Updated on 2024/12/22


YOKOTA, Kazuhiko
Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title
Ph.D. in Economics ( University of Colorado at Boulder )

Research Experience

  • 2007

    Kyushu University, Visiting Associate Professor

  • 2007.08

    Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Visiting Fellow

  • 2007

    National Productivity Corporation, Malaysia, Technical Expert

  • 2006.10

    University of Indonesia, (LPEM)Jakarta, Visiting Fellow

  • 2006.08

    Malaysian Institute of Economic Research, Kuala Lumpur, Visiting Fellow

  • 2006.07

    East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, Visiting Fellow

  • 2003

    University of Colorado, Instructor

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Education Background


    University of Colorado at Boulder   Graduate School, Department of Economics   Economics  


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Economics  


    Waseda University   School of Commerce  

Research Areas

  • Economic policy

Research Interests

  • International Economics, Development Economics



  • In Search of the Learning-by-Exporting Effect: Role of Economies of Scale and Technology

    Kazuhiko Yokota, Kyosuke Kurita, Shujiro Urata

    China Economic Policy Review   5 ( 1 ) 1650001-1 - 1650001-27  2016.11  [Refereed]


  • Who gains from foreign direct investment-induced technology spillovers? Horizontal and vertical linkages

    Akinori Tomohara, Kazuhiko Yokota

    Australian Economic Review   46 ( 3 ) 312 - 324  2013.09  [Refereed]

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    While the literature has explored the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and productivity, a consensus has yet to be reached regarding FDIs impacts on the productivity of local companies, specifically with respect to vertical spillovers. This analysis extends upon previous works and sheds light on the necessity of distinguishing establishment characteristics when discussing potential benefits from FDI. The analysis shows that export-oriented establishments enjoy forward spillovers. Horizontal and backward spillovers are observed in local market-oriented establishments. These results lead to the conclusion that the literature during the 2000s shows country-wide spillover effects or averaged effects across industries. © 2013 The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.



  • R&D Spillovers and Foreign Market Entry: Acquisition versus Greenfield Investment

    Kazuhiko Yokota, Kung-Ming Chen

    International Economic Journal   26 ( 2 ) 265 - 280  2012.06  [Refereed]

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    This paper presents a three-stage game to model the entry behavior of a multinational firm in the presence of R&amp
    D spillovers. The multinational firm's entry mode choice - that is, to invest to set up a new plant or merge with a local firm - is a function of the magnitude of spillovers, as well as the relative cost of greenfield investment, and mergers and acquisitions (M&amp
    A). Our model shows that if there exist relatively high R&amp
    D leakages and relatively small difference in cost between M&amp
    A and greenfield investment, an R&amp
    D-intensive foreign firm tends to choose greenfield investment rather than M&amp
    A, while if there exist relatively low R&amp
    D leakages, the foreign firm is more likely to choose M&amp
    A rather than greenfield investment. It is also shown that the size of social welfare of the host country depends on the degree of R&amp
    D spillovers. These results produce strong implications for antitrust policy for particularly developing countries. © 2012 Copyright Korea International Economic Association.



  • Foreign direct investment and wage inequality: is skill upgrading the culprit?

    Akinori Tomohara, Kazuhiko Yokota

    APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS   18 ( 8 ) 773 - 781  2011  [Refereed]

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    This article examines whether inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a source of wage inequality between skilled and unskilled labour in developing countries. Although the literature has explored wage inequality issues, we studied the impacts of FDI on skill upgrading comprehensively, together with trade and other factors (such as FDI externalities). Specifically, our analysis introduces the origin of FDI, controls for plant heterogeneity and relates the results to the FDI theory on Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). The results show that, on average, FDI caused wage inequality because of FDI-led skill-biased technological change. However, Japanese and Taiwanese investments helped to alleviate the inequality. Japanese and Taiwanese FDI is motivated by cost advantages achieved through vertical FDI and thus increases relative demand for unskilled labour.



  • Modeling FDI-induced Technology Spillovers (Lead Article)

    Kazuhiko Yokota, Akinori Tomohara

    International Trade Journal   24 ( 1 ) 5 - 34  2010  [Refereed]

  • 国際貿易と経済成長-生産性格差、外部経済効果と東アジアの異質性-


    早稲田商学   420/421 ( 1 ) 75 - 126  2009.09

  • Extending the learning-by-exporting hypothesis: Introducing a credit constraint

    Kazuhiko Yokota, Akinori Tomohara

    International Advances in Economic Research   15 ( 2 ) 169 - 177  2009  [Refereed]

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    This paper develops a theoretical framework which can be used to examine policy implications from the learning-by-exporting hypothesis. This work builds on previous theoretical literature by introducing a credit constraint. When credit is available, the analysis suggests that supporting a learning sector via an export subsidy is not necessarily advised to improve social welfare. The learning sector's goods may be over-produced (relative to another non-tradable sector goods) when consumers can borrow freely for their consumption. If the learning sector's goods are over-produced, social welfare will be improved via a tax on production. © International Atlantic Economic Society 2009.



  • A decomposition of factors influencing horizontal and vertical FDI: A separate analysis

    Kazuhiko Yokota, Akinori Tomohara

    Eastern Economic Journal   35 ( 4 ) 462 - 478  2009  [Refereed]

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    While the literature has explored which factors determine the emergence of different multinational enterprise (MNE) structures (i.e., horizontal or vertical MNEs), little attention has been paid to differences within the same MNE type. This paper proposes an index to distinguish horizontal foreign direct investment (FDI) from vertical FDI and tries to identify different FDI motivations within the same MNE type. The analysis indicates that industry type, FDI destinations, and the interaction of the two play an important role in determining MNE structures. Our analysis uncovers interesting FDI patterns from data and obtains a more nuanced typology of the US multinational affiliate activities.



  • Export-led Growth via Export Platform Strategies: The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on the Structure of FDI

    Kazuhiko Yokota, Akinori Tomohara

    World Economics   10 ( 4 ) 147 - 160  2009  [Refereed]

  • Lewis Growth Model and China's Industrialization

    Nazrul Islam, Kazuhiko Yokota

    ASIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL   22 ( 4 ) 359 - 396  2008.12  [Refereed]

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    This paper examines China's industrialization in the light of the Lewis growth model. It begins with a perusal of Lewis's own writings and those of Fei and Ranis to clarify certain assumptions and predictions of the Lewis model. The paper then reviews previous applications of the Lewis model in studying industrialization of other countries, and notes the methodological problems that arise in this regard. In applying the Lewis model to study China's industrialization, the paper focuses on the dynamic relationship between wage and marginal product of labor in the traditional sector. For this purpose, the paper estimates a production function for China's agricultural sector using province level data and compares the estimated marginal product of labor with the corresponding wage of the sector. The results show that the marginal product has been increasing (from below) at a faster pace than the wage, as is predicted by the Lewis model. The results indicate that China as a whole is steadily moving toward the Lewis Turning Point.



  • 外国人移住と地域の活性化


    東アジアへの視点   19 ( 4 ) 37 - 44  2008

  • Productivity Growth, Innovation, and Catching-up of Medium-size Enterprises in Indonesia: A Nonparametric Approach

    Kazuhiko Yokota

    ERIA Research Project Report   5   133 - 157  2008

  • Export-led Growth of Developing Countries and Optimal Trade Policy

    Kazuhiko Yokota

    Area Studies   41 ( 1 ) 133 - 144  2007


  • タイ


    東アジアへの視点   17 ( 1 ) 137 - 150  2006.03

  • Thailand

    Kazuhiko Yokota

    East Asian Economic Perspectives   17 ( 1 ) 137 - 150  2006.03

  • Export Platform Strategy in Free Trade Agreement

    Kazuhiko Yokota

    Area Studies   40 ( 1 ) 151 - 161  2006.03


  • An Initial Look at China’s Industrialization in Light of the Lewis Growth Model

    Nazrul Islam, Kazuhiko Yokota

    East Asian Economic Perspectives   17 ( 2 ) 103 - 132  2006

  • タイ


    東アジアへの視点   16 ( 1 ) 173 - 190  2005.03

  • 国境を越える企業買収


    東アジアへの視点   16 ( 3 ) 23 - 30  2005

  • Thailand

    Kazuhiko Yokota

    East Asian Economic Perspectives   16 ( 1 ) 173 - 190  2005

  • 国境を越えるサービス


    ワールドトレンド   29   4 - 7  1997.11

  • オーストラリアの貿易と比較優位の考え方


    国際資源   3 ( 1 ) 28 - 29  1997

  • Impediments to International Services Transactions in the Health-related and Social Services Sector

    Kazuhiko Yokota

    IDE APEC Study Center, Working Paper Series   16 ( 1 ) 1 - 45  1997

  • アジアの急成長をメリットとして生かすには-輸入拡大と水平分業への用意を


    エコノミスト    1994.05

  • Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth in Thailand

    Shujiro Urata, Kazuhiko Yokota

    Developing Economies   32 ( 4 ) 444 - 458  1994  [Refereed]

  • 環太平洋諸国の輸出拡大-CMS分析と輸出競争力の決定因

    横田一彦, 浦田秀次郎, 小浜裕久

    アジア経済   34 ( 1 ) 2 - 22  1993  [Refereed]


  • 経済成長メカニズムとしての輸出・投資循環プロセス


    アジ研ニュース    1992.11

  • プロローグ:途上国開発の課題-二一世紀に向けて


    アジ研ニュース    1992.11

  • 日本の援助政策の数量分析

    岡本由美子, 横田一彦

    国際開発研究   1 ( 2 )  1992

  • 円高と輸入競争圧力

    浦田秀次郎, 横田一彦

    国際経済   43  1992

  • アジア諸国の輸出構造-1980年代の変化-


    アジ研ニュース    1991.11

  • 日米および東・東南アジア諸国の輸出拡大の要因分析

    浦田秀次郎, 小浜裕久, 横田一彦

    国際経済   42  1991

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Books and Other Publications

  • Economies in Transition, China, Russia, Vietnam

    Nazrul Islam, Kazuhiko Yokota

    Eastern Academic  2016

  • 川邉信雄、嶋村紘輝、山本哲三編著 『日本経済の成長戦略』

    横田一彦, 経済統合, 日本の進むべき道

    中央経済社  2012

  • 松岡俊二・勝間田弘編著 『アジア地域統合の展開』

    横田一彦, 東アジアの経済統合, 貿易構造の変化と統合の利益

    勁草書房  2012

  • 弦間正彦、吉野久生編著『技術選択と経済発展』

    横田一彦, 技術的外部経済と工業化政策

    アジア経済研究所  2012

  • 浦田秀次郎、栗田匡相編著 『テキストブックアジア経済統合』

    横田一彦, 重力方程式は何を推計しているのか

    勁草書房  2012

  • D. Hiratsuka and Y. Uchida eds. Input Trade and Production Networks in East Asia

    Kazuhiko Yokota, Japan’s Parts, Components Exports, Complementarity with, Foreign Investment

    Edward Elgar  2010.09

  • 『環黄海地域における創造産業の育成とまちづくりの戦略』

    横田一彦, 創造産業, 創造都市への展望

    国際東アジア研究センター  2009.03

  • 『多文化共生社会への移行と北九州市の産業の発展』

    城戸宏史, 横田一彦

    国際東アジア研究センター  2009.03

  • 『中国の再興と抱える課題』 小島麗逸・ナズール・イスラム編

    ナズール・イスラム, 横田一彦, ルイス成長モデルからみた中国の工業化

    勁草書房  2009.03

  • Resurgent China: Issues for the Future, edited by N. Islam

    Nazrul Islam, Kazuhiko Yokota, China’s Industrialization Viewed, from Lewis Growth Mode

    Palgrave Macmillan Press  2009

  • Vertical Specialization and Economic Integration in East Asia、edited by D. Hiratsuka and Y. Uchida

    Kazuhiko Yokota, “Parts, Components trade, Production Networks in East, Asia-A Panel, Gravity Approach

    Institute of Developing Economies  2008

  • East Asia’s Economic Integration, edited by Hiratsuka, D. and Kimura, F

    Kazuhiko Yokota, Spillovers a, Linkages between Local, Foreign Plants

    Palgrave Macmillan Press  2008

  • 『テキストブック開発経済学(新版)』 朽木昭文・野上裕生・山形辰史編

    野原昂, 横田一彦, 章 国際貿易

    有斐閣  2003

  • 『経済学辞典』 金森久夫他編

    横田一彦, 開発経済学関連項目

    有斐閣  1998

  • 『地域統合と直接投資』 大野幸一・岡本由美子編

    横田一彦, グローバリゼーションと日本企業の海外展開

    アジア経済研究所  1996

  • 『貿易自由化と経済発展-途上国における生産性分析』 浦田秀次郎編

    浦田秀次郎, 横田一彦, タイにおける貿易自由化と生産性への影響

    アジア経済研究所  1995

  • 『経済統合と発展途上国』 大野幸一編

    今岡日出紀, 横田一彦, アジアにおける貿易の相互依存構造

    アジア経済研究所  1994.03

  • Regional Integration and Foreign Direct Investment: Implications for Developing Countries

    Kazuhiko Yokota, “The Globalization, the Changing, Patterns of International Transactions of, Japanese Firms”

    Institute of Developing Economies  1994

  • 『西太平洋地域における経済圏結成の可能性』 渡辺利夫編

    横田一彦, 東, 東南アジアの輸出主導型成長とそのメカニズム」

    (財)国際貿易投資研究所  1993.03

  • Regional Integration and Its Impact on Developing Countries, edited by A. Kohsaka and K. Ohno

    Hideki Imaoka, Kazuhiko Yokota, “Structure of, Trade Interdependence in Asia”

    Institute of Developing Economies  1993

  • Trade Policies toward Developing Countries, edited by I. Yamazawa, and A. Hirata

    Shujiro Urata, Kazuhiko Yokota, “Recent Development, in, Japanese Import, from Developing, Countries”

    Macmillan, London  1993

  • 『アセアンの経済:日本の役割』 大畑弥七・浦田秀次郎編

    横田一彦, アセアン諸国の貿易構造

    有斐閣  1992

  • 『西太平洋地域の新しい構造変化』 渡辺利夫編

    横田一彦, アジアNIEs・ASEAN諸国の産業別輸出競争力とその背景

    国際貿易投資研究所  1992

  • 『日本・アメリカ・ヨーロッパの開発協力政策』 山澤逸平・平田章編

    今井健一, 岡本由美子, 平田章, 横田一彦, 日本の政府開発援助の展開

    アジア経済研究所  1992

  • Development Cooperation Policies of Japan, the United States, and Europe, edited by I. Yamazawa and A. Hirata

    Imai Ken-ichi, Akira Hirata, Yumiko Okamoto, Kazuhiko Yokota, “Evolution of, Ja, an's ODA”

    Institute of Developing Economies  1992

  • 『先進諸国の産業調整と発展途上国』 山澤逸平・平田章編

    平田章, 横田一彦, 発展途上国への影響

    アジア経済研究所  1991

  • 『東アジアの経済動向に関する調査研究』 浦田秀次郎編

    横田一彦, 直接投資のアジア諸国に与える影響の変化

    財団法人産業研究所  1991

  • 『国別経済協力研究報告書-インドネシア-』

    横田一彦, 脱石油経済への挑戦

    アジア経済研究所  1991

  • Industrial Adjustment in Developed Countries and Its Implication for Developing Countrie, edited by I. Yamazawa and A. Hirata

    Akira Hirata, Kazuhiko Yokota, “Impact on Developing, Countries”

    Institute of Developing Economies  1991

  • The Pacific Economy, edited by M. Ariff

    Ippei Yamazawa, Akira Hirata, Kazuhiko Yokota, “Evolving Patterns of Comparative Advantage in the, Pacific Economies”

    Allen & Unwin  1991

  • 『先進諸国の対発展途上国貿易政策』 山澤逸平・平田章編

    浦田秀次郎, 横田一彦, 日本の非関税障壁, 農業と流通

    アジア経済研究所  1990

  • 『湾岸危機が途上国経済に与える影響』

    横田一彦, 小島道一, 村上薫

    アジア経済研究所  1990

  • Trade Policies toward Developing Countries, edited by I. Yamazawa and A. Hirata

    Shujiro Urata, Kazuhiko Yokota, “Recent Development, in, Japanese Import, from Developing, Countries”

    Institute of Developing Economies  1990

  • 『世界経済辞典』 早稲田大学世界経済研究会編

    横田一彦, 国際貿易関連項目

    有斐閣  1989

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Research Projects

  • Global Value Chains and Economic Development: A Firm-level Analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • The impacts of Trade Liberalization Policy through the Domestic Supply Chain in Japan

    Project Year :


  • Japan's Trade Liberalization Policy and Economic Growth

    Project Year :


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    Japan’s two economic partnership agreements (EPA) are examined for analyzing the effects of trade liberalization on changes in exports and comparative advantage structure. I analyzed two Japan’s EPAs, Japan-Mexico, and Japan-Chile EPAs. In so doing, I construct two theoretical models: one is based on a heterogeneous firm model and the second is based on a Ricardian continuum good model incorporating intensive and extensive margins.The results show that the tariff liberalization increases intensive margin but not extensive margin in Japan-Mexico EPA, while it increases both extensive and intensive margins of Japan’s exports to Chile through the change in comparative advantage of Japan in Japan-Chile EPA. These findings suggest the importance of expanding FTA networks and promoting the use of FTAs in order to increase trade. Governments can contribute to an increase in the use of FTAs by implementing the measures such as disseminating the information about the benefits of using FTA

  • オフショアリングと日本の賃金構造

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


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    企業のオフショアリングが日本の賃金格差の拡大に影響を与えたか、与えたとすればどの程度かを明らかにすることが本研究の目的である。日本ではオフショアリングの影響がしばしば産業空洞化と結びついて議論された結果,産業の雇用喪失が大きな論点とされ、賃金格差にまで議論が及ばなかった。本研究では日経NEEDS-FAME、Financial Quest、Astra Manager等のデータ・ベースを活用し、できるだけ詳細な産業別、企業規模別の主要データを採用する。現在,経済産業省『海外事業活動基本調査』、『海外事業活動動向調査』データ、東洋経済新報社『海外進出企業総覧』と合わせ、オフショアリングの企業規模別、職種別の主要なデータを収集中である。

  • Internationalization and Firm Productivity: International Comparative Perspective

    Project Year :


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    Whether or not exports and foreign direct investment contribute to enhance the international competitiveness of the firms is an important question for both Japanese business circles and policy makers. This research project attempts to answer this question, using firm-level data and trade data. We examined the characteristics of the firms which enter into the export market and/or start foreign direct investment. Our project also examined whether or not the performance of firms improved after firm start exporting and/or foreign direct investment.

  • Parts and Components Trade and Trade Policies in East and South-East Asian Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOKOTA Kazuhiko, URATA Shujiro

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    Using the dataset of parts and components trade and Japanese FDI, we investigate the influence of FDI by Japanese firms on parts and components exports. Controlling endogeneity problems in estimation, we find that the positive effect of FDI on parts and components exports from Japan to the host countries. We also find that the demand of the Japanese market is important factor to determine the FDI and hence the volume of parts and components trade between Japan and the host countries. These findings imply that vertical production structure based on the factor endowments of the host countries has been developed by FDI-induced production networks.

  • Input variety, output variety, and economic development in East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAZUHIKO Yokota, URATA Shujiro

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    In this study we investigated the relationship between trade structures at industry and firm level and firm's productivity for three countries. Especially we tested the impact of imported intermediate on firm's performance.
    In all three South-East Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand), productivity of foreign plants is higher than that of local plants. In Thailand and Malaysia, plants that export as well as import have higher labor productivity than the plants that don't. In Indonesia, it is found that there is a strong correlation between import and high productivity. In sum, in all three countries, imported intermediated goods play an important role for the productivity 'gains. In Thailand, trade barriers are negatively correlated with plant's productivity. This indicates the importance of trade liberalization for economic growth. In Malaysia, as expected R&D expenditure and IT investment are positively correlated with high productivity.
    As we discussed, foreign firms gain a large market share in Thailand manufacturing sector, especially, machinery industries. One of our main focuses of this study was on the effects of international trade on local firm's productivity. After controlling for the foreign factor, we found strong evidence that competition, imported inputs, and imported machinery at industry level and local firm's engagement in international trade are crucially important for firm's productivity.

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Overseas Activities

  • 企業の国際化とその影響に関する研究


    アメリカ合衆国   ワシントン大学ビジネススクール


  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   School of Political Science and Economics

  • Faculty of Commerce   Graduate School of Commerce

Research Institute

  • 2019

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher