Research Experience
University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics Professor
Waseda University Waseda Law School Professor
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/02/08
University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics Professor
Waseda University Waseda Law School Professor
The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law
The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law
Japan Public Law Association President
2024.08 [Invited]
Authorship:Corresponding author
長谷部 恭男
早稲田法学 99 ( 3 ) 325 - 347 2024.05
Authorship:Corresponding author
The Structured proportionality Principle as the Global Test of Constitutionality
Yasuo Hasebe
Comparative Law Review 57 ( 3 ) 1 - 23 2024.03 [Refereed]
Authorship:Corresponding author
Freedom of Speech in Japan: An Inquiry into Media Ownership and Control
Yasuo Hasebe
Waseda Bulletin of Comparative Law 42 1 - 8 2024.01
Authorship:Corresponding author
長谷部 恭男
比較法学 57 ( 2 ) 1 - 18 2023.12 [Refereed]
Authorship:Corresponding author
現代憲法学の理論と課題 5 - 19 2023.09 [Invited]
Authorship:Corresponding author
比較法学 57 ( 1 ) 1 - 25 2023.06 [Refereed]
Authorship:Corresponding author
Yasuo Hasebe
International Journal of Constitutional Law 23 ( 1 ) 1 - 6 2023.02 [Refereed] [Invited]
Authorship:Corresponding author
早稲田大学法学会100周年記念論文集 公法・基礎法篇 2022.12
Authorship:Corresponding author
Yasuo Hasebe
Asian Journal of Law and Society 1 - 3 2022.10 [Refereed] [Invited]
Authorship:Corresponding author
判例時報 ( 2520 ) 122 - 128 2022.08 [Invited]
Authorship:Corresponding author
ジュリスト ( 1574 ) 14 - 19 2022.08 [Invited]
Authorship:Corresponding author
Judges' Conscience and Constitutional Reasoning
Yasuo Hasebe
Academia Sinica Law Journal ( 27 ) 1 - 28 2020.09 [Refereed] [Invited]
An Introduction to Spinoza's Political Theory
Yasuo Hasebe
Comparative Law Review 53 ( 2 ) 1 - 41 2019.12
The Myth of 'Invicible Militua'
Waseda Law School Journal ( 4 ) 1 - 16 2019.10
Between the Rule of Recognition and a Written Constitution
Waseda Hogaku 94 ( 4 ) 417 - 436 2019.09 [Refereed]
The Supreme Court of Japan. one step forward (but only discreetly)
16 ( 2 ) 673 - 681 2018.06 [Refereed] [Invited]
The End of Constitutional Pacifism?
26 ( 1 ) 125 - 136 2017.01 [Refereed] [Invited]
Book Review: Making We the People by Chaihark Hahm and Sung Ho Kim
11 ( 2 ) 329 - 334 2016 [Refereed] [Invited]
Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing
Percorsi constituzionali ( 1 ) 133 - 140 2014 [Refereed] [Invited]
A Note on Kant's Legal Theory : Between Law and Morality
Hasebe Yasuo
St. Paul's review of law and politics 82 384 - 400 2011.04
The Reception of the Rechtsstaat Concept in Japan
National Taiwan University Law Review 4 ( 1 ) 217 - 224 2009 [Refereed] [Invited]
On the Dispensability of the Concept of Constituent Power
3 ( 1 ) 39 - 51 2009 [Refereed] [Invited]
The Rule of Law and Its Predicament
17 ( 4 ) 489 - 500 2004.12 [Refereed]
Constitutional Borrowing and Political Theory
1 ( 2 ) 224 - 243 2003 [Refereed] [Invited]
The Force to Rule, the Force to Resist:the Case of John Locke
Hasebe Yasuo
THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW 2001 ( 54 ) 116 - 129,260 2001
Comment on Professor Ghai's Lecture
Hasebe Yasuo
The Nagoya journal of law and politics 182 31 - 34 2000.06
The Basic Idea of Professor Hirai's Basic Theory of Law
Hasebe Yasuo
THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW 1993 ( 45 ) 171 - 174,327 1993
歴史と理性と憲法と 憲法学の散歩道2
長谷部恭男( Part: Sole author)
勁草書房 2023.04 ISBN: 9784326451289
Constitutional Law 8th ed
Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Sole author)
2022.02 ISBN: 9784883843381
Constitutional Law: 24 Introductory Lectures 2nd ed
Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Sole author)
2022.02 ISBN: 9784641227828
Towards a Normal Constitutional State : The Trajectory of Japanese Constitutionalism
長谷部, 恭男
Waseda University Press 2021.12 ISBN: 9784657217011
God, Nature, and Constitutional Law
Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Sole author)
2021.11 ISBN: 9784326451265
The Starting Station for Law Students
( Part: Sole author)
2021.07 ISBN: 9784641126282
憲法の階梯 = A constitutional stairway
長谷部, 恭男( Part: Sole author)
有斐閣 2021.04 ISBN: 9784641228016
War and Law
Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Sole author)
2020.07 ISBN: 9784163912387
Routledge Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Change
Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Contributor, chapter 26 Constitutional Changes in Japan)
Routledge 2020
Revolutionary constitutionalism : law, legitimacy, power
Revolutionary Constitutionalism Conference, Albert, Richard (Law professor), Yale Law School, Ackerman, Bruce A.( Part: Joint author, chapter 10 Constitutional Revolution, Legal Positivism and Constituent Power)
Hart 2020 ISBN: 9781509934577
Constitutional Law Magnified
Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Sole author)
2019.11 ISBN: 9784904702796
Constitutional Courts in Asia
HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Chapter 12 'The Supreme Court of Japan: A Judicial Court, Not Necessarily a Constitutional Court')
Cambridge University Press 2018.09
The Labyrinth of Incommensurable Values
( Part: Sole author)
2018.04 ISBN: 9784130311915
New Developments in Constitutional Law
HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Chapter 11 'Constitutional Borrowing: The Case of the Monarchial Principle')
Eleven International 2018
Regulation of Telecommunication in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Conparative Constitutional Law
HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Encyclpedia entry)
Oxford University Press 2017.07
Essays on Constitutional Reasoning
( Part: Sole author)
2017.05 ISBN: 9784641227163
Imposed Constitutions in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law
HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Encyclpedia entry)
Oxford University Press 2016.07
Constitutional Reason, expanded edition
University of Tokyo Press 2016.04 ISBN: 9784130311861
An Inquiry into the Existence of Global Values
HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Chapter 12 'Japan')
Hart Publishing 2015
長谷部, 恭男( Part: Sole author)
岩波書店 2013.10 ISBN: 9784000286749
circus constitutionis
( Part: Sole author)
2013.05 ISBN: 9784000227919
Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law
HASEBE Yasuo, Cesare Pinelli( Part: Contributor, Chapter 1 'Constitutions')
Routledge 2013
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law
HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Contributor, Chapter 22 'War Powers')
Oxford University Press 2012
Boundaries of Constitutional Law
HASEBE Yasuo( Part: Sole author)
Hatori Shoten 2009.07 ISBN: 9784904702024
National Constitutions in the Era of Integration
Yasuo Hasebe( Part: Contributor, Chapter 7 'Why We Should Not Take Sovereignty Too Seriously')
Kluwer Law International 1999
The New Comparative Political Process Theory: Its Legitimacy and Applicability in Japan
Yasuo Hasebe [Invited]
Symposium: The New Comparative Political Process Theory
Presentation date: 2023.04
Constituional Revolution, Popular Agency, and Lex Regia
Yasuo Hasebe [Invited]
Symposium on Constitutionalism and Legitimacy in Asia and the Pacific
Presentation date: 2022.12
What is the Constitutional Identity of Japan?
Yasuo Hasebe
The 9th Asian Constitutional Law Forum
Presentation date: 2022.05
Freedom of Speech in Japan
Yasuo Hasebe [Invited]
The 9th Asian Constitutional Law Forum
Presentation date: 2022.05
長谷部恭男 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2021.09
What is the Constitutional Identity of Japan?
Yasuo Hasebe [Invited]
Constitutional Identity: Round Tabe of the International Association of Constitutional Law
Presentation date: 2021.06
Kant’s Rechtsstaat and Its Reception in Japan
Yasuo Hasebe
The 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum
Presentation date: 2019.12
Judges' Conscience and Constitutional Reasoning
HASEBE Yasuo [Invited]
Conference on Theory and Practice of Constitutional Interpretation
Presentation date: 2019.09
Constitutional Revolution, Legal Positivism, and Constituent Power
HASEBE Yasuo [Invited]
the Conference on Revolutionalry Constitutionalism at Yale Law School
Presentation date: 2018.08
Emergency Powers in Japan
HASEBE Yasuo [Invited]
The 10th World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law
Presentation date: 2018.06
Imposed Constitutions
HASEBE Yasuo [Invited]
Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies at the University of Melbourne
Presentation date: 2016.08
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
Project Year :
長谷部 恭男
野村財団 社会科学助成
Project Year :
Contemporary Problems of Freedom of Speech
Nomura Foundation
Project Year :
The Modern Significance of the Monarchical Principle
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Project Year :
Japan's Constitutional Identity
Nomura Foundation Grant for Social Science
Project Year :
External Influences on Constitutional Building Processes
Nomura Foundation Grants-in-Aid for Social Science Research
Project Year :
The Origin snd Development of the Monarchical Principle
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 科学研究費
Project Year :
森際 康友
Evolution of East Asian Laws and Japanese Law
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FOOTE Daniel, IWAMURA Masahiko, OHTA Masahiko, OBUCHI Tetsuya, OMURA Atsushi, KAKIUCHI Shusuke, GOTO Gen, HASEBE Yasuo, FUJITA Tomotaka, MATSUBARA Kentaro
日本学術振興会 科学研究費
Project Year :
森際 康友
日本学術振興会 科学研究費
Project Year :
森際 康友
日本学術振興会 科学研究費
Project Year :
森際 康友
Secondary Stage of IT Revolution and the Legal System
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FUNADA Masayuki, EGUCHI Kiminori, HASEBE Yasuo, SUZUKI Hidemi, OTO Yoshihiro, TOJO Yoshizumi
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
渡辺 浩, 江頭 憲治郎, 碓井 光明, 塩川 伸明, 西川 洋一, 城山 英明, 大村 敦志, 中谷 和弘, 長谷部 恭男
The Impact of IT Revolution and Legal System
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FUNADA Masayuki, YASUNISHI Fumio, HASEBE Yasuo, EGUCHI Kiminori, TOJO Yoshizumi, HASIMOTO Hiroyuki
Broadcasting System in the Age of Digitalization
Ministry of Education Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Yasuo Hasebe
Information Law in the Era of Digitalization
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Legal Institution of Multimedia
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FUNADA Masayuki, YASUNISHI Fumio, HASEBE Yasuo, EGUCHI Kiminori, HASHIMOTO Hiroyuki, SUZUKI Hidemi
British-Japanese Comparative Law
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
高橋 和之, 長谷部 恭男, 舟田 正之, 日比野 勤, 浜田 純一, 宇賀 克也
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
舟田 正之, 浜田 純一, 長谷部 恭男, 根岸 哲, 菅谷 実, 塩野 宏
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
舟田 正之, 浜田 純一, 花田 達朗, 長谷部 恭男, 菅谷 実, 塩野 宏
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
舟田 正之, 浜田 純一, 花田 達朗, 長谷部 恭男, 根岸 哲, 塩野 宏
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
舟田 正之, 長谷部 恭男, 浜田 純一, 根岸 哲, 塩野 宏
法と教育 12 59 - 65 2022.08 [Invited]
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
砂川事件判決における「統治行為」論[最高裁大法廷昭和34.12.16判決] (特集 裁判所によって創られる統治行為) -- (砂川事件訴訟)
長谷部 恭男
法律時報 87 ( 5 ) 44 - 49 2015.05
座談会 (日本国憲法研究(Number 15)選挙制度と政治過程)
日野 愛郎, 柿﨑 明二, 長谷部 恭男
論究ジュリスト = Quarterly jurist ( 13 ) 133 - 149 2015
GCOE colloquium series: Between law and morality: the case of Kant
Hokkaido journal of new global law and policy 8 57 - 75 2010.11
駒村 圭吾, 木村 草太, 長谷部 恭男
ジュリスト = Monthly jurist / 有斐閣 [編] ( 1405 ) 147 - 169 2010.08
座談会 グローバル化する世界の法と政治--ローカル・ノレッジとコスモポリタニズム (特集 グローバル化の中の国家と憲法)
長谷部 恭男, 阪口 正二郎, 杉田 敦
ジュリスト ( 1378 ) 4 - 28 2009.05
先生・合格者からのメッセージ 座談会 法科大学院での学習方法 (特集 法律学の学び方--法科大学院での学習方法)
長谷部 恭男, 伊藤 雅浩, 加藤 恵美
法学教室 ( 332 ) 4 - 19 2008.05
We, the Japanese people, do firmly establish this constitution
Public law review ( 70 ) 1 - 21 2008
対談 「曲がりなり」にも民主的な、この社会を守るために 落合恵子(作家)、長谷部恭男(東京大学) (もしも憲法9条が変えられてしまったら) -- (第1章 憲法って何だろう?)
落合 恵子, 長谷部 恭男
世界 ( 732 ) 32 - 39 2004.10
Constitutional Review and Democracy : the Japanese Perspective
Hasebe Yasuo
The journal of law and politics 34 ( 3 ) left171 - 180 2002.02
基調報告(2)公法系のカリキュラム・モデル案 (シンポジウム 法科大学院のカリキュラム・教育方法を考える(上)第三者評価基準の観点から)
長谷部 恭男
NBL ( 728 ) 11 - 14 2002.01
Deliberative Democracy and Its Enemies
Journal of the Jurisprudence Association 118 ( 12 ) 1891 - 1910 2001
長谷部 恭男
法律時報 72 ( 10 ) 102 - 104 2000.09
理性の彼方の軽やかな希望--「ポストモダン=新しい封建制?」という疑問にポストモダニズムは答えられるか? (特集 日本国憲法50年と21世紀への展望) -- (新しい理論課題と日本の現実)
長谷部 恭男
法律時報 68 ( 6 ) 174 - 179 1996.05
《信教の自由・思想良心の自由》個人の自律と宗教団体の活動 (〔特集〕震災・「オウム」で憲法入門) -- (第二部 「オウム」編)
長谷部 恭男
法学セミナ- ( 496 ) 57 - 62 1996.04
P.P.Craig,Public Law and Democracy in the United Kingdom and the United States of America,1990
1991 ( 2 ) p189 - 191 1992.03
Hasebe Yasuo
Gakushuin review of law and politics 23 1 - 19 1988
Conscience of Judges in a Legal System
Hasebe Yasuo
Gakushuin review of law and politics 22 1 - 22 1987
Michel Troper et as theorie de l'interpretation
Hasebe Yasuo
Gakushuin review of law and politics 20 1 - 28 1985
Fonctions du droit du dissolution
Hasebe Yasuo
Gakushuin review of law and politics 19 233 - 298 1984
Le droit de dissolution et la constitution de 1791
Hasebe Yasuo
Gakushuin review of law and politics 18 41 - 69 1983
Faculty of Law School of Law
Faculty of Law Graduate School of Law
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