2025/03/14 更新


マツオカ ヒロタカ
松岡 宏高
スポーツ科学学術院 スポーツ科学部
博士 ( オハイオ州立大学 )


  • 2015年04月


  • 2009年04月


  • 2003年04月


  • 2001年

    オハイオ州立大学教育学部身体活動・教育サービス学科 客員研究員

  • 1995年

    大阪体育大学スポーツ産業特別講座 研究員



    オハイオ州立大学   教育学部 身体活動・教育サービス学科   スポーツマネジメント  


    大阪体育大学   体育学研究科   生涯スポーツ学  


    京都教育大学   教育学部   体育学科  




  • スポーツ科学   スポーツマネジメント、スポーツマーケティング


  • スポーツマネジメント、スポーツマーケティング、スポーツ消費者行動



  • What motivates residents’ approval of hosting another winter mega-sporting events?

    Hirotaka Matsuoka, Taeahn Kang, Daichi Oshimi, Jeongbeom Hahm

    Current Issues in Tourism    2024年07月  [査読有り]

    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者



  • Consumer engagement on social media in the sport context: a scoping review

    Yuanyuan Cao, Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Leisure Studies     1 - 28  2024年03月  [査読有り]




  • The effects of different billboard advertisement language on TV sports audiences’ recognition, recall and search intention of the sponsor signage

    Xu, Z., Cao, Y., Matsuoka, H.

    Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics    2024年01月  [査読有り]



    <jats:sec><jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Purpose</jats:title><jats:p>The impact of various factors on how TV sports audiences perceive sport event sponsors’ billboards around sports facilities has been the subject of extensive research. Despite numerous factors that impact the effectiveness of sponsor signage at sporting events, there has been a lack of research regarding the language used for such signage around sports facilities’ billboards. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of billboard advertisement language on TV sports audiences’ recognition, recall and search intention to sponsor signage.</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Design/methodology/approach</jats:title><jats:p>This study employed an online experimental design. Participants (<jats:italic>n</jats:italic> = 925) were recruited from two linguistically different regions: Chinese and English. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: watching tennis video matches with billboard advertisements presented in either the Roman alphabet exclusively or in a combination of the Roman alphabet and Chinese characters.</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Findings</jats:title><jats:p>This study revealed that although language cannot significantly impact audiences’ unaided recall of a brand, it does have a discernible effect on brand recognition and search intention among audiences. Additionally, people are more likely to search for brands in their native language. Participants from various regions tend to have different recognition rates and search intentions for sport sponsors.</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Originality/value</jats:title><jats:p>This is the first manuscript examining the use of different languages in relation to audiences’ recognition and recall of sports sponsorship. It provides empirical evidence of the importance of carefully considering the language used in sponsor signage around stadium billboards to optimize the efficacy of sponsorships at sports events.</jats:p></jats:sec>



  • 2
  • Perceived risk-based sport spectator segmentation during the pandemic situation

    Taeahn Kang, Rei Yamashita, Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics    2024年01月  [査読有り]



    Although many attempts to discover key segments of sport spectators have been extant, little segmentation effort has been made to reflect pandemic situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this research is twofold: (1) to classify sport spectators into key segments based on perceived risks associated with a mass-gathered sporting event during the COVID-19 pandemic and (2) to identify each segment’s profiles.


    Questionnaire surveys of spectators attending a Japanese rugby game during the COVID-19 pandemic (January–June 2021) were conducted (n = 1,410). A combination of hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering methods was executed.


    The results revealed the five-cluster solution as the optimal number of clusters representing the samples (i.e. spectators with extremely low-risk perception, those with low-risk perception, those with moderate-risk perception, those with high-risk perception and those with higher social risk perception). This five-cluster solution showed sufficient stability and validity. Moreover, each segment had different profiles regarding three background aspects – demographics, psychographics and behavioral variables.


    This study is the first effort to segment sport spectators based on perceived risks associated with a mass-gathered sporting event in the pandemic situation. Despite extensive segmentation studies to explore sport fans, contribution reflecting the post-crisis situations is scant. Therefore, the findings provide insight into this realm by providing a new viewpoint for understanding sport spectators during a possible future pandemic era.


  • Understanding the Role of Sport Values on Social Capital and Word-of-Mouth on the Internet: A Case Study of Esports Games

    Ribeiro, T., Calapez, A., Almeida, V., Matsuoka, H.

    Simulation and Gaming   54 ( 6 )  2023年08月  [査読有り]


    <jats:sec><jats:title>Background</jats:title><jats:p> Due to the social nature of esports (i.e., organized video game competitions), recognizing common values and norms can be leveraged as a positive driver in online gaming communities. Different game categories such as sports simulation (i.e., esports based on real-life sport events) are driving their expansion through social interactions that foster new relationships among players, known as social capital (i.e., value created from social connections, relationships, and networks within the gaming community). Despite recent studies showing the social role of esports (e.g., on satisfaction, loyalty, or well-being), little empirically derived insight exists regarding its sport values, social capital formation and positive word-of-mouth in different gamer communities on the Internet. </jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Aim</jats:title><jats:p> This study aims to achieve two objectives: (a) to examine how sports values (excellence, friendship and respect) influence the in-game social capital formation (bridging and bonding) and word-of-mouth intention by the esports players; and (b) to determine whether differences occur according to sports simulation and non-simulation games. </jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Method</jats:title><jats:p> Data were collected among esports players (n = 509), and the results were analyzed using structural equation modeling to test hypothesized relationships between the constructs and multigroup analysis to verify if the path coefficients differ among both game groups. </jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Results</jats:title><jats:p> Friendship value was the strongest predictor of bonding and bridging capital formation in both groups. The excellence value showed a positive effect on strong social ties created towards non-simulation games, while playing well or reaching high in-game performance did not contribute to creating bonding capital in sports simulation games. Both bonding and bridging capital were strong predictors of behavioral intentions. </jats:p></jats:sec><jats:sec><jats:title>Conclusion</jats:title><jats:p> Social implications focus on cultivating the sportive values and enhancing social ties on player community as a way to share good experiences or to talk positively about the game. Esports industry should consider the well-established and mediating construct of social capital, strengthening in-game bonding, and bridging relations as a broader theoretical basis. </jats:p></jats:sec>



  • Consumer Engagement on Weibo in a Professional Sport Context: The Case of the Chinese Super League

    Yuanyuan Cao, Ziyuan Xu, Hirotaka Matsuoka

    International Journal of Sport Communication     1 - 12  2023年06月  [査読有り]



    Online fan communities on social media are an effective avenue for sport organizations to engage sport fans. Sport fans who identify with online fan communities express positive and negative consumer engagement behavior (CEB) on social media. Most researchers focus on the positive valence of CEB. This study explores the mediating effect of both positive and negative valences of CEB between online fan community identification and behavioral intention simultaneously. Additionally, the moderating effect of satisfaction with teams’ performance is examined. This study contributes to the conceptualization of the negative valence of CEB on social media and extends the literature on the dual valence of CEB in the sport context. It also provides insights to sport managers on relationship marketing on social media.



  • Esports and Olympic Games: a cross-cultural exploration of the player support behaviour towards the Olympics

    Tiago Ribeiro, Victor Almeida, André Calapez, Hirotaka Matsuoka, Rei Yamashita

    International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship    2023年04月  [査読有り]



    Despite the advances in theory and practice about player behaviour in esports gaming literature, there is a lack of understanding as to whether esports are compatible with the values of Olympism and if they should be considered for future Games editions. The current study advances this line of research by examining esports player experiences, their effects on perceiving Olympic values, and the support towards the Olympics in order to verify if differences occur according to the cross-cultural environment.


    Using a sample of 671 esports amateur gamers from three countries (Portugal, Brazil and Japan), structural equation models and a multigroup analysis were performed to analyse the differences in the hypothesized paths existing between the groups.


    Results reveal that player in-game emotional experiences positively influence Olympic values perception across countries. The excellence and friendship values showed a positive effect on support intentions to the Games towards Portuguese and Brazilian players, while the respect value was the strongest predictor towards behavioural intentions in Japan. Cultural backgrounds and game genre in each country can explain player attitude towards the Olympic values shared on the online environment.


    This study is able to provide a better understanding of how the Olympic values serve as a gratification in different cross-cultural environments according to the theory of uses and gratifications (U&amp;G) and the theory of cultural dimensions. Complementarily, these findings can be used as valuable information for esports publishers and developers attempting to spread the Olympic values in the esports industry.


  • Understanding the relationship between acceptance of multifunctional health and fitness features of wrist-worn wearables and actual usage

    Jeongbeom Hahm, Heedong Choi, Hirotaka Matsuoka, Jiyoung Kim, Kevin K. Byon

    International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship   24 ( 2 ) 333 - 358  2023年02月  [査読有り]



    The purpose of this study was to identify existing users' acceptance of the multidimensional health and fitness features of wrist-worn wearable devices (WWDs) required for each stage of physical activity (i.e. before, during and after) and examine the relationship between its acceptance (i.e. knowledge acquisition, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) and the actual use of its health and fitness attributes.


    Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were taken to analyze the relationships. A focus group interview was conducted (N = 9) to design the research model, including the operationalized definition of the study constructs. A questionnaire survey was conducted with respondents in South Korea (N = 480). Partial least squares structural equation modeling via Smart PLS 3.0 was employed to test the hypotheses.


    When users learned to use fitness functions and perceived them as useful for physical activity without causing any difficulty, they tended to use those functions more, which provided enhanced health benefits in the digitalized interactive environment of WWDs.


    This research is one of the first to examine the relationship between the perceived user value of WWDs and their actual usage within a digitalized and interactive environment. The results are expected to offer theoretical insights into how well users accept the health and fitness components of WWDs. Practically, it will build awareness of what makes users adopt and use WWDs, helping practitioners design better health promotions and campaigns associated with WWDs.


  • The negative effect of CSR-CSI domain overlap in CSR-linked sport sponsorship

    Taeahn Kang, Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Journal of Business Research   156   113527 - 113527  2023年02月  [査読有り]



  • Sponsoring many or few sports properties? Moderated mediation effect of perceived sponsor ubiquity depending on sponsor-property fit

    Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing   38 ( 4 )  2023年  [査読有り]


    <jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Purpose</jats:title>
    <jats:p>This study aims to examine the effect of the perceived sponsor ubiquity on sponsor favorability via perceived sponsor sincerity and the moderating effect of perceived sponsor–property fit.</jats:p>
    <jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Design/methodology/approach</jats:title>
    <jats:p>Two studies via a questionnaire survey of spectators attending a Japanese professional basketball game were conducted, and Hayes’ PROCESS macro was used for data analyses. Study 1 (<jats:italic>n</jats:italic> = 134) assessed how perceived sponsor ubiquity affected sponsor favorability via perceived sponsor sincerity. Study 2 (<jats:italic>n</jats:italic> = 206) examined a moderated mediation model incorporating a perceived sponsor–property fit.</jats:p>
    <jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Findings</jats:title>
    <jats:p>In Studies 1 and 2, spectators perceiving a higher degree of sponsor ubiquity reported a lower degree of sponsor sincerity compared with those perceiving a lower degree of sponsor ubiquity and less favorability toward sponsors. In Study 2, the less positive effect of highly perceived ubiquity was weakened when spectators perceived a higher degree of sponsor–property fit.</jats:p>
    <jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Practical implications</jats:title>
    <jats:p>The findings provided sponsors with insights into effectively communicating perceived ubiquity and perceived sponsor–property fit. Hence, sponsors must be careful about their ubiquitous sponsorships, as their engagement in each property can be perceived as less distinctive among consumers.</jats:p>
    <jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Originality/value</jats:title>
    <jats:p>To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to highlight the mediating mechanism of perceived insincerity between perceived ubiquity and favorability toward sponsors. Furthermore, evidence that fit acted as a moderator on perceived ubiquity–outcome relationships extended previous studies mainly treating fit as a direct antecedent of sponsor response.</jats:p>



  • Segmenting Satellite Supporters Based on Their Value for Team Sport Organizations

    Uhrich, S., Behrens, A., Kang, T.-A., Matsuoka, H., Uhlendorf, K.

    Journal of Global Sport Management   8 ( 1 ) 1 - 29  2023年  [査読有り]



  • ラグビー観戦者のセグメンテーション― Two-Stepクラスター分析の活用 ―

    松岡 宏高, 姜 泰安, 和田 由佳子

    マーケティングジャーナル   42 ( 2 ) 17 - 28  2022年09月  [査読有り]  [招待有り]





  • Temporal team switching after the elimination of the supported team at a knockout tournament

    Endzhe Latypova, Hirotaka Matsuoka

    International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship    2022年06月  [査読有り]



    Purpose: While the tournament format is common within organized sports, little is known about the supporting behavior of tournament event fans. The defeat of the supported team and its' subsequent elimination could influence how fans associate themselves with the event. Hence, the present study aims to investigate the fans' responses to the favorite team's elimination at a knockout tournament focusing on whether they are willing to continue following the event and choose another team to support. Design/methodology/approach: In this paper fans' temporal switching behavior was explored in relationships with fans' identification with geographic area, sport itself and teams. The audience watching the Japanese National High School Baseball Championship was targeted for the online survey in March 2020, resulting in the final sample of 502 (287 observations used for reliability and validity tests). Findings: Independent sample t-tests and logistic regression were employed in the study. 80% of respondents intended to continue following the tournament, which was associated with a higher attachment to sports. Place attachment by itself was not associated with the intention to continue. Most of the respondents who chose a certain team to support after the favorite team's elimination have retained their pattern of choosing the team (63.9%). Interestingly, fans with higher place attachment not only choose to continue following the tournament after their prefectural team's elimination but were willing to support another team from the same region. Originality/value: This is one of the first papers providing evidence of tournament fan behavior and temporal switching.



  • Brand Attributes Scale for Professional Sport Teams

    Yukako Wada, Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Marketing Analysis in Sport Business     258 - 274  2022年05月


  • Risk and psychological return: a moderating role of COVID-19 risk perception in the impact of team identification on vitality after sport spectatorship in Tokyo

    Kinoshita, K., Matsuoka, H.

    International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship    2022年05月  [査読有り]



    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of sport fans' team identification on their emotional experiences (i.e. vitality and game satisfaction) using two-wave data in a specific sport event during the declaration of the emergency statement in Japan. The study also aims to test the moderating effects of risk perceptions about COVID-19 and the game outcome on the relationship between team identification and vitality/game satisfaction.


    The present research was conducted in the context of a sport event in Tokyo (the Japanese Rugby Top League 2020–2021 Season Playoff Tournament Final) during the declaration of the emergency statement period in Japan. The data were collected through a two-wave design (before and after the game) from the spectators of the event.


    Team identification significantly predicted higher vitality after the game but not game satisfaction. Additionally, the moderation test found that sport fans with high social risk perception about the COVID-19 showed a positive relationship between team identification and vitality but not for the fans with low social risk perception.

    Practical implications

    The present results suggest that sport events can be advertised for sport fans as a tool to increase physical and psychological energy in their daily lives during the pandemic.


    The present study demonstrated that team identification predicted greater vitality after the spectatorship during the COVID-19 outbreak. In particular, higher social risk perception was a significant catalyst to improve vitality after the game.



  • Effect of 2002 FIFA World Cup: Point of Attachment That Promotes Mass Football Participation

    Kang, T., Hahm, J., Matsuoka, H.

    Frontiers in Psychology   13  2022年03月  [査読有り]


    <jats:p>The 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan significantly promoted football in the host countries. However, it remains unclear how the event has changed mass football (soccer in North America) participation. This study applies points of attachment (POA)—a well-developed concept in the field of sport management—to the 2002 FIFA World Cup and aims to examine which specific POA promoted football participation frequency immediately after the event and the present frequency of football participation in the host countries. An online questionnaire survey was conducted in South Korea (<jats:italic>n</jats:italic> = 405) and Japan (<jats:italic>n</jats:italic> = 398). The samples included adults aged &amp;gt; 19 as of the hosting date of the 2002 World Cup. Hierarchical regression analyses were performed to test all the datasets by employing four POAs (players, coaches, national teams, and football) as independent variables. Multiple control variables (e.g., nationality and age) and two dependent variables (football participation frequency immediately after the event and the present frequency of football participation) were included in the model. Correspondingly, those who had a higher attachment to each point during the event showed a higher frequency of football participation immediately after the event. In contrast, only two POAs (players and coaches) led to a higher frequency of present football participation. These findings provide the first empirical evidence highlighting the influence of the 2002 FIFA World Cup on mass football participation depending on the POA.</jats:p>



  • How does spectator marketing in women's leagues differ from that in men's leagues?

    Adachi, N., Yamashita, R., Matsuoka, H.

    International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing   22 ( 1-2 ) 1 - 1  2022年03月  [査読有り]




  • The Impact of CSR-CSI Domain Overlap on Attitude Toward the Sponsor

    Taeahn Kang, Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Sport Marketing Quarterly   31 ( 1 )  2022年03月  [査読有り]


    <jats:p>This research aimed to examine (1) the effect of domain overlap between CSR activity and Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI) (i.e., CSR strongly or weakly associated with CSI) on attitude toward the sponsor via CSR perception of sponsor and (2) the moderating effects of perceived firm-serving motive for CSR activity. The authors conducted two experiment studies: Study 1 tested the mediation model; Study 2 assessed the moderated mediation model. Participants reported a less positive attitude toward the sponsor when CSR was strongly associated with CSI (i.e., in the high CSR-CSI domain overlap) than when CSR was weakly associated with CSI (i.e., in the low CSR-CSI domain overlap). CSR perception of sponsor mediated the relationship between the CSR-CSI domain overlap and attitude toward the sponsor. The positive effect of the low CSR-CSI domain overlap was weakened when participants attributed firm-serving motives to the sponsor. The findings provided scientific contributions to sponsors with CSI.</jats:p>


  • 性別とファンのタイプによるスタジアム来場者のセグメンテーション—ジャパンラグビートップリーグに着目して

    和田 由佳子, 松岡 宏高, 藤本 淳也

    スポーツマネジメント研究   advpub  2022年  [査読有り]


  • The Association Between Facial Width-to-Height Ratio (fWHR) and Sporting Performances: Evidence From Professional Basketball Players in Japan

    Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Frontiers in Psychology   12  2021年08月  [査読有り]


    Previous research in evolutionary psychology has highlighted the potential role of facial structures in explaining human behavior. The facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) was found to be associated with testosterone-driven behavioral tendencies like achievement drive, aggression, and sporting success. The current study aimed to replicate such relationships using real-world data (i.e., professional basketball players; <italic>N</italic> = 482). Achievement drive, aggression, and sporting success were operationalized as field-goal attempts (FGA), the number of fouls committed (Foul), and player performance rating (EFF), respectively. The results indicated that fWHR was significantly associated with FGA and EFF, controlling for minutes of play and body-mass-index. The same results were obtained for separate analyses focusing on outsider players. However, analyses of inside players demonstrated that fWHR was associated only with EFF. The current research further provides empirical evidence supporting the effects of fWHR on achievement drive and sporting successes, although the effect sizes are notably small.


  • Graduate employability and higher education’s contributions to human resource development in sport business before and after COVID-19

    Shintaro Sato, Tae-Ahn Kang, Ebe Daigo, Hirotaka Matsuoka, Munehiko Harada

    Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education   28   100306 - 100306  2021年06月  [査読有り]



  • Understanding the Relationship between Past Experience of a Sports Mega-Event and Current Spectatorship: The Mediating Role of Nostalgia

    Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Sustainability   13 ( 6 ) 3504 - 3504  2021年03月  [査読有り]



    Mass sport participation has received considerable attention in the recent sport management literature. However, little is known about sport spectatorship as an outcome of sports mega-events (SMEs). This is the first study to use cross-cultural analysis to examine the relationship between the 2002 Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup Korea/Japan and current football spectatorship in the host countries. In the context of SMEs, this study uses the psychological construct of nostalgia as a mediator to identify the relationship with spectatorship. Data from 416 and 408 respondents from South Korea and Japan, respectively, were collected through online surveys and analysed cross-culturally using Hayes’ PROCESS macro model 4. We find that the nostalgia evoked by the 2002 World Cup has positively influenced the host nations’ current football spectatorship. While this SME has a strong impact on evoking nostalgia, the effect of nostalgia on spectator behaviour is significant, yet comparatively weak.


  • 1
  • The effect of sponsorship purpose articulation on fit: moderating role of mission overlap

    Hirotaka Matsuoka

    International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship   22 ( 3 ) 550 - 565  2021年  [査読有り]



    <sec><title content-type="abstract-subheading">Purpose</title>This study aimed to examine the effects of two sponsorship purpose articulations (commercially oriented vs noncommercially oriented) on attitude toward the sponsor via sponsor–property fit and the moderating effect of the overlapped mission between the sponsor and the property.

    </sec><sec><title content-type="abstract-subheading">Design/methodology/approach</title>A 2 (purpose articulation type: commercially oriented vs noncommercially oriented) × 2 (mission overlap articulation condition: present vs absent) between-subjects experimental design with a control condition was employed with student sample (<italic>n</italic> = 171). The moderated mediation model was tested using Hayes' PROCESS macro model 8.

    </sec><sec><title content-type="abstract-subheading">Findings</title>The commercially oriented purpose articulation did not improve sponsor–property fit as much as the noncommercially oriented purpose articulation, resulting in less favorable attitudes toward the sponsor. When the mission overlap was simultaneously articulated, the less positive effects of the commercially oriented purpose articulation were weaker.

    </sec><sec><title content-type="abstract-subheading">Practical implications</title>The findings provided incongruent sponsors with insights on mixed articulation strategies with sponsorship purposes and the overlapped mission.

    </sec><sec><title content-type="abstract-subheading">Originality/value</title>This study extends previous research by presenting the first understanding of the different processes in which two sponsorship purpose articulations developed attitudes toward the sponsor via sponsor–property fit and by investigating the moderating effect of the simultaneously articulated mission overlap on the processes.




  • 参加型スポーツツーリズムにおけるサービスクオリティ尺度の開発: レースイベント参加者に焦点をあてて

    棟田 雅也, 松岡 宏高

    スポーツマネジメント研究   12 ( 2 ) 33 - 53  2020年12月  [査読有り]


  • プロ野球チームのブランド連想がアタッチメントに及ぼす影響:パシフィックリーグに所属するチームを対象として

    和田 由佳子, 松岡 宏高

    スポーツマネジメント研究   12 ( 1 ) 17 - 33  2020年10月  [査読有り]


    <p>This study aimed to demonstrate empirically the influence of brand attributes regarding professional baseball teams on benefits and attitudes of residents according to customer-based brand equity (Keller, 1993). This study also examined the influence of residents' benefits and attitudes on team attachment. An internet research company was used to conduct an online survey to collect data from residents who had attended at least one home game during the 2013-2015 seasons in six cities where Pacific League teams were based. The results of the structural equation modeling showed the relations among attributes, benefits, and attitudes were different from Keller's (1993) concepts. In terms of the relations between benefits and attachment, symbolic benefit influenced attachment, although experiential benefit did not. Nor was there a significant relation between attitude and attachment. Further, the study discussed the findings and their theoretical and practical implications.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • From inspiration to nostalgia: the football participation legacy of the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan

    Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Sport in Society   23 ( 12 ) 1 - 23  2020年08月  [査読有り]




  • スポーツ観戦関与と消費者知識について:精通性に着目して

    井上尊寛, 松岡宏高

    スポーツ科学研究   17   75 - 91  2020年08月  [査読有り]

  • 退職後のシニア男性のフィットネスクラブ入会に関する質的研究

    足立 名津美, 松岡 宏高

    健康医療学部紀要   ( 5 ) 11 - 17  2020年03月  [査読有り]

    DOI CiNii

  • Comparison between First and Repeat Spectators of Super Rugby Games : Focusing on Spectators' Motivations, Psychological Connections, and Behavioural Intentions

    WADA Yukako, MATSUOKA Hirotaka, OSHIMI Daichi

    社会システム研究 = 社会システム研究   ( 39 ) 43 - 64  2019年09月  [査読有り]

    DOI CiNii

  • ラグビー観戦者のセグメンテーション:構造的制約要因によるクラスター分析を用いた検討中心として

    山下 玲, 姜 泰安, 松岡 宏高

    ライフデザイン学研究 = Journal of Human Life Design   ( 14 ) 89 - 100  2019年03月  [査読有り]



  • Spectators’ points of attachment and their influence on behavioural intentions of women’s national football games

    Hallmann, Kirstin, Oshimi, Daichi, Harada, Munehiko, Matsuoka, Hirotaka, Breuer, Christoph

    Soccer and Society   19 ( 7 ) 903 - 923  2018年10月  [査読有り]


    © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupResearch on women’s football is still, especially in Asia, scarce. The purpose of this research has been to investigate the underlying points of attachment of women’s football spectators and how these influence future behaviour. The points of attachment scale – drawing on social identity theory – developed previously has been modified for the research setting to detect whether they are general determinants or country-specific indicators. Research was conducted in two countries, namely Japan and Germany. Surveys were conducted at two friendlies of the national team in each country (Japan: n = 607; Germany: n = 597). Attachment with the team, coach and women’s sport were defining overall attachment best. Intention to attend matches of the national team was significantly predicted by football attachment and previously attended games, while intention to attend matches of the league was significantly predicted by attachment with the coach and attended league games in the past.



  • プロスポーツクラブのプロダクト特性の検討:製品間競争に着目して

    足立 名津美, 松岡 宏高

    スポーツマネジメント研究   10 ( 1 ) 59 - 80  2018年  [査読有り]


    <p>It is critical for sport management researchers to comprehend the unique aspects of products provided by sport organizations. The present paper, including two studies, attempted to clarify the product attributes of professional sport clubs in consideration of competitive relations with other products. The first study employed literature reviews and conceptual approaches, whereas the second study used quantitative data to examine the attributes empirically. Using the following three perspectives; relationships with products in the same categories, industries to belong, and benefits to provide, the first study identified several product attributes of sport clubs that do not apply to common understanding in privious studies on management. The second study clarified distinctive benefits of spectating games (e.g., excitement and vicarious achievement), which were different from the benefits offered by other leisure activities. It was also found that consumers highly involved in a product (i.e., spectating a game) were likely to obtain various benefits.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • スタジアムにおけるスポーツ観戦関与

    井上 尊寛, 松岡 宏高, 吉田 政幸, 蔵桝 利恵子

    スポーツマネジメント研究   10 ( 1 ) 41 - 58  2018年  [査読有り]


    <p>In sport management, there are few studies that have paid its attention to sport involvement among spectators. Thus, examining sport involvement to understand the sport consumption behavior of spectators is important. The purposes of this study are (1) to provide evidence of the reliability, construct validity, and hierarchical structure of the proposed spectator involvement scale and (2) to examine the relationships of spectator involvement with several outcome variables. We analyzed a sample of 892 spectators at professional soccer and baseball games in Japan. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated the reliability and validity of the spectator involvement scale which consisted of five factors. The findings of structural equation modeling supported the relationship between spectator involvement and the outcome variables.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • The Japanese Sport Industry

    Matsuoka, H., Arai, A.

    Sport Business in Leading Economies    2017年12月



  • フィットネスクラブ利用経験と余暇活動に求めるベネフィットに対する意識の関連 : 日本人成人を対象にした横断研究

    菊賀 信雅, 松下 宗洋, 澤田 亨, 丸藤 祐子, 松岡 宏高, 小田切 優子, 井上 茂

    スポーツ産業学研究   27 ( 1 ) 1_1 - 1_11  2017年  [査読有り]


    Objective: Using a fitness club is one of the forms of leisure activity. The benefits individuals seek in using their free time are related to their choices of activities during leisure time. For the purpose of obtaining data which are useful for the promotion of the utilization of fitness clubs, we aimed to investigate the relationship between the benefit factors sought in leisure time and the fitness club experiences of individuals. <BR>Methods: Data from a &ldquo;survey for the purpose of ensuring that the value of fitness clubs is correctly communicated to consumers&rdquo; was utilized. The subjects of the analysis comprised 1,023 people, among whom 506 had no experience using fitness clubs, and 517 had experience using fitness clubs. Benefits sought during leisure time were measured using a leisure-time-benefit scale. A logistic regression analysis was conducted with the presence or absence of fitness club membership experience as the object variable and items measuring awareness regarding leisure-related benefits as the explanatory variables.<BR>Results: Among those who responded to a question that enquired about &ldquo;engaging in activities for the sake of one&rsquo; s health&rdquo; and the benefits of leisure time, the multivariable adjusted odds ratio regarding whether people who had fitness club experience for those who answered &ldquo;this applies to me,&rdquo; taking the people who answered either &ldquo;this does not apply to me&rdquo; or &ldquo;this neither particularly applies nor particularly does not apply to me&rdquo; as a reference, was 2.13. Additionally, the adjusted odds ratio in relation to a question about &ldquo;engaging in activities along with other people&rdquo; was 1.37.<BR>Conclusion: There is a higher tendency for people who have used a fitness club to seek &ldquo;engaging in activities to maintain one&rsquo; s health&rdquo; and &ldquo;engaging in activities with people&rdquo; as a benefit of their leisure time, compared with people who have not used a fitness club.

    DOI CiNii

  • プロ野球チームのブランド連想:パシフィックリーグに所属するチーム間の比較

    和田 由佳子, 松岡 宏高

    スポーツマネジメント研究   9 ( 1 ) 23 - 37  2017年  [査読有り]


    <p>The purpose of this study was to compare the Pacific League baseball teams in terms of the brand associations that consumers have with team attributes, benefits, and attitudes. This paper assessed the brand attributes using qualitative data with free associations, and benefits and attitudes using quantitative data. An internet survey of local residents living in each of the six teams' hometowns was conducted. A total of 1,967 free associations were obtained from 915 valid samples, and then categorized into 15 groups. Consumer benefits consisted of "Symbolic benefits" and "Experiential benefits." Consumer attitudes were assessed by "Like and Dislike." The One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that the "Symbolic benefits" (F (5, 909) = 20.15, p <.001), "Experiential benefits" (F (5, 909) = 9.12, p <.001), and "Attitudes" (F (5, 909) = 7.09, p <.001) were significantly different across teams. The comparison of associations among teams is discussed.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • The relationship between perceived social media marketing activities of J. League clubs and behavioral intention of spectators

    Inoue, T, Matsuoka, H, Arai, H

    Asian Sport Management Review   11   3 - 20  2016年08月  [査読有り]

  • フィギュアスケート観戦のプロダクト構造:競技的要素に着目して

    井上 尊寛, 松岡 宏高, 竹内 洋輔, 荒井 弘和

    スポーツマネジメント研究   8 ( 1 ) 3 - 15  2016年  [査読有り]  [国内誌]


    <p>Understanding spectators' perspectives towards a sports competition is one of the major marketing issues in professional sport management. The purposes of this study are (1) to develop a scale to measure spectators' involvement in athletic elements of figure skating which can be deemed as the core product, (2) to examine the relationships of such involvement with antecedent variables and consequent variables, and (3) to examine involvement in athletic elements by the difference in gender of a player supporting. We analyzed a sample of 478 spectators at the 2013 NHK Trophy Grand Prix of Figure Skating. The results of confirmatory factor analyses revealed that athletic elements consisted of technical and aesthetic dimensions. Furthermore, the findings indicated that spectators' involvement had significant relationships with their knowledge regarding figure skating as well as consequent variables such as their intention to support a specific athlete and spectating behavior. This observation could significantly contribute to the development of marketing strategies for figure skating events.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Community-based Management: Developing the Fan Base of Professional Baseball Teams

    Wada Yukako, Matsuoka Hirotaka

    International Journal of Sport and Health Science   14 ( 0 ) 31 - 40  2016年  [査読有り]


    The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of community-based management (CBM) and to elucidate the influential factors formulating the strategies for developing the fan base of professional baseball teams. Semi-structured interviews were conducted among staff members of four Pacific League teams on having regional team names and adopting &ldquo;community-based management&rdquo; or &ldquo;regional outreach activities&rdquo; in their team philosophy. Influenced by the reorganization of the Nippon Professional Baseball organization, the Pacific League teams have focused on a specific community or region, rather than the entire nation, for better management. Teams are concentrating on garnering customer loyalty from avid fan club members and repeat customers, and then trying to retain and attract customers while expanding the customer target area in their community. The community-based approach implies developing a bond between local residents and teams. Through this study, CBM is defined as &ldquo;developing consumers' attachment to and building their bond with a team through various local promotional or outreach activities within their specific area.&rdquo; There are two significant factors emerged that influence formulating the strategies for developing the fan base: (1) agreements between teams and stadium proprietors, and (2) relationships with local promotional vehicles such as local media companies and a railway company.<br>

    DOI CiNii

  • フィットネスクラブ利用経験の有無と余暇におけるベネフィットに対する意識の関連 日本人成人を対象にした横断研究

    菊賀 信雅, 松下 宗洋, 澤田 亨, 丸藤 祐子, 松岡 宏高, 小田切 優子, 井上 茂

    運動疫学研究: Research in Exercise Epidemiology   17 ( 2 ) 138 - 138  2015年09月

  • Consumer involvement in sport activities impacts their motivation for spectating

    Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Asian Sport Management Review   7   99 - 115  2014年  [査読有り]

  • 子どものスポーツ実施に対する体感型スポーツゲームの影響

    松岡宏高, 大西孝之, 原田宗彦

    生涯スポーツ学研究   11 ( 1 ) 33 - 42  2014年  [査読有り]

  • Motives of sport spectators in China: A case study of the Chinese Super League

    Wang, C., Matsuoka, H.

    International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing   15 ( 1-2 ) 57 - 57  2014年  [査読有り]



  • A conceptual framework for understanding the motives of sport spectators in China

    Chengcheng Wang, Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Asian Sport Management Review   5   154 - 184  2012年  [査読有り]

  • 子ども・青少年のマイナースポーツの実施環境と関与プロセスの検討


    SSFスポーツ政策研究   1 ( 1 ) 251 - 260  2012年


  • スポーツマネジメントの概念の再検討

    松岡 宏高

    スポーツマネジメント研究   2 ( 1 ) 33 - 45  2010年  [査読有り]



    The field of sport management has expanded rapidly, and now includes various aspects of sport industry. Researchers as well as practitioners in the sport business have provided various interpretations of the concept of sport management. However, the question &ldquo;what should be researched and taught in sport management&rdquo; remains unanswered. The present paper attempted to reexamine the concept of sport management in order to explain the significance of its existence as a science. In order to clarify what aspects of &ldquo;sport&rdquo; could be the target in the field of sport management, the author reviewed the structure of the sport industry and concluded that producing sport itself(i.e., sport activities) is the center of the sport industry. The uniqueness of sport product was also examined bacause it would clarify peculiar features of sport management. As discussed in the paper, sport management can be defined as &ldquo;the management of business related to the production and provision of participant sport and/or spectator sport.&rdquo;

    DOI CiNii

  • Motives of United States and Japanese professional baseball consumers and level of team identification

    Jeffrey D. James, Junya Fujimoto, Stephen D. Ross, Hirotaka Matsuoka

    International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing   6 ( 4 ) 351 - 366  2009年  [査読有り]


    Consumer motives and level of identification with professional baseball teams in the United States and Japan were measured and compared. Significant differences were found on nine of the ten motives measured. Entertainment and motives associated with the core product (game aesthetics, players' skills, and the drama of games) were rated the highest by consumers in the United States. Entertainment and the opportunity to enjoy games with family and friends were rated highest by Japanese consumers. A significant difference was found relative to team identification; the highest percentage of Japanese baseball consumers had low team identification, while the largest percentage of United States baseball consumers reported high levels of team identification. Sport organisations seeking to reach a global audience are advised to better understand the motives influencing consumption of a sport product across cultures, and the degree to which a consumer may identify with a particular product. Copyright © 2009, Inderscience Publishers.



  • ユースチーム所属選手の所属団体移行パターンとキャリア意識に関する研究--Jリーグクラブユースチームに所属する選手に注目して

    梅本 祥子, 松岡 宏高, 藤本 淳也

    大阪体育大学紀要   39   169 - 175  2008年03月


    The purpose of this study is to indicate career patterns and career orientations of youth players in J-league clubs. Questionnaires were distributed to 122 players over different four J-league clubs resulting in 100 (81.9%) usable data. In order to identify the usable participants, we used longitudinal method for the players' career patterns and comparison analysis of player's motives and career orientations for J-league youth clubs. The main results of our study were as follows: ●In the J-league youth clubs, 55.6% of players came from J-league junior youth clubs, whereas 31.3% of players came from other clubs, and 13.1% of players came from junior high school team. ●The comparison analysis of motives for J-league youth clubs showed no significant findings among three groups from junior high school, except for those that "used be a fan of the team." ●84.0% of the players of J-league youth clubs would like to play for a top team in the J-league in near the future and approximately 70% of players want to find a job related to soccer (e.g., coach, team staff, and so on).


  • 日本の大学におけるスポーツマネジメント教育の現状と課題 (課題研究論文 大学におけるスポーツマネジメントのカリキュラムの現状と課題)

    松岡 宏高

    研究紀要   5   71 - 76  2008年


    Following the increase of interests in participating and spectating sports and the enlargementof the sport industry, education programs with respect to sport have been expandingamong Japanese universities and colleges. Especially, undergraduate programs regardingsport management and sport business have been rapidly growing in the last few years. In2007, there were 43 universities and colleges containing sport management or sport businessprograms. Not only colleges of physical education and sport, but also colleges and departmentswith regard to business, economy, and management have been building such programs. Whilethis new academic field will continue developing, there are several critical problems in educationprograms. It is necessary to establish a standardized sport management curricula and tofacilitate the increase of expertise in sport management education. Limited employmentopportunities in the sport industry also makes sport management education programs difficultto succeed.


  • Progression of sport management in Japan

    Hirotaka Matsuoka

    Asian Sport Management Review   1 ( 1 ) 42 - 47  2007年

  • プロスポーツの経営に関する研究の動向(<特集>体育・スポーツ経営学研究の課題)

    松岡 宏高

    体育・スポーツ経営学研究   21 ( 1 ) 41 - 46  2007年

    DOI CiNii

  • 国際スポーツイベントにおける経営資源の調達の現状と課題

    松岡 宏高

    研究紀要   2   29 - 39  2004年


    The scale of international sporting events, such as the Olympic Games and FIFA WorldCup, has been expanded year after year. In order to host an international mega sportingevent, the host city has to be a developed one. In addition, a large quantity of managerialresources including human resources, material resources, and financial resources arenecessary for the great success of the events. The present paper examines issues ofprocurement of managerial resources of international sporting events. Among diverseresources, the author focused on sport volunteers as human resources, sport facility asmaterial resources, and sponsorship as the way of fund raising. Regarding volunteers, eventmanagers need to effectively recruit and train them. Potentially volunteers'contributions areworth enormous sums of money. Therefore, the effective use of volunteers enables managersto cut down expenses. To host international sporting events, host cities have to havesupersized sport facilities. The problems, however, occur after the events. Host cities need toconsider the operations and finances of such facilities post-event. Sponsorship is one of themajor ways of fund raising of international sporting events equal to broadcasting right salesand ticket sales. To make sponsorship contracts, event managers need to propose diversebenefits to sponsor corporations in sporting events. Since these issues are associated withmanagement, diverse event management encompassing broad aspects leads to effectiveprocurement of managerial resources in international sporting events.


  • Understanding the relationship between spectator motives and loyalty to a professional sport team

    Matsuoka, H, Fujimoto, J, James, J

    Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of North American Society for Sport Management    2003年

  • Direct and Interaction Effects of Team Identification and Satisfaction on Intention to Attend Games

    Matsuoka, H, Chelladurai, P., &am, Harada, M

    Sport Marketing Quarterly   12 ( 4 ) 244 - 253  2003年

  • 非営利スポーツ組織を支えるボランティアの動機 (特集 スポーツ・ボランティア)

    松岡 宏高, 小笠原 悦子

    体育の科学   52 ( 4 ) 277 - 284  2002年04月


  • Identifying and Assesing Motivation of Volunteers in 2002 FIFA World Cup

    Hirotaka Matsuoka &amp, Keiko Matsunaga

    Proceedings of the 10th European Sport Management Congress    2002年

  • A Multidimensional Model of Sports Fan Loyalty

    Chelladurai, P. &amp, Matsuoka, H

    Proceedings of the 8th European Sport Management Congress    2000年

  • The Influence of New Team Entry upon Brand Switching in the J-League

    Harada, M. &am, Matsuoka, H

    Sport Marketing Quarterly   8 ( 3 ) 21 - 30  1999年

  • プロスポ-ツ観戦者の誘致距離に関する研究

    松岡 宏高, 原田 宗彦, 藤本 淳也

    大阪体育大学紀要   27 ( 27 ) 63 - 70  1996年07月




  • 図とイラストで学ぶ新しいスポーツマネジメント

    山下, 秋二, 中西, 純司, 松岡, 宏高( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))

    大修館書店  2024年03月 ISBN: 9784469269802

  • スポーツマーケティング

    原田, 宗彦, 藤本, 淳也, 松岡, 宏高( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))

    大修館書店  2018年05月 ISBN: 9784469268430

  • Sport business in leading economies

    edited by, James Jianhui Zhang, Roger Haiyan Huang, John Nauright( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Emerald Pub.  2018年 ISBN: 9781787435643


    The Japanese Sport Industry

  • スタジアムとアリーナのマネジメント

    早稲田大学スポーツナレッジ研究会, 石井, 昌幸, 井上, 俊也, 田代, 学, 西崎, 信男, 佐野, 慎輔, 吉田, 智彦, 松岡, 宏高, 武藤, 泰明, 藤本, 淳也, 阿部, 正三, 河路, 健

    創文企画  2017年05月 ISBN: 9784864130936

  • 図とイラストで学ぶ新しいスポーツマネジメント

    山下, 秋二, 中西, 純司, 松岡, 宏高( 担当: 共編者(共編著者))

    大修館書店  2016年11月 ISBN: 9784469268041

  • スポーツ・ファン・マネジメント

    早稲田大学スポーツナレッジ研究会, 町田, 光, 西崎, 信男, 藤井, 翔太, 木村, 正明, 佐野, 慎輔, 伊藤, 直也, 井上, 俊也, 佐藤, 直司, 梶原, 健, 阿部, 正三, 木内, 勝也, 松岡, 宏高, 武藤, 泰明

    創文企画  2016年06月 ISBN: 9784864130837

  • 公認アシスタントマネジャー養成テキスト

    間野義之, 松永敬子, 松岡宏高テキスト編集

    日本体育協会  2015年

  • グローバル・スポーツの課題と展望


    創文企画  2014年

  • スポーツ白書:スポーツの使命と可能性

    笹川スポーツ財団  2014年

  • スポーツ推進委員ハンドブック:生涯スポーツのコーディネーター


    全国スポーツ推進委員連合  2014年

  • スポーツマネジメント:教育の課題と展望


    創文企画  2013年

  • 公認スポーツ指導者養成テキスト共通科目Ⅱ

    日本体育協会  2013年

  • 公認アシスタントマネジャー養成テキスト

    間野, 義之, 松永, 敬子, 松岡, 宏高

    日本体育協会  2012年03月

  • 公認クラブマネジャー養成テキスト

    間野義之, 松永敬子, 松岡宏高編集

    日本体育協会  2012年

  • スポーツ産業論:第5版(共著)


    杏林書院  2011年04月 ISBN: 9784764415799

  • スポーツ白書:スポーツが目指すべき未来

    笹川スポーツ財団  2011年

  • 総合型地域スポーツクラブの時代3:企業とクラブとの協働


    創文企画  2009年04月

  • スポーツ学のすすめ(共著)

    大修館書店  2008年

  • スポーツ産業論第4版(共著)

    杏林書院  2007年

  • スポーツマネジメント : 図解

    山下, 秋二, 原田, 宗彦, 中西, 純司, 松岡, 宏高, 冨田, 幸博, 金山, 千広( 担当: 共著)

    大修館書店  2005年04月 ISBN: 9784469265712

  • スポーツマーケティング

    原田, 宗彦, 藤本, 淳也, 松岡, 宏高( 担当: 共著)

    大修館書店  2004年04月 ISBN: 4469265462

  • スポーツ産業論入門(共著)

    杏林書院  2003年

  • Multidimensionality of fans' psychological commitment to sport teams: Development of a scale

    Doctral Dissertation, The Ohio State University  2001年

  • スポーツ経営学(共著)

    大修館書店  2000年

  • スポーツの経営学(共著)

    杏林書院  1999年



  • スポーツイベントの開催が人々のスポーツ参加に与える影響の検討

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    松岡 宏高



  • オリンピック・パラリンピックが開催地に与える社会的影響の検討

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    松岡 宏高



  • スポーツイベントが地域社会に与える影響の検討

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    松岡 宏高



  • Fans’ responses to the internationalization of team sports brands: the case of the German football league Bundesliga in Japan

    ドイツ学術交流会(DAAD)・早稲田大学  DAAD-早稲田大学パートナーシッププログラム 2018-2019



  • 見るスポーツの社会的価値の測定

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)



    松岡 宏高



  • プロスポーツが地域社会に与える影響についての時系列的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)



    松岡 宏高



  • 地域密着型スポーツ組織の育成による地域づくり

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)



    松岡 宏高











  • スポーツ科学学術院   大学院スポーツ科学研究科

  • 附属機関・学校   グローバルエデュケーションセンター


  • 大規模スポーツイベントが開催地住民のスポーツ活動に与える影響

    2023年   Keita Kinoshita


    本研究は、スポーツイベントの開催への人々の関わりが、媒介変数や調整変数との関連も含めて、どのようにその人々の長期的・継続的なスポーツ実施に影響を与えるのかについて解明することを試みるという科研費による研究プロジェクト(「スポーツイベントの開催が人々のスポーツ参加に与える影響の検討」)を補助する意図で取り組み始めたものである。しかしながら、大会スポンサー関連のスキャンダルが長期にわたり報道され、オリンピックに関連する質問紙調査を実施するには適した社会的状況ではなくなった。そこで、2021年度に東京オリンピックの前後において日本国内住民より収集した3ウェーブのパネルデータを再分析し、論文としてまとめる作業を行った。研究の概要は以下の通りである。本研究では、1)オリンピックの前後におけるスポーツイベントのポジティブおよびネガティブな社会的効果と住民の幸福感(eudaimonic well-being)の変化、および2)その社会的効果が幸福感とどのように関連しているかについての検証を試みた。分析においては、イベントの社会的効果と幸福感の個人内の変化および個人内の関係に着目した。分析の結果、イベントのネガティブな社会的効果のみが大会後に有意に変化することが示され、大会前のポジティブな社会的効果は、イベント直後の幸福感と有意に関連していることが明らかとなった。また、大会直後の幸福感は、大会から2ヵ月後のポジティブな社会的効果と有意に関連していた。この結果は、イベントによるポジティブな効果は住民の幸福感に一時的に影響を与えるだけでなく、及ぼす影響は、時間的なものだけでなく、その影響を受けたイベント直後の幸福感が2ヵ月後におけるイベントに対するポジティブな評価に重要な役割を果たしている可能性が示唆された。

  • スポーツイベントの開催が人々のスポーツ参加に与える影響を測定するための尺度開発




  • スポーツイベントによる社会的効果の検討




  • 大規模スポーツイベントの社会的影響の測定に関する基礎的検討




  • スポーツイベントが開催地に与える社会的影響の検討



    本研究の目的は、スポーツイベントの開催地に生じる地域社会への影響を測定することである(*科研費基盤研究(C)(一般)に関連したもの)。本年度は、すでに開発したスポーツイベントの地域社会への影響を測定する尺度を再度検討し、改めて統計分析を行い、精査することを試みた。 尺度開発に使用したデータは2017年に札幌市民に対して冬季アジア札幌大会の地域社会への影響についての回答を求めたものである。ポジティブな影響要因として、経済活性、文化的経験、イメージ向上、地域プライド、スポーツへの関心、ネガティブ要因として、交通・日常生活の妨害、安全面のリスク、浪費がそれぞれ設定された。再分析の結果、尺度モデルが改善され、収束的妥当性と弁別的妥当性、さらに概ね基準を満たすモデル適合度が確認された。

  • スポーツイベントが地域社会に与える影響の検討



    本研究は社会的効果に焦点を当て、プロサッカー事業を展開するJリーグの各クラブが存在する地域を対象にその住民のソーシャルキャピタルに関する認識を測定することを試みた。測定尺度には4要因12項目(7件法)を用いた(Lee et al., 2012)。Jリーグのホームタウンに居住し、過去1年間に直接観戦を行った男女516名を対象として、インターネット調査を行い、516サンプルを収集した。分析の結果、尺度の信頼性は確認され(α=.84~.90)、それぞれの平均値はsocialcapitalとcollective identityが3.5、well-beingとhuman capitalが3.7であった。

  • スポーツイベントが地域社会に与える影響の検討




  • スポーツイベントが地域社会に与える影響の検討




  • スポーツマネジメントの定義と領域についての検討



     国内外の文献をレビューし、スポーツマネジメントの概念がどのように捉えられているのかについて理解を深め、概念の再検討を行い、「スポーツマネジメントの概念の再検討」という題目の論文にまとめた。要旨は次のとおりである。 スポーツマネジメントと呼ばれる領域は急速に拡大したため、あまりにも多様なスポーツ産業にかかわる事象を取り込んできた。その結果、この学問領域の概念は研究者およびスポーツビジネス実践者によって多様に解釈されるようになった。「何がスポーツマネジメントで研究され、教えられるのか」ということに対する答えが必要である。本稿は、この領域の科学としての存在意義を明確にするために、スポーツマネジメントの概念の再検討を試みた。まず、マネジメントの対象の「スポーツ」が何を意味しているのかを明確にするために、スポーツ産業の構造について検討した。次に、スポーツプロダクトの特異性について確認した。本稿での議論から、スポーツマネジメントを「するスポーツと見るスポーツの生産と提供に関わるビジネスのマネジメント」と定義することができる。
