Updated on 2025/03/13


SHU, Min
Faculty of International Research and Education, School of International Liberal Studies
Job title
Ph.D. ( University of Bristoll )
Master (European Politcs) ( Lund University )
Master (Economics) ( Fudan University )

Research Experience

  • 2014

    Associate Professor, SILS & GSICCS, Waseda University

  • 2010

    Assistant Professor (tenure-track), School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University

  • 2008

    Visiting Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Studies, Waseda University

  • 2006

    Lecturer, School of Economics, Fudan University

Education Background


    University of Bristol   Graduate School, Division of Politics  


    Fudan University   World Economy Institute  


    Lund University   Department of Political Science  


    Fudan University   Department of International Politics  

Professional Memberships


    Japan Association of Global Governance


    European Union Studies Association Japan


    American Political Science Association


    Japan Association for Comparative Politics


    Japan Association of International Relations


    International Studies Association

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Research Areas

  • Politics   Direct Democracy / International relations   Regionalism, International Order, East Asia

Research Interests

  • Regionalism, International Political Economy, Historical IR



  • Hegemon and Instability: Pre-Colonial Southeast Asia under the Tribute System

    Min Shu

    WIAS Research Bulletin   4 ( 4 ) 45 - 62  2012  [Refereed]


  • Balancing in a Hierarchical System: Pre-Colonial Southeast Asia and the Tribute System

    Min Shu

    Waseda Global Forum   8 ( 8 ) 227 - 256  2012  [Refereed]


  • 'Public Perceptions and Regional Cooperation in East Asia'

    Min Shu, Hidetoshi Nakamura

    WIAS Research Bulletin   2 ( 2 ) 5 - 27  2010  [Refereed]


  • Coping with a two-dimensional political space: Party mobilisation in referendums on European integration

    Min Shu

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL RESEARCH   48 ( 3 ) 397 - 431  2009.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    European Union referendums invite national electorates to vote on transnational cooperation and regional integration, thereby creating tension between transnational ballot issues and domestic electoral mobilisation. Because of the tension, domestic political parties are forced to confront a two-dimensional political space in EU referendums. In the referendum-generated political space, unless integration issues are more salient than domestic concerns, intra-divided and inter-converged mainstream parties tend strategically to abstain from the campaigns. Yet, explicit inter-party collusion may allow the pro-integration mainstream to form a party cartel in EU referendums. Suggestive evidence is drawn from a case study of the two Irish referendums on the Nice Treaty. Based on a party-candidate survey, Irish parties are mapped onto a latent two-dimensional political space. The findings shed new light on the initial abstention of Irish mainstream parties in the first Nice campaign and their subsequent mobilisation in the second referendum.



  • 'National Identity and Regional Integration: A Comparison of Europe and East Asia'

    Min Shu

    EUSA Review   22 ( 2 ) 3 - 5  2009

  • 'The State in Regional Integration: A Comment'

    Min Shu

    福田耕治編 『EUとグローバルガバナンス』(早稲田大学出版部)    2009

  • Referendums and the political constitutionalisation of the EU

    Min Shu

    EUROPEAN LAW JOURNAL   14 ( 4 ) 423 - 445  2008.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This article argues that European integration has triggered a dual constitutionalisation process in Europe. One is the revision of national constitutions to accommodate the integration project at the national level. The other is the construction of transnational rules to regulate novel inter-state relationships at the European level. EU referendums are contextualised in such a duel constitutionalisation process. At the domestic level, EU referendums handle the debates on national constitutional revision. At the transnational level, these popular votes ratify supranational constitutional documents. The article comparatively analyses three types of EU referendums-membership, policy and treaty referendums-according to this analytical framework, exploring the campaign mobilisation of voters, national governments, and transnational institutions, and examining the legal and political interaction between referendums and European integration. A key finding is that, as the dual constitutionalisation process deepens and widens, entrenched domestic players and restrained transnational actors are under increasing pressure to 'voice' themselves in EU referendums.



  • ‘Franco-German Reconciliation and Its Impact on China and Japan: Scholarly Debate’

    Min Shu

    Current Politics and Economics of Asia   17 ( 1 ) 37 - 58  2008  [Refereed]

  • ‘Domestic Struggle over International Imbalance: The Political Economy of Anti-Dumping Governance in the EU’

    Min Shu

    Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences   1 ( 2 ) 72 - 94  2008  [Refereed]

  • 「欧州一体化進程中的全民公決」

    舒 旻

    『欧州研究』   25 ( 4 ) 18 - 37  2007

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Books and Other Publications

  • 世界変動と脱EU/超EU : ポスト・コロナ、米中覇権競争下の国際関係

    舒旻(岡部みどり編著)( Part: Joint author, 第11章「中国:EUとの脆弱な相互依存」)

    日本経済評論社  2022.02 ISBN: 9784818826038

  • New perspectives on international studies in Asia-Pacific

    Min Shu( Part: Joint author, ‘Business, State, and Geopolitics: Decoding the Changing Dynamics of Economic Regionalism in East Asia’)

    Waseda University Press  2021 ISBN: 9784657210012

  • 'Trade, Competitiveness and the China Factor', in Khorana and Garcia (eds.) Handbook on the EU and International Trade, Chapter 17

    Min Shu( Part: Joint author)

    Edward Elgar Publishing  2018 ISBN: 9781785367465

  • ‘Three Balancing Acts: The EU’s Trade Policy towards East Asia’, in "The European Union and Japan: A New Chapter in Civilian Power Cooperation?", Chapter 4

    Min Shu( Part: Joint author)

    Ashgate  2015 ISBN: 9781472457462

  • ‘The EU and Economic Regionalism in East Asia’, in Telo et al., "Interregionalism and the EU. The Changing Europe's Place in Global Governance", Chapter 5

    Min Shu( Part: Joint author)

    Ashgate  2015 ISBN: 9781472473233

  • 「国家と地域主義:東アジアとヨーロッパの比較から」、『東アジア統合の政治経済・環境協力』第2章

    舒旻, 章, 藪下史郎監修, 吉野孝, 弦間正彦編

    東洋経済新報社  2011 ISBN: 9784492443774

  • 'The EU's Trade Policy towards East and Southeast Asia', 『多元化するEUガバナンス』第10章

    Min Shu, 福田耕治編

    早稲田大学出版会  2011 ISBN: 9784657110107

  • 「インフォーマルな制度デザイン:ASEANの経験と地域制度の比較」、『アジア地域統合の展開』第8章

    舒旻, 章, 松岡俊二, 勝間田弘編

    勁草書房  2011 ISBN: 9784326546251

  • 「超国家」と「政府間」の共存:EUの共通通商政策の現状と課題、 『EUのガヴァナンスと政策形成』第4章

    舒旻, 章) 田中俊郎, 庄司克宏, 浅見政江編

    慶應義塾大学出版会  2009 ISBN: 9784766415599

  • 'The Perceptions of Well-Being and Social Harmony in China', in T. Inoguchi (ed.) 『Human Beliefs and Values in East and Southeast Asia in Transition』

    Dingping Guo, Min Shu

    Tokyo: Akashi Shoten  2009 ISBN: 9784750329406

  • 'Franco-German Reconciliation and Its Impact on China and Japan: Scholarly Debate', in A. Verdun (ed.) 『The European Union and Asia: What Is There to Learn?』

    Min Shu

    New York: Nova Science Publishers  2008 ISBN: 9781604565362

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  • Nationalism and Regionalism in East Asia

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • Developmental State and Economic Regionalism after the Asian Financial Crisis

    GR:EEN Workshop, University of West Australia, Perth, Australia 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • Leadership in East Asian Regional Cooperation 1997-2009: A Functional Approach

    GR:EEN Workshop, Buenos Aries, Argentina 

    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • Developmental State and Economic Regionalism in Post-1997 East Asia

    International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Diego, USA 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • The Clash between Nationalism and Regionalism: Comparing France’s Referendum and China’s Protest

    Presentation date: 2010.10

  • Voting against Europe: Institutional Images and Policy Uncertainties in EU Referendums

    American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA 

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Voting against Europe: Institutional Images and Policy Uncertainties in EU Referendums

    ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Munster, Germany 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • The State in Regional Integration: Comparing Europe and East Asia

    Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • Leadership in Southeast Asian Regional Integration: A Functional Approach

    CHIR Japan Conference, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2009.12

  • National Pride, Personal Experiences and Incumbent Support: Public Perceptions of Neighbouring Countries in China, Japan and South Korea

    American Political Science Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • Dealing with an Emerging Economic Power: The EU’s Trade Policy towards China

    ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Lisbon, Portugal 

    Presentation date: 2009.04

  • Referendums and the Political Constitutionalisation of the EU

    Keio Jean Monnet Centre for EU Studies International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe: A Chinese Perspective

    JPSA 2008 Annual Conference 

    Presentation date: 2008.10

  • The 2008 Irish Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty

    IPSA RC-3 Inter-Congress Workshop, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • Regionalism in Comparative Perspective

    Japan Academy of Koeki Studies 2008 Annual Conference 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • Poverty Alleviation and Human Rights in China

    GIARI International Symposium on ‘Asian Cooperation, Integration and Human Resources’, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2008.01

  • Market Integration and Trade Protectionism: Anti-Dumping Governance in the EU

    3rd APRU World Institute Workshop on ‘Economic Integration among Pacific Rim Economies’, Kyoto, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • National Pride and Self-Identification: A Comparative Study of Asia and Europe

    the NESCA Conference on ‘The EU as Global Actor-The Political and Cultural Identity’, Macau, China 

    Presentation date: 2006.12

  • Domestic Struggle over International Imbalance: The Political Economy of Anti-Dumping Governance in the EU

    3rd Fudan-Lund Economic Forum ‘Global Imbalance: The Choice of China and EU’, Shanghai, China 

    Presentation date: 2006.11

  • From ‘Plan B’ to ‘Plan D’: The Challenges of the Constitutional Referendums

    the 20th IPSA World Congress, Fukuoka, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • Franco-German Reconciliation and Its Impact on China and Japan: Scholarly Debate

    the 2nd NESCA Workshop, Christchurch, New Zealand 

    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • Party Mobilisation in EU Referendums

    the IPSA RC-3 International Conference, Beijing, China 

    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • Campaign Coordination in EU Referendums: Strategic Mobilisation and Rhetorical Projection

    the 9th EUSA Biennial International Conference, Austin, Texas, USA 

    Presentation date: 2005.04

  • Are Increasing Returns Necessary for Path Dependence? A Model of Bayesian Learning

    Nuffield Workshop in Political Science, Nuffield College, Oxford, UK 

    Presentation date: 2004.10

  • Transnational Coordination in EU Referendums: Actor, Alignment and Rhetoric

    the UACES Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • Referendums and the Political Constitutionalisation in Europe

    the Federal Trust/UACES Conference ‘Towards a European Constitution’, London, UK 

    Presentation date: 2004.07

  • Endogenised Public Concerns and Preference Nonseparability

    Electoral Behaviour Seminar, Nuffield College, Oxford, UK 

    Presentation date: 2004.05

  • Choosing Referendums on the EU: A Two-Dimensional Spatial Model

    ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Uppsala, Sweden 

    Presentation date: 2004.04

  • Nonseparable Preferences, Public Opinion and EU Referendums

    Institute for the Study of Europe, Columbia University, New York, USA 

    Presentation date: 2004.02

  • Nonseparable Preferences, Public Opinion and Referendums on Europe

    the UACES Annual Conference, Newcastle, UK 

    Presentation date: 2003.09

  • Referendums and the Political Constitutionalisation of the EU

    the 19th IPSA World Congress, Durban, South Africa 

    Presentation date: 2003.07

  • Cope with Two-Dimensional Cleavage Structure: Party Politics in EU Referendums

    ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Edinburgh, UK 

    Presentation date: 2003.03

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Research Projects

  • East Asia and the Borderland of the Liberal Order: A Regional History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Japan's decision in the context of energy transition governance and geopolitics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Competition and Possibilities for Cooperation Between Japan and China Over "One Belt" (Maritime Silk Road)

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

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  • Regionalism beyond East Asia: Membership, Governance and Legitimacy

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  • グローバル化の理念的・規範的評価によるグローバル・イシューの解決策

    Project Year :


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    本年度の研究目的は、本研究で扱うグローバル・イシューの現状把握とそれらの解決のためのアプローチを探るものであった。従来の方法論である現状把握から将来を予想する方法(フォーキャースティング:forecasting)や望ましい将来像を設定して現在の政策を選択していく方法(バックキャースティング:backcasting)を検討した。しかし、前者の方法ではこれまでに多くの問題点が指摘されている。例えば、冷戦の終焉について国際政治理論の主流であるリアリズムもリベラリズムも全く予想できなかった。予想できなかった直近の例としては、英国のEU脱退の国民投票の結果や米国のトランプ大統領の誕生も予測できないできごとであった。後者の方法に関しては、気候変動問題は バックキャースティングの方法との親和性は高いが、他の諸問題に関しては、さらなる検討が必要であることを確認した。こうした各々のアプローチを検討していくなかで、将来予見型ガバナンス(anticipatory governance)という概念が、本研究で扱う諸問題の解決策模索のためのアプローチに共通して採用できるのではないか、ということになった。将来予見型ガバナンスとは、将来予想される状況を複数予見(foresight)して、それらの予め想定された状況に柔軟に対応できるようにし(network governance)、採用された政策に対する反応をよりよいガバナンスに取り入れる(feedback for applied learning)ようにすることである。本研究の採択決定の時期が想定以上に遅く、研究分担者の中には初年度の研究計画を当初の予定どおり実施できない者もいたので、研究の進捗状況がやや遅れている研究分野も存在する。その中でも、本研究で扱うグローバル・イシューの現状把握が進捗しているものとして、英国のEU離脱後のEU統合に関する研究、EU安全保障・防衛協力のガバナンス研究、EUの連帯とリスクガバナンスなどに関しては、研究が進んでいる。EUと人間の安全保障やEUと日本の協力関係に関する研究の進捗状況も良い。また、人間の安全保障と災害、特に、福島第一原発事故の人間の安全保障の観点からの分析も行われている。さらに、気候変動問題の現状理解と日本の外交との関連での研究も進行中で、気候変動緩和策と関連の深いエネルギー政策に関する研究成果も上がっている。サイバーセクリティーについての現状把握は多岐にわたっていて、今後さらなる研究の積み重ねが大いに期待できる。海外の研究協力者とも互いの研究協力の方向性について、また、研究対象として関心のあるリサーチ・クエッションについても意見交換を行った。これらの諸問題の現状把握研究と並行して、共同研究の統合をはかるための理論的な枠組みの検討として、将来予見型ガバナンス(anticipatory governance)という概念が、本研究で扱う諸問題の解決策模索のためのアプローチに適応できるのではないか、ということになった。この概念は、新しい科学や技術の応用が社会に与える影響を予め評価しておくこと、あるいは、将来の大災害や政治経済上の大変化を弱いシグナルから予見して予め多くのシナリオを想定して将来の変化に備えることである。平成29年度の研究の主目的は、本研究で扱う各々のグローバル・イシューの解決策模索のために、どこまで将来予見型のガバナンス(anticipatory governance)の枠組みを適応できるかを、各共同研究者の研究テーマにそくして検討することである。その際、現在追加申請をしている研究分担者のこれまでの研究成果を参考にすることにする。同研究分担者候補は、気候変動緩和策としての大規模な地球工学の導入に関する社会的影響などを、将来予見型ガバナンスの観点から評価するという研究を推し進めていて、本研究グループへの参加を通して、より明確な形で他の研究分担者の研究テーマにanticipatory governanceの概念を適応できるのか、検討を進める上で重要な役割を担う。今後の研究推進のより具体的なロードマップとしては、今年の9月あるいは10月を目途に、研究分担者が扱う各テーマに関するanticipatory governanceの分析枠組みを適応した論文あるいはその概要を執筆することにしている。それを受け、次年度に関連する主な学会での報告や国際ワークショップ開催に向けて、より具体的な内容を決めて、さらに研究の推進を図っていく計画である。本年度は、初年度に計画していた海外での調査研究を行うとともに、本年度において当初から計画している調査研究を実施する。また、研究の進捗をすすめるために研究合宿をなどを実施して、研究分担者間の研究交流を図るとともに、最終年度に計画されている成果報告について検討する。さらに、新たに研究分担者を追加することによって、今年度で固まりつつある将来予見的ガバナンス(anticipatory governance)の理論的枠組みを研究分担者間で共有するとともに、各事例研究への応用について研究を深める

  • Regional Economic Integration after the Asian Financial Crisis: Domestic Reforms and Regoinal Cooperation

    Project Year :


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    This research project is an original attempt to examine the domestic foundation of economic regionalism after the Asian financial crisis. Focusing on the interaction between post-crisis regional cooperation and domestic reforms, the project has achieved the following results. First, I have conducted extensive fieldwork in six countries to decode their regional policy-making and domestic politico-economic reforms. Second, Harvard-Yenching Institute has invited me to conduct 10-month research on the project, and to give public talks at Harvard University. Third, the project has extended the existing analytical framework of East Asian regionalism, and offers new theoretical insights into East Asian political economy. In terms of specific research outcomes, I have published three book chapters in edited volumes, and delivered 15 academic presentations at major domestic and international conferences. In addition, I am in the process of completing a research monograph on the project

  • Nationalism and Regionalism in Europe and East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHU Min

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    This research project is an original attempt to chart the comparative dynamics of nationalism and regionalism across Europe and East Asia. On the whole, it has made three contributions to the field of comparative regionalism. Firstly, based on the fieldwork conducted in China, Singapore, Thailand and South Korea, the research has looked into the complex configuration of nationalism in East Asia. Secondly, the research adopts a bottom-up perspective to study nationalism in a comparative setting. In-depth case studies have revealed the oft-neglected roles of nationalism in mediating the process of regional cooperation and integration. Thirdly, the research has expandedthe theoretical scope of existing literature, and initiated a new research agenda on the relationship between the state and regionalism.The outcomes of the project include three peer-reveiwed journal articles, three book chapters, and nine research presenatations delivered at the academic conferences held in Japan, Argentina, Australia, and the US

  • The Role of the European Union (EU) as an International Actor in the Tranforming Group of Seven (G7) System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAMURA Hidetoshi, PAUL M. Bacon, SHU Min

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    This joint research has been carried out by several professors on the EU and European integration at Waseda, Oxford, Berlin and Brussels. It has mainly achieved the following three results : (1) launching the book, The EU’s Foreign Policy : what kind of power and diplomatic action? (Ashgate) ; (2) publishing a book, The EU and Japan in a fluid global order (Ashgate) ; and (3) organizing the international workshop on ‘Comparative Regional Integration : Europe and East Asia’.

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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   Graduate School of Political Science

  • Faculty of International Research and Education   Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies

  • Faculty of International Research and Education   Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies

Internal Special Research Projects

  • East Asia and the Borderland of the Liberal International Order: A Regional History


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    The liberal international order(LIO) has been facing unprecedented challenges from both within and without inrecent years. At its geopolitical core, the Brexit and the Trump Presidency,together with the widespread of right-wing populism, raised the thorny questionof core liberal countries’ commitment to the LIO. Beyond its geopolitical reach,the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Russian invasion of Ukraine further exposedthe uncomfortable limitation of the LIO in international affairs. This research project attempts to explorethe geopolitical ‘middle ground’ between the two, which I refer to as ‘theborderland of the liberal international order’, from a historical perspective. Focusingon East Asia, it examines the region’s long-term engagement with the liberalorder from the early 20th century. My research highlights theevolving dynamics of the liberal order over the past one and a half centuries, andreveals East Asia’s uneasy interaction with the liberal order. The outcomes of theproject were presented at the APSA Annual Conference in September 2022 and theISA Annual Convention in March 2023. In addition, I have received a three-yearKaken grant (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) to dig deep into the casestudies developed under this project.

  • Rising Power and Norma Diffusion during the Ming-Qing Transition


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         TheMing-Qing transition in the 17th century was an important page ofEast Asian regional history. Not only did the Ming Empire collapse amid therapid rise of the Manchu Qing, but regional neighbors suchthe Choson Kingdom, the Ryukyu Kingdom and the Mongol tribes all switched theirallegiance from the Ming to the Qing. It is thus a classic case of powertransition in the history of East Asian international relations. Focusing onthe role of norms in the Ming-Qing transition, this research project aims to uncoverthe regional dynamics of norm adoption and diffusion in the historical processof power transition in East Asia.     Basedon careful archive and literature research conducted at Stanford University, myresearch has uncovered several important mechanisms of norm adoption and diffusion inthe 17th century. Specifically, the Manchu Qing’s dealingwith norms (i) showed its intention to fight against the discrimination of the MingEmpire, (ii) reflected its hope to revive the historical glory of the Jurchen Jin,and (iii) revealed its goal of claiming the hegemonic status in East Asia.      Some initial findings of the project were presented at the Annual Convention ofthe International Studies Association and the Annual Meeting of the AmericanPolitical Science Association in 2021. 

  • International Relations of the Silk Roads: Past and Present


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         While China’s Beltand Road Initiative (BRI) caught widespread attention after its launch in 2013,the international relations of the Silk Roads can be traced back to the2nd century BCE when the Han dynasty dispatched Zhang Qian to seek alliancewith the Yuezhi Kingdom in Central Asia against the threat of the nomadic Xingnu.The reopening of the overland Silk Roads by the Tang dynasty in the7th century CE and then the maritime Silk Roads by the Ming dynasty inthe 14th century CE also involved complex episodes of internationalcommerce and geopolitical contestation.     This researchproject examines the interactive dynamics of geopolitical contestation,international commerce and domestic politics along the historical Silk Roadsand the modern BRI. It makes extensive use of secondhand historical studies to tracethe interaction between international commerce and geopolitical competition. Theaim is to provide an in-depth analysis of the historical background of the modernBRI. My analysis shows that forging a long-term and credible relationship withthe small trading states along the Silk Roads was, and still is, a majorchallenge that China has faced.

  • Regionalism without East Asia: Examining the Regional Dynamics of the TPP and AIIB


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    My research seeks tounderstand how regional economic cooperation has evolved into a distinctiveform of ‘regionalism beyond East Asia’ since the mid-2000s. That is, majorregional cooperative schemes, such as the TPP, the RCEP and the AIIB, haveactively embraced countries from outside East Asia. This research project isthe initial stage of a multi-year research plan to explore the regionaldynamics of the trade-related RCEP and TPP, and the development-oriented AIIB.It has three main objectives. First, to conduct comparative case studies of themajor regional economic cooperative schemes. Second, to chart the latestdevelopment of economic regionalism in East Asia. Third, to contribute to theacademic literature on comparative regionalism and international politicaleconomy of trade and development.In 2018, I was able to conductan in-depth case study of the RCEP, and to chart the impact of China's rise oneconomic regional cooperation in East Asia. Some initial results of my researchwere presented at the Japan Association of Global Governance ResearchConference and at the International Political ScienceAssociation World Congress. Inaddition, I published a related paper in an edited volume on the China’s impacton trade competitiveness in Europe.

  • The Rise of State-Led Economic Regionalism in East Asia


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    Focusing on the changing dynamics of domesticand regional political economy in East Asia, this research project seeks tounderstand the domestic foundation of state-led economic regionalism after theAsian financial crisis (AFC) in 1997-98. The project has two goals: first, to conduct anin-depth analysis of the restructuring of Asian developmental state and therise of state-led economic regionalism; second, to find out the interactivedynamics between domestic regulatory reforms and regional economic cooperation.Two case studies were conducted with respectto the post-AFC domestic reforms and regional policy-making in Thailand andSouth Korea. The case studies show that post-AFC economic regionalism emerged as aregional consensus for very different reasons in the two countries. On the one hand, South Korea aimedto address the regional implications of her globalization strategy. On theother, Thailand was pursuing economic growth shielded from the immediate riskof globalization.The project makes it possible to chart thisimportant process in post-AFC East Asia. A related paper, entitled 'The EU and Economic Regionalism in EastAsia’, was presented at the GR:EEN Workshop on comparative regionalism in Brussels in October 2014.

  • The Rise of State-Led Economic Regionalism in East Asia(東アジアにおける国家主導の地域経済協力)


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    Economic regionalism in East Asia changed dramatically after the Asian financial crisis (AFC) in 1997-1998. The regional governments have taken key initiatives to negotiate free trade agreements (FTAs) and pursue regional financial collaboration. Meanwhile, high-profile regional institutions have been established to promote cooperation at the intergovernmental level. The state-led economic regionalism and its institutional turn marked a key departure from the early period of autonomous and uninstitutionalized economic integration in East Asia. This research project examines such an important transformation of East Asian regionalism, charting the regional process of post-AFC intergovernmental cooperation and the domestic process of developmental state restructuring. Intensive fieldwork was conducted both inside and outside Japan to collect first- and second-hand materials related to the post-AFC domestic and regional changes in Northeast and Southeast Asian countries. Some initial research outcomes were circulated in academic workshops. A related paper, entitled 'FTAs and State-led Economic Regionalism in East Asia', will be presented at the 23rd World Congress of International Political Science Association in July 2014.

  • 地域統合における国家:東アジアとヨーロッパの比較


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    To decode the state's roles in regional integration, this research project looks into two key aspects of the state: national identity and government popularity. Concerning national identity, comparative study between Europe and East Asia has been conducted with regard to its political mobilisation and rhetorical discourses. The analysis shows that the politicisation of national identity often relies on the mobilisation of radical right-wing political parties in Europe. By contrast, the mainstream parties play a central part in its politicisation in East Asia. It also reveals that the discourse of national identity tends to be self-referring in Europe, while other-references are more important in East Asia. These analytical results were published as a research note by the Science Council of Japan. As far as government popularity is concerned, attention is paid to the perceptions of neighbouring countries in Northeast Asia. Based on AsiaBaromenter survey data, multivariate regression analysis points to three important determinants of public perceptions: national identity, overseas experiences and trust in national government. Among them, trust in national government constantly weakens favourable perceptions of neighbouring countries. These analytical results were first presented at the American Political Science Asssociation's Annual Conference, and later published in the peer-reviewed WIAS Research Bulletin.

  • 地域大国と地域統合:中国を中心とする比較研究


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    This project examines the roles of regional powers in regional cooperation and integration. In the existing literature, leadership in regional integration is often considered as a special characteristic of regional powers. An oft-cited example is the Franco-German leadership in European integration. However, the theories of leadership points to quite different interpretations of leadership properties. Focusing on China and Japan, the project explores how these two countries have led and influenced East Asian regional cooperation after the East Asian financial crisis. Based on the functional theory of leadership, it shows that Japan has been able to provide crucial regional public goods to Southeast Asia following the financial crisis. Meanwhile, China’s active engagement has unintentionally generated a domino effect on East Asian cooperation. The analysis thus shows that the influences of regional powers on regional cooperation can be understood from a functional perspective. Different regional powers may well have different leadership impacts on regional cooperation and integration. In relation to the project, two research papers have been presented at the CHIR International Symposium in Tokyo and the PSA Annual Conference in Edinburgh.

  • 地域統合における国家:東アジアとヨーロッパの比較


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    The state plays a very important part in regional cooperation and integration. Yet, its influences are rarely examined beyond the classic assumption of mature nation-states. This seriously impedes our understandings of the state’s role in non-European regional integration. To deal with such a problem, this project tries to recast the state in a more general theoretical framework in order to make it applicable in comparative regional integration studies. More specifically, three conceptual schemes are proposed: (i) the state as a particular institutional site where different societal groups interacts; (ii) the state as a special political process through which the state structure is being built and transformed; and (iii) the state as a distinctive set of practices which embody the meanings and values of the state. Following these conceptual schemes, the roles of the state in European and East Asian regionalisms are examined. In addition to theoretical analysis, fieldwork was conducted in relation to the state's role in East Asian regional cooperation.The outcome of the project was presented at the Political Studies Association (UK)'s Annual Conference in Edinburgh.

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