Updated on 2025/03/15

Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Doctor of Philosophy ( Kobe University )

Education Background


    Osaka University   Graduate School, Division of Human Science  

Research Areas

  • Education

Research Interests

  • educational administration



  • 障害者差別解消法と地方教育行政の役割に関する一考察


    『教育行財政研究集録』(早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院教育行財政研究室)   ( 第13号 ) 1 - 14  2018.03

  • ニューヨーク市の首長主導教育改革の特質と課題-ブルームバーグ市政下の教育改革-


    『教育行財政研究集録』(早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院教育行財政研究室)   ( 第12号 ) 1 - 19  2017.03

  • 新教育委員会制度について考えるー教育委員会制度研究の立場からー


    関西教育行政学会編『教育行財政研究』   ( 第43号 ) 24-28  2016.03

  • シカゴの市長主導教育改革の導入に関する一考察−ニュー・アカウンタビリティ政策との関連を中心に−


    教育行財政研究集録(早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院教育行財政研究室)   第8号   5 - 18  2013.03

  • アメリカ現代地方教育統治の再編と課題−教育委員会制度の理念と実態を中心に−


    早稲田教育評論(早稲田大学教育総合研究所)   第26号   1 - 20  2012.03

  • アメリカ地方教育統治における市長直轄管理の形態に関する考察−市長と教育委員会の権限関係を中心に−


    教育行財政研究集録(早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院教育行財政研究室)   第7号   5 - 30  2012.03

  • アメリカ現代地方教育統治の再編と課題−教育長職の理念と実態を中心に−


    早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科紀要   第22号   91 - 105  2012.03

  • アメリカの教育統治における市長直轄管理の要因に関する考察−政治的、社会的、経済的な要因を中心に−


    教育行財政研究集録(早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院教育行財政研究室)   第6号   5 - 20  2011.03

  • アメリカの教育統治における市長直轄管理の要因に関する考察−行財政的な要因を中心に−


    早稲田大学教育学研究科紀要   第21号   25 - 37  2011.03

  • アメリカ州政府による都市の学区と学校の直轄管理に関する研究-ボルティモアの教育統治改革を中心として-


    『早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科紀要』   ( 第20号 ) 43 - 55  2010.03

  • アメリカ州政府による都市の学区と学校の直轄管理に関する研究-ペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィアの事例-


    『教育行財政研究集録』(早稲田大学教育・総合科学学術院教育行財政研究室)   第5号   5 - 26  2010.03

  • 教育行政学と教育統治(ガバナンス)学


    関西教育行政学会『教育行財政研究』   ( 第36号 ) 71 - 74  2009.03

  • 「教育ガバナンス」と地方教育行政システムの再編


    関西教育行政学会編『教育行財政研究』   ( 第31号 ) 63 - 66  2004.03

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Books and Other Publications

  • 「私立学校の経営と助成」高見茂他編『教職教養講座第14巻教育経営』所収

    小松茂久( Part: Sole author)

    協同出版  2017.10 ISBN: 9784319003365

  • 「世界の教育行政と教育改革」小松茂久編『教育行政学−教育ガバナンスの未来図−(改訂版)』所収

    ( Part: Sole author)

    昭和堂  2016.03 ISBN: 9784812212608

  • 「教育行政学のフロンティア」小松茂久編『教育行政学−教育ガバナンスの未来図−(改訂版)』所収

    小松茂久( Part: Sole author)

    昭和堂  2016.03

  • 「首長と教育委員会-米国との比較から-」『日本教育政策学会編『日本教育政策学会年報2015新教育委員会制度と地方自治』所収

    小松茂久( Part: Sole author)

    八月書館  2015.07 ISBN: 9784938140908

  • 「アメリカにおける首長による教育行政のtakeover」日本教育行政学会研究推進委員会編『首長主導改革と教育委員会制度-現代日本における教育と政治-』所収

    小松茂久( Part: Sole author)

    福村出版  2014.04 ISBN: 9784571101670

  • 最新教育原理

    ( Part: Sole author)

    2010.10 ISBN: 9784326250677

  • 「都市の地域特性と教育統治」三上和夫他編『地域教育の構想』所収

    小松茂久( Part: Sole author)

    同時代社  2010.03 ISBN: 9784886836694

  • アメリカ都市教育政治の研究-20世紀におけるシカゴの教育統治改革-


    人文書院  2006.08

  • 学校改革のゆくえ-教育行政と学校経営の現状・改革・課題(改訂版)


    昭和堂  2005.04

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Research Projects

  • 教育における障害者差別解消の推進と自治体教育政策過程との相互関係に関する研究

    Project Year :


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  • Comparative Studies between Japan and USA of the Characteristics of Educational Policy introduced by Political Educational Reform

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Komatsu Shigehisa, AUCHI Haruo, UEDA Satoshi, EGUCHI Kazumi, OSAKI Hiroyuki, ONO Madoka, KIMURA Yasuhiko, KIM Sankyu, KURIHARA Masataka, YAMADA Tomoko

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    Educational reforms led by the mayors, not by the school board are taking place in Japan and the United States. This research aims to study what kind of features the mayors' takeover produces educational policies. In Japan, there is a strong tendency to introduce new educational policy, including measures against declining birthrate, improvement of childcare environment, cooperation with welfare. In the US, the mayor challenged the school boards' educational policy formation and strongly tended to promote neo-liberal policies

  • A study on the changing functions of the local education agency under decentralization in education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Ohno Yasuki, FURUTA Kaori, AOKI Eiichi, KOMATSU Shigehisa, FUKUSHIMA Masayuki

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    This research has focused on present committment of private agencies on the educational policy process in USA and its impact on the role of local education agencies. We made clear about following points through theoretical study and investigation. (1)the histrical background that has promoted the committment of private agencies on educational administration. (2)the characteristics of theoretical framework of "educational eco-system" and the organization of educational innovation clusters. (3)the partnership practices between private agencies and school districts and their actual impacts

  • State and mayoral control of educational governance and the introduction of school privatization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMATSU Shigehisa

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    The major interst of this research resides in the controversy about school boards reform in Japan. Then we need to refer with school boards reform, especially, reasons, realities and effects. And I discussed about them in the United States.Studies about mayoral control of public schools in Chicago and New York are very suggestive and educational privatization reforms are in motion

  • Theoretical and Empirical Research of Educational Governance and Local Educational Administration System in Decentralized Society.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIRAISHI Yutaka, KOMATSU Shigehisa, SHIRAKAWA Yuji, KURIHARA Masataka, SAWASATO Tsubasa, TOKITA Eiko, AUCHI Haruo, ONO Madoka, SHIMODATE Kazuaki

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    This research aims at examining the educational policy process, using the framework of educational governance, as a result of involving many actors in the process.We conducted a national questionnaire survey from May 2010 to August 2010, which was an inventory survey across the country 1750 local governments, including all cities, wards, towns, and villages in Japan at the date of April 1st, 2010.As a result, we concluded that educational administration actors were playing key roles in the policy process. According to policy agendas, there seem various influences of actors in local governments

  • Research on State and Mayoral Takeovers in the United States

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMATSU Shigehisa

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    In the U.S, the school districts have been the core of public school governance historically. However, states and mayors are beginning to control over schools directly. This research focused on this tendency by way of case studies. As a result, we could find the followings. Not only state and/or mayoral takeovers of some large cities are required to radical reexamination of the school board system, but also they suggest new form of school governance in large school districts

  • Legal and Policy Analysis on the governance of public education under the NCLB Act in U.S.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AOKI Koji, TSUBOI Yoshimi, ARAI Hideaki, SOEDA Kumiko, YAMASHITA Koichi, TAKANO Ryoichi, KOMATSU Shigehisa, NAKATA Yasuhiko

  • Empirical study on "effectiveness" and "fairness" of privatization of schools

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAKI Tatsuo, SHINOHARA Kiyoaki, MIKAMI Kazao, OJIMA Hiromichi, KOMATSU Shigehisa, KUBOTA Shinji, TSUBOI Yoshimi, NAKAJIMA Tetsuhiko, KASAI Hisashi, MUSYA Kazuhiro, ONO Yasuki

  • Mayoral Leadership and Takeover of Urban Education Reform in the United States

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOMATSU Shigehisa

     View Summary

    This report consists of the following compositions. The first are meanings, purposes and the process of this research. The second is the role of local school boards in the process of education policy. The third are the trends and challenges of U.S. local educational governance. The fourth are the transformation of U.S. educational governance and the problems educational administration research face. And the fifth are mayoral leadership and involvement in education. In the first section, the author described the outline of the meaning of this research, the purpose and research cost. The second and the third sections made reference about the realities and problems of U.S. local school boards, including the way, influences and the criticism of mayoral takeover, and the author suggested the possibilities of reorganization of American educational system which have been characterized as the federal-state-local trilaminar structure. While we engage in an active debate about the reorganization of school boards in Japan, noted above discussion may cast a stir into that discussion. And the discussion might give a serious suggestion to educational administration research. In the fourth section, as the mayoral takeover is almost always accompanying privatization of the public school, I suggested the influences of research about the promotion of privatization and school choice policy. In the end, this report includes Japanese translation version of the document published by the United States Conferences of Mayors, which have the theoretical rationale for the mayoral takeover. Within this document, the mayors of the individual city are discussing the basis of promotion of mayoral takeover in the column. On the whole, this document are illustrating the significance of promoting this policy based on the understandings of the merit and demerit

  • General Trend of Management of Schools provided by Joint Stock Companies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UEDA Manabu, KOMATSU Ikuo, KOMATSU Shigehisa

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    The Field research has been taken place both in Japan and in abroad (UK, China etc.) as to the general trend of schools provided by Joint stock companies in the period of this research. Such newly launched schools in Japan have been the result of deregulation policy in these few years proposed by the central government, and it is very much important to collect the exact information about them as much as possible.In UK, schools organized by such companies have not the board of governors which is usual to be set in ordinary school and is responsible to the management of each school. On the contrary, the head quarter of the company are likely to provide and makes close communication with its school constantly to keep reliable understandings.In Chinese school the headmaster is very much responsible to the school management and positively to give the latest and exact information of school to the board of governors. At the same time the head of the board seems to be very keen to the business efficiency and the performance of his school. Such close partnership brings the good result of this school in these few years.One of the Schools provided by the joint stock company (Asahijuku, Okayama) seems to be in very good circumstance apart from the huge debt, ant the head of board of managers is going to seek the good school performance as well as the financial result regularly. He has developed unique curriculum and teachers salary spiral according to the result of teachers evaluation system.As a result of this research, it is quite sure that the quality of such schools depend on the idea and the attitude of the managers of the company itself and not on the sort of organization, for example board of school or corporate body

  • Empirical Researches on School Governance and Responsibility in the United States since 1990s

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKANO Ryoichi, AOKI Koji, TSUBOI Yoshimi, NAKAJIMA Tetsuhiko, KOMATSU Shigehisa, HONDA Masahito

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    This research project based on the empirical researches has aimed at comparing the school reforms in Japan with those in the United States of America. As the hypothesis of our research, we set up three types of them. The first one is participatory reform with internal responsibility, and the second is market- oriented reform with external responsibility/accountability. In conclusion, we clarified that the mainstream of the Japan's reforms since 1990s would belong to the third type which is participatory reform with accountability. To speak about it concretely, we enacted to set up a school councilor (Gakko-Hyogiin) in 2001 who might advise a principal on school management, and then we established school management council (Gakko-Unei-Kyogikai) in 2004 which should make an advisory and/or governing function.We have described a landscape of the school reforms in the United States. The Chicago school reform may be regarded as the first type of school reform, and educational voucher and charter school are two of the second one. By the way, it is interesting to us that the Chicago reform has been transformed the first type into the third one. We also find out the importance of social capital, especially of trust inside its reform. As for educational voucher, we have researched the Cleveland case, and reconsidered both the separation of church and state and the inequality of schooling. Finally, we have published two reports as our results : the interim report published in 2004 and the final one in 2005

  • The Structure of Consciousnesses of Dropouts and the Environments of Their Life

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KANEKO Terumoto, SAKAKIBARA Yoshihiro

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    The study shows two features of dropouts in the structures of the consciousness and elaborates the problems of future study.The first finding is that the features of consciousness of dropouts are not only negative and passive to their schools, but are correlated to self-esteem which supports radically their attitudes. Most of dropouts tend to have strong self-assertion and have low motive to participate in school activities in addition to these, they don't prepare adequate continuous efforts and clear sense of purpose to learn which are needed as a premise in schoollife.We confirm that these features become causes of staying in the same grade and most of dropouts leave school at the end of school year.The second finding is that dropouts have the characteristics in their relations to friends and future lives, which are different from generally accepted dropout-images. These characteristics change previous images that students who are passive and quiet in school tend to dropouts. Most of dropouts tend to insist on their opinions and recognize themselves to be positive to activities which are done out of school and to have many friends.As schools are short of culture and climate for acceptance of the students who have consciousness, they tend to dropouts. The schools should consider their own education as relative.It is no exaggeration to say that we extract a new image of dropout from our survey, but it is doubtful how general our image is. We might solve some part of this problem by means of minute surveys, but have to re-consider how exactly we could differentiate potential dropouts from other students. Particularly in order to analyze how their features of consciousnesses were determined by environments, we need to grasp their actual conditions of schoollife

  • 政治主導教育改革のもたらす教育政策の特質に関する日米比較研究


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 地方自治体による教育関連の障害児(者)差別解消政策の研究


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  • 米国の市長主導教育改革と教育民営化の研究


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  • 米国における首長主導教育改革による教育民営化政策の導入に関する研究


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