Updated on 2025/02/07


Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Information, Production, and Systems
Job title
Doctor of Engineering ( Kyushu University )

Research Experience

  • 2009.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 2006.04

    April , Professor, Graduate School of Information, Production and System, Waseda University

  • 2001.04

    April , Associate Professor, Dept. Social Informatics, Kyoto University

  • 1996.05

    May , Associate Professor, Dept. Computer Science and Comm. Eng., Kyushu University

  • 1993.04

    April , Research Associate, Dept. Information System, Kyushu University

Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Database

Research Interests

  • Database query processing, web information retrieval, text mining, security and privacy, social media


  • Best Demo Award

    2014.09   Asia-Pacific Web Conference   WikiReviz: An Edit History Visualization for Wiki Systems

    Winner: Jianmin Wu, Mizuho Iwaihara

  • Best Paper Award, The 8th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society (I3E)


  • Int. Conf on E-Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web2006)




  • Selecting article segment titles based on keyphrase features and semantic relatedness

    Yuming Guo, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. 9th Int. Conf. E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM 2018), Yonago    2018.07  [Refereed]

  • Fast identification of topic bursts patterns based on temporal clustering

    Zhuoyang Xu, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. 9th Int. Conf. E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM 2018), Yonago    2018.07  [Refereed]

  • Finding high quality documents through link and click graphs

    Linfeng Yu, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. 9th Int. Conf. E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM 2018), Yonago    2018.07  [Refereed]

  • Estimating Reference Scopes of Wikipedia Article Inner-links

    Renzhi Wang, Mizuho Iwaihara

    IPSJ Transactions on Databases (TOD)   11 ( 2 ) 1 - 10  2018.07  [Refereed]

  • Identifying Topic Evolutionary Patterns Based on Bursty Phrase Clustering

    Liu Yixuan, Gao Zihao, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. APWeb-WAIM 2017   LNCS10367   276 - 284  2017.07  [Refereed]

  • Joint Embedding of Hierarchical Structure and Context for Entity Disambiguation

    Shuangshuang Cai, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. SNPD 2017, Ishikawa    2017.06  [Refereed]

  • Suggesting specific segments as link targets in Wikipedia

    Renzhi Wang, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL2016), Tsukuba,    2016.12  [Refereed]

  • Extracting Representative Phrases from Wikipedia Article Sections

    Shan Liu, Mizuho Iwaihara

    15th IEEE/ACIS Int. Conf. Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2016)   ( SS02-06 )  2016.06  [Refereed]

  • Yiming Zhang, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Evaluating Semantic Relatedness through Categorical, Contextual Information for, Entity Disambiguation

    15th IEEE/ACIS Int. Conf. Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2016)   SS02-08  2016.06  [Refereed]

  • Hashtag Sense Induction Based on Co-Occurrence Graphs

    Wang Mengmeng, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. 17th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2015)   LNCS Vo. 9313   154 - 165  2015.09  [Refereed]

  • Associations between privacy, risk awareness, and interactive motivations of social networking service users, and motivation prediction from observable features

    Basilisa Mvungi, Mizuho Iwaihara

    COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR   44   20 - 34  2015.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we use survey data firstly to study how significantly motivations of using social networking service (SNS), risk awareness, and profile attributes affect user's disclosure activities. Openness score is calculated from the number of disclosed items. We study influential factors and their rankings at various disclosure scopes and openness scores. Our findings reveal that gender, profile photo, certain motivations, and risk awareness highly affect private information disclosure activities. However the ranking of influential factors is not uniform. Gender and profile photo have greater influence, however, their influence becomes lower and loses significance as openness is getting higher, falling behind motivations and number of friends. Secondly, we discuss constructing prediction models based on binary logistic regression to predict motivations from number of friends and profile attributes that are visible from the public. We classify motives into inward motive to interact with existing social networking service friends, outward motive to acquire via the SNS, and neutral motive which cannot distinguish whether user have inward or outward motive. Results show that the models can predict motives well and have good discrimination power. Using dimensional reduction, important predictors for optimum models are identified. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • WikiReviz: An Edit History Visualization for Wiki Systems

    Jianmin Wu, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. Asia-Pacific Web Conf. (APWeb2014)   LNCS8709   670 - 673  2014.09  [Refereed]

  • Finding Co-occurring Topics in Wikipedia Article Segments

    Renzhi Wang, Jianmin Wu, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. Int. Conf. Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL 2014)     252 - 259  2014.09  [Refereed]

  • Iterative Algorithm for Inferring Entity Types from Enumerative Descriptions

    Qian Chen, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. 4th Workshop on Data Extraction and Object Search (DEOS2014), WWW’14 Companion     1285 - 1290  2014.04  [Refereed]

  • Revision Graph Extraction in Wikipedia Based on Supergram Decomposition and Sliding Update

    Jianmin Wu, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Trans. IEICE   Vol.E97-D,No.4   770 - 778  2014.04  [Refereed]

  • Iterative Algorithm for Inferring Entity Types from Enumerative Descriptions

    Qian Chen, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. 4th Workshop on Data Extraction and Object Search (DEOS2014), WWW2014 Companion   -  2014.04

  • Tracking Topics on Revision Graphs of Wikipedia Edit History

    Bonan Li, Jianmin Wu, Mizuho Iwaihara

    WEB-AGE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, WAIM 2014   8485   204 - 207  2014  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Wikipedia is known as the largest online encyclopedia, in which articles are constantly contributed and edited by users. Past revisions of articles after edits are also accessible from the public for confirming the edit process. However, the degree of similarity between revisions is very high, making it difficult to generate summaries for these small changes from revision graphs of Wikipedia edit history. In this paper, we propose an approach to give a concise summary to a given scope of revisions, by utilizing supergrams, which are consecutive unchanged term sequences.

  • Revision graph extraction in Wikipedia based on supergram decomposition

    Jianmin Wu, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. International Symposium on Open Collaboration (WikiSym + OpenSym 2013), ACM Press   B5  2013.08

  • Factors that influence social networking service private information disclosure at diverse openness and scopes

    Basilisa Mvungi, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   8238   119 - 128  2013

     View Summary

    In this paper, we present findings about factors that influence private information disclosure activities in social networking service (SNS). Our study is based on two data sets: (1) Survey Data, responses to a questionnaire consisting of items such as users' privacy settings, motivations of using SNS (motivations), and risk awareness, and (2) Public Data, consisting of user profiles that were opened to the public. Openness score is calculated from the number of disclosed items. We study influential factors and their rankings at varying openness scores and disclosure scopes. Our findings reveal that, gender, profile photo, certain motivations, and risk awareness highly affect private information disclosure activities. However the ranking of influential factors is not uniform. Gender and profile photo have greater influence, however their influence becomes lower and loses significance as openness is getting higher, falling behind motivations and number of friends. We also observe consistent tendencies between both data. © 2013 Springer International Publishing.



  • Wikipedia revision graph extraction based on n-gram cover

    Jianmin Wu, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   7419   29 - 38  2012

     View Summary

    During the past decade, mass collaboration systems have emerged and thrived on the World-Wide Web, with numerous user contents generated. As one of such systems, Wikipedia allows users to add and edit articles in this encyclopedic knowledge base and piles of revisions have been contributed. Wikipedia maintains a linear record of edit history with timestamp for each article, which includes precious information on how each article has evolved. However, meaningful revision evolution features like branching and revert are implicit and needed to be reconstructed. Also, existence of merges from multiple ancestors indicates that the edit history shall be modeled as a directed acyclic graph. To address these issues, we propose a revision graph extraction method based on n-gram cover that effectively find branching and revert. We evaluate the accuracy of our method by comparing with manually constructed revision graphs. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.



  • 異種分散環境におけるロールベースアクセス制御のモデル駆動設計手法

    近藤誠一, 岩井原瑞穂, 吉川正俊, 小宮崇, 虎渡昌史

    情報処理学会論文誌   52 ( 5 ) 1882 - 1898  2011.05


  • Realtime Social Sensing of Support Rate for Microblogging

    Jun Huang, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Social Networks and Social Media Mining on the Web (SNSMW), LNCS   6637   357 - 368  2011.04  [Refereed]

  • Quality Evaluation of Wikipedia Articles Through Edit History and Editor Groups

    Se Wang, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. 13th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2011), LNCS   6612   188 - 199  2011.04  [Refereed]

  • Trend Analysis and Recommendation of Users' Privacy Settings on Social Networking Services

    Toshikazu Munemasa, Mizuho Iwaihara

    SOCIAL INFORMATICS   6984   184 - 197  2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Social networking services (SNSs) are regarded as an indispensable social media for finding friends and interacting with them. However, their search capabilities often raise privacy concerns. Usually, an SNS provides privacy settings for each user, so that he/she can specify who can access his/her online contents. But these privacy settings often become either too simplistic or too complicated. To assist SNS users to discover their own appropriate settings, we propose a privacy-setting recommendation system, which utilizes privacy settings on public access, collected from over 66,000 real Facebook users and settings donated by participating users. We show privacy scores of the collected settings according to user categories. Our recommendation system utilizes these analysis results as well as correlations within privacy settings, and visualizes distribution of collected user's settings. Our evaluations on test users show effectiveness of our approach.

  • Efficient Database-Driven Evaluation of Security Clearance for Federated Access Control of Dynamic XML Documents

    Erwin Leonardi, Sourav S. Bhowmick, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA2010), LNCS   5981   299 - 306  2010.04  [Refereed]

  • 異種分散環境におけるロールベースアクセス制御の定量的リスク評価

    近藤 誠一, 岩井原 瑞穂, 吉川 正俊, 虎渡昌史

    情報処理学会論文誌   50 ( 11 ) 2727 - 2739  2009.11

  • Query Rewriting Rules for Versioned XML Documents

    Tetsutaro Motomura, Mizuho Iwaihara, Masatoshi Yoshikawa

    Proc. 20th Int. Conf. Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA2009), Lecture Note in Computer Science   5690   364 - 371  2009.09  [Refereed]

  • Detecting Privacy Violations in Database Publishing using Disjoint Queries

    Millist Vincent, Mukesh Mohania, Mizuho Iwaihara

    Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Extending Database Technology (EDBT2009), ACM     252 - 262  2009.03

  • アイデンティティ管理におけるプライバシー属性オントロジを用いた開示属性の分類

    村上耕平, 岩井原瑞穂, Gail-Joon Ahn, 吉川正俊

    日本データベース学会論文誌   7 ( 1 ) 55 - 60  2008.06

  • XML 文書のアクセス制御におけるロール階層を考慮したルール簡略化とルール変更操作の局所化

    牛場祐貴, 岩井原瑞穂, 吉川正俊

    日本データベース学会論文誌   7 ( 1 ) 49 - 54  2008.06

  • 文書における構造の素性を用いた照応による人物検索

    米井由美, 岩井原瑞穂, 吉川正俊

    日本データベース学会論文誌   7 ( 1 ) 151 - 15  2008

  • Relevancy Based Access Control and Its Evaluation on Versioned XML Documents

    Mizuho Iwaihara, Somchai Chatvichienchai, Ryotaro Hayashi, Chutiporn Anutariya, Vilas Wuwongse

    ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC)   10 ( 1 ) 1 - 31  2007.02  [Refereed]

  • Efficient Web Profiling by Time-Decaying Bloom Filters

    Kai Cheng, Mizuho Iwaihara, Limin Xiang, Kazuo Ushijima

    日本データベース学会Letters   4 ( 1 ) 137 - 140  2005.06


  • XML 文書のアクセス制御におけるcascade の最適化

    岩井原瑞穂, 王波, チャットウィチェンチャイ ソムチャイ

    日本データベース学会Letters   4 ( 1 ) 117 - 120  2005.06


  • 高等学校におけるSqueak を用いた課題解決型情報教育の実践と評価

    藤岡健史, 高田秀志, 岩井原瑞穂

    日本教育工学会論文誌   28   141 - 144  2005

  • 電子商取引における商品ルール抽出支援手法

    小澤正幸, 岩井原瑞穂, 上林彌彦

    日本データベース学会Letters   3 ( 1 ) 13 - 16  2004.06


  • Authorization translation for XML document transformation

    S Chatvichienchai, M Iwaihara, Y Kambayashi

    WORLD WIDE WEB-INTERNET AND WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS   7 ( 1 ) 111 - 138  2004.03  [Refereed]

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    XML access control models proposed in the literature enforce access restrictions directly on the structure and content of an XML document. Therefore access authorization rules (authorizations, for short), which specify access rights of users on information within an XML document, must be revised if they do not match with changed structure of the XML document. In this paper, we present two authorization translation problems. The first is a problem of translating instance-level authorizations for an XML document. The second is a problem of translating schema-level authorizations for a collection of XML documents conforming to a DTD. For the first problem, we propose an algorithm that translates instance-level authorizations of a source XML document into those for a transformed XML document by using instance-tree mapping from the transformed document instance to the source document instance. For the second problem, we propose an algorithm that translates value-independent schema-level authorizations of non-recursive source DTD into those for a non-recursive target DTD by using schema-tree mapping from the target DTD to the source DTD. The goal of authorization translation is to preserve authorization equivalence at instance node level of the source document. The XML access control models use path expressions of XPath to locate data in XML documents. We define property of the path expressions (called node-reducible path expressions) that we can transform schema-level authorizations of value-independent type by schema-tree mapping. To compute authorizations on instances of schema elements of the target DTD, we need to identify the schema elements whose instances are located by a node-reducible path expression of a value-independent schema-level authorization. We give an algorithm that carries out path fragment containment test to identify the schema elements whose instances are located by a node-reducible path expression.

  • 電子商取引における組み合わせ制約集合の統計的性質に基づいた検索支援

    志賀隆之, 岩井原瑞穂, 上林弥彦

    電子情報通信学会論文誌   J84-D-I ( 2 ) 266 - 277  2004.02

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Books and Other Publications

  • Proceedings of The 2nd Int’l Special Workshop on Databases for Next-Generation Researchers (SWOD2006)

    Tetsuji Satoh, Kyoji Kawagoe, Mizuho Iwaihara

    IEEE Press  2006.04

  • 「情報システムと情報技術事典」第4 部情報技術の基礎「コンピュータとネットワーク」,4-67 および4-68


    培風館  2006

Research Projects

  • Structural extension of knolwedge graph utilizing temporal and semantic analysis of social media

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Iwaihara Mizuho

     View Summary

    Wikipedia is known as the largest social media collecting knowledge, from which knowledge graphs are extracted as computer-readable structured knowledge models. Knowledge graphs are utilized for search result enrichment and various natural language tasks. For developing high-quality knowledge graphs from Wikipedia, structured data such as lists and categories need to be utilized.
    In this research, we developed new methods for predicting Wikipedia article pairs that should be merged, and pairs that should have links. For extracting keyphrases from article texts, we developed a method utilizing pretrained language models, improving known records on this task. We also proposed new methods for authorship attribution on tweets, utilizing text sentiment.

  • Extraction of structural knowledge and analysis of posting intention from social media

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    We developed a method to extract key sentences and phrases that are correlated with bursting edits from versioned articles. Key phrases related to bursts happening in edit histories of hundreds of articles can be detected, which can be used to find how significant phrases are evolving over time.For analysis of posting intention in social media, we conducted collection of SNS posts and carried out sentiment analysis, and obtained multi-dimensional feature vectors that summarize users’ sentiment orientations. Seven to eight latent posting styles are appeared to be reasonable to explain users’ posting styles, which can be applied to authorship attribution on tweets

  • ソーシャルメディアからの構造的知識の抽出と投稿意図分析


    Project Year :


  • Mining derivation histories and privacy management on social media

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Iwaihara Mizuho

     View Summary

    We investigate analysis of contents posted by users of SNSs, and users’ motivations on SNS posting. From Wikipedia edit histories, we developed an efficient and accurate algorithm to reconstruct version histories, which can indicate how branches of versions were happened, for illustrating the process of the evolution of articles. We asked Facebook users about their motivations on their postings, and developed a purpose model that can classify into major purposes, including interaction between new online friends and interaction with known friends, and then discovered predictors of these purposes from users’ profiles and metrics on posting behaviors

  • Analisys and Applications of Development of Social Contents

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IWAIHARA Mizuho, YOSHIKAWA Masatoshi, MA Qiang, ASANO Yasuhito

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    The aim of this project is to develop technologies for extracting useful information from social contents. Wiki-style contents are edited by many contributors. We developed an algorithm to accurately reconstruct derivation of contents from edit histories. We also analyzed tendencies of users’ privacy settings, and utilized these findings in recommending appropriate settings to users. We further developed efficient access control methods for contents

  • Privacy-preserving anonymization algorithm with information loss minimization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IWAIHARA Mizuho

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    For anonymizing database tables containing personal information, we proposed a new framework such that privacy constraints are given as inference probabilities(accuracies) between person-identifying attributes and sensitive attributes. Also, information loss due to anonymization is modeled as cost functions, and an algorithm that finds an optimal anonymized table was developed. As related research, we also developed access control methods for globally distributed environments, as well as user assistance for privacy settings in social networking services

  • Fundamental Technologies on Integrated Usage of Knowledge Resource on the Web

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIKAWA Masatoshi, MA Qiang, ASANO Yasuhito, SHIMIZU Toshiyuki, IWAIHARA Mizuho, SUZUKI Yu

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    We have studied management methods for annotation data on information, and coreference analysis in order to keep the quality of information on Web servers high. We have developed a system for storage and retrieval of RDF data representing knowledge resource as well as integrated usage system of retrieval engines and user generated knowledge resource Wikipedia. Also, we have developed a system for consistency analysis and a method for incremental update of causal relation networks

  • Risk-Managed Personal Information Sharing Framework

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IWAIHARA Mizuho, YOSHIKAWA Masatosh, TAKADA Hideyuki, YOKOJA Yusuke

  • 科学技術振興機構(JST) 戦略的国際科学技術協力推進事業 日本‐米国研究交流課題「重要情報基盤保護」分野,「アイデンティティ連携におけるリスクを考慮した個人情報共有方式」,

    Project Year :


  • Development of Advanced Web Data Houses and its Application to Education Systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OGINO Hiroyuki, MORIYA Kazuyuki, SAKAI Tetsuro, IWAIHARA Mizuho, TAKAKURA Hiroki

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    Education systems utilizing the Web have been attracting attentions. By the increase of the volume of education contents and students, the efficiency of processing data becomes a problem. We have been proposing and developing web warehouses for efficient web information processing. In this research, we designed web warehouses from the point of views of education applications, and conducted a series of researches for developing necessary functionalities for the web warehouse and application systems, as summarized below :Web-base contents for environment education : For supporting environment education in field situations, we developed a system to collect various observation data, such as text, images from digital cameras and location information obtained by GPS, and assembles them into web contents. The system was demonstrated in EXPO2005.Teacher-assistance mechanism for web-based self-learning system utilizing operation histories : We developed a web-based self-learning system, which presents questions and records answers through web interface, and we applied the system in high-school supplementary classes. The system's feature is a recoding mechanism which records all the operations by students on PCs, and these records can be analyzed from various point of views, such as answering orders, answering time, hints referred by students, correctness of answers. Through the visualization of record analysis, teachers can evaluate performance of students.Access control of web warehouses : A web warehouse accumulates huge data as the time passes, and it is necessary to build an access control model for the data on web warehouses, where semantics of web warehouses, such as version derivation, content structure, and timestamps, need to be incorporated. We developed a new model which fits these requirements, and we also showed evaluation algorithms.Detecting anomalies of web servers : It is becoming a serious problem that web servers are heavily attacked by unknown adversaries for taking over or sabotaging the server. We have developed a system to visualize web access logs for detecting suspicious activities, utilizing data mining methodologies

  • Integrated Support for e-Commence and e-Procurement Based on Database for Business Rules

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IWAIHARA Mizuho, TAKAKURA Hiroki, YOKOTA Yusuke

     View Summary

    Developing technologies for e-commerce, e-procurement and e-government can contribute for promoting productivity of the entire society as well as improving efficiency of economy. In this research, we focused on marketing functionality for establishing selling contracts, and supporting execution of selling contracts. In business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce and e-procurement, selling goods shall be compared not only by price, but also by various types of added values, discount rules, and cancel policies. Representing such business rules in a logical language and storing them in a database can be utilized for developing applications such as marketing including auctions, generating workflow definitions based on selling contracts, and so on.In this research, we developed a technology for extracting business rules from natural language texts in web pages. Such texts, like airline tickets and rent-a-car contracts, are often written in mostly uniform sentences, and providing transformation templates can greatly help the transformation task. The templates produce business rules in a constraint language and stored in a dynamic constraint database developed in this research. Those rules in the database can be queried for logical satisfiablity and implication. We showed evaluation results as well as query optimization methods.For understanding tendencies and characteristics of business rules, we proposed a method for constructing a user interface which reflects degree of relevancy between attributes of business rules. Using this interface, user-configurable goods, such as assembling PCs, can be easily constructed by users, because our interface visualizes relevancy between attributes of business rules, which reflects how parts can be independently chosen, thus reducing constraint violations.,For inter-organizational process collaboration, we have developed a database of e-contracts, where e-contracts hold clauses of agreements, duties, deadlines, exceptions, and so on. By linking intra-organizational workflows with these e-contracts, we can monitor execution of e-contracts. We also developed methods for querying workflow cases to obtain relevant e-contract calluses, and querying similar workflow cases in respect to e-contract relationships

  • Development of "Hardware Morphing" Technology for Dynamic Optimization of Hardware Configuration

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The objective of this research project is to develop techniques(called "Syste Morph : System Morphing") of dynamic reconfiguration and optimization of hardware for system-LSI's and software for them, as (a)an approach for optimization of designing system-LSI's and (b)a solution for "design crisis". The project has performed the following research results.(1)Development and evaluation of online-pro filing techniques : The project has developed some techniques of online profiling which find a hot spot(for example, programming codes, data, or paths operated frequently in a program) by observing the behavior of a program. Then, the project has implemented the online profile to the, dynamically-reconfigurable processor, DAP/DNA, by IPFlex, and evaluated its accuracy and overheads.(2)Development and evaluation of dynamic-software-pipelining techniques : The project has developed some techniques of dynamic software pipelining for loops in the hot path found in (1). Then, the project has implemented the techniques for a hyper-scalar processor which has a VLIW as its coprocessor, and evaluated its improvement and overheads.(3)Development and evaluation of online-construction techniques for configuration data of hardware : The project has developed some techniques to construct the configuration data of a DNA dynamically and in a parallel with the operation of the program, to con figure dynamically the hot path in (1) to the DNA as a logical circuit. Then, the project has implemented the techniques and valuated its performanc

  • Studies on Internet Database and its Applications

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAMBAYASHI Yahiko, TAKAKURA Hiroki, IWAIHARA Mizuho, IKEDA Katsuo, YAMADA Atsushi, YOKOTA Yusuke

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    As the use of the Internet is widespread the application area is getting wider. However, while the Internet is a hug bundle of data and is analogous to databases, the data format is too diversified for the database-like use. Hence, it is difficult to utilize them efficiently. This research has achieved the following three contributions :(1) Analysis and application of local InternetThis research proposed retrieve methods of local information on the Internet, cooperating with ISP (Kyoto-Inet) that has many users around Kyoto. Especially, it consists mainly of two proposals ; computation methods of how strongly the information is associated with the local area, and caching technologies of web pages accessed frequently. In the latter we showed that it is practically useful, by applying the method to the real data of the ISP.(2) Advanced Education with WWWSince WWW is helpful to realize distant learning systems, we practiced and evaluated our long-time research proposals Cooperating with Kyoto board of education, the systems were applied to math classes at Horikawa high school. We have practiced educational activities to encourage to improve students' creativity at Takakura and Gosho-minami grade schools. We did researches on constructing databases of students' understanding processes. These systems are distinct from on another, but are still in practice now. Because of support by the teachers and students, the systems are getting widespread.(3) Database Technologies for Electronic Commerce (E-Commerc)This research presented statistical evaluations of methods to find out the items customers hope to get on e-commerce systems. It did theoretical researches on XML documents compatible among corporations. In E-Commerce, it is more importan to protect copyrights because of easier duplication of the items than in real commercial activities. It cooperated with Woodland, ASTEM and Kyoto Comparative Law Center to contribute to EC technology development and copyright protection

  • Development of Architectures and Design Methodologies of Customizable IP Cores for System-LSI's

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MURAKAMI Kazuaki, IWAIHARA Mizuho, MATSUNAGA Yusuke, YASUURA Hiroto, TOMIYAMA Hiroyuki, INOUE Sozo

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    The objective of this research project is to develop architectures and design methodologies of customizable IP cores for system-LSI's. The project has performed the following research results.(1) Development of customizable IP core architectures : The project has developed several customizable processors and co-processors as customizable IP cores, and design methodologies for these IP cores. The technologies developed include (I) customizable processors where the performance and energy consumption of their functional units can be (re)configured and optimized at either compile time or run time, (ii)customizable co-processors whose functionality and organization can be reconfigured at run time, (iii) online hardware synthesis technology which produces hardware configuration information for the customizable co-processors, and so on.(2) Development of customizable memory core architectures : The project has developed several customizable memory cores and related technologies ; (I) customizing the instruction decoding for object programs, based on the statistical analysis on the appearance frequency of bit patterns of instructions, so that the power consumed for fetching instructions from a program ROM, (ii) customizing and reducing the number of tag lookups for instruction cache, based on the profile of instruction fetch addresses, so that the power consumed for checking the instruction cache tags, and so on.(3) Development of customization techniques for variable-size datapath and memory-path : The project has developed some techniques for analyzing the dynamic ranges of variables in source programs, and then determining the size of datapath and memory-path so that tradeoff between the performance and power consumption can be achieved

  • The Development of Basic Software Techniques for Variable-Voltage Processors Targeting Low-Energy Consumption

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUURA Hiroto, IWAIHARA Mizuho, MATSUNAGA Yusuke, MURAKAMI Kazuaki, OKUMA Takanori, SAWADA Sunao

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    This work discusses some basic techniques of software for variable-voltage processors in order to realize low-energy design, together with modeling techniques and evaluations of their potential benefits by simulation. Details are listed as follows :1) A task scheduling technique for a real-time system with a variable-voltage processor, by which supply voltage is changed dynamically, is presented.2) A platform for datapath width optimization of soft-core processors is built and the presented methodology of datapath optimization is evaluated by using MPEG AAC decoder. In addition, an energy minimization methodology using datapath width optimization is proposed. To find the optimized datapath width for a given application in the early phase of designs, an effective bitwidth and access frequency of variables based performance estimation technique is also developed. A low-energy memory design technique is presented as well.3) A new datapath width optimization methodology considering computation precision targeting area and power reduction is presented.4) A power reduction technique by reducing switching of redundant bit is presented, here effective bit line on data bus is called active bit, the other bit is called redundant bit.5) A cost model for SoC (System on a Chip), in which each cost as a parameter is presented, and a design method by market scale and number of products is also presented.6) High-performance/low power cache architectures with variable cache-line size for merged DRAM/Logic LSIs are presented ; in addition, a low-power instruction cache architecture exploiting program execution footprints is presented

  • A Study on Delay and Function Test for Core-Based System LSIs

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUURA Hiroto, MATSUNAGA Yuusuke, YAMASHITA Masafumi, MURAKAMI Kazuaki, SAWADA Sunao, IWAIHARA Mizuho

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    Recent significant advances in LSI technologies have been increasing the number of transistors on a chip dramatically. System designers can now build a large system on a single chip as a system-on-a-chip (SOC). They often use multiple pre-designed and pre-verified blocks to reduce the time required for design and verification. These cores include black-boxed cores whose details are unknown due to the protection of intellectual property (IP) information. The importance of testing the function and performance has been increasing as the LSI technologies have been increasing.We proposed function and performance test methods for Core-Based System LSIs. We proposed a function test method named as CBET (Combination of BIST and External Test) scheme. We theoretically and experimentally validated that the CBET scheme can reduce much testing time. We also proposed a performance test method in which the delay time at a node is treated stochastically. This method can reduce extra margins of the delay time and therefore can estimate the performance for LSIs accurately

  • Study on Design Methodologies for Scalable System-LSI Architectures

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The objective of this research project is to develop design methodologies for scalable system-LSI architectures. The project has performed the following research results.(1) Development of scalable system-LSI emulator : The project has developed an emulator, which consists of a CPCI-based PC card and two FPGA-mounted CPCI cards, for enabling designers to explore large design space of system-LSI quickly.(2) Development of architectures for scalable system-LSI and the design space : The project has developed a couple of technologies good for scalable system-LSI, such as (i) PPRAM (Parallel Processing RAM) architectures (inter-LSI communication interface, dynamically variable line-size cache, and so on), (ii) optimizing techniques for variable datapath/memorypath width, (iii) techniques for alleviating data/control dependences on CMP (chip multiprocessor), (iv) intra-LSI signaling technique reducing the effect of crosstalk.(3) Development of CAD tools : The project has developed a couple of CAD tools, such as (i) realtime online profiler for detecting program hot-spots, (ii) hardware/software codesign environment for soft-core processor and Valen-C programs.(4) Development and evaluation of high-performance/low-power microprocessor architectures : The project has developed a couple of technologies good for high-performance/low-power microprocessors, such as (i) dynamic module selection technique utilizing multiple functional modules with different performance/power properties, (ii) realtime task scheduling algorithm for DVS (dynamic voltage scaling) processors, (iii) power-aware memory hierarchy, (iv) cache memory architectures adapting CCC (common case computation) principle to memory reference behavior.(5) Development of applications of scalable system-LSI : The project has developed some scalable system-LSI applications, including (i) RSA cipher processor, (ii) MPEG2 AAC decoder, (iii) special-purpose processor for ERI (electron repulsion integral) calculations in computational chemistry programs

  • Development of System-LSI Architectures Based on Merged Memory/Logic Technology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The objectives of this research project are to develop system-LSI architectures and computer-system architectures, or PPRAM (Parallel Processing RAM), which are based mainly on merged memory/logic technology, parallel/distributed processing technology , and inter-LSI high-speed interconnect technology. The project has performed the following research results.
    (1) Inter-LSI high-speed interconnect standard, or PPRAM-Link : The project has defined a set of specifications for physical layer, logical layer, and API of PPRAM-Link ; and then it has implemented these specifications in several ways.
    (2) Reference PPRAM architectures : The project has developed a couple of architectures good for merged DRAM/logic system-LSI, such as (I) shared-register CMP (chip multiprocessor), (ii) statically/dynamically variable line-size cache, (iii) way-predicting set-associative cache.
    (3) DRAM refresh architectures for merged DRAM/logic LSI : The project has developed a couple of architectures good for merged DRAM/logic system-LSI so that alleviate the DRAM refresh characteristics to be worsened by on-chip logic.
    (4) Hardware/software codesign methodology for embedded system-LSI : The project has developed a hardware/software codesign methodology based on soft-core processor and Valen-C technologies.
    (5) Software-controlled low power architectures : The project has designed a processor architecture, or PowerPro, which can optimize the power consumption by means of software control according to the system load.
    (6) Test methodology for system-LSI : The project has proposed a test methodology good for system-LSI, which combines BIST and external test.
    (7) PPRAM-based MOE (molecular orbital calculation engine) : The project has developed some PPRAM applications, including MOE chips and MOE system. The MOE chip consists of a 32-bit integer RISC processor, a 76-bit MO-specific floating-point processor, 1Mb SRAM, and a PPRAM-Link interface. The MOE system consists of a number of MOE boards, each of which includes five MOE chips and a bridge chip for PPRAM-Link and IEEE1394.
    (8) PPRAM-based realtime digital-watermarking engine for movies : Another PPRAM application is a realtime digital-watermarking engine for movies. The project has implemented a suite of wavelet transformation function, PPRAM-Link interface and PCI-bus interface by means of FPGA.

  • Research on Low-Power Design of Microprocessor Systems.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUURA Hiroto, ISHIHARA Tohru, TOMIYAMA Hiroyuki, SAWADA Sunao, IWAIHARA Mizuho, MURAKAMI Kazuaki

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    We proposed novel design techniques for low-power consumption microprocessor systems utilizing characteristics of LSIs. The research covers low-power architectures of processors and memories, an optimum control strategy of supply voltage for minimizing power consumption, and hardware/software codesign techniques for low-power design. The following results have been obtained.1) Development of low-power systems with a variable voltage processor architecture : In this architecture, we provide several supply voltage levels and clock frequency corresponding to each voltage level. Programmers can select the optimum voltage levels according to the required load of programs. We proved a basic theorem for the selection of the optimum voltage and implemented a prototype processor with a voltage control instruction. More than 70% power reduction is achieved for practical programs.2) Development of a low-power processor with variable data-path width : We proposed a new processor architecture in which active data-path width can be controlled from programs. This architecture can be easily combined with the hardware/software codesign technique based on Soft-core processor.3) A compiler technique for reducing bus transitions and a low-power design technique of cache memories : We proposed a compiler technique which controls coding and order of transfer of instructions and data on buses. We also developed a power reduction method in which instructions and data read from cache memory are expected.4) A low-power architecture of logic-DRAM mixed LSIs : For the memory hierarchy of logic-DRAM mixed LSI, we have proposed a. technique to reduce the number of refresh of DRAM to minimize the power consumption in the memory system.5) Development of logic synthesis method for low-power circuits : We developed a new logic synthesis algorithm combined with Transduction method to generate the power minimum combinational circuits

  • Development of Curriculums for Education of VLSI System Design.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUURA Hiroto, IWAIHARA Mizuho, MURAKAMI Kazuaki, ONODERA Hidetoshi, YAMAZAKI Katsuhiro, SUEHOSHI Toshinori

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    This project aims to develop curriculums and teaching materials for education of VLSI system design in universities, which should be arranged by the own hands of educational organizations. Since 1997, VDEC (VLSI design and education center of University of Tokyo) started their regular services of chip implementation and distribution of CAD tools for Japanese universities. Corresponding to the activities of VDEC,we pursued the development of design environment for VDEC users, test run for the new service of VDEC and implementation of education curriculums using services of VDEC.
    We have developed two sets of cell libraries for VDEC under the cooperation of Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ.and Waseda Univ.In order to verify the cell libraries, we designed several VLSI chips using the libraries. We also design other chips for establishing a newly introduced process and LPGA's. The designs were done in the following universities : Tokyo, Kyoto, Waseda, Kyushu, Hiroshima City, Kyushu Institute of Technologies, Tohohashi, Osaka, and Keio. The libraries will open for all VDEC users from 1998.
    Based on the above experiences of chip designs, we have developed curriculums of VLSI system design education. The curriculums are applied to classes in some universities. We also reviewed a textbook for VLSI design using VDEC service and made tutorial courses of usage of the libraries developed in this project. Several teaching materials including educational microprecessor boards, simulators and CAE tools have implemented and opened for public through WWW.

  • ハードウェア記述言語におけるプログラム・スライシングの研究

    科学研究費助成事業(九州大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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  • Research on Performance Evaluation Technology for High-Performance Computer Systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUURA Hiroto, SAKIGUCHI Satoshi, SAWADA Sunao, IWAIHARA Mizuho, MURAKAMI Kazuaki

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    The purpose of this research is to develop a comprehensive technology for evaluating the performance, cost, and power consumption of high-performance computer systems. We have performed the following researches in particular.
    (a) Comprehensive performance evaluation on the compiler and the architecture for high-end microprocessors.
    (b) Developing and benchmarking the compiler, targetted for application-specific embedded microprocessors, which is enable to optimize the object-code according to the instruction-cache configurations.
    (c) Developing a modeling methodology for estimating the performance, area cost, and power consumption for "system-on-silicon" class VLSI,and then establishing a platform for evaluating tradeoff among these factors.
    (d) For parallel computer systems such as workstation-clusters and MPPs (Massively Parallel Processors) ;
    ・Development of performance estimation models,
    ・Study of quantitative evaluation index on scalability, and
    ・Correlation analysis of benchmark programs.

  • 演繹オブジェクト指向データベースのための記憶効率のよいデータ構造

    科学研究費助成事業(九州大学)  科学研究費助成事業(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


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    本研究は、演繹オブジェクト指向データベース(Deductive Object-Oriented Databases;DOOD)のための記憶効率の良いデータ構造の開発を目的としている。
    そのために、論理構造CADの分野で注目されている二分決定グラフ(Binary Decision Diagram;BDD)に着目し、これを関係の記憶構造として用いることを検討した。この方法では関係を論理関数に符号化し、BDDとして実現するところに考慮すべき課題がある。さらにBDDに基づく符号化法では、理論的に超えられない表現サイズの限界がこれまでの研究で分っている。この限界を克服するために、データベース向きの新たなデータ構造として、Patrica BDDを提案した。またこれまでに提案しているBDDに基づく符号化法についても、実装して評価を行なった。
    (1)Patricia BDDの定義および理論的解析:BDDに代るDOODのための記憶効率のよいデータベース構造としてPAtricia BDDを定義し、その最悪記憶サイズを解析した。
    (2)効率の解析:対数/線形符号化を用いたBDD、およびPatricia BDDの記憶効率および演算効率を、主記憶型データベースにおいて、種々のパラメータにおける演算効率・記憶効率を評価し、これらBDD型のデータ構造が有効となる状況を明らかにした。

  • Development of Educational Microprocessors for Computer Science Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUURA Hiroto, IWAIHARA Mizuho, MURAKAMI Kazuaki, SATO Masao, ONODERA Hidetoshi, YAMAZAKI Katsuhiro

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    Current computer education curricula of universities and higher educational institutes put emphasis on computer literacy and programming, and it is not sufficient for understanding the total picture of computer systems, from software to hardware, and principles of computing mechanisms. This research project is aimed at developing microprocessor systems suitable for education of computer science, and designing course curricula for systematic education of computer systems, utilizing those educational microprocessors. Our achievements are summarized below :
    1.32-bit RISC educational microprocessors : We have developed QP-DLX (Kyushu Univ.) and DLX-FPGA (Kyushu Inst. Tech.) ; both microprocessors have modern architectures such as 32-bit RISC, instruction pipeline, and exception handling. They also have educational features such as observability of internal processor states.
    2. FPGA educational microprocessors : FPGA is a reconfigurable device and it can be used for implementing student-designed microprocessors in classrooms. We have developed several FPGA microprocessor boards for different education levels. DLX-FPGA is a 32-bit microprocessor suitable for graduate microprocessor design projects, and a model curriculum using DLX-FPGA is also developed for design courses using hardware description languages. PICO (Keio Univ.) is suitable for entry-level computer education and its curriculum takes account of use in classes of a large number of students.
    3. Public release of design data and benchmarks : Various design data, documents, and course texts developed in this project, together with CAD benchmarks, are released for public use through the Internet.

  • Research on Logic Synthesis and Hardware Description Language Considering Layout Design

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUURA Hiroto, SAWADA Sunao, MURAKAMI Kazuaki

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    Traditional logic synthesis technology principally aims at generating topological information of logic circuits, realizing function given by functional description. Geometric information which appears in a final mask-pattern is decided in layout synthesis stage independently from logic synthesis. Therefore, in the case of random circuits like control-path, it is possible to get better performance than manual design. But, in the case of regular circuits like data-path, iti is hard to design good synthesis method in which geometric restriction on layout is considered in logic synthesis, and a design description language for that purpose.
    (a) Study on design description language that canrepresent regularity of layout-pattern : We proposed a language which can specigy the regularity on layout-pattern and the outline of placement and routing information in functional design.
    (b) Study on logic synthesis considering areas and wiring delays : We investigated a logic sythesis method considering wiring delays and areas in logic synthesis, and proposed a circuit synthesis method using the commutative law.
    (c) Comparisons of methods to design the practical circuits : We examined the effect of the several synthesis methods, applying them to practical development of a microprocessor. We concretely point out problems on commercial tools and languages.
    (d) Applocation of the logic synthesis method : As an application of our method, we propose hardware/software codesign using soft core-processor.
    Through the above researches, we unified logic synthesis and layout synthesis, which have been done independently. In our method, designers specify information on layout in architecture design, and logic synthesis and layout synthesis are done using its information. We also show a framework of new design automation system and its application method.

  • プログラム・スライシングに基づくハードウェア設計記述支援環境

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  • 動的・対話的データベースビューの研究

  • 動的制約代数に基づく高機能電子商取引データベース

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  • 情報流通におけるアクセス制御ルールを考慮したXML文書の変換

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  • 集合知の体系化による知の創出支援基盤技術の開発

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  • 研究助成 (代表者等...

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    研究助成 (代表者等分)
    基盤研究(B), ソーシャルコンテンツの発展過程の分析と応用, 代表, H21-H24.
    挑戦的萌芽研究, 情報損失を最小化可能なプライバシー保護のための匿名化アルゴリズム, 代表, H21-H23.
    科学技術振興機構(JST) 戦略的国際科学技術協力推進事業 日本‐米国研究交流課題「重要情報基盤保護」分野,「アイデンティティ連携におけるリスクを考慮した個人情報共有方式」, H19.2-H22.3.
    基盤研究(B)(2), リスク管理型個人情報保護共有フレームワーク, 代表, H18-H20.
    萌芽研究(2), 情報流通におけるアクセス制御ルールを考慮したXML文書 の変換, 代表, H16-H18.
    基盤研究(B)(2), ビジネスルールのデータベース処理に基づく電子商取 引・電子調達支援基盤, 代表, H15-H16.
    京都大学21世紀COE「知識社会基盤構築のための情報学拠点形成」研究推進者, H15-H18
    奨励研究(A), 動的制約代数に基づく高機能電子商取引データベース, 代表, H13-H14.
    高度情報化支援ソフトウェアシーズ育成事業, 動的制約代数に基づく電子商取引データベースシステムの開発, 代表, H13.
    九州大学国際学術交流資金, 協調型データベースシステムの研究, 米国ジョージア大学.
    科研費奨励(A), プログラムスライシングの基づくハードウェア設計記述支援環境, 代表, H9-H10.



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  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher