Committee Memberships
Nippon Finance Association Board Member
Japan Finance Association Councilor
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2024/12/21
Nippon Finance Association Board Member
Japan Finance Association Councilor
American Economic Association
Financial Management Association
American Finance Association
European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
Japan Finance Association
Nippon Finance Association
Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Valuation, Activist Shareholders
Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Valuation
塩村賢司, 浅野雄太, 柴田真宏, 鈴木一功
証券アナリストジャーナル 62 ( 8 ) 57 - 65 2024.08 [Invited]
MBO とディスクロージャー
鈴木一功, 吉村一男
旬刊商事法務 ( 2365 ) 4 - 19 2024.07
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author
証券アナリストジャーナル 62 ( 4 ) 54 - 59 2024.04
Authorship:Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author
「公正な価格」 における市場株価の取扱い: ファミリーマート株式買取価格決定申立事件決定を踏まえて
鈴木一功, 吉村一男
旬刊商事法務 ( 2337 ) 16 - 29 2023.09
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author
Does Paying Passive Managers to Engage Improve ESG Performance?
Marco Becht, Julian R. Franks, Hideaki Miyajima, Kazunori (Icko) Suzuki
SSRN Electronic Journal 2023.07
Authorship:Corresponding author
構造的な利益相反の問題を伴う M&A とバリュエーション (下) 理論と裁判から考える現預金と不動産の評価
鈴木一功, 吉村一男
旬刊商事法務 ( 2309 ) 47 - 59 2022.11
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author
構造的な利益相反の問題を伴う M&A とバリュエーション (上) 理論と裁判から考える現預金と不動産の評価
鈴木一功, 吉村一男
旬刊商事法務 ( 2308 ) 4 - 13 2022.10
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author
TOB と市場買付けの 「強圧性」 に関する考察: 東京機械製作所の買収防衛策を題材に
月刊MARR ( 327 ) 2022
証券アナリストジャーナル 59 ( 6 ) 58 - 62 2021.06
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author
Outsourcing Active Ownership in Japan
Marco Becht, Julian R. Franks, Hideaki Miyajima, Kazunori (Icko) Suzuki
SSRN Electronic Journal 2021.05
Authorship:Corresponding author
鈴木 一功
経済セミナー(2020年4・5月号) ( 713 ) 39 - 44 2020.04 [Invited]
Activist Shareholders vs. Companies: Increased Effectiveness for Improving Management of Target Company
Kazunori Suzuki
Nihon Keizai Shimbun Morning Ediition, January 21, 2020 ( 48087 ) - 26 2020.01 [Invited]
Kazunori Suzuki
Securities Analysts Journal 57 ( 5 ) 44 - 50 2019.05
Small company (size) premium in Japan: Thoughts on estimation method and impact of migration
Kazunori Suzuki
Working Paper, Waseda University Institute for Business and Finance WBF-19-001 2019.04
Kazunori Suzuki
Security Analysts Journal 51 ( 4 ) 38 - 45 2013.04
鈴木 一功
ダイヤモンド・オンライン エディターズ・チョイス 第30回 2011.11
浅羽, 茂, 入山, 章栄, 内田, 和成, 大滝, 令嗣, 川上, 智子, 川本, 裕子, 杉浦, 正和, 鈴木, 一功, 長谷川, 博和, 平野, 正雄, 堀江, 徹, 米田, 隆
KADOKAWA 2021.12 ISBN: 9784046053022
鈴木, 一功, 田中, 亘
日経BP日本経済新聞出版本部,日経BPマーケティング (発売) 2021.12 ISBN: 9784532135232
Valuation: A Primer
Kazunori Suzuki( Part: Sole author)
Diamond Inc. 2018.10 ISBN: 9784478028629
マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー, ティム・コラー, リチャード・ドッブス, ビル・ヒューイット, 鈴木 一功, 本田 桂
ダイヤモンド社 2012.08
検証 日本の敵対的買収 —M&A市場の歪みを問う— 第5章「敵対的&
新井 富雄
日本経済新聞出版社 2007.07
Aczel, Amir D., Sounderpandian, Jayavel, 手嶋, 宣之, 原, 郁, 原田, 喜美枝, 鈴木, 一功
ダイヤモンド社 2007.03 ISBN: 9784478470923
アミール・アクゼル, ソウンデルパンディアン・ジャヤベル, 鈴木 一功
ダイヤモンド社 2007.03
行動ファイナンスと投資の心理学 : ケースで考える欲望と恐怖の市場行動への影響
Shefrin, Hersh, 鈴木, 一功
東洋経済新報社 2005.04 ISBN: 4492653481
行動ファイナンスと投資の心理学 —ケースで考える欲望と恐怖の市場​
Hersh Shefrin, 鈴木 一功
東洋経済新報社 2005.03
Too Big to Fail: Policies and Practices in Government Bailouts
Benton Gup, Ed
Praeger Publishers 2004.01
鈴木 一功
ダイヤモンド社 1999.12
Finance and the International Economy:6
Richard O'Brien, Ed
Oxford Unversity Press 1992.11
The power of confidential engagement: Comparison with public activism
Kazuori Suzuki
ICGN Annual Conference Tokyo 2019 (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN) International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)
Presentation date: 2019.07
Size Premium and Valuation in Mergers and Acquisitions
Kazunori Suzuki
Japan Finance Association 42nd Annual Meeting Japan Finance Association
Presentation date: 2018.10
From Silent Partner to "Vocal" Shareholder: Selection of Shareholdings of Life Insurance Companies between 1990 and 2015
Nippon Finance Association 26th Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2018.06
The Price of Control in the East Asia and Pac-Rim Regions: Law, Culture and Markets
Nippon Finance Association, 21st Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2013.06
The Price of Control in the East Asia and Pac-Rim Regions: Law, Culture and Markets
Midwest Finance Association, 62nd Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2013.03
The impact of changes in Japanese tender offer regulations on bidder behavior and shareholder gains
Organizational and Financial Economics Seminar 2012, Waseda University
Presentation date: 2012.06
The Level of Tender Offer Premium in Japan
Seminar Presentation at City University of Hong Kong
Presentation date: 2011.09
The Level of Tender Offer Premium in Japan
Seminar Presentation at Cass Business School, City University (London)
Presentation date: 2011.03
The Level of Tender Offer Premium in Japan
US-Japan Program Seminar, Weatherhead Center, Harvard University
Presentation date: 2010.05
Corporate Governance Reforms and their Consequences: Engagement, Alignment and Distribution of Authorities
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Project Year :
An analysis of cross-border acquisitions by Japanese firms from cross-country comparative analysis
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
INOUE Kotaro, SUZUKI Kazunori, KATO Hideaki
海外企業の企業価値評価の基礎 (特集 新興国M&Aにおける企業価値評価の実際)
鈴木 一功
MARR : Mergers & acquisitions research report ( 227 ) 26 - 33 2013.09
Security analysts journal 46 ( 2 ) 5 - 17 2008.02
鈴木 一功
金融財政事情 57 ( 2 ) 33 - 38 2006.01
Research Institute of Business Administration Concurrent Researcher
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