Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title

Research Experience

  • 2021.04

    Waseda University

  • 2015.04

    Waseda University   School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

  • 2013.04

    Waseda University   School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

  • 2011.04

    The University of Tokyo   The Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

  • 2008.04

    The University of Tokyo

Education Background

  • 2005.04

    東京大学大学院 学際情報学府   /日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1  

  • 2003.04

    東京大学大学院   学際情報学府  

  • 1999.04

    Tokyo University of the Arts   Faculty of Music   Musicology  

Committee Memberships

  • 2018

    情報処理学会インタラクション2019  プログラム委員

  • 2016

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会  学会誌委員会 幹事

  • 2016

    電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーショングループ  HCGシンポジウム2016 委員

  • 2013

    電子情報通信学会マルチメディア・仮想環境基礎研究専門委員会  専門委員

Professional Memberships





Research Areas

  • Human interface and interaction

Research Interests

  • インタラクションデザイン

  • ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション


  • エンタテイメントコンピューティング2021 論文賞


    Winner: 江藤健太郎, 中村幸樹, 橋田朋子

  • 第26回学生CGコンテスト, Campus Genius Award SILVER


    Winner: 千葉一磨, 橋田朋子

  • エンタテイメントコンピューティング2020, ベストプレゼンテーション賞


    Winner: 星野瑠海, 橋田朋子

  • 第18回 船井学術賞

    2019.04   船井情報科学振興財団  

    Winner: 橋田朋子

  • エンタテインメントコンピューティング2018ベストペーパー賞(ノート)

    2018.09   情報処理学会  

    Winner: 千葉 一磨, 中山 祐之介, 橋田 朋子

  • Best Poster Award

    2018.07   Alife2018  

  • インタラクティブ発表賞(一般・PC推薦)

    2018.03   情報処理学会 インタラクション2018  

    Winner: SEONG YOUNG AH, 橋田朋子, 上岡玲子

  • インタラクティブ発表賞(PC推薦)

    2018.03   情報処理学会 インタラクション2018  

    Winner: 中山祐之介, 横田智大, 橋田朋子

  • インタラクティブ発表賞(一般)

    2018.03   情報処理学会 インタラクション2018  

    Winner: 油井俊哉, 橋田朋子

  • Best Short Paper Award

    2018.02   Augmented Human 2018  

    Winner: Yukihiro Nihimura, Tomoko Hashida

  • SIGEC学生優秀賞

    2017.06   情報処理学会エンタテインメント研究会  

    Winner: 森本傑, 橋田朋子

  • インタラクティブ発表賞(一般)

    2016.03   情報処理学会 インタラクション2016  

    Winner: 油井 俊哉, 橋田 朋子

  • MVE賞

    2016.03   電子情報通信学会マルチメディア・仮想環境基礎研究会  

    Winner: 橋田朋子

  • 第17回論文賞

    2014.09   日本バーチャルリアリティ学会  

    Winner: 橋田朋子

  • テレコムシステム技術賞 奨励賞

    2013.03   第 28 回電気通信普及財団  

    Winner: 橋田朋子

  • Best Paper Nominee

    2012.11   ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2012  

    Winner: 橋田朋子

  • Innovative Technologies

    2012.09   経済産業省  

    Winner: 橋田朋子

  • 第11回船井研究奨励賞


    Winner: 橋田朋子

  • 学術奨励賞

    2012.03   日本バーチャルリアリティ学会  

    Winner: 橋田朋子

  • ヒューマンコミュニケーション賞

    2011.12   電子情報通信学会  

    Winner: 橋田朋子

  • MVE賞

    2011.07   電子情報通信学会  

    Winner: 橋田朋子

▼display all

Media Coverage

  • 「液体とレンズで描く絵画」,アートとのはざま①

    Newspaper, magazine

    日本経済新聞, サイエンス面   日本経済新聞, サイエンス面  


  • 隣の様子モザイク処理 :間仕切りに透明フィルター

    Newspaper, magazine

    日本経済新聞   科学技術面  


  • 芸術・自然科学・情報技術の融合による新しい表現メディア



  • 勝手に命名する額縁

    TV or radio program

    テレビ東京   ワールドビジネスサテライト「トレたま」コーナー  


  • 遠くにある物の高さや幅 指にセンサー、一瞬で測定

    Newspaper, magazine



  • 感性×ロジカル思考で新市場を開拓-ハイブリッドな理系女性の力-

    Newspaper, magazine

    月刊 事業構想  


  • パワーウーマン市場を拓く!

    Newspaper, magazine

    月刊 事業構想  


▼display all



  • スキマを作る道具:不確かで多義的なインタラクションの試み


    共創学会   1 ( 1 ) 57 - 60  2019.06  [Invited]

  • rapoptosis: Renatusu via Apoptosis - Prototyping Using Clothes.

    Young Ah Seong, Tomoko Hashida, Ryoko Ueoka

    Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information in Intelligent Systems - Thematic Area, HIMI 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Orlando, FL, USA, July 26-31, 2019, Proceedings, Part II     401 - 411  2019  [Refereed]



  • Autonomously Moving Pine Cone Robot: Using Pine Cones as Natural Hygromorphic Actuators and as Components of the Mechanism

    untaro Tamaru, Toshiya Yui, Tomoko Hashida

        623 - 624  2018.07  [Refereed]

  • Recognition of Hand Gestures, On-body Touches and a Combination of Both by Active Acoustic Sensing through the Human Body

    横田智大, 橋田朋子

    情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(Web)   59 ( 2 ) 703‐714 (WEB ONLY)  2018.02


  • A Detachable Exoskeleton Interface that Duplicates the User's Hand Posture and Motions.

    Genki Toyama, Tomoko Hashida

    Proceedings of the 9th Augmented Human International Conference, AH 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea, February 7-9, 2018     22:1-22:5  2018  [Refereed]

  • Recognition and Feedback of Vowel Utterance with a Good Mouth Shape Based on Sensing Platysma Muscle Bulging.

    Yukihiro Nishimura, Tomoko Hashida

    Proceedings of the 9th Augmented Human International Conference, AH 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea, February 7-9, 2018     18:1-18:5  2018  [Refereed]

  • Phantazuma: the stage machinery enabling the audience members to watch different contents depending on their position by vision control film and pepper's ghost.

    Kazuma Chiba, Yunosuke Nakayama, Tomoko Hashida

    Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST 2018, Tokyo, Japan, November 28 - December 01, 2018     111:1-111:2  2018  [Refereed]



  • Fade-in Pixel: A Selective and Gradual Real-World Pixelization Filter.

    Jin Himeno, Tomohiro Yokota, Tomoko Hashida

    Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, ISS 2018, Tokyo, Japan, November 25-28, 2018     237 - 242  2018  [Refereed]



  • Rapid prototyping system using transformable and adherable PCL blocks.

    Keiichiro Taniguchi, Tomoko Hashida

    SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Posters, Tokyo, Japan, December 04-07, 2018     50:1-50:2  2018  [Refereed]



  • Magic zoetrope: representation of animation by multi-layer 3D zoetrope with a semitransparent mirror.

    Tomohiro Yokota, Tomoko Hashida

    SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Emerging Technologies, Tokyo, Japan, December 04-07, 2018     8:1-8:2  2018  [Refereed]



  • Inter-personal displays: Augmenting the physical world where people get together

    Takeshi Naemura, Yasuaki Kakehi, Shunsuke Yoshida, Tomoko Hashida, Naoya Koizumi, Shogo Fukushima

    Human-Harmonized Information Technology   2   173 - 196  2017.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    © Springer Japan KK 2017. All rights reserved. The aim of this project is to design and demonstrate the future of information environment where people get together. Personal computers and smart devices have succeeded in augmenting the ability of each person. At now, even when people meet at a place, they tend to gaze at their own displays. As a result, they cannot concentrate on face-to-face communication among them. This means that current information technology well designed for personal activities is insufficient for group ones. The authors believe that this problem is mainly caused by the limitation of current display technology. For exceeding this limitation, this article introduces three approaches: (1) privacy control of display content for promoting discussion in groups, (2) projection-based control of physical objects for suppressing the incompatibility between the physical and digitalworlds and (3) spatial imaging for augmented reality among people without wearable displays. These contributions can transform existing personal display technology to novel inter-personal one which is useful for people getting together.



  • Printing System Reflecting User's Intent in Real Time Using a Handheld Printer.

    Yuya Kitazawa, Tomoko Hashida

    Adjunct Publication of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST 2017 Adjunct Volume, Quebec City, QC, Canada, October 22 - 25, 2017     35 - 37  2017  [Refereed]

  • Hand gesture and on-body touch recognition by active acoustic sensing throughout the human body

    Tomohiro Yokota, Tomoko Hashida

    UIST 2016 Adjunct - Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology     113 - 115  2016.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we present a novel acoustic sensing technique that recognizes two convenient input actions: hand gestures and on-body touch. We achieved them by observing the fre-quency spectrum of the wave propagated in the body, around the periphery of the wrist. Our approach can recognize hand gestures and on-body touch concurrently in real-time and is expected to obtain rich input variations by combining them. We conducted a user study that showed classification accu-racy of 97%, 96%, and 97% for hand gestures, touches on the forearm, and touches on the back of the hand.



  • Floatio: Floating tangible user interface based on animacy perception

    Toshiya Yui, Tomoko Hashida

    UIST 2016 Adjunct - Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology     43 - 45  2016.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this study, we propose floatio: a floating tangible user interface that makes it easy to create a perception of animacy (lifelike movement). It has been pointed out that there are three requirements that make animacy more likely to be perceived: interactivity, irregularities, and automatic movement resisting the force of gravity. Based on these requirements, floatio provides a tangible user interface where a polystyrene ball resembling a pixel is suspended in a stream of air where it can be positioned passively by the user, or autonomously by the system itself. To implement floatio, we developed three mechanisms: a floating field mechanism, a pointer input/output mechanism and a handover mechanism. We also measured the precision of the pointer input/output and hand-over mechanisms.



  • Snow walking: Motion-limiting device that reproduces the experience of walking in deep snow

    Tomohiro Yokota, Motohiro Ohtake, Yukihiro Nishimura, Toshiya Yui, Rico Uchikura, Tomoko Hashida

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series   11   45 - 48  2015.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We propose "Snow Walking," a boot-shaped device that reproduces the experience of walking in deep snow. The main purpose of this study is reproducing the feel of walking in a unique environment that we do not experience daily, particularly one that has depth, such as of deep snow. When you walk in deep snow, you get three feelings: the feel of pulling your foot up from the deep snow, the feel of putting your foot down into the deep snow, and the feel of your feet crunching across the bottom of deep snow. You cannot walk in deep snow easily, and with the system, you get a unique feeling not only on the sole of your foot but as if your entire foot is buried in the snow. We reproduce these feelings by using a slider, electromagnet, vibration speaker, a hook and loop fastener, and potato starch.



  • atmoRefractor: spatial display by controlling heat haze.

    Toru Kawanabe, Tomoko Hashida

    Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, SIGGRAPH '15, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 9-13, 2015, Posters Proceedings     59:1  2015  [Refereed]

  • Multiple Color Representation on Projection Based Color-forming Display

    西村光平, 小泉直也, 橋田朋子, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌   19 ( 3 ) 377 - 385  2014.09

     View Summary

    Paper is thin, light, portable and written on freely. This paper augments computing technology on paper with maintaining these advantages. Our past proposal was the system to display additional contents in natural print-like colors on paper by using UV projector and photochromic material which represents color when accepts UV light. To realize multiple color representation on this monochrome system, we introduce a new inkjet photochromic material and realize gradation by PWM and CMY representation by juxtaposition color mixture. Besides, to calculate limitation of this system and to demonstrate the fundamental directions, we discuss conditions in the situation where the external stimuli to control color locates separately to the pixels on display. Finally, we present practical applications.


  • Hand-rewriting: Hybridization of human and computer writing and erasure on paper

    橋田朋子, 西村光平, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌   19 ( 3 ) 367 - 375  2014.09

     View Summary

    We have developed a hybrid writing and erasure system called Hand-rewriting in which both human users and computer systems can write and erase freely on the same piece of paper. When the user writes on a piece of paper with a pen, for example, the computer system can erase what is written on the paper, and additional content can be written on the paper in natural print-like colors. We achieved this hybrid writing and erasure on paper by localized heating combined with handwriting with thermochromic ink and localized ultraviolet-light exposure on paper coated with photochromic material. This paper describes our research motivation, design, and implementation of this interface and examples of applications.


  • Practical Study on Availability of Emphasized Auditory Feedback of Drawing Sound

    KIM Junghyun, 橋田朋子, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌   18 ( 3 ) 393 - 399  2013.09

     View Summary

    Focusing on the drawing sound as auditory feedback in the act of writing with an ordinary paper and pen, we have studied the effect of emphasized drawing sound. In this paper, we explain availability of emphasized auditory feedback of drawing sound in professional animation studio. In specific, we introduced our proposed system to animation producing process and performed a user study for 6 weeks to confirm its availability. The results from user study showed that animators used our proposed system at a rate of 93.0% during their total day and average of 5 hours a day. Moreover, we obtained the positive feedback in the interview such that they can draw dark and uniformly-thick line in quality by listening to drawing sound.


  • Inkantatory paper: interactive paper interface with multiple functional inks.

    Takahiro Tsujii, Kohei Nishimura, Tomoko Hashida, Takeshi Naemura

    Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, SIGGRAPH '13, Anaheim, CA, USA, July 21-25, 2013, Poster Proceedings     23  2013  [Refereed]

  • Harmonized Inter-Personal Display Project

    Takeshi Naemura, Yasuaki Kakehi, Shunsuke Yoshida, Shogo Fukushima, Naoya Koizumi, Shohei Takei, Tomoko Hashida, Daniel Saakes


     View Summary

    The project aims to pioneer a new field of information media technology for providing intuitive understanding and promoting face-to-face communication in everyday living environments and public spaces. Moreover, the project will explore some methodologies for producing emergent effects such as spurring intellectual curiosity and creative drive. Current information media technology is located in the confined situation in physical displays. As a result, our daily activities are divided into two categories: using digital equipment or not. It is time to explore a new technological field to pull down the barrier separating real and information worlds. For this purpose, the project develops methods that extend our real world by information technology. Especially, the project will focus on the nature of " spatial interaction," "compatibility," and "openness" in order to eliminate the physical constraints of display devices, enhance the compatibility between daily commodities and information devices, and activate the face-to-face communication by giving high priority concern to privacy issues.

  • Photochromic carpet: Playful floor canvas with color-changing footprints

    Daniel Saakes, Takahiro Tsujii, Kohei Nishimura, Tomoko Hashida, Takeshi Naemura

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   8253   622 - 625  2013  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Natural environments record their past and reveal usage in subtle cues such as erosion and footprints. In modern society of concrete cities and dynamic touch screens, this richness is lost. We present a large size interactive floor display that captures visitors' footsteps in playful prints to make a modern environment into a canvas of past activities. The implementation consists of a carpet coated with color changing ink and shoes that activate color changes. Each step a visitor makes results in a dynamic print that slowly fades away. © Springer International Publishing 2013.



  • Influence of Auditory Feedback on the Efficiency of Simple Writing Tasks

    KIM Junghyun, 橋田朋子, 大谷智子, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌   17 ( 3 ) 289 - 292  2012.09

     View Summary

    In this paper, we explain quantitatively how the auditory feedback of writing sound between ordinary pen and paper influences the efficiency of simple writing tasks. Specifically, we evaluated the speeds in the simple task of tracing Chinese characters without auditory feedback, with natural writing sound, and with emphasized writing sound. The results of this study showed that users traced more characters and also had positive impressions with emphasized writing sound feedback in contrast with the other two conditions.


  • Estimating the number of visitors in museum based on CO2 densitometry

    SEONG Young Ah, 成谷峻, 橋田朋子, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌   17 ( 2 ) 129 - 132  2012.06

     View Summary

    Estimating the number of visitors in museums is an important issue. This paper proposes to solve this problem by measuring CO_2 concentration in a museum. The CO_2 concentration is mainly affected by the number of visitors as well as the size of space, the amount of ventilation and the time to stay. A simplified model for estimating the number of visitors from the CO_2 measurement was investigated and applied at MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART TOKYO. Experimental results show that our proposed method can estimate the number of visitors in a day within 6.7% of errors.


  • Digital Contents Design in Woman's Perspective : Thinking and practice of CHORDxxCODE

    HASHIDA Tomoko, UEOKA Ryoko, OHTANI Tomoko, KIM Junghyun, KUBO Yuka, SEONG Young Ah, NAKAJIMA Sawako

    The Journal of the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan   66 ( 2 ) 97 - 101  2012.02

    DOI CiNii

  • Hand-rewriting: Automatic rewriting similar to natural handwriting

    Tomoko Hashida, Kohei Nishimura, Takeshi Naemura

    ITS 2012 - Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces     153 - 162  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We have developed a hybrid writing and erasure system called Hand-rewriting in which both human users and computer systems can write and erase freely on the same piece of paper. When the user writes on a piece of paper with a pen, for example, the computer system can erase what is written on the paper, and additional content can be written on the paper in natural print-like colors. We achieved this hybrid writing and erasure on paper by localized heating combined with handwriting with thermochromic ink and localized ultraviolet-light exposure on paper coated with photochromic material. This paper describes our research motivation, design, and implementation of this interface and examples of applications. © 2012 ACM.



  • Hand-rewriting: automatic rewriting like natural handwriting.

    Tomoko Hashida, Kohei Nishimura, Takeshi Naemura

    International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 2012, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 5-9, 2012, Poster Proceedings     116  2012  [Refereed]

  • Hand-rewriting: Automatic rewriting like natural handwriting

    Tomoko Hashida, Kohei Nishimura, Takeshi Naemura

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH'12     10  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Approaches for combining handwriting acts and control by computer are gaining force. As two types of general classifications of these approaches, the "pen tablet" and the "digital pen" are often cited. As for the former approach, in addition to being able to display handwritten information, it can display drawing effects and additional information related to that information. Data output by this approach, however, can only be handled by digital-type displays. As for the latter approach, although written information acquired as paper input can be digitized, it is not possible to express additional information as output on paper (i.e., a paper display). In contrast to those two approaches, the system proposed by the authors - -called "Handrewriting" - -automatically performs "rewrite" processing on paper in correspondence with handwriting using pen and paper. More specifically, with the proposed system, when the user writes on a piece of paper with a pen, for example, the information written on the paper is automatically erased as required, and additional information is displayed on the paper in natural print-like colors. © 2012 ACM.



  • Effects of auditory feedback for augmenting the act of writing.

    Junghyun Kim, Tomoko Hashida, Tomoko Ohtani, Takeshi Naemura

    Proceedings of the 3rd Augmented Human International Conference, AH 2012, Megève, France, March 8-9, 2012     13  2012  [Refereed]

  • SolaColor : Space Coloration with Solar Light

    Hashida Tomoko, Kakehi Yasuaki, Naemura Takeshi

    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan   17 ( 3 ) 279 - 288  2012

     View Summary

    SolaColor is a scheme for creating a place whose color is varied in response to sunlight. The aim of this work is to create sustainable spatial rendition by utilizing sunlight. A feature of this spatial-rendition scheme is rendering places by color-rather than contrast-of lighting. By means of SolaColor, areas in sunlight are colored, while shaded areas are coloress. When this scheme is practically applied, time-varying patterns appear in synchronization with the movement of the sun. When a person or object enters a space created by SolaColor, white shadows oriented according to the position of the sun are formed in the manner of a sundial. The scheme can be implemented by utilizing photochromic material and optical design, and it can be introduced in any location under sunlight without the need for an electrical-power supply.


  • SolaColor: Space Coloration with Solar Light

    Tomoko Hashida, Yasuaki Kakehi, Takeshi Naemura


     View Summary

    SolaColor is a scheme for creating a place (namely, a floor space) whose color is varied in response to sunlight. The aim of the work is to create sustainable spatial rendition by utilizing sunlight. A feature of this spatial-rendition scheme is rendering places by color-rather than contrast-of lighting. By means of SolaColor, areas in sunlight are colored in pink, while shaded areas are colored white. When this scheme is practically applied, time-varying patterns appear in synchronization with the movement of the sun. When a person or object enters a space created by SolaColor, white shadows oriented according to the position of the sun are formed in the manner of a sundial. The scheme can be implemented by utilizing photochromic material and optical design, and it can be introduced in any location under sunlight without the need for an electrical-power supply.



  • Comparison of front touch and back touch while using transparent double-sided touch display.

    Tomoko Ohtani, Tomoko Hashida, Yasuaki Kakehi, Takeshi Naemura

    International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 7-11, 2011 , Poster Proceedings     42  2011  [Refereed]

  • Photochromic sculpture- Volumetric color-forming pixels

    Tomoko Hashida, Yasuaki Kakehi, Takeshi Naemura

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH'11     11  2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In contrast to light-emitting displays like plasma display panels (PDPs) and liquid crystal displays (LCDs), color-forming displays like "E-Ink" which displays information by reflecting surrounding light are being actively researched as a technology that is easy on the eye and can even be applied in bright places such as outdoors in sunlight. Applying photochromic materials (PM) for controlling color in this manner, Photochromic Canvas [Hashida et al.2010] and Slow Display [Saakes et al.2010], which are combined with projected-light systems, make it possible to control color without contact with the surface of an object. In this paper, the concept, namely, "contactless color control," is extended to volumetric space, and "volumetric color-forming pixels" are successfully created. This paper proposes a system referred to as "photochromic sculpture" which can generate a dynamically changeable 3D sculpture. (see Figure 1).



  • Mixed reality technologies for museum experience

    Takeshi Naemura, Yasuaki Kakehi, Tomoko Hashida, Young Ah Seong, Daisuke Akatsuka, Takuro Wada, Takashi Nariya, Totaro Nakashima, Ryo Oshima, Takafumi Kuno

    Proceedings - VRCAI 2010, ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Application to Industry     17 - 20  2010  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The goal of this project is to augment the visitor's museum experience using digital technologies. For this purpose, the authors have been investigating and developing several systems which can be classified into two categories: (a) mixed reality displays and (b) experience support systems. As for (a), this paper illustrates three systems to superimpose virtual images onto physical exhibits: ExFloasion, Bousight Table, and FloasionTable. Their key feature is the optical design for providing 3D visual effect without any special glasses. They are useful for giving visitors some intuitive explanations of physical exhibits at museum. In addition, the authors consider that total (before and after) services are very important as well as the on-site (at museum) one. The category (b) includes networked visualization of congestion situation (Breathing Museum), social networking to share visitors' feelings (Post-Visit Board), and personalized mementos for each visitor (Peaflet). They are effective for making people want to visit museums and promoting greater understanding. This paper gives a brief overview of these systems. Copyright © 2010 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.



  • Photochromic canvas drawing with patterned light.

    Tomoko Hashida, Yasuaki Kakehi, Takeshi Naemura

    International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 2010, Los Angeles, California, USA, July 26-30, 2010, Poster Proceedings     26:1  2010  [Refereed]

  • 背景音の呈示下で時間間隔を生成する精度に音楽経験が与える影響

    橋田朋子, 佐藤隆夫

    日本音響学会誌   65 ( 6 ) 307 - 314  2009.06


  • Spatio-temporal sensing and visualizing of CO2.

    Takashi Nariya, Young Ah, Seong, Tomoko, Hashida, Takeshi Naemura

    International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, August 3-7, 2009, Poster Proceedings    2009  [Refereed]

  • 技法習得を伴う創意発揮:即興的音楽表現支援の試み

    橋田朋子, 苗村健, 佐藤隆夫

    芸術科学会論文誌   7 ( 2 ) 75 - 84  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 演奏者のテンポ感をいかした音楽表現支援

    橋田朋子, 苗村健, 佐藤隆夫

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌   12 ( 3 ) 421 - 424  2007


  • A system for improvisational musical expression based on player's sense of tempo

    Tomoko Hashida, Takeshi Naemura, Takao Sato

    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME '07     407 - 408  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper introduces a system for improvisational musical expression that enables all users, novice and experienced, to perform intuitively and expressively. Users can generate musically consistent results through intuitive action, inputting rhythm in a decent tempo. We demonstrate novel mapping ways that reflect user's input information more interactively and effectively in generating the music. We also present various input devices that allow users more creative liberty.



  • Ensemble system with i-trace.

    Tomoko Hashida, Yasuaki Kakehi, Takeshi Naemura

    New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME-04, Proceedings, Hamamatsu, Japan, June 3-5, 2004     215 - 216  2004  [Refereed]

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  • "なぜか好き"を価値化するデザイン-テクノロジーでモノの潜在価値(なぜか好き)を測ってサービスに応用する-

    上岡玲子, ソン ヨンア, 橋田朋子  [Invited]

    2. DMNワークショップ 

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • シアター型スペキュラティブデザインメソッドによる rapoptosis“モノの死の在り方のデザイン”ワークショップ

    上岡玲子, ソンヨンア, 橋田朋子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • Projection Based Color-Forming Displays using Photochromic Materials

    Tomoko Hashida  [Invited]

    ACM ISS'18 International Workshop on Computational Augmented Reality Displays 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

Research Projects

  • モノの自律的で持続可能な再生に関する問題提起型プロトタイピング

    公益財団法人 大川情報通信基金  研究助成応用分野(A)

    Project Year :



  • アニマシー性を有する自律的で実体のあるユーザインタフェース

    公益財団法人立石科学技術振興財団  助成金A

    Project Year :



  • Floating food Project: Research and Development of Technology for Floating Food

    JWO Holdings PTE LTD  Collaborative Research

    Project Year :



  • 実世界と情報世界をシームレスに繋ぐペーパーコンピューティング技術の創出

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究B

    Project Year :



  • 屋外におけるフォトクロミック材料を用いた発色ディスプレイ

    財団法人理工学振興財団  研究助成金電気・情報分野

    Project Year :



  • フォトクロミック素材を用いたリライタブルな時空 間情報メディアの基礎検討

    栢森情報科学振興財団  助成金K21 研XIV第 307号

    Project Year :



  • 音楽の初心者が直感的に音楽を表現できる視覚的な音楽表現支援システムの心理学的な検討

    財団法人中山隼雄科学技術文化財団  研究助成B

    Project Year :



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  • 作業に集中したいを叶えるタスク指定スイッチとその周辺に視界を限定するメガネ

    那須 美早, 橋田朋子

    第24回バーチャルリアリティ学会大会     4B-02  2019.09

  • 棚ぼたデザイン:思いがけない幸運を意図的に起こす手法の提案

    等力 桂, 橋田朋子

    第24回バーチャルリアリティ学会大会     1D-06  2019.09

  • soraME: 顔として検出された自然素材の写真を切り抜き・積層することで顔を空目させる仕組み

    鈴木 敦也, 中山 祐之介, 橋田 朋子

    エンタテインメントコンピューティングシンポジウム2018論文集   ( 2018 ) 242 - 243  2018.09


  • iPhone上における捺印挙動を直感的に反映するスタンプシステム

    設楽 彩香, 谷口 恵一朗, 橋田 朋子

    エンタテインメントコンピューティングシンポジウム2018論文集   ( 2018 ) 140 - 141  2018.09


  • The prototype of stage machinery enabling the audience to watch different contents depending on their position by combining the vision control film and Pepper's ghost effect

    千葉 一磨, 中山 祐之介, 橋田 朋子

    エンタテインメントコンピューティングシンポジウム2018論文集   ( 2018 ) 95 - 99  2018.09


  • 垂直方向の配置を可能にした浮遊球群による実体ディスプレイ

    田中 陽, 橋田 朋子

    エンタテインメントコンピューティングシンポジウム2018論文集   ( 2018 ) 91 - 94  2018.09


  • ハニカム構造の開閉制御によりパーソナル・スペースの明示化を視野に入れた動的に体積変化可能なテキスタイルの提案

    喜納 恵理佳, 橋田 朋子

    エンタテインメントコンピューティングシンポジウム2018論文集   ( 2018 ) 83 - 85  2018.09


  • rapoptosis:モノの自律的でサステイナブルな再生 -服を用いたプロトタイピング

    SEONGYOUNG AH, 橋田朋子, 上岡玲子

    インタラクション2018    2018.03

  • 漸次的に変化する実世界透明ピクセル化フィルタ

    姫野仁, 横田智大, 橋田朋子

    インタラクション2018    2018.03

  • 太陽光源を用いた液晶シャッタの高速な開閉制御により肉眼で不可視な影を投影するディスプレイ

    中山祐之介, 横田智大, 橋田朋子

    インタラクション2018    2018.03

  • ハイグロモーフを用いた松かさアクチュエータ

    田丸純太朗, 油井俊哉, 橋田朋子

    インタラクション2018    2018.03

  • Tele-FingerRuler: 離れた対象の長さを2本の指で直感的に測るシステム

    山田光一, 登山元気, 油井俊哉, 橋田朋子

    インタラクション2018    2018.03

  • Magicatrope: ハーフミラーを用いた立体ゾートロープの多層構造化によるアニメーション表現

    横田智大, 橋田朋子

    インタラクション2018    2018.03

  • 人体を伝送路としたアクティブ音響センシングによるハンドジェスチャ及び肌上へのタッチの認識

    横田智大, 橋田朋子

    インタラクション2018    2018.03

  • Curating Frame: 日常風景を作品化する自律移動型額縁,

    油井俊哉, 橋田朋子

    インタラクション2018    2018.03

  • Recognition of Vowel Utterance Produced by Good Mouse Shape by Sensing Platysma Muscle Building for Public Speaking

    西村幸泰, 橋田朋子

    情報処理学会研究報告(Web)   2017 ( HCI-175 ) Vol.2017‐HCI‐175,No.3,1‐6 (WEB ONLY)  2017.10


  • Proposal for Shoes including a Mechanism of Collecting Fallen Flowers petals

    上野実希子, 橋田朋子

    情報処理学会研究報告(Web)   2017 ( HCI-172 ) Vol.2017‐HCI‐172,No.9,1‐5 (WEB ONLY)  2017.02


  • 魅力的な自撮り写真生成のための「盛り」における性差の基礎検討

    森本傑, 橋田朋子

    情報処理学会研究報告(Web)   2016 ( EC-39 ) VOL.2016‐EC‐39,NO.14 (WEB ONLY)  2016.03


  • Simultaneous Drawing System for Multiple Laminated Magnetic Sheets Using Magnetic Force Control

    塙克樹, 橋田朋子

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   115 ( 495(MVE2015 54-102) ) 59‐60  2016.02


  • How Changing Beverage Saturation Affects Strength and Clarity of Taste

    西村幸泰, 橋田朋子

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   115 ( 495(MVE2015 54-102) ) 79‐83  2016.02


  • 磁性粉体の位置制御に基づく形状変化と移動が可能な実体ピクセル

    登山元気, 橋田朋子

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   21st   ROMBUNNO.11D‐03  2016


  • 光ファイバによる環境光の偶発的な透過を用いた動的テキスタイル

    中山祐之介, 橋田朋子

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   21st   ROMBUNNO.11D‐02  2016


  • 前腕長からの身長推定に基づき座面高を自動調節する椅子

    谷口恵一朗, 橋田朋子

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   21st   ROMBUNNO.12C‐01  2016


  • 陽炎の発生制御による空間ディスプレイの基礎検討

    川鍋徹, 橋田朋子

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   19th   ROMBUNNO.11C-2  2014.09


  • プロジェクションマッピング 発色型映像投影技術の試み

    橋田朋子, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌   19 ( 2 ) 74 - 77  2014.06


  • 発色型映像投影技術の試み

    橋田 朋子, 苗村 健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌「プロジェクションマッピング」特集   19 ( 2 ) 10 - 13  2014.06

  • 発色型映像投影技術の多色化に向けた基礎検討

    西村光平, 橋田朋子, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   18th   ROMBUNNO.12C-1  2013.09


  • Measurement of Spatio-temporal Frequency Characteristics while Watching Images of PVLC Projector

    後藤正太郎, 橋田朋子, 苗村健

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   113 ( 109(MVE2013 6-18) ) 71 - 76  2013.06


  • Re‐blank Paper:手書き領域の自動消去機能を有する紙―複数の機能性インクの混合印刷による実現―

    辻井崇紘, 西村光平, 橋田朋子, 苗村健

    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ(CD-ROM)   2013 ( 1 ) ROMBUNNO.2EXB-14  2013.02


  • 手描きスケッチに対するコンピュータによる紙面上での処理

    西村光平, KIM Junghyun, 橋田朋子, 苗村健

    ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム論文集(CD-ROM)   2012   ROMBUNNO.3412L  2012.09


  • Inter-Personal Browsing: Real World Oriented Information Sharing with Browser Add-on

    野村浩気, 橋田朋子, 苗村健

    情報処理学会研究報告(CD-ROM)   2011 ( 6 ) ROMBUNNO.EC-23,NO.7  2012.04


  • Peaflet: Personalized Leaflet that Reflects Appreciation Experience in Museums

    SEONG Young Ah, 橋田朋子, 筧康明, 苗村健

    情報処理学会論文誌ジャーナル(CD-ROM)   53 ( 4 ) 1298 - 1306  2012.04


  • Peaflet: Personalized Leaflet that Reflects Appreciation Experience in Museums

      53 ( 4 ) 1298 - 1306  2012.04

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    How to get feedback from visitors and connect those data to useful services in museum has remained an important challenge. In this research, we have proposed a service to provide personalized leaflet, Peaflet, which reflects appreciation experience in museums as a souvenir. Visitors input their preference to get their own Peaflet while at the same time museum gets feedback from the recorded data on Peaflet. In this paper, we report the result of experiments at the exhibition. From the experiment, most of participants preferred to get Peaflet and share it with. Furthermore, we evaluate the availability of Peaflet for museum in interviews with the experts.


  • 筆記音のフィードバックが筆記作業に与える影響について

    KIM Junghyun, 橋田朋子, 大谷智子, 苗村健

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集   2012 ( 3 (CD-ROM) ) ROMBUNNO.1EXB-52  2012.03


  • Peafletにおけるユーザの嗜好を反映したデザインの基礎検討

    SEONG YoungAh, 楠元健太, 橋田朋子, 筧康明, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   16th   ROMBUNNO.32B-7  2011.09


  • 書く行為における聴覚的フィードバックが及ぼす影響の検討

    KIM Junghyun, 橋田朋子, 大谷智子, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   16th   ROMBUNNO.14B-1  2011.09


  • Photochromic Sculpture:発色による体積点群表現

    橋田朋子, 筧康明, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   16th   ROMBUNNO.13B-2  2011.09


  • Projection Based Color-forming Display Using UV Projector

    HASDHIA Tomoko, KAKEHI Yasuaki, NAEMURA Takeshi

    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment   111 ( 101 ) 13 - 14  2011.06

     View Summary

    Projection based color-forming display, which combines a physical paper coated with photochromic material with a UV Projector, makes it possible to generate dynamically changeable images without contact with the surface of the paper. At present, aiming at projection control of more complicated UV patterns, development of a UV projector is progressing well. In this paper, we describe a design guide and results of performance experiments of a UV projector.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • SolaColor : Space Coloration with Solar Light

    HASHIDA Tomoko, KAKEHI Yasuaki, NAMURA Takeshi

    IEICE technical report   111 ( 38 ) 21 - 26  2011.05

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    SolaColor is a scheme for creating a place whose color is varied in response to sunlight. By means of SolarColor, areas in sunlight are colored, while shaded areas are colorless. When this scheme is practically applied, in accordance with the movement of the sun, information is written on a floor space periodically in response to previously designed transmittance or blocking patterns of light. When a physical object enters that space, it blocks the light, and the silhouette formed by the blocking object remains as a pattern "painted" on the floor space. This scheme can be introduced in any location under sunlight without the need for an electrical-power supply. This paper describes the concept of the SolarColor scheme and presents some results obtained with the scheme implemented in miniature.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Fruit Plotter:ドライフルーツ画素を用いた食べられるディスプレイシステム

    橋田朋子, 上岡玲子, 大谷智子, KIM Junghyun, 久保友香, SEONG Youngah, 中島佐和子

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集   2011 ( 3 ) 163 - 164  2011.03


  • Examination of relation between number of people and CO2 concentration in museum

    成谷峻, SEONG YoungAh, 橋田朋子, 苗村健

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   110 ( 457(MVE2010 133-174) ) 3 - 8  2011.02

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    It is needed to count people in public spaces such as museum making consideration about their privacy. We address this problem by measuring CO_2 concentration in the space. The CO_2 concentration indoor is mainly affected by the breath of people. In this paper, we examine parameters and expression about the CO_2 concentration indoor through experiments. We actually measured it in "Karigurashi no Arrietty & Yohei Taneda" at MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART TOKYO (MOT). In addition, we compare the results of experiments with simulations that we have formed a hypothesis.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Usability Evaluation of LimpiDual Touch (Second Report)-Experiment on Finger Position-

    大谷智子, 橋田朋子, 筧康明, 苗村健

    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告   110 ( 238(MVE2010 52-73) ) 85 - 90  2010.10


  • Usability Evaluation of LimpiDual Touch (Second Report) : Experiment on Finger Position

    OHTANI Tomoko, HASHIDA Tomoko, KAKEHI Yasuaki, NAEMURA Takeshi

    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment   110 ( 238 ) 85 - 90  2010.10

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    This report evaluates the usability of LimpiDual Touch, which is a transparent display system with touch panels on the both sides. In our last report, through the measurement of users' reaction time and accuracy, we investigated its usability among the conditions to input: front, back and dual-sided. Then we drew a conclusion that the dual-sided input condition makes the accuracy highest, but it also makes the reaction time longer than the front input condition. In this report we compare the difference depending on the position of input targets. First, the effect of the position of targets in reaction time have similar tendency on all the input conditions. Secondly, the relative position of targets has an effect in reaction time according to the distance, not the orientation. Thirdly, the back input condition makes the accuracy significantly lower than the others. The front and dual-sided input conditions make no significant difference in the accuracy.


  • 呼吸する美術館:CO2濃度の時空間的視覚化を用いた展示支援システムの提案

    成谷峻, 赤塚大典, SEONG YoungAh, 橋田朋子, 筧康明, 苗村健

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   15th   ROMBUNNO.1B2-6  2010.09


  • パラメトリックスピーカを用いた音声への付加情報重畳手法の基礎検討

    山本稔, 橋田朋子, 筧康明

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   15th   ROMBUNNO.1D3-2  2010.09


  • Personalized leaflet that reflects appreciation experience in museums

    SEONG YoungAh, HASHIDA Tomoko, KAKEHI Yasuaki, NAEMURA Takeshi

    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment   110 ( 35 ) 67 - 68  2010.05

     View Summary

    How to get feedback from visitors and connect those data to useful services in museum has remained an important challenge. To motivate visitors to record their own appreciations at museum, we propose to provide personalized leaflet that reflects appreciation experience in museums. This service makes visitors participate actively. Personalized leaflets can be souvenirs with personal database for visitor as well as database for museum. In this paper, we report the system we proposed and the result of experiment at lab's open house.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • A Basic Study on Real World Oriented Interface using Photochromic Materials

    HASDHIA Tomoko, KAKEHI Yasuaki, NAEMURA Takeshi

    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment   110 ( 35 ) 65 - 66  2010.05

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    This paper proposes a real-world oriented interface using the photochromic materials which realize non-contact control of chromogenic reactions (not luminous changes). Specifically, we consider three elements for the system design: (1) irradiation control of light sources, (2) wavelength filtering on light paths and (3) design of photochromic surfaces. We describe experimental results of characteristics of a photochromic material DAE-BT and some implementations.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Usability Evaluation of LimpiDual Touch

    OHTANI Tomoko, HASHIDA Tomoko, KAKEHI Yasuaki, NAEMURA Takeshi

    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment   109 ( 466 ) 1 - 2  2010.03

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    Touch-sensing devices are very promising methods for intuitive interaction. In order to extend their degree of freedom, the authors have proposed a transparent display system with a dual-sided touch sensing function. We call this system "TimpiDual Touch," and its usability evaluation is the purpose of this paper. Especially, we measure and compare the reaction time and accuracy of three different input styles; using just front side, just back side, and combination of both sides. The result shows the availability of the dual-sided touch sensing.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 演奏者のテンポ感をいかした音楽表現支援システム

    橋田朋子, 苗村健, 佐藤隆夫

    情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集   2007 ( 4 ) 47 - 48  2007.03


  • 即時的なリズムの創作に対旋律の挿入が及ぼす影響の検討

    橋田朋子, 福永宏隆, 佐藤隆夫

    日本音響学会研究発表会講演論文集(CD-ROM)   2007   2-7-2  2007.03


  • Proposal of a system for supporting musical expressions by making use of players' beat

    橋田朋子, 苗村健, 佐藤隆夫

    情報処理学会研究報告   2006 ( 90(MUS-66) ) 19 - 24  2006.08

     View Summary

    This paper proposes a musical expression system which enables players to generate various rhythms and melodies by tapping rhythms at will with regular beats. Most conventional systems have problems in which musical control is highly restricted except for input timings. First, rhythms are restricted. Second, phrases and melodies aren't developed in an improvisational playing. The authors solve these problems by correlating input timings with generation of rhythm sequences and generating some melodies depending on the duration of the beat in input time.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 演奏者のビート感を生かした音楽表現支援システム

    橋田 朋子, 苗村 健, 佐藤 隆夫

    情報処理学会研究報告. MUS,[音楽情報科学]   66  2006.08


  • LK_008 A basic study on enhancing real sound field by ultrasonic wave

    Yoshino Akiyuki, Hashida Tomoko, Naemura Takeshi

      5   287 - 288  2006


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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 認知症のある方のポジティブな在り方の直感的な共有・体験のためのメディア


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    本研究では、認知症未来共創ハブによる「88人の認知症のある方の語り」を再度読み解く中で見つけた認知症のある方の日々を生き抜く知恵とユーモアを、広く共有したり追体験するための作品制作と展示を行った。まず、共同研究者や学生と共に、認知症とともに生きる方々のエピソードを分析した。その結果、認知症のある方は、変化する自らの現状に向き合い、苦手なことが増えても折り合いをつけたり、これだけはこだわりたい手放したくないと踏ん張ったりしながら、これまでのやり方にとらわれない「代替」可能な方法を編み出し、「だいたいOK」と思える新たな地平を拓いている、と考えた[1]。その上で、このような3つの姿勢のいずれかを体感できるような手法を複数提案した。特に深く関わったものは「そうなんでスタンプ」「2個あるんです掲示板」「もしもを楽しむカード」の3つである。そうなんでスタンプは、認知症のある方の多様な知恵や工夫のエピソードをスタンプ形式にしたもので、20個のスタンプから構成され、参加者は絵や短い文字から直感的に選んだエピソードを押して持ち帰ることができる。2個あるんです掲示板は、認知症のある方が同じものを買いすぎてしまっても、その状況をポジティブに捉えられる工夫をしていることに着想を得た2個以上買ってしまったものやその使い道に関するアイディアを付箋で投稿・共有できる仕組みである。もしもを楽しむカードは認知症のある方が、日記を通じて自分のエピソードを再構築しながら生活していることに着想を得た、実際にあるかもしれない「もしも」の出来事を空想して楽しむための装置であり、2種類のカードの組み合わせで質問ができあがり、それに対する回答を書き残していくものである。展示を通じて、当事者の方は勿論、幅広い興味関心の方達に自然な形でこれらの作品を体験してもらうことができた。[1]だいたいおっけー展webサイト https://daitai-ok.studio.site

  • 自然物の在り方に創発されたメディア・インタフェース


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    本研究では生物や自然物の, 私たちの想像を遥かに超える在り方に着想を得て、新たなメディアやインタフェースを開発することを目的として,主にサーベイを中心とした取り組みを進めた.具体的には従来工学分野で多くみられる生物の特定の機能を人工物で忠実に再現すること以外にどのようなアプローチがありうるのかを,特にアート作品の複数の先駆的な事例の分析・分類などを通じて明らかにした.またその成り立ちが非常に興味深い自然物を一つ定めて考察を行い,対比的な概念(機能)の入れ替えや変性,それに伴う価値の転換と言った側面がインタフェースやメディアの設計に転用可能なのではという知見を得た.

  • re:blooming -スモークツリー を用いた咲きなおしの表現の検討-


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    植物の細部の見えが周りの光や色との関係で揺らぐことに着想を得て,本来あり得ないはずの,枯れた切り花が再び咲いて見える瞬間を疑似的に作り出す仕組みを実現した.用いた花は,花柄に細かい糸状の毛があるスモークツリーである.実験により,特定の背景色でかつ弱い光の下では細部が見えず花柄のみが枯れ枝のように見えるが,強い光の下では花柄の周りの細かい毛がくっきりと見え,花が咲いたかのように見えることを明らかにした.さらに窓の前に特定の背景色の板を置き, 直射日光が当たる領域と影になる領域とを一軸で行き来する花の移動装置を作り,花の位置によって枯れたり咲いたりして見える装置のプロトタイプを実装した.

  • 日常に遊び心をもたらすメディア装置・表現


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    本研究では何気ない日常に遊び心をもたらす情報メディアの在り方を探求することを目指し, 特に“自らの所有物や体験と思いがけない再開をした際に感じる幸せな気持ち”を意図的に起こす棚ぼたメディアのデザインを行った.本メディアの要件を一度ユーザに自らの所有物を手放させ,一定期間隠しつつ保管した後にその存在をわかりやすく気づかせることであると考え,これらを満たす3種類の仕組み(周囲に溶けこます,箱に隠す, コンピュータ内に隠す)を開発した.手放すものとして本を想定したユーザスタディを行い,ユーザに棚ぼた感が生じることや,再会したモノやそのエピソードを他人と共有することが新たな喜びに繋がる事を明らかにした.

  • Bio-inspired Reality : 生物から着想を得たメディアの創出と新たな生命性の試み


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    生物・生命から着想を得たインタフェースやメディアを創出し, 体験者に新たに拡張された生命性を提供することを目的に(1)生物の機能を素材や動力として活かした新たな生き物らしさ感じさせるメディア(2)生物の設計思想を人工物に転用したメディア, の実装に取り組んだ(1)を満たす仕組みとして, タンポポの冠毛を静電気を介した制御により生きているかのように立ち・歩き・飛び跳ねさせ, 新たな生命性を想起させる作品「けさらんパパス:生きた冠毛」を実装しアートコンペにノミネートされた. (2)として生き物の利他的・自律的な自死(アポトーシス)に着想を得た人工物の死のフレームワーク「rapoptosis」システムを実装し, 国際学会HCIIで発表した.

  • 人や機械の勘違いを活用した日常の再解釈を促す自律的なメディア装置


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    本研究は「日常空間の対象に自然と目を向け, 新たな視点で見たり考えたりすることを触発する」ための新たなメディアを検討するものである。そのために “人の勘違い”や “機械の誤認識”を活用したシステムを幾つか開発した.まず,“人に,その周りにあるものを鑑賞すべき対象と思わせる美術用品を実世界に配置して自律的に動かし,さらに鑑賞対象となった日常風景に対し, 機械の誤認識に基づく正解に近いけれどちょっとずれた作品タイトルを生成する仕組みCurating Frameを開発・改良した.次に  “本来偶然生じる現象(棚からぼた餅)を意図的に生成して,勘違いに基づく幸せな瞬間を演出するシステム”棚ぼたデザインに関しても開発を進めた.

  • 額縁への先入観を活用した実世界の対象に人の目を自然と向けさせるメディア技術


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    本研究では“人の勘違い”や“機械の誤認識”を積極的に活用し「日常空間の対象に自然と目を向け新たな視点で見たり考えたりすることを触発するメディア」を創出した.具体的には人がその先にあるものを何か深い意味を持った鑑賞すべき対象と思ってしまう“モノ”として美術用品に着目し,特に“額縁”を実世界に配置して自律的に動かすことで, 人が日常空間の対象に自然と目を向ける装置を開発した. さらに鑑賞の対象となった景色により興味を喚起する手法として, 対象を誤認識させ少しとぼけた作品タイトルを自動生成する手法や,額縁で切り取られた対象の視覚的顕著性を可逆的に変える透明ピクセル化フィルタの検討・開発を行った. 

  • 乳幼児をめぐる大人の心身状態の顕在化メディア


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  • プログラマブルな空間のためのメディア技術の創出


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  • 生活空間に溶け込み暮らしとヒトを拡張するオーガニックユーザインタフェースの創出


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    本研究では有形・無形な日常素材に電子制御を加えることで高度な機能を有するオーガニックユーザインタフェース(OUI)を実現することを目標とし,(1)生活空間での情報提示や(2)ヒトの体験拡張のための多様なOUIの検討を行った.(1)の成果として,“空気”の粗密を熱で制御し,レンズのような効果(陽炎)で景観の見えを任意に変化させるシステムや,“複数の浮遊する発泡スチロール球”をボクセルと見立て,高さや平面移動の制御を可能とする実体型三次元ディスプレイを実装した.一方(2)の成果として “長靴”を拡張するVR機構により雪の存在しない空間で深い積雪の中を歩いているような感覚をポータブルに体験できるシステムを実現した.

  • 美努力支援のためのデジタルメディア技術


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     健康・美容への意識の高まりを背景に,デジタルメディアを活用して,体の状態をセンシング・記録する仕組みや,身体に働きかけるデバイスなど,デジタルヘルスケア研究への需要が加速度的に高まっている.本研究ではその中でも,需要はあるが“健康”に比較してその取り組みがまだ萌芽的な“美容痩身”を対象とし情報メディアを用いて自己を測定し外在化するメディアの検討・実装を行った. まず一つめの成果は,今の美体度をその場で示し,未来の美体を画像で見せる仕組みの創出である.既存の体重や体脂肪といった身体数値のみを計測するデバイスでは全体のバランスが見えにくく,効果が見えにくいために途中で挫折したり,逆にやり過ぎてしまって気づかないうちに心や体の健康を損ねる可能性があるといった課題があった.そこで美体のより直感的な把握を可能とするメディアを目指し,具体的にはカメラを内蔵し,タッチ機能を備えた小型タブレットPCを活用して,定位置での全身写真撮影と記録(ライフログ)を可能にすることと,撮影した全身写真をその場で痩身化したり肥満化したりできるようなソフトを開発した.画像処理による身体の変形を効率よく行うため,プロのエステティシャンへのインタビューを通して,身体のどのような部位に関して特に多くの人が気にし,またエステなどでも効果が見られるのか,を明らかにした上でこれらの部位の変形操作が容易になる仕組みを実装した.また現在のその人の痩せ具合に応じて,痩せた画像と太った画像とを見せることの効果が異なるかなどを,心理実験などを通じて調査した. 二つめの成果は,計画書では美肌や美髪のための環境センシングをあげていたが,美肌や美髪といった狭い対象にとらわれず,情報メディアを用いて自己を測定し外在化するメディアをSELFIE メディアと名付け,今後,健康だけにとどまらず自己の見えるけれども気がつきにくい外面や,外からは伺いしれない内面に関して,特にどのような対象についての測定や外在化への要求が高まっていくのかということを広く調査することにした.具体的には,学外での企業デザイナー等に対するレクチャーやワークショップを通じてヒアリングし,その測定手法について考察・デザインする試みを行った.

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