Updated on 2025/02/07


YAMADA, Mitsuru
Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Job title
MA in International Affairs ( USA )
Doctor of Political Science ( Kobe University )

Education Background


    Tokyo Metropolitan University   Graduate School, Division of Social Sciences   Political Science  


    Ohio University Center for International Affairs   Graduate School, Division of International Relations   Southeast Asian Studies  

Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • International relations

Research Interests

  • International Cooperation, Peacebuilding, International Relations, Southeast Asian Politics

Media Coverage

  • ラジオ、新聞、総合雑誌




  • 東ティモールの選挙ー紛争後国家の民主主義への道

    山田 満

    ワセダアジアレビュー   26   80 - 83  2024.03  [Invited]

  • 東ティモールのASEAN正式加盟に向けた諸課題

    山田 満

    海外事情   71 ( 4 ) 101 - 115  2023.07  [Invited]

  • 東ティモール独立回復20年の苦闘


    外交   74   138 - 141  2022.07

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 東ティモール、ホルタ大統領再登板後に待つ課題-独立回復20周年、混迷の歴史から見えてくる

    山田 満

    東洋経済オンライン    2022.04

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 平和構築概念の拡散と陥穽-テロリズムが引き起こす統合と人権の相克

    山田 満

    アジア・アフリカ研究   62 ( 2 ) 1 - 17  2022.04

    Authorship:Lead author

  • コロナが映す「平和な社会」に必要な5つの視点


    東洋経済オンライン    2020.06

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 東ティモールの新たな政治課題

    山田 満

    アジア太平洋討究   31   139 - 151  2018.03

  • 難民問題の歴史・現実と展望

    山田 満

    歴史地理教育   869   4 - 11  2017.09

  • The Study of Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in Southeast Asia and Its Boundary Areas: The Case Study of Southern Thailand and Mindano Conflicts

    YAMADA Mitsuru

    International Relations   2016 ( 185 ) 17 - 32  2016.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    <p>I would like to consider conflict resolution and peacebuilding in Southeast Asia and its boundary areas. Specifically, I would like to take up two cases regarding the conflicts of Southern Thailand and Mindanao in the Philippines. The Southern Thailand Conflict is an ongoing conflicts in these areas. The international society became aware of this conflict since the 2004 incidents. On the other hand, the Mindanao conflict reached a peace agreement in March 2014 between the Philippine government and Moro-Islamic Liberation Front; MILF is one of the armed forces against government.</p><p>First of all, in this paper I confirmed the historical background of both conflicts, from the Islamic kingdom before western colonialism and the nation-state building after independence. There are several common characteristics and different aspects between them. The Muslim population in both conflict areas is around 5%. Therefore, both governments sometimes enforced Muslims to obey their national identity but not ethnic identity from a economical and socio-political point of view. On the hand, the Islamic armed forces in both areas are more or less against the government policies based on assimilation of education, customs, and law. I analyzed them in different approaches and in several points.</p><p>I also considered the role of outside mediating actors. Especially, I focused on Islamic Malaysia as an ASEAN member and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation; (OIC). In addition, I paid attention to bad socio-economic aspects of both areas. I examined them from the indicators on Human Development Index; (HDI) using the Human Development Report in Thailand and the Human Development Report in the Philippines. I could observe the lowest levels of education, employment, and income of all provinces in Thai and the Philippines.</p><p>In conclusion, I would like to point out several factors for conflict resolutions and peacebuilding. Firstly, I suggest the role of third party mediators, especially Islamic actors like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Islamic organizations because Islamic or ethnic identity is very important for conflict parties in terms of reconciliation. Secondly, they seem to ask for special autonomy but not separation or independence of a nation-state like Aceh in Indonesia. Finally, people in both areas keep a peaceful daily life and they ask for true justice and equality on the political participation as well as socio-economic positions. Ultimately, both governments have to secure the human rights of people in conflict areas without marginalization and discrimination.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • ミャンマーはどこへ向かうのか

    山田 満

    潮   ( 683号 ) 60 - 65  2016.01


  • 東ティモール:2012年国政選挙結果と国家建設の展望


    アジア太平洋討究   20   347 - 358  2013.03

  • 東南アジアの紛争予防と平和構築—紛争から開発段階に移行する東ティモール


    ワセダアジアレビュー   12 ( 12 ) 68 - 71  2012.08


  • 編集後記

    山田 満

    国際政治   2012 ( 169 ) 169_171 - 171  2012


  • Introduction: The "Asian Movement" from the Perspective of "Civil Society"

    Yamada Mitsuru

    International Relations   2012 ( 169 ) 169_1 - 15  2012

     View Summary

    Recent years have seen an increase in the role of civil society in policymaking aimed at addressing global issues such as poverty, human rights, environmental problems, and conflicts beyond the borders of the nation, despite the principle of nonintervention. Civil society is clearly playing a major role in global governance.<br>What is "civil society"? There have been many definitions of civil society from ancient Greece to the present. However, I would like to define it as "the public area oriented to the citizen, independent of government and market." It then tries to participate in the decision-making process in support of humanitarian interests. Therefore, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), Non-Profit Organizations (NPO), Civil Society Organizations, and other organizations with the aforementioned purposes are included as part of civil society.<br>I am focusing on the Asian NGO network for democratization, and discuss the civil society movement with respect to the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), in particular. ASEAN has maintained a policy of nonintervention known as the "ASEAN Way," under the leadership of Track I governments. However, the role of civil society is increasing in the field of human rights and democratization.<br>One NGO, ANFREL (Asian Network for Free and Fair Elections), has worked on the problems of capacity building for voter education, voting procedures, and election laws aiming at the 2010 general elections in Myanmar. Although the 2012 by-election had inadequate operations, ANFREL perceived an improvement in this election and is targeting the 2015 general election for perfect civil society participation. Peacebuilding NGOs also play an important role in the resolution of Asian conflicts such as the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) in Aceh and International Monitoring Teams with local NGOs in Mindanao.<br>Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that the goal of realizing justice, equality, fairness is shared all over the world. Therefore, global civil society makes efforts to complete the common agenda in cooperation with civil society across borders. On the other hand, we have to respect Asian values, culture, and history as "subsistence" which Ivan Illich emphasizes for development. Moreover, we have to consider the balance between endogenous conception from Asia and external ideas from the West.<br>This volume contains 8 articles focusing on the challenges of civil society which confronts and engages with governments and markets because it aims at international peace and international welfare.

    DOI CiNii

  • Peace Building and State Building of East Timor: What is the Role of Civil Scoety?

    Mitsuru YAMADA

    Waseda Studies in Social Sciences   Vol.11 ( No.1 ) 17 - 36  2010.07


  • 東アジア地域における平和構築


    海外事情   58 ( 4 ) 69 - 81  2010.04

  • Ben Kiernan, Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur 書評


    アジア研究   55 ( 1 ) 91 - 94  2009.01  [Refereed]


  • 不安定な南タイ・イスラム地域の現状


    国際開発ジャーナル   624   58 - 59  2008.11

  • 独立後初の東ティモール国政選挙と政治社会分析


    科学研究費助成金研究成果報告書『東ティモールナショナリズムの「萌芽」「発展」「質」過程』     3 - 18  2008.05

  • 日本の国際貢献はどうあるべきか—日本とPKO—


    現代史研究   4   55 - 68  2008.05

  • The Role of International NGOs in Democratization Assistance in Southeast Asia: Cooperation with Local NGOs through Election Minitoring Activities

    Mitsuru YAMADA

    東洋英和大学院紀要   4   33 - 44  2008.03

     View Summary

    Elections represent a significant step for the reconstruction of failed states if they are free and fair and monitored by international NGOs as well as foreign governments. It is important that the elections are evaluated by other countries. And then the state has the qualifications to accept assistance from advanced Western countries. Most Southeast Asian countries are/were authoritarian regimes or developmental dictatorships. Of these countries, the Philippines and Thailand overcame their political systems before others. The roles played by NGOs and civil society organizations (CSOs) in the democratization processes of the Philippines and Indonesia were great. As a result, they influenced the processes of other countries for and gave impetus to various movements for democratization. For example, we can understand that the democratization NGO/CSOs caused outside forces to crack down on the Suharto regime. In this article, I will analyze the role of transnational NGOs/CSOs in democratization. In the first section, I will address the issue of why election monitoring NGOs became forced on this role, examining them from the viewpoint of the influence of globalization toward democratization. In the second section, I focused on the democratic processes of the Philippines and Thailand. The election monitoring, NGOs sided with western society against developmental dictatorships, promoting democratization for "Good Governance." In other words, the mission of international NGOs was to complete "free and fair" elections as in Western democracy. In the third section, I explain how the NGOs/CSOs of Southeast Asia basically accepted "Good Governance" , which is a Western concept and part of a global standard which was promoted by Western international NGOs. On the other hand, rapid westernization led to unstable societies. I think the introduction of the "Global Standard" with westernization should be slow and needs the harmonization of "Asian Values". Finally, the linkages between international NGO and Asian NGOs/CSOs will increase in importance as the number of terrorist groups continues to rise.


  • 石油基金と国家財政(1)政治動向と石油戦略


    外務省委託調査研究報告書『東ティモールの石油・ガス開発と経済発展の展望』     49 - 64  2008.03

  • 東ティモールの平和構築と国家建設—市民社会の役割とは何か


    科学研究費助成金研究成果報告書『グローバル時代における人間存在と国際関係の再構築—実在変容の認識論と実践論』     173 - 184  2007.09

  • 東ティモール:国家建設と民軍協力

    財団法人平和, 安全保障研究所編

    平成18年度防衛省委託研究報告書『武力紛争後の復興活動における軍と非軍事諸機関の協力関係について』     50 - 69  2007.03

  • マレーシアの対中国外交戦略


    『「中国のASEAN接近と各国の対応』調査—中国の経済・外交戦略の実態と今後の東アジア』     106 - 123  2007.03

  • 東南アジアの民主化と国際NGOの支援活動—インドネシア民主化に果たした選挙監視NGOの役割を中心に


    科学研究補助金研究成果報告書『東アジア地域秩序とASEANの課題』     98 - 109  2007.03

  • ルック・イースト政策の概観とポスト・マハティールの課題と展望


    JBICI DISCUSSION PAPER   10   1 - 27  2006.06

  • 体制変革期の東ティモールへの聞き取り調査


    科学研究助成金研究成果報告書『東ティモール「国民国家」をめぐるエスニシティと国際・地域環境』     41 - 64  2006.05

  • 東アジア共同体形成におけるトランスナショナルNGOの役割


    科学研究費基盤研究(B)『東アジアの地域研究とASEANの課題—中間報告』     50 - 52  2006.03

  • マレーシアにおける平和構築の試み—多エスニック国家の紛争予防


    平和研究   30   41 - 57  2005.10

  • 東ティモールの国家建設・国民統合問題—多エスニック国家マレーシアとの比較研究


    平成13-16年度科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書     1 - 88  2005.03

  • 独立2年目でも先が見えない東ティモールの国家像


    世界週報   85 ( 20 ) 18 - 21  2004.06


  • インドネシア:選挙監視活動を通して見た総選挙


    世界週報   85 ( 17 ) 18 - 19  2004.05


  • 地域紛争解決へのシナリオ


    With You さいたま・埼玉医大学教養学部報告書     74 - 81  2004.03

  • 東南アジアの社会開発

    山田満, 吉川健治

    埼玉大学紀要   39 ( 1 ) 143 - 153  2003.09


  • 独立1周年を迎えた東ティモール


    世界週報   84 ( 25 ) 46 - 47  2003.07


  • 新生東ティモールの諸課題と日本の貢献


    海外事情   51 ( 3 ) 50 - 64  2003.03


  • 住民参加型の平和構築手法と社会環境影響評価


    社会環境影響評価の手法     6 - 9  2003.03

  • ポストUNTAETに向けて始動した東ティモール


    世界週報   82 ( 38 ) 24 - 27  2001.10


  • NGOが見たフィリピン中間選挙


    世界週報   82 ( 24 ) 23 - 25  2001.06


  • The Marginalization of Indian Community in Malaysia: National Integration of Mulitiethnic State

    Mitsuru YAMADA

    和歌山大学教育学部紀要   51   9 - 24  2001.02


  • マレーシア政治の新たな方向性と課題


    アジア・アフリカ研究   2 ( 2 ) 51 - 67  2000.04


  • マレーシア:選挙結果が暗示するエスニック対立から宗教問題への移行


    世界週報     8 - 8  1999.12

  • 独立住民投票で雰囲気が一変した東ティモール住民投票


    世界週報   80 ( 37 ) 14 - 16  1999.10


  • 「地球市民」育成の国際理解教育—冷戦後世界をいかに教えるか


    和歌山大学教育学部教育実践研究指導センター紀要   8   113 - 120  1998.08

    DOI CiNii

  • 地域紛争予防と解決への一考察—多民族国家マレーシアの教訓


    和歌山大学教育学部紀要   48 ( 48 ) 51 - 67  1998.02


  • ASEAN諸国の権威主義的開発政治—インドネシアとマレーシアを中心にして


    国際政治   116   46 - 63  1997.10  [Refereed]

  • インドネシア:開発体制下の工業化戦略と農村開発

    山田満, 西村昭

    国際商学部論集   8 ( 2 ) 77 - 114  1997.03

  • 新世界秩序形成と自治体の役割


    国際商学部論集   7 ( 1 ) 71 - 107  1996.03

  • ポスト冷戦とスハルト体制の変容—東ティモール問題を手掛かりにして


    東京都立大学法学会雑誌   36 ( 2 ) 287 - 311  1995.12

  • 日本の国際化と開発教育—地球市民型の開発協力の担い手づくり


    国際教育研究紀要   2   45 - 63  1995.11

  • 自治体の国際化の現状と展望


    世界経済評論   39 ( 7 ) 45 - 51  1995.07


  • マレーシア・インド人社会の政治構造—独立達成から1969年人種暴動に至る政治過程


    東京都立大学法学会雑誌   34 ( 2 ) 321 - 355  1993.12


  • マレーシア・インド人社会の統合過程—独立達成に至るエスニック対立


    東京都立大学法学会雑誌   34 ( 2 ) 129 - 169  1992.12


  • 戦後の東南アジアに対する日本の再進出—1951年から1974年


    経済と法   22   51 - 76  1985.09

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • ASEANを知るための50章 第2版

    ( Part: Joint editor)


  • 国際協力入門 : 平和な世界のつくりかた

    山田, 満( Part: Sole author)

    玉川大学出版部  2024.02 ISBN: 9784472406362

  • Refugee

    ( Part: Other)

    2023.08 ISBN: 9784750356259

  • Sustainable development disciplines for humanity : breaking down the 5Ps? - people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships

    浦田, 秀次郎, 黒田, 一雄, 利根川, 佳子( Part: Joint author)

    Springer  2023.03 ISBN: 9789811948589

  • Understanding Regional Dynamics in Asia-Pacific

    Peking University-Waseda University Joint Research Initiative( Part: Joint author, The Asian Peacebuilding from the Viewpoint of "Non-Traditional Security Cooperation:NTS)

    Waseda University Press  2022.03

  • 「非伝統的安全保障」によるアジアの平和構築ー共通の危機・脅威に向けた国際協力は可能かー

    山田満, 本多美樹( Part: Joint editor, はじめに、第1章、あとがき)

    明石書店  2021.10

  • 平和構築のトリロジー : 民主化・発展・平和を再考する

    山田, 満(単著)

    明石書店  2021.05 ISBN: 9784750352046

  • 戦後日本外交からみる国際関係 : 歴史と理論をつなぐ視座

    大矢根, 聡(第22章(256-262頁))

    ミネルヴァ書房  2021.04 ISBN: 9784623090112

  • 平和学から世界を見る

    多賀, 秀敏(第7章 平和構築から国家建設(106-124頁))

    成文堂  2020.03 ISBN: 9784792333966

  • アジアダイナミズムとベトナムの経済発展

    ( Part: Joint editor, 第14章 中国の影響下で試されるASEANの強靭性)

    文眞堂  2020.01

  • 「一帯一路」時代のASEAN

    山田 満( Part: Joint editor, 第3章)

    明石書店  2019.12

  • Complex Emergencies and Humanitarian Response

    YAMADA, Mitsuru, Miki Honda( Part: Joint editor, Preface, Chapter 1)

    Union Press  2018.12

  • 新しい国際協力論(改訂版)

    山田 満( Part: Edit, はじめに、第3章)

    明石書店  2018.12

  • 東南アジア現代政治入門(改訂版)

    清水一史, 田村慶子, 横山豪志編( Part: Joint author, 第11章 東ティモール)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2018.03

  • 東南アジア地域研究入門第3巻政治

    山本信人編( Part: Joint author, 第13章 紛争)

    慶應義塾大学出版会  2017.02

  • 難民を知るための基礎知識

    山田 満, 滝澤三郎( Part: Joint editor, はじめに、第1章、終わりに)

    明石書店  2017.01

  • 東南アジアの紛争予防と「人間の安全保障」

    山田 満( Part: Edit, 序論、第12章)

    明石書店  2016.11

  • ASEAN経済新時代と日本

    トラン・ヴァン・トゥ編( Part: Joint author, 343-363頁)

    文眞堂  2016.01

  • ASEANを知るための50章

    黒柳米司, 金子芳樹, 吉野文雄編( Part: Joint author, 第11章、第18章、第20章、第24章、第26章)

    明石書店  2015.12

  • 人間存在の国際関係論

    初瀬龍平, 松田晢編( Part: Joint author, 213-237頁)

    法政大学出版会  2015.03

  • 震災後に考えるー東日本大震災と向きあう92の分析と提言

    鎌田薫監修, 震災復興研究論集編集委員会編( Part: Joint author, 944-952頁)

    早稲田大学出版部  2015.03

  • 「米中対峙」時代のASEANー共同体への深化と対外関与の拡大

    黒柳米司編( Part: Joint author, 159-180頁)

    明石書店  2014.02

  • Encyclopedia For Peace and Security

    広島市立大学広島平和研究所編( Part: Other)

    法律文化社  2013.03 ISBN: 9784589037398

  • 東南アジアの紛争予防と平和構築—アジアにおける人間の安全保障の取り組み—

    山田満編著( Part: Edit)

    アジア研究機構アジア・ヒューマン・コミュニティー研究所  2013.03

  • 市民社会からみたアジア

    日本国際政治学会編, 山田満編集責任( Part: Edit, 序論、編集後記)

    有斐閣  2012.06

  • 3・11後の日本とアジア—震災から見えてきたもの

    早稲田大学アジア研究機構編( Part: Joint author)

    めこん  2012.03

  • アジアの非伝統的安全保障Ⅰ総合編

    天児慧編( Part: Joint author, 193-215頁)

    勁草書房  2011.11 ISBN: 9784326546350

  • ASEAN再活性化への課題

    黒柳米司編( Part: Joint author, 159-180頁)

    明石書店  2011.03 ISBN: 9784750333281

  • 東南アジア現代政治入門

    清水一史, 田村慶子, 横山豪志編( Part: Joint author, 211-231頁)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2011.03 ISBN: 9784623059676

  • 新しい国際協力論

    山田満編著( Part: Edit)

    明石書店  2010.05 ISBN: 9784750331881

  • なぜ世界で紛争が無くならないのか

    増田弘監修( Part: Joint author, 第7章)

    講談社α新書  2009.06 ISBN: 9784062725828

  • 現代アジア研究(2)市民社会

    アジア政経学会監修, 竹中千春, 山本信人, 高橋伸夫編( Part: Joint author, 341-360頁)

    慶応義塾大学出版会  2008.12

  • 国家建設における民軍関係—破綻国家再建の理論と実践をつなぐ

    上杉勇司, 青井千由紀編( Part: Joint author, 265-282頁)

    国際書院  2008.05

  • 日本で学ぶ国際関係論

    初瀬龍平, 野田岳人編( Part: Joint author, 78-86頁)

    法律文化社  2007.10

  • 東ティモールを知るための50章

    山田満編( Part: Edit)

    明石書店  2006.08

  • アジア地域秩序とASEANの挑戦—東アジア共同体をめざして

    黒柳米司編( Part: Joint author, 107-129頁)

    明石書店  2005.08

  • 平和構築

    早稲田大学平山郁夫記念ボランティアセンター編( Part: Joint author, 6-10頁)

    WAVOCブックレットシリーズNo.2  2005.03

  • 新しい平和構築論—紛争予防から復興支援まで

    山田満, 小川秀樹, 野本啓介, 上杉勇司編( Part: Joint editor, まえがき、第2章、あとがき)

    明石書店  2005.03

  • 21世紀の平和学

    吉田康彦編( Part: Joint author, 176-189頁)

    明石書店  2004.04

  • 「平和構築」とは何か—紛争地域の再生のために

    山田満( Part: Sole author)

    平凡社  2003.04

  • 現代アジア最新事情—21世紀アジア・太平洋諸国と日本

    吉田康彦編( Part: Joint author, 173-188頁)

    大阪経済法科大学出版部  2002.05

  • 多民族国家マレーシアの国民統合—インド人の周辺化問題

    山田満( Part: Sole author)

    大学教育出版  2000.11

  • 冷戦後世界と自治体の役割—予防外交における市民・自治体間ネットワークの構築

    首藤信彦編( Part: Joint author, 第3章、第5章)

    財団法人かながわ学術研究交流財団  1996.06

  • アジア政治の未来

    岡部達味編( Part: Joint author, 第6章)

    勁草書房  1995.11

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  • 新型コロナパンデミックと国際協力の課題

    山田 満  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.06

  • 国際的感染症の脅威への対策と国際協力ー社会科学的視点から


    Presentation date: 2023.02

  • International Cooperation in Asia for the Development of Social Innovator


    Waseda Social Innovation Online Symposium 

    Presentation date: 2022.03

  • The Non-Traditional Security Cooperation regarding Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Relief

    YAMADA, Mitsuru  [Invited]

    Waseda-Peking Univ. Exchange Workshop 

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • The Prospects of Non-Traditional Security Cooperation in Southeast Asia

    YAMADA, Mitsuru

    The 6th JSA ASEAN Conference 2018 

    Presentation date: 2018.12

  • 和解のための現代日本学総合討論

    山田 満


    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 東ティモールの現状と新しい政治課題

    山田 満  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Complex Emergencies and Humanitarian Response

    YAMADA, Mitsuru

    AHC・IASS Joint Symposium 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 選挙監視員からみた海外の選挙

    山田 満  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 東南アジアにおける平和構築とASEAN

    山田 満  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Election and Civil Society in Asia: The Role of Free & Fair Elections toward Peacebuilding

    YAMADA, Mitsuru

    AHC・IASS Joint Symposium 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 緊急報告 ミャンマー総選挙の現場

    山田 満  [Invited]

    認定特定非営利活動法人 地球市民ACT神奈川主催 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • ASEANとの交流四〇年とこれから

    山田 満


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • How we can overcome the threat across border? : No-traditional Security, Global collaboration and Networking

    Waseda University Institute for Asia Human Communmity 

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • 東ティモールにおける移行期の正義—SSR問題を中心にして


    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • 3・11後の日本とアジア—震災からみえてきたもの


    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • How should Japan contribute for International Peace?


    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • Towards Peacebuilding for Timor Leste- The Role of Japan


    Presentation date: 2007.06

  • The Role of Civil Society towards Peacebuilding of Timor Leste


    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • The Politics of Reconstruction: the Case of East Timor


    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • The Role of NGO in the Peacebuilding


    Presentation date: 2004.10

  • Experiences of NGO for Peace Building in Cambodia

    Evolving Concepts of peacebuilding 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • Peace Building for East Timor


    Presentation date: 2000.06

  • TheTransformation of Authoritarian Regime in ASEAN


    Presentation date: 1996.11

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Research Projects

  • インド太平洋を漂流するASEANー中国の影響と加盟国の権威主義化

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    金子 芳樹, 浅野 亮, 工藤 年博, 鈴木 早苗, 稲田 十一, 小笠原 高雪, 山田 満, 伊藤 晋, 吉野 文雄, 福田 保

  • 資源管理のための伝統的制度の役割と持続可能性との関係

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))

    Project Year :


    山田 満, 阿部 和美, 宮澤 尚里

  • Research on the Application of the Hybrid Peace Building Across Nation State Borders: Case Study in Timor Island

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Japan's Refugee Policy - Seeking a Paradigm Shift

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • 感染リスク共存社会を支えるCPSモデルによる意思決定支援基盤の構築

    国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構  探索加速型(探索研究)

    Project Year :



  • 岐路に立つASEANの選択ー「一帯一路」と「インド太平洋」の狭間でー

    科学研究費助成事業(獨協大学) 基盤研究(B) 

    Project Year :



  • 「ASEAN共同体」の拡大と深化

    科学研究費助成事業(獨協大学)  基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :



  • 東アジアにおける歴史和解のための総合的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :



  • Study about the daily living of person with disabilities in Nicaragua

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tanaka Sawako, YAMADA Mitsuru, KONO Makoto, Walter Antonio Hernandez Centeno, Oporta Delvis, Flores Nesbel, Bonilla Axa

     View Summary

    I analyzed the daily living of the person with disabilities in Nicaragua based on documentaly searching and a field investigation. I did visit and participant observation on some organizations about the person with a disability support and events. Also I did case study in the institution for children with disabilities, especialy forcased on the relationship of local inhabitants and people who has disabilities. This study clarified the process that the relationship of people who has disabilities and concerned with them presented to a local community in an example. The problem about the disabilities is not the welfare. This study clarified that It is necessary that the problem about the disabilities deals with a social problem as one of the international cooperation.

  • Development of Mekong Region in the Asian dynamic context

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Mekong countries(Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam)are expected to accelerate their developments by participating in dynamic intra-regional network in Asia. The infrastructure of Mekong region steadily expanded, mainly road networks, and encouraged the linkage within the region. In order to further development, Mekong countries need institutional improvement. In addition, it is necessary for Mekong countries to develop the economic strategies on the intensification within the region.
    Japanese, Korean and Thai companies are aggressively active in this region, both manufacturing sector and the service industry. They Currently, they are aggressively operating mainly in Vietnam. As the development in the region progresses and closer, they will expand their business into CLM(Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar). It is importnant to promote integration within the region, such as unification of standard and institution.

  • 東南アジア地域・境界地域の平和構築と紛争予防ガバナンスの確立

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :



  • Two-dimensional assessments on Influenza pandemics: history and socioeconomics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kudo Koichiro, Manabe Toshie

     View Summary

    We conducted two-dimensional assessments on influenza pandemics from 20th century. The principal themes were: Markers of disease severity in Spanish influenza, 1919-1920; Examinations of relationships between socioeconomic factors and mortality and morbidity of 2009 influenza pandemic in Asia-Pacific countries; Spatial and temporal disease clustering on avian influenza and 2009 influenza pandemic. The markers of disease severity of Spanish influenza were adventitious discontinuous lung sounds, maximum respiration rate, continuation of high fever, and diphasic fever. Along with the clinical factors, multiple factors including social security, socioeconomics, traditions and welfare policies influenced the mortality and morbidity of influenza pandemics. The spatial clustered areas of avian and pandemic influenza were matched with the geographical areas of national poverty lines.
    The results of studies would contribute the preparedness for the further influenza pandemic.

  • 医療制度と歴史背景からみたインフルエンザ・パンデミック

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :



  • 平和構築と適正規模の開発に関する考察

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :



  • Changing Regional-International Environment and ASEAN-based Regionalism

    科学研究費助成事業(大東文化大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The research team found whereas ASEAN has witnessed encouraging developments such as (1) adoption of ASEAN Charter, (2) promotion of Indonesian democracy, it was more characterized by decaying trends including (1) coup d'etat by the Thai military, (2) Thai-Cambodian armed disputes, and (3) chronicle suppression of democracy by Myanmar junta.

  • The Analysis and Inquiry regarding Conflict Prevention and Peace Building from the Asian Model point of view : the Case Study of Southeast Asian Conflicts

    科学研究費助成事業(埼玉大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


    YAMADA Mitsuru

     View Summary

    ASEAN has maintained the nonintervention policy since its establishment in 1967. And at the same time, member states have kept on strengthening their resilience for nation-state building. However, in fact ASEAN has ethnicity conflicts beyond borders even today. On the other hand, member states has involved in ethnicity conflicts as one of mediators and played a major part in monitoring of ceasefire. And then NGOs and civil society organizations have played roles of the conflict prevention and peace building in those areas.

  • Changing process of ethno-nationalism in East Timor

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


    GOTO Kenichi, SHIOZAKI Hiroaki, YAMADA Mitsuru, YOSHINO Fumio, TAMAKI Kazunori, YAMAZAKI Isao

     View Summary

    In May, 2006, our group published the result of our recent studies under the title of Ethnicity, International and Regional Environment of the New Nation-state of East Timor. Our target for the efforts during the current year was directed toward further ascertaining the tentative conclusion that we had arrived at. Outline of our studies are listed below.
    (1) A field survey was conducted in the wake of the first serious post-independence internal confrontation caused mainly by local antagonism in order to obtain basic information materials on power structure and economic conditions.
    (2) The new nation-state is in economic confusion so in order to bring about some degree of order and vitality foreign assistance and investment are deemed necessary. Especially expected is Japan's participation in this field. In this connection we conducted a series of fact-finding surveys concerning involvement of the Japanese government, private enterprises and NGOs as to their policies for East Timor and the state of actual participation.
    (3) Concerning relationship with Japan, we can still observe delicate anti-Japanese sentiments among the people as remnants of the Japanese military occupation of the war period. On this point we studied and analyzed the tapes used in hearing surveys conducted in the previous year.
    (4) In East and Southeast Asia, mutual relations between and among the nations are getting closer in economic fields. Although East Timor's economic base is still fieble. The nation aspires join the existing regional networks. From this perspective we have conducted researches on actual status of the East Timor policies exhibited by members of such regional cooperative organizations such as ASEAN and APEC.
    (5) In the event of East Timor's national independence in May, 2002, the Catholic church in East Timor, the greatest religious influence exercised a very important role during the process. What role did the Church play in remedying political, social, and cultural splits created among the inhabitants, or, did it fail to perform any mediating role? In order to ascertain the querry we made a survey of the views of those Japanese who are actively involved in the activities of Catholic-related NGOs in East Timor.

  • East Asia's Regional Order and ASEAN's Challenges

    科学研究費助成事業(大東文化大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The ten members of our research project share the conviction that ASEAN is indispensable for the peace, stability, and development of Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific as well. On the other hand, we also know that ASEAN would become irrelevant and marginalized if it will fail to adapt itself to the changing regional and international environments.
    With those understandings as our basic framework, we have tried to analyze ASEAN's performance as well as flaws from respective viewpoints-such as politico-security, economic, and international relations theory.
    Thus, within two fiscal years of our project, we have produced the following results :
    1. A Publication of a Book on 'Ajia Chiiki-chitsujo to ASEAN no Chosen' [Asian Regional Order and ASEAN's Challenges] in August 2005 from Akashi Shuppan ;
    2. A Symposium on 'ASEAN Taiken kara Higashi-Ajia Kyoudoutai E' [From ASEAN Experiences to An East Asia Community] in November 2005 at Daito Bunka University. Approximately 200 students and researchers attended ; and
    3. A Final Report 'East Asia's Regional Order and ASEAN's Challenges' to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. (A revised English version of the final report is under preparation for publication possibly from an Institution in Singapore )

  • NATION-BUILDING & NATIONAL INTEGRATION IN EAST TIMOR : Comparative Study with Multiethnic State, Malaysia

    科学研究費助成事業(和歌山大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    This year is final year for my scientific research using grant-in-aid. Therefore, I went to Indonesia in April and East Timor in November because of my final interview to the persons and organization concerned regarding my research theme. I researched the social political situation and economic condition after the withdrawal of international community. That is why I would like to arrange the conflict factors from the structural and triggering point of view as the same way last year.
    1)Structural Factors : Although there is still trauma under Indonesian control for 24 years, the relation between Indonesia and East Timor is getting well in terms of security and economic development in East Timor. However, there are conflicts factors on the domestic issues such as the differences between city and rural, the opportunity for employment, Portuguese as the official language, and so on. The dissatisfaction against these issues is increasing for the nest general election in 2006.
    2)Triggering Factors : The most serious conflict factor is employment for demobilized soldiers who struggled for Independence. Their dissatisfaction for the government may bring out violent riot. Its movement will be linked to young people who are unemployed. And then I am afraid that the social political situation will be unstable and worsened for security. On the other hand, the opposition party, civil society and Catholic Church will be against the present government that is inclined to authoritarian political way.

  • 予防外交における市民・自治体間国際ネットワークの構築



  • 地域紛争の予防・解決と援助



  • 国際開発におけるNGOの役割に関する研究

  • 平和構築の新展開とアクションリサーチ

  • 東ティモールナショナリズムの「萌芽」「発展」「変質」過程—域内「エスノナショナル」紛争との国際比較モデル分析

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  基盤研究(B)


  • 東南アジアの紛争予防と平和構築

    科学研究費助成事業(埼玉大学)  基盤研究(C)


  • グローバル化時代における人間存在と国際関係論の再構築

    科学研究費助成事業(京都女子大学)  基盤研究(B)


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  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of International Research and Education   Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   School of Political Science and Economics

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Institute for Asia Human Community(AHC)   Director of Research Institute