Updated on 2025/03/15


INAMURA, Kazutaka
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
Doctor of Philosophy ( University of Cambridge )
Mail Address

Research Experience

  • 2013.11

    Hirosaki University   Department of Education   Lecturer (full/part-time)

Education Background

  • 2008.10

    University of Cambridge   Faculty of Classics   PhD Programme  

  • 2003.04

    University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences   Department of Advanced Social Sciences, MA and PhD Programme  

  • 1999.04

    University of Tokyo   College of Arts and Sciences   Advanced Social Sciences  

Committee Memberships

  • 2018.09

    Japanese Journal of Political Science  Editor

Research Interests

  • naturalism

  • teleology

  • reciprocity

  • dialectic

  • definition

  • methodology

  • theory of justice

  • democracy

  • political philosophy

  • history of political thought

  • Aristotle

  • J. S. Mill

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  • Teaching Award

    2017   Waseda University   (School of Political Science and Economics 'Reading Political Science in English: Basic B')

    Winner: Kazutaka Inamura



  • The Eleatic Stranger's Method in Aristotle's Ethics

    Kazutaka Inamura

    The Cambridge Classical Journal     1 - 22  2023.09  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    This article examines Aristotle's method for defining the concept of happiness in his Eudemian and Nicomachean ethics. In particular, the article draws attention to a methodological passage (Eth. Eud. 1.6 1216b26–35), in which he claims that ‘If we start from what is truly yet not clearly spoken, clarity will be won as we make progress’. This expression comes from Plato's Statesman 275a and 281d. Aristotle then seems to adopt the Eleatic stranger's method in two ways to clarify the initial imprecise statement that happiness is the greatest and best of human goods: first, he distinguishes a target object from other similar objects, and second, he refers to appearances as illustrations to clarify more abstract ethical concepts. This analysis illuminates the influence of the later Platonic method on Aristotle's ethics from a new angle.


  • Aristotle’s Political Theory as a Craft and Science in Politics 4–6

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought   39 ( 3 ) 553 - 575  2022  [Refereed]

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    This article maintains that Aristotle develops his political theory as a craft and science in Politics 4-6. The literature, however, has argued that he views political knowledge as a form of practical wisdom or prudence. This article discusses the way that Aristotle proposes political theory as a skill to help deal with unfavorable circumstances. In Greek political thought, craft and science are characterized as skills of cooperating with nature, taking up opportunities, and coping with uncertainty. Aristotle uses this conception when he develops his political theory in Politics 4-6. He understands that political theorists should advise prudent legislators on practical reforms of constitutions and help them address non-ideal situations. Serious efforts to gain causal knowledge are indispensable for statesmanship. This view of statesmanship better illustrates political theory as part of human efforts and cooperation to resolve uncertainty rather than the one that sharply distinguishes among theoretical, practical, and productive sciences.



  • J. S. Mill on Liberty, Socratic Dialectic, and the Logic behind Political Discourse

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Journal of the History of Ideas   81 ( 2 ) 257 - 277  2020.04  [Refereed]

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    © Journal of the History of Ideas. This article examines J. S. Mill’s philosophical logic as the basis for his political philosophy. In particular, it explores how he understands the logical mechanism of political discourse in his work A System of Logic and how this understanding supports his defense of freedom of thought and discussion in his On Liberty (chapter 2). While it is well known in the scholarly literature that Mill draws on Socratic dialectic to develop his view of political discourse, this article investigates in detail the logic behind the Socratic dialectic, thereby identifying the historical significance of Mill’s defense of liberty of discussion.



  • Scientific Classification and Essentialism in the Aristotelian Typology of Constitutions

    Inamura, Kazutaka

    HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT   40 ( 2 ) 196 - 218  2019.06  [Refereed]

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    This article examines Aristotle's ideas of scientific classification in his typology of constitutions. In particular, it considers how his theory of biological classification is used in the Politics and how his notion of scientific definition plays a role in developing his political theory. A key idea behind his typology is that different combinations of parts determine different characteristics of their wholes. Within this framework, Aristotle uses a Platonic idea that the influential part of a state determines the nature of a constitution. The article thus illuminates Aristotle's scientific background for considering how to arrange constitutional elements for good governance.

  • Democratic and Aristocratic Aristotle: An Aristotelian Response to Nussbaum's Capabilities Approach

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Polis   29 ( 2 ) 286 - 308  2012  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    This paper addresses the problem of how to make 'democratic' elements in Aristotle's political philosophy compatible with his aristocratic framework for distributing political authority. To this end, it is argued that in Aristotle's framework, the idea of aristocratic governance is justified, because it contributes most greatly to the achievement of the well-being of people in a city (Politics III.9), or the common benefit of a wide range of free individuals (Politics III.6 and 7), and that Aristotle's argument for the wisdom of the multitude (Politics III.11) is actually not democratic, but rather aristocratic to the extent that he proposes integrating the multitude into the deliberative and judicial processes by identifying their 'virtuous character' as a group, not by offering an idea that human beings are created equal. The paper also offers a more constructive criticism of Nussbaum's capabilities approach by arguing that Aristotle's aristocratic idea of distributive justice provides more useful insights into the problem of popular participation than Nussbaum's emphasis on people's capacity for choosing their own way of life.



  • The Role of Reciprocity in Aristotle's Theory of Political Economy

    Kazutaka Inamura

    History of Political Thought   32 ( 4 ) 565 - 587  2011  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    This paper argues that what Aristotle has in mind as the criterion for estimating the value of products in Nicomachean Ethics V.5 is neither the Marxian concept of 'human labour' nor Polanyi's concept of 'status', but the benefit of a recipient, and maintains that Aristotle here does not analyse the mechanism of a market economy, but addresses the problem of how to build reciprocal relationships among citizens through the exchange of goods. Furthermore, unlike Nussbaum's capability approach, which draws attention to the concept of well-being, the paper argues that the concept of reciprocity plays the key role in Aristotle's distributive theory of property in the Politics and lays the foundation for his understanding of political governance as the exchange of governing and being governed in turn. © Imprint Academic 2011.

  • テクストの分析と影響関係 (政治思想史の新しい手法)

    稲村 一隆

    思想   ( 1143 ) 82 - 98  2019.07


  • Problems of Liberal Eugenics

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Bioethics [in Japanese]   23 ( 1 ) 46 - 53  2013.09  [Refereed]

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    This paper examines the problems of liberal eugenics, namely, parents aiming to enhance a particular trait in their future children by inserting some relevant genes into their embryo, and explores whether this is compatible with the principle of liberalism whereby individuals have the rights to choose their own way of life. According to liberal eugenics, when changes to children's genes and changes to children's environment have the same effects, we should evaluate them similarly. The paper, however, argues that there is an important difference between them: parents change their children's environment by taking the wishes of their children into account while they change their embryos' genes without considering any feedback, positive or negative, from their future children. The paper therefore argues that parents have the procreative freedom to decide whether or not, with whom, when, and how often they reproduce, but they do not have liberty to change the genes of their embryos merely to enhance the traits of their future children, since this type of genetic intervention may violate the children's rights to choose their own way of life. The paper also points out that the conservative, liberal, and communitarian criticisms of liberal eugenics, as offered by Kass, Habermas, and Sandel, place very strong emphasis on the influence of genetic modification on human character, and concludes that we can point out the non-liberal characteristic of liberal eugenics even if we acknowledge both genetic and environmental influences on the development of human character traits.


  • 自由主義と弁証法 : ジョン・ロールズの反照的均衡について

    稲村 一隆

    思想   1072 ( 1072 ) 50 - 72  2013.08


  • Civic Virtue and Fraternity: Problems of Rawls's Luck Neutralizing Approach

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Studies in Social and Political Thought   21  2013.06  [Refereed]

  • Citizenship Education: The Crick Report and Aristotle's Theory of Education

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Studia Classica [in Japanese]   4   1 - 25  2013.04  [Refereed]

  • 市民的共和主義における政治哲学の基礎づけ--アリストテレスとホッブズとの対比を通して

    稲村 一隆

    思想   1051 ( 1051 ) 29 - 50  2011.11


  • Aristotle's concept of civic virtue and civic republicanism

    The Japanese journal of political thought   11 ( 11 ) 248 - 278  2011.05  [Refereed]


  • Aristotle's Theory of Civic Friendship and its Political-Philosophical Implications

    Philosophy [in Japanese]   62 ( 62 ) 141 - 155  2011.04  [Refereed]


  • Reciprocity and equality in Aristotle's political philosophy

    Annals of the Society for the History of Social Thought [in Japanese]   34 ( 34 ) 85 - 103  2010.09  [Refereed]


  • Distributive justice and the foundation of Aristotle's constitutional theory

    The Japanese journal of political thought   8   146 - 170  2008.05  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • What does it mean to be political in Aristotle?: a consideration on the concept of common profit

    Archive for philosophy and the history of science [in Japanese]   10 ( 10 ) 25 - 52  2008  [Refereed]


  • Aristotle on Phronesis: the nature of intellect in action

    Komaba studies in society [in Japanese]   16 ( 16 ) 2 - 14  2006  [Refereed]


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Books and Other Publications


  • The Ancient Greek Myths of Political Art in Plato's Protagoras and Statesman

    Kazutaka Inamura  [Invited]

    Political Virtue between East and West  (City University of Hong Kong) 

    Presentation date: 2024.05

  • Aristotle's Nonideal Political Theory in Politics 4-6

    Kazutaka Inamura

    The Book of Political Science: Structure, Hierarchy and Recipient, from Antiquity to the Middle Ages  (Getafe)  22nd Annual Meeting of the "Collegium Politicum"

    Presentation date: 2023.05

    Event date:
  • Aristotelian Teleology in the Distribution of Resources

    Kazutaka Inamura  [Invited]

    26th World Congress of Political Science 

    Presentation date: 2021.07

  • アリストテレスの分類学から観察する民主政

    稲村一隆  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.05

  • 「自然は無駄なものを作らない」:分業と分配的正義に関するアリストテレスの目的論



    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • Aristotle on Reciprocity and Hierarchy

    Kazutaka Inamura  [Invited]

    Ancient Worlds/Global Antiquity series at Yale-NUS college 

    Presentation date: 2020.02

  • The Role-Exchange Reciprocity as a Basis for Republicanism

    Kazutaka Inamura  [Invited]

    27th Political Philosophy Workshopat Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Reciprocity in Aristotle's Political Philosophy: Replies to Critics

    Kazutaka Inamura  [Invited]

    American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • Scientific Classification and Essentialism in the Aristotelian Typology of Government

    Kazutaka Inamura

    The 2018 joint session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association 

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • J.S.ミルにおけるソクラテス弁証術の受容と言論の自由:『論理学体系』第4巻第4章と『自由論』第2章



    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • A Hermeneutic Method for Developing Republican Political Theory

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Republicanism in the history of political philosophy and today 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • J. S. Mill on Liberty, Dialectics and the Logic behind Political Discourse

    Kazutaka Inamura

    History of Political Thought Seminar at the University of Oxford 

    Presentation date: 2017.01

  • A Genus-differentia Definition and Natural Kinds

    Kazutaka Inamura

    The 2016 joint session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • The Eleatic Stranger's Method in Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Ancient Philosophy Workshop at the University of Oxford 

    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • Aristotle's Methods of Ethics

    Kazutaka Inamura

    The 2015 joint session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 生殖の自由に対する徳倫理学のアプローチ



    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • 自由主義と弁証法:ジョン・ロールズの反照的均衡について



    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 多数者の知恵とフロネーシス



    Presentation date: 2013.10

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    ワークショップ「アリストテレスと徳倫理学の可能性」 実施責任者(企画、オーガナイザー):立花幸司 提題者:相澤康隆、稲村一隆、立花幸司

  • 交換における正義:アリストテレス『ニコマコス倫理学』5巻5章の位置づけ



    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • The Methodology of Ethics and the Human Function Argument: A Difference Between Aristotle and MacIntyre

    Kazutaka Inamura

    The 6th Annual Conference of International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry, University of Nottingham, UK 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Civic Virtue and Republican Liberty

    Kazutaka Inamura

    The 2nd Annual Conference of the PSA Contemporary Aristotelian Studies Group, University of Nottingham, UK 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Aristotle on Civic Virtue and Criticism of Republican Liberty

    Kazutaka Inamura

    The 3rd Braga Meetings on Ethics and Politics, University of Minho, Portugal 

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • Justice in Exchange: Aristotle's Theory of Gift-giving in Nicomachean Ethics V.5

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Exeter, UK 

    Presentation date: 2012.04

  • A Theory of the Mixed Constitution in J. S. Mill on Representative Government

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Ancient Ideas in the Modern World: Reinventing the Legacy of Greece, University of Cambridge, UK 

    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • 他、省略

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Research Projects

  • The naturalization and civilization of social norm based on Aristotle's biology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • アリストテレス倫理学の再定位を通した新たな自然主義的倫理学の構想

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    近藤 智彦, 茶谷 直人, 岩田 圭一, 高橋 祥吾, 立花 幸司, 相澤 康隆, 佐良土 茂樹, 稲村 一隆, 松浦 和也

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    プロジェクト三年目となる2019年度は、昨年度までと同じくメンバーが各自の研究を進めるとともに、特に国内外での研究成果の発信に力を入れた。まず5月19日に日本哲学会第78回大会(首都大学東京)で、公募ワークショップ「政治的な事柄を〈いま〉哲学するということ:アリストテレス『政治学』を再読する意義の検討を手がかりとして」(オーガナイザー・立花)を行った。本研究メンバーの相澤・稲村に福間聡・玉手慎太郎の両氏を加えた四名の提題を受けて、アリストテレス哲学の現代的意義と時代的制約などをめぐって刺激的な意見交換がなされた。7月7日にはFIEC/CA 2019(ロンドン)で、本研究メンバーの立花・岩田および研究協力者の文景楠・北郷彩によるパネル発表‘Rethinking Nature and Naturalism in Aristotle’s Ethics’が行われ、アリストテレス倫理学における自然概念と自然主義の問題をめぐって多岐に亘る議論が交わされた。その他、本研究に関連する企画として、同じFIEC/CA 2019で7月6日に近藤をオーガナイザーとしてパネル発表が、その準備として5月25日にワークショップ「日本における西洋古典受容」(慶應義塾大学)が、また5月26日には研究協力者の川本愛による研究書の書評会(早稲田大学、本研究メンバーの近藤・稲村のほか安田将・兼利琢也の各氏の協力を得た)が、2月20日には古代哲学ワークショップ(ユトレヒト大学)がそれぞれ開かれた。各自の研究も順調に進められており、2019年度中に発表された主な成果としては、高橋、松浦、研究協力者の文景楠らによる研究論文、茶谷によるアリストテレス研究書、近藤、佐良土による分担執筆論文、および書評会ノートなどがある。

  • The methodology in ethics with regard to ancient Greek dialectics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Inamura Kazutaka

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    I have examined Aristotle's dialectical methodology in his ethical and political philosophy. In the existing literature, it is well known that Aristotle uses dialectics as a method for criticizing common beliefs and establishing the first principles of studies. It is, however, unclear what types of dialectics and how Aristotle uses for formulating ethical concepts and offer arguments in his Nicomachean and Eudemian Ethics and Politics. It is also doubted how Aristotle's dialetics are reliable for acquiring knowledge. I have clarified that Plato's dialectical method of division is very influential on Aristotle's method of formulating the notion of human well-being, that the method of division is used in his scientific classification of the political constitutions as well as in his biological taxonomy and that the role-exchange reciprocity is a basis for dialectical conversation.

  • 市民倫理としてのアリストテレス徳倫理学の現代的意義

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    稲村 一隆

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  • Tetsuro Watsuji's reception of Aristotle's political philosophy

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Aristotle in Japan: Reception, Interpretation and Application     30 - 44  2025.03



  • The Preestablished Harmony in Pettit's Genealogical Method

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Journal of Social and Political Philosophy   2 ( 2 ) 212 - 215  2023.08

    Authorship:Lead author

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 書評『フーコーの風向き:近代国家の系譜学』(重田園江、青土社、2020年)


    社会と倫理   36   218  2021.11  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 書評『ポリスへの愛:アーレントと政治哲学の可能性』(森一郎、風行社、2020年)


    Arendt Platz   6   71 - 73  2021.08  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • Aristotle on Sovereignty

    Kazutaka Inamura

    Reading Texts on Sovereignty: Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought (Stella Achilleos and Antonis Balasopoulos (eds.), Bloomsbury)     17 - 24  2021.07  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • 「アリストテレス」「ケンブリッジ学派」


    『よくわかる政治思想』(野口雅弘、山本圭、高山裕二 編著)    2021.04  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • Virtue Ethics and Contemporary Aristotelianism. Modernity, Conflict and Politics

    Kazutaka Inamura

    CLASSICAL REVIEW   71 ( 1 ) 66 - 68  2021.04  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • The author-meets-critics-session's note : Takuya Saito, Immanuel Kant, Ethics and Politics : Way of Thinking, Civil Society and Republic (Koyo Shobo, 2019)

    Amitani Sosuke, Inamura Kazutaka, Kim Hae, Saito Takuya

    Media and Communication Studies   74   59 - 83  2021.03  [Domestic journal]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • Reflective Equilibrium and Dialectic

    Kazutaka Inamura

    2400 Years of Thinking with Aristotle (Mircea Dumitru, Cristian Iftode and Savu Totu (eds.), University of Bucharest Press)     213 - 228  2020.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 互恵的な社会が生まれるまで


    『生命の経済』(西尾宇広編、慶應義塾大学出版会)     145 - 160  2020.05  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 第8章「プラトンとアリストテレス」


    『世界哲学史1』(伊藤邦武、山内志朗、中島隆博、納富信留 編集、ちくま新書)     213 - 237  2020.01  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • The author-meets-critics-session’s note — Ai Kawamoto, The Origin of the Cosmopolitanism: Political Philosophy of the Early Stoa, Kyoto University Press, 2019

    Ai Kawamoto, Masaru Yasuda, Kazutaka Inamura, Takuya Kanetoshi, Tomohiko Kondo

    BULLETIN OF CLASSICAL STUDIES   28 ( 28 ) 85 - 127  2019.08

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • Free Speech and Sophisticated Falsificationism

    Kazutaka Inamura

    The Waseda Journal of Political Science and Economics   395   2 - 6  2019.07  [Invited]

    Lecture material (seminar, tutorial, course, lecture, etc.)  


  • Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle's Political Philosophy : The author-meets-critics-session's note

    石野 敬太, 川本 愛, 齋藤 拓也, 金山 準, 稲村 一隆

    教養諸学研究 = Journal of liberal arts   ( 143 ) 129 - 153  2017

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • 書評『ポリス的動物:生物学・倫理・政治』(スティーブン・R・L・クラーク著、古牧徳生訳)


    図書新聞   ( 3246 )  2016.03  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 書評 『都市と人間』(レオ・シュトラウス著、石崎嘉彦・飯島昇藏・小高康照・近藤和貴・佐々木潤訳)

    稲村 一隆

    社会思想史研究 : 社会思想史学会年報   ( 40 ) 177 - 180  2016


  • [ケンブリッジ・コンパニオン] 徳倫理学(ダニエル・C・ラッセル編)

    立花幸司, 相澤康隆, 稲村一隆, 佐良土茂樹



  • 古代ギリシアの弁証法


    レ・シトワヤン   ( 32 )  2014.03  [Invited]

  • 書評 Kevin M. Cherry, Plato, Aristotle, and the Purpose of Politics


    西洋古典学研究   ( 62 ) 138 - 140  2014.03


  • 書評 『アリストテレス政治哲学の重層性』(荒木勝著)

    稲村 一隆

    社会思想史研究 : 社会思想史学会年報   ( 37 ) 174 - 178  2013.09  [Invited]


  • 書評 『アリストテレスの政治思想』(岩田靖夫著)

    稲村 一隆

    社会思想史研究 : 社会思想史学会年報   ( 36 ) 178 - 182  2012.09  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 相互性の社会規範のオンライン・サーベイ

    2021   上田路子, Veszteg, Robert

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    本年度は、まず6月に昨年度の研究成果を1st European ExperimentalPhilosophy Conference (online)で口頭発表した。被験者の文化的な影響をどのように考えているのか、有利・不利の立場の違いを被験者はどのように認識しているのか、といった点について質問が寄せられたが、被験者の視点よりも有利・不利の立場の違いに応じて規範の理解に違いが生じているという本研究の成果自体は参加者の興味を引く内容であったことを確認できた。そこで本年度は、これまでの調査結果が果たして日本語圏以外の人にも当てはまるのかどうか、また被験者が調査内容の人間関係をどのように理解しているのかを調べるため追加実験を企画した。しかし追加実験の実施は翌年度に持ち越した。

  • 古代ギリシアの政治思想における財産の所有と分配の規範理論に関する探究


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    This research has examinedhow Aristotle’s teleological nature is used in his argument about thedistribution and use of resources in the Politics. This nature is different from the nature ofa particular species (such as “human nature”) in that it works as if it is an agent that distributes resourcesto creatures and arranges organs in their bodies. The work of this teleologicalnature is expressed in the principle that nature does nothing in vain. From apresent-day angle, however, this nature is abused for justifying enslavement,gender inequality and hierarchies. This research addresses these problemswith such applications of biological ideas to political philosophy. It has clarified that Aristotle’s teleological thinking is indispensable for developing a unified theory of just distribution. I spoke about this research in a conference (第41回政治哲学研究会) in 26th September 2021 (online) and will offer a presentation in International Political Science Association, 10th-15th July 2021 (online). I have written an article and submitted it to an international journal.

  • 相互性の社会規範に関するオンライン・サーベイの研究

    2020   Michiko Ueda, Robert Veszteg

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    Our research has carried out a representative survey experiment with 1900 respondentsin Japan in January 2021. It explores how the first- and third-person perspectives affect people’s normativechoices regarding a fair distribution of scarce resources. Our goal is to performan empirical test of equity theory (or desert-based theory of justice)according to which “inputs (into a relationship) and outputs (out of arelationship) should be in the same proportion for all persons involved” (Gaertnerand Schokkaert 2012, p.98). We do so by observing choicesin asymmetric situations for which equity theory prescribes non-egalitarian outcomes. We have created 18 vignettes by altering the values of three treatment variables:perspective (first vs third person), relative position (advantaged vsdisadvantaged), and context (distributing bananas on an uninhabited island, assigningbonus payment in a business, and redistributing labor income through taxation). We conclude that, for people’s normative choicesregarding a fair distribution, perspective does not matter, but relativepositions do. Decision-makers in the advantaged position tend to besignificantly more egalitarian. We will offer a presentation about these results in a conference (1st European Experimental Philosophy Conference, 17th-19th June, 2021, Charles University, Prague (online). We are also writing an article to publish it in an international journal.

  • 弁証術を通した政治哲学の方法論(反照的均衡)の論理的基礎の解明


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    This research has examined reflective equilibrium as a method for normative political philosophy from theperspective of Aristotelian dialectic. John Rawls’s reflective equilibrium isdialectical in the sense that it refers to people’s common opinions orconsidered judgements as a starting point for enquiry to formulate theprinciples of justice. However, this method iscriticised by Richard Hare and Stephen Stich in that people’s common opinionsmight be biased, and that these opinions cannot offer objective bases for moralitybecause they might be coloured by individual differences, local cultures orgenetic factors. The current research has addressed this epistemological problem inlight of the recent argument on the dialectical conception of epistemicjustification, and considered how this method offers a reliable basis forformulating ethical values. The analysis has described the process ofethical reasoning, particularly theoretical acceptance, thereby showing how thereflective equilibrium method works according to humans’ natural process ofconcept formation and how it contributes to creating a unified, systematic andobjective scheme of ethical values. The current research has concluded that a dialectical approach contributes positively to the purpose of ethical theory, which is to clarify the ideas of ethical values and offer a conceptual framework for issuing ethical judgements.