Updated on 2025/03/12


KATO, Maki
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
(BLANK) ( 早稲田大学 )
博士(人間科学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Professor

  • 2013.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 2004

    長野県短期大学 助教授(2007-准教授)

  • 2001

    Nagano Prefectural College

  • 1998

    Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare

Education Background


    Waseda University  


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering  


    Waseda University   School of Human Sciences  

Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Social systems engineering   交通心理学 / Experimental psychology   認知心理学 / Safety engineering / Social systems engineering   人間工学

Research Interests

  • 人間工学/経営工学/アクセシビリティ

  • Ergonomics



  • P2E1-19 荷物保持の形態と歩行停止時における安定性の検討

    Rina NAGAI, Mizuki NAKAJIMA, Takeshi SATO, Ryota Murano, Macky KATO, Hiroyuki MORIKAWA

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics   59 ( Supplement ) P2E1 - 19  2023.09


  • 靴紐の締め方の強弱が若年者の歩行動作に与える影響

    Ryota MURANO, Takeshi SATO, Takayuki TOMONO, Macky KATO

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics   59 ( 3 ) 103 - 112  2023.06


  • Telework of interior environment in Japanese student

    Takeshi Sato, Mizuki Nakajima, Ryota Murano, Macky Kato, Yousuke Takeishi

    15th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, IHCI 2021 and 14th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies, GET 2021 - Held at the 15th Multi-Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2021     205 - 208  2021

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    Due to the pandemic of the COVID-19 infection, almost Japanese university were to move the classes online. Heretofore, there were canceled as a face-to-face gave the guidance for entrance ceremony, registering for the course and lectures except for special skill trainings. Almost university student had to join the classes from their room of the residence. Under in ordinary circumstances, it was free utilization of campus equipment as open space PC and library for their own learning. For the experienced student, it was prepared high performance computer in each laboratory. However there were expected up to about 90 minutes in a day by 5 frames, approximately totally 8 hours at the longest, and additional assignments of these lessons will be handled by telework in their room. Originally, it was hard to say that all university students were able to get telework in an appropriate environment, because of conditions precedent using campus equipment as schooling. Moreover, prolonged VDT work in improper posture cause to increase the frequency of ergonomic injuries and illnesses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the individual student environment of working for ICT in the rooms. The individual data from photo was classification desk, chair, chair with armrest or not, desk light, cushion for ergonomic evaluation as a guideline of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The Data were collected over 300 students via cloud e-Learning system from May to December in 2020.There were 30% student who has no chair, using low table and sitting the floor. There were 23% student has used Japanese style low table called Chabudai for the attend their classes. The major findings out of this study, it was not enough the equipment for the long hours study in a day about 23% student from their room. There was significant difference population proportion teszt between male and female, using desk or low table. It was conducted an online questionnaire to over 300 university students in their 20s to investigate whether an appropriate working environment was established. Compare and evaluate with the ideal working environment and report the current situation.

  • P-5 Evaluation of arch of foot patch by biomechanical method

    Sato Takeshi, Nakajima Mizuki, Igawa Shoji, Yasuoka Hiroshi, Kato Macky

    The Japanese journal of ergonomics   53 ( 2 ) S706 - S707  2017

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    <p>This experiment tested the effectiveness of pain relief patches using a human factors engineering method. It is said that sticking pain relief patches on the plantar arch of the foot can help reduce fatigue around the hips and knees. Measurements for this study involved the evaluation of the static upright postures of 8 female participants. I got the subject to measure blood pressure and cardiac beats rate. Moreover, the Visual Analog scale questionnaire survey was conducted. Data were collected a total of four times per person, both before and after exercising with and without the pain relief patches. The eye-opening state and the eyelid closure state were added, respectively. Since it measured by eight patterns, 64 data was collected. While there were no effects observed before exercising for both conditions. There were no significant difference in area between Center of pressure (COP) measurements during the static upright postures in an eyes-open state after conducting the exercises with and without the pain relief patches. Consequently all participants reported that they did not feel the pain relief patches on their feet. The results of this experiment support the fatigue-alleviating effects of the pain relief patches and suggest its possibility in maintaining a more stable static upright posture. It was considered that post physical activity, due to decreasing the trajectory of COP, it was effect of possibility anti-fatigue function..</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of walking ability evaluation method with accelerometer and gyrometer

    Tasuku Ito, Hidetaka Nozawa, Shigeya Okada, Minoru Hatakeyama, Norihiko Shiratori, Akira Ichikawa, Macky Kato

    New Ergonomics Perspective - Selected Papers of the 10th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics     25 - 30  2015

     View Summary

    Fall accident is one of the problems in aged society. And Joint disease is also severe, especially in the field of rehabilitation. They are related to the walking ability. Thus, the evaluation and training of walking ability are important to prevent fall accidents. Conventionally, it needs long term of experiments to evaluate the walking ability by motion capture systems, force plates, and so on. In addition, the conventional methods spend costs expensively. The evaluation should be obtained easily in order to reduce the subjects’ burden. In this study, evaluation by the accelerometer and gyrometer was practiced in place of the conventional methods. Two 8ch acceleration and gyro sensors (RF10, MicroStone Corporation) were installed to a subject’s sacrum and vertebra to measure his spine stick picture motion during his walking. Power spectrum, movement track and RMS were used for comparison with measurements of motion capture system (Vicon). All the results have shown the validity and reliability of the simple measurement method. It was revealed that the stick picture motion has the possibility to be applied to the walking ability indicator.



  • Analysis of sleep environment in Japanese young people

    Hiroshi Yasuoka, Shigeka Shioji, Takeshi Sato, Macky Kato, Shoji Igawa

    New Ergonomics Perspective - Selected Papers of the 10th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics     239 - 242  2015

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    It is one of the most important to create an optimal sleep environment. People who lived irregular hours, i.e. shift workers, global communication tasks, typically obtain 1–2 hour less sleep than the generally accepted target of 8 hours per day. Shift work has become increasingly common in the modern globalized economy. Many work settings such as factory work, service industries, power plants, internet communication management, health care and emergency services require shift work that includes work at night. Furthermore, not only shift workers but also young smart phone device users often experience an extended period of acute sleep deprivation at the start of a new day. Most sleep deprivation studies using complex cognitive tasks require the participants to complete the tasks alone. It was effected human health care and learning performance in young people. The purpose of the current study was to investigate how sleep environment changes between high school student and university student. Jissen Womenn’s Uiversity Ethics Committee approved this survey. There were 831 students (male: 387, female: 444) participate in this study. It was 16 sleep questionnaire items on our web server, i.e.: depth of sleep, difficulties in waking up, quality and latency of sleep, negative affect in dreams, and sleep irregularity, etc. It was collected data during our course activity. There was no significant difference sleeping pattern in between high school and university student. Additionally it was on roughly the same level sleeping conditions of them. However it was a tendency toward to sleep deprivation onto nocturnal life. In the current report we present results of a prospective study that used objective measures to evaluate sleep, it was consequently sluggishness due to the chronic sleep deprivation, to become a late-night students.



  • Analysis of virtual makeup sensory reactions between young men and women

    Takeshi Sato, Hirohi Yasuoka, Shigeka Shioji, Macky Kato

    New Ergonomics Perspective - Selected Papers of the 10th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics     361 - 365  2015

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    It was well known to apply makeup to get well daily life for especially dementia person. Then it was very important to makeup, enjoying paint own face beautifully for all women. Recent years there were many opportunities to makeup conditions during recruiting occupational period in Japanese university students. They had a training session about makeup and arrangement of hairstyle to best suited to getting jobs. That’s the way that the purpose of this study was to investigate in difference between a man and a woman about virtual image of recruited makeup and hairstyle. There were over 82% student from preliminary survey (n = 145), to learn important events markup for recruiting. There were 22 students (men: 6, female: 16) participate in this experiments to evaluate the 16 image of virtual markup patterns. It was produced the virtual markup images from jKiwi (GPL, OpenSource, ver0.9.5) to according to result of questionnaire markup materials (eye shadow: 2 colors, cheek color: 2 colors, lip liner: 2 color, and basemake: 1 type). It was applied sensory reactions in both pair comparison method and normalized standings methods. Additionally we tried to data acquisition of point of gaze compare two different images side-by-side by using EMR-9 (Eye Mark Recorder, Nac Image Technology, Japan). There was the most popular image of pair comparison method that not too long hairstyle with elastic viewable ear, eye shadow with light brown color than pink, cheek with orange than pink, lip liner with pink than orange. However, it was finding of normalized standings methods that the most popular image was to markup cheek with pink than orange in a confined change. It was observed the different of gazing pattern between men and female that it was more long period of residence-time distribution at mouth in men. Consequently, it was showed that it was mood shift the ill-loved onto heavy using of orange color makeup. It was indicated that perceive a need to worry about what the other person likes in acceptance wide variety for recruiting makeup.



  • Quantitative confirmation of residents’ everyday life behavior by acceleration measurement of facilities in a house

    Macky Kato, Yoshie Shimodaira, Takeshi Sato

    New Ergonomics Perspective - Selected Papers of the 10th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics     243 - 249  2015

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    In aged society, decreasing of worker population is one of the most important problems. Especially the farming population has been decreasing in recent years. On the other hand, the elderly people’s families live away from them, because they cannot expect a reasonable profit from farming. In addition, it is hard to find other jobs in a rural area. Thus, the isolated farmers need somebody’s help to take care of themselves. For example, the families can confirm their everyday lives by a remote system with monitor cameras. However, it can violate the residents’ privacy. The appropriate system should have a confirmation function without violating the privacy. In this study, facilities in a house can be thought as sensors of everyday life in place of cameras. The acceleration measurement was held for quantification of the residents’ behavior in a house. The residents in the subject house are 62-year aged husband, 58-year aged wife and 91-year aged father. The accelerometers have been fixed on the refrigerator and the door in the house. Approximately one-year lengths, acceleration of the facilities were recorded through 2013 and 2014. The fluctuation of acceleration of the refrigerator can indicate the resident’s using in a day. It showed that the residents lived well-regulated lives. The refrigerator will be able to indicate the feature of their everyday life. On the other hand, the fluctuation of acceleration of the door can indicate the resident’s movements inside out. The door movements depend on the seasons. The number of the door movements in each season is different. They kept the door open through the daylight in summer, but they close the door after going in winter. These results reveal that the acceleration measurement of facilities in a house can become the quantitative confirmation method of residents’ everyday life stability.



  • Developing of evaluation method of motion repeatability by motion capturing

    Macky Kato, Takeshi Sato, Yoshie Shimodaira

    Proceedings of the International Conferences on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2015, IHCI 2015, Game and Entertainment Technologies 2015, GET 2015 and Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2015, CGVCVIP 2015 - Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2015     325 - 327  2015

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    Motion repeatability is one of the required skills for any sports including tennis. One of the reasons why expert tennis players can accurately serve the ball to another side is their motion repeatability. On the other hand, however the novice players can luckily serve the ball, they are required to practice again and again to repeat the motion. The reliable criterion by the objective numerical indicator is needed for training and evaluation of motion repeatability. In this study, the method of numerical evaluation of motion repeatability would be developed by a motion capture system. The correlation coefficients of each segment angular fluctuation on the serving motions were validated as the criterion for motion repeatability. 17 sensors measure three-dimensional 23 segments and 22 joints angle fluctuations during the two seconds around the ball impact. Three experienced tennis players and three novice players tried to serve ten balls by right arms. The results of the experiments indicated that the repeatability of upper body tends to be stable comparing arms and legs for all the subjects. The correlation coefficients of the fluctuations at the measurement joints that are far from the upper body tend to be low. Comparing the experts and the novices on the motion of the arms and legs, the novices have much variation of correlation coefficients of each motion than the experts. In addition, most of the motion fluctuations of novices are larger than those of the experts. This study revealed that the joint angular fluctuation would be able to be applied as a criterion of motion repeatability.

  • Simplification and transformation of ASTM F1292 measurement procedure for fall accident injury criteria

    Maki Kato

    Industrial Health   52 ( 5 ) 407 - 413  2014

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    Protecting children from injuries caused by fall accidents from playground equipment is important. Therefore, measures toward minimizing the risk of fall accident injuries are required. The risk of injury can be evaluated using ASTM F1292. In this test, G-max and the HIC are used to estimate the risk of injury. However, the measurement procedure is too complicated for application to a large number of installed equipment. F1292 requires simplified by reducing the number of phases, even with a small risk of loss in accuracy. With this in mind, this study proposes a shortened measurement procedure and a transformation equation to estimate the risk as same as F1292. As the result of experiments, it was revealed that G-max and the HIC values for both procedures linearly increase with drop height. The differences in outcomes between the regression equations of the standardized procedure and those of the shortened procedure can be used as a correction value. They can be added to the value measured by the shortened procedure. This suggests that the combination of the shortened procedure and transformation equation would be equivalent to F1292, with the advantage of being more easily and efficiently applied to the evaluation of installed playground equipment.

    DOI PubMed


  • Analysis of human visual search performance in task of spot difference

    Takeshi Sato, Macky Kato, Takayuki Watanabe, Hiroshi Yasuoka, Atsushi Sugahara

    Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2012, IHCI 2012, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2012     331 - 334  2012

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    There were few data for spot of the difference searching skilled on eye movement. Especially, it was unknown how to view and recognition of spot difference quickly. The purpose of this study was to investigate the behavior of spot the difference due to the time pressure tasks. Twelve students participated in this study (average 21 years old). Every subject equipped eye movement apparatus recorder (NAC EMR-9, Tokyo Japan), it was displayed gaze point of spot the difference as the stimulus pictures. The attention stimuli was same two photos it's has spot the difference. The device was measured the spot of the difference as x and y coordinated. It was within one minute to each one recorded searching behavior. After recording gaze and eye movement coordinate apparatus was analyzed it with analytical software (EMR-dFactory ver2.12b, Tokyo Japan). The results of this study were the findings of major two skilled patterns. They gaze tracking one side that was not easily to find out the spot of difference like as inattentional blindness. And it was too quickly eye gaze movement to detected difference. The other it was equal time and trajectory on right and left stimulus picture. © 2012 IADIS.

  • Elderly people's health confirming by measurement of fixtures acceleration

    Macky Kato, Yoshie Shimodaira, Takeshi Sato

    Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2012, IHCI 2012, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2012     335 - 338  2012

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    The numbers of the elderly people who live alone have been increasing in Japanese society. One of the countermeasures against solitary elderly people's problems is the development of a safety confirming system. Past studies indicated that measurement of acceleration on fixtures at home may be able to become a method to confirm the solitary elderly person's condition at their home. However the acceleration measurement at multiple positions in the house may be applied not only as a safety confirming method, but also as a health confirming method. In brief, the rhythm observed in the acceleration variation may indicate the inhabitant's usual behavior rhythm. The results of a month-long record of six fixtures indicated that subjects have their own behavior rhythm on each day. When some irregular wave was recorded out of their rhythm, we can suppose that some irregular "event" has occurred. For example, the variation of bedroom door acceleration indicates the subject's behavior through the night. When no acceleration was observed at the time to go to bed, the subject did not use the bedroom, but had dozed off in the living room in spite of risk of cold. Also there were other flat lines through the measurement period. Those flat lines meant the subject's absence of movement. These facts mean that we can confirm elderly peoples' behavior, health condition and safety by measurement of acceleration of fixtures. © 2012 IADIS.

  • Comparison of postural control ability among three age groups using acceleration measurement

    Macky Kato, Yoshie Shimodaira, Takeshi Sato

    Journal of human ergology   40 ( 1-2 ) 101 - 108  2011.12

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    The purpose of this study is to suggest a numerical model for postural control ability variations in children, young adults and the elderlies. Three sensors were attached to the subjects' bodies at the vertex, the iliospinale and the mid-patellar to measure three-dimensional acceleration at each point while subjects maintained a standing posture for two minutes. Variations in acceleration at the vertex differed among the three age groups. Most children subjects could not maintain the initial position during the trials, whereas the young adult subjects could maintain it. Most elderly subjects could maintain their lateral balance however it was difficult for them to maintain their anteroposterior balance. From the results of acceleration measurement, it is indicated that the scalar of the average acceleration vector at the vertex point could serve as a numerical criterion of postural control ability.


  • Development of residential monitoring system by measuring fixtures acceleration

    MacKy Kato, Yoshie Shimodaira, Takeshi Sato

    Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2011, Part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2011, MCCSIS 2011     492 - 494  2011

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    Number of elderly people who live alone or elderly only couples are going to increase as ratio of elderly people increase in Japan as same as the other developed countries. They often have trouble with their health which needs care by someone. However most of their families live away from them. In this study we tried to develop remote monitoring system by measurement of fixture movement at home to observe the elderly people's daily behavior for safety. Through eight days experiment at rural area in Nagano, Japan, the acceleration measurement system recorded the door movement to observe the inhabitant's characteristics. Extracted characteristics from the results has shown the inhabitant's behavior which can be used for criteria of their activities. Elderly people who live alone or elderly only couples will be able to be monitored their safety by this automatic confirming system without violation of the inhabitant's privacy. © 2011 IADIS.

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Books and Other Publications

  • ケアマネジメント用語辞典

    ミネルヴァ書房  2005

  • くらしと安全-身近な生活環境における安全とリスク-

    ほおずき書籍  2003

  • こうして解決!ネット・トラブル,

    日中出版  2001

  • 豊かな生活をサポートするコンピュータシステム入門

    ムイスリ出版  1999

  • 介護と福祉システムの転換

    未来社  1998


  • Analysis of rotation movement of elderly user's pointing operation by mouse

    WWCS2007 Computing Systems for Human Benefits the 8th International Conference on Work With Computing Systems 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Case study of inter-woman's collage cooperation in anthropometric teaching

    The 6th Congress of the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • A study on welfare information service toward the Personal Digital Assistant

    the XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • How elderly people cope with difficulties in their daily life?

    the XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Structure of In-Home Care Workers' Demands for Welfare Information

    9th International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction International, HCII2001 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • A study of falling accident at standing up movement from lift chair

    The 3rd Japan-Macedonia-Taiwan Orthopedic and Traumatologic Meeting Scientific 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • A study on the factors of falling down accidents of patients in a rehabilitation hospital

    7th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine 

    Presentation date: 2002

  • Application of Industrial Engineering Method to Care Work

    the XIVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association IEA2000/HFES2000 

    Presentation date: 2000

  • A study on the relationships between heights of office chairs and pressure distribution on the seats

    WWDU '97 5th International Scientific Conference on Work With Display Units 

    Presentation date: 1997

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Research Projects

  • A study on traffic hierarchy to substantiate pedestrian priority in crosswalks

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Confirming system of daily life of elderly people by failsafe design concept

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    KATO Maki, SHIMODAIRA Yoshie, MAEDA Akiko, SATO Takeshi

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    Confirming method of daily life activity of elderly people in this study has acceleration sensors on some fixtures and furniture. It can evaluate the resident’s normal daily life by recording numerical motion data. We can presume unexpected events at the moment of fail of detection of the normal numerical data. The experiment has shown that it is possible to build a confirming system based on failsafe concept. Remote Control of PC for the acceleration measurement through the Internet makes it possible for their separated family to confirm their elderly parents.

  • Activation of agriculture and support system for the elderly people in a depopulated area by ICT and application of robot technology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SHIMODAIRA Yoshie, KATO Macky, OHASHI Nobuo

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    This study has shown through PC classes for elderly people that ICT can contribute to sales of farm products and activation of agriculture. We investigated mowing job in mountainous area. Improvement of handle of mowing machine can be effective to remove numbness of hands. Application of robot technology for agriculture efficiency needs another innovation which can be applied to the mountainous area. It was shown in this study that farm volunteer system can activate elderly people's farm instead of robot.

  • 高齢者のPC学習に有効なインターフェイス開発に対する「寛容性」の概念の導入

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    加藤 麻樹, 下平 佳江, 前田 亜紀子

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  • Applying Information Technology to "Mura-Yaku" for construction of district management system in aged society of depopulated area

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SHIMODAIRA Yoshie, KATO Macky, OHASHI Nobuo

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    One of the purposes of this study is decreasing residents' physical and mental burden in a depopulated area by applying IT to Mura-Yaku, the role of the village, by introducing information and communication technology. Another purpose is preparing the computer environment at elderly people's house as communication tools for their hobby, farm and communication for their family who stay away.
    At first, we held PC class with aim of applying information technology to Mura-Yaku, the role of village. However, we had only suggested the alternation of Mura-Ysku to the IT at that time, because of the little number of participants in small area and the problem of infrastructure in the village. It was cleared that expanding number of users is important for the computerization. Mura-Yaku will be changed into information technology when they use PC without any limitation.
    In order for the elderly people to continue using PC at their house after the lessons, they need some support systems. By the support system and assist of a computer club in the neighbor village, we came to send tutor to them from community center. On the other hand, we started Nakajo PC Cub for the students of computer class to communicate each other and get some help of supporters. We opened the permanent computer room at the community center to expand the number of users and to support them to use IT. Furthermore, we conducted an experiment of pointing device manipulating by elderly users and could find out a factor of device for elderly users.
    The purpose of PC was for use as a stand-alone until this time. So we held the next PC classes to build homepages with the consciousness of use in network. At this time the staff of community center and village office participated with the residents. Most of their concerns are about their personal materials, such as hobby, farm, and so on. Thus, it will become possible to activate the communication outside a village by dispatching their personal information. This resident network was able to show the direction which agriculture and depopulated area activate.

  • Restructuring of Mura-Yaku in depopulated area and construction of focal management system for the aged

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SHIMODAIRA Yoshie, KATO Macky, OHASHI Nobuo

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    In this study, Mura-Yaku is paid attention, which has been the role to manage the community for many years. However, it is felt as burden for the residents in the depopulated aged area. The purpose of this study is applying IT and proposing an effective model to reduce the burden. Some of case study for novice elderly users of PC was proposed in 2003. And in 2004, the problems were clarified for the aged students using PC continuously at their home. Although PC was used for a while at the house, it will not be used when agricultural work becomes busy. Therefore, some of them forgot that basic operation task. And there was a case that frequency of communication with their family by the E-mail decreased gradually. Thus, use frequency also decreased. Although they can ask to the researchers when they have trouble, they hesitated to ask. Consequently, there were students who call the researchers after long time, and students who stop using after the trouble.
    The charge of the Internet use was expensive for elderly people to connect, even if they know the convenience. Continuation uses of PC by the elderly people needs improvement of the interface such as language, their own purpose to use PC, and keeping of troubleshooters.
    At the 2nd class, staff of a public hall was positioned as a supporter. Moreover, PC room was prepared continuously to be able to contribute to the improvement in the rate of PC use. Attendances also want to use PC for Mura-Yaku positively. As a result of this study, the model of the local management system was established, which replaces Mura-Yaku and be applied in a depopulated aged area.

  • 携帯情報端末を利用した社会福祉データベースのインターフェイス構築に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)

    Project Year :


    加藤 麻樹

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  • 中山間地域における第一次産業の負担軽減に関する研究

  • 人間の姿勢維持機能に関するバイオメカニクス的評価指標の構築

  • 高齢者介護の負担評価と負担軽減に関する研究


  • 高齢社会における情報化にかかる要件の抽出


  • A Study of standardization of care for elderly people

    The Other Research Programs

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  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 交通弱者の優先性を実質化するトラフィックヒエラルキーにかかる研究


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    混合交通の発生する道路上において,歩行者,自転車,自動車どうしの交通事故が発生する危険があることから,いわゆる交通弱者(歩行者,自転車)の安全のため,優先性の確保が求められており,諸外国では法律または慣習によって一定の優先性が確保されている.この優先性をトラフィックヒエラルキーといい,我が国では道交法38 条に規定されている.日本自動車連盟が2016年より継続している,無信号横断歩道における歩行者の優先にかかる調査で,歩行者の横断に対して一時停止する車両は1割程度だったが,2023年には4割以上にまで改善されてきたことがわかっている. 本研究課題では自動車と交通弱者の立場から横断歩道における進行または横断の判断に影響をおよぼす要因についてとりあげ,そのうち交通弱者としての自転車の走行における車両との関連性について検討した.実験の結果自転車による危険運転として車両と路側帯との間のすり抜け行動における特性として,自転車の幅と通過する間隙との間に一定の比率が認められたことから,接触を回避するための自転車側ならびに自動車側のリスク評価にかかる基礎資料を構築した.左側通行が義務づけられている自転車の直進を妨げる駐車車両があった場合の回避行動の前提として必要となる自転車の後方確認動作の実験的な評価を実施し,目視確認とともにミラーによる後方確認の有効性を示すとともに,自転車の挙動特性を定量的に示したことで,自動車側から見た前方左側を走行する自転車の回避運動特性を示すことで,ドライバの危険予測に寄与する基礎的な資料が構築された.

  • 交通弱者の優先性を実質化するトラフィックヒエラルキーにかかる研究


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  • 横断歩道における歩行者の優先性を実質化するトラフィックヒエラルキーにかかる研究

    2021   友野貴之

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  • 無信号横断歩道の歩行者安全を確保するトラフィックヒエラルキーの導入にかかる研 究

    2020   友野貴之

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     無信号横断歩道通過時のドライバーの運転行動に着目し,要因をSHEL モデルに当て嵌め,無信号横断歩道における 歩行者優先の原則に対するドライバーの運転行動を定量的に示す研究を実施した.その結果,交差点構􏰀は譲る割合について有意差が示された.また天候条件と時間条件は 運転行動に影響を与えていた一方で,譲る割合に影響がなかった.視認性の低下は構􏰀による影響が大きい.譲る割合に影響がない 一方で,運転行動に影響を与えていた.大学生被験者と教官被験者の間で譲る割合に差が認められた.ブレーキ回数について大学生間では有意差が認められた一方,教官被験者には差がないなど,教官被験者は無信号交差点でも停止行動に一定の安定性があると考えられる.

  • 無信号横断歩道の歩行者安全を確保するトラフィックヒエラルキーの導入にかかる研究

    2020   友野貴之

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  • 横断歩道上の歩行者の安全を守るトラフィックヒエラルキーの実効化

    2019   友野貴之

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  • 横断歩道上の歩行者の安全を守るトラフィックヒエラルキーの実効化

    2019   友野 貴之

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  • 独居高齢者の生活支援機能を有する住居構造に関する日常生活行動の定量的評価

    2015   下平佳江

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  • 独居高齢者等の日常生活行動を評価する生活支援機能を有する住居構造に関する研究

    2014   下平佳江

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  • 独居高齢者の生活状況を評価する機能を有する住居構造に関する研究


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     遠隔地に居住する家族の生活状況をモニタリングは高齢社会においてニーズが高い.本研究では,日常生活のリズムを定量化する手法を構築することを目的とする研究を行った.長野市西部の中条地区の農家の協力を得て,特に住居の建具および家具に着目し,外出時に使用する頻度が高い縁側の出入り口と,冷蔵庫の扉に加速度計をとりつけた.2013年9月より2014年2月まで継続的に測定を行い,その変動波形に対する解析を行った. 出入り口の測定では,人の移動が多いことから,開閉動作だけでなく,人の通過により生じる振動も敏感に反応するため,活動量を評価するのに適している.ただ9月頃の暑い時期と1月,2月等の寒い時期とでは扉の開閉頻度が異なる.冷房設備がないことから,夏季は出入り口の扉は開けたままにされ,冬季は出入りするたびに開閉を伴うことから,日常生活の季節間変動があると推察される.また,居住者や来客等の区別は困難であるが,活動があること自体が日常的なことであり,これを定量的に示すことが可能となった.一方で午前0時近辺より朝4時くらいまでは振動が計測されず,睡眠時間帯であると推察できる. 家具として用いた冷蔵庫の扉については,6時前後,12時前後,19時前後に振動発生頻度が高い.これはつまり食事の時間帯にほぼ恒常的に冷蔵庫を用いていることを示している.出入り口の場合が比較的ランダムな人の出入りを測定しているのに対して,冷蔵庫の場合は夫婦のうち,妻の側が使用する頻度が高く,その日常的な使用状況から,特定の対象者の日常生活のリズムを示す指標として有効であることが示された。この点からは,居住者が複数名いる場合,個別の生活状況を評価するためには,居住者個人の行動特性を明確化させることが望ましい. 今後,継続的な測定により年間を通じた特性の抽出をすることで,通年で用いることができる,定量的な日常生活リズムの評価ができると思われる.  

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