Updated on 2025/03/14


HAYASE, Shinzo
Faculty of International Research and Education, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Job title
Ph.D. ( Murdoch University (Australia) )

Research Experience

  • 2013.04

    Prof., Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University

  • 2001.04

    Prof., Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University

  • 1993.04

    Associate Prof., Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University

  • 1989.10

    Associate Prof., Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kagoshima University

  • 1987.04

    Assistant Prof., Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kagoshima University

  • 1986.04

    Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  • 1985.04

    Junior Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  • 1985.01

    Visiting Research Associate, Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

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Education Background

  • 1980.04

    Murdoch University   School of Social Inquiry   History Programme  

  • 1977.04

    The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Letters   Oriental History  

  • 1975.04

    The University of Tokyo   College of Arts and Sciences  

Committee Memberships

  • 1994

    東南アジア学会  関西地区委員

  • 1986

    東南アジア学会  編集委員

Professional Memberships


    The Japanese Association for Migration Studies


    Japan Association for Asian Studies


    Association for Asian Studies, USA


    Philippine National Historical Society


    Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies

Research Areas

  • History of Asia and Africa

Research Interests

  • Maritime Southeast Asian History, Modern History of Southeast Asia - Japan Relations, Ethno-history, Modern History of Philippine-Japan Relations


  • The Masahira Ohira Memorial Prize




  • 『南洋日日新聞』(シンガポール、1914-41年)を読むための覚書


    アジア太平洋討究   ( 48 ) 1 - 66  2024.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Quick Searching Table for Waseda University "Nishijima Collection"

    HAYASE, Shinzo

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 45 ) 55 - 70  2022.12

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Sports and Regionalism: East Asia and Southeast Asia

    HAYASE, Shinzo

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 45 ) 45 - 53  2022.12

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Annotation of Kaiyo Gyogyo (sea Fisheries), Monthly Journal in 1936-43

    HAYASE, Shinzo

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 44 ) 155 - 182  2022.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Continuing Japanese Myth on "Benguet Migrants" in the Philippines: Colonial City, Migrants, WWII, and A Hidden Dispute

    Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia   58 ( 1 ) 1 - 36  2022  [Invited]

  • Tries to Rewrite War Memoirs as Ex-soldiers

    HAYASE, Shinzo

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 41 ) 111 - 141  2021.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Sports and Nationalism in Southeast Asia: SEAP Games/SEA Games, 1959-2019

    Shinzo Hayase

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 40 ) 1 - 25  2020.11

  • Field Research on "Davao Frontier History" in 1982-85 Revisited

    HAYASE, Shinzo

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 40 ) 145 - 175  2020.11

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Making Nation-states and Regionalism in Southeast Asia

    Shinzo Hayase

    20th Century East Asia: A New History   Ⅰ   245 - 292  2020.07

  • Basic Economic Statistics for ASEAN History: GDP and Trade

    Shinzo Hayase

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 39 ) 159 - 187  2020.03

  • The Political Changes of Indonesia (1965-1966) as Reported by The Manila Times: Its Impact on Southeast Asia as a Region

    HAYASE, Shinzo

    Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia   56 ( 2 ) 120 - 149  2020  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Continuing Japanese Myth on "Benguet Migrants" in the Philippines: Colonial City, Migrants, WWII, and A Hidden Dispute

    Shinzo Hayase

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 37 ) 1 - 48  2019.11

  • The Yasukuni Shrine Controversy from the Perspective of Southeast Asia: A Hidden Dispute”

    Shinzo Hayase

      ( 36 ) 109 - 129  2019.03

  • アキヒト皇太子・天皇のフィリピン訪問-『グローバル化する靖国問題-東南アジアからの問い』補論-


    アジア太平洋討究   ( 34 ) 17 - 30  2018.10

  • 東南アジアへの移民-日本優位から対等な関係へ


    日本移民学会編『日本人と海外移住-移民の歴史・現状・展望』     199 - 215  2018.04

  • 東南アジアからみた靖国神社-表面化させない「紛争」


    橋本伸也編『紛争化させられる過去-アジアとヨーロッパにおける歴史の政治化-』     193 - 216  2018.03

  • Manila Hemp in World, Regional, National, and Local History

    Shinzo Hayase

    Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies   ( 31 ) 171 - 188  2018.03

  • ラブアン-すれ違うメモリアル


    アジア太平洋討究   ( 27 ) 101 - 116  2016.10

  • ラブアン-すれ違うメモリアル


    アジア太平洋討究   ( 27 ) 101 - 116  2016.10  [Refereed]

  • Pemberitaan The Manila Times dan G30S

    Shinzo Hayase

    G30S dan Asia: Dalam Bayang-bayang Perang Dingin, eds. by Aiko Kurasawa and Toshio Matsumura     185 - 219  2016.03

  • 東南アジアにおける第一次世界大戦-『南洋日日新聞』からみた大戦の影響


    山室信一ほか編『現代の起点 第一次世界大戦』岩波書店   1   211 - 232  2014.04

  • 敗戦と大量死-「戦記もの」を書くということ


    人文研究(大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科)   63 ( 63 ) 87 - 107  2012.03


  • 戦争認識のすれ違い-日本人学生とフィリピン人学生


    大学教育(大阪市立大学)   9 ( 1 ) 25 - 32  2011.09


  • イギリス東インド会社「マカッサル商館文書」(1613-67年)の読み方


    大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科都市文化研究センター編『都市の歴史的形成と文化創造力』清文堂     103 - 125  2011.03

  • 運輸・通信革命と東南アジアの植民化


    『岩波講座 東アジア近現代通史 第1巻 東アジア世界の近代19世紀』岩波書店     238 - 254  2010.12

  • 東南アジアとの歴史対話への道


    神奈川大学評論   ( 60 ) 52 - 59  2008.07


  • A Note on the Boundaries and Territories in Maritime Southeast Asia

    Shinzo HAYASE

    The Journal of History   LIV   345 - 357  2008

  • The Philippine Society of Japan and the Philippine Information Bulletin

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Ronald D. Holmes, ed., Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Southeast Asia: Progress and Challenges Through Half-Century, Quezon City: Philippine Social Science Council     76 - 97  2007

  • 歴史空間としての世界認識


    『岩波講座 「帝国」日本の学知 第8巻 空間形成と世界認識』岩波書店     277 - 309  2006.10

  • 調査機関・団体とその資料-東南アジア


    『岩波講座 「帝国」日本の学知 第6巻 地域研究としてのアジア』岩波書店     399 - 421  2006.04

  • 植民者の戦争経験-海軍「民政」下の西ボルネオ


    『岩波講座 アジア・太平洋戦争 第4巻 帝国の戦争経験』岩波講座     31 - 58  2006.02

  • Historico-Geographical World of Sangir: An Ethno-history of East Maritime Southeast Asia

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Kinaadman (Wisdom): A Journal of the Southearn Philippines   XXVII   1 - 23  2005

  • 近代大衆消費社会出現の一考察-アメリカ植民支配下のフィリピンと日本商店・商品


    人文学報(京都大学人文科学研究所)   ( 91 ) 141 - 170  2004.12

    DOI CiNii

  • アメリカ・フィリピン自由貿易体制下の日本商品とその取扱商-予備的考察


    池端雪浦、リディア・N・ホセ編『近現代日本・フィリピン関係史』岩波書店     121 - 155  2004.02

  • Southern Mindanao as a Modern Frontier

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Hiromitsu UMEHARA & Germelino M. Bautista, eds., Communities at the Margins: Reflections on Social, Economic, and Environmental Change in the Philippines     34 - 56  2004

  • サンギル人の歴史地理的世界-海域東南アジア東部の民族史の一考察


    大阪市立大学東洋史論叢   ( 11 ) 41 - 54  2003.03

  • Japanese Goods in Prewar Philippines

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Setsuho IKAHATA & Lydia N. Yu-Jose, eds., Philippines-Japan Relations     117 - 154  2003

  • フィリピン元在留邦人の戦後の慰霊


    江川温・中村生雄編『死の文化誌』昭和堂     207 - 234  2002.10

  • 海域東南アジア東部-「海の領主」、交易商人、海洋民


    『岩波講座 東南アジア史 第4巻』岩波書店     85 - 109  2001.09

  • ミンダナオの近代-フィリピン国家形成下のマイノリティ化


    『岩波講座 世界歴史 第23巻 アジアとヨーロッパ 1900年代-1920年代』     135 - 154  1999.11

  • Japanese Residents of "Dabao-kuo"

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Setsuho IKEHATA and Ricardo T. Jose, eds., The Philippines under Japanese Occupation     247 - 287  1999

  • Japan and the Philippines: The 'Southward Advence' School of Thought anf 'The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Philippine Studies   47 ( 1 ) 30 - 47  1999.01

  • 明治期マニラ湾の日本人漁民


    秋道智彌編『海人の世界』同文舘     343 - 368  1998.03

  • The Bagobo Diaspora on the Pre-War Davao Frontier, the Philippines: Genealogies, Kinship and Material Patterns

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Tsuyoshi KATO, ed., Studies on the Dynamics of the Frontier World in Insular Southeast Asia, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University     97 - 118  1997

  • フィリピンをめぐる明治期「南進論」と「大東亜共栄圏」


    小島勝編『南方関与の論理』京都大学東南アジア研究所     23 - 36  1996.11

  • 「ダバオ国」の在留邦人


    池端雪浦編『日本占領下のフィリピン-「大東亜共栄圏」の虚構と傷跡』岩波書店     291 - 332  1996.07

  • 二つの大国アメリカと日本に翻弄されたフィリピン


    萩原宜之・後藤乾一編『東南アジア史のなかの近代日本』みすず書房     33 - 51  1995.07

  • 日本との交流


    綾部恒雄・石井米雄編『もっと知りたいフィリピン 第2版』弘文堂     247 - 270  1995.02

  • 南方「移民」と「南進」-フィリピンにおける「移民」、外交官、軍事工作


    『岩波講座 近代日本と植民地 第5巻 膨張する帝国の人流』     57 - 76  1993.04

  • フィリピン


    吉川利治編『近現代史の中の日本と東南アジア』     33 - 77  1992.10

  • フィリピンの植民地開発と陸上交通網-アメリカ統治期の住民への影響


    石井米雄・辛島昇・和田久徳編『東南アジア世界の歴史的位相』東京大学出版会     200 - 219  1992.06

  • かつて東南アジアに職を求めた日本人-明治・大正期フィリピンの日本人不法労働者を中心に


    中岡三益編『難民 移民 出稼ぎ-人々は国境を越えて移動する』東洋経済新報社     193 - 216  1991.12

  • Diplomats of Meiji Japan in the Philippines

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Journal of the Japan-Netherlands Institute   ( 2 ) 115 - 130  1990

  • Diplomats of Meiji Japan in the Philippines

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Philippine Quarterly of Culture & Society   17 ( 4 ) 290 - 308  1989.12

  • アメリカ植民支配下初期(明治期)フィリピンの日本人労働


    池端雪浦・寺見元恵・早瀬晋三『世紀転換期における日本・フィリピン関係』東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所     67 - 98  1989.03

  • マギンダナオ・イスラーム「国家」の成立-フィリピン・イスラーム史研究の予備的考察


    鹿児島大学教養部史学科報告   ( 35 ) 33 - 59  1988.07


  • ベンゲット道路工事考


    南方文化   ( 13 ) 71 - 103  1986.11


  • 植民統治下のフィリピンにおけるマニラ麻産業


    東南アジア-歴史と文化-   ( 15 ) 63 - 89  1986.05

     View Summary

    Abaca (Manila Hemp) became the most important cordage fiber in the mid-nineteenth century. The United States and the United Kingdom together took 70 to 90 percent of the total exports raw abaca, comprising 20 to 30 percent or more of the total value of exports from the Philippines until 1880. The Philippines came to enjoy a natural monopoly of abaca production. In the nineteenth century the Bikol region of southern Luzon was the main abaca producing center. However, the Bikol abaca planters did not succeed in becoming efficient enough to meet the demand of the modern world economy. The abaca producers in the Bikol region were, on the whole, too small-scale and too poor to become politically powerful, and gradually declined.<br>Shortly after the United States assumed control of the Philippines in 1898, Americans became involved in the abaca industry and chose the Davao Gulf region of southeastern Mindanao as a prime producing center because of its ideal geographical and climatic conditions. However, American and European investment in the enterprise peaked in 1910 and then declined as a result of chronic shortage of labor and capital. On the other hand, the Japanese abaca planters in Davao were to prove the most efficient growers, succeeding where Europeans had failed. They were able to enjoy the benefits of favorable colonial legislation designed to protect the interests of the American cordage industry which was concerned to ensure a steady supply of cheap, high quality hemp from the Philippines.<br>The abaca industry brought a measure of prosperity to Filipino abaca cultivators, strippers, and landowners. However, the abaca industry was controlled by the foreigners as planters, traders, and cordage manufacturers, who left no room for Filipinos to join them. Filipinos were dependent on the foreigners in their own lands. After the abaca industry faltered and virtually collapsed in the years between World War I and World War II in the Bikol region, and after World War II in the Davao Gulf region, the Filipinos were left on a level of poverty from which they have not recovered.

    DOI CiNii

  • ダバオ・フロンティアにおけるバゴボ族の社会変容


    アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究   31 ( 31 ) 96 - 119  1986.03


  • American Colonial Policy and the Development of Japanese Abaca Industry in Davao, 1898-1941

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Philippine Studies   33 ( 4 ) 505 - 517  1985.10

  • Tribes on the Davao Frontier

    Shinzo HAYASE

    Philippine Studies   33 ( 2 ) 139 - 150  1985.04

  • American Colonial Policy and the Development of Japanese Abaca Industry in Davao, 1898-1941

    Shinzo HAYASE

    The Journal of History   30-31 ( 1-2 ) 139 - 151  1985

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Books and Other Publications

  • 戦前期フィリピン在住日本人職業別人口の総合的研究

    早瀬晋三( Part: Sole author)

    早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター  2024.03

  • E-Collection: Materials Related to Japanese living in the Philippines during the Pre-war Period: Annotation and General Catalog

    HAYASE, Shinzo( Part: Sole author)

    Waseda University Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies  2023.03

  • Parallel History Recognition: Reconsidering the History Distorted by the War

    HAYASE, Shinzo( Part: Sole author)

    2022.01 ISBN: 9784409510919

  • Sports and Nationalism in Southeast Asia: SEAP Games/SEA Games, 1959-2019

    Shinzo Hayase( Part: Sole author)

    Mekong  2020.07

  • 復刻版 ボルネオ新聞

    早瀬晋三編( Part: Edit)

    龍渓書舎  2018.07 ISBN: 9784844705673

  • Globalizing Yasukuni Controversy from the Perspective of Southeast Asia

    Shinzo Hayase( Part: Sole author)

    Iwanami Shoten  2018.03 ISBN: 9784000292139

  • 南洋協会発行雑誌(『会報』・『南洋協会々報』・『南洋協会雑誌』・『南洋』1915~44年) 解説・総目録・索引(執筆者・人名・地名・事項)

    早瀬晋三編( Part: Edit)

    龍渓書舎  2018.01

  • 朝日新聞大阪本社所蔵 「富士倉庫資料」(写真)東南アジア関係一覧

    早瀬晋三, 白石昌也編( Part: Joint editor)

    早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター  2017.03

  • 編集復刻版 南方開発金庫調査資料(一九四二~四四年)附巻 解説、総目次、索引篇

    早瀬晋三( Part: Edit)

    龍渓書舎  2015.06 ISBN: 9784844703167

  • Japanese in Modern Philippine History

    Shinzo HAYASE( Part: Sole author)

    Waseda University, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies  2014.10

  • 編集復刻版 南方開発金庫調査資料(一九四二~四四年)


    龍溪書舎  2012.12 ISBN: 9784844703150

  • フィリピン近現代史のなかの日本人-植民地社会の形成と移民・商品

    早瀬晋三( Part: Sole author)

    東京大学出版会  2012.10 ISBN: 9784130210768

  • マンダラ国家から国民国家へ-東南アジア史のなかの第一次世界大戦

    早瀬晋三( Part: Sole author)

    人文書院  2012.06 ISBN: 9784409511169

  • A Walk Through War Memories in Southeast Asia

    Shinzo HAYASE( Part: Sole author)

    New Day Publishers  2010

  • フィリピン関係文献目録(戦前・戦中、「戦記もの」)

    早瀬晋三( Part: Edit)

    龍渓書舎  2009.11 ISBN: 9784844700050

  • 未完のフィリピン革命と植民地化

    早瀬晋三( Part: Sole author)

    山川出版社  2009.02 ISBN: 9784634349612

  • 歴史空間としての海域を歩く

    早瀬晋三( Part: Sole author)

    法政大学出版局  2008.10 ISBN: 9784588335013

  • 未来と対話する歴史

    早瀬晋三( Part: Sole author)

    法政大学出版局  2008.10 ISBN: 9784588335020

  • 戦争の記憶を歩く 東南アジアのいま

    早瀬晋三( Part: Sole author)

    岩波書店  2007.03 ISBN: 9784000236676

  • Mindanao Ethnohistory beyond Nations

    Shinzo HAYASE( Part: Sole author)

    Ateneo de Manila University Press  2007 ISBN: 9789715505116

  • 歴史研究と地域研究のはざまで

    早瀬晋三( Part: Sole author)

    法政大学出版局  2004.12 ISBN: 4588335235

  • 海域イスラーム社会の歴史-ミンダナオ・エスノヒストリー

    早瀬晋三( Part: Sole author)

    岩波書店  2003.08 ISBN: 4000224336

  • 復刻版 比律賓情報

    早瀬晋三編( Part: Edit)

    龍渓書舎  2003.05 ISBN: 4844704885

  • 復刻版 比律賓情報 解説・総目録・索引

    早瀬晋三( Part: Edit)

    龍渓書舎  2003.05 ISBN: 4844754491

  • 「領事報告」掲載フィリピン記事目録、1881-1943年

    早瀬晋三( Part: Edit)

    龍渓書舎  2003.05 ISBN: 4844754505

  • 「ベンゲット移民」の虚像と実像-近代日本・東南アジア関係史の一考察

    早瀬晋三( Part: Sole author)

    同文舘  1989.11 ISBN: 4495854518

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Research Projects

  • 東・南シナ海の領有権問題への社会史的アプローチ-海洋漁業、海運、環境保護

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    早瀬 晋三

  • From the Sea of Conflict to the Sea of Commons

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Hayase Shinzo, NAKAZATO Nariaki, HOSAKA Shuji, SUZUKI Emi

     View Summary

    This research project was divided into five groups (Headquarters, European Seas, Indian Ocean, Maritime Southeast Asia, and Seas around Japan) to prepare for full-scale research from April 2018 based on history, culture and society. It aims to explore how to solve and/or avoid the conflicts in the past. Each group deepened the understanding of the overall picture of this research project and exchanged opinions with other groups. Hayase wrote for "WASEDA ONLINE" entitled "From the Sea of Conflict to the Sea of Commons" in Japanese and in English and concluded in this essay as follows: "If they allocate their military budget for disputes to a budget for protecting the environment and natural resources instead, their people will be able to enjoy the blessings of the sea and live better lives. If we can demonstrate academically how to effectively improve the sea and transform it from the conflict into the commons, academics can contribute to the settlement of these disputes.

  • Rewriting Colonial History: Western Colonial Rule from the Viewpoints of Japanese Occupied Administration in Southeast Asia

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    The purpose of this research is to clarify the actual conditions of colonial rule by European countries and the United States from the perspectives of Japanese oppupied military administration in Southeast Asia. We conducted the excavation of basic materials and the publication of a collection of materials. We published as follows in Japanese: The List of Photos on Southeast Asia Possessed by Asahi Shimbun. Waseda University Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, 2017; Edited and Reprinted South Development Bank, 1942-44. Ryukei Shosha, 2012-15, 17 volumes; Edited and Reprinted South Development Bank, 1942-44, Supplement Volume: Annotation, Table of Contents and Indices. Ryukei Shosha, 2015; Annotation, Table of Contents and Indices) of Journals of Nan'yo Kyokai. Ryukei Shosha, 2018, 2 volumes; Reprinted Borneo Newspaper. Ryukei Shosha, 2018-19, 13 volumes; Reprinted Jawa Newspaper. Ryukei Shosha, 2013-17, 8 volumes

  • Comprehensive Study for New Development on Japan-French Indochina-Vietnam relations and the socio-political-cultural changes in the countries of Indochina and Thailand during the Second World War

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Shiraishi Masaya, Hayase Shinzo, Murasima Eiji, Sasagawa Hideo, Iwatsuki Junichi, Tachikawa Kyoichi, Furuta Motoo

     View Summary

    On various issues about Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand during the Second World War, ten core members in Japan conducted 5-year joint research with the cooperation of specialists in Vietnam and other concerned countries. Especially in 2014 and 2015 we held international workshops in Tokyo, to overview the existing major scholarship in concerned countries and to share information about the holdings of archival documents in each country. We printed the results as a collection of essays in 2015 and 2018 respectively.In the meantime, in 2015 on the occasion of the 70th year since the end of World War Ⅱ, we held an international symposium in Hanoi, where about 30 researchers from 8 countries read papers reflecting their latest achievements. We published the collection of carefully edited papers (more than 300 pages) in 2017

  • To Seas of Commons from Seas of Conflict

    Project Year :


  • A Trans-disciplinary Study of the First World War

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAMURO Shin'ichi, OKADA Akeo, KOSEKI Takashi, OUJI Kenta, ITO Junji, KAGOTANI Naoto, TAKAGI Hiroshi, NARAOKA Souchi, TANABE Akio, FUJIHARA Tatsushi, SAKAMOTO Yuichiro, SUZUKI Tadashi, NAKANO Kotaro, HAYASE Shinzo, KOUMOTO Mari, HATTORI Osamu, TSUDA Hiroshi, ONO Yasuteru, FUJII Toshiyuki, ONODERA Shiro, KUBO Akihiro, KUROIWA Yasuhiro, OGAWA Sawako

     View Summary

    This research project has suggested three basic perspectives for the study of the First World War. The first is globality, which does not only means that there were hostilities throughout the world but also means that the war brought about a global transformation. The second is totality, which means that the war provoked profound and radical changes in the lifestyles, ways of thinking, feelings and even unconsciousness. .The third is continuity, which means that we are still bound by the world created by the war. The project has made it clear that the First World War has to be understood to be the defining event of the modern world. The publications of the project have presented an alternative image of the war to that is more or less informed by Euro-centrism, which is still influential among the First World War studies in Europe and America. They will certainly be regarded as essential readings for the students of the First World War

  • The representations of "war romanticism" at the turn of the century(19th to 20th): a comparative cultural history

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAMURO Shinichi, KOSEKI Takashi, OKADA Akeo, ITO Junji, OHJI Kenta, KUBO Akihiro, FUJIHARA Tatsushi, HAYASE Shinzo, KOMOTO Mari, ODAGAWA Daisuke, HATTORI Osamu, KATAYAMA Morihide

     View Summary

    Our project has aimed at making clear, with a comparative perspective, the reasons for and the way of the enthusiastic participation in the war, which was demonstrated by women, children and even colonized peoples. It has been found out that the war propaganda, including such various media as printed words, images, music and exhibitions, which was endlessly repeated by the use of reproduction technology, played somewhat a crucial role. It was precisely because the government did realize the importance of such propaganda that the Intelligence Department in the Foreign Office and the Newspaper Division in the War Office were set up. The very technique of war propaganda was to be adopted by the government's official publicity and commercial publicity business. Our project has closely examined this historical process from various viewpoints

  • A Case Study of Southeast Asia on the Delimitation of Modern National Boundaries and Titles to Islands

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAYASE Shinzo

     View Summary

    I researched on the question of the title to islands including the uninhabited islands at the turn of century from 19th century to 20th century. As a case study I treated the islands in Southeast Asia. For this research I used the British Parliament papers, British East India Company documents and so on. As a result I understand that people insisted on usufruct for fishery activities, but not on the exclusive rights of possession of land except the living quarters

  • Comparative Historical Approaches to Ideas of Spaces and Construction of new Human and Social Sciences

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMAMURO Shinichi, KIKUCHI Akira, SAKAMOTO Yuichiro, TANIGAWA Yutaka, FUJIHARA Tatushi, HAYASE Shinzo

  • Comparative History of the Civilizations Concerning Funerals and Commemoration of the Dead: Relatives, Neighbouring Societies and States

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    EGAWA Atsushi, TAIRA Masayuki, MURATA Michihito, KATAYAMA Tsuyoshi, ARAKAWA Masaharu, HAYASE Shinzo

     View Summary

    It is a common obligation for human societies to mourn for the dead men and to commemorate them. This is a problem that all civilizations cannot avoid. Funerals are main procedures, which reorganize social relations of living people through rituals of separation from dead men. And commemorative ceremonies of dead men are occasions for living people to reconfirm their own identities and to reunify their own groups. This project, focusing on how dead men were treated in their funerals or commemorative ceremonies aimed to find important clues to our comparative understanding of states and societies from pre-modern era to contemporary one.The funerals and commemoration of the dead can be divided into two types of social phenomena: (1)`the ordinary dead', whose funeral and commemoration are fundamentally the problems of relatives or a neighbouring community; (2) special dead' whose funeral or commemoration concerns a larger community or state (sovereigns, dictators, martyrs in different religions, people killed in national wars as soldiers or civilians, etc.)Starting from this suppositions, we have studied: (1) funerals and commemoration in various religions with their features of syncretism; (2) the complex relations between the rituals for`the special dead'and that of`the ordinary dead'; (3) the conscience represented in the funerals and the commemoration of contemporary societies where the influence of grand religions is weakened; (4)`political meanings of commemorations of killed in war

  • Unseen History of Southeast Asia : Deconstruction by Readings of Documents

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAYASE Shinzo, YOSHIKAWA Toshiharu, FUKAMI Sumio, KUWAHARA Sueo, MOMOKI Shiro, WATANABE Yoshinari

     View Summary

    This research aimed to clarify the Southeast Asian history that did not see enough in the research of the past. Especially, a Southeast Asian history of the 18^<th> century was called "century of Chinese" or "century of Bugis". Both of peoples were not supported by a royal family or a nation. So, their documents are scarce and it is not easy to clarify their history. In this research it tries to excavate new historical materials in English and in Chinese for such a Southeast Asian history. In other words, this research aimed to lead the Southeast Asian historical research by using materials which European researchers did not use Chinese ones and Japanese did not use English ones in the past.For that aim we had done the historical material investigation in London, the People's Republic of China and Taiwan in overseas and British Parliamentary Papers in the Japan Center for Area Studies, Museum of Ethnology, Hakluyt Society publications in Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University etc.This research was assisted by postgraduate students and junior researches who attended the monthly meeting of Kansai branch of Japan Society for Southeast Asian History. Our seminars were held after that meeting. We also educated them


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAYASHI Shinzo, KATO Tsuyoshi, YOSHIKAWA Toshiharu, MOMOKI Shiro, HIROSE Masashi, FUKAMI Sumio

     View Summary

    We discussed three major topics :1. educational and research conditions on Southeast Asian history in Japan,2. relations to other disciplines and fields,3. foreign history and national history.We spent one year for each topic. In the first year we researched the educational conditions on the Southeast Asian history in Japanese universities. Also we organized seminars where senior scholars discussed suitable topics for bachelor theses and master theses on Southeast Asian history. In the second year we invited scholars who are majoring in Southeast Asia, but not history, for our seminars. In the third year we researched the educational and research conditions in each nation-state of Southeast Asia. Because a national history is something different from a history as an academic subject.The head investigator wrote a draft of textbook on the Philippine history last July. The other investigators are writing or preparing each. We have also recognized the. necessity of bibliographies, lists of primary sources, reprinted documents, translations, monographs and so on. The head of investigator will publish the list of Japanese consular reports from the Philippines, 1881-1943 and will reprint Firipin Joho (information Bulletin of the Philippines) , 1936-1944, in June of this year. At first we publish 28 papers based on our seminars last three years

  • Labor migration and sustainable resource management : A case of the Philippines

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UMEHARA Hiromitsu, NAGAI Hiroko, BALLESCAS C.P., BAUTISTA G.M., NAYASE Shinzou, NAGANO Yoshiko

     View Summary

    This study attempts to document the environmental degradation and survival strategies of inhabitants in upland areas. Followings are major findings.(1) A great number of people have migrated from lowland to upland areas where deforestation was done by the commercial logging opperations for the past decades.(2) Our rural-upland migration hypothesis is clearly supported.(3) Although migrants from lowlands start practicing swidden agriculture at the beginning, they intensify their land use once they introduce commercial crops.(4) Major culprits for forest disappearance are not population increase, but the government policies on forest development, encouragement of commercial logging for the external debt payment, enclosure of public land by forest concessionaires, construction of timber road, employment absorption of logging workers.(5) Factors that accelerate upland migration are deprivation of land rights of natives by modern system of land ownership, eviction of tenant farmers by landlords, agricultural commercialization, conversion of agricultural land for the development of industrial estates in suburban areas

  • Culturo-Ecological Structure of Network Society in Wallacea

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Koji, IGARASHI Tadataka, KATO Tsuyoshi, TACHIMOTO Narifumi, HAYASE Shinzo, TSUBOUCHI Yoshiro

     View Summary

    The eastern half or insular Southeast Asia extending from the Wallace Line is called the Wallacea, which consists of the Celebes Sea, the Makassar Strait, the Maluku Sea and the Flores Sea. In this maritime world, people have maintained their livelihood depending on the ecological basis provided by the sea and established socio-cultural tradition which can be defined as network society. This research project aimed at clarifying the characteristics of such society by focusing migration and trading networks among the people in the WallaceaThe joint research was conducted in the areas around the Celebes Sea and the Makassar Strait in F.Y.1995, the Maluku Sea-and the Flores Sea in F.Y.1996, and the Celebes Sea, the Flores Sea and Makassar Strait in F.Y.1997.Through this research, various first-hand materials were obtained, firstly, for investigating the present situation and the historical process of migration among the Bugis, the Sama and the Sangihe peoples. They includematerials for investigation social and individual history of the migration and trading network of the Bugis people who have established a wide ethnic distribution all over the Wallacea, for estimating the distribution of the Sama people from their languages and oral-histories, and for reconstructing the history of Sangihe migration and settlement. Secondly, from the fieldworks conducted in the border areas between Malaysia and Indonesia as well as between the Philippines and Indonesia, useful materials were obtained for reconsidering the significance of network society in theframe of nation state, particularly, from the view points of ethno-history, social history and comparative educational science. Analyzing these materials and compiling the research findings and results, we will publish the final report in English in F.Y.199

  • Ethno-history of Peoples Divided by National Boundaries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAYASE Shinzo

     View Summary

    Peoples of Mindanao, Southern Philippins and Sangihe-Talaud Island, Northern Indonesia were well known seafaring peoples and have kept their genealogies and the related narratives. In these oral records they have often moved. It was estimated that near million people have moved last 50 years. The aim of this research is to arrange, translate, analyze and publish these oral records which was collected by the overseas research projects "Mobility of Frontier in Insular Southeast Asia" and "Cultural and Environmental Mobility of Network Society in Insular Southeast Asia" from 1994 to 1996. As a result, it become clear that Muslims moved and extended Islam to southern Mindanao. On the other hand, peoples is Sangihe-Talaud Islands have recorded and remembered that people came and went between Mindanao and their islands. From this research it is confirmed their mobility, how and when they moved, and how they memorize. A part of the results, which was already arranged and translated, is published in this year as a trial edition. In near future whole results of this research will be published after a further fieldresearch in the Philippines and Indonesia in 1997

  • Studies on Dynamics of Frontier World in Southeast Asian Archipelago

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATO Tsuyoshi, DOMINGO Morate Non, I Made Sandy, HAYASE Shinzo, FUKAMI Sumio, MIZUNO Kei, ISHIKAWA Noboru, NISHIMURA Shigeo, TANAKA Kouji, YAMADA Isamu, IGARASHI Tadataka, TSUBOUCHI Yoshihiro

     View Summary

    Following the research plans adopted in the previous two fiscal years, we combined, in this fiscal year too, the joint research and researches conducted by individual research participants in insular Southeast Asia. The joint research was carried out in East Kalimantan which was not yet covered in our research project. It consisted of two parts : firstly, to travel along the Mahakam from the estuary to the upper stream and, secondly, to conduct research in the areas bordering with Malaysian Sabah.The areas along the Mahakam have been exploited and developed very rapidly since before the war. Coal and oil had areadly been exploited before the war and after the war logs and timbers began to be exported. The government-sponsord relocation of the Dayak and transmigration of the Javanese have also been carried out. In our research along the Mahakam, we could obtain a clear historical perspective on the massive transformation of the forntier areas which were initiated by the government and capitalist sector.In the border areas with Malaysian Sabah, we recognized the existence of a different type of frontier hithertoo not clearly recognized in our research project, that is, border-area frontier. Goods, people and information travel daily form these areas to Sabah and vice versa. Mobility in every sense of the term is hightened in these areas precisely because they face the national border. A similar kind of border-area frontier is also observed in maritime frontier such as the sea zone between the Sulu archipelago on one hand and on the other Saba and North Sulawesi. We will have to contemplate how to locate this "crossover-frontier" in our total picture of the fronteir world in Southeast Asian archipelago.Researches by individual research participants were carried out in various areas in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Brunei. It was extremely useful for our research purposes to expand our research activities to these wide-ranging areas in order to comprehend the complexity of Southeast Asian archipelago. Through the three-year project, we are confident that we established a solid foundation for describing and explaining the dynamics of the frontier world of Southeast Asian archipelago

  • 比較の手法によるイスラ-ム都市性の総合的研究(宗教・民族運動と都市)

     View Summary


  • 南方関与の論理

     View Summary


  • 戦前期日本の対アジア調査機関と「帝国」内経済連関についての研究

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  • 近代大衆消費社会出現の一考察-アメリカ植民支配下のフィリピンと日本商店・商品

    人文学報(京都大学人文科学研究所)   91   141 - 70  2004

  • フィリピン史学史-ナショナル・ヒストリーを考える

    人文研究(大阪市立大学文学部紀要)   54-2   41 - 54  2003

  • 日米比貿易統計1874-1942年:アジア貿易と阪神2港の視点から

    人文研究(大阪市立大学文学部)   52 ( 2 ) 1 - 33  2000

  • Foreign Trade Structures of Japan, U.S. and the Philippines: With Special Reference to the Asian Trade and Kobe-Osaka Ports

    Jimbun Kenkyu: Studies in the Humanities   52 ( 2 ) 1 - 33  2000

  • Historical Geo-world of Sangir People: An Ethno-history in Eastern Maritime Southeast Asia

    The Osaka City University Toyoshi-Ronsou   ( 11 ) 61 - 77  2000

  • "Japan and the Philippines : The'Southword Advance'School of Thought and the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere', "

    Philippine Studies   47 ( 1 ) 30 - 47  1999

  • フィリピン行き渡航者調査V(昭和期)-外務省外交史料館文書『本邦移民取扱人関係雑件 海外興業株式会社 海外渡航者名薄 比島行』より

    人文研究(大阪市立大学文学部紀要)   46 ( 第11分冊 ) 83 - 108  1994

  • An Analysis on Japanese Emigrants to the Philippines. V (Showa Period)

    Studies in the Humanities : Bulletin of the Faculty of histerature, Osaka City University   46 ( 第11分冊 ) 83 - 108  1994

  • フィリピン行き渡航者調査IV(大正期)-外務省外交史料館文書『移民取扱人ヲ経由セル海外渡航者名簿』より-

    大阪市立大学文学部紀要 人文研究 史学 (45巻10分冊15-38頁)    1993

  • An Analysis on Japanese Emigrants to the Philippines IV (Taisho Era)

    Studies in the Humanities : Bulletin of the Faculty of Literature, Osaka City University    1993

  • 『フィリピン関係文献目録-戦前・戦中、「戦記もの」』


  • 未完のフィリピン革命と植民地化


  • 未来と対話する歴史


  • 歴史空間としての海域を歩く


  • 歴史空間としての海域世界

    岩波講座「「帝国」日本の学知」 第8巻 空間形成と世界認識  

  • 調査機関・団体とその資料-東南アジア

    岩波講座「「帝国」日本の学知」 第6巻 空間形成と世界認識  

  • 植民者の戦争経験-海軍「民政」下の西ボルネオ

    岩波講座「アジア・太平洋戦争 第4巻 帝国の戦争経験」   4   31 - 58

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Overseas Activities

  • 紛争の海からコモンズの海へ


    アメリカ合衆国   ハワイ大学

    オーストラリア   オーストラリア国立大学

    フィリピン   デ・ラ・サール大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • アジア・太平洋における「戦争の記憶」の追跡調査・補足調査


     View Summary

     2007年に出版した『戦争の記憶を歩く 東南アジアのいま』(岩波書店)は、2003-05年に東南アジア各国・地域・都市(シンガポール、半島マレーシア、クチン、西カリマンタン、タイ、ミャンマー、フィリピン、プノンペン)でおこなった調査に基づいて書いたものである。これを英訳したA Walk Through War Memories in Southeast Asia (Metro Manila: New Day Publishers)を2010年に出版し、この英訳版を読んだアテネオ・デ・マニラ大学の学生51人の感想、および、2011年にシンガポールとクアラルンプルでおこなった再調査の成果を加えて、2012年に増補版を出版した。この本の序章で「記念碑は壊されることがあり、博物館の説明文は時代によって変わります」と書いたことが、2011年の再調査で明らかになった。博物館そのものがなくなったり、新たにオープンしたりしたものがあった。すでに調査をおこなった国・地域・都市の追跡調査、および、これまで調査する機会がなかった国・地域・都市の調査を新たにおこなう必要性を感じた。 2015年度のブルネイ、マレーシアのラブアン、リンバン、シンガポール、16年度のフィリピンのマニラとネグロス島ドゥマゲェテ、香港、17年度のマレーシアのペナン、イポー、タイピン、シンガポール、18年度のマレーシアのコタバル、マラッカ、スレンバン、コタキナバル、19年度のフィリピンのバギオ、ダバオ、オーストラリアのキャンベラで戦争記念碑・博物館に引き続き、海外で調査する予定であったが、新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の影響および国際航空券の高騰などで実施できず、23年度は会津若松、下関、姫路など国内調査をおこなった。会津若松では戊辰戦争時の東軍(幕府)、西軍(新政府軍)の戦没者墓地、下関では高杉晋作が神葬され吉田松陰らと祀られた桜山神社、姫路では日清・日露戦争、維新の戦没者が祀られている護国神社近くの播磨国総社の片隅の祖霊社などで、靖国神社の起源にかんする調査をおこなった。

  • アジア・太平洋における「戦争の記憶」の追跡調査・補足調査


     View Summary

     2007年に出版した『戦争の記憶を歩く 東南アジアのいま』(岩波書店)は、2003-05年に東南アジア各国でおこなった調査に基づいている。その後、博物館がなくなったり、新たにオープンしたりしたものがあった。すでに調査をおこなったところの追跡調査、および、これまで調査する機会がなかった国・都市を新たにおこなう必要を感じた。今年度は、新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の影響で海外出張ができず、これまでに収集した資料の整理に専念し、「早稲田大学所蔵「西嶋コレクション」簡易検索表」『アジア太平洋討究』(第45号)、『電子版 戦前期フィリピン在住日本人関係資料:解説、総目録』(早大アジア太平洋研究センター)などを出版した。

  • 日本占領・勢力下の東南アジアで出版された新聞・雑誌等の包括的所蔵調査


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     1942~45年に日本軍によって占領された東南アジアでは、占領地住民向けの宣伝工作となる新聞・雑誌などが出版された。おもな新聞については発行状況がかなり明らかになったが、現地語などで発行された新聞・雑誌などの出版物についてはよくわかっていない。本研究では、まず東南アジアつぎに欧米豪の図書館・博物館などでの所蔵を確認する。新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の影響で内外の調査が困難であったため、これまで収集した資料を整理し、『すれ違う歴史認識 戦争で歪められた歴史を糺す試み』(人文書院、2022年)を出版した。また、全80冊の内79冊を購入した月刊『海洋漁業』(1936-43年)の解題を書いた。

  • アジア・太平洋における「戦争の記憶」の追跡調査・補足調査


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     2007年に出版した『戦争の記憶を歩く 東南アジアのいま』(岩波書店)は、2003-05年に東南アジア各国でおこなった調査に基づいている。その後、博物館がなくなったり、新たにオープンしたりしたものがあった。すでに調査をおこなったところの追跡調査、および、これまで調査する機会がなかった国・都市を新たにおこなう必要を感じた。2021年度は、新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の影響で海外出張ができず、これまでに収集した資料の整理に専念した。これまで本助成金などを得て『アジア太平洋討究』に投稿した6本に加えて、8本の論文からなる『すれ違う歴史認識 戦争で歪められた歴史を糺す試み』(人文書院、2022年)を出版した。

  • アジア・太平洋における「戦争の記憶」の追跡調査・補足調査


     View Summary

     2007年に出版した『戦争の記憶を歩く 東南アジアのいま』(岩波書店)は、2003-05年に東南アジア各国でおこなった調査に基づいている。その後、博物館がなくなったり、新たにオープンしたりしたものがあった。すでに調査をおこなったところの追跡調査、および、これまで調査する機会がなかった国・都市を新たにおこなう必要を感じた。2020年度は、新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の影響で海外出張ができず、これまでに収集した資料の整理に専念した。これまで本助成金などを得て『アジア太平洋討究』に投稿した6本に加えて、8本の論文からなる単著単行本『戦争でねじ曲げられた歴史 それを糺す試み』(仮題、人文書院)の出版準備を進めている。

  • 植民地史を書き換える-東南アジアの日本占領行政からみた欧米植民地支配

    2019   Julz (Hulya) Henriane RIDDLE, 姫本由美子

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     日本占領・勢力下の東南アジアにおける新聞・雑誌の発行状況等については、拙稿「日本占領・勢力下の東南アジアで発行された新聞」(『アジア太平洋討究』第27号、2016年、pp.61-100)でまとめ、おおよそのことはわかったが、その所蔵状況、とくに東南アジア現地での所蔵状況はよくわかっていない。東南アジア現地の文書館、図書館、博物館などで所蔵されているものの調査を、科研費基盤研究(B)を申請して、網羅的に把握したいと考えている。まずは、研究協力者のJulz Riddleと姫本由美子がシンガポール、マレーシア、インドネシアの予備的調査をおこなった。また、代表者の早瀬晋三はオーストラリアのキャンベラで調査をおこなった。

  • アジア・太平洋における「戦争の記憶」の追跡調査・補足調査


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     2007年に出版した『戦争の記憶を歩く 東南アジアのいま』(岩波書店)は、2003-05年に東南アジア各国でおこなった調査に基づいている。その後、博物館がなくなったり、新たにオープンしたりしたものがあった。すでに調査をおこなったところの追跡調査、および、これまで調査する機会がなかった国・都市を新たにおこなう必要を感じた。2015-18年度に続いて、19年度はフィリピンのバギオ、ダバオ、オーストラリアのキャンベラで戦争記念碑・博物館の調査をおこなった。追跡調査・補足調査をおこなうことで、東南アジア各国・地域での共通点と相異点が明らかになってきている。また、オーストラリアからみた東南アジアでの戦争を概観した。

  • 紛争の海からコモンズの海へ-基礎研究と臨床研究との相渉

    2018   池島大策, 君塚弘恭, 金澤周作, 新井和広, 長津一史

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  • 東アジアにおける「戦争の記憶」の追跡調査・補足調査


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     2007年に出版した『戦争の記憶を歩く 東南アジアのいま』(岩波書店)は、2003~05年に東南アジア各国でおこなった調査に基づいている。その後、博物館がなくなったり、新たにオープンしたりしたものがあった。すでに調査をおこなったところの追跡調査、および、これまで調査する機会がなかったところの調査を新たにおこなう必要を感じた。2015-17年度に続いて、18年度はマレーシアのコタバル、マラッカ、スレンバン、コタキナバルで戦争記念碑・博物館の調査をおこなった。追跡調査・補足調査をおこなうことで、東南アジア各国・地域での共通点と相異点が明らかになってきている。また、マレーシアでは、国と州、都市でも相違がある。

  • 東南アジアにおける「戦争の記憶」の追跡調査・補足調査


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     2007年に出版した『戦争の記憶を歩く 東南アジアのいま』(岩波書店)は、2003~05年に東南アジア各国でおこなった調査に基づいている。その後、博物館がなくなったり、新たにオープンしたりしたものがあった。すでに調査をおこなったところの追跡調査、および、これまで調査する機会がなかったところの調査を新たにおこなう必要を感じた。2015年度、16年度に続いて、17年度はマレーシア、シンガポールで調査をおこなった。追跡調査・補足調査をおこなうことで、東南アジア各国・地域での共通点と相異点が明らかになってきている。シンガポールでは第51回日本占領期戦没者追悼式典に出席し、次世代へ継承していることが確認できた。

  • 東南アジアにおける「戦争の記憶」の追跡調査


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    This is a supplement of A Walk Through War Memories in Southeast Asia published in 2007 (Iwanami Shoten in Japanese) and 2010 (Metro Manila: New Day Publishers in English).I conducted a field-research at war memorials, museums, and war cemeteries in Manila and Dumaguete in the Philippines in July 2016 and in Hong Kong in February 2017. The National Historical Institute erected 10 or more historical markers every year, not only in Manila but also in rural area. Many of them mention on Japanese occupation in the Philippines in 1942-45. Hong Kong is not included in Southeast Asia usually, but there are same war monuments and cemeteries with Singapore because of a British colony. The Japanese occupation in Hong Kong on 25 December 1941 is important as a pre-history of Japanese occupation in Singapore on 15 February 1942. These war monuments and cemeteries were originally constructed by British after World War I. It is important to consider the continuity from World War I to World War II.

  • 東南アジアにおける「戦争の記憶」の追跡調査


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    This is a supplement of A Walk Through War Memories in Southeast Asia published in 2007 (Iwanami Shoten in Japanese) and 2010 (Metro Manila: New Day Publishers in English).There are three war memorials in Labuan Island: (1) Surrender Point, (2) Peace Park, and (3) World War II Memorial. In the Peace Park the Japanese do not mention anything on "murders" and atrocities committed by Japanese Imperial Forces like the Api Incident and Sandakan Death March. On the other hand the official web site of Labuan Corporation does not mention on the Peace Park built by Japanese in the "Historical Monument" in Labuan City.&nbsp;I will contribute an article on this gap to the Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (Waseda University), No. 27 (September 2016).

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