Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Job title
Ph.D. in Economics

Education Background


    New York University   Economics  

Professional Memberships




    American Economic Association


    Econometric Society

Research Areas

  • Economic theory

Research Interests

  • Macroeconomics, Economic growth, Technological change, Firm dynamics, Social learning



  • Reallocation Effects of Monetary Policy

    Daisuke Miyakawa, Koki Oikawa, Kozo Ueda

    International Economic Review   63 ( 2 ) 947 - 975  2022.05  [Refereed]



  • Firm Exit during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Japan

    Daisuke Miyakawa, Koki Oikawa, Kozo Ueda

    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies   59   101118 - 101118  2021.03



  • Short- and long-run tradeoff of monetary easing

    Koki Oikawa, Kozo Ueda

    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies   52   189 - 200  2019.06  [Refereed]

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    In this study, we illustrate a tradeoff between the short-run positive and long-run negative effects of monetary easing by using a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model embedding endogenous growth with creative destruction and sticky prices due to menu costs. Although a monetary easing shock increases the level of consumption because of price stickiness, it lowers the frequency of creative destruction (i.e., product substitution) because inflation reduces the reward for innovation via menu cost payments. When calibrated to the U.S. economy, the model suggests that the adverse effect dominates in the long run.



  • The optimal inflation rate under Schumpeterian growth

    Oikawa, Koki, Ueda, Kozo

    Journal of Monetary Economics   100   114 - 125  2018.12  [Refereed]

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    To analyze the relationship between inflation and economic growth, we construct an endogenous growth model with creative destruction, incorporating sticky prices due to menu costs. Price changes reduce the reward for innovation and thus lower the frequency of creative destruction. Central banks can maximize the growth rate by setting their inflation target at the negative of a fundamental growth rate. While the optimal inflation rate may be greater than the growth-maximizing inflation rate, our calibrated model shows that the optimal inflation rate is close to the growth-maximizing inflation rate and that a deviation from the optimal level has sizable impacts.



  • Inter-firm Technological Proximity and Knowledge Spillovers

    Koki Oikawa

    Public Policy Review   13 ( 3 ) 305 - 324  2017.11  [Refereed]  [Invited]

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    This paper has two objectives. One is to survey previous studies concerning indicators of technological proximity and distance to identify technological relationships between firms, particularly in terms of spillovers of technology and knowledge. The other objective is to reexamine the spillover effect in research and development by combining the traditional technological proximity with a measurement of within-field technological relationships, which is based on patent citation overlaps. I find that the average technological proximity is increasing over these three decades in the United States and within-field technological proximity shows sizable variations, and that the spillover effect is underestimated unless the changes in within-field proximities are taken into account.

  • A microfoundation for stochastic frontier analysis

    Koki Oikawa

    ECONOMICS LETTERS   139   15 - 17  2016.02  [Refereed]

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    This paper provides a microfoundation for distributions of technical inefficiency in parametric stochastic production frontier analysis. It shows that dial-setting technology a la Jovanovic and Nyarko (1996) implies a gamma distribution with a specific set of parameters that depends on a manager's experience or his/her prediction ability. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • R&D in clean technology: A project choice model with learning

    Koki Oikawa, Shunsuke Managi

    JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION   117   175 - 195  2015.09  [Refereed]

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    In this study, we investigate the qualitative and quantitative effects of an R&D subsidy for a clean technology and a Pigouvian tax on a dirty technology on environmental R&D when it is uncertain how long the research takes to complete. The model is formulated as an optimal stopping problem, in which the number of successes required to complete the R&D project is finite and learning about the probability of success is incorporated. We show that the optimal R&D subsidy with the consideration of learning is higher than that without it. We also find that an R&D subsidy performs better than a Pigouvian tax unless suppliers have sufficient incentives to continue cost-reduction efforts after the new technology successfully replaces the old one. Moreover, by using a two-project model, we show that a uniform subsidy is better than a selective subsidy. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Cyclical behavior of firm-level volatility: An explanation for the contrast between the United States and Japan

    Koki Oikawa

    JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS   38 ( PB ) 452 - 464  2013.12  [Refereed]

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    This study examines the cyclical behaviors of firm-level volatility, measured by real sales growth. Japanese firm-level data show that their volatility is countercyclical, whereas it is procyclical among the United States firms reported in a previous study. We formulate a theoretical model that accounts for these opposing behaviors over the business cycles. The key driving factor behind the relationship is the bankruptcy cost structure, more specifically, the relative magnitude of the fixed and marginal costs of bankruptcy. The fixed bankruptcy cost operates as an entry barrier and the marginal bankruptcy cost operates as an additional cost of hiring. These distinct impacts affect the type of firms entering/exiting the market over the business cycle. We also examine the welfare and policy implications of the model by comparing the structures of bankruptcy costs in terms of efficiency. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.




    Koki Oikawa

    JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMIC THEORY   13 ( 4 ) 539 - 554  2011.08  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, I first show that there may be inefficient herd behavior even with a continuous choice set and a continuous loss function if there is payoff complementarity. Then, I show that the probability of inefficient herd behavior is asymptotically zero and the choice sequence converges to the optimal one almost surely if people have even a small amount of tolerance that they are willing to accept one another as a partner in joint work. This result is closely related to the argument in J. S. Mill's On Liberty, where he states that tolerance for others' ideas is essential for sophistication of ideas.



  • Uncertainty-driven growth

    Koki Oikawa

    JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL   34 ( 5 ) 897 - 912  2010.05  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, I present a model in which firm-level uncertainty raises aggregate productivity growth. The mechanism for this is learning-by-doing in the research sector: firms undertake research to reduce uncertainty, which results in social knowledge accumulation that improves the productivity of future research. The model explains the positive correlation between TFP growth and dispersion in manufacturing industries. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Acceleration effect of uncertainty on technological diffusion

    Koki Oikawa

    ECONOMICS LETTERS   101 ( 3 ) 234 - 236  2008.12  [Refereed]

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    This paper constructs a model of technology adoption and diffusion under firm-level uncertainty and then demonstrates that greater firm-level uncertainty may give birth to faster diffusion of a new technology. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Final Goods Substitutability and Economic Growth

    Koki Oikawa

    Economics Bulletin    2007

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Research Projects

  • 企業と研究者のマッチングに基づく経済成長政策の分析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    及川 浩希

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  • Theoretical and Experimental Research on Money and Market System in the Pacific Island Countries

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 企業の異質性を伴う内生成長理論による長期停滞の構造分析

    Project Year :


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  • Firm size distribution and economic growth

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Oikawa Koki

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    We construct a new method to describe firm distributions within technology fields and the dynamic behavior of these distributions. To locate firms on a technology space, we apply multidimensional scaling for the inter-firm technological dissimilarity matrices that are computed from patent citation overlaps among firms using the NBER US patent dataset. Our estimated firm distributions show increasing trends in technological distance and polarization on average, where we follow Duclos and et al. (2004) to measure polarization. We construct a model of inter-group competition in which polarization stimulates R&D incentives. The model fits data before the major patent reform in the United States in 1980s and polarization increases citation-weighted number of patent applications. After about 1990, the impact of polarization is reversed

  • Firm-level volatility and business cycles

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OIKAWA Koki

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    This study examines the behaviors of firm-level volatility over business cycles, measured by real sales growth. Japanese firm-level data show that their volatility is countercyclical, whereas it is procyclical among the United States firms. We formulate a theoretical model that accounts for the opposite cyclical behaviors. The key driving factor behind the relationship is the relative magnitude of the fixed and marginal costs of bankruptcy. This study also examines the welfare and policy implication about the optimal bankruptcy cost structure

  • Firm-level Volatility and Economic Growth

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OIKAWA Koki

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    This research project built a theory that explains firm-level uncertainty, which is not aggregate but idiosyncratic, stimulates economic growth through accumulation of knowledge to reduce uncertainty. A surge in firm-level uncertainty surely brings a negative impact on the economy at least in the short run. However, the long-run impact turns out positive. I examined this model empirically using the firm-level data in the United States. Besides, I looked into the mechanism that generates relationship between firm-level uncertainty and macroeconomic fluctuation, based on the observed data in Japan and the United States. Firm-level uncertainty is procyclical in the United States on one hand, and it is countercyclical in Japan on the other. The model I built consistently explains this opposite tendency in cyclicality

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Overseas Activities

  • 金融政策の再配分効果に関する研究


    アメリカ合衆国   カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校


  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Economics

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   School of Political Science and Economics

  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences

Research Institute

  • 2023

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2023

    Center for Data Science   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 企業の退出前パフォーマンスと資源のミスアロケーション

    2022   上田晃三, 宮川大介

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  • 企業と研究者のイノベーション能力分解とミスマッチ


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  • 内生的経済成長理論における参入阻止価格の再考


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    Limit pricing by technologically-leading firms is often assumed in Schumpeterian growth models. However firms have an incentive to stay in the market even with a negative flow profit when continuing business will lead to future profits. This situation typically occurs in the model of Klette and Kortum (2004), in which holding a product line opens a new opportunity for successive R&amp;D. We modify the Klette-Kortum model by introducing limit pricing based not on flow profit but on product value. The new pricing strategy can generate a drastic change because low quality innovations tend to be blocked to enter markets by incumbents. Applying it to the calibrated model in Lentz and Mortensen (2008), we show that the economy grows faster with higher welfare than the original model, and there is only tiny selection effect among observed entrant cohorts.

  • 企業分布と価格硬直性


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    Responding to increasing attention to the distributional aspects of monetary policy, we investigate reallocation among heterogeneous firms triggered by nominal growth. Japanese firm-level data show that large firms tend to invest more in R&amp;D and grow faster than small firms under higher inflation. We then construct a model that introduces nominal rigidity due to menu costs into R&amp;D-driven endogenous growth with heterogeneous firms. The model shows that high nominal growth leads to an increase in the market share of innovative firms because menu-cost burdens are relatively heavier for less innovative firms. This reallocation effect leads to heavier tail of firm size distribution and yields a positive effect of monetary expansion on both real growth and welfare.

  • エージェント・ベース・モデルによるイノベーション政策分析


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     マクロ的な経済成長を維持するには、持続的な技術進歩が不可欠である。本研究は、仮想的な技術空間における企業の戦略的立地と、イノベーション成果の関係に基づいて、ミクロ・マクロ両面から見て望ましイノベーション政策のあり方を探る試みである。 研究の第一段階では、企業が取得した特許データから抽出した企業間の技術的な距離を用いて、実際の技術空間上の企業立地の変化を追跡した。データから推計された移動距離や、移動先における企業集積状況など、立地が変化した時の特徴と、その後の各企業の特許申請状況を観察した。 研究の第二段階では、企業の技術立地モデルを作ってシミュレーションを行った。このモデルが有用であるのは、政策等の変化が引き起こす企業の技術的立地の内生的な変化を明示的に考慮した上で、影響を把握できる点にある。論文では、移動距離等の基本的な特性をモデルが再現できることを示した上で、特許保護を政策的に強めることで技術的距離が全体的に広がるように立地の変化が生じ、結果として特許保護のイノベーション促進効果を抑制することを示した。

  • エージェントベースモデルによるイノベーション政策分析

    2017   Hiroshi Takahashi

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    We investigate the relationship between location choices of firms in a technology space and innovations at the firm and technological category levels. We estimate firm distribution in a technology space with patent citation overlaps and trace the locational changes of each firm. We find that a firm generates more quality-adjusted patents if it moves less in the technology space it belongs, the average distance to other firms is smaller, and technology is less accumulated around that location. At the technological category level, patent productivity tends to be high with low average moving distance but high standard deviation of it, low average distance between firms, and high entry rate. We then develop an agent-based model that generates dynamic behaviors of firms in a technology space. In the model, a firm sequentially chooses its location to maximize firm value conditional on the location profile of other firms minus the cost of moving. The firm value depends on knowledge spillover and market competition, where those factors are related to technological distances. With agent-based simulation, we analyze the impacts of regulation shifts such as patent protection policy and R&amp;D subsidy.

  • 異質的経済主体と内生成長:成長政策の定量的評価の為の理論・実証研究


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  • 環境技術研究開発:学習過程を伴うプロジェクト選択モデルによる分析


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     本研究では、研究開発補助金等の政策によってインセンティブを追加された民間の研究開発主体の行動分析を行った。科学技術開発のプロジェクトは最終的な成果が出るまでに時間がかかる場合が多く、また、研究開発の緒に就いた段階では、必ずしも先の見通しは明確でない。この性質を分析に取り込むため、研究開発を進めながら、同時にプロジェクトの質の評価を行い、最適なプロジェクトを模索しながら開発を進める研究開発主体を想定した。 研究開発主体の意思決定をモデル化するにあたり、ベイズ推定による、プロジェクトの性質についてのビリーフ更新を伴う最適停止理論を用い、新規技術の完成というゴールが設定されているところに特徴を持たせた。複数の研究プロジェクトが存在するケースにも容易に拡張できるが、アームド・バンディッドの枠組から逸れるため、計算量の負荷が増大しがちであり、その点は今後の課題といえる(現状では、2種類のプロジェクトを選べる状況を分析している)。いずれにしてもこうした理論化によって、環境汚染技術の負の外部性だけでなく、研究開発主体自身が、現在進めているプロジェクトがどの程度有望であるかを合理的に精査し、より良いプロジェクトを選択していく学習プロセスを、明示的に分析の俎上に載せられるところに本研究の貢献がある。さらに、理論を定量分析に繋げる試みとして、電気自動車の開発過程のデータを用いてモデルのパラメータを設定し、シミュレーションを行った。 本研究で得られた結論は以下の通りである。政策サイドが前述の学習プロセスの影響を考慮に入れないと、研究開発補助金は過少になる。また、環境効率の低い旧技術へのピグー税は、効率性の点で研究開発補助金を下回る。これは特に、複数のプロジェクトが存在する場合に顕著となる。シミュレーションによる定量分析では、学習プロセスを考慮に入れた最適な補助金政策を取ると、当該研究開発に関わる社会的便益が10%程度上昇することが示された。

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