Research Experience
Waseda University School of Education
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/17
Waseda University School of Education
日本ヴァージニア・ウルフ協会 運営委員長
日本ヴァージニア・ウルフ協会 例会委員
日本ヴァージニア・ウルフ協会 編集委員
日本ヴァージニア・ウルフ協会 事務局・記念論集編集委員
新英米文学会 編集委員
The Virginia Woolf Society of Japan
Japan Women's History Network
The Gender History Association of Japan
New Association for English and American Literature
The English Literary Society of Japan
English literature
"Volunteer"_Keywords for Our Culture and Society Reboot
7 ( 3号/総号313号 ) 2020
Dreaming of Sisterhood in the British Art Deco Era: Feminist Infrastructure and Leaning Tower Writers' Materials
36号 121 - 139 2019.11 [Refereed]
松永 典子
『New Perspective』(新英米文学会誌) 204号 5 - 17 2017.03 [Refereed]
‘Post’-Suffragist Fiction as a Prototype of Chick Lit Sisterhood, Labour, and Autobiography in Evadne Price’s _Not So Quiet..._
31号 15 - 37 2014.10 [Refereed]
Is He/She an English Writer?: Racial and Sexual Boundaries in Virginia Woolf's _Orlando_
New Perspective 188号 15 - 26 2009.02 [Refereed]
Illegal Love, Legal Rape: Asymmetrical Censorship of Homosexual Novels during the Inter-War Period
6号 37 - 43 2006.09 [Refereed]
Journal of the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences 8号 95 - 102 2006.03 [Refereed]
Memories and Records: A Hundred Years of Women's Experiences
( Part: Contributor, One Hundred Years of Testament of Youth: Women Dreaming of “Having It All”)
2023.03 ISBN: 9784750355641
( Part: Contributor, 性差別のない文化の夢を見る)
Art Deco and English Modernism: Redesigning the Cultural Space in the Twentieth Century
( Part: Joint editor)
2021.05 ISBN: 9784909812575
Feminism Unfinished: Language, Desire, and "Working" Women
( Part: Joint editor)
2016.09 ISBN: 9784327472337
[co-translator] The Macmillan Dictionary of Women's Biography. 3rd ed
( Part: Joint translator)
2005.01 ISBN: 9784336043962
Reading Virginia Woolf’s Life Writing for English Studies in 21st Asia
The 70th Anniversary International Conference of The English Language and Literature Association of Korea, Rethinking the Global in English Studies (Seoul, South Korea)
Presentation date: 2024.12
Ageing Feminist Modernity in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway
Presentation date: 2024.10
Round Table: Why Do We Need to Introduce Harassment Regulations in the Society of English Studies?
July Meeting, Virginia Woolf Society of Japan
Presentation date: 2024.07
Ageing Feminist Modernity in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway: Against Gender Essentialism
Modernism between Past and Future: The Third International Conference of the Modernist Studies in Asia Network (Hong Kong)
Presentation date: 2024.06
Neoliberal Time and Postfeminist Age(ing)
Presentation date: 2024.04
Comment on Professor Kathleen Lennon and Professor Rachel Alsop
Institute for Gender Studies seminar (Ochanomizu University) “Theorizing and Teaching Gender in “Troubled Times””
Presentation date: 2024.01
『彼女たちの断片』上映会&講演会 石原燃さんと語るフェミニズムと中絶
Presentation date: 2022.12
酒井祐輔, 関野佳苗, 豊田麻美 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2022.11
松永典子 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2020.06
Reading English Literature and Feminism in Japan in the #MeToo Era Angry Young Women in Shelagh Delaney’s A Taste of Honey
The 4th Japan-Korea International Virginia Woolf Conference
Presentation date: 2019.11
Feminist Temporalities and Modernism: Remapping Virginia Woolf’s ‘Works'
Modernism and Multiple Temporalities: The Second International Conference of the Modernist Studies in Asia Network (MSIA) (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Presentation date: 2019.09
Ordinary Feminist?
Presentation date: 2019.05
松永 典子 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2018.11
Domestic Care Work and Postsuffragism/Postfeminism: Housewife, Nanny, and Servants in Mary Poppins
松永 典子
Women’s History Network Conference 2018
Presentation date: 2018.09
Zine as Applied Literature for Feminism
松永 典子
Presentation date: 2018.06
Comment on Dr Kreil's Talk: Can "Intim" Be Homosocial/homosexual?
松永 典子 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2017.02
松永 典子 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2016.10
松永 典子 [Invited]
日本・アジアに関する教育研究ネットワーク(ASNET)および中東映画研究会共同開催シンポジウム『アジアを知る:エジプト映画 『678』から』
Presentation date: 2016.01
松永 典子 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2013.11
松永 典子 [Invited]
早稲田大学イスラーム地域研究機構NIHU(National Institutes for the Humanities)プログラム・イスラーム地域研究2012年度第2回「イスラームとジェンダー」研究会
Presentation date: 2013.02
Nursing Culture during the Interwar Period in Britain
松永 典子
Health and Illness in Culture, 於Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures (CSLC), Taipei Medical University (TMU)
Presentation date: 2012.12
Cultural Representations of Joan of Arc during the British Interwar Period
松永 典子
The 10th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities
Presentation date: 2012.01
The Transnational Queer Representation in Vita Sackville-West’s Saint Joan of Arc
松永 典子
National Chengchi University Top University Program: Popular Culture and (Post-)Modernity 2010 International Conference
Presentation date: 2010.11
Driving Away the Angel in the House
松永 典子
Glocal Imaginaries: Writing/ Migration/ Place
Presentation date: 2009.09
松永 典子 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2006.12
松永 典子
Presentation date: 2005.11
ある伝記作家の外交術:Harold Nicolson, Some People
松永 典子
Presentation date: 2005.05
Seven Pillars of Wisdom再考
松永 典子
Presentation date: 2004.06
A Study on Girl's Representations during the Early Twentieth Century Britain
Project Year :
A Study on Self-Formation during the British Interwar Period
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
A Study of the Homosexual Illegal Discourse in Interwar Britain
Ochanomizu University
Project Year :
Orlando 68 - 71 2024.06 [Invited]
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
安野直著『ロシア文学とセクシュアリティ -二十世紀初頭の女性向け大衆小説を読む』(群像社、2022年、313頁)
ジェンダー研究21 13 95 - 103 2024.01 [Invited]
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Book Review
The Book Review Press ( 3623 ) 1 - 1 2024.01 [Invited]
Think When the Comet Comes Round Again: Commentary on Lucy Kirkwood's _The Welkin_
The Welkin 224 - 237 2022.06 [Invited]
Reading Asako Nakai's _The Coming of "We the People"_: "Modernism" of "We the People"
Virginia Woolf Review 38 114 - 118 2021.11
"Introduction": (Re)thinking the Past, Present and Future of Our Research/Education
Virginia Woolf Review 37 60 - 67 2020.12
松永 典子
日本英文学会第91回大会(2019年度)Proceedings na 2019.07
Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)
Book Review: Clare Battershill, _Modernist Lives: Biography and Autobiography at Leonard and Virginia Woolf's Hogarth Press_
35号 80 - 84 2018.11 [Invited]
Aftermath of Fighting Princesses, Working Girls: The Stateless at Home
35号 24 - 28 2018.11
松永 典子
『女性とジェンダーの歴史』(イギリス女性史研究会) 3号 54 - 55 2017.03 [Invited]
松永 典子
『月刊女性&運動』 415号 35 - 35 2017.03 [Invited]
松永 典子
『New Perspective』(新英米文学会誌) 204号 3 - 4 2017.03
Introducing Japanese Literature: Shirota Suzuko, Mary's Song of Praise
松永 典子
『New Perspective』(新英米文学会誌) 194号 na 2012.01
20 60 - 63 2009.03
Comparative Study of British and American Cultures 1 (Background Studies 1)
Graduate School of Education
2025 spring semester
KUNILABOブックトークシリーズ河野真太郎『ぼっちのままで居場所を見つける 孤独許容社会へ』
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences Graduate School of Education
Affiliated organization Global Education Center