Research Experience
Hirosaki University Department of Education Lecturer (full/part-time)
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/15
Hirosaki University Department of Education Lecturer (full/part-time)
University of Cambridge Faculty of Classics PhD Programme
University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Department of Advanced Social Sciences, MA and PhD Programme
University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences Advanced Social Sciences
Japanese Journal of Political Science Editor
theory of justice
political philosophy
history of political thought
J. S. Mill
Teaching Award
2017 Waseda University (School of Political Science and Economics 'Reading Political Science in English: Basic B')
Winner: Kazutaka Inamura
The Eleatic Stranger's Method in Aristotle's Ethics
Kazutaka Inamura
The Cambridge Classical Journal 1 - 22 2023.09 [Refereed] [International journal]
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author
Scientific Classification and Essentialism in the Aristotelian Typology of Constitutions
Inamura, Kazutaka
HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT 40 ( 2 ) 196 - 218 2019.06 [Refereed]
The Role of Reciprocity in Aristotle's Theory of Political Economy
Kazutaka Inamura
History of Political Thought 32 ( 4 ) 565 - 587 2011 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Civic Virtue and Fraternity: Problems of Rawls's Luck Neutralizing Approach
Kazutaka Inamura
Studies in Social and Political Thought 21 2013.06 [Refereed]
Citizenship Education: The Crick Report and Aristotle's Theory of Education
Kazutaka Inamura
Studia Classica [in Japanese] 4 1 - 25 2013.04 [Refereed]
Aristotle's concept of civic virtue and civic republicanism
The Japanese journal of political thought 11 ( 11 ) 248 - 278 2011.05 [Refereed]
Aristotle's Theory of Civic Friendship and its Political-Philosophical Implications
Philosophy [in Japanese] 62 ( 62 ) 141 - 155 2011.04 [Refereed]
Reciprocity and equality in Aristotle's political philosophy
Annals of the Society for the History of Social Thought [in Japanese] 34 ( 34 ) 85 - 103 2010.09 [Refereed]
What does it mean to be political in Aristotle?: a consideration on the concept of common profit
Archive for philosophy and the history of science [in Japanese] 10 ( 10 ) 25 - 52 2008 [Refereed]
Aristotle on Phronesis: the nature of intellect in action
Komaba studies in society [in Japanese] 16 ( 16 ) 2 - 14 2006 [Refereed]
Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle's Political Philosophy (Cambridge Classical Studies)
Kazutaka Inamura
Cambridge University Press 2015.09 ISBN: 1107110947
The Ancient Greek Myths of Political Art in Plato's Protagoras and Statesman
Kazutaka Inamura [Invited]
Political Virtue between East and West (City University of Hong Kong)
Presentation date: 2024.05
Aristotle's Nonideal Political Theory in Politics 4-6
Kazutaka Inamura
The Book of Political Science: Structure, Hierarchy and Recipient, from Antiquity to the Middle Ages (Getafe) 22nd Annual Meeting of the "Collegium Politicum"
Presentation date: 2023.05
Aristotelian Teleology in the Distribution of Resources
Kazutaka Inamura [Invited]
26th World Congress of Political Science
Presentation date: 2021.07
稲村一隆 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2021.05
Presentation date: 2020.09
Aristotle on Reciprocity and Hierarchy
Kazutaka Inamura [Invited]
Ancient Worlds/Global Antiquity series at Yale-NUS college
Presentation date: 2020.02
The Role-Exchange Reciprocity as a Basis for Republicanism
Kazutaka Inamura [Invited]
27th Political Philosophy Workshopat Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai
Presentation date: 2019.11
Reciprocity in Aristotle's Political Philosophy: Replies to Critics
Kazutaka Inamura [Invited]
American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting
Presentation date: 2019.02
Scientific Classification and Essentialism in the Aristotelian Typology of Government
Kazutaka Inamura
The 2018 joint session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association
Presentation date: 2018.07
Presentation date: 2018.05
A Hermeneutic Method for Developing Republican Political Theory
Kazutaka Inamura
Republicanism in the history of political philosophy and today
Presentation date: 2017.11
J. S. Mill on Liberty, Dialectics and the Logic behind Political Discourse
Kazutaka Inamura
History of Political Thought Seminar at the University of Oxford
Presentation date: 2017.01
A Genus-differentia Definition and Natural Kinds
Kazutaka Inamura
The 2016 joint session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association
Presentation date: 2016.07
The Eleatic Stranger's Method in Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics
Kazutaka Inamura
Ancient Philosophy Workshop at the University of Oxford
Presentation date: 2016.01
Aristotle's Methods of Ethics
Kazutaka Inamura
The 2015 joint session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association
Presentation date: 2015.07
Presentation date: 2013.11
Presentation date: 2013.10
Presentation date: 2013.10
Presentation date: 2013.05
The Methodology of Ethics and the Human Function Argument: A Difference Between Aristotle and MacIntyre
Kazutaka Inamura
The 6th Annual Conference of International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry, University of Nottingham, UK
Presentation date: 2012.07
Civic Virtue and Republican Liberty
Kazutaka Inamura
The 2nd Annual Conference of the PSA Contemporary Aristotelian Studies Group, University of Nottingham, UK
Presentation date: 2012.07
Aristotle on Civic Virtue and Criticism of Republican Liberty
Kazutaka Inamura
The 3rd Braga Meetings on Ethics and Politics, University of Minho, Portugal
Presentation date: 2012.05
Justice in Exchange: Aristotle's Theory of Gift-giving in Nicomachean Ethics V.5
Kazutaka Inamura
Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Exeter, UK
Presentation date: 2012.04
A Theory of the Mixed Constitution in J. S. Mill on Representative Government
Kazutaka Inamura
Ancient Ideas in the Modern World: Reinventing the Legacy of Greece, University of Cambridge, UK
Presentation date: 2011.07
The naturalization and civilization of social norm based on Aristotle's biology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
近藤 智彦, 茶谷 直人, 岩田 圭一, 高橋 祥吾, 立花 幸司, 相澤 康隆, 佐良土 茂樹, 稲村 一隆, 松浦 和也
The methodology in ethics with regard to ancient Greek dialectics
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Inamura Kazutaka
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
稲村 一隆
Tetsuro Watsuji's reception of Aristotle's political philosophy
Kazutaka Inamura
Aristotle in Japan: Reception, Interpretation and Application 30 - 44 2025.03
The Preestablished Harmony in Pettit's Genealogical Method
Kazutaka Inamura
Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 2 ( 2 ) 212 - 215 2023.08
Authorship:Lead author
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Colloquium: Politics of Hobbes as a “Counsellor”
2 245 - 264 2023.02
社会と倫理 36 218 2021.11 [Invited]
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Arendt Platz 6 71 - 73 2021.08 [Invited]
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Aristotle on Sovereignty
Kazutaka Inamura
Reading Texts on Sovereignty: Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought (Stella Achilleos and Antonis Balasopoulos (eds.), Bloomsbury) 17 - 24 2021.07 [Refereed] [Invited]
『よくわかる政治思想』(野口雅弘、山本圭、高山裕二 編著) 2021.04 [Invited]
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
Virtue Ethics and Contemporary Aristotelianism. Modernity, Conflict and Politics
Kazutaka Inamura
CLASSICAL REVIEW 71 ( 1 ) 66 - 68 2021.04 [Invited]
Authorship:Lead author
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Amitani Sosuke, Inamura Kazutaka, Kim Hae, Saito Takuya
Media and Communication Studies 74 59 - 83 2021.03 [Domestic journal]
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Reflective Equilibrium and Dialectic
Kazutaka Inamura
2400 Years of Thinking with Aristotle (Mircea Dumitru, Cristian Iftode and Savu Totu (eds.), University of Bucharest Press) 213 - 228 2020.12 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
『生命の経済』(西尾宇広編、慶應義塾大学出版会) 145 - 160 2020.05 [Invited]
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
Thinking Politics Philosophically : A Note on the Significance of Aristotle's Politics
( 147 ) 93 - 114 2020
『世界哲学史1』(伊藤邦武、山内志朗、中島隆博、納富信留 編集、ちくま新書) 213 - 237 2020.01 [Invited]
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
The author-meets-critics-session’s note — Ai Kawamoto, The Origin of the Cosmopolitanism: Political Philosophy of the Early Stoa, Kyoto University Press, 2019
Ai Kawamoto, Masaru Yasuda, Kazutaka Inamura, Takuya Kanetoshi, Tomohiko Kondo
BULLETIN OF CLASSICAL STUDIES 28 ( 28 ) 85 - 127 2019.08
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Free Speech and Sophisticated Falsificationism
Kazutaka Inamura
The Waseda Journal of Political Science and Economics 395 2 - 6 2019.07 [Invited]
Lecture material (seminar, tutorial, course, lecture, etc.)
Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle's Political Philosophy : The author-meets-critics-session's note
石野 敬太, 川本 愛, 齋藤 拓也, 金山 準, 稲村 一隆
教養諸学研究 = Journal of liberal arts ( 143 ) 129 - 153 2017
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
図書新聞 ( 3246 ) 2016.03 [Invited]
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
書評 『都市と人間』(レオ・シュトラウス著、石崎嘉彦・飯島昇藏・小高康照・近藤和貴・佐々木潤訳)
稲村 一隆
社会思想史研究 : 社会思想史学会年報 ( 40 ) 177 - 180 2016
レ・シトワヤン ( 32 ) 2014.03 [Invited]
書評 Kevin M. Cherry, Plato, Aristotle, and the Purpose of Politics
西洋古典学研究 ( 62 ) 138 - 140 2014.03
書評 『アリストテレスの政治思想』(岩田靖夫著)
稲村 一隆
社会思想史研究 : 社会思想史学会年報 ( 36 ) 178 - 182 2012.09 [Invited]
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Research Methods in Political Science (Normative Studies) (Inamura, K)
Graduate School of Economics
2025 fall semester
Seminar on political philosophy and history of political thought
Graduate School of Political Science
2025 fall semester
Seminar on political philosophy and history of political thought
Graduate School of Political Science
2025 spring semester
Research Methods in Political Science (Normative Studies)
Graduate School of Political Science
2025 fall semester
Seminar on political philosophy and history of political thought B
Graduate School of Political Science
2025 fall semester
Seminar on political philosophy and history of political thought A
Graduate School of Political Science
2025 spring semester
Pre-seminar on Political Science[J] (Inamura, K)
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 winter quarter
Seminar on Political Science II (Inamura, K)
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 fall semester
Research Methods in Political Science (Normative Studies) [E] 02
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Political Science IV[J] (Inamura, K)
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 fall semester
Seminar on Political Science III[J] (Inamura, K)
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 spring semester
Seminar on Political Science I (Inamura, K)
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 spring semester
Public Philosophy (Political Perspectives) [J] 03
School of Political Science and Economics
2025 fall semester
2021 上田路子, Veszteg, Robert
2020 Michiko Ueda, Robert Veszteg
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