Education Background
Keio University Graduate School, Division of Economics Economic Theory
Keio University Faculty of Economics
Stockholm University (Sweden) Graduate School, Division of Economics Ecnomoics
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
Keio University Graduate School, Division of Economics Economic Theory
Keio University Faculty of Economics
Stockholm University (Sweden) Graduate School, Division of Economics Ecnomoics
Japanese Association for Northern European Studies
Society for the Study of Social Policy
Japan Ecoomic Association
European Association of Labour Economists
Nordic Countries
active labour market programmes, regular/typical employment, non-regular/atypical employment, youth employment
Swedish Labour Market for Persons with Disabilities
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
Japanese Journal of Northern European Studies 15 2019.07 [Refereed]
Re-employment Support for Displaced Workers in Sweden
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies 61 ( 5 ) 57 - 69 2019.05 [Invited]
Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Sweden
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
Global Business & Economics Anthology I 54 - 63 2019.03 [Refereed]
The Size of Government, Bribery and Labour Market
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
Global Business & Economics Anthology I 34 - 44 2018.03 [Refereed]
Public Sector Size and Corruption
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
Japanese Journal of European Studies 4 30 - 39 2016.03 [Refereed]
Flexibility of Human Resource Portfolio and Labour Market
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
Global Business & Economics Anthology, I 92 - 101 2015.03 [Refereed]
Technological Progress and Labour Market Outcomes
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
Global Business & Economics Anthology I 98 - 107 2014.03 [Refereed]
Employment Subsidy Programmes and Training Progarammes
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
Global Business & Economics Anthology 200 - 209 2012.03 [Refereed]
福島 淑彦
JILPT資料シリーズ 107 7 - 23 2012.03
Macroeconomic Shock and Labour Market Programmes
Yoshihiko Fukushima
福島 淑彦
JILPT資料シリーズ No. 84 47 - 61 2011.03
Self-Employment and Labour Market Outcomes
Yoshihiko Fukushima
Waseda Journal of Political Sceience and Economics No.378-379 ( 378 ) 129 - 138 2010.10
福島 淑彦
早稲田大学 政治経済学雑誌 2 - 9 2010.03
Employment Protection Legislation and Labour Market Outcomes
Yoshihiko Fukushima
Global Business & Economics Anthology Volume I, March 2010 ( 377 ) 258 - 267 2010.03
スウェーデンの家族政策 〜負担と給付の視点から〜
福島 淑彦
スウェーデン医療保険に関する研究 【2008年版】 151 - 166 2009.03
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
NUCB Journal of Economics and Information Science 51 ( 2 ) 197 - 208 2007.03 [Refereed]
Youth Employment and Employment Subsidy Programmes
Yoshihiko Fukushima
Global Business & Economics Anthology Volume II 236 - 237 2006.12 [Refereed]
福島 淑彦
NUCB Journal of Economics and Information Science Vol. 50 ( No.2 ) 165 - 182 2006.03
福島 淑彦
NUCB Journal of Economics and Information Science Vol. 50 ( No.1 ) 105 - 119 2005.09
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
NUCB Journal of Economics and Information Science 49 ( 2 ) 323 - 338 2005.03 [Refereed]
福島 淑彦
NUCB Journal of Economics and Information Science 49 ( 2 ) 303 - 338 2005.03 [Refereed]
福島, 淑彦( Part: Sole author)
早稲田大学出版部 2022.09 ISBN: 9784657220134
Epicentral Earthquake in Tokyo
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko( Part: Sole author)
Approach toward Social Welfare Society
Yoshihiko Fukushima( Part: Contributor, Transparency and Nordic Countries)
Japan-Sweden 150 years Relations
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko( Part: Contributor, Chapter 5 & Chapter 6)
選挙ガバナンスの実態 世界編 ~その多様性と「民主主義」の質への影響~
福島 淑彦( Part: Contributor, 第8章「北欧諸国における選挙ガバナンス——なぜ選挙違反が発生しないのか」)
ミネルヴァ書房 2017.03
福島 淑彦( Part: Contributor, 第8章「スウェーデンの税制と企業活動」)
彩流社 2016.01
福島 淑彦( Part: Contributor, 第21章「北欧の労働市場」)
ミネルヴァ書房 2015.01
福島 淑彦( Part: Contributor, 第2章 保育政策の経済分析)
法律文化社 2012.02
岡沢憲芙, 福島淑彦他(第1章 「少子化の政治経済学」)
中央法規 2010.04 ISBN: 9784805849170
岡沢憲芙, 福島淑彦他
早稲田大学出版部 2004.11 ISBN: 4657049275
岡沢憲芙, 福島淑彦他
早稲田大学出版部 2004.11 ISBN: 4657049267
大山道広, 福島淑彦, 嘉治佐和子, 柳川範之, 白井義昌, 津曲正俊他
慶応義塾大学出版会 2004.03 ISBN: 4766410602
Imperfect Competition in International Trade
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko( Part: Contributor, Ch.12 Endogenous Dualistic Structure, Marshallian Externalities, and Industrialization)
Presentation date: 2021.10
Presentation date: 2018.11
Presentation date: 2018.09
Bribery and Labour Market
Presentation date: 2017.05
Rents, Corruption and Labour Market
World Conference on Business and Management (WCBM) 2016
Presentation date: 2016.06
Presentation date: 2010.10
Self-Employment and Labour Market Outcomes
Presentation date: 2010.08
Presentation date: 2010.06
Employment Protection Legislation and Labour Market Outcomes
Presentation date: 2010.01
Presentation date: 2009.05
Non-regular Employment and Labour Costs
Presentation date: 2008.10
Presentation date: 2008.05
Presentation date: 2008.05
Presentation date: 2007.10
Youth Unemployment and Employment Subsidy Programmes
Presentation date: 2006.07
Presentation date: 2006.05
Presentation date: 2005.05
A Theoretical Study on the Quantity and the Quality of Employment for Persons with Disabilities - Lesson from Sweden
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
A Theoretical Study on the Employment Expansion of Persons with Disabilities in Sweden and Finland
Grants‐in‐aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))
Project Year :
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
A Theoretical Study on Transparency and Corruption in Sweden
Grants‐in‐aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Project Year :
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
科学研究費助成事業(神戸大学) 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))
Project Year :
Theoretical Analysis of the Start-Up Incentive Programmes on Unemployment and Employment Stability
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
Theoretical Analysis of Labour Market Policies and the Employment Protection Legislation on Non-Regular Employment.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
The Economic Analysis of the Effects of Active Labor Market Programs on Youth Unemployment
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiko
Youth Employment and Wage Subsidy
Fukushima Yoshihiko
NUCB journal of economics and information science 51 ( 1 ) 75 - 87 2006.09
Active Labour Market Programmes and Unemployment in a Dual Labour Market
Fukushima Yoshihiko
NUCB journal of economics and information science 49 ( 1 ) 141 - 166 2004.07
Taxes, Employment, and Social Welfare Services : An Analysis of International Spillover Effects
Fukushima Yoshihiko
NUCB journal of economics and information science 48 ( 2 ) 247 - 263 2004.03
Public Policy in Perspectives of Economics
Graduate School of Political Science
2025 spring semester
Doctoral Research Guidance on Public Policy B (Fukushima, Y)
Graduate School of Economics
2025 fall semester
Doctoral Research Guidance on Public Policy A (Fukushima, Y)
Graduate School of Economics
2025 spring semester
エモーショナルリンク合同会社 Emotional Link (エモーショナルリンク合同会社 Emotional Link)
World Academic Journal 編集部 World Academic Journal
スウェーデン社会の透明性の分析から導出する 腐敗・汚職と公共部門に関する 理論研 究
Swedem Stockholm University
Faculty of Political Science and Economics Graduate School of Public Management
Faculty of Political Science and Economics School of Political Science and Economics
Faculty of Political Science and Economics Graduate School of Economics
Affiliated organization Global Education Center