Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Political Science and Economics, School of Political Science and Economics
Job title
Ph.D.(Sociology) ( Hitotsubashi University )

Research Experience

  • 2010.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Professor

  • 2005


  • 1998

    Osaka City University   Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences

Education Background


    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School, Division of Sociology  

Professional Memberships





Research Areas

  • Politics   政治史、政治コミュニケーション史 / Sociology   歴史社会学、社会言語学、メディア史

Research Interests

  • Media, Mass Communication, Journalism, Propaganda, Public Relation



  • Media and Imperialism in the International Press Conferences of the Early 20th Century

    Reiko TSUCHIYA

    Intelligence   ( 22 ) 84 - 95  2022.03  [Refereed]

  • Media and reconciliation in East Asia

    Reiko TSUCHIYA

        101 - 125  2021.08

  • 占領期の時局雑誌

      ( 21 ) 60 - 72  2021.03  [Refereed]


  • "Korean Newspaper" and Propaganda Leaflets Made by OWI Honolulu

    Reiko TSUCHIYA

    Intelligence   ( 20 ) 44 - 58  2020.03  [Refereed]

  • Modern Literature and Appearance of Newspapers and Journals

    TSUCHIYA, Reiko

      第三冊   438 - 449  2019.05

  • Press Attache and British Propaganda in Far East Asia

    TSUCHIYA, Reiko

    Intelligence   ( 19 ) 116 - 127  2019.03  [Refereed]

  • Intelligence Activities by Allied Translater and Interpreter Section (ATIS) of GHQ/SCAP&FEC

    TSUCHIYA, Reiko

    Intelligence   ( 17 ) 110 - 123  2017.03  [Refereed]


  • 萬年社コレクションにみるアジアの新聞と広告

    土屋 礼子

    広告の夜明け-大阪・萬年社コレクション研究   -   142 - 166  2017

  • G-2 Historical Section of the Occupation Army SCAP/FEC and a Japanese group of former military officers

    TSUCHIYA, Reiko

    Intelligence   ( 16 ) 39 - 51  2016.03  [Refereed]


  • 新聞と世論の形成

    土屋 礼子

    講座明治維新 第11巻 明治維新と宗教・文化   11巻   67 - 94  2016

  • NISIKIE-SINBUN as visual news medium

    TSUCHIYA Reiko

    JOURNAL OF MASS COMMUNICATION STUDIES   46   142 - 156,222-22  1995

     View Summary

    Nisikie-Sinbun, a kind of leaflet combining traditional Ukiyoe color printing (Nisikie) and news articles (Sinbun), was first published in 1874 just a few years after the modern newspaper industry began its history in Japan. The first Nisikie-Sinbun called"Tokyo Nichinichi Sinbun"was based on articles of the daily newspaper of the same title. Approximately forty titles of Nisikie-Sinbun were published in Tokyo, Osaka and other cities till the mid-1880's. Although important as a visual news medium, Nisikie-Sinbun has not been paid much attention either in historical newspaper studies or aesthetically oriented studies on Ukiyoe because of its ambiguous position. This monograph aims to describe conditions under which Nisikie-Sinbun was published, in relation to newspaper publishing of that period. About 750 sheets of original material were studied in this research and the findings attempt to clarify the role of Nisikie-Sinbun as a news medium mainly for illiterate and semiliterate people. In Tokyo, where Nisikie-Sinbun was first published, the titles, serial numbers and topics were borrowed from the parent daily newspapers. Some members of the staff of"Tokyo Nichinichi Sinbun"including an illustrator and writers joined forces to make its visual version. Their ideas and experience in showing news graphically led to the illustrated newspaper called"Tokyo Eiri Sinbun", the first illustrated newspaper in Japan, published by the same members. Two representative Nisikie-Sinbun series, "Tokyo Nichinichi Sinbun"and"Yuubinhouchi Sinbun", usually followed the original newspaper articles at intervals of from several days to two months. The regional aspect of their topics appeared to be concentrated in Tokyo and its surroundings. Because of this regularity and localization, Nisikie-Sinbun deserves recognition as the first periodical of visual medium in Japan, though it was said to have been sold as a gift. In Osaka, where Nisikie-Sinbun was published a few months later than in Tokyo, it enjoyed the role and popularity of the only news medium bearing"Sinbun (news)"in its titles, because there was as yet no daily newspaper. Most of these issues were published by leading Ezousiya, companies for vulgar publication and were criticized as false stories, though they were mostly based on newspapers of Tokyo or original reports on Osaka and nearby regions. They were treated the same as a newspaper and two of them were in fact officially registered as newspapers. They were also appreciated by many in the "Naniwa Sinbun", the first daily newspaper in Osaka published from December 1876. Their importance is that they created interest in the newspaper among uneducated people and prepared a market for popular newspapers.

    DOI CiNii

  • Communications and Letters from Readers in Three Popular Newspapers in Early Melji Period

    Tsuchiya Reiko

    Japanese journalism review   41   184 - 199,317-31  1992

     View Summary

    Following the publication of major newspapers addressed to the intelligentsia, there emerged a number of popular papers which were mainly directed toward the general public by the extensive use of furikana on the Chinese characters. These popular papers were relatively cheap and widely read, added an entertainment aspect to other papers, and functioned as a means of developing a new style of written Japanese. The ultimate objective of the present study is to clarify the development process of the new style of the language adopted by three representative popular papers, Yomiuri Shinbun, Tokyo Eiri Shinbun and Kanayomi Shinbun, during the period from 1875 to 1880. For this purpose, this study attempts to identify the nature and characteristics of regular readers by analyzing 8,352 letters from approximately 3,700 readers. Major findings of the present study are as follows: (1) Nearly half the letters were in fact contributed from regular readers, who accounted for a small proportion of the public. However, more than 70 percent of the contributors were residents of Tokyo, especially from the downtown sections of Asakusa, Nihonbashi, Fukagawa, and Shitaya. Of the 59 contributors for whom details could be ascertained, 57 were male and about half were merchants while the other half were of samurai origin and now professionally engaged in journalism or public service. (2) Regular contributors formed an informal support group for these papers and often gathered at the publisher in order to have direct communication. Their letters functioned as a source of news for other readers. More importantly, the conversation within the group was often directly written up as letters, thus preparing the way for the formation of a new style of written Japanese language.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • 近代日本メディア人物誌・ジャーナリスト編

    土屋 礼子( Part: Joint editor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2018.01

  • 日本メディア史年表

    土屋 礼子( Part: Edit)

    吉川弘文館  2018.01

  • 広告の夜明け:大阪・萬年社コレクション研究

    土屋 礼子( Part: Contributor, 萬年社コレクションにみるアジアの新聞と広告)

    思文閣出版  2017.12

  • 講座明治維新 第11巻 明治維新と宗教・文化

    土屋 礼子( Part: Contributor, 新聞と世論の形成)

    有志舎  2016.03

  • 占領期生活世相誌資料Ⅲ メディア新生活

    土屋 礼子( Part: Edit)

    新曜社  2016.03

  • 大衆紙的起源ー明治時期的小報研究(中国語版)

    土屋 礼子( Part: Sole author)

    北京大学出版社  2015.10 ISBN: 9787301264263

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  • 昭和を動かした広告人

    土屋 礼子( Part: Edit)


  • 일본대중지의원류(韓国語版)

    土屋 礼子( Part: Sole author)

    2013.07 ISBN: 9788956268965

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  • Propaganda Leaflets against the Japanese by the Allies: Insight, Revelations and Japanese American Contributors

    Reiko Tsuchiya  [Invited]

    Fanning the Flames Speaker Series, Hoover Institute &Archives, Stanford University 

    Presentation date: 2022.01

  • 大正期の国際新聞大会にみるメディアと帝国主義

    Reiko Tsuchiya

    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • Media and imperialism in international press conferences before WWII

    Reiko Tsuchiya

    CIRN Project: Competing Imperialisms in Northeast Asia: New Perspectives 

    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • Massification and Popularization in Journalism in Modern Japan

    Reiko TSUCHIYA  [Invited]

    International workshop by the Journalism Study Group of East Asian Academy, U of Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • Propaganda Leaflets in Korean War

    Reiko TSUCHIYA

    Monthly conference held by the Institute of 20th Century Media 

    Presentation date: 2020.06

  • 明治初期の小新聞と政党機関紙ー『改進新聞』を中心に

    土屋 礼子


    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Teaching History of Journalism and Media for the Future

    TSUCHIYA, Reiko

    3rd International Forum for Yuelu Media and Culture Development, Hunan University, China 

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • Media between Imperialism and Nationalism in Northeast Asia

    TSUCHIYA, Reiko  [Invited]

    Competing Imperialisms in Northeast Asia: Contested Histories and Histories of Contestation, at Queen's University Belfast 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 日中戦争期のアジアにおける英国の対日宣伝とジャーナリスト

    土屋 礼子


    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • The "Asian-hand" Journalists of Japanese Newspapers: Japanese Journalists between Japan, Korea and China in the 20th Century

    TSUCHIYA, Reiko

    A talk at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Articles on China and Asian countries in Japanese popular weekly magazines in the post-World War II period.

    TSUCHIYA, Reiko

    Cambridge workshop: Propaganda and Journalism during/on 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • British and Japanese Propaganda in China at the beginning of the second China-Japanese War

    TSUCHIYA, Reiko

    Shanghai workshop: Propaganda, Journalism and Intelligence about the second China-Japanese War 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 占領期の時局雑誌

    土屋 礼子


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Journalists of Imperial Japan: Narasaki Kan-ichi and the "Asian-hand" Journalists of Japanese Newspaper Companies

    TSUCHIYA, Reiko

    AAS-in-Asia 2016 

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • 大正期における日本の対中宣伝政策とジャーナリズム

    土屋 礼子


    Presentation date: 2016.02

  • 中国大陸における外務省の新聞雑誌調査

    土屋 礼子


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 週刊誌における韓国関係記事と戦後日本のナショナリズム

    土屋 礼子


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 日本の大衆文化とナショナリズム~週刊誌を中心に

    土屋 礼子


    Presentation date: 2015.03

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Research Projects

  • International coordination for building Reconciliation Studies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Information Netwok of Empires in North-East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Total arrangement of every section and cordination with other international projects

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Cultures of reconciliation and memories which concerns with Wars and colonial rules

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Studies on Historical Reconciliation in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Umemori Naoyuki

     View Summary

    In East Asia, dialogues among nations are frequently interrupted by seemingly insurmountable disputes over history and attempts at historical reconciliation are generally evaluated as a “failure”. In East Asia, the promotion of historical reconciliation presents two specific difficulties. While people in Europe have problematized historical reconciliation as issues of war responsibilities, people in East Asia are more attentive to the issues of colonial responsibilities. Also, people in East Asia experienced the process of democratization and hyper-economic development differently in terms of their chronologies and political implications. As a result, people in East Asia can promote historical reconciliation more effectively by paying more attention to the historical specificities in East Asia in terms of colonialism, democratization, and economic development, as well as by critically reviewing the current theoretical framework of international law.

  • Studies based on records of propaganda radio broadcasting toward East Asia.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tsuchiya Reiko

     View Summary

    First, detailed organizations of the Office of War Inforemation(OWI), USA for overseas propaganda radio broadcasting toward Asia and Pacific area was revealed from public records of NARA. Second, as a result of reviewing radio programs recorded in Japanese, Chinese and Korean, it became clear that OWI attached importance to both Japanese and Chinese broadcasting, though Korean programs were treated lightly until 1944. Contents, policy and staff of Korean radio programs were also clarified. Third, distinctions of Japanese and Chinese programs in OWI broadcasting were usage of news from news agencies including AP, and linguistic varieties of Chinese including not only Northern Mandarin but also Cantonese. Fourth, most of OWI English programs were commentaries including 'Victory for China' series toward Chinese in USA, and programs for the Allied Powers broadcasted in late 1945 after the end of the war.

  • Positive Studies of Information and Media Policy by Civil Information & Education Division, GHQ/SCAP in Occupied Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TSUCHIYA Reiko, YAMAMOTO Taketoshi, KATOU Tetsurou, UMEMORI Naoyuki, IKAWA Mitsuo, KOBAYASHI Soumei

     View Summary

    To reveal the continuity of policies and activities of the psychological warfare branches of the Allied Powers and the Office of War Information (OWI), USA, during WWII with regard to those of the Civil Information and Education (CIE) Section, SCAP/GHQ, in Occupied Japan after the war, "CIE Weekly Reports" were investigated. The CIE produced many research reports and public opinion polls in cooperation with Japanese public opinion research institutions. The activities of one organization, the Suenaga Public Opinion Institute, has been revealed through this project. It was also shown that the CIE information and propaganda policies included the intervention of the CIE radio section into news coverage of the Korean War by NHK radio in Tokyo, the controlled coverage of the atomic bomb and atomic power in southern Korea and the extension of the VOA in Asia.

  • Co-research Project with Interdisciplinary Approach on Formation and Transformation of Post-War Japanese Society by analyzing various discourses in Occupied Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANIKAWA Takeshi, UMEMORI Naoyuki, TSUCHIYA Reiko, MATSUDA Saori, MIYOKAWA Kikuo, MUNAKATA Kazushige, YAMAMOTO Taketoshi, HARADA Kenichi, KOTO Keiko, KAWASAKI Kenko, YOSHIDA Noriaki, MUNAKATA Kazushige, OOMORI Kyoko

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    This research project aimed to reconfirm unconscious intension of the Japanese people who achieved construction of post-war Japanese society, by verifying on foreign words imported from the U.S., newly invented Japanese coinage from English, vulgarized, abbreviated words or jargon which were peculiar during confused era, from the occupation period of Japan after being defeated and under the background of one's sense of values were revolutionized. The fruits of this project were edited as the final report which include about 100 words in occupation era, and will be published on commercial base during year 2010.

  • Global research on the historical conditions of the formation of multilingual societies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HARA Kiyoshi, HAYASHI Masahiro, SAKURAI Takashi, MATSUMURA Kazuto, SUNANO Yukitoshi, FUJII Takeshi

     View Summary

    The most productive definition of multilingual societies is the "functionally multilingual societies". We find functional discrimination between languages wherever exist two or more languages. The purpose of this research is to verify historically such multilingual functions and the formation of "functionally equal multilingual societies".
    This was the final research year so we tried to analyze globally to draw up a final report. We made a study conference in June in Tokyo, a 3 day research seminar in August in Toba-shi, Mie Prefecture. We hold an open research conference in Hitotsubashi University, at the beginning of December, in order to make global comparison.
    The theory and the practice of functionally equal multilingual societies are developing in EU, especially, in minority language areas, such as Wales and Catalonia, in this decade. In Africa or in South Asia, there are also many countries where legal protections of minority languages are progressing. But it cannot be said that minority groups in these areas are really protected by laws. In Japan, although we can see some progress about the recognition of the language and the culture of Okinawa and of Ainu, and the comparison of these cultures and those of the Korean people in Japan, and of the Japanese-Brazil, the legal protection still lags behind. Moreover, comparison on the global scale of overall theory about multilingual societies remains as a future project.

  • Comparative study of popular newspapers in France, UK and Japan at the end of 19 century

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TSUCHIYA Reiko, NAKAJIMA Hiroko, TANAKA Takanobu

     View Summary

    France, Britain and Japan experienced the development of mass media and the democratization of information at the end of nineteenth century. Especially it was found out in our project that the progress of those changes in each countries in three wars by three nation-states, the Sino-French War (1884-1885), the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95), and the Boer War (1899-1902). In Japan, by the research of Yomiuri Shimbun published in Tokyo and Osaka Asahi Shimbun published in Osaka, it became clear that calmness of war coverage consisted of telegram news and editorial columns was impressive at the Sino-French War, though popular images of Koreans, Chinese and soldiers were spread through war reporting as well as Kodan story telling, novels, and advertisements during the Sino-Japanese War. In France, by analyzing the war reports in L'llustration, Glaube, Petit Journal Fence Illustree, Le Rim and Gile Blas Illustre, and war works by Vernem Loti, Maupassant and Tharuad, it was found that while information became popularized, the question of what role literature assume was raised in consequent of competition between war coverage and literary works to attract public interest through dramatic subjects. In that background, there was the political ideology and social culture of the Third Republic as a nation-state. In Britain, through analyzing Illustrate London News and Graphic it could be found that war reporting, advertisements and popular literature produced images of the ideal soldier and ideal nation, though some heterogeneous elements became clear in the army and the nation, then the established boundaries between different ethnicity, military and civil worlds, and civilization and barbarism became destabilized. Thus popular newspapers as mass media had a deep relation with the wars by nation-states. Consequently uplift of nationalism and changes in media and literature progressed quickly under the aspect of propaganda toward the nation peoples.

  • General research project of linguistic movements and language policies aiming at multilingual societies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAYASHI Masahiro, TUTIYA Reiko, FUJII Takeshi, HARA Kiyoshi, SAKURAI Takashi, YASUDA Toshiaki

     View Summary

    We made conferences concerning multilingual societies, multilingualism, linguistic imperialism, revitalizing movements of minority languages and language policies: in January 2002 in Tokyo, about European multilingualism, in November 2002 in Naha, Okinawa, about linguistic movements in Japan, and in November 2003 in Tokyo, about Asian and African countries, especially Namibia, Senegal, Uganda, Tanzania, the Philippines, Taiwan, China, Korea and India. We made a research conference in December 2003 in Nagoya, about language policies and language movements and also about theoretical problems in sociolinguistics. We compiled a report of this three year project in March 2004. Main arguments are: language movements of minorities are very active in Europe which evoke a language policy of each country; In Asia and in Africa, there are countries which surpass the European countries in the domains of linguistic policies; what is important in the arguments for multilingual societies is in the level of written languages and the target multilingual society is not bilingual but trilingual or more.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TSUCHIYA Reiko

     View Summary

    Quantitative analysis of advertisements was conducted over each January from 1903 to 1907 (including the term of the Russo-Japanese War) in four popular newspapers (two papers, Osaka-Asahi Shinbum and Osaka-Mainichi Shinbum published in Osaka, and other two papers, Jiji-Shinpoh and Yorozu-Chohhou published in Tokyo). The results obtained are as follows. The monthly mean of numbers of advertisements in each newspaper, 3,751 for Jiji, 3,203 for Osaka-Mainichi, 2,956 for Osaka-Mainichi, and 2,010 for Yorozu, shows differences between newspapers at the degree of dependence on advertisements. Numbers of advertisements in two Osaka newspapers increased 1.4 times after the war, which supports a common view about the development of advertisements at the war. The category of advertisements with highest ratio in number was commercial advertisements for goods in each newspaper, though it was over 60%, the highest in Yorozu and as low as 30% in Jiji. Categories of second and third highest ratio in two Osaka newspapers were new-year advertisements and institutional advertisements. In size of advertisements, the ratio in number of big size advertisements over 50 lines was 6-10% in two Osaka newspapers. Graphic design was more used and well developed in two Osaka newspapers, especially for victory advertisements. The fact that 50% of advertisers of two Osaka newspaper lived in Osaka, and over 60% of advertisers of two Tokyo newspapers lived in Tokyo proved locality of advertisers. Thus this research shows quantitative differences of advertisements in popular newspapers between Osaka and Tokyo during the Russo-Japanese War.

  • The Formation of Visual News Media in Modem Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    In this research project, we focus on the Collection of Ono Hideo in ISICS, Institute of Socio Information and Communication Studies, that includes 597 types of Kawaraban and 275 types of Shinbun-Nishikie. These visual media are very important in the popular culture of the late 19ィイD1thィエD1 century Japan. So in this research project, we analyze all these Kawaraban and Shinbun-Nishikie from various inter-diciplinary aspects including history, art history, mass communication studies, sociology and cultural studies. Trough those analysis, we made clear about the popular concept of 'News' which is very different from the today's concept and elucidated the relationship between text and image in these visual media. Also, we m4de visual data base of this Kawaraban and Shinbun-Nishikie Collection and published in the form of CD-ROM. This visual data base has all the translated text data of these Kawaraban and Shinbun-Nishike which must be very useful for the researchers of media history.

  • 明治初期大新聞・小新聞の語彙変遷に関する数量的分析

    科学研究費助成事業(北海道東海大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 明治初期大新聞・小新聞の語彙変遷に関する数量的分析

    科学研究費助成事業(北海道東海大学)  科学研究費助成事業(特定領域研究(A))

  • 「占領期新聞情報データベース」作成への新聞紙面データベース化パターンの構築

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • 対日宣伝ビラによるエフェメラ・メディアの基礎研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪市立大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • 占領期日本の情報空間-検閲とインテリジェンス

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • 旧萬年社所蔵資料による大阪の広告史研究

    科学研究費助成事業(大阪市立大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

  • 日中戦争をめぐる国際報道と宣伝戦

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

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  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日中戦争をめぐる国際報道と宣伝戦


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    日中戦争に関するプロパガンダとイメージに関する研究を推進する一環として、2019年10月1日から11月9日まで早稲田大学会津八一記念博物館で、日中友好協会と共催の特別展示「イメージの中の日本と中国の近代~ラップナウ・コレクションから~」を開催し、そのために組織した研究グループによる記念シンポジウムで研究発表を行った。 また、1920年代から1940年代の中国における日本と英国による宣伝と国際報道に関する資料調査を行い、帝国主義とメディアとの関係のなかで、日中戦争の宣伝戦を位置づける研究を、4月に早稲田大学で行われた国際シンポジウム、および9月に英国のクィーンズ大学ベルファストで行われた国際シンポジウムで発表した。

  • 20世紀前半における中国報道ネットワークの研究

    2014   山本武利, 加藤哲郎, 小林聡明

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  • 昭和前期の日本における東アジア報道関係の組織と人脈


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    本研究の目的である、1920年代後半から1940年代までにおける日本の主要新聞社及び通信社における東アジア報道関係の組織、およびそこに所属した記者たちの動向については、取材報道組織として大陸各地の支局と連動していた部署の人員を、大正期から1930年代まで『日本新聞年鑑』などの名簿を用いてその推移を明らかにした。その結果、以下の点が明らかになった。一般に日本の新聞社では中国及び東アジア関係部署の地位は高くなく、外報部・外信部の片隅に据えられていた東アジア関係の記者と部局は、1920年代から1940年代にかつてなく注目され、拡大した。彼ら「支那通」と呼ばれた記者たちは、満州事変前までは「支那部」「支那課」に属していたが、事変以降はそれらは「東亜部」「東亜通信部」と名称を変更し、さらに新しい「支那通」第三世代というべき記者たちが増大した。彼らは共産主義の影響下にある中国の政治経済的な変化と将来の方向性を論じることが求められると同時に、排日運動と日本の中国侵略と格闘しなければならなかった。彼らは軍や外務省と情報や意見を交換するだけでなく、和平工作に参画することも要請された。ゾルゲ事件で逮捕された尾崎秀実もこの第三世代に属していたが、九州出身者と東亜同文書院卒業生が多い「支那通」記者の中では、岐阜県で生まれ台湾で育ち、東京帝大卒という異色の経歴だった。 他方、新聞社のインテリジェンス機関というべき、毎日新聞社の「東亜調査会」(1929年創設)および朝日新聞社の「東亜問題調査会」(1934年創設)については、そのの活動は新聞紙面とは関係はないとされ、アジア関係の出版物を編集刊行するだけでなく、官僚や軍部、財界などの要人との懇談会や、政府への建議などが主要な活動であった。その最大のテーマは、日中関係の改善であり、汪兆銘による親日政権の樹立が最大の関心事であった。議会による民主主義不全の中で、政党政治を立て直すのではなく、議会も政党も飛び越えて、直接権力者たちに協力し、密着し自らの利益にも結びつけようとした。両調査会の出版物は戦後、占領軍によって没収され禁書の類となって顧みられず忘れられた。