Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
Doctor of Engineering ( 1994.03 Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2014.04

    Waseda University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (at present)

  • 2006.05

    Ibaraki University, Institute for Global Change Adaptation Science (ICAS)

  • 2001.04

    Ibaraki University, Facility of Engineering, Department of Urban and Civil Engineering

  • 1987.04

    Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering   Civil Engineering  

Committee Memberships

  • 2019.06

    地盤工学会関東支部  副支部長

  • 2024.10

    茨城県  (新最終処分場)施工管理ワーキンググループ 座長

  • 2024.07

    神奈川県  神奈川県土地収用事業認定審議会委員

  • 2024.04

    日本原子力学会  バックエンド部会部会長

  • 2024.03

    (一財)茨城県環境保全事業団  新最終処分場工事施工中の環境モニタリングに係る有識者会議委員

  • 2024.02

    経済産業省  特定放射性廃棄物小委員会 地層処分技術ワーキンググループ

  • 2023.05

    Japan Pneumatic Technology Association  Technical Advisor

  • 2023.04

    宇都宮市エコパーク板戸の遮水シートの損傷に係る対策検討委員会  委員

  • 2021.11

    茨城県  新産業廃棄物最終処分場整備に伴う生活環境調査委員会委員

  • 2017.05

    東京都  下水道ポンプ所の大深度大型ケーソンにおける地中連結に対する施工検討委員会

  • 2023.07

    理事会2023年度会長プロジェクト土木の魅力向上特別委員会土木技術者ステイタスアップ小委員会  委員

  • 2023.06

    茨城県  最終処分場建設工事事業者選定委員会委員

  • 2023.04

    日本原子力学会  バックエンド部会副部会長

  • 2022.03

    千葉市  千葉市次期最終処分場候補地選定委員会

  • 2020.04

    一般財団法人 日本原子力文化財団  厚生労働省委託厚労省被ばく低減専門家委員会

  • 2014.11

    経済産業省  地層処分技術WG委員

  • 2022.03

    千葉県  公共関与産業廃棄物最終処分場の整備に関する委員会

  • 2021.04

    茨城県  新産業廃棄物最終処分場基本計画策定委員会副委員長

  • 2015.10

    Japan Society of Geotechinical Engineering  Chair

  • 2015.10

    地盤工学会・福島第一原子力発電所廃止措置に向けた地盤工学的新技術と人材育成に関する検討委員会  座長

  • 2014.04

    東海村「原子力安全対策懇談会」  委員

  • 2020.01

    経済産業省  地層処分研究開発調整会議外部有識者

  • 2019.07

    地盤工学会・地盤環境汚染対策の科学的合理性判定のための調査・試験・評価法に関する研究委員会  委員

  • 2015.06

    地盤工学会・社会実装に向けた新しい地盤環境管理と基準に関する研究委員会  委員

  • 2018.04

    原子力発電環境整備機構-電力中央研究所「共同研究「ベントナイトの基本特性試験と地層処分への適用可能性に関する検討」専門家委員会」  委員長

  • 2018.04

    原子力発電環境整備機構-電力中央研究所「共同研究「ベントナイトの基本特性試験と地層処分への適用可能性に関する検討」専門家委員会」  委員長

  • 2018.04

    国立研究開発法人日本原子力研究開発機構・公益財団法人原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センター「地層処分施設閉鎖技術確証試験委員会」  委員長

  • 2018.04

    国立研究開発法人日本原子力研究開発機構・公益財団法人原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センター「地層処分施設閉鎖技術確証試験委員会」  委員長

  • 2017.10

    経済産業省  「地層処分研究開発調整会議」外部有識者

  • 2017.10

    日本学術会議  第24期連携会員

  • 2017.04

    財団法人原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センター「回収可能性調査・技術高度化検討委員会」  委員

  • 2017.04

    財団法人原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センター「回収可能性調査・技術高度化検討委員会」  委員

  • 2017.04

    財団法人原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センター「地下空洞型処分施設機能確認試験検討委員会」  委員

  • 2017.04

    財団法人原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センター「地下空洞型処分施設機能確認試験検討委員会」  委員

  • 2017.04

    日本原子力学会「標準委員会原子燃料サイクル専門部会分科会」  委員

  • 2017.04

    日本原子力学会「標準委員会原子燃料サイクル専門部会分科会」  委員

  • 2016.01

    福島第一原子力発電所廃止措置に向けた地盤工学的新技術と人材育成に関する検討委員会(略称:廃炉地盤工学委員会)  座長

  • 2015.07

    国立研究開発法人・日本原子力研究開発機構・廃炉国際共同研究センター(CLADS)「廃炉基盤研究プラットフォーム」  委員

  • 2015.07

    国立研究開発法人・日本原子力研究開発機構・廃炉国際共同研究センター(CLADS)「廃炉基盤研究プラットフォーム」  委員

  • 2015.04

    経済産業省「総合資源エネルギー調査会・電力・ガス事業分科会・原子力小委員会 地層処分技術WG」  委員

  • 2014.05

    地盤工学会・福島第一原子力発電所汚染水問題に関する会長特別懇談会  座長

  • 2014.04

    東海村「原子力安全対策懇談会」  委員


    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters  Organizing committee member


    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters  Organizing committee member

▼display all

Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Geotechnical engineering

Research Interests

  • エネルギー土木工学

  • 防災地盤工学

  • Environmental Geotechnics


  • Best Article Award 2024

    2024.06   Japanese Geotechnical Society   Water and soil particle movements inunsaturated bentonite with constrained andfree swelling boundaries

    Winner: Hailong Wang, Yuka Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Kyokawa, Daichi Ito, Hideo Komine

  • Best Article Award 2024

    2024.06   Japanese Geotechnical Society   Effects of specimen thickness on apparentswelling pressure evolution of compacted bentonite

    Winner: Hailong Wang, Kunlin Ruan, Satoru Harasaki, Hideo Komine

  • Best Oral Presentation Award

    2023.06   9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, ICEG2023:   Experimental evaluation of carbon-capture properties of industrial by-products for post-carbon society

    Winner: Hideo Komine

  • Best Report Award

    2023.06   Japanese Geotechnical Society  

  • 令和元年度「地盤工学会誌」年間最優秀賞

    2020.06   (公社)地盤工学会   福島第一原子力発電所の廃止措置に貢献する地盤工学」/2019年10月号掲載(総説)」

    Winner: 小峯秀雄

  • 平成29年度(公社)地盤工学会・論文賞(和文部門)

    2018.06   (公社)地盤工学会   道路維持管理に伴い発生する放射性物質含有土への土壌洗浄工法の適用性評価

    Winner: 高畑修, 熊田正次郎, 安藤淳也, 宮口新治, 石山宏二, 保高徹生, 小峯秀雄

  • 平成28年度土木学会環境賞

    2017.06   土木学会  

    Winner: 福島県, 応用地質, 西松建設, 佐藤工業, 産業総合研究所

  • 平成27年度「地盤工学会誌」年間優秀賞

    2016.06   公益社団法人 地盤工学会   「放射性廃棄物処分に対する地盤工学の役割」/平成27 年6 月号掲載(総説)

    Winner: 小峯秀雄

  • 平成26年度地盤工学会・地盤環境賞

    2015.06   地盤工学会   道路維持管理における放射性物質で汚染された発生土砂の土壌洗浄技術による処理・減容化に関する取組み

    Winner: 磯松教彦(福島県土木部)安藤淳也(福島県土木部)高畑 修(福島県土木部)熊田正次郎(福島県土木部)宮口新治(応用地質(株))門間聖子(応用地質(株))石山宏二(西松建設(株))保高徹生((独)産業技術総合研究所)小峯秀雄(早稲田大学理工学術院)

  • 平成25年度(社)地盤工学会功労章

    2014.04   地盤工学会  

    Winner: 小峯秀雄

  • 土木学会地球環境委員会・平成23年度地球環境貢献賞(2011年)

    2011.09   土木学会地球環境委員会   持続可能な未来の創造に向けた廃棄物の物理的・化学的特性を活用した環境負荷低減技術

    Winner: 茨城大学防災・環境地盤工学研究室として受賞

  • 地盤工学会・事業企画賞

    2011.04   地盤工学会   事業継続を可能とするための既存構造物周囲の地盤改良(補強)工法に関する研究報告書作成及び講習会

    Winner: 小峯秀雄ほか

  • 平成20年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞(研究部門)

    2008.04   文部科学省   ベントナイト系遮水材の膨潤及び透水特性の実験と理論の研究

    Winner: 小峯秀雄

  • 平成16年度(社)地盤工学会・研究業績賞

    2005.05   地盤工学会   ベントナイト系粘土材料の膨潤および透水特性調査と高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分への応用に関する一連の研究

    Winner: 小峯秀雄

  • 平成14年度(社)土木学会論文賞

    2003.04   土木学会   高レベル放射性廃棄物処分のためのベントナイト系緩衝材・埋戻し材の透水・膨潤特性の簡易評価法(総合題目)

    Winner: 小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

  • 平成11年(社)地盤工学会・論文賞

    2000.04   地盤工学会   Experimental study on swelling characteristics of sand-bentonite mixture for nuclear waste disposal

    Winner: 小峯秀雄,緒方信英

▼display all



  • Quantitative analogism on montmorillonite mineral layer filtration ability against micro-materials

    Hideo Komine

    Applied Clay Science   267   107718 - 107718  2025.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Inference of Kinetic Model Based on Reaction Mechanism in CO<sub>2</sub> Fixation Using Soot and Dust Containing Calcium Cation

    Haruya SUZUKI, Hideo KOMINE, Hailong WANG, Daichi ITO, Kiyohiko SUZUKI, Aya KUNIHIRO

    Japanese Geotechnical Journal   20 ( 1 ) 91 - 101  2025.03  [Refereed]


  • Estimation of water content of compacted Kunigel-V1 bentonite using near-infrared spectra

    Sota Murase, Te Ma, Kunlin Ruan, Daichi Ito, Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine

    Soils and Foundations   65 ( 1 ) 101545 - 101545  2025.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author



  • Carbon-capture potential of industrial by-products for post-carbon society

    Hideo Komine, Yasuhisa Saitou, Kiyohiko Suzuki

    Environmental Geotechnics     1 - 40  2024.12  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    To contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality by 2050, the authors have focused on the fact that some of the by-products of social activities have the ability to fix carbon dioxide, and have envisioned the creation of a carbon-capture urban environment using these materials. Also, the authors have emphasized carbon capture capabilities of industrial waste disposal facilities named as “Disposal Facility CCS”, since these are where substances containing large amounts of free calcium accumulate. As described herein, the authors have emphasized several kinds of by-product as carbon capture materials, and propose datasets of these carbon capture capabilities by measurement using constant flow aeration type CO2 fixation testing, which we developed. Furthermore, using these datasets, the authors estimate the potential carbon capture capability of a specific industrial waste disposal facility as an example of “Disposal Facility CCS”, and demonstrate its relative effectiveness compared to that of forests. Furthermore, the authors estimate the carbon capture potentials of industrial by-products generated in Japan as some examples. Consequently, this study proposed carbon capture future society concept using CO2 fixation materials on the basis of the estimation results conducted in this study.

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  • Quantitative estimation of CO2 fixation potential of asphalt pavement with CO2 fixation ability and Road CCS Concept

    Shinya Yokota, Hideo Komine

    ASPHALT   67 ( 240 ) 16 - 19  2024.12  [Refereed]

  • 土木の責任・「利他」の土木へ


    土木学会誌   109 ( 12 ) 23 - 23  2024.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Improved SfM-MVS approach using artificial backgrounds

    Danxi Sun, Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine, Hiroshi Tsunai, Daichi Ito, Gaofeng Pan, Kunlin Ruan

    Soils and Foundations   64 ( 5 ) 101495 - 101495  2024.10  [Refereed]



  • Effect of Initial Water Content and Dry Density on the Water Movement of the Compacted Bentonite

    Kian Cho, Hailong Wang, Daichi Ito, Junboum Park, Hideo Komine

    KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering    2024.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author



  • Comparison of the Quantitative Evaluation Methods of CO2 Fixation Reaction of Industrial by-products for a Carbon Neutral Society

    Shun Kawabe, Haruya Suzuki, Souta Murase, Hideo Komine, Daichi Ito

      72 ( 9 ) 40 - 44  2024.09  [Refereed]

  • Community-based Carbon Capture Initiative and New Developments in Geotechnical Engineering

    Hideo Komine, Yasuhisa Saito, Kiyohiko Suzuki, Shinya Yokota

      72 ( 9 ) 23 - 26  2024.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Investigation of ion concentration in pore water in compacted bentonite after infiltration by salt solutions

    Guodong Cai, Hailong Wang, Kunlin Ruan, Dachi Ito, Hideo Komine

    Soils and Foundations   64 ( 4 ) 101467 - 101467  2024.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author



  • Apparatus for swelling deformation of compacted bentonite utilizing multi-ring moulds for evaluation of dry density and water content distribution

    Daichi Ito, Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine

    E3S Web of Conferences, IS-Porto2023   544   01001 - 01001  2024.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    In the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste, bentonite buffer materials are required to have self-sealing property, which is the ability to fill gaps by swelling deformation between the buffer material and the waste containment vessel or surrounding bedrock. Self-sealing property was evaluated based on the pressure generated after the gap filling under the assumption of constant dry density and water content in the specimen and buffer material. On the other hand, it takes tens to hundreds of years for the transitional period until the buffer contacts with groundwater, fills the gap, and the internal state converges to a uniform state. To assess changes more accurately in the condition of the buffer material, it is necessary to evaluate time courses in the density and water content of the buffer material because of groundwater infiltration and swelling deformation. From these, the authors developed an experimental apparatus for swelling deformation of bentonite, which consists of a mould with 2 mm-thick stacked rings. It is aimed to evaluate the distribution of dry density, water content, and degree of saturation inside the specimen by cutting the specimen with a 2 mm thick ring after the end of experiment. In this paper, results of preliminary experiments to confirm the applicability of this apparatus to swelling deformation test of bentonite was firstly described. Then, experiments were conducted on compacted bentonite specimens using this apparatus, and changes in the dry density and water content distribution inside the specimens were evaluated in terms of swelling deformation behaviour.



  • Fostering Motivation and Skills for Participation in High-Level Radioactive Waste Geological Disposal Projects -From a Civil Engineering Perspective-

    Hideo Komine

    Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Environment   31 ( 1 ) 54 - 62  2024.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • Cross-Sectional Study of Flood Damage Assumptions in Medical Facilities Using Geographic Information Systems

    Yuji Kaneko, Hideo Komine, Yuki Kataoka

    Cureus    2024.05  [Refereed]


  • Anisotropy of Pressure Generated by Water Absorption of Deformation-Constrained Granular Bentonite Specimens

    Yuta Ichikawa, Hideo Komine, Shigeru Goto

    Geo-Sustainnovation for Resilient Society, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 446     257 - 267  2024.03  [Refereed]



  • 砂・ベントナイト混合土の遮水性能評価における締固め密度の測定頻度の影響

    Atsuo YAMADA, Masakazu CHIJIMATSU, Makoto SUZUKI, Hideo KOMINE

    Japanese Journal of JSCE   80 ( 1 ) 23-00094 - 23-00094  2024.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author


  • 都市副産物のCO2固定化性能という新しい価値の創出と処分場CCS構想


    環境技術会誌   2024 ( 194 ) 29 - 32  2024.01  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 海水系地下水質および地下水圧負荷環境下でのNa型,Ca-Mg型ベントナイトの水分移動特性に関する研究

    渡邉康太郎, 伊藤大知, 小峯秀雄, 関口高志

    第15回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   16-4 ( 16-4 ) 638 - 642  2023.11  [Refereed]

  • 遊離Caを保有する産業副産物を活用したCO2固定化における反応メカニズムの実験的考察とpH調整による反応促進効果

    鈴木陽也, 小峯秀雄, 横井亨朱, 山田味佳, 伊藤大知, 鈴木清彦, 國弘彩

    第15回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   14-3 ( 14-3 ) 556 - 561  2023.11  [Refereed]

  • 処分場CCSに向けたCO2固定化副産物の性能評価とカーボンキャプチャー効果の推算

    小峯秀雄, 鈴木清彦, 斉藤泰久

    第15回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   14-2 ( 14-2 ) 549 - 555  2023.11  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Identification of Factors Reducing Resistance to Sand Penetration Based on the Foot Motion of Bivalves

    Kazuya SAKOMOTO, Yuto NAOI, Daichi ITO, Hideo KOMINE, Shigeru GOTO, Hiroyuki ISHII

    Japanese Geotechnical Journal   18 ( 3 ) 253 - 266  2023.09  [Refereed]


  • Apparatus for swelling deformation of compacted bentonite utilizing multi-ring moulds for evaluation of dry density and water content distribution

    Daichi Ito, Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine

    Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on DEFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS OF GEOMATERIALS Porto, 3rd - 6th September 2023    2023.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Cementation effect on swelling and permeability properties of bentonite considering microscopic structural evaluation

    Daichi Ito, Hideo Komine

    Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies     1834 - 1838  2023.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author



  • Study of pore orientation in compacted crushed mudstone by SEM image

    D.X. Sun, H. Komine, H. Wang, D. Ito, M. Takagi

    Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies     853 - 856  2023.08  [Refereed]




    Hideo KOMINE, Hailong WANG, Takeshi TATSUHARA, Maho SONODA, Kota MURATA

    Japanese Journal of JSCE   79 ( 7 ) 23-00059 - 23-00059  2023.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Water and soil particle movement in unsaturated bentonite with constrained and free swelling boundaries

    Hailong Wang, Yuka Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Kyokawa, Daichi Ito, Hideo Komine

    Soils and Foundations   63 ( 2023 ) 101350 - 101363  2023.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author



  • Evaluation on hydraulic conductivity of saturated bentonites containing different exchangeable cation composition

    Daichi Ito, Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine

    Proceedings of 9ICEG     252 - 260  2023.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Experimental evaluation of carbon-capture properties of industrial by-products for post-carbon society

    H. Komine, Y. Saito, K. Suzuki

    Proceedings of 9ICEG     325 - 332  2023.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Inference of acidification mechanism inside the road embankment using the Neogene Sandstone containing Pyrite

    Osamu TAKAHATA, Shinji MIYAGUCHI, Takuya HARADA, Mitsuru KUWABARA, Seiya MUNAKATA, Yoshifumi AKIYAMA, Mariko MONMA, Tetsuo YASUTAKA, Hideo KOMINE

    Japanese Geotechnical Journal   18 ( 2 ) 123 - 138  2023.06  [Refereed]


  • Experimental study on CO2 fixation by three types of fly-ash - Effect of average particle size and Ca2+ leaching on the CO2 fixation reaction rate -

    Kojyu Yokoi, Hideo Komine, Shigaru Goto, Hailong Wang, Daichi Ito, Kiyohiko Suzuki, Aya Kunihiro, Takahiro Hikida

    Jananese Geotechnical Journal   18 ( 2 ) 97 - 107  2023.06  [Refereed]


  • Three-dimensional characterization of cracks in undisturbed Mile expansive soil using X-ray computed tomography

    Sun Danxi, Liu Xian-feng, Yuan Sheng-yang, Pan Gaofeng, Jiang Guanlu, Wang Hailong, Komine Hideo, Olivier Buzzi

    Soils and Foundations   63 ( 3 ) 101282 - 101282  2023.06  [Refereed]



  • Proposition of New Yield Criterion for Green Sand Mold and Its Experimental Validation by FEM Stress Analysis of Triaxial Compression Test

    Yasuhiko Okimura, Yusuke Kato, Hiroyasu Makino, Kunihiro Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Maeda, Toshimitsu Okane, Muhammad Khairi Faiz, Hideo Komine, Tomoyuki Miyashita, Makoto Yoshida

    Journal of Materials Processing Technology     118020 - 118020  2023.05  [Refereed]




    Hideo KOMINE, Kojyu YOKOI, Haruo TAGA, Yasuhisa SAITO, Kiyohiko SUZUKI

    Japanese Journal of JSCE   79 ( 1 ) 22-00051 - 22-00051  2023.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Experimental study of aging-induced cementation effect on permeability property of bentonites

    D. Ito, H. Wang, H. Komine

    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science   1124 ( 1 ) 012118 - 012118  2023.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary


    In geological disposal for high-level radioactive waste, bentonites are planned to be used as the buffer material surrounding radioactive waste in Japan. Bentonite-based buffer material requires low water permeation for delaying contact between groundwater and the waste. Because of the extremely long half-lives of radionuclides of the waste, several barriers including the buffer material are designed to maintain workability of the geological disposal facility for tens of thousands of years. However, in the disposal circumstances with high water pressure, high temperature and various groundwater chemistries, occurrence of cementation and consequently property changes of the bentonite in the buffer are concerned. Few studies are available to understand the effect of cementation on bentonite properties because of the difficulties of simulating long-term alteration process experimentally. From the viewpoint of natural analogues, cementation process of the buffer may be regarded as part of formation process of bentonite ore. Thus, in this study, permeability tests were conducted on three kinds of Na-type bentonite ores with different geological ages from respectively, Japan, USA, and China to see the influence of cementation on permeability of bentonites. For comparison, undisturbed and reconstituted specimens were prepared. The results show that difference of hydraulic conductivities of the undisturbed and reconstituted specimens for each ore is less than one order, and this difference seems not to correlate with the geological age of the ores. From these results, the influence of cementation on the hydraulic properties of bentonite buffer seems small. It may also be a counteracted result by cementation effects in terms of restriction of the swelling of montmorillonite and blockage of water flow paths.



  • Causes and Preventive Measures towards Compliance Violations by Sincere Professionals: From Technological and Social Psychological Analytic Perspectives on Geotechnical Projects

    Takeshi Tatsuhara, Yuriko Zemba, Hideo Komine

      70 ( 12 ) 31 - 34  2022.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Experimental study for temperature effect on swelling pressures during saturation of bentonites

    Kunlin Ruan, Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine, Daichi Ito

    Soils and Foundations   62 ( 6 ) 101245 - 101245  2022.12  [Refereed]



  • Experimental study of initial water content and specimen preparation method effects on Kunigel-V1 bentonite swelling pressures

    Kunlin Ruan, Hideo Komine, Hailong Wang, Daichi Ito

    Canadian Geotechnical Journal   60 ( 5 ) 731 - 748  2022.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    With a newly developed swelling pressure apparatus, swelling pressure tests were conducted to elucidate initial water content and specimen preparation method effects on swelling pressures (swelling pressure evaluation curves and equilibrium swelling pressure) of Kunigel-V1 bentonite. X-ray diffraction (XRD) tests were conducted to investigate initial water content and specimen preparation method effects on basal spacing, including basal spacings of specimens before and after wetting. Experiments produced the following results. 1) The swelling pressure evaluation curve changed from a line with peak and valley to a line with early stage steady rise as increasing initial water content. 2) Initial water content and specimen preparation method exerted no apparent effect on the equilibrium swelling pressure. 3) Basal spacing of specimen before wetting was affected not only by the initial water content but also by specimen preparation method. 4) The initial water content did not influence basal spacing of specimen after wetting. It was only affected by the specimen preparation method. Based on the swelling pressure evaluation curve patterns, swelling mechanisms during saturation for specimens with different initial conditions were discussed. Initial water content and specimen preparation method effects on equilibrium swelling pressure were explained carefully with basal spacings.



  • Experimental study on swelling pressure of low dry density compacted bentonites during saturation combining X-ray diffraction

    Kunlin Ruan, Hideo Komine, Hailong Wang, Daichi Ito, Takahiro Gotoh

    Canadian Geotechnical Journal   60 ( 4 ) 566 - 579  2022.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A multi-ring and a newly developed swelling pressure apparatus were adopted for measuring swelling pressure during saturation of three low dry density bentonites (sodium type: MX-80 and Kunigel-V1; calcium type: Kunibond). Subsequently, slices from the multi-ring were observed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) tests to detect basal spacing changes. Distance between particles was calculated from basal spacing database. Relations between microstructural changes, including basal spacing and distance between particles, and swelling pressure are discussed. Results show that calcium type bentonite has greater swelling pressure than sodium type bentonites during saturation. When bentonites have the same cation type, lower montmorillonite content bentonite obtains smaller swelling pressures than those of high montmorillonite content ones. Basal spacing increases drastically first, then maintains a stable value during saturation. All three bentonites gradually reach 3 w state along with wetting (MX-80 and Kunigel-V1: 1-3 w; Kunibond: 2-3 w). The distance between particles increases with the saturation time. During saturation, swelling pressure generally rises with increasing basal spacing and increasing distance between particles. The mechanism for swelling pressure development is discussed.



  • Hydraulic conductivity test system for compacted, 2-mm-thick bentonite specimens

    Daichi Ito, Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine

    Soils and Foundations   62 ( 5 ) 101210 - 101210  2022.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author



  • Development of localized low permeability in heavy slurry induced by water seepage

    Ema Yoshikawa, Yasutaka Watanabe, Hideo Komine, Shigeru Goto, Mitsugu Yoshimura

    20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Sydney)     5049 - 5054  2022.08  [Refereed]

  • Experimental study to elucidate cementation effect on swelling pressure and montmorillonite basal spacing of bentonite ore

    Daichi Ito, Hideo Komine

    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sydney 2021     3803 - 3808  2022.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author


    Satoru HARASAKI, Hideo KOMINE, Shigeru GOTO, Hailong WANG, Daichi ITO, Shinsuke UJIIE, Seiichi NARUSHIMA

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. C (Geosphere Engineering)   78 ( 2 ) 128 - 139  2022.06  [Refereed]


  • Hydraulic conductivity and X-ray diffraction tests of unsaturated bentonites with a multi-ring and their predictions by pores distributions

    Kunlin Ruan, Hideo Komine, Daichi Ito, Kentaro Miyoshi, Takahiro Gotoh

    Engineering Geology   306   106738 - 106738  2022.05  [Refereed]




    Osamu TAKAHATA, Takuya HARADA, Shinji MIYAGUCHI, Mitsuru KUWABARA, Mariko MONMA, Tetsuo YASUTAKA, Hideo KOMINE

      78 ( 2 ) 83 - 95  2022.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author


  • Development of localized low permeability in heavy slurry induced by water seepage

    Ema Yoshikawa, Yasutaka Watanabe, Hideo Komine, Shigeru Goto, Mitsugu Yoshimura

    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sydney 2022    2022.05  [Refereed]

  • Experimental study to elucidate cementation effect on swelling pressure and montmorillonite basal spacing of bentonite ore

    Daichi Ito, Hideo Komine

    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sydney 2022    2022.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • On swelling behaviors of a bentonite under different water contents

    Hailong Wang, Dachi Ito, Takumi Shirakawabe, Kunlin Ruan, Hideo Komine

    Géotechnique     1 - 17  2022.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study starts from a question: how would initial water content (wi) affect equilibrium swelling pressure (peq) of compacted bentonites in swelling pressure tests (ps tests)? However, discussions, based on experiments of a bentonite, Kunigel V1 (K_V1), are extended to issues: 1) wi effect on peq, 2) pore water density (ρpw), 3) co-existence of crystalline and osmotic swelling, and 4) relation between peq and compaction tests (pc tests). It is revealed that wi has insignificant effect on peq in general, though significant effect may appear for relatively high wi and dry density (ρd) conditions. Two swelling types, crystalline swelling with basal spacing of montmorillonite (d001= 1.0 nm - 1.9 nm) and osmotic swelling (d001 ≥ ∼4.0 nm), co-exist in a w range from 36 to 65%. With the fact that ρpw of K_V1 may range from 1.1 to 1.2 Mg/m3, it is expected that crystalline swelling may mainly govern peq in ps tests if the final dry density of a specimen (ρdf) is larger than 1.46 Mg/m3, while osmotic swelling may mainly govern if ρdf <1.05 Mg/m3. Together with results of pc tests, the effect of wi on peq are explained by the proposed conceptual model.



  • Evaluation method for self-healing property of bentonite buffer material for geological disposal considering long-term degradation because of cementation

    Daichi Ito, Wang Hailong, Hideo Komine

      70 ( 4 ) 6 - 11  2022.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • 放射性廃棄物処分施設におけるベントナイト系バリア材の締固め特性および透水性の評価方法

    千々松正和, 山田淳夫, 小峯秀雄

    基礎工     73 - 76  2022.04  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Last author

  • On methods to measure cation exchange capacity and amounts of leached cations of bentonites

    Takumi SHIRAKAWABE, Hailong WANG, Shoji MORODOME, Hideo KOMINE

    Japanese Geotechnical Journal   17 ( 1 ) 61 - 71  2022.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author


  • Effects of specimen thickness on apparent swelling pressure evolution of compacted bentonite

    Hailong Wang, Kunlin Ruan, Satoru Harasaki, Hideo Komine

    Soils and Foundations   62 ( 1 ) 101099 - 101099  2022.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author



  • 被災原子力発電所の廃止措置に向けた基礎工の応用ー福島第一原子力発電所を例にー

    小峯秀雄, 阿部慎太郎, 鈴木忠勝, 本間美湖

    基礎工     66 - 69  2021.11  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • カーボンキャプチャー社会システムの構築

    斉藤泰久, 小峯秀雄, 鈴木清彦

    土木施工   621 ( 11 ) 69 - 72  2021.11  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Cultivating engineers who can see the potential of soil

    Hideo Komine

      106 ( 11 )  2021.11  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Reversibility of micro and macrostructure in compacted bentonite under chemo-mechanical couplings

    Kunlin Ruan, De'an Sun, Xianlei Fu, Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine, Daichi Ito

    Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication   9 ( 2 ) 20 - 25  2021.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author



    Hideo KOMINE

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. C (Geosphere Engineering)   77 ( 3 ) 296 - 301  2021.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author


  • 医学との比較に基づく土木の未来


    電力土木   ( 413 ) 1 - 6  2021.05  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Cation Filtration of Montmorillonite on Hydraulic Conductivities of Some Bentonites in Artificial Seawater

    Hideo Komine

    Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering   147 ( 5 ) 06021002 - 06021002  2021.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • 不飽和ベントナイトの水分移動特性に及ぼす温度履歴の影響評価

    白河部匠, 王海龍, 後藤茂, 山本修一, 小峯秀雄

    土木学会論文集C(地圏工学)   77 ( 2 ) 103 - 117  2021.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • A swelling pressure cell for X-ray diffraction test

    Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine, Takahiro Gotoh

    Géotechnique     1 - 12  2021.03  [Refereed]



  • Process of Geotechnical Engineering for Decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPS from the Earthquake on March 11, 2011 and its Future

    Hideo Komine

      69 ( 3 ) 1 - 6  2021.03  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 「廃炉地盤工学」の実践と最新の技術開発動向


    日本原子力学会誌   63 ( 3 ) 209 - 211  2021.03  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author


    Osamu TAKAHATA, Takuya HARADA, Tetsuo YASUTAKA, Shojirou KUMADA, Junya ANDO, Hideo KOMINE

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers   77 ( 1 ) 7 - 21  2021.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Development of testing method with X-ray diffraction to explore swelling pressure behaviors of compacted bentonite

      69 ( 1 ) 48 - 51  2021.01  [Refereed]

  • Influence of bentonite type and producing method on hydraulic conductivity of sand–bentonite mixture

    Tomonori Sakita, Hideo Komine, Atsuo Yamada, Hailong Wang, Shigeru Goto

    E3S Web of Conferences   205   10005 - 10005  2020.11  [Refereed]

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    Sand-bentonite mixtures with bentonite content of 10-30% had been planned to handle low-level radioactive waste in Japan, because of its low permeability. Hydraulic conductivity of sand–bentonite mixture depends on the bentonite type, bentonite content, initial water content, and other factors. Given this background, falling head permeability tests were conducted on sand–bentonite mixture by varying the compaction energy for specimen preparation, initial water content (10–20%), and bentonite content (15– 30%). For these tests, the hydraulic gradient of 25-500 was set. Consequently, the hydraulic conductivities were 10-8 – 10-13 m/s for all tested conditions. Correlation between the hydraulic conductivity and the effective montmorillonite dry density (montmorillonite mass divided by the sum of montmorillonite, air, water volume), which is often used to correlate the hydraulic conductivity of bentonite, was found. Correlation was also found between the hydraulic conductivity and a new index designated as the effective montmorillonite wet density (sum of montmorillonite and water mass / sum of montmorillonite, air, water volume). Effective montmorillonite wet density reveals differences in the specimen structural distribution through consideration of the initial water content.



  • Experimental study on effect by cementation on self-sealing capability of bentonite buffer material

    Daichi Ito, Hideo Komine, Hailong Wang

    E3S Web of Conferences   205   10004 - 10004  2020.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In Japanese project for disposal of high-level radioactive waste, the self-sealing capability of bentonite buffer material, which results from the swelling deformation to fill the gaps between waste container and wall of disposal pit, must be retained thousands of years. However, because of the effect of high pressures, occurrence of cementation and property changes of the buffer material are a concern. Few studies had examined cementation effects because of the difficulties for simulating long-term alteration process experimentally. In this paper, swelling properties of consolidated buffer are regarded as similar as those of naturally consolidated bentonite ore. Therefore, three kinds of bentonite ores were used for experiments to elucidate influences of cementation on self-sealing capabilities. Undisturbed and reconstituted specimens were prepared to assess their swelling pressures after filling a preset gap in a swelling pressure apparatus. Results show that for Japanese ores, the swelling pressure of undisturbed specimens is about half that of reconstituted specimens. For American and Chinese ores, the difference of swelling pressure is greater when the preset gap is smaller. Results imply that effects of cementation on self-sealing capability are smaller when swelling deformation is allowed.



  • Evaluating Influence of Cementation on Swelling Properties of Bentonite Buffer Material based on the Results of Bentonite Ores

    Daichi Ito, Hideo Komine

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers   76 ( 3 ) 295 - 305  2020.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Hydration and dehydration of water of bentonite: A solid-state 1H magic-angle spinning NMR study

    Hailong Wang, Toshimichi Shibue, Hideo Komine

    Chemical Physics   536   110796 - 110796  2020.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author



  • Scale-model test for disposal pit of high-level radioactive waste and theoretical evaluation of self-sealing of bentonite-based buffers

    Hideo Komine

    Canadian Geotechnical Journal   57 ( 4 ) 608 - 615  2020.04

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Bentonite is attracting greater attention in Japan and some other countries as a buffer for use in repositories of high-level radioactive waste (HLW). Bentonite-based buffers for HLW disposal are expected, because of their swelling deformation, to fill spaces between buffers and walls of disposal pits or between buffers and waste containers designated as overpack. Bentonite has a self-sealing capability. This study conducts scale-model tests simulating the relation between the buffer and interstitial space. It also investigates the validity of theoretical equations for swelling presented by Komine and Ogata (published in 2003 and 2004) to evaluate buffer self-sealing capabilities by comparing calculated and experimentally obtained results of scale-model tests. Results of the experimental work and calculations described herein highlight bentonite’s self-sealing capability and demonstrate the high applicability of these Komine and Ogata equations to quantify filling of interstitial spaces by bentonite-based buffer swelling.



  • The Super Heavy Bentonite Slurry with Radiation Shielding Capabilities -at the perspective of Geotechnical Engineering

      67 ( 10 ) 28 - 29  2019.10  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Geotechnical Engineering to Contribute the Decommissioning Fukushima Daiichi NPS

    Hideo Komine

    Japanese Geotechnical Journal   67 ( 10 ) 1 - 3  2019.10  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Evaluation of properties of soil-based filling material for radiation shielding and water sealing

    Ema Yoshikawa, Hideo Komine, Shigeru Goto

    Proceedings of the 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering    2019.10  [Refereed]

  • Water absorption/swelling pressure of powder bentonites and analogism on water molecular formation in bentonite

    Hideo Komine

    Proceedings of the 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering    2019.10  [Refereed]

  • 短期間の温度履歴を付与したベントナイトの吸水挙動に及ぼす影響に関する推察

    白河部匠, 小峯秀雄, 後藤茂, 王海龍, 山本修一, 豊田淳史

    第13回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   14-3 ( 14-3 ) 455 - 460  2019.09  [Refereed]

  • 産業廃棄物処分場におけるカルシウムスケール抑制を目指したCa 吸着層に用いる材料のCa 吸着特性評価

    高橋智也, 多賀春生, 小峯秀雄, 後藤茂, 王海龍, 鈴木清彦, 杉本和聡, 國弘彩

    第13回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   8-4 ( 8-4 ) 271 - 274  2019.09  [Refereed]


    Hideo Komine, Shigeru Goto, Makoto, Suzuki, Sousuke Hishioka, YasutakaWatanabe, Ikuo Tohata

    Journal of Japan Civil Enginners   75 ( 1 ) 10 - 19  2019.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 土質系材料のCO2固定化性能を活用した地域密着型カーボンキャプチャー構想と気候変動緩和策


    地盤工学会誌   67 ( 4 ) 16 - 19  2019.04  [Refereed]

  • Movement of water in compacted bentonite and its relation with swelling pressure

    Hailong WANG, Takumi SHIRAKAWABE, Hideo KOMINE, Daichi ITO, Takahiro GOTOH, Yuta ICHIKAWA, Qiao CHEN

    Canadian Geotechnical Journal   57 ( 6 ) 921 - 932  2019  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A testing procedure was proposed to study water movement in compacted bentonite and the development of swelling pressure (p(s)) when compacted bentonite specimens were wetted. In this procedure, a multi-ring mold was introduced for p(s) measurements, after which the specimen was sliced for X-ray diffraction to find movement of water in the interlayer space of montmorillonite. Results revealed a relation between four phases of ps development and evolution of four states of interlayer water molecule arrangement of montmorillonite (L): when ps reached its first peak in phase I, L moved from 1 row water arrangement (1w) to at least 2w; when p(s) decreased and re-increased in phases II or III, L moved from 2w to at least 3w; and when ps reached a steady state in phase IV, L = 3w. The w distribution in the compacted bentonite was also measured as water absorption time increased. Based on those results, the global water movement was estimated in terms of diffusivity (D) following a method employing Boltzmann transform. Results of comparisons implied that D calculated using this method matched experimental data well and the method was rather easily handled.



  • 廃炉地盤工学の創生


    原子力バックエンド研究   25 ( 2 ) 85 - 90  2018.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Evaluation on Hydraulic Conductivity of Heavy Bentonite-Based Slurry for Using on Decommisioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.

    Yoshikawa, E, Komine, H, Goto, S

    Proceedings of ICEG2018     105 - 112  2018.11  [Refereed]

  • 無機系の各種廃棄物の二酸化炭素固定特性と地域密着型カーボンキャプチャー構想


    無機マテリアル学会会誌   25   385 - 392  2018.11  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Evaluating Influence of Cementation in Bentonite Buffer Material Based on the Swelling Properties of Bentonite Ore

    Ito, D, Komine, H, Morodome, Sekiguchi, T, Miura, G

    Proceedings of ICEG2018     97 - 104  2018.10

     View Summary

    © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019. In geological disposal of high level radioactive waste, it is essential to start considering consolidation accompanying cementation, taking into consideration high earth pressure and solution of groundwater. For engineering application of natural analogue, the authors thought consolidated buffer material will have similar physical properties to bentonite ore. In this study, we aimed to quantitatively evaluate the influence of cementation on swelling properties. In order to achieve this aim, we focused on swelling pressure and swelling strain of bentonite, using two kinds of bentonite ore whose generation dates are different respectively. As a result, swelling pressure was decreased by approximately one order of magnitude due to the influence of cementation. In addition, the swelling strain of younger bentonite ore did not decline, but those of older bentonite ore declined about half of original whether consolidation was retained or not. Therefore, there is a possibility that the swelling deformation of buffer will decline as cementation gets stronger over the course of time.



  • Applicability of Sedimentary Rock in Hydraulic Barrier System COnstruction

    Iso, S, Motoshima, T, Komine, H

    Proceedings of ICEG2018     81 - 88  2018.10  [Refereed]


    Hideo Komine

      74 ( 1 ) 63 - 75  2018.02  [Refereed]



    YOSHIKAWA Ema, KOMINE Hideo, GOTO Shigeru, YOSHIMURA Mitsugu, SUZUKI Akihiko, NARUSHIMA Seiichi, ARAI Yasunori, UJIIE Shinsuke, SAKODA Yuki, NAGAE Yasushi

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. C (Geosphere Engineering)   73 ( 4 ) 342 - 354  2017.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

     The 2011 off-the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake affected Japan, wreaking severe damage to a nuclear power plant in Fukushima. During decommissioning, ensuring worker safety is important in relation to fuel debris retrieval. Given that background, the authors specifically examined the use of heavy bentonite-based slurry as a filling material in a nuclear reactor. Heavy slurry can shield gamma rays and neutron beams because of its high specific gravity and water contents. Also, soil materials are used for soil cover type storage facilities for radioactive waste without evaluation for shielding. This research was conducted to investigate and define the radiation shielding capability of soil materials for controlling nuclear accidents. To quantify the radiation shielding capability, the authors measured the transmitted radiation dose through soil materials under some conditions of pass length. Results show that the reduction of the gamma ray dose has a proportional relation with wet density of materials, and show that the reduction of the neutron beam dose is related with the volume water content of materials. The research described in this paper is a proposal for application to the design for construction using soils for decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.

    DOI CiNii

  • The evaluation for radiation shielding ability of the soil materials and application to design for construction

    Ema Yoshikawa, Hideo Komine, Shigeru Goto, Yuma Saito

    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul 2017     3479 - 3482  2017.09  [Refereed]

  • Needs for the decommissioning geotechnical engineering for Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant

    Shigeru Goto, Hideo Komine, Yuma Saito, Ema Yoshikawa

    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul 2017     3119 - 3122  2017.09  [Refereed]

  • Iron and steel slag properties and mechanisms for carbon dioxide fixation in a low-carbon society

    Umino, M, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Setoi, K, Watanabe, Y

    Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA   48 ( 1 ) 82 - 89  2017.03

     View Summary

    This report presents carbon dioxide (CO2) fixation properties of an iron and steel slag containing calcium, in order to contribute to a geotechnical application for the formation of a sound material-cycle society and a low-carbon society. To investigate the properties of CO2 fixation, CO2 fixation tests with constant flow were conducted. Results show that when the CO2 concentration 4500 ?L- CO2/L was flowed in a specimen by 0.05 L/min, for a non-aged steelmaking slag, the amount of CO2 fixed was the maximum: 0.04 g- CO2/g-slag. The amount of CO2 fixed in the steelmaking slag resulted from about 20% of soluble calcium in the chemical reaction. Therefore, it is possible that the quantity of CO2 fixation can be evaluated from the viewpoint of the mechanism of CO2 fixation using the quantity of water-soluble calcium.

  • 放射性廃棄物処分で用いる低透水性土質系材料の品質保証に係る一考察-小型変水位透水試験を活用したグレーデッドアプローチの観点から-

    関口高志, 三浦玄太, 倉持隼斗, 小峯秀雄, 伊藤大知

    第60回地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   60   305 - 310  2016.12  [Refereed]


  • 堆積軟岩を母材に適用したベントナイト混合土の性能調査

    磯さち恵, 本島貴之, 森川義人, 石塚光, 小峯秀雄

    第60回地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   60   49 - 52  2016.12  [Refereed]


  • 新しく開発した変水位透水試験による砂・ベントナイト混合土の材料条件に応じた適切な試験装置・試験方法の検討

    倉持隼斗, 小峯秀雄, 伊藤大知, 関口高志, 三浦玄太

    第60回地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   60   37 - 42  2016.12  [Refereed]



    YAMADA Atsuo, CHIJIMATSU Masakazu, AKIYAMA Yoshihiro, KOMINE Hideo, IIZUKA Atsushi

    Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. C (Geosphere Engineering)   72 ( 2 ) 164 - 178  2016

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    As for the low permeable layer, important functions are expected as an engineered barrier of radioactive waste disposal for low-level waste with comparatively high radiation levels. On examining the construction methods of this low permeable layer, it is important to confirm the possibility of the construction in the conditions similar to the actual constructed conditions with a true scale size. Therefore, the construction examination for the side part of the low permeable layer by bentonite and the performance check test of the low permeable layer were carried out. The result of the construction examination showed that the possibility of the construction were confirmed, and the result of performance check test showed that it was possible to ensure the required performance of the low permeable layer, such as hydraulic conductivity.


  • Design flow for specifications of bentonite-based buffer from the viewpoint of self-sealing capability using theoretical equations for swelling characteristics

    Hideo Komine

    Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication   Vol. 2 (2015) ( No. 53 ) 1833 - 1836  2016.01  [Refereed]

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    Bentonite-based buffer for high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal is expected to fill the interstitial spaces around buffer materials by its swelling deformation. This study performs one-dimensional model tests simulating the relation around the buffer and evaluates the self-sealing capability of the buffer quantitatively. It also investigates the applicability of the theoretical equations for evaluating the swelling characteristics of a bentonite-based buffer, first proposed by Komine and Ogata, to analysis of the self-sealing capability by comparing the calculated and experimentally obtained results. Furthermore, this study has shown the design flow for specifications of bentonite-based buffer from the viewpoint of self-sealing capability.

    DOI CiNii


  • Radiation-Shielding Properties of Heavy Bentonite-Based Slurry for the Decommissioning of the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Plant

    Ema Yoshikawa, Hideo Komine, Yuma Saito, Shigeru Goto, Seiichi Narushima, Yasunori Arai, Masayuki Mizuno, Shinsuke Ujiie, Yuki Sakoda, Yasushi Nagae, Mitsugu Yoshimura, Akihiko Suzuki

    Geotechnical Special Publication   2016- ( 269 ) 292 - 297  2016

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    The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake has impacted Japan, and it made serious damage to nuclear power plant in Fukushima. At present, Japanese government and engineers proceed decommissioning of the power plant, and ensuring safety of workers is the most important matter especially in fuel debris retrieval. On these backgrounds, the authors focus on heavy bentonite based slurry for filling material of nuclear reactor. Heavy slurry is capable of shielding gamma ray and neutron beam from its high specific gravity and water content. The purpose of this research is to investigate and define the properties of heavy bentonite based slurry by soil mechanics experiment. That is, the research described in this paper is a proposal to use it for decommissioning of the Fukushima I nuclear power plant. For quantifying the radiation shielding properties, the authors measured the transmitted radiation dose through heavy slurry. The result shows the heavy slurry has definite radiation shielding properties. In conclusion, the heavy bentonite based slurry may be useful for radiation shielding, and save workers health in particular.



  • Geo-Environmental Knowledge for the Adaptation of Riverine Coastal Geo-Hazards

    Kazuya Yasuhara, Van Trinh Cong, Hideo Komine, Hemanta Hazarika

    Geotechnical Special Publication   2016- ( 269 ) 264 - 273  2016

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    The paper proposes eco-friendly adaptive techniques using locally available materials and industrial by-products. Used automobile tires, as an industrial by-product, were combined with palm fibers to construct reinforced dyke systems as a multiple protective measure. The tires used with a mangrove plantation inside can work together with mangroves to protect against impacts from such severe climate events as storm surges. The addition of the palm fibers plays a role in increasing dyke stability, particularly when mixed with cement and dyke soils.



  • Role of Geotechnical Engineering for Radioactive Waste Disposal

    Komine Hideo

      63 ( 11 ) 1 - 3  2015.11  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 放射性廃棄物処分に対する地盤工学の役割


    地盤工学会誌   63 ( 06(689) ) 1 - 3  2015.06


  • Role of Geotechnical Engineering for Radioactive Waste Disposal(<Theme>Geotechnical Engineering Approaches for Radioactive Waste Disposal)

    Komine Hideo

    地盤工学会誌   63 ( 6 ) 1 - 3  2015.06

  • Applicability of soil washing method for radionuclide-contaminated soils from road maintenance in Fukushima


    Japanese Geotechnical Journal   10 ( 4 ) 489 - 502  2015

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    Fukushima residents have expressed strong concern about large areas contaminated by radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. During the more than four-year aftermath, decontamination has continued, but the use of radionuclide-contaminated soils from road maintenance is prohibited by law. Indeed, road maintenance cannot be conducted in Fukushima because no disposal method can be used for radionuclide-contaminated soils from road maintenance. Recent studies of radionuclide-contaminated soils show that silt and clay mainly adsorb radioactive cesium. Therefore, classification of silt and clay from radionuclide-contaminated soils can reduce the amounts of contaminated soil and radioactive wastes. This study investigates the applicability of a soil washing method to classify silt and clay from radionuclide-contaminated soils and to reduce radioactive concentrations of soils from road maintenance.


  • Environmental geotechnics and education initiatives for recovery from the Fukushima i Nuclear Power Plant accident

    Hideo Komine, Ikuo Towhata, Seiichi Narushima

    15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2015: New Innovations and Sustainability   Vol. 2 (2015) ( No. 57 ) 1982 - 1985  2015

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    Japan was severely impacted by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake, and radiation from the subsequent accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima continues to pose problems for the region. This paper describes efforts that are underway to remediate the area based on civil engineering and environmental geotechnic principles. Specifically, this paper describes recommendations from a special task force that was organized by the Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS) in response to the accident. The task force has identified several areas where new environmental geotechnic technologies are needed and has put forth ideas for educational initiatives that will be necessary to train future engineers to work on the project. Research efforts on behalf of the authors and collaborators to develop new radiation shielding geo-materials are also presented. Preliminary data show that heavy bentonite based bentonite based slurry has exceptional shielding properties, and this geo-material may be useful for radiation shielding near and inside of the nuclear reactors. Lastly, some ideas regarding the design of intermediary repositories for contaminated soil are presented. Such repositories will be used to store contaminated soil for a period of 30 years.

    DOI CiNii


  • Riverbank stability assessment under flooding conditions in the Red River of Hanoi, Vietnam

    Thi Toan Duong, Hideo Komine, Minh Duc Do, Satoshi Murakami

    COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS   61   178 - 189  2014.09  [Refereed]

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    The literature contains limited information on variations in the factors of safety (FOS) of riverbank stability associated with river water level (RWL) fluctuations. This paper analyses a case study on the portion of the Red River flowing through Hanoi using the finite element method and extending the mechanics of saturated and unsaturated soils to understand how the riverbank's FOS varies with RWL fluctuations. The results show that hydrostatic force is one of the key parameters influencing the FOS when the soil's hydraulic conductivity is less than 10(-6) m/s. However, the pore-water pressure and rate of RWL change are the key parameters influencing the FOS when the hydraulic conductivity is greater than 10(-6) m/s. The study also indicates that a surcharge of 50 kPa or higher significantly weakens the riverbank stability and influences the FOS when the RWL rises. The construction of residential or other structures without taking special protection measures within 50 m of the lateral riverbank should be avoided for safety reasons. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Electric Double Layer and DIffuse Double Layer

    Hideo Komine

      62 ( 4 ) 50 - 51  2014.04

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 福島県における放射性物質汚染に起因する“もう一つの”環境地盤工学的課題と取り組み

    小峯秀雄, 磯松教彦, 安藤淳也, 高畑修

    土木学会誌   99 ( 3 ) 48 - 51  2014.03


  • Carbon Dioxide Fixation Properties and Mechanism of Steel Slag in the Use for Formation of Low-carbon Society

    Madoka UMINO, Hideo KOMINE, Satoshi MURAKAMI, Kenichi SETOI

    Japanese Geotechnical Journal   9 ( 4 ) 469 - 478  2014  [Refereed]

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    This paper presents the CO2 fixation properties of steel slag containing calcium, and proposes a geotechnical application for the formation of a sound material-cycle society and a low-carbon society. In order to investigate the properties of CO2 fixation, CO2 fixation test with vented constant flow was conducted. As a result, when the CO2 concentration 4500μL-CO2/L was vented in a specimen by 0.05 L/min, non-aging steelmaking slag amount of CO2 fixed is the maximum, the value was 0.04 g-CO2/g-slag. The amount of CO2 that is fixed in the steelmaking slag was about 20% of water-soluble calcium. Therefore, a possibility that the quantity of CO2 fixation could be evaluated was shown from the viewpoint of the mechanism of CO2 fixation using the quantity of water-soluble calcium.

    DOI CiNii

  • Effect of loading by houses to riverbank stability, in Hanoi area

    Toan, D. T, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    2nd International Conference on Geotechnics for Sustainable Development, GEOTEC HANOI 2013     755 - 759  2013.11  [Refereed]

  • 地盤工学を取り巻くビッグプロジェクトと最先端技術の研究・開発動向


    地盤工学会誌   61 ( 11 ) 1 - 3  2013.11

  • 製鋼スラグを用いた二酸化炭素固定化層の層厚設計法の提案

    海野 円, 小峯秀雄, 村上 哲

    第10回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集     185 - 190  2013.09  [Refereed]

  • ベトナム河川流域の浸透破壊および侵食の軽減に寄与する締固め度の提示と被災箇所への適用法の提案

    藤田圭介, 小峯秀雄, 村上 哲, 安原一哉, Duong Thi Toan

    第10回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集     207 - 212  2013.09  [Refereed]

  • 小型変水位透水試験による砂・ベントナイト混合土の作製過程の違いが透水係数に及ぼす影響

    伊藤紗由未, 小峯秀雄, 村上 哲

    第10回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集     269 - 272  2013.09

  • 放射性物質汚染土の中間貯蔵施設の遮水工設計における放射性廃棄物処分技術の観点からの研究展望


    第10回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集     319 - 324  2013.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 二次元地震応答解析によるタイヤチップ混合固化処理土の遮水壁材料としての適用性の検討

    荒孝太郎, 村上 哲, 小峯秀雄, 塚田義明, 牧田晃介

    第10回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集     489 - 492  2013.09  [Refereed]

  • Hai Hau海岸における海岸堤防の裏法侵食に伴う変形挙動と不安定化についての検討

    藤野友彰, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    第10回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集     217 - 220  2013.09  [Refereed]

  • 干渉SARを用いたメコンデルタにおける地盤沈下把握手法の検討

    川瀬将之, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    第10回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集     213 - 126  2013.09  [Refereed]

  • Grain size and soil suction effect on hydraulic conductivity and shear strength of simulated red river soil

    Toan, D. T, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    18th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Advances in Geotechnical Infrastructure     379 - 385  2013.05  [Refereed]

  • 浄水汚泥を埋戻し材として利用した水道管埋設工事の試験施工

    磯秀幸, 渡邊保貴, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 蛭田俊明, 戸祭優, 豊田和弘

    土木学会論文集C(地圏工学)   69 ( 2 ) 201 - 210  2013.05

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    Reusing drinking water sludge discharged during water purification is anticipated for a good use of waste materials as geotechnical materials. So far, drinking water sludge engineering properties has been studied by laboratory tests. This study was conducted to inspect the results of laboratory tests were trial construction using drinking water sludge as a backfill material of water pipe construction. Used sample was mountain sand which was widely used as a backfill material of water pipe construction, two types of drinking water sludge difference from dewatering methods which is sun dry and pressure dehydration, and mixed soil of drinking water sludge mountain sand. The settlement of road surface was measured using surveying instrument during 19 months, and field density tests were conducted in trial construction. As a result, the settlement of road surface in the drinking water sludge and mountain sand were not a significantly differences despite degree of compaction is less than 90%. Finally, this study showed the flowchart about control method for quality of drinking water sludge for use as a subgrade material based on the laboratory CBR tests.

    DOI CiNii

  • 浄水汚泥に含まれる有機物の分解とせん断特性の関係に関する基礎的研究

    渡邊保貴, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 豊田和弘

    土木学会論文集C(地圏工学)   69 ( 1 ) 58 - 69  2013.03

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    Drinking water sludge discharged during water purification contains a lot of organic matter. The generation process of drinking water sludge is quite different from that of general soils, so the influence of organic matter decomposition on the engineering properties is not interpreted enough. Therefore, it is important to investigate the decomposition characteristics of organic matter of drinking water sludge, and to discuss the relation between the organic matter decomposition and shear strength. First, this study isolated fulvic acid and humic acid, and observed the organic matter decomposition and soil respirations. The humic acid content of drinking water sludge was relatively high, and 44% of humic acid was decomposed during 6 month in aerobic condition. Second, triaxial compression tests were executed using the sludge that organic matter has been decomposed by hydroperoxide solutions. Approximately 1.38% of organic matter decomposition showed decrease in the internal friction angle from 39.7°-40.4° to around 37.9°.

    DOI CiNii

  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物処分施設の縦置き孔模型実験における緩衝材発生圧力の予測・評価

    小峯秀雄, 長田徹, 高尾肇, 植田浩義

    土木学会論文集C(地圏工学)   69 ( 1 ) 108 - 117  2013.03

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    Bentonite-based buffer materials for high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal are expected to fill up the space between buffer and a wall of the disposal pit, and/or between buffer and an waste-container called as overpack by its swelling deformation. That is called as self-sealing ability. This study performs the model tests simulated the relationship between buffer and space mentioned above. It also investigates the validity of the theoretical equations for evaluating the swelling characteristics of bentonite-based buffer and backfill material, which were proposed in Komine and Ogata (2003, 2004), by comparing the calculations and the experimental results.

    DOI CiNii

  • 東日本大震災で発生した災害廃棄物とその課題

    乾徹, 小峯秀雄, 大野博之, 風間基樹, 大河原正文, 門間聖子

    地盤工学会誌   61 ( 2 ) 4 - 7  2013.02

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    The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake of March 11, 2011, caused devastating geotechnical and geoenvironmental issues mainly in the coastal areas of the Tohoku and North-Kanto Regions, Japan. Through the earthquake and subsequent tsunami, approximately 22 million tons of disaster debris was generated. This report summarizes the current status on generation, clearance and temporary storage of disaster debris from geotechnical and geoenvironmental viewpoints. It also briefly introduces selected technical issues and their solutions in these processes.


  • Prediction of time to reduce tsunami sediment salinity by rainfall after the Great East Japan Earthquake

    K. Tada, H. Komine, S. Murakami


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    On March 11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster, comprising a gigantic earthquake motion and a giant tsunami, caused huge geotechnical damage. The desalination of tsunami sediment and of salt-affected of soils has become necessary, but the enormous scale of materials over such a vast area presents severe difficulties. Nevertheless, tsunami sediment can be used as materials for renewal. Therefore, quantitative evaluation of desalinization of tsunami sediment by rainfall was conducted to assess the long-term influence of salinity. The necessary time for desalinization of tsunami sediment in affected areas can be predicted based on experimentally obtained results.

  • Simplified prediction of changes in shear strength in geotechnical use of drinking water sludge

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H

    Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013, 2013.09.    2013

  • Thermal influences on swelling-pressure and swelling-deformation of bentonites and investigation on its factors

    Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013, 2013.09.    2013  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • ベトナム北部紅河流域を想定した種々の土質材料の浸透破壊抵抗性および自然由来の繊維材の混合による補強効果の実験的評価

    佐藤恭兵, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 菅野将人

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   27   101 - 108  2012.11

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    Some portions of levee in the Red River delta, located in north of Vietnam, have frequently been damaged by seepage failures. Therefore, a countermeasure of reinforcement for seepage failures are needed to be applied. The countermeasure using natural fiber material is considered to be effective in the Red River delta, because rice farms are flourishing and natural fiber material such as the straw is available at low cost. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the countermeasure of reinforcement by examining the resistance against seepage failure of short fiber mixture soil with natural material. Due to the shortage of soil material in the Red River delta, material was prepared under the simulation of grain size distribution in the Red River delta. The resistance against seepage failure of short fiber mixture soil and fiberless mixture soil are prepared ,respectively. As a result, reinforcement in soil material was confirmed to be effective when the percentage content of sand was over 68.

    DOI CiNii

  • ベトナム北部紅河流域を想定した種々の土質材料の浸透破壊抵抗性および自然由来の繊維材の混合による補強効果の実験的評価

    佐藤恭兵, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 菅野将人

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   27   101 - 108  2012.11  [Refereed]

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    Some portions of levee in the Red River delta, located in north of Vietnam, have frequently been damaged by seepage failures. Therefore, a countermeasure of reinforcement for seepage failures are needed to be applied. The countermeasure using natural fiber material is considered to be effective in the Red River delta, because rice farms are flourishing and natural fiber material such as the straw is available at low cost. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the countermeasure of reinforcement by examining the resistance against seepage failure of short fiber mixture soil with natural material. Due to the shortage of soil material in the Red River delta, material was prepared under the simulation of grain size distribution in the Red River delta. The resistance against seepage failure of short fiber mixture soil and fiberless mixture soil are prepared ,respectively. As a result, reinforcement in soil material was confirmed to be effective when the percentage content of sand was over 68.

    DOI CiNii

  • セメント系薬液により改良された地盤の一軸圧縮強さおよび透水係数に基づく改良効果の評価と電気比抵抗との関係

    阿部聡, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲

    第10回地盤改良シンポジウム    2012.10  [Refereed]

  • 余裕深度処分における緩衝材の長期廃棄体支持性能に関する実験的研究

    森拓雄, 齋藤典之, 小峯秀雄

    土木学会論文集C(地圏工学)   68 ( 4 ) 633 - 642  2012.10

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    Engineered barrier made by bentonite is required to stand without settlement or lateral flow for long term in a repository of radioactive waste. Centrifuge tests which simulated radioactive disposal were executed for evaluating the bearing capacity. And actual deformation was predicted with considering centrifuge scale effect.<br> The result are as follows. Overpack settlement is predicted 8 mm (0.8% strain) after 55 years since the construction, if a repository is constructed with a condition that the highest overpack density is 3.4 Mg/m3 and the lowest engineered barrier density is 1.2 Mg/m3. The settlement is increasing according with overpack density. Siliceous sand mixed engineered barrier effects for reducing the overpack settlement.

    DOI CiNii

  • A spatial analysis and it association with liquefaction and ground characteristics

    Hoshi, S, Murakami, S, Komine, H

    Awam International Conference on Civil Engineering (AICCE’12) Geohazard Information Zonation (GIZ’12)     645 - 650  2012.08  [Refereed]

  • 放射性物質汚染土の対処に向けた今後の土木技術の応用と展望


    土木施工   53 ( 8 ) 60 - 62  2012.08

  • 浄水汚泥の保水性に及ぼす陽イオン溶出の影響

    渡邊保貴, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 豊田和弘

    土木学会論文集C(地圏工学)   68 ( 2 ) 286 - 296  2012.05

  • 平成23年(2011年)東北地方太平洋沖地震の被災状況から観た新たな環境地盤工学に関する課題と予察的考察

    小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 渡邊保貴, 御代田早紀, 藤田圭介, 多田恵一

    地盤工学ジャーナル(東北地方太平洋沖地震特集号)   7 ( 1 ) 151 - 161  2012.03

  • Effects of climate change on geo-disasters in coastal zones and their adaptation

    K. Yasuhara, H. Komine, S. Murakami, G. Chen, Y. Mitani, D. M. Duc

    GEOTEXTILES AND GEOMEMBRANES   30   24 - 34  2012.02

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    Results of recent investigations suggest that climate change tends to exacerbate geo-disasters. Therefore, it is understood clearly that adaptation to climate change has rapidly become the most important and urgent issue for the future existence of human beings on Earth. These inferences form the background of this research. In comparison to those examining water disasters, few studies have examined climate-change-induced geo-disasters. This study aims at upgrading the methodology for estimating effects on geo-disasters of combined events, e.g., global warming with increased typhoon and rainfall severity or occurrence of great earthquakes. Such a methodology is expected to contribute to progress in the fields of natural disaster mitigation and land preservation, particularly near seacoasts and rivers. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • An experimental Evaluation on Effects of Reinforcement by Natural Fiber Mixture Material and Resistance against Seepage Failure of various soil material which assumed The Red River Delta, northern Vietnam

    Kyohei SATO, Hideo KOMINE, Satoshi MURAKAMI, Kazuya YASUHARA, Masahito KANNO

    Geosynthetics Engineering Journal   27   101 - 108  2012  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • Composition and decomposition of organic matter of drinking water sludge

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K

    第9回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   145   435 - 438  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • Geo-hazards induced by global climate change: An assessment of impacts, risks, and adaptation strategies

    Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Chen, G, Mitani, Y

    第9回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   145   397 - 404  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • 温室効果ガス削減のための廃棄物による二酸化炭素固定化特性の調査および利用方法の提案

    海野円, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲

    第9回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   145   283 - 286  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • 河川流域の粒度特性を考慮した浸食試験および地盤情報データベースを活用した浸食特性の広域評価

    藤田圭介, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲

    第9回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   145   217 - 222  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • 港湾護岸構造物の地震時安定性向上を目指したタイヤチップ水平敷設裏込め地盤の適用性

    御代田早紀, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉

    第9回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   145   333 - 338  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • 砂質土と混合した浄水汚泥の室内CBR特性および路床材としての品質管理方法の提案

    磯秀幸, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲

    第9回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   145   99 - 102  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • 浄水汚泥のせん断特性に及ぼす初期乾燥密度および初期含水比の影響

    本橋悠, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲

    第9回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   145   95 - 98  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • ベントナイトの吸水特性と水分拡散係数としての評価における供試体寸法,初期含水比,拘束条件の影響

    遠藤さち恵, 小峯秀雄, 村上 哲, 関口高志, 関根一郎

    第9回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集   145   75 - 78  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • Climate change-induced compound geodisasters: Lessons from case histories

    Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Suzuki, K, Do Minh Duc

    VNU Journal of Science, Earth Sciences   27 ( 1S ) 1 - 10  2011.10

  • Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering measures to adapt and mitigate global warming impacts

    Komine, H, Do Minh Duc

    VNU Journal of Science, Earth Sciences   27 ( 1S ) 104 - 113  2011.10

  • タイヤチップ混合ソイルセメントの強度変形特性

    坂野彰, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 塚田義明, 牧田晃介

    地盤工学会誌   59 ( 7 ) 26 - 29  2011.07

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    The soil cement used for the cut-off wall is a brittleness material. Therefore, in the case of the soil cement cut-off wall, the problem of the water leak by generation on the shearing surface is feared. As the countermeasure against generating shearing surface, the tire chip mixture soil cement is proposed. In addition, under 10% of tire chip mixture ratio for the tire chip mixture soil cement is proposed as the measures, because the workability decreases as the mixed quantity of the tire chip increases. Then, the strength transformation characteristic of the tire chip mixture soil cement of the tire chip mixture rate under 10% was investigated. As a result, the tire chip mixture soil cement in the tire chip mixture ratio under 10% accompanied an increase at the tire chip mixture rate, strength showed the decreasing tendency, and the destruction strain showed the increasing tendency. Moreover, the improvement of toughness was remarkable in the tire chip mixture rate 5% or more.


  • 茨城県北部地域における地震地盤災害

    村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉

    地盤工学会誌   59 ( 7 ) 52 - 55  2011.07


  • Effects of climate change on coastal disasters: new methodologies and recent results

    Kazuya Yasuhara, Hideo Komine, Hiromune Yokoki, Takeshi Suzuki, Nobuo Mimura, Makoto Tamura, Guangqi Chen

    SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE   6 ( 2 ) 219 - 232  2011.07

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    Humanity faces an increasing possibility that unusual and extreme natural disasters will increase, compounded with climate change, including global warming. These compound events are designated as compounded natural hazards in this study. A methodology must be developed for predicting what events and risks will confront future societies, to propose countermeasures and adaptation strategies against these events, and to evaluate the influences of compound disasters on infrastructure which is particularly situated near coasts and rivers. Based on the above-stated background and demands, this study was undertaken with the intention of upgrading the methodology for estimating effects on infrastructure of compound events such as increased typhoon and rainfall severity caused by global warming occurring concurrently with a great earthquake in Japan. Such a methodology is expected to contribute to progress in the fields of natural disaster mitigation and land preservation, particularly benefiting coastal and river areas in Japan. Additionally in this study, risk and economic loss analyses for the possible occurrence of compound disasters for coastal infrastructure and foundations are produced for establishing environmental strategies at the governmental level. The authors further propose adaptation strategies and techniques as countermeasures against these events.



  • 人工海水環境下における各種ベントナイトの透水係数

    小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲

    土木学会論文集C(地圏工学),   67 ( 2 ) 276 - 287  2011.06

  • 産業副産物利用の広がりと展望


    土木学会誌   96 ( 4 ) 27 - 28  2011.04

  • 土の化学・物理と高レベル放射性廃棄物処分


    地盤工学会誌   59 ( 3 ) 44 - 54  2011.03  [Refereed]


  • Batch leaching test focusing on clod size of drinking water sludge and applicability to long-term prediction using column leaching test

    Y. Watanabe, H. Komine, K. Yasuhara, S. Murakami

    Geotechnical Special Publication   ( 211 ) 1075 - 1080  2011  [Refereed]

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    For environmental impact assessment, the Japanese leaching test (JLT) is frequently used in Japan. The grains in JLT are ordinarily smaller than 2.0 mm, but the grain size might be impractical. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of controlled clod size on the leaching characteristics of represented crushable waste
    drinking water sludge (DWS). First, compaction tests were conducted using DWS. Second, batch and column leaching tests were performed using various clod size fractions of DWS. The Al concentration was analyzed to investigate the effect on plant growth. Consequently, 81 of DWS was crushed to less than 2.0 mm clod size by compaction, so the clod size in JLT is reasonable for environmental impact assessment of DWS utilization. Furthermore, results of batch leaching tests using clods smaller than 0.25 mm substituted for the maximum Al concentration in column leaching tests. © 2011 ASCE.



  • Mitigation of existing structure settlement by sheet pile walls when liquefaction

    Y. Motohashi, K. Yasuhara, H. Komine, S. Murakami

    Geotechnical Special Publication   ( 211 ) 1815 - 1820  2011  [Refereed]

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    Liquefaction during earthquakes induces such damage of existing structures as uplift or settlement, depending on the weight of structure. It is important to mitigating damage occurring by liquefaction to take some countermeasures against harmful vertical displacement. This study specifically focuses on countermeasures against settlement induced by liquefaction of existing structures with sheet pile walls during earthquakes. For this purpose, the study considers the effects of sheet pile walls on decreasing liquefaction-induced settlement of existing structures using the model tests under normal gravity (1 g) conditions that simulate the situation of existing structures founded on sand deposits. Results show in the following: (1) The longer the sheet pile walls that are installed, the more markedly settlement of structures can be reduced. (2) Combined adaptation of sheet pile walls installation with a decrease in groundwater level engenders a great degree of reduction in the settlement of structures than with adaptation of the single technique of the sheet pile wall installation or dewatering of GWL. © 2011 ASCE.



  • Predicting hydraulic conductivity of bentonite backfill after swelling

    Komine, H

    Proceedings of the 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering    2011

  • Influence of cation leaching on water retentivity of drinking water sludge

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H

    Proceedings of the 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2011.05.    2011

  • Cyclic and post-cyclic instability of unsaturated non-plastic silt,

    Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Komine, H, Saimaru, A, Ajima, F

    Proceedings of the 14th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering    2011


    Hideo Komine, Yasutaka Watanabe

    SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS   50 ( 6 ) 977 - 982  2010.12

     View Summary

    This paper is an overview of the status in geo-environment research in the past, the present and the future in Japan as witnessed by the publications in "Soils and Foundations" over the years. The authors have paid special attention to the geotechnical researches concerning technologies of waste disposal, including radioactive waste disposal, the reuse and recycle of by-product and waste, the evaluation of the environmental impact of waste and by-product, and countermeasures and adaptations to the contamination of ground/groundwater. Some representative papers on the geo-environment published in "Soils and Foundations" have been drawn on heavily in this paper. The commentary provided by the authors is largely from a geo-environmental perspective. In addition, the authors have also paid attention to geotechnical issues in the research.

  • Swelling characteristics of bentonites under high-alkali condition for radioactive waste disposal

    Sugiura, K, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S

    6th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics    2010.11  [Refereed]

  • 環境経済効果に基づいた浄水汚泥と砂質土の混合利用

    渡邊保貴, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, ベジェヒョン, 豊田和弘

    土木学会論文集C   66 ( 4 ) 788 - 799  2010.11

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    Reusing drinking water sludge discharged during water purification is anticipated as a good use of waste materials as a geotechnical material. Mixing is certainly effective to improve the amount of supply materials. However, the effects of mixing on environmental economics have not been discussed. Therefore, such mixture must be examined from environmental and economical perspectives. This study defined the environmental value of drinking water sludge, with emphasis on the final disposal amount and the loss of natural soil. The environmental cost was estimated in various mixture conditions. Results show the benefits for geotechnical works of using drinking water sludge alone or decreasing the amount of mixed natural soils.

    DOI CiNii

  • 講座「土の化学・物理」をはじめるにあたって


    地盤工学会誌   58 ( 10 ) 41 - 42  2010.10


  • The Past, Present and Future of the Geo-Environment in Japan

    Hideo Komine, Yasutaka Watanabe

    Soils and Foundations   50 ( 6 ) 977 - 982  2010.09

     View Summary

    This paper is an overview of the status in geo-environment research in the past, the present and the future in Japan as witnessed by the publications in “Soils and Foundations” over the years. The authors have paid special attention to the geotechnical researches concerning technologies of waste disposal, including radioactive waste disposal, the reuse and recycle of by-product and waste, the evaluation of the environmental impact of waste and by-product, and countermeasures and adaptations to the contamination of ground/groundwater. Some representative papers on the geo-environment published in “Soils and Foundations” have been drawn on heavily in this paper. The commentary provided by the authors is largely from a geoenvironmental perspective. In addition, the authors have also paid attention to geotechnical issues in the research. © 2010, The Japanese Geotechnical Society. All rights reserved.




    Yasutaka WATANABE, Hideo KOMINE, Kazuya YASUHARA, Satoshi MURAKAMI, Kazuhiro TOYODA

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu C   66 ( 3 ) 550 - 563  2010.08  [Refereed]


  • Predicting hydraulic conductivity of sand-bentonite mixture backfill before and after swelling deformation for underground disposal of radioactive wastes

    Hideo Komine

    ENGINEERING GEOLOGY   114 ( 3-4 ) 123 - 134  2010.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Mixtures of sand and bentonite will be used as bentonite-based backfill materials for high-level radioactive waste repositories. They are also used in Japan as artificial barriers in disposal facilities for low-level radioactive waste. Very low hydraulic conductivity of the sand-bentonite mixture is expected to keep wastes separated from the surrounding environment. Some researchers have investigated hydraulic conductivities of sand-bentonite materials at different dry densities and at different mass ratios of sand and bentonite to design and develop specifications of the materials described above.
    However, the function of low permeability of those materials is degraded by the altered hydraulic conductivity of sand-bentonite mixtures after swelling deformation. This study investigates experimentally hydraulic conductivity changes before and after swelling for sand-bentonite materials. Furthermore, results confirm the applicability of theoretical equations for evaluating the hydraulic conductivity of compacted bentonites and sand-bentonite mixtures, which have already been proposed in Komine (2008), by comparing calculated results and experimental results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Degradation of drinking water sludge focusing on compressibility and hydraulic conductivity

    Watanebe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Toyoda, K

    Geo-Environmental Engineering2010    2010.05  [Refereed]

  • Effects of climate change on GEO-disasters in coastal zones

    Kazuya Yasuhara, Hideo Komine, Satoshi Murakami, Guangqi Chen, Yasuhiro Mitani

    Journal of Global Environment Engineering   15   15 - 23  2010.02

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    Results of recent investigations suggest that climate change tends to exacerbate geo-disasters. Therefore, it is understood clearly that adaptation to climate change has rapidly become the most important and urgent issue for the future existence of human beings on Earth. These inferences form the background of this research. Compared with water disasters, few studies have examined climate change-induced geo-disasters. This study aims at upgrading the methodology for estimating effects on geo-disasters of combined events, e.g., global warming with increased typhoon and rainfall severity or occurrence of great earthquakes. Such a methodology is expected to contribute to progress in the fields of natural disaster mitigation and land preservation, particularly near seacoasts and rivers.

  • 循環型社会(リサイクル, 廃棄物処分)における地盤工学の展望

    小峯 秀雄

    地盤工学会誌 = / the Japanese Geotechnical Society   58 ( 1 ) 50 - 51  2010.01


  • A Representative Soil Profile Modeling and Its Application to Investigate Rise in Groundwater Level Affected by Global Climate Change

    Murakami, S, Ogawa, H, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H

    Proc. 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference     193 - 196  2010  [Refereed]

  • Effect of climate change on geo-disasters in coastal zone

    Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Chen, G, Mitani, Y

    Journal of Global Environmental Engineering   15   15 - 23  2010

  • Serial batch leaching test for evaluating degradation of drinking water sludge in geotechnical reuse

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Toyoda, K

    ISSMGE’s : 6th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics    2010  [Refereed]

  • Purification of water quality using geosynthetics barrier with drinking water sludge and melted slag

    Oikawa, T, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S

    ISSMGE’s : 6th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics    2010

  • Mitigation of liquefaction using tire-chips as a gravel drain

    Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Miyota, S, Hazarika, H

    ISSMGE’s : 6th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics    2010

  • Evaluation of erosion vulnerability for river levee materials using physico-chemical properties of soil focusing on torrential rainfall due to climate change

    Taniguchi, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S

    International Workshop on Erosion and Its Adaptation    2009.10  [Refereed]

  • Reply to Discussion by Kaya et al. on “Swelling characteristics of bentonite in artificial seawater”Appears in Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 46(10): 1236–1238.

    Hideo Komine, Kazuya Yasuhara, Satoshi Murakami

    Canadian Geotechnical Journal   46 ( 10 ) 1239 - 1242  2009.10


  • 浄水汚泥のアルミニウム溶出に関する環境影響評価手法の提案

    渡邊保貴, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 豊田和弘

    土木学会論文集G   65 ( 3 ) 188 - 201  2009.09

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    It is presently anticipated for reusing drinking water sludge which is discharged during water purification as geotechnical material. However, drinking water sludge contains flocculating agent, poly-aluminum chloride, and it is expected that aluminum leaches and influences to plant growth. Therefore, this study assessed the environmental impact of drinking water sludge, focusing on aluminum leaching. Japanese leaching test, column leaching test, pH-dependant test, and serial batch test were executed, and aluminum leaching characteristics and the applicability to geotechnical works were discussed. Finally, this study showed the flowchart of environmental impact assessment of drinking water sludge.

    DOI CiNii

  • 温暖化に起因する海面上昇による河川堤防や高水敷・河岸の土質材料に及ぼす影響の簡易評価

    小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲

    地盤工学ジャーナル   4 ( 2 ) 185 - 195  2009.06

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    Recently, impact to society by global warming is attracting greater attention in all the world. It is afraid that the global warming is bringing sea-level rising and increases of heavy raining and storm. The IPCC prefigures that the maximum amount of rising sea-level due to global warming will be 59 cm. It is also prefigured that brackish-region in rivers will expand by running of seawater to the upside of rivers. If the above phenomenon will appear, it is afraid that levees and riverbanks made by soil material are affected by seawater. From the background, it is required to evaluate vulnerability of levees and riverbanks as infrastructures in Japan. This study investigates changes of properties of soil materials, which is used to construct levees and riverbanks, by water chemistry in laboratory. The laboratory experiments use the distilled water assuming fresh-water, and the artificial seawater assuming brine-water and brackish-water. From the laboratory experiments, this study evaluates vulnerability of levees and riverbanks as infrastructures by sea-level rising due to global warming.

    DOI CiNii

  • 人工海水環境下におけるベントナイトの一次元自己シール性

    小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲

    土木学会論文集C   65 ( 2 ) 389 - 400  2009.05


  • 海面上昇による水没域評価のためのチャオプラヤデルタ広域地盤沈下予測マップ

    村上哲, 渡邉眞吾, 鈴木久美子, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄

    地盤工学会誌   57 ( 4 ) 26 - 29  2009.04

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of dual impacts of sea-level rise due to global warming and land subsidence on inundation area in Chao Phraya delta. The future situation of land subsidence in 2100 has been predicted by using a method of reliable land subsidence mapping based on the observations of settlements proposed by Murakami, S. et al. (2005). The future elevation model in the objective regions has been made by using the present elevation model and the predicted land subsidence by using GIS. For investigating the influence of dual impacts of both 59cm sea-level rise and land subsidence on inundation area in Chao Phraya delta, a hazard map of the inundation area has been represented. The hazard map shows that the inundation area caused by dual impacts of 59cm sea-level rise and land subsidence will be approximately 1000km^2. The result shows that it is important for inundation area in Mega Deltas, where land subsidence has taken place, to consider not only sea-level rise but also land subsidence in the future.


  • 各種土質材料の水分特性曲線に着目した集中豪雨による河川堤防や河岸の脆弱性簡易評価

    小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 内田佳子

    地盤工学会誌   57 ( 4 ) 22 - 25  2009.04

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    Recently, we have had so many disasters and accidents such as damages of levees at large rivers, which are caused by torrential rainfall in Japan. In this study, the authors have conducted the water retentitivity tests in drainage process of some kinds of soils, which will be used as river-levee and bank materials. It has investigated the water retentivity and one-dimensional deformation characteristics of some soils from the soil water characteristic curve and the change of void ratio of soils. From the experimental results, this study has proposed the simplified evaluation on vulnerability of river levee and bank by torrential rainfall.


  • 各種土質材料の水分特性曲線に着目した集中豪雨による河川堤防や河岸の脆弱性簡易評価

    小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 内田佳子

    地盤工学会誌   57 ( 4 ) 22 - 25  2009.04  [Refereed]

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    Recently, we have had so many disasters and accidents such as damages of levees at large rivers, which are caused by torrential rainfall in Japan. In this study, the authors have conducted the water retentitivity tests in drainage process of some kinds of soils, which will be used as river-levee and bank materials. It has investigated the water retentivity and one-dimensional deformation characteristics of some soils from the soil water characteristic curve and the change of void ratio of soils. From the experimental results, this study has proposed the simplified evaluation on vulnerability of river levee and bank by torrential rainfall.


  • ベントナイト系緩衝材の乾燥に伴う含水比低下・体積収縮の傾向

    増田良一, 雨宮清, トラン デュク, フィ オアン, 小峯秀雄

    原子力バックエンド研究   15 ( 2 ) 131 - 136  2009.03

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    In high-level radioactive wastes geological disposal, an engineered barrier by bentonite which is called buffer around a waste package is built. When the buffer suffers high temperature by generation of heat from wastes for long term, the heat may deteriorate barrier performance of the buffer material. In order to evaluate suitable heat influence for design of the repository, behavior of buffer under high temperature needs to be clarified. In this research, dry shrinkage examinations of bentonite-based buffer were carried out, and the tendency of the relations between specification of buffer, temperature and water ratio depression, dry shrinkage were clarified.

    DOI CiNii

  • Swelling characteristics of bentonites in artificial seawater

    Hideo Komine, Kazuya Yasuhara, Satoshi Murakami

    CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL   46 ( 2 ) 177 - 189  2009.02

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    Bentonite is currently designated for use as a buffer material for the repository of high-level radioactive waste because such a material requires swelling characteristics to seal the waste. A high-level radioactive waste disposal facility may be built in a coastal area of Japan because transportation of this waste by ships is feasible. Therefore, it is important to investigate the effects of seawater on a bentonite-based buffer. This study is intended to investigate the influence of seawater on the swelling pressure and swelling deformation characteristics of five common types of bentonite. The experiments described herein clarify the relations between the influence of seawater grade and compaction density, type of exchangeable cation, montmorillonite content of the bentonite, and vertical pressure condition. Based on experimental results, suitable specifications have been defined for a bentonite-based buffer that can withstand the effects of seawater.




    Teruyasu Oikawa, Hideo Komine, Kazuya Yasuhara, Satoshi Murakami

    Jioshinsetikkusu Rombunshu (Geosynthetics Engineering Journal)   24   37 - 42  2009  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • Self-sealing capability of some bentonite buffers in artificial seawater

    H. Komine

    Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: The Academia and Practice of Geotechnical Engineering   3   2495 - 2498  2009

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    A high-level radioactive waste disposal facility might be built in a coastal area of Japan to facilitate transportation of radioactive waste. This study investigates the influence of seawater on the self-sealing capability of a bentonite-based buffer. It also investigates the change of compositions of exchangeable cations such as Na + and Ca 2+ in a bentonite-based buffer before and after self-sealing to clarify infiltration/filtration mechanisms of seawater cations into bentonite. © 2009 IOS Press.



  • Coastal erosion in the tropical rapid accretion delta - a case study of the red river delta, vietnam

    Do Minh Duc, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Komine, H

    2nd Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2008.11  [Refereed]

  • Degradation of drinking water sludge for long-term waste management

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Kashimura, S, Toyoda, K

    2nd Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2008.11  [Refereed]

  • Effective utilization of combustion waste for water quality improvement in closed water body

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Inoue, Y, Ida, N

    2nd Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2008.11  [Refereed]

  • Vulnerability evaluation of soil material simulated river bank material in torrential rainfall

    Munegumi, T, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S

    2nd Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2008.11  [Refereed]

  • 非構造格子モデルを用いた氾濫解析におけるGISの利用,,Vol. 17, pp. 243-248, 2008.11.

    鈴木久美子, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    土木情報利用技術論文集   17   243 - 248  2008.11

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    Inundation analyses based on an unstructured mesh model were performed. The method gives detailed consideration to the geometrical shape of the geography and composition. Using other analytical results obtained before and after land subsidence that took place in the region, a comparison was carried out to show the influence of land subsidence on inundation damage. Results indicate the necessity for evaluating inundation damage in consideration of the future land subsidence. In addition, the current study presents a GIS-aided procedure for inundation analyses using an unstructured mesh model that facilitates production of information used for inundation analysis for sites that have undergone land subsidence over a long period.

    DOI CiNii


    Hideo Komine

    2nd Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2008.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • エコフロンティアかさまにおけるリスクコミュニケーションへの取組み

    篠崎克己, 小峯秀雄

    地盤工学会誌   56 ( 8 ) 30 - 31  2008.08

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    Eco Frontier Kasama is a public-operated waste management facility which consists of incinerators, fusion reactors, and a leachate-monitored land fill. Until August 2005 of its inauguration, communication with the local people has been repeatedly carried out and is being held thereafter. In this report, an actual example of the way how they activate information disclosure and motivate environment learning at Eco Frontier Kasama is introduced and a risk communication experience is also described.


  • 環境リスク面から捉えた廃棄物の地盤工学的利用


    地盤工学会誌   56 ( 8 ) 1 - 3  2008.08

    Authorship:Lead author

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    This paper introduces the activities of the technical committee on environmental risk in geotechnical reuse and recycling of waste materials, which was held from 2005 to 2007 year. This paper describes compositions and members of the technical committee, the activities in the JGS annual conferences, site visits and technical seminars cooperated with the other academic societies such as the Japan Society of Civil Engineers and the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts.


  • 廃棄物を再生地盤材料に〜環境負荷低減・有効利用方策,そしてその理念〜


    環境浄化技術(日本工業出版)   7 ( 6 ) 30 - 34  2008.06


  • ベントナイト


    地盤工学会誌   56 ( 6 ) 52 - 53  2008.06


  • Theoretical equations on hydraulic conductivities of bentonite-based buffer and backfill for underground disposal of radioactive wastes

    Hideo Komine


     View Summary

    Compacted bentonite and sand-bentonite mixtures are sought as buffer and backfill materials for high-level radioactive waste disposal facilities because they have very low permeability. To establish specifications such as the dry density and sand-bentonite mass ratio for buffer and backfill materials, we must quantitatively evaluate a material's hydraulic conductivities. This study presents theoretical new equations for evaluating the hydraulic conductivity of compacted bentonites and sand-bentonite mixtures. New equations are proposed for evaluating the flow velocity of interlayer water between two montmorillonite parallel-plate layers considering the swelling behaviors of montmorillonite. Furthermore, a prediction method for hydraulic conductivity of compacted bentonite and sand-bentonite mixtures is presented by combining new equations with previous equations for evaluating swelling behavior of montmorillonite in bentonite. The applicability of this method is clarified by comparing predicted results with experimental data reported by previous research on hydraulic conductivities of compacted bentonites and sand-bentonite mixtures.



  • 廃棄物最終処分場覆土材におけるメタン酸化細菌の育成可能な条件の提示

    内田佳子, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 遠藤和人

    地盤工学ジャーナル   3 ( 1 ) 85 - 93  2008.03

  • Dynamic compaction properties of bentonite-based materials

    Ito, H, Komine, H

    Engineering Geology   98   133 - 143  2008.02


  • Toughness improvement of hybrid sandwiched foundations and embankment reinforced with geosynthetics

    S. Yamazaki, K. Yasuhara, S. Murakami, H. Komine

    NEW HORIZONS IN EARTH REINFORCEMENT     673 - 679  2008  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We have developed a new construction technique called Hybrid Sandwiched Reinforcement (HBS) method in which thin sand layers are placed above and beneath the geosynthetic fabric to increase the mechanical potential of cohesive soil embankment and foundations. This reinforcement method offers advantages of reinforcement improvement and maintenance of hydraulic conductivity. Successive to the authors' previous works, this paper describes small-scale model tests on embankments with and without reinforcement and a sand layer. Results from model tests are interpreted with emphasis on improved toughness of HBS-reinforced embankments. Results clarified that HBS not only controls embankment deformation; it also improves the toughness using placement of geosynthetics in an embankment comprising cohesive soils such as Kanto loam of volcanicash origin. As an important finding related to toughness improvement of HBS earth structures, the model test results show that the improved toughness of foundations and embankments are independent of the sand layer thickness, which implies that the sand thickness in sandwich-type earth structures is sufficient for maintaining the HBS structures' hydraulic conductivity and avoiding clogging of the geosynthetics.

  • Assessment of Inundation Area Induced by Dual Impacts of Sea Level Rise due to Global Warming and Land Subsidence in Chao Phraya Delta

    Murakami, S, Suzuki, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Watanabe,S

    Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Climate Change and The Sustainability, 301-303.     301 - 303  2008  [Refereed]

  • 堆積性軟岩の一次元膨潤変形・膨潤圧特性における内部固結力と供給水の影響

    大森慎哉, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 中村隆浩

    第37回岩盤力学に関するシンポジウム論文集    2008.01  [Refereed]

  • 新潟県中越地震における斜面崩壊に与えた先行降雨の影響の評価

    布川直矢, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 土田敦司

    斜面災害における予知と対策技術の最前線に関するシンポジウム     (掲載決定)  2007.12  [Refereed]

  • 足もとの環境と廃棄物・第一話:排出資源と世代交


    生活と環境(財団法人日本環境衛生センター),   52 ( 11 ) 5 - 11  2007.11


  • Applicability of drinking water sludge to geotechnical construction

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Toyoda, K

    Proc. Vietnam-Japan Symp. Climate change-induced natural disasters and adaptation, Hue, Vietnam     228 - 235  2007.09  [Refereed]

  • 気候変動に起因する複合的地盤災害への適応策

    安原一哉, 村上 哲, 小峯秀雄, 鈴木久美子, 柴田はるか

    第7回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集     237 - 242  2007.08  [Refereed]


  • 廃棄物最終処分場覆土材におけるメタン酸化細菌の育成可能な条件の提示

    内田佳子, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上 哲, 遠藤和人

    第7回環境地盤工学シンポジウム発表論文集     203 - 210  2007.08  [Refereed]

  • ベントナイトの膨潤圧・膨潤変形特性に及ぼす温度履歴の影響とその要因

    小峯秀雄, 大橋良哉, 安原一哉, 村上哲

    土木学会論文集C   63 ( 3 ) 731 - 741  2007.08

  • Environmental impact assessment of aluminum of drinking water sludge

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Toyoda, K

    Proc. Geo-Environmental Engineering 2007     149 - 154  2007.05  [Refereed]

  • Influence of global warming on coastal infrastructural instability

    K. Yasuhara, S. Murakami, N. Mimura, H. Komine, J. Recio

    SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE   2 ( 1 ) 13 - 25  2007.04

     View Summary

    The increasing infrastructure instability is an important issue in relation to the influences of global climate change in urban areas. A serious issue pertaining to this is the dual nature of damage triggered by events combined with climate change and natural hazards. For example, catastrophic damage could result from the combination of global warming with a great earthquake, which is a worst-case scenario. Although this worst-case scenario has rarely occurred and presents a low probability of occurrence, countermeasures must be prepared in advance based on an appropriate response and adaptation strategies. After an overview of possible infrastructural instabilities caused by global warming, methodologies are proposed placing emphasis on the increasing probability of infrastructural instability triggered by natural hazards resulting from groundwater-level (GWL) variations. These effects are expected to be particularly serious in coastal regions because of the influence of the rising sea level resulting from global warming. The influence of sea-level rises (SLR) will become apparent along with land subsidence because groundwater abstraction will become severe in coastal regions. Additionally, the probability of earthquake liquefaction increases if GWL rises in accompaniment with SLR. Using case histories, we examined the possible occurrence of these natural hazards as a result of global warming. Finally, possible countermeasures and adaptation strategies for reducing and mitigating infrastructure damage accelerated by global warming are described for each case in specific regions. In particular, special attention should be paid to adaptation strategies in coastal lowlands, which particularly suffer from the effects of land subsidence.



  • Applicability of theoretical evaluations on swelling behaviors of bentonite buffer

    Komine, H

    Proceedings of the 13th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering   CD-ROM  2007

  • Settlement of Foundations Affected by Groundwater Level Rise

    Yasuhara, K, Murakami, Komine, H

    Proceedings of the 13th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering   CD-ROM  2007

  • 粒状ベントナイトの締固め・透水特性とその簡易評価方法

    伊藤弘志, 鈴木啓三, 小峯秀雄

    土木学会論文集C   62 ( 4 ) 803 - 813  2006.12

  • デジタルカメラを用いた新しい色彩測定方法と建築材料用石材の色彩評価指標値の提案

    浦野祐嗣, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲

    土木学会論文集C   62 ( 4 ) 793 - 802  2006.12

  • 衝撃荷重を受ける砂質地盤の液状化に及ぼす地下水位上昇の影響

    石田達久, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 村上 哲

    日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集   12   550 - 553  2006.11  [Refereed]

  • 非塑性シルトにおける繰返し載荷後の静的せん断挙動に及ぼす排水履歴の影響

    増田拓哉, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 村上 哲

    日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集   12   534 - 537  2006.11  [Refereed]

  • GISを用いた高田平野における地盤沈下の地域性の把握

    鈴木久美子, 村上 哲, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄

    地理情報システム学会講演論文集   16   No.101  2006.10  [Refereed]

  • Influence of Land Subsidence on Inundation Damage

    Suzuki, K, Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H

    Prc. Int. Symp. Lowland Technology 2006     253 - 258  2006.09  [Refereed]

  • 高圧圧密試験装置を用いたベントナイトの透水係数算出における試験方法の高度化

    佛田理恵, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲

    土木学会論文集C   62 ( 3 ) 573 - 578  2006.08

  • Reliable land subsidence mapping using a spatial interpolation procedure based on geostatistics

    S Murakami, K Yasuhara, K Suzuki, H Komine

    SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS   46 ( 2 ) 123 - 134  2006.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper describes a spatial interpolation procedure for settlements to increase the reliability of subsidence mapping. For this study, a spatial interpolation method based on the ordinary Kriging method was investigated for applicability to a land subsidence area in the northern Kanto plain. First, the spatial variability of settlements using a semivariogrant was investigated in detail. For a short distance, the semivariogram of settlements increases. However, after the maximum value at about 35 km, the semivariogram decreases because settlement observation locations are typically arranged around an area in the center of a severe land subsidence zone. Therefore, the semivariogram is only useful up to that maximum value for investigating spatial variability of settlements in a land subsidence area. A spatial interpolation procedure based on Kriging method is proposed. Applicability of that procedure is investigated through comparison of estimations with observations. Drawing both estimations and standard deviations of those estimations represents a reliable land subsidence map. Moreover, to improve the map's accuracy, new allocation for monitoring settlements is undertaken by installation in areas where the estimation standard deviation is greatest. The effect can be investigated using simulated results in the distribution change of the estimated standard deviation.

  • 地下水質と空気供給状況を考慮した堆積性岩石の新しいスレーキング試験方法

    島田久美子, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 関根一郎, 岡田哲実

    土木学会論文集C   62 ( 2 ) 335 - 345  2006.04

  • Evaluation of attenuation of impact on bentonite-based buffer under construction

    Masuda, R, Asano, H, Tada, H, Nishimura, T, Amemiya, K, Komine, H

    Journal of Japanese Civil Engineers C   62 ( 2 ) 292 - 304  2006.04

  • Evaluation of attenuation of impact on bentonite-based buffer under construction (

    Masuda, R, Asano, H, Tada, H, Nishimura, T, Amemiya, K, Komine, H

    Journal of Civil Engineer C   62 ( 2 ) 292 - 304  2006.04

    DOI CiNii

  • Hybrid-sandwiched foundations reinforced with geosynthetics

    K. Yasuhara, S. Murakami, H. Komine, T. Sakakibara

    GEOSYNTHETICS, VOLS 1-4     1005 - +  2006  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    As one of promising field techniques for earth reinforcement, the hybrid sandwich earth structures reinforced with geosynthetics have been developed. The reinforcement in this technique is attained by enhancement of interaction between geosynthetics and thin sand layers which are placed above and beneath geosynthetics. This technique is usually adopted for reinforcing and improving soft or marginal soils which are not usually suitable for banking, backfill and foundation geomaterials. Among the advantageous aspects of sandwich-type reinforced earth structures combined with geocomposites and sand mat, toughness improvement as well as hydraulic conductivity improvement is highlighted in this paper.


    ITO Hiroshi, SUZUKI Keizo, KOMINE Hideo

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu C   62 ( 4 ) 803 - 813  2006

     View Summary

    Bentonite has been examined recently in some countries as candidates for buffer materials in highlevel radioactive waste repositories. Granular bentonites are anticipated as the raw materials for constructing bentonite-based buffer materials by in-situ compaction methods. For that reason, it is important to understand the influence of grain size distribution and physicochemical properties of bentonite ore on compaction and hydraulic properties of granular bentonites. In this study, compaction and hydraulic conductivity tests of some kinds of granular bentonite with different sources and grain size range were performed. As a conclusion, compaction and hydraulic properties of granular bentonites can be evaluated by plastic limit and montmorillonite content of bentonite ore used as raw materials.

    DOI CiNii

  • デジタルカメラを用いた新しい色彩測定方法と建築材料用石材の色彩評価指標値の提案

    浦野祐嗣, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲

    土木学会論文集   62 ( 4 )  2006


  • Experimental study on washing of coal fly ashes by water with carbon dioxide, - washing effect of chromium(VI) and boron –,

    Nohno, S, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Ito, T, Konami, T, Kudo, Y

    ISSMGE’s : 5th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics    2006  [Refereed]

  • Designing method of bentonite based buffer materials for HLW-disposal from the viewpoint of self-sealing

    Komine, H

    ISSMGE’s : 5th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics    2006

  • Ultrasonic cleaning of clogged geosynthetic drain

    Ghosh, C, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Konami, T, Kudo, Y

    ISSMGE’s : 5th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics    2006

  • ジオシンセティックスによるハイブリッドサンドイッチ補強土の靱性改善

    榊原務, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   20   81 - 88  2005.12

    DOI CiNii

  • タイヤシュレッズを用いたジオシンセティックス補強地盤と補強盛土

    川上聖, 安原一哉, 秋間健, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 池永貞二

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   20   109 - 116  2005.12

    DOI CiNii

  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分におけるベントナイト緩衝材変質現象に関する最近の研究と今後の研究展開

    井上厚行, 河野元治, 桑原義博, 小崎完, 小峯秀雄, 佐藤努, 月村勝宏

    粘土科学(日本粘土学会誌)   45 ( 1 ) 31 - 61  2005.11


  • タイヤチップスドレーンによる砂地盤の液状化後変状低減

    安原一哉, 田岡憲太, 大塚友樹, 増田拓哉, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲

    土と基礎(地盤工学会誌)   53 ( 9 ) 9 - 11  2005.09

     View Summary

    The effects of gravel drains on the mitigation of earthquake-induced lateral flow deformation of saturated Toyoura sand were investigated in 1g laboratory model tests. Earthquake-induced dynamic loading was simulated by using lateral impact loads generated by a pendulum typehammer on the side of the testing equipment. An emphasis was placed on the applicability of a recycled material, tyre-chips, instead of gravel, to accelerating the drainage in sand deposits. The results of the model tests showed that the tyre-chip drain exhibited almost the same effects as conventional gravel drains and in particular : (1) a tyre-chip drain installed in an inclined slope of medium dense sand reduced the excess pore pressure generation, and subsequent lateral flow deformation and post-cyclic settlement and (2) even if liquefaction occurred in sand deposits with tyre-chip drains, the lateral deformations and vertical settlements were reduced.


  • 持続可能な都市環境創生に向けた環境地盤工学の役割と展望


    土と基礎(地盤工学会誌)   53 ( 9 ) 1 - 5  2005.09

     View Summary

    Geotechnical engineering is very significant science for mainly civil engineering, architecture, and agriculture. It has greatly contributed to constructions for infrastructure and living space, protection against large earthquake and countermeasure against natural disasters such as landslide and debris avalanche. Recently, it also is developing new science, i.e., Environmental Geotechnics contributing to solve environmental problems around humanity, e.g. industrial waste problem and global warming. This paper introduces a part of Environmental Geotechnics and discusses future development of geotechnical engineering for sustainable development in the world.


  • 関東平野北部における広域地盤沈下に対する都市インフラ施設の維持管理

    村上哲, 安原一哉, 鈴木久美子, 小峯秀雄

    土と基礎(地盤工学会誌)   53 ( 5 ) 20 - 22  2005.05

     View Summary

    This paper introduces a concept of maintenance and management of infrastructures damaged by a wide land subsidence. The present situation and future trend of land subsidence caused by groundwater fluctuation in the northern Kanto plain have been represented as maps using Geographical Information System (GIS). The future trend map has been represented by using results of settlements predicted by the authors' proposed observational prediction method based on one-dimensional consolidation theory. The performance reductions of piled foundation and river dike due to land subsidence in the region have been evaluated and this paper has mentioned it is important to consider future land subsidence. GIS-aided groundwater monitoring system for maintenance and management of infrastructures in wide land subsidence area has been proposed.


  • 各種ベントナイト系緩衝材の膨潤特性に及ぼす人工海水の影響

    直井優, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 百瀬和夫, 坂上武晴

    土木学会論文集   785 ( III-70 ) 39 - 49  2005.03

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    A high level radioactive waste disposal facility may be built on a coastal area. Therefore, it is important to investigate the influence of seawater on bentonite buffer material. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of seawater on the swelling pressure and swelling deformation characteristics of five typical kinds of bentonites. This experimental work clarified the relations between the influence grade of seawater and compaction density, type of exchangeable-cation, montmorillonite content of the bentonite, and vertical pressure condition. Based on experimental results, a specification for the buffer material which can overcome the influence of seawater was defined.

    DOI CiNii


    Kazuya YASUHARA, Toshiyasu UNNO, Satoshi MURAKAMI, Hideo KOMINE

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu   2005 ( 785 ) 785_51 - 785_60  2005  [Refereed]


  • 持続可能な都市環境創生に向けた環境地盤工学の役割と展望


    土と基礎   53 ( 9 ) 1 - 5  2005

  • Theoretical equations for evaluating hydraulic conductivities of bentonite based buffer and backfill,

    Komine, H

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering   4   2289 - 2292  2005

  • Effects of initial static shear stress and principal stress reversal on cyclic and post-cyclic undrained shear of sand,

    Yasuhara, K, Murakami,S, Komine, H, Unno, T

    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering   2   459 - 464  2005

  • Ultrasonic Removal of Geosynthetics Clogging

    Ghosh, C, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Konami, T, Kudo, Y

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   19   147 - 152  2004.12

     View Summary

    This paper presents an experimental investigation of the ultrasonic removal of clogging of six commercially available geotextiles. The clogged specimens were exhumed from two fine-grained soils, which were previously consolidated from slurry stage under a consolidation pressure of 400kPa. The mechanism of ultrasound and formation of micro-bubbles in a sort of "cold boiling" or "cavitation" within liquid medium have been explained. The in-plane and cross-plane flow capacities of the clogged geotextile specimen have been evaluated before and after ultrasonic cleaning and results are presented in a design chart signifying the beneficial effect of ultrasonic cleaning. With increasing confining pressure clogging caused more reduction in the cross-plane flow capacity than the in-plane flow capacity. Ultrasonic cleaning efficiency for all clogged geotextiles was more than 80% @ 5 minutes washing time. The thinnest (2.2mm) geotextile was severely affected by clogging, however, after ultrasonic cleaning the clogging potential reduced to unity, which was not affected by increasing normal pressure.

    DOI CiNii

  • 不織布によるハイブリッド・サンドイッチ補強土の有効性と多機能化(本論文は,2004年JC-IGS(国際ジオシンセティックス学会日本支部)論文賞を受賞)

    安原一哉, Chandan GHOSH, 榊原務, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   19   139 - 146  2004.12

    DOI CiNii

  • 発泡ウレタンの力学的異方性に着目した水平土圧低減効果に関する検討

    村上哲, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 佐藤匠

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   19   29 - 34  2004.12

    DOI CiNii

  • 原位置締固め工法によるベントナイト系緩衝材施工技術の実証的検討

    増田良一, 朝野英一, 雨宮清, 茂呂吉司, 小菅一弘, 小峯秀雄

    土木学会論文集   777 ( VI-65 ) 59 - 72  2004.12

     View Summary

    An in-situ compaction with inner mold system is one of the methods of buffer construction technology. The method is examined in this study by carrying out compaction tests, and validated with real-size disposal pit made of concrete and semi-automatic compaction machine designed for work with remote controlled system. In this study, basic performance of in-situ compaction machine with inner mold was confirmed as mechanically feasibility, and it was also confirmed that compaction buffer has an appropriate dry density of more than 1.6Mg/m3 toward a required specification of engineered barrier system. Finally, it is concluded that the technology is prospective for actual construction of buffer material.

    DOI CiNii

  • 膨潤評価式を適用した熱-水-応力連成解析

    操上広志, 千々松正和, 小峯秀雄, 小林晃, 大西有三

    土木学会論文集   771 ( III-68 ) 21 - 31  2004.09


  • ベントナイトを用いた緩衝材の材料の仕様と締固め特性の関係

    増田良一, 雨宮清, 千々松正和, 足立格一郎, 小峯秀雄

    土木学会論文集   771 ( III-68 ) 157 - 171  2004.09

     View Summary

    In order to build up the construction technology of buffer for geological disposal of radioactive waste, it is necessary to investigate the compaction characteristics of mixture material of bentonite and silica sand. From the results of static compaction experiment, relation between specifications of buffer and compaction characteristic was investigated. And the particle action mechanism during compaction was investigated by comparison between dynamic compaction and static compaction, and by microscopic observation. As results, the influence factors on compaction characteristics of buffer material are shown from the viewpoint of particle action mechanism.

    DOI CiNii

  • メスシリンダーを用いたベントナイト系材料の浸潤・膨潤特性の簡易実験法

    小峯秀雄, 直井優, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 百瀬和夫, 坂上武晴

    土木学会論文集   771 ( III-68 ) 225 - 234  2004.09

     View Summary

    In the design for buffer and backfill materials for repositories of high-level nuclear waste, we must choose the adequate bentonite among many kinds of bentonite in the world. To select the adequate bentonite, we have to get the fundamental properties such as seepage and swelling of many kind of bentonite. To solve this problem, the study proposed the new simplified experimentation using measuring cylinder and new analysis method for seepage and swelling properties. We investigate the validity of new method by the laboratory tests using five kinds of bentonite. Furthermore, this study describes the influences of water-chemistry to the seepage and swelling properties of bentonites on the basis of the experimental data obtained by new method.

    DOI CiNii

  • Predicting swelling characteristics of bentonites

    H Komine, N Ogata


     View Summary

    Bentonite is currently planned for use as a buffer and backfill material for repositories of high-level nuclear waste because these materials must have swelling characteristics to seal the waste. However, it is necessary to choose the appropriate bentonite from among many kinds of bentonite in the design of buffer and backfill materials. To do this, the writers have proposed a new prediction method for swelling characteristics of bentonite-based buffer material. This prediction method comprises some equations that were previously developed for repulsive and attractive forces between two montmorillonite layers; others included in the method are the writers' previously proposed equations for (1) the swelling volumetric strain of montmorillonite (Komine and Ogata 1999), and (2) the influence of pore water chemistry and specific surface of bentonite (Komine and Ogata 1996a). However, the applicability of this prediction method to swelling characteristics of some bentonites remains unclarified. This study clarifies the applicability of the prediction method by comparing predicted results with experimental data for five kinds of bentonite produced in Japan and the United States.



  • 余裕間隙比の概念に基づいた非塑性シルトの繰返し強度と剛性低下の評価

    宋炳雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    土木学会論文集   764 ( III-67 ) 11 - 24  2004.06

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of initial static shear stress (ISSS) on cyclic softening of non-plastic silt using volume decrease potential. Through comparing results from cyclic direct simple shear (DSS) tests, it was known for non-plastic silt that (1) although cyclic strength was smaller, cyclic softening of strength was faster, (2) maximum stiffness of non-plastic silt was not smaller than others, but decrement of stiffness with increasing the number of load cycles was more eminent, and the influence of ISSS on stiffness degradation was the largest among them, and (3) liquefaction feasibility of silty soils was explained in terms of the volume decrease potential as well as relative density.

    DOI CiNii

  • ベントナイト系緩衝材の締固めエネルギーに着目した動的締固め特性

    増田良一, 朝野英一, 雨宮清, 千々松正和, 足立格一郎, 小峯秀雄

    土木学会論文集   764 ( III-67 ) 329 - 340  2004.06


  • 産業廃棄物処分における粘土の利用


    粘土科学(日本粘土学会誌)   43 ( 3 ) 162 - 167  2004.03

  • 一次元模型実験によるベントナイト系緩衝材の自己シール性評価

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英, 中島晃, 高尾肇, 植田浩義, 木元崇宏

    土木学会論文集   757 ( III-66 ) 101 - 112  2004.03


  • Simplified evaluation for swelling characteristics of bentonites

    Hideo Komine

    Engineering Geology   71 ( 3-4 ) 265 - 279  2004.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Simplified evaluation on hydraulic conductivities of sand-bentonite mixture backfill

    Komine, H

    Applied Clay Science   26 ( 1-4 ) 13 - 19  2004.02

  • Coupled thermal, hydraulic and mechanical simulation with a theoretical model for swelling characteristics

    Hideo Komine, Hiroshi Kurikami, Masakazu Chijimatsu, Akira Kobayashi, Yutaka Sugita, Yuzo Ohnishi

    Elsevier Geo-Engineering Book Series   2 ( C ) 553 - 558  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Buffer material as a part of an engineered barrier system for high-level waste disposal is expected to seal the initial gaps between the buffer material and the surrounding rock during the resaturation process. Since the self-sealing ability represents the swelling characteristics of the buffer material, it is very important to estimate the swelling behavior during the resaturation process. This paper expands the theoretical model for evaluating the swelling characteristics of saturated buffer material proposed by Komine to deal with unsaturated media, and it is applied to the coupled thermal, hydraulic and mechanical (THM) model used in Japan. The new model is validated by comparison with a series of laboratory experiments quoted from the literature. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 弾性FEMによる軽量地盤材料を用いた壁体構造物の土圧に与える境界条件の影響

    村上哲, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 佐藤匠

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   18   79 - 84  2003.12

    DOI CiNii

  • ハイブリッドなサンドイッチ補強による軟弱地盤の改良効果

    榊原務, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   18   283 - 290  2003.12

    DOI CiNii

  • 廃棄物処分場遮水ライナーに関する試験項目・試験法の現状調査, 51-8,pp.5-8, 2003.08.

    小峯秀雄, 廃棄物処分場の地盤工学的問題に関する研究委員会試験法WG

    土と基礎   51 ( 8 ) 5 - 8  2003.08

     View Summary

    The first purpose of this report is to exhibit organized ta- bles concerning the contents and methods for evaluating performance quality of landfill liners by brainstorming among some research engineers. This report can clarify the contents of performance quality which the landfill liner should be required, and the methods for investigating the property values. The organized tables exhibited in this report can provide the available information concerning the landfill liners for matriculates of the Japanese Geotechnical Society and engineers who construct waste disposal facilities.


  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物処分のためのブロック型緩衝材の製作方法に関する実験的研究

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英, 中島晃, 高尾肇, 植田浩義, 木元崇宏

    土木学会論文集   735 ( VI-59 ) 203 - 208  2003.06


  • New equations for swelling characteristics of bentonite-based buffer materials

    Komine, H, Ogata, N

    Canadian Geotechnical Journal   40 ( 2 ) 460 - 475  2003.04

  • Shape and deformation patterns of vertically loaded reinforced sand

    Ghosh, C, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Sakakibara, T

    Geosynthetics Engineering Journal(ジオシンセティックス論文集)   17   227 - 233  2002.12


  • 波浪荷重を受けるジオシンセティックス補強土護岸の設計法

    安原一哉, Recio-Molina Juan A, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   17   201 - 206  2002.12

    DOI CiNii

  • GIS援用による広域地下水流動逆解析による透水量係数の同定

    村上哲, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 早野智晴, 愛澤有一

    応用力学論文集   5   53 - 60  2002.08


  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物処分におけるベントナイト粘土の役割と技術開発動向


    粘土科学   41 ( 4 ) 182 - 189  2002.06

  • ベントナイト緩衝材・埋戻し材の透水特性と簡易評価法の提案

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

    土木学会論文集 (本論文は平成14年度土木学会論文賞を受賞)   708 ( III-59 ) 133 - 144  2002.06


  • 砂・ベントナイト混合材料および各種ベントナイトの膨潤特性

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

    土木学会論文集(本論文は平成14年度土木学会論文賞を受賞)   701 ( III-58 ) 373 - 385  2002.03

     View Summary

    Bentonite is attracting greater attention as buffer and backfill materials for repositories of high-level nuclear waste because these materials must have high swelling property and low permeability. To contribute the design of buffer and backfill materials, this study investigated the swelling properties of sand-bentonite mixtures, of which bentonite contents are within 5-100%, and four typical kinds of bentonite produced in Japan and the USA. The experimental works clarified the influence of bentonite-content, dry density, montmorillonite-content of bentonite and excangeable-cation-compositions upon the swelling characteristics of materials. Moreover, it was found that the authors' parameter &ldquo;Swelling volumetric strain of montmorillonite&rdquo; can easily evaluate the maximum swelling pressure and the maximum swelling strain of sand-bentonite mixtures and various kinds of bentonite at various dry densities and bentonite contents.

    DOI CiNii

  • 地盤環境負荷低減のための資源再生・循環技術—現状と展望—

    安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 堀内澄夫

    第17回環境工学連合講演会論文集    2002.01

  • ベントナイト系遮水材の透水特性と内部構造観察結果に基づく評価の試み


    土と基礎   49 ( 2 ) 17 - 20  2001.02

     View Summary

    This study reported the experimental data of the hydraulic conductivity of bentonite liner at different bentonite-content and dry density. From the experimental data, it is found that the impermeability of bentonite liner is caused by the filling of the void space by swelling of bentonite. On the basis of the above results and considerations, the author has proposed the evaluation of hydraulic conductivity of bentonite liners using the parameter "Swelling volumetric strain of montmorillonite". Based on this evaluation procedure, one can obtain the hydraulic conductivity of bentonite liner at various dry densities and bentonite-contents.


  • Optimum length and depth of reinforcement in foundation bed at different densities

    Ghosh, C, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    Geosynthetics Engineering Journal(ジオシンセティックス論文集)   16   163 - 168  2001

     View Summary

    The potential benefits of geo-composites in reinforced foundation beds are investigated. Dry Toyoura sand at three different densities (Dr=32%, Dr=70%, Dr=89%) has been used for the investigation. Medium size model box along with loading frame are fabricated to carry out tests on a 10cm wide (B) strip footing. One geo-composite layer was used centrally below the footing at different depths and lengths. From the test results, optimum length (L) of reinforcement was found to vary between 2B to 3B and placement depth (U) was between 0.25B to 0.5B. Same trend has been observed for three different densities. Moreover, at medium density load and settlement response showed significant improvement.

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of chemical grouted region by resistivity tomography

    H. Komine

    Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement   4 ( 4 ) 177 - 189  2000.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    In chemical grouting, a method to evaluate the region improved by the grouting has not yet been established. This problem has been a major obstacle to the enhancement of reliability of chemical grouting. To solve this problem, the author noted that the electrical resistivity of chemical grout is much lower than the electrical resistivities of ground and groundwater. This study investigated the applicability of resistivity tomography to the evaluation of regions improved by chemical grouting through model tests in the laboratory. The resistivity tomography can measure the resistivity distributions of ground before and after grouting. As a result, it was clarified that a relatively high degree of accuracy can be obtained in the evaluation of the improved regions made by chemical grouting. The method proposed to evaluate the improved region in chemical grouting utilizes data on ground resistivities before and after grouting which can be determined by resistivity tomography, and it has been demonstrating a satisfactory applicability.

    En matière de stabilisation chimique, aucune méthode permettant d'évaluer la région améliorée par la stabilisation n'a pas encore été établie. Ce problème empêche d'améliorer la fiabilité de la stabilisation chimique. Pour le résoudre, l'auteur a noté que la résistivité électrique du scellage chimique est bien plus basse que la résistivité électrique du sol et des nappes d'eau souterraines. Cette étude, au moyen d'essais sur maquettes en laboratoire, se penche sur l'applicabilité de la tomographie de résistivité pour évaluer les régions améliorées par une stabilisation chimique. La tomographie de résistivité peut mesurer les répartitions de résistivité du sol avant et après la stabilisation. Ainsi, il est apparu qu'on peut obtenir un degré d'exactitude relativement élevé dans l'évaluation des régions améliorées par une stabilisation chimique. La méthode proposée pour évaluer la région améliorée par stabilisation chimique utilise des données de résistivité du sol avant et après la stabilisation, données qui peuvent être déterminées par la tomographie de résistivité. Cette méthode montre une applicabilité satisfaisante.



  • Experimental Study on Swelling Characteristics of Sand-Bentonite Mixture for Nuclear Waste Disposal

    Hideo Komine, Nobuhide Ogata

    Soils and Foundations   39 ( 2 ) 83 - 97  1999.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Field test on evaluation of chemical grouted region using resistivity tomography

    H Komine


     View Summary

    In chemical grouting, it is difficult to evaluate the improved region. To solve this problem, author proposed the evaluation method of improved region by resistivity tomography. For a practical application of this method, this study shows the validity of proposed evaluation by chemical grouting test in field. The sodium-silicate grout was used in this test. The field test result showed that improved regions, which were evaluated by the proposed method using resistivity tomography, almost agreed with the solidified regions of boring samples. The test results ascertain the availability of the evaluation method of improved region by resistivity tomography in practical fields.

  • 現場試験による比抵抗トモグラフィを利用した薬液注入の改良範囲評価方法の実証

    小峯秀雄, 後藤和生

    土木学会論文集   603 ( III-44 ) 129 - 138  1998  [Refereed]


  • ベントナイトを含有する緩衝材の膨潤評価式と自己シール性評価

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

    地盤工学会誌「土と基礎」   46 ( 10 ) 23 - 26  1998

  • Prediction for swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite: Reply

    H Komine, N Ogata

    CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL   34 ( 6 ) 1005 - 1006  1997.12  [Refereed]

  • Evaluation of chemical grouted soil by electrical resistivity

    H. Komine

    Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement   1 ( 2 ) 101 - 113  1997.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Chemical grouting is frequently used as a groundimprovement method for the construction of underground structures. However, it is difficult to evaluate the qualities of region solidified by chemical grouting. To solve this problem, we note that the electrical resistivity of chemical grout is much lower than that of the ground or ground water. We measured the electrical resistivity of some saturated sands and grouted sands in the laboratory, in order to investigate the electrical resistivity of the grounds before and after chemical grouting. On the basis of the results obtained, we propose a model of the electrical resistivity of ground before and after chemical grouting, and evaluate the grout void ratio, which is the volume ratio of grout occupying the void space of the improved ground. The validity of this evaluation is demonstrated by a comparison of the calculated and laboratory test results.


  • Evaluation of chemical grouted soil by electrical resistivity

    H. Komine

    Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement   1 ( 2 ) 101 - 113  1997.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Chemical grouting is frequently used as a groundimprovement method for the construction of underground structures. However, it is difficult to evaluate the qualities of region solidified by chemical grouting. To solve this problem, we note that the electrical resistivity of chemical grout is much lower than that of the ground or ground water. We measured the electrical resistivity of some saturated sands and grouted sands in the laboratory, in order to investigate the electrical resistivity of the grounds before and after chemical grouting. On the basis of the results obtained, we propose a model of the electrical resistivity of ground before and after chemical grouting, and evaluate the grout void ratio, which is the volume ratio of grout occupying the void space of the improved ground. The validity of this evaluation is demonstrated by a comparison of the calculated and laboratory test results.

    DOI CiNii

  • 比抵抗トモグラフィを利用した薬液注入の改良範囲評価方法の適用範囲


    土木学会論文集   561 ( III-38 ) 89 - 98  1997


  • Prediction for swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite

    H Komine, N Ogata

    CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL   33 ( 1 ) 11 - 22  1996.02

     View Summary

    Compacted bentonites are attracting greater attention as back-filling (buffer) materials for high-level nuclear waste repositories. For this purpose, it is very important to quantitatively evaluate the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite. New equations for evaluating the relationship between the swelling deformation of compacted bentonite and the distance between two montmorillonite layers are derived. New equations for evaluating the ion concentration of pore water and the specific surface of bentonite, which significantly influence the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite, are proposed. Furthermore, a prediction method for the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite is presented by combining the new equations with the well-known theoretical equations of repulsive and attractive forces between two montmorillonite layers. The applicability of this method was investigated by comparing the predicted results with laboratory test results on the swelling deformation and swelling pressure of compacted bentonites.



    CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL   31 ( 4 ) 478 - 490  1994.08

     View Summary

    Compacted bentonites are attracting greater attention as back-filling (buffer) materials for repositories of high-level nuclear waste. However, since there are few studies about the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonites, it is first necessary to clarify the fundamental swelling characteristics in detail. For this purpose, various laboratory tests on the swelling deformation and swelling pressure of compacted bentonites were performed and the results analyzed. The following conclusions were drawn from the study. (i) The curve of swelling deformation Versus time is strongly dependent on the initial dry density, vertical pressure, and initial water content. The maximum swelling deformation, however, is almost independent of initial water content, and the maximum swelling deformation increases in proportion to the initial dry density. (ii) The maximum swelling pressure increases exponentially with increasing initial dry density, whereas the maximum swelling pressure is almost independent of initial water content. (iii) The swelling mechanism of compacted bentonite was considered on the basis of the swelling behavior of swelling clay particles such as montmorillonite. Furthermore, a model of the swelling characteristics and a new parameter (swelling volumetric strain of montmorillonite), which were able to evaluate the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite, were proposed.

  • 比抵抗トモグラフィを利用した薬液注入の改良範囲評価方法,/, pp.137-146, 1994.

    小峯秀雄, 西好一, 後藤和生

    土木学会論文集   No.493 ( III-27 ) 137 - 146  1994.06


  • 薬液注入による固結形状の予測に関する現場実験,Vol. 34, No.2, pp.131-139, 1994.

    森麟, 田村昌仁, 森山健吉, 上澤充, 小峯秀雄

    土質工学会論文報告集   34 ( 2 ) 131 - 139  1994


  • 所定の透水係数を有するベントナイト混合土の配合設計方法

    緒方信英, 小峯秀雄, 中島均, 長沢達朗, 石井卓

    粘土科学   34 ( 2 ) 95 - 101  1994

     View Summary

    Bentonite/Sand Mixture is expected to be an effective component of barriers for radioactive waste facilities. Several effective characteristics of Bentonite/Sand Mixture are 1) low permeability, 2) self-healing, 3) long-term durability. Low-permeable mixture can be obtained through enrichment of bentonite content of the mixture. But the data of relation between bentonite content and permeability have been taken in few kinds of sand, therefore we cannot estimate the appropriate arrangement of mixture in case of using another kind sand. On the other hand there is no guiding principle regarding which sand is better for making low-permeable mixture. Compaction tests and permeability tests were executed in order to research the method how to choose the better sand and to decide the appropriate bentonite content. First we made many kinds of Bentonite/Sand Mixture using 3 kinds of sand in 3 or 5 cases of varied bentonite content, and measured the permeability in laboratory. The difference of permeability between 3 kinds of sand was not negligible in spite of same bentonite contents, especially in condition of poor bentonite content. Then we examined the relation between permeability and effective void ratio which is calculated from bentonite content and density of the mixture. The effective void ratio is useful parameter for choosing better sand and for deciding optimum mixture. We propose the following procedure for designing the Bentonite/Sand Mixture. 1) To examine the conditions of maximum dry density through compaction test using few kinds of candidate sand and varied bentonite content. 2) To calculate effective void ratio from maximum dry density and plot the relationship between bentonite content and effective void ratio of each candidate sand. 3) To decide the optimum effective void ratio for the target permeability according to the relation between permeability and effective void ratio. 4) To decide the optimum bentonite content of each candidate sand according to the relation curve between bentonite content and effective void ratio. 5) To choose several cases of potential mixture design. 6) To examine not only permeability but also mechanical properties of the chosen mixture design. 7) To choose the best mixture design.


  • 電気比抵抗による薬液注入改良部の充填率の評価方法


    土木学会論文集   No.463 ( III-22 ) 153 - 162  1993.03


  • 薬液注入において浸透固結形を考慮した限界注入速度の決定方法

    森麟, 田村昌仁, 小峯秀雄, 小川雄二

    土質工学会論文報告集   33 ( 3 ) 159 - 169  1993


  • 塑性限界を導入した粘土の締固め特性の評価法の提案

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

    土木学会論文集   No.436 ( III-16 ) 103 - 110  1991.09

     View Summary

    Expansive soils have recently attracted increasing attention as back filling (buffer) materials for repositories of high-level nuclear waste. However, since very little has been known concerning the physical and mechanical characteristics of such materials, it is necessary to clarify the swelling and compaction characteristics of expansive soils.<br>For this purpose, various kinds of index tests and a series of static compaction tests were performed using several kinds of swelling soils in order to investigate the relationship between the fundamental physical properties and the compaction characteristics.

    DOI CiNii

  • 薬液注入による粘性土の改良のメカニズムとその支配条件

    森麟, 田村昌仁, 小峯秀雄

    土木学会論文集   No.400 ( III-10 ) 55 - 64  1988.12

     View Summary

    In the chemical grouting for the improvement of the cohesive soils, the hydrofracture occurs in all cases. The object of this study is to investigate the mechanism of strength increase of cohesive soils by grouting. The increase of strength by grouting depends upon the formation of solidified grout, the consolidation by the injection pressure and moreover the cementing action between the cohesive soil and the liquid dehydrated from the solidified grout. These factors are influenced by the grout itself and the ground condition, such as the strength of cohesive soils before grouting, the exchangeable cation, and the buffer capacity of soil.

    DOI CiNii



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Books and Other Publications

  • 震災後に考える 東日本大震災と向きあう92の分析と提言 14原子力発電所事故に起因する地盤汚染の技術的対策と社会的受容性


    早稲田大学出版部  2015.03 ISBN: 9784657150035

  • ポスト震災社会とサステイナビリティ学ー地域と大学の新たな協働をめざして

    小峯秀雄, 木村競, 横木裕宗

    国際文献社  2014.03

  • サステイナビリティ学をつくる(サステイナブルな仲間を作ろう,p. vii-ix, 第III部7章エミッションコントロールと対応策,pp. 97-107.)


    新曜社  2008.06 ISBN: 9784788511101

  • 地盤環境工学ハンドブック(3.地盤の基礎知識3.4地盤中の流れと物質移動を執筆)


    朝倉書店  2007.09 ISBN: 9784254261523

  • 岩の試験・調査方法の基準・解説書(平成18年度版)(岩のスレーキング試験法を執筆担当)


    社団法人地盤工学会  2006.07

  • 地盤工学用語辞典(第3章「土の物理化学的性質」,執筆委員会幹事)


    社団法人地盤工学会  2006.03

  • 不飽和土地盤の挙動と評価(第5章5.6.3節「高レベル放射性廃棄物処分におけるベントナイト系緩衝材の不飽和土としての課題」執筆)


    社団法人地盤工学会  2004.12

  • 地盤調査の方法と解説(第1編「地盤調査の計画」,第2章「地盤調査計画」,2.4「地盤の環境保全のための調査計画」執筆)


    社団法人地盤工学会  2004.06

  • 物理探査ハンドブック(ケーススタディ編 第6章土木調査)



  • 最新地盤注入工法技術総覧(第1編執筆主査)

    株式会社産業技術サービスセンター  1997.10

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  • 地下空洞対策薬液注入に関する研究


  • 放射性廃棄物処分に伴う岩盤およびベントナイトの挙動に関する研究


  • 緩衝材の自己シール性試験

  • 放射性廃棄物地下処分施設における環境負荷低減型の新しいバッファ材の開発

  • 石炭灰の洗浄によるホウ素除去の可能性検討

  • 高圧縮ベントナイト成型体の膨潤・透水特性に関する研究

  • 放射性廃棄物処分に伴う岩盤の劣化に関する研究

  • 温度履歴を受けた緩衝材の膨潤特性への定量影響評価とメカニズム解明

  • 石炭灰硬化体の強度発現と溶出抑制効果に関する研究

  • 石材品質評価方法に関する研究

  • ベントナイト膨潤挙動のモデル化と数値解析への組み込みに関する研究

  • ベントボールの膨潤・透水特性に関する研究

  • 浄水汚泥の有効利用促進のための地盤工学的研究

  • Self-sealing ability of buffer material

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  • 殻の揺動動作と閉殻に伴う排水を行う二枚貝形砂潜行ロボットの開発

    直井悠人, 迫本和也, 伊藤大知, 小峯秀雄, 石井裕之


    Presentation date: 2022.09

    Event date:
  • コンクリート供試体表面におけるCO2固定化性能の評価

    内田周作, 小峯秀雄, 後藤茂, 取違剛


    Presentation date: 2020.09

    Event date:
  • 副産物・素材のCO2固定化性能に基づく地域密着型カーボンキャプチャー構想の定量評価

    小峯秀雄, 多賀春生, 鈴木清彦


    Presentation date: 2020.09

    Event date:
  • Geotechnical Engineering for High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Project

    Hideo Komine  [Invited]

    GER2019 at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2019/11/28  (Chulalongkorn University)  Chulalongkorn University, Waseda University

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Water absorption/swelling pressure of powder bentonites and analogism on water molecular formation in bentonite

    Hideo Kominer

    16th Asian Regional Coference on ICSMGE  ISSMGE

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Understanding water migration behavior of unsaturated bentonites for HLW-disposal project

    Hideo Komine

    7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils  (Nagoya)  JGS/TC106 of ISSMGE

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Geotechnical Engineering for High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Project

    Hideo Komine  [Invited]

    Shanhai University  (Shanhai)  Shanhai University

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • Geotechnical Engineering for High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Project

    Hideo Komine  [Invited]

    The Seminar on Isolation Technology for Significant Power Plant Structure and Engineering Behaviior of Buffer in Deep Geological Repository for Waste  (Shanghai)  Shanghai University, Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute Co., LTD

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • Geotechnical engineering approach on radioactive contaminated wastes in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

    Hideo Komine  [Invited]

    Research Conference on Cementitious Composites in Decommissioning and Waste Management  (Fukushima, Tomioka)  JAEA

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Fukushima recovery - Contribution of environmental geotechnics -

    Hideo Komine, Takeshi Katusmi  [Invited]

    Third US-Japan Geoenvironmental Engineering Workshop, Keynote Lecture, Chicago, USA. 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • Fundamental study of Electrical Resistivity Property of frozen soils

    Yuma Saito, Hideo Komine

    Geo-Environmental Engineering 2015 

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • Radiation shielding experiments of geo-materials for recovery from the Fukushima I nuclear power plant accident

    Hideo Komine  [Invited]

    Geo-Environmental Engineering 2015 

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • Bentonite Buffer Material Saturating Simulation by Geotechnical Centrifuge,

    Mori, T, Komine, H

    International Conference on the Performance of Engineered Barriers: Backfill, Plugs &amp; Seals Physical and Chemical Properties, Behaviour &amp; Evolution, BGR, Hannover, Germany 

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • An experimental Evaluation on Effects on Seepage Failure Using a Natural Fiber Mixed with Soils for River Dykes

    Sato, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K

    Geotechnics for Sustainable Development - Geotec Hanoi 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • ベトナム国内および日本国内の堤体材料を想定した土質材料の水分保持特性および一次元変形特性の比較

    藤田圭介, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉


    Presentation date: 2012.09

    Event date:
  • ベトナム北部紅河流域における土質材料の粒度組成に着目した浸透破壊抵抗性と自然由来の繊維材の補強効果に関する実験的評価

    佐藤恭兵, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 菅野将人


    Presentation date: 2012.09

    Event date:
  • 加圧脱水浄水汚泥の動的強度変形特性におよぼす初期含水比の影響

    本橋悠, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2012.09

    Event date:
  • 繰返し載荷模型土槽試験による加圧脱水浄水汚泥の埋戻し材としての沈下量と土圧の評価

    磯秀幸, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 渡邊保貴


    Presentation date: 2012.09

    Event date:
  • 高圧環境下における不飽和ベントナイトの吸水に伴う一次元変形特性に及ぼす初期乾燥密度の影響

    小栗光, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2012.09

    Event date:
  • 高炉スラグおよび製鋼スラグの二酸化炭素固定化量と生成炭酸塩量の定量的評価

    海野円, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 瀬戸井健一


    Presentation date: 2012.09

    Event date:
  • 人工海水環境下における不飽和ベントナイトの吸水特性および水分拡散係数

    遠藤さち恵, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 関口高志, 関根一郎


    Presentation date: 2012.09

    Event date:
  • 平成23年(2011年)東北地方太平洋沖地震による液状化発生状況と旧河道に分類される地域の液状化危険度との関連性

    星将太, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2012.09

    Event date:
  • 平成23年(2011年)東北地方太平洋沖地震に伴い発生したコンクリート片および破砕した瓦の野積み状態における新たな付加価値の創生

    多田恵一, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2012.09

    Event date:
  • 粒状ベントナイトの膨潤圧発生挙動の調査および膨潤圧発生メカニズム

    小山田拓郎, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 関口高志, 関根一郎


    Presentation date: 2012.09

    Event date:
  • イオン溶脱に伴う浄水汚泥の工学的性質の劣化とその評価

    渡邊保貴, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • タイヤチップ混合ソイルセメントの動的変形特性および靭性向上効果

    荒孝太郎, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 塚田義明, 牧田晃介


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • ベトナム北部沿岸域の水質および堤体材料の基本物性調査と模擬土質材料の作製方法の提案

    藤田圭介, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 谷口雄太


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • ベトナム北部紅河流域における土質材料の粒度組成に着目した浸透破壊特性の実験的評価

    佐藤恭兵, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 藤田圭介


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 液状化危険度評価における広域地下水流動解析のための地盤モデルの適用法

    海老根裕希, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 液状化発生状況と地歴を含めた地盤特性との関連性に関する空間分析

    星将太, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 加圧脱水浄水汚泥の排出時期を考慮した路床材としての品質管理方法の提案

    磯秀幸, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 渡邊保貴


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 干渉SARを用いたメコンデルタにおける地盤沈下量の観測

    川瀬将之, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 降雨時の大型斜面模型実験における加速度センサICタグを用いた加速度応答の調査とスペクトル解析による考察

    大樂章文, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 酒井直樹, 石澤友浩, 齋藤修


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 高鉛直圧下におけるベントナイトの一次元変形に伴う吸水特性

    小栗光, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 遠藤さち恵, 小山田拓郎


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 高炉スラグおよび製鋼スラグによる二酸化炭素固定化量の定量的評価と炭酸塩生成に関する定性的評価

    海野円, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 瀬戸井健一


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 細粒分まじり砂質礫および砂質細粒土を対象としたセメント系薬液注入改良土の一軸圧縮強さと透水係数

    阿部聡, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 小早川博亮, 久野春彦, 渡邊保貴


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 団粒構造を考慮した加圧脱水浄水汚泥の静的せん断特性

    本橋悠, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 地震波の周波数に着目した1g場振動台模型実験によるタイヤチップを用いた液状化低減効果の検証

    御代田早紀, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 比較的高い浸透水圧環境下における不飽和ベントナイトの吸水特性および水分拡散特性

    遠藤さち恵, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 関根一郎, 関口高志


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 平成23年(2011年)東北地方太平洋沖地震に伴い発生した津波堆積物の降雨による塩分濃度の低下に関する定量的評価

    多田恵一, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 余裕深度処分のための地下空洞型処分施設における試験施工箇所から採取したベントナイト系緩衝材の水分拡散係数の変動の調査

    渡辺裕記, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 千々松正和, 中島貴弘, 遠藤さち恵, 小山田拓郎, 小栗光


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 流線網による地下水塩水化域把握手法の提案とチャオプラヤデルタ沿岸域地盤への適用

    久野暢平, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • 粒状ベントナイトの膨潤圧・吸水特性に及ぼす最大粒径の影響~最大粒径2mmと粉砕試料の比較~

    小山田拓郎, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 関根一郎, 関口高志


    Presentation date: 2012.07

    Event date:
  • Ghyben-Herzbergの関係式を用いたチャオプラヤデルタ沿岸域地下水塩水化域の把握

    久野暢平, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2011.11

    Event date:
  • タイヤチップ低混合固化処理土の強度変形特性および靭性調査

    荒孝太郎, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 御代田早紀, 塚田義明, 牧田晃介


    Presentation date: 2011.11

    Event date:
  • ベントナイトのメチレンブルー吸着量試験におけるメチレンブルー溶液の経年劣化と撹拌条件の差異による測定精度への影響

    小栗光, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 千々松正和


    Presentation date: 2011.11

    Event date:
  • 河川流域における植生根の侵食抵抗性に及ぼす影響の実験的評価方法の提案

    佐藤恭兵, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 藤田圭介


    Presentation date: 2011.11

    Event date:
  • 干渉SAR を用いた関東平野北部における地盤沈下量の把握

    川瀬将之, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2011.11

    Event date:
  • 災害廃棄物の環境負荷に関する一考察―化学的酸素要求量の変動に及ぼすコンクリート片と瓦の影響―

    多田恵一, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2011.11

    Event date:
  • 東北地方太平洋沖地震における液状化発生地点のマッピング方法の提案

    星将太, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2011.11

    Event date:
  • 薬液注入対象地盤における粒度分布および細粒分含有率を変化させた薬液固結土供試体の作製方法と一軸圧縮強さ

    阿部聡, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2011.11

    Event date:
  • カラム通気試験装置を用いた廃棄物の二酸化炭素固定化特性に関する実験的調査

    海野円, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 瀬戸井健一


    Presentation date: 2011.09

    Event date:
  • 一次元膨潤変形に伴うベントナイトの吸水量測定試験方法の提案と水分拡散係数の評価

    遠藤さち恵, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 関口高志, 関根一郎, 小山田拓郎


    Presentation date: 2011.09

    Event date:
  • 室内CBR 試験および試験施工に基づく砂質土と混合した浄水汚泥の路床材としての評価

    磯秀幸, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 渡邊保貴, 豊田和弘


    Presentation date: 2011.09

    Event date:
  • 浄水汚泥に含まれる有機物の組成と好気環境における分解特性

    渡邊保貴, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉


    Presentation date: 2011.09

    Event date:
  • 浄水汚泥の排水せん断特性に及ぼす初期乾燥密度の影響

    本橋悠, 渡邊保貴, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉


    Presentation date: 2011.09

    Event date:
  • 地盤情報データベースを活用した河川流域土質材料の侵食特性広域評価法の提案

    藤田圭介, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉


    Presentation date: 2011.09

    Event date:
  • 保水性の異なる不飽和砂質土の静的せん断挙動解析

    西丸あずさ, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2011.09

    Event date:
  • 粒状ベントナイトの吸水特性とその水分拡散係数としての評価

    小山田拓郎, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 遠藤さち恵, 千々松正和, 中島貴弘


    Presentation date: 2011.09

    Event date:
  • N 値の空間分布推定手法の神戸沿岸域への適用

    村上哲, 小川寛久, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • タイヤチップス水平敷設地盤における液状化低減のメカニズム

    御代田早紀, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • タイヤチップ低混合固化処理土の強度変形特性に及ぼすタイヤチップ混合率の影響

    坂野彰, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 塚田義明, 牧田晃介


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • バッチ吸着試験結果を利用した栄養塩吸着覆土材の層厚設計指針の提案

    及川照靖, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • ベントナイトの圧密特性に及ぼすモンモリロナイト含有率の影響

    石橋直樹, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 森拓雄, 伊藤弘志


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • まさ土の水分特性曲線へ与えるサクション制御法の影響

    安島史征, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 西丸あずさ


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 加速度センサICタグを用いた大型降雨模型実験における斜面の振動特性の調査

    大樂章文, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 酒井直樹, 石澤友浩, 齋藤修, 千葉宣朗


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 河川堤防堤体材料中の細粒分の侵食特性に影響を及ぼす支配的物性値の調査

    谷口雄太, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 関東平野北部における地盤沈下把握のための干渉SARの適用

    海老澤加奈, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 気候変動に伴う降雨特性の変化が河川流域の土質材料へ及ぼす影響~粒度分布を考慮した河川模擬土質材料の侵食特性調査~

    藤田圭介, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 谷口雄太


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 三軸せん断特性に及ぼす浄水汚泥に含まれる有機物の分解の影響

    渡邊保貴, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 豊田和弘


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 室内CBR値に基づく浄水汚泥の路床材としての品質管理方法の提案

    磯秀幸, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 渡邊保貴, 豊田和弘


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 初期せん断を受けた飽和砂質土の有効応力低下過程のせん断挙動解析

    西丸あずさ, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 安島史征


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 初期含水比に着目した飽和加圧脱水浄水汚泥の排水せん断特性

    本橋悠, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 安原一哉


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 不飽和ベントナイトの吸水特性と水分拡散係数としての評価に及ぼす初期含水比と寸法効果の影響

    遠藤さち恵, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 関口高志, 関根一郎, 小山田拓郎


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 不飽和状態における各種ベントナイトの水分拡散特性の評価

    小山田拓郎, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 関根一郎, 関口高志, 遠藤さち恵


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 密閉容器を用いた各種廃棄物の二酸化炭素固定化特性に関する実験的調査と低炭素社会への貢献の可能性

    海野円, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 粒度組成の幅に着目した地盤構造推定法

    小川寛久, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 海老根裕希


    Presentation date: 2011.07

    Event date:
  • 一次元圧密特性の観点からの地球温暖化/海面上昇による河川堤防や高水敷・河岸を想定した土質材料に及ぼす影響の簡易評価

    小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2010.08

    Event date:
  • 湖沼底泥が有する栄養塩溶出ポテンシャルおよび水温上昇が湖沼水質に与える影響に関する基礎的調査

    木賀田賢太, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2010.08

    Event date:
  • 道路の路床材料としての利用を想定した浄水汚泥の環境影響評価

    渡邊保貴, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲


    Presentation date: 2010.08

    Event date:
  • 1g model tests on liquefaction and post-liquefaction behavior of sloping non-plastic silty ground

    Ootsuka Yuuki, Yasuhara Kazuya, Taoka Kenta, Komine Hideo, Murakami Satoshi

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2004

    Event date:
  • A reliable mapping procedure for estimating land subsidence

    Suzuki Kumiko, Murakami Satoshi, Yasuhara Kazuya, Komine Hideo

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2004

    Event date:

    Kato Miwa, Yasuhara Kazuya, Komine Hideo, Murakami Satoshi, Horiuchi Sumio, Mouri Shino

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2004

    Event date:
  • Swelling pressure measurement of bentonite buffer material by using specimens of different sizes

    naoi yutaka, komine hideo, yasuhara kazuya, murakami satoshi, momose kazuo, sakagami takeharu

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2004

    Event date:
  • Advancement of Experimentation for Measuring Hydraulic Conductivity of Bentonite-based Buffer Material Using High-pressure Consolidation Test Apparatus

    Butsuda Rie, Komine Hideo, Yasuhara Kazuya, Murakami Satoshi

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2004

    Event date:
  • Application of an elasto-plastic constitutive model for soils with stress-induced anisotropy to tiraxial compression behaviours of silt

    Murakami Satoshi, Yasuhara Kazuya, Komine Hideo, Mitsuyama Satoshi, Sakai Yasunori

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2004

    Event date:
  • Sandwiched reinforcement with combining sand with geosynthetics.

    Sakakibara Tsutomu, Yasuhara Kazuya, Murakami Satoshi, Komine Hideo, Takahashi Tetsuo

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2004

    Event date:
  • The influence of decrease effective stress on the liquefaction strength of a non-plastic silt

    Taoka Kenta, Yasuhara Kazuya, Komine Hideo, Murakami Satoshi, Unno Toshiyasu

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2003

    Event date:
  • Undrainned shear characteristics of tire-chips as lightweight geomaterials

    Onobu Katsuo, Yasuhara Kazuya, Komine Hideo, Murakami Datoshi, Ashoke Karmokar, Kawai Hiroyuki

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2003

    Event date:
  • Soft Ground Reinforcement by Hybrid Sandwich System

    Sakakibara Tsutomu, Yasuhara Kazuya, Komine Hideo, Murakami Satoshi

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2003

    Event date:
  • Spatial Correlation of Settlements in Land Subsuidence Area by Using Semi-Variogram

    Suzuki Kumiko, Murakami Satoshi, Yasuhara Kazuya, Komine Hideo

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2003

    Event date:
  • Post-cyclic undrained compression and extension behavior of sand with initial static shear stresses in triaxial tests

    Unno Toshiyasu, Yasuhara Kazuya, Murakami Satoshi, Komine Hideo

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2003

    Event date:

     View Summary

    This study repots on the results from post-cyclic triaxial tests on sand which aims at investigating the influence of the stress reversal on post-cyclic deformation behavior. It is indicated from that in post-cyclic monotonic triaxial tests with initial static shear stress to compression direction stiffness increases in the cases of applying loads to the compression direction, but that decreases in the case of applying the reverse condition. In addition, under applying initial static shear stress to extension direction, the stiffness changes differently from that observed in the cases with the compression direct direction. From the results, anisotropy induced by initial static shear stress for sand gives influence on post-liquefaction behavior as well as liquefaction strength of sand.

  • Thickness design of absorbing cover-material by means of column test results:—Application of coal fly ash to cover material for lake-sedimentation—

    Mizunuma K., Komine H., Yasuhara K., Murakami S.

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2002

    Event date:
  • Unconfined compressive strengh of sedimentary soft rock after long-term heating

    Okada T., Sawada S., Shibata H., Komine H.

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2002

    Event date:
  • Slaking characteris of sedimentary rocks differing cation-elution in the different water-chemistry

    Madanbashi Y., Komine H., Yasuhara K., Murakami S., Okada T.

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2002

    Event date:
  • An elasto-plastic model for unsaturated soils considering suction loading and unloading conditions.

    Mitsuyama Satoshi, Murakami Satoshi, Yasuhara Kazuya, Komine Hideo

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2002

    Event date:
  • Simplified experimentation on seepage and swelling characteristics of bentonite buffer and backfill materials using measuring cylinder.

    Inoue M., Komine H., Yasuhara K., Murakami S., Aoto K., Okubo Y.

    Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering  The Japanese Geotechnical Society

    Presentation date: 2002

    Event date:
  • Lavoratory test for Characterizing Permeability and Meachanical Properties of Bentotie-sand Mixture and Small Scale Vemonstrotion of Construction Fechnigne

    Ogata, N, Komine, H

    1991 Joint International Waste Management Conference 

  • Permeability and mechanical properties of bentonite-sand mixture for sealing LLW repositories

    Komine, H, Ogata, N. Horie, Y, Ishii, T, Nishio, S

    Trans. 11th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Vol. SD1 pp. 271-276 

  • Swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite

    Komine, H, Ogata, N

    Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Expansive Soils, pp. 216-221 

  • Estimation of chemical grouted void filling by electrical resistivity

    Komine, H

    Grouting, Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics, Proceedings, GT Div/ASCE, pp.25-28. 

  • Permeability changes of bentonite-sand mixture before and after swelling,

    Ogata, N, Komine, H

    Trans. 12th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Vol. M pp. 357-362. 

  • Consolidation and swelling properties of bentonite-sand mixture for sealing low-level radioactive waste repositories.

    Onoue, A, Horie, Y, Ishii, T, Ogata, N, Komine, H

    Trans. 12th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Vol. M pp. 351-356. 

  • Factors affecting settlements above shield driven tunnels

    Komine, H, Tanaka, Y, Nishi, K

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Underground Construction in Soft Ground, pp.225-228. 

  • Evaluation of swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite

    Komine, H, Ogata, N

    Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, pp.873-878. 

  • A method to determine compaction area against liquefaction for undergroundpipe

    Tanaka, Y, Komine, H. Ootomo, K, Touma, J, Tochigi, H

    Third International Conference on Recent Advance in Geotechnical Earthquake and Soil Dynamics 

  • Evaluation of grouted region by resistivity changes

    Komine, H, Nishi, K

    Proceedings of the 10th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 1, pp.413-416. 

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 高温環境下における各種ベントナイトの水分拡散・熱流束連成挙動とデータベース化

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小峯 秀雄

  • Challenges in recoverable carbon dioxide dissolution and storage using unit interlayer water in layered clay minerals

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Hideo Komine

  • ICT⼟⽊技術に適⽤できる画像解析や 加速度応答による締固め⼟⼯に関する 簡略化についての技術研究開発

    国土交通省関東地方整備局  ⼤学等の研究機関とのマッチング

    Project Year :



  • 地層処分孔内におけるベントナイト系緩衝材の境界条件模擬試験と自己シール性評価

    日本学術振興会: 科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)

    Project Year :


  • Boundary model test of bentonite based buffer in HLW disposal pit and self-sealing evaluation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Komine Hideo

     View Summary

    This study quantitatively evaluated the self-sealing properties of bentonite buffer material, a key component of barrier materials, with a view to contributing to the engineering of high-level radioactive waste geological disposal. Specifically, a one-dimensional swelling and deformation test by water absorption on the top end surface, a swelling pressure test, and a self-sealing measurement experiment were conducted, and a quantitative evaluation method for self-sealing performance was proposed based on various databases obtained.
    The results obtained in this study may contribute to the design of bentonite-based buffer materials from the viewpoint of self-sealing properties.

  • 社会啓発と科学コミュニケーター育成を念頭に置いた「地層処分事業」への知的興味を向上させる教育プログラムの研究

    原子力発電環境整備機構  地層処分事業に係る社会的側面に関する研究

    Project Year :



  • 福島第一原子力発電所構内環境評価・デブリ取出しから廃炉までを想定した地盤工学的新技術開発と人材育成プログラム

    国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構(JST)  英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業

    Project Year :


  • 持続的可能な廃棄物処分場のための多機能覆土と事前処理に関する実験的研究


    Project Year :


  • Possibility on binding of bentonite based materials by electromagnetic wave raying and water putting

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Komine Hideo, Oguri Hikaru, Tanino Yoshimune, Ishikawa Mai, Ito Daichi

     View Summary

    In the disposal facility of high-level radioactive waste, bentonite blocks will be used as artificial barriers. It is necessary to use a lot of pieces of bentonite block to fill up the disposal pit. A bentonite block is very low hydraulic conductivity, however, water migration of contact part between bentonite blocks is a cause for concern. To solve this concern, this study has researched the possibility on binding of compacted bentonite blocks by electromagnetic wave raying and water putting through laboratory experiments. From the experimental results, the conditions of possible bonding has be clarified

  • Database of water diffusivity of bentonite-based buffer material for georogical and subsurface disposal

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Komine Hideo

     View Summary

    Regarding disposal technique of High level radioactive waste, it is considered that geological disposal using multiplex barrier system is the better way in Japan at this time. Bentonite-based buffer material changes its condition from unsaturated to saturated by groundwater seepage into the buffer area. In unsaturated state, the behavior of buffer material is not so much considered than that in saturated state. Therefore, it is required to elucidate the behavior of unsaturated buffer material. Therefore, it is important to understand water movements in buffer materials to evaluate the contiguous performance of buffer materials.This study aims to investigate water absorption properties of various bentonites. Based on the experimental results, this study proposed the evaluation method for water diffusivity of buffer material. The proposed method in this study will be available to design specifications of bentonite-based buffer materials from the viewpoint of water diffusion

  • 安藤ハザマ

    Project Year :


  • 日本国土開発

    Project Year :


  • 大林組

    Project Year :


  • Possibility of Soils and Waste for Carbon Dioxide Fixation to contribute to Low Carbon Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMINE Hideo

     View Summary

    The study presents the CO2 fixation properties of steel slag containing calcium, and proposes a geotechnical application for the formation of a sound material-cycle society and a low-carbon society. In order to investigate the properties of CO2 fixation, CO2 fixation test with vented constant flow was conducted. As a result, when the CO2 concentration 4500 mg/L was vented in a specimen by 0.05 L/min, the aging steelmaking slag were fixed CO2 of 0.03 g-CO2/g-slag. In addition, non-aging steelmaking slag fixed CO2 of 0.04 g-CO2/g-slag. Fixed amount of CO2 was about 20% water-soluble calcium with each of the steelmaking slag. Therefore, showing a method of predicting the amount of fixed CO2 from the elution amount of calcium

  • Integrated Monitoring System for Adaptation Strategies on the Vietnamese Coast

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    A narrow path for construction of adaptation against disasters is dictated by the lack of basic scientific data and a monitoring system. To surmount these difficulties and to widen the scope of intervention, this study was undertaken in cooperation with the Hanoi University of Science to propose coastal protective strategies and to establish a monitoring and analytical system. The system proposed herein demands information not only related to climatologic and meteorological change but also related to geographical, geomorphologic, topographical, geological, and geotechnical engineering. The monitoring system procedure consists of exploring monitoring items, carrying out analysis, and output. To provide proper information to residents living near vulnerable areas, utilization of ICT is recommended which is designed to connect data that have been collected and monitored using GPS, RS and sensing tags to mobile phones and GIS for visualization so that residents can readily comprehend it

  • 大成建設

    Project Year :


  • Evaluation on swelling properties of bentonite based materials in coexisting condition with concrete materials

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMINE Hideo, MURAKAMI Satoshi, YASUHARA Kazuya

     View Summary

    This study is for developing technology to dispose radioactive waste, especially for low-level radioactive wastes disposal that is most urgent. In this study, swelling pressure and swelling deformation properties of bentonite as barrier materials were investigated by experiment. Experiment condition was coexisting condition with concrete materials in disporsal facility. As a result, database for specification of bentonite buffer was produced. And theoretical method for practical evaluation to specification such as selection dry density, size and materials was proposed

  • 原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センター

    Project Year :


  • 日立市

    Project Year :


  • Comprehensive Study on International Capacity Responding to Climate Change by Research Consortium

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIMURA Nobuo, EMORI Masata, YASUHARA Kazuya, KOMINE Hideo, YOKOKI Hiromune, KUWAHARA Yuji, HAYASHI Yosei, NAKAGAWA Mitsuhiro, OTA Hiroyuki, ANCHA Srinivasan, HARASAWA Hideo, TAKAHASHI Kiyoshi, OHNO Eiji, ITO Tetsuji, NOBUOKA Hisamichi, MURAKAMI Tetsu

  • Development of evaluation for swelling and sealing characteristics of heated bentonite based buffer in high-temperature conditions.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMINE Hideo, YASUHARA Kazuya, MURAKAMI Satoshi

     View Summary

    High-level radioactive waste (HLW) exhausted from the nuclear plant has very high radioactivity level, so it will be required the very long term of years to become no influence to human's living environment. Therefore, it is very difficult to keep storing and to manage high activity waste for a long term safely. In the international society, it is considered that the geological disposal is the best. The high activity waste also in Japan is stored for about 30-50 years, and it is scheduled to dispose to geologic layer deeper than 300m in the underground. It is thought that the high activity waste can be safely isolated for a long term by adopting the multibarrier system that consists of the engineered barrier and the natural barrier when geological disposal. The engineered barrier is composed of the vitrified waste, overpack, and buffer material. The use of the bentonite that has the self sealing by the swelling for the material of the buffer material is promising. On the other hand, the high activity waste evolves a large amount of radioactive decay heat by decay of the radioactivity. The inside of the buffer material becomes a high temperature by the radioactive decay heat. The temperature in the buffer material becomes the highest in tens of years after disposing the high activity waster in underground. It decreases gradually with the passage of time. However, the state of the high temperature has expected to continue for at least many hundreds of year. The-self-sealing expected of a bentonite-based buffer material is demonstrated by swelling However, the decrease in the self-sealing is afraid by the radioactive decay heat before the swelling.To solve the problem mentioned above, this study investigated the influence of some thermal histories to swelling of bentonite materials by experimental works. This study used four kinds of bentonite named A, B, C, and E. The thermal temperatures were 60, and 90, 110, 130℃. This study conducted the swelling pressure experiment and the swelling deformation experiment. From the results, the influence of the thermal history of bentonite A, B, and E, was a little in the swelling pressure characteristics. In addition, the influence of the thermal history was a little in the swelling deformation property in case of confining stress 1000kPa. The influence of the thermal history of bentonite C was a little in the swelling deformation property in case of cofining stress 1000kPa. The influence of the thermal history of bentonite C was a little in the swelling pressure characteristics of condition with a high initial dry density. Moreover, the influence of the thermal history was a little in the swelling deformation property in case of cofining stress 1000kPa of the heating temperature 60℃.To discuss the mechanism on influences of thermal history to swelling characteristics of the bentonite, this study conducted the X-ray diffraction analysis, surround water chemical analysis after experiment, and the methylene blue absorption tests and the cation exchange capacity of bentonite before and after experiments. From the above experimental results, the decrease in the swelling characteristics of bentonite A was considered as the decrease in the adsorption ability of the cation of montmorillonite. The decrease in the swelling characteristics of bentonite C was considered as the decrease of content of montmorillonite. Furthermore, this study proposed "Equations for evaluating the swelling behavior that considered the influence of the thermal history" on the basis of the above experimental results and discussions of mechanism. In this proposed equations, it was considered that the cation adsorption ability of montmorillonite decreased by the thermal history. The exchangeable cation amount and the cation exchange capacity were calculated based on the measurement result of the amount of the methylene blue adsorption. The calculated results by the above proposed equations were compared with the experimental results. From the results, the validity of proposed equations was clarified

  • Mechanism of cyclic softening of non-plastic silt and its countermeasures

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUHARA Kazuya, KOMINE Hideo, MURAKAMI Satoshi, HORIUCHI Sumio, GOTO Shigeru, SATO Kenichi

     View Summary

    Lateral flow is a large lateral movement of the ground that occurs horizontally as a result of liquefaction during and after earthquakes. Lateral flow is inferred. to cause most damage to foundations of structures and lifelines during earthquake-induced disasters. For clarifying vulnerabilities to liquefaction of silts, we require a method of forecasting the deformation according to ground liquefaction. This study proposes a method for predicting the liquefaction-induced deformation of silty soil and proposing the countermeasure to reduce damage due to post-liquefaction deformation.Results of the present study are summarized as follows :1)Results from post-cyclic triaxial tests on silt indicate that stiffness decreases gradually as excess pore water pressure rises. However, that rigidity decreases rapidly when a ratio of 0.8 of the excess pore water pressure is exceeded. Ground deformation after earthquakes can be decreased considerably if the excess pore water pressure is maintained below 0.8 using gravel drains as a countermeasure.2)The excess pore water pressure model was adopted to predict changes in the deformation modulus after liquefaction. It was incorporated into the FEM code for predicting silt ground deformation in model tests. Using the proposed FEM code, we obtained good agreement between observed and predicted deformation of sloping silt ground.3)In 1G model tests on sloping silt ground, deformation attributable to the liquefaction of silty soil differs depending on the ground slope : lateral flow is exceptional when the ground is severely sloping ; vertical deformation is dominant when the slope is gentle. Moreover, comparison of the actions of silt with that in sand before and after liquefaction showed remarkable delay of silt deformation in the transformation, but the amount of sand displacement is greater immediately after liquefaction. Moreover, the final amount of displacement is nearly identical to that of sand. These results emphasize that, during earthquakes, attention should be given to post-liquefaction deformation of silt as well as that of sand.4)The tire-chip drain was adopted for reducing post-liquefaction deformation of silt ground along with the conventionally used gravel drain. Results of model tests demonstrated that the tire-chip drain method is available for reducing not only lateral displacement but also vertical displacement. These effects are almost identical to those of the cases in which gravel drains are installed in the same condition. This suggests that the tire-chip drain method can be an economical countermeasure for preventing liquefaction-induced silt deformation

  • Development of evaluation for swelling characteristics of bentonite based buffer under water-chemistry condition of high level radioactive waste disposal facility

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMINE Hideo, YASUHARA Kazuya, MURAKAMI Satoshi, CHIJIMATSU Masakazu

     View Summary

    Disposal of high-level radioactive wastes exhausted from nuclear power plants is an important problem that should be solved in the 21st century. In this plan, there is a material that is called"Bentonite based buffer material"in one of the multiple barriers. Bentonite based buffer material fills up a space between waste container and surrounding bedrock Moreover, a disposal facility has the possibility that is constructed in the vicinity of the coastal zone by the convenience of the wastes form transportation.To contribute this project, this study aimed to evaluate the self sealing behavior of bentonite based buffer material in the seawater condition quantitatively, and to establish design method of bentonite based buffer material from a viewpoint of self-sealing property under seawater condition.In this study,"self-sealing test by the one-dimensional model"was done in the beginning, and the self-sealing behavior in the seawater condition was investigated. This experiment is one-dimensional model test to imitate the self-sealing behavior of seawater condition by installing a space that scales down the relation between the space part of an actual disposal site and the buffer material in the one dimension, and supplying artificial seawater of a different concentration.Next, the factor thought to be influence on the self sealing behavior was investigated Concretely, the invasion situation of the seawater element in the pore water of the specimen was investigated by measuring each cation exchange capacity (EXC) and exchangeable cation (CEC) of Na^+, Ca^<2+>, K^+, and Mg^<2+> ions in the specimen after it experimented.In addition, the equation that was appreciable of self-sealing behavior under seawater condition was made by building the empirical equation based on the result of this experiment into the self-sealing behavior of the buffer material in the distilled water condition to forecast and appreciable"equations for evaluating the swelling behavior".The new finding obtained for this research is shown below.1.In the following conditions, it has been understood that influence of seawater on self-sealing behavior is small from this self sealing test. In the bentonite A, if the space is 1.25mm or less and concentration of supplied solution is 100% or less of sea concentration, it has been understood that influence of seawater is small. And in the bentonite B and E, if the space is 1.25mm or less and concentration of supplied solution is 10% or less of sea concentration, it has been understood that influence of seawater is small.2.It was shown that there was a possibility because of seawater was not infiltrated in the space of the buffer material as one of the reasons for the decrease in self-sealing behavior is small under the seawater condition. The filter ability of cation in seawater by montmorillonite crystalline layer is thought as this mechanism. And it is thought that this function works effectively by hardening the bentonite well-set.3.Though the applicability was limited in this experiment condition, the equation that was appreciable of self sealing behavior under seawater condition was made by building the empirical equation based on the result of this experiment into"equations for evaluating the swelling behavior by Komine and Ogata".4.Synthesizing the above-mentioned result, design method was constructed from viewpoint of self sealing property under seawater condition

  • 日本原子力発電(株)

    Project Year :


  • 清水建設

    Project Year :


  • 神戸製鋼所

    Project Year :


  • 戸田建設

    Project Year :


  • Reinforcement for Upgrading Earth Structures Using Geocomposites under Cyclic Loading

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUHARA Kazuya, MURAKAMI Satoshi, TANABASHI Yoshihiko, KOMINE Hideo, HIRAO Takao, MIYATA Yoshihisa

     View Summary

    The present study aims at exploring a reinforcing method for upgrading earth structures under cyclic loading induced by traffic, ocean waves and earthquakes by using geocomposites which are manufactured by combining with two or three different kinds of geosynthetics. The keyword in this study is "Hybrid" and "Sandwich" which contains the following two aspects :I) The material used in the study is a hybridized one in which the unwoven geosyntheitc is combined with the woven geosynthetic similar to the sandwich.ii) Sand mat is placed at the both sides, above and beneath the geocomposite. This type can be called a hybrid-sandwich earth structure., In order to accomplish the advantageous aspects of the hybrid earth structure with the hybrid geosynthetic, model tests and numerical analysis were carried out. The following main findings were derived from the present study :1) Sandwiched structures formed by sand mat placement in-between geosynthetics contribute to improvement of soft soils more markedly than in the case with sand mat only without geosynthetic reinforcement.2) Sand mat placement combined with geosynthetics as a sandwich structure gives rise to improvement of permeability and transmssibity of geosynthetics. The geocomposite in which the woven geosynthetic is sandwiched by the woven geosynthetic in-getween is most suitable for accomplishing this purpose.3) Advantages of sandwiched structures are recognized in the two aspects : the one is increase of stability of embankment and decrease in deformation and settlements of embankment.4) The finite element computer code is formulated to consider the effect of confinement due to geosynthetics into deformation and stability of embankment with the sandwich structure.5) Anew method combined by injecting cement mortar into send mat in the sandwich structure is suggested as a promising hybrid system for upgrading foundations and earth structures. In particular, this system is effective to increase stability and reduce settlements under cyclic loading induced by traffic ocean waves and earthquakes.6) Either the use of geocomposite or the combination of non-woven geosynthetic with injection of cement mortar gives rise to stable reinforced revetments at the coastal area subjected to ocean wave actions

▼display all


  • Experimental investigation on on infiltration behavior of sodium ion into compacted bentonite

    Guodong Cai, Wang Hailong, Yamada Mika, Kunlin Ruan, Daichi Ito, Hideo Komine

    Symposium on Energy Geotechnics 23    2023.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • コンクリートはc材?,φ材?,そして骨材の鉱物学的解釈は?


    コンクリート工学   61 ( 8 ) 713 - 713  2023.08  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • Effect of pressure on CO2 fixation reaction by industrial by-products containing Ca components

    川邉駿, 鈴木陽也, 小峯秀雄, 伊藤大知, 鈴木清彦, 國弘彩, 伊藤大輔

    地盤工学会関東支部発表会(CD-ROM)   20th  2023


  • Comparing the Chemical Characteristics of Geopolymers Formed Using Two Different Metakaolin Products

    Mika Yamada, CAI, Guodong, Hideo Komine


    Authorship:Last author

  • Effect of Initial Water Content on the Moisture Diffusivity of Compacted Bentonite in the Final Disposal Project of High-level Nuclear Waste

    Kian Cho, Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine, Daichi Ito, Junboum Park

    Proceedings of the 20th Global Joint Seminar on Geo-Environmental Engineering (GEE2022)    2022.05  [Refereed]

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 基礎と専門を融合できる 「地球のお医者さん」の育成を


    下水道協会誌   58 ( 711 ) 10 - 11  2022.01  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Method for Measuring Dry Density of Compacted Bentonite Mixture Soil Using 3D Laser Scanner data - 19119

    Atsuo Yamada, Masakazu Chijimatsu, Hideo Komine

    WM2019 Conference, March 3 – 7, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA     1 - 15  2019.03  [Refereed]

  • Water-proof Property of Super Heavy Bentonite Slurry for Decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPS

    Shinsuke Ujiie, Hideo Komine, Shigeru Goto, Ema Yoshikawa, Seiichi Narushima, Yasushi Nagae

    WM2019 Conference, March 3-7, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA     1 - 9  2019.03  [Refereed]

  • Development of analytical model for hydro-chemo-mechanical behavior of unsaturated bentonite barrier

    Shun Uchida, Hideo Komine

    Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials and Sustainable Engineering    2019.03  [Refereed]

  • 地盤工学会地盤環境賞を受賞して(1)(学会の動き)

    磯松 教彦, 安藤 淳也, 高畑 修, 熊田 正次郎, 宮口 新治, 門間 聖子, 石山 宏二, 保高 徹生, 小峯 秀雄

    地盤工学会誌   63 ( 8 ) 48 - 48  2015.08


  • Monitoring System for Slope Stability under Rainfall by using MEMS Acceleration Sensor IC tags

    S. Murakami, A. Dairaku, H. Komine, N. Sakai, T. Isizawa, O. Saito, I. Maruyama


     View Summary

    Real-time warning system for slope failure under rainfall is available to disaster prevention and mitigation. Monitoring of multi-point and wireless measurements is effective because it is difficult to conclude the most dangerous part in a slope. The purpose of this study is to propose a method of monitoring system with multi-point and wireless measurements for a slope stability using MEMS acceleration sensor IC tags. MEMS acceleration sensor IC tag is an acceleration sensor microminiaturized by a technology of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems on board IC tag. Especially, low cost of the sensor will yield to the realization of the system. In order to investigate the applicability of the proposed system, a large-scale model test of artificial slope subjected to rainfall has been performed. MEMS acceleration sensor IC tags has been located on the slope and ground acceleration caused by forced vibration has been measured until the model slope collapses. The experimental results show that the MEMS acceleration sensor IC tag is comfortably available under rainfall, the characteristics of ground accelerations varies with changing the condition of the slope subjected to rainfall, and the proposed method can be applied to a real-time monitoring system for slope failure under rainfall.


  • DEM の違いに着目した干渉SAR を用いるメコンデルタの観測

    川瀬将之, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    土木学会大67回年次学術講演会    2012.09

  • Identifying Framework for Analysis River Bank Stability

    Duong Thi Toan, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2011 Annual Meeting    2012.09

  • MEMS 加速度センサIC タグを用いた斜面モニタリング手法の開発に向けた大型模型実験における強制振動に対する斜面の加速度応答の調査

    大樂章文, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 酒井直樹, 石澤友浩, 齋藤修

    土木学会大67回年次学術講演会   67th  2012.09


  • セメント系薬液注入により改良された地盤の電気比抵抗特性に及ぼす粒度組成と薬液充填率の影響

    阿部聡, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲

    土木学会大67回年次学術講演会    2012.09

  • タイヤチップ混合固化処理土の動的変形特性

    荒孝太郎, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 塚田義明, 牧田晃介

    土木学会大67回年次学術講演会    2012.09

  • Monitoring of Land Subsidence in the Mekong Delta by Using Interferometry SAR

    Kawase, M, Murakami, S, Komine, H

    Awam International Conference on Civil Engineering (AICCE’12) Geohazard Information Zonation (GIZ’12)     790 - 793  2012.08  [Refereed]

  • 放射性物質汚染土の対処に向けた今後の土木技術の応用と展望


    土木施工   53 ( 8 ) 60 - 62  2012.08  [Refereed]

  • Evaluation vulnerability in wide area due to river levee and bank seepage failure focusing on grain size distribution

    Fujita, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K

    Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology, Energy and Global Sustainable Development, Los Angeles, CA, June 27-29, 2012.    2012

  • Swelling pressure and water absorption property of compacted granular bentonite during water absorption

    Hideo Komine

    ANDRA2012 (Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement)    2012

  • Land subsidence in Mekong delta by using InSAR and future development for vulnerability assessment in consideration of global climate change

    Hideo Komine

    International Workshop on Geo-engineering for responding to climate change and sustainable development of infrastructure (HUEGEO 2012), 17-18 Dec 2012.12.    2012

  • influence of different suction control methods on soil-water characteristic curves of adecomposed granite soil

    Ajima, F, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    Proceedings of the 5thAsia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils   1   369 - 372  2011.11  [Refereed]

  • 災害廃棄物,放射性廃棄物の処理・処分における学術知見と今後の展望


    土木学会誌   96 ( 10 ) 42 - 45  2011.10  [Refereed]


  • Effects of climate change on coastal disasters: new methodologies and recent results

    Kazuya Yasuhara, Hideo Komine, Hiromune Yokoki, Takeshi Suzuki, Nobuo Mimura, Makoto Tamura, Guangqi Chen

    SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE   6 ( 2 ) 219 - 232  2011.07

     View Summary

    Humanity faces an increasing possibility that unusual and extreme natural disasters will increase, compounded with climate change, including global warming. These compound events are designated as compounded natural hazards in this study. A methodology must be developed for predicting what events and risks will confront future societies, to propose countermeasures and adaptation strategies against these events, and to evaluate the influences of compound disasters on infrastructure which is particularly situated near coasts and rivers. Based on the above-stated background and demands, this study was undertaken with the intention of upgrading the methodology for estimating effects on infrastructure of compound events such as increased typhoon and rainfall severity caused by global warming occurring concurrently with a great earthquake in Japan. Such a methodology is expected to contribute to progress in the fields of natural disaster mitigation and land preservation, particularly benefiting coastal and river areas in Japan. Additionally in this study, risk and economic loss analyses for the possible occurrence of compound disasters for coastal infrastructure and foundations are produced for establishing environmental strategies at the governmental level. The authors further propose adaptation strategies and techniques as countermeasures against these events.


  • 産業副産物利用の広がりと展望


    土木学会誌   96 ( 4 ) 27 - 28  2011.04  [Refereed]

  • Environmental impact assessment of drinking water sludge focusing on clod size after compaction

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S

    GeoFrontier 2011    2011.03  [Refereed]

  • Mitigation of existing structure settlement by sheet pile walls during liquefaction

    Motohashi, Y, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    GeoFrontier 2011    2011.03  [Refereed]

  • 法科学としての地盤工学


    地盤工学会誌   59 ( 10 ) 28  2011

  • Forensic Geotechnical Engineering

    Hideo Komine

      59 ( 10 ) 28  2011

  • 加速度センサICタグを用いた斜面モニタリング手法の大型降雨模型実験における検討

    大樂章文, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄, 千葉宣朗, 酒井直樹, 石澤友浩, 齋藤修

    地盤工学会関東支部発表会発表講演集   7th  2010


  • Instability of sand undergoing earthquakes after groundwater level rise

    K. Yasuhara, K. Nishiwaki, H. Komine, S. Murakami

    Proceedings of IS-Tokyo2009    2009

  • Material analysis of drinking water sludge in terms of environmental impact and decomposition

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S. Kashimura, K, Toyoda, K

    Proceedings of WASCON2009    2009

  • 温暖化による気候変動が地盤災害に及ぼす影響

    安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲, 陳光斉, 三谷泰浩, 田村誠

    地球環境   14 ( 2 ) 247 - 256  2009

  • Evaluation of economic damage on liquefaction hazard induced by global climate change in a coastal region

    Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Hasegawa, Y

    Proceedings of Geo-informatics and zoning for hazard mapping    2009


    Oikawa Teruyasu, Komine Hideo, Yasuhara Kazuya, Murakami Satoshi

    Proceedings of geosynthetics symposium   24   37 - 42  2009

     View Summary

    The quality of water in a closed water body such as lakes and ponds has been getting worse in recent times. Several measures such as dredging methods have been taken against eutrophication. However, some problems are encountered on the low-water depth lakes. This study conducted fundamental study on cover material to inhibit nutrients elution from bottom sediment using solid waste and geosynthetics. By using this cover material, we can try easily water purification. This study investigated the effect of inhibition of nutrient elution from bottom sediment by cover material by water tank test under the condition similar to actual environment. The results of water tank test indicated that the cover material can inhibit turbidity. This finding is attributable to the fact that cover material of bottom sediment hinders the diffusion of nutrients from bottom sediment to water and prevents further increase of suspended solids.

    DOI CiNii

  • A representative soil profile modeling with consideration of spatial correlativity of soils

    Ogawa, H, Murakami, S, Ysuhara, K, Komine,H

    Proceedings of Geo-informatics and zoning for hazard mapping    2009

  • Instability of sand undergoing earthquakes after groundwater level rise

    K. Yasuhara, K. Nishiwaki, H. Komine, S. Murakami

    Proceedings of IS-Tokyo2009    2009

  • Simplified evaluation on impact of soil materials for levee and river-bank by sea-water level raising due to global warming

    Hideo Komine

      4 ( 2 ) 191 - 201  2009

  • Material analysis of drinking water sludge in terms of environmental impact and decomposition

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S. Kashimura, K, Toyoda, K

    Proceedings of WASCON2009    2009

  • Evaluation of economic damage on liquefaction hazard induced by global climate change in a coastal region

    Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Hasegawa, Y

    Proceedings of Geo-informatics and zoning for hazard mapping    2009

  • A representative soil profile modeling with consideration of spatial correlativity of soils

    Ogawa, H, Murakami, S, Ysuhara, K, Komine,H

    Proceedings of Geo-informatics and zoning for hazard mapping    2009

  • 廃棄物を再生地盤材料に〜環境負荷低減・有効利用方策,そしてその理念〜


    環境浄化技術(日本工業出版)   7 ( 6 ) 30 - 34  2008.06  [Refereed]

  • 温度履歴・高温環境下におけるベントナイト系緩衝材の膨潤・自己シール性評価法の開発

    小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲

    平成17年度~平成19年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書    2008

  • Degradation mechanism of drinking water sludge by interaction with water

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S. Kashimura, K, Toyoda,K

    Geo-Environmental Engineering 2008     45 - 50  2008

  • 非構造格子モデルを用いた氾濫解析におけるGISの利用

    鈴木久美子, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    土木情報利用技術論文集   17   243 - 248  2008

  • Degradation mechanism of drinking water sludge by interaction with water

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S. Kashimura, K, Toyoda,K

    Geo-Environmental Engineering 2008     45 - 50  2008

  • Adaptations and countermeasures for mitigating impacts due to global warming in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering

    Komine, H

    Vietnam and Japan 2008 Symposium in Hanoi    2008

  • A Disposal Method of High-Level Radioactive Waste and Swelling Characteristic of Bentonite

    Goto, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S

    Proc. 3rd Int. Student Conf. Ibaraki Univ.(ISCI3)     185 - 188  2007.10  [Refereed]

  • Database of Land Subsidence in Mega Deltas

    Watanabe, S, Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H

    Proc. 3rd Int. Student Conf. Ibaraki Univ.(ISCI3)     11 - 14  2007.10  [Refereed]

  • Ground Structure Modeling by Using Geo-Information Database

    Hasegawa, Y, Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H

    Proc. 3rd Int. Student Conf. Ibaraki Univ.(ISCI3)     175 - 178  2007.10  [Refereed]

  • Influence of Rainfall on Slope Failure Caused by Niigata Prefecture Chuetsu Earthquake

    Nunokawa, N, Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Tsuchida, A

    Proc. 3rd Int. Student Conf. Ibaraki Univ.(ISCI3)     135 - 140  2007.10  [Refereed]

  • Influence of Seawater on Geotechnical Properties of Drinking Water Sludge

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S

    Proc. 3rd Int. Student Conf. Ibaraki Univ.(ISCI3)     251 - 356  2007.10  [Refereed]

  • Study to Improve Technology for Washing of Coal Fly Ash by Water With Carbon Dioxide

    Inoue, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Toyoda, K

    Proc. 3rd Int. Student Conf. Ibaraki Univ.(ISCI3)     239 - 244  2007.10  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼底泥用の溶出物質吸着バリア材に関する基礎研究


    平成18年度第3回霞ヶ浦浄化技術研究会    2007

  • 再生製品の地盤材料利用と安全性の視点・立場から

    小峯秀雄, 田中誠, 浅田素之, 樋口雄一

    平成19年度廃棄物学会研究討論会論文集   2007   14 - 19  2007


  • Changes of fundamental properties of riverbank material by sea-level rising due to global warming


    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters, 2007    2007


  • Using drinking water sludge to repair geotechnical constructions

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami,S

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters,    2007

  • Soil water characteristic curve and one-dimensional deformation of riverbank soils in Japan

    Uchida, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2007

  • Climate-change-induced compound geo-hazards: lessons from case histories

    Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Suzuki, K

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2007

  • Vulnerability assessment to seismic geo-hazard induced global climate change by using geo-information database

    Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Suzuki, N

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2007

  • Influence of land subsidence on inudation damage in Northern Kanto Plain, Japan

    Suzuki, K, Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2007

  • 足もとの環境と廃棄物 第一話:排出資源と世代交代


    生活と環境   52 ( 11 ) 5 - 11  2007

  • Vulnerability of riverbank materials by sea-level rising due to global warming in Japan


    Proc. 2nd Malaysia-Japan Symposium on Geohazard and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2007     209 - 212  2007


  • Changes of fundamental properties of riverbank material by sea-level rising due to Global Warming

    Komine, H

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2007

  • Using drinking water sludge to repair geotechnical constructions

    Watanabe, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami,S

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters,    2007

  • Soil water characteristic curve and one-dimensional deformation of riverbank soils in Japan

    Uchida, Y, Komine, H, Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2007

  • Climate-change-induced compound geo-hazards: lessons from case histories

    Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S, Suzuki, K

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2007

  • Vulnerability assessment to seismic geo-hazard induced global climate change by using geo-information database

    Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Suzuki, N

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2007

  • Influence of land subsidence on inudation damage in Northern Kanto Plain, Japan

    Suzuki, K, Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H

    Vietnam-Japan Symposium on Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate-change-induced Natural Disasters    2007

  • Vulnerability of riverbank materials by sea-level rising due to Global Warming in Japan

    Komine, H

        209 - 212  2007

  • Predicting Damage of Riverbanks Resulting from Rising Sea-levels due to Global Warming

    Hideo Komine

    Seminar on Natural-hazards Mitigation in Vietnam and Japan    2006

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Influence of sea level rise on groundwater level change in a coastal area

    SUZUKI Nozomi, MURAKAMI Satoshi, YASUHARA Kazuya, KOMINE Hideo

      14   485 - 488  2005.09


  • A GIS-aided procedure for inundation analysis using the unstructured method

    SUZUKI Kumiko, MURAKAMI Satoshi, YASUHARA Kazuya, KOMINE Hideo

      14   325 - 328  2005.09


  • An elasto-plastic model for unsaturated soils based on sub-loading surface and rotational hardening concepts

    Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Mitsuyama, S

    Plasticity2005    2005

  • New theoretical prediction of swelling characteristics of bentonite-based buffer

    Komine, H

    2nd International Conference, Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement    2005

  • 高レベル廃棄物処分場の地下水環境におけるベントナイト緩衝材の膨潤特性評価法の開発


    科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)(2)研究成果報告書    2005

  • 放射性廃棄物処分場の沿岸部立地を想定した地下水環境におけるベントナイト緩衝材・埋戻し材の透水特性の評価


    (財)東電記念科学技術研究所研究助成研究報告書    2005

  • 地下水質を考慮した堆積軟岩のスレーキング特性試験法の構築


    財団法人 前田記念工学振興財団     41 - 43  2005

  • An elasto-plastic model for unsaturated soils based on sub-loading surface and rotational hardening concepts

    Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Mitsuyama, S

    Plasticity2005    2005

  • New theoretical prediction of swelling characteristics of bentonite-based buffer

    Komine, H

    2nd International Conference, Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement    2005

  • Vulnerability assessment to liquefaction hazard induced by rising sea-levels due to global warming

    S Murakami, K Yasuhara, N Suzuki, W Ni, H Komine

    Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation     571 - 576  2005

     View Summary

    This paper describes a procedure for liquefaction hazard mapping that incorporates rising sea levels caused by global wan-ning, along with an application of that mapping procedure to an objective coastal region. Vulnerability to liquefaction hazard in the objective region was assessed by comparison of liquefaction hazard maps before and after sea-level rising caused by global wan-ning.

  • 廃棄物流通のための方策, 利用・処分シナリオの構築や混合地盤材料の環境評価試験体系化を進めるためには

    安原 一哉, 小峯 秀雄

    土と基礎 = Soil mechanics and foundation engineering   52 ( 12 ) 45 - 45  2004.12


  • 発泡ウレタンの力学的異方性に着目した水平土圧低減効果に関する検討

    村上哲, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 佐藤匠

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   19   29 - 34  2004.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Ultrasonic Removal of Geosynthetics Clogging

    Ghosh, C, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Konami, T, Kudo, Y

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   19   147 - 152  2004.12

     View Summary

    This paper presents an experimental investigation of the ultrasonic removal of clogging of six commercially available geotextiles. The clogged specimens were exhumed from two fine-grained soils, which were previously consolidated from slurry stage under a consolidation pressure of 400kPa. The mechanism of ultrasound and formation of micro-bubbles in a sort of "cold boiling" or "cavitation" within liquid medium have been explained. The in-plane and cross-plane flow capacities of the clogged geotextile specimen have been evaluated before and after ultrasonic cleaning and results are presented in a design chart signifying the beneficial effect of ultrasonic cleaning. With increasing confining pressure clogging caused more reduction in the cross-plane flow capacity than the in-plane flow capacity. Ultrasonic cleaning efficiency for all clogged geotextiles was more than 80% @ 5 minutes washing time. The thinnest (2.2mm) geotextile was severely affected by clogging, however, after ultrasonic cleaning the clogging potential reduced to unity, which was not affected by increasing normal pressure.

    DOI CiNii

  • A GIS-aided procedure of land subsidence hazard mapping with reliability

    SUZUKI Kumiko, MURAKAMI Satoshi, YASUHARA Kazuya, KOMINE Hideo

      13   163 - 166  2004.09


  • Clogging and drainage characteristics of permeable geosynthetics in improving fine-grained soil

    Ghosh, C, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    EuroGeo 2004    2004

  • ベントナイト系緩衝材の膨潤圧・膨潤変形特性に及ぼす人工海水の影響

    直井優, 小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 大久保嘉雄, 坂上武晴

    茨城大学工学部研究集報   51   31 - 38  2004


  • 信頼性を有する地盤沈下ハザードマップ作成手法の提案

    鈴木久美子, 村上哲, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄

    茨城大学工学部研究集報   51   39 - 44  2004


  • Gravel drain mitigation of earthquake-induced lateral flow of sand

    Yasuhara, K, Unno, T, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 146.    2004

  • An optimizing procedure of observation locations for monitoring settlements in a land subsidence area

    Murakami, S, Suzuki, K, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H

    Proceedings of Vietnam-Japan Joint Seminar on Geotechnics and Geoengineering in Hanoi    2004

  • Reliable land subsidence mapping method and its application for appropriate arrangement plan of observation locations

    Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Suzuki, K

    Proceedings of the 15th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference    2004

  • 不織布によるハイブリッド・サンドイッチ補強土の有効性と多機能化

    安原一哉, Chandan GHOSH, 榊原務, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   19   139 - 146  2004

     View Summary


    DOI CiNii

  • 低透水層用充填材「ベントボール」

    和田隆太郎, 山口憲治, 竹内靖典, 隈元純二, 小峯秀雄, 中西宏

    神戸製鋼技報   53 ( 3 ) 72 - 77  2004

  • Clogging and drainage characteristics of permeable geosynthetics in improving fine-grained soil

    Ghosh, C, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    EuroGeo 2004    2004

  • Gravel drain mitigation of earthquake-induced lateral flow of sand

    Yasuhara, K, Unno, T, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 146.    2004

  • An optimizing procedure of observation locations for monitoring settlements in a land subsidence area

    Murakami, S, Suzuki, K, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H

    Proceedings of Vietnam-Japan Joint Seminar on Geotechnics and Geoengineering in Hanoi    2004

  • Reliable land subsidence mapping method and its application for appropriate arrangement plan of observation locations

    Murakami, S, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Suzuki, K

    Proceedings of the 15th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference    2004

  • ハイブリッドなサンドイッチ補強による軟弱地盤の改良効果

    榊原務, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 村上哲

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   18   283 - 290  2003.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 弾性FEMによる軽量地盤材料を用いた壁体構造物の土圧に与える境界条件の影響

    村上哲, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 佐藤匠

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   18   79 - 84  2003.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • New equations for swelling characteristics of bentonite-based buffer materials

    H Komine, N Ogata

    CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL   40 ( 2 ) 460 - 475  2003.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Compacted bentonite and sand-bentonite mixtures are attracting greater attention as buffer material for repositories of high-level nuclear waste. This buffer material is expected to fill up the space between the canisters containing the waste and the surrounding ground by swelling. To produce the specifications, such as dry density, sand-bentonite mass ratio, and dimensions, of the buffer material, the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite and sand-bentonite mixtures must be evaluated quantitatively. New equations for evaluating the swelling behavior of compacted bentonite and sand-bentonite mixtures are presented that can accommodate the influences of the sand-bentonite mass ratio and the exchangeable-cation composition of bentonite. The new method for predicting swelling characteristics is presented by combining the new equations with the theoretical equations of the Gouy-Chapman diffuse double layer theory and of the van der Waals force, which can evaluate the repulsive and attractive forces of montmorillonite mineral (i.e., the swelling clay mineral in bentonite). Furthermore, the applicability of the new prediction method has been confirmed by comparing the predicted results with laboratory test results on the swelling deformation and swelling pressure of compacted bentonites and sand-bentonite mixtures.


  • New equations for swelling characteristics of bentonite-based buffer materials

    H Komine, N Ogata

    CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL   40 ( 2 ) 460 - 475  2003.04

     View Summary

    Compacted bentonite and sand-bentonite mixtures are attracting greater attention as buffer material for repositories of high-level nuclear waste. This buffer material is expected to fill up the space between the canisters containing the waste and the surrounding ground by swelling. To produce the specifications, such as dry density, sand-bentonite mass ratio, and dimensions, of the buffer material, the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite and sand-bentonite mixtures must be evaluated quantitatively. New equations for evaluating the swelling behavior of compacted bentonite and sand-bentonite mixtures are presented that can accommodate the influences of the sand-bentonite mass ratio and the exchangeable-cation composition of bentonite. The new method for predicting swelling characteristics is presented by combining the new equations with the theoretical equations of the Gouy-Chapman diffuse double layer theory and of the van der Waals force, which can evaluate the repulsive and attractive forces of montmorillonite mineral (i.e., the swelling clay mineral in bentonite). Furthermore, the applicability of the new prediction method has been confirmed by comparing the predicted results with laboratory test results on the swelling deformation and swelling pressure of compacted bentonites and sand-bentonite mixtures.


  • Environmental solution for coal fly ash slurry utilization

    Nagataki, S, Horiuchi, S, Yu, Q, Komine, H, Hara, K

    Proceedings: 15th International American Coal Ash Association Symposium on Management & Use of Coal Combustion Products (CD-ROM).    2003

  • Geotechnical Development on High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal for Sustainable Nuclear Energy System

    Komine, H

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Diagnosis, Treatment and Regeneration for Sustainable Urban Systems    2003

  • 地盤沈下地域における都市インフラ施設の維持管理のためのGIS援用地下水位管理手法

    村上哲, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 鈴木久美子

    茨城大学工学部研究集報   50   29 - 36  2003


  • 砂の液状化後の圧縮・伸張せん断挙動

    海野寿康, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 小峯秀雄

    茨城大学工学部研究集報   50   1 - 8  2003

  • 水浸を受ける不飽和土挙動のための弾塑性構成モデル

    村上哲, 満山聖, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄

    茨城大学工学部研究集報   50   9 - 15  2003


  • 廃棄物処分場遮水ライナーに関する試験項目・試験法の現状調査


    土と基礎(地盤工学会誌)   51 ( 8 ) 5 - 8  2003

  • Simplified evaluation on hydraulic conductivities of bentonite buffer and backfill

    H Komine

    Proceedings of the Twelfth Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol 1 and 2     389 - 392  2003

     View Summary

    To design the specifications, such as dry density and bentonite content, of buffer and backfill. materials for high-level nuclear wastes disposal, this study investigates the hydraulic conductivities at the different bentonite content and dry density by the experimental works. This study also proposes the simplified evaluation for hydraulic conductivity using the parameter "Swelling volumetric strain of montmorillonite", which was proposed by the author.

  • Coupled thermal, hydraulic and mechanical simulation with theoretical model for swelling characteristics

    Komine, H, Kurikami, H, Chijimatsu, M, Kobayashi, A, Ohnishi, Y

    International Conference on Coupled T-H-M-C Processes in Geosystems (GeoProc2003)     550 - 555  2003

  • Environmental solution for coal fly ash slurry utilization

    Nagataki, S, Horiuchi, S, Yu, Q, Komine, H, Hara, K

    Proceedings: 15th International American Coal Ash Association Symposium on Management & Use of Coal Combustion Products (CD-ROM).    2003

  • Geotechnical Development on High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal for Sustainable Nuclear Energy System

    Komine, H

    Proceedings of International Symposium on Diagnosis, Treatment and Regeneration for Sustainable Urban Systems    2003

  • Simplified evaluation on hydraulic conductivities of bentonite buffer and backfill

    Komine, H

    Proceedings of the 12th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (CD-ROM)    2003

  • Coupled thermal, hydraulic and mechanical simulation with theoretical model for swelling characteristics

    Komine, H, Kurikami, H, Chijimatsu, M, Kobayashi, A, Ohnishi, Y

    International Conference on Coupled T-H-M-C Processes in Geosystems (GeoProc2003)     550 - 555  2003

  • GIS援用による広域地下水流動逆解析による透水量係数の同定

    村上哲, 安原一哉, 小峯秀雄, 早野智晴, 愛澤有一

    応用力学論文集   5   53 - 60  2002.08  [Refereed]


  • Traffic-induced vibration control using LGM

    Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Iikubo, T, Satoh, S, Komine, H

    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Lightweight Geo-materials (IW-LGM2002)     187 - 194  2002

  • 石炭灰を利用した湖沼の環境負荷低減技術に関する研究―第一報

    小峯秀雄, 安原一哉, 村上哲, 水沼加奈子

    第2回茨城大学SVBL成果報告講演論文集     59 - 62  2002

  • Simplified evaluation on hydraulic conductivities of sand-bentonite mixture backfill

    Komine, H

    Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement     307 - 309  2002

  • Traffic-induced vibration control using LGM

    Yasuhara, K, Murakami, S, Iikubo, T, Satoh, S, Komine, H

    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Lightweight Geo-materials (IW-LGM2002)     187 - 194  2002


    Chandan GHOSH, Kazuya YASUHARA, Hideo KOMINE, Satoshi MURAKAMI, Tsutomu SAKAKIBARA

    Geosynthetics Engineering Journal   17   227 - 233  2002  [Refereed]

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • Simplified evaluation on hydraulic conductivities of sand-bentonite mixture backfill

    Komine, H

    Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement     307 - 309  2002

  • Self-sealing ability of buffer materials containing bentonite for HLW disposal

    Komine, H, Ogata, N, Takao, H, Nakashima, A, Osada, T, Ueda, H

    Clay Science for Engineering (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Suction, Swelling, Permeability and Structure of Clays-IS-Shizuoka2001-   1   543 - 551  2001

  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物処分のための緩衝材・埋戻し材の透水特性

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

    電力中央研究所報告   U00041 ( 41 ) 1 - 27  2001


  • Geotechnical applications of industrial by-products for reducing environmental impacts -In the case of pulverized coal fly ashes-

    Yasuhara, K, Horiuchi, S, Komine, H

    Proceedings of the Korean Geotechnical Society fall 2001 National Conference     29 - 62  2001


    GHOSH Chandan, YASUHARA Kazuya, KOMINE Hideo, MURAKAMI Satoshi

    Geosynthetics Engineering Journal   16   163 - 168  2001

     View Summary

    The potential benefits of geo-composites in reinforced foundation beds are investigated. Dry Toyoura sand at three different densities (Dr=32%, Dr=70%, Dr=89%) has been used for the investigation. Medium size model box along with loading frame are fabricated to carry out tests on a 10cm wide (B) strip footing. One geo-composite layer was used centrally below the footing at different depths and lengths. From the test results, optimum length (L) of reinforcement was found to vary between 2B to 3B and placement depth (U) was between 0.25B to 0.5B. Same trend has been observed for three different densities. Moreover, at medium density load and settlement response showed significant improvement.

    DOI CiNii

  • Self-sealing ability of buffer materials containing bentonite for HLW disposal

    Komine, H, Ogata, N, Takao, H, Nakashima, A, Osada, T, Ueda, H

    Clay Science for Engineering (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Suction, Swelling, Permeability and Structure of Clays-IS-Shizuoka2001-   1   543 - 551  2001

  • Geotechnical applications of industrial by-products for reducing environmental impacts -In the case of pulverized coal fly ashes-

    Yasuhara, K, Horiuchi, S, Komine, H

    Proceedings of the Korean Geotechnical Society fall 2001 National Conference     29 - 62  2001

  • Optimum length and depth of reinforcement in foundation bed at different densities

    Ghosh, C, Yasuhara, K, Komine, H, Murakami, S

    ジオシンセティックス論文集   16   163 - 168  2001

     View Summary

    The potential benefits of geo-composites in reinforced foundation beds are investigated. Dry Toyoura sand at three different densities (Dr=32%, Dr=70%, Dr=89%) has been used for the investigation. Medium size model box along with loading frame are fabricated to carry out tests on a 10cm wide (B) strip footing. One geo-composite layer was used centrally below the footing at different depths and lengths. From the test results, optimum length (L) of reinforcement was found to vary between 2B to 3B and placement depth (U) was between 0.25B to 0.5B. Same trend has been observed for three different densities. Moreover, at medium density load and settlement response showed significant improvement.

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of swelling characteristics of buffer and backfill materials considering the exchangeable-cations compositions of bentonite and its applicability

    Komine, H

    Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering   3   1981 - 1984  2001

  • Geotechnical Education for 2000 and Beyond

    Komine Hideo

      48 ( 3 ) 5 - 6  2000.03


  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物処分のための緩衝材 埋戻し材の膨潤評価式の適用性 (その2) -処分孔モデル実験における隙間充填後の緩衝材発生圧力の予測-


    土木学会第55回年次学術講演会講演概要集 共通セッション     CS - 186  2000


  • Evaluation of swelling behaviour of buffer materials containing bentonite for repositories of high-level nuclear waste

    Komine, H

    An International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering (GeoEng2000), (CD-ROM).    2000

  • Use of resistivity tomography in underground excavation and tunneling

    Komine, H

    Proceedings of the 11th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering   2   781 - 784  2000

  • Evaluation of chemical grouted region by resistivity tomography

    Komine, H

    Ground Improvement   4   177 - 189  2000

  • Use of resistivity tomography in underground excavation and tunneling

    Komine, H

    Proceedings of the 11th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering   2   781 - 784  2000

  • Evaluation of swelling behaviour of buffer materials containing bentonite for repositories of high-level nuclear waste

    Komine, H

    An International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering (GeoEng2000), (CD-ROM).    2000

  • A trial design of buffer materials from the viewpoint of self-sealing

    Komine, H, Ogata, N, Takao, H, Nakashima, A, Osada, T

    The 7th International Conference Proceedings on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation (CD-ROM)    1999

  • Prediction method for swelling characteristics of bentonite for nuclear waste disposal

    Komine, H, Ogata, N

    The 7th International Conference Proceedings on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation (CD-ROM)    1999

  • Experimental study on swelling characteristics of sand-bentonite mixture for nuclear waste disposal

    Hideo Komine, Nobuhide Ogata

    Soils and Foundations   39 ( 2 ) 83 - 97  1999

     View Summary

    A mixture of sand and bentonite is seen as an effective component of artificial barriers for disposal facilities of radioactive wastes from nuclear power stations. Therefore, to design and construct these facilities, we must evaluate the swelling characteristics of sand-bentonite mixtures. For this purpose, various laboratory tests on the swelling pressure and swelling deformation of sand-bentonite mixtures were performed. To discuss the process of the swelling characteristics of these mixtures, this study also observed the swelling behavior of bentonite in the mixtures using a scanning electron microscope which can control the temperature and vapor pressure around samples. The following conclusions were obtained through this study. (i) The swelling characteristics of sand-bentonite mixtures is dependent on the dry density and bentonite content of mixtures. (ii) From observation with the scanning electron microscope, we found that the voids of mixtures are filled up by the volume increase when bentonite absorbs water. Furthermore, the swelling process of sand-bentonite mixtures was considered on the basis of the swelling behavior of montmorillonite, a swelling clay mineral. (iii) This study proposes the simplified evaluation of the swelling characteristics of sand-bentonite mixtures using the parameter "Swelling volumetric strain of montmorillonite". This evaluation can obtain the maximum swelling pressure and the maximum swelling strain of sand-bentonite mixtures at various dry densities and bentonite contents. Therefore, this simplified evaluation is available when the disposal facilities of nuclear wastes will be designed and constructed.


  • Prediction method for swelling characteristics of bentonite for nuclear waste disposal

    Komine, H, Ogata, N

    The 7th International Conference Proceedings on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation (CD-ROM)    1999

  • A trial design of buffer materials from the viewpoint of self-sealing

    Komine, H, Ogata, N, Takao, H, Nakashima, A, Osada, T

    The 7th International Conference Proceedings on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation (CD-ROM)    1999

  • Dredging Sludge and Tailings Impoundments

      46 ( 3 ) 32 - 32  1998.03


  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分の事業化技術


    電力中央研究所報告   U98509   1 - 195  1998

  • Thermal influence on compacted bentonite for nuclear waste disposal

    H Komine, N Ogata

    ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICS, VOLS 1-4   1   39 - 44  1998

     View Summary

    Compacted bentonite is attracting greater attention as buffer material for repositories of high-level nuclear waste. The swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite is expected to fill up the cracks in the surrounding rocks in order to make an impermeable zone around the wastes. However, it is feared that the swelling characteristics of bentonite declines by the decay heat of nuclear wastes. To contribute to this problem, this study investigated the swelling deformation of bentonite experienced some thermal histories in the laboratory. From the test results, it is found that the swelling deformations of bentonites decrease by thermal histories. It is also found that the decline of swelling deformation by thermal history is caused by the reduction of absorbing power of bentonite and elution of exchange cations from clay-layer surfaces. These results indicate that we must design the buffer material in full consideration of the influences of decay heat of wastes.

  • Sedimentation and consolidation of lake-bottom deposits with an organic flocculant

    Y Sugawara, H Akagi, H Komine

    ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICS, VOLS 1-4   1   359 - 364  1998

     View Summary

    In closed water environments such as lakes or marshes, soil and organic materials deposit at the bottom. In order to solve problems of land smells or water pollution, bottom deposits have been dredged or stabilized with cement. Recently, the reuse of lake-bottom deposits for agricultural compost has been planned, but an efficient flocculation and dewatering method for high water content lake deposits is necessary for this to be implemented. In this study, a series of sedimentation experiments and consolidation tests on lake-bottom deposits dredged from a closed water environment lake were carried out using an organic flocculant. It is shown from the experimental results that an optimum volume of flocculant does exist for efficient sedimentation and that the addition of flocculant improves the dewatering characteristics of lake-bottom deposits.

  • 比抵抗トモグラフィを利用した薬液注入の改良範囲評価方法の提案

    小峯 秀雄

    電力土木 = Electric power civil engineering   270   93 - 98  1997.07


  • 放射性廃棄物処分のための砂・ベントナイト混合材料の膨潤特性とその評価法

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

    電力中央研究所報告   U96029   1 - 40  1997


  • 電気比抵抗による薬液注入改良効果の定量的評価方法(その4)

    小峯秀雄, 後藤和生

    電力中央研究所報告   U97051   1 - 30  1997

  • 比抵抗トモグラフィを利用した薬液注入の改良範囲評価方法の適用範囲


    土木学会論文集   561 ( (]G0003[)-38 ) 89 - 98  1997


  • Evaluation of swelling characteristics of bentonite-sand mixture

    H Komine, N Ogata


     View Summary

    For radioactive waste disposal facilities, the bentonite and sand mixtures are expected as an effective component of artificial barriers in view of low permeability. To design and construct the disposal facilities of nuclear wastes, we must evaluate the swelling characteristics of bentonite-sand mixtures. For this purpose, various laboratory tests on the swelling characteristics of bentonite-sand mixtures were performed. To discuss the process of swelling characteristics of bentonite-sand mixtures, this study also observed the swelling behavior of bentonite in the mixtures by the scanning electron microscope which can control the temperature and vapor pressure around samples. From the experimental results and discussions, we proposed the evaluation of swelling characteristics of bentonite-sand mixtures using a new parameter "Effective void ratio".

  • Prediction for swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite

    H Komine, N Ogata

    CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL   33 ( 1 ) 11 - 22  1996.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Compacted bentonites are attracting greater attention as back-filling (buffer) materials for high-level nuclear waste repositories. For this purpose, it is very important to quantitatively evaluate the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite. New equations for evaluating the relationship between the swelling deformation of compacted bentonite and the distance between two montmorillonite layers are derived. New equations for evaluating the ion concentration of pore water and the specific surface of bentonite, which significantly influence the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite, are proposed. Furthermore, a prediction method for the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite is presented by combining the new equations with the well-known theoretical equations of repulsive and attractive forces between two montmorillonite layers. The applicability of this method was investigated by comparing the predicted results with laboratory test results on the swelling deformation and swelling pressure of compacted bentonites.


  • 電気比抵抗による薬液注入改良効果の定量的評価方法(その3)-比抵抗トモグラフィを利用した地盤改良範囲評価方法の適用性


    電中研報告U95026    1996


  • 電気比抵抗による薬液注入改良効果の定量的評価法(その3)


    電力中央研究所報告   U95026   1 - 46  1996

  • 締固めたベントナイトの膨潤特性予測方法

    Komine, H, Ogata, N

    Canadian Geotechnical Journal   33 ( 1 ) 11 - 22  1996


  • Applicability limit of resistivity to evaluate improved region

    H Komine, K Nishi

    GROUTING AND DEEP MIXING, VOL 1   1   159 - 164  1996

  • Some chemical and strength properties of stored fly ash

    T Kataoka, H Komine, N Ogata, T Okamoto, T Yokokura

    ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICS, VOL 2   1   763 - 766  1996

     View Summary

    The volume of fly ashes discharged from coal fired power stations is increasing. The fly ash has recently attracted increasing attention as a useful material for civil engineering. To use high volume fly ashes as the materials for civil engineering, the system of supplying fly ashes according to demand is needed This system must be able to stably supply high volume fly ashes of good quality. First, we need to investigate the fundamental properties of fly ashes and the changes of these properties after a long time in order to produce the supplying system described above. This study investigates the concentration of calcium ion eluted from fly ashes, pH and unconfined compressive strength of some kinds of ny ashes stored. From the laboratory test results, it is possible to predict the changes of the concentration of calcium ion eluted from fly ashes and unconfined compressive strength by measuring successively pH of fly ashes.

  • Observation of swelling behavior of bentonite by new electron microscope

    H Komine, N Ogata

    ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICS, VOL 1   1   563 - 568  1996

     View Summary

    For radioactive waste disposal facilities, the bentonite and sand mixtures are expected as effective component of artificial barriers in view of low permeability. This study observed the swelling behavior of bentonite in the mixtures of which bentonite content is the range of 5 - 50% by the newest electron microscope which can control the temperature and vapor pressure around samples. We discuss the relationship between the permeability of mixtures and swelling behavior of bentonite on the basis of observation results. From the results of observations, the voids of mixtures of which bentonite contents are more than 20% are found to be filled up by the volume increase of bentonite absorbing water. The permeability of mixtures of which bentonite contents are more than 20% is very low. This result indicates that the low permeability of the bentonite and sand mixture is caused by the filling up of void by swelling of bentonite.

  • 薬液により改良固結された砂の止水効果簡易評価法


    第30回土質工学研究発表会論文集   3   2123 - 2126  1995


  • A method to determine compaction area against liquefaction for undergroundpipe

    Tanaka, Y, Komine, H. Ootomo, K, Touma, J, Tochigi, H

    Third International Conference on Recent Advance in Geotechnical Earthquake and Soil Dynamics    1995

  • Evaluation of grouted region by resistivity changes

    Komine, H, Nishi, K

    Proceedings of the 10th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering   1   413 - 416  1995

  • Factors affecting settlements above shield driven tunnels



  • A method to determine compaction area against liquefaction for undergroundpipe

    Tanaka, Y, Komine, H. Ootomo, K, Touma, J, Tochigi, H

    Third International Conference on Recent Advance in Geotechnical Earthquake and Soil Dynamics    1995

  • Evaluation of grouted region by resistivity changes

    Komine, H, Nishi, K

    Proceedings of the 10th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering   1   413 - 416  1995



    CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL   31 ( 4 ) 478 - 490  1994.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Compacted bentonites are attracting greater attention as back-filling (buffer) materials for repositories of high-level nuclear waste. However, since there are few studies about the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonites, it is first necessary to clarify the fundamental swelling characteristics in detail. For this purpose, various laboratory tests on the swelling deformation and swelling pressure of compacted bentonites were performed and the results analyzed. The following conclusions were drawn from the study. (i) The curve of swelling deformation Versus time is strongly dependent on the initial dry density, vertical pressure, and initial water content. The maximum swelling deformation, however, is almost independent of initial water content, and the maximum swelling deformation increases in proportion to the initial dry density. (ii) The maximum swelling pressure increases exponentially with increasing initial dry density, whereas the maximum swelling pressure is almost independent of initial water content. (iii) The swelling mechanism of compacted bentonite was considered on the basis of the swelling behavior of swelling clay particles such as montmorillonite. Furthermore, a model of the swelling characteristics and a new parameter (swelling volumetric strain of montmorillonite), which were able to evaluate the swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite, were proposed.


  • Experimental study on swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite

    Komine, H, Ogata, N

    Canadian Geotechnical Journal   31 ( 4 ) 478 - 490  1994.08


  • 電気比抵抗による薬液注入部の充填率評価法の提案


    電力土木   ( 249 )  1994


  • 電気比抵抗による薬液注入改良効果の定量的評価法(その2)

    小峯秀雄, 田中幸久, 西好一, 鈴木浩一

    電力中央研究所報告   U93035   1 - 54  1994

  • 比抵抗トモグラフィを利用した薬液注入の改良範囲評価方法


    土木学会論文集   493   137 - 146  1994


  • Field Tests on Estimation of the Solidified Shape in Chemical Grouting

    Mori Akira, Tamura Masahito, Moriyama Kenkichi, Uesawa Mitsuru, Komine Hideo

    Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering   34 ( 2 ) 131 - 139  1994

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite

    Komine, H, Ogata, N

    Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics     873 - 878  1994

  • Quantitative evaluation of grouted improvement by chemical grouting using electrical resistivity (Part II) -Evaluation of improved region by resistivity tomography-

    Komine, H, Tanaka, Y, Nishi, K, Suzuki, K

    Japan IERE Council Special Document   R-9406   1 - 28  1994

  • Evaluation of swelling characteristics of compacted bentonite

    Komine, H, Ogata, N

    Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics     873 - 878  1994

  • Quantitative evaluation of grouted improvement by chemical grouting using electrical resistivity (Part II) -Evaluation of improved region by resistivity tomography-

    Komine, H, Tanaka, Y, Nishi, K, Suzuki, K

    Japan IERE Council Special Document   R-9406   1 - 28  1994

  • 電気比抵抗による薬液注入改良部の充填率の評価方法


    土木学会論文集   No.463 ( III-22 ) 153 - 162  1993.03  [Refereed]


  • 締固めたベントナイトの膨潤評価式の提案


    第28回土質工学研究発表会     333 - 336  1993


  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分のための緩衝材の力学特性(その2)

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

    電力中央研究所報告   U92045   1 - 28  1993

  • 高レベル廃棄物地層処分時の人工バリア安全評価比較解析

    大江俊昭, 塚本政樹, 藤田智成, 小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

    電力中央研究所報告   T92917   1 - 60  1993

  • Permeability changes of bentonite-sand mixture before and after swelling

    Ogata, N, Komine, H

    Trans. 12th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology   M   357 - 362  1993

  • 薬液注入において浸透固結形を考慮した限界注入速度の決定方法

    森麟, 田村昌仁, 小峯秀雄, 小川雄二

    土質工学会論文報告集   33 ( 3 ) 159 - 169  1993


  • Permeability changes of bentonite-sand mixture before and after swelling

    Ogata, N, Komine, H

    Trans. 12th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology   M   357 - 362  1993

  • 電気比抵抗による薬液注入改良効果の定量的評価法(その1)


    電力中央研究所報告   91066   16 - 17  1992





  • 電気比抵抗による薬液注入改良効果の定量的評価法(その1)


    電力中央研究所報告   U91066   1 - 39  1992

  • 高レベル放射性廃棄物地層処分のための緩衝材の力学特性(その1)

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英, 西好一

    電力中央研究所報告   U92039   1 - 35  1992

  • Estimation of chemical grouted void filling by electrical resistivity

    Komine, H

    Grouting, Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics, Proceedings, GT Div/ASCE     25 - 28  1992




  • 塑性限界を導入した粘土の締固め特性の評価法の提案

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

    土木学会論文集   No.436 ( III-16 ) 103 - 110  1991.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Expansive soils have recently attracted increasing attention as back filling (buffer) materials for repositories of high-level nuclear waste. However, since very little has been known concerning the physical and mechanical characteristics of such materials, it is necessary to clarify the swelling and compaction characteristics of expansive soils.<br>For this purpose, various kinds of index tests and a series of static compaction tests were performed using several kinds of swelling soils in order to investigate the relationship between the fundamental physical properties and the compaction characteristics.

    DOI CiNii

  • 締固めによる埋設管の液状化対策についての研究(その3)-改良範囲の数値解析的検討-

    田中 幸久, 小峯 秀雄, 栃木 均, 当麻 純一, 大友 敬三, 福田 聡之, 安保 秀範

    第21回地震工学研究発表会     257 - 260  1991

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 締固めによる埋設管の液状化対策についての研究(その2)-小型模型実験による浮上がり防止効果の検討-

    小峯 秀雄, 田中 幸久, 栃木 均, 当麻 純一, 大友 敬三, 福田 聡之, 安保 秀範

    第21回地震工学研究発表会     253 - 256  1991

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 締固めによる埋設管の液状化対策についての研究(その1)-振動台実験による浮上がり防止効果の検討-

    栃木 均, 当麻 純一, 大友 敬三, 田中 幸久, 小峯 秀雄, 福田 聡之, 安保 秀範

    第21回地震工学研究発表会     249 - 252  1991

  • 締固めによる埋設管の液状化対策についての研究(その2), -小型模型実験による浮上がり防止効果の検討-


    第21回地震工学研究発表会     253 - 256  1991


  • 砂のベントナイトの混合材料の透水係数


    土木学科第46回年次学術講演会第III部門     884 - 885  1991


  • Permeability and Mechanical Properties of Bentonite-Sand Mixtures for Sealing LLW Repositories


    Proc. 11th Intn. Conf. STRUCTURAL MECHANICS IN REACTOR TECHNOLOGY, Tokyo, JAPAN   SD1   271 - 276  1991


  • Lavoratory test for Characterizing Permeability and Meachanical Properties of Bentotie-sand Mixture and Small Scale Vemonstrotion of Construction Fechnigne

    Ogata, N, Komine, H

    1991 Joint International Waste Management Conference.    1991

  • 線状地中構造物の液状化対策の検討(その2)

    小峯秀雄, 田中幸久

    電力中央研究所報告   U91045   1 - 65  1991

  • Permeability and mechanical properties of bentonite-sand mixture for sealing LLW repositories

    Komine, H, Ogata, N. Horie, Y, Ishii, T, Nishio, S

    Trans. 11th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology   SD1   271 - 276  1991

  • Lavoratory test for Characterizing Permeability and Meachanical Properties of Bentotie-sand Mixture and Small Scale Vemonstrotion of Construction Fechnigne

    Ogata, N, Komine, H

    1991 Joint International Waste Management Conference.    1991

  • ベントナイトと砂の混合材料の膨潤圧発生下での透水試験(第34回粘土科学討論会講演発表論文抄録)

    小峰 秀雄, 緒方 信英, 菅原 宏

    粘土科学   30 ( 4 ) 257 - 257  1990.02


  • 膨潤性土質材料の物理的性質と締固め特性

    小峯秀雄, 緒方信英

    電力中央研究所報告   U90024   1 - 30  1990


  • Hydrofracturing by Grouts with a Short Gel Time

    Bulletin of Science and Engineering Research Laboratory,Waseda University   129 ( 129 ) 1 - 9  1990


  • Hydrofracturing by Grouts with a Short Gel Time

    Mori, A, Tamura, M, Komine, H

    Bulletin of Science and Engineering Research Laboratory, Waseda University   129 ( 129 ) 1 - 9  1990


  • 薬液注入による粘性土の改良のメカニズムとその支配条件

    森麟, 田村昌仁, 小峯秀雄

    土木学会論文集   No.400 ( III-10 ) 55 - 64  1988.12  [Refereed]

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    In the chemical grouting for the improvement of the cohesive soils, the hydrofracture occurs in all cases. The object of this study is to investigate the mechanism of strength increase of cohesive soils by grouting. The increase of strength by grouting depends upon the formation of solidified grout, the consolidation by the injection pressure and moreover the cementing action between the cohesive soil and the liquid dehydrated from the solidified grout. These factors are influenced by the grout itself and the ground condition, such as the strength of cohesive soils before grouting, the exchangeable cation, and the buffer capacity of soil.

    DOI CiNii

  • 土の膨潤特性とその利用に関する調査


    電力中央研究所報告   U87082   1 - 61  1988




    DOI CiNii

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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 土木工学・地盤工学における赤外分光技術の応用と展開に関する基礎的研究

    2024   村瀬颯太

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  • Ca吸着・濾過層敷設による廃棄物処分場の カルシウムスケール抑制の可能性と仕様設計例


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     管理型最終処分場の浸出水の処理過程で生じるカルシウムスケールは,処分場運営においてしばしば問題になる.そこで本研究では,廃棄物を埋め立てる際に,副産物を活用したCa吸着・濾過層を敷設することにより,廃棄物由来の遊離カルシウムをスケールに生成する以前に吸着・濾過させる方法を提案した.バッチ式吸着・濾過試験とカラム式吸着・濾過試験を実施し,各種副産物のCa吸着・濾過特性のデータベースを構築した.また,カラム式吸着・濾過試験の結果を詳しく考察し,供試体への浸透現象ならではの特性に対しての評価を行った.また,模型実験への展開に向けて降雨模擬土槽実験を実施し,現場適用を視野にいれた実験手法の確立を目指した.これらの実験を通して取得したデータを基に,Ca吸着・濾過層としての効果を試算し,設計に向けた考え方を示した. さらに,Ca吸着・濾過層の有効利用先として,あらたに脱炭素社会創生に寄与する素材の開発を提案した.Caは,CO2との親和性が高く,炭酸化に貢献できると考えた.これにより,処分場の浸出水のカルシウムスケールという課題を,脱炭素に貢献できる新しい概念「浸出水CCS」構想を提言した.

  • CO2固定化素材を活用した地域密着型カーボンキャプチャー社会の創生

    2022   王, 伊藤

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  • 温度勾配環境下におけるベントナイト系土質材料中の水分移動特性に関する実験的研究

    2022   王, 伊藤

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  • 使用済燃料や燃料デブリの中間保管に向けた地下式貯蔵施設の構築技術

    2021   王海龍, 伊藤大知, 山田味佳

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  • 福島第一原子力発電所廃止措置に活用する超重泥水の誘電性・導電性を活用した状態モニタリング

    2021   王海龍, 伊藤大知, 山田味佳

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  • 地域密着型カーボンキャプチャーのための都市副産物・新素材のCO2固定化性能調査

    2020   王海龍, 伊藤大知

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    本研究では,申請者が提唱する地域密着型カーボンキャプチャー構想の実現のため,各種素材のCO2固定化データの取得を行い,設計で使用できるデータベースのプロトタイプを構築した.地域密着型カーボンキャプチャー構想とは,各地域で発生する都市副産物や新素材のCO2固定を活用し,SDGs「11:住み続けられるまちづくりを」と「13:気候変動に具体的な対策を」に貢献するプロジェクトである.具体的には,遊離Caを含む石炭灰や製鋼スラグ等の都市副産物やCO2固定に優れた新素材(鹿島建設との共同研究)を選定し,各素材の CO2固定化能力をバッチ式試験とCO2固定化量を定量測定できるカラム型試験を行い,各素材のCO2固定化効率データベースの構築を行った.さらに各素材のX線回折,電子顕微鏡よる観察および炭酸塩含有量試験等の化学分析を行い,遊離Ca による各素材のCO2固定化メカニズムを推察した.

  • 感染性蛋白粒子等の微小物質の吸着・濾過機能を持つベントナイト系遮水材の仕様設計


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  • 福島第一原子力発電所の廃止措置に向けた放射線遮蔽性能を有する超重泥水の開発

    2018   後藤茂, 王海龍, 渡邊保貴, 吉川絵麻, 宮路将人, 氏家伸介

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  • ベントナイト系緩衝材の長期経年変化に関するナチュラルアナログ的実験研究

    2018   王海龍, 伊藤大知, 白河部匠, 市川雄太

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  • 地層処分を想定した温度履歴を受けたベントナイト系緩衝材の水分移動特性の実験的評価

    2017   伊藤大知, 白河部匠

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  • 仮置き時の大気中のCO2曝露による自然由来重金属の溶出抑制に関する挑戦的研究

    2017   江原佳奈

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  • ベントナイト系材料の膨潤特性と透水係数の統一理論の構築と地層処分への適用


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  • 電磁波加熱と加水によるベントナイト材料の接合可能性

    2014   谷野由宗

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