Updated on 2025/03/12


YAGO, Kazuhiko
Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title
docteur en histoire ( Universite Paris X )
MA in Economics ( Yokohama National University )

Research Experience

  • 2011.04


  • 2005.04

    〜首都大学東京経営学系教授(同 大学院社会科学研究科兼担)

  • 2001.04

    〜東京都立大学経済学部教授(同 大学院社会科学研究科兼担)

  • 1996.04

    〜東京都立大学経済学部助教授(同 大学院社会科学研究科兼担)

  • 1993.10

    〜東京都立大学経済学部講師(同 大学院社会科学研究科兼担)

  • 1992.04


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Education Background


    Universite Paris X, Nanterre   Others   Departement d'Histoire  


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Economics   Economic Theory and Economic History  


    Yokohama National University   Graduate School, Division of Economics   Economics  

Committee Memberships

  • 2017.10

    Political Economy and Economic History Society  Representative Board

  • 2015.04

    Socio-Economic History Society  Executive Director

  • 2015.04

    社会経済史学会  常任理事

  • 2014.10

    Political Economy and Economic History Society  Director of Academic Research

  • 2014.10

    政治経済学・経済史学会  研究委員長

Professional Memberships


    Societe Franco-Japonaise d'Histoire Economique


    Societe Franco-Japonaise de Gestion


    Japan Society for Monetary Economics


    Socio Economic History Society


    Political Economy and Economic History Society

Research Areas

  • Economic history

Research Interests

  • International Financial History


  • Le Prix Shibusawa-Claudel





    Kazuhiko Yago

    Entreprises et Histoire   112 ( 3 ) 83 - 97  2024.12



  • 累積債務問題の発見ーOECD開発援助委員会とその周辺(1961~77年)ー


    成城大学『経済研究』   ( 230号 ) 9 - 27  2020.12

  • Before the ‘locomotive’ runs: the impact of the 1973–1974 oil shock on Japan and the international financial system

    Kazuhiko Yago

    Financial History Review    2020.11  [Refereed]

  • Convergence and Divergence over the Growth Paradigm: the OECD Working Party 2 and the Japanese “Doubling National Income Plan” (1961–70)

    Kazuhiko Yago

    Revue Economique   71 ( 4 ) 697 - 713  2020.07  [Refereed]

  • Japanese Aid and Economic Growth during the 1960s and early 1970s

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Revue Francaise d'Histoire Economique   2019 ( 1-2 ) 204 - 224  2019.12  [Refereed]

  • 戦後再編期の世界銀行――融資方針の転換過程――


    産業経営   ( 53 )  2018.12  [Refereed]

  • Contemporary Japan's power within international financial organisations

    Kazuhiko Yago

    Japan's World Power (edited by Guibourg Delamotte) Routledge     45 - 60  2018.01

  • Translated Economic Paradigms: World Bank Lending and the Japanese Growth in the 1950s and 1960s

    Kazuhiko Yago

    Revue Francaise d'Histoire Economique   ( 9-10 ) 60 - 77  2018.01  [Refereed]


  • A Crisis Manager for the International Monetary and Financial System? the Rise and Fall of the OECD Working Party 3, 1961-1980

    Kazuhiko Yago

    The OECD and the International Political Economy since 1948 (edited by Matthieu Leimgruber and Matthias Schmelzer) Palgrave     185 - 208  2017.11


  • NISHIKAWA, Teru, Creation and Evolution of the IMF Economic Policy in the Bretton Woods Era

    YAGO Kazuhiko

    The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History   57 ( 4 ) 72 - 74  2015.07

    DOI CiNii

  • L'héritage de Terushi Hara: au carrefour de méthodes de l'histoire économique

    Kazuhiko Yago

    Dominique Barjot et Patrick Fridenson, dir. France-Japon, regards croisés, mélanges en l'honneur de Terushi Hara     41 - 51  2015.06

  • France

    Kazuhiko YAGO

        344 - 351  2015.03


    Kazuhiko Yago

    Asian Imperial Banking History     35 - 51  2015  [Refereed]

  • IMFとフランス——ブレトンウッズ秩序の多元性


    伊藤正直・浅井良夫編著『戦後IMF史——創生と変容——』(名古屋大学出版会)     162 - 187  2014.07

  • 露清銀行・インドシナ銀行 1896-1913年


    西村閑也・鈴木俊夫・赤川元章編著『国際銀行とアジア 1870-1913』(慶応義塾大学出版会)     1211 - 1270  2014.06

  • 1960年代の国際通貨体制とOECD——経済政策委員会第三作業部会の創設と初期の活動——


    『経済学論究』(関西学院大学)   68 ( 1 ) 111 - 137  2014.06

  • 露清銀行上海支店の営業活動(1902年)


    東北大学『研究年報経済学』   74 ( 4 ) 81 - 96  2014.03

  • Crisis Management in the International Monetary and Financial System: OECD Working Party 3 (1961-1979)

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    『早稲田商学』   ( 439 ) 315 - 340  2014.03

  • KANAI, Yuichi, The Abdication of Pound Sterling

    YAGO Kazuhiko

    The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History   57 ( 1 ) 54 - 56  2014

    DOI CiNii

  • 国際決済銀行の過去と現在


    成城大学経済研究所年報   ( 26 ) 97 - 128  2013.04


  • 第2章 フランス


    国際銀行史研究会編『金融の世界史——貨幣・信用・証券の系譜——』     67 - 98  2012.09

  • 世界銀行の対仏借款——ブレトンウッズ秩序におけるフランス——


    『早稲田商学』     63 - 109  2012.06

  • La Banque de Tokyo, 1947-1995: des logiques impériales et internationales aux stratégies globales

    Kazuhiko Yago

    Monde(s), Histoire, Espaces, Relations   ( 13 ) 89 - 106  2012.05  [Refereed]

  • Русско-Китайский банк в 1896–1910 гг.:международный финансовый посредник в России и Азии

    Казухико Яго

    Экономическая история: Ежегодник   2011/2012   293 - 314  2012

  • La Banque du Japon dans le système monétaire international (1945-1985)

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Olivier Feiertag et Michel Margairaz, dirs., Les banques centrales à l'échelle du monde, Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques     127 - 145  2012

  • The Russo-Chinese Bank (1896-1910): an International Bank in Russia and Asia

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Shizuya Nishimura, Toshio Suzuki, Ranald Michie, eds., The Origins of International Banking in Asia, the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Oxford University Press     145 - 165  2012

  • 世界経済の編成原理はどう変わってきたか——国際金融機関の論争史


    伊藤正直・藤井史朗編著『グローバル化・金融危機・地域再生』(日本経済評論社)     57 - 81  2011.11

  • Introduction de la pensée et des pratiques managériales françaises au Japon

    Kazuhiko Yago

    Gilles Garel et al. dirs. Pensée et pratiques du management en France: inventaire et perspectives, 19e-21e siècles    2011

  • La BRI et le système monétaire international (1944-1958): la diagonale de Per Jacobsson

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Olivier Feiertag et Isabelle Lespinet-Moret, dirs., L’Economie faite homme, hommage à Alain Plessis, Droz     165 - 190  2010

  • The Anatomy and Pathology of Empire: Three Balance Sheets of Russian and Soviet Banks

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Kimitaka Matsuzato, ed., Comparative Imperiology, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University     61 - 86  2010

  • 戦時BISにおける市場認識と戦後構想——ペール・ヤコブソンの政策論を中心に——


    雨宮昭彦・J.シュトレープ編著『管理された市場経済の生成——介入的自由主義の比較経済史——』日本経済評論社     137 - 182  2009.03

  • 露亜銀行(1910-1926年)覚書


    左近幸村編『近代東北アジアの誕生』北海道大学出版会     163 - 178  2008.12

  • ユーロ・カレンシー市場と国際決済銀行—1950-60年代の新自由主義と国際金融市場—


    権上康男編著『新自由主義と戦後資本主義—欧米における歴史的経験—』日本経済評論社     369 - 495  2006.12

  • Wicksellian Tradition at the Bank for International Settlements: Per Jacobsson on Money and Credit

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    経済学史研究   48 ( 2 ) 1 - 18  2006.12

  • La masse monétaire en France, 1890-1913

    Shizuya NISHIMURA e, Kazuhiko YAGO

    Histoire, Economie et Société   2006 ( 2 ) 195 - 211  2006

  • Economic History of France(19th-20th centuries) : a survey

    Plessis Alain

    The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History   47 ( 2 ) 35 - 48  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • L’Elite managériale au Japon : le cas des banques

    Masanori SATO e, Kazuhiko YAGO

    Entreprises et Histoire   2005 ( 41 ) 71 - 88  2005

  • 1930年代のフランスにおける金融制度改革—規制の起源と変容—


    安部悦生編 『金融規制はなぜ始まったのか—大恐慌と金融制度の改革—』日本経済評論社     123 - 154  2003.12

  • フランス系国際銀行の海外戦略(19-20世紀)


    日仏経営学会誌   ( 20 ) 52 - 62  2003.05

  • La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations et les Caisses d'Epargne

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    A.Aglan, M.Margairaz, P.Verheyde, eds., La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et le XXe siècle, Albin Michel     145 - 161  2003

  • 戦後再建期の国際決済銀行—ペール・ヤコブソンの軌跡から—


    秋元英一編著『グローバリゼーションと国民経済の選択』(東京大学出版会)     101 - 130  2001

  • 第二次大戦後のフランスにおける貯蓄対策と貯蓄観—全国貯蓄運動と繰延信用会社—


    伊藤正直、靎見誠良、浅井良夫編著『金融危機と革新—歴史から現代へ—』(日本経済評論社)     249 - 288  2000

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Books and Other Publications

  • History of the IMF: Organization, Policy and Market

    Kazuhiko Yago, Masanao Itoh, Yoshio Asai( Part: Joint editor)

    Springer  2015.06 ISBN: 9784431553502

  • Asian Imperial Banking History

    Hubert Bonin, Nuno Valerio, Kazuhiko Yago

    Pickering and Chatto  2015 ISBN: 9781848935518

  • システム危機の歴史的位相——ユーロとドルの危機が問いかけるもの——


    蒼天社出版  2013.04 ISBN: 9784901916349

  • The Financial History of the Bank for International Settlements

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Routledge  2012.12 ISBN: 9780415635240

  • 国際決済銀行の20世紀


    蒼天社出版  2010.03 ISBN: 9784901916271

  • フランスにおける公的金融と大衆貯蓄


    東京大学出版会  1998.08 ISBN: 9784130460644

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  • La France et le Japon face à l'économie mondiale: stratégies comparées

    Colloque l'avenir des échanges franco-japonais en sciences humaines et sociales 

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • Crisis Management in the International Monetary and Financial System: OECD Working Party 3 (1961-1979)

    The XVIth World Economic History Congress 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Shanghai Branch Activities of the Russo-Chinese Bank

    The XVIth World Economic History Congress 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Keynesian and Anti-Keynesian in International Financial Institutions

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • Banque du Japon dans le système monétaire international

    Colloque "Les banques centrales à l'echelle du monde" 

    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • The Russo-Chinese Bank (1896-1910)

    The XVth World Economic History Congress 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • La coopération des banques centrales après la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale : stratégies comparées entre le Japan et la France

    Banque de France - Banque du Japon : Regards Croisés 

    Presentation date: 2008.01

  • Monetary and Financial Cooperation in Asia: market and institutions

    The XIVth World Economic History Congress 

    Presentation date: 2006.08

  • Monetary and Financial Cooperation in Asia: market and institutions

    The Economic History Society Annual Conference 

    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations et les Caisses d'Epargne

    Colloque international "La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et le XXe siècle" 

    Presentation date: 2001.11

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Research Projects

  • Energy Crisis and International Order of Asia in the 1980s---Focusing on the Formation of the Asia-Pacific Economy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 比較経済史学の思想と実践――高橋幸八郎関連未公開書簡・日記を活用して

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    齋藤 英里, 須永 隆, 矢後 和彦, 阪本 尚文, 長谷川 貴彦

  • Historical Structure of Global Debt: International Linkage of Growth and Development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Frontiers of Development Finance History: Theory and Policy of the World Bank

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Yago Kazuhiko

     View Summary

    (1) This research project inquired into the thoughts and practices regarding development finances, referring to the lending and development policies under the three World Bank presidencies: Black, Woods and McNamara. The study rebealed a historical caracters of "developemnt" and "development finances". (2) The project studied the relation between the development finances on one hand, and the international BOP adjustment and capital movement on the other. It has been made clear that the "development " and "aid" played a predominant role in regime changes of the international financial order. (3) The reaction of the borrower countries from the World Bank, as well as the countries in charge of fund raising for the Bank, has been researched standing upon the case studies on Japan, Germany and Italy.

  • Economic research on business and accounting systems in the world

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SASAKI Hiroo, AKAHOSHI Takashi, AKIBA Kenichi, KATAOKA Takao, YAMAGUCHI Keiko, YAGO Kazuhiko

     View Summary

    This economic research studies business practices and institutional systems, theoretically and empirically as well as normatively and positively. This research project covers multi-dimensional research topics not only of the various economic literatures (game theory, mechanism design, industrial organization, public and corporate finance, international finance and trade, and so on), but most business fields including accounting and management. In particular, main targets of this research are those economies where market and its related infrastructure are not well developed, such as LLDC (Least Less Developed Countries), fragile countries, transitional countries, and so on. As a result of frontier studies and publications, this project aims to provide political lessons with both developed and developing countries. A final goal of this project is to assist those people in the world who are suffering from poverty with subsistence level of BHNs (Basic Human Needs)

  • OECD and the International Monetary and Financial System in the 1970s

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Yago Kazuhiko, ASAI Yoshio, ITOH Masanao, NISHIKAWA Teru

     View Summary

    Following subjects have been achieved in this study project: (1) Inter-national capital movement and the OECD, (2) International dimension of domestic macro-economic policy making, (3) Political program over the international monetary system and the international macro-economic regime, (4) OECD in the comparative perspectives of the international organizations, (5) The "develop-ment" and "growth" goals of the OECD. The project has been driven by historical approach depending upon primary archival records. Special attention has been paid to the role played by the WP3 of the Economic Policy Committee of the OECD regarding the decision making on capital movement. The particular roles of the other international organizations and forums like the G10, IMF, or BIS have been revealed as well

  • The Origin of International Monetary Order after WW2

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ITOH Masanao, ASAI Yoshio, YAGO Kazuhiko, NOSHITA Yasutoshi, TSURUMI Masayoshi, KISHIDA Makoto, ISHIZAKA Ayako, ITOH Kanna, SUGAWARA Ayumu, SUTO Isao, NISHIKAWA Teru, NISHIKAWA Teru

     View Summary

    Our new analysis of the Bretton Woods System at the adjustablepeg era gave a new aspects and outcome on its origin and its working mechanism. We tried it by using the original documents and records of IMF, WB, BIS and National Archives of U. S. A and U. K. in cooperation with their staff. It is the first attempt all over the world. As a result, we are able to analyze the movement of the international money and capital market not only theoretically but historically and institutionally

  • The Organic View of the Society and Designing of Economic Governance:comparative research of the economic thought from the fin-de-siecle to the inter-war period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUKAGAI Yasunori, NAKAYAMA Chikako, TAKA Tetsuo, KURITA Keiko, DOME Takuo, YAGO Kazuhiko, NISHIZAWA Tamotsu, IDE EISAKU

     View Summary

    On the turn of the centuries from nineteenth to twentieth, the organic view of the society and the evolutionary view had mutually affected, and took the important role for the reformation of the image and style of the society. On the sphere of the economic governance, there appeared two striking types:the 'soft' version which basically relied upon the spontaneous formation of the institution, organization and custom or the way of life, and the 'hard' one which provided the guidelines under the uniform orientation. In accounting the radical transit of the meaning of those words of 'welfare' and 'well-being' on that era, this research project examined the connotation of the organic view until the inter-war perio

  • Historical Structure of Financial Infrastructure in the Northeast Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAGO Kazuhiko

     View Summary

    This study aims to examine the financial infrastructure in the Northeast Asia from the late nineteenth century up to the middle of the twentieth century, from the viewpoint of economic history. Geographical order of the "Northeast Asia" in this study includes the Fareast Russia, Northeast China, Korea and Japan. The "Financial Infrastructure" means socio-economic conditions under which the financial system functions, such as banking system, clearing customs and currency circulation. The study project focused on financial history of the region in relation to the international monetary system, in order to overview the regional financial system from the worldwide perspectives

  • Globalisation and Development of International Banking 1900-1990

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUZUKI Toshio, SUGAWARA Ayumu, AKAGAWA Motoaki, HIRAOKA Kenji, IRIE Kyohei, KITABAYASHI Masashi, YAGO Kazuhiko, KSUYA Makoto, NISHIMURA Takashi, NISHIMURA Shizuya, SYU Ma-an, YOUSSEF Cassis, RANALD C. Michie, HERBERT Bonin

  • Foundation of Floating Exchange System : International Monetary Markets and International Financial Institutions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAGO Kazuhiko

     View Summary

    This project aimed to make clear the founding process of the floating exchange system, in relation to the roles played by international financial institutions as well as the function of international monetary market, as follows : (1) to investigate the structural features of three interest groups, the United States, European countries and Japan, in the decision making process to build up the floating exchange system, (2) to shed lights on contemporary political alternatives, as "maintaining the fixed rate system", and (3) to reconstitute activities of international financial institutions and international monetary markets as "forums" where historical decisions took place, after non-published historical archives.After three-years research, the project reached following results : (1) Relation between international financial institutions and international monetary markets during the founding period of the floating exchange system has been made clear, focusing on the Euro-currency market, (2) Significant role of the Wicksellian economic theory upon contemporary political alternatives has been discovered, and (3) Management of the BIS has been investigated in relation to international monetary market, especially with gold market. In the course of the research, moreover, the project succeeded to make comparison between strategies of Japanese and French central banks at the Basle Committee for Banking Supervision.Above results have been presented on co-editing book (1), academic presentations at foreign associations (3), foreign peer-reviewed co-authored articles (2), and domestic peer-reviewed article (1), etc

  • Comparative Historical Study on Liberal State Interventionism and Administration of Market Economy since the Interwar Period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AMEMIYA Akihiko, YANAGISAWA Osamu, YAMAZAKI Shirou, YAGO Kazuhiko, MITSUISHI Ikuo, TANO Keiko

     View Summary

    Recently the study of modern economic history has remarkably developed. As the result we need a new frame of reference in order to explain the newly discovered historical facts. For example, with regard to Germany, the NS wage policy receives much more attention of researchers than Keynesian economic policy as an extremely important factor to explain the economic recovery in the early 1930s. Furthermore as the additional important facts concerning of our theme the following could be listed: A kind of affinity between German Neo Liberalism (Ordoliberalismus)and National Socialism, the relative normal relationship between NS State and private business firms, where private property and freedom of contract played the ample role, and the international cooperation with capitalist states including NS Germany through BIS since the Interwar period. Taking into account these research contexts, we investigated the following from the viewpoint of liberal interventionism and administration of market economy, which tries to overcome the dichotomy of either Intervention or Laissez-Faire: the historical formation of liberal interventionism concerning economic thought, finance and monetary system, and public service industry in Germany; neo liberal idea of international finance and monetary system of BIB; control and management of market in the wartime Japan; influence of NS economic thought on Wartime Japan; the relationship between Neo Liberalism and Social Market Economy since 1948 in West Germany. We hold the panel discussion on this theme in the Conference of the Political Economy and Economic History Society in 2006. We invited Professor Werner Abelshauser and Professor Jochen Streb as foreign cooperators in order to hold research meetings in Japan

  • The Comparative Study of the Economic Thought from late Nineteenth Century to Inter-war Period: Reformation of Economic Society and Designing of Economic Policy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUKAGAI Yasunori, KURITA Keiko, TAKA Tetsuo, NAKAYAMA Chikako, NISHIZAWA Tamotsu, HIMENO Junichi

     View Summary

    During the nineteenth century, the economic governance in Western Nations were mostly promoted by utilizing the phrases of progress and liberty. The individualistic social view in UK and the positivist idea and the stream of engineer-economists in France were the typical cases. However, this framework was confronted with the modification because of the new issues such as the transit of the community under the high trend of urbanization, the batting of the interest between industrial interest and the financial one, and the tensions among the social ranks.Under the change of the social situation around the fine-de-siecle, the organic view of the society got the popularity. The organicism of T.H. Green, the liberal organic view of Emile Durkheim, and the evolutional view of Herbert Spencer were adapted to explain the various social issues. For example, Emile Cheysson in France explained the condition of town life in organic perspective. Alongside the tasks of producing the scheme of social network, new issue gradually got the importance especially after the first world war: namely reconciling the international relationships in economic dimension.This research project firstly made the comparison of the evolutionary ideas of economic society among the French, British, German and American context. Secondly, the project followed the change of the historical dimension of international situation since fine-de-siecle until the interwar period, especially focusing to the scheme of British Empire, the transition of Austrian liberalism and the international monetary system. This project promoted these researches by arranging the workshops and seminars, to which those Professors Michael Freeden (Oxford, UK), Martin Daunton (Cambridge, UK), Luigino Bruni (Milano-Biccoca, Italy), Hansjorg Klausinger (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria), David Weinstein (Wake Forest, USA) and Malcolm Rutherford (Victoria, Canada) et al had joined

  • Intenational Monetary and Financial System and the BIS during the Post-War period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAGO Kazuhiko

     View Summary

    The purpose of this project was to make dear the evolution of the international monetary and financial system during the post-war period, in its relation to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Special interests have been paid on the BIS, on its theoretical background, the political feature, and the economic thoughts engaged. The BIS, founded in 1930 in order to strain the cooperation between central banks, has been a forum to negotiate and to establish financial policies of the member countries. This research project tried to reveal the historical process of central bank cooperation after the Second World War, depending upon the archival sources of the BIS, and to make analysis on the historical presuppositions of the financial globalization nowadays from the points of view either of international relations or of the international comparison. Our main focuses were as follows: German reparations problem, World Depression, Post-War planning on international financial system, Infra-European settlements scheme, Euro-Currency market, crisis of the dollar and the pound-sterling, floating rate system.The main results achieved were as followings:1. In order to understand the history of the BIS, as well as the historical development of the international financial system, especially in its relation to the central banking, the French case has been studied and some points of discussion have been proposed.2. A current of economic thoughts called "financial utopianism" has engaged to the foundation of the BIS. This current has been inquired under the comparative perspective between economic thoughts and the international financial history.3. The relation between the BIS and the Bank of Japan has been made clear after the archival studies and interviews.4. The coexistence of the BIS policies and financial crisis during the interwar period has been studied.5. To cope with the Post-war financial innovations, such as the rise of Euro-currency market or the development of the swap operations, the BIS proposed some unique policies. The project has enlightened some unknown cases.6. The BIS's cooperation with the G-10 during the period of the crisis of the fixed exchange rate system has been investigated. Thus obtained the historical perspective on the floating exchange rate system


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ISHIYAMA Yukihiko, GONJO Yasuo, YONEYAMA Takau, SOTOU Isao, FUKASAWA Atsushi, YAGO Kazuhiko

     View Summary

    In our researches during the term of project, we have explained the contribution of neo-liberalism to the reformation of capital economic systems after World War II in European countries. Many economists (including Hayek) and businessmen believing in neo-liberalism who joined in Colloque de Walter Lippmann, participated in the Mont Perelin Society founded in 1947. Through the network of neo-liberalist which was formed by the activities of the Mont Perelin Society, neo-liberalism has been reflected on the real economic policies of the European and American countries before the 1980s.About the reform of central bank, the political conception of neo-liberalism which makes great account of the market principle was incorporated in the establishment of German Federal Bank and its exchange policy in West Germany, the credit and monetary policy of the central bank in France and the reform of banking system in the United States of America. In the process of the European integration after world, war II, neo-liberalism has influenced the negotiators of the European Coal and Steel Community and European Economic Community. But we have found the various opinions about the governmental intervention in market and about the control of monopolization among the neo-liberalists in these processes of policy formation. It is remarkable that the difference of there opinions came from not only their ideas but also the economic and political situations where they found themselves

  • International Banking Activities in Asia and the London Money Market 1870-1930

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUZUKI Toshio, AKAGAWA Motoaki, YAGO Kazuhiko, KITABAYASHI Masashi, SUGAWARA Ayumu

     View Summary

    1.The Analysis of the Circulation of Funds at British Overseas BanksThe circulation of funds between the head offices and branches in the period from the 1850s to 1913 has been analyzed from the figures of the branch balance sheets at the Chartered Bank and the Chartered Mercantile Bank. The time series statistics complied from the trade goods between Britain and Asian countries have also been compared with the inwards and outwards exchange transactions of these two banks, and relations between the distribution of goods and the circulation of funds have been indicated. Furthermore, the causes of the sharp decline in silver price since the 1870s, and their actual effects on the assets and the fund position of British overseas banks have been examined. Although there has been a small number of the surviving records concerning the Oriental Bank Corporation, the most eminent British overseas bank of those days and bankrupt in 1884, its new record has been collected at the British National Archives and examined. The Hongkong Shanghai Bank's Hongkong branch new managerial records as well in the Inter-war period at the Shanghai Business History Center have been picked up and studied.2.Relations between the London Money Market and the Activities of International BanksResearches on bank histories published by British overseas banks and London clearing banks, and on concerned financial journals have been carried out. On this basis the various issues of existing studies have reviewed. The archival research on the relations between British overseas banks and the London clearing banks, the [London] City Bank and the London Joint Stock Bank, has been done and analyzed from a viewpoint of the London discount market. It has been revealed from this study that the role of London (head) offices is most important for the management of British overseas banks.3.The Analysis of German and French Overseas Banks, and of their Local ActivitiesFor German international banks, records concerning the Deutsche-Asiatische Bank, held at the Archives of the Deutsche Bank, have been investigated and collected. From these the activities of the Deutsch-Asiatiche Bank in the Shantung Province in China have been revealed ; for French international banks, the new records concerning the Banque de l'Indo-chine, the Comptoir d'Escompte and the France-Russo Banque have been pursued and their actual transactions in Asia have been studied. In particular, it has been confirmed that the record of the Franco-Russo Banque, held at the Japanese Foreign Office Archives, is useful ; for American international banks, the record of the International Banking Corporation, held at the Shanghai Business History Center, has been collected and examined

  • Synthetic Research on Transformation of National Economies and Regional Integration of Currencies and Trade from the Aspect of Economic History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AKIMOTO Eiichi, YAGO Kazuhiko, IKENO Jun, AMEMIYA Akihiko, FURUUCHI Hiroyuki, KANAI Yuichi

     View Summary

    The project achieved the following standpoints. Eiichi Akimoto in his "Globalization and American economy, " argued that the globalization of capital, labor and trade accelerated, supported among others by the interest of the "Wall Street-Treasury complex." The theory of the "new economy" appeared on the stage, stressing the weakening of business cycle. Globalism lacks polity and developing countries suffer most. Even in America. workers and middle class people work longer hours to earn less. The planned expansion of NAFTA stagnated under the nationalistic Congress.Yuichi Kanai sought the causes of Great Britain's retreat from independent trade policy in the lessening economic significance of the Sterling area in his "Changing Economic Structure in Postwar Great Britain and her Approach to the European Integration." Hiroyuki Furuuchi explicated the European origin of the West Germany's economic restoration in his 'The Dollar Clause and the Economic Resurrection of West Germany. " focusing on the neighboring countries' restructuring of trade with the West Germany, whose process paralleled with the renewal of her heavy industry. Akihiko Amemiya paid much attention on political alternatives during the Federal Congress election of 1998 in his. "Origins of Economic Policy Thoughts in Postwar German Capitalism." These originated from the interwar policy debate of competition policy. Jun Ikeno analyzed the economy and economic policy of Tanzania that experienced from the rather successful export-oriented economy to the failure in his "Suffering of Tanzania Economy." He suggests the difficulty of forming national economy under the strong government. Kazuhiko Yago traced the changing history of saving behavior and its notion in postwar France in his "The Saving Promotion Movement and Housing Finance." He stressed the significance of rearrangement of credit organizations in France. Yukihiko Ishiyama pursued the formation of federalism during the process of the European Integration in his "The Origins of the Postwar European Integration and its Early Development.

  • 国際決済銀行の政策展開

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    当初研究計画にしたがい、国際決済銀行の政策展開と各国中央銀行政策との関連を検討した。検討の中心は、さしあたりフランス銀行と日本銀行に置いた。同時に、前年度に解明した1930年代から1940年代の国際決済銀行の展開につづき、1950年代の政策過程に焦点をあてた。これらの検討に必要な資料の複写等に消耗品費の一部を利用した。また、設備備品費に予算計上した国際通貨・金融史関係図書を利用して、当該期の国際金融システムと中央銀行政策、とりわけ欧州決済同盟にかかわる図書類を購入し、資料として活用した。以上の研究の結果を、まず『歴史学研究』にて、書評のかたちで公表した。この書評は、フランス銀行と国際決済銀行との関連を研究する準備作業として、フランス銀行史にかんする最新の重要な成果である権上康男氏の著書を検証したものである。ついで、秋元英一氏の編著書にて第3章「戦後再建期の国際決済銀行」を分担執筆した。さらに、日本銀行とのかかわりについて、東京都立大学経済学会が公刊するResearch Paper Seriesに英文の論文を掲載した(第22号、2001年3月刊行)。本論文は、国際決済銀行資料室長クレメント(Piet Clement)氏、同行歴史編纂顧問のローマ大学教授トニオロ(Gianni Toniolo)氏、日本銀行アーカイブにも寄贈され、今後の国際的な検討に付されている

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    Bernard Delmas, Pierre Yves Donzé, Aleksandra Kobiljski, William Lazonick, Yunxian Wu, Kazuhiko Yago, Dominique Barjot

    Entreprises et Histoire   112 ( 3 ) 106 - 117  2024.12

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • 経常収支調整の国際的文脈(1964-75年)――OECDにおける「目標値」論争と日本の対応

    矢後 和彦

    日本銀行『金融研究所ディスカッション・ペーパー・シリーズ』   2023-J-1   1 - 59  2023  [Refereed]

  • 書評 中村督著『言論と経営 : 戦後フランス社会における「知識人の雑誌」』

    矢後 和彦

    経営史学 = Japan business history review / 経営史学会 編   57 ( 3 ) 23 - 25  2022.12

  • Handbook of the history of money and currency

    Stefano Battilossi, Youssef Cassis, Kazuhiko Yago

    Handbook of the History of Money and Currency     1 - 1094  2020.01


     View Summary

    This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art research in the field of monetary and financial history. The authors comprise different generations of leading scholars from universities worldwide. Thanks to its unrivaled breadth both in time (from antiquity to the present) and geographical coverage (from Europe to the Americas and Asia), the volume is set to become a key reference for historians, economists, and social scientists with an interest in the subject. The handbook reflects the existing variety of scholarly approaches in the field, from theoretically driven macroeconomic history to the political economy of monetary institutions and the historical evolution of monetary policies. Its thematic sections cover a wide range of topics, including the historical origins of money; money, coinage, and the state; trade, money markets, and international currencies; money and metals; monetary experiments; Asian monetary systems; exchange rate regimes; monetary integration; central banking and monetary policy; and aggregate price shocks.


  • Les voies multiples du développement en asie

    Michel Pierre Chélini, Bernard Delmas, Gilles Guiheux, Paul Jobin, Jules Naudet, Harm Schröter, Pierre Van Der Eng, Jue Wang, Kazuhiko Yago, Dominique Barjot

    Entreprises et Histoire   90   114 - 137  2018.04


  • 書評 牧野裕著『IMFと世界銀行の誕生 : 英米の通貨協力とブレトンウッズ会議』

    矢後 和彦

    社会経済史学 = Socio-economic history   83 ( 1 ) 157 - 160  2017


  • A crisis manager for the international monetary and financial system? The rise and fall of the OECD working party 3, 1961-1980

    Kazuhiko Yago

    The OECD and the International Political Economy Since 1948     185 - 208  2017.01

     View Summary

    Throughout the postwar period, economic policy-makers, economic experts, and international officials were involved in bilateral and multilateral negotiations over the architecture, stability, and reform of the international monetary and financial system. The Working Party 3 (WP3) of the OECD’s Economic Policy Committee (EPC) was a key platform for such negotiations. Focusing on this influential but little understood body, this chapter analyzes how international experts within the WP3 dealt with the crises of the international monetary system in the decade before and after the 1971 collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary system. It appraises not only the rise of the WP3 as a “crisis manager” of the international monetary system, but also describes its demise during the 1970s to the early 1980s.


  • IMFとフランス——ブレトンウッズ秩序の多元性


    伊藤正直・浅井良夫編著『戦後IMF史——創生と変容——』(名古屋大学出版会)     162 - 187  2014.07

  • 露清銀行・インドシナ銀行 1896-1913年


    西村閑也・鈴木俊夫・赤川元章編著『国際銀行とアジア 1870-1913』(慶応義塾大学出版会)     1211 - 1270  2014.06

  • 1960年代の国際通貨体制とOECD——経済政策委員会第三作業部会の創設と初期の活動——


    『経済学論究』(関西学院大学)   68 ( 1 ) 111 - 137  2014.06  [Refereed]


  • Crisis Management in the International Monetary and Financial System: OECD Working Party 3 (1961-1979)

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    『早稲田商学』   ( 439 ) 315 - 340  2014.03

  • 露清銀行上海支店の営業活動(1902年)


    東北大学『研究年報経済学』   74 ( 4 ) 81 - 96  2014.03  [Refereed]

  • 権上康男著, 『通貨統合の歴史的起源-資本主義世界の大転換とヨーロッパの選択-』, 日本経済評論社, 2013年3月, 548頁, 10,000円+税

    矢後 和彦

    社会経済史学   80 ( 2 ) 273 - 276  2014


  • 国際決済銀行の過去と現在


    成城大学経済研究所年報   ( 26 ) 97 - 128  2013.04

  • ユーロ危機の原因、影響、展望 : 危機の表層と深層 (特集 国際経済と通貨問題)

    矢後 和彦

    農村と都市をむすぶ   63 ( 4 ) 24 - 32  2013.04


  • The financial history of the bank for international settlements

    Kazuhiko Yago

    The Financial History of the Bank for International Settlements     1 - 241  2013.01


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    The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), founded in 1930, works as the “Bank for Central Banks”. The BIS is an international forum where central bankers and officials gather to cope with international financial issues, and a bank which invests the funds of the member countries. This book is a historical study on the BIS, from its foundation to the 1970s. Using archival sources of the Bank and financial institutions of the member countries, this book aims to clarify how the BIS faced the challenges of contemporary international financial system.
    The book deals with following subjects: Why and how the BIS has been founded? How did the BIS cope with the Great Depression in the 1930s? Was the BIS responsible for the looted gold incident during WWII? After the dissolution sentence at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, how did the BIS survive? How did the BIS act during the dollar crisis in the 1960s and the 1970s? A thorough analysis of the balance sheets supports the archival investigation on the above issues.
    The BIS has been, and is still an institution which proposes an “alternative views”: Crisis manager under the Great Depression of the 1930s, peace feeler during the WWII, market friendly bank in the golden age of the Keynesian interventionism, and crisis fighter during the recent world financial turmoil. Harmonizing the methodology of economic history, international finances and history of economic thoughts, the book traces the past events to the current world economy under financial crisis.


  • The Russo-Chinese Bank (1896-1910): An International Bank in Russia and Asia

    Kazuhiko Yago

    The Origins of International Banking in Asia: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries     145 - 165  2012.09

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    It was not only British and French banks that developed extensive operations in the Far East before the First World War for there were representatives from Germany and Russia as well as other countries. This chapter provides an account of a Russian bank that expanded into China at this time. This bank had a strong French connection, with a branch in Paris, and opened branches in both Siberia and China. What this reveals is Russia as a European power expanding eastwards, and this included China because of a common land border. To this bank the expansion into China was little more than an extension of its domestic operations unlike the other international banks that developed in Asia at this time. It thus operated more as domestic bank, accepting deposits and making loans, rather than being heavily engaged in the finance of trade and international financial flows.


  • 第2章 フランス


    国際銀行史研究会編『金融の世界史——貨幣・信用・証券の系譜——』     67 - 98  2012.09  [Refereed]

  • 世界銀行の対仏借款——ブレトンウッズ秩序におけるフランス——


    『早稲田商学』   ( 432 ) 63 - 109  2012.06


  • The Russo-Chinese Bank (1896-1910): an International Bank in Russia and Asia

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Shizuya Nishimura, Toshio Suzuki, Ranald Michie, eds., The Origins of International Banking in Asia, the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Oxford University Press     145 - 165  2012


  • La Banque du Japon dans le système monétaire international (1945-1985)

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Olivier Feiertag et Michel Margairaz, dirs., Les banques centrales à l'échelle du monde, Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques     127 - 145  2012

  • Русско-Китайский банк в 1896–1910 гг.:международный финансовый посредник в России и Азии

    Казухико Яго

    Экономическая история: Ежегодник   2011/2012   293 - 314  2012

  • La Banque du Japon dans le système monétaire international (1945-1985)

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Olivier Feiertag et Michel Margairaz, dirs., Les banques centrales à l'échelle du monde, Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques     127 - 145  2012

  • Русско-Китайский банк в 1896–1910 гг.:международный финансовый посредник в России и Азии

    Казухико Яго

    Экономическая история: Ежегодник   2011/2012   293 - 314  2012

  • 世界経済の編成原理はどう変わってきたか——国際金融機関の論争史


    伊藤正直・藤井史朗編著『グローバル化・金融危機・地域再生』(日本経済評論社)     57 - 81  2011.11  [Refereed]

  • La BRI et le système monétaire international (1944-1958): la diagonale de Per Jacobsson

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Olivier Feiertag et Isabelle Lespinet-Moret, dirs., L’Economie faite homme, hommage à Alain Plessis, Droz     165 - 190  2010

  • The Anatomy and Pathology of Empire: Three Balance Sheets of Russian and Soviet Banks

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Kimitaka Matsuzato, ed., Comparative Imperiology, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University     61 - 86  2010

  • La BRI et le système monétaire international (1944-1958): la diagonale de Per Jacobsson

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Olivier Feiertag et Isabelle Lespinet-Moret, dirs., L’Economie faite homme, hommage à Alain Plessis, Droz     165 - 190  2010

  • The Anatomy and Pathology of Empire: Three Balance Sheets of Russian and Soviet Banks

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    Kimitaka Matsuzato, ed., Comparative Imperiology, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University     61 - 86  2010

  • 戦後再建期の国際決済銀行


    グローバリゼーションと国民経済の選択   3  2010


  • 戦時BISにおける市場認識と戦後構想——ペール・ヤコブソンの政策論を中心に——


    雨宮昭彦・J.シュトレープ編著『管理された市場経済の生成——介入的自由主義の比較経済史——』日本経済評論社     137 - 182  2009.03

  • 露亜銀行(1910-1926年)覚書


    左近幸村編『近代東北アジアの誕生』北海道大学出版会     163 - 178  2008.12  [Refereed]

  • 篠永宣孝著, 『フランス帝国主義と中国-第一次世界大戦前の中国におけるフランスの外交・金融・商工業-』, 春風社, 2008年2月, 443+67頁, 6,000円

    矢後 和彦

    社会経済史学   74 ( 3 ) 309 - 311  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 『国際金融史』(新・国際金融テキスト2)を編んで

    上川 孝夫, 矢後 和彦

    書斎の窓   ( 564 ) 17 - 21  2007.05


  • 国際金融機関史


    国際金融史   10  2007


  • Wicksellian Tradition at the Bank for International Settlements: Per Jacobsson on Money and Credit

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    経済学史研究   48 ( 2 ) 1 - 18  2006.12

  • Wicksellian Tradition at the Bank for International Settlements: Per Jacobsson on Money and Credit

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    経済学史研究   48 ( 2 ) 1 - 18  2006.12

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    The aim of our paper is to study the intellectual origins of policy selection at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), putting together the new findings in economic history with the achievements in the history of economic thought in this field. Founded in 1930 to cope with the German reparations problem, the BIS encouraged Central Bank Cooperation. Its official and unofficial decision-making takes place at the monthly Governors' Meeting, while its daily operation is handled by the back offices. Among these offices, the Monetary and Economic Department was the most important for its theoretical activities. In this study, we focus on a man who led the policy of the BIS from the 1930s to the 1950s: Per Jacobsson. Born in 1894 in Sweden, Jacobsson began his career as an international economist while moving in the circle of Stockholm School of Economics. Jacobsson has been at the head of the Monetary and Economic Department of the BIS for over 20 years. Through this man, exceptionally productive in both theory and practice, we will observe the process through which a certain intellectual trend of idea develops in the BIS. We will pay special attention to Jacobsson's relationship with Knut Wicksell, whose thought would be an influence on this international institution.


  • ユーロ・カレンシー市場と国際決済銀行—1950-60年代の新自由主義と国際金融市場—


    権上康男編著『新自由主義と戦後資本主義—欧米における歴史的経験—』日本経済評論社     369 - 495  2006.12  [Refereed]

  • La masse monétaire en France, 1890-1913

    Shizuya NISHIMURA e, Kazuhiko YAGO

    Histoire, Economie et Société   2006 ( 2 ) 195 - 211  2006

  • La masse monétaire en France, 1890-1913

    Shizuya NISHIMURA e, Kazuhiko YAGO

    Histoire, Economie et Société   2006 ( 2 ) 195 - 211  2006

  • フランスにおける銀行制度の歴史

    Plessis Alain, 矢後 和彦

    日仏文化   ( 71 ) 81 - 104  2005.03


  • L’Elite managériale au Japon : le cas des banques

    Masanori SATO e, Kazuhiko YAGO

    Entreprises et Histoire   2005 ( 41 ) 71 - 88  2005

  • L’Elite managériale au Japon : le cas des banques

    Masanori SATO e, Kazuhiko YAGO

    Entreprises et Histoire   2005 ( 41 ) 71 - 88  2005

  • フランス(現代, ヨーロッパ, 2004年の歴史学界-回顧と展望-)

    矢後 和彦

    史学雑誌   114 ( 5 ) 956 - 959  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • ミッシェル・マルゲラズ著(廣田功・権上康男訳), 『20世紀フランス資本主義史論-国家・経済・社会-』, 日本経済評論社, 2004年4月, vi+203頁, 2,500円

    矢後 和彦

    社会経済史学   70 ( 6 ) 752 - 754  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • 1930年代のフランスにおける金融制度改革—規制の起源と変容—


    安部悦生編 『金融規制はなぜ始まったのか—大恐慌と金融制度の改革—』日本経済評論社     123 - 154  2003.12

  • フランス系国際銀行の海外戦略(19-20世紀)


    日仏経営学会誌   ( 20 ) 52 - 62  2003.05  [Refereed]

  • La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations et les Caisses d'Epargne

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    A.Aglan, M.Margairaz, P.Verheyde, eds., La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et le XXe siècle, Albin Michel     145 - 161  2003

  • La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations et les Caisses d'Epargne

    Kazuhiko YAGO

    A.Aglan, M.Margairaz, P.Verheyde, eds., La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et le XXe siècle, Albin Michel     145 - 161  2003

  • 書評 原輝史著『フランス戦間期経済史研究』(日本経済評論社,1999年)

    矢後 和彦

    早稲田商学   ( 391 ) 561 - 566  2001.12


  • 書評 権上康男『フランス資本主義と中央銀行--フランス銀行近代化の歴史』

    矢後 和彦

    歴史学研究   ( 746 ) 55 - 58  2001.02


  • 戦後再建期の国際決済銀行―ペール・ヤコブソンの軌跡から―


    秋元英一編著『グローバリゼーションと国民経済の選択』(東京大学出版会)     101 - 130  2001

  • 第二次大戦後のフランスにおける貯蓄対策と貯蓄観―全国貯蓄運動と繰延信用会社―


    伊藤正直、靎見誠良、浅井良夫編著『金融危機と革新―歴史から現代へ―』(日本経済評論社)     249 - 288  2000

  • Summary of General Review Session(The Twentieth Century Capitalism : Reexamination of its History and Review of Methodologies,Special Issue of Commemoration : Papers Read at the Fiftieth Anniversary Conference of the Political Economy and Economic History

    Tano Keiko, Yago Kazuhiko

    The Journal of Agrarian History   0 ( 0 ) 265 - 268  1999


  • ケネス・ムーレ著(山口正之監訳,向井喜典ほか訳), 『大恐慌とフランス通貨政策-ポアンカレ・フランの管理の経済的理解と政治的拘束,1926〜1936年-』, 晃洋書房, 1997年12月, 504+xx頁, 6,200円

    矢後 和彦

    社会経済史学   65 ( 1 ) 120 - 121  1999

    DOI CiNii

  • Caisse des Depots et Consignations sous la Grande Dapression

    Yago KazuhiKo

    Journal of the Faculty of Economics, Tokyo Metropolitan University   80 ( 80 ) 17 - 53  1996.01


  • Caisse des Depots et Consignations pendant la stabilisation monetaire(1928-1931)

    Yago Kazuhiko

    Journal of the Faculty of Economics, Tokyo Metropolitan University   78 ( 78 ) p57 - 88  1995.03


  • Caisse des Depots et Consignations (1919-1928)--A propos de la politique de l'emploi des fonds (2)

    YAGO Kazuhiko

    The Journal of economics   60 ( 3 ) p92 - 116  1994.10


  • Caisse des Depots et Consignations (1919-1928)--A propos de la politique de l'emploi des fonds (1)

    YAGO Kazuhiko

    The Journal of economics   60 ( 2 ) p41 - 68  1994.07


  • The American Aid to Europe and the Integration of Europe

    Girault Rene, Hirota Isao, Yago Kazuhiko

    The Journal of Agrarian History   35 ( 4 ) 48 - 57  1993


  • Controversies on Popular Savings in France (1919-1936)

    Yago Kazuhiko

    The Journal of Agrarian History   35 ( 1 ) 33 - 44  1992


  • The Currency Crisis in 1920's France

    Yago Kazuhiko

    The Journal of Agrarian History   29 ( 3 ) 23 - 37  1987

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    This paper is a historical analysis of the currency crisis in 1920's France in its relation to the completion of "Le franc Poincare". The franc depreciation right after the World War I appeared in compound relation to the triple critical situation of the post-war French economy : inflation, trade balance deficit, and financial difficulty. This relation was reorganized through the restoration process from the economic crisis in 1920, and then the currency crisis was directly connected to the financial difficulty. During the process, industrial firms gained export premium, and commercial banks were forming monetary circuit by rediscounting of the accepted government bonds. Early in 1924, the exchange rate of the franc sharply failed. In the socio-economic critical situation, the Cartel des Gauches won the election in May 1924. The Cartel des Gauches administration tried several political measures against the currency crisis such as foundation of capital levy and consolidation of the floating debts. However, heading to the collapse of the administration, the government bond issue which was then the only possible political choice, faced a severe difficulty. In July 1926, after the collapse of the second Herriot cabinet, Poincare was inaugurated the prime minister, and the franc stabilization was set about. In the final phase of the currency crisis, industrial firms and commercial banks had changed their tactics from "anti-inflation" to "the approval of inflation". The financial difficulty and the recession in the summer of 1926 were the background of their decision. "Le franc Poincare" was a result of the inflationist decision.

    DOI CiNii

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  • Faculty of Commerce   Graduate School of Commerce

Research Institute

  • 2019

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 開発と経済成長のプロソポグラフィ


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  • 開発金融史のフロンティア――世界銀行の理論と政策――


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     本研究課題は、世界銀行の理論と政策を歴史的に検討することを通じて「開発金融史」という新しい研究領域を構想するものである。今年度の特定課題研究を通じて、研究者・矢後は、Dominique Barjot教授(パリ第4大学)、Harm Schroeter教授(ベルゲン大学)と共同研究を立ち上げて各国における戦後の開発と成長の比較史的研究に着手し、日本における世銀借款の役割を論じた報告を欧州経営史学会(ベルゲン、2016年8月)で行った。また、世銀と対抗しつつ開発政策を主導したOECD(経済協力開発機構)の歴史研究にも係属して、Matthieu Leimgruber教授(チューリヒ大学)との多年にわたるプロジェクト研究の成果を英文書籍に取りまとめた。

  • 東北アジアにおける金融インフラストラクチャーの歴史的構造


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     本研究は、19世紀末から20世紀中葉にいたる時期の東北アジアを対象として、当該地域における金融インフラストラクチャーの歴史的構造を経済史の視点からあきらかにすることを課題とした。本研究は、当該地域の金融史を直接にあつかいながらも、同時に国際金融システムとの連関を追求し、以って東北アジアにおける金融システムの世界史的位置を展望しようとしたものである。その成果の概要は以下のとおりである。 第一に、本研究の中核的な対象となる露清銀行(1896年創業、1910年改組)・露亜銀行(1910年創業、1926年破綻)の経営史を解明した。本研究では、一次資料に即した企業内部の動向、および東北アジアの経済・政治情勢との関連を中心に検討をすすめ、とりわけロシアの貿易構造のなかにこれら銀行の貿易金融の実態を位置づけるという点で顕著な成果があった。具体的には、帝政ロシアの貿易統計を活用しつつ、露清銀行・露亜銀行等の手形の仕向先・決済形態等の連関が実証されることとなった。その成果は以下の共同論文集の一章として掲載が決定した。 第二に、ロシア極東・中国東北部の決済慣行の一端を解明した。とりわけウラジオストク・香港・上海など貿易決済市場の役割とそれら市場における英系・仏系銀行の活動実態が明らかになった。具体的には英系のGlyn Mills and Currie等のいわゆる手形交換所加盟銀行、また仏系のComptoir National d'Escompte de Paris等の預金銀行における収益構造と貿易決済市場の内的な連関が検証された。その成果の一部は2011年7月に研究代表者が中心となって組織した国際コンファレンスで英文で報告された。 第三に、上述の歴史的実証をふまえた「金融インフラストラクチャー」論の理論的展開に着手した。その成果は2012年7月に南アフリカで開催される国際経済史学会のコンファレンスで報告される。当該セッションは「Imperial Banking」という視点から諸地域の金融インフラストラクチャーと銀行業務を比較する歴史研究を指向しており、国際経済史会議のエントリーをすでに受理されている。申請者は当該セッションのオーガナイザーをつとめており、現在、セッション報告の総括に向けて海外の研究者と連携して準備を進めているところである。