Updated on 2025/03/13


KANEKO, Akihiko
Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
博士(経済学) ( 大阪大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2017.04

    Monash University   Visiting Researcher

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Professor

  • 2011.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Associate Professor

  • 1999.10

    Tokyo Institute of Technology   Department of Social Engineering   Associate Professor

  • 2006.06

    英国ヨーク大学 客員研究員

  • 1996.04

    Tokyo Institute of Technology   Department of Social Engineering   Assistant Professor

  • 1995.04


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Research Areas

  • Economic policy


  • Examining the effect of a child tax on fertility in a two-sector model

    Akihiko Kaneko

    International Review of Economics   72 ( 1 )  2025.06

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    In this paper, we examine the efficacy of the child tax policy on the endogenous fertility rate in a two-sector model. We naturally assume that the investment goods sector is more capital intensive than the consumption goods sector. The endogenous fertility rate is determined by the cost of child-rearing and wage income. We find that the child tax has three effects (one direct effect and two indirect effects) on fertility. As a direct effect, the child tax increases the cost of child-rearing. The two indirect effects work in opposite directions: one raises the wage rate and the other lowers it. The total indirect effect of the child tax on wages is ambiguous, which is unique to the two-sector model. Additionally, the total effect of the child tax policy is analytically ambiguous, as in a one-sector model; however, our numerical example shows that the child tax is likely to reduce the fertility rate, unlike in the case of a one-sector model.



  • Impact of PAYG pensions on country welfare through capital accumulation

    Kojun Hamada, Akihiko Kaneko, Mitsuyoshi Yanagihara

    International Economics and Economic Policy   21   207 - 226  2024.01  [Refereed]



  • Fertility decline and a pay‐as‐you‐go pension system in a two‐sector model

    Kojun Hamada, Akihiko Kaneko, Mitsuyoshi Yanagihara

    Metroeconomica   73 ( 2 ) 466 - 480  2022.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    We investigate how fertility decline affects the benefit of a pay‐as‐you‐go pension using a two‐sector overlapping generations model. We show that whether fertility decline reduces pension benefits is determined by the capital intensity ranking between the two sectors. When the consumption‐goods sector is capital‐intensive, fertility decline decreases pension benefits. Contrastingly, when the investment‐goods sector is capital‐intensive, the size of the price elasticity determines whether fertility decline reduces pension benefits. When elasticity is sensitive, fertility declines increase pension benefits. We also present numerical simulations. Our results suggest that, although it remains theoretically possible that fertility decline increases pension benefits, such a paradoxical result is unlikely to occur .



  • The Effect of the Consumption Tax on Economic Growth and Welfare with Money and Endogenous Fertility

    Akihiko Kaneko, Daisuke Matsuzaki

    Seoul Journal of Economics   31 ( 4 ) 355 - 375  2018.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Government Expenditure Financing in the Money-in-the-Production-Function Model

    Akihiko Kaneko, Daisuke Matsuzaki

    Theoretical Economics Letters   08 ( 02 ) 119 - 134  2018


  • Oligopolistic competition in the banking market and economic growth

    Kojun Hamada, Akihiko Kaneko, Mitsuyoshi Yanagihara

    Economic Modelling   68   239 - 248  2018.01  [Refereed]

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    We investigate how banks’ degree of imperfect competition affects economic growth. This study explores an imperfect competition model in banking in an overlapping generations model with endogenous growth. We demonstrate the following results. First, an increase in the deposit interest rate increases the steady growth rate of the economy. Second, as competition among banks intensifies, the economic growth rate increases. Third, it is ambiguous as to whether a higher lending interest rate caused by an increase in productivity results in a higher economic growth rate. In our numerical exercises, we exemplify the possibility that an increase in the lending interest rate increases the growth rate.



  • The transfer paradox in a pay-as-you-go pension system

    Kojun Hamada, Akihiko Kaneko, Mitsuyoshi Yanagihara

    International Economics and Economic Policy   14 ( 2 ) 221 - 238  2017.04  [Refereed]

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    We examine how international transfers affect the welfare levels of a donor with a higher marginal propensity to save and a recipient with a lower marginal propensity to save when both countries adopt a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pension system using a one-sector overlapping generations model. We demonstrate that in a dynamically efficient economy, except at the golden rule, when a per capita PAYG pension contribution of either a donor or a recipient increases marginally, the effect of the transfer on the donor’s welfare can be reduced, whereas whether the effect of the transfer on the recipient’s welfare is reduced is ambiguous. These results imply that the existence of a PAYG pension might hinder the effectiveness of the transfer on the donor’s welfare, and the adoption of a PAYG pension system is likely to cause a weak transfer paradox in which both a donor and a recipient immiserize. Our results also suggest that the introduction of a PAYG pension system, which is used as a domestic policy instrument for intergenerational income redistribution, reduces the donor’s incentive to make an international transfer to a recipient, which is a form of international income redistribution.



  • The Transfer Problem and Intergenerational Allocation in an Overlapping Generations Model

    Kojun Hamada, Akihiko Kaneko, Mitsuyoshi Yanagihara

    International Economic Journal   30 ( 4 ) 599 - 615  2016.10  [Refereed]

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    We investigate the transfer problem between two countries in the steady state in a one-sector overlapping generations model and explain how transfers should be shared between the young and old generations of the donor country and allocated across the generations of the recipient country. Except at the golden rule of capital accumulation, the ratios of the burden and distribution of transfers between the young and old generations affect welfare. We obtain the following results. First, the sharing of the transfer burden in the donor country depends on the relative size of two effects, namely, a negative direct effect and a positive indirect effect. If the former exceeds the latter, it is preferable for the donor country to allocate all of the transfer burden to the old generation and vice versa. Second, from the viewpoint of welfare maximization, it is preferable for the recipient country to distribute all of the transfers to the young generation. In contrast to the existing literature, these results suggest that the setting whereby the young generation of the donor country defrays all transfer costs may not be justifiable from the viewpoint of donor welfare maximization.



  • Bequeathed tastes and fertility in an endogenous growth model

    Kaneko, Akihiko, Kato, Hideya, Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi, Yanagihara, Mitsuyoshi

    Economics Bulletin   36 ( 3 ) 1422 - 1429  2016.01  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we incorporate an endogenous fertility decision into De la Croix's (1996) bequeathed tastes model under a log-linear utility function and an -type production function, following Romer (1989). We show that the presence of bequeathed tastes can explain the decline of the fertility rate that has occurred in developed economies.

  • The Effect of Different Financing Methods under Fixed Government Expenditure per Capital on Economic Growth and Welfare

    Journal of Okinawan Economic Association Economics and Society   28   3 - 23  2012.12  [Domestic journal]

  • Consumption tax and economic growth in an overlapping generations model with money holdings

    Akihiko Kaneko, Daisuke Matsuzaki

    JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS   98 ( 2 ) 155 - 175  2009.11  [Refereed]

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    This paper examines the effect of a consumption tax on economic growth using an overlapping generations (OLG) model with money holdings. We show that the neutrality of the consumption tax does not hold in the money-in-the-utility-function model, because a change in consumption taxation induces the substitution of money holdings for consumption, and the money is the net wealth within the OLG structure. An increase in the consumption tax rate lowers (raises) the growth rate under a low (high) monetary expansion rate. On the other hand, in the cash-in-advance model and the money-in-the-production-function model, the neutrality of consumption taxation holds even within the OLG structure, because in these models there is no substitution of consumption and money holdings.



  • International asset trade, capital income taxation, and specialization patterns

    Koichi Futagami, Akihiko Kaneko, Yoshiyasu Ono, Akihisa Shibata

    Journal of Public Economic Theory   10 ( 5 ) 743 - 763  2008.10  [Refereed]

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    This paper constructs a small economy version of dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin models with overlapping generations and analyzes effects of capital income taxation on the specialization pattern of the country. It is shown that once international asset trade is allowed, in the presence of international technological asymmetries, a small country eventually leads to perfect specialization in our overlapping generations model. It is also shown that the residence-based tax has no effect on the specialization pattern while the source-based tax has a negative effect on capital accumulation and thereby it can affect the specialization pattern of the small country. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



  • Specialization in a Dynamic Trade Model : An Overlapping Generations Case

    International Economic Journal   20 ( 3 ) 357 - 368  2006.09  [Refereed]



  • The long-run trade pattern in a growing economy

    A Kaneko


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    We analyze the determinants of the trade pattern in a two-country growing economy. The long-run trade pattern depends on the structure of the absolute advantage as well as the comparative advantage, because the absolute advantage determines the terms of trade and the value of the marginal product of capital which affect the growth rate in our model. Moreover, we find that opening trade reduces or removes the difference in the growth rates of the two countries when the country lagging in the growth rate has a comparative advantage in a consumption commodity.



  • Terms of trade, economic growth, and trade patterns: a small open-economy case

    A Kaneko

    JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS   52 ( 1 ) 169 - 181  2000.10  [Refereed]

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    By incorporating human capital accumulation into a dynamic trade model, we examine the relationship between the growth rate and the specialization pattern of a growing economy. We found that as long as its autarky price differs from the world price, a small open-economy eventually specializes completely. Furthermore, the impact of the terms of trade on the growth rate depends on the trade pattern. Specifically, if a country specializes in a capital commodity, the growth rate is unaffected by the terms of trade. If it specializes in a consumption commodity, its growth rate is significantly influenced by the terms of trade. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.



  • 2国成長モデルにおける長期的貿易パターンと経済成長

    社会科学研究   51   137 - 151  2000.02  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

Research Projects

  • 人口減少に対応するサステナブルな社会インフラ整備に関する理論研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    篠崎 剛, 金子 昭彦, 濱田 弘潤, 柳原 光芳, 加藤 秀弥

  • 2部門経済成長モデルを使った人口減少と長期経済成長の分析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    金子 昭彦

  • A study of consistency of political systems and long-term economic growth

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • The long-run effect of international aid through education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :



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    In this research, I conducted fundamental research on efficient international aid. I obtained three main results. First, I revealed that degree of imperfect competition in financial sector reduces economic growth. Second, in endogenous fertility model, the growth maximizing tax rate differs from the welfare maximizing tax rate. Lastly, in a two-sector model, it is more likely that a decrease in population growth rate lowers pension than in a one-sector model.

  • Dynamic Analysis of Foreign Aid with Consideration of Political Activity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SHINOZAKI Tsuyoshi

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    We scrutinized the effects of international foreign aid on welfares of donor and recipient countries in various economic environments. Firstly, we investigated how the effects of foreign aid on both countries'welfares are affected by intergenerational interdependency such as altruism and donor's sharing of burden and/or the recipient’s distribution of aid transfer. Secondly, we examined how a pay-as-you-go pension system affects the effects of foreign aid on both countries' welfares. In particular, our research succeeded in showing that international interdependency considered can trigger the possibility of the transfer paradox by improving the terms-of-trade of a donor country and/or deteriorating the terms-of-trade of a recipient. In addition, we clarified that political lobbying promotes economic growth of developing countries, which suggests that the appropriate design of political institution is required to prevent developing countries from falling into a poverty trap

  • A new approach to the economics of education by incorporating educational, psychological, or sociological perspectives

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Hirofumi, MITSUYOSHI Yanagihara, AKIHIKO Kaneko, HIDEYA Kato, TSUYOSHI Shinozaki

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    This study aims at constructing a theoretical model that captures important factors of human capital accumulation in school education, in a manner that is based on findings in Psychology and Sociology, and on the voice of school teachers. We first reviewed studies in Psychology and Sociology, and interviewed teachers, and clarified that in school education, it is important for students not only to pursue academic achievements but also to acquire "sociability." We also found that in constructing a theoretical model, we should incorporate the concept of "socialization." To clarify the effect of education with taking into account these new perspectives, we constructed the model of human capital accumulation where sociability is one of the integral factors in its accumulation. We found that even if academic achievement improves, when it accompanies the decline in students' sociability, human capital accumulation might be reduced.

  • Human capital accumulation and a policy implicatiaon under credit

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    KANEKO Akihiko

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    In this research, taking crediti constraint implication into account, we examined the effects of income tax and monetary financing within the money-in-the-production-function model, where real money balances are an input into the production process. We found that the financing of a given level of government spending with income taxes or monetary expansion induces multiple balanced growth paths (BGPs) and global indeterminacy. Moreover, in case of tax on asset and monetary expansion, we investigated the property of the balanced growth equilibrium.

  • 流動性選好を考慮した開放経済における政策に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)

    Project Year :


    金子 昭彦

  • 開放経済における人口動態と産業構造の関係について

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)

    Project Year :


    金子 昭彦

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    本研究では,無限計画期間を持つ代表的個人ではなく,新しい家計が経済に誕生する世代重複モデルにより,動学経済における貿易パターンを分析することであった.前年度の研究では,世代重複モデルでの貿易パターンが,定常均衡の安定条件と各セクターの資本集約度という,静学のヘクシャー・オーリンモデルでの決定要素と動学的な要素が組み合わせって決定されることがわかった.今年度は,前年度の研究に於いて無視されていた資本取引を導入した.これまでの貿易理論は静学モデルでも動学モデルでも資本取引は無視されてきた.しかし,いくつかの実証分析(Shibata, Akihisa. and Mototsugu Shintani (1998) "Capital Mobility in the World Economy : an alternative test" Journal of International Money and Finance 17,741-756やObstfeld, Maurine (1989)や"How integrated are world capital market? Sone new tests" Debt, stabilization and development : essays in memory of Carlos Diaz-Alejandro edited by Guillermo Calvo et al. B.Blackwelなど)により,資本取引の重要性が高まってきていることが指摘された.資本取引を導入した結果,貿易パターンの決定が劇的に変わることがわかった.具体的には,世代重複モデルであっても資本取引の存在によって完全特化がおこることが明らかにされた.これは,資本取引の結果,世界市場での金融資産の利子率との裁定が成立するため,2財生産を前提とした利子の決定メカニズムと矛盾するからである

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Overseas Activities

  • 動学マクロモデルによる経済援助の分析


    Australia   Monash University


  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 多部門モデルを利用した人口減少下の年金システムの研究


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  • 人口成長内生化モデルにおける金融政策と最適地方課税の関係


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  • 教育効果を通じた国際援助の長期的効果に関する分析


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  • 援助受け入れ国の金融政策と援助の効率性


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  • 均斉経済成長モデルをもとにした最適援助タイミングについて


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    本研究は「均斉経済成長モデルをもとにした最適援助タイミングについて」と題して、発展途上国を想定した理論モデルを構築し、対象国の発展段階においてどのタイミングが援助に対して最適なタイミングかを分析するものであった。そのために今年度は、Galor, Moav and Vollrath (2009) に、利益集団の政治参加を含めたロビー活動を導入し、経済の成長経路に与える影響を分析した。分析の結果、(1)経済の総所得水準が低いとき、ロビー集団が形成されないこと、(2)ロビー活動により導かれる最適税率は経済全体にとって望ましい所得水準を導く税率と一致すること、および(3)ロビー活動により、より高い所得水準に達するタイミングが早くなることが明らかにされた。

  • 貨幣経済における貿易パターンと各種政策の関係


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  • 貨幣経済における貿易パターンと各種政策の関係


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  • 貨幣を考慮に入れた生産関数の下での利子率決定金融政策及び均衡予算の帰結


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    本研究では,政府がある一定の支出を包括的所得税,資本課税もしくは貨幣発行収入で賄おうとしている状況を考えている.経済主体の貨幣保有動機は,貨幣が生産に関わる取引コストを減じることに由来しており,具体的にはmoney-in-the-production-function(貨幣を考慮に入れた生産関数)を利用している.代替的な調達手段を動学マクロモデルの中で比較検討する論文は,貨幣動学モデルに限れば,cash-in-advance model を利用したPalivos, T., & Yip, C. (1995). “Government Expenditure Financing in an Endogenous Growth Model: A Comparison.” Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 27(4), 1159–1178.に由来する.その後,数々の関連論文が執筆されたが,我々のように貨幣を考慮に入れた生産関数を使って分析はなかった.モデルの骨格としては,消費者側としては代表的個人モデルを考え,生産側としては物的資本と貨幣を生産要素とした内生成長モデルを使っている.我々は,まず包括的所得税と貨幣発行収入のみが可能な状況で,成長率最大化政策を考えた.この状況の下では,どのような政府支出であってもすべてを包括的所得税ですべて賄うことが成長率を最大化させることが分かった.一方,資本課税と貨幣発行収入を比べたときには,成長率を最大化させる最適な祖組み合わせが存在する.その理由としては,資本課税が直接資本蓄積を阻害すし成長率も急激に低下させるため支出の一部を貨幣発行収入で賄う方がよいが,包括的所得税は資本の収益に課税をすることにより,間接的に資本蓄積を阻害するに過ぎないのですべての支出を包括的所得税で賄っても良いということである.また,我々のモデルには移行過程がなく,政策の変更があれば瞬時に新しい均衡に移るため,成長率最大化政策において厚生最大化が実現されている.

  • 習慣形成の存在が出生率と長期成長率に与える影響について


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    本研究は,「習慣形成,出生率および長期経済成長」と題して,近年注目されている習慣形成を考慮した上で,習慣形成と出生率や長期経済成長率との関係を明らかにするものである.習慣形成はLa Croix, De, D., & Michel, P. (1999). Optimal growth when tastes are inherited. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 23(4), 519–537.に倣い,親世代の消費量に依存すると考えるモデルの骨格としては,消費者側は出生率を内生化した2期間世代重複モデルを使い,生産者側としてはローマー型のlearning-by-doingモデルを利用している.習慣形成がストック変数のため,我々のモデルは内生成長モデルであるが,移行過程が存在する.以上のモデルを分析した結果,まず次のような結論が得られた.1.習慣形成により定常における出生率が低下することが認められた.2.定常成長経路はユニークで安定的である.3.習慣形成の程度が大きくなるほど長期成長率が低下する.さらに我々は,移行過程における出生率についての分析を行った.移行過程での出生率は,資本と習慣形成の相対的な変化に依存している.もし資本蓄積のスピードが習慣形成のスピードよりも速ければ,出生率は上昇し,逆なら出生率は低下する.我々は日本における過去25年間の資本蓄積と習慣形成(これは25年前の消費を親世代の消費とし,習慣形成の代理変数としている)のスピードを比べ,習慣形成のスピードの方が速かったことを見つけた.これにより,近年の日本の出生率の低下の要因として,習慣形成の存在が上げられることを示唆している. 上に挙げた結果の1と組み合わせることにより,移行過程だけでなく将来的にも出生率が低くなってしまうであろうと予想される.これは新たな発見であると同時に,このように習慣形成をデータによって把握しようという試みはこれまでになかった.

  • 習慣形成、出生率および経済成長


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    本研究は,「習慣形成,出生率および経済成長」と題して,近年注目されている習慣形成を考慮した上で,習慣形成と出生率や経済成長率との関係を明らかにした.まずは基本モデルとなるDe La Croix (1996) “The dynamics of bequeathed tastes” Economics Letters 53, 89-96 で提示された習慣形成モデルに出生率を内生化するように拡張した.ここでの習慣形成とは,親の世代の消費パターンにより子世代の効用が変化することで,具体的には親世代が消費を多くするほど子世代の消費の限界効用が,他を一定とした場合大きくなることによって表される.モデル構築の際には,過去の内生出生動学モデルでの理論的分析で通常用いられている効用関数および生産関数,具体的には対数線形効用関数およびコブ=ダクラス型生産関数を用いた.なぜなら,よく知られているように世代重複モデルでは,代表的個人モデルとは異なり,多種多様な動学経路がごく標準的な効用関数もしくは生産関数から生じるため,得られた動学経路の性質が,習慣形成もしくは内生出生率により得られたものなのか,判別するのが難しくなるためである.また,生産構造としては新古典派成長モデルと内生成長モデル両方について分析した.内生成長モデルで分析することにより長期的な経済成長と習慣形成の関係を分析できた一方,新古典派成長モデルでは,移行過程が単純化されてしまった内生成長モデルとは異なり,定常状態に至る移行過程における習慣形成と内生出生率との関係も分析できた.主要な結論については以下の通りである.まず,新古典派成長モデルにおいて,習慣形成の程度が強いほど定常状態における出生率が下がることが示された.定量的場分析においては,経済成長が進むにつれて出生率が下がるという先進国でよく見られる現象が再現された.これは,通常の所得効果と代替効果の他に,「習慣形成効果」と呼べる効果が存在するためである.また,内生成長モデルでは習慣形成の程度が強いほど成長率も出生率も下がることが示された

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