Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Science and Engineering
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Docter of Science ( University of Tsukuba )

Education Background


    Tokyo University of Educatiion   Graduate School, Division of Natural Science  


    Tokyo University of Education   Faculty of Science   Department of Mathematics  

Professional Memberships


    American Mathematical Society


    The Mathematical Society of Japan

Research Areas

  • Geometry

Research Interests

  • Geometric Topology, Dimension Theory, Cohomological Dimension, Continuum Theory



  • On homologically locally connected spaces

    Akira Koyama, Vesko Valov

    Topology and it’s Applications   260 ( 1 ) 57 - 69  2019.02  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Surfaces in products of two curves

    A. Koyama, J. Krasinkiewicz, S. Spiez

    TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS   196   618 - 640  2015.12  [Refereed]

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    We present a detailed discussion of the problem of embeddability of connected closed surfaces into products of two curves. In particular, we comment on two important results by R. Cauty and W. Kuperberg in this direction and strengthen them. It is proved that a closed connected surface M lying in a product of two curves is a retract of the product if and only if M is a torus. It is also observed the fact that every compact connected bordered surface embeds in the "three-page-book". (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




    Akira Koyama, Jozef Krasinkiewicz, Stanislaw Spiez

    HOUSTON JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS   38 ( 2 ) 611 - 641  2012  [Refereed]

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    In this article we mostly study algebraic properties of n-dimensional "cyclic" compacta lying either in products of n curves or in the nth symmetric product of a curve. The basic results have been obtained for compacta admitting essential maps into the n-sphere S-n. One of the main results asserts that if a compactum X admits such a mapping and X embeds in a product of n curves then there exists an algebraically essential map X -> T-n into the n-torus; the same conclusion holds for X embeddable in the nth symmetric product of a curve. The existence of analgebraically essential mapping X -> T-n is equivalent to the existence of some elements a(1), . . . ,a(n) is an element of H-1 (X) whose cup product a(1)boolean OR . . . boolean OR a(n) is an element of H-n (X) is not zero, and implies that rank H-1(X) >= n and cat X > n. In particular, it follows that S-n, n >= 2, is not embeddable in the nth symmetric product of any curve. The case n = 2 answers in the negative a question of Illanes and Nadler.


    Akira Koyama, Jozef Krasinkiewicz, Stanislaw Spiez

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY   363 ( 3 ) 1509 - 1532  2011.03  [Refereed]

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    The intent of this article is to distinguish and study some n-dimensional compacta (such as weak n-manifolds) with respect to embeddability into products of n curves. We show that if X is a locally connected weak n-manifold lying in a product of n curves, then rank H-1 (X) >= n. If rank H-1(X) = n, then X is an n-torus. Moreover, if rank H-1(X) < 2n, then X can be presented as a product of an m-torus and a weak (n - m)-manifold, where m >= 2n - rank H-1(X). If rank H-1 (X) < infinity, then X is a polyhedron. It follows that certain 2-dimensional compact contractible polyhedra are not embeddable in products of two curves. On the other hand, we show that any collapsible 2-dimensional polyhedron embeds in a product of two trees. We answer a question of Cauty proving that closed surfaces embeddable in a product of two curves embed in a product of two graphs. We construct a 2-dimensional polyhedron that embeds in a product of two curves but does not embed in a product of two graphs. This solves in the negative another problem of Cauty. We also construct a weak 2-manifold X lying in a product of two graphs such that H-2(X) = 0.


    A. Koyama, I. Stasyuk, E. D. Tymchatyn, A. Zagorodnyuk

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY   138 ( 11 ) 4149 - 4155  2010.11  [Refereed]

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    Let (X, d) be a complete metric space. We prove that there is a continuous, linear, regular extension operator from the space C*(b) of all partial, continuous, real-valued, bounded functions with closed, bounded domains in X to the space C*(X) of all continuous, bounded, real-valued functions on X with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets. This is a variant of a result of Kunzi and Shapiro for continuous functions with compact, variable domains.

  • On the symmetric hyperspace of the circle

    Naotsugu Chinen, Akira Koyama

    TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS   157 ( 17 ) 2613 - 2621  2010.11  [Refereed]

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    By X(n), n >= 1, we denote the n-th symmetric hyperspace of a metric space X as the space of non-empty finite subsets of X with at most n elements endowed with the Hausdorff metric. In this paper we shall describe the n-th symmetric hyperspace S(1) (n) as a compactification of an open cone over Sigma D(n-2), here D(n-2) is the higher-dimensional dunce hat introduced by Andersen, Marjanovic and Schori (1993) [2] if is is even, and D(n-2) has the homotopy type of S(n-2) if is is odd (see Andersen et al. (1993) [2]). Then we can determine the homotopy type of S' (n) and detect several topological properties of S(1)(n). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • C-0-coarse geometry of complements of Z-sets in the Hilbert cube

    E. Cuchillo-Ibanez, J. Dydak, A. Koyama, M. A. Moron

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY   360 ( 10 ) 5229 - 5246  2008  [Refereed]

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    Motivated by the Chapman Complement Theorem, we construct an isomorphism between the topological category of compact Z-sets in the Hilbert cube Q and the C-0-coarse category of their complements. The C-0-coarse morphisms are, in this particular case, intrinsically related to uniformly continuous proper maps. Using that fact we are able to relate in a natural way some of the topological invariants of Z-sets to the geometry of their complements.

  • Strong cohomological dimension

    J. Dydak, A. Koyama

    Bull. Acad. Polish. Sci. Math.   56 ( 2 ) 183 - 189  2008

  • Recent development of cohomological dimension theory - existence and applications of Edwards-Walsh resolutions

    A. Koyama

    Sugaku Expositions   17 ( 2 ) 125 - 150  2004

  • Cohomological dimension and acyclic resolutions

    A Koyama, K Yokoi

    TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS   120 ( 1-2 ) 175 - 204  2002.05  [Refereed]

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    Let G be an Abelian group admitting a homomorphism alpha: Z --> G such that the induced homomorphisms alpha x id: ZxG G --> GxG and alpha*: Hom(G, G) --> Hom(Z, G) are isomorphisms. We show that for every simplicial complex L there exists an Edwards-Walsh resolution omega: EWG (L, n) --> \L\. As applications of it we give several resolution theorems. In particular, we have
    Theorem. Let G be an arbitrary Abelian group. For every compactum X with c-dim(G) X less than or equal to n there exists a G-acyclic map f : Z --> X from a compactum Z with dim Z less than or equal to n + 2 and c-dim(G) Z less than or equal to n + 1.
    Our methods determine other results as well. If the group G is cyclic, then one can obtain Z with dim Z less than or equal to n. In certain other cases, depending on G, we may resolve X in such a manner that C dim Z less than or equal to n + 1 and c-dim(G) Z less than or equal to n. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • On classes of maps which preserve finitisticness

    A Koyama, MA Moron

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY   130 ( 10 ) 3091 - 3096  2002  [Refereed]

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    We shall prove the following: ( 1) Let r : X --> Y be a refinable map between paracompact spaces. Then X is finitistic if and only if Y is finitistic. ( 2) Let f : X --> Y be a hereditary shape equivalence between metric spaces. Then if X is finitistic, Y is finitistic.

  • Borsuk-Sieklucki theorem cohomological dimension theory

    M Boege, J Dydak, R Jimenez, A Koyama, EV Shchepin

    FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE   171 ( 3 ) 213 - 222  2002  [Refereed]

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    The Borsuk-Sieklucki theorem says that for every uncountable family {X(alpha)}alphais an element ofA of n-dimensional closed subsets of an n-dimensional ANR-compactum, there exist alphanot equalbeta such that dim(X(alpha) boolean AND Xbeta) = n. In this paper we show a cohomological version of that theorem:
    THEOREM. Suppose a compactum X is clc(Z)(n+1), where n greater than or equal to 1, and G is an Abelian group. Let {X(alpha)}(alpha=J) be an uncountable family of closed subsets of X. If dim(G)X = dim(G)X(alpha), = n for all alpha is an element of J, then dim(G) (X(alpha) boolean AND X(beta)) = n for some alpha not equal beta.
    For G being a countable principal ideal domain the above result was proved by Choi and Kozlowski [C-K]. Independently, Dydak and Koyama [D-K] proved it for G being an arbitrary principal ideal domain and posed the question of validity of the Theorem for quasicyclic groups (see Problem 1 in [D-K]).
    As applications of the Theorem we investigate equality of cohomological dimension and strong cohomological dimension, and give a characterization of cohomological dimension in terms of a special base.

  • Cohomological dimension of locally connected compacta

    J Dydak, A Koyama

    TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS   113 ( 1-3 ) 39 - 50  2001.06  [Refereed]

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    In this paper we investigate the cohomological dimension of cohomologically locally connected compacta with respect to principal ideal domains. We show the cohomological dimension version of the Borsuk-Siecklucki theorem: for every uncountable family {K-alpha}(alpha is an element ofA) of n-dimensional closed subsets of an n-dimensional ANR-compactum, there exist alpha not equal beta such that dim(K(alpha)boolean ANDK(beta)) = n. As its consequences we shall investigate the equality of cohomological dimension and strong cohomological dimension and give a characterization of cohomological dimension by using a special base. Furthermore, we shall discuss the relation between cohomological dimension and dimension of cohomologically locally connected spaces. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • On Dranishnikov's cell-like resolution

    A Koyama, K Yokoi

    TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS   113 ( 1-3 ) 87 - 106  2001.06  [Refereed]

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    We prove the following theorem:
    Theorem 1, For a compactum X with c-dim(Z/p) X less than or equal to n and c-dim(Z(q)) X less than or equal to n for some distinct prime numbers p, q, aid c-dim(Z) X less than or equal to n + 1, where n > 1, there exists an (n + 1)-dimensional compactum Z with c-dim(Z/p) Z less than or equal to n, c-dimZ((q)), Z less than or equal to n and a cell-like map f: Z --> X.
    Moreover, giving the following theorem, we note that Theorem 1 cannot be true in the case of n=1,
    Theorem 2, For every: pair, p, q of distinct prime numbers there exists an infinite-dimensional compactum X such that c-dim(Z/p) X = 1, c-dim(Z(q)) X = 1 and c-dim(Z) X = 2. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • コホモロジー次元論の最近の展開--Edwards-Walsh resolutions の存在と応用

    小山 晃

    数学   53 ( 4 ) 349 - 372  2001

  • Compacta not embeddable into Cartesian products of curves

    J. Dydak, A. Koyama

    Bull. Acad. Polish. Sci. Math.   48 ( 1 ) 51 - 56  2000

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Books and Other Publications

  • 位相空間論 : 現代数学への基礎

    小山 晃( Part: Sole author)

    森北出版  2021.03 ISBN: 9784627078611

  • Topics in Dimension Theory - Recent Progress in General Topology III

    J. Dydak, A. Koyama( Part: Contributor)

    Atlantis Press  2014 ISBN: 9789462390232


  • Boltyanskii-Kodamaの例と関連する話題について



    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • Homologically ANR - revised

    Akira Koyama  [Invited]

    Conference on geometric topology and related topics - Dedicated on the 65 birthday Sergey A. Antonysn 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

    Event date:
  • Homological properties of decomposition spaces

    A. Koyama  [Invited]

    Geometric Topology and Geometry of Banach Spaces  (Eilat)  University of Ben Grion

    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • Characterizations of n-dimensional compacta in the products of n curves

    A. Koyama  [Invited]

    Dubrovnik VIII - Geometric Topology, Geometric Group Theory and Dynamical Systems 

    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • On embeddings into products of curves - An algebraic approach

    A. Koyama  [Invited]

    28th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications  (Nipissing University)  Nipissing University

    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • A role of Whyburn factorization theorem for embeddings of n-dimensional continua into products of n curves

    A. Koyama  [Invited]

    (Oaxaca)  UNAM

    Presentation date: 2011.10

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Research Projects

  • 次元論および距離空間の埋蔵問題から考察するcoarse幾何学の研究

    Project Year :


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    私の研究分野「幾何学的トポロジー」の一つの発祥地であるワルシャワ(ポーランド)で開催された「Geometric Topology - Celebrating the Year of Mathematics in Poland」(the Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 08.09.2019 - 14.09.2019)に出席し、講演を行った。また、力学的挙動の解析をcoarse幾何学に応用しようと考え、前期に加藤久男(筑波大学名誉教授)による講義と後期にはJ. R. Sanjurjo教授(Universidad Compuletense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain)を招聘してConley index theoryの集中講義を行なった。昨年度に引き続き, Vesko Valov教授(Nipissing University, Canada)との共同研究を行なった。主たる課題は「ホモロジー群が局所的に自明な有限次元コンパクト距離空間のホモトピー的あるいはシェイプ的な性質を解明する」である。現在彫られている例は、特異ホモロジー群、スティーンロッド ホモロジー群、チェック ホモロジー群では局所的な自明性が異なる2次元コンパクト距離空間の構成法がある。今後の進展はコホモロジー論のVietoris-Smale型定理が特異ホモロジー論では成り立たない有限次元コンパクト距離空間の例を挙げることにある。これら特異な例は局所的に滑らかではない野生的な空間で構成される。これらはcoarse幾何学では理想境界として現れることが考えられ、種々の問題の反例の構成に有効であることが期待される。Coarse幾何学におけるANR理論を展開することを構想しているが、coarse写像は連続性を持っていないのでホモトピー拡張定理など基本的な性質でも必ずしも上手く展開できない。現在、チェック ホモロジー群や無限生成ホモロージー理論(スティーンロッド ホモロジー群)を用いた特徴付けが有効に働くか検証中である。そのため、当初計画していた埋蔵定理の研究に至っていない。Vesko Valov教授(Nipissing University, Canada)との共同研究を継続し、上記の課題「ホモロジー群が局所的に自明な有限次元コンパクト距離空間のホモトピー的あるいはシェイプ的な性質を解明する」の研究にあたる。これら特異な例は局所的に滑らかではない野生的な空間で構成される。これらはcoarse幾何学では理想境界として現れることが考えられ、種々の問題の反例の構成に有効であることが期待される。また、現状では不透明な部分もあるが本年度に連携研究者J. Dydak教授(University of Tennessee, U.S.A)を招聘してcoarse幾何学の現状と今後の課題に関するワークショップを開催したい

  • 次元論および距離空間の埋蔵問題から考察するcoarse幾何学の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


  • Embedding problems related to asymptotic dimension in coarse geometry

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Koyama Akira, EDA Katsuya, CHINEN Naotsugu, HOSAKA Tetsuya, YAGASAKI Tatsuhiko

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    We investigated large scale geometry, mainly coarse geometry for general proper metric spaces with coarse geometry structure and embedding problems of CAT(0)-groups into the Hilbert space. Then we discovered a good relation between coarse geometry and small scale geometry which is an ordinal geometric topology. I obtained many interesting results with the collaborators, Jozef Kransinkiewicz and Stanislaw Spiez (the Institute of Mathematic, Polish Academy of Science). Our papers have excellent evaluation and we were invited important international conferences of geometric topology. For example, Dubrovnik VIII-Geometric Group Theory and Dynamical Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia. It is one of traditional and important topology conferences.Due to our proposal we organized an international meeting of coarse geometry at Wasoeda University. The future speakers are Jerzy Dydak (University of Tennessee, USA)and Stanislaw Spiez. It was a good occasion to exchange hot results and opinions

  • Coarse analyzing metric spaces of non-positive curvature and topological analyzing remainders of its compactifications

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    It is important mathematically (in particular, geometrically) to study Coxeter groups. We investigate Coxeter groups and obtain topological properties for boundaries of metric spaces of non-positive curvature and hyperbolic spaces on whose Coxeter groups are geometrically acted. Specifically, we provide the following results: a necessary and sufficient condition with a topological fractal structure of its boundary, the construction of topological universal spaces as the boundaries of Coxeter groups, and, an extension of the decomposition theorem to the Coxeter group. Moreover, we investigate colorings numbers of maps deeply related to fix points of remainders of compactifications and we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition with colorings numbers of homeomorphisms on locally finite graphs

  • Study of groups of measure-preserving homeomorphisms and volume-preserving diffeomorphisms of noncompact manifolds

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAGASAKI Tatsuhiko, HUKUI Kazuhiro, KOYAMA Akira, KATO Hisao, SAKAI Katsuro, OKURA Hiroyuki, CHINEN Naotsugu, HOSAKA Tetsuya, MINE Kotaro

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    We studied topological properties of groups of diffeomorphisms and homeomorphisms of any on-compact manifold M. Under the compact-open C∞topology, we extended a parametrized version of Moser’s theorem for volume forms to the non-compact case. As for the Whitney C∞ topology, we howed That the pair of the group of diffeomorphisms of M and the subgroup of those with compact support is Locally homeomorphic to the pair of countable box product and small box product of l2.As for the uniform topology, we also obtained some deformation theorems for spaces of uniform embeddings and Groups of uniform homeomorphisms

  • Cohomological dimension theory in coarse geometry

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOYAMA Akira, HOSAKA Tetsuya, CHINEN Naotsugu, EDA Katsuya, YAGASAKI Tatsuhiko

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    As we started to investigate coarse geometry from the viewpoint of asymptotic dimension theory, we faced an important problem related to embedding problems. Namely, we investigated the problem what kind of n-dimensional compact metric spaces can be embedded into a product of n one-dimensional compact metric spaces. First, we tried to determine a class of n-dimensional topological and generalized manifolds which can be embedded into a product of n one-dimensional compact metric spaces by using geometric structures and the rank of 1-dimensional cohomology groups. Next, we applied this method to arbitrary n-dimensional compact metric spaces to determine embeddability and succeeded to give a criterion by using the triviality of n-dimensional Cech cohomology groups and the rank of 1-dimensional Cech cohomology groups

  • Coarse geometry and compactifications that are metric-dependent, with relation to Novikov conjecture

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    CHINEN Naotsugu, KOYAMA Akira, TOMOYASU Kazuo

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    We investigate coarse geometric properties of unbounded metric spaces that contains asymptotic dimension, colorings for maps, and topological properties of remainders of Higson and Smirnov compactifications. We prove that all proper CAT(0) spaces that are homeomorphic to the plane have asymptotic 2-dimension. This result is the first one step of the solution of a question "Does every CAT(0) group have finite asymptotic dimension?"

  • Study of various groups of homeomorphisms of noncompact manifolds

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAGASAKI Tatsuhiko, FUKUI Kazuhiko, SAKAI Katsuro, OKURA Hiroyuki, MAITANI Fumio, TSUKAMOTO Chiaki, KATO Hisao, KOYAMA Akira, HOSAKA Tetsuya, KATO Hisao, KOYAMA Akira, HOSAKA Tetsuya

  • Research on Jorgensen groups and classical Schottky groups

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SATO Hiroki, NAKANISHI Toshihiro, OKUMURA Yoshihide, KOYAMA Akira, KUMURA Hironori

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    We have studied the following four themes from 2004 to 2006. 1. Jorgensen groups. 2. The Whitehead link group. 3. Jorgensen numbers. 4. Classical Schottky groups.1. Jorgensen groups. A Jorgensen group is a non-elementary two-generator discrete group whose Jorgensen number is one. There are two types-parabolic type and elliptic type-for Jorgensen groups. Here we considered of parabolic type. There are three types for Jorgensen groups of parabolic type (finite type, countably infinite type and uncountably infinite type). We found all Jorgensen groups during 2004, and 2006. The results were talked at the Mathematical Society of Japan, the RIMS, Kyoto university and the International congress of Mathematicians in Joensuu, Finland. Furthermore, they were published from Osaka J. Math. Kodai Math. J. and Comput Methods Funct. Theory.2. The Whitehead link group. We proved that the Jorgensen number of the Whitehead link is two. Therefore the Whitehead link is not a Jorgensen group. This result was published at Boletin de Soc. Mat. Mex.3. Jorgensen numbers. We showed that for every natural number and every real number greater than four there exists a classical Schottky group whose Jorgensen number is the number.4. Classical Schottky groups. We did not obtain any meaningful results.We are planning the following : (1) To study structures of 3-manifolds represented by Jorgensen groups (2) To find all Jorgensen groups of elliptic type (3) To find Jorgensen numbers of (classical) Schottky groups and (4) To study a uniformization of a Riemann surfaces by classical Schottky groups

  • Construction of exotic homology manifolds and generalization of Quinn index

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOYAMA Akira, SUGAHARA Kunio, UNO Katsuhiro, YAGASAKI Tatsuhiko, HATTORI Yasunao, YOKOI Yatsuya

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    By SP^n(X) we denote the n-fold symmetric product of a topological space X. We have investigated the problem what kind of n-dimensional compact metric spaces can be embedded into the n-fold symmetric product SP^n(X) of a one-dimensional continuum X. Our result is the following :Theorem 1. The n-dimensional sphere S^n cannot be embedded into the n-fold symmetric product of any one-dimensional continuum X.In order to prove Theorem we have calculated the n-dimensional cohomology group of the bouquet of the 1-sphere S^1. In fact, we showed that the n-fold symmetric product of the bouquet of the 1-sphere S^1 can be embedded into the Cartesian product of the n-fold symmetric products of 1-sphere S^1. Moreover the embedding image is the retract of the product space. Therefore we can calculate cohomology group of the symmetric product as follows :Theorem 2. H^n(SP^n(vS^1)) is isomorphic to the direct sum of the n-dimensional cohomology groups of the n-dimensional tori.Theorem 1 follows from Theorem 1 by Dydak-Koyama(Bull. Polish Academy of Sciences, 2000, 48(1), 51-56).We have another notion of symmetric products. Namely, for a topological space X let F_n(X) be the set of all nonempty subsets of X whose cardinalities are at most n. We often call F_n(X) endowed the Hausdorff metric the n-fold symmetric product of X. In general, F_2n(X) is equal to SP^2(X), but if n > 2, F_n(X) is different from SP^n(X). However, as those product have similarities, we have the same problem what kind of n-dimensional compact metric spaces can be embedded into the n-fold symmetric product F_n(X) of a one-dimensional continuum X. As a folhlore we know Borsuk-Bott Theorem: F_3(S^1) is isomorphic to the 3-dimensional sphere S^3. We also investigate this theorem and give a modern proof and a generalizations

  • Dimension, metrics and computability in metric spaces

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HATTORI Yasunao, MAEDA Sadahiro, KIMURA Makoto, YOKOI Katsuya, KOYAMA Akira, TSUIKI Hideki

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    We considered the behavior of (transfinite) dimension functions on finite (and countable) unions of closed subsets in separable metrizable spaces. Let K be a class of spaces, α,β ordinal numbers with β<α and X be a space belonging to K with dX=α, where d denotes a dimension function monotonic for closed subspaces. Put m(X,d,β,α)=min{k:X is a union of k-many closed subspaces X1,…, Xk with d(Xk)≦β}, mK(d,β,α)=min(m(X,d,β,α):X is in K} and MK(d,β,α)=sup{m(X,d,β,α):X is in K}. Every ordinal number α can be represented as α=λ(α)+n(α),where λ(α) is a limit ordinal and n(α) is a natural number. For ordinal numbers β<α we put p(β,α)=(n(α)+1)/(n(β)+1) and q(β,α)=the smallest integer ≧p(β,α). Then we have the following : (1)Let P be the class of separable completely metrizable spaces. If a and B are finite ordinals with β<α, then mP(Cmp, β,α)=q(β,α) and MP(Cmp,β,α)=∞. (2)If α and β are infinite ordinals with β<α, then mP(trInd,β,α)=q(β,α) if λ (β) =λ(α), mP(trInd,β,α) does not exist if λ(β)≠λ(α) and MP(trInd,β,α)=∞ if λ(β)=λ(α), MP(trInd,β,α) does not exist if λ(β)≠(α). We also proved that there is no upper bound of trcmp in metrizable spaces. Concern with the theoretical computer science, we proved that the Lawson topology of the space of formal balls in the Hilbert space coincides with the product topology, but the Lawson topology of the space of formal balls in the space of real-valued functions on the closed interval does not coincide with the product topology. We also have several results about topological dyanamics, cohomological dimension of compact metric spaces, ordinal differential equations, and geometry

  • Research on cohomological dimension of topological spaces and one of Coxeter groups

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOYAMA Akira, WATANABE Tadashi, MACHIGASHIRA Yoshiro, SUGAHARA Kunio, YOKOI Katsuya, YAGASAKI Tatsuhiko

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    We introduced a new cohomological dimension to the class of separable metric spaces by an inductive way as large inductive dimension. By nd_GX we denote our strong cohomological dimension of a separable metric space X with respect to an abelian group G. The following inequalities are clearly hold : "Ind_GX 【less than or equal】 dim_GX 【less than or equal】 Ind_GX + 1," here dim_G means the usual cohomological dimension with resprect to G. Relate to the fundamental properties we showed the following.(1) If a separable metric space X is an ANR, Ind_GX = dim_G X for every abelian group G,(2) If a separable metric space X is finite-dimensional and an abelian group G is countable, Ind_GX = dim_G X,(3) For every infinite-dimensional compact metric space X with dim_Z X = 2, Ind_ZX = 3,(4) For a given prime number p, there exists a compact metric space X such that dim_Z_<(p)> X = 2 < 3 = Ind_Z_<(p)> X,(5) For every separable metric space X and every abelian group G, Ind_G(X × I) = dim_G X + 1,(6) For every separable metric space X, Ind_QX = dim_Q X, here Q is the ring of all rational sumbers

  • Geometry of Points at Infinity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUGAHARA Kunio, MACHIGASHIRA Yoshiroh, KOYAMA Akira, KATAYAMA Yoshikazu, ITOH Jin-ichi, INNAMI Nobuhiro

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    For a Riemannian manifold there are several definitions of points at infinity. Gromov defined points at infinity using only the metric structure of the Riemannian manifold and named it ideal boundary.Although his definition is abstract and universal, the relation between the global Riemannian structure and the ideal boundary is not clear. And it is hard to determine the ideal boundary for each Riemannian manifold. In fact, in the global study of Hadamard manifolds, he did not essentially make use of the idea of the ideal boundary.In this research, in order to study the geometry of the ideal boundary, we tried to determine the ideal boundary for some Riemannian manifolds.The quadratic surfaces in Euclidean space are Liouville manifolds. Making use of their classical coordinates, we studied the differential equation of their geodesies and see that the points at infinity of elliptic paraboloids are determined by the limit of the distance between two singular sets as Liouville manifolds.For the quadratic surfaces in hyperbolic space, we can use the analogous method in low dimensions. Hyperboloids of two sheets has finite Maeda constant and the same geodesic structure with elliptic paraboloids in Euclidean spaces and their points at infinity are also determined by the limit of the distance between two singular sets as Liouville manifolds

  • Microlocal filtering with multiwavelets

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ASHINO Ryuichi, CHODA Hisashi, KATAYAMA Yoshikazu, TANUMA Kazumi, NAGASE Michihiro, SUGAHARA Kunio

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    Hyperfunctions in R^n are intuitively considered as sums of boundary values of holomorphic functions defined in infinitesimal wedges in C^n. Microlocal analysis corresponds the direction of analyticity of hyperfunctions to the direction of exponential decay of their Fourier transforms. Orthonormal multiwavelets, which are a generalization of orthonormal single wavelets, generate a multiresolution analysis by means of several scaling functions. Filtering is one of numerical methods and play central roles in digital image processing. We propose a multiwavelet system adapted to microlocal filtering. The main results are the following.A rough estimate of the microlocal content of functions or signals is obtained from their multiwavelet expansions.A fast algorithm for multiwavelet microlocal filtering is presented.Several numerical examples in digital image processing are considered

  • Compactifications of Riemannian manifolds and points at infinity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUGAHARA Kunio, ITOH Jin-ichi, KAWAI Shigeo, MACHIGASHIRA Yoshiroh, KATAYAMA Yoshikazu, KOYAMA Akira

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    Comparing various compactifications of Riernannian manifolds, we mainly studied the most natural compactification due to Gromov by means of the distance function induced from the Riemannian metric. He called the set of points added in his compactification an ideal boundary. We determined the structure of the ideal boundary of the following spaces.1. The compactification of an elliptic paraboloid is a 2-sphere. Its ideal boundary is an interval whose ends are Busemann functions.2. The compactification of a cone consists of n-flat pieces in 2-plane bounded by two parabolas is an n-gon whose edges are Busemann functions.3. The compactification of the double of a domain bounded by a paraboloid of revolution is a 3-sphere. Its ideal boundary is an interval whose ends are Busemannfunctions.Results above suggested that Busemann functions play key role in the ideal boundary. Then we proved that Busernann functions determine the size of the ideal boundary.The cut locus of a point at infinity should be defined by means of Busemann functions determined by the rays which are gradient flows of the point

  • 距離空間,及びそれに関連する諸分野について

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪教育大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


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    距離空間の重要な特微付けの1つとしては-locally finite open baseを有することである。この観点から任意の開被覆がlocally finiteな開細分を持つ空間は大変重要な位置を占めている(この空間はparacompact空間と呼ばれている)。この空間族は2つの積に対しても閉じていない。しかしながら各因子空間がperfect,paracompactな空間であれば、それらの可算積はparacompact spaceであることが判明した。この事実はparacompactを一般化した空間族にたいしても成立することも解った。
    またparacompact spaceのもう1つの重要な拡張概念として、単調開被覆の単調縮小性を持つ空間(B-propertyを有する空間と言う)はここ10年でかなり明確に研究されてきたが、「どの様な付加性質を有するときに既存の空間族に一致するか」という問題に関してlocally Lindelofが大きな役割をすることも解明された。
    他方、距離空間Xのフリー アーベリアン位相群A(X)の構造は殆ど解っていない。その構造を調べるためには各自然数nにたいしてAn(X)を研究することが十分条件である場合が多い(たとへば第1可算公理を満たす空間や、k-space)ことが証明された。さらに驚くべき事は各An(X)(n=1,2,3,...)を調べるのにA3(X)だけを調べればよいことも判明した。

  • 多様体の胞体分割とコホモロジ-次元

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪教育大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

    Project Year :


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    また、代表者及び分担者菅原邦雄はPL多様体の極小近似の研究を進めAlexandropf widthのコホモロジ-次元的接近を試みた。これについて係数群が無限巡回群IIまたは位数Pの巡回群IIpの場合は一定の成果を得た。すなわち、
    「コンパクト距離空間XのG係数コホモロジ-次元,ただしGはIIまたはIIp,がn以下である必要十分条件はG係数Alexandropf width Gーa^<n+1>_n(X)が零であることである。」

  • 定常過程の極限定理とそれらの統計学への応用

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  • 弧長空間とその上の測地線

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  • 階数3のインシデンス幾何

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    本研究の主目的であった局所有限なC_3‐型のインシデンス幾何に関するTits予想の解決に対しては、flag‐ransitiveな群の作用を仮定した場合の完全な結果が吉荒により得られた。すなわちこのような幾何は建物であるかA_7‐型幾何と呼ばれる特別な幾何のいずれかとなる。群の作用を仮定しないときに、自由な構成があるかどうかは以後の課題である。更にAssociation schemeの表現論をフルに用いてこうした幾何中に現れるgeneralized quadrangleのパラメーターについてより強い情報を得る試みが伊藤によりなされた。またこうした散在型の幾何とhomotopy colimitの関連が対応する群のコホモロジー計算に有効である可能性のあることが、吉荒・伊藤・小山らにより確認されつつあり、ここでは通常acyclicな部分構造の解析が鍵となる。小山はacyclicなresolutionと関連してある位相空間を特徴づけた。更にインシデンス幾何が与える有限体上のベクトル空間中の様々な構造の検定法への応用については高島・横山により詳しく調べられ、特にGF(2)上のある種の原始多項式の性質に帰着される興味深い予想が高島により得られた。また横山は中心極限定理の面白い応用があることを示した。片山・田沼・木村は上の幾何構造及びそこに作用する群構造を解析的に一般化した見地から様々のアプローチを試みた。例えば片山はfactorという関数解析的な部分群の概念を離散的な群の作用と関連させて調べている

  • 微分可能多様体上のRiemann計量と距離構造

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    Ricci曲率が下に有界なRiemann多様体に関するBishop-Gromov不等式を、Busemann関数の表す無限遠点に向かうrayのなす錐領域の測度評価に再構成し、その結果を、Ricci曲率が漸近的に非負な多様体に適用して、Busemann関数の各レベルの間の体積の評価を得た。その際、評価の下限を与える微分方程式の解を厳密に決定できたことが鍵となった。これらの結果の応用として、H.Wuが解析的な手段で得た体積増加率の別証明を得た。また、endの個数の有限性について、断面曲率が漸近的に非負な場合と同様に、Ricci曲率が漸近的に非負な場合にも同様な結果が成立することが示唆された。上の研究において理想境界の位相構造の分析が必要であった。この方面では、Marenichが、ある種のAlexandrov空間に対してその構造を決定した以外には具体例がなく不明な点が多かった。本研究では、楕円放物面およびMarenichの例を複雑化した場合に、その理想境界を具体的に決定した。Busemann関数の間の距離が理想境界の大きさを決定しているのではないかという予想に対して、これらの場合には、それが肯定的であることが示された。派生的な結果として、可換群について非輪状なresolutionを許容するコンパクト距離空間の内的特徴づけとして導入したapproximation dimensionの概念が一般の距離空間に対して新しい次元関数となることが導かれた。また、ある種の非等方弾性方程式の基本解の公式を求めた

  • Various Aspects of Topology

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    Topology is the mathematics to study the position and the shape. The development of topology in the last decade was promoted by the interaction between the branches of topology as well as that between differential geometry, algebra, analysis, mathematical physics and topology. In this research, we wish to promote the development much more. We did the researches in the following fields : classifying theory of singularities of mappings and algebraic varieties, various group actions on manifolds and simplicial complexes, the action of the mapping class groups of the surfaces on their Teichmuller spaces, the dynamical study of complex analytic maps, the dynamical study of vector fields on manifolds and foliations, the classifying theory of hyperbolic 3 dimensional manifolds and hyperbolic spaces with singularities, the differentiable structures and symplectic structures on 4 dimensional manifolds, the conformal field theory and invariants of dimensional manifolds, the topology of the moduli spaces of connections of various principal bundles, the Poisson manifolds and contact manifolds, equivariant generalized (co)homology theories and homotopy theories, invariants of knots and links and their classification, general topology theory for wild spaces. These researches were done successfully with their own results. In order to promote the interaction between these researches we held "Topology Symposium" each year as well as many conferences on the above research fields. These are done as Topology Projects in the collaboration with researchers in topology in Japan. In particular, the series of the meetings "Encounter with Mathematics" were held in order to promote the interaction with researchers in other fields as well as graduate students. By these research activities, the direction of new development for the next project became clear

  • 新領域科目「かたちの数理科学」と博士課程後期における数理科学教育

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    今回の科研費事業の目的の1つであった「かたちの数理科学」フォーラム「次元とは何か-数理が紡ぐサイエンス」を数学、物理学の立場から次元論を考える催しとして、平成21年1月15日、23日に静岡大学理学部C棟309教室で行い、両日共に60名を超える参加者があり、盛況あった。また本科研費の採択をもとに「ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンスーようこそ大学の研究室」(「数学インサイドー数学はどのように使われてきたか」平成20年8月2日)を実施して新領域科目「かたちの数理科学」の有り様を公開して、問うことができた。ポーランド科学アカデミー数学研究所からStanislaw Spiez教授を招き、今日の東欧の数学教育について学と共に、現代の次元論に関係する共同論文の作成を行った。また昨年に続き、メキシコ自治総合大学(ONAM)からRolando Jimenez教授が来日し、「メキシコ及び旧ソビエトにおける大学院教育に関するセミナー」を行っ

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 野生的空間の計算トポロジーとコンピュータビジョンへの応用

    2015   江田勝哉, 佐藤尚輪

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    計算トポロジーを野生的空間へ展開するためにはshape理論(チェック型のホモトピー論)が鍵となるという認識で若手の研究者及び大学院生を中心とするshape理論の勉強会を行った。野生的空間のトポロジー研究と関係の深い幾何学的トポロジーのシンポジウムに参加し、研究状況の把握に努めた。現在、計算トポロジー研究の第一人者である平岡裕章(東北大)の研究会に参加し、多くの知見を得ることができた。また彼が主催した大学院生向けのワークショップへ当研究室の大学院生(修士課程1年生)2名を派遣し今後の研究の方向付けを模索した。 さらに下に記述したように国際研究集会へ参加し研究成果の発表及び研究論文発表した。

  • 野生的空間の計算トポロジー

    2014   小笠原義仁, 高安亮紀, 江田勝哉

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  • Bass予想の幾何学的アプローチ


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    Bass予想を議論するために、J. Dydak(University of Tennessee, USA;期間:8月26日~9月19日)及びR. Jimenez(UNAM, Mexico;期間:9月7日~13日)を招聘して共同研究を行った。主な手法は、シェイプ理論における基点の問題に関すると深く関わるJ. Dydakの反例をも位置いて、Nielsen不動点定理の周辺と群のコホモロジー群の問題を否定的に解決することであった。第一報としてのレポートはまとめる進展は見たが、論文に足りる研究を完結するに至らなかった。これまでもJ. Dydakとは様々な共同研究をして生きた。その中で懸案の共同論文を一編であるが、完成することができた。また、この補助で第6回日本-メキシコ トポロジー合同研究集会に参加し、やはり長年の懸案であった閉曲面の2つのグラフの積空間への埋め込みに関する研究成果の報告を行った。主定理は「2つのグラフ$G_1$と$G_2$の積空間$G_1 \times G_2$に埋め込まれた閉曲面$M$について、(1) $M$の1次元ホモロジー群の階数が3以下ならば、それぞれの因子空間$G_1$と$G_2$への射影は単純閉曲線である。(2) $M$の1次元ホモロジー群の階数が4ならば、それぞれの因子空間$G_1$と$G_2$への射影は$\theta$曲線である。結果として$M$は2つのトーラスの連結和に限る。」である。共著者のJ. Krasinkiewicz及びS. Spiez(いずれもポーランド科学アカデミー数学研究所)とは10年以上にわたってこの埋蔵問題を共同で研究してきたが、これとこれまで我々が行ってきた閉曲面の2つのグラフの積空間への埋め込み問題に関してすべての一覧表が完成した。この報告は現在国際誌に投稿中である。今後の課題として、(1) グラフの2次対称積に埋め込まれた閉曲面を1次元ホモロジー群の階数を用いて如何に特徴付けるか(2) 閉曲面とは対極にある野生的空間が2つのメンガー曲線の積空間へ埋め込み可能となる必要条件をコホモロジー次元論を用いて如何に特徴付けるかがある。

  • 次元論から見るフラクタル幾何学


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     次元論に基づく埋蔵問題を研究した。特に「どのようなn次元コンパクト距離空間がn個の1次元コンパクト距離空間の積空間へ埋蔵することが可能か」を研究した。その際、重要なヒントを与えるフラクタル図形が現れる。その1つが2次元トーラスを単体分割し、その2単体ごとに2次元トーラスとの連結和をとる操作を無限回繰り返して得られる「fractal Riemann surface」と呼ばれる野生的2次元連続体である。これは2つの1次元コンパクト距離空間の積空間に埋め込むことができ、「球面を除くすべての無機付け可能な曲面が2つのグラフの積空間へ埋め込むことができる」という大きな結果の動機付けとなった。また一般にn次元hereditarily indecomposable continuaというきわめて病理的複雑さをもつ連続体(具体例の構成はフラクタル図形と呼んでいよいものが多い)もn個の1次元コンパクト距離空間の積空間へ埋蔵することができる。この事実とその証明を元に上記の研究を進める足がかりを得た。ここで、それらの1次元コホモロジー群は無限生成であることに注意しておく。 これらの例から、埋蔵可能なn次元多様体及び一般多様体の幾何的構造をその1次元コホモロジー群のZ加群としての階数から決定することを試みた。また, 一般のn次元コンパクト距離空間Xについても, 判定条件をn次元コホモロジー群の自明性と1次元コホモロジー群の階数の関連から研究した。 次元論をキーワードとして研究を進めている国内の研究者を集め、「第1回早稲田幾何学的トポロジーセミナー」(2012年2月28日(火)~3月2日(金)於:早稲田大学)を開催した。早稲田大学からの参加者は教員・学生7名他大学からの発表者5名その他参加者5名であった。ここでは私の研究以外にも幅広く次元論をとらえた講演が行われ、興味深い議論を展開することができた。これを機会に早稲田大学を中心とした野生的空間を研究する幾何学的トポロジーの拠点が形成することが期待できる。