The Parody Exception in Japanese Copyright Law
Christoph Rademacher
Patents & Licensing ( 49-5 ) 9 - 16 2019年09月 [招待有り]
Patent Damages in Japan: Why do Japanese Courts award so little?
Christoph Rademacher
Patents & Licensing ( 47-4 ) 9 - 18 2017年09月 [招待有り]
営業秘密保護法制の要諦 –保護客体と保護手段の比較法的考察を踏まえて–
Christoph Rademacher
日本工業所有権法学会年報 ( 39 ) 35 - 55 2016年05月 [招待有り]
Injunctive relief in patent cases in the US, Germany and Japan – recent developments and outlook
Christoph Rademacher
Intellectual Property Systems in Common Law and Civil Law Countries 2012年
Patent Enforcement in Japan
Christoph Rademacher
IIP Bulletin 2012年01月
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