Updated on 2025/03/12


TOYAMA, Noriko
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
博士(学術) ( 東京工業大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2013.10

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences

  • 2000.04

    Tsuda College   Faculty of Liberal Arts, Department of International and Cultural Studies

Education Background

  • 1993.03

    Tokyo Institute of Technology   Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering  

  • 1989.03

    お茶の水女子大学   家政学研究科   児童学専攻修士課程  

  • 1987.03

    Ochanomizu University  

Professional Memberships










    Society for Research in Child Development



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Research Areas

  • Educational psychology

Research Interests

  • 認知発達



  • Development of explanations for why biomedical and folk-medical practices would be effective

    Noriko Toyama

      65   101272  2023  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • 乳児期の移動運動の発達をめぐる発達カスケード


    発達心理学研究   35 ( 4 ) 173 - 184  2024.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 保育園の食事における新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響


    小児保健研究   83 ( 3 )  2024.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 発達のビリヤード


    ベビーサイエンス   22   15 - 16  2023.03  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Imitation among infants in a day-care center and the development of locomotion

    Noriko Toyama

    Infant Behavior and Development   72   101870  2023  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • Locomotion development and infants’ object interaction in a day-care environment.

    Infancy   28 ( 3 ) 684 - 704  2023  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • 「食」の原点から考える孤食・共食


    保健の科学   64 ( 7 ) 734 - 737  2022.11  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 母子の離乳食場面におけるリズミカルな表現


    乳幼児医学・心理学研究    2022.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Developmental changes in infants’ physical contact with others across the transitional period from crawling to walking

    Noriko Toyama

    Infant and Child Development   31 ( 2 ) e2288  2022.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • 園の食事における新型コロナウイルス感染症対応からみる日本と中国の文化差

    韓雪, 長谷川智子, 外山紀子

    心理学研究   93 ( 3 )  2022.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Japanese preschoolers’ cooperative engagement in lunch monitoring activities

    Noriko Toyama

    Cogent Education   9 ( 1 ) 2070052  2022  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • 幼稚園・保育園における当番活動の実施状況と幼児期の発達に関する保育者の信念との関連性


    乳幼児医学・心理学研究   30 ( 2 ) 115 - 126  2022  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • カレーライスの盛り付けに応じた食器・食具操作の発達

    外山紀子, 大石紗希

    人間生活工学   22 ( 2 ) 46 - 52  2021.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 病気と死に関する理解


    乳幼児医学・心理学研究     3 - 8  2021.09

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Involvement in Cooking during Childhood and Independence in University Students

    TESHIMA Yoko, HASEGAWA Tomoko, KONISHI Fumiko, TOYAMA Noriko

    Journal of Home Economics of Japan   72 ( 6 ) 362 - 376  2021.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

     View Summary

    Independence is an important developmental task in adolescence and has been claimed to consist of multiple factors such as “subjective independence,” “collaborative interpersonal relationships,” and “life management.” We hypothesized that cooking experiences in childhood would help foster independence in adolescence. An original questionnaire survey was administered to 178 university students (53 men and 125 women). Cluster analysis was conducted to classify eating environments of participants and their involvement in cooking during childhood. Scores for independence in adolescence were compared among these clusters using ANOVA. The cluster analysis yielded five clusters. Among them, two groups with high scores for involvement in cooking during childhood had high scores for “cooperative interpersonal relationships” and “life management” in adolescence. These results suggest that involvement in cooking in childhood has a positive influence on two factors of independence in adolescence, thus supporting the hypothesis.

    DOI CiNii

  • 食の社会性


    子ども学    2021.05  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 歩行開始期において乳児が物と関わる行動の発達

    西尾千尋, 石井千夏, 外山紀子

    認知科学   28 ( 4 )  2021  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Development of implicit links between effort, pain, and recovery

    Noriko Toyama

      91   e919 - e936  2020.12  [Refereed]



  • Rethinking traditional developmental theories. from the development of magical thought

    Toyama Noriko, Nakashima Nobuko, Tomita Shohei, Kato Yoshinobu

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   84   SS-006 - SS-006  2020.09

    DOI CiNii

  • Social exchanges with objects across the transition from crawling to walking

    Noriko Toyama

    Early Child Development and Care   190   1031 - 1041  2020.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Developmental changes in infants’ object interactions across the transitional period from crawling to walking

    Toyama, N

    European Journal of Developmental Psychology   18 ( 4 ) 520 - 544  2020  [Refereed]



  • 「手作り料理」に関する認識の世代差

    外山紀子, 吉留里乃

    日本食生活学会誌    2020  [Refereed]

  • Mothers’ environmental coordination to develop children’s finger-feeding skills

    M. Shikada, N. Toyama, Y. Aoki

       2019.12  [Refereed]

  • Development of integrated explanations for illness

    Noriko Toyama

    Cognitive Development   51   1 - 13  2019.10  [Refereed]

  • 魔術的な心からみえる虚投射・異投射の世界


    認知科学   26   98 - 107  2019.03  [Refereed]

  • カレーライスの摂食場面におけるスプーン操作の発達

    外山紀子, 荻原典亜

    日本食生活学会誌    2019  [Refereed]

  • 子どもの病気理解の能力に関する,看護師の考え

    外山紀子, 中島伸子, 住吉智子

    小児保健研究   77 ( 6 ) 668 - 675  2018.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary


  • How people share food with friends and strangers

    H. Shibata, N. Toyama

       2018.09  [Refereed]

  • 幼児期における選択的信頼の発達


    発達心理学研究   28 ( 4 ) 244 - 263  2017.12  [Refereed]

  • 口中調味の発達:観察データの分析から

    川﨑里沙, 外山紀子

    日本食生活学会誌   28 ( 3 ) 187 - 194  2017.12  [Refereed]

  • Development of the selection of trusted informants in the domain of illness

    Noriko Toyama

    INFANT AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT   26 ( 6 )  2017.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study examined young children's information-seeking behavior for illness or injury by (1) identifying primary informants and (2) determining whether children's evaluations of trusted informants change with development. Studies 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d showed that 3- and 4-year-old children preferred to ask adults, including experts, as well as familiar and unfamiliar adults, for illnesses and injuries, but did not prefer to ask other children and stuffed animals. It was also shown that 3- and 4-year-olds' previous experiences of medical examination were not related with their preferences of informants and that they valued doctors' information about specialized knowledge more than mothers' resources. Studies 2a and 2b examined whether evaluations of trusted informants changed with age. Adults tended to differentiate between informants for contagious and allergic illnesses. However, this differentiation was not observed in 4-, 7-, and 10-year-old children. Adults preferred to seek help from doctors rather than mothers for contagious illnesses and injuries, whereas for allergies they preferred mothers to doctors. However, their reliance on mothers was limited. Preferences for mothers were not observed for nonallergic illnesses, such as headache, toothache, and cancer.
    Three- and four-year-old preschoolers preferred to ask adults, including experts as well as familiar and unfamiliar adults, for help with illnesses and injuries, rather than other children and stuffed animals. Three- and four-year-olds valued doctors' information about medication and causes of illness more than mothers' resources, though such preferences were not observed for daily advice, such as dietary and rest for sick individuals. With development, evaluations of trusted informants in the domain of illness changed. Adults tended to differentiate between informants for contagious and allergic illnesses; however, this differentiation was not observed for 4-, 7-, and 10-year-old children.



  • 科学と非科学のあいだ:質的研究への期待


    質的心理学フォーラム   9   70 - 78  2017.09  [Refereed]

  • Japanese children's awareness of the effects of psychological taste experiences on biological processes

    Noriko Toyama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT   40 ( 5 ) 408 - 419  2016.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The present study examined Japanese children's and adults' awareness of the effects of psychological taste experiences on biological processes such as growth and illness. Studies 1 and 2 showed the following: (1) preschoolers tended to assume that good-tasting experiences would make one grow taller and gain more weight, while adults seldom accepted such ideas. Concerning illness, participants in all age groups were reluctant to accept the effects of taste experiences. (2) Process-dependent awareness (i.e., effects of psychological factors were assumed to depend on biological processes) was observed not only among young children, but also in older children and adults. Compared with younger children, adults' responses were more process sensitive. (3) When adults explained why they assumed that different taste experiences would lead to different bodily states, they often relied on vitalistic causality. The use of vitalistic concepts was uncommon among children. Finally, (4) Japanese participants seem to be more likely than Americans to assume that bad-tasting experiences would make them non-resistant to a cold.



  • Adults' explanations and children's understanding of contagious illnesses, non-contagious illnesses, and injuries

    Noriko Toyama

    EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE   186 ( 4 ) 526 - 543  2016.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The present study examined (1) whether children notice different causes for contagious illnesses, non-contagious illnesses, and injuries and (2) what information adults provide to children and to what extent this information is related to children's causal awareness. Studies 1 and 2 explored preschool teachers' and mothers' explanations of illnesses and injuries, and Studies 3 and 4 examined children's understanding of causality. The teachers and mothers frequently offered various kinds of information about illnesses and injuries to children. Explanations based on behaviour and life habits were most common. When explaining contagious illnesses, they tended to refer to contagion, while when explaining non-contagious illnesses, they sometimes mentioned inherited constitution. But mention of heredity was never observed for contagious illnesses and injuries. In Studies 3 and 4, 5-11-year-old children consistently denied a belief in immanent justice. For contagious illnesses, they appeared to notice that physical contact with contaminants make us sick. Older children's awareness appeared to become more differentiated and sophisticated. From middle childhood, they come to notice that inherited constitution plays some role in susceptibility to non-contagious illnesses.



  • An intergenerational study of “the most memorable meal” and “good fare” in childhood

    N. Toyama, T. Hasegawa

    Journal for theIntegrated Study of Dietary Habit   26 ( 4 ) 215 - 222  2016.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Undergraduate students (n = 367), who were born in the 1990s, and the generation who were born in the 1960s and have undergraduate-aged children (n = 300), completed questionnaires describing the most memorable meals and good fare from their childhood. The results were summed up as follows. First, among the 1960's, meals at home with their families were mainly (about 80%) cited as their most memorable meal in childhood, whereas among the undergraduates, in addition to these, those with friends were also often reported (about fifty-fifty). Second, the undergraduates frequently responded that their most memorable meals were special meals, for example, a New Year party, at home with their parents and grandparents. On the other hand, the 1960's often responded that theirs were everyday mealtimes at home. Third, the 1960's frequently nominated specific foods as their most memorable meal and good fare, for example, "suki-yaki" and "sushi," while the undergraduates nominated annual events such as Christmas and New Year parties more often. These results suggest that over the last few decades, people have gradually placed less importance on daily mealtimes at home, and also on family life itself. The results also appear to reflect the shift in the nature of consumption, that is, from "goods" to "service" or "experience".

    DOI CiNii

  • Intra-cultural variation in child care practices in Japan

    Noriko Toyama

    EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE   186 ( 12 ) 1873 - 1892  2016  [Refereed]

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    This study, comprising three sub-studies, aims to examine how child-rearing practices vary according to different social circumstances in Japan. By comparing teacher-child interaction at mealtimes in day care centres both on an isolated small island located in Okinawa prefecture, Tarama, and in a large industrialised city, Tokyo, the following was shown. In Tarama, teachers, children, and their families were familiar with each other before the children's enrolment, while in Tokyo, it was typical that they first met when the children entered the centre. Such differences in social relationships were reflected in teacher-child interactions at mealtimes. First, in Tarama, ownership distinctions at the table were not so rigorous compared to those in Tokyo, implying that the teacher-child lunchtime in Tarama was similar to a home-like private situation. Second, in both Tarama and Tokyo, teachers encouraged children's eating by giving various kinds of assistance, but their approaches were different. Teachers in Tokyo paid much attention to improve children's eating skills, while in Tarama, teachers placed more weight on ensuring primary functions of mealtimes. The results indicated that child care practices were deeply rooted in social communities.



  • Preschool Teachers' Explanations for Hygiene Habits and Young Children's Biological Awareness of Contamination

    Noriko Toyama

    EARLY EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT   27 ( 1 ) 38 - 53  2016.01  [Refereed]

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    Research Findings: Preschools have many norms and rules children are supposed to follow. Among them, behavioral norms associated with mealtime are of great consequence because eating is an essential life function. The present study examined young Japanese children's understanding of hygiene norms and rules at mealtime from the standpoint of their awareness of contamination. Previous studies on contamination sensitivity have mainly focused on children's knowledge itself and have paid little attention to the origins of such knowledge. However, the present study examined how adults talk to children about contamination as 1 possible source of children's knowledge. Practice or Policy: Study 1 involved 32 days of observations during lunchtime at 3 Tokyo preschools. The teachers frequently told children to adhere to hygiene habits such as washing their hands. Although preschool teachers attached much weight to hygiene, their explanations were not precise. They often used 1-word or 1-phrase directions (e.g., Dirty) or just input-output explanations such as Please wash your hands, or you'll get sick. Explanations of why breaking hygiene norms would lead to sickness were seldom offered to children. In Study 2, 26 children age 3 (M age = 3.7) and 22 children age 5 (M age = 5.7) were asked to explain why breaking hygiene norms would lead to sickness. In contrast with teachers' simple expressions in Study 1, even 3-year-old children frequently generated contamination mechanism explanations (e.g., referring to germs and disgust transmission spontaneously).



  • Co-existence of scientific and non-scientific beliefs in illness conceptions

    N. Toyama

    Japanese Psychological Review   58 ( 2 ) 204 - 219  2015.12  [Refereed]


  • The development of Japanese mother-infant feeding interactions during the weaning period

    Noriko Toyama

    INFANT BEHAVIOR & DEVELOPMENT   37 ( 2 ) 203 - 215  2014.05  [Refereed]

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    During the weaning period, infants are not skilled at self-feeding and caregivers play a prominent role in feeding. Solid feeding is therefore an inherently collaborative and interactive process between infants and caregivers. The present study examined how caregivers and infants coordinate their solid feeding interactions, based on naturalistic longitudinal observations of three Japanese mother-infant dyads. The main results were as follows. Four or five months after weaning (about 10-11 months of age), children's mouth movements and mothers' arm movements became more synchronized, and the success or failure of coordinated feeding became independent on children's gaze behavior. During this same period, both mothers' and children's body movements accelerated. Specifically, children's food-intake motions and mothers' food-carrying movements became faster together, although before 10-11 months fluctuations of these motions were not as correlated. Finally, at 9-11 months of age rhythmic body movements became frequent. From the first day of weaning, all three mothers swayed their bodies rhythmically while feeding, and about 2-3 months later their children also began to sway as they ate, at first infectiously but later spontaneously. These observations indicate how specific behavioral development contributes to mother-infant coordination in feeding. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • 元気を養う食


    児童心理   991   40 - 45  2014

  • Japanese mother-infant collaborative adjustment in solid feeding

    Noriko Toyama

    INFANT BEHAVIOR & DEVELOPMENT   36 ( 2 ) 268 - 278  2013.04  [Refereed]

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    During the weaning period, infants are not skilled at self-feeding and caregivers play a prominent role in feeding. Therefore, solid feeding is an inherently collaborative and interactive process between caregivers and infants. The present study examined how caregivers and infants coordinate to construct solid feeding interactions, as an analysis of naturalistic longitudinal observations of three Japanese mother-infant dyads. The main results were as follows. After 2 or 3 months post-weaning, mothers' arm movements became non-fluid while feeding children. This non-fluidity was associated with rapid changes in the movement patterns of the mother's arms and the child's mouth. Compared to the development of children's mouth movements, mothers' arm movements developed quickly. This imbalance in the pace of change may have been one cause of non-fluency. While feeding, even though mothers did not eat the children's food, they frequently moved their mouths as if they were eating. The frequency of this maternal behavior differed according to their feeding styles, and mothers' movement patterns corresponded well with their babies' mouth movements. These findings clarify the importance of mothers' eating-like mouth movements for the weaning process. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Children's Causal Explanations of Psychogenic Bodily Reactions

    Noriko Toyama

    INFANT AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT   22 ( 2 ) 216 - 234  2013.03  [Refereed]

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    In Experiment 1, 4-, 5-, 8- and 11-year-old Japanese children (n=69) and adults (n=21) explained their reasons for bodily induced reactions (e.g. overeating leads to vomiting) and psychogenic bodily reactions (bodily outcomes originating in the mind, e.g. frustration leads to vomiting). Children gave vitalistic explanations, that is, explaining causal connections by referring to a vital force, in responses concerning bodily induced reactions, whereas adults typically gave these explanations in responses concerning psychogenic bodily reactions. In Experiment 2, 5-, 8- and 11-year-old children (n=96) and adults (n=24) explained bodily induced and psychogenic bodily reactions, and psychological behaviour, for example, that frustration leads to nail biting. As in Experiment 1, vitalistic explanations tended to be found for psychogenic tasks but were seldom found in either children's or adults' explanations of psychological behaviour. The findings suggest that with age vitalistic causality obtains cross mind-body implications. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



  • 子どもの食をみる視点


    食品と容器   54 ( 1 ) 27 - 31  2013


  • シンポジウム 授乳・離乳における母親の専門家志向性


    乳幼児医学・心理学研究   22 ( 1 ) 17 - 24  2013


  • 離乳期における摂食スキルの発達


    人間生活工学   13 ( 2 ) 17 - 20  2012


  • Japanese Children's and Adults' Reasoning About the Consequences of Psychogenic Bodily Reactions

    Noriko Toyama


     View Summary

    Four experiments were conducted with Japanese children and adult participants to assess their awareness of the effectiveness of biological and psychological treatments for psychogenic bodily reactions. Study 1 had 116 participants, composed of 4-year-olds (17), 5-year-olds (20), 7-year-olds (24), 10-year-olds (20), and college students (35). The preschoolers tended to respond that only biological cures were effective in treating psychogenic bodily reactions, whereas adults typically responded that only psychological cures were effective. In Studies 2-4, by modifying the wording of the questions, adults' and young children's awareness was reexamined. As a result, in Studies 2 and 3, Japanese adults frequently acknowledged the effectiveness of biological treatments, and, in Study 4 (32 five-year-olds and 34 seven-year-olds), about 70% of the 5-year-old preschoolers who were aware of psychogenic bodily reactions tended to respond that psychological cures were effective in treating these psychogenic reactions. The results were discussed in terms of the developmental course in cross-domain awareness (i.e., reasoning about phenomena that cross ontological domains) and cultural differences in biological understanding.

  • 人権に関する素人の法的判断と道徳的判断

    外山紀子, 長谷川真里

    法と心理   10 ( 1 ) 131 - 143  2011  [Refereed]

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    This paper examined through questionnaire surveys, the judgments of undergraduate students (n=246) with respect to conflicts between various human rights and common welfare issues. None of the participants had majored in law. They were presented with four cases that contained conflicts between several human rights. The participants who were presented with the 'moral' version of the questionnaire (n=141) were asked for their opinion on the preferable course of action, while the others were presented with the 'legal' version (n=105) and were asked: 'If you were a citizen judge, what would your thoughts be on this matter?' The participants' judgments did not differ greatly by gender, current major, high school electives in the social sciences, knowledge of legal terminologies, and self-declared experience with respect to human rights. There were no clear differences between the results obtained from the responses to the legal and moral versions. Several heuristics of the 'disregard for due process', 'undue focus on personalities', 'unilateral respects of gains', and 'labelling possibilities without any proof' were observed.


  • 心と身体の相互依存性に関する子どもの理解


    心理学評論   53   597 - 610  2011  [Refereed]

  • 食物としてのふさわしさを学ぶ


    心理学ワールド   56   13 - 16  2011

  • 母親における育児サポートとしてのインターネット利用

    外山紀子, 小舘亮之, 菊地京子

    人間工学   46   103 - 110  2010  [Refereed]

  • 保育園の作物栽培実践に基づく食物の生産過程に関する学び

    外山紀子, 野村明洋

    日本食育学会誌   4 ( 2 ) 103 - 110  2010  [Refereed]

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    <p>This study investigates whether cultivation practices in nursery schools affect preschoolers' awareness of the processes of food production. The target preschool, nursery school A, was located in the Tama area in Tokyo. Children from school A participated in various cultivation and food processing activities such as growing rice and vegetables and pickling ume. In Study 1, five-and six-year-olds from school A (n=39) and in the other school (n=40) were individually asked to explain why we must eat various types of food, chew food well, say 'Itadakimasu', and not leave food on plates. The answers given by the children did not differ between the two schools. The children from school A gave more detailed answers to questions regarding the processes of food production. In Study 2, 21, mealtime interaction between four-year-olds in school A were observed. While eating, the preschoolers frequently chatted about cultivation and food processing activities. Finally, the implications of cultivating activities in schools were discussed in view of the results.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 子どもたちに伝えたい食:食の共同性


    保育問題研究   246 ( 246 ) 19 - 27  2010


  • Japanese children&apos;s and adults&apos; awareness of psychogenic bodily reactions

    Noriko Toyama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT   34 ( 1 ) 1 - 9  2010.01  [Refereed]

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    In Experiment 1, Japanese children (4-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year-olds (n = 78)) and adults (n = 36), answered questions about the possibility of psychogenic bodily reactions, i.e., bodily outcomes with origins in the mind. The 4- and 5-year-old preschoolers typically denied that bodily conditions could originate in mental states. Developmentally, recognition of psychogenic bodily reactions appeared between ages 8 and 11. Experiment 2 showed that these findings did not depend on whether reactions were positive or negative. The preschoolers had some difficulty in assuming not only negative but also positive psychogenic bodily reactions. In Experiment 3, 5-, 6-, 8-, and 11-year-old children (n = 70) and adults (n = 18) were asked to explain why physical/psychological states would lead to bodily outcomes. Adults relied on mechanical causation for physically induced bodily reactions, while for psychogenic reactions they often referred to vitalistic concepts. In contrast, young children sometimes referred to vitalistic concepts for physically induced reactions, but seldom did so for psychogenic reactions. Vitalistic causality appears to change from causality based on only the body, to a framework that applies not only bodily but also to mental phenomena.



  • 作物栽培の実践と植物に関する幼児の生物学的理解


    教育心理学研究   57 ( 4 ) 491 - 502  2009  [Refereed]

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    The present study investigated whether a preschool's practice of growing vegetables would affect the school's students' awareness of biology, plants, and procedures of cultivation. In Study 1, individual interviews were conducted with 18 six-year-olds at a school where the children regularly participated in raising vegetables, and 16 at another school where the children had little experience raising vegetables. The children with experience growing vegetables tended to view vegetables as living things, based on biological reasons, and to know more about cultivation methods for those vegetables that they were familiar with than the children in the other school did. When the children were asked about fruit that they had had no experience raising, no differences were found between the children at the 2 schools. Study 2 found that the 6-year-old children (n=16) at the school that grew vegetables were more likely to see grass and trees as living things than were the 6-year-olds (n=19) at the other school. Also, when asked about the effects of over-watering and lack of sunlight, the children who grew vegetables generated more biological inferences about edible plants, whereas no differences between the children at the 2 schools were found when the children were asked those same questions about non-edible plants.

    DOI CiNii


  • 共食<共に食べること>の勧め


    チャイルドヘルス   12   34 - 35  2009

  • ヒトの食における社会性


    ベビーサイエンス   9   39 - 40  2009

  • 食事場面における1〜3歳児と母親の相互交渉


    発達心理学研究   19 ( 3 ) 232 - 242  2008  [Refereed]


  • 食育から見た生活習慣づくり


    児童心理   62 ( 11 ) 1038 - 1043  2008


  • 心因性の身体反応に関する子どもの理解と先行経験の役割


    認知心理学研究   5 ( 1 ) 11 - 21  2007  [Refereed]

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    First- and second-graders in Tokyo (M=7 : 4, range=6 : 5-8 : 3, 20 girls, 18 boys) and their mothers participated in this study. The children did not fully accept the possibility of psychogenic bodily reactions such as tension-related stomach pains. The children's performance concerning psychogenic items was correlated with self-reported personal experiences of psychogenic bodily reactions, but not with maternal reports about the children's previous experiences. The children who reported about their previous experiences of psychogenic bodily reactions were more likely to refer to vitalistic or mechanic explanations when explaining how mental states could cause bodily reactions. Even when the mothers suggested mental problems, such as anxiety, worry, fear, or shyness, as causes for the children's previous bodily reactions, the children seldom considered psychological causes, but rather hypothesized bodily causes, such as having a cold. These results seem to suggest that many first- and second-graders do not possess a framework that allows them to contemplate psychological causes for bodily reactions.

    DOI CiNii

  • プライバシーと知る権利に関する子どもの理解

    外山紀子, 大林路代

    発達心理学研究   18 ( 3 ) 236 - 247  2007  [Refereed]

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    Three experiments examined children's awareness of rights to privacy and the right to know. In Experiment 1, 4th, 6th, and 8th graders, and undergraduate students, judged whether three types of individual information should be disclosed in a classroom newspaper. The 4th graders, like the older children and college students, distinguished between public vs. personal matters. That is, public matters like school activities were not assumed to be private, whereas personal items such as a diary and petty cashbook were assumed to be kept from the public view. In Experiment 2, the same four age groups evaluated whether a student should show his "good" or "bad" personal diary to a teacher, and whether a salesclerk should reveal her customer's telephone number to a "good" or "bad" person. Elementary school children tended to respond that the "good" diary could be shown, and that the telephone number could be given to a "good" person. In Experiment 3, 4th graders and the older participants all showed awareness that even "bad" personal matters should be disclosed if such disclosure is recognized as being in the public interest.

    DOI CiNii

  • Young children's awareness of socially mediated rejection of food - Why is food dropped at the table "dirty"?

    N Toyama

    COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT   15 ( 4 ) 523 - 541  2000.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We sometimes drop food at mealtimes. Once dropped, the food becomes dirty or inedible not only in a physical but also in a social sense. Even without physical contact with contaminants, we may not eat fallen food in same social contexts, e.g., a high-quality restaurant. Such thinking is referred here as "socially mediated rejection." In Study 1, Japanese children were observed during mealtimes at home and at school. Even 2-year-olds reacted to fallen food differently between at school and home. In Study 2, 4- and 6-year-olds and adults were presented several stories in an experiment, and were asked to predict the story character's bodily and emotional reactions to eating fallen food. Preschoolers noticed that physically contaminated food would cause bodily harm more than socially rejected food. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

  • "What are food and air like inside our bodies?": Children&apos;s thinking about digestion and respiration

    N Toyama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT   24 ( 2 ) 222 - 230  2000.06  [Refereed]

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    A series of five experiments evaluated whether young children are aware of biological transformations associated with eating and breathing. In Experiment 1, children aged 4, 5, 7, and 8 years predicted that biological damage results from lack of eating and breathing. Children also recognised that food changes inside the body, but seldom referred spontaneously to biological transformation. In Experiments 2 and 2A, children were presented with several alternative explanations of what food and air would be like inside the human body. Both preschoolers and elementary schoolchildren assumed that air would acquire warmth and colour inside the body. The older children consistently understood biological transformation of food. Preschoolers accepted the idea that food undergoes a transformation necessary for health and growth, but did not think so when the transformation was expressed in a material sense. In Experiments 3 and 3A, some preschoolers predicted the transformation of resources inside familiar and unfamiliar living things, but not inside nonliving things. In addition, some 4- and 5-year-olds recognised the sun&apos;s contribution to "digestive" processes for plants, but not for mammals. Finally, the question of whether early understanding of digestion can be termed "theory-like" was discussed.

  • 幼稚園の食事場面における子どもたちのやりとり:社会的意味の検討


    教育心理学研究   48   192 - 202  2000  [Refereed]

  • Developmental changes in the basis of associational contamination thinking

    N Toyama

    COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT   14 ( 2 ) 343 - 361  1999.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Three experiments evaluated the basis of associational contamination thinking among Japanese college students and 4- and 7-year-old children. "Associational contamination thinking" is the belief that mere proximity between a contaminant and a substance will render the substance noxious even without direct contact between contaminants and substances. In Experiment 1, 7-year-olds and adults engaged in associational contamination thinking more often for disgusting (feces and roaches) and dangerous (poison and O-157) contaminants than for taste contaminants (salt and sugar). However, 4-year-olds&apos; predictions were not different among the three types of contaminants. In Experiment 2, when contaminants were assumed to have some biological properties, both adults and 7-year-olds were somewhat more likely to engage in associational contamination thinking; however, such a relation was not found in 4-year-olds. Younger children&apos;s similar thinking with related to all contaminants was not attributable to ignorance of the necessity of physical contact. Instead, it appeared to be due in part to overreliance on perceptual cues, as was suggested in Experiment 3.

  • 食事場面における幼児の席とり行動:ヨコに座ると何かいいことあるの?


    発達心理学研究   9 ( 3 ) 209 - 220  1998  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This study observed 2- and 4-year-olds during school lunchtime, and examined their seating preferences. Four-year-olds were more likely to express a favored seating position than were 2-year-olds. Both age groups preferred-side-by-side or right-angled orientations over face-to-face seating. Among the younger children, freqnency of peer interaction was associated with seating arrangement. These children were more likely to interact with peers when seated side-by-side or at right angles than when face-to-face. The 2-year-olds were also more likely to initiate interaction through touching or joint attention. This behavior was more freqnently observe in side-by-side or right-angled orientations than face-to-face. It is apparent that younger children's seating preferences are related to their social interactions.

    DOI CiNii

  • Japanese preschoolers' understanding of biological concepts related to procedures for animal care

    N Toyama, YM Lee, T Muto

    EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH QUARTERLY   12 ( 3 ) 347 - 360  1997  [Refereed]

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    This study examined whether voluntary participation in animal care activities in school was associated with 6-year-old children's (N = 41) understanding of animal care procedures. Children who often participated in such activities had better understanding of animal care procedures, based on physical characteristics specific to target animals. But levels of participation were not associated with understanding of procedures which are common to both animals and humans. The results of this study suggest that voluntary participation in animal care activities, reflection on animal care procedures, and other factors all are related to young children's understanding of animal care procedures at school.

  • 装置操作学習における教示の役割

    古田貴久, 石川寿久, 外山紀子, 鈴木宏昭, 坂元昂

    電子情報通信学会論文誌, D-2, Vol.J76-D-2,   9 ( 9 ) 2031 - 2041  1993  [Refereed]


  • 手続きに関する知識の柔軟な使用をもたらす要因

    外山紀子, 鈴木高士

    心理学研究   64   378 - 383  1993  [Refereed]

  • 食事場面における幼児と母親の相互交渉

    外山紀子, 無藤隆

    教育心理学研究   38   395 - 400  1991  [Refereed]

  • スクリプトの意味的知識の発達:食事スクリプトをめぐって


    発達心理学研究   1 ( 2 ) 87 - 96  1991  [Refereed]


  • 食事概念の獲得:小学生から大学生に対する質問紙調査による検討


    日本家政学会誌   41 ( 8 ) 707 - 714  1990  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We eat and dine everyday. Then how the concept of "dining" is perceived by people? The purpose of this study is to find out the process of acquiring the concept about "dining" through questionnaires concerning "a typical image of dining scene," "a typical image of dining script," and their reasons. The sample consisted of 188 second-, 211 fourth-, 201 sixth-, and 154 eighth grade children, 293 college students, and 246 parents whose children are elementary school pupils. The results are as follows: (1) The typical image commonly shared by the adult sample was to eat nutrious and delicious foods, chatting with their family or intimate friends in the evening at home. (2) Second grade children were found to attach much importance to the physiological function of "dining," sixth and eighth grade children to the function of ''dining," to the family life, college students to the more general social function of "dining," and parents to both physiological and social functions. In other words, the concept of dining develops from the physiological function through the familial to the social functions with ages. (3) Females attached much importance to all functions of ''dining" than makes.


  • 小学生女児のごっこ遊びにおけるスクリプトとメタ発話の発達的変化

    外山紀子, 無藤隆

    発達心理学研究   1 ( 1 ) 10 - 19  1990  [Refereed]

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    Many Japanese girls seem to continue to play make-believe using commercial dolls after their early childhood. The kinds of developmental changes that happen to these girls, however, has not been investigated. In this study we observed 27 groups (9 groups at each of three elementary school grades, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6) each of which was composed of 2 to 6 girls. Their playing with commercial dolls was audiotaped. We found that everyday script-based activities in home-and school-life were played more often than non-everyday activities such as a wedding, but that older graders tended to engage in non-everyday activities more often than younger Often played script-based activities were "getting-up", "dining", and "going-to-bed". Among these only in the going-to-bed script the children's utterances per slot increased with age. The number of different meanings acted out in each script increased with age. One type of meta-narratives, i.e., upsetting the play frame itself, also increased with age. These last two trends were considered to be unique to higher graders.

    DOI CiNii

  • 絵本場面における母親の発話


    教育心理学研究   37   151 - 157  1989  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 歩行が広げる乳児の世界: 発達カスケードの探究

    外山紀子・西尾千尋・山本寛樹( Part: Joint author)

    ちとせプレス  2024.10

  • 乳幼児は世界をどう理解しているのか

    外山紀子, 中島伸子( Part: Joint author)

    ポプラ社  2023.11

  • 生命を理解する心の発達

    外山紀子( Part: Sole author)


  • 生活のなかの発達

    外山紀子・安藤智子・本山方子(編)( Part: Edit, 1章 身体から始まる世界の探索)

    新曜社  2019.03

  • 「食に関する理解の発達」今田純雄・和田有史(編)『食行動の科学』

    外山紀子( Part: Contributor)

    朝倉書店  2017.04

  • 若者たちの食卓

    外山紀子, 長谷川智子, 佐藤康一郎( Part: Joint editor)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2017.03

  • Young Children's Cross Mind-Body Awareness. Japan Society of Developmental Psychology (Ed.) Frontiers in Developmental Psychology Research: Japanese Perspectives.

    Noriko Toyama( Part: Contributor)

    Hituzi Shobo  2016.07

  • 『発達心理学事典』(編集)


    丸善出版  2013.06

  • 『子どもと食』(編著)

    根ヶ山光一, 外山紀子, 河原紀子

    東京大学出版会  2013.04

  • 『乳幼児は世界をどう理解しているか』(共著)

    外山紀子, 中島伸子

    新曜社  2013.03

  • 『やさしい発達と学習』(共著)

    外山紀子, 外山美樹

    有斐閣  2010.03

  • 「今どきの『食卓の風景』」(pp.30-31)「家族の共食はいま」(pp.194-195) (外山紀子)『よくわかる家族心理学』(分担執筆)


    ミネルヴァ書房  2010.02

  • 「幼児期の認知発達の特徴は何か」(pp.48-49)「どのように科学的概念を獲得するのか」(pp.58-59) (外山紀子)『発達心理学』(分担執筆)

    無藤隆, 佐久間路

    学文社  2008.12

  • 『発達としての共食』(単著)


    新曜社  2008.02

  • 「子どもは身体の仕組みがわかっているか」(pp.172-173)「『食育』の意味と意義はどのようなものか」(pp.186-187)(外山紀子) 『よくわかる乳幼児心理学』(分担執筆)


    ミネルヴァ書房  2008.01

  • 『心と身体の相互性に関する理解の発達』(単著)


    風間書房  2007.11

  • 「感覚と知覚」(pp.11-40)(外山紀子) 『未来をひらく心理学入門』(分担執筆)


    八千代出版  2007.04

  • 「来談者中心療法」(pp.59-73)「学習障害」(pp.145-158)(外山紀子) 『教育とカウンセリング』(共著)

    前田基成, 吉村真理子, 鈴木聡志, 外山紀子, 田中奈緒子

    八千代出版  2006.06

  • 「幼児期から児童期にかけての食の理解と実践」(pp.46-65) (外山紀子)『食教育論』(分担執筆)

    大村省吾, 川端晶子

    昭和堂  2005.06

  • 「論理的に考える時期」(pp.62-63)「言葉の上達」(pp.68-69)「読み書きの力」(pp.84-85)(外山紀子) 『よくわかる発達心理学』(分担執筆)

    無藤隆, 岡本祐子, 大坪治彦

    ミネルヴァ書房  2004.09

  • 「家の中の慣習をどう学ぶか」(pp.141-156)(外山紀子) 『<家の中>を認知科学する:変わる家族・モノ・学び・技術』(分担執筆)

    野島久雄, 原田悦子

    新曜社  2004.03

  • 「学習と認知発達」 (pp.155-176)(外山紀子) 『認知科学パースペクティブ:心理学からの10の視点』(分担執筆)


    信山社  2002.06

  • 「日常場面で発揮される有能性:幼児期の知的能力」 (pp.127-138) (外山紀子)『発達心理学』(分担執筆)


    ミネルヴァ書房  2001.10

  • 「生活・遊び・学習」(pp.15-60) (外山紀子・無藤隆)『新・児童心理学講座11巻:子どもの遊びと学習』(分担執筆)


    金子書房  1991.01

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Research Projects

  • 科学と魔術が共存する認識の発達的検討

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    外山 紀子, 中島 伸子, 富田 昌平, 高橋 京子

  • 離島の子ども世界における多様な他者とのまじりあい:都市部との対比から

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小島 康生, 石島 このみ, 外山 紀子, 川田 学

  • 生物領域における科学的知識と素朴信念の共存

    Project Year :


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  • 離島と都市部の保育園新入園児における保育場面への移行に関する縦断研究

    Project Year :


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  • 感覚モダリティ変換を応用した小児がん患児の食意欲の心理量測定ツールの開発

    Project Year :


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  • 共存モデルにたった病気理解の検討

    Project Year :


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    2019年度は,次の2つの研究を行った。(1)内在的正義・公正世界信念と科学的病因論の共存:前年度は内在的正義・公正世界信念に関する素朴信念と,西洋近代的な病気治癒に関する理解とが幼児から大人の年齢範囲でいかに共存しているかを検討した。その結果,病気が「とても深刻」だった場合,その病気にかかった二人の登場人物のうち,努力あるいは痛みを伴う治療に取り組んだ者の方が,努力あるいは痛みをほとんど伴わない治療に取り組んだ者よりも,早く治るだろうという判断が大人になるにつれ認められるようになった。また,努力する人が患者本人でない場合には,治療の効果が得られにくいだろうという判断も,大人になるにつれ顕著になった。2019年度は,病気の重症度を「とても深刻」な場合と「少し具合が悪い」場合における判断の相違を検討した。幼児・小学生・大学生を対象とした個別インタビュー実験を行った結果,病気が深刻な場合には,努力した方が早く治るという判断が大人になるにつれ多くなったが,軽症な場合には努力による影響はほとんど認められなかった。大人は文脈に応じて,素朴信念と科学的理解とを使いわけることが示唆された。以上を論文にまとめた(Toyama, N. (in press). The development of implicit links between effort, pain, and recovery. Child Development. )。(2) 病気に関する社会的情報の収集と分析:保育園での縦断観察調査を実施し,食事や朝の会などでの病気の予防と治療に関する発話を収集・分析した。社会的情報の文化差,とりわけ生気論的信念に関する実践を観察するために,中国の幼稚園での観察調査を計画していたが,新型肺炎の影響により実施できなかった。事業期間の延期を申請し,2020年度秋に実施予定である。素朴信念と科学的理解との共存を調べる実験調査については,予定通り進めることができた。一方,病気予防や治癒,衛生習慣に関する社会的情報を検討するための観察調査については,中国での観察を実施することができず,2020年度に実施を遅らせることにした。2020年度は, 2017年度から継続して実施している観察研究のデータ分析を行い,投稿論文にまとめたい。保育園での日常的な場面において,保育者が手洗いやうがい,栄養,睡眠と健康との関係をどのようなことばを用いて説明しているか,日常的な生活習慣の中に素朴信念がどのように織り込まれているかという観点から分析する。また,中国での観察調査を行い,保育者の子どもに対する働きかけ,保育室や園環境,生活ルーティンの相違を分析する

  • Study on children's understanding and expression of illness and injury, and adult's responses to children's expression

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    Researchers from different disciplines, such as developmental psychology, pediatric nursing, school health, and nursing informatics, who had not shared their research findings until now, collaborated and conducted empirical research on the following six points. Their results can be applied to pediatric medical care and school health. We compiled the results of (4) - (6) on the pediatric medical environment as a brochure, which we distributed to pediatric health care facilities nationwide.(1) Development of understanding of illnesses (2) Children’s expressions on diseases and injuries and adult’s responses to their expressions (3) Adult estimation of children’s understanding of illnesses (4) Development views of pediatric medical staff (5) Environment of pediatric medical facilities in Japan (6) Guidelines for explanation and consent at pediatric medical facilities in Japa

  • 抱き上げ場面における親子の間身体的相互作用の初期発達に関する研究

    Project Year :


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  • Development of children's contamination sensitivity at mealtimes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Toyama Noriko

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    The present study examined young children’s illness conception and understanding of hygiene norms and rules at mealtime.(1) By observing preschool mealtimes, the present study examined how adults talk to children about contamination, as one possible source of children’s knowledge. Although preschool teachers' explanations on hygiene were not precise, 3- and 5-year-old preschoolers have sophisticated understanding, i.e.,they frequently generated contamination-mechanism explanations. (2) By comparing teacher-child interaction at mealtimes in day care centers in Okinawa and in Tokyo, it was shown that hygiene habits were deeply rooted in social communities. (3) Examined whether children notice different causes for contagious illnesses, non-contagious illnesses, and injuries, it was shown that 4- and, 5-year-old children consistently denied a belief in immanent justice. For contagious illnesses, they appeared to notice that physical contact with contaminants make us sick

  • 離島におけるアロマザリングの総合的研究:守姉の風習を中心に

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • Vitalistic Causality in Children's Biological Thought

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TOYAMA Noriko

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    Vitalistic causality has been posited as a causal-explanatory framework in the domain of biology.In the present study, the following findings were obtained concerning the development of this causality. (1) Elementary school children often generated vitalistic explanations for bodily induced bodily reactions, while adults tended to refer to this type of explanations for psychogenic bodily reactions. (2) Children and adults often referred to vitalistic concepts when explaining the role of psychological factors of taste experiences on biological processes such as growth and illness. (3) Preschool teachers and mothers often offered vitalistic explanations when explaining about illnesses and injuries. (4) Vitalistic explanations were also observed among young children's explanations on hygiene habits. These results suggested that preschoolers' awareness of biological processes largely exceeded, both quantitatively and qualitatively, their mothers' or preschool teachers' verbal messages

  • 授乳・離乳の指針(ガイド)が食の養育行動に及ぼす影響

    科学研究費助成事業(共立女子大学)  科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)

    Project Year :


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  • Different aspects of development in children's eating : with a special attention to caregiver-child conflict and negotiation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NEGAYAMA Koichi, KAWAHARA Noriko, TOYAMA Noriko, IMADA Sumio, HASEGAWA Tomoko, TANAKA Yoshiko

     View Summary

    Development of breast-/bottle feeding, weaning, and solid-feeding were studied with questionnaire, interviewing, and observation with a special attention to parent-child conflict and negotiation. The results showed that children's eating is a sign of their active participation which brings mutual assertions of care-givers and children resulting in conflict and negotiation. A trend of the times was reflected in it.

  • Development of the Vitalistic causality as an cross mind-body explanation framework.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TOYAMA Noriko

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    Ten experiments were conducted on Japanese children and adults to assess their awareness of vitalistic causality as a cross mind-body explanatory framework. In Studies 1-3, 4- and 5-year-old preschoolers and 7- and 10-year-olds were asked to evaluate the effectiveness of biological and psychological treatments for psychogenic bodily reactions. The preschoolers tended to respond that only biological cures were effective in treating psychogenic bodily reactions, whereas adults typically responded that only psychological cures were effective. However, by modifying the wordings of the questions, both the preschoolers and adults tended to respond that psychological and biological cures were effective in treating these psychogenic bodily reactions. Next, through four experiments, the development of vitalistic causality was examined. Vitalistic causality presumes that bodily phenomena are attributed to the workings of vital force. Both adults and preschoolers responded that the concept of vigor, corresponding to a vital force, had implications that crossed mind and body. They assumed that a vigorous man would have both bodily and mental properties, and that vigor would be gained through bodily and mental activities. These results suggested that Japanese adults and young children were somewhat similar in their bio-psychological awareness of vital force. However, the results showed several age-related differences. Specifically, adults had a more elaborate awareness of understanding of mechanisms, and they assumed more kinds of pathways of mind-body interactions. Finally, we investigated whether A nursery school's practice of growing vegetables would affect children's biological awareness of plants and vitalistic conceptions. The children in A school were more likely to assume plants as living-things based on biological reasons and their predictions about "edible" plants in the situation of overwatering and lack of sunlight were more biological in A school than in the other school. The discussion focused on the developmental course of vitalistic causality and cross-domain awareness

  • Children's awareness of psychosomatic phenomena

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TOYAMA Noriko

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    Nine studies examined children's awareness of psychosomatic phenomena.In Studies 1 and 2, one-hundred fifty-six children in 5-, 6-, 8-, and 11-year old groups, and fifty adults, were asked about the possibility of psychogenic bodily reactions as bodily ailments with origins in the mind. Young children typically denied that bodily conditions could originate in mental states.Studies 3 and 4 investigated Japanese adults' beliefs of psychosomatic phenomena. Thirty undergraduate students gave explanations for why mental states lead to bodily outcomes. These adults did not demonstrate a detailed and specific explanatory framework for psychogenic bodily reactions. Their explanations were based on two ideas, first that the mind and body are mutually related. The second idea was that mind and body exchange some unspecified energy (vital-force or stress) in the body or environment.Studies 5, 6, and 7 consisted of interviews with 101 children in preschool through fifth grade, and 42 adults, and showed that even young children noticed that taking in physical energy is good for physical and mental health, although they tended to believe they could totally control emotions by intention. Young children's difficulties in understanding psychosomatic phenomena may have involved their incorporating the mind into a bio-mechanical model of causation.Finally, in Studies 8 and 9, the role of experiences and social information on children's awareness was examined. Study 8 demonstrated that children's awareness did not depend on their previous experiences of psychosomatic diseases. Mothers in Study 9 seldom gave causal explanations for psychogenic bodily reactions.Based on these results, we cannot conclude that preschoolers have clear awareness of the mutuality of mind-body relations. But children do seem to have some primitive conceptual abilities for understanding phenomena that cross biology and psvcholoav

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  • 子どもの与薬 基礎知識 子どもの病気や治療に対する理解と反応 発達心理学のエビデンスに基づき考えよう

    住吉智子, 外山紀子, 中島伸子

    小児看護   42 ( 1 ) 17‐22 - 22  2019.01


  • Developmental cascades instigated by the onset of walking

    Toyama Noriko, Nishio Chihiro, Takanashi Katsuya, Negayama Koichi, Takada Akira

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   83 ( 0 ) SS - 074-SS-074  2019

    DOI CiNii

  • 全国の総合病院における小児の成長発達に配慮した入院および外来診療環境の実態調査 インフォームド・アセントの視点を加えて

    住吉 智子, 中島 伸子, 外山 紀子, 向井 隆久, 木内 妙子, 前田 樹海, 亀崎 路子, 山下 雅子

    小児保健研究   77 ( 2 ) 175 - 183  2018.03

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  • 病気に関する理解の発達


    日本小児看護学会学術集会講演集   27th   72  2017.07


  • 子どもへの配慮がある小児医療環境に関する全国調査―小児病棟あるいは混合病棟を有する病院の比較―

    住吉智子, 中島伸子, 外山紀子, 向井隆久, 木内妙子, 前田樹海, 亀崎路子, 山下雅子

    小児保健研究(Web)   76 ( Suppl ) 231 (WEB ONLY) - 231  2017.05


  • 子どもへの配慮がある小児医療環境に関する全国調査 小児病棟あるいは混合病棟を有する病院の比較

    住吉 智子, 中島 伸子, 外山 紀子, 向井 隆久, 木内 妙子, 前田 樹海, 亀崎 路子, 山下 雅子

    小児保健研究   76 ( 講演集 ) 231 - 231  2017.05

  • 病気に関する情報源の選択:幼児は誰の情報に信頼を置くのか


    日本乳幼児医学・心理学会プログラム・抄録集   27th   10  2017


  • 子どもの痛み表現の社会的構成

    外山紀子, 向井隆久, 中島伸子, 亀崎路子, 木内妙子

    日本発達心理学会大会プログラム(CD-ROM)   28th   ROMBUNNO.SS7‐1  2017


  • 子どもの心の成長と食事 発達的視点からみた「共食」の意味


    教育と医学   64 ( 9 ) 768‐774 - 774  2016.09

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 病気に関する質問は誰にすべきなのか?:情報源のふさわしさに関する幼児の理解


    日本発達心理学会大会プログラム(CD-ROM)   27th   ROMBUNNO.SS7‐1,TOYAMA  2016


  • 授乳・離乳の選択とその規定要因の検討

    河原紀子, 根ケ山光一, 外山紀子, 則松宏子

    日本発達心理学会大会論文集   26th   293  2015.02


  • 青年期の食―写真法から見える日常―

    外山紀子, 岡田努, 長谷川智子, 佐藤康一郎, 今田純雄

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   56th   138 - 139  2014.10


  • 「元気」のない子 元気を養う食


    児童心理   68 ( 13 ) 1064 - 1069  2014.09


  • Steps to writing research papers based on observational data: Describing human behavior in time series

    Toyama Noriko, Hosoma Hiromichi, Negayama Koichi, Den Yasuharu, Takanashi Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   78 ( 0 ) SS - 041-SS-041  2014

    DOI CiNii

  • Children's Interactions at Preschool Mealtime : Social Aspects

    Noriko Toyama

    Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology   48 ( 2 ) 192 - 202  2000

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    The present research examined young children's interactions at preschool mealtime. In Study 1, 4-to 5-year olds were observed at 1 preschool for 1 year 3 months. While eating, the children talked about family, food, and other general topics. Ritualized interactions, that is, interactions that were routine or that followed a set pattern, were identified. In the 4-year-olds' class, interactions that followed set patterns were longer than non-ritualized ones, and more children participated in such interactions that in the non-ritualized ones. However, these results were not observed in the 5-year-olds. Rather, in the 5-year-olds' class, non-ritualized interactions were longer and had more participants than those with an established pattern. In Study 2, observations were made of a class 4-year-olds who had just entered the school. At first, interactions following the set patterns used in that classroom were not found, but they appeared about 1 month later. As in the 4-year-olds' class in Study 1, longer interactions and more participation were found for interactions following set routines than for non-ritualized interactions.


  • Mental development of ‘meanings' related to scripts: ‘Dining' script as an example

    Noriko Toyama

    Shinrigaku Kenkyu   64 ( 5 ) 378 - 383  1993

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    The purpose here is to investigate how the process of relating ‘meanings' to scripts is influenced by the developmental changes of concepts about these activities, with an example of ‘dining'. Based on previous studies that the concept of ‘dining' develops from physiological function orientation to social function orientation, second, fourth, and sixth graders, and college students were asked to plan ‘dining' with a physiological goal or a social one. The results are as follows. (1) Generated plans became more connected with goals developmentally in both social and physiological context. (2) Second graders who attached much importance to physiological function of ‘dining' were apt to generate plans with physiological meanings even in social goal context. © 1993, The Japanese Psychological Association. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed

  • Mother-toddler interaction in a meal time

    Noriko Toyama, Takashi Muto

    The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology   38 ( 4 ) 395 - 404  1990

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the mother toddler interaction in a meal time at home. Subjects were 17 one and two year-old-toddlers and their mothers. The interactions during lunch time at home were twice videotaped a week apart. The results were as follows: (1) Mothers picked up more topics not relevant to eating itself as information to children who were older and more able to eat by themselves than the younger and less able children
    also to older siblings than younger ones. (2) When children were eating, mothers would talk more about ‘taste’ and ‘tool’ and uttered more questions and praises to their children than when children would not be eating. (3) Only when the physiological function of the dining was satisfied, would the mothers spontaneously hold a conversation. (4) When children would not eat, mothers would try to clearly make the distinction between meal time and non-meal time. It was found in own studies that mothers seemed to try to corporate the physiological activity of ‘eating’ into a culturally determined script of ‘dining’. © 1990, The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology. All rights reserved.


  • Maternal Speech in Mother-Toddler Picture Book Reading

    Noriko Toyama

    The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology   37 ( 2 ) 151 - 157  1989.01

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    Maternal Speech In Mother-Toddler Picture Book Reading Picture book reading provides children with various information about vocabularies and communication styles. The First research question examined here consisted on how mothers help toddlers to acquire vocabularies in picture book reading activity; the second one was made of what other kinds of acquisition were possible for toddlers. The investigation was made through the analysis of maternal speech to children. Five mother-toddler dyads (1:06-2:00) took part in this longitudinal, four-month study. Their interactions including picture book reading were videotaped and five minutes of each observation session were transcribed. The analysis of mothers&#039; strategies of reading labels in the books showed that their strategies did not strictly correspond with children&#039;s comprehension level, but that their speech always included labels in some phase of the reading cycle. Mothers gave opportunities to hear again the label of the thing children had misnamed in the preceding cycle. Classifying mothers&#039; speech suggested that in picture book reading mothers gave children various informations about print, category, story, book-handling, moral, and discipline. (170). © 1989, The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology. All rights reserved.

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