Updated on 2025/02/12


KURODA, Sachiko
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
博士 ( 慶應義塾大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2014.04

    Professor, Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, Waseda University

  • 2011.04

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, Waseda University

  • 2009.04

    Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo

  • 2007.04

    Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo

  • 2006.10

    Associate Professor, Institute of Economic Studies, Hitotsubashi University

  • 1994.04

    Economist, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan

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Education Background


    Keio University   Faculty of Economics  

Committee Memberships

  • 2021

    厚生労働省  「社会保障審議会統計分科会」委員

  • 2021

    厚生労働省  「これからの労働時間制度に関する検討会」委員

  • 2020

    厚生労働省  「厚生労働統計調査における民間委託の評価・改善等に関する検討会」委員

  • 2019

    経済産業研究所  ファカルティフェロー

  • 2018

    厚生労働省  「こころの耳」委員会 委員

  • 2017

    厚生労働省  「労働政策審議会 労働条件分科会」公益委員

  • 2016

    内閣府  経済社会総合研究所『経済分析』編集委員・編集評議委員

  • 2016

    厚生労働省  「厚生労働統計の整備に関する検討会」委員

  • 2013


  • 2009

    総務省統計局 「雇用失業統計研究会」委員(2009年-)

  • 2018

    厚生労働省  「裁量労働制実態調査に関する専門家検討会」委員

  • 2020

    奈良県  「奈良県新型コロナウィルス感染症対策出口戦略検討会議・経済活性化検討部会」委員

  • 2020

    総務省統計局  「令和3年社会生活基本調査に関する研究会」委員

  • 2019

    厚生労働省  「勤務間インターバル制度導入促進のための広報事業検討委員会」委員

  • 2016

    厚生労働省  「過労死等に関する実態把握のための社会面の調査研究事業」委員

  • 2017

    東京都社会保険労務士会  「事業戦略会議」参与

  • 2017

    厚生労働省  「賃金構造基本統計調査の改善に関するワーキンググループ」委員

  • 2017

    東京労働局  「東京地方最低賃金審議会」公益委員

  • 2017

    経済産業省  「健康経営度調査 基準検討委員会」委員

  • 2016

    内閣府  「地域働き方改革アドバイザー検討会」委員

  • 2016

    厚生労働省  「仕事と生活の調和のための時間外労働規制に関する検討会」委員

  • 2015

    奈良県  「働き方改善」アドバイザー

  • 2015

    経済産業省  「多様な『人活』支援サービス事業 社会人インターンシップ委員会」委員

  • 2015

    厚生労働省  「テレワーク推進企業等厚生労働大臣表彰事業」委員

  • 2014

    総務省 「地方公務員の給与決定に関する調査研究会」委員(2014年-2015年)

  • 2014

    総務省統計局 「生活時間統計に関する検討会」委員

  • 2013


  • 2010

    内閣府 「統計委員会・ワークライフバランスに係る統計整備研究会」委員

  • 2010

    内閣府 「統計委員会・匿名データ部会)専門委員

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Professional Memberships


    Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance


    Japanese Economic Association

Research Areas

  • Public economics and labor economics / Economic policy

Research Interests

  • Labor Economics, Applied Microeconomics


  • 第38回労働関係図書優秀賞受賞(『労働時間の経済分析――超高齢社会の働き方を展望する』)


  • 第57回日経・経済図書文化賞受賞(『労働時間の経済分析――超高齢社会の働き方を展望する』)




  • 健康経営と生産性

    川太悠史, 北川梨津, 髙橋孝平, 大湾秀雄, 黒田祥子

    日本労働研究雑誌   762  2024.01

  • Exemption and Work Environment

    Yutaro Izumi, Daiji Kawaguchi, Sachiko Kuroda, Taiga Tsubota

    CREPE DISCUSSION PAPER   No.147  2023.10

  • The impact of a mobile app-based corporate sleep health improvement program on productivity: Validation through a randomized controlled trial.

    Yuji Kawata, Sachiko Kuroda, Hideo Owan

    PloS one   18 ( 10 ) e0287051  2023.09  [Refereed]  [International journal]

     View Summary

    Based on a randomized controlled trial applied to employees of a manufacturing company, this study examines the extent to which a corporate sleep program improves workers' sleep health and productivity. In the three-month sleep improvement program, applicants were randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group, and the treatment group was provided with a noncontact sensing device to visualize their sleep. A smartphone app linked to the device notified them of their sleep data every morning and presented them with advice on behavioral changes to improve their sleep on a weekly basis. The results of the analysis revealed the following. First, even after controlling for factors that may cause sleep disturbances and nocturnal awakenings, such as increased workload and the number of days spent working from home during the measurement period, the treatment group showed improved sleep after the program compared to the control group. Second, the treatment group showed statistically significant improvement in presenteeism (productivity). The effect size on presenteeism through sleep improvement was similar regardless of the estimation method used (i.e., ANCOVA estimator of ATT and two 2SLS methods were performed). In particular, we confirmed that productivity was restored through sleep improvement for the participants who diligently engaged in the program. These results suggest that promoting sleep health using information technology can improve sleep deficiency and restore productivity.

    DOI PubMed


  • Exploring the Gig Economy in Japan: A bank data-driven analysis of food delivery gig workers

    Sachiko Kuroda, Kouichiro Onishi

      23-E-025  2023.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Who took gig jobs during the COVID-19 recession? Evidence from Uber Eats in Japan

    Yuichi Hasegawa, Kaito Ido, Shino Kawai, Sachiko Kuroda

    Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives   13   100543 - 100543  2022.03  [Refereed]



  • Working from home and productivity under the COVID-19 pandemic: Using survey data of four manufacturing firms

    Ritsu Kitagawa, Sachiko Kuroda, Hiroko Okudaira, Hideo Owan

    PLOS ONE   16 ( 12 ) e0261761 - e0261761  2021  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted the world economy in various ways. In particular, the drastic shift to telework has dramatically changed how people work. Whether the new style of working from home (WFH) will remain in our society highly depends on its effects on workers’ productivity. However, to the best of our knowledge, the effects of WFH on productivity are still unclear. By leveraging unique surveys conducted at four manufacturing firms in Japan, we assess within-company productivity differences between those who work from home and those who do not, along with identifying possible factors of productivity changes due to WFH. Our main findings are as follows. First, after ruling out the time-invariant component of individual productivity and separate trends specific to employee attributes, we find that workers who worked from home experienced productivity declines more than those who did not. Second, our analysis shows that poor WFH setups and communication difficulties are the major reasons for productivity losses. Third, we find that the mental health of workers who work from home is better than that of workers who are unable to work from home. Our result suggests that if appropriate investments in upgrading WFH setups and facilitating communication can be made, WFH may improve productivity by improving employees’ health and well-being.

    DOI PubMed


  • Working from home: its effects on productivity and mental health

    Ritsu Kitagawa, Sachiko Kuroda, Hiroko Okudaira, Hideo Owan

    Covid Economics   74  2021  [Refereed]

  • 在宅勤務が従業員に与える影響からみた上司のマネジメント要素の評価

    竹島愛美, 藤田周弥, 大湾秀雄, 奥平寛子, 北川梨津, 黒田祥子, 荒木郁乃

    産業衛生学雑誌   63  2021  [Refereed]


  • Future-proofing Japan’s labour-market recovery

    Sachiko Kuroda

    East Asia Forum Quarterly   12 ( 3 )  2020.09  [Refereed]


  • 働き方・休み方と労働者のメンタルヘルス:一日本企業の勤怠データを用いた検証.

    佐藤 香織, 黒田 祥子, 大湾 秀雄

    RIETI Discussion Paper   20-P-019  2020

  • 労働生産性の向上に寄与する健康増進手法の開発 働き方,健康,生産性との関係~労働生産性の経済学指標の検討~

    黒田祥子, 山本勲

    産業精神保健   28 ( 1 )  2020


  • 主体的朗働を可能とする労働市場とは:労働経済学からのアプローチ


    産業ストレス研究   28 ( 1 )  2020


  • Psychosocial impact of COVID‐19 for general workers

    Sachiko Kuroda

    Journal of Occupational Health   62 ( 1 ) e12132  2020.01  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    DOI PubMed


  • Mental health effects of long work hours, night and weekend work, and short rest periods

    Sato, K., Kuroda, S., Owan, H.

    Social Science and Medicine   246   112774 - 112774  2020  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Although the prior literature has examined the relationship between work schedule characteristics and worker mental health, establishing the causal effect of work schedule characteristics is challenging because of endogeneity issues. This paper investigates how various work schedule characteristics affect workers' mental health using employee surveys and actual working hours recorded over seventeen months in a Japanese manufacturing company. Our sample includes 1334 white-collar workers and 786 blue-collar workers observed from 2015 to 2016. Our major findings are as follows: long working hours cause the mental health of white-collar workers to deteriorate even after controlling for individual fixed effects. Furthermore, working on weekends is associated with mental ill health-the negative effect of an hour increase in weekend work is one and a half to two times larger than that of weekday overtime work for white-collar workers. On the other hand, short rest periods are not associated with mental health for them. Our results indicate that taking a relatively long rest period on weekends is more important for keeping white-collar workers healthy than ensuring a sufficient daily rest period. Regarding blue-collar workers, our analysis reveals that working after midnight is associated with mental ill health, whereas short rest periods are not associated with their mental health. This suggests that the strain of night work is a more important determinant of mental health for blue-collar workers. The differences in the relationship between work schedule characteristics and workers' mental health for white-collar and blue-collar workers can be explained in terms of different work styles, different expectations, and different degrees of selection. We conclude that working for long hours or irregular hours deteriorates the mental health of workers but its impact is likely to differ significantly across job types.

    DOI PubMed


  • Good Boss, Bad Boss, Workers' Mental Health and Productivity: Evidence from Japan

    Kuroda, Sachiko, Yamamoto, Isamu

    Japan and World Economy   48  2018.08  [Refereed]



  • Why Do People Overwork at the Risk of Impairing Mental Health?

    Kuroda, Sachiko, Yamamoto, Isamu

    Journal of Happiness Studies   20 ( 5 )  2018.07  [Refereed]



  • Health Capital Investment and Productivity

      60 ( 6 ) 30 - 48  2018.06


  • これからの「働く時間」労働時間とメンタルヘルスの関係性

    黒田祥子, 山本勲

    安全と健康   68 ( 8 ) 756 - 758  2017

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • Does downsizing take a toll on retained staff? An analysis of increased working hours in the early 2000s in Japan

    Yuji Genda, Sachiko Kuroda, Souichi Ohta


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    Using several kinds of micro data from household, employee, and retrospective surveys, this study examines the increase in the working hours of regular male employees in Japan during the serious recession of the early 2000s. The most important finding of this study is that working hours tended to be long among regular male employees in firms with major employee adjustments. The results suggest that the existence of abundant fixed duties necessary to maintain the internal organization of a firm primarily account for the increase in working hours of male employees during the recession. J. Japanese Int. Economies 36 (2015) 1-24. The University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Science, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan; Waseda University, Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, 1-6-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050, Japan; Keio University, Faculty of Economics, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Is Downward Wage Flexibility the Primary Factor of Japan's Prolonged Deflation?

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto

    ASIAN ECONOMIC POLICY REVIEW   9 ( 1 ) 143 - 158  2014.01  [Refereed]

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    By using both macro- and micro-level data, this paper investigates how wages and prices evolved during Japan's lost two decades. We find that downward nominal wage rigidity was present in Japan until the late 1990s, but disappeared after 1998 as annual wages became downwardly flexible. Moreover, nominal wage flexibility may have contributed to Japan's relatively low unemployment rates. Although macro-level movements in nominal wages and prices seemed to be synchronized, such synchronicity is not observed at the industry level. Therefore, wage deflation does not seem to be a primary factor of Japan's prolonged deflation.



  • Do Peers Affect Determination of Work Hours? Evidence Based on Unique Employee Data from Global Japanese Firms in Europe

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto

    Journal of Labor Research   34 ( 3 ) 359 - 388  2013.09  [Refereed]

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    By using a unique dataset on managerial-level employees who were transferred from Japan to European branches of the same global firms, we examine what would happen to work hours when a worker moves from a long-hour-working country to relatively shorter-hour countries. Even after controlling for business cycles, unobserved individual heterogeneity, job characteristics, and work hour regulations, we find a significant decline in Japanese work hours after their transfer to Europe, resulting from working-behavior influences of locally hired staff. We also find that the reduction in hours worked highly depends on the extent of the workers' interactions with local peers. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.



  • Firms' demand for work hours: Evidence from matched firm-worker data in Japan

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto


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    Using information on Japanese males' work hours and the matched firms' characteristics, this paper investigates whether the number of hours worked is determined by demand-side factors and tries to offer a possible explanation of why Japanese males tend to work longer on average, than their counterparts in other countries. Based on an empirical framework in which each firm sets a minimum boundary of work hours and where workers hired by the firm are required to put in at least the minimum hours, we found that the minimum requirement depends on each firm's fixed costs of labor. Specifically, firms that tend to hoard labor during recessions, presumably because of higher fixed costs, require incumbent workers to work longer hours during normal times. Since Japanese firms have long been considered as incurring high fixed costs to train workers, we interpret the long work hour requirement as a rational strategy for Japanese firms in protecting high-skill-accumulated workers from dismissal. In other words, the long work hours of Japanese males reflect firms' long-term employment practices, a typical feature of the Japanese labor market. J. Japanese Int. Economies 29 (2013) 57-73. Waseda University, Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, Japan; Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Japan. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Leisure

    Kuroda, Sachiko

    Japan Labor Review   14(4) ( 4 ) 16 - 23  2013.04


  • Impact of overtime regulations on wages and work hours

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIES   26 ( 2 ) 249 - 262  2012.06  [Refereed]

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    Kuroda, Sachiko, and Yamamoto, Isamu-Impact of overtime regulations on wages and work hours
    Exploiting an ambiguity in the criteria regarding which employees are exempt from overtime regulations in Japan, this paper used the longitudinal data of Japanese employees to examine whether overtime regulations have an impact on hourly wages and hours worked. We found that although the differences between the hourly wages of the exempt and non-exempt employees were negligible, the hours worked by exempt employees were longer, especially for non-university graduates during the recessionary period. We interpreted that the fixed-wage model, rather than the fixed-job model, was prevalent during the recession period, especially for workers with low bargaining power. J. Japanese Int. Economies 26 (2) (2012) 249-262. Waseda University, Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, 1-6-1 Nishiwaseda Shinjukuku, Tokyo, japan; Keio University, Faculty of Business and Commerce, 2-15-45-502 Mita Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • The era of the 24-hour society?: assessing changes in work timing using a Japanese time use survey

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto

    APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS   19 ( 11 ) 1035 - 1038  2012  [Refereed]

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    Using data from a Japanese time use survey, we show a noteworthy increase in the share of employees working at unusual hours (late night and early morning) over a period of a decade since the mid-1990s. When controlling for changes in hours worked, however, we find that the notable increase in the fraction of people at work at unusual hours was for low-income nonregular employees (part-time, temporary and contract workers) while relatively higher income regular employees' work timing remains stable. These observations imply that there is a trend of diversification of work timing in Japan between regular and nonregular employees. A possible explanation is that the increase in the average hours worked per weekday by regular employees, possibly because of the spread of the 5-day workweek since the 1990s, increased services and goods demand at unusual hours as they returned home. An Oaxaca-Blinder type decomposition suggests that such an increase in the average hours worked by regular employees explains partially the rise in the employment rate of nonregular employees at unusual times.



  • Do Japanese Work Shorter Hours than before? Measuring trends in market work and leisure using 1976-2006 Japanese time-use survey

    Sachiko Kuroda

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIES   24 ( 4 ) 481 - 502  2010.12  [Refereed]

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    Kuroda, Sachiko-Do Japanese Work Shorter Hours than before? Measuring trends in market work andleisure using 1976-2006 Japanese time-use survey
    Using Japanese time-use data from the Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities (STULA), this paper measures trends in average hours worked (market work) and leisure for Japanese over the past three decades. OECD reports at least a 15% decline in market work for Japan since the 1970s. However, holding demographic changes constant, we found that market work per week increased from the 1970s until mid-1980s, and has been relatively stable for the last two decades for both male and female full-time workers. Furthermore, although the market work per week remained relatively constant since the mid-1980s, we found a significant change in the allocation of time to market work within the week during the period. Specifically, when dividing samples into weekdays (Monday-Friday) and weekends (Saturday and Sunday), average hours spent for market work per weekday among full-time males increased by 0.4 h since the mid-1980s, whereas a significant decline in market work on Saturday was observed. This suggests that people shifted their work time from Saturday to weekdays in response to the reduced work week introduced by the amendment of the Labor Standards Act at the end of 1980s. In the meantime, commuting time and home production had decreased by 3 h since the mid-1980s for full-time female workers, indicating that the average hours of leisure had increased for females even though market work remained the same. Interestingly, however, hours for sleep declined consistently over the last three decades, resulting in a 3-4 h reduction per week for both male and female workers. Lastly, a comparison of Japanese and US time-use data suggests that Japanese work much longer than their American counterparts. On average, Japanese males work 10 h longer per week, and Japanese females 7 h longer, than Americans, even after adjusting for demographic differences between the countries. J. Japanese Int. Economies 24 (4) (2010) 481-502. The University of Tokyo. Japan. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Measuring trends in allocation of time over two decades

    The Japanese journal of labour studies   52 ( 6 ) 53 - 64  2010.06


  • Estimating Frisch labor supply elasticity in Japan

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIES   22 ( 4 ) 566 - 585  2008.12  [Refereed]

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    Using Japanese data from the 1990s aggregated by prefecture, age group, and sex, we estimate Frisch labor supply elasticity, which has been seldom estimated in Japan. The change in labor supply can be decomposed into two labor-supply behaviors: extensive margin, indicating workers' entry and exit from the labor market; and intensive margin, indicating changes in hours of work in response to a wage change. Our estimates of the Frisch elasticity on the extensive and intensive margins combined are in the range of 0.2 to 0.7 for males, 1.3 to 1.5 for females, and 0.7 to 1.0 for both sexes. Our estimates of the Frisch elasticity on only the intensive margin are in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 for all three categories. These results suggest that extensive margin explains the bulk of labor-supply changes in Japan. As for the changes in the estimates of the Frisch elasticity in Japan from the 1990s, it has been either unchanged or in a declining trend on the extensive and intensive margins combined, either unchanged or in a slight rising trend on only the intensive margin, and in a declining trend on only the extensive margin. J. Japanese Int. Economies 22 (4) (2008) 566-585. Hitotsubashi University, Japan; Keio University, Japan. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • 異時点間の労働供給弾性値(Frisch弾性値)の計測-わが国有配偶女性のマイクロ・データを用いた検証-

    黒田祥子, 山本勲

    三田商学研究   51 ( 2 )  2008  [Refereed]


  • Why Are Nominal Wages Downwardly Rigid, but Less So in Japan? An Explanation Based on Behavioral Economics and Labor Market/Macroeconomic Differences

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto

    Monetary and Economic Studies   25 ( 2 ) 45 - 88  2007  [Refereed]

  • 名目賃金の下方硬直性を巡る論点と政策合意:わが国の1990年代の経験を中心に

    黒田 祥子, 山本 勲

    金融研究   24 ( 4 ) 101 - 132  2005.12  [Refereed]


  • Wage Fluctuations in Japan after the Bursting of the Bubble Economy: Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity, Payroll, and the Unemployment Rate

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto

    Monetary and Economic Studies   23 ( 2 )  2005  [Refereed]

  • 名目賃金の下方硬直性が失業率に与える影響--マクロ・モデルのシミュレーションによる検証

    黒田 祥子, 山本 勲

    金融研究   22 ( 4 ) 219 - 254  2003.12  [Refereed]


  • 名目賃金の下方硬直性が離職行動に与える影響--サバイバル分析による検証

    黒田 祥子, 山本 勲

    金融研究   22   171 - 193  2003.11  [Refereed]


  • わが国の名目賃金は下方硬直的か?(Part1)名目賃金変化率の分布の検証

    黒田 祥子, 山本 勲

    金融研究   22 ( 2 ) 35 - 70  2003.06  [Refereed]


  • わが国の名目賃金は下方硬直的か?(Part2)フリクション・モデルによる検証

    黒田 祥子, 山本 勲

    金融研究   22 ( 2 ) 71 - 114  2003.06  [Refereed]


  • Are Japanese Nominal Wages Downwardly Rigid? (Part I): Examinations of Nominal Wage Change Distributions

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto

    Monetary and Economic Studies   21 ( 2 ) 1 - 29  2003  [Refereed]

  • Are Japanese Nominal Wages Downwardly Rigid? (Part II): Examinations using a Friction Model

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto

    Monetary and Economic Studies   21 ( 2 ) 31 - 68  2003  [Refereed]

  • The Impact of Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity on the Unemployment Rate: Quantitative Evidence from Japan

    Sachiko Kuroda, Isamu Yamamoto

    Monetary and Economic Studies   21 ( 4 ) 57 - 85  2003  [Refereed]

  • Analysis of Changes in Japan’s Unemployment Rate Using Gross Flow Data

    Sachiko Kuroda

    Monetary and Economic Studies   21 ( 1 ) 69 - 104  2003  [Refereed]

  • わが国失業率の変動について--フロー統計からのアプローチ

    黒田 祥子

    金融研究   21 ( 4 ) 153 - 201  2002.12  [Refereed]


  • Employment Protection Legislation and Labor Market Performance


    The Monthly journal of the Japan Institute of Labour   43 ( 6 ) 46 - 61  2001.06


  • Structural Issues in the Japanese Labor Market: An Era of Variety, Equity, and Efficiency or an Era of Bipolarization?

    Hiroshi Fujiki, Sachiko Kuroda, Toshiaki Tachibanaki

      19   177 - 211  2001  [Refereed]

  • 物価変動の決定要因について--需給ギャップと物価変動の関係の国際比較を中心に

    肥後 雅博, 中田(黒田) 祥子

    金融研究   19 ( 1 ) 49 - 78  2000.03  [Refereed]


  • What Determines the Relation between the Output Gap and Inflation? An International Comparison of Inflation Expectations and Staggered Wage Adjustment

    Higo Masahiro, Sachiko Kuroda

    Monetary and Economic Studies   17 ( 3 ) 129 - 155  1999  [Refereed]

  • 経済変数から基調的変動を抽出する時系列的手法について

    肥後 雅博, 中田(黒田) 祥子

    金融研究   17 ( 6 ) 39 - 97  1998.12  [Refereed]


  • ニュ-ラルネットワ-クアプロ-チによる経済分析(2)通貨当局の外為市場介入への応用例

    中田(黒田) 祥子

    金融研究   17 ( 6 ) 99 - 122  1998.12  [Refereed]


  • How Can We Extract a Fundamental Trend from an Economic Time-Series?

    Masahiro Higo, Sachiko Kuroda

      16 ( 2 ) 61 - 111  1998  [Refereed]

  • ビデオカメラ価格のヘドニック分析

    白塚 重典, 黒田 祥子

    金融研究   14 ( 4 ) 43 - 62  1995.12  [Refereed]


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Books and Other Publications

  • コロナ危機の経済学 : 提言と分析

    小林, 慶一郎, 森川, 正之編著, 黒田祥子( Part: Contributor)

    日経BP日本経済新聞出版本部,日経BPマーケティング (発売)  2020.07 ISBN: 9784532358617

  • 雇用システムの再構築に向けて : 日本の働き方をいかに変えるか

    鶴, 光太郎編著, 黒田祥子( Part: Contributor)

    日本評論社  2019.09 ISBN: 9784535559165

  • やさしい行動経済学

    日本経済新聞社, 黒田祥子( Part: Contributor)

    日本経済新聞出版社  2017.12 ISBN: 9784532198473

  • 産業保健心理学

    島津, 明人編著, 黒田祥子( Part: Contributor)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2017.10 ISBN: 9784779512063

  • 人手不足なのになぜ賃金が上がらないのか

    玄田, 有史, 深井, 太洋, 近藤, 絢子, 小倉, 一哉, 阿部, 正浩, 黒田, 啓太, 山本, 勲, 黒田, 祥子, 梅崎, 修, 川口, 大司, 原, ひろみ, 佐々木, 勝, 大島, 敬士, 佐藤, 朋彦, 塩路, 悦朗, 太田, 聰一, 中井, 雅之, 西村, 純(労働問題), 加藤, 涼, 有田, 伸, 上野, 有子, 神林, 龍( Part: Contributor)

    慶應義塾大学出版会  2017.04 ISBN: 9784766424072

  • 慢性デフレ : 真因の解明

    渡辺, 努編, 黒田祥子( Part: Contributor)

    日本経済新聞出版社  2016.09 ISBN: 9784532134662

  • 労働時間の経済分析 : 超高齢社会の働き方を展望する

    山本, 勲, 黒田, 祥子( Part: Joint author)

    日本経済新聞出版社  2014.04 ISBN: 9784532134518

  • 国際比較の視点から日本のワーク・ライフ・バランスを考える : 働き方改革の実現と政策課題

    武石恵美子, 山本勲, 松浦寿幸, 黒田祥子, 松原光代, 浅野博勝, 権丈英子, 黒澤昌子, 矢島洋子, 権丈英子, 高橋美恵子( Part: Contributor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2012.06 ISBN: 9784623063406

  • 非正規雇用改革 : 日本の働き方をいかに変えるか

    鶴, 光太郎, 樋口, 美雄, 水町, 勇一郎, 経済産業研究所, 大竹, 文雄, 奥平, 寛子, 久米, 功一, 浅野, 博勝, 伊藤, 高弘, 川口, 大司, 山本, 勲, 黒田, 祥子, 李, 嬋娟, 石井, 加代子, 佐藤, 一磨, 守島, 基博, 小嶌, 典明, 島田, 陽一( Part: Contributor)

    日本評論社  2011.06 ISBN: 9784535556713

  • 経済危機下の家計行動の変容

    瀬古, 美喜, 照山, 博司, 山本, 勲, 樋口, 美雄, 慶應-京大連携グローバルCOE, 黒田祥子( Part: Contributor)

    慶應義塾大学出版会  2010.06 ISBN: 9784766417517

  • 労働時間改革 : 日本の働き方をいかに変えるか

    鶴, 光太郎, 樋口, 美雄, 水町, 勇一郎, 黒田, 祥子, 山口, 一男, 守島, 基博, 山本, 勲, 川口, 大司, 島田, 陽一, 小嶌, 典明

    日本評論社  2010.03 ISBN: 9784535556324

  • 応用ミクロ計量経済学

    北村, 行伸編著, 黒田祥子( Part: Contributor)

    日本評論社  2010.02 ISBN: 9784535555938

  • デフレ下の賃金変動 : 名目賃金の下方硬直性と金融政策

    黒田, 祥子, 山本, 勲( Part: Joint author)

    東京大学出版会  2006.09 ISBN: 4130402250

  • 解雇法制を考える : 法学と経済学の視点

    大竹, 文雄, 大内, 伸哉, 山川, 隆一編, 黒田祥子( Part: Contributor)

    勁草書房  2004.05 ISBN: 4326502517

  • 応用計量経済学〈3〉 (数量経済分析シリーズ)

    坂野 慎哉, 黒田 祥子, 鈴木 有美, 蓑谷 千凰彦( Part: Contributor)

    多賀出版  2004 ISBN: 4811543416


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Research Projects

  • *Economic Analysis of Diverse Work Styles: Effects on Working Hours, Health, and Productivity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 長時間労働是正の政策評価および健康と人的資本への影響

    Project Year :


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    働き方改革関連法の施行によって、日本の労働市場は大きな転換点を迎えている。本研究は、働き方改革のうち、特に長時間労働是正に焦点を充て、その施策が意図したとおりの効果をもたらしているかを政策評価する。具体的には、長時間労働が実際に是正されるのか、その弊害として労働強度が上昇していないか、労働強度の上昇を通じた健康の悪化や人的資本投資の減少といった副作用が生じていないのか等を、データを用いて検証する。初年度にあたる2019年度においては、主として2つの分析を行った。第一は、製造業の企業の人事・勤怠データを用いて働き方とメンタルヘルスとの関係を検証した。このデータは、労働時間に関する回答誤差やサンプル脱落が少ない人事パネルデータを用いていることが特徴である。観測不能な個人属性を考慮した上で、4種類の働き方の指標(①残業時間、②深夜勤務時間、③短い勤務間インターバルの頻度、④週末勤務の頻度)とメンタルヘルスの関係を検証した。この分析は、査読つき英文雑誌に採択された("Mental health effects of long work hours, night and weekend work, and short rest periods," Social Science & Medicine, 246, 2020)。第二は、働き方改革による長時間労働是正が、労働者の人的資本投資にどのような影響をもたらすかについて分析した。具体的には、1970年代から現代までの長期データを用いて日本の労働者の人的資本投資時間の推移を観察するとともに、2016年以降のパネルデータを利用して、働き方改革の推進により、労働時間の減少によって生じた余暇時間の増加を人々は自己研鑽という投資の時間に振り向けているのかを検証した。分析は、ディスカッションペーパーとして発刊した(「長時間労働是正と人的資本投資との関係」RIETI Discussion Paper, No.19-J-022, Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry, 2019)。次年度以降にさらに分析を深める予定である。研究はおおむね順調に進展している。初年度において行った分析については、さらにブラッシュアップを図り、学術誌への投稿を予定している。また、初年度末以降、2020年度のはじめにかけて複数の健康関連の個票データを入手できたことから、2年目以降はそれらのデータを用いて、予定していた研究を進める方針である

  • Study of Productivity Differences among Firms and Labor Policy Issues using Personnel and Other Internal Corporate Data

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 長寿社会における世代間移転と経済格差: パネルデータによる政策評価分析

    Project Year :


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    本研究では、長寿社会と経済格差の関係に焦点を当て、長寿社会に起因する経済格差の発生メカニズム、さらには、経済格差が長寿社会での人々の暮らしや働き方、健康、社会経済の諸制度・政策、消費行動・生産行動、資産形成、結婚、出産などの家族形成、保育・教育などの次世代育成などに与える影響について、三世代の世帯(同居・非同居)を含む多様な家計を追跡するパネルデータの構築・解析を通じて多角的に研究する。本年度は、長寿社会における経済格差研究に関する理論的・実証的研究を整理・評価するとともに、家計パネルデータ等を用いながら各研究班で設定したテーマに沿って分析を進めた。また、昨年度に実施した「第二世代調査」(非同居の家族も含めた調査回答者の子世代への調査)のデータの解析も開始し、世代間の金銭的・非金銭的なつながりについて格差を関連付けた研究を進めた。各研究班の研究実績としては、論文50本(うち査読付論文16本)および図書6冊となっており、パネルデータなどを用いた経済格差のメカニズムや影響の解明を進めた。「日本家計パネル調査」については、本調査を実施するとともに「第二世代調査」の2回目の調査を実施した。また、本調査と第二世代調査では紙への記入による回答方法に加え、独自に作成したWEB画面による回答方法も提供し、回収率の向上につとめた。さらに、日本を代表するパネルデータとして、ルクセンブルク所得研究(LIS)への「日本家計パネル調査」や、オハイオ州立大学が指揮をとる国際パネルデータベースCross-National Equivalent File(CNEF)への提供を継続した。このほか、パネルデータの質の維持・向上のため、「日本家計パネル調査」の標本脱落やサンプル追加により発生するサンプリングバイアスの修正を行うウェイトの作成を欧州・豪州の専門家や家計パネルデータの設計・解析機関と連携して進めた。パネルデータなどを用いた経済格差のメカニズムや影響の解明については、昨年度に引き続き、積極的な研究を各研究班が実施し、計画以上の研究実績を積み上げている。「日本家計パネル調査」の3世代調査への拡張については、非同居の家族も含めた調査回答者の子世代へ調査回答者を拡げる形での新規調査を実施するとともに、単身高齢者世帯や地方在住者を含む新たな調査対象を追加することで、世界に先駆けた3世代調査への拡充が実現し、2回目の調査を実施したことで、パネルデータとしての利用ができるようになった。こうしたデータを用いた各研究班での研究も進捗している。さらに、新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行に伴って、「日本家計パネル調査」の回答者に郵送とWEBによる特別調査を実施し、新型コロナウイルス感染症が家計にどのような影響を与え、格差がどのように変化しうるかを把握することを検討するなど、当初計画にない追加的な研究実施も議論している。パネルデータなどを用いた経済格差のメカニズムや影響の解明については、次年度以降も、パネルデータ等を活用して積極的な研究を各研究班が遂行するとともに、班リーダー会議や調査票策定会議、国内・国際ワークショップなどを通じた連携を研究班間で強めていく。また、OECDやオハイオ州立大学、EHESSなどの国際研究機関・大学等との共同研究を進めることで、グローバルな視点からの経済格差研究も強化する。「日本家計パネル調査」については、次年度以降も3世代調査として実施し、長寿社会における経済格差構造の解明につながりうるパネルデータとしての研究基盤の構築を進める。その際には、サンプルバイアスを補正するウェイトの作成・提供を進めるなどして、データのクオリティ面でもグローバルスタンダードを目指す。さらに、新型コロナウイルス感染症の家計への影響を把握するため、「日本家計パネル調査」の回答者に対する特別調査(郵送・WEB調査)の実施も検討する

  • 労働と心の健康の経済分析

    Project Year :


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  • Economic analysis of work and mental health

    Project Year :


  • Dynamism of economic disparities: Panel analysis of employment, education, health and redistribution policy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIGUCHI Yoshio, YAMAMOTO Isamu, ONO Yukako, OHTA Souichi, KAWAI Hiroki, KURODA Sachiko, TANAKA Ryuichi, AKABAYASHI Hideo, SANO Shinpei, SEKO Miki, SUMITA Kazuto, NAOI Michio, KOMAMURA Kohei, YAMADA Atsuhiro, ABE Aya, DOI Takero, OGAKI Masao, MCKENZIE Colin, BESSHO Shunichiro, TERAI Kimiko, TSURU Kotaro, SAKAMOTO Kazuyasu, SHIKISHIMA Chizuru, OKUBO Toshihiro, NOZAKI Kayo, SEIKE Atsushi, KONDO Ayako, SENOH Wataru, ISHINO Takuya, SHIKATA Masato, TANAKA Soichiro, KITAMURA Yukinobu, MATSUURA Toshiyuki, ISHII Kayoko, KAMESAKA Akiko, YUKAWA Shiho, SATO Kazuma, HAGIWARA Risa, FUKAHORI Ryotaro, KOBAYASHI Toru

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    Using panel data collected every year on households, this project undertook multifaceted research on economic disparities. There are two parts of this research project. Regarding the first part, the design, analysis and public release of panel data set, the number of research projects that used the JHPS/KHPS has amounted to 1,112 during fiscal year 2012-2016. Regarding the second part, multifaceted and dynamic research on economic disparities, we conducted various research from the view point of five research groups: Labor Economics Group; Economics of Education Group; Asset Stock Group; Social Security Group; and Public Finance Group

  • Economic analysis of time allocation and health condition

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kuroda Sachiko

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    In this project, I have mainly conducted the following three research. First theme is to identify the major determinants of long work hours of Japanese workers. Second theme is to look into the time allocation of middle-aged workers who face work-life-conflict. Since Japan is facing super-aged society, the number of workers who need to take care of their elderly parents while keeping his/her full-time job is rapidly growing. I found that time for elderly care is mainly concentrated during weekends because many workers become to work longer hours than before during weekdays. Third theme is the relationship between work and workers' mental health. Using workers' longitudinal data, I found that long work hours is one of the major factors that harms workers' mental health. Using firms' longitudinal data, I also found that firms with workers with bad mental health condition also suffers from lower profit rate

  • Analysis on time-use

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KURODA Sachiko

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    This empirical analysis investigates a problem of Japanese overwork which has been an on going issue in recent Japan. Specifically, the project focues on various aspects of work hours, such as, assessing the impact of overtime regulation on work hours or investigating how 24 hour society have progressed in recent economy

  • Intergenerational analysis on labor market

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    Due to the 1988 amendment to the Labor Standards Act, many firms introduced a five-day work week (instead of six days) beginning in the late 1980s. In contrast with the increasing trend of weekends, however, an increase in "overworking" by full-time employees has recently become a serious issue in Japan. To my knowledge, however, there has been no analysis that closely examines why such sentiments occurred in Japan. This research tries to analyze whether there was any change in people's labor supply behavior and also to measure trends in hours worked and leisure for Japanese over the past three decades

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  • 産業保健の観点からの健康経営の有用性の検証のための研究 企業の資産形成・生産性向上との関係の経済学的検証

    山本勲, 黒田祥子

    産業保健の観点からの健康経営の有用性の検証のための研究 令和元年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)    2020


  • 生活習慣病予防の労働生産性への影響を含めた経済影響分析に関する研究「健康と労働生産性の関係に関する労働経済学的研究」

    山本勲, 黒田祥子

    生活習慣病予防の労働生産性への影響を含めた経済影響分析に関する研究 平成30年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)    2019


  • 「労働生産性の向上に寄与する健康増進手法の開発に関する研究」労働生産性の経済学指標の検討

    黒田祥子, 山本勲

    労働生産性の向上に寄与する健康増進手法の開発に関する研究 平成30年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)    2019


  • 産業保健の観点からの健康経営の有用性の検証のための研究 企業の資産形成・生産性向上との関係の経済学的検証

    山本勲, 黒田祥子

    産業保健の観点からの健康経営の有用性の検証のための研究 平成30年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)    2019


  • 生活習慣病予防の労働生産性への影響を含めた経済影響分析に関する研究「健康と労働生産性の関係に関する労働経済学的研究」

    山本勲, 黒田祥子

    生活習慣病予防の労働生産性への影響を含めた経済影響分析に関する研究 平成29年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)    2018


  • 「労働生産性の向上に寄与する健康増進手法の開発に関する研究」労働生産性の経済学指標の検討

    黒田祥子, 山本勲

    労働生産性の向上に寄与する健康増進手法の開発に関する研究 平成29年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)    2018


  • 「労働生産性の向上に寄与する健康増進手法の開発に関する研究」労働生産性の経済学指標の検討

    島津明人, 黒田祥子, 山本勲

    労働生産性の向上に寄与する健康増進手法の開発に関する研究 平成28年度 総括・分担研究報告書(Web)    2017


  • Research Digest ホワイトカラー・エクゼンプションと労働者の働き方

    黒田 祥子, 山本 勲

    RIETI highlight   ( 27 ) 22 - 25  2009


  • 1990年代の名目賃金の下方硬直性と失業 (特集 狭間の世代--雇用問題を中心に)

    黒田 祥子, 山本 勲

    ESP economy,society,policy   ( 476 ) 32 - 36  2005.05


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  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Center for Data Science   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2011

    Institute for Advanced Studies in Education   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • ジェンダー差から考える健康と働き方の経済分析

    2023   荒川豊

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    Research on the economic and social disparities between men andwomen has accumulated from various perspectives over time. However, there hasbeen a relative dearth of research focusing on "biological sex differences." These differences encompass the physiological distinctionsin physical attributes between men and women. Women experience a myriad of lifeevents throughout their working years, including pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing. Additionally, they contend with daily fluctuations in physical andmental well-being due to hormonal changes, which exhibit more variability thanin men over short-, medium-, and long-term durations.In light of these biological disparities between genders, the question arises: How can we create a society where everyone can fully engage in work while acknowledging and understanding these differences? It is with this question in mind that this study was initiated.The study aims to address several questions: How many symptoms do working individuals experience daily? To what extent do these symptoms impact their productivity? And how do these fluctuations in physical and mental symptoms differ between men and women? To investigate these inquiries, an application was developed on the LINE platform. Approximately 500 male and female participants were asked to report their daily physical condition and productivity over an 8-week period, yielding a dataset of daily panel data.The analysis uncovered several key findings. Firstly, compared to men, fewer women reported days without any physical or mental symptoms. Women, on average, experience physical and mental discomfort more frequently due to hormonal fluctuations. However, significant variations in symptom frequency were observed among both men and women. While a minority of men reported frequent physical or mental complaints, women exhibited symptoms ranging from mild to severe. A strong association was identified between these symptoms and subjective productivity, indicating that productivity declines in the presence of physical and mental symptoms.Interestingly, when comparing individuals with similar symptoms, women demonstrated a smaller decrease in productivity compared to men. This suggests that despite experiencing symptoms, women may adopt strategies to maintain productivity levels. Nevertheless, given the higher frequency of symptoms among women on average, it underscores the importance of creating work environments that mitigate productivity declines during symptomatic periods. This may entail accommodating flexible work arrangements, ncluding telecommuting, to accommodate varying physical conditions.

  • 日本的雇用慣行と長時間労働の規定要因


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