British Association for Romantic Studies
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British Association for Romantic Studies
'What was all this except the lesson of life?': Browning's Fifine at the Fair and Shelley
Rieko Suzuki
Keats-Shelley Review 30 ( 1 ) 63 - 69 2016年 [査読有り]
"Browning's The Ring and the Book": Altering the Case for Shelley's The Cenci"
52 136 - 164 2014年02月 [査読有り]
"Browning on Romanticism"
27 ( 1 ) 31 - 38 2013年04月 [査読有り]
”’A Romantic Truth of History': Gender in Mary Shelley's Valperga and Robert Browning's Sordello"
La questione Romantica 1 ( 1 ) 55 - 68
”Recovering the Female Voice: The 'sad disheveled ghost' in Browning's Sordello"
Studies in Browning and His Circle 25 72 - 85
“Shelley's 'The Triumph of Life': The Absence of an Audience"
藝文研究 ( 70 ) 143 - 158
The Shelleys and the Brownings: Textual Re-imaginings and the Question of Influence (English Association Monographs Lup)
Rieko Suzuki
Liverpool Univ Pr 2022年03月 ISBN: 1800856474
Negotiating History: From Romanticism to Victorianism
Rieko Suzuki
Waseda University Press 2012年06月 ISBN: 9784657127037
慶応義塾大学出版 2009年03月
The Influence and Anxiety of the British Romantics
The Edwin Mellon Press 1999年
「P.B. シェリーとメアリー・シェリーの作品に見られる共和制についてー『ヴァルパーガ』を中心にー」
鈴木理恵子 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2022年12月
'Shelley's "The Witch of Atlas" and Browning's Sordello'
Rieko Suzuki
Shelley 200: Percy Bysshe Shelley's Final Years and Afterlives
発表年月: 2022年07月
Republicanism and Feminism: Mary Shelley's Valperga
Rieko Suzuki
Venice International University
発表年月: 2022年05月
The Jewish Question: The Merchant of Venice and George Eliot's Daniel Deronda
Shakespeare Institute Thursday Seminar
発表年月: 2020年03月
Frankenstein Reconsidered: Mary Shelley, Wordsworth and Burke
Wordsworth Summer Conference
発表年月: 2019年08月
Republicanism in Mary Shelley's Valperga and Robert Browning's Sordello
Republics and Republicanism
発表年月: 2019年05月
Castle Rackrent: Maria Edgeworth's Sense of History
Maria Edgeworth 250
発表年月: 2018年12月
The Shelleys and the Brownings
The Shelleys Conference 2017
発表年月: 2017年09月
The Representation of the Coast in Sydney Owenson's The Wild Irish Girl
Comparative Coastal Topographies
発表年月: 2015年10月
P. B. Shelley and Elizabeth Barrett
Wordsworth Summer Conference
発表年月: 2013年08月
Browning's Paracelsus: A Response to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?
発表年月: 2012年10月
Browning's Articulation of Romanticism as a Distant Event
Romanticism and the Tyrannies of Distance
発表年月: 2011年02月
Republicanism at Large: Mary Shelley's Valperga and Robert Browning's Sordello
発表年月: 2008年03月
'The loathsome mask has fallen': The Influence of Leigh Hunt's Descent of Liberty on P. B. Shelley's Prometheus Unbound
発表年月: 2007年07月
The Wild Irish Girl
Wild Irish Girls Conference
発表年月: 2006年07月
Forging the Genius? The Spurious Letters of Shelley
Romanticism and Forgery Conference
発表年月: 2003年11月
Mary Shelley's Valperga: A Site of Conflict
Romantic Conflict Conference
発表年月: 2003年07月
J.S. Mill on Progress and Its Influence on Browning's Sordello
Moving Forward, Looking Back: Thinking about Progress 1800-1850 Conference
発表年月: 2003年04月
Thomas Carlyle and J.S. Mill in the 1830s: Romantic Historiography and Utilitarian Ethics in Browning's Sordello
1830s International Conferece
発表年月: 2002年09月
Wordsworthian Influences, Inferences, and Poetic Anxiety in Browning's Sordello
Wordsworth's 'second selves' International Conference
発表年月: 2002年07月
Recovering the Female Voice: The 'sad disheveled ghost' in Browning's Sordello
Armstrong Browning Library Golden Jubilee International Conference
発表年月: 2001年10月
Rome in the Writings of the Shelleys
発表年月: 2001年06月
The Shelleys and the Brownings
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