Updated on 2024/10/24


TANABE, Shunsuke
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title
社会学(博士) ( 東京都立大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • 2013.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • 2009.04

    The University of Tokyo   Institute of Social Science, Center for Social Research and Data Archives

Committee Memberships

  • 2024.06

    社会調査協会  編集委員会委員長

  • 2021.12

    日本社会学会  研究活動委員会委員

  • 2020.09

    社会調査協会  編集委員会委員

  • 2018.09

    早稲田社会学会  編集委員会委員長

  • 2016.09

    早稲田社会学会  研究活動委員会委員長

  • 2015.04

    数理社会学会  研究活動委員会委員

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Professional Memberships






    International Sociological Association


    American Sociological Association



Research Areas

  • Sociology

Research Interests

  • 政治社会学

  • Political Behavior

  • Xenophobia

  • 計量社会学

  • Nationalism


  • Award for Excellence in Scholarly Research

    2020.11   The Japanese Association for Social Research (JASR)  

  • JGSS公募論文優秀論文賞




  • “National” Identities in Okinawa: Empirical Analysis of its Bearers and Relationship with Political Attitudes

    Shunsuke Tanabe

    WASEDA RILAS JOURNAL   9   123 - 136  2021.10  [Refereed]

  • Sociological studies on nationalism in Japan

    Shunsuke Tanabe

    International Sociology     026858092110053 - 026858092110053  2021.04

     View Summary

    Issues regarding nationalism have been increasing since the 1990s on an international scale. This article reviews and summarizes the current state of sociological studies concerning Japanese nationalism and the changes therein, as many sociologists in Japan have focused on nationalism and its related problems. The first half of the article examines historical sociological studies about the emergence and development of nationalism in Japan, which demystify the fictions concerning Japan’s ethnic and cultural homogeneity and describe the specific historical roots of this myth. The latter half of the article reviews various aspects of modern sociological works on Japanese nationalism. While some studies empirically show various forms of nationalism, others demonstrate political components of Japanese nationalism or inquire about this recent phenomenon and related issues that have arisen since the 2010s.



  • Types of Japanese Nationalism and those supporters: Time-series analysis

    Shunsuke Tanabe

    The Annuals of Sociology   62   127 - 142  2021.03  [Invited]

  • 「差別」の計量分析 ――日本の排外主義を事例にして

    田辺 俊介

    社会学年報   48   45 - 61  2019.09  [Invited]

  • 「嫌韓」の担い手と要因──2009年と2013年の2時点のデータ分析による解明

    田辺 俊介

    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   63   67 - 82  2018.03

  • Commonalities and Differences between Japanese and Korean National Identity:Multi-group Covariance Structure Analysis Using ISSP2003 Data

    TANABE Shunsuke

    Japanese Sociological Review   62 ( 3 ) 284 - 300  2011

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    This paper analyzes commonalities and differences between Japanese and Korean national identity by multi-group covariance structure analysis with structured means. In this article, “criteria for national member,” “national pride,” and “xenophobia” are cited as “national identity” by referencing previous research. The result shows that Japanese and South Korean criteria for national membership are both one-dimensional. This is affected by the prevailing myth of a “homogeneous nation.” The correlations between political national pride and xenophobia are negative in many Western European countries, but positive in Japan and South Korea. Because of the authoritarian regime experiments in Japan and South Korea, political national pride in both countries associate anti-sentiment toward non-national others. The conceptual configuration of “armed forces” and “history” are different between Japan and South Korea. This result shows that variant historical experiments affect people's attitudes toward their own nations.

    DOI CiNii

  • An exploratory analysis of national prestige scores

    Shunsuke Tanabe

    Social Science Japan Journal   12 ( 2 ) 267 - 275  2009  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a national prestige score by emulating occupational prestige scores and to analyze how Japanese people perceive the prestige of various countries. The results of my analysis show that the overall ranking of national prestige is consistent with prior research that measured preferences toward nations, e.g. Western countries are evaluated more highly than African or Middle Eastern countries. Furthermore, while prior studies on 'preference' indicated relatively low positions for neighboring countries such as China, South Korea and Russia, this study found that they were ranked in the mid-range, regarding their prestige. I also examined the validity and reliability of the national prestige scores, with the following findings: first, a comparative analysis between national prestige and national preference revealed conceptual differences between prestige and preference and the external validity of a nation's prestige score. Second, in order to assess the reliability of the scores, I analyzed differences based on gender, educational level and age group. However, those attributes did not make any notable differences in terms of the overall ranking of nations. © The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press in conjunction with the University of Tokyo. All rights reserved.



  • Empirical Assessment of "Japanese" Cognition Toward Various Nations:Asianism, cold war, globalization

    TANABE Shunsuke

    Japanese Sociological Review   59 ( 2 ) 369 - 387  2008

     View Summary

    The purpose of this paper is to clarify how Japanese people perceive various nations of the world. It focuses on the differences among Japanese generations in the cognitions of nations by analyzing survey data on the attitude toward 20 nations.<br>I found that the Japanese tended to favor Western nations more than other nations. This result is consistent with the so-called high western and low eastern-type rank ordering of the Japanese preference of nations, which has been pointed out by many previous works. To examine the differences between generations in the cognitions of nations, the average liking score of 20 nations was compared among four age groups (20-34, 35-49, 50-64, 65+). It showed that people with age 50 or above hold less favorable attitude toward Russia compared to those with age under 49 years. This implies that there are generation gaps in the subjective liking of an individual country.<br>To investigate the liking data in terms of not only one-dimensional order but also multidimensional relations, I used a multidimensional scaling technique (INDSCAL). I found that the respondents judged their liking of nations based on two dimensions: The first dimension was "Western nations (Japan included) vs. Non-western nations (excluding Japan)" which is very similar to the high western and low eastern-type rank ordering. The second order may be interpreted as the "exposure to negative images through the mass media." Older respondents (over 65 years old) based their judgment heavily on the first dimension, while people under 64 years used the second dimension for their judgment. This result indicates a possibility of changes in Japanese subjective liking of various nations that was once believed to be stable in previous research.

    DOI CiNii

  • &ldquo;Close Nations / Distant Nations&rdquo; ::Multi-dimensional Scaling Analyses of Cognitive Maps of Nations

    TANABE Shunsuke

    Sociological Theory and Methods   19 ( 2 ) 235 - 249  2004

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This paper investigates how Japanese people see other nations and peoples of foreign countries by representing their perceptions on cognitive maps. I collected several types of data from university students: 1. Judged similarity among 26 nations/peoples (pile sort), 2. Preference data on 10 nations/peoples (paired comparisons), and 3. Exposure to foreign nations/people such as experiences of foreign travel and having foreign friends.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By analyzing the judged similarity data using Multidimensional Scaling, it was found that the respondents categorized nations/peoples based on three dimensions: &ldquo;Western vs. non-Western (White vs. non-White),&rdquo; &ldquo;psychological distance,&rdquo; and &ldquo;geography.&rdquo; Those who have experienced traveling aboard had a tendency to place less weight on the &ldquo;Western vs. non-Western (White vs. non-White)&rdquo; dimension in their cognition. Preference data showed that some preferred Asian people, while others favored Western people; however, almost every respondent revealed his/her unfamiliarity with Islamic and African people.

    DOI CiNii

  • Conceptual Structure of Japanese National Identity:Analyses of the 1995 ISSP Data

    TANABE Shunsuke

    Japanese Sociological Review   52 ( 3 ) 398 - 412  2001.12

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    The concept of national identity has been used in a wide range of theoretical studies in social sciences. The diversity of the contexts in which this concept has been applied, however, might have resulted in a lack of common understanding as to what exactly constitutes the concept of national identity. Hence, the aim of this paper is to empirically investigate the structure of the concept to clarify the components of national identity. In past research, the term &ldquo;national identity&rdquo; was employed to refer to the following : (1) national membership identification, (2) national pride, (3) ethnocentrism, and (4) xenophobia. Using the Japanese sample of the 1995 ISSP data, items relating to national identity were factor analyzed. The results confirmed the above components as constituent factors of national identity. However, &ldquo;national pride&rdquo; was found to consist of two distinct dimensions : political and cultural. Analyses further revealed an additional factor, namely, &ldquo;orientation towards internationalization.&rdquo; Interpretation of each component, as well as the relationships between components, pointed to certain aspects unique to the Japanese society.

    DOI CiNii

  • 職業威信の測定論──アンカー効果とキャリーオーバー効果に着目して

    田辺 俊介

    雇用多様化社会における社会的地位の測定―日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)(一般)(課題番号:15H03414)研究成果報告書     88 - 101  2018.03

  • 政党支持と社会階層の関連構造――価値意識の媒介効果も含めた検討

    田辺 俊介

    2015年SSM調査報告書9 意識II     133 - 150  2018.03

  • An Automatic Occupation and Industry Coding System in Sociology

    Takahashi Kazuko, Taki Hirofumi, Tanabe Shunsuke, Wei Li

    Journal of Natural Language Processing   24 ( 1 ) 135 - 170  2017

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    In sociology, occupation and industry variables are as important as sexual and age variables. For the purpose of statistical processing, answers collected from open-ended questions in social surveys need to be converted into code, which requires considerable time and effort and often results in inconsistencies in large scale surveys. This work deals with occupation and industry coding. In this work, we develop an automatic system using hand-crafted rules and Support Vector Machines. Our system can assign three candidate codes to an answer and estimates the confidence level of the primary predicted code for each national/international standard code sets. The system has now been released through the website of the Center for Social Research and Data Archives. The user can get the required coding result by uploading the data file in a specific format.&lt;/p&gt;


  • An Automatic Coding System with a Three-Grade Confidence Level Corresponding to the National/International Occupation and Industry Standard - Open to the Public on the Web.

    Kazuko Takahashi, Hirofumi Taki, Shunsuke Tanabe, Wei Li

    KEOD 2014 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Rome, Italy, 21-24 October, 2014     369 - 375  2014  [Refereed]



  • 日本におけるパネル調査が抱える課題の包括的検討 (パネル調査とパネルデータ分析の現在)

    田辺 俊介

    家計経済研究   ( 100 ) 70 - 78  2013


  • Explaining Japan's lack of green parties: a social-milieu approach

    Higuchi Naoto, Ito Midori, Tanabe Shunsuke, Matsutani Mitsuru

    Social sciences research,University of Tokushima   23 ( 23 ) 73 - 105  2010.02


  • Japanese Perspectives on "Asia": Analyses of JGSS-2006


    日本版 General Social Surveys 研究論文集[8] JGSS で見た日本人の意識と行動    2009

  • SSM職業分類とISCO-88の比較分析


    第1巻2005年SSM日本調査の基礎分析:構造・趨勢・方法    2008

  • Heritage without inheritors: the negative case of youth social movement participation, Japan after the 1980s

    樋口 直人, 伊藤 美登里, 田辺 俊介

    Asia Pacific review   ( 5 ) 53 - 67  2008


  • Patterns of Ethnic Images in Contemporary America

    中尾 啓子, 田辺 俊介, 大槻 茂実

    The Journal of social sciences and humanities   ( 360 ) 97 - 110  2005.03


  • Japanese Cognitive Map of Nations based on their liking: Analyses of JGSS 1st pilot survey data

    Tanabe Shunsuke

    JGSS research series   3 ( 3 ) 199 - 213  2004.03  [Refereed]


  • 面接調査の欠票理由の検討―面接調査の回収率向上のための一提言


    社会学論考   ( 24 ) 1 - 27  2003.11

  • Effects of Personal Networks on Attitude towards Foreigners

    Tanabe Shunsuke

    Comprehensive urban studies   ( 76 ) 83 - 94  2001.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • The Effect of Personal Contacts on the Attitudes towards Foreigners

    Tanabe Shunsuke

      ( 22 ) 1 - 14  2001.11

    Authorship:Corresponding author


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Books and Other Publications

  • 格差と分断/排除の諸相を読む

    林 拓也, 田辺 俊介, 石田 光規, 中尾 啓子, 脇田 彩, 大槻 茂実, 斉藤 裕哉, 星 敦士, 桑名 祐樹( Part: Joint editor)

    晃洋書房  2022.02 ISBN: 4771035903


  • ネット社会と民主主義

    ( Part: Contributor, 第4章 ネットは自民党支持を固定化させるのか――3時点にわたる追跡ウェブ調査データからの検証)

    有斐閣  2021.11 ISBN: 4641174725


  • 人生中期の階層構造

    渡邊, 勉, 吉川, 徹, 佐藤, 嘉倫( Part: Contributor, 社会階層は政党支持といかに関わっているのか?)

    東京大学出版会  2021.10 ISBN: 9784130551427

  • 人生の歩みを追跡する : 東大社研パネル調査でみる現代日本社会

    石田, 浩, 有田, 伸, 藤原, 翔, 東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センター( Part: Contributor, 希望と満足は政治を動かしたか?――社会・政治意識と政治状況の相互作用の解明)

    勁草書房  2020.01 ISBN: 9784326603268

  • 日本人は右傾化したのか : データ分析で実像を読み解く

    田辺, 俊介

    勁草書房  2019.09 ISBN: 9784326351794

  • 排外主義の国際比較――先進諸国における外国人移民の実態

    田辺 俊介( Part: Contributor, 現代日本社会における排外主義の現状―計量分析による整理と規定要因の検討)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2018.09 ISBN: 9784623083633

  • 民主主義の「危機」 : 国際比較調査からみる市民意識

    田辺 俊介( Part: Edit)

    勁草書房  2014.12 ISBN: 9784326653904

  • Japanese Perceptions of Foreigners (Japanese Society)

    TANABE Shunsuke( Part: Edit)

    Trans Pacific Press  2013.10 ISBN: 9781920901547

  • 流動化のなかの社会意識

    斎藤, 友里子, 三隅, 一人( Part: Contributor, 「政党」支持の時代変遷――階層は政党といかに関わってきたか?)

    東京大学出版会  2011.07 ISBN: 9784130551335

  • 外国人へのまなざしと政治意識―社会調査で読み解く日本のナショナリズム

    田辺 俊介( Part: Edit)

    勁草書房  2011.02 ISBN: 4326653590


  • ナショナル・アイデンティティの国際比較

    田辺 俊介( Part: Sole author)

    慶應義塾大学出版会  2010.01 ISBN: 4766417127


  • 社会統計学入門

    林, 拓也, 石田, 光規, 田辺, 俊介

    放送大学教育振興会  2024.03 ISBN: 9784595324789

  • 社会統計学入門

    林 拓也, 石田 光規, 田辺 俊介

    放送大学教育振興会  2018 ISBN: 9784595318849

  • 社会学理論応用事典

    日本社会学会, 理論応用事典刊行委員会, 今田, 高俊( Part: Contributor, ナショナル・アイデンティティ)

    丸善出版  2017.07 ISBN: 9784621300749

  • ライフデザインと希望

    佐藤 香, 東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査, データアーカイブ研究センター, 鈴木 富美子, 深堀 聰子, 伊藤 秀樹, 元治 恵子, 山口 泰史, 長尾 由希子, 田辺 俊介( Part: Contributor, 希望は失われているのか?――格差と希望喪失の共犯関係)

    勁草書房  2017 ISBN: 9784326648849

  • Pop culture and the everyday in Japan : sociological perspectives

    南田, 勝也, 辻, 泉, Stickland, Leonie R.( Part: Contributor, What does it mean to be a `Japanese'?:the current state of `national identity' in Japan, based on ISSP2003)

    Trans Pacific Press  2012 ISBN: 9781920901455

  • 社会学入門

    塩原, 良和, 竹ノ下, 弘久( Part: Contributor, 第9章「数字で社会学する―量的調査と計量分析」)

    弘文堂  2010.11 ISBN: 9784335551406

  • 文化社会学の視座 : のめりこむメディア文化とそこにある日常の文化

    南田, 勝也, 辻, 泉( Part: Contributor, 「日本人」であるとはいかなることか―調査に見る日本のナショナル・アイデンティティの現在)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2008.05 ISBN: 9784623051588

  • パーソナルネットワークの構造と変容

    森岡, 清志

    東京都立大学出版会  2002.03 ISBN: 492523529X

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  • データ(量的調査)から語る『日本人』――人々の抱く『日本人』像の検討

    田辺俊介  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • An Intertemporal Comparative Analysis of Japanese xenophobia between 2009 and 2013

    田辺 俊介

    International Sociological Association (ISA) 18th Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • 現代日本社会における政治意識・行動と社会的格差:社会意識を 含めた関連構造

    田辺俊介  [Invited]

    第 74 回数理社会学会大会 

    Presentation date: 2023.03

  • 沖縄におけるナショナル・アイデンティティ ──その担い手と政治意識との関連の実証分析



    Presentation date: 2021.12

  • 본의 혐한(嫌韓)과 외국인 혐오(嫌惡)의 공통점과 차이점

    TANABE Shunsuke  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • 政党支持の安定性と情報行動─政治・社会意識と情報行動に関する共同実証研究(4)

    田辺 俊介


    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • 日本におけるナショナリズムの時点間比較─『国際化と市民の政治参加に関する世論調査2017』の分析(1)

    田辺 俊介


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 「差別」の計量分析-日本の排外主義を事例にして

    田辺 俊介  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • Relationship between Subordinate Concepts of Nationalism and Political Values: Empirical Assessment in the Ethnic Nation

    Kunisuke Hamada, Shunsuke Tanabe

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • 排外主義への計量アプローチ─概念モデルをベースにした検討

    田辺 俊介  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2015

  • 日本における愛国主義と排外主義の時点間比較―『国際化と市民の政治参加に関する世論調査』の分析 (1)

    田辺 俊介


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 『国際化と市民の政治参加に関する世論調査』より 近年の日本の排外主義の趨勢:対韓国・韓国人意識を中心に

    田辺俊介  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • The effects of group positions on individual attitudes toward foreigners: Analysis of Japanese case

    Nagayoshi, Kikuko, Kunisuke Hamada, Shunsuke Tanabe

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • ナショナル・アイデンティティと政治意識の関連構造の国際比較――政党支持と政治的右派・左派との関連に着目して

    田辺俊介  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2011.06

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Research Projects

  • 移民急増社会におけるナショナリズムの変容要因の解明:時点間と国際比較による実証

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :


    田辺 俊介

  • Empirical Study of the "Democratic Divide" and Internet Use

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


  • 「復帰」50年の沖縄におけるナショナル・アイデンティティと政治意識

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    熊本 博之, 松谷 満, 田辺 俊介, 米田 幸弘, 高橋 順子

  • 日本のポピュリスト支持層とその変化にかんする政治社会学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    松谷 満, 田辺 俊介

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  • 偏見の顕在化にもとづく排外意識高揚メカニズムの検証

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    永吉 希久子, 田辺 俊介, 瀧川 裕貴

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  • Survey Research on Internet Use and Political Polarization in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TSUJI Daisuke

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    aWe conducted a nation-wide questionnaire survey in 2019 and obtained valid answers from 1,094 respondents aged between 18 and 69 who were extracted using stratified two-stage random sampling. From analyses of the data, it was found that: (1) some kind of Internet uses reinforced selective exposure of information based on individual political predispositions, however the effect size was very small, (2) political polarization effects were probably not issue-based but affection-based, and so on. According to analyses of web-based panel surveys conducted annually from 2017 to 2019, the results showed that: (3) uses of some social media partially encouraged general trust in others and tolerance for different opinions (which can improve democratic process of public opinion formation), (4) uses of the political right news sites had a reciprocal causal relation with positive attitudes toward revising Article 9 of the Constitution.

  • The Variability and Invariability of Nationalism: Empirical Assesment Based on Repeated Cross-sectional National Survey

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Tanabe Shunsuke

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    As a result of analysis using survey data at three-time points in 2009, 2013, and 2017, we find that the types and structures of nationalism were shown to differ to some extent between 2009 under the Democratic Party administration and 2013/17 under the LDP / Abe administration. Since the Senkaku (Diaoyutai) and the Takeshima (Dokdo) islands disputes have been highlighted, the Japanese style retrospective patriotism is strongly associated with anti-Chinese and anti-Korean attitude. In addition, as for the type of nationalism, a type of nationalism characterized by anti-China and anti-Korean sentiments was emerged after the 2013 data, so the relationship between geopolitical conflicts and nationalism has been clarified in recent Japanese social circumstances.

  • Measuring Social Status in Contemporary Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    GENJI Keiko, WAKITA Aya, SAITOH Tomohiro

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    The aims of this research project are to update occupational prestige scores and to construct a new scale of social status by using data of the 2016 Social Status Survey. The main findings are as follows: (1) There are considerably high correlations in the occupational hierarchy by subsamples, (2) The robustness and reliability of the occupational prestige scores are reinforced, (3) Some occupational prestige scores with gender, employment status or company size were different from original occupational prestige scores. The construction of new scale (multi-dimensional social status scale) for prestige and socioeconomic status is urgent matter.

  • Empirical research of Attitudes toward Brazilians by Japanese Population in the Region with High Density of Brazilian Residents

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    Hamada Kunisuke, TANABE Shunsuke, SHINDO Kei

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    After Lehman's fall in 2008, the number of Brazilians who stay in Japan has declined gradually. However, images of brazil and attitudes toward Brazilians by Japanese people have not necessarily been improved.
    Anti-foreign attitudes for Brazilians are related to evaluation of residential area and frequency of interacting with neighbors. These results suggest that Social inclusion of not only foreign residents but also Japanese residents for local community are important to improve attitudes toward Brazilians and other foreign residents.

  • An Intertemporal and International Comparative Analysis of Japanese Nationalism

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Tanabe Shunsuke, MATSUTANI Mitsuru, NAGAYOSHI Kikuko, HAMADA Kunisuke, MARUYAMA Masao, YONEDA Yukihiro, SAITO Yuuya, Zhang Jie, IGARASHI Akira, ITOU Takashi, KUWANA Yuuki, SAKAGUCHI Yuusuke

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    In this study, we have investigated the changes of Japanese nationalism from 2009 to 2013. For that purpose, we analyzed two survey data sets which were collected in 2009 and 2013 all over Japan. The result shows that Japanese patriotism doesn't change a lot and purism tends to intensify a little. However, xenophobic attitudes can be divided into two types; xenophobia towards general foreigners and towards Chinese and South Korean. The attitudes towards Chinese and South Korean became stronger in 2013, and it is more affected by patriotism than in 2009. Between 2009 and 2013, Japan has experienced terrible diplomatic problems like Senkaku/Diaoyutai Islands dispute against China. It shows that national level conflicts can affect attitudes toward opponent nationals through some kind of nationalism.

  • An Automatic Coding System for Answers to Open-ended Questions in social surveys

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :



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    Based on the National/International standard of occupation/industry code (SSM/ISCO/ISIC), the system can assign three candidate codes to an answer of an open-ended question in a social survey. And a three-grade confidence level was assigned to the first-ranked predicted code by using classification scores. Many functions are implemented in this system, for example, an ISCO/ISIC code can be assigned to the SSM code automatically, also maintenance function contained. This system is now released to the public. Researcher can use it through the official website of CSRDA.
    A new automatic coding system for social surveys is in development, which contains an open-ended question.

  • Mixed Method Research on Mechanisms of Forming Xenophobia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    Nagayoshi Kikuko, Tanabe Shunsuke, Hamada Kunisuke, Fujita Tomohiro, Ito Takashi

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    The aim of this research is to investigate a mechanism forming perceptions that immigrants threaten native citizens. Especially, it focuses on an influence of the media. I conducted public opinion survey while I conducted the analysis of framing of "foreigners" in newspapers which are most broadly read in the areas where respondents of the public opinion survey live. I combined these two data and analyzed the impact of the framing of "foreigners" of a newspaper on threat perceptions of citizens living in the area where it is widely read. As a result, I found that levels of threat perceptions differ according to the framing of "foreigners" in each city. If a newspaper emphasizes economic positive impacts of inflow of foreigners, people are less likely to perceive threats caused by foreigners. However, the impacts do not differ according to whether one actually reads that newspaper, which suggests social positions of foreigners in each area, not the media, affects threat perceptions.

  • Comprehensive Study of Changes in the Life Course and Cumulative Advantages and Disadvantages among the Youth in Contemporary Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ISHIDA HIROSHI, SATO Kaoru, ARITA Shin, SATO Hiroki, GENDA Yuji, TANABE Shunsuke, MURAKAMI Akane, SHIRAHASE Sawako, MIWA Satoshi, AIZAWA Shinichi, ASAI Yukiko, ISHIDA Kenji, ITO Hideki, IWASE Shin, OSHIMA Masao, OGAWA Katsunori, KARIYA Takehiko, KAN Mari, GENJI Keiko, SHINOZAKI Takehisa, SHINDO Mari, SUGAWARA Ikuko, SUZUKI Fumiko, TAKI Hirofummi, TOGARI Yasunori, NAKAZAWA Wataru, NAGAI Akiko, NAGAO Yukiko, HASHIMOTO Setsuko, HAYASHI Yusuke, HIRASAWA Kazushi, FUKAHORI Satoko, FUKUI Yasutaka, FUJIHARA Sho, FUWA Makiko, HOZAWA Yasuo, MAEDA Yukio, MOTEGI Akira, YAMAMOTO Koji, UZUKI Yuka, YOSHIDA Takashi, WAKITA Aya

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    This study conducted a panel survey of Japanese young people for an extended period of time. It focused on the following diverse aspects of the young people’s lives: social background, educational attainment, early career trajectory, family formation, and attitudes and values. By adopting the theoretical framework of “accumulation of advantages and disadvantages,” the study examines the process through which social inequality is produced and reproduced across the life course and contributes to bridging the life course research and the study of social stratification.

  • Comparative Analysis on Exclusion and Inclusion of Foreigners

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    TANABE Shunsuke

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    This study investigates the exclusionary attitudes toward foreigners. To clarify the determinants of the xenophobic attitudes, we compare Japanese attitudes toward four different immigrant groups: Korean, Chinese, South American and American immigrants. The result shows that historically constructed group positions are the most important factor affecting exclusionary attitudes toward foreigners. This study also explores a relationship between xenophobic attitudes and political consciousness. By analyzing international comparative survey data, someone who has strong xenophobic attitude is inclined to be non-partisan in the country where there is no strong far-right party. On the other hand, the pattern is not shown in the country where the far-right party has its presence in the national parliament.

  • Development and Release of an Automatic Coding System of Answers to Open-ended Questions in Social Surveys

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    TAKAHASHI Kazuko, TANABE Shunsuke, YOSHIDA Takashi, GI Daibi, RI I

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    When we collect occupation data by open-ended questions in social surveys, we need to categorize those data for statistics processing. Conducting the occupation coding manually is time-consuming and complicated. Therefore, we have developed a Web-basedautomatic occupation coding system for both Japanese standard categories and international standard categories with Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.When researchers upload an occupation data file on a website, they can obtain desired occupation codes files with confidence. The system can also be applied to industry data.

  • Attitudes Toward Foreigners Under the age of Globalization-Analysis of Multilevel Modeling

    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(若手研究(B))

    Project Year :


    Shunsuke TANABE

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    This research shows the factors of anti-foreigner sentiment by analyzing individual level variables and regional level variables simultaneously. As individual level variables, contact experiences weaken the negative attitudes toward foreigners generally. But, someone who claims the purity of "Japanese" is inclined to have strong anti-foreigner sentiment. As regional level variables, the high residence ratio of Chinese and South American countries' people have negative effect on the opinion to the increase in foreign residents. On the contrary, regional residence ratio of Korean people has n...

  • ナショナル・アイデンティティの計量分析

    Project Year :


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  • 社会調査法に関わる基礎研究(職業コーディング、国際比較研究)

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  • 日本人の対外国認知・意識の計量分析

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  • Political Attitude, Behavior, and Social Inequalities in Contemporary Japanese Society:: Analysis of the Relationship Structure including Social Ideologies

    Tanabe Shunsuke

    Sociological Theory and Methods   38 ( 2 ) 272 - 288  2023  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 書評 神原文子著『部落差別解消への展望 : 人権意識調査結果から人権啓発の課題がみえた』

    田辺 俊介

    ソシオロジ / ソシオロジ編集委員会 編   68 ( 3 ) 100 - 103  2024.02

  • 社会調査とコロナ禍 その影響とこれから


    『社会と調査』   ( 30 ) 4 - 7  2023.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 育休・育児を視野に入れた男性の働き方


    保健の科学   64 ( 6 ) 381 - 385  2022.06  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 書評 『移民と日本社会:データで読み 解く実態と将来像』 永吉希久子著


    理論と方法   36 ( 1 ) 121 - 122  2021.11

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 社会調査の視点から考える厚生労働省の抗体保有調査の意味と問題点:今後の抗体調査の改善に向けて

    高橋義明, 田辺俊介


    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 多文化主義の現在と今後の日本

    田辺 俊介

    寛容社会 多文化共生のために<住>ができること     34 - 40  2017.04  [Invited]

  • アジアからの観光客急増と日本人の意識 (特集 観光客急増と日本社会)

    田辺 俊介

    都市問題   106 ( 6 ) 9 - 13  2015.06


  • 「働き方とライフスタイルの変化に関する全国調査(JLPS)2012」にみる「不安社会」日本と「大人になること」の難しさ

    石田 浩, 有田 伸, 田辺 俊介

    中央調査報   ( 667 ) 5867 - 5871  2013.05


  • 書評 盛山和夫、神林博史、三輪哲、片瀬一男編著『日本の社会階層とそのメカニズム : 不平等を問い直す』

    田辺 俊介

    社会学研究   ( 91 ) 245 - 249  2012


  • 書評 『質的調査データの2次分析--イギリスの格差拡大プロセスの分析視角』武田尚子著

    田辺 俊介

    理論と方法   25 ( 2 ) 297 - 299  2010


  • 職業・産業コーディングマニュアルと作業記録

    田辺俊介, 相澤真一

    東京大学社会科学研究所パネル調査プロジェクトディスカッションペーパーシリーズ   ( 6 ) 1 - 62  2008.02

    Authorship:Lead author

    Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 継続的社会調査によるナショナリズムと政治意識の解明

    2021   松谷満

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