Updated on 2025/03/12

Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus

Research Areas

  • Sociology of education / Education / Sociology

Research Interests

  • sociology of education, teacher education



  • The Growing Influence of Political Leadership on Teacher Education: Radical Policy Reforms in the Absence of Opposition Forces

    Sawako Yufu, Ryoji Matsuoka

    Education in the Asia-Pacific Region   46   175 - 194  2018  [Refereed]

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    © 2018, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. This chapter discusses the increased influence of political leadership over education policies during the past decades in Japan by providing a detailed assessment of recent teacher education reforms from periods not covered in previous studies. For this purpose, it will first describe how education policy-making has changed over the past few decades (including critical changes such as power shifting after reorganizations of government ministries), then provide a brief history of teacher education reforms in Japan, and finally scrutinize the contents of the recent reform proposed by the Central Council on Education Report 184. In addition, the chapter will explain stronger national control over teacher education and standardization of teacher education at universities across the country, with examples of the devaluation of academic knowledge in teacher education. Then, it will describe the absence of opposition to the radical policy changes by describing detailed conditions that seemingly inhibit universities and teachers’ unions from becoming influential over the direction of the reforms. The chapter will conclude with discussions on how and why the reforms will be less likely to achieve the professionalization of teachers, which is the goal of reform efforts in other societies.



  • 制度改革期における中学校・高等学校教師の仕事


    日本労働研究雑誌   NO.645 ( 4 ) 34 - 37  2014.04


  • 教師教育改革の課題ー「実践的指導力」養成の予測される帰結と大学の役割


    教育学研究   第80巻,第4号 ( 4 ) 478 - 490  2013.12

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    This paper considers the issue of jissenteki-sidouryoku, a term used by the Ministry of Education to mean the abilities needed to solve serious problems with the Japanese school system nowadays. First, I summarize the present situation of teacher training in terms of the fostering of jissenteki-sidouryoku, and second, I outline the anticipated results of this reform. Finally, I indicate how, under this situation, we should conceptualize an image of researchers responsible for training students who hope to be teachers. Although it is not completely clear what the term jissenteki-sidouryoku means in practice, reform of teacher education with this goal in mind is nevertheless proceeding in two directions. (1) The first direction is to help students gain self-discipline and experience in school settings, which means providing them with ample opportunities to function as interns, aides, or student teachers during their education. Achieving this goal will also involve strengthening linkages between universities, educational committees, and schools. (2) In addition, however, new standards or criteria that properly assess students' skills and knowledge in the classroom in terms of jissenteki-sidouryoku are being developed for student teachers, beginning teachers, and so on, by various concerned institutions. However, both these directions of teacher education reform many encounter serious problems. (1) Although students certainly learn many roles from their experiences in different school settings and job roles, such a program only lets them adapt to the current state of school culture. As a result, these activities strengthen the traditional school culture more and more, when the ultimate goal is to change it to reflect a changing society and the changing needs of students. (2) It is unlikely that teaching standards will ever be able to adequately reflect the specific situation of each school, since to apply across institutions, they must first reflect the common conditions among schools. Moreover, often when such standards are implemented, inexperienced teachers will view them not merely as an index of teaching effectiveness but as the purpose of their daily activities, a rule to be adhered to. Thus, effective educational reform focused on fostering jissenteki-sidouryoku for teachers operating in a changing society is not yet available. In the latter part of this paper, I will consider the following two. First, we, as researchers, must bring ourselves to understand what we mean by jissenteki-sidouryoku, and in that sense, we have to clarify teachers' process of professional development. Research findings from adjacent fields, for example cognitive psychology, business administration, and so on, are available for the consideration of this issue. Second, we have to consider the background of the use of the term jissenteki-sidouryoku. Probably, the idea that jissenteki-sidouryoku is a useful key term for the professional development of teachers is misleading. What teachers really need is knowledge about postmodern society and the changing conditions outside of schools. Universities responsible for teacher education should offer courses in theory or knowledge of relations between schools and society.


  • 教職の病理現象にどう向き合うか -教育労働論の構築に向けてー


    教育社会学研究   第86集   23 - 38  2010.06

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    In recent years, temporary layoffs leaves of absence by of teachers owing to illness have been on the rise in our country Japan. While many previous studies have attempted to explain this phenomenon, few have provided achieved concrete results. In this paper, I point out that this is because teachers have hitherto not been viewed as government employees. Thus, this paper studies the above phenomenon by while considering teaching as a form of educational labor. A brief description of the four main features of this paper is provided below: 1) I examine the teacher-client relationship as a clue to for understanding the concept of caring. This concept refers to considering someone as important and attending to his/or her needs. Nurturing is an activity that was traditionally performed in various communities and was interpreted in the same way as caring for family members. Today, relationships that involve nurturing activities can still be observed between teachers and students, to the extent that they have become an integral part of occupations in modern times. This is the reason that emotions and feelings are regarded as important in educational relationships and discussions. 2) I show that the concept of emotional labor is useful in studying the teaching profession. This concept focuses mainly on the emotional relationship between an emotional workers and theira clients. However, more importantly, it shows that in the modern service sector, an the employer exploits employees not only through physical labor but also through emotional labor, and the teaching profession is not an exception. 3) The Japanese government has promoted carried out educational reforms guided by neoliberal and quasimarket ideas as a part of public employee reforms. Through these reforms, the government has strengthens strengthened its control as an employer over the teaching sector. It urges thehas urged prefectural boards of education to make efforts to establish a new teacher evaluation systems and to improve the existing teacher appointment systems. Teachers are expected to work as members of a bureaucratic organization rather than a professional organization. 4) Furthermore, the teaching profession faces a big major problem: there is no group or organization that can protest against the exploitation of teachers, as can be seen from the failure of the teachers' unions. Thus, this paper argues that both teachers and researchers in this field should need to realize open their eyes to the actual situation wherein teachers work as public employees. Further, researchers in the field of educational sociology researchers should make theoretical contributions so that teachers are can gain the abilityable to understand their working conditions.


Research Projects

  • 教師の労働過程のミクロ分析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    油布 佐和子

  • 〈多元的生成モデル〉にもとづく教育政策の再構築に関する総合的研究

    Project Year :


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  • Research on Internationalization of Education Research: Focusing on the roles of academic associations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Teacher's job analysis using the concept of "labor"

    Project Year :


  • 〈多元的生成モデル〉にもとづく教育改革の実践と構造に関する総合的研究

    Project Year :


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  • teacher educators and curriculum philosophy in teacher education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako

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    The purpose of this research is to create a foundation for following research development about the two research areas that have been overlooked in the field of teacher education in Japan. The two areas are: 1) who is the teacher educator, and 2) what is the philosophy of integrating the teacher education curriculum. The following points were clarified from overseas survey and data collected.1)teacher educators are expected to play a role of promoting 'reflection' about the practice of student teachers and teachers . They are engaged in student teachers' coaches, professorial research, curriculum development. However their identity as teacher educator differ each country. 2) In the EU countries, <Social justice> is required as a basis for curriculum construction against economic globalism

  • Actual state and perception of teacher's workload under globalization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako

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    The purpose of this research is : (1) to clarify the current situation and change regardingf the teacher's life and the concept toward teachers' role by questionnaire survey, and (2) to explore the cause of Japanese teachers’ long working hours of by comparing with the results of overseas interview survey.The results are as follows: (1) The teacher's social status and economic situation are not very good, but the teachers are satisfied with their teaching life. It can be seen that this trend is gradually increasing with reference to past survey. (2) The primary cause of teacher 's long working hours is that teachers have no idea as a labor agreement or labor management. The background is that In Japan, the number of teachers belonging to teachers unions is less than 30%, and teachers unions have little function to improve working condition

  • A General Study on Political Nature of the Teaching Profession and De-politicalization of Teachers:

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KURABAYASHI Nobuyuki, KATO Takao, KAWAMURA Akira, OCHI Yasushi, NAKAMURA Akihito, FUJITA Takeshi, YUFU Sawako

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    In this study it became clear that the teachers with an optimistic future image who think that the future of Japan is bright are increasing recently.The characteristics of teachers who take an optimistic view of the future Japanese society is that the level of their consciousness of the autonomy of the profession is lower. And the characteristics of teachers whose consciousness of the autonomy of the profession is lower are that the level of their consciousness of the training of pupils in 21st century academic abilities is lower and they are not ready to carry out the individual and clinical education that help teachers cope with the reality of pupils in their educational practice.This trend in younger generation is higher

  • bureaucratizasion of the schools : impact on teachers' working conditions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako

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    This study aims to investigate how the bureaucratization of the schools impacts teachers' working conditions. Recent educational reforms have meant that the schools will change in two directions. The first direction is vertical, that is, by becoming a more bureaucratic organization. The other direction is horizontal, that is, by having a greater variety of members in the school. Various experts such as SC and school social workers would be available in the school.The questionnaire survey that I carried out for teachers reveals the following findings. First, creating a new post, such as Shukan, does not help ameliorate teachers' ordinary activities but results in an increase in meetings. Second, having part-time teachers, SSW, and various other types of support would help reduce the workload of teachers. Third, it is difficult to change the school system to make it suitable for bureaucratic purposes, because the sphere of teachers' daily activities is not defined clearly

  • The Changing in the Working Conditions and Attitudes of Teachers in the Age of Educational Reform

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako, OCHI Yasushi, KUREBAYASHI Nobuyuki, NAKAZAWA Wataru, KAWAMURA Akira, YAMADA Maki

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of neo-liberal educational reform on teachers' attitudes and activities. The results are as follows : teachers' attitudes toward neo-liberal educational reform affects teachers' daily activities and teachers' role. And a teacher becomes to take an active part in the school organization under the working conditions of educational reform, as a member of school organization rather than an autonomous profession. However he/she would not favor with the idea of neo-liberal educational reform. The criterion of evaluation used for evidence of the educational reform makes the role and range of teachers' activities rather clear. Therefore he/she would agree to a situation wherein the educational reform tried to the make the work of teachers known to everyone

  • The Educational Reform and the future of the Teaching Profession

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako

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    The purpose of this research is to consider how teachers recognize their work conditions and missions as teaching profession in the era of educational reform.In recent years, lots of nations have promoted educational refor based on neo-liberalism. The new educational policy such as teacher evaluation, professional graduate school,' super teacher' and a teacher certification renewal system carried out in JAPAN.How do teachers perceive this current? It is important to consider teachers' grasp and reaction against this educational reform. And to investigate teachers' recognition about the educational reform provide us the data to think about a model of the future teaching profession. In addition, to make a discussion based on the data is enable to the international comparative study as for a teaching profession.I conducted a survey of teachers' perception about the educational reform, especially the change of their work conditions, focusing on the public school teachers. As a result, I got the more over 1000 teachers' data.The findings getting by this survey are as follow:(1) teachers in Japan agree with the educational reform. Most of them are getting reflective about their practice by teacher evaluation system. Most of them require the supporting by another kinds of profession like a counselor and the volunteers, as so far as their hegemonies in their classroom are not disturb.(2) Teachers, who agree with the educational reform, work harder than others. Therefore they are exhausted by hard work.(3) These results different from the conditions in the U. K. reported by S. Ball.(4) The teachers' attitudes towards the educational reform relate the traditional role perception in Japa

  • The New Roles of School and Teachers in an Era of Education Reform

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako

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    The prominent features of Japanese schooling, that is the holistic undertaken in the school and the teacher as a craftman, have been a good model for the United States and U.K.to follow. However, these Japanese typed school is changing with astonishing speed, now in Japan.On the basis of these conditions, the purpose of this research is to consider the new role of the school and teachers from now on.For carrying out this project :(1)some kinds of survey were planned : 1)the survey concerning with school and community relationship, 2)the investigation into the actual conditions of the educational policy about the teacher,(2)I had interviews with some teachers about their opinions of the education reform in Japan, and(3)The documents of the restorative practice were collected by attending international conference.The findings getting by these data are as follows :(1)logically, as the new role of school and teacher, 4 typed model are analyzed. This 4 typed model is useful to make a clear about the problems on the new role of the school and teacher in education reform era.(2)The 4^<th> typed model shows new one and have not considered till now. That is the type, the role of school is restricted within the subject teaching and the teacher concern with his/ her students' background inclusively within improving their academic performance.(3)The concept of the school as a social center, that is introduced by the reports of the restorative practice, is available for developing this 4^<th> typed model

  • A Study of the possibilities of Japanese typed school ; How should we support public schools in Japan?

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako

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    It is said one of the prominent features of schooling in Japan, in contrast to schooling in the United States or Britain, is its holistic character. Because of the holistic features, however, Japanese teachers take on too much responsibilities for children and they are exhausted by now.The aim of this research is to consider the possibilities of Japanese typed school ---How should we improve and support public schools in Japan?By the way, some research works show more and more teachers in the United State or Britain,in the same way in Japan,get to deal with a wide spectrum of activities including academic lessons, moral education, home visitation and so on, because more and more children get to have problems that stem from their family back ground.Consequently it is important to investigate what kind of people(professions, specialist, aids) take the part of these activities in school and how can we support teachers' work out of school.In this research, I focused on the activities of Restorative Justice, especially victim offender mediation program in the United State. When teachers suffer from dealing with vandalism, school violence, bulling and so on, restorative Justice has been paid attention as a dynamic and innovative way dealing with these conflict in schools. Because it can improve the quality of school life not only through conflict resolution, but also in terms of developing active citizenship skills.In the United State, VOMA(Victim Offender Mediation Association, in Minneapolis, take the role of international center to extend its philosophy and to provide the information to people and agency that are interested in RJ. And SMC(School Mediation Center) in Colorado, one of non profitable organizations registered, on VOMA, offer the information and much kind of program to help school improvement.These cases show :(1)In recent years, school in the United State get to have a lot of activities on its hands, because children's back ground get to be diversity.(2)schools need the support out of schools to resolve a lot of problems. and,(3)many kinds of voluntary organization like VOMA,SMC etc. get to support schools.When we reflect these cases, we can point out the following matters are important in Japan : the agency for supporting school has to be organized. Or the organizations concerning with bringing up children like department of welfare, correction and so on, has to be reorganized for supporting school. Moreover we need the staffs, who can produce the network of organizations that take responsibility for bringing up children

  • An International Comparative Study on the Roles and Functions of Schools and Teachers in a Changing Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJITA Hidenori, NAGOSHI Kikoka, YUFU Sawako, KUREBAYASI Nobuyuki, AKIBA Yoshiki, YAMADA Maki

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    This study investigates how the roles and functions of schools and teachers have been reorganized and transformed by the current radical educational reform in a changing society, from a comparative, sociological perspective, and conducted the following three major works.1. Comparative and sociological research on recent educational reforms and policies in the countries like Japan, UK and USA : In many developed countries including Japan, UK and USA, radical education reforms have taken place for the purposes of educational quality enhancement, excellence seeking, administrative efficiency and transparency in education, and so forth. Some dangers are involved in these reform movements, such as the danger of restructuring education by "the logic of the strength" that is tied up with neo-liberal and market-oriented ideologies ; the dangers of neglecting the comprehensiveness, collaborative nature and professional expertise of teachers and teaching and of the trivialization of teacher's role ; the danger of newly emerging management and control style by testing and audit culture ; and the danger of undermining and deteriorating the trust toward and confidence of teachers and the legitimacy of teacher roles.2. Analysis of the questionnaire survey on teachers' life and work conducted in Japan, China and UK : Survey items cover teacher's daily life ; teacher-student relationship ; collegial relations among teachers ; teachers' views of students, education and teaching profession ; parents' expectations to schools and teachers ; activities and their composition of teachers' work ; school management ; teaching practices and efforts to develop teaching capacity ; and so forth. The following aspects and themes are investigated, such as the structure of teacher's work and autonomy ; forms, conditions and culture of collegiality, collaboration, cooperation and community of teachers ; the structure of professional expertise and confidence of teachers ; changes of educational environments and their associated intensification of teaching job ; and modes of teaching practices and teachers' habitus. It revealed that the level of collegiality and collaboration is higher among Japanese teachers than among Chinese or British teachers and that its level and modes are linked with and embedded in institutional and organizational arrangements of Japanese schools and educational apparatuses.3. International Conference on Teaching and Teacher Education in the 21^<st> Century was hosted at International Christian University in December 2003. Major findings of the above-mentioned two researches were presented at various conferences held both inside and outside Japan, and published as articles for academic journals, as book chapters and as two research reports

  • A Study of Teacher's Role ; What should I consider from the cases of the trial for the teacher professional development in U.S.A.?

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako

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    The present school system is undergoing to change in Japan. We should consider a new school system and teachers' role taking into account current conditions and peoples' demand in changing society.In this research I focused on the conditions of teachers' professional developement by comparing with the cases that I observed in U.S.A.(1) Mentoring system adopting at New York City Board of Education is such a following one ; the retired excellent teachers help and advice the newly hired teachers in the workplace where the newly hired teacher work ,a few times every week.(2) The cases which I observed and interviewed, at Stanford Univ. are two ;(1) NBPTS certified teachers advice teachers who try to get the certification at the meeting every month.(2) a NBPTS certified teacher team up with a non-certified teacher in the same class and exchange their teaching experience , skill and opinion for brushing up their teaching skill.Both cases shows that the collaboration of co-worked teachers is important to teachers professional development.Based on this research, it is necessary that we should re-evaluate the function of "shokuin-situ" (a staffroom) where teachers have exchanged their educational opinions and experiments

  • A Study on Teachers' Role In Consumer Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers' role in the consumer society.Firstly I observed the teacher-student relationship at a junior high school. Based on ethnografic research conducted at three junior high school, I found the following :(1) Personal information play an important part in teacher-student relationship.(2) Students get to respect and obey their teachers from information, because personal information about teachers is the criterion whether teachers can be relied on or not. On the other hand(3) Teachers can know them more and can recognize their behavior and motivation.Although they expect the personal relationship each other, they do not have much time to interact.Secondly I investigate the block factor for which they can't interact satisfactory.(4) Managing time and behavior in the school deprive them of meaning of school life.Based on this research, it is necessary that the teacher isn't only the person that teach the academic curriculla but also the model, the counselleror and so on

  • An International Comparative Study on Educational Restructuring and Changing Roles of Teachers

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJITA Hidenori, YUFU Sawako, NAGOSHI Kiyoka, WONG Suk-ying, KUREBAYASHI Nobuyuki, SAKAI Akira

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    This Study intended to investigate the roles of teachers and the culture of teaching in a ch anging society and under the on-going education reforms from the comparative perspective. For this purpose, we conducted three major studies : (1) The questionnaire survey on roles, daily practices and life style of 1177 elementary and lower secondary school teachers in Japan and 728 teachers in China ; (2) Study on education reform movements and their influences over teachers' roles and daily practices in about 10 countires including Japan, UK, USA, Switzerland, Shingapore, Germany and China ; and (3) The questionnaire survey on school events and special acitivities at elementary and lower secondary schools in Tokyo and in Japan. Some of the research results were published as academic journal papers as well as presented at the conferences of international and Japanese educational associations. Two research reports were also published : Changing School in a Changing Society (March 1999, 154pp) and A Comparison Study on Teachers' values, attitudes and life-style in Japan and China (March 2001, 169pp), both edited by Hidenori Fujita. Some of the major findings are as follows :(1) Teaching is composed of so many works and tasks both in Japan and in China, But their organization is significantly different between these two countries, reflecting historical backgrounds, cultural heritage of schooling and the stage of socio-economic and educational development of the respective country.(2) Teachers are under the heavy pressure of various requests and criticism over teaching and schooling in both countries, and teaching tends to become intensified along with the expansion of schooling and bureacratization of school administration.(3) Collegiality is institutionalized in the organization of teachers and their various roles, intermingled with a socio-cultural tradition of groupism, and is functioning to develop the culture of teaching and the ethos of teachers

  • A Study on Teachers' Role In Consumptive Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers' role in the consumptive society.This study consists of two parts. The first part is the historical analysis of the teachers' role. The second part is the ethnografic research of the teacher-student relationship at a junior high school.The main findings are as follows :(1) Teachers' role has restricted within a schhl since 1960' and the dimensions of their responsibilities have been clearly.(2) According to my ethnografic research the teacher didn't always control their student, but they often interacted friendly each other at break time, lunch time and so on. And(3) these personal interactions influenced teachers' molrale, and moreover(4) the students also expected the personal relationships with their teachers because excepting their family, they had no reliable person (adult).Based on this research, it is necessary that the teacher isn't only the person that teach the academic curriculla but also the model, the counselleror and so on

  • An International Comparative Study on Teacher Professionalism and Culture of Teaching

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJITA Hidenori, KUREBAYASHI Nobuyuki, SAKAI Akira, YUFU Sawako, NAGOSHI Kiyoka, WONG Suk-Ying

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    This study intended to investigate the culture of teaching and teacher professionalism in Japan from the comparative perspective. For this purpose, we conducted two major researches : one is the questionnaire survey of 2053 teachers of 40 elementary and 38 junior high schools ; and the other is an ethnographic research at four elementary and 4 junior high schools during the 1994/5 academic year. Some members of the research team attended at two international conferences and presented the papers as well as exchanged the research findings and ideas on teaching. Some of the research results were published as several Articles of academic Journals and as a research report. Some of the major findings are as follows :(1)Teaching in Japan is composed of so many works and tasks, which keep Japanese teachers busy and result in the intensification of teaching occupation.(2)Collegiality is institutionalized in the organization of teachers and various roles, intermingled with a socio-cultural tradition of groupism, and plays both positive and negative roles for developing the teaching

  • An Empirical Study on Teachers'Role In Consumptive Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YUFU Sawako

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the teachers'role in the consumptive society focusing on the intensification of teaching job and the teachers'decision making.In my ethnografic research at an elementary school and a jonior high school in Tokyo, I found three major sources of intensification of teaching job : 1) the over-loaded schedule of teacher 2) the extraordinary varaiety and multidimensionality of teaching activities 3) the increase of unanticipatory occasions stemmed from children who deviate from their pupils role (student role) .On the other hand bureaucratic reorganization influence the environment of teachers'workplaces and the culture of teaching. As for the issue of teachers'autonomy, I pointed out the range of teachers'decision became more clearly and have been restricted

  • 消費社会における教師の役割

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    本研究は、消費社会における教師の実態および役割を明らかにする実証研究である。当初、エスノグラフィーの手法を用いての事例調査を企画した。しかしながら、調査対象校の受け入れが遅れたため分析が進まず、現時点では、それに先立って実施したアンケート調査の知見を示すにとどまる。アンケート調査は、福岡県の中学校教師を対象に実施し、次のような知見を得ることができた。1.変わる子ども‥…‥1).8割を超える教師が「生徒を指導しにくくなった」と回答している。 2) この背景には、子どもの側の次のような変化があると考えられている。消費社会、情報化社会の影響、さらには家庭のしつけの低下を遠因として、子どもに「まじめ」さが欠落し、自己中心的態度・受動的態度が広く見うけられ、また公共ルールの欠如等、規範意識の低下が顕著である。その結果、学校に存在意義を認めず、教師の権威を無視する子どもが増加している。3) しかもこの傾向は、都市部の子どもに、より顕著にみられる。2.変わる教師‥‥‥1) こうした状況に直面して、多くの教師が「先の見えない指導をしている」と感じている。 2) しかしながら、現時点では、それを打開するために手本とするような教師も少なく、教師としての成長を遂げるうえで重要な意味をもつ教師集団にも、「私生活主義」が広がっており、従来みられたであろう相互成長の機能も低下している。 3) その結果、変化する子どもに、どのような指導を行えばよいのか、変化する時代の新しい教師モデルを探しあぐねているのが、教師の現実である。とりわけ、教師としての使命感を強く有する者ほど、こうした状況に焦燥感を抱いていることが明らかである

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 教員養成における教師教育者と教育理念の不在ー国際比較研究のためにー

    2015   川上具美, 百合田真樹人, 熊丸真太郎, 古井純二, 鈴木啓, 川野佑眞

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    本研究は、「教師教育者teacher educator教育」と「教員養成カリキュラムにおける教育理念」を開拓するための基礎的研究を目指した。 前者は、海外文献研究から、理論と実践を架橋する役割を有す「教師教育者」の教育に注目が集まり、reflectionやself-studymethodology等の方法で専門性を高める機運が高まっているとの知見を得た。 第二課題では、経済的グローバリゼーションが席巻する現状で、21世紀における教育理念のオルタナティブを探ることが目的である。海外で重視される「平和、公正、人権と民主主義、多様性と類似性」等々の概念が、日本の教員養成ではほとんど扱われず、学生がきわめて限定された「教師としての知識」を獲得して教職に就くことがアンケート調査より示された。

  • 教員文化の構造的変容に関する総合的研究

    2011   紅林 伸幸, 越智 康詞

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    教育改革により教育現場の組織化が進み、NPMに代表されるような組織経営の論理が導入され、教員の組織への包摂が強まっている。組織の一員としての行動が要求され、自律性という専門職性の原則から遠ざかるような状況が生まれているにもかかわらず、我が国では、現状に満足する教師が漸増していることが、これまでの筆者らの調査研究で明らかにされてきた。 本研究の目的は、このような状況(=教育改革による組織化の進展、多忙化の強化、一方での満足度の増大)に複数の視点からアプローチし、教職におこっている変容を考察することである。議論を展開する複数の視点としては、「他職との比較検討」「国際比較」「高校教師にまでの拡大」が考えられる。ただし、共同研究者とこれを検討した結果、1年という研究期間と費用、これまでの研究蓄積、さらには共同研究者が代表となっている本研究と関連はするが別の研究との関連から、本年度は、国際比較のためのデータ収集と、高校教師調査とに特化して実施することとした。 また、高校教員調査については、秋田県をはじめとして郵送調査を実施したものの、調査票作成が遅れたため、実施もずれ込み回収の期限を平成24年5月10日までと設定せざるを得なかった。未だ回収途中であり(現在回収票は200票程度)、分析までには至っていない。 国際比較調査としては、インタビューも含めて、英国の資料を収集することに努めた。その結果、英国では、Ofstedによる評価が教員にとって実践を左右する重要な意味を持つようになったこと、さらに、このことによって教職の自律性喪失についての不満が一部には強く生まれていることなどが明らかになった。しかしながら、授業改善を促進するという側面、見えない効果を可視化するという側面から、これが歓迎される側面もあることも示された。 新自由主義的な改革、評価の重視という共通点は持つものの、「組織への包摂と満足度の高さ」という我が国の教職の状況を説明する状況は、収集した英国のデータからは共有されない。しかしながらこのことこそが、教育改革が、それぞれの教員文化に順接的な側面でのみ受容されていることを証明するものに他ならないと解釈することも可能である。すなわち教員文化が教員「集団」の規範や価値・態度を基盤としていた我が国では、教育改革が、評価による個別の存在証明ではなく、「組織化への順応と満足」として浸透したと解釈できるのである。 こうした解釈は過渡的なものであり、十分な裏付けを持つものではないが、平成24年度から採択された科研費研究で、この知見を踏まえた研究が継続されることになる。 なお、上述した事情から、本年度内でのアウトプットはないが、平成24年度の学会、研究紀要等で、本研究の成果を公表する予定である。