Updated on 2025/02/05


Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
Ph. D. ( The University of Tokyo )

Research Experience

  • 2008.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 1997.04

    National Institute of Multimedia Education   Division of Research and Development   Associate Professor(~200106), Professor(200107~)

  • 2002

    Professor, Waseda University

  • 1995.04

    University of California, Berkeley   The Center for Studies in Higher Education   Visiting Researcher

  • 1989.10

    National Institute of Multimedia Education   Dibvision of Research and Development   Associate Professor,

Education Background

  • 1981.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Education   Sociology of Education  

  • 1977.04

    The University of Tokyo   Faculty of Literature   Department of Japanerse History  

Professional Memberships


    Japan Society for the Study of Vocational and Technical Education


    The Japan Sociological Society


    Japan Society for the Historical studies in Japan


    Japanese Edcuational Research Association


    Japan Association of Higher Education Research


    The Japan Society of Educational Sociology

▼display all

Research Areas

  • Sociology of education

Research Interests

  • Sociology of Education, Higher Education



  • 菅原亮芳 著 『近代日本における学校選択情報 ―雑誌メディアは何を伝えたのか』

    吉田 文

    日本の教育史学   58 ( 0 ) 132 - 134  2015


  • 社会科学系大学院修士課程の教育 : 学生に対する評価との関連で(I-9部会 高等教育と人材養成,研究発表I)

    吉田 文, 二宮 祐

    日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録   ( 66 ) 126 - 129  2014.09


  • "Global Human Resource Development" and University Education in Japan : From the Perspective of "Localism" in Discussion among Actors(<Special Issue>Globalization and the Contents of Education)


    Japanese journal of educational research   81 ( 2 ) 164 - 175  2014.06

     View Summary

    The aim of this paper is to analyze the policies discussed since 2000 regarding "Global Human Resource Development" among actors (mass media (newspapers), industry, government (the Ministries of Economy, Trade and Industry [METI] and of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology [MEXT]), and universities), to examine what stances this discussion takes on "Localism," and to consider the effect of this discussion on higher education. Materials for analysis are newspaper articles, research reports or proposals from industry or the Ministries, business plans of universities regarding "Global Human Resource Development," and statements regarding organizational reform of universities. As the result of the analysis, five findings have been clarified. 1. Japanese industries need a new type of employee to develop overseas branches. They call this new type of employee "Global Human Resources" and have worked toward their cultivation since 2000. 2. It is not easy for companies to develop so-called "Global Human Resources" in their in-service training. They require the collaboration of the Ministries (METI and MEXT in order to develop these types of people, with universities targeted as sites for the actual development. The conditions to meet these requirements are thought to include study-abroad programs and higher levels of practical English (ie TOEFL or TOEIC) in university education. 3. The MEXT is assigned to play the role of supporting universities by distributing a competitive budget to promote study abroad and increase English ability (this is called the "Global Human Resource Development Enterprise"). 4. Prestigious universities try to organize educational programs for the purpose of study abroad and practical English in compliance with the MEXT to acquire the budget. 5. On the other hand, small universities which are not affected by the government competitive budget try to follow this movement. They reform their faculties or departments to meet "Global Human Resource Development." The issue of "Global Human Resource Development" for economic globalization was originally a corporate in-house concern. This local issue has become a national issue in terms of collaboration between industries and the Ministries. Now "Global Human Resource Development Enterprise" is becoming an all Japan issue. The focus on university students' study abroad and increased English test scores as a solution remains based on the same notion of catch-up to developed societies as in the past. It is also a local discussion. Globalization brings new issues which cannot be solved by a single country and call for collaboration among countries: ie environmental problems, resources and energy issues, and international conflicts. It is key for universities to develop students who can take on these global issues. Japanese universities should deeply consider this point.

    DOI CiNii

  • Possibilities for the Social Theory of Education::The Purpose of this Special Issue and Agenda of Education Research


    The Journal of Educational Sociology   94 ( 0 ) 137 - 149  2014

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    The aim of this paper is 1. to explain the purpose of this special issue ("Possibilities of a Social Theory of Education"), 2. to summarize the six papers that have been contributed and to find a new research direction in the sociology of education, and 3. to show theoretical research topics on the Sociology of Education in the UK and US.<BR><BR>Firstly, the purpose of this special issue is to find a new direction for the social theory of Sociology of Education since the 2000s, since there is no major theory or framework of recognition for research after the Postmodern theory of the 1990s. We attempt to develop a focus on the theories of social sciences close to the sociology of education, such as social philosophy and social welfare.<BR><BR>Secondly, we examine the following three recent theories regarding the sociology of education: 1. the state of the art of Postmodern theory, 2. possibilities of a grand theorist such as Luhmann and Giddens, and 3. effectiveness of theories of social philosophy and social welfare with regard to education research through the six papers contributed. We can find three new common perspectives from these papers: 1. extending the time and space of "education" from school education to lifelong learning in order to theorize about education, 2. the notion of "individualization," which Beck or Giddens have proposed, has been indispensable for many other authors and papers to develop their own theory or recognition, and 3. Attention is given to citizen or political subjects (not economical subjects) as those who have the power to change social structure. Accordingly, it seems to be the agenda of the sociology of education to theorize about how to raise citizen or political subjects in school.<BR><BR>Thirdly, although many academic papers utilized the notion of "cultural turn" as the research framework in the UK up until the middle of the 2000s, the revival of the traditional notion of "political arithmetic" has been realized since the middle of the 2000s. The new movement tries to include subject or agency in Postmodern theory in the traditional quantitative research on "political arithmetic" and to create a new theory to combine structure and agency. On the other hand there is little interest in theory for the sociological research on education in the US. In this situation the agenda for Japanese sociologists of education is how to treat theory in their research.

    DOI CiNii

  • 3. 教職大学院で何を獲得するのか? : 全国教職大学院学生意識調査より(III-5部会 大学生,研究発表III)

    吉田 文, 河野 志穂, 御手洗 明佳, 松本 暢平, 飯田 陸央

    日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録   ( 65 ) 228 - 231  2013.09


  • 4. 大学生の学習とエンゲージメント : 分野別の特徴を軸として(IV-12部会 【一般部会】高等教育V(大学生),研究発表IV)

    山田 礼子, 吉田 文, 杉谷 祐美子

    日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録   ( 64 ) 380 - 383  2012.10


  • 共通教育と専門教育のあり方について : 日米比較 : FD講習会より

    吉田 文, 山田 礼子

    大學教育研究   ( 21 ) 131 - 157  2012.09

    DOI CiNii

  • From Quality Control to Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Japan’s Twenty years of Experience


    Quality Assurance for Higher Education and Assessment     103 - 114  2012

  • 社会人の再教育と経営系専門職大学院

    吉田 文

    日本生涯教育学会年報   33   3 - 21  2012

  • 2000年代の高等教育政策における産業界と行政府のポリティックス—新自由主義・グローバリゼーション・少子化

    吉田 文

    日本労働研究雑誌   629   55 - 66  2012

  • 地方公共団体は大学を利用できるか

    吉田 文

    学習社会研究   ( 1 ) 169 - 180  2011

  • 外部対応から内部改革へ—普及途上のイギリスのIR—

    吉田 文

    大学評価研究   ( 10 ) 47 - 54  2011


  • Functional Differentiation or Hierarchical Differentiation?: the case of Japan


    RIHE International Seminar Reports   ( No. 16 ) 23 - 26  2011

  • 2. 「就活」に翻弄される大学生 : 進路意識の形成過程に着目して(III-12部会 大学生の就職活動,研究発表III,一般研究報告)

    吉田 文, 牧野 智和, 河野 志穂, 内野 恵子, 前田 崇, 堀谷 有史, 御手洗 明佳

    日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録   ( 62 ) 282 - 287  2010.09


  • 大学改革は何をもたらしたか‐臨時教育審議会からの総括‐

    吉田 文

    高等教育研究   第12集   155 - 165  2009

  • The Triumvirate Governing Japan’s Higher Edcuation Policy since the 1990S: perspectives on neo-liberalism

    Aya Yoshida

    Higher Education Forum   Vol. 6   103 - 118  2009

  • ユニバーサル化時代のeラーニング

    吉田 文

    電気学会誌   Vol. 129   612 - 615  2009

  • 大学院で学ぶ社会人

    吉田 文

    IDE現代の高等教育   No.502   10 - 14  2008

  • 教育熱心教員はなぜ教育熱心なのか

    吉田 文

    IDE現代の高等教育   No.503   17 - 21  2008

  • 学際的カリキュラムの陥穽

    吉田 文

    名古屋高等教育研究   第8号   155 - 172  2008

  • 大学生研究の位相

    吉田 文

    高等教育研究   第11集   124 - 142  2008

  • 海外の高等教育におけるeラーニングの展開と課題

    吉田 文

    情報管理   Vol. 50 ( No.7 ) 410 - 417  2007

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    This paper examines that the development and challenge of transnational e-learning in higher education. The trend of transnational e-learning flows from developed countries in English speaking world to developing countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and so on. It has both merit and demerit for developing countries. Merit is to develop educational opportunities in higher education. Regarding demerit, the historical relationship between a nation and higher education institutions suffers from market mechanisms of transnational e-learning. It is important for a nation what educational policies should be chosen.<br>

    DOI CiNii

  • 大綱化以降の学士課程教育‐理系を中心として‐

    吉田 文

    大学教育ジャーナル、東京農工大学   第2号   71 - 83  2006


  • 教養教育と一般教育の矛盾と乖離:大綱化以降の学士課程カリキュラムの改革

    吉田 文

    高等教育ジャーナル、北海道大学   第14号   21 - 28  2006

  • 学生へのよりよい学習支援と大学教育改革

    吉田 文

    創価大学教育学習活動支援センターAnnual Report   第2号   7 - 32  2006

  • 日本の高等教育のIT化の現状と課題について

    吉田 文

    大総センターものぐらふ 6、東京大学大学総合教育研究センター   6   5 - 13  2006

  • 教養教育と専門教育意の葛藤

    吉田 文

    日中高等教育新時代・高等教育研究叢書、広島大学高等教育研究開発センター   88   5 - 13  2006

  • グローバル化するeラーニング—市場原理と国家の交錯—

    吉田 文

    教育学研究   第73巻 ( 第2号 ) 29 - 40  2006

  • フェニックス大学はなぜ強いのか

    吉田 文

    カレッジマネジメント   No.133   44 - 48  2005

  • 高等教育におけるeラーニング—現状と課題—

    吉田 文

    大学評価・学位研究   2 ( 2 ) 133 - 148  2005


  • アメリカの学士課程カリキュラムの構造と機能—日本との比較分析の視点から—

    吉田 文

    高等教育研究   第8集   69 - 92  2005

  • A Comparative Study on ICT Policy in Education in Korea and Japan

    Ilju RHA, Aya YOSHIDA

    Educational Technology International   Vol. 6 ( No.1 ) 3 - 39  2005

  • eラーニング実践を規定する組織内要因

    吉田 文

    教育工学会雑誌   第8集   187 - 196  2005

  • 遠隔教育は高等教育の何を変える

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   No.127   4 - 12  2004

  • 高等教育機関におけるマルチメディア利用実態調査(2002年度)

    メディア教育開発センター研究報告   2  2004

  • 授業評価をこえたFDへ

    吉田 文

    総研ジャーナル、関西学院大学総合研究室   82   1 - 21  2004

  • IT化 時代の教育・研究

    吉田 文

    大学研究、筑波大学大学研究センター   30   115 - 144  2004

  • メディア教育開発センターのFD-その成果とジレンマ-

    吉田 文

    IDE・現代の高等教育   No.447   43 - 49  2003

  • 高等教育機関におけるマルチメディア利用実態調査(2001年度)

    メディア教育開発センター研究報告   42  2003

  • E-Learningの高等教育システムへのインパクトと今後の課題

    吉田 文

    総研ジャーナル、関西学院大学総合研究室   82   18 - 23  2003

  • ITは社会的不平等を拡大するのか

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 112   72 - 76  2002

  • 学位を発行しない「大学」の脅威

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vo. 113   44 - 48  2002

  • ITは教員を幸福にしているのか

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol.114   44 - 48  2002

  • e-learningを支える新たなスペシャリストの登場

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol.114   44 - 48  2002

  • オンライン教育の価格は高いか安いか

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 116   59 - 63  2002

  • ITで学生生活はどのように変わったのか

    吉田 文

    カレッジマネジメント   Vol. 117   47 - 51  2002

  • アメリカのe-learning事情

    吉田 文

    IDE・現代の高等教育   No.410   22 - 26  2002

  • 教養部の形成と解体—教員の配属の視点から—

    吉田 文

    国立学校財務センター研究報告   第6号   57 - 77  2002

  • 国立大学の類型化

    吉田 文

    国立学校財務センター研究報告   第6号   1 - 12  2002

  • 国立大学と私立大学—新潟県を事例として—

    吉田 文

    国立学校財務センター研究報告   第6号   138 - 145  2002

  • アメリカ高等教育における教養教育の伝統とその現状

    吉田 文

    大学研究(筑波大学大学研究センター)   第23号   105 - 118  2002

  • 日本遠程教育的現状与未来

    吉田 文

    陝西省広播電視大学学報   Vol. 3 ( No. 4 ) 61 - 65  2002

  • The curriculum reforms of the 1990s: What has changed?

    A Yoshida

    HIGHER EDUCATION   43 ( 1 ) 43 - 63  2002.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This article examines curriculum reform after the 1991 revision of the Standards of Establishing Universities which abolished the distinction between general and specialized education. General education divisions were abolished and integrated into specialized education divisions. This revision resulted in the establishment of a university-wide general education committee, a reduction in the number of general education credits necessary for graduation, and the decline of general education's solid foundation in the university. Despite these changes, the status differences between general education faculty and specialized education faculty endured. Japanese universities must grapple with how a general education curriculum should be implemented in this new organizational system.

  • 高等教育におけるe-learning—バーチャル・ユニバーシティの登場—

    吉田 文

    情報処理   Vol. 43 ( No. 4 ) 407 - 413  2002

  • 講義が“物”になったとき何が起きるか

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 106   66 - 70  2001

  • やはりでてきたバーチャル版“ニセ学位”

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 107   52 - 56  2001

  • コンソーシアム型バーチャル大学は未知数

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 108   50 - 60  2001

  • オンライン教育は収支が見合うか

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 109   50 - 59  2001

  • 対面教育と比較されるオンライン教育の効果

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 110   55 - 59  2001

  • ビジネス化を巡って企業と大学が攻防

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 111   55 - 59  2001

  • 国立大学を分類する—地域交流の視点から—

    吉田 文

    IDE・現代の高等教育   No.431   54 - 60  2001

  • 高等教育機関におけるマルチメディア利用実態調査(1999年度)

    吉田 文

    メディア教育開発センター研究報告   19  2001

  • 高等教育機関におけるマルチメディア利用実態調査(2000年度)

    メディア教育開発センター研究報告   31  2001

  • FDの運営を考える

    メディア教育開発センター研究報告   32  2001

  • 企業の大学化と大学の企業化

    吉田 文

    コンピュータ &amp; エデュケーション   Vol.10   9 - 13  2001

  • 学生の社会化はオンラインでも可能か

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 104   54 - 59  2000

  • 教員のいない大学は“大学”か

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 105   56 - 60  2000

  • ITの浸透を促すもの・阻むもの&#8722;高等教育機関におけるマルチメディア利用実態調査より&#8722;

    吉田 文

    IDE・現代の高等教育   No.422   43 - 49  2000

  • 大学地域交流の比較分析-2文科系

    吉田 文

    国立学校財務センター研究報告   第4号   67 - 77  2000

  • 大学地域交流の比較分析-5医療系

    吉田 文

    国立学校財務センター研究報告   第4号   97 - 107  2000

  • 落第と半途退学にみる旧制中学校の社会的機能—山形県鶴岡中学を事例として—

    寺崎里水, 吉田 文

    教育社会学研究   第66集   195 - 212  2000

  • カナダ・アサバスカ大学MBA

    吉田 文

    カレッジ・マネジメント   Vol. 98   68 - 71  1999

  • アメリカにおける一般教育の構造—幅広さと一貫性のパラドックス—

    吉田 文

    大学論集(広島大学大学教育研究センター)   第30集   1 - 30  1999

  • アメリカにおける遠隔高等教育-1997年National Surveyより

    吉田 文

    メディア教育開発センター研究報告   11   292 - 304  1999

  • アメリカの大学と高校の接続—リメディアル教育と一般教育—

    吉田 文

    高等教育研究   第2集   223 - 246  1999

  • 「自己教育力」形成のためのリメディアル教育—アメリカからのインプリケーション

    吉田 文

    大学教育学会誌   第21巻 ( 第1号(通巻第39号) ) 9 - 13  1999

  • 日本遠程研究生教育発展的新超勢

    吉田 文

    中国遠程教育   年第9-10期合刊/153期   80 - 84  1999

  • 教養教育のカリキュラムとは何か—アメリカの場合—

    高等教育研究叢書(広島大学大学教育研究センター)   48   28 - 38  1998

  • 大学教育の内容・方法の改善・評価に関する研究

    放送教育開発センター研究報告   90  1996

  • 一般教育の組織とカリキュラム

    吉田 文

    学習社会におけるマス高等教育の構造と機能に関する研究、放送教育開発センター研究報告   91   176 - 193  1996

  • エリート段階における中国遠隔高等教育

    吉田 文

    放送教育開発センター研究報告   77  1995

  • 地域エリートの教育と職業

    吉田 文

    近代化過程における遠隔教育の初期的形態に関する研究、放送教育開発センター研究報告   67   244 - 273  1994

  • 実業講義録の世界

    吉田 文

    近代化過程における遠隔教育の初期的形態に関する研究、放送教育開発センター研究報告   67   98 - 115  1994

  • 南太平洋の遠隔教育と学習者たち

    放送教育開発センター研究報告   55  1993

  • 大学教育の内容・方法の研究開発に関する全国大学需要調査

    放送教育開発センターWORKING PAPER   No. 40  1993

  • 東大のお嬢様はどこへ&#8722;東大学生生活実態調査より&#8722;

    吉田 文

    IDE・現代の高等教育   No. 334   53 - 59  1992

  • 近代化過程における遠隔教育の初期的形態の研究—少年雑誌の講義録広告の整理を通して—

    放送教育開発センターWORKING PAPER   31   1 - 269  1992

  • Beyond Distance—タイ国の学歴社会と遠隔教育—

    放送教育開発センターWORKING PAPER   No.20   31 - 56  1991

  • 学歴主義の拡張期における人々の意識

    タイ社会の変貌と遠隔高等教育の展開、放送教育開発センター研究報告   36   121 - 200  1991

  • 戦後中等教育の構造変化と学歴主義—丹波篠山地方の2高校を事例として—

    東京大学教育学部紀要   第30巻   53 - 82  1990

  • 戦前期中等教育における教養と学歴—篠山高等女学校を事例として—

    東京大学教育学部紀要   第29巻   53 - 80  1989

  • 地域における学歴意識の変容—戦前期日本における教養と学歴—

    東京大学教育学部紀要   第28巻   45 - 73  1988

  • 東大女子学生の生活と意識

    吉田 文

    IDE・現代の高等教育   No. 259   52 - 59  1985

  • 明治〜大正期の地域社会における中等教育の社会的機能—埼玉県川越地方の事例—

    吉田 文

    教育社会学研究 第40集   第40集   150 - 164  1985

  • 進路分化の規定要因とその変動—高校教育システムを中心として—

    天野郁夫, 河上婦志子, 吉本圭一, 吉田 文, 橋本健二

    東京大学教育学部紀要   第23巻   1 - 43  1983

  • 戦前期の農業学校—学校格差の視点から—

    吉田 文

    東京大学教育学部紀要   第25巻   189 - 201

  • 近代日本における学歴主義の制度化過程の研究—篠山鳳鳴義塾を中心として—

    東京大学教育学部紀要   第27巻   23 - 50

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Books and Other Publications

  • 『「再」取得学歴を問う』

    吉田 文( Part: Edit)

    東信堂  2014

  • “The State and Private Higher Education in Japan: the end of egalitarian policy?,” Higher Education and the State: changing relationships in Europa and East Asia

    Aya YOSHIDA( Part: Contributor)

    Symposium Books Ltd.  2013 ISBN: 9781873927762

  • 『大学と教養教育—戦後日本における模索—』

    吉田 文( Part: Sole author)

    岩波書店  2013

  • 「序論—大学を取り巻くグローバリゼーションと未来」『シリーズ大学1 グローバリゼーション,社会変動と大学』

    吉田 文

    岩波書店  2013 ISBN: 9784000286114

  • 「グローバリゼーションと大学」『シリーズ大学1 グローバリゼーション,社会変動と大学』

    岩波書店  2013 ISBN: 9784000286114

  • 「専門的職業と大学」『シリーズ大学5 教育する大学』

    吉田 文( Part: Contributor)

    岩波書店  2013

  • 『グローバル化・社会変動と教育1―市場と労働の教育社会学』

    ローダー/ブラウン/ディラボー, ハルゼー, 広田照幸, 吉田 文, 本田由紀( Part: Joint translator)

    東京大学出版会  2012

  • 「特色GPの制度設計と大学の戦略」『特色GPのすべて―大学教育改革の軌道―』

    吉田 文

    ジアース教育新社  2011

  • 『航行をはじめた専門職大学院』

    吉田 文, 橋本鉱市( Part: Edit)

    東信堂  2010

  • 「FDとITの親和性」『大学教育のネットワークを創る―FDの明日へ』

    吉田 文( Part: Contributor)

    東信堂  2010

  • 「大学生の学習成果の測定をめぐるアメリカの動向」『大学教育を科学する―学生の教育評価の日米比較』

    ( Part: Contributor)

    東信堂  2009

  • 「高度情報化に対応した生涯学習」、「メディア活用型による学習」『よくわかる生涯学習』

    ミネルヴァ書房  2008

  • 「日本の大学のeラーニングは普及するのか」『IT時代の教育プロ養成戦略』

    吉田 文( Part: Contributor)

    東信堂  2008

  • 『人間情報科学とeラーニング』

    野嶋栄一郎, 鈴木克明, 吉田文( Part: Joint author)

    放送大学教育振興会  2006

  • 「大学のIT戦略の人と物を観る」『大学力‐真の大学改革のために‐』

    吉田 文

    ミネルヴァ書房  2006

  • 『大学eラーニングの経営戦略』

    吉田 文, 田口真奈, 中原 淳( Part: Joint editor)

    東京電機大学出版局  2005

  • 『模索されるeラーニング』

    吉田 文, 田口真奈( Part: Joint editor)

    東信堂  2005

  • 「アメリカのカリキュラム改革‐日本への示唆」『学士課程教育の改革』

    東信堂  2004

  • 「ITと大学」『岐路に立つ大学』

    吉田 文( Part: Contributor)

    放送大学教育振興会  2004

  • 『職業と選抜の歴史社会学−国鉄と社会諸階層−』

    吉田 文, 広田照幸( Part: Joint editor)

    世織書房  2004

  • 「ユニバーサル化時代の新たな大学問題」『新しい教養教育をめざして』

    吉田 文

    東信堂  2004

  • 「メディア社会の教育」『教育社会学‐教育の社会的意味とその変容‐』

    吉田 文( Part: Contributor)

    放送大学教育振興会  2003

  • 「e-Learning-セーフティネットか黒船か」『政策学入門-ポリシースクールの挑戦』

    吉田 文( Part: Contributor)

    東洋経済新報社  2003

  • Roadblocks on the Information Highway: Institutional Barriers to the IT Revolution in Japanese Education

    Aya YOSHIDA, Jane BACHNIK( Part: Contributor)

    Lexington Books: Lanham:MD  2003

  • 『アメリカ高等教育におけるeラ-ニング‐日本への教訓‐』

    吉田 文( Part: Sole author)

    東京電機大学出版局  2003

  • 「カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校のカリキュラム編成‐BAとBSの違いにみる教養教育の意味」『大学のカリキュラム改革』

    吉田 文( Part: Contributor)

    玉川大学出版部  2003

  • 「メディア教育開発センターによるFD」『授業改善へのメディア活用とFD:高等教育とIT』

    吉田 文( Part: Contributor)

    玉川大学出版部  2003

  • "ICT Use in Education in Japan, " Meta-Survey on Effective Use of ICT in Education in Asia and Pacific

    Aya YOSHIDA( Part: Contributor)

    UNESCO  2003

  • 「E-Learning」『メディア心理学入門』

    ( Part: Contributor)

    学文社  2002

  • 『FDが大学教育を変える』

    三尾忠男, 吉田 文( Part: Joint editor)

    文葉社  2002

  • "Japan, " Open and Distance Education in the Asia Pacific Region

    Suk-Ying Wong, Aya Yoshida( Part: Joint author)

    Open University of Hong Kong Press: Hong Kong  2001

  • 吉田 文

    ( Part: Contributor)


  • 「遠隔教育の展開」、「バーチャル・ユニバーシティの登場と展開:高等教育システムの観点から」『教育メディア科学‐メディア教育を科学する‐』

    オーム社( Part: Contributor)

    オーム社  2001

  • 「オンライン留学&学習のチェックポイント」『Professional e-Learning—ネット留学マニュアル』

    吉田 文

    バベル・プレス  2001

  • 「高等女学校と女子学生‐西欧モダンと近代日本‐」『近代日本文化論第8巻・女の文化』

    吉田 文( Part: Contributor)

    岩波書店  2000

  • "Distance Higher Education and A New Trend of Virtual Universities in Asia," Access to Knowledge: New Information Technologies and the Emergence of the Virtual Universities

    Aya YOSHIDA( Part: Contributor)

    Elsevier Science Ltd.: Oxford  2000

  • 『教養教育の系譜−アメリカ高等教育にみる専門主義との葛藤−』

    シェルダン・ロスブラット, 吉田文, 杉谷祐美子( Part: Joint translator)

    玉川大学出版部  1999

  • 「統計についての注釈」『世界教育白書1998(ユネスコ編)』

    吉田 文( Part: Sole translator)

    東京書籍  1998

  • 『立身出世の社会史‐サムライからサラリーマンへ‐』

    E.H.キンモンス(著, 広田照幸, 加藤潤, 吉田 文, 伊藤彰浩, 高橋一郎( Part: Joint translator)

    玉川大学出版部  1995

  • 「パパはママになれる?‐ジェンダーと家族‐」『ビデオで社会学しませんか』

    吉田 文( Part: Contributor)

    有斐閣  1993

  • ASIA and the PACIFIC: A Survey of Distance Education 1992, New Papers on Higher Education 7, Vol I and Vol II

    Suk-Ying Wong, Chaiyong Brahmawong, Takehiko Kariya, Aya Yoshida, Geoff Arger, Joanne LaBonte( Part: Joint editor)

    UNESCO &amp; NIME  1992

  • Distance Education in Asia and the Pacific Country Papers, New Papers on Higher Education 8, Vol I, Vol II

    Geoff Arger, Joanne LaBonte, Suk-Ying Wong, Chaiyong Brahmawong, Takehiko Kariya, Aya Yoshida( Part: Joint editor)

    UNESCO &amp; NIME  1992

  • 「学校組織の変遷」、「学校文化の変容過程」、「高女教育の社会的機能」、「旧士族の生活世界と学歴」、「商家の生活世界と学歴」、「高等学校の社会的機能」『学歴主義の社会史−丹波篠山にみる近代教育と生活世界−』

    ( Part: Contributor)

    有信堂  1991

▼display all


  • 専門職大学院の教育と専門職資格との葛藤


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 専門職大学院の教育とその効果


    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 教育をめぐる競争と大学教員の変貌


    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • ロジックは教育効率か、教育効果か‐全国大学教員のIT利用実態調査から‐


    Presentation date: 2007.05

  • eラーニングがもたらすメリット・予期される杞憂


    Presentation date: 2005.09

  • 教育の効果を評価する


    Presentation date: 2005.03

  • 教養の専門化か、専門の教養化か−学士課程カリキュラムの編成状況


    Presentation date: 2004.07

  • eラーニングから教育を振り返る


    Presentation date: 2004.03

  • 高等教育におけるeラーニング:現状と課題


    Presentation date: 2004.02

  • eLearningによって再認識する大学における知識の存在形態


    Presentation date: 2003.03

  • ITの高等教育システムに及ぼす影響—アメリカの事例から—


    Presentation date: 2002.12

  • IT化する大学と教員の適応の実態


    Presentation date: 2002.05

  • 国立大学教養部の解体と教員の配属


    Presentation date: 2001.05

  • 近代日本における社会集団の教育戦略−旧制中学校の事例−


    Presentation date: 2000.11

  • 近代日本における社会集団の教育戦略&#8722;旧制中学校の事例&#8722;


    Presentation date: 2000.11

  • 落第と「半途退学」にみる旧制中学校の社会的機能−山形県鶴岡中学校を事例として−


    Presentation date: 2000.10

  • 落第と「半途退学」にみる旧制中学校の社会的機能&#8722;山形県鶴岡中学校を事例として&#8722;


    Presentation date: 2000.10

  • ITは高等教育を変えるのか−高等教育機関におけるマルチメディア利用実態調査−


    Presentation date: 2000.09

  • ITは高等教育を変えるのか&#8722;高等教育機関におけるマルチメディア利用実態調査&#8722;


    Presentation date: 2000.09

  • 旧制中学の内部選抜と教育効果に関する研究−山形県鶴岡中学の事例−


    Presentation date: 1999.10

  • 旧制中学の内部選抜と教育効果に関する研究&#8722;山形県鶴岡中学の事例&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1999.10

  • 地域と高等教育システム−新潟県の事例−


    Presentation date: 1999.05

  • ITはどこまで浸透するのか−高等教育機関におけるメディア利用実態調査より−


    Presentation date: 1999.05

  • 地域と高等教育システム&#8722;新潟県の事例&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1999.05

  • ITはどこまで浸透するのか&#8722;高等教育機関におけるメディア利用実態調査より&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1999.05

  • リベラル・アーツとジェネラル・エデュケーション


    Presentation date: 1998.10

  • アメリカにおける一般教育の構造−幅広さと一貫性のパラドックス−


    Presentation date: 1998.10

  • 自己教育力」形成のためのリメディアル教育−アメリカからのインプリケーション−


    Presentation date: 1998.10

  • 近代日本における学歴主義と立身出世主義


    Presentation date: 1998.05

  • アメリカにおける大学と高校の接続−リメディアル教育と一般教育−


    Presentation date: 1998.05

  • 近代日本における旧中産階級と地方名望家層


    Presentation date: 1998.03

  • ジェネラル・エデュケーションはリベラル・エデュケーションたりうるか?−アメリカの事例−


    Presentation date: 1997.10

  • ジェネラル・エデュケーションはリベラル・エデュケーションたりうるか?&#8722;アメリカの事例&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1997.10

  • エリート段階における中国遠隔高等教育−普通大学・広播電視大学の在学生・卒業生調査より−


    Presentation date: 1994.10

  • エリート段階における中国遠隔高等教育&#8722;普通大学・広播電視大学の在学生・卒業生調査より&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1994.10

  • 卓越性と平等性−新制高校の選抜制度をめぐって−


    Presentation date: 1993.10

  • 卓越性と平等性&#8722;新制高校の選抜制度をめぐって−


    Presentation date: 1993.10

  • 近代日本における家族と学歴(2)


    Presentation date: 1992.10

  • 近代日本における家族と学歴(1)


    Presentation date: 1991.10

  • Beyond Distance—タイ国の学歴社会化とDistance Education—


    Presentation date: 1990.10

  • 若い世代の性役割観


    Presentation date: 1990.10

  • Beyond Distance&#8212;タイ国の学歴社会化とDistance Education&#8212;


    Presentation date: 1990.10

  • 戦後中等教育の構造変化と学歴主義−丹波篠山地域の2高校を事例として−


    Presentation date: 1989.10

  • 戦後中等教育の構造変化と学歴主義&#8722;丹波篠山地域の2高校を事例として&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1989.10

  • 戦前期中等教育における教養と学歴


    Presentation date: 1989.05

  • 戦前期中等教育における教養と学歴


    Presentation date: 1988.10

  • 地域における学歴意識の変容−戦前期日本における生活世界の学校化−


    Presentation date: 1987.10

  • 地域における学歴意識の変容


    Presentation date: 1987.07

  • 中等教育における伝統と近代−兵庫県鳳鳴中学の事例−


    Presentation date: 1986.10

  • 近代日本における学歴主義の制度化過程の研究−篠山鳳鳴義塾を事例として−


    Presentation date: 1986.10

  • 中等教育における伝統と近代&#8722;兵庫県鳳鳴中学の事例&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1986.10

  • 近代日本における学歴主義の制度化過程の研究&#8722;篠山鳳鳴義塾を事例として&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1986.10

  • 明治〜大正期における中等教育の社会的機能−埼玉県川越地方の事例−


    Presentation date: 1985.10

  • 明治&#12316;大正期における中等教育の社会的機能&#8722;埼玉県川越地方の事例&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1985.10

  • 高校教育の量的変動と進路分化(III)−階層構造の視点から−


    Presentation date: 1984.10

  • 高校教育の量的変動と進路分化(II)−府県の社会経済的条件の視点から−


    Presentation date: 1983.10

  • 高校教育の量的変動と進路分化(II)&#8722;府県の社会経済的条件の視点から&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1983.10

  • 高校教育の量的変動と進路分化(I)−府県間格差の視点から−


    Presentation date: 1982.10

  • 高校教育の量的変動と進路分化(I)&#8722;府県間格差の視点から&#8722;


    Presentation date: 1982.10

  • 近代日本における学歴主義の制度化過程の研究


  • 「学士課程」のミッションとは何か


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Research Projects

  • 現代日本における「大学生の学習行動」に関する総合的研究

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • Re-designing University-Science System in the age of Open Science

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A Study on Conflict Resolution between Liberal Education and Specialized Education: Comparison of Japan, Europe and the U. S.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Factors of Organizational Context Towards Curriculum Improvement through the Usage of Referential Standards

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kitahara kazuo

     View Summary

    Science Council of Japan (SCJ), having been asked by MEXT about field-specific quality assurance of university education, published in 2010 the report, including the necessity of Reference Points" for each field, which shows the core of learning. Up to now, SCJ has published Reference Points of 32 fields,
    This research project is to clarify organization-context in the process of improvement of curriculum by the usage of Reference Points, by visiting three universities and organizing workshop with the faculty, by
    visiting Kyushu University, where education management has been carried out with Reference Points, by making questionnaire to universities, by visiting oversea academic organizations, universities and academic societies, which are involved in curriculum improvement in a similar direction and by developing further international collaboration by translating Reference Points of a few fields and the summaries of SCJ's Reference Points of all of 32 fields into English.

  • 大学教育のグローバル・スタディーズ 競争・連携・アイデンティティ

    Project Year :


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    本年度は、研究計画にもとづき、下記の作業を進めた。(1)先行研究の整理:申請メンバーがすでに持つ研究蓄積をもとに、先行研究の整理を行った。具体的には、研究メンバー及びオランダなど海外の専門家との会合・連絡を重ね、その成果のまとめを3月に開催した全体会合(米国・メキシコの専門家が出席)において集約した。(2)共通の分析枠組みの確立:3月の全体会合において米国・メキシコ、また事前にオランダの専門家およびメンバーと会合を行い、グローバル化からバルカン化など複数の国際枠組みを組み合わせて高等教育の世界的な展開を議論することを前提としたグローバル・スタディーズとしての枠組みを確立した。また、その成果をもとに香港比較教育学会で研究代表者である米澤彰純が基調講演を行い、比較教育研究の第一人者であるMark Bray香港大学教授などとの意見交換を行った。(3)事例調査(海外・日本)の調査実施準備:研究メンバーの今までの研究蓄積及び先行研究の整理をもとに、(2)で定めた枠組みによる事例調査の実施準備を完了した。メンバーで再度調整を行い、訪問国・大学についての分担等を協議、計画を立てた。海外訪問国は、予定通りオランダ、米国、オーストラリア、韓国、マレーシアとすることを確認した。日本での分析対象についても絞り込みを進めた。(4)質問表調査の実施:次年度実施を計画していた日本の大学を対象とした国際化を主眼とする質問票調査については、研究補助金の削減があったことを考慮し、研究分担者の黄福涛と協議し、広島大学高等教育研究開発センターのプロジェクトに研究代表者の米澤彰純が参加することで本年度に前倒しして実施を完了し、23.3%の有効回答を得た。データは本研究プロジェクトと広島大学とで共有し、2007年に研究代表者である米澤彰純が行った大学国際化の全国調査との比較ができるよう工夫した。本年度に計画していた作業について、おおむね計画通りにすすめ、また、一部については次年度実施の計画を前倒しで実施できた。(1)先行研究の整理:8月に日本教育学会でアジア・オーストラリアのリベラルアーツを中心とした大学教育に関する比較についての研究成果の発表を行い、また、大学の世界ランキング対応に関する世界共同研究に参加する形で東アジアの事例についての研究成果を出版、また、アジアの高等教育研究のレビューの編纂を香港大学のJisun Jungらと共に進めた。また、研究分担者の吉田文は、日本のグローバル人材についての論文を英語に翻訳・改訂して発表した。また、研究分担者の北村友人・太田浩は、米澤彰純とともに、ユネスコ・バンコク事務所や研究協力者Kiyong Byun氏らと連携して高等教育国際化に関する文献レビューや評価の研究を進めた。以上に加え、米澤彰純を中心に、グローバル・スタディーズをどのように高等教育の問題と関連されるかについての文献整理を進めた。以上を統合することで、本年度ほぼ計画通りに統合・整理を完了できた。(2)共通の分析枠組みの確立:実績で示した通り、メンバー間で枠組みを討議したうえで国際学会において外部者との対話を行い、妥当性の検討も行うことができた。(3)事例調査(海外・日本)の調査実施準備:事例調査の実施準備については、メンバー間の討議を進め、海外調査国の確定などをすすめた。当初本年度に準備の完了をめざしていたが、一部研究を行う上で研究メンバーの入れ替え、具体的には、韓国調査を進める上で韓国語に堪能な研究者、オランダ留学経験者などの協力を得ることなどの検討を行った。以上を踏まえ、日本の事例をふくめ、準備の一部を次年度に持ち越すことにした。(4)質問表調査の実施:広島大学高等教育研究開発センターとの連携により、追加費用を伴わず前倒しでの実施を実現できた。平成29年度には、計画通り、下記の作業を進める。(1)事例調査(海外・日本)の実施・分析:調査実施準備を年度の早い時期に完了させ、訪問調査の実施・分析を進める。研究メンバー間で緊密に連絡を取るとともに、メンバー外からも協力者を得て、円滑にすすめる。この課程では、オランダ・ユトレヒト大学のvan der Wende氏、香港教育大学のWilliam Lo氏などを本科研で招聘し、ヒアリング・セミナー開催などを進めるとともに、事例研究の実施や分析の妥当性を高めるためのアドバイスや補足情報を得ることを計画している。(2)質問票調査の分析:研究分担者の黄福涛や研究代表者の米澤彰純を中心に、前年度に実施済みの質問票調査の分析を、広島大学高等教育研究開発センターと連携協力しながら進める。本プロジェクトでは、特に、過去10年間にどのような変化があったかに焦点を当てた分析を進め、事例研究との接合を図る。(3)研究成果のまとめと出版の準備:国内外での研究成果の発表や専門家との意見交換を進めながら、研究メンバーの間で話し合いを進め、日本語・英語での研究成果の出版準備を進める。具体的には、6月に開催される日本比較教育学会の課題研究で研究代表者の米澤が「脱群盲評象とグローバル・スタディーズ―比較高等教育研究の現代的挑戦」という出版成果につなげるための発表を行う。また、国際開発学会で研究分担者の黒田一雄らと進めた高等教育のグローバルガバナンスについての発表を行うなど、成果出版に向けた準備を着実に進めていく。平成30年度は、(1)先行研究及び確立ずみの分析枠組みと本研究プロジェクトで得られた知見との統合、(2)事例調査分析成果のまとめ・公表、(3)質問票分析成果のまとめ・公表などを通じて研究成果をまとめ、国内外で学会発表、国際フォーラムの実施を行った上で研究成果を出版する。研究補助金全体の削減額を考慮し、次年度研究計画通り国内外の訪問調査を行う上で必要なため、これに使用する

  • The Introduction and Reform of Liberal Education and the Transformation of Higher Education System: Comparative Study among Japan, Grate Britain, Austraria, China and Hong Kong

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIDA AYA, Wong Suk-Ying, Kou Ekimin, Li Kaishunn, Richard James

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    Th .e findings of this research are as follows. The societies that have introduced liberal arts and science into their higher education system (composed of specialized education only) since 1990's, such as England, Australia, China and Hong Kong, have some common characteristics. 1.It has been introduced into top institutions. 2.Interdisciplinary subjects or research methods are emphasized. 3.The aim of it is to raise employability in the globalized age. 4.There are cases that separate colleges for liberal arts and sciences from conventional faculty system or providing it for selected students. They mean that this new type of liberal arts and sciences in those societies focus on nurturing the elite in globalized age

  • Comprehensive research on the foundation of academics and theoretical issues in postwar educational sociology

    Project Year :


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    In this study, targeting the sociology of education in Japan that emerged in the postwar period, (1) collection and analysis of materials related to the history of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology, (2) second generation members who supported the development of the Japan Society of Educational Sociology ( An interview survey centered on the academic society since the 1950s), (3) Publication of two volumes of articles on academic issues (academic issues, contemporary issues) in educational sociology, (4) Published an English dissertation focusing on the main themes, methods of research, and educational reality of Japanese educational sociology.This includes global and regional policy and social trends such as neoliberalism,mobility,and the diffusion of ICT madias,while the reactions of researchers and society against these trends have often been different from other countries

  • How Working Adults Graduate Students ar not evaluated in labor market?-The Trilennma among Graduate Students, Eduction of Graduate Schools and Labor Markets

    Project Year :


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    The aim of this research is to analyze how graduate students (specifically masters' course of study in humanities and social sciences) are evaluated by labor markets from the viewpoint of three countries (Japan, US, China). The framework of this study is the relationship the following three actors: education in graduate schools, ability of graduate students, and labor markets and the purpose of this study is where the bottle neck is among three actors.As a result of this study, we have found the characteristics of Japan compared with the US and China: Graduate education in Japan does not think much of relevant of labor market, graduate students do not think much of using their education in labor markets and labor markets do not rely on graduate education rather than their in-house training. The case of the US and China have the a little bit of the same problem but they try to solve it from university side

  • コースポートフォリオを活用した大学カリキュラムの質保証モデルの構築

    科学研究費助成事業(京都大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


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  • Comparative Study of Cognitive and Affective Development of College Students through the Continuous Large Scale Data

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMADA Reiko, KIMURA Takuya, INOUE Kennji, MORI Rie, TACHI Akira, YOSHIDA Aya, NISHIGORI Dai, ENGETSU Katsuhiro, AIHARA Soichiro, OKI Kiyotake, SUGITANI Yumiko, TANAKA Masahiro, YASUNO Maiko, WATANABE Tatsuo

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    Our research group has developed the student surveys systems for learning improvement, so called JCIRP (Japanese Cooperative Institutional Research Program) since 2004. Our program consists of three student surveys such as Japanese Freshman Survey, Japanese College Student Survey, and Japanese Junior College Student Survey. Until 2014, approximate 140,000 students from more than 866 four-year colleges and two-year colleges participated in our program. It seems that our student survey system has institutionalized the culture to assess student learning outcome based on the self-reported data and has been widely accepted in Japanese higher education institutions as the indirect assessment system. This study has tackled with the development of student survey systems in Japan, what problems are to be focused in terms of assessment of learning outcome and what we have to do in the next stage for the development of our survey system. Also, our study developed the data base for the JCIRP which participating institutions can utilize for their student assessment.

  • A Study on Function of Educational Credentials of 'Flexible Type Students : Working Adults, Professional Schools, Labor Market

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The aim of this research is to examine the effectiveness of professional schools by comparing 'flexible type students' who try to acquire educational credentials at graduate schools after entering the labor market with 'conventional type students' who enter graduate schools after graduating universities. As the result we find that the achievement of 'flexible type students' at graduate schools is higher than that of 'conventional type students' although there is no difference the achievements of both type of students at the time of graduating universities

  • An international comparative research on outcome evaluation at undergraduate education and training generic skills

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    To develop generic skills effectively, we found it is essential to set educational/learning goals clearly, to implement learning-centered curriculum systematically, and to introduce active learning methods both inside and outside of the classroom which emphasize students' participation and hand-on experiences. When we compared the results of self-assessment, peer assessment and instructor's assessment, self-assessment and instructor's assessment was highly correlated. The correlations of knowledge in major, information collection and its utilization, critical thinking, logical thinking, and analytical thinking are very significant. Students and instructors are making judgment in their seminar

  • Comparative Study of College Impact Theory and Student Development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMADA Reiko, ENGETSU Katsuhiro, INOUE Tomoyoshi, YOSHIDA Aya, AIHARA Soichiro, OKI Kiyotake, MORI Rie, SUGITANI Yumiko, WATANABE Tatsuo, KIMURA Takuya

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    Teaching and learning issues have been widely discussed in higher education institutions but usually from a single institution perspective. Benchmarking efforts that allow institutions to compare data have enriched the conversations by allowing cross institutional comparisons, but it could be argued that most universities operate in a shared national environment so that variations among institutions are still limited to a degree. Also, accumulation of longitudinal data of students and analysis of these data will be able to contribute on quality and quantity of student research in Japan.
    This study provides a comparison of student outcomes from two higher education systems that operate in different cultural and structural contexts-American and Japanese higher education. The American perspective is developed through findings from the College Senior Survey (CSS) from UCLA's Higher Education Research Institute. The Japanese perspective is developed through findings from the Japanese College Student Survey (JCSS) developed.
    Together, these data represent thousands of current college students and provide a summary of the learning and experiences of college students. The descriptive analysis shows that US students spend more time in learning activities outside class than Japanese students and show higher evaluation of learning outcome and self-evaluation for their abilities and skills than Japanese students. Analysis of JCSS2005 data confirms that affective fulfillment of students is closely associated with student engagement and the satisfaction toward quality of teaching and learning determines the satisfaction for college experiences.The results of the study suggest that development of effective pedagogy and faculty's involvement are indispensable for enhancing teaching and learning. In the changing environment of Japanese higher education, this study confirms the effectiveness of college impact theory which has been conditionally accepted in Japan. However, it is expected that accumulation and analysis of student data contributes on the improvement of program reform of each higher education institution and policy making process.

  • A Study on Education and Social Function of New Type of Professional Schools:Referring to the U.S. Professional Schools

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



  • Higher Education Policy to stimulate better University Management

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TSUKAHARA Shuichi, KOMATSU Ikuo, KAWASHIMA Keiji, KITAGAWA Fumi, KATO Takahide, KIOKA Kazuaki, HAMANA Atsushi, KAWASHIMA Tatsuo, YAMADA Reiko, KANEKO Tsutomu, IIYOSHI Hiroko, NANBU Hirotaka, YOSHIDA Aya, IGUCHI Chizuru, EHARA Akihiro, TAKANO Atsuko, CHEN Nasen, YOSHIDA Takehiro

  • A Research on the Transformation of General Education and Faculty Organization : Since 1991 of the Deregulation of the Standard of Establishment of Universities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The aim of this research is to examine the transformation of undergraduate curricula and faculty organization since 1991 of the deregulation of the Standard of the Establishment of Universities.In 2002 the review of related papers and collection of documents of curriculum reforms in Japanese universities were conducted, and the analytical framework of this research were established through the former works. In 2003 questionnaire survey for each faculty of four year universities were conducted. The number of distributed questionnaire is 1,776, the number of response is 1,000, and the response ratio is 56.3%. The main questions were the graduation requirement of credit-units and its distribution between general and specialized education, the types and contents of courses, faculty organization of general education, and curriculum policy. The characteristic of this survey was to distribute questionnaire to all faculty in Japanese universities, not institutions so it makes faculty comparison possible. In 2004 the analysis of the questionnaire survey, presentation of the survey results at the conferences, and writing of the final report were the main activities.The main findings are the followings : 1)the volume of specialized education has increased since 1991 over all, 2)while medical, engineering, natural science faculty have increased specialized education credits, faculty of letters has not increased specialized education and diversified its curricula, 3)in the part of general education, skill acquisition (language or IT literacy) and first year education have increased, 4)the inequality of faculty position between general and specialized education mostly disappear, but the teaching burden increases and general education organization does not function well.As the results of deregulation of the Standard of the Establishment of Universities in 1991, the common part of undergraduate curricula has decreased and the common core value of undergraduate degree must be considered again

  • An applied study by development and a university open lecture of an online course including a multimedia content

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TASHIRO Kazuhisa, SAGA Hiroo, ITOH Hideko, YOSHIDA Aya, IWANAGA Masaya, OTSUKA Yusaku

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    Material does the various intellectual resources which a higher education system has, and it is imposed on you for today higher education widely community and it can turn abroad, and to send, and it is a request of societyKnowledge when I made the intellectual resources which universities had through this study the teaching materials as multimedia contents and left it open widely in the world and a community through a network such as Internet was provided. On that occasion a thing vital above all is to be the teaching materials which balance was able to take with being the teaching materials on the basis of needs of a student attending a lecture It is clear from a freedom description of investigation that it is a fantasy that a certain related contents can expect potential needs to a student majoring in Japanology at least in Japan.We made the intellectual resources which a Japanese higher education system had in each the teaching materials, and that we showed danger to fall into simple self-satisfaction was clarified information in various media by a medium when we sent it if there was not it by the information dispatch that stood on overseas needs

  • Comparative Sociology on Cohesion and Conflict between Industry-Labour Policies and Education Policies in the Process of Modernization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIROTA Teruyuki, TSUKAHARA Shunichi, HAMANA Atsushi, YOSHIDA Aya, YANO Masakazu, KINMONTH Earl

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    During the first and second years, we held two international workshops, and consideration was deepened through periodical meetings. In the first year, we tried to chiefly confirm the character of the problems, and in the second year we expanded the consideration through case studies from the aspect of the comparative and historical research. In the last year, we reported on the work of each one's theme.Our main findings and results are follows ;First, when this research examined the relationship, the adjustment and the conflict etc. between the industry and labor policy and the educational policy, various patterns and types are found comparatively and historically. So we divided into two groups roughly with our project members. In one group, research focused on the relations with the globalization for Asia that exists in a modernization, and in the other group, the modernization process of Japan was focused on.Secondly, it is clarified that many areas in Asia containing China and South Korea have been experiencing the expansion of the higher education in the wave of the globalization that the sphere in English in the United States and Britain, etc. has had initiative for the past two decades. Then, we examined the transforming process and the manifest and latent conflicts between traditional systems and the new order in the higher education systems in some of Asian and Western countries.Thirdly, it was suggested that a close matching between an educational system and the industrial labor system alone be not necessarily preferable, from the historical viewpoint. That is, two systems have peculiar autonomy in the term of the change for the purpose of achieving good performances, so that the conflicts between two systems have necessarily had not bad influences on the development of economy for the long term

  • The Integrated Study on the Basis for the Construction of the Virtual University

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANAKA Tsunemi, SHINTO Takaaki, MIZOKAMI Shinichi, OYAMA Yasuhiro, YOSHIDA Aya, ISHIMURA Masao

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    The purpose of this research is to indicate the potentiality of the Virtual University (VU) as well as its limit. Four groups were organized. The first one is to investigate the recent trends and developments of VU in worldwide context. Second, third and. fourth groups did studies based on the actual courses utilizing online, i.e. The Open Laboratory Class, Kyoto-Keio Joint Seminar, and The Distance Education between Kyoto University and UCLA respectively. With the findings gathered from these fields, KNV (Kyoto-Naruto Virtual University project) is implemented in 2003 so as to scrutinize the basis for VU. In this project, a learning community between two universities is established with the help of several media such as the TV meeting system, the Net-meeting, the Web-board, and the chat.Meanwhile, we hosted an international congress entitled "The Virtual University-Future of our Universities?" inviting researchers from USA and Mexico. In this congress, after our interim report was presented, the problems concerning VU were discussed from various view points including the learning theory, the educational policy and the philosophy. In addition to this principal conference, several meetings were held to share findings among investigators.The potentiality of VU is discussed in the respect that it is not a substitution of face-to-face learning situation but quite a new learning environment that promotes students' active learning and self understandings. through constructing a multiple-reality, in which students realize the various aspects of themselves and others. This conclusion suggests the possibility of Liberal Education through VU. On the other hand, we pointed out the challenges facing VU, such as the necessity to improve its cost performance and the emergent need of Faculty Development concerning online education.The findings mentioned above have reported at several international congresses as well as at domestic ones. Papers are also contributed to several journals, and we published the final comprehensive report in May 2004

  • Overseas survey on the trends of educational reform and advanced IT Implementation in higher education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAMOTO Takeshi, YAMADA Tsuneo, YOSHIDA Aya, KATO Hiroshi, NISHINA Emi, YUAN Fujie

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    The objectives of this research were (1) to survey the latest trends of advanced IT implementation in higher education in the leading areas, such as North America, Western Europe and Australia in order to contribute to the deployment of domestic educational reform and (2) to analyze the possibilities of international collaborations both with the developed countries and with developing countries in Asia-Pacific regions in these fields.In our final report, we reviewed on international dissemination of e-learning, its localization and quality assurance, sharing and re-use of digital learning resources and distance higher education by ICT, collected various cases in different countries. The results were reported as the following papers; "Educational reform based on e-learning : The establishment of an international web-based learning community", "Multi-cultural perspectives on e-learning : Co-existence and collaboration", "Quality assurance of e-Learning, ","Sharing and re-uses of digital learning materials and their quality assurance", "A Canadian virtual university : The case in Technical University of British Columbia", "An Introduction of Open Learning Agency (OLA)", "Review of a report from National Center for Educational Statistics on distance education at degree-granting post secondary institutions", ". "Distance Collaborative Learning via international broadband connections", "A case study of computer programming education in gaming situation for senior citizens over broadband network" and other 16 papers

  • The Social Functions of Secondary schools between the two World Wars : From the cases in two defferent areas

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    We examined and compared the social functions of secondary schools in two remarkably different areas between the two World Wars.One area is the area, Toyonaka, where urbanization proceeded rapidly as a bed town of Osaka. There newly settled residents who mostly consisted of new middle class required academic secondary schools for their children.The other is the area, Tsuruoka in Yamagata prefecture, where modernizing process was much more slower than Toyonaka. There various social classes had their own educational demands, and different types of secondary schools, from academic to vocational, were established based on those demands.For example, boys of wealthy old middle class moved into new middle class through male academic schools. Boys of lower class enrolled in engineering secondary schools as future middle level engineer in urban big industry. Sewing schools were for future farmers' housewives.From these findings we can conclude as follows :1. Social classes have their own educational demands and the structure of social classes in a local area and its transformation has a strong influence on the type of secondary schools established.2. The purpose of secondary schools were to develop the area schools were established by educating young generation. But in fact prestigious academic schools had a function as a ladder for geographic mobility from a local area to urban and industrial areas. It may be the characteristic of Japanese secondary schools until late 1960's. We need to examine it more in detail

  • Media Management for Distance Postgraduate Programs

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SETA Chieko, IKEDA Terumasa, YUAN Fujie, YOSHIDA Aya, SATO Satomi, SAKAMOTO Tatsuro

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    Distance postgraduate courses have been authorized only since 1998 in Japan, and a Japanese higher education world has not accumulated enough practices and experiences in this sector. The research aims at comparative study on Distance Postgraduate Programs in Australia, Canada, UK, and USA, in terms with the social and educational backgrounds in use of new media, by means of on-the-site investigation. The research was carried out from the view point of how media technology, educational programs, services to the learners, staff development/training, learning assessment, and organization management are systematically established and integrated. The special attentions were given to "Virtual University" in 1999 and to" China in the World Educational Market" in 2000.Each visited country has a long history and experiences in distance postgraduate programs, which play the roles of Professional Development, Recurrent Education, or Continuing Education in the field of MBA, Health Services, or Education.The use of media in USA and Canada is different from that of UK.Online education programs without face-to-face interaction are commonly observed in the former case, whereas face-to-face tutorials and assignments are integral parts, and the issues of learners' media literacy, cost and accessibility to new media are highly considered in the latter case. These characteristics are distinctly reflected in the forms of Virtual University. One party neglects face-to-face exchanges, and the other party tries to maintain the functions of face-to-face tutorials.The distance postgraduate programs in UK and Australia often target on Asian educational markets, where China is regarded as a big market

  • A Comparative Study of the Impact of General Education Curricula Reform on Universities between the US and Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The aim of this study is to examine the structure of general education curricula in Japanese universities and the US universities. The following findings are obtained.(1) Undergraduate curricula in the US universities are composed of three parts : general education, major, and electives. In them, general education is assumed as the core part of undergraduate education because of its historical tradition as liberal education. Majors are the late comer but have predominant position.(2) The ideas of general education are breadth and coherence. It has been almost impossible to be compatible between breadth and coherence in general education because of distribution requirement and department system. In spite of this, the curriculum reforms in the US have been conducted to seek the compatibility of these two ideas.(3) General education has been positioned in the first stage of university education so a part of it has been exchanged by remedial education. This situation recently becomes a big burden of general education.(4) The tradition of liberal education has caused cultural wars in universities. This shows what has been assumed as high culture in the US.(5) The notion of liberal education is seen in the difference between BA and BS as the type of undergraduate degrees. Even though the same programs of study for instance computer science, the BA is likely to focus on wide range of study requirement and the BS is likely to focus on engineering field of study.During the two years, four papers has been published in scholarly journals and one book which is translation has been published

  • The Study of the New Technology-Based Higher Education as Open Learning

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IKEDA Terumasa, TODAYAMA Kazuhisa, YAMADA Fumiyasu, MIO Tadao, NAKAI Toshiki, CHIKADA Masahiro

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    We have investigated the new technology-based distance higher education in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and Japan in terms of the concept called "Open Learning". The findings which we can summarize are as follows :
    (1) USA has been leading the new technology-based distance higher education among the five countries above-mentioned. We can find the development of the on-line courses at the graduate level education which have targeted on the market of employees who work for companies.
    (2) As for the in-house training programs based on learning technology which companies are doing, the situations among the five countries is same as low in use. But the Japanese situation is the lowest.
    (3) In addition to the distance program delivered by the distance education institutions, the traditional universities have developed their own distance programs based on new learning technologies. Japan is very delayed in developing the distance program designed for the market of cooperate employees.

  • A Comprehensive Study on the Curriculum Development and Evaluation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITAMURA Kazuyuki, YOSHIMOTO Keiichi, ITOU Akihiro

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    This study attempted to analyze the situation and to seek for policy implications based on two kinds of survey-the case studies of curriculum development at undergraduate levels and the national survey on the opinion of department chairpersons at graduate levels in Japan, especially after the overall reform by the University Council since the beginning of the 1990s. Followings are the gist of our findings :
    1.At the undergraduate level, the liberalization of legal control has given welcomed by many institutions and it became incentive to stimulate various academic reforms (especially curricular development and establishment of new programs or new departments). However, the direction of reform is, in many cases, obscure, greatly varies and often quite difficult to reach consensus among the faculty. In general, the weakening or negligence of the general education has been taking place. Reform has made the faculty busy and the financial provision necessary for effective educational system often becomes a one of the grave problems.
    2.According to the proposals of the University Council, the self-study and evaluation activities have been increasingly implemented. While this has become good opportunity to initiate self-improvement, on the other hand, the formalization for political purpose is also criticized. Outsider's evaluation is found in small number of-institutions, however it is likely to increasing. Again, the financial source is also a great problem.
    3.Graduate school has greatly been expanded, influenced by the national policy of strengthening graduate study and research. However, the aims of graduate program (the training of academics or practical professionals? ), the admissions (how to accept non-traditional students such as adult students or international students who are not accustomed to traditional graduate education), last but not least, the finance problem (how to maintain the quality while expanding the quantity) are important challenges.

  • Field Research on Distance Education in Rural Areas in Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATO Hidetoshi, NISHINO Aya, KARIYA Takehiko, YOSHIMOTO Keiichi, YAMANAKA Hayato, AMANO Ikuo, YUAN Fujie, WONG Suk-Ying

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    Distance learning is one of the most promising methods to provide higher education with people in the world. In spite of this, there are few findings of the function of distance higher education. Therefore since 1989, the National Institute of Multimedia Education (NIME) has been conducted a series of comparative studies on distance higher education institutions in Asia and the Pacific regions by interviewing students and graduates of institutions.
    In 1992, we conducted the research in Malaysia and in Korea. In Malaysia, we interviewed students and graduates in 7 regional study centers of a department of distance education in the Malaysia Institute of Technology and we get some documents about the students' background and graduates' job allocation in the University of Malaysia in order to compare with those of distance education institutions in September.
    In Korea, We made interviews and sent out questionnaires to students of 8 regional study centers in August and September.
    In 1993, we conducted the research in China. In November, we visited China and interviewed about 180 students and graduates of 12 higher education institutions in 6 cities. In 12 institutions, 6 are radio and TV universities and other 6 are major comprehensive universities in order to compare with the distance higher education.
    By these researches, we examined functions and operations of distance higher education institutions, and found that higher education institutions had played an important roll of both nation development and personal social mobility in Asia and the Pacific regions.

  • Field Research on Distance Education in Rural Areas in Asian and Pacific Region

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATOH Hidetoshi, TANIZAWA Akira, INABA Thugio, WAKABAYASHI Yoshikazu, NISHINO Aya, YAMANAKA Hayato, SATOU Satomi, YOSHIDA Fumihiko, KOBAYASHI Toshio, YAMAMOTO Matori, KAWASHIMA Tatsuhiko, WONG Suk-Ying, SHUDO Mamoru

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    Distance learning is one of the most promising methods to provide higher education with people in the world. Since 1989, the National Institute of Multimedia Education (NIME) has been conducted a series of comparative studies on universities using distance education modes in the Asian and the Pacific regions. For the first year of the research, NIME conducted field work study of the open universities in Thailand and Indonesia in 1989. Followed by this project, NIME conducted a research on distance higher education in Pakistan and India in 1990. For 1991, NIME implements similar research on the University of the South Pacific (USP).
    For the distance education, local study centers such as Regional Centers play important roles to enhance students learning. Despite the importance of the study centers, we have known only a little about their actual functions and operations. Nor do we know much about differences in study centers systems in different countries. This research focuses on their role and function. By interviewing teaching and administrative staff of the Regional Centers and comparing different study centre systems, we examined functions and operations of study centers and their influences on the local societies where they are located. This research also focused on impacts of the distance higher education on socio-economic development of the Asian and Pacific countries and also on the trends of social mobility. Through interviews with students and graduates of distance higher education institutions, government staff responsible for socio-economic development, executives of local businesses, and people in Asian and pacific people studying or working in foreign countries, we explored how the distance learning program socio-economically affects their societies.

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  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日本企業の事務系採用における大学院修士課程修了者の処遇に関する研究


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     日本企業が事務系職員に関して、大学院修士課程修了者をどのように採用・処遇をしているかについて、1.『2016年度就職四季報』に掲載された文理別、学士・大学院別、男女別の採用情報、求める能力や性向などをデータ化し、分析を行った。その結果、大学卒業者、修士課程修了者のうち就職者の比率と比較して、採用者数のうち修士課程修了者の比率が低く、さらには文系修士課程修了者の採用が極端に低いことが明らかになった。 また、文系に求める能力や性向と、理系に求めるそれとは大きく異なり、理系の場合は大学・大学院における学習・研究内容を重視するが、文系には学習・研究内容はほとんど重視していないことが明らかになった。

  • 再取得学歴の効用に関する日・米・中比較―大学院教育・学習成果・労働市場


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     本研究の目的は、わが国では社会人大学院修了者(とくに文系)が労働市場において評価されないという現象は、これに関わる3つのアクター(社会人大学院生/修了者、大学院/教員、労働市場/雇用者)のそれぞれの関係における齟齬があり、それがこうした現象を生み出しているのではという仮説のもとに、日本、アメリカ、中国の3つの社会を比較することを目的とする。日本の状況を明らかにすることが主たる目的であるが、その状況をよりクリアにすることを目的として、社会人大学院修了者の社会的評価が高い諸国のうち、もっとも早くそうした仕組みを確立したアメリカと、近年、急速にそうした仕組みを構築しつつある中国を対象に、それを支えているアクター間の関係構造について調査を行う。 日本においては、2008年に実施した専門職大学院在学者を対象とするアンケート調査の再分析、経営系専門職大学院修了者へのヒアリング、専門職大学院の認証評価団体へのヒアリングを実施した。また、企業に対するヒアリングを実施した研究者から、企業の大学院修了者に対する評価について発表してもらい、アメリカについては先行研究の検討、中国については中国の専門職大学院在学者・修了者を対象にしたアンケート調査を実施した研究者に発表をしてもらい。それぞれ日本の状況との比較検討を行った。 その結果、日本の場合、大学院在学者は、必ずしも職業キャリアアップやキャリアチェンジを目的として進学したわけではなく、むしろ純粋な向学心が強いこと、したがって、大学院での学習を職業上の成果に結び付けようとする意識は比較的稀薄であることが明らかになった。また、雇用者は、大学院修了者に対する評価の基準が曖昧であり、一方で過大な期待をし、他方で大学院教育に対する信頼の度合いが弱いという傾向がある。さらにいえば、大学院教育が少人数のゼミ形式が多く、大学院生間の切磋琢磨が少ないことも日本の特徴の1つであった。したがって、学生と大学院教育、学生と労働市場の間に好循環が生じていないことが想定され、上記の仮設が部分的に実証されたということができる。 この成果は、下記の論文として発表している。また、これらの研究をもとに、研究の枠組みをブラッシュアップし、2013年度の科学研究費補助金を申請し、採択の結果を得ることができた。