Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Law, Waseda Law School
Job title
PhD in Law ( University of Washington )
LL.M ( University of Washington )
Master of Arts ( Tokyo Institute of Technology )

Research Experience

  • 2020.04

    Professor, Waseda Law School

  • 2012.04

    Associate Professor, Waseda Law School

  • 2009.08

    Part-time Researcher, Civil Division, Ministry of Justice.

  • 2009

    Assistant Professor, Waseda Law School.

  • 2010.09

    Research Assistant for the Judicial Research (Civil) of Year 2010 by the Supreme Court of Justice

  • 2007

    Research Associate, Waseda University Institute of Comparative Law.

  • 2004

    Researcher, Washington University Asian Law Center.

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Education Background


    University of Washington   School of Law   Asia and Comparative Law Program  


    University of Washington   School of Law   Asia and Comparative Law Program  


    Tokyo Institute of Technology   Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology   Value and Decision Science  


    International Christian University   Faculty of Liberal Arts   Social Science, Law and Politics  

Professional Memberships


    Asian Law and Society Association


    Japan Gender and Law Association


    International Association of Legal Ethics






    Law and Society Association


    Japanese Association of Sociology of Law

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Research Areas

  • New fields of law / Civil law / Legal theory and history

Research Interests

  • Professional Responsibility of Lawyers

  • Legal Sociology

  • Gender


  • Research Award(High-Impact Publication)

    2021   Waseda University  



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Books and Other Publications

  • 論究 新時代の弁護士-多様化社会における弁護士の役割と倫理

    ( Part: Joint editor)

    弘文堂  2024.10 ISBN: 4335360029


  • 手続利用者から見た民事訴訟の実際──2021年民事訴訟利用者調査

    民事訴訟制度研究会, 石田, 京子, 山田, 文, 民事訴訟制度研究会, 菅原, 郁夫

    商事法務  2023.10 ISBN: 4785730455


  • リーガル・カウンセリングの理論と臨床技法

    中村, 芳彦, 和田, 仁孝, 石田, 京子, 岡田, 裕子, 早坂, 由起子

    北大路書房  2022.08 ISBN: 9784762832024

  • 民事訴訟の実像と課題 : 利用者調査の積み重ねが示すもの

    菅原郁夫, 山本和彦, 垣内秀介, 石田京子( Part: Joint editor)

    有斐閣  2021.05 ISBN: 9784641138599

  • 挑戦する法曹たち : 法律家のキャリアマップ

    早稲田大学法務教育研究センター編( Part: Contributor, 第1章 法曹への道のりーこれまでとこれから―)

    成文堂  2021.03 ISBN: 9784792306861

  • 新時代の弁護士倫理

    高中, 正彦, 石田, 京子

    有斐閣  2020.12 ISBN: 9784641126220

  • LGBTをめぐる法と社会

    谷口, 洋幸, 中川, 重徳, 風間, 孝, 三橋, 順子, 鈴木, 秀洋, 石田, 京子, 東, 由紀, 石田, 若菜, 長島, 佐恵子( Part: Contributor, 第5章LGBTと司法)

    日本加除出版  2019.10 ISBN: 9784817845948

  • 『近代法の形成と実践―19世紀日本における在野法曹の世界―』

    浅古弘, 監訳)Darryl E. Flaherty( Part: Contributor)

    比較法研究所  2019.03

  • 新たな弁護士自治の研究 : 歴史と外国との比較を踏まえて

    弁護士自治研究会, 矢吹, 公敏, 野村, 吉太郎, 深沢, 岳久, 山本, 幸司(弁護士), 石田, 京子, 下條, 正浩, 金塚, 彩乃, 吉川, 精一

    商事法務  2018.05 ISBN: 9784785726379

  • Pro Bono in Principle and Practice

    2018.03 ISBN: 4792306302

  • 第4版 アメリカの法曹倫理 事例解説(訳)

    当山尚幸, 武田昌則, 石田京子

    彩流社  2015.04

  • 民法(債権関係)改正に関する比較法資料

    法務省民事局参事官室, 与室, 編

    商事法務  2014.01 ISBN: 9784785771188

  • 本人訴訟に関する実証的研究

    石井, 浩(判事), 高橋, 文清, 林, 潤, 安田, 大二郎, 山本, 和彦, 垣内, 秀介, 菱田, 雄郷, 渡辺, 征徳, 内田, 光一, 石田, 京子

    司法研修所  2013.03

  • 本人訴訟に関する実証的研究(司法研究報告書)


    法曹会  2013.03

  • 共通欧州売買法(草案)共通欧州売買法に関する欧州議会および欧州理事会規則のための提案

    訳者, 内田 貴, 石川博康, 石田京子, 大澤 彩, 角田美穂子

    商事法務(別冊NBL No.140)  2012.07 ISBN: 9784785771126

  • Ethics and Regulations of Legal Service Providers in Japan

    Kyoko Ishida

    VDM Publishing  2011.06 ISBN: 9783639344134

  • Business Law in Japan Vol.1

    Edited by Luke, Nottage, Co-authored by Veronica Taylor, Kyoko Ishida, Masanobu Kato, Tatsuya Nakamura, Yoko Tamura

    CCH Japan Limited  2008.10 ISBN: 9784915845086

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  • Women’s Access to Justice in Japan – Findings from Civil Litigation User Survey

    Kyoko Ishida

    I-CON Mundo Conference 2021 

    Presentation date: 2021.07

    Event date:
  • LegalTech and Regulations in Japan: Needs and Challenges Found from the Corporate Survey

    Kyoko Ishida

    International Legal Ethics Conference 2024 

    Presentation date: 2024.07

    Event date:
  • Old Laws and Technological Innovation ―A fluctuation in the jurisdiction and definitions of lawyers?

    Kyoko Ishida

    Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2023 

    Presentation date: 2023.12

    Event date:
  • Hope in Despair? The Gender Gap in the Legal Profession in Japan

    Kyoko Ishida  [Invited]

    Clarke Symposium, Cornell Law School 

    Presentation date: 2023.04

    Event date:
  • 司法界のジェンダー平等がなぜ求められるのか

    石田京子  [Invited]

    「7.25 女性の権利デー」パネルディスカッション 司法にジェンダー平等を! 

    Presentation date: 2021.07

  • リーガル・プロフェッション論 「日本」

    石田京子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.06

    Event date:
  • 事務所の異動による利益相反についての検討 ―ABAの模範規則の変遷を参考に―

    石田京子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.06

  • 研究者の立場から―女性の司法アクセスの視点を踏まえて

    石田京子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • Gender Law in Japan

    Kyoko Ishida  [Invited]

    Japanese Law in Context by Australian Network on Japanese Law 

    Presentation date: 2021.02

  • Mediation in Japan

    Kyoko Ishida, James Claxton

    Presentation date: 2021.02

  • 弁護士キャリアのジェンダー分析



    Presentation date: 2020.08

  • ADRにおける代理人の職務上の倫理について(趣旨説明)

    石田京子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2020.07

  • Gender Law in Japan

    Kyoko Ishida, Leon Wolf  [Invited]

    Kyoto Seminar 2020 

    Presentation date: 2020.02

  • The Need for Female Legal Profession and the Challenges to Produce them in Japan

    Kyoko Ishida

    Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2019 

    Presentation date: 2019.12

  • 深化する弁護士倫理―比較法の視点から

    石田京子  [Invited]

    大阪弁護士会倫理研修  大阪弁護士会

    Presentation date: 2019.11

  • ジェンダーの視点からみた 利用者の評価

    石田京子  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • 国際的視点で考える弁護士倫理の課題 ―守秘義務と利益相反を中心に―

    石田京子  [Invited]

    大阪弁護士会倫理研修  大阪弁護士会

    Presentation date: 2018.10

  • Why ADR is Not Popular in Japan?

    Kyoko Ishida  [Invited]

    Asian Law Seminar at University of Washington 

    Presentation date: 2018.02

  • Why Surname Matters? Past, Present, and Future Prospectus of Family Law from Gender Perspective in Japan

    Kyoko Ishida  [Invited]

    International Conference on Surname Issues’ in Emerging Feminist Jurisprudence in East Asia 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Reproductive Rights or Obligation?

    Kyoko Ishida

    Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2016 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Evaluation of Training Process and Young Lawyers’ Work-Life Balance

    Kyoko Ishida, Setsuo Miyazawa

    Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2016 (Singapore) 

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Statistical Analysis of Lawyer Discipline in Japan

    Kyoko Ishida

    International Legal Ethics Conference 2016 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Essence of client-lawyer relationship in Japan

    Kyoko Ishida

    International Legal Ethics Conference 2016 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Decisive Factors of Users' Satisfaction in ADR Proceedings

    Kyoko Ishida

    Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Sociology of Law 

    Presentation date: 2016.05

  • The Young Lawyers Career from gender perspective

    Kyoko Ishida

    Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Sociology of Law 

    Presentation date: 2016.05

  • Why female lawyers get less? – Multi glass ceilings for Japanese female lawyers

    ISHIDA, Kyoko  [Invited]

    Japan Law Symposium, Glass Ceiling for Female Professionals, Executives, and Managerial Employees in Japan: 30th Anniversary of the EEOA and Prime Minister Abe’s “Womanomics”  (California)  UC Hasttings Law School

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Ethical Issues in Communication with Other Parties

    ISHIDA, Kyoko  [Invited]

    (沖縄)  Japan Federation of Bar Association

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • The Decisive Factors of User Satisfaction in ADR Proceedings

    ISHIDA, Kyoko

    The 4th East Asian Law & Society Conference  East Asian Law and Society Committee

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • Female Lawyers in Japan: History and Current Challenges

    ISHIDA, Kyoko  [Invited]

    Conference on Feminist Jurisprudence in the United States and Asia: A Transpacific Dialogue  (Shanghai) 

    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • The glass ceiling of female lawyers: from the survey of the 62th Lawyers

    Annual Meeting of the Gender Law Association 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • Legal needs from the point of citizens

    Association of Acccess to Justice 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • The first report of the 62th Lawyer Survey

    Annual Meeting of the Japan Legal Sociology Association 

    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • Pro Bono Activities of Japanese Lawyers

    Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2010 

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • Analysis of Femal Lawyers

    Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Legal Sociology 

    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • Social Structure of Japanese Bar Interim Report

    Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2009 

    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • From 'Anti-government' to 'With-government'? Activities of staff attorneys in Japan Legal Support Center

    Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2009 

    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • Ethical Responsibilities of Legal Professionals Engaging in Priventive Law

    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • Client-lawyer relationship: Japan-US comparative study

    Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Legal Sociology 

    Presentation date: 2008.05

  • Ethical Issues on Japanese Lawyers Who Engage in Promoting Access to Justice

    Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.05

  • Ethical Standards and the new Regulatory Scheme for Legal Service Providers in Japan

    Japanese Studies Association of Australia 15th Biennial Conference 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • Ethics and Regulations of Japanese Legal Service Providers in the 21st Century

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • Japanese Lawyers and Japanese Justice – Ethics and Regulations of Japanese Lawyer

    The Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2005 

    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • Japanese Lawyers at the Turning Point

    The 2004 Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

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Research Projects

  • Legal Services and Profession in the Age of DX: Their Legal Foundations, Professional Ethics, and Training

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 弁護士会主導による弁護士の依頼者への誠実と公益配慮の調整と制度の構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    田村 陽子, 石田 京子, 森際 康友, 浜辺 陽一郎, 松尾 陽, 葛野 尋之

  • 民事訴訟利用者調査の経年実施からみる利用者の評価と政策的課題

    Project Year :


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  • Advanced Research for Establishing the Legal Theory of Ethics in Japan: Duty of Integrity for Third Parties

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A Study on Interchange of Legal Practice and Academic Intelligence in Empire and Colonies from the View Point of Dr. Santaro Okamatsu as the Starting Point

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • The Stratification of the Legal Profession qnd the Changing Image of Lawyers

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A Study on Professional Responsibility of Lawyers in Japan - Focusing on Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Ishida Kyoko

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    In order to theoretically systematize the academic field of legal ethics, which has not necessarily established an academic theory in Japan, this research conducted basic research on the theory of confidentiality and conflict of interest, which are positioned as the core value of the legal profession.
    With regard to confidentiality obligation, it was confirmed that in all jurisdictions the protection of the client and the execution of duties by lawyers as independent professionals are the basic grounds for this. Regarding Japan's conflict of interest, the following three points have been explained in Japan as follows: (1) protection of the client's interests, (2) the execution of appropriate duties by lawyers, and (3) maintenance of the integrity of lawyers. In a more elaborate discussion, it was confirmed that the protection of the client's secret was the main issue in the US and Europe.

  • 若手弁護士のキャリア規定要因に関する追跡研究

    Project Year :


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    研究は概ね順調に進んだ。2019年3月に実施した62期第3回・67期第2回のWEB質問紙調査の結果についての分析を進め、その研究成果は以下の学会において研究代表者と研究分担者がそれぞれ分担して発表した。(1)日本法社会学会学術大会(於千葉大学)「62期弁護士第3回・67期弁護士第2回調査の結果概要」と題するミニシンポジウム、(2)Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting(於大阪大学)“Early Career of Japanese Attorneys from the 62nd and 67th Cohort Web Survey Results”と題するパネル。また、これらの成果は(3)藤本亮ほか(2019)「62期弁護士第3回・67期弁護士第2回ウェブ調査基本報告書」(名大法政論集284号)と(4)藤本亮ほか(2020)「62期弁護士第3回・67期弁護士第2回ウェブ調査 : 記述統計による分析」(名大法政論集285号)として公表されている。また、2019年9月に同調査の簡易報告書と調査協力謝礼を調査業務委託先の中央調査社を通じて送付し、折返し面接調査への協力依頼を行った。面接調査協力の同意を得た調査協力者に対して、COVID-19感染拡大が収まり次第、順次面接を行っていく予定である。これらの調査により、62期弁護士については2年目・5年目・10年目の3次にわたる調査が、67期弁護士については2年目と5年目の調査を実施してきたことになる。この両期は新人弁護士が最も多い時期に弁護士になっている。伝統的キャリアトラックにのっているものが多数ではあるが、徐々に多様化階層化が進展している。2年目から5年目にかけて、62期は都市部から地方へ移動する傾向が観察されたちが、67期は逆であった。62期5年目から10年目にかけて補助的業務が大幅に減り、弁護士が一人前になっている傾向がみられる。令和元年度が最終年度であるため、記入しない。令和元年度が最終年度であるため、記入しない

  • Redefinition of Professional Legal Educatoin and the Research on Clinical Legal Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Miyagawa Shigeo, OTSUKA Masayuki, OKADA Yuko

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    This research project examined the pedagogy of raising legal professionals to be not only judges, prosecutors, and attorneys whose major works are litigation-related, but also other law-related professionals such as judicial scriveners, tax attorneys, administrative scriveners and etc. We found these law-related professions need to strengthen their educational basis and more attention to professional ethics as their works became more specialized in the dispute resolution. In the international context, we found most countries are engaged in the improvement of professional legal education. In the US, the American Bar Association required six credits of clinical courses for law schools conferring the JD degree in order to get the ABA accreditation. We also found another example of strenuous efforts to improve the quality of legal professionals in China. The law on the eligibility to take the national unified legal professions examination started to require a law degree in 2018.

  • A Study on Empire and Legislative System of Colonies from the View of Comparative Legal History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ASAKO Hiroshi, OKAMATSU Akiko, GOTO Kyoko, TAYAMA Satomi, NAKAAMI Emiko, FUJINO Natsuko, YAMAGUCHI Ryosuke, WANI Kaya, CHEN Yun-Ru, WAKABAYASHI Masahiro, CHIANG Cheng-Yin, CHIANG Hsiu-Hua

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    This project is an attempt to provide researchers with fundamental documents on colonial laws during Japanese ruling, and to study on Empire and legislative system of colonies from the view of comparative legal history.
    We listed and provided the digital catalogue of the criminal case records of the Taichu Discrict Court during Japanese ruling (43,888 cases of 327 volumes) preserved by the Taiwan Academy for Judiciary, Ministry of Justice to the Academy and National Taiwan University to open to public. We also listed the tentative catalogue of the criminal records of the Hualian District Court during Japanese ruling (2,067 cases of 8 books). And we researched and collected case records during Japanese ruling at the Office of Records at the Supreme Court of Korea. 9 seminars of “Empire and Legislative System of Colonies” was held during this project period. We were invited at international symposiums as a guest speaker.

  • Empirical Research on Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures in Japan: Building an Empirical Basis for ADR Policy Recommendations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OTA Shozo, IMAZAI Keiko

     View Summary

    Our national survey to ADR users resulted in the following findings (our ADRs are mostly run by bar associations), which have significant legal and policy implications.ADR users’ evaluation on procedural fairness is influenced by: 1. Inter-Party Communication, 2. Mediators’ Way of Behavior, and 3. Degree of Oppressiveness of Mediator. Most of the users did not know ADR beforehand, and the advice in counseling by lawyer is crucial in their decision to use ADR. The ADR users are more expecting negotiated resolution than litigants, but their accusation tendency is detrimental to peaceful solution. Caucus procedure, which is often used in ADRs, deters the communication in the ADR process.Our internet survey revealed that counseling by a lawyer enhances ADR utilization. A finding of our field experiment (internet survey method was used) is that court judgments and ADR results have similar effect on people’s attitude and behavior related to care-taking on elderly parents with dementia

  • Challenges of Clinical Legal Educatoin and Re-examination of Law School Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIYAGAWA Shigeo, HANAMOTO Hiroshi, MIYASHITA Tsuguhiro, MIYAZAWA Setsuo, WADA Yoshitaka, SUAMI Takao, TANAMURA Masayuki, URAKAWA Michitaro, KAI Katsunori, OHMI Koji, TAKABAYASHI Ryu, KIKUCHI Yoshimi, HIOKI Masaharu, SAKAKIBARA Fujiko, YAMASAKI Yuko, ISHIDA Kyoko, SATO Hironori, HARAGUCHI Yoshiaki, KIDANA Shyoichi

     View Summary

    Our research revealed that externships are the most prevalent method of clinical legal education in Japan, and that their utmost challenge is to assure the quality of educational contents in field placement offices. Our research also found that the American law schools are headed toward making clinical courses required for students to graduate from law school. In European countries, faculties of law began to introduce the clinical pedagogy to the professional legal education in their respective tradition of the lecture-oriented method of doctrinal instructions. In our research on the collaboration in the medical/legal education, we began to develop a program to provide legal literacy for physicians and medical service providers to understand legal nature of physicians/patients disputes within the legal framework. We also began to develop a program to provide collaborative trainings by lawyers and clinical psychologists for mediators in family courts in Japan

  • 法科大学院修了弁護士のキャリア規定要因に関する追跡研究

    科学研究費助成事業(青山学院大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


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    第1期(4月~6月)には、平成24年3月末日付けで出版した宮澤節生その他「第62期弁護士の教育背景、業務環境、専門分化、満足感、及び不安感-第1回郵送調査第2報」(青山法務研究論集第6号)に基づいて、さらに分析を進め、日本法社会学会2013年度学術大会(5月12日、於青山学院大学)でミニシンポを、アメリカ法社会学会(Law & Society Association)2013年度大会(5月31日、於ボストン・シェラトン・ホテル)において部会を、それぞれ組織し、国内外での研究成果の発信に努めた。

  • Pro Bono Activities of Lawyers in Japan, the US and the UK-its Principle and Practice

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ISHIDA Kyoko

     View Summary

    This research project explored how pro bono activities of lawyers in Japan should be by comparing with the US and the UK lawyers. Through interviews, it became clear that, even today, the traditional model of pro bono-earning fees from the rich and transferring it to the poor-was still the major way of pro bono activities in Japan. On the other hand, it was found that in the US large law firms there was an advocate called pro bono officer and he or she conducts pro bono activities for all constituted lawyers. As a tentative conclusion, Japanese lawyers also intrinsically contain "public interest" similar to lawyers in the US and the UK, and thus pro bono activities are connected to their fundamental part of duties. However, in Japan, the systematic scheme to practice pro bono is not sufficiently prepared for current trend of lawyer practice. We need to develop diversified styles of pro bono activities which are not necessarily based on bar associations but supported by private lawyers and consumers

  • Ethics and responsibility of legal professionals engaging in "access ustice" - Japan-US comparative study

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ISHIDA Kyoko

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  • Faculty of Law   School of Law

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Political Science and Economics   School of Political Science and Economics

  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Institute of Clinical Legal Education   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • DX時代のリーガルサービスとプロフェッション―その法的基盤・専門職倫理・養成


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  • 弁護士の第三者に対する誠実義務の理論的根拠の考察-懲戒事例の考察から


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  • 日本における法曹倫理理論の確立に向けた発展研究―第三者に対する誠実義務


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  • 日本における法曹倫理理論の確立に向けた発展研究―第三者に対する誠実義務


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  • 日本における法曹倫理理論の確立に向けた基礎研究-守秘義務と利益相反を中心に


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  • 弁護士の利益相反の規律に関する基礎研究


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  • 日本における法曹倫理理論の確立に向けた基礎研究-守秘義務と利益相反を中心に


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  • 日本における法律専門職の再定義と行為規範の統一化に向けた基礎研究


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    本研究の成果としては、まず、本年3月に日本弁護士連合会で採択された、依頼者保護基金制度に関する比較法的な検討を実施し、3月3日には実務家向けにこの研究成果の報告を行った。なぜ、弁護士は他の弁護士の非行にも連帯して責任を負うべきか、またその制度構築はどのようにあるべきか、アメリカの基礎資料の翻訳も含めて実施することができた。また、長年計画をしていた、Deborah RhodeのPro Bono in Practice and Principleの翻訳を概ね完了することができた。今後は、研究成果の公表に力を注いでいく予定である。

  • 日本の法律専門職の倫理と規律に関する再検討―法律専門職制度の再構築を目指して

    2015   須網隆夫, 山野目章夫, 浦川道太郎

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     本研究の背景にある報告者の長期的な研究課題は、法律専門職と倫理と規律のあり方について、比較法的・法社会学的手法を用いて検討を行い、日本における法律専門職のあるべき行為規範・統治構造について提言を行うことである。本研究では、その一部として、新たな弁護士ニーズにおける課題、特に組織内弁護士に関する課題について、法社会学的な研究を行った。 本研究費を利用して、福島県浪江町での町役場における法的ニーズについて聞き取り調査を実施したり、連携研究者との研究会を実施した。また、2015年7月にスペインで日本の弁護士制度の現代的課題について研究報告をしたが、その報告内容に基づく論文執筆および投稿(英文)には、本研究費を利用した。今後も日本語、英語で対外的な研究成果の発信を実施していく予定である。

  • 日本の法律専門職の倫理と規律に関する再検討―法律専門職制度の再構築を目指して


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  • 法律サービス提供者の倫理に関する日米比較研究


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    本研究は、博士論文で詳細に検討することのできなかった個別具体的なインタビュー結果を分析し、米国の弁護士倫理に関する先行研究との比較から、日本の法律サービス提供者の行為規範の特徴を明らかにすることを目的としていた。日本では弁護士の他、いわゆる「士業」と呼ばれる司法書士、税理士、弁理士、行政書士などの資格者が一定の範囲において法律サービスを提供している。また、司法制度改革において、国民の法へのアクセスを拡充するために、これらの資格者の重要性、活用の必要性が強調された。しかしながら、法律サービスを提供するこれらの提供者の行為規範は必ずしも明確ではなく、また、質的調査の結果分析では、サービス提供者自身が自らの公的役割については自覚しつつも、より良いサービス提供のために具体的な依頼者に対してどのように接するべきか、という点については配慮が不十分であるという結論に至った。2007年7月25日から28日にかけてフンボルト大学(ベルリン)で開催された法社会学の国際会議において、報告者は本研究についての研究発表を行った。同じグループでは、オランダ、イタリアの公証人の倫理についての発表があり、大陸法系の国における法律サービス提供者の共通点について議論することができ、有意義であった。特に、本発表で報告者が議論した「public oriented lawyer」の問題点につき、オランダ、イタリア、台湾からの発表者がそれぞれの国でもあり得る問題であると同意したことは興味深い成果であった。本研究の最終的な成果は、現在英文の論文として執筆中である。ほぼ草稿を書き終えた状況にあるが、英語の校正の後、Law and Society Review への投稿を予定している。

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