Updated on 2025/03/13


Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title
Associate Professor
Ph.D. ( The Uinversity of Tokyo )

Research Experience

  • 2010

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 2008

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 2007

    The University of Tokyo   The Graduate School of Engineering

  • 2003

    The University of Tokyo   The Graduate School of Engineering

Professional Memberships


    The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics


    The Visualization Society of Japan


    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics


    The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers


    The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences

Research Areas

  • Fluid engineering / Aerospace engineering

Research Interests

  • Aerodynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Flow Instability,Micro Air Vehicle, Flight Maangement



  • Study of Model to Estimate the Selectivity of Each Cruise Altitude Considering Jet Stream Using CARATS Open Data

    Masanori Tamura, Asei Tezuka

    Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences   66 ( 3 ) 69 - 74  2018.06  [Refereed]

  • Dynamic Stability Measurement of Mars Entry Capsule Using Magnetic Suspension Balance System


    Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences   64 ( 6 ) 289 - 295  2016.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Almost all re-entry capsules such as HAYABUSA re-entry capsule are dynamically unstable in transonic region. We researched dynamic stability characteristics of Mars entry capsule (70º sphere-cone capsule model) at low speed. In order to avoid significant sting interference, the tests were conducted using magnetic suspension balance system (MSBS). Angle of attack and Reynolds number effects on drag coefficients were measured. Dynamic stability derivatives were measured by forced oscillation method. Drag coefficients were barely affected by Reynolds number and angle of attack. The dynamic stability derivatives of Mars entry capsule were small negative value. These results showed that Mars entry capsule was slightly dynamically unstable.

    DOI CiNii

  • Influence of Upper Configuration on Aerodynamic Characteristics over Ishii Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers

    YOSHIDA Kakeru, KAWABE Masafumi, LEE Kitai, TEZUKA Asei

    Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences   63 ( 5 ) 217 - 224  2015.10  [Refereed]

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    For the investigation of UAV and MAV, development of wing section which has high aerodynamics performance at the low Reynolds numbers region is required. In addition, the aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil are influenced by the flow separation which is affected by the wing section configuration. In this study, the influences of upper surface configuration on the aerodynamic characteristics of the Ishii airfoil at the Reynolds number of 50,000 are experimentally investigated. The results demonstrated the laminar separation near the trailing edge whose configuration was resembled to that of NACA0012 airfoil. The lift coefficients, which becomes negative values in the NACA0012 airfoil case because of the laminar separation at the trailing edge, increases almost liner with the increase in the angle of attack. Turbulent region which is increased by the formation of the laminar separation bubble near the leading edge increases drag coefficients. The desirable upper surface configuration of wing section maintains the re-attachment of the laminar separated flow near the trailing edge at high angle of attack condition.

    DOI CiNii

  • Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Magnetically Supported Circular Cylinder in Axial Flow


    Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences   63 ( 1 ) 20 - 27  2015.02  [Refereed]

  • Draft Concept of Space Transportation System Using a Maglev Vehicle around Low Earth Orbit

    Asei Tezuka

    TRANSACTIONS OF THE JSASS, SPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN   12   Pg_1 - Pg_6  2014.09  [Refereed]

  • Laminar Airfoil Modification Attaining Optimum Drag Reduction by Use of Airfoil Morphing

    Hiroharu Suzuki, Kenichi Rinoie, Asei Tezuka

    JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT   47 ( 4 ) 1126 - 1132  2010.07  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, the effectiveness of morphing a laminar airfoil's leading edge through deformation in order to reduce the drag at the offdesign angle of attack is investigated. The configuration of the airfoil was deformed under the structural restriction that the leading edge is deformed while maintaining both the girth of the deformed part and the configuration of the wing box. The NACA63(1)-012 laminar airfoil was chosen as the baseline airfoil. The Reynolds number based on the baseline airfoil chord was Re(c) = 3 x 10(6). Aerodynamic characteristics of the baseline and deformed airfoils have been investigated using a viscous-inviscid interaction method. It is shown that the leading-edge deformation is effective in reducing the drag at the offdesign angle of attack, in comparison with the baseline airfoil. The transition point has been estimated, using a numerical method based on a linear stability theory. The deformation is an effective means to move the transition point aft on the airfoil, and the extension of the laminar flow area results in a reduction in the drag at the offdesign angle of attack.



  • 複葉型超小型航空機の主翼揚力特性に関する実験

    秋山 皓平, 手塚 亜聖, 砂田 保人, 李家 賢一

    日本航空宇宙学会論文集   57 ( 671 ) 476 - 485  2009.12  [Refereed]

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    This paper investigates wing aerodynamic characteristics used for bi-plane micro-air vehicles. Surface pressure distributions of two-dimensional biplane airfoils (4% cambered-plate airfoil) were measured at a chord Reynolds number of 6.4 × 104. Lift characteristics of three-dimensional biplane rectangular wings (aspect ratio of 3) were also measured at the same Reynolds number. It was indicated that the behaviors of laminar separation bubble formed both on the upper and lower airfoils/wings affects their lift characteristics. Bi-plane wings with positive stagger, i.e. protruded upper wing indicated higher maximum lift coefficient. This is caused by different behaviors of laminar separation bubble formed on the wing.

    DOI CiNii

  • 超小型飛行機のレイノルズ数領域における4%キャンバー翼型及びNACA0012翼型の空力特性

    手塚亜聖, 砂田保人, 李家賢一

    日本航空宇宙学会論文集   57 ( 665 ) 258 - 265  2009.06  [Refereed]

  • レーザ変位計を用いた薄膜撓み計測による翼表面圧力分布の測定


    可視化情報学会論文集   29 ( 3 ) 1 - 8  2009.03  [Refereed]

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    For the measurement of the surface pressure distribution, we can use the differential pressure transducer as a conventional pressure measurement of fluid, with plumbing pipes inside the airfoil-section model for delivering the static-pressure from the surface of the model. The surface pressure distribution is measured with high-precision, but the cost for producing the model is expensive. In this paper, new pressure-measurement system is proposed to measure the surface pressure distribution at the low-speed condition with low cost. The surface pressures are obtained by measuring the deflection of a film which is attached on the surface of the model. In the present study, a wing section model is placed 150mm away from the wing tunnel wall, and the surface pressure distribution on the airfoil is measured. The results measured by the present method and the differential pressure transducer are compared. The results demonstrate that the present method yields essential information of the pressure distribution which is transformed with increasing the angle of attack.

    DOI CiNii

  • Surface Pressure Distributions on 4% Circular Arc Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number

    Asei Tezuka, Yasuto Sunada, Kenichi Rinoie

    JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT   45 ( 6 ) 2164 - 2167  2008.11  [Refereed]



  • Parallel Computing of Global Linear Stability Analysis for an Incompressible Laminar Flow

    Asei Tezuka

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal   15 ( 4 ) 549 - 557  2007.06  [Refereed]

  • Three-dimensional global linear stability analysis of flow around a spheroid

    Asei Tzuka, Kojiro Suzuki

    AIAA JOURNAL   44 ( 8 ) 1697 - 1708  2006.08  [Refereed]

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    Computational study of flowlields around a spheroid at varied angles of attack is done using. Chiba's method, which is one of the methods of three-dimensional global linear stability analysis. It is clarified that in the case of a spheroid, nonoscillatory, nonaxisymmetric flow (in the case of zero angle of ' attack) and nonoscillatory asymmetric flow (in the case of nonzero angle of attack) are observed in a range of the freestream Reynolds number around 4 x 10(3) to 7 x 10(3), and angle of attack from 0 to 30 deg. The amplification factor of the nonoscillatory asymmetric (or nonaxisymmetric in 0-deg attack angle case) mode is the largest. The transition from nonoscillatory symmetric (or axisymmetric) flow, to nonoscillatory asymmetric (or nonaxisymmetric) flow, occurs when the amplification factor becomes zero. To ascertain the appearance of the nonoscillatory asymmetric flow in an attack angle case, a low-speed wind tunnel experiment Was also conducted. The picture of flow visualization shows an asymmetric pattern when the Reynolds number is around 6.5 X 10(3), whereas the pattern is symmetric at a Reynolds number around 3.5 x 10(3).

  • 線形摂動方程式と近似固有値解法を用いた非圧縮性層流流れに対する安定性解析法


    日本航空宇宙学会論文集   54 ( 625 ) 39 - 47  2006.02  [Refereed]

  • 2次元円柱,3次元球及び低アスペクト比円柱周り非対称流れの全体安定性解析

    手塚亜聖, 鈴木宏二郎

    日本航空宇宙学会論文集   51 ( 597 ) 529 - 536  2003.10  [Refereed]

  • The Global Stability Analysis of Steady Flow around a Blunted Cylinder

    Asei Tezuka, Kojiro Suzuki

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal   13 ( 2 ) 247 - 252  2003.07  [Refereed]

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  • CARATS Open Dataの分析による台風接近時の飛行経路と出発・到着機数の調査



    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • ボルテックスリングステートと建物周りの流れ場を考慮したマルチコプタ型無人航空機の運用の研究

    尾内成美, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 低Re数におけるNACA0012翼型の後縁層流剥離の再付着過程でみられる周波数変化の調査

    神谷拓, 塩月智博, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 膨張波管で生成される超高速気流中の熱流束計測

    渡部竜平, 山田和彦, 嶋村耕平, 比護悠介, 藤原侑亮, 岡本誉史, 手塚亜聖

    平成29年度 衝撃波シンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • CARATS Open Dataとひまわり衛星データを用いた羽田空港に霧が観測された時間帯の運航の分析

    手塚 亜聖


    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • Development of Magnetic Suspension and Balance System for High-Subsonic Wind Tunnel

    D. Kai, H. Sugiura, A. Tezuka

    AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, AIAA SciTech 2018 

    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • CARATS Open Dataの分析による気象状況を考慮して悪天を回避するモデルの作成

    手塚 亜聖, 加藤 嘉弘, 田村 真規


    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 気象の影響が考えられるCARATSオープンデータの航跡の分析



    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 極超音速統合制御実験機の横・方向空力特性評価

    佛圓 純, 廣谷智成, 田口秀之, 本郷素行, 晝間正治, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 羽田空港アプローチ軌道にレーダエコーがかかる状況における飛行経路の検討



    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • CARATS Open Dataを用いたローソク足チャートによるアプローチ軌道の風速の分析



    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • 高亜音速磁力支持天秤風洞の開発

    甲斐大貴, 杉浦裕樹, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • CARATS Open Dataを用いたローソク足チャートによる着陸進入速度の調査



    Presentation date: 2017.04

  • CARATS Open Data を用いたレディオ空港の風向風速による着陸滑走路選択の調査

    永山逸郎, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • NACA0012 翼型後流の変動流速をトリガーとしたプラズマアクチュエータのFeedback 駆動による後縁剥離制御

    塩月智博, 廣部陽介, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 羽田空港到着機への影響が大きい気象急変時の運航の分析

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2017.01

  • 低Re数領域における石井翼型下面形状変化による翼面近傍流速分布の調査

    査蘇娜, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • プラズマアクチュエータのFeedback駆動による低Re数翼型後縁剥離の制御

    廣部陽介, 塩月智博, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • CARATSオープンデータの分析による気象の影響の調査 ~気象情報から運航情報、容量への変換を目指して~



    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • CARATS Open Dataを用いた羽田空港アプローチ軌道における機種別対地速度の調査



    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • 実運航データの活用による気象情報の高度化を目指して


    航空振興財団 航空管制システム小委員会 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • 実運航データの活用による気象データの風速予測精度向上に関する考察

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 極超音速予冷ターボジェットの飛行模擬環境実験

    田口秀之, 小林弘明, 小島孝之, 本郷素行, 西田俊介, 佐藤哲也, 手塚亜聖, 土屋武司, 津江光洋


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 極超音速巡航実験機の低速空力性能評価

    晝間正治, 手塚亜聖, 田口秀之, 本郷素行, 廣谷智成, 古賀星吾


    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • 先行機ダウンリンクデータを用いた後続機の風予報精度向上に関する考察

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 気象庁数値予報モデルと先行機のダウンリンクデータの誤差に着目した風況予測精度向上

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2016.04

  • CARATSOpenData と全国合成レーダーGPV を用いた仙台付近で雷雲の観測された時間帯における航跡調査

    加藤嘉弘, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • CARATS Open Data を用いた飛行経路変更に伴う偏西風の影響に関する実状調査

    田村真規, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 気象庁数値予報モデルと先行機のダウンリンクデータを 用いた風況予測の精度比較

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • Creating severe weather model for arrival manager by analyzing theflight data of weather front passage

    Asei Tezuka, Atsushi Senoguchi

    AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, AIAA SciTech 2016 

    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • 再使用型非アブレーション熱防御システムの熱構造性能に関する数値的研究

    小嶋伸弥, 鈴木俊之, 藤田和央, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • 航空機の到着管理のための飛行経路による数値気象予報データの精度分析

    手塚 亜聖, 瀬之口 敦


    Presentation date: 2015.12

  • Evaluation of Waverider Derived Wing for Hypersonic Experimental Aircraft

    Masaharu Hiruma, Asei Tezuka, Hideyuki Taguchi, Motoyuki Hongoh

    7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology 2015 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • Correlation of Estimated flight time uncertainty between pop-up flight and sequenced flight for Haneda airport calculated by JMA meso-scale model

    Yuichiro YAMAMOTO, Asei TEZUKA

    7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology 2015 

    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 極超音速統合制御実験機の空力特性評価

    東野嵩, 手塚亜聖, 田口秀之, 廣谷智成, 本郷素行, 古賀星吾


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 山岳地域上空を飛行する航空機の位置による風の変化の調査

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 火星探査カプセルの磁力支持低速風試

    高橋智也, 渡辺礼奈, 安藤龍, 杉浦裕樹, 宮嵜武, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • 極超音速実験機におけるウェーブライダー翼適用の検討

    晝間正治, 田口秀之, 本郷素行, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • S-520観測ロケットを用いた空気吸込み式エンジンの極超音速統合制御実験 (HIMICO) における飛行軌道設計

    藤川貴弘, 要田大輔, 森田直人, 土屋武司, 田口秀之, 東野嵩, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • 気象の影響が考えられるCARATSオープンデータの航跡の分析



    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Experimental Study on the Improvement of 10kW ICP Heater to Generate the Supersonic Plasma Flow

    Daisuke Kawamoto, Satoshi Miyatani, Kazuhiko Yamada, Takashi Abe, Asei Tezuka

    30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS) 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 標準的な飛行・風況モデルから予測した巡航飛行時間と管制レーダの航跡との差異の分析

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 羽田空港到着機のダイヤグラム表示による巡航区間での時間調整の検討

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2015.04

  • 翼変形による空力荷重分布への影響に関する研究

    玉山雅人, 八木橋美穂, 藤井奏風, 有薗 仁, 手塚亜聖, 横関智弘


    Presentation date: 2015.04

  • プラズマアクチュエータのバースト駆動による渦の三次元性とNACA0012 翼型の空力特性の変化

    廣部陽介, 堀野剛史, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • 衝撃波管を用いた超高速気流の分光計測

    石田広之, 新井恭輔, 嶋津悠介, 山田和彦, 安部隆士, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • ICP加熱器により生成されたプラズマ気流の超音速化に関する実験的研究

    川本大輔, 宮谷聡, 山田和彦, 安部隆士, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • 偏西風の影響による羽田空港到着機の到着予定時刻のゆらぎの調査

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2015.01

  • 舵面制御による空力荷重最適化の基礎的研究

    八木橋美穂, 藤井奏風, 有薗仁, 玉山雅人, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • 管制空域への流入・流出量に着目した羽田空港到着便の遅延の調査

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • アプローチ軌道の平滑化風況モデルを用いた羽田空港到着機のTBOに関する検討

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦, 福田豊


    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • アスペクト比の変化に伴う翼端に設置したプロペラの影響に関する研究

    足立憲彦, 小林宙, 箱島秀昭, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • 4D trajectory based operation in high density terminal control area considering the uncertainty of weather forecast data

    A. Tezuka

    29th International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) 

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • 低レイノルズ数領域における石井翼型上面形状変更による剥離流れへの影響

    吉田翔, 手塚亜聖, 川邊将史, 李沂泰


    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • 重み付き平均法による羽田空港アプローチ軌道の風況モデル化

    手塚亜聖, 瀬之口敦


    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • TBOの軌道予測に向けた羽田空港アプローチ軌道の風況モデル化



    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • プラズマアクチュエータのフィードバック駆動による揚力係数改善

    堀野剛史, 手塚亜聖, 久保俊介


    Presentation date: 2014.04

  • メソ数値予報モデルを用いた羽田空港アプローチ軌道の月別時間帯別による到着時間の変化

    山本佑一郎, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • 膨張波管を用いた弱電離プラズマ流と印加磁場の相互干渉による抗力増大効果の検証

    嶋津悠介, 手塚亜聖, 高橋裕介, 永田靖典, 山田和彦, 安部隆士


    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • SSR modeSデータを用いた飛行軌道予測に対する気象の影響の調査(第2報)



    Presentation date: 2014.01

  • ウェーブライダー形状を適用した極超音速実験機の空力性能評価

    入貝優介, 手塚亜聖, 田口秀之, 本郷素行


    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • メソ数値予報モデルを用いた軌道予測の予報時間による不確かさの分析



    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • 周波数計測による石井翼型翼面近傍剥離流れの挙動の把握

    吉田翔, 手塚亜聖, 川邊将史, 久保俊介


    Presentation date: 2013.07

  • Experimental study on the magneto-aerodynamic force deflected by magnetic field interaction in a weakly-ionized plasma flow

    Nagata, Y, Satofuka, Y, Watanabe, Y, Tezuka, A, Yamada, K, Abe, T

    44th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • 気象による軌道予測の不確定性の研究

    手塚亜聖, 東山侑司


    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • Draft Concept of Space Transportation System Using a Maglev Vehicle around Low Earth Orbit

    Asei Tezuka

    29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS) 

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • 電動化航空機におけるプロペラブレードを用いたエネルギ回生に関する研究

    足立憲彦, 小林宙, 箱島秀昭, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2013.04

  • 標準運航モデルと実運航データを用いた降下時の軌道に対する気象の及ぼす影響

    東山侑司, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2013.04

  • 低Re数領域における石井翼型の圧力係数分布及び翼面近傍流れの周波数解析

    吉田翔, 手塚亜聖, 原野純一, 川邊将史, 久保俊介, 佐藤翔太郎


    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • SSR modeSデータを用いた飛行軌道予測に対する気象の影響の調査

    手塚亜聖, 東山侑司


    Presentation date: 2013.01

  • 高層天気図による気象の影響を考慮した航空機の軌道予測に関する予備的研究

    東山侑司, 手塚 亜聖


    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • Support-Interference Effect on a Magnetically Supported Bluff Body in Axial Flow

    Ryo Konomi, Hiroki Sugiura, Asei Tezuka

    Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT-2012). 

    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • 地球低軌道を走行する磁気浮上車を用いた宇宙輸送コスト低減化の予備的研究



    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • 三角柱後流でみられる振動流の各位相に加えられた擾乱の安定解析

    手塚亜聖, 高木正平


    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • プラズマアクチュエータのバースト周波数と設置位置によるNACA0012翼型の空力特性の変化

    川邊将史, 手塚亜聖, 原野純一, 久保俊介


    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • Development of laptop pc tool with visual projection for flight management training development of laptop pc tool with visual projection for flight management training

    A. Tezuka, T. Nakamura, Y. Higashiyama, R. Kobayashi(ANA, K. Rinoie

    28th International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • 全体安定解析による低Re数流れ翼型後縁層流剥離の振動数の考察



    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • プローブマイクロフォンを用いたDBDプラズマアクチュエータ近傍の変動圧力計測

    大久保辰郎, 手塚亜聖, 満尾和徳, 小林宙


    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • 翼型後縁付近に設置したPAのバースト周波数による低レイノルズ数領域空力特性の改善

    久保俊介, 手塚亜聖, 原野純一, 川邊将史, 山田宗平


    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Validation of the scale effect for the electrodynamic interaction of a magnetized body in a weakly-ionized flow

    Hattori, M, Tezuka, A, Makino, H, Nagata, Y, Takahashi, Y, Abe, T

    43rd AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012.06

  • 翼弦長85%に設置したプラズマアクチュエータのバースト周波数による圧力分布の変化

    原野純一, 手塚亜聖, 川邊将史, 久保俊介, 山田宗平


    Presentation date: 2012.04

  • 熱線流速計を用いたNACA0012翼型後縁の層流剥離領域及び後流の流体振動計測

    山田宗平, 手塚亜聖, 原野純一, 川邊将史, 久保俊介


    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • 低Re数における翼型後縁に設置したPAが層流剥離に与える影響について



    Presentation date: 2012.01

  • 気流に平行な円柱における支持干渉の影響

    許斐涼, 杉浦裕樹, 手塚亜聖

    日本流体力学会第25回数値流体力学シンポジウム 講演予稿集 

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • 旅客機の運航をPC上で模擬するソフトにおける視界表示機能の開発

    東山侑司, 手塚亜聖, 中村俊彦, 小林朗, 李家賢一


    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • NACA0012翼型後縁周辺の振動現象に対する攪乱の安定性に関する考察



    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • 高エンタルピー流れと磁化された物体との相互作用におけるスケール効果

    服部盛正, 牧野仁, 永田靖典, 山田和彦, 手塚亜聖, 水書稔治, 安部隆士


    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • 翼型後縁に設置したプラズマアクチュエータによる空力特性改善に向けた揚力係数計測

    原野純一, 手塚亜聖


    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • 低Re 数における翼型後縁でみられる振動流に対する攪乱の安定解析



    Presentation date: 2011.07

  • Stability of periodic oscillation around the trailing edge of NACA0012 airfoil

    Asei Tezuka  [Invited]

    6th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference, The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 

    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • フライトマネジメントPCツールにおけるOpenGLを用いた視界表示機能の追加について

    東山侑司, 手塚亜聖, 中村俊彦, 小林 朗, 李家賢一


    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • 低Re数における厚翼後縁の周期振動に対する攪乱の挙動について



    Presentation date: 2011.01

  • Experimental Study on the Decision Makings of Jet Airliner Pilots with Different Flight Experiences

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • Heading Setting Function of PC Tool for Simulatine the Flight Management

    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • Stability analysis for oscillatory mode around the trailing edge of NACA0012 airfoil at low Reynolds number

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • Experimental Study on Decision Making of Jet Airliner Pilots - A Case of Wind Shear

    Proceedings of 27th Congress of International Council of Aeronautical Sciences 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • PC Tool Development for Simulating Flight Management Process of Jet Airliner Pilots

    Proceedings of 27th Congress of International Council of Aeronautical Sciences 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Measurement of Time-Average Velocity Induced by a DBD Plasma Actuator Using Dielectric Film

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • Stability analysis for oscillatory phenomenon observed at the trailing edge of NACA0012 airfoil

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • Global Stability Analysis of FLow Around a NACA0012 Airfoil at High Angle of Attack

    Proceeding of the Sixth Asia Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • Discussion of the absolute-instability mode observed around the trailing edge of NACA0012 airfoil

    Presentation date: 2010.01

  • Experimental Study on Decision Making of Airliner Pilots When Encountering Wind Shear

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • Research on Flight Management Skill at Airport Closure due to Earthquake using PC Tool

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • Experimental Evaluation on Decision Making of Airliner Pilots When Wind Shear Occurs

    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • PC tool development for simulating the flight at airport closure due to earthquake

    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • Feasibility study on applying HA8000 for solving aerodynamic characteristic of NACA0012 airfoil using UPACS

    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • Research on Flight Management Skill of Airliner Pilots by PC Software (Part 2)

    Presentation date: 2009.04

  • Feasibility study on applying HA8000 system for solving aerodynamic characteristic of wing using UPACS

    Presentation date: 2009.01

  • Software Development for Cultivating Flight Management Skill of Airliner Pilots (Part 2)

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • Research on Flight Management Skill of Airliner Pilots by PC Software

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • Visualization of Surface Pressure Distribution on an Airfoil using a Laser Displacement Sensor and Deflected Films

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • Verification of a Surface Pressure-Measurement on an Airfoil using a Laser Displacement Sensor and Deflected Films

    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • Validation Study of Pressure-Measurement System with Laser Displacement Sensor and Film

    46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 

    Presentation date: 2008.01

  • Aerodynamic Characteristics of 4% Cambered-Plate and NACA0012 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers

    Presentation date: 2008.01

  • Software Development for Cultivating Flight Management Skill of Airliner Pilots

    Presentation date: 2007.12

  • Software Development for Research on Flight Management Skill of Airliner Pilots

    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • Development of Pressure Distribution Measurement Method for Cambered-Plate Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • Evaluation of Surface Pressure-Measurement using Film Deflection measured by a Laser Displacement Sensor

    Presentation date: 2007.08

  • Verification of a new Pressure-Measurement Method -- Film Deflection Measurement using a Laser Displacement Sensor

    Presentation date: 2007.06

  • Experimental and Numerical Study on 4% Cambered-Plate Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • Parallel Computing of Global Linear Stability Analysis for a Flow around a Two-Dimensional Cylinder

    The 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Aerial/Space Flyer Systems 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • オブジェクト指向による流れの数値計算コードと全体線形安定解析コードの共有化


    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • Parallel Computing of Global Linear Stability Analysis for an Incompressible Laminar Flow

    Proceeding of the Fifth Asia Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics 

    Presentation date: 2006.08

  • 低レイノルズ数における4%キャンバー翼型およびNACA 0012翼型の空力解析


    Presentation date: 2006.04

  • Global Stability Analysis of Attached or Separated Flows over a NACA0012 Airfoil

    44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 

    Presentation date: 2006.01

  • Preliminary Numerical Study of 4% Cambered-Plate Airfoil at Low Reynolds Number

    The 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Aerial/Space Flyer Systems 

    Presentation date: 2005.12

  • 失速迎角付近におけるNACA0012翼型周り流れの全体安定性解析


    Presentation date: 2005.09

  • Global Stability Analysis for the Oscillatory Phenomena Observed in the Flow around an Airfoil

    International Symposium on Innovative Aerial/Space Flyer Systems 

    Presentation date: 2004.12

  • 流れの全体安定性解析を用いた振動/非振動現象の解明


    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • The Global Stability Analysis of Laminar Separation Flow over an Airfoil

    Proceedings of 24th Congress of International Council of Aeronautical Sciences 

    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • NACA0012翼型周り大迎角剥離流れの数値計算


    Presentation date: 2004.08

  • NACA0012翼型周り流れの安定性解析


    Presentation date: 2004.04

  • The Global Stability Analysis of Steady Flow around a Blunted Cylinder

    Proceedings of the Fourth Asia Workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics 

    Presentation date: 2004.03

  • 線形摂動方程式と近似固有値解法を用いた流れ場の一部領域に対する安定性解析


    Presentation date: 2003.12

  • 非圧縮流体の線形摂動方程式と近似固有値解析法による全体安定性解析


    Presentation date: 2003.09

  • 定常流から振動流への臨界レイノルズ数における鈍頭円柱周り流れ全体安定性解析


    Presentation date: 2003.07

  • Global Stability Analysis of Flow Around an Ellipsoid at Angle of Attack

    33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit 

    Presentation date: 2003.06

  • 迎角を持つ回転楕円体周り流れ全体安定性解析


    Presentation date: 2002.09

  • 低アスペクト比三次元円柱に発生する非対称流れに関する数値解析


    Presentation date: 2001.12

  • 球周り3次元非圧縮流れの定常非軸対称モードに関する全体安定性解析


    Presentation date: 2001.09

  • 楕円柱周り2次元剥離流の全体安定性に関する数値解析


    Presentation date: 2000.09

  • Global Stability Analysis of Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow around an Elliptic Cylinder at Various Incidences

    Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics 

    Presentation date: 2000.07

  • 迎角を持つ楕円周りの2次元非圧縮流れ全体安定性解析


    Presentation date: 1999.12

  • 円及び楕円周りの2次元非圧縮流れ全体安定性解析


    Presentation date: 1999.09

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Research Projects

  • Development Study of High Mach Integrated Control of the Hypersonic Demonstration Vehicle Installing the Air-Breathing Engine, "HICICO"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SATO Tetsuya, KOBAYASHI Hiroaki, SUZUKI Kojiro, MATSUO Akiko, TEZUKA Asei, MORINO Yoshiki, AOKI Takahira, YOKOZEKI Tomohiro, UEDA Shuichi, HIRAIWA Tetsuo, KOJIMA Takayuki, NAKAYA Shinji

     View Summary

    The research targets are to clear the mutual interference effects of aircraft / propulsion of a hypersonic transportation using an air-breathing engine and to carry out the integrated control demonstration experiment under Mach 4 condition at the RJTF facility using a subscale vehicle “HIMICO”. Each unit performance and integration performance of the aircraft and propulsion systems were acquired and its database was constructed. Based on the results, an experimental model with a total length of 1.5 m, experimental platform, fuel supply system and control measurement system were designed and manufactured. In addition, we summarized the future flight demonstration test of HIMICO using the sounding rocket by examing the orbit, outfitting, separation mechanism etc

  • Air Traffic Management

    Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan 

    Project Year :


  • Elucidation on constant Strouhal number behind 2-D bluff bodies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAGI Shohei, TEZUKA Asei

     View Summary

    To identify the origin of Karman-vortex street behind 2-D bluff bodies, a new approach was established, which allows to alter the flow dominated by absolute instability from convective instability in subtle variation of the angle of attack of a small NACA0006 airfoil. This approach is based on the fact that the absolute instability is susceptible to the magnitude of separation near the trailing edge of airfoil. In the flow switched from convective to absolute instability at a certain angle of attack, velocity fluctuations abruptly growing with a selected frequency were observed at a certain location behind the airfoil. It could be concluded that the absolutely unstable region is located near this observed point

  • 気象による軌道予測の不確実性の研究

    電子航法研究所  公募型研究

    Project Year :


  • Research for the improvement in aerodynamics performance of Micro Air Vehicle at low attack angle using plasma actuator

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TEZUKA Asei

     View Summary

    The lift coefficient of thick airfoil becomes essentially zero at low Reynolds number and low attack angle, for the laminar separated flow does not reattach at the trailing edge. According to the increase in the attack angle, the laminar separated region becomes unstable and the flow becomes oscillatory, which lead to the flow reattachment and the steep increase in the lift coefficient. This research demonstrated that, by installing a plasma actuator near the trailing edge of the airfoil and artificially inducing steady flow or oscillatory flow, we can increase the lift coefficient

  • Research on Integration of Pilot Operation Humanware for aviation safety improvement

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUZUKI Shinji, RINOIE Kenichi, TSHUCHIYA Takeshi, KARASAWA Kenji, TEZUKA Asei

     View Summary

    The integrated study of the pilot humanware was carried out through the following researches. Firstly, by constructing the computer model which can reproduce the same pilot maneuver from the visual information at landing, characteristics of a veteran pilot operation can be extracted in wind shear or side wind condition. Secondly, an evaluating method of the pilot's flight management ability was developed, and the decision making characteristics can be revealed in the divert condition due to emergency cases. Thirdly, a real time optimal path generation method was developed to reduce the pilot work load

  • Research on Airfoil Stall Suppression Control by Use of a Smart-structure Device

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    RINOIE Kenichi, YASUTO Sunada, ASEI Tezuka

     View Summary

    After the laminar boundary layer separates from the airfoil surface, the flow can reattach to the surface as a turbulent shear layer. This region between the laminar separation and the reattachment is called a laminar separation bubble. When the airfoil stalls, the laminar separation bubble burst occurs. The stall characteristics of the airfoil are strongly dependent upon the laminar separation bubble. It is also known that a low frequency oscillation is observed inside the laminar separation bubble near stallThe purpose of this research is to investigate the laminar separation bubble burst and to construct a method to suppress the airfoil stall. For this purpose, the following research items were investigated, firstly to extend the knowledge on an unsteady flow behavior of the laminar separation bubble, secondly to confirm the effect of burst suppression device on the airfoil, and finally to control the flow around the airfoil by use of a smart-structure device to control the airfoil stallThe conclusions of the present research are as follows.1) It was revealed the unsteady nature of the laminar separation bubble near stall.2) Burst suppression control plate was successfully applied for the airfoil to control the airfoil stall.3) Smart-structure device was also applied for the stall suppression. Some benefit was observed by use of this device.4) The behavior of the laminar separation bubble formed on a cambered plate wing, that has a different cross section compared with an ordinary airfoil, was also investigated

  • ナノオーダーのレーザー変位計を用いた極薄膜の撓み計測による圧力測定法の開発

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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 翼面上に突起させたMEMS梯子形熱線プローブによるPA駆動流速の同時多点計測


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  • プラズマアクチュエータのフィードバック駆動による流れのフィードバック機構の解明


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  • 超小型航空機の境界層フィードバック制御による摩擦抵抗軽減の可能性


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    超小型飛行機(MAV)に相当する低レイノルズ数において、迎角のある厚翼の揚力係数は、ほぼゼロ、もしくは負となり、空力性能が悪化することが知られている。平行流の場合、層流剥離は不安定であり振動を生じるが、低レイノルズ数の厚翼では層流剥離が安定化して流れが振動せず後縁で再付着しないことが、空力性能悪化の原因と考えられている。プラズマアクチュエータによる人為的な擾乱により流れの再付着を促進できれば揚力係数の向上につながり、層流状態を長く保つことが可能であれば摩擦抵抗軽減が期待される。プラズマアクチュエータの一定のバースト周波数による駆動とは異なる新たな駆動方法を採用することで、バースト駆動では見られなかった新たな流れ場を作り出す可能性が考えられる。本研究では、熱線流速計による非定常流速計測で得られた変動流をトリガーとし、プラズマアクチュエータをフィードバック駆動を試みた。NACA0012翼型を用い、翼弦長と一様流速を代表長さとしたRe数が50000、迎角αが0.5°<=α<=2.5°の範囲にて、プラズマアクチュエータを、非駆動、バースト駆動、フィードバック駆動の3つの条件で揚力係数の比較を行った。0.5°<=α<=1.0°では、非駆動に比べてバースト駆動の方が揚力係数は大きくなるが、フィードバック駆動でも同程度の揚力係数となった。α =1.0°では、非駆動もバースト駆動も揚力係数は同程度であるが、フィードバック駆動では揚力係数は大きくなった。1.5<=α<=2.5°では、非駆動に比べてバースト駆動の方が揚力係数小さくなるが、フィードバック駆動では非駆動に比べて揚力係数は大きくなった。このように、上記の迎角範囲において、フィードバック駆動は、非駆動もしくはバースト駆動に比べ、揚力係数が向上した。後縁剥離流れの可視化を行ったところ、フィードバック駆動では,バースト駆動で観察された渦の下流への対流は確認されず、翼面に付着したまま流れているように見える可視化結果を得た。このような流れが形成されることにより、フィードバック駆動では揚力係数が向上したと考えられる。ただし、どのような流れ場が形成されているのか、といった物理現象の詳細を明らかにするためには、更なる状況の解明が必要である。もし層流に近い速度分布になっているのであれば、摩擦抵抗軽減効果が示唆される。今後は、デジタル一眼カメラを更新して、流れの可視化画像をより鮮明に捉えることで、流れの変化を解明していくとともに、新たな熱線流速計を用意して速度分布を計測することにより、摩擦抵抗軽減効果も明らかにしていく予定である。

  • プラズマアクチュエータによる後流速度変動の位相に対する層流剥離非定常安定性の解明


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  • 低レイノルズ数流れキャンバ翼面上における剥離泡の形成崩壊現象に関する数値的研究


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    超小型飛行機(MAV)は、低コストで機動性の高い観測・監視システムとして、地球や火星における利用が期待される。MAVの空力性能は、速度や機体サイズの違いにより大きく異なる。翼面における剥離泡の形成、崩壊現象の解明は空力性能予測の鍵になること考えられる。筆者はこれまでに、MAC法による流れの非定常計算を行い、実験と比較することで、妥当な結果が得ている(Tezuka, A., Sunada, Y., and Rinoie, K., J. Aircraft, 45 (2008), pp.2164-2167.)。本研究の目的は、新たに、宇宙航空研究開発機構総合技術研究本部で開発されたUPACSを東大情報基盤センターHA8000クラスタシステムへ導入し、これまで行った実験・数値計算結果を比較することで、MAVの設計に適した計算手法を提示し、MAVの翼面上に形成される剥離泡の解明を進めることである。NACA0012翼型に対して、Spalart Allmarasの乱流モデルを使用したRANSの定常計算をレイノルズ数(Re)が6.5×10^4, 1.3×10^5の条件において行った。得られた揚力係数曲線は、低Re数にて迎角0度付近の揚力傾斜が小さくなるという先行研究の結果とは異なるものとなった。また、流れの剥離、再付着点や圧力係数分布なども、先行研究とは一致しなかった。低Re数流れであるMAVの数値計算においては、剥離泡の形成、崩壊現象を模擬する必要があるが、このような現象は、十分発達した乱流状態をモデル化した乱流モデルを用いて模擬することは難しいと考えられる。MAVの数値計算においては、計算コストが高い非定常計算を行うことが必要であると思われる。