Updated on 2025/03/11


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
博士(理学) ( 東京大学 )

Committee Memberships

  • 2015.10

    自動車技術会  大気環境技術・評価部門委員会 委員

  • 2015.04

    日本学術会議  環境学委員会・地球惑星科学委員会合同IGBP・WCRP・DIVERSITAS合同分科会IGAC小委員会 委員

  • 2016.08

    大気環境学会  AJAE誌編集委員

  • 2015.09

    大気環境学会  第56回年会 実行委員会 企画委員長

  • 2010.08

    大気環境学会  編集実務委員

  • 2008.08

    大気環境学会  編集委員

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Professional Memberships

















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Research Areas

  • Environmental dynamic analysis

Research Interests

  • Atmospheric Chemistry, Photochemical Oxidant, Nitrogen Oxides


  • 大気環境学会論文賞(学生・若手部門)

    2020.09   公益社団法人 大気環境学会   粒子状有機硝酸連続測定装置の開発

    Winner: 向井 智樹, 松本 淳, 松岡 雅也, 定永 靖宗


    2018.02   Waseda University  

  • 大気環境学会論文賞(原著論文)

    2014.09   公益社団法人 大気環境学会   レーザー誘起蛍光法に基づく大気中ポテンシャルオゾンの測定

    Winner: 松本淳

  • 大気環境学会論文賞(学術部門)

    2011.09   公益社団法人 大気環境学会   レーザー多光子イオン化法を用いたモード走行中自動車排気に関する個別成分のリアルタイム分析と OH ラジカル反応性の評価

    Winner: 松本 淳, 三澤健太郎, 石内俊一, 林 俊一, 藤井正明, 田中光太郎, 山田裕之, 後藤雄一

  • 第69回分析化学討論会若手ポスター賞


  • 大気環境学会論文賞

    2007.09   大気環境学会  

  • 大気環境学会論文賞

    2006.09   大気環境学会  

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  • Improved continuous measurement system for atmospheric total peroxy and total organic nitrate under the high NOx condition

    Nagomi Ohara, Takahiro Shioji, Jun Matsumoto, Satoshi Inomata, Yosuke Sakamoto, Yoshizumi Kajii, Hiroshi Shiigi, Yasuhiro Sadanaga

    Review of Scientific Instruments   95 ( 4 ) 045101-1 - 045101-8  2024.04  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    We improved the thermal dissociation cavity attenuated phase shift spectroscopy (TD-CAPS) instrument to measure atmospheric total peroxy nitrates (PNs) and organic nitrates (ONs) continuously under the condition of high NOx. In TD-CAPS, PNs and ONs are dissociated in heated quartz tubes to form NO2, and the NO2 concentration is measured by cavity attenuated phase shift spectroscopy (CAPS). The original TD-CAPS system overestimates PN and ON concentrations in the presence of high NO concentrations. Our laboratory experiments and numerical simulations showed that the main cause of the overestimation was NO oxidation to NO2 by peroxy radicals generated in the heated quartz tubes. In the improved system, NO was converted to NO2 by adding excess O3 after the quartz tubes so that CAPS detected NOx (NO and NO2) instead of NO2. The uncertainty of the improved system was less than 20% with ∼15 parts per billion by volume (ppbv) NO and ∼80 ppbv NO2. The estimated detection limit (3σ) was 0.018 ppbv with an integration time of 2 min in the presence of 64 ppbv NO2. The improved system was tested for measurement of PNs and ONs in an urban area, and the results indicated that interference from NO was successfully suppressed.



  • Trial to Capture Emissions of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds from Plants Utilizing a Total Ozone Reactivity Analyzer Combined with an Enclosure

    Jun Matsumoto, Shungo Kato

    J. Jpn. Soc. Atmos. Environ.   58 ( 2 ) 47 - 58  2023.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • 都市域における有機硝酸の連続観測

    塩路 貴大, 大原 和, 松本 淳, 猪俣 敏, 谷本 浩志, 加藤 俊吾, 椎木 弘, 定永 靖宗

    大気環境学会年会講演要旨集   63回   P - 007  2022.09

  • Measurements of total ozone reactivity in a suburban forest in Japan

    Jun Matsumoto

    Atmospheric Environment   246   117990 - 117990  2021.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author



  • 生物起源揮発性有機化合物とその反応性の測定


    大気化学研究   43   043A01  2020.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • 粒子状有機硝酸連続測定装置の開発

    向井 智樹, 松本 淳, 松岡 雅也, 定永 靖宗

    大気環境学会誌   54 ( 6 ) 195 - 201  2019.11  [Refereed]

  • Ground-based observation of lightning-induced nitrogen oxides at a mountaintop in free troposphere

    Ryuichi Wada, Y. Sadanaga, S. Kato, N. Katsumi, Hiroshi Okochi, Y. Iwamoto, K. Miura, H. Kobayashi, M. Kamogawa, Jun Matsumoto, S. Yonemura, Y. Matsumi, M. Kajino, S. Hatakeyama

    Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry   76 ( 2 ) 133 - 150  2019.05  [Refereed]

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    Lightning is an important source of nitrogen oxides (LNOx). The actual global production of LNOx is still largely uncertain. One of the reasons for this uncertainty is the limited available observation data. We measured the concentrations of total reactive nitrogen (NOy), nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxides (NO2) and then obtained NOx oxidation products (NOz: NOz=NOy - NOx) at a station at the top of Mount Fuji (3776ma.s.l.) during the summer of 2017. Increases in NOy and NO2 were observed on 22 August 2017. These peaks were unaccompanied by increases in CO, which suggested that the observed air mass did not contain emissions from combustion. The backward trajectories of the above air mass indicated that it moved across areas where lightning occurred. The NOy concentration was also calculated by using a chemical transport model, which did not take NOx produced by lightning into account. Therefore, the NOy concentration due to lightning can be inferred by subtracting the calculated NOy from the observed NOy concentrations. The concentration of NOy at 13:00 on 22 August 2017 originating from lightning was estimated to be 1.11 +/- 0.02 ppbv, which comprised 97 +/- 2% of the total NOy concentration. The fractions of NO2 and NOz in the total NOy were 0.54 +/- 0.01 and 0.46 +/- 0.03, respectively. The NO concentration was below the detection limit. We firstly observed increase of concentrations of NOy originating from lightning by ground-based observation and demonstrated the quantitative estimates of LNOx using model-based calculation.



  • Ground-based observation of lightning-induced nitrogen oxides at a mountaintop in free troposphere

    Wada R, Sadanaga Y, Kato S, Katsumi N, Okochi H, Iwamoto Y, Miura K, Kobayashi H, Kamogawa M, Matsumoto J, Yonemura S, Matsumi Y, Kajino M, Hatakeyama S

    Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry   75 ( 2 ) 103 - 110  2019.04  [Refereed]

  • Development of an Analytical Method for the Detection of NOz and Its Application to the Atmospheric Analysis at a Mountain Site

    Ryuichi WADA, Yasuhiro SADANAGA, Shungo KATO, Naoya KATSUMI, Hiroshi OKOCHI, Yoko IWAMOTO, Kazuhiko MIURA, Hiroshi KOBAYASHI, Masashi KAMOGAWA, Jun MATSUMOTO, Seiichiro YONEMURA, Yutaka MATSUMI, Mizuo KAJINO, Shiro HATAKEYAMA

    BUNSEKI KAGAKU   67 ( 6 ) 333 - 340  2018.06  [Refereed]

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    Analytical methods for the detection of NOz have been developed by using a laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) technique and a chemiluminescence (CL) method. NOz (= NOy - NOx) represents NOx oxidation products. The NO2 concentrations are measured by LIF, which has a high sensitivity and no chemical interferences when a conversion technique to NO is applied by such as a CL method. The NO and NOy concentrations are measured by an improved CL method. The NOz concentrations are obtained by subtracting the concentrations of NO and NO2 from NOy. The NOz concentrations in the atmosphere were measured at the top of Mt. Fuji in August, 2017. The average concentration of NOz was 0.28 +/- 0.26 ppb. A back-trajectory analysis suggested that the air mass from the Asian continent showed a high concentration of NOz, and the air mass from the Pacific Ocean showed a low concentration of NOz. The concentrations of NOz and O-3 showed a correlation, and ozone production efficiencies (OPE) were obtained from correlation plots. The obtained OPEs at a mountain site showed that the air mass from the Asian continent was 3 to 10 and from the Pacific Ocean was 18. An analytical method of NOz in the atmosphere at a mountain site was established.



  • Measurement of atmospheric total organic nitrates at a suburban site in Tokorozawa, Saitama, in sumer

    Jun Matsumoto

    J. Jpn. Soc. Atmos. Environ.   53   1 - 12  2018.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author


  • Temperature Dependence of Rate Constant for the Gas-phase Reaction of Ozone with Linalool

    Jun Matsumoto

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   45 ( 9 ) 1102 - 1104  2016.09  [Refereed]

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    To determine the reaction rate coefficient of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with ozone, the reduction of ozone through a flow-tube reactor was measured by a sensitive chemiluminescent detector. In this study, temperature dependence of the rate constant of ozone with linalool, k(T) = A exp(-B/T), was explored (T = 299-322 K). Consequently, temperature-dependent parameters A and B were experimentally determined as (1.6 +/- 0.4) x 10(-15) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) and 396 +/- 26 K, respectively, for the first time. The rate constant of linalool + O-3 reaction varied by 10% with changes in temperatures from 299 to 322 K.



  • Temperature Dependence of Rate Constant for the Gas-phase Reaction of Ozone with Linalool

    Matsumoto Jun

    Chemistry Letters   45 ( 9 ) 1102 - 1104  2016

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    <p>To determine the reaction rate coefficient of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with ozone, the reduction of ozone through a flow-tube reactor was measured by a sensitive chemiluminescent detector. In this study, temperature dependence of the rate constant of ozone with linalool, k(T) = A exp(−B/T), was explored (T = 299–322 K). Consequently, temperature-dependent parameters A and B were experimentally determined as (1.6 ± 0.4) × 10−15 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 and 396 ± 26 K, respectively, for the first time. The rate constant of linalool + O3 reaction varied by 10% with changes in temperatures from 299 to 322 K.</p>


  • Temperature Dependence of Rate Constant for the Gas-phase Reaction of Ozone with Linalool

    Matsumoto, Jun

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   45 ( 9 ) 1102 - 1104  2016

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    © 2016 The Chemical Society of Japan.To determine the reaction rate coefficient of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with ozone, the reduction of ozone through a flow-tube reactor was measured by a sensitive chemiluminescent detector. In this study, temperature dependence of the rate constant of ozone with linalool, k(T) = A exp(?B/T), was explored (T = 299-322 K). Consequently, temperature-dependent parameters A and B were experimentally determined as (1.6 ± 0.4) × 10-15 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 and 396 ± 26 K, respectively, for the first time. The rate constant of linalool + O3 reaction varied by 10% with changes in temperatures from 299 to 322 K.



  • Measuring Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) from Vegetation in Terms of Ozone Reactivity

    Jun Matsumoto

    AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH   14 ( 1 ) 197 - 206  2014.02  [Refereed]

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    A new system that uses the total reactivity with ozone (R-O3) was developed for measuring biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emitted from vegetation into the atmosphere. The decrease in ozone caused by the reaction with VOCs was monitored at the ppbv level by dual chemiluminescence detectors (CLDs) based on the NO-O-3 reaction. Ozone was monitored by the dual CLDs before and after the reactor to correct for fluctuations in the ozone concentration. Such dual detectors can remove the interference caused by water vapor. A glass double-tube was adopted as the reactor. The loss rate of ozone to the wall was typically (6 +/- 3) x 10(-4) s(-1). Gaseous cyclohexane was also added to the sample before it was introduced into the reactor to scavenge secondary OH radicals. From the characterization of the R-O3 analyzer using the standard VOC sample, the dependence of ozone reduction on the reaction time and reactivity were shown to agree with theoretical predictions. A calibration procedure for determining the reaction time was also established. Consequently, the detection limit for R-O3 in a 57-s reaction was determined to be 1.4 x 10(-4) s(-1) (S/N = 3), which corresponded to 27 ppbv of limonene. It was confirmed that the R-O3 analyzer was capable of measuring BVOC levels. Finally, a practical trial was conducted in which BVOCs emitted from a real needle-leaf tree were monitored. BVOC emissions from the tree were detected and a significant increase in R-O3 was observed when the tree was irradiated with light.



  • SOA 生成評価のための前駆体 VOCs のラジカル反応性と全有機硝酸量の計測


    エアロゾル研究   29 ( S1 ) 47 - 54  2014.02  [Refereed]

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    Volatile organic compounds, VOCs, are emitted from various sources into the atmosphere. Through the reactions of VOCs with atmospheric radicals (eg. daytime OH and nighttime NO3) and all-day O3, the formation of secondary organic aerosols, SOA, is common and therefore an important subject of study. To investigate the mechanisms of reactions in the atmosphere and to control SOAs effectively, it is essential to capture the behavior of emitted VOCs with consideration of their radical reactivity.Meanwhile, organic nitrates (ONs) like alkyl nitrates (ANs) and peroxyalkyl nitrates (PNs) have been focused upon as important intermediates for SOA. To investigate the mechanisms of SOA formation from VOCs, it is essential to capture the behavior of intermediates such as ONs. In this manuscript, tools for measuring (1) total radical reactivity of VOCs and (2) total particulate organic nitrates were developed as applications for present NO2 analyzers.

    DOI CiNii

  • Measuring biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) from vegetation in terms of ozone reactivity

    Jun Matsumoto

    Aerosol and Air Quality Research   14 ( 1 ) 197 - 206  2014.02  [Refereed]

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    A new system that uses the total reactivity with ozone (RO3) was developed for measuring biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emitted from vegetation into the atmosphere. The decrease in ozone caused by the reaction with VOCs was monitored at the ppbv level by dual chemiluminescence detectors (CLDs) based on the NO-O3 reaction. Ozone was monitored by the dual CLDs before and after the reactor to correct for fluctuations in the ozone concentration. Such dual detectors can remove the interference caused by water vapor. A glass double-tube was adopted as the reactor. The loss rate of ozone to the wall was typically (6 ± 3) × 10-4 s-1. Gaseous cyclohexane was also added to the sample before it was introduced into the reactor to scavenge secondary OH radicals. From the characterization of the RO3 analyzer using the standard VOC sample the dependence of ozone reduction on the reaction time and reactivity were shown to agree with theoretical predictions. A calibration procedure for determining the reaction time was also established. Consequently the detection limit for RO3 in a 57-s reaction was determined to be 1.4 × 10-4 s-1 (S/N = 3) which corresponded to 27 ppbv of limonene. It was confirmed that the RO3 analyzer was capable of measuring BVOC levels. Finally a practical trial was conducted in which BVOCs emitted from a real needle-leaf tree were monitored. BVOC emissions from the tree were detected and a significant increase in RO3 was observed when the tree was irradiated with light. © Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research.



  • Measurements of Total Radical Reactivity of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Total Organic Nitrates to Evaluate Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Formation


    Earozoru Kenkyu   29 ( S1 ) 47 - 54  2014  [Refereed]

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    Volatile organic compounds, VOCs, are emitted from various sources into the atmosphere. Through the reactions of VOCs with atmospheric radicals (eg. daytime OH and nighttime NO3) and all-day O3, the formation of secondary organic aerosols, SOA, is common and therefore an important subject of study. To investigate the mechanisms of reactions in the atmosphere and to control SOAs effectively, it is essential to capture the behavior of emitted VOCs with consideration of their radical reactivity.Meanwhile, organic nitrates (ONs) like alkyl nitrates (ANs) and peroxyalkyl nitrates (PNs) have been focused upon as important intermediates for SOA. To investigate the mechanisms of SOA formation from VOCs, it is essential to capture the behavior of intermediates such as ONs. In this manuscript, tools for measuring (1) total radical reactivity of VOCs and (2) total particulate organic nitrates were developed as applications for present NO2 analyzers.

    DOI CiNii

  • レーザー誘起蛍光法に基づく大気中ポテンシャルオゾンの測定


    大気環境学会誌   48 ( 1 )  2013.01  [Refereed]

  • Measurement of Atmospheric Potential Ozone based on the Laser-induced Fluorescence Technique


    Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment   48 ( 1 ) 35 - 42  2013.01  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Comparison of N2O5 mixing ratios during NO3Comp 2007 in SAPHIR

    H. Fuchs, W. R. Simpson, R. L. Apodaca, T. Brauers, R. C. Cohen, J. N. Crowley, H. -P. Dorn, W. P. Dube, J. L. Fry, R. Haeseler, Y. Kajii, A. Kiendler-Scharr, I. Labazan, J. Matsumoto, T. F. Mentel, Y. Nakashima, F. Rohrer, A. W. Rollins, G. Schuster, R. Tillmann, A. Wahner, P. J. Wooldridge, S. S. Brown

    ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES   5 ( 11 ) 2763 - 2777  2012  [Refereed]

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    N2O5 detection in the atmosphere has been accomplished using techniques which have been developed during the last decade. Most techniques use a heated inlet to thermally decompose N2O5 to NO3, which can be detected by either cavity based absorption at 662 nm or by laser-induced fluorescence. In summer 2007, a large set of instruments, which were capable of measuring NO3 mixing ratios, were simultaneously deployed in the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR in Julich, Germany. Some of these instruments measured N2O5 mixing ratios either simultaneously or alternatively. Experiments focused on the investigation of potential interferences from, e. g., water vapour or aerosol and on the investigation of the oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds by NO3. The comparison of N2O5 mixing ratios shows an excellent agreement between measurements of instruments applying different techniques (3 cavity ring-down (CRDS) instruments, 2 laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) instruments). Datasets are highly correlated as indicated by the square of the linear correlation coefficients, R-2, which values were larger than 0.96 for the entire datasets. N2O5 mixing ratios well agree within the combined accuracy of measurements. Slopes of the linear regression range between 0.87 and 1.26 and intercepts are negligible. The most critical aspect of N2O5 measurements by cavity ring-down instruments is the determination of the inlet and filter transmission efficiency. Measurements here show that the N2O5 inlet transmission efficiency can decrease in the presence of high aerosol loads, and that frequent filter/inlet changing is necessary to quantitatively sample N2O5 in some environments. The analysis of data also demonstrates that a general correction for degrading filter transmission is not applicable for all conditions encountered during this campaign. Besides the effect of a gradual degradation of the inlet transmission efficiency aerosol exposure, no other interference for N2O5 measurements is found.



  • Kinetics of the Reactions of Ozone with 2,5-Dimethylfuran and Its Atmospheric Implications

    Jun Matsumoto

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   40 ( 6 ) 582 - 583  2011.06  [Refereed]

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    To determine the reaction rate coefficient of volatile organic compounds with ozone, the reduction of ozone through a flow-tube reactor was measured by a chemiluminescent detector. The validity of the method was confirmed by examination on isoprene. Consequently, the reaction rate coefficient of 2,5-dimethylfuran, DMF, with ozone was determined as (4.2 +/- 0.9) x 10(-16) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) the first time. It was suggested that ozonolysis can be important for the fate of DMF in the atmosphere.



  • Detailed analysis of diesel vehicle exhaust emissions: Nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and particulate size distributions

    Hiroyuki Yamada, Kentaro Misawa, Daisuke Suzuki, Koichi Tanaka, Jun Matsumoto, Masaaki Fujii, Kotaro Tanaka

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE   33 ( 2 ) 2895 - 2902  2011  [Refereed]

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    Exhaust emissions from a diesel vehicle were studied using FTIR, SMCA-REMPI, and SMPS. With these techniques, quantitative emission properties of NO, NO2, N2O, NH3, CO, CH4, C2H4, C3H6, HCHO, toluene, toluene + CH2, toluene + 2CH(2), beta-methylstyrene, naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene, phenanthrene, and o-cresol, as well as particle size distributions, were obtained in constant-speed operation at 0-80 km/h, which corresponds to a brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) of 0-293 kPa. NO emission increased as the in-cylinder temperature increased, corresponding to increased engine load. NO2 and N2O had a strong correlation to equivalence ratio. The emission characteristics of non-aromatic hydrocarbons depended on engine load. At low load, the emissions were high because low in-cylinder temperature and Exhaust Gas Recycling (EGR) prevented complete fuel oxidation. Equivalence ratio had a slight influence on the non-aromatic hydrocarbon emissions. The profiles of aromatic hydrocarbon exhibited two shapes. One was a toluene group and another was a styrene and naphthalene group. The shapes of the toluene group were similar to those of non-aromatic hydrocarbons. On the other hand, the styrene and naphthalene group emissions at idling were low, suggesting that they were not formed at low load. These features concerning the two groups of aromatic hydrocarbons were also observed in a transient driving cycle. Emission of accumulation mode particles was correlated with equivalence ratio. Higher emissions were observed when the equivalence ratio was higher, and the particle diameters also increased. Emission of nucleation mode particles increased as the engine load increased, because the amount of injected fuel per cycle increased. (C) 2010 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Simultaneous measurements of aromatic hydrocarbons in exhaust using a laser ionization method

    Hiroyuki Yamada, Kentaro Misawa, Masaaki Fujii, Koichi Tanaka, Daisuke Suzuki, Jun Matsumoto, Kotaro Tanaka

    SAE International Journal of Engines   2 ( 2 ) 226 - 234  2010

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    A simultaneous multi-composition analyzing (SMCA) resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization (REMPI) system was used to investigate gasoline engine exhaust. Observed peaks for exhaust were smaller mass numbers than those from diesel exhaust. However, large species up to three ring aromatics were observed suggesting that soot precursor forms even in the gasoline engine. At low catalyst temperature condition, the reduction efficiencies of a three-way catalyst were higher for higher mass numbers. This result indicates that the larger species accumulate in the catalyst or elsewhere due to their lower vapor pressures. To evaluate the emission of low volatility species, the accumulation should be taken into account. In the hot mode, reduction efficiencies for aromatic species of three-way catalyst were almost 99.5% however, they fall to 70% in the cold start condition. © 2009 SAE International.



  • レーザー多光子イオン化法を用いたモード走行中自動車排気に関する個別成分のリアルタイム分析と OH ラジカル反応性の評価

    松本 淳, 三澤健太郎, 石内俊一, 林 俊一, 藤井正明, 田中光太郎, 山田裕之, 後藤雄一

    大気環境学会誌   45 ( 5 ) 205 - 211  2010


  • Time-resolved measurements of low concentration aromatic hydrocarbons in diesel exhaust using a resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization method

    K. Misawa, K. Tanaka, H. Yamada, Y. Goto, J. Matsumoto, Y. Yamato, S. Ishiuchi, M. Fujii, K. Tanaka, K. Endo, S. Hayashi

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH   10 ( 6 ) 409 - 417  2009.12  [Refereed]

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    Time-resolved measurements of the concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in exhaust from a diesel vehicle fitted with an oxidation catalyst and operated in JE05 mode are performed at a sensitivity of 10ppb using a supersonic jet/resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization (jet-REMPI) method. The concentrations of benzene, naphthalene, and phenol in exhaust from the test vehicle are measured before entering and after exiting from the oxidation catalyst. The total hydrocarbon (THC) is measured simultaneously using a constant volume sample (CVS) instrument fitted with a flame ionization detector (FID). Concentration changes of benzene, naphthalene and phenol are recorded at 1 s intervals and quantified using standard samples. Comparison of these signals with the real-time THC data shows that the time dependence of the individual species is almost the same as that of the THC before the oxidation catalyst but substantially different after.



  • レーザーイオン化 法による自動車排出ガスのリアルタイム質量分析(第1報) ―多成分同時分析装置の開発― // Real-time Mass Spectrometry of Exhaust Gas from Automobiles Utilizing Laser Ionization (First Report) ―Development of Simultaneous Analyzer of Multicomponents―

    三澤 健太郎, 田中 光太郎, 田中 康一, 松本 淳, 石内 俊一, 齊川 次郎, 林 俊一, 藤井 正明, 柏木 隆宏, 中川 潤, 遠藤 克己, 渡辺 敬太郎, 山田 裕之, 後藤 雄一, Kentaro Misawa, Kotaro Tanaka, Koichi Tanaka, Jun Matsumoto, Shun-ichi Ishiuchi, Jiro Saikawa, Shun-ichi Hayashi, Masaaki Fujii, Takahiro Kashiwagi, Jun Nakagawa, Katsumi Endo, Keitaro Watanabe, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yuichi Goto

    自動車技術会論文集   40 ( 5 ) 1333 - 1338  2009.09  [Refereed]

  • Simultaneous measurements of the components of VOCs and PAHs in diesel exhaust gas using a laser ionization method

    Kotaro Tanaka, Keitaro Watanabe, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yuichi Goto, Kentaro Misawa, Jun Matsumoto, Shunichi Ishiuchi, Masaaki Fujii, Koichi Tanaka, Jun Nakagawa, Katsumi Endo, Shunichi Hayashi

    SAE Technical Papers   2009-01-1842  2009

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    A simple real-time measurement system for the components of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in automobile exhaust gas using a laser ionization method was developed. This method was used to detect VOCs and PAHs in the exhaust gas of a diesel truck while idling, at 60 km/h, and in the Japanese driving mode JE05. As a result, various VOCs and PAHs, such as xylene and naphthalene, were simultaneously detected, and real-time changes in their concentration were obtained at 1 s intervals. Copyright © 2009 SAE International.



  • Real-time analysis of benzene in exhaust gas from driving automobiles using Jet-REMPI method

    Kentaro Misawa, Shun-Ichi Ishiuchi, Masaaki Fujii, Jun Matsumoto, Koichi Tanaka, Jun Nakagawa, Katsumi Endo, Shun-Ichi Hayashi, Kotaro Tanaka, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yuichi Goto

    SAE Technical Papers   2009-01-2740  2009

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    Real-time analysis of benzene in automobile exhaust gas was performed using the Jet-REMPI (supersonic jet / resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization) method. Real-time benzene concentration of two diesel trucks and one gasoline vehicle driving in Japanese driving modes were observed under ppm level at 1 s intervals. As a result, it became obvious that there were many differences in their emission tendencies, because of their car types, driving conditions, and catalyst conditions. In two diesel vehicle, benzene emission tendencies were opposite. And, in a gasoline vehicle, emission pattern were different between hot and cold conditions due to the catalyst conditions. Copyright © 2009 SAE International.



  • Internal mixing of pollutants for submicron particles observed during springtime in Japan

    Jun Matsumoto, Masahiro Narukawa, Kenshi Takahashi, Yutaka Matsumi, Akihiro Yabushita, Atsushi Shimizu, Ichiro Matsui, Nobuo Sugimoto

    Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment   3 ( 1 ) 27 - 41  2009

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    Internally mixed states of submicron particles during transport from the Asian continent to the Pacific Ocean were analyzed using a single-particle time-offlight mass spectrometer. The observation was conducted at Tsukuba in Japan in the spring of 2005 in order to investigate springtime transport of particles from the continent. The sum of ion intensities of sulfate (HSO4 -) detected in particles originating from the continental air masses counted for 75% of that in all particles during the observation. By analyzing correlations among compounds, origins and internally mixed states of compounds were estimated. It was found that nitrate was mixed with sulfate-rich particles as the air mass approached Japan. It was confirmed that Asian mineral dust particles played significant roles for transport of continental sulfate to Japan. As a result of analysis on internal mixing of chlorine and nitrate, it was implied that the chlorine loss in fine sea salt particles had already proceeded at Tsukuba. It was characteristic that fluoride ions were significantly detected, coal combustion in the Asian Continent can be an important source of fluorides detected in Japan through the westward transportation of fine particles including fluorides.



  • In Situ, Fast-response, Molecular-selective Methods for Measuring Emission Factors of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) into the Atmosphere

    Jun Matsumoto, Kentaro Misawa, Shun-ichi Ishiuchi, Masaaki Fujii

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   38 ( 1 ) 74 - 75  2009.01  [Refereed]

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    A sensitive, real-time, and molecular-selective analyzer using a resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization/time-of-flight mass spectrometer (REMPI-TOFMS) was combined with the chamber method to measure emission factors of VOCs during painting. Temporal variation of VOC emission was successfully captured on site on a second time scale. Exact and detailed assessment of emission is realized with molecular-dependent characteristics considered.



  • Resonance-enhanced Multiphoton Ionization Spectroscopy of the S-1-S-0 Transition of Benzo[e]pyrene for Real-time Analysis

    Kentaro Misawa, Jun Matsumoto, Norihiro Tsuji, Yoichi Matsuzaki, Shun-ichi Hayashi, Masaaki Fujii

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   37 ( 12 ) 1280 - 1281  2008.12  [Refereed]

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    The electronic spectrum of benzo[e]pyrene (BeP) was recorded using resonance-enhanced multi-photon ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy. A number of bands were observed and assigned to the origin band and vibronic bands of the S-1-S-0 transition. Ab initio calculations were performed to assign the vibrational structures in S-1. The origin band of BeP is well separated in energy from the origin band of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), an isomer of BeP, and so BeP and BaP can be readily distinguished by the REMPI method, despite having the same mass.



  • Development of atmospheric NO analyzer by using a laser-induced fluorescence NO2 detector

    Koji Miyazaki, Jun Matsumoto, Shungo Kato, Yoshizumi Kajii

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   42 ( 33 ) 7812 - 7820  2008.10  [Refereed]

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    In this study, we propose a new principle for measuring atmospheric NO using a laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) NO2 detector. NO is chemically converted into NO2; then, NO2 is detected by the LIF technique. To convert NO into NO2, ozone is added to sample air. Since there exists tin-reacted NO and loss of NO2 due to further reaction of NO2 with ozone depending on both the concentration of ozone and reaction time, the enhanced NO-concentration is less than the initial NO concentration. Using chemical kinetic analysis, we successfully derive the relationship between NO concentration and LIF signals. We also Propose a unique calibration method for an LIF NO2 detector without using a chemiluminescent NOx analyzer; this method is based on the gas phase titration technique. The limits of the detection of the developed instrument for NO2 and NO measurements are 14 ppt and 22 ppt, respectively. We perform ambient air measurements in a suburb of Tokyo using the developed LIF NO analyzer and a commercial chemiluminescent NO analyzer. A comparison of the measurement results reveals that they are in excellent agreement, with slope of 0.99 and a Correlation coefficient of 0.99. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved



  • Time-resolved measurements of aromatic hydrocarbon in exhaust gas using resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization method

    Kotaro Suzaki, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yuichi Goto, Kentaro Misawa, Jun Matsumoto, Yohei Yamato, Shunichi Ishiuchi, Masaaki Fujii, Koichi Tanaka, Katsumi Endo, Shunichi Hayashi

    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, COMODIA 2008     725 - 730  2008

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    Time-resolved measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and poly aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in exhaust gas from automobiles in a driving mode have been performed using Supersonic Jet / resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization (Jet-REMPI) method with 10 ppb sensitivity. Benzene, naphthalene and phenol were measured before and after catalyst treatment in the diesel cars. At the same time total hydrocarbon (THC) was detected by FID through a CVS instrument, which is the normal method for real-time measurement of hydrocarbon without distinction of hydrocarbon species in exhaust gas. The changes in concentration of benzene and other PAH corresponding to the changes in the driving mode were successfully measured every 1 second. As a result of real-time monitoring of exhaust gas from diesel engine, benzene, naphthalene and phenol were quantified at JE05 mode. Compared a real-time PAH and VOC signals with a total hydrocarbon signal detected by FID, it was found that each tendency of benzene and naphthalene was almost same as that of THC, while the tendency of phenol is different from that of THC. Copyright © 2008 by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

  • 超高感度レーザー分析の最前線=分子選択的リアルタイム高感度分析=

    三澤健太郎, 松本淳, 石内俊一, 藤井正明, 林俊一

    光アライアンス   19 ( 3 ) 48 - 52  2008


  • NO2 検出器を用いた大気中 NO 測定システムの開発

    宮崎洸治, 松本淳, 加藤俊吾, 梶井克純

    大気環境学会誌   43 ( 2 ) 112 - 118  2008

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    We propose herein a new principle to measure atmospheric NO using an NO2 detector. We tested this method to determine whether precise measurements are achievable or not when using a laser induced fluorescence detector for NO2. To convert NO to NO2, O3 is added to the sample air. When adding O3, not all of the NO is used in the generation of NO2: some of the NO does not react with the O3 and some of the formed NO2 reacts with O3.Using a box model we simulated the time evolution of the NO2 concentration after the addition of the O3. We found the optimum condition of reaction time and O3 concentration by both calculation and experiment. To verify the usefulness of ambient air measurements using this technique, observations were conducted. NO concentrations obtained by this system were compared with those of the chemiluminescence technique and resulted in excellent agreement.

    DOI CiNii

  • Single particle analysis of secondary organic aerosols formed from 1,4-cyclohexadiene ozonolysis using a laser-ionization single-particle aerosol mass spectrometer

    Masahiro Narukawa, Yutaka Matsumi, Jun Matsumoto, Kenshi Takahashi, Akihiro Yabushita, Kei Sato, Takashi Imamura

    BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   81 ( 1 ) 120 - 126  2008.01  [Refereed]

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    Real-time analysis of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particles formed from 1,4-cyclohexadiene (CHD) ozonolysis in a smog chamber was performed using a laser-ionization single-particle aerosol mass spectrometer (LISPA-MS). The instrument can be used to obtain both the size and chemical compositions of individual aerosol particles with a high time-resolution (approximate to 2 s at the maximum). Both positive- and negative-ion mass spectra can be obtained by changing the voltage polarity of the instrument. The negative-ion spectra of the SOA particles provided important information about the chemical compositions of the SOA particles. In the negative-ion spectra, intense mass peaks were determined to correspond to ions with carboxyl and aldehyde groups. The signal intensities of the intense mass peaks from compounds with carboxyl groups were higher than those from compounds with aldehyde groups as a function of the particle size. The peaks suggest that the SOA particles contain more oxygenated organic compounds as the particle size increases, namely, the chemical compositions of the SOA particles vary as a function of the particle size. We demonstrated that the real-time single-particle analysis of SOA particles by using the LISPA-MS technique can be used to clarify the formation and transformation processes of SOA particles in smog chambers.



  • Real-time and direct measurement of pollutants in exhaust gas utilizing supersonic jet/resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization

    Kentaro Misawa, Jun Matsumoto, Yohei Yamato, Saori Mae, Shun-Ichi Ishiuchi, Masaaki Fujii, Koichi Tanaka, Tetsuya Suzuki, Shun-Ichi Hayashi, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yuichi Goto

    SAE Technical Papers   2008-01-0761  2008

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    Supersonic jet/resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization (Jet-REMPI) technique was focused on the analyzing method for gas mixture like exhaust gas from automobiles. In this method, when the mass number and wavelength of excitation laser are determined adequately, the target compound can be monitored selectively. We developed a new analyzer utilizing REMPI method. Using this analyzer, real-time monitoring of exhaust gas from a motorcycle and diesel vehicles was conducted. As a result of real-time monitoring test of the vehicles, concentrations of aromatic compounds like benzene toluene etc. were quantified and real-time changes of their concentrations were observed. © 2007 SAE International.



  • Real-time and direct analysis of pollutants in exhaust gas utilizing resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization (2) - variations of emissions under test driving modes -

    Kentaro Misawa, Jun Matsumoto, Yohei Yamato, Saori Mae, Shun-ichi Ishiuchi, Masaaki Fujii, Koichi Tanaka, Tetsuya Suzuki, Shun-ichi Hayashi, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yuichi Goto

    Review of Automotive Engineering   29 ( 1 ) 123 - 125  2008


  • Real-time and direct analysis of pollutants in exhaust gas utilizing resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization (1) - monitoring system for real gas sample -

    Jun Matsumoto, Kentaro Misawa, Yohei Yamato, Saori Mae, Shun-ichi Ishiuchi, Masaaki Fujii, Koichi Tanaka, Tetsuya Suzuki, Shun-ichi Hayashi, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yuichi Goto

    Review of Automotive Engineering   29 ( 1 ) 119 - 121  2008


  • Real-time analysis of secondary organic aerosol particles formed from cyclohexene ozonolysis using a laser-ionization single-particle aerosol mass spectrometer

    Masahiro Narukawa, Yutaka Matsumi, Jun Matsumoto, Kenshi Takahashi, Akihiro Yabushita, Kei Sato, Takashi Imamura

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES   23 ( 5 ) 507 - 512  2007.05  [Refereed]

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    A real-time analysis of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particles formed from cyclohexene ozonolysis in a smog chamber was performed using a laser-ionization single-particle aerosol mass spectrometer (LISPA-MS). The instrument obtains both size and chemical compositions of individual aerosol particles with a high time-resolution (similar to 2 s at the maximum). Both positive and negative-ion mass spectra are obtained. Standard particles generated from dicarboxylic acid solutions using an atomizer were also analyzed. For both standard and SOA particles, the negative-ion mass spectra provided information about the molecular weights of the organic compounds in the particles, since the intense ions in the negative-ion mass spectra are mainly attributable to the molecular-related ions [M-H](-). It was demonstrated that the realtime single-particle analysis of SOA particles by the LISPA-MS technique can reveal the formation and transformation processes of SOA particle in smog chambers.



  • Diurnal variations in H2O2, O-3, PAN, HNO3 and aldehyde concentrations and NO/NO2 ratios at Rishiri Island, Japan: Potential influence from iodine chemistry

    Yugo Kanaya, Hiroshi Tanimoto, Jun Matsumoto, Hiroshi Furutani, Shigeru Hashimoto, Yuichi Komazaki, Shigeru Tanaka, Yoko Yokouchi, Shungo Kato, Yoshizumi Kajii, Hajime Akimoto

    SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT   376 ( 1-3 ) 185 - 197  2007.04  [Refereed]

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    The presence of iodine chemistry, hypothesized due to the overprediction of HO2 levels by a photochemical box model at Rishiri Island in June 2000, was quantitatively tested against the observed NO/NO2 ratios and the net production rates of ozone. The observed NO/NO2 ratios were reproduced reasonably well by considering the conversion of NO to NO2 by IO, whose amount was calculated so as to reproduce the observed HO2 levels. However, the net production rates of ozone were calculated to be negative when such high mixing ratios of IO were considered, which was inconsistent with the observed buildup of ozone during daytime. These results suggest that iodine chemistry may not be the sole mechanism for the reduced mixing ratios Of HO2, or that "hot spots" for iodine chemistry were present. Diurnal variations in the mixing ratios of HCHO, CH3CHO, peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) and HNO3 observed during the study are presented along with the simulated ones. The box model simulations suggest that the effect of iodine chemistry on these concentrations is small and that important sources of CH3CHO and sinks of PAN are probably missing from our current understanding of the tropospheric chemistry mechanism. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • 共鳴多光子イオン化法を用いたオンサイト・リアルタイム質量分析

    松本淳, 三澤健太郎, 石内俊一, 鈴木哲也, 林俊一, 藤井正明

    真空   50 ( 4 ) 241 - 245  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurement of total OH reactivity by laser-induced pump and probe technique - comprehensive observations in the urban atmosphere of Tokyo

    Ayako Yoshino, Yasuhiro Sadanaga, Keisuke Watanabe, Shungo Kato, Yuko Miyakawa, Jun Matsumoto, Yoshizumi Kajii

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   40 ( 40 ) 7869 - 7881  2006.12  [Refereed]

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    Total OH reactivity was observed by use of the laser-induced pump and probe technique, and the urban air quality in Tokyo was diagnosed comprehensively. The concentrations of NO,, CO, 03, non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) and oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) were observed simultaneously. The observations were conducted in July and August 2003, and in January, February, May, and November 2004. Generally, the observed OH reactivity was higher than the calculated values derived using the observed concentrations of the trace species. The differences between the observed and calculated values in summer, spring, and autumn were approximately 30%. However, the difference in winter was smaller than those in the other seasons. In addition, while the differences observed in summer, spring, and autumn correlated with the total reactivity of the OVOCs (Sigma(i) k(OVOCi)[OVOCi](s(-1)), k(i) is rate constant of its compounds with OH), the correlations were not confirmed in the case of winter because atmospheric oxidation was less active and OVOCs levels were low in winter. These results suggest that the secondary products of the photochemical reactions in the atmosphere would be a missing sink for the OH loss process in the urban area. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Nocturnal sink of NOx via NO3 and N2O5 in the outflow from a source area in Japan

    Jun Matsumoto, Kousuke Imagawa, Hidekazu Imai, Naohiro Kosugi, Masumi Ideguchi, Shungo Kato, Yoshizumi Kajii

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   40 ( 33 ) 6294 - 6302  2006.10  [Refereed]

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    To understand the nocturnal sink of NOx in the outflow from the Asian source area, simultaneous observations of NO3, N2O5, and related compounds were conducted utilizing an instrument based on laser-induced fluorescence at Izu-Oshima Island, Japan, during June 2004. Consequently, significant levels of NO3 and N2O5 were successfully observed, particularly in the polluted air mass originating from Tokyo. This observation concurred with the equilibrium among NO3, NO2, and N2O5 gases. As a result of steady-state analysis, nocturnal NO, losses were evaluated as 1.8 and 0.2 ppbv night(-1) for polluted and maritime air, respectively. It was confirmed that the nocturnal NOx sink during the observation was promoted by the NO3 loss by VOC. DMS is significant for nocturnal loss of NOx over the sea. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Examination on photostationary state of NOx in the urban atmosphere in Japan

    Jun Matsumoto, Naohiro Kosugi, Ayaka Nishiyama, Ryoko Isozaki, Yasuhiro Sadanaga, Shungo Kato, Hiroshi Bandow, Yoshizumi Kajii

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   40 ( 18 ) 3230 - 3239  2006.06  [Refereed]

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    To investigate the photostationary state (PSS) of nitrogen oxides (NO,), fast and precise measurements of related compounds were simultaneously carried out in the urban atmosphere. A PSS parameter phi including the observed peroxy radical (ROx) was examined. Consequently, phi was not significantly different from unity in many cases. Observed NOx, O-3, J(NO2) and ROx could reasonably elucidate the PSS of NO,. Meanwhile, in some cases with large ROx/O-3, phi was significantly less than unity. It was suggested that the reaction rate coefficients of ROx with NO could be critical for the PSS in the urban atmosphere. It was confirmed that the LIF instrument is promising to observationally approach the PSS of NOx. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Scavenging of pollutant acid substances by Asian mineral dust particles

    J Matsumoto, K Takahashi, Y Matsumi, A Yabushita, A Shimizu, Matsui, I, N Sugimoto

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS   33 ( 7 ) L07816  2006.04  [Refereed]

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    Uptakes of sulfate and nitrate onto Asian dust particles during transport from the Asian continent to the Pacific Ocean were analyzed by using a single-particle time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Observation was conducted at Tsukuba in Japan in the springtime of 2004. Sulfate-rich dust particles made their largest contribution during the 'dust event' in the middle of April 2004. As a result of detailed analysis including backward trajectory calculations, it was confirmed that sulfate components originating from coal combustion in the continent were internally mixed with dust particles. Even in the downstream of the outflow far from the continental coastline, significant contribution of Asian dust to sulfate was observed. Asian dust plays critical roles as the carrier of sulfate over the Pacific Ocean.



  • 都市郊外地域のオキシダント生成能の評価

    梶井克純, 吉野彩子, 渡邉敬祐, 定永靖宗, 松本淳, 西田哲, 加藤俊吾

    大気環境学会誌   41 ( 5 ) 259 - 267  2006

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    OH radical reactivity in the semi-urban atmosphere was measured by a laser flash pump and the probe technique which was developed by our group. The observation OH reactivity during the hole of the year was carried out as well as ancillary measurements of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), NOx, and CO. We defined the oxidant potential, Φ, which tells the number of accumulated peroxy radicals through the radical propagation cycle from a single OH radical. We compared the Φ value derived from the observational results of the OH reactivity measurements with those estimated by the ancillary measurements of VOCs. Under a higher NOx regime, usually higher than 30 ppb, there is no difference between them. However, for cases of cleaner conditions there is a huge difference between the measured and calculated Φ values since the radical propagation cycle will produce large non-linear changes in the production of ozone. We successfully applied the Φ value to the interpretation of the weekend effect of ozone concentration observed on our campus.

    DOI CiNii

  • レーザー誘起蛍光法を用いた窒素酸化物のpptレベルでの大気計測

    梶井克純, 松本 淳

    レーザー研究   34   295 - 299  2006

  • In situ measurement of N2O5 in the urban atmosphere by thermal decomposition/laser-induced fluorescence technique

    J Matsumoto, H Imai, N Kosugi, Y Kaji

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   39 ( 36 ) 6802 - 6811  2005.11  [Refereed]

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    The laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detector with a thermal converter has been developed for measuring atmospheric N2O5. The detection limit for N2O5 was 11 pptv for 10-min averaging (S/N = 2, [NO2] = 0). The field measurements of N2O5 were conducted in the urban atmosphere in winter. N2O5 was successfully monitored during four nights. Typically, observed N2O5 level was in the range of 0-200 pptv. Note that N2O5 reached 800 pptv at one night, when NOx level was extremely high and the temperature was low. After the data were selected by the stability of NOx, N2O5 chemistry was discussed for a representative case of the urban night. Observed trend of N2O5 was compared with the theoretically predicted one. The heterogeneous loss rate of N2O5 on the aerosol surfaces was estimated as 5.2 x 10(-4) s(-1). Consequently, it was confirmed that N2O5 loss was critical for NO., budget in the urban atmosphere in winter, in comparison with NOx loss via NO3. The LIF instrument proved to be useful for studying nocturnal chemistry of N2O5 in the source region. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Methods for preparing standard nitrate radical (NO3) gas to calibrate the LIF-based instrument for measurements in the atmosphere

    J Matsumoto, H Imai, N Kosugi, Y Kajii

    CHEMISTRY LETTERS   34 ( 9 ) 1214 - 1215  2005.09  [Refereed]

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    Preparation of standard NO3 gas is explored at the level of ppbv for atmospheric measurements utilizing an LIF instrument. The sequence of thermal decomposition of N2O5 and gas phase titration of NO3 by adding NO is useful. To reduce NO2 contamination in N2O5, N2O5 trapping after mixing NOx and O-3 was adopted. As a convenient method in the field studies, dynamic mixing NOx and O-3 was explored.



  • Development of a measurement system for nitrate radical and dinitrogen pentoxide using a thermal conversion/laser-induced fluorescence technique

    J Matsumoto, N Kosugi, H Imai, Y Kajii

    REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS   76 ( 6 ) 064101  2005.06  [Refereed]

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    An instrument for measuring atmospheric nitrate radical (NO3) and dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) has been developed by a thermal conversion/laser-induced fluorescence (TC/LIF) technique. N2O5 is thermally decomposed and converted to NO3, which is measured by laser-induced fluorescence. In situ, fast-response, sensitive measurement of NO3/N2O5 is expected by use of LIF. In detecting NO3, dual-wavelength excitation at 622.96 and 618.81 nm was adopted to remove potential interference and to guarantee high selectivity. A high-power dye laser system was used as the source of excitation light. To measure ambient air directly, the NO3 detection cell was placed on the rooftop. The laser beam was guided by an optical fiber into the excitation cell. Transmittance of the laser beam was 80% for a 10 m long fiber. To calibrate the instrument, the series of thermal decomposition of N2O5 and the gas phase titration of NO3 by NO were conducted. NO3 reduction by adding NO was also applied to determine accurately the zero points of the detector. After optimization of conditions such as gate timing in photon counting and the settings of the N2O5 converter, the present detection limits of NO3 and N2O5 were determined to be 4 and 6 pptv, respectively, for the integration time of 10 min (signal-to-noise ratio=1). It was confirmed that the interference of NO2 on N2O5 detection is negligible, but can be significant for NO3 measurement when NO2 concentration is extremely high (&gt; 100 ppbv). Measurement of N2O5 in ambient air was made in the urban area of Tokyo, Japan. Observed data demonstrated the capacity of the TC/LIF instrument with a powerful dye laser and a single-path excitation cell for ambient measurements. In this article, we focus on the instrumentation and characterization. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.



  • レーザー誘起蛍光法による大気中 NO3/N2O5 測定装置

    松本 淳, 小杉 如央, 今井 秀和, 梶井 克純

    分光研究   54 ( 1 ) 23 - 31  2005

     View Summary

    NO3 and N2O5 are important as intermediates of NOx loss in the nocturnal atmosphere. In this study, laser-in-duced fluorescence (LIF) technique is applied for measuring NO3 and N2O5 in the atmosphere. A tunable dye laser pumped by a pulsed Nd: YVO4 laser was utilized as an excitation light source. NO3 was excited around its 623-nm absorption peak and the induced fluorescence was detected. For measuring N2O5, thermal decomposition of N2O5 was carried out and then generated NO3 was detected. As a result of improvement and calibration of the instrument, the limits of detection for NO3 and N2O5 reached 4 and 6 pptv, respectively (S/N=1, 10-min averaging). A measurement test of N2O5 was conducted in the urban atmosphere to check the applicability of the instru-ment. The LIF instrument is promising to measure atmospheric NO3 and N2O5. This is a successful case of ap-plying a spectroscopic method to the environmental chemistry.

    DOI CiNii

  • レーザー誘起蛍光法による NO3/N2O5 測定装置の開発と冬季夜間大気中の窒素酸化物による大気酸性化の評価

    小杉 如央, 今井 秀和, 松本 淳, 加藤 俊吾, 梶井 克純

    大気環境学会誌   40 ( 3 ) 95 - 103  2005

     View Summary

    Since NO3 is present at significant levels during the night, NO3 reacts with various VOCs, such as monoterpens, generating peroxy radicals and nitric acid. In addition, N2O5, formed through a reaction between NO3 and NO2, reacts heterogeneously with water vapor on aerosol surfaces yielding nitric acid. These are the main loss processes of NOx at night. Thus, measurement of NO3 and N2O5 is essential for an understanding of nocturnal chemistry. We have developed a new instrument to measure NO3 which is fast, sensitive, and simple in technique, laser-induced-fluorescence (LIF). This instrument can detect not only NO3 but also N2O5 by heating air samples just before the sample inlet. The limits of detection (LOD) for NO3 and N2O5 are determined to be 5 and 7 pptv, respectively for 10 minute intervals.<BR>Ambient N2O5 at Tokyo Metropolitan University in December 2003 was successfully measured with this instrument for the first time. N2O5 was observed at significant concentration even when NO was large. Assuming that the heterogenenous reaction of N2O5 is predominant in the NOx removal reaction in winter, the amount of NOx removal through N2O5 is estimated as 5.4 ppbv/night. It is comparable to the daytime NOx removal by the OH radical. Thus, the N2O5 reaction is demonstrated to be significant as a source of nitric acid.

    DOI CiNii

  • OH ラジカル寿命観測による都市大気質の診断

    吉野 彩子, 定永 靖宗, 渡邉 敬祐, 吉岡 篤史, 加藤 俊吾, 宮川 祐子, 林 一郎, 市川 雅子, 松本 淳, 西山 綾香, 秋山 成樹, 梶井 克純

    大気環境学会誌   40 ( 1 ) 9 - 20  2005

     View Summary

    Total OH reactivity was measured by use of a laser-induced pump and probe technique in order to diagnose comprehensively the urban air quality in the suburbs of Tokyo. The concentrations of NOxCO, O3, NMHCs (non-methane hydrocarbons) and OVOCs (oxygenated volatile organic compounds) were observed simultaneously. The observations were conducted in July and August 2003, and in January and February 2004. The measured OH loss rates were usually higher than the calculated values, this was derived by using the measured concentrations of the trace species. The difference between the measured and calculated values in the summer observation was approximately 25 %. However, for the winter observation, the difference between the measured and calculated values was less than the difference between the summer values. In addition, while the difference observed in the summer correlated with the concentration of 03, no correlations were confirmed in the winter. This suggests that the secondary products of the photochemical reactions in the atmosphere would be a missing sink for the OH loss process.

    DOI CiNii

  • The importance of NO2 and volatile organic compounds in the urban air from the viewpoint of the OH reactivity

    Y Sadanaga, A Yoshino, S Kato, A Yoshioka, K Watanabe, Y Miyakawa, Hayashi, I, M Ichikawa, J Matsumoto, A Nishiyama, N Akiyama, Y Kanaya, Y Kajii

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS   31 ( 8 ) L08102  2004.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Total OH reactivity was measured in the suburban area, Tokyo, in July and August 2003, by use of a laser-induced pump and probe technique. More than 90% of the measured data of the OH loss rates were higher than the calculated values with simultaneously measured concentrations of various trace species. The maximum difference between the measured and calculated values is 34.3%. However, this difference was reduced to be 24.6% when using the rate coefficient of the OH + NO2 reaction recommended by IUPAC 1997, which is 40% larger than the most recently recommended value (JPL 2002). We concluded that this disagreement is due to the uncertainty of the OH + NO2 rate coefficient as well as existence of unmeasured VOCs. VOCs were quantitatively important as contribution to the OH loss processes.



  • Development of a measurement system of peroxy radicals using a chemical amplification/laser-induced fluorescence technique

    Y Sadanaga, J Matsumoto, K Sakurai, R Isozaki, S Kato, T Nomaguchi, H Bandow, Y Kajii

    REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS   75 ( 4 ) 864 - 872  2004.04  [Refereed]

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    An instrument for measuring atmospheric peroxy radicals has been developed by chemical amplification/laser-induced fluorescence (PERCA/LIF) technique. The small concentration of peroxy radicals is converted to the large amount of NO2, which is measured by laser-induced fluorescence instead of luminol chemiluminescence. Several advantages, that is, high sensitivity, high selectively, and fast time response, are expected by use of LIF for the NO2 measurement, in comparison with luminol chemiluminescence. When using this system, simultaneous measurements of NO2 and peroxy radicals are available. The present optimum condition for the reaction tube (1/4 in. Teflon) was determined to be the reaction tube length of 3 m, the NO and CO concentrations of 3 ppmv and 10%, respectively. The calibration, including humidity dependence of the detection sensitivity of peroxy radicals, was conducted and the present detection limit of peroxy radicals was determined to be 2.7 and 3.6 pptv at the ambient relative humidity of 50 and 80%, respectively, for the integration time of 1 min (S/N=2). This detection limit was calculated assuming the ambient O-3 and NO2 mixing ratios of 30 and 20 ppbv, respectively. The influence of the NO2 detection sensitivity by adding high concentrations of CO was investigated and the quenching of excited NO2 by CO can affect the ambient measurement significantly under the high NO2 and low peroxy radical concentrations. Exploratory ambient air measurements were made in suburban area of Osaka, Japan. These results demonstrated the performance of PERCA/LIF for ambient measurements. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.



  • Measurements of peroxy radicals and their photochemistry in the troposphere: Comparison between the remote and the urban atmosphere

    Y. Sadanaga, R. Isozaki, K. Sakurai, J. Matsumoto, H. Bandow, Y. Kajii

    Recent Research Developments in Photochemistry & Photobiology, Research SingPost Inc, 7, 1-17 (2004)    2004  [Refereed]

  • Measurement of NO<inf>2</inf> by the photolysis conversion technique during the Transport and Chemical Evolution Over the Pacific (TRACE-P) campaign

    K. Nakamura, Y. Kondo, G. Chen, J. H. Crawford, N. Takegawa, M. Koike, K. Kita, Y. Miyazaki, R. E. Shetter, B. L. Lefer, M. Avery, J. Matsumoto

    Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres   108  2003.12

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    An airborne instrument for in situ measurements of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was developed using the photolytic conversion technique followed by chemiluminescence detection of NO. This instrument was used for the measurements of NO2 on board the NASA P-3B aircraft during the Transport and Chemical Evolution Over the Pacific (TRACE-P) campaign. Comparison in the laboratory indicated less than 10% difference between our NO2 instrument and two independent laser-induced fluorescence instruments in the NO2 range of 30 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) to 50 ppbv. The magnitudes of potential errors in airborne tropospheric NO2 measurements were further assessed using the TRACE-P data set. The systematic errors estimated for the median NO2 mixing ratios, 70 pptv at 0-2 km (30 pptv at 2 8 km), were 19% (39%). The random errors for a 10 s integration time were estimated to be 5-10%, depending on altitude. The observed NO2 mixing ratios were compared to those calculated by a photochemical box model. Overall, the calculated NO2 values correlated very well with those observed (r2 = 0.97), although the calculations were systematically higher than the observations by about 30%, except for the highest flight levels. The calculated/ observed NO2 ratio remained nearly constant, having values close to 1.3 at 0-4 km, and decreased with altitude. The difference between the observed and model-calculated values, however, was within the combined uncertainty in the measurement and model calculation. The underlying causes for this difference are to be determined in future studies. Copyright 2003 by the American Geophysical Union.

  • Measurement of NO2 by the photolysis conversion technique during the Transport and Chemical Evolution Over the Pacific (TRACE-P) campaign

    K Nakamura, Y Kondo, G Chen, JH Crawford, N Takegawa, M Koike, K Kita, Y Miyazaki, RE Shetter, BL Lefer, M Avery, J Matsumoto

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   108 ( D24 ) 4752  2003.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    An airborne instrument for in situ measurements of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was developed using the photolytic conversion technique followed by chemiluminescence detection of NO. This instrument was used for the measurements of NO2 on board the NASA P-3B aircraft during the Transport and Chemical Evolution Over the Pacific (TRACE-P) campaign. Comparison in the laboratory indicated less than 10% difference between our NO2 instrument and two independent laser-induced fluorescence instruments in the NO2 range of 30 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) to 50 ppbv. The magnitudes of potential errors in airborne tropospheric NO2 measurements were further assessed using the TRACE-P data set. The systematic errors estimated for the median NO2 mixing ratios, 70 pptv at 0-2 km (30 pptv at 2-8 km), were 19% (39%). The random errors for a 10 s integration time were estimated to be 5-10%, depending on altitude. The observed NO2 mixing ratios were compared to those calculated by a photochemical box model. Overall, the calculated NO2 values correlated very well with those observed (r(2)=0.97), although the calculations were systematically higher than the observations by about 30%, except for the highest flight levels. The calculated/observed NO2 ratio remained nearly constant, having values close to 1.3 at 0-4 km, and decreased with altitude. The difference between the observed and model-calculated values, however, was within the combined uncertainty in the measurement and model calculation. The underlying causes for this difference are to be determined in future studies.


  • Improved analyzer for nitrogen dioxide by laser-induced fluorescence technique

    J Matsumoto, Y Kajii

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   37 ( 34 ) 4847 - 4851  2003.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A compact, fast-response instrument for measuring atmospheric NO2 by single-wavelength excitation laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique was improved. A single-pass alignment of a more powerful, pulsed laser was utilized to realize the pptv (= 10(-12) by volume) of the limit of detection (LOD). As a result, the LOD reached 1.8 pptv for 1-min averaging (SIN = 1). To determine the instrumental zero accurately, interference by particles was cancelled out utilizing an NO2 scrubber tube coated with a mixture of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and hydroxyapatite. Consequently, it was confirmed that the combination of the improved single-wavelength LIF instrument with the scrubber was reasonable for measuring atmospheric NO2. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Photochemical reactions in the urban air: Recent understandings of radical chemistry

    Y Sadanaga, J Matsumoto, Y Kajii


     View Summary

    In this review article, recent understandings of the urban atmosphere are briefly presented, focusing on NO, (NO and NO2), NO3 and HOx (OH and HO2), which are the key species for photochemical ozone production in the urban air. For NOx chemistry, relationship between NOx and HOx, and photostationary state (PSS) of the conversion between NO and NO2 are introduced with examples of recent research. Chemistry of nitrate radicals in the nighttime is also introduced. In addition, recent and representative techniques for the measurements of reactive nitrogen species in the troposphere are presented. As for HOx radicals, important formation and loss processes and measurement methods developed recently are introduced. Recent campaign-based observations of HOx radicals in the troposphere are also presented. (C) 2003 Japanese Photochemistry Association. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Seasonal cycles of ozone and oxidized nitrogen species in northeast Asia - 1. Impact of regional climatology and photochemistry observed during RISOTTO 1999-2000

    H Tanimoto, H Furutani, S Kato, J Matsumoto, Y Makide, H Akimoto

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   107 ( D24 ) 4747  2002.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Measurements of oxidized nitrogen species, including peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), nitrogen oxides (NOx), nitric acid (HNO3), and nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), were made along with ozone (O-3) and carbon monoxide (CO) at Rishiri Island, a remote island in northern Japan, as part of the Rishiri Island Study of Oxidants and Transport for Tropospheric Ozone (RISOTTO). Full seasonal observations of O-3, CO, NMHCs, and PAN, together with data sets of NOx, and HNO3 for 6 months reveal short-term and seasonal characteristics of chemistry of the air masses in northeast Asia. Temporal variations of O-3, PAN, and HNO3 typically show day-to-day variations in winter and diurnal variations in summer, dominated by long-range transport and local photochemistry, respectively. Seasonal variations of O-3 and PAN show a spring maximum and a summer minimum, which are consistent with previous field observations made in Europe and North America. Air mass segregation based on back trajectory calculation suggests that PAN, which is photochemically produced in continental source regions, is most effectively transported to remote sites in spring owing to low temperatures in this season, while HNO3 is not effectively transported due to its high deposition velocity. It is concluded that transport of polluted air masses from continental source regions considerably enhances the April maximum in O-3 and PAN observed at remote sites in northeast Asia. Back trajectory analysis also indicates that the seasonal cycles of PAN in the Eurasian continental background air masses are maximum in spring, minimum in summer, and show a secondary maximum in fall in contrast to NOx and HNO3 which have a summer maximum and a winter minimum.



  • Nighttime variations in HO2 radical mixing ratios at Rishiri Island observed with elevated monoterpene mixing ratios

    Y Kanaya, K Nakamura, S Kato, J Matsumoto, H Tanimoto, H Akimoto

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   36 ( 31 ) 4929 - 4940  2002.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    HO2 radical concentrations were measured by a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for three nighttime periods during the intensive field campaign at Rishiri Island, Japan, in June 2000. The HO2 mixing ratio had temporal variations around its average of 4.2 +/- 1.2 (1 sigma) pptv and showed a positive correlation with the summed mixing ratio of four monoterpene species, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, camphene, and limonene, that sometimes reached 1 ppbv. Our model calculations suggested that ozonolysis reactions of monoterpenes were the main source of nighttime radicals and they explained 58% of measured HO2 concentration levels. The model roughly reproduced the dependence of the HO2 mixing ratio on the square root of the radical production rate due to the ozonolysis reactions of the monoterpenes. However, the absolute HO2 mixing ratio was significantly underpredicted by the model. We discuss possible reasons in terms of misunderstood RO2 chemistry, RO2 interference with HO2 observations, unknown radical production process associated by high NO2 mixing ratio, and the contribution of unmeasured olefinic species to radical production via their reactions with ozone. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Photochemical ozone production at a subtropical island of Okinawa, Japan: Implications from simultaneous observations of HO2 radical and NOx

    Y Kanaya, J Matsumoto, H Akimoto

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   107 ( D19 ) 4368  2002.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    [1] During the Observations at a Remote Island of Okinawa (ORION99) field campaign, HO2 radical and NOx concentrations were simultaneously measured with other important parameters relevant to photochemistry. The observed HO2 concentration levels, the relationship between HO2 and NOx, and the balance between NO and NO2 were well reproduced by model calculations based on the current photochemistry theory, indicating that the photochemistry taking place at the island was understandable within known chemistry. Thus the photochemical ozone production rate estimated from the calculated peroxy radical concentrations would be reliable. The isoprene peroxy radical + NO reaction contributed to ozone production by the similar degree to the HO2 + NO reaction because of high isoprene concentrations at ground level. The net ozone production rate during daytime was calculated to be +0.2-3.4 ppbv h(-1) due to moderate NO concentrations (36-244 parts per trillion by volume (pptv)) there which were higher than the NO compensation point of 30 pptv. Sensitivity studies showed that the ozone production rate was calculated within NOx-limited regime. Thus the ozone production rate would be relatively uniform throughout the boundary layer even if isoprene concentration had a steep vertical gradient. Up to 20 ppbv of ozone would be photochemically produced in a day, suggesting that clear diurnal variations of ozone with daytime buildup of 16 ppbv observed for the air mass traveled over the island in 1996 could be explained by photochemistry.



  • Implications of iodine chemistry for daytime HO2 levels at Rishiri Island

    Y Kanaya, Y Yokouchi, J Matsumoto, K Nakamura, S Kato, H Tanimoto, H Furutani, K Toyota, H Akimoto

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS   29 ( 8 ) 1212  2002.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    [1] The observed midday maximum in the mixing ratio of HO2 at Rishiri Island in June 2000 was similar to10 pptv, but photochemical box model simulations overpredicted HO2 at this location by an average of 70%. This overestimation was significant only when the mixing ratio of NO was lower than 300 pptv, and was coincident with overprediction of the NO/NO2 ratio. We detected several organoiodines, presumably emitted from seaweeds, and propose the presence of the IO radical. IO could reduce HO2 mixing ratios via the formation of HOI that may subsequently be scavenged by aerosols or lost by photolysis and may also convert NO to NO2 directly. Model calculations with known iodine chemistry could reproduce the observed HO2 with 12-25 pptv of IO. Although iodine chemistry is unlikely to explain the entire discrepancy in HO2, several pptv of IO could significantly reduce HO2 mixing ratios and NO/NO2 ratios.


  • ポッケルス効果による高精度光路制御〜多成分同時測定への応用〜

    松本 淳, 梶井 克純

    分光研究   51   16 - 17  2002

  • Behavior of OH and HO2 radicals during the Observations at a Remote Island of Okinawa (ORION99) field campaign 2. Comparison between observations and calculations

    Y Kanaya, J Matsumoto, S Kato, H Akimoto

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   106 ( D20 ) 24209 - 24223  2001.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The OH and HO2 concentrations observed during the Observations at a Remote Island of Okinawa intensive field campaign (ORION99) were compared with those calculated by using the ancillary observations as input parameters. Detailed comparisons were performed for HO2 with the time resolution of 10 min. During daytime, the observed HO2 concentration levels and variations were basically well reproduced by the model calculations without including heterogeneous processes. On average, the model underestimated daytime HO2 by only 20%. The squared correlation coefficient between observed and calculated HO2 was 0.79. The model underestimated HO2 significantly during a morning period with high NO, concentrations by up to a factor of 3 and for sudden surges observed during noontime on two days by a factor of 1.5. The basically good agreement between measured and calculated HO2 at Okinawa Island was in contrast with the significant model's overestimation of midday HO2 by a factor of 2 at Oki Island. The causes for the difference are discussed. For OH, detailed comparisons were not possible owing to the large uncertainties of measurements and calculations. However, diurnal patterns of OH on several days calculated by a simple steady state model were similar to those observed, indicating the observed OH data were statistically significant when they were averaged hourly. During, one night, HO2 concentrations were observed to be 2-5 pptv, positively correlating with NO2. The model significantly underestimated HO2 by up to a factor of 4 and did not reproduce the positive correlation. Currently, no explanations can be given for the nocturnal behaviors.



  • Direct measurement of NO2 in the marine atmosphere by laser-induced fluorescence technique

    J Matsumoto, J Hirokawa, H Akimoto, Y Kajii

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   35 ( 16 ) 2803 - 2814  2001.06  [Refereed]

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    A simple and compact instrument for NO2 measurement by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique with a pulsed solid state laser and a multi-pass excitation system was developed and optimized for several conditions. As a result of laboratory experiment, the limit of detection (LOD) reached 94 pptv for 60 s integration. It was thought that an LIF instrument with this LOD value would be capable of quantifying sub-ppbv NO2 in unpolluted marine atmosphere. As the second step, a field test of the instrument was conducted in the marine atmosphere at Cape Hedo, Okinawa Island, Japan, in summer 1999, Intercomparison between the LIF instrument and a chemiluminescence detector with a photolytic converter (PLC-CL) was also made in this test. Consequently, the LIF instrument was shown to be of practical use for measuring NO2 in clean maritime air. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Daytime HO2 concentrations at Oki Island, Japan, in summer 1998: Comparison between measurement and theory

    Y Kanaya, Y Sadanaga, J Matsumoto, UK Sharma, J Hirokawa, Y Kajii, H Akimoto

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   105 ( D19 ) 24205 - 24222  2000.10  [Refereed]

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    The daytime variation of hydroperoxy (HO2) radical concentration was observed by an instrument based on laser-induced fluorescence with NO addition at Oki Island, Japan, in July/August 1998. Although OH was not detected due to the high detection limit of the instrument, HO2 was determined with the detection limit of 0.8 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) (S/N=2, integration time of 1 min). On average, HO2 showed a maximum concentration of around 9 pptv in the early afternoon hours. During the field campaign, chemical species and meteorological parameters such as O-3, CO, nonmethane hydrocarbons(C-2-C-6), NO/NO2, HCHO/CH3CHO, SO2 HNO3 and J(NO2) were also observed. Unfortunately, the absolute value of J((OD)-D-1) was not measured. Model calculations for radical concentrations were performed and they were compared to the observed hourly HO2 concentrations. On August 9 the calculated HO2 matched the observation very well within the uncertainties of observations (+/-26%, 1 sigma) and the model (+/-24%, 1 sigma). This indicates a good performance of model calculations in estimating HO2 under certain conditions with plenty of isoprene. On other days, however, model usually overestimated HO2 by a factor of 2, especially in the hours around noon. It is deduced that some important HOx loss chemistry is missing in the model, Although the cause of the discrepancy is not fully understood, possible mechanisms to explain the overestimation are studied. A hypothesis with additional loss of HO2 would be more plausible than that with additional OH loss. The additional loss rate for HO2 that can reduce the calculated HO2 to the measured level was computed for each hour. Its variation correlated well with those of H2O and some photochemical products. The possibilities of HO2 loss on aerosol surface, unknown acceleration of HO2 reactions in the presence of high H2O and HO2 reactions with carbonyl species are discussed.



  • Nighttime observation of the HO2 radical by an LIF instrument at Oki island, Japan, and its possible origins

    Y Kanaya, Y Sadanaga, J Matsumoto, UK Sharma, J Hirokawa, Y Kajii, H Akimoto

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS   26 ( 14 ) 2179 - 2182  1999.07  [Refereed]

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    HO2 (hydroperoxy) radical of unexpectedly high concentration around 3 ppt was measured by an instrument based on laser-induced fluorescence with NO addition at Oki island, Japan, on the night of August 9/10, 1998. We confirmed that the interference by atmospheric organic peroxy (RO2) radicals was insignificant and concluded that the measured signal originated from nighttime HO2. Model calculations constrained to ancillary measurements indicated that HO2 and RO2 were produced primarily via the reactions of ozone with olefins, especially those with internal olefins, and that NO3 chemistry was relatively unimportant. HO2 concentration was kept high by nighttime NO (similar to 10 ppt) via RO2 + NO reactions. Low NO2 (similar to 150 ppt) slowed NO3 production rate. Thus, the high observed HO2 suggests that the reactions of O-3 With olefins are important HOx primary production mechanisms in the relatively clean atmosphere.



  • Seasonal variation of carbon monoxide at remote sites in Japan

    Daiju Narita, Pakpong Pochanart, Jun Matsumoto, Kazuaki Someno, Hiroshi Tanimoto, Jun Hirokawa, Yoshizumi Kajii, Hajime Akimoto, Makoto Nakao, Takao Katsuno, Yoshikatsu Kinjo

    Chemosphere - Global Change Science   1 ( 1-3 ) 137 - 144  1999

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    Continuous measurement of CO has been carried out at remote sites in Japan, Oki (36°N), Happo (36°N) and Benoki (27°N). Seasonal variation at each site exhibited a clear cycle with a maximum in spring and a minimum in summer. It has been revealed that the concentrations of CO at Oki are substantially higher than at Mace Head throughout a year. Comparison of trajectory-categorized data between Oki and Mace Head has been made to elucidate that the concentration at Oki is higher than Mace Head both in the clean "background" and in the regionally polluted air mass. The spring maximum at Oki occurs in April that is one month later than the reported data at other remote sites in the northern hemisphere. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Analysis of optical absorption spectra of transition metal cluster ions by the spin-polarized DV-X alpha method

    S Minemoto, K Takahashi, J Matsumoto, M Iseda, A Terasaki, H Imoto, T Kondow

    ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK D-ATOMS MOLECULES AND CLUSTERS   40 ( 1-4 ) 13 - 16  1997  [Refereed]

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    Optical absorption spectra of cobalt cluster ions, Co-n(+), and vanadium cluster ions, V-n(+), were analyzed by a theoretical calculation based on the spin-polarized DV-X alpha method, and their electronic and geometric structures were obtained, Relative absorption cross section associated with each electronic transition was calculated; the calculation enables a qualitative comparison of calculated spectrum with a measured one not only in its transition energy but also in Irs intensity profile. This analysis shows that Co-4(+), Co-3(+), and V-4(+) have, respectively, a tetrahedral structure with a bond distance of 2.00 Angstrom, an equilateral triangle with a bond distance of 2.30 Angstrom, and a distorted tetrahedral structure with five bonds having a distance of 2.34 Angstrom and one of 2.89 Angstrom. The differences in the population between majority and minority spins (spin-difference) evaluated from the electronic structure thus obtained were 2.0, 1.7, and zero per atom in Co-3(+), Co-4(+) and V-4(+), respectively. These spin differences indicate care a ferromagnetic and an antiferromagnetic spin-coupling in the cobalt and vanadium cluster ions, respectively.

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Books and Other Publications

  • Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment

    Japan Society for, Atmospheric Environment( Part: Contributor)

    Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd.  2019.09 ISBN: 9784254180541

  • はじめての大気環境化学

    松本 淳

    コロナ社  2015.04 ISBN: 9784339066364


  • Correlation analysis between total peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs) and ozone based on 2-year continuous observations at a suburban site in Japan

    Jun Matsumoto, Yasuhiro Sadanaga, Shungo Kato, Hiroshi Tanimoto, Satoshi Inomata

    AGU Annual Meeting 2023  (online poster session during the 'Continuing the Journey') 

    Presentation date: 2024.01

    Event date:
  • A case study to clarify emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) based on measurements of total ozone reactivity in the ambient air of a suburban forest in Japan

    Jun Matsumoto, Shungo Kato

    16th IGAC Scientific Conference 

    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • Applications of total ozone reactivity analyzer to a trial observation in the ambient air and to a further experiment on kinetics of terpene-ozone reactions

    Jun Matsumoto, Shungo Kato

    2018 joint 14th iCACGP Quadrennial Symposium/15th IGAC Science Conference  (Takamatsu) 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • Improved analyzer for biogenic volatile organic compounds as total ozone reactivity and its application to kinetics of gas-phase reactions

    Jun Matsumoto

    the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project 2016 Science Conference  (Breckenridge, Colorado) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Monitoring of NO2/NOx ratio in individual events of NOx emission based on continuous, simultaneous and second-scale observations of atmospheric Ox and NOx

    Jun Matsumoto

    13th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality (ASAAQ13)  (Kobe) 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • Measurement of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) as ozone reactivity

    Jun Matsumoto  [Invited]

    1st OH Reactivity Specialists Uniting Meeting (ORSUM), Mainz, Germany  (Mainz) 

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • Characterization of NOx emission in the suburbs of Tokyo based on simultaneous and real-time observations of atmospheric Ox and NOx

    Jun Matsumoto

    AGU Fall Meeting 2013  (San Francisco) 

    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • Measurement of Total Alkyl Nitrates to Evaluate Secondary Organic Aerosols

    Jun Matsumoto

    International Symposium on Aerosols in East Asia and Their Impacts on Plants and Human Health  (Koganei) 

    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • Comprehensive Analyzer for Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Detected as Total Ozone Reactivity

    Jun Matsumoto

    AGU Fall Meeting 2011  (San Francisco) 

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • Real-time and Simultaneous Analysis of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Compounds Using the VUV-SPI-TOFMS Technique

    Jun Matsumoto, Kentaro Misawa, Shun-ichi Ishiuchi, Masaaki Fujii

    IUPAC ICAS2011  (Kyoto) 

    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • Real-time measurement of environmental tobacco smoke compounds using a laser multi-photon ionization mass spectrometer

    Jun Matsumoto, Kentaro Misawa, Masaaki Fujii

    Pacifichem 2010  (Honolulu) 

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • Application of NOx analyzers for determination of the total OH radical reactivity in exhaust gas

    Jun Matsumoto

    Pacifichem 2010  (Honolulu) 

    Presentation date: 2010.12

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Research Projects

  • Study on emissions of volatile organic compounds from vegetations by the generalized analyzer for total ozone reactivity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Jun Matsumoto, Shungo Kato

  • Study on emissions of volatile organic compounds from vegetations based on measuring total ozone reactivity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • Challenge to analysis of biogenic volatile organic compounds based on measurement of ozone reactivity in forest air

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

    Project Year :


    Matsumoto Jun, SOMMARIVA roberto, PRAPLAN arnaud, HONG zhengyi

     View Summary

    In this study, the original analyzer for measuring ozone reactivity, RO3, was improved and applied to field observations and analyses of RO3 of ambient air in a forest were conducted. It was found experimentally that the contribution of individually unmeasured VOCs like sesquiterpenes to RO3 was significant, especially in the summer daytime. It was also indicated that dependence analyses of RO3 on ambient temperature and light intensity could be useful for discussion on the situation of surrounding forests like tree species and BVOCs emission. Consequently, BVOCs analyses by RO3 measurements in ambient forest air were carried out successfully for the first time in the world. RO3 analyzer is a promising tool for studying BVOCs' behavior in the forest.

  • Measurement of organic nitrates productivity for evaluating air quality

    Project Year :


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    For evaluation of air quality such as secondary organic aerosols and photochemical oxidants, it is essential to know characteristics of productivity of organic nitrates (ONs) during the reaction of various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with atmospheric radicals. In this study, we tried to establish a new method for measurement of ONs productivity based on a total ONs analyzer and the chemical perturbation technique. ONs productivities of a few VOCs were measured and relatively compared. Furthermore, quantitative determination of the branching ratio for ONs formation was successfully conducted. This method can be promising for improvement of the database of ONs productivities, especially for VOCs whose ONs productivities have not been reported yet

  • 二次有機エアロゾル生成評価のための有機硝酸全量の計測


    Project Year :


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    揮発性有機化合物 VOCを前駆体とする大気中での二次有機エアロゾル粒子SOAの生成過程において、その中間生成物として有機硝酸類ANsが注目されている。本研究では、LIF-NO2を用いたANs全量計測装置を構築し、SOA生成過程におけるANsの挙動解明への貢献を目指す。前年度は、(1)TD-LIF法によるガス状有機硝酸全量計の構築、(2)フィルタ法やデニューダー法を組み合わせた粒子状ANs全量計測、(3)テフロンバッグを用いた初期的な反応実験におけるSOA中ANs全量の検出、を実現した。本年度は以下を実施した:(4)複数LIF装置による多試料同時計測法により、NO2やANsの同時またはモード切替による測定法を確立した。また、熱分解装置TDの温度設定に対する成分検出特性等を詳細に調べ、設定温度が妥当であることを確認した。(5)ピネン以外のVOC成分についても、反応実験と粒子状有機硝酸全量を測定し、実験例を蓄積した。有機硝酸全量の検出特性を成分ごとのラジカル反応特性と比較検証して、SOA生成について検討した。その結果、リモネン、α-ピネンはSOA(粒子状ANs)を多く生成したが、イソプレン・スチレン・シクロヘキサンは粒子状ANs生成量は小さかった。成分や濃度などの条件ごとに、粒子状ANs生成量を直接把握し、SOA生成を議論できるようにした。さらに、有機硝酸類ANs、ペルオキシアセチルナイトレート類PANs、NO2、などの窒素酸化物の内訳、およびそのガス-粒子分配比の定量にも成功し、ANsほかのSOA生成過程における内訳・分配比を知ることができるようになった。また、レーザーパーティクルカウンターによる生成SOA粒子数測定とも比較した結果、二次生成するANsがSOAの「成長」に寄与する場合があることを捕捉した。24年度が最終年度であるため、記入しない。24年度が最終年度であるため、記入しない

  • Study on atmospheric impact of emission sources by simultaneous and real-time measurements of NOx-related compounds

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    To evaluate the environmental impact of atmospheric pollutants, it is essential to monitor them simultaneously at various positions around the emission source and/or for multi-compound. In this study, a laser-induced fluorescence analyzer for NO2 was modified to realize multi-point or multi-compound measurement around the source. Observations of real or modeled urban atmosphere were conducted to investigate the characteristics of the analyzer for' potential ozone(PO)' and NOx-related species. Consequently, it was confirmed that the analyzer was powerful enough to discuss the contribution of emission sources on the NO_x-O_3 chemistry on the second time scale

  • エアロゾル前駆体評価のための大気ラジカル反応性の計測に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(首都大学東京)  科学研究費助成事業(新学術領域研究(公募研究))

    Project Year :


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  • Real-time analysis of pollutants by resonance-enhanced multiphotonionization technique and evaluation of impacts on the atmosphere

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

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  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 所沢における大気中ペルオキシアシルナイトレート全量の観測事例の蓄積(4)


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    Photochemical oxidant, Ox, is one of the most important issues on air pollution. In Japan, in spite of reduction of precursors like NOx and VOCs, the concentration level of Ox has been still flat. It is urgent to grasp current situations on Ox in detail and to explore more effective control plans. Ox is composed mainly of ozone, O3. In Japan, constant monitoring of Ox is based on measurements of ozone concentrations. Peroxyacyl nitrates, PANs, are considered second to O3 as major compounds as Ox. However, ozone monitoring cannot reflect the contributions of PANs to Ox. To capture situations on Ox more precisely, it is necessary to consider PANs’ contributions. In this study, examples of simultaneous observations on PANs and O3 were accumulated as possible and correlation analysis between PANs and O3 were conducted in order to study fractions of PANs and O3 in Ox in detail. The observations has been conducted continuously over 3 years after June 9th in 2021 at Tokorozawa Campus, Waseda University. The site was placed ca. 30 km to the northwest of downtown Tokyo and surrounded by forests. Thus, the campus was suitable for studying Ox in suburban areas around Tokyo. Consequently, especially in daytime of summer, PANs were correlated to potential ozone, PO (=O3+NO2). When temperature was high and the ratio NOx/VOCs was low, high Ox cases with high PO and PANs could be captured. It was indicated that high Ox events could be seen under the following conditions: (1) sunny days, (2) high temperature, (3) low NOx/NMHC ratio (NOx-limited regime for O3), (4) sufficiently high Ox intercepts and/or slopes for day-by-day regression lines between PANs and Ox, and (5) long lifetime of PAN in spite of high temperature. It was also confirmed that the correlation between total PANs and Ox could be promising for evaluating and capturing the situations on photochemical ozone, including outstanding ozone event.

  • 所沢における大気中ペルオキシアシルナイトレート全量の観測事例の蓄積(3)


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    Photochemical oxidant, Ox, is one of the most important issues on air pollution. In spite of reduction of precursors like NOx and VOCs, the concentration level of Ox has been still flat. It is urgent to grasp current situations on Ox in detail and to suggest more effective control plans. Ox is composed mainly of ozone, O3. In Japan, constant monitoring of Ox is based on measurements of ozone concentrations. Peroxyacyl nitrates, PANs, are considered second to O3 as major compounds as Ox. However, ozone monitoring cannot reflect the contributions of PANs to Ox. To capture situations on Ox more precisely, it is necessary to consider PANs’ contributions. In this study, examples of simultaneous observations on PANs and O3 were accumulated as possible and correlation analysis between PANs and O3 were conducted in order to study fractions of PANs and O3 in Ox in detail. The observations has been conducted continuously over 2 years after June 9th in 2021 at Tokorozawa Campus, Waseda University. The site was placed ca. 30 km to the northwest of downtown Tokyo and surrounded by forests. Thus, the campus was suitable for studying Ox in suburban areas around Tokyo. Consequently, especially in daytime of summer, PANs were correlated to PO (=O3+NO2). When temperature was high and the ratio NOx/VOCs was low, high Ox cases with high PO and PANs could be captured.&nbsp;It was indicated that high Ox events could be seen under the following conditions: (1) sunny days, (2) high temperature, (3) low NOx/NMHC ratio (NOx-limited regime for O3), (4) sufficiently high Ox intercepts and/or slopes for day-by-day regression lines between PANs and Ox, and (5) long lifetime of PAN due to large ‘D-factor’. It was also confirmed that the correlation between total PANs and Ox could be promising for evaluating and capturing the situations on photochemical ozone, including outstanding ozone event.

  • 所沢における大気中ペルオキシアシルナイトレート全量の観測事例の蓄積(2)


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    Photochemical oxidant, Ox, is one of the mostimportant issues on air pollution. In spite of reduction of precursors like NOxand VOCs, the concentration level of Ox has been still flat. It is urgent tograsp current situations on Ox in detail and to suggest more effective controlplans. Ox is composed mainly of ozone, O3. In Japan, constant monitoring of Oxis based on measurements of ozone concentrations. Peroxyacyl nitrates, PANs,are considered second to O3 as major compounds as Ox. However, ozone monitoringcannot reflect the contributions of PANs to Ox. To capture situations on Oxmore precisely, it is necessary to consider PANs’ contributions. In this study,examples of simultaneous observations on PANs and O3 were accumulated aspossible and correlation analysis between PANs and O3 were conductedpreliminarily in order to study fractions of PANs and O3 in Ox in detail. Theobservations has been conducted after June 9th in 2021 at Tokorozawa Campus,Waseda University. The site was placed ca. 30km to the northwest of downtownTokyo and surrounded by forests. Thus, the campus was suitable for studying Oxin suburban areas around Tokyo. Consequently, especially in daytime of summer,PANs were correlated to PO (=O3+NO2). When temperature was high and the ratioNOx/VOCs was low, high Ox cases with high PO and PANs could be captured.&nbsp;

  • 所沢における大気中ペルオキシアシルナイトレート全量の観測事例の蓄積


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    Photochemical oxidant, Ox, is one of the most important issues on air pollution. In spite of reduction of precursors like NOx and VOCs, the concentration level of Ox has been still flat. It is urgent to grasp current situations on Ox in detail and to suggest more effective control plans. Ox is composed mainly of ozone, O3. In Japan, constant monitoring of Ox is based on measurements of ozone concentrations. Peroxyacyl nitrates, PANs, are considered second to O3 as major compounds as Ox. However, ozone monitoring cannot reflect the contributions of PANs to Ox. To capture situations on Ox more precisely, it is necessary to consider PANs’ contributions. In this study, examples of simultaneous observations on PANs and O3 were accumulated as possible and correlation analysis between PANs and O3 were conducted preliminarily in order to study fractions of PANs and O3 in Ox in detail. The observations has been conducted after June 9th in 2021 at Tokorozawa Campus, Waseda University. The site was placed ca. 30km to the northwest of downtown Tokyo and surrounded by forests. Thus, the campus was suitable for studying Ox in suburban areas around Tokyo. Consequently, in daytime of summer, PANs were correlated to PO (=O3+NO2). When temperature was high and the ratio NOx/VOCs was low, high Ox cases with high PO and PANs could be captured.&nbsp;

  • 植物起源揮発性有機化合物のオゾン反応性としての包括把握のための装置汎用化の試み


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    A unique system that uses the total reactivity with ozone (RO3) has been developed for measuring biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emitted from vegetation into the atmosphere. Recently, the RO3 analyzer has been applied to ambient observation in a forest atmosphere and BVOCs emission have been discussed. However, the analyzer is still not versatile due to ozone analyzers in the system. In order to realize field observations in various environments, it is necessary to construct the versatile RO3 monitor. In this study, fundamental experiments were conducted as follows: (1) Instead of highly sensitive ozone analyzers (handmade, chemiluminescence technique), less sensitive O3 monitors (commercial-based, UV absorption technique) were utilized to measure ozone reduction due to VOCs reactions. As a result of preliminary characterization and calibration of the prototype of versatile RO3 analyzer, the limit of detection reached 3 x 10-5 s-1 (S/N=3, 600-s average). (2) Then, as a practical test of the versatile RO3 analyzer, measurements of RO3 in the vapor sample of cryptomeria japonica leaf essential oil were demonstrated. The trace level signal of RO3 was captured. Consequently, it was confirmed experimentally that the versatile system could be promising for capturing BVOCs emission as RO3.&nbsp;

  • オゾン反応性計測に基づく揮発性有機化合物の放出把握に関する基礎実験


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    Aunique system that uses the total reactivity with ozone (RO3) has beendeveloped for measuring biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emittedfrom vegetation into the atmosphere. Recently, the sensitivity of the ozonemonitor in the analyzer has been improved. In this study, fundamentalexperiments were conducted as follows: (1) Enclosureslike Teflon bags were prepared in order to gather BVOCs samples emitted from plants;(2) Preliminary evaluation of the RO3 analyzer equipped with the enclosure wasconducted for standard samples; (3) Practical tests of the system wereconducted for real plants like 'lemonthyme' in the Teflon bag. Consequently, itwas confirmed experimentally that the system couldbe useful for capturing the characteristics of BVOCs emission.

  • 森林大気のオゾン反応性計測に基づく植物由来揮発性有機化合物の動態解析への挑戦

    2019   加藤俊吾

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    Aunique system that uses the total reactivity with ozone (RO3) has beendeveloped for measuring biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emitted fromvegetation into the atmosphere. Recently, the sensitivity of the ozone monitorin the analyzer has been improved. In this study, additional observations and fundamentalexperiments were conducted as follows: (1) In 2019, observations of atmosphericRO3 in the forest were conducted intermittently on Aug. 1, 2, 4, 5, and continuouslyfrom Aug. 6 to 11. (2) Preliminary evaluation of the RO3 analyzer equipped withan enclosure was conducted for standard BVOCs samples like isoprene and simulatedBVOCs samples emitted from a real plant, 'lemonthyme' in the enclosure.Consequently, it was confirmed experimentally that the RO3 system could beuseful for ambient observation in the forest and for capturing the characteristics of BVOCsemission from plants.

  • 燃料蒸発ガス中オレフィン類の挙動をオゾン反応性として包括的に把握する試み


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    &nbsp;Aunique system that uses the total reactivity with ozone (RO3) has beendeveloped for measuring biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emittedfrom vegetation into the atmosphere. Recently, the sensitivity of the ozonemonitor in the analyzer has been improved. Additionally, as another applicationof improved RO3 analyzer, measurements of evaporative emissions from gasolinevehicles were explored preliminarily. In this study, (1) gasoline vapor wascaptured as RO3 successfully in the laboratory, (2) breakthrough emissions ofgasoline vapors were simulated by use of charcoal filter and the vapors were significantlycaptured as RO3.

  • オゾン反応性の反応温度依存性計測により植物由来成分の大気放出特性を解明する試み


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    A unique system that uses the total reactivity withozone (RO3) has been developed for measuring biogenic volatile organiccompounds (BVOCs) emitted from vegetation into the atmosphere. Recently, thesensitivity of the ozone monitor in the analyzer has been improved.Additionally, as another application of improved RO3 analyzer, temperaturedependence of rate coefficients, k(T), of the reaction linalool+O3 wasexperimentally determined successfully. In this study, temperature dependenceof ozone reactivity, RO3(T), of real samples emitted from plants wasexperimentally determined. As practical tests, the tangerine peals and the coffeebeans were used as the simulated sources of BVOCs into the air.

  • 森林大気のオゾン反応性計測に基づく植物由来揮発性有機化合物の動態解析


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    A unique system that uses the totalreactivity with ozone (RO3) has been developed for measuring biogenic volatileorganic compounds (BVOCs) emitted from vegetation into the atmosphere. However,the sensitivity of the RO3 analyzer was insufficient for measuring the atmospherein the forests. Recently, the sensitivity of the ozone monitor in the analyzerhas been improved. In this study, further improvement of the analyzer wasexplored. As a result of reduction of noises in the detector, the detectionlimit of RO3 analyzer reached 0.2 x 10-4 s-1 (S/N = 3, 60-s average). After theimprovement, a practical test for measuring RO3 in the forest was conducted atTokorozawa in summer. Consequently, it was experimentally confirmed that coexistingNO can be critical as interference of measurement. This issue remains to besolved. Additionally, in order to realize a versatile procedure for measuring RO3in the forests, combination of sampling and RO3 analysis was challenged. Atpresent, the signal of BVOCs as RO3 was preliminarily captured. It wasindicated that the sampling procedure be promising.

  • 所沢の森林における大気試料のオゾン反応性測定の試み


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    A unique system that uses the total reactivity withozone (RO3) has been developed for measuring biogenic volatile organic compounds(BVOCs) emitted from vegetation into the atmosphere. However, the sensitivity ofthe RO3 analyzer was insufficient for measuring the atmosphere in the forests.Recently, the sensitivity of the ozone monitor in the analyzer has beenimproved. In this study, further improvement of the analyzer was explored. As aresult of reduction of noises in the detector, the detection limit of RO3analyzer reached 0.2 x 10-4 s-1 (S/N = 3, 60-s average). After the improvement,a practical test for measuring RO3 in the forest was conducted at Tokorozawa insummer. Consequently, it was experimentally confirmed that coexisting NO can becritical as interference of measurement. This issue remains to be solved. Meanwhile,as another application of improved RO3 analyzer, temperature dependence of ratecoefficients of the reaction linalool+O3 was experimentally determinedsuccessfully. The RO3 analyzer is promising for kinetic studies of BVOCs+O3reactions.

  • 生物起源揮発性有機化合物の大気放出量評価のためのオゾン反応性計測法の高感度化


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    A unique system that uses the total reactivity withozone (RO3) has been developed for measuring biogenic volatile organiccompounds (BVOCs) emitted from vegetation into the atmosphere. However, thesensitivity of the prototype of RO3 analyzer was insufficient for measuringambient atmosphere in the forests. In this study, the improvement of RO3analyzer was explored, especially focused on the improvement of thefast-response chemiluminescent ozone analyzer, CLD-O3. Consequently, thesensitivity of CLD-O3 was achieved. However, the noises were still large atpresent. The upper limit of quantifiable ozone ratio ([O3(VOC)]/[O3(VOC=0)] wasnot improved drastically. As a next step, continuing improvement of analyzers,including reduction of noises by cooling the photomultiplier of CLD-O3, isessential.

  • ポテンシャルオゾン直接測定に基づく正確かつ汎用的な光化学オキシダント評価の実現


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    Photochemical oxidant (tropospheric ozone, O3) isstill important. Total oxidants (called as ‘potential ozone’ in Japan, PO=NO2+O3)are convenient to simply recognize the behavior of ozone. In this study, utilizingaccurate and versatile NO2 analyzers, CAPS-NO2, (1) construction of a portableNO2 analyzer and a test of moving observation of exhaust gas nearby emissionsources were conducted. Moving observation of NO2 was successful for 25minutes. In a parking area, exhaust gases emitted from automobiles intoatmosphere were directly monitored. (2) Simultaneous observation of PO, NOx, and/orNO2 at two sites was explored. The first site (a ‘laboratory’ in the university)was 100 m away from another site (an ‘office’ room). The laboratory is closerto a parking area than the office. Consequently, it was confirmed that theambient air outside the laboratory be representative in the university.Additionally, it was also confirmed that observation at the laboratory bedesirable to capture exhaust gases from the parking area. The portable analyzerand procedures for simultaneous observation at two sites are expected as newtools for capturing the atmospheric impact of exhaust gases. In order toexplore the actual situations of exhaust gases, observation of real atmosphereis essential.

  • ポテンシャルオゾン直接測定に基づく正確な光化学オキシダント評価の実現


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    光化学オキシダント(対流圏オゾンO3)は依然重要な大気汚染問題である。ポテンシャルオゾンPO(= O3 + NO2) を考えるとO3の複雑な反応挙動を単純化できる。本研究では、高確度な汎用 NO2 計に基づく秒単位での PO, NOx 直接同時測定法を確立した。さらに、都市郊外における実大気観測も試みた。その結果、延べ34日にわたって実大気観測を実施し、実大気PO, NOx の同時高速測定に基づく排ガスNO2/NOx 比の評価にも成功した。今回実現した実大気観測に基づく排ガスNO2/NOx 比の実状把握は、今後の光化学オキシダント現象の解明に向けた足掛かりとなる、と期待される。

  • 所沢における大気中有機硝酸の観測に基づく光化学オキシダント評価の試み


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    大気光化学反応での有機硝酸 ANs(RONO2)生成経路への分岐は光化学オキシダント Ox の生成を抑制するので、Ox 挙動の正しい把握のためにはANs 挙動も重要である。そこで本研究では、高確度 NO2 計 CAPS-NO2を活用し、汎用的かつ高確度な ANs 全量計を構築した。性能評価の結果、ANs 検出下限 0.3 ppbv を得た。さらに、所沢キャンパスにて実大気中ANs 全量の連続測定を試みた結果、ANs の日変化の捕捉に成功し、装置の実用性を確認した。さらに観測結果を解析したところ、日ごとのANs 生成分岐比 11 – 32 % を得た。今後の国内での観測例の蓄積が期待される。

  • 所沢キャンパスにおける光化学オキシダント関連成分の挙動把握の試み


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    ①研究の背景と目的: 国内では大気中の光化学オキシダント(主にオゾン)の濃度上昇傾向が報告され、その挙動把握と対策が急務であり、オゾンとその前駆体(窒素酸化物や揮発性有機化合物)の挙動把握が重要である。最近特に、植生など自然発生源からの放出成分が、自動車排ガスなど人為放出成分と共存する際の挙動が注目されている。代表者はこれまでに、オゾン・窒素酸化物・揮発性有機化合物の高度観測法を研究・開発してきた。代表者が着任後に大気環境研究を始めるにあたり、本拠となる所沢におけるオゾンと関連成分の動態把握がまず必要となる。そこで本研究では、これまでの経験や機器を活用し、所沢の大気中オゾンやその前駆体の観測を実施し、大気微量成分の基本的な特性の把握を目指す。特にオゾンについて、可能な範囲で連続的に観測を続け、各季節ごとに典型的な日変化を把握する。本研究は、所沢という地理的条件を最大限に活用し、都市と自然が共存する郊外地域にて大気観測を実施して、光化学オキシダントの挙動を解明を進めつつ、今後の大気環境研究を進めるうえでの基盤を確立する点が、特に有意義である。②研究の方法:(2-1)大気観測の実施・・・所有する計測装置を活用し、大気中のオゾンを自動連続観測した。測定器は研究室内に設置して安定に運転しつつ、大気試料をテフロン配管と継手を経由して屋外から測定器まで導入した。データは、ロガーや既存PCを活用して取得・記録した。(2-2)観測結果の解析・・・本研究で得られた観測データに関して、(a)オゾン日変化パターン、(b)オゾンの季節変動、(c)近隣の公開データとの比較、(d)大気光化学反応の検証、について解析した。以上を通して、所沢キャンパスでのオゾンを中心とする大気化学的状況の初期的な把握を目指した。③研究の結果と考察:(3-1)大気観測概況・・・2012年6月20日から3月18日まで、所沢キャンパス100号館実験室の外気について、オゾン濃度の自動連続測定を実施した。観測では1分間隔でデータを記録しつづけた。得られた「生」の1分値データは約38.7万点であったが、いくつかの欠測期間や不具合(夏期の停電1日間、年度末の実験棟屋外補修工事に伴う試料採取不可、等)を考慮して異常値等を除外して解析した結果、60分平均値としての正味の測定データ数は6070点であった。工事等に左右されない安定的な連続観測の実現は、今後改善すべき課題である。(3-2)観測結果概況・・・観測期間を通して、日中(午後2時頃)にピークを持ち、夜間(特に冬季)に低濃度になる、都市郊外大気に典型的なオゾン濃度の日変化パターンを実験的に確認した。日射が強く光化学活性の高い「夏季」には、「秋季」「冬季」と比較して、日中オゾン濃度の最大値が高かった。なお、本研究では、一般的にオゾン濃度が高い「春季」は、観測していないためデータを得られなかった。所沢キャンパスが、東京近郊の都市郊外大気でのオゾン研究に十分適用可能であることを示唆した。近隣の公開データ(環境省「そらまめ君」、1時間値)と所沢キャンパスのオゾン観測結果を比較したところ、最寄の「所沢北野」観測局と本観測結果は、全体的によく一致した(60分値での相関係数0.90、回帰直線・・・公開データ=0.95x早大観測値+1.5ppbv)。また、周辺の観測局(「東大和」「狭山」「入間」「中富」)などとも比較的良い相関・一致を示し、所沢キャンパス周辺10km程度までの範囲ではオゾンは似た挙動を示すことも確認された。これら観測局の中で中心に位置する所沢キャンパスは、近隣のオゾン現象を調べるのに適していることが示された。なお、本研究では、窒素酸化物NOxの観測は準備が間に合わなかったため、オゾンとNOxの同時観測と相関解析などは、今後の課題である。

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