Updated on 2025/03/09


ISOMURA, Tamotsu
Faculty of Law
Job title
Professor Emeritus

Research Projects

  • 私人の権利行使を通じた法の実現-法目的の複層的実現手法の理論化と制度設計の提案

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  • Overall Amendment of the Japanese Civil Code, Book 1-3, Focusing on Security Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kato Masanobu

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    Recodification of civil codes are in progress in various countries in the world, including Japan. This study titled “Overall Amendment of the Japanese Civil Code, Book Ⅰ~Ⅲ, Focusing on Security Law” aimed to propose new articles of a revised Japanese Civil Code. We have almost completed a revision of the chapter of law mortgage and presently preparing to publish its amendment reason.At the same time, as the Japanese government submitted the Obligatory Law Amendment Bill to the parliament in 2015, we also discussed obligatory law amendment issues and published several books

  • Remedies of Collective Interests: Interpretive Approaches and Legislative Proposals

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KUBOTA Atsumi, ISOMURA Tamotsu, NAKAGAWA Takehisa, SHIMAMURA Ken, SHIMAMURA Ryo, HATTA Takuya, AOKI Satoshi, IKEDA Chizuru, SHIMAYA Takayuki, OKISTU Yukio, MAEDA Takeshi, TANAKA Hiroshi

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    We conducted a research on the problem that what legal system should be appropriate in order to protect collevtive inerests which cannot be reduced to indivisual interests. We publushed its results on specific issues in the field of consumer law, enviromental law, intellectual property law and so on, which revealed that we should examine the role of private parties who participate in imlementing laws, beyond the dichotomy of private laws and public laws

  • A Legislative Proposal of Overall Amendment of the Japanese Civil Code

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATO Masanobu, ISOGAWA Naoyuki, ISOMURA Tamotsu, OKA Takashi, NAKANO Kuniyasu, MATSUOKA Hisakazu, MIYASHITA Shuichi, AKIYAMA Yasuhiro, IKEDA Masao, OTSUKA Tadashi, OKINO Masami, KANO Naoko, KAWAKAMI Shoji, HIRABAYASHI Miki, HIROSE Hisakazu, YAMANOME Akio, WATANABE Tatsunori

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    Presently, the Department of Justice tries to amend Japanese CivilCode. However, it has started amendment from the book IIIof the Civil Code. As a result,the amended Civil Code of Japan will lose strait numbering of provisions. In addition, theDepartment of Justice tries to amend Japanese Civil Code in order to follow amendmentsin the West, neglecting social needs of Japan. Thus, the study group has made public aProposal Amendment of Civil Code of Japan: BookI-III based on various voices ofpeople of Japan. Our proposal is quite different from that of the Department ofJustice.

  • Research of the Regulation between Personal values in the Information Network Society and the Role of Tort Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUNAGA Masaaki, ISOMURA Tamotsu, YAMADA Seiichi, KUBOTA Atsumi, SAITO Akira, TEJIMA Yutaka

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    The progress of the information network in recent years has improved our life dramatically. However, at the same time, it inevitably produces collisions among the interests and values of people concerned. These collisions are, for example, seen among the rights of privacy, dignity of the individuals and the individuals' free creative activities or producing process of thoughts, ideas and intellectual property. To reconcile such collisions through civil law is one of the most urgent and important issue in society. In this context, tort law must be seen as one of the major role to adjust and regulate the order of values mentioned above.The research conducted with the grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (A) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) for three years and tried to resolve these problems through clarify the principle of the Japanese tort law and suggest some ways of interpretation of civil law. The research group was divided into two categories according to the values of problems. To consider the contents and the function expected to tort law was the main topic of the one group, and to clarify the role and the manner that tort law work in the society was the main topic of the second group.Based on the common idea of the research, each participants prepared research paper according to their own interest. Treated subjects are different from the questions produced by the information network itself to problems that generated from using information network. They includes privacy, publicity, e-health, internet-auction and intellectual property. Some part of the research report was published in commercial periodicals Min-Shoho Zassi, the Civil and Commercial Law Journal, vol. 133, No.4=5 and vol.133 No.6 in March 2006

  • Comprehensive Research and Practical Development of Teaching Methodologies for Professional Law Schools

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    We first tried to create a coherent system of student evaluation. The introduction of the student evaluation is rather a recent phenomenon in Japanese universities as far as law departments are concerned, and it is prepared and carried out, usually, by law professors, who are not specialists in the field. It is therefore absolutely necessary to get specialists involved, particularly those who specialize in sociology and psychology. We have organised a series of student evaluation with the help of a sociologist and a psychologist, the result of which is detailed in the final report.In professional law schools, traditional "lecture"-style classes, where a professor speaks from the platform and students do nothing but listen to him/her, are almost non-existent. We therefore tried to develop a new type of textbooks, which are adapted to particular types of teaching methodologies employed in the classrooms of professional law schools. We have published several such textbooks (listed below), and unpublished teaching materials specially developed for professional law schools are partly reprinted in the final report.We have also conducted several surveys for the purpose of understanding professors' and students' perception of teaching methodologies, the result of which is also detailed in the final report

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