Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title
博士(人間科学) ( 大阪大学 )

Education Background


    Waseda University   Faculty of Literature   Sociology  


    Osaka Univerisity   Graduate School, Division of Human Science   sociology  

Professional Memberships



Research Areas

  • Sociology

Research Interests

  • 比較社会学



  • 「第4章 郷土の地図を描く柳宗悦——『現在の日本民窯』と『手仕事の日本』」

    『地理思想および社会思想としての「郷土」に関する研究』2007〜2009年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書    2010

Books and Other Publications

  • 柳宗悦と民藝

    竹中 均( Part: Sole author)

    関西学院大学出版会  2024.09 ISBN: 4862833837


  • 自閉症が文化をつくる

    竹中, 均

    世界思想社  2023.03 ISBN: 9784790717751

  • 「自閉症」の時代

    竹中, 均

    講談社  2020.05 ISBN: 9784065197066

  • 野尻英一・高瀬堅吉・松本卓也編著『<自閉症学>のすすめ――オーティズム・スタディーズの時代』

    ( Part: Contributor, 第5章 社会学――自閉症から考える親密性と共同性のあいだ)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2019

  • Sociology of Autism and Lightnovel

    Takenaka Hitoshi

    KOYO publishing  2016.04

  • 伊藤公雄編『コミュニケーション社会学入門』

    ( Part: Contributor, 「転移のコミュニケーション――フロイト」)

    世界思想社  2010

  • 自閉症の社会学


    世界思想社  2008

  • 精神分析と社会学


    明石書店  2004

  • 柳宗悦・民藝・社会理論


    明石書店  1999

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Research Projects

  • 学校における発達障害の知と経験に関する研究――道徳教育を中心に

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    竹中 均

  • Requirements and Evaluation Method for "Empowerment Arts Therapy"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kaneko Hajime, TAKENAKA Hitoshi, ISHIHARA Midori, KOMURA Michi

     View Summary

    "Art Therapy for Empowerment" has both importance and possibilities in today's society. We have defined it as "Empowerment Arts Therapy (EAT)." For the development of EAT, it needs to be more recognized and assessed fairly by the society. At the same time, it is needed to grow EA-therapists and constantly progress them. To approach these tasks we formulated "Requirements and Evaluation Method for EAT."Our research brought out; (1) to set up an across-the-board evaluation standard for EAT is difficult, for EAT has a wide-ranging fields and their targets and purposes vary, (2) the purpose of the assessment is not "the right judgment" but to help the growth of the therapists. Based on these aspects, we derived “7 Categories/23 Requirements for EAT" such as knowledge, technique, purpose, target, safety, countermeasures and so on. As the most productive evaluation method, we should propose the self-assessment of 23 requirements

  • International comparative study on social exclusion and social inclusion of people with developmental disabilities from the viewpoint of system theory

    Project Year :


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    Social support for people with developmental disabilities, especially adults with developmental disabilities, is a pressing social issue. In this research, in order to search for various conditions for achieving more desirable social support in Japan, we carried out international comparative research by selecting Sweden, Germany, and the United States from different welfare regimes, and conducting field surveys, etc. . It has become clear that the differences in welfare regimes, while creating different ways of social support, are on the other hand moving towards more emphasis on social inclusion in all welfare regimes as a whole. Social support for people with developmental disabilities is rapidly advancing in Japan, but it has been emphasized that the social inclusion perspective is still weak

  • A comprehensive study of people's recognition of Autism Spectrum Disorder and its medicalization in contemporary society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANABE Hiroshi, TAKENAKA Hitoshi, MATSUDA Yosuke, TAKEUCHI Noriyuki

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    People with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) encounter a number of problematic situations. In this study, we have investigated on the people's consciousness about ASD. To this end, we have conducted quantitative and qualitative researches. Based on knowledge obtained by them, we have examined some theoritical considerations.In interview research of parents who have children with ASD, they told that many people blame the behavior of their children with ASD.In public opinion survey of 1000citizens, we have found that many people know the term of Autism, and they do not have fully understood ASD yet

  • A research on "Kyodo(homeland)" as geographical and Social thought

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OSHIRO Naoki, TAKENAKA Hitoshi, SEKIDO Akiko, SHIMAZU Toshiyuki, ONJO Akio, NAKASHIMA Koji, ARAYAMA Masahiko, MIYATA Shinji, MAEKAWA Osamu, FUKUDA Tamami, KATO Masahiro, MORI Masato, CHATANI Naoto

     View Summary

    This research project aimed to examine a representational and material process of an idea of "Kyodo(Heimat, homeland)" in the modern Japan. Our particular research interests revolved around three modalities, (1) how the idea was accepted, (2) how the idea became postulated as a stable entity in nations' geographical imagination, and (3) how various practices for the representation of the "Kyodo" took place and were developed. In so doing, we focused on a relationship between an educational system, molded up by the Ministry of Education, that invented teaching programs and materials to teach pupils geography of their own 'homeland', and other various movements such as developments of folklore and folk craft studies, discussions over a museum display of the localness, and promotion of domestic tourism. We also unveiled how the idea of "Kyodo" contributed to an anchoring of coherent local communities. The research leads us to understand various aspects of the development of the representation of "Kyodo"

  • The modernization of Japan between 1910's and 1940's : A study in the history of thought from the viewpoint of poiesis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITO Toru, AKITOMI Katsuya, OKABE Mika, OGINO Takeshi, KASAHARA Kazuto, TAKENAKA Hitoshi, NAGATSUMA Misao, MATSUKUMA Hiroshi

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 学校における発達障害の知と経験に関する研究


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     学校教育については、発達障害の学童、例えば自閉症の学童の教育実践に大きな困難があることが知られている。とりわけ、道徳を教えるのには独特の難しさを伴う。その原因の一端は、自閉症者が「社会性の障害」や「想像力の障害」と従来呼ばれてきた特性を持つためであると思われる。 だからと言って、そのような学童の「社会性」や「想像力」の<欠如>を嘆くだけでは状況は改善しないであろう。根本的な問題は、自閉症者の思考パターンが定型発達者とは質的に異なっているらしいという点にどう向き合うかにある。 以上の問題に対して、ブレイクスルーをもたらす可能性を秘める新説として、カール・フリストンが提唱した「自由エネルギー原理」に基づく「予測誤差最小化メカニズム」という、脳の働きを統一的に説明しようとする理論がある(ヤコブ・ホーヴィ著、佐藤亮司監訳、太田陽・次田瞬・林禅之・三品由紀子訳『予測する心』勁草書房、2021年、参照)。それによれば、脳に基づく知覚や行為は、予測誤差最小化というシンプルで計算可能なメカニズムの階層的組み合わせによって作動している。そして、統合失調症者や自閉症者が示す一見複雑多岐に見える「症状」も、このメカニズムの偏りによって統一的に説明出来るのではないかと期待されている。 従来の社会学的主体観だけでは自閉症者の思考と行動をうまく把握するのは困難である。だが、上記の神経科学的知見の導入によって、この困難を克服出来るかも知れない。上記のメカニズムは難解とは言え、原理的にはシンプルらしいので、心の擬人化説のような曖昧さに頼ることなく、脳の働きを明快に説明出来ると期待されている。そのような可能性に挑戦するためにはまず、主体や教育についての社会学的理解を、神経科学の新知見に対しても柔軟に開くことが求められているように思われる。