Updated on 2024/07/03


Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Job title
Ph.D ( University of Pennsylvania )

Education Background


    University of Pennsylvania   School of Arts and Sciences   Folklore and Folklife  

Professional Memberships


    The Japanese Association for American Studies


    Waseda Society of Cultural Anthropology


    Association for Asian Studies


    Society of Americanists


    American Folklore Society


    American Anthropological Association

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Research Areas

  • Cultural anthropology and folklore

Research Interests

  • cultural critique, art and anthropology/folkloristics, public culture

  • cultural critique, public culture


  • Dean's Scholar Award, Universisty of Pennsylvania


  • Richard Reuss Prize, American Folklore Society




  • Heritage Production in National and Global Politics--Folkloristics, Politics, and Cultural Economy in Ryukyuan/Okinawan Performance

    Hideyo Konagaya

    Asian Ethnology   79 ( 1 ) 45 - 66  2020.07

  • Art, Folk, and Performance in the Emerging Discourse on Japanese Modernity

    Hideyo Konagaya

    Western Folklore   79 ( 1 ) 59 - 78  2020.01

  • Vernacular : A Perspective for Post-Disciplinary Folkloristics

    Hideyo Konagaya

    Bulletin of The Folklore Society of Japan   285 ( 285 ) 1 - 30  2016.02


  • Festivals as Public Culture : Their Genealogical Histories in the United States and Smithsonian

    Hideyo Konagaya

    The Memoirs of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (University of Tokyo)   162   121 - 152  2012.12

  • アメリカの「民俗」と「口承性」ーバラッドにおける差異の構築とナショナリズムー


    立命館言語文化研究(立命館大学)   23 ( 1 ) 3 - 13  2011.09

  • Dorothy Noyes, Necessity and Freedom in the Tradition Process (Translation)

    Hideyo Konagaya, Miyuki Hirayama

    現代民俗学研究   3 ( 3 ) 3 - 13  2011.05


  • パフォーマンス理論ー「ポスト」領域の民俗学ー


    日本民俗学   263   124 - 152  2010.08

  • 伝統のパフォーマンスー太鼓芸能における民族とジェンダーー


    民俗芸能研究   44   22 - 38  2009.03

  • 川田公子の太鼓ーアイデンティティのパフォーマンスー


    藝能   15   26 - 37  2009.03

  • 「残存」からの脱却ーアメリカ民俗学の試みー


    現代民俗学研究   1 ( 1 ) 7 - 17  2009.03


  • Performing the Okinawan Woman in Taiko: Gender, Folklore, and Identity Politics in Modern Japan

    Hideyo Konagaya

    Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania     1 - 227  2007.05

  • The Creation of Japanese Myth: Oral Performance and Textualization

    Hideyo Konagaya

    比較生活文化研究   11   1 - 13  2005.03

  • Yamabito: From Ethnology to Japanese Folklore Studies

    Hideyo Konagaya

    The Folklore Historian   20   47 - 59  2003.12

  • 太鼓の表象とマスキュリニティの構築ー民俗伝統による日本人と日系アメリカ人の抵抗ー


    アメリカ太平洋研究(東京大学)   2   113 - 127  2003.03

  • Taiko as Performance: Creating Japanese American Traditions

    Hideyo Konagaya

    The Japanese Journal of American Studies   12   105 - 124  2001.06


  • The Christmas Cake: A Japanese Tradition of American Prosperity

    Hideyo Konagaya

    Journal of Popular Culture   34 ( 4 ) 121 - 136  2001

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Books and Other Publications

  • 「<ヴァナキュラー の実践>ーアメリカのアーツ・アンド・クラフツ運動」『ヴァナキュラー 文化と現代社会』第3章

    小長谷英代, ウェルズ恵子編( Part: Sole author)

    思文閣出版  2018.04

  • <フォーク>からの転回ー文化批判と領域史ー

    小長谷英代( Part: Sole author)

    春風社  2017.04

  • "American Studies in Japan" IN Encyclopedia of Amerian Studies Online

    Hideyo Konagaya(American, Studies Associatio

    Johns Hopkins University(Baltimore, ML)  2013.04

  • アメリカ民俗学ー歴史と方法の批判的考察—

    小長谷英代, 平山美雪, 編訳

    岩田書院  2012.03

  • "Taiko Performance" IN Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore

    Hideyo Konagaya, H.X.Lee &amp, K.Nadeau

    ABC-CLO(Santa Barbara, CA)  2010.12

  • "Japantown" IN Encyclopedia of American Folklife

    Hideyo Konagaya, S, J.Bronner

    M.E.Sharp(Armonk, NY)  2006.08

  • "Performing Manliness: Resistance and Harmony in Japanese American Taiko" IN Manly Traditions: The Folk Roots of American Masculinities

    Hideyo Konagaya, S, J.Bronner

    Indiana University Press(Blooington, IN)  2005.11

  • ジーニアス英和大辞典(部門校閲・執筆・資料作成)

    小長谷英代, 小西友七, 南出康世

    大修館書店  2001.04

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  • The Conceptualization of Folkloristic Performance, Modernity, and the Nation-State in the Early Twentieth Century Japan

    Hideyo Konagaya

    Association for Asian Studies in Asia  (Bangkok)  Association for Asian Studies in Asia

    Presentation date: 2019.07

  • The Artistic, the Folkloristic, and the Vernacular in the Conceptualization of Performance Genres in Modern Japan

    Hideyo Konagaya

    American Folklore Society Annual Meeting  (Buffalo, NY)  American Folklore Society

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • Crossing Genres in Okinawa Performance: Art, Folk, and Power in the Cultural Protection System

    Hideyo Konagaya

    Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference  (Washington, DC)  Association for Asian Studies

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 「アート」への視点ー「フォーク」の文化政策から


    Presentation date: 2017.01

  • The Politics of Performing the Native Other in National and Transnational Cultural Policy

    Asian Studies Conference Japan  (Tokyo) 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Mediating National and Transnational Policy in the Politics of Heritage in Japan

    Association for Asian Studies in Asia Conference  (Kyoto) 

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • The Production of Cultural Heritage in Japan: Okinawan Theatre between National and Global Cultural Policy.

    Association for Asian Studies Conference  (Seattle, WA) 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • The Public in Transition: Japanese Folklore between National and Global Cultural Policy

    American Folklor Society Annual Meeting  (Long Beach, CA) 

    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • Producing a Public Sphere in "Okinawan" Festival in Tokyo: Civic Performance, Tourism, and National Policies.

    American Anthropological Society Annual Meeting  (Washington, DC) 

    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • Cultural Heritage and Diaspora in the Emergence of "Okinawan" Public Culture

    American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting  (Chicago, IL) 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • The "Protection" of "Japanese Culture" in the National Theatre: Cultural Production in Global Process

    European Association of Japanese Studies Conference in Japan  (Tokyo, Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Nation State and Diaspora in the Production of Okinawan Cultural Heritage

    American Folklore Society Annual Meeting  (New Orlean, LA) 

    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • The Performativity of the Intangible: The Entextualization of the Otherness in the Cultural Policies of Japan

    American Folklore Society Annual Meeting  (Bloomington, IN) 

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • アメリカ民俗学者の位置性ー理論、実践、ポリティクスー


    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • Restoring Masculinity: The Bodily Performativity of the Japanese Ritual Tradition

    American Folklore Society Annual Meeting  (Nashville, TN) 

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • Necessitiy and Freedom in the Tradition Process

    Presentation date: 2010.01

  • 失われた「古琉球」ー琉球芸能とパフォーマンスー


    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • The National Imaginary in the Folkloristic Performances of Okinawa

    American Folklore Society Annual Meeting  (Boise, ID) 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • アメリカ民俗学における「伝統」ー近代のパラダイムー


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 「伝統」と文化政策ー太鼓をめぐる制度と教育ー


    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • 太鼓芸能の構築性ーパフォーマンス研究の視点からー


    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • 想像のジャパンタウンー日系人のフォークロアー


    Presentation date: 2004.11

  • 民俗の表象におけるフォークロリストの役割と課題ー日系アメリカ人の場合ー


    Presentation date: 2003.11

  • アメリカ多文化主義におけるフォークロア・アプローチ


    Presentation date: 2001.06

  • 太鼓パフォーマンスー日米文化会館とパブリックフォークロアー


    Presentation date: 2000.06

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Research Projects

  • A Study on the Interaction of Theory and Policy of Art: Toward Critical Collaboration of Research and Practice

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 「野の芸術」論―ヴァナキュラー概念を用いた民俗学的アート研究の視座の構築

    Project Year :


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  • Basic Research to Establish a "Public Folklore" in Response toContemporary Civil Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUGA Yutaka, ZHOU Xing, TOKUMARU Aki, KONAGAYA Hideyo, KATOU Kouji, MUROI Yasunari

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    This research successfully established a “turning point” for Japanese Folklore, in that it helped Japanese Folklore to correspond with contemporary civil society by introducing the concept of “Public Folklore,” which is now becoming dominant in folklore studies outside of Japan. Accordingly, the basic methodology, theories and themes were revealed, and this enabled diverse actors of folklorists, who were previously divided into distinct categories (such as academic folklorists, public sector folklorists and extra-academic folklorists), to utilize this approach when involved in collaborations relating to some practical issues in society



  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 「アート」の理論と実践に関する人類学的研究ー芸能の美学化への視点から


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  • 文化的実践による市民的組織化とネットワーク化―沖縄系アメリカ人の芸能の意義


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  • 「公共文化」をめぐる人類学的研究:アジア太平洋系アメリカ人の越境と文化の実践


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