2020.02 [Refereed]
The Impact of Supply-Chain Networks on Interactions between the Anti-COVID-19 Lockdowns in Different Regions
Hiroyasu Inoue, Yohsuke Murase, Yasuyuki Todo
SSRN Electronic Journal 2020
Topology of International Supply Chain Networks: A Case Study Using Factset Revere Datasets
Mahendra Piraveenan, Hongze Jing, Petr Matous, Yasuyuki Todo
IEEE Access 8 154540 - 154559 2020 [Refereed]
Firm-level propagation of shocks through supply-chain networks
Hiroyasu Inoue, Yasuyuki Todo
Nature Sustainability 2 ( 9 ) 841 - 847 2019.09 [Refereed]
Propagation of negative shocks across nation-wide firm networks
Hiroyasu Inoue, Yasuyuki Todo
PLOS ONE 14 ( 3 ) e0213648 - e0213648 2019.03 [Refereed]
Assortativity and mixing patterns in international supply chain networks
Mahendra Piraveenan, Upul Senanayake, Petr Matous, Yasuyuki Todo
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 ( 2 ) 023124 - 023124 2019.02 [Refereed]
Are seminars on export promotion effective? Evidence from a randomised controlled trial
Yu Ri Kim, Yasuyuki Todo, Daichi Shimamoto, Petr Matous
The World Economy 41 ( 11 ) 2954 - 2982 2018.11 [Refereed]
Ryo Takahashi, Yasuyuki Todo, Yukihiko Funaki
Ecological Economics 150 107 - 121 2018.08 [Refereed]
Petr Matous, Yasuyuki Todo
Regional Environmental Change 1 - 12 2018.03 [Refereed]
Exporters in China
197 1 - 27 2018.03 [Refereed]
Using Randomized Controlled Trials and Network Analysis in International Economics: An Introduction
Yasuyuki Todo
The International Economy 21 ( 0 ) 1 - 13 2018 [Refereed] [Invited]
Jiangtao Fu, Daichi Shimamoto, Yasuyuki Todo
JOURNAL OF ASIAN ECONOMICS 52 45 - 55 2017.10 [Refereed]
How Effective are Investment Promotion Agencies? Evidence from China
Bin Ni, Yasuyuki Todo, Tomohiko Inui
JAPANESE ECONOMIC REVIEW 68 ( 2 ) 232 - 243 2017.06 [Refereed]
Coffee Certification and Forest Quality: Evidence from a Wild Coffee Forest in Ethiopia
Ryo Takahashi, Yasuyuki Todo
WORLD DEVELOPMENT 92 158 - 166 2017.04 [Refereed]
Yasuyuki Todo, Petr Matous, Hiroyasu Inoue
RESEARCH POLICY 45 ( 9 ) 1890 - 1906 2016.11 [Refereed]
Petr Matous, Yasuyuki Todo
Network Science 4 ( 2 ) 141 - 163 2016.06 [Refereed]
Election, implementation, and social capital in schoolbased management: Evidence from a randomized field experiment on the COGES project in Burkina Faso
Yasuyuki Sawada, Takeshi Aida, Andrew S Griffen, Eiji Kozuka, Haruko Noguchi, Yasuyuki Todo
JICA Working Paper 120 2016.05 [Refereed]
Petr Matous, Yasuyuki Todo, Ayu Pratiwi
TRANSPORTATION 42 ( 5 ) 771 - 790 2015.09 [Refereed]
Yasuyuki Todo, Kentaro Nakajima, Petr Matous
JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE 55 ( 2 ) 209 - 229 2015.03 [Refereed]
Exploring dynamic mechanisms of learning networks for resource conservation
Petr Matous, Yasuyuki Todo
ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY 20 ( 2 ) 2015 [Refereed]
Yasuyuki Todo, Tomohiko Inui, Yuan Yuan
Comparative Economic Studies 56 ( 4 ) 536 - 555 2014.12 [Refereed]
Effects of presidents' characteristics on internationalization of small and medium firms in Japan
Yasuyuki Todo, Hitoshi Sato
Features of Japanese internationalized firms: Findings based on firm-level data
Ryuhei Wakasugi, Banri Ito, Toshiyuki Matsuura, Hitoshi Sato, Ayumu Tanaka, Yasuyuki Todo
Internationalization of Japanese Firms: Evidence from Firm-level Data 9784431545323 15 - 45 2014.12 [Refereed]
The role of non-productivity factors in the internationalization of firms
Yasuyuki Todo
Internationalization of Japanese Firms: Evidence from Firm-level Data 9784431545323 73 - 94 2014.12 [Refereed]
Poverty Reduction During the Rural-Urban Transformation - The Role of the Missing Middle
Luc Christiaensen, Yasuyuki Todo
WORLD DEVELOPMENT 63 43 - 58 2014.11 [Refereed]
Kazuma Edamura, Sho Haneda, Tomohiko Inui, Xiaofei Tan, Yasuyuki Todo
CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW 30 169 - 179 2014.09 [Refereed]
Petr Matous, Yasuyuki Todo, Tatsuya Ishikawa
Network Science 2 ( 2 ) 162 - 188 2014.08 [Refereed]
Ryo Takahashi, Yasuyuki Todo
The effects of social networks on the diffusion of consumer goods: Evidence from rural Indonesia
Nakai, R., Todo, Y.
Economics Bulletin 34 ( 3 ) 1814 - 1821 2014 [Refereed]
Petr Matous, Yasuyuki Todo, Dagne Mojo
Ryo Takahashi, Yasuyuki Todo
JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 130 48 - 54 2013.11 [Refereed]
Urbanization and poverty reduction: the role of rural diversification and secondary towns
Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt, Yasuyuki Todo
AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS 44 ( 4-5 ) 435 - 447 2013.07 [Refereed]
Petr Matous, Yasuyuki Todo, Dagne Mojo
JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY 31 226 - 235 2013.07 [Refereed]
Yasuyuki Todo, Ryo Takahashi
JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 25 ( 3 ) 362 - 381 2013.04 [Refereed]
Ryo Takahashi, Yasuyuki Todo
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 50 ( 3 ) 396 - 404 2012.09 [Refereed]
Yasuyuki Todo, Weiying Zhang, Lei-An Zhou
REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS 15 ( 3 ) 569 - 585 2011.08 [Refereed]
Quantitative Evaluation of the Determinants of Export and FDI: Firm-level Evidence from Japan
Yasuyuki Todo
WORLD ECONOMY 34 ( 3 ) 355 - 381 2011.03 [Refereed]
Yasuyuki Todo
WORLD DEVELOPMENT 39 ( 3 ) 351 - 362 2011.03 [Refereed]
Byambaa, B., Todo, Y.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 75 2011
B. Byambaa, Y. Todo
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 145 309 - 318 2011 [Refereed]
Inward and outward fdi of Japan
Yasuyuki Todo
Foreign Direct Investments in Asia 257 - 286 2011.01 [Refereed]
若杉隆平, 戸堂康之, 佐藤仁志, 松浦寿幸, 伊藤萬里, 田中鮎夢
若杉隆平編『現代日本企業の国際化-パネルデータ分析』第1章 2011
Alexander Hijzen, Tomohiko Inui, Yasuyuki Todo
ECONOMIC INQUIRY 48 ( 4 ) 880 - 895 2010.10 [Refereed]
Is Foreign Aid a Vanguard of Foreign Direct Investment? A Gravity-Equation Approach
Hidemi Kimura, Yasuyuki Todo
WORLD DEVELOPMENT 38 ( 4 ) 482 - 497 2010.04 [Refereed]
Mojo, D., Todo, Y., Matous, P.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 42 2010
Mojo, D., Todo, Y., Matous, P.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 66 2010
Knowledge spillovers from FDI in China: The role of educated labor in multinational enterprises
Yasuyuki Todo, Weiying Zhang, Li-An Zhou
Journal of Asian Economics 20 ( 6 ) 626 - 639 2009.11 [Refereed]
Yasuyuki Todo, Satoshi Shimizutani
Research in International Business and Finance 23 ( 1 ) 31 - 45 2009.01 [Refereed]
Are immigrants more likely to commit crimes? Evidence from France
Yu Aoki, Yasuyuki Todo
APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS 16 ( 15 ) 1537 - 1541 2009 [Refereed]
Yasuyuki Todo, Satoshi Shimizutani
JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS 56 ( 4 ) 752 - 777 2008.12 [Refereed]
What determines overseas R&D activities? The case of Japanese multinational firms
Satoshi Shimizutani, Yasuyuki Todo
RESEARCH POLICY 37 ( 3 ) 530 - 544 2008.04 [Refereed]
The Effects of Multinational Production on Domestic Performance: Evidence from Japanese Firms
Alexander Hijzen, Tomohiko Inui, Yasuyuki Todo
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 07-E ( 006 ) 2007.03
Yasuyuki Todo
Journal of Asian Economics 17 ( 6 ) 996 - 1013 2006.12 [Refereed]
Yasuyuki Todo, Koji Miyamoto
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURAL CHANGE 55 ( 1 ) 173 - 200 2006.10 [Refereed]
Technology adoption in follower countries: With or without local R & D activities?
Yasuyuki Todo
Topics in Macroeconomics 5 ( 1 ) 2005 [Refereed]
Y Todo
JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS 25 ( 1 ) 25 - 46 2003.03 [Refereed]
コロナ禍で変わる地政学 : グレート・リセットを迫られる日本
産経新聞出版 2022.01 ISBN: 9784863061590
宇井, 貴志, 加納, 隆, 西山, 慶彦, 林, 正義
東洋経済新報社 2021.12 ISBN: 9784492315385
なぜ「よそ者」とつながることが最強なのか : 生存戦略としてのネットワーク経済学入門
戸堂, 康之
プレジデント社 2020.12 ISBN: 9784833423922
日本の成長戦略と商社 : 日本の未来は商社が拓く
日本貿易会「日本の成長戦略と商社」特別研究会, 日本貿易会, 戸堂, 康之
東洋経済新報社 2014.06 ISBN: 9784492762165
澤田, 康幸, 木原, 隆司, 中田, 啓之, 外谷, 英樹, 戸堂, 康之, 中島, 賢太郎, Matous, Petr, 山形, 辰史, 齊藤, 誠, 深尾, 光洋
日本経済新聞出版社 2014.01 ISBN: 9784532134457
国立国会図書館調査及び立法考査局 2012.09 ISBN: 9784875827351
社会経済史学会, 岡崎, 哲二, 菅山, 真次, 鈴木, 俊夫, 谷本, 雅之, 中林, 真幸, 勘坂, 純市, 安元, 稔, 山本, 千映, 竹内, 敬子, 友部, 謙一, 脇村, 孝平, 神門, 善久, 田北, 廣道, 水野, 祥子, 小堀, 聡, 阿部, 武司, 中野, 忠, 久保, 亨, 神田, さやこ, 鴋澤, 歩, 籠谷, 直人, 城山, 智子, 松沢, 裕作
有斐閣 2012.06 ISBN: 9784641163881
現代日本企業の国際化 : パネルデータ分析
若杉, 隆平, 伊藤, 萬里, 佐藤, 仁志, 田中, 鮎夢, 戸堂, 康之, 松浦, 寿幸
岩波書店 2011.10 ISBN: 9784000227827
立地と経済発展 : 貧困削減の地理的アプローチ
園部, 哲史, 藤田, 昌久, Akoten, John E, Estudillo, Jonna P., 大塚, 啓二郎, 下越, 志延, 周, 黎安, 鈴木, 綾, 蔡, 洪濱, 戸堂, 康之, Vu Hoang Nam, Chowdhury Zia Uddin Hayat, 速水, 佑次郎, 武藤, めぐみ, Charity Gay E. Ramos
東洋経済新報社 2010.08 ISBN: 9784492443682
The role of economic and social networks in the interaction between economies and national security
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Estimation of economic effect on firms and economy triggerd by disaster and anti-infection measure through large-scale supply chains
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Project Year :
Economic and psychological effects of network diversification
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Project Year :
Interactions between multi-layered networks and their economic effects: Beyond single-network analysis
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))
Project Year :
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
Project Year :
SONOBE Tetsushi, TABETANDO Rayner, HIGUCHI Yuki, SHIMAMOTO Daichi, KARLAN Dean, MITSUYAMA Nahoko, KIJIMA Yoko, KONO Hisaki, KITSUKI Akinori, RU Tong, SHOJI Masahiro, BENEDICT Makanga, BANDIERA Oriana, FUJII Tomoki, MIYATA Sachiko, SELAYA Pablo, KIM YuRi, KASHIWAGI Yuzuka, ZHU Lianming, FU Jiangtao
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
Project Year :
Tetsushi Sonobe
Political economy analysis on factors to prevent network diversity
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
Project Year :
Todo Yasuyuki, SHIMAMOTO Daichi, ZHU Lianming, TAKAHASHI Ryo, KIM Yu Ri, KASHIWAGI Yuzuka
Innovation dynamics and development of spatial economics
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Project Year :
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Project Year :
Todo Yasuyuki, MATOUS Petr
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Project Year :
HORITA Masahide, TODO Yasuyuki, MATSUMOTO Takashi, ISHIDA Tetsuya, KUNISHIMA Masahiko
Further development of spatial economics in the age of globalization and brain power society.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Project Year :
FUJITA Masahisa, NISHIMURA Kazuo, WAKASUGI Ryuhei, NAGAOKA Sadao, HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki, MORI Tomoya, ZENG Dao-zhi, TODO Yasuyuki, SATO Yasuhiro, YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro, OKUBO Toshihiro, TABUCHI Takatoshi, TAMADA Schumpeter
Diffusion of Energy-Saving Technologies in Less Developed Countries
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
Project Year :
Yasuyuki TODO
Global Outsourcing and Dynamics of Economic System
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
Project Year :
INUI Tomohiko, KWON Hyeog ug, IJIRI Naohiko, TOYOFUKU Kenta, TODO Yasuyuki, TOKUI Joji, MATSUURA Toshiyuki, TOMIURA Eiichi, SAKURAI Kojiro, HAYAKAWA Kazunobu, YOKOI Norie
Impacts of foreign aid
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)
Project Year :
戸堂 康之
若杉隆平, 戸堂康之, 佐藤仁志, 西岡修一郎, 松浦寿幸, 伊藤萬里, 田中鮎夢
RIETI Discussion Paper Series No. 08-J-046 2008.09
Effect of privatization on export through changes in productivity and financial factors
Yasuyuki Todo, Tomohiko Inui, Yuan Yuan
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 12-E-015
Doctoral Research Guidance on Development Economics B (Todo, Y)
Graduate School of Economics
2025 fall semester
Doctoral Research Guidance on Development Economics A (Todo, Y)
Graduate School of Economics
2025 spring semester
Research Guidance (Seminar) on Development Economics B (Todo, Y)
Graduate School of Economics
2025 fall semester
Research Guidance (Seminar) on Development Economics A (Todo, Y)
Graduate School of Economics
2025 spring semester
Seminar on Global Political Economy III[J] (Todo, Y)
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 spring semester
Seminar on Global Political Economy IV[J] (Todo, Y)
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Global Political Economy II (Todo, Y)
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Global Political Economy I (Todo, Y)
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 spring semester
Pre-seminar on Global Political Economy[J] (Todo, Y)
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 winter quarter
Applied Econometrics (Practical economic analysis using R)[J] 01
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 spring semester
オーストラリア シドニー大学
Faculty of Political Science and Economics Graduate School of Economics
Center for Data Science Concurrent Researcher
Waseda Institute of Political Economy Concurrent Researcher
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