Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor

Professional Memberships






    Psychonomic Society





Research Areas

  • Experimental psychology

Research Interests

  • 記憶、ソースモニタリング、行為、潜在記憶、個人差


  • 日本心理学会優秀論文賞






    PSYCHOLOGIA    2024.06


  • Writing to your past-self can make you feel better

    Eriko Sugimori, Mayu Yamaguchi, Takashi Kusumi

    Frontiers in Psychology   15  2024.02

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    Self-compassionate writing has been shown to be helpful for improving the mental state in some individuals. Here, we investigated how the writer’s attitude toward his/her past, present and future and the focus of the writing, i.e., social experience in the past versus self-experience, modulate these effects. In Experiment 1, 150 undergraduates wrote a compassionate letter to their past-self and to their future-self and responded to the Japanese version of the Adolescent Time Inventory–Time Attitudes (ATI-TA) questionnaire. Writing to past-self decreased negative feelings more than writing to future-self. Further, participants who had negative feelings toward their past, present, and future, as assessed by the ATI-TA, were more likely to be emotionally affected by writing a letter to their past-self. In Experiment 2, 31 undergraduates wrote a letter focusing on what they had experienced together with someone, and another 31 undergraduates wrote focusing on what they had experienced alone. Focusing on a social experience was more helpful for recovering from negative feelings than focusing on a self-experience. In conclusion, writing a compassionate letter to one’s past-self can improve mood, especially in individuals with a negative time attitude who focus their writing on a social connection.



  • How Race and Language Affect Degree of Nervousness and Impression of Others for Japanese College Students

    Eriko Sugimori, Oliver Benjamin Karp, Naomi Klingelmeyer, Tomoya Kita, Yuki Aoyama

    International Journal for Educational Media and Technology   17 ( 2 ) 115 - 124  2024.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • The effect of previously acquired languages on third language acquisition

    Xiaoyu Luan, Masakazu kuno, Ayaka Sugawara, Yayoi Kawasaki, Eriko Sugimori

    Heliyon    2024.02



  • Influence of Positive/Negative Emotions Towards Autobiographical Memories on Impressions of the Conversation and Conversation Partner During Nostalgic Memory Sharing

    Applied Cognitive Psychology   38   e4255  2024  [Refereed]



  • Cross-modal correspondence between visual information and taste perception of bitter foods and drinks

    Eriko Sugimori, Yayoi Kawasaki


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    People are sensitive to bitter taste because bitterness serves as a warning sign of poisons. Previous research reported that taste receptors in the oral cavity are more sensitive to bitter taste than to sweet taste. Other sensory systems, i.e., auditory, olfactory, tactile and visual, have also been shown to be involved in the sense of taste, a phenomenon known as cross-modal correspondence. It has been shown that the color of food or its packaging influences taste expectation and perception. However, it remains unknown whether cross-modal correspondence between visual information and taste depends on the degree of bitterness. Here, we investigated the effect of background color on taste using chocolate and green tea with varying bitterness levels. Undergraduate students were asked to evaluate how bitter and how sweet milk chocolate (Experiment 1) or less bitter and bitter chocolate (Experiment 2) tasted when served from black or pink wrapping paper. In Experiment 3, undergraduate students were ask to evaluate how bitter and how sweet less bitter and bitter green tea tasted when served from a clear blue or a clear cup. The experiments showed that when chocolate and green tea were bitter, visual information influenced taste evaluation. In contrast, no visual effect on taste was seen for less bitter chocolate, milk chocolate or less bitter green tea. The results suggest the possibility that cross-modal correspondence of visual information to taste changes depending on the degree of bitterness.



  • Evaluating the Effect of Listeners' Response on Speakers' Later Recollection and Impression of the Story

    Sanae Salus, Tomoya Kita, Yuki Aoyama, Eriko Sugimori

    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH   63 ( 4 ) 239 - 249  2021.10

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate a listener's role in a speaker's later recollection and impression of the story through a story-retelling method. Two experiments were conducted, and listener responses were manipulated in each experiment in different ways. Experiment 1 examined the effect of a listener's attitude toward story retelling, and Experiment 2 studied the effect of a listener's subtle nonverbal reaction to a specific part of the story's retelling on a speaker's later recollection and impression of that story. Results showed that the listener's verbal empathetic attitude encouraged more word utterances from the speaker, changed the narrative content more positively, and reinforced the speaker's recollection, especially with positive ideas. It also amplified the speaker's emotions more than the non-empathetic attitude (Experiment 1). However, the listener's nonverbal reaction to the specific part of the speaker's story did not appear to have a direct effect upon later recollection nor on the impression of the story (Experiment 2).



  • Mental-Imagery-Based Mnemonic Training: A New Kind of Cognitive Training.

    Xiaoyu Luan, Yayoi Kawasaki, Qi Chen, Eriko Sugimori

    Frontiers in psychology   12   740829 - 740829  2021  [International journal]

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    We investigated the immediate and maintenance effects of mental-imagery-based mnemonic training on improving youths' working memory, long-term memory, arithmetic and spatial abilities, and fluid intelligence. In Experiment 1, 26 Chinese participants (15 boys, 11 girls) aged 10-16 years were divided into an experimental group that received 8 days of mental-imagery-based mnemonic training and a no-contact control group. Participants completed pre-, post-, and three follow-up tests (3, 6, and 12 months after the pre-test). In Experiment 2, 54 Chinese children (28 boys, 26 girls), all 12 years old, were divided into experimental and control groups. Participants completed pre-, post-, and follow-up tests (three months after the pre-test). Results showed that the training significantly affected long-term memory-related task performance but no effects were observed on working memory, arithmetic or spatial ability, or fluid intelligence-related tasks. Moreover, the effect of the training on long-term memory lasted up to one year; the more frequently the training was used, the more effective it was. A content analysis of the feedback submitted by parents of participants in Experiment 2 three months after the training showed that the children used the strategy more for memorizing content such as Chinese and English, as well as for musical scores. Furthermore, there was also the possibility that the training improved abilities and academic performance such as concentration and math performance. Our results provide a basis for the further exploration of mental-imagery-based mnemonic training as a novel training modality.

    DOI PubMed


  • Empathetic listening boosts nostalgia levels and positive emotions in autobiographical narrators.

    Eriko Sugimori, Kazuma Shimokawa, Yuki Aoyama, Tomoya Kita, Takashi Kusumi

    Heliyon   6 ( 8 ) e04536  2020.08  [International journal]

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    Nostalgic memories serve to increase human resilience. Here, we hypothesized that emotional impressions on a narrator's nostalgic memory change depending on the level of empathy in the listener's response. This independent-measures study was conducted in 120 healthy Japanese undergraduates (66 women, 54 men, M
    20.3 ± 1.9 years). Nostalgia was induced using a medley of Japanese pop songs from the years 2006-2010. Thirty minutes later each participant was randomly allocated to be interviewed by an experimenter who applied one of three listening conditions: empathy, non-empathy, or non-response. Output measures were participant's talking time, nostalgia ratings, and positive and negative emotion ratings. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance followed by a multiple comparisons test. Empathy group participants had a significantly longer talking time than non-empathy or non-response participants, higher nostalgia scores than non-response participants, and higher positive emotion scores than non-empathy and non-response participants, but lower negative emotion scores than non-reponse participants. Participants were then divided into a less nostalgia-prone and a more nostalgia-prone group using the Southampton Nostalgia Rating Scale and the data were reanalyzed for each experimental condition. The results showed that a person more prone to nostalgia felt more nostalgic and more positive toward their autobiographical memory than those who are less nostalgia-prone. The present findings have implications for human interaction in everyday life and in therapeutic settings.

    DOI PubMed


  • Avoidance Behavior Prevents Modification of Fear Memory During Reconsolidation.

    Yusuke Nitta, Toru Takahashi, Tomosumi Haitani, Eriko Sugimori, Hiroaki Kumano

    Psychological reports   123 ( 2 ) 224 - 238  2020.04  [International journal]

    DOI PubMed


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  • Using Virtual Reality to Study Subjective Time in Crowded Versus Uncrowded Environments.

    Kazuma Shimokawa, Eriko Sugimori

    Perceptual and motor skills   126 ( 5 ) 737 - 752  2019.10  [International journal]

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    Human density in different locations influences time estimation. In this article, we report three experiments investigating whether research in virtual reality (VR) environments would replicate this earlier finding. In our first experiment, 35 participants wore head-mounted VR displays and watched two videos showing a cityscape and a countryside. While watching each video, participants were asked to provide their perceptions of 30 seconds of time passage. Perceived time in the cityscape condition was longer than in the countryside condition. In our second experiment, 43 participants wore head-mounted VR displays and watched two videos showing a crowded and uncrowded Ikebukuro station. While watching these videos, participants were asked to provide their perceptions of 60 seconds of time passage. Perceived time in the crowded condition was longer relative to the uncrowded condition. In our third experiment, 21 participants wore head-mounted displays and watched two videos showing a crowded and uncrowded nature park. While watching the videos, participants were asked to provide their perceptions of 60 seconds of time passage. These repeated findings in VR environments of longer time perception in crowded versus uncrowded conditions were similar to data reported by who examined how location and human density affected subjective time in the real world. We discussed the implications of the VR tool in subjective time research and how people perceive and use VR environments in daily life.

    DOI PubMed


  • Schizotypal traits and forearm motor control against self-other produced action in a bimanual unloading task.

    Yoshihiro Itaguchi, Eriko Sugimori, Kazuyoshi Fukuzawa

    Neuropsychologia   113   43 - 51  2018.05  [International journal]

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    The present study investigated the relation between schizotypy and motor control against self- or other-produced action. We used an unloading task to focus on the timing component of anticipatory motor control. In the task, a weight was removed from a participants' hand by the participants themselves or by an experimenter (voluntary versus imposed unloading). Postural disturbance at the removal timing was measured as an index of predictive function in motor control. We hypothesized that the postural disturbance in the voluntary unloading would be positively related to schizotypal traits; however, the results did not support this theory. The results showed almost zero correlation between the schizotypy scores and the postural disturbance in the voluntary unloading condition. In contrast, the schizotypy scores positively correlated with the postural disturbance in the imposed unloading condition. These findings were replicated across two participant groups and two schizotypy scales. Further analyses on subscales of the schizotypy questionnaire found moderate levels of positive correlation between each subscale for Cognitive-Perceptual and Disorganization factors and the disturbance. Accordingly, the present study did not support the idea that non-pathological individuals with high schizotypal traits have deficits in prediction of self-produced actions, at least for a temporal domain. Instead, the results suggested that individuals with high schizotypal traits, particularly for the positive and disorganization symptoms, are not good at responding to others-produced actions. The schizophrenic symptoms were discussed in terms of the failure in the processes executed after calculating prediction of sensory consequences and dysfunction in internal models for "other people".

    DOI PubMed


  • Effects of positive and negative delusional ideation on memory

    Eriko Sugimori


  • The influences of the power priming on advertising effect

    Matsuda Ken, Kouroki Moritaka, Ono Fuminori, Sugimori Eriko, Kusumi Takashi

    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology   2016   28 - 28  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • Attribution of movement: Potential links between subjective reports of agency and output monitoring.

    Eriko Sugimori, Tomohisa Asai

    Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)   68 ( 5 ) 900 - 16  2015  [International journal]

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    According to agency memory theory, individuals decide whether "I did it" based on a memory trace of "I am doing it". The purpose of this study was to validate the agency memory theory. To this end, several hand actions were individually presented as samples, and participants were asked to perform the sample action, observe the performance of that action by another person, or imagine performing the action. Online feedback received by the participants during the action was manipulated among the different conditions, and output monitoring, in which participants were asked whether they had performed each hand action, was conducted. The rate at which respondents thought that they themselves had performed the action was higher when visual feedback was unaltered than when it was altered (Experiment 1A), and this tendency was observed across all types of altered feedback (Experiment 1B). The observation of an action performed by the hand of another person did not increase the rate at which respondents thought that they themselves had performed the action unless the participants actually did perform the action (Experiments 2A and 2B). In Experiment 3, a relationship was observed between the subjective feeling that "I am the one who is causing an action" and the memory that "I did perform the action". These experiments support the hypothesis that qualitative information and sense of "self" are tagged in a memory trace and that such tags can be used as cues for judgements when the memory is related to the "self".

    DOI PubMed


  • Brain mechanisms underlying reality monitoring for heard and imagined words.

    Eriko Sugimori, Karen J Mitchell, Carol L Raye, Erich J Greene, Marcia K Johnson

    Psychological science   25 ( 2 ) 403 - 13  2014.02  [International journal]

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    Using functional MRI, we investigated reality monitoring for auditory information. During scanning, healthy young adults heard words in another person's voice and imagined hearing other words in that same voice. Later, outside the scanner, participants judged words as "heard," "imagined," or "new." An area of left middle frontal gyrus (Brodmann's area, or BA, 6) was more active at encoding for imagined items subsequently correctly called "imagined" than for items incorrectly called "heard." An area of left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 45, 44) was more active at encoding for items subsequently called "heard" than "imagined," regardless of the actual source of the item. Scores on an Auditory Hallucination Experience Scale were positively related to activity in superior temporal gyrus (BA 22) for imagined words incorrectly called "heard." We suggest that activity in these areas reflects cognitive operations information (middle frontal gyrus) and semantic and perceptual detail (inferior frontal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus, respectively) used to make reality-monitoring attributions.

    DOI PubMed


  • The similarity hypothesis of deja vu: On the relationship between frequency of real-life deja vu experiences and sensitivity to configural resemblance

    Eriko Sugimori, Takashi Kusumi

    JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY   26 ( 1 ) 48 - 57  2014.01

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    Prior research has suggested that configural resemblance between a current scene and a previously experienced but forgotten one may trigger deja vu experiences. The present study examined whether there is a relationship between the frequency of actual deje vu experiences, measured by questionnaires, and sensitivity to a configural resemblance between past and present events, measured by questionnaires, and between two scenes presented simultaneously in the laboratory. We measured familiarity ratings and remember-know judgements of several scenes. Some scenes had been previously presented, some were similar to previously presented scenes and the others were dissimilar. Deja vu tendencies were significantly correlated with sensitivity to similarity in the measured questionnaires and in the laboratory, as well as to a feeling of familiarity for similar scenes. In this study, we found for the first time that people who more frequently experience deje vu states were also more likely to regard themselves as sensitive to similarity and more likely to notice the similarity between two scenes in the laboratory.



  • Plagiarism as an illusional sense of authorship: The effect of predictability on source attribution of thought (vol 143, pg 35, 2013)

    Eriko Sugimori, Shinji Kitagami

    ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA   143 ( 2 ) 252 - 252  2013.06



  • Plagiarism as an illusional sense of authorship: the effect of predictability on source attribution of thought.

    Eriko Sugimori, Shinji Kitagami

    Acta psychologica   143 ( 1 ) 35 - 9  2013.05  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Previous studies have shown that contextually high-predictability ideas are essential for one to sense the authorship of thoughts and that having the sense that one came up with an idea of one's own, instead of through hearing of another's idea, results in the feeling that one has output the ideas. In this study, we investigated the effects of an idea's predictability on the misattribution of another's thought to oneself. The participants were asked to write down two original ideas about how to use various objects while avoiding the duplication of another's ideas that had been presented beforehand in an input-output phase. In the monitoring phase (1 week and 1 month after the input-output phase), the participants were asked whether each idea had been generated by them, by another, or not generated at all. We found that a high-predictability idea is likely to be regarded with the notion "I generated the idea." This tendency increased with time, suggesting that participants were more likely to have a sense of authorship when high-predictability ideas were presented. We also discovered that they were more likely to conclude that the source of high-predictability ideas was the "Self." We discussed the results from the viewpoint of the participant's sense of agency as well.

    DOI PubMed


  • The potential link between sense of agency and output monitoring over speech.

    Eriko Sugimori, Tomohisa Asai, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Consciousness and cognition   22 ( 1 ) 360 - 74  2013.03  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    We investigated output-monitoring errors over speech based on findings in the research on the sense of agency. Several words were presented one-by-one, and we asked participants to say the word aloud, mouth the word, or imagine saying the word aloud. Later, participants were asked whether each word was said aloud. We found that the "said aloud" response was higher for generated words than that for observed words; it was decreased when the pitch of the feedback was lowered but still higher than when no feedback was received, and it was the same when no feedback was received and when feedback was replaced by another's voice. Furthermore, we found that the "said aloud" response did not decrease even when the altered feedback was received with a short delay. These results were discussed according to the sense of agency and agency memory.

    DOI PubMed


  • External misattribution of internal thoughts and proneness to auditory hallucinations: the effect of emotional valence in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm.

    Mari Kanemoto, Tomohisa Asai, Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Frontiers in human neuroscience   7   351 - 351  2013  [International journal]

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    Previous studies have suggested that a tendency to externalize internal thought is related to auditory hallucinations or even proneness to auditory hallucinations (AHp) in the general population. However, although auditory hallucinations are related to emotional phenomena, few studies have investigated the effect of emotional valence on the aforementioned relationship. In addition, we do not know what component of psychotic phenomena relate to externalizing bias. The current study replicated our previous research, which suggested that individual differences in auditory hallucination-like experiences are strongly correlated with the external misattribution of internal thoughts, conceptualized in terms of false memory, using the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. We found a significant relationship between experimental performance and total scores on the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale (LSHS). Among the LSHS factors, only vivid mental image, which is said to be a predictor of auditory hallucinations, was significantly related to experimental performance. We then investigated the potential effect of emotional valence using the DRM paradigm. The results indicate that participants with low scores on the LSHS (the low-AHp group in the current study) showed an increased discriminability index (d') for positive words and a decreased d' for negative words. However, no effects of emotional valence were found for participants with high LSHS scores (high-AHp group). This study indicated that external misattribution of internal thoughts predicts AHp, and that the high-AHp group showed a smaller emotional valence effect in the DRM paradigm compared with the low-AHp group. We discuss this outcome from the perspective of the dual-process activation-monitoring framework in the DRM paradigm in regard to emotion-driven automatic thought in false memory.

    DOI PubMed


  • Misattributing speech: Relationship between brain areas active during hearing and imagining hearing and subsequent source memory

    Eriko Sugimori


  • The body knows what it should do: automatic motor compensation for illusory heaviness contagion.

    Tomohisa Asai, Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Frontiers in psychology   3   244 - 244  2012  [International journal]

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    We can share various feelings with others just through observation, as if it were an automatic resonance. This connective function between the self and others could promote the facilitation of our social communication; however, it is still unclear as to how it works in terms of self-other representation. In this study, we showed participants a picture of a model holding a ball, which was weighted with sand. We instructed participants to move one of their arms to a horizontal position and hold it immobile. Those participants who knew the actual weight of the ball (1 kg) tended to raise this arm above the horizontal, in response to their expectation of the need to resist the weight of the ball. This compensatory reaction to the illusion of heaviness suggests that our bodily resonance could be mandatory and predictive. We discuss this new behavioral phenomenon in terms of motor simulation or the mirror-neuron system.

    DOI PubMed


  • Rubber hand illusion, empathy, and schizotypal experiences in terms of self-other representations.

    Tomohisa Asai, Zhu Mao, Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Consciousness and cognition   20 ( 4 ) 1744 - 50  2011.12  [International journal]

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    When participants observed a rubber hand being touched, their sense of touch was activated (rubber hand illusion: RHI). While this illusion might be caused by multi-modal integration, it may also be related to empathic function, which enables us to simulate the observed information. We examined individual differences in the RHI, including empathic and schizotypal personality traits, as previous research had suggested that schizophrenic patients would be more subject to the RHI. The results indicated that people who experience a stronger RHI might have stronger empathic and schizotypal personalites simultaneously. We discussed these relationships in terms of self-other representations.

    DOI PubMed


  • A psychometric approach to the relationship between hand-foot preference and auditory hallucinations in the general population: atypical cerebral lateralization may cause an abnormal sense of agency.

    Tomohisa Asai, Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Psychiatry research   189 ( 2 ) 220 - 7  2011.09  [International journal]

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    The present study examined the relationship between the atypical cerebral lateralization pattern represented in hand and foot preferences and schizotypal personality traits, especially proneness to auditory hallucinations as related to a sense of agency. A sense of agency, measured with questionnaires in the present study, is the sense that "I am the one who causes the actions." Although atypical lateralization and an abnormal sense of agency may be related to schizophrenia or schizotypal personality, the connection between them has remained unclear. The present study used cluster analysis to categorize the handedness-footedness combinations. The results indicated that people with right-handedness and left-footedness may have more schizotypal traits and that their abnormal sense of agency may cause schizotypal personality traits. Although the reasons for crossed lateral preference remain unclear, we discuss this in terms of early switching in handedness, which may underlie atypical lateralization and lead to the experience of auditory hallucinations deriving from an abnormal sense of agency.

    DOI PubMed


  • Sense of agency over thought: external misattribution of thought in a memory task and proneness to auditory hallucination.

    Eriko Sugimori, Tomohisa Asai, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Consciousness and cognition   20 ( 3 ) 688 - 95  2011.09  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Previous studies have suggested that auditory hallucination is closely related to thought insertion. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the external misattribution of thought and auditory hallucination-like experiences. We used the AHES-17, which measures auditory hallucination-like experiences in normal, healthy people, and the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm, in which false alarms of critical lure are regarded as spontaneous external misattribution of thought. We found that critical lures elicited increased the number of false alarms as AHES-17 scores increased and that scores of AHES-17 predicted the rate of false memory of critical lures. Furthermore, we revealed that the relationship between AHES-17 scores and the rates of false alarms to critical lures was strictly linear. Therefore, it might be said that individual differences in auditory hallucination-like experiences are highly related to the external misattribution of thought. We discussed these results from the perspective of the sense of agency over thought.

    DOI PubMed


  • The contradictory effects of nostalgic advertisements on nostalgia for products and on remembering advertisements

    Eriko Sugimori, Ken Matsuda, Takashi Kusumi

    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH   53 ( 1 ) 42 - 52  2011.03  [Refereed]

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    Our purpose was to investigate the relationships between the names of items that easily evoke nostalgic feelings and nostalgic advertisements from the perspective of nostalgia for the names of these items and from the perspective of source monitoring. We measured the effect of nostalgia on source monitoring and whether the names of items evoked nostalgic feelings when they were presented alone. We found that, from the perspective of the nostalgic feelings, we directly demonstrated that the names of articles that easily evoke nostalgic feelings are more likely to evoke nostalgia when they are presented with nostalgic advertisements than when they are presented with non-nostalgic advertisements. From the perspective of source monitoring, we revealed that nostalgic advertisements are more forgettable than non-nostalgic advertisements when they present the names of articles that easily evoke nostalgic feelings.



  • Auditory verbal hallucination in schizophrenic patients and the general population: The sense of agency in speech

    Tomohisa Asai, Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Hallucinations: Types, Stages and Treatments     33 - 59  2011.02

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    Recently, the boundaries between "normal" and "abnormal," even with regard to mental disorders, like schizophrenia even, have blurred. Thought auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) are a cardinal feature of schizophrenia, recent studies have suggested that even healthy general population might experience the AVH (i.e., auditory verbal hallucination like experiences) (e.g., Barrett et al., 1992), indicating the continuum of schizophrenic symptoms. In this chapter, we reviewed the results of the studies about AVH both in schizophrenic patients, and the general population with AVH in terms of self-monitoring or sense of agency in speech, including our own studies. A perspective that situates schizophrenia on a continuum implies that this disorder constitutes a potential risk for everyone, and, thus,, helps toin promoteing understanding and correction ofing misunderstandings, whichthat contribute to prejudice within communities.We first reviewed the phenomenology of AVH in the general population including quality and quantity, as compared with patients with AVH. According to these previous studies, we developed the auditory hallucination experience scale (AHES) for general population because a scale for directly measuring AVH was needed. What causes AVH, even in the general population? Recent studies have suggested the relationship with to the sense of agency in speech.The sense of agency is the feeling of causing our own actions, in this case, speech (Gallagher, 2000). One's own speech could seem to be AVH (McGuigan, 1966). The activation of Broca's area, which can produce, but cannot listen to speech, has been associated with AVH (McGuire et al., 1993). ThereforeThus, these people might produce speech, but not think that they actually spoke. As a result, they may hear their own voices as the voices of others. Indeed, schizophrenic patients with AVH tend to misattribute their own speech (self-speech recognition task: e.g., Johns et al., 1999
    2001). To measure the subjective aspect of the sense of agency, we developed a scale to measure the sense of agency in a general population.The sense of agency approach to AVH could be a key not only to not only understanding schizophrenic cardinal symptom but also to understanding the sense of "self' in the healthy general population in the sense that, even the general population even could experience AVH. We Ffinally, we discussed on the neurocognitive model of the sense of agency in speech and its potential disturbance in people with AVH. © 2011 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

  • The hierarchic structure in schizotypy and the five-factor model of personality.

    Tomohisa Asai, Eriko Sugimori, Naoko Bando, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Psychiatry research   185 ( 1-2 ) 78 - 83  2011.01  [International journal]

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    Schizotypal personality traits (schizotypy) might be seen as on a continuum with schizophrenia. However, controversy remains with regard to whether this continuum is quasi-dimensional, applying only to people with schizophrenia and schizotypy, or fully dimensional, applying to all people. If the fully dimensional model is accurate, schizotypy could be described by the same personality theories as are applied to people in general. We examined the relationship between schizotypy and the five-factor model of personality (FFM), which is arguably the most established contemporary personality theory. When we assumed a hierarchic structure of schizotypy factors, we found that the FFM scales could explain schizotypy fairly well regardless of the questionnaires used, suggesting that schizotypy might represent a variation better understood by reference to typical dimensions of personality, though it might still indicate a predisposition to schizophrenia. This article discusses this conclusion in relation to each of the five personality factors. A perspective that situates schizophrenia on a continuum with general personality variations implies that this disorder constitutes a potential risk for everyone and, thus, helps to promote understanding and correct misunderstandings that contribute to prejudice.

    DOI PubMed


  • Schizotypal personality traits: Auditory hallucination-like experiences and atypical hemispheric lateralization

    Tomohisa Asai, Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Personality Traits: Theory, Testing and Influences     71 - 88  2011

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    Individual differences in schizotypal personality traits (schizotypy), which might be the predisposition to schizophrenia, have commonly been explored as a means of examining the nature and structure of schizophrenia symptoms. Research on schizotypal personality in the general population may provide a particular opportunity to study the biological and cognitive markers of vulnerability to schizophrenia without the confounding effects of long-term hospitalization, medication, and severe psychotic symptoms (Raine &amp
    Lencz, 1995). A systematic review of general-population surveys indicated that the experiences associated with schizophrenia and related categories, such as paranoid delusional thinking and auditory hallucinations, are observed in an attenuated form in 5-8% of healthy people (Os et al., 2009). These attenuated expressions could be regarded as the behavioral marker of an underlying risk for schizophrenia and related disorders, just as high blood pressure indicates high susceptibility for cardiovascular disease in a dose-response fashion (Os &amp
    Kapur, 2009). Auditory hallucination (AH) refers to the perception that one's own inner speech originates outside the self. Patients with AH make external misattributions of the source of perceived speech. Recent studies have suggested that auditory hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia might occur in the right hemisphere, where they might produce irregular and unpredicted inner speech, which their auditory and sensory feedback processing system does not attribute to themselves. In the present study, general participants judged self-other attribution in speech subjectively in response to on-line auditory feedback presented through their right, left, and both ears. People with high auditory-hallucination-like experiences made external misattributions more frequently under the right-and left-ear only conditions compared with the both-ears condition. We interpreted this result as suggesting that people with a high degree of proneness to AH might have disorders in both the right and left hemispheric language-related areas: speech perception deficit in the left hemisphere and prediction violation in speech processing in the right hemisphere. A perspective that situates schizophrenia on a continuum with general personality variations implies that this disorder constitutes a potential risk for everyone and, thus, helps to promote understanding and correct misunderstandings that contribute to prejudice. © 2011 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Sense of agency over speech and proneness to auditory hallucinations: the reality-monitoring paradigm.

    Eriko Sugimori, Tomohisa Asai, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)   64 ( 1 ) 169 - 85  2011.01  [International journal]

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    This study investigated the effects of imagining speaking aloud, sensorimotor feedback, and auditory feedback on respondents' reports of having spoken aloud and examined the relationship between responses to "spoken aloud" in the reality-monitoring task and the sense of agency over speech. After speaking aloud, lip-synching, or imagining speaking, participants were asked whether each word had actually been spoken. The number of endorsements of "spoken aloud" was higher for words spoken aloud than for those lip-synched and higher for words lip-synched than for those imagined as having been spoken aloud. When participants were prevented by white noise from receiving auditory feedback, the discriminability of words spoken aloud decreased, and when auditory feedback was altered, reports of having spoken aloud decreased even though participants had actually done so. It was also found that those who have had auditory hallucination-like experiences were less able than were those without such experiences to discriminate the words spoken aloud, suggesting that endorsements of having "spoken aloud" in the reality-monitoring task reflected a sense of agency over speech. These results were explained in terms of the source-monitoring framework, and we proposed a revised forward model of speech in order to investigate auditory hallucinations.

    DOI PubMed


  • The effects of cognitive activity and perceptual details on speech source monitoring.

    Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    British journal of psychology (London, England : 1953)   101 ( Pt 4 ) 777 - 90  2010.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    Our purpose in this study was to investigate the effects of cognitive operations and perceptual details on speech source monitoring. In Phase 1, correctly spelled words and anagrams were presented in Expt 1. Words were read aloud by participants, by a same-sex voice, or by an opposite-sex voice. Immediately after Phase 1, in Phase 2, participants were asked whether each word had been read aloud by the participants themselves, by a same-sex voice, or by an opposite-sex voice. Source discrimination between own speech and that produced by a same-sex voice was poorer than between own speech and an opposite-sex voice. In addition, misattribution of the speech of another to one's self increased as the level of cognitive effort required for the task increased. In Expt 2, misattributions to same-sex voice were assigned 'know' responses more frequently and misattributions to one's self were assigned 'remember' responses more frequently. These results suggest that qualitative characteristics such as perceptual detail and cognitive operations are differentially influencing misattributions to the self and those to same-sex voices.

    DOI PubMed


  • The effects of aging on nostalgia in consumers' advertisement processing

    Kusumi Takashi, Matsuda Ken, Sugimori Eriko

    Japanese Psychological Research   52 ( 3 ) 150 - 162  2010.09

    DOI CiNii


  • Two agents in the brain: motor control of unimanual and bimanual reaching movements.

    Tomohisa Asai, Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    PloS one   5 ( 4 ) e10086  2010.04  [International journal]

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    Previous studies have suggested that the left and right hands have different specialties for motor control that can be represented as two agents in the brain. This study examined how coordinated movements are performed during bimanual reaching tasks to highlight differences in the characteristics of the hands. We examined motor movement accuracy, reaction time, and movement time in right-handed subjects performing a three-dimensional motor control task (visually guided reaching). In the no-visual-feedback condition, right-hand movement had lower accuracy and a shorter reaction time than did left-hand movement, whereas bimanual movement had the longest reaction time, but the best accuracy. This suggests that the two hands have different internal models and specialties: closed-loop control for the right hand and open-loop control for the left hand. Consequently, during bimanual movements, both models might be used, creating better control and planning (or prediction), but requiring more computation time compared to the use of one hand only.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effects of positive and negative delusional ideation on memory.

    Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie   45 ( 2 ) 90 - 101  2010.04  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    We investigated the relationship between levels of delusional ideation (whether positive or negative delusions) and the activation and distortion of memory by using pairs of positive and negative adjectives describing personality traits where those adjectives had similar meanings. We presented one of each pair of adjectives in the learning phase. Immediately after the learning phase in Experiment 1, we asked whether each adjective had been presented. Participants with high (positive or negative) delusional ideation were more likely to indicate that they had learned adjectives that they had not actually learned. This finding suggested that non-learned positive (or negative) adjectives that were associated with learned negative (or positive) adjectives were more likely to be activated in participants prone to positive (or negative) delusional ideation. However, in Experiment 2, two forced-choice tests were conducted immediately after the learning phase. In this context, participants, regardless of their proneness to delusional ideation, could almost always correctly distinguish what had and had not been presented, suggesting that the activation of learned items was still stronger than that for non-learned items in the immediate test. As time passed, the proportion of false alarms for positive or negative adjectives was higher in the two forced-choice tests among those with high proneness to (positive or negative) delusional ideation, suggesting that participants with delusional ideation were increasingly likely to depend on internal conditions for retrieval over time. Nous avons examiné la relation entre les niveaux d'idéation illusoire (qu'elle soit positive ou négative) et l'activation et la distorsion de la mémoire, en utilisant des paires d'adjectifs positifs et négatifs à significations similaires décrivant des traits de personnalité. Nous avons présenté un membre de chaque paire d'adjectifs lors d'une phase d'apprentissage. Dans une première expérience, immédiatement après la phase d'apprentissage, nous avons demandé si chaque adjectif avait été présenté. Les participants ayant un niveau d'idéation illusoire (positive ou négative) élevé étaient plus susceptibles d'indiquer qu'ils avaient appris les adjectifs qu'ils n'avaient pas appris. Ce résultat suggérait que les adjectifs positifs (ou négatifs) non appris qui étaient associés à des adjectifs négatifs (ou positifs) appris étaient plus susceptibles d'être activés chez les participants portés à l'idéation illusoire positive (ou négative). Dans une deuxième expérience, deux tests à choix forcés ont été menés immédiatement après la phase d'apprentissage. Dans ce contexte, les participants, indépendamment de leur tendance à l'idéation illusoire, pouvaient presque toujours distinguer correctement ce qui avait été présenté de ce qui n'avait pas été présenté, suggérant que l'activation des items appris était encore plus forte que celle des items non appris dans le test immédiat. Avec le temps, la proportion de fausses alarmes pour les adjectifs positifs ou négatifs était plus élevée dans les deux tests à choix forcés chez les participants portés à l'idéation illusoire (positive ou négative), ce qui suggère que les participants avec idéation illusoire étaient de plus en plus susceptibles de dépendre de leurs conditions internes lors du rappel à mesure que le temps passait. En este estudio se investigó la relación entre los niveles de ideación delusional (tanto delusiones positivas como negativas) y la activación y distorsión de la memoria a través del uso de pares de adjetivos positivos y negativos que describen rasgos de personalidad. Estos pares de adjetivos tenían significados similares. En la fase de aprendizaje se presentó un miembro de cada par de adjetivos. Inmediatamente después de la fase de aprendizaje se realizó el primer experimento, en el cual se preguntó al participanten si es que se le habían presentado cada uno de los adjetivos. Los participantes con elevada ideación delusiva (positiva o negativa) reportaran con una mayor probabilidad haber aprendido adjetivos que en realidad no se les había presentado. Este hallazgo sugiere que adjetivos positivos (o negativos) no aprendidos que estaban asociados con adjetivos negativos (o positivos) aprendidos, tenían una mayor probabilidad de ser activados en participantes propensos a una ideación delusiva positiva (o negativa). En el segundo experimento se llevaron a cabo inmediatamente después de la fase de aprendizaje dos pruebas de decisión forzada. En este contexto se pudo observar que los participantes a pesar de su tendencia hacia una ideación delusional, lograron distinguir en la mayoría de los casos correctamente entre los adjetivos que les fueron presentado y lo que no. Esto sugiere que la activación de los items aprendidos fue mucho más intensa que la de los items no aprendidos en el test. Sin embargo se pudo observar en los participantes de las dos pruebas de decisión forzada que con el paso del tiempo el porcentaje de falso reconocimiento de adjetivos positivos y negativos fue más elevado entre aquellas personas con una alta tendencia hacia una ideación delusional (positiva o negativa). Esto sugiere que en participantes con ideación delusional el reconocimiento de información a lo largo del tiempo probablemente es muy dependiente de condiciones internas.

    DOI PubMed


  • Sense of Agency over Speech and Proneness to Auditory Hallucinations: The Reality Monitoring Paradigm.

    Sugimori, E, Asai, T, am, Tanno,Y

    Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology   11   1 - 17  2010

  • [Reliability and validity of the auditory hallucination-like experience scale].

    Eriko Sugimori, Tomohisa Asai, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Shinrigaku kenkyu : The Japanese journal of psychology   80 ( 5 ) 389 - 96  2009.12  [Domestic journal]

     View Summary

    Auditory hallucinations are important symptoms when making a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Since normal people may also experience auditory hallucinations, there may be a spectrum of auditory hallucinations ranging from those experienced in schizophrenia to those experienced by normal people. To assess the propensity to auditory hallucinations in a non-clinical population, we selected forty items from the questionnaire in Tanno, Ishigaki, & Morimoto (1998) and developed the Auditory Hallucination-like Experience Scale (AHES). Test-retest reliability showed that the AHES was internally consistent. There were high correlations between the AHES and the STA subscale and the overall O-LIFE (especially'unusual experiences'), both of which are thought to be strongly related to schizophrenia. Furthermore, the rate of false positives was higher in people more prone to auditory hallucinations than in the group less prone to auditory hallucinations. Factor analysis revealed that the AHES consists of four factors. The results suggest that the AHES has high reliability and validity as a measure of susceptibility to hallucinations.


  • [Development of the sense of agency scale and its factor structure].

    Tomohisa Asai, Keisuke Takano, Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Shinrigaku kenkyu : The Japanese journal of psychology   80 ( 5 ) 414 - 21  2009.12  [Domestic journal]

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    A "sense of agency" involves a contemporaneous experience that the "self" causes the actions performed by the "self" (i.e., "I am the one who causes my actions"). This may comprise the main component of self-consciousness. The present research focuses on the development of a questionnaire to investigate the subjective aspects of a sense of agency. We selected items from the extant relevant measures and from previous empirical studies, and conducted four longitudinal surveys with additional scales. Statistical computations confirmed the validity and reliability of the Sense of Agency Scale (SOAS), consisting of seventeen items involving three factors. Furthermore, the results indicated that these three factors might be organized hierarchically, with each factor showing a unique relationship with emotional or social traits. This novel finding, emerging from the Sense of Agency Scale, would have been difficult to obtain via traditional empirical studies.


  • Schizotypal personality traits and atypical lateralization in motor and language functions.

    Tomohisa Asai, Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Brain and cognition   71 ( 1 ) 26 - 37  2009.10  [International journal]

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    Atypical cerebral lateralization in motor and language functions in regard to schizotypal personality traits in healthy populations, as well as among schizophrenic patients, has attracted attention because these traits may represent a risk factor for schizophrenia. Although the relationship between handedness and schizotypal personality has been widely examined, few studies have adopted an experimental approach. This study consisted of three experiments focusing on motor and language functional lateralization in regard to schizotypal personality in the absence of mental illness: line-drawing, finger tapping, and a semantic go/no-go task. The results suggested that positive schizotypal personality might be related to functional non-lateralization in regard to at least some functions (e.g., spatial motor control and semantic processing in the present study). Subjects with high schizotypal personality traits performed equally with their right and left-hands in the line-drawing task and they reacted equally with their right and left-hands in a semantic go/no-go task involving semantic auditory stimuli presented in both ears. However, those low in schizotypal personality traits showed typical lateralization in response to these tasks. We discuss the implications of these findings for schizotypal atypical lateralization.

    DOI PubMed


  • 健常者用幻聴様体験尺度(AHES)の作成および信頼性・妥当性の検討.

    杉森絵里子, 浅井智久, 丹野義彦

    心理学研究   80   389 - 396  2009

  • Limiting attentional resources influences performance and output monitoring of an event-based prospective memory task

    Eriko Sugimori, Takashi Kusumi

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY   21 ( 1 ) 112 - 128  2009  [Refereed]

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    We investigated how limiting attentional resources during a prospective memory task influences old and new judgement and output monitoring, using a paradigm designed by Marsh and Hicks (1998) and multinomial processing models. Our study revealed two novel findings. First, when participants do not remember whether an item was presented and whether they performed the prospective memory task, the risk of a participant guessing that he/she had successfully performed the prospective memory task was greater when more attentional resources were available. Second, even when a participant had successfully performed the prospective memory task, he/she remembered that the item had been actually presented less when the available attentional resources were limited.



  • Schizotypal personality traits and prediction of one's own movements in motor control: what causes an abnormal sense of agency?

    Tomohisa Asai, Eriko Sugimori, Yoshihiko Tanno

    Consciousness and cognition   17 ( 4 ) 1131 - 42  2008.12  [International journal]

     View Summary

    BACKGROUND: Positive schizophrenic symptoms, especially passivity phenomena, including auditory hallucinations, may be caused by an abnormal sense of agency, which people with schizotypal personality traits also tend to exhibit. A sense of agency asserts that it is oneself who is causing or generating an action. It is possible that this abnormal sense of self-agency is attributable to the abnormal prediction of one's own movements in motor control. METHOD: We conducted an experiment using the "disappeared cursor" paradigm in which non-clinical, healthy participants were required to click on a target using an invisible mouse cursor. Prediction error was defined as the distance between the target and the click point. RESULTS: The results showed that schizotypal personality traits, but not depressive or anxious traits, were correlated with deficits in predicting movements of the subjects' left hand. In particular, auditory hallucination proneness had the strongest relationship with movement prediction error. In this report, we also discuss the error tendency (overestimations or underestimations of one's own movements). CONCLUSIONS: This finding is in accordance with the idea that passivity phenomena or proneness may be caused by the abnormal prediction of one's own actions or movements.

    DOI PubMed


  • Influence of auditory feedback on speech output monitoring

    Eriko Sugimori

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   43 ( 3-4 ) 656 - 656  2008.06

  • Output monitoring error: Effects of previously encoded action phrases

    Eriko Sugimori, Takashi Kusumi

    PSYCHOLOGIA   51 ( 1 ) 76 - 88  2008.03  [Refereed]

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    We used two experiments to investigate factors related to error in output monitoring. In the learning phase, participants were presented with several action phrases from either an internal source (imagine) or an external source (enact). In the recall test phase, participants were asked to recollect as many action phrases as possible. In the output monitoring test phase, participants were asked to judge whether they had recalled each item during the recall test phase. The first and second experiments differed only in the type of recollection participants used (enact vs. imagine). We found that repeated enacting during the learning phase increased output monitoring error under conditions where participants counted numerals as a secondary task during the recall test phase (experiments 1A, 2A) and under conditions where the output monitoring test phase was conducted seven days after the recall test phase (experiments 1B, 2B). These results reveal that when participants were unable to use conscious recollection during the recall test phase, they did not rely on source memory but only relied on the strength of the memory.



  • Relationship between cue word activation and prospective memory performance.

    Eriko Sugimori, Takashi Kusumi

    Psychological reports   102 ( 1 ) 317 - 27  2008.02  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    The interaction of cue-word specificity in instructions and cue-word familiarity on prospective performance was examined. Exp. 1 was based on a typical prospective memory paradigm using familiar and unfamiliar cue words. Prospective memory performances under general and specific instruction conditions were compared. In Exp. 2, the relationship found in Exp. 1 was further investigated based on the activation of cue words and prospective memory performance. The experimental results indicated that, when a spontaneous retrieval process was used, unfamiliar cues were more likely to be detected, whereas when only strategic monitoring played a role, familiar cues were more likely to be detected, suggesting that retrieval varied systematically across experimental situations, as predicted by the multiprocess model.

    DOI PubMed


  • ノスタルジア記憶と感情,消費者行動の接点

    楠見 孝, 杉森 絵里子, 松田 憲, 瀧川 真也, 川口 潤

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   72 ( 0 ) WS105 - WS105  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • Effects of Early Stored Memory on Judgements of Source Memory.

    Sugimori, E. &am, Kusumi, T

    Psychologia   51   185 - 195  2008

  • The Influences of Banner Advertisement Exposure on Products Evaluation and Purchase Intention


    Cognitive studies   14 ( 1 ) 133 - 154  2007.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We examined effects of repeated exposure of banner advertisement on measure of product's image such as knowledge of, liking for, and purchase intention for products. In Experiment 1, 24 participants were repeatedly presented banners of various trade names with different typicality. Then they were required to judge the trade names with respect to the level of typicality, liking, purchase intention, and recognition using 9-point scale. As results, higher typicality of trade names led to higher levels of recognition, liking, and purchase intention, including false recognitions. Those levels were not, however, likely to increase by repeated exposure. In Experiment 2, repetition frequency of exposure was increased and 79 participants were divided into three segments based on their present interests. The results showed that presenting banners with lower typicality particularly raised liking and purchase intention levels. We discuss the cognitive process that link typicality of trade name to liking and purchase intention.


  • 行為系列のアウトプットモニタリングエラーに自動的-制御的処理が及ぼす影響.

    杉森絵里子, 楠見孝

    認知科学(原著論文)   13   512 - 522  2006

  • [Effects of repetition and dual-task on output monitoring errors].

    Eriko Sugimori, Masashi Nakanishi, Hidetsugu Komeda, Kohei Tsunemi, Takashi Kusumi

    Shinrigaku kenkyu : The Japanese journal of psychology   76 ( 3 ) 244 - 51  2005.08  [Domestic journal]

     View Summary

    We investigated output-monitoring errors in a modified source-monitoring paradigm. Unlike the traditional paradigm that involves two phases, learning and monitoring, the modified paradigm involves three phases, learning, enactment, and monitoring. Three experiments produced two major findings. First, compared with the traditional paradigm, the modified paradigm produced fewer monitoring errors. Second, performing a dual-task during the enactment phase increased monitoring errors for the items that participants repeatedly enacted during the learning phase. In contrast, performing a dual-task during the learning phase did not influence monitoring errors. It only decreased the number of items that were enacted during the enactment phase. We concluded that monitoring errors are more likely to occur (a) when the modality of items matches between the learning and enactment phases (i.e., items are enacted during both phases), and (b) when a dual-task increases processing demands during the enactment phase.


  • ソースモニタリングエラーにおける質判断と時間判断の検討:時間経過が反応バイアスに及ぼす影響.

    杉森絵里子, 楠見孝

    認知心理学研究(原著論文)   2 ( 1 ) 35 - 44  2005

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    We conducted two experiments to investigate how test delay influences qualitative and temporal order judgments in source monitoring. In both experiments, participants were either presented with pictures or asked to create mental images on day 1 and day 2. In Experiment 1, stimulus items were presented three times on day 1 and once on day 2, while in Experiment 2, the items were presented only once on both days. Seven days later, there was a bias in the source judgments with the participants being more likely to attribute the source of test items to mental images than to the pictures for qualitative judgments in both experiments. However, in terms of temporal order judgments, the participants only attributed the source of items to day 1, where they were presented three times, in Experiment 1, while the accuracy of temporal order judgments in Experiment 2 dropped to chance levels. These results suggest that for qualitative judgments there is a response bias toward the weaker source, and that temporal order judgments are not possible after seven days, where the contextual information is controlled.

    DOI CiNii

  • 反復呈示と二重課題がアウトプットモニタリングに及ぼす影響

    杉森絵里子, 中西政志, 米田英嗣, 常深浩平, 楠見孝

    心理学研究(原著論文)   76   244 - 251  2005

  • リアリティモニタリングにおけるソース帰属バイアス:質的判断と日付判断.

    杉森絵里子, 楠見孝

    認知科学(原著論文)   10 ( 4 ) 486 - 496  2003


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Books and Other Publications

  • 知覚・認知心理学 : 「心」の仕組みの基礎を理解する

    萱村, 俊哉, 郷式, 徹( Part: Contributor, 第7章 長期記憶の分類と機能──私たちを形作る様々な記憶)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2021.05 ISBN: 9784623087099

  • 心のしくみを考える : 認知心理学研究の深化と広がり

    北神, 慎司, 林, 創, 杉森, 絵里子, 榊, 美知子, 村山, 航, 清河, 幸子, 平山, るみ, 米田, 英嗣, 菅, さやか, 平石, 界, 石井, 敬子, 上野, 泰治

    ナカニシヤ出版  2015.03 ISBN: 9784779509537

  • なつかしさの心理学 : 思い出と感情

    楠見, 孝, 日本心理学会

    誠信書房  2014.05 ISBN: 9784414311129

  • 「記憶違い」と心のメカニズム


    京都大学学術出版会  2012.06

Research Projects

  • Individual differences and functions of nostalgia: Cognitive-neural approach and their applications

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Kusumi Takashi

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to explore the cognitive and neuroscientific basis of the function of nostalgia as well as individual differences in order to apply the findings to reminiscence therapy. First, we developed psychological scales and experimental tasks to examine the cognitive basis of the function of nostalgia and individual differences; we then examined these factors through large-scale surveys of citizens between the age of 16 and 90 and experiments on university students. Second, we developed fMRI tasks and administered them to university students to identify the neural basis of individual differences in the function of nostalgia. Third, we accumulated clinical data on cases of mild Alzheimer’s disease that were diagnosed with cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers to examine the factors and neural bases that influence the effects of reminiscence therapy. Fourth, we conducted a meta-analysis of intervention studies in Japan to examine the effects of reminiscence therapy.

  • Use of spatial expansion of self-action: A study of how to prevent forgetting to do by using avatar.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    Sugimori Eriko

     View Summary

    Output monitoring (judging whether you did/didn't an action which you were supposed to do) was more accurate when the result of the action and the prediction of the result of the action was same than when it wasn't while you were conduction the action. On the other hand, when you think "I have to do the action later" strongly, you imagine the action being conducted by yourself strongly, then, as a result, you are likely to misjudge "I did it already" later. Furthermore, such a tendency of confusion appeared in healthy people with high schizotypy, which is suggested to be impaired in sense of agency (a sense "I am the person conduction the action now"). Moreover, since such confusion of reality and fantasies is often found in the actions you have experienced, it has been suggested that the sense of agency in fantasies can be obtained based on the experience in the real world.

  • Mechanism of differentiating fantasy and reality: temporal and spatial extension of self actions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up

    Project Year :


    SUGIMORI Eriko

     View Summary

    Previous studies already revealed that self-performed actions are remembered better than other-observed actions (SPT effect). Based on the hypotheses that the SPT effect can be seen for actions performed by self-avatar under the condition where participants successfully project themselves on self-avatar, we investigated the factors of temporal and spatial extension of self-actions by measuring how much they remember actions performed by self/other-avatars. Results were that the SPT effect was seen when participants controlled the onset of actions performed by self-avatar and that the SPT effect was not seen even when participants were just instructed that the avatar was "self-avatar" and they observed the actions.

  • 発話におけるアウトプットモニタリングに基づく幻聴メカニズムの解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    杉森 絵里子

     View Summary

    ●研究2:大学生約200名を対象とし、DRMパラダイムを用いて、幻聴傾向と思考吹入の関係について検討した。DRMパラダイムは、学習時に提示しないクリティカル語(ねむい)と、15語の連想語からなるリストで構成されている。被験者はリスト語(ベッド、おやすみ、おきる、つかれた、ゆめ、さめる、いびき、ふとん、いねむり、ひるね、あんらく、あくび)を学習し、後に再認を求められた。その結果、幻聴傾向とクリティカル語虚再認率に正の相関が見られ、幻聴傾向が高いと思考吹入が起こりやすいことが示唆された。この結果はConsciousness & Cognitionに投稿し、受理された。

  • アウトプットモニタリングエラーに事前反復呈示や二重課題が及ぼす影響

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    杉森 絵里子

     View Summary



  • Review on autobiographical memory from the viewpoint of nostalgia

      64 ( 1 ) 74 - 82  2021

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Influences of sharing nostalgic autobiographical memory on impressions of the conversation and the partner

    杉森絵里子, 楠見孝

    日本認知心理学会発表論文集(Web)   18th  2021


  • 想像力の個人差と場所法継続使用による単語記憶再生成績の変化

    LUAN Xiaoyu, 杉森絵里子

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   83rd  2019


  • 単純繰り返し作業におけるマインドワンダリングの生起

    金丸宏之, 喜田智也, 青山有希, 杉森絵里子

    日本品質管理学会研究発表会研究発表要旨集   119th  2019


  • メタ記憶における内的表象抑制の影響

    高城雅裕, 杉森絵里子

    日本認知心理学会発表論文集(Web)   17th  2019


  • 商品評価時のパワー操作が広告効果に及ぼす影響

    松田憲, 小野史典, 杉森絵里子, 楠見孝

    日本認知心理学会発表論文集(Web)   16th  2018


  • 自伝的記憶語り時の聞き手の態度がなつかしさに及ぼす影響

    杉森絵里子, 松田憲, 楠見孝

    日本認知心理学会発表論文集(Web)   16th  2018


  • 自己主体感の観点から検討する自己アバタと実演効果

    高城雅裕, 杉森絵里子

    日本認知心理学会発表論文集(Web)   15th  2017


  • 聴覚的サブリミナル効果が見られる環境の検討

    加藤昂希, 杉森絵里子

    日本認知心理学会発表論文集(Web)   15th  2017


  • 形態類似性への敏感度とデジャビュ体験頻度


    日本認知心理学会大会発表論文集   12th  2014


  • 単純接触効果に分散・集中提示が与える長期的影響

    松田憲, 西井茜, 杉森絵里子, 楠見孝

    日本認知心理学会大会発表論文集   10th  2012


  • 統合失調型パーソナリティと統合失調症の連続性

    浅井智久, 山内貴史, 杉森絵里子, 坂東奈緒子, 丹野義彦

    心理学評論   53 ( 2 )  2010


  • 広告と消費者心理-単純接触効果による安心感とノスタルジア-

    楠見孝, 松田憲, 杉森絵里子

    基礎心理学研究   28 ( 1 )  2009


  • 展望的記憶パラダイムにおけるアウトプットモニタリング

    杉森絵里子, 楠見孝

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   68th  2004


  • 視覚シンボルの記憶における言語的符号化の有効性

    北神慎司, 遠藤正雄, 杉森絵里子

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   67th  2003


  • 記憶ソース判断に及ぼす呈示頻度の影響

    杉森絵里子, 楠見孝

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   67th  2003


  • 記憶ソースモニタリングにおける時間と質判断のバイアス

    杉森絵里子, 楠見孝

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   66th  2002


  • ソースモニタリングエラーにおける質的判断と日付判断

    杉森絵里子, 楠見孝

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   65th  2001


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  • 査読論文:心理学研究, Psychiatry Research, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition



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  • Affiliated organization   Center for International Education

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Center for Higher Education Studies   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 視覚情報の影響を受ける味覚の検討


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    先行研究において,容器の色によって同じ味であるはずのコーヒーの味評価が異なることが明らかになっている (Carvalho, & Spence, 2019)。また,苦味の強いお茶やチョコレートは,苦みの弱いそれらと比較して,見た目が「苦い」とより苦みを感じ,見た目が「甘い」とより甘みを感じることが申請者によって明らかにされている。このことから,味評価において視覚の影響の受けやすさが元々の味によって異なることが示唆される。しかし,味の薄さに焦点を当てた研究は存在しない。薄味のときと,濃い味のときで,味覚評価における視覚の影響の受け方が異なることを確かめるため,実験を行った。ショ糖(1%,3%,5%)×カフェイン(0.02% 0.05% 0.08%)の9種類に甘味と苦味の濃さを調整し,透明・ピンク・茶色の3種類の容器に入れた。63名の大学生を対象に,全27種類について,その甘味と苦味の評定を行ったところ,より甘味が薄く,苦みが濃い際(ショ糖1%,カフェイン0.08%)に,容器の色の影響を受けやすく,ピンクの容器の時にはより「甘く」,茶色の容器の時にはより「苦く」感じることが明らかになった。つまり,甘味が薄く,苦みが濃い時に,クロスモーダル知覚が起こりやすいことがうかがえる。この研究成果をまとめるとともに,今後,味覚が他者への印象や,物語への印象に及ぼす影響についても,同様の結果がみられることを確認する。

  • 過去の自分に手紙を書くことが未来の計画に及ぼす影響


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  • 恋愛関係にある相手との関係性が相手の顔認知に及ぼす影響

    2021   山口茉優

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  • 自己行為の時間的拡張:「過去に実行したこと」と「未来に実行すべきこと」の記憶


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    人は行為を実行する際、無意識に「今、自分がこの行為を実行している」という感覚(自己主体感)が得られている。本研究では、一般大学生に自己主体感に障害があることが示唆されている統合失調症型パーソナリティを質問紙で測定し、実験結果との関係を検討することで、「今、自分が頭の中で(想像上の)声を作り出している」という自己主体感が、過去・現在・未来の時間軸において,空想と現実の区別を担うことを示すことを目的とした実験を記憶課題を用いて行った。 実験は、Pre段階、学習段階、記憶テスト段階の3段階から成った。Pre段階では、各実験参加者が聞こえる声の大きさの最小を調べ、学習段階においてその声の大きさを「小音」として用いた。学習段階では、ホワイトノイズが流れる中、単語を1つ1つ視覚呈示し、その単語を読み上げる声が聞こえる時と聞こえない時を設定し、聞こえる時にはその声の大きさ(大音、小音)と、読み上げる単語の完全度(完全、断片)を操作した。記憶テスト段階において、学習段階で呈示した単語1つ1つに対して「学習段階で声が聞こえてきたか否か」をたずね、「聞こえてきた」と判断した場合には、その声の大きさと読み上げる単語の完全度についてたずねた。 その結果、「聞こえてきた」と判断した場合には、実際に聞こえてきたか否かに関わらず、そして実際に聞こえた声の大きさや完全度に関わらず「大きい声」でかつ「完全な単語」として聞こえてきたと判断する傾向が高いことが明らかになった。さらに、一般大学生の中でも、統合失調症傾向が高い人(=自己主体感が得られにくい人)は、より「大きい声」で「完全な単語」として聞こえてきたと判断する傾向が高いことが明らかになった。つまり、「今、自分が頭の中で声を作り出している」という自己主体感が得られにくい上に、「大きい声」で「完全な単語」として読み上げる声を想像できることが、この結果に起因すると考えられる。