Updated on 2025/02/08


Faculty of Law, Waseda Law School
Job title
Positions Held:
1979-1982 Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo; Research Fellow
1982-1993 Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University, Tokyo; Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor
1993-1995 Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo; Associate Professor
1995-2014 School of Law, University of Tokyo; Professor
2007-2008 School of Law, University of Tokyo; Dean
From 2014 School of Law, Waseda University; Professor
Positions outside university:
2003-2007 General Secretary, Japan Association of Law Schools
2004 Visiting Professor at New York University, School of Law
2004-2014 Member of the Executive Committee, the International Association of Constitutional Law (vice-president from 2007 to 2014)
2005-2014 Member of Japan Science Council
2013 Visiting Professor at Colombia University, Law School
2014-2019 Member of the Boundary Commission for the Lower House of Parliament
2014-2016 Member of the Commission on Legal Institutions of Local Government
2015-2017 President, Japan Association of Constitutional Law
2016 2016 Weng Yuan-Chang Foundation Chair Professor at National Taiwan University, College of Law
2016- President, Japan Association of Public Law

Research Experience

  • 1995.04

    University of Tokyo   Graduate Schools for Law and Politics   Professor


    Waseda University   Waseda Law School   Professor

Education Background


    The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Law  


    The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Law  

Committee Memberships

  • 2016.10

    Japan Public Law Association  President

Professional Memberships





Research Areas

  • Public law


  • ジャン・ボダンの主権論に関する覚書


       2024.08  [Invited]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • ローレンツ・フォン・シュタインを読むベッケンフェルデ

    長谷部 恭男

    早稲田法学   99 ( 3 ) 325 - 347  2024.05

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • The Structured proportionality Principle as the Global Test of Constitutionality

    Yasuo Hasebe

    Comparative Law Review   57 ( 3 ) 1 - 23  2024.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Freedom of Speech in Japan: An Inquiry into Media Ownership and Control

    Yasuo Hasebe

    Waseda Bulletin of Comparative Law   42   1 - 8  2024.01

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • マックス・ウェーバー国家論序説

    長谷部 恭男

    比較法学   57 ( 2 ) 1 - 18  2023.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 付随的制約法理から二重効果理論へ


    現代憲法学の理論と課題     5 - 19  2023.09  [Invited]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • ジャン─マリー・ダンカンの憲法理論に関する覚書


    比較法学   57 ( 1 ) 1 - 25  2023.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Yasuo Hasebe, Review of Linda Colley, The Gun, The Ship and The Pen: Warfare, Constitutions, and the Making of the Modern World

    Yasuo Hasebe

    International Journal of Constitutional Law   23 ( 1 ) 1 - 6  2023.02  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Corresponding author


  • イギリス国王の立法の裁可と同意


    早稲田大学法学会100周年記念論文集 公法・基礎法篇    2022.12

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • 裁判官の良心について


    判例時報   ( 2520 ) 122 - 128  2022.08  [Invited]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • デジタル情報空間における放送と放送法制


    ジュリスト   ( 1574 ) 14 - 19  2022.08  [Invited]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Judges' Conscience and Constitutional Reasoning

    Yasuo Hasebe

    Academia Sinica Law Journal   ( 27 ) 1 - 28  2020.09  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • An Introduction to Spinoza's Political Theory

    Yasuo Hasebe

    Comparative Law Review   53 ( 2 ) 1 - 41  2019.12

  • The Myth of 'Invicible Militua'

    HASEBE Yasuo

    Waseda Law School Journal   ( 4 ) 1 - 16  2019.10

  • Between the Rule of Recognition and a Written Constitution

    HASEBE Yasuo

    Waseda Hogaku   94 ( 4 ) 417 - 436  2019.09  [Refereed]

  • The Supreme Court of Japan. one step forward (but only discreetly)

    HASEBE Yasuo

      16 ( 2 ) 673 - 681  2018.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • The End of Constitutional Pacifism?

    HASEBE Yasuo

      26 ( 1 ) 125 - 136  2017.01  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Book Review: Making We the People by Chaihark Hahm and Sung Ho Kim

    HASEBE Yasuo

      11 ( 2 ) 329 - 334  2016  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing

    HASEBE Yasuo

    Percorsi constituzionali   ( 1 ) 133 - 140  2014  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • A Note on Kant's Legal Theory : Between Law and Morality

    Hasebe Yasuo

    St. Paul's review of law and politics   82   384 - 400  2011.04

    DOI CiNii

  • The Reception of the Rechtsstaat Concept in Japan

    HASEBE Yasuo

    National Taiwan University Law Review   4 ( 1 ) 217 - 224  2009  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • On the Dispensability of the Concept of Constituent Power

    HASEBE Yasuo

      3 ( 1 ) 39 - 51  2009  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Why we should obey our constitution?

    Hasebe Yasuo

    tits   11 ( 2 ) 22 - 23  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • The Rule of Law and Its Predicament

    HASEBE Yasuo

      17 ( 4 ) 489 - 500  2004.12  [Refereed]

  • Constitutional Borrowing and Political Theory

    HASEBE Yasuo

      1 ( 2 ) 224 - 243  2003  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • The Force to Rule, the Force to Resist:the Case of John Locke

    Hasebe Yasuo

    THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW   2001 ( 54 ) 116 - 129,260  2001

     View Summary

    Modern constitutionalism intends to construct a liberal society in which various people embracing incommensurable ideas can both lead autonomous private lives and share the benefits of social collaborations. John Locke is one of the thinkers who tried to answer this general problem. But his political theory, in particular his theory on the right of resistance, was also a response to the particular predicament he got into. Having failed to exclude James from the royal succession, he discarded his absolutist attitude and legitimatised forcible attempts to topple Charles II and then the invasion of William of Orange. In doing so he characterised the resistance to an oppressive government as an "appeal to Heaven". Drawing on the achievements of recent studies of political philosophy, the author interprets his theory not as libertarian but utilitarian one that takes into account pleasures and pains of the other world as well as of this world.

    DOI CiNii

  • Comment on Professor Ghai's Lecture

    Hasebe Yasuo

    The Nagoya journal of law and politics   182   31 - 34  2000.06

    DOI CiNii

  • The Basic Idea of Professor Hirai's Basic Theory of Law

    Hasebe Yasuo

    THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW   1993 ( 45 ) 171 - 174,327  1993

     View Summary

    Professor Hirai's Basic Theory of Law seems to presuppose that legal disputes can be usually resolved by rational argumentation. The author argues that this optimism is justifiable if most lawyers in a given society receive a body of inter-subjective consensus which provides them guidance in what is conceived to be the rational determination of disputes. Such a presupposition was defended by the traditional common law theorists like Sir Matthew Hale or W.Blackstone, while criticized by positivistic thinkers like Thomas Hobbes or Jeremy Bentham.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • 歴史と理性と憲法と 憲法学の散歩道2

    長谷部恭男( Part: Sole author)

    勁草書房  2023.04 ISBN: 9784326451289

  • Constitutional Law 8th ed

    Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Sole author)

    2022.02 ISBN: 9784883843381

  • Constitutional Law: 24 Introductory Lectures 2nd ed

    Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Sole author)

    2022.02 ISBN: 9784641227828

  • Towards a Normal Constitutional State : The Trajectory of Japanese Constitutionalism

    長谷部, 恭男

    Waseda University Press  2021.12 ISBN: 9784657217011

  • God, Nature, and Constitutional Law

    Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Sole author)

    2021.11 ISBN: 9784326451265

  • The Starting Station for Law Students

    ( Part: Sole author)

    2021.07 ISBN: 9784641126282

  • 憲法の階梯 = A constitutional stairway

    長谷部, 恭男( Part: Sole author)

    有斐閣  2021.04 ISBN: 9784641228016

  • War and Law

    Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Sole author)

    2020.07 ISBN: 9784163912387

  • Routledge Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Change

    Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Contributor, chapter 26 Constitutional Changes in Japan)

    Routledge  2020

  • Revolutionary constitutionalism : law, legitimacy, power

    Revolutionary Constitutionalism Conference, Albert, Richard (Law professor), Yale Law School, Ackerman, Bruce A.( Part: Joint author, chapter 10 Constitutional Revolution, Legal Positivism and Constituent Power)

    Hart  2020 ISBN: 9781509934577

  • Constitutional Law Magnified

    Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Sole author)

    2019.11 ISBN: 9784904702796

  • Constitutional Courts in Asia

    HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Chapter 12 'The Supreme Court of Japan: A Judicial Court, Not Necessarily a Constitutional Court')

    Cambridge University Press  2018.09

  • The Labyrinth of Incommensurable Values

    ( Part: Sole author)

    2018.04 ISBN: 9784130311915

  • New Developments in Constitutional Law

    HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Chapter 11 'Constitutional Borrowing: The Case of the Monarchial Principle')

    Eleven International  2018

  • Regulation of Telecommunication in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Conparative Constitutional Law

    HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Encyclpedia entry)

    Oxford University Press  2017.07

  • Essays on Constitutional Reasoning

    ( Part: Sole author)

    2017.05 ISBN: 9784641227163

  • Imposed Constitutions in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law

    HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Encyclpedia entry)

    Oxford University Press  2016.07

  • Constitutional Reason, expanded edition

    University of Tokyo Press  2016.04 ISBN: 9784130311861

  • An Inquiry into the Existence of Global Values

    HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Chapter 12 'Japan')

    Hart Publishing  2015

  • The Concept of Law, 3rd edition

    ( Part: Sole translator)

    2014.12 ISBN: 4480096485


  • 憲法学のフロンティア

    長谷部, 恭男( Part: Sole author)

    岩波書店  2013.10 ISBN: 9784000286749

  • circus constitutionis

    ( Part: Sole author)

    2013.05 ISBN: 9784000227919

  • Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law

    HASEBE Yasuo, Cesare Pinelli( Part: Contributor, Chapter 1 'Constitutions')

    Routledge  2013

  • The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law

    HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Chapter 22 'War Powers')

    Oxford University Press  2012

  • Boundaries of Constitutional Law

    HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Sole author)

    Hatori Shoten  2009.07 ISBN: 9784904702024

  • National Constitutions in the Era of Integration

    Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Contributor, Chapter 7 'Why We Should Not Take Sovereignty Too Seriously')

    Kluwer Law International  1999

  • テレビの憲法理論―多メディア・多チャンネル時代の放送法制

    長谷部 恭男( Part: Sole author)

    弘文堂  1992.12 ISBN: 4335351224


  • 権力への懐疑―憲法学のメタ理論 (現代憲法理論叢書)

    長谷部 恭男( Part: Sole author)

    日本評論社  1991.05 ISBN: 4535579563


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  • The New Comparative Political Process Theory: Its Legitimacy and Applicability in Japan

    Yasuo Hasebe  [Invited]

    Symposium: The New Comparative Political Process Theory 

    Presentation date: 2023.04

    Event date:
  • Constituional Revolution, Popular Agency, and Lex Regia

    Yasuo Hasebe  [Invited]

    Symposium on Constitutionalism and Legitimacy in Asia and the Pacific 

    Presentation date: 2022.12

    Event date:
  • What is the Constitutional Identity of Japan?

    Yasuo Hasebe

    The 9th Asian Constitutional Law Forum 

    Presentation date: 2022.05

  • Freedom of Speech in Japan

    Yasuo Hasebe  [Invited]

    The 9th Asian Constitutional Law Forum 

    Presentation date: 2022.05

  • 法とは何か

    長谷部恭男  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • What is the Constitutional Identity of Japan?

    Yasuo Hasebe  [Invited]

    Constitutional Identity: Round Tabe of the International Association of Constitutional Law 

    Presentation date: 2021.06

    Event date:
  • Kant’s Rechtsstaat and Its Reception in Japan

    Yasuo Hasebe

    The 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

    Event date:
  • Judges' Conscience and Constitutional Reasoning

    HASEBE Yasuo  [Invited]

    Conference on Theory and Practice of Constitutional Interpretation 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Constitutional Revolution, Legal Positivism, and Constituent Power

    HASEBE Yasuo  [Invited]

    the Conference on Revolutionalry Constitutionalism at Yale Law School 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Emergency Powers in Japan

    HASEBE Yasuo  [Invited]

    The 10th World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Imposed Constitutions

    HASEBE Yasuo  [Invited]

    Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies at the University of Melbourne 

    Presentation date: 2016.08

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Research Projects

  • 君主制原理の諸相

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    長谷部 恭男

  • 近代立憲主義の理論的・歴史的基盤

    野村財団  社会科学助成

    Project Year :



  • Contemporary Problems of Freedom of Speech

    Nomura Foundation 

    Project Year :


  • The Modern Significance of the Monarchical Principle

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • Japan's Constitutional Identity

    Nomura Foundation  Grant for Social Science

    Project Year :


  • External Influences on Constitutional Building Processes

    Nomura Foundation  Grants-in-Aid for Social Science Research

    Project Year :


    HASEBE Yasuo

  • The Origin snd Development of the Monarchical Principle

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASEBE Yasuo

  • 法曹倫理の三元的展開──当事者・法曹・専門職自治組織の役割

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


    森際 康友

  • Evolution of East Asian Laws and Japanese Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FOOTE Daniel, IWAMURA Masahiko, OHTA Masahiko, OBUCHI Tetsuya, OMURA Atsushi, KAKIUCHI Shusuke, GOTO Gen, HASEBE Yasuo, FUJITA Tomotaka, MATSUBARA Kentaro

     View Summary

    Purpose of this research project is to find out characteristics of East Asian Laws and trend of their future evolution by analyzing their recent one as well as to examine Japanese Law’s position in the context of evolution of Asian laws evolution in order to stimulate further development of research on Asian laws.
    Principal investigator and Co-investigators have conducted researches on 4 issues “Judicial system”, “fertility declining and aging society”, “Financial and capital market” and “Information and communication” by collaborating with Asian researchers (from China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore etc.), American and European researchers. Therefore, the purpose this research was almost attained.

  • 法曹の職域拡大に伴う法曹倫理の展開

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


    森際 康友

  • 法曹養成における職業倫理教育の理論と方法

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


    森際 康友

  • 裁判官倫理の司法的機能の研究とその法曹教育への適用

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費

    Project Year :


    森際 康友

  • Secondary Stage of IT Revolution and the Legal System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUNADA Masayuki, EGUCHI Kiminori, HASEBE Yasuo, SUZUKI Hidemi, OTO Yoshihiro, TOJO Yoshizumi

     View Summary

    The summary of the research results are as follows.
    Firstly we could work on the draft for the revision of "The Modern Development of Broadcasting System", edited by Profs. Funada and Hasebe.
    This work is a little behind the schedule due to the changes in the circumstances surrounding the Broadcasting. Secondly, behind these changes in circumstances are the several movements leading to the amendments of Broadcasting Law.
    For example,(1) legal issues on NHK (2)amendments of law concerning the relaxation of the exclusion principle of massmedia concentration(3) distribution of the terrestrial digital broadcast by Internet Our co-research is targetting on the above mentioned movements.
    Individual research result will be disclosed and put together into one book.
    Prof. Hasebe is responsible for the comparison research on NHK issues with those of BBC.
    Concerning the relaxation of the exclusion principle of the concentration, concentration through holding company is exceptionally allowed.
    The Internet distribution of the terrestrial digital broadcast contains some problems, so we need more discussions.

  • ボーダレス化時代における法システムの再構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    渡辺 浩, 江頭 憲治郎, 碓井 光明, 塩川 伸明, 西川 洋一, 城山 英明, 大村 敦志, 中谷 和弘, 長谷部 恭男

     View Summary


  • The Impact of IT Revolution and Legal System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUNADA Masayuki, YASUNISHI Fumio, HASEBE Yasuo, EGUCHI Kiminori, TOJO Yoshizumi, HASIMOTO Hiroyuki

     View Summary

    The result of our research on the theme "How the public policy and legal system concerning telecommunication,broadcasting and information in IT Revolution should be" is as follows.
    Firstly,"the public interest" the key word of existing broadcastingsystem and accompanying legal system, particular to broadcasting, should be firmly maintained in the coming future. Especially "Freedom of broadcasting", which can be valued as the basic conditions for democratic society, should not be changed just because other conditions such as digitalization of broadcasting have evolved.
    But we understand that there is a new task not to widen the definition of "broadcasting", since there aremany marginal services coming from "the fusion of telecommunication and broadcasting"
    Secondly, broadcasting as well as telecommunication should be divided into hardware and software. And competition should occur in each field, Particularly it is required to form an environment where broadcasing software can be produced and distributed freely.
    Thirdly, pertaining to the broadcasting-like services or business information supplying services on internet, it is the nainstream to protect the writing into electronic bulletin board on certain conditions as freedom of expression rather than defamation of character. The provider responsibility law is on the same line. We cannot help judging individually which we should weigh more, victim's right or "secrecy of communication"/ "freedom of expression" and its legal risk is increasing. Same thing can be said on broadcasting. Actually in recent years more and more broadcasting programs are regulated in consideration of human rights. In future we should try to establish a system with limited risks.

  • Broadcasting System in the Age of Digitalization

    Ministry of Education  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Yasuo Hasebe

  • Information Law in the Era of Digitalization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASEBE Yasuo

     View Summary

    The results of this research are classified into 4 categories : (1) those on guiding ideas of broadcasting regime, (2) those on the roles and financial resources of public broadcasters, (3) those on telecommunications regulation, and (4) convergences of broadcasting and telecommunications. regarding (1), one of the most crucial questions is why we should regulate broadcasting in this digitalizing era and to what extent. As a result of the research, the author reached the conclusion that we should change our views on the freedom of mass media as well as those on the rationales on broadcasters should be examined from the viewpoint of the roles of the mass media in general. The author's conclusion is that, among the possible alternatives, to set up a large scale public broadcaster like Japan's NHK, which is financially supported by receiver's fee is the best one. While digitalization makes questions regarding (4) urgent, we should examine before them questions regarding (3), that is, why and to what extent we should regulate telecommunications. The author concludes that various characteristics of telecommunications make it necessary to regulate them and also points out that, in this area, deregulation will not necessarily promote competitions.

  • Legal Institution of Multimedia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUNADA Masayuki, YASUNISHI Fumio, HASEBE Yasuo, EGUCHI Kiminori, HASHIMOTO Hiroyuki, SUZUKI Hidemi

     View Summary

    The purpose of our research is to formulate a desirable policy and a legal institution concerning three fields i.e. telecommunication, broadcasting, and information, in the midst of technical innovation and its use, particularly amazing development and spread of digitalization and the internet.
    Firstly, as to "the convergence between telecommunication and broadcasting, " telecommunication and broadcasting should be separated as such, for, regarding the typical telecommunication, the confidentiality of telecommunication is guaranteed under the current constitution due to the fact that it implies personal communication and elemental broadcasting is on the contrary considered to realize the concept, "freedom of expression"
    On the other hand, as for the untypical telecommunication such as 'broadcasting' through the Internet and non-elemental broadcasting(for example, pay TV), freedom of expression should be basically emphasized and new regulation should be minimized. However, there should be some regulation on contents providers who violates public policy or good morals.
    Secondly, the principle of "the unity of the program license and the transmitting license, " employed by the current legal system concerning elementary broadcasting, should be altered to "the division of the program license and the transmitting license" and then, drastic revision of the regulation on media ownership should be realized.
    Thirdly, the present legal institution concerning the fee system and the business field of public broadcasting (NHK) should be basically maintained, but satellite broadcasting and the use of the internet by NHK should be allowed on the conditions that NHK will make its management more transparent and efficient, and at the same time it will try to maintain fair competition order through e.g. changing the current fee system to pay TV system.

  • British-Japanese Comparative Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This study is an attempt to bridge between Japan and England particularly in the field of law. During the past hundred years, Japan has studied English law and used it as a model for legislation or incorporated into Japanese legal theory. There was virtually no case in which England learnt something out of Japanese law. In recent years, however, English lawyers (both academic and practical), with a very strong support of the British Council, proposed to set up a cooperative study network with Japanese lawyers. This study is based on this proposal.
    The three years project has been very successful. The British-Japanese Comparative Law Conference was held at the University of Cambridge, Jesus College, in September 1996, and the second conference will be held at the University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, in October 1997. Several works, including books and articles, will be published shortly mostly in English. A firm network for cooperation between Japan and England is now established. Distinguished judges (in England, judges play important roles for academic studies) visited Tokyo and Justice Sonobe, a Supreme Court Justice of Japan, visited England in connection with our project. The University of Birmingham, faculty of law, initiated to set up a regular course for the study of Japanese law, which was also very successful.
    The subjects of study covered by this study project were very wide. Civil, commercial, criminal, constitutional, corporate, and property laws were discussed in the joint study. Judicial system, disputes settlements and procedural aspects were also studied and these studies assisted in a reform of Japanese legal system (particularly, product liability law and small claims resolution). The results of the studies will appear in Anglo-Japanese Comparative Law and other books. Lord Goff, Lord Mustill, Lord Justice Arden, Prof.Diamond, Prof.Miller, Prof.Rider, Prof.Birks and many other distinguished lawyers in England participated in this study.

  • 高度情報化の下での情報法制の理念と枠組みに関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    高橋 和之, 長谷部 恭男, 舟田 正之, 日比野 勤, 浜田 純一, 宇賀 克也

     View Summary


  • 高度情報化の下での通信・放送制度の理念と枠組みに関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    舟田 正之, 浜田 純一, 長谷部 恭男, 根岸 哲, 菅谷 実, 塩野 宏

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    このような情報通信環境の大きな変動の時期にあっては、根元的に、「公共圏」のイメージに遡りながらメディア配置のあり方を総合的に検討する必要がある。近年顕著になりつつある通信・放送の融合場面においては、「通信」「放送」の理念型を設定し、そこからの距離を基準に規制のあり方を考えることは、それなりに有用ではあるが、新しく登場するメディア毎に個別の対応を行うことは、「木を見て森を見ない」規制環境をもたらすおそれもあり、むしろ、全体としてのメディア市場を視野におきながら規制のあり方を考えていく必要がある。また、通信・放送の飛躍的な発展が、さまざまな分野において新しいサービス形態を可能にすることにより、従来の制度が念頭においていない新しい問題状況が生じていることを考えれば、たとえば、遠隔医療や遠隔教育、あるいはオンライン取引などに見られるように、従来の法制度を前提にしてそれらのサービスの許容性を考えるよりは、従来の法制度の法益観の自明性そのものを問い直す作業も必要になる。さらに、従来は想定しなかったようなメディア環境が生まれることで、法制度の前提そものもが揺らぐ場合もある。たとえば、国境を越える放送の一般化は、国内における放送制度のあり方を事業規制面でも内容規制面でも総合的に考え直すことをうながす。また、Caller IDによるプライバシー侵害の議論やパソコン通信における名誉毀損・プライバシー侵害の問題は、「通信の秘密」という観念を再考させるきっかけとなる。

  • 高度情報化の下での通信・放送制度の理念と枠組みに関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    舟田 正之, 浜田 純一, 花田 達朗, 長谷部 恭男, 菅谷 実, 塩野 宏

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  • 高度情報化の下での通信・放送制度の理念と枠組みに関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    舟田 正之, 浜田 純一, 花田 達朗, 長谷部 恭男, 根岸 哲, 塩野 宏

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  • 高度情報化の下での通信・放送制度の理念と枠組みに関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    舟田 正之, 長谷部 恭男, 浜田 純一, 根岸 哲, 塩野 宏

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  • Faculty of Law   School of Law

  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law