Updated on 2024/07/03


GAYLE, Curtis Anderson
Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Job title
Ph.D. (Modern Japanese History) ( 2005 Australian National University RSPAS )
Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude with dept. honors in philosophy ( 1986.06 SUNY/Stony Brook )

I teach modern Japanese history at Waseda University and specialize in postwar history, Marxism, social and cultural movements, as well as gender studies. My previous research has covered themes like postwar Japanese nationalism, Marxism, gender, women's history, and intellectual history. At present I am researching socialism in 20th century Japan as well as gender issues, the New Left, and Japan's 'living poltiics.' 

Research Experience

  • 2018.04

    Waseda University   School of Social Sciences   Professor

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   School of Social Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 2008.04

    Japan Women's University   Faculty of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 2005

    Leiden University   Department of Korean and Japanese Studies   Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Education Background

  • 2002

    The Australian National University   Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies   Division of Pacific and Asian History Modern Japanese History  

  • 1995

    Kyoto University   Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies  

  • 1992

    Sophia University  


    State University of New York at Stony Brook   Department of Philosophy  

Professional Memberships


    The Association for Asian Studies (米国アジア学会)


    Japanese Studies Association of Australia (豪州日本研究学会)


    British Association of Japanese Studies(英国日本研究協会)


    European Association of Japanese Studies (ヨーロッパ日本研究協会)


    Nederlands-Japanse Vereniging (蘭日協会)


    The Association for Asian Studies (米国アジア学会)


    Japanese Studies Association of Australia (豪州日本研究学会)


    British Association of Japanese Studies(英国日本研究協会)


    European Association of Japanese Studies (ヨーロッパ日本研究協会)


    Nederlands-Japanse Vereniging (蘭日協会)

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Research Areas

  • Japanese history / History of thought / History of Asia and Africa / Gender studies

Research Interests

  • Modern Japanese Society

  • 東アジア近現代史

  • ジェンダー研究

  • 日本思想史

  • 日本近現代史

  • Modern East Asian History

  • Gender Studies

  • Japanese Intellectual History

  • Modern Japanese History

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Books and Other Publications

  • Pan-Asianism: A Documentary History, Vol.2

    ( Part: Contributor)

    Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield  2011

  • Women’s History and Local Community in Postwar Japan

    Routledge  2010 ISBN: 9780415559393

  • Marxist History and Postwar Japanese Nationalism

    ( Part: Sole author)

    Routledge  2003 ISBN: 0415297397


  • World Federalism and Asia in the Thought of Kagawa Toyohiko, 1945-1956


    British Association of Japanese Studies (Manchester, UK) 

    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • Mass Media, Consumerism and National Identity in Postwar Japan


    Mass Media, Consumerism and National Identity in Postwar Japan 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • History-writing and the Public Sphere in Japan: 1945-1955


    DIJ History and Humanities Study Group 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • 1950年代日本における歴史運動ー中央から地域へ


    Presentation date: 2011

  • History-writing in 1950s Japan: from center to periphery

    Presentation date: 2011

  • Writing History and Contesting Memory: Ehime and the Emergence of Chi’iki Josei-shi

    Asian Studies Conference Japan 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Culture against Nationalism and Imperialism in the Taisho Era

    Japanese Studies Association of Southeast Asia (Singapore) 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • The Emergence of Proletarian Culture in Taisho Japan

    Proletarian Culture and Resistance in Pre-war East Asia (Leiden University, The Netherlands) 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Local Women’s History in 1950s Japan

    Berkshire Conference on the History of Women (U.S.A.) 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Marxist history and Regional Women’s History in Japan

    University of Oslo, Workshop on Memory and Identity 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Disturbing the National/Local Hierarchy in Post-war Japan

    European Association of Japanese Studies (Vienna, Austria) 

    Presentation date: 2005

  • Local History and the Centre: Tokyo, Nagoya and Ehime, 1945-1965

    Japan Studies Association of Australia (Brisbane, Australia) 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • 近代日本における反近代思想


    Presentation date: 2002

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Research Projects

  • 東アジア近現代史

  • ジェンダー研究

  • 日本思想史

  • 日本近現代史

  • Modern East Asian History

  • Gender Studies

  • History of Japanese Thought

  • -

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  • Book Review: Anarchist Modernity: Cooperatism and Japanese-Russian Intellectual Relations in Modern Japan.

    Curtis Anderson Gayle

    MONUMENTA NIPPONICA   70 ( 1 ) 170 - 173  2015

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • Journal New Women and the Watershed Year 1950

      ( 33 ) 105 - 117  2011

  • 大正期における『プロレタリア文化』概念の出現と『批判的な文化想像力』の展開

    カーティス アンダーソン ゲイル

    日本女子大学 紀要 人間社会学部   20   1 - 21  2010

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  • China in the Japanese Radical Gaze, 1945-1955

    Curtis Anderson Gayle

    MODERN ASIAN STUDIES   43 ( 5 ) 1255 - 1286  2009.09

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    Japanese images of China have much to tell us about the way Japan sees its own modernisation and its place in the international system. Contrary to popular belief Japan did not turn unabashedly toward the USA after 1945. During the first decade after World War II, a number of important Japanese radical historians and thinkers decided that modernisation could be accomplished without the help Of the West. Just when many in japan were looking to America and Europe as exemplars of modernisation, others looked instead to revolutionary China and its past struggles against Japanese colonialism in the construction of a very different historical position from that ordinarily associated with the earl), post-war),cars. Certain Japanese historians, inspired by the push toward decolonisation in Asia, set about writing the history Of the present in ways that aligned. Japan with modern Chinese history. E wen though China had just been liberated from Japanese colonial rule Japanese Marxists saw their own position-under American imperialism-as historically and politically congruous with China's past war of resistance against,japan (1937-45). Through campaigns to develop a kind Of Cultural Marxism on the margins of Japanese society, they sought to bring about post-war Japanese 'national liberation' from American hegemony in ways that consciously simulated past Chinese resistance to Imperial Japan. Replacing Japan's own Cultural Marxist traditions from the pre-war era with the more palpable and acceptable example of China, they also hoped a new form of Asian internationalism Could remedy the problem of Japan's wartime past:. The historical irony associated with this discursive twist deferred to future generations the problem of how the Left would conic to terms with the past.


  • Kobayashi Takiji and Representing the Body against Empire

    Curtis Anderson Gayle

    オックスフォード小林多喜二記念シンポジウム編集委員会編『多喜二の視点から見た身体・地域・教育』小樽商科大学出版会(分担執筆)     70 - 85  2009

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  • 日本戦後初期歴史学


    依田憙家、王元編『日中関係の歴史と現在』白帝社(分担執筆)     36 - 54  2007

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  • Marxistische Geschichtstheorie im modernen Japan

    Curtis Anderson Gayle

    Hans Martin Kramer, Tino Scholz, Sebastian Conrad, eds., Geschichtswissenschaft in Japan. Themen, Ansatze und Theorien (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht)     87 - 105  2006

  • History in Multiplicity: Locating de Certeau’s ‘Strategy’ and ‘Tactics’ in early post-war Japan

    Curtis Anderson Gayle

    Japan Forum   18 ( 2 ) 207 - 28  2006

  • Marxian Approaches and Women’s History in Early Post-war Japan

    Curtis Anderson Gayle

    Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies   19 ( 1 ) 1 - 35  2004

  • Progressive Representations of the Nation: Early Post-war Japan and Beyond

    Curtis Anderson Gayle

    Social Science Japan Journal   4 ( 1 ) 1 - 19  2001

    DOI CiNii

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  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences