Committee Memberships
日本中東学会 理事
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
日本中東学会 理事
Middle East Studies Association
Japan Association for the Middle Eastern Studies
The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
West-Asian History
Mamluk History
Medieval Arab-Islamic History
The Mamluk Family as Viewed from the Beneficiary Stipulations in Waqf Documents
Daisuke Igarashi
82 ( 3 ) 1 - 32 2023.12 [Refereed] [Invited]
Authorship:Lead author
中央大学アジア史研究 46 63 - 82 2022.03
Daisuke Igarashi
The Encyclopaedia of Islam Three 2020 ( 1 ) 114 - 115 2020.01 [Refereed] [Invited]
Introduction: An Overview of Recent Studies on Women and Family in Mamluk Society
Daisuke Igarashi, Takao Ito
Orient 54 1 - 6 2019.03 [Refereed]
Father’s Will, Daughter’s Waqf: A Testamentary Waqf and Its Female Founder/Administrator in Fourteenth-Century Egypt
Daisuke Igarashi
Orient 54 41 - 53 2019.03 [Refereed]
Madrasahs, Their Shaykhs, and the Civilian Founder: The Bāsiṭīyah Madrasahs in the Mamlūk Era.
Daisuke Igarashi
Orient 48 79 - 94 2013.03 [Refereed]
14世紀末~16世紀初頭エジプトにおける土地制度の展開 :ワクフ(寄進)地の拡大とその影響
史苑 72 ( 2 ) 85 - 94 2012.03
The Evolution of the Sultanic Fisc and al-Dhakhīrah during the Circassian Mamluk Period
Igarashi Daisuke
Mamlūk Studies Review 14 ( 1 ) 85 - 108 2010.01 [Refereed]
財産保有形態としてのワクフ :「自己受益ワクフ」の理論と実態
東洋学報 91 ( 1 ) 029 - 056 2009.06 [Refereed]
The Financial Reforms of Sultan Qāytbāy
Igarashi Daisuke
Mamlūk Studies Review 13 ( 1 ) 27 - 51 2009.01 [Refereed]
The Private Property and Awqāf of the Circassian Mamluk Sultans: The Case of Barqūq
Daisuke Igarashi
Orient 43 167 - 196 2008.03 [Refereed]
東洋史研究 66 ( 3 ) 34 - 64 2007.12 [Refereed] [Invited]
Journal of the Institute of Cultural Science,Chuo University 61 ( 61 ) 81 - 108 2007.09
東洋学報 88 ( 4 ) 021 - 048 2007.03 [Refereed]
A study on al-Dhakhira: the Sultan's finance during the Circassian Mamluk Period
Igarashi Daisuke
73 ( 73 ) 129 - 157 2007.03 [Refereed]
The Establishment and Development of al-Dīwān al-Mufrad: Its Background and Implications
Igarashi Daisuke
Mamlūk Studies Review 10 ( 1 ) 117 - 140 2006.01 [Refereed]
中央大学アジア史研究 27 1 - 23 2003.03
Shari'a Court Documents (al-hujajal-shar'iya) in Ottoman Syria--An Archival Study
The Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 84 ( 2 ) 052 - 080 2002.09 [Refereed]
Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies 17 ( 1 ) 201 - 224 2002.03 [Refereed]
The Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 80 ( 4 ) 030 - 058 1999.03 [Refereed]
長岡, 慎介( Part: Contributor, 新たな経済が生まれるとき:中世エジプトのワクフ経済(第Ⅱ部 所有と市場のパラドクス,第5章)(pp. 125-146))
東京大学出版会 2024.04 ISBN: 9784130343527
山崎, 世理愛, 五十嵐, 大介( Part: Joint author)
河出書房新社 2023.11 ISBN: 9784309811192
ヨーロッパと西アジアの変容 11~15世紀 (岩波講座 世界歴史)
( Part: Contributor, 「西アジアの軍人奴隷政権」(pp. 137-159))
岩波書店 2022.09 ISBN: 4000114190
Mamluk Descendants: In search for the awlad al-nas
Anna Kollatz( Part: Contributor, ‘Who should benefit from my Waqf?’ Mamluks’ Views on Progeny, Lineage, and Family based on their Waqf Stipulations)
Göttingen: Bonn University Press 2022.08 ISBN: 9783847014584 [Refereed]
Egypt and Syria under Mamluk Rule: Political, Social and Cultural Aspects
Amalia Levanoni( Part: Contributor, “Waqf as a Means of Securing Financial Assets: The “Self-Benefiting Waqf” in Mamluk Egypt and Syria” (pp. 277–291))
Brill (Leiden) 2021.12
Studies on the History and Culture of the Mamluk Sultanate (1250–1517)
Stephan Conermann, Toru Miura( Part: Contributor, “Charity and Endowments of the Civilian Elite: The Case of Zayn al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Bāsiṭ, the nāẓir al-jaysh (d. 854/1451)” (pp. 57-84))
Bonn University Press (Göttingen) 2021.03 [Refereed]
Developing Perspectives in Mamluk History: Essays in Honor of Amalia Levanoni
Yuval Ben-Bassat (ed.)( Part: Contributor, “The Office of the Ustādār al-ʿĀliya in the Circassian Mamluk Era” (pp. 115-142))
Brill (Leiden) 2017.09
Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid, and Mamluk Eras VIII: Proceedings of the 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd International Colloquium Organized at Ghent University in May 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013
U. Vermeulen, K. D’hulster, J. Van Steenber( Part: Contributor, “Religious Endowments of the Mamluk Amir Qijmās al-Isḥāqī: A Preliminary Study” (pp. 419-427))
Peeters (Leuven) 2016
Land Tenure, Fiscal Policy, and Imperial Power in Medieval Syro-Egypt
Daisuke Igarashi( Part: Sole author)
Middle East Documentation Center, University of Chicago 2015
中央大学人文科学研( Part: Contributor, 「後期マムルーク朝の官僚と慈善事業:ザイン・アッディーン・アブドゥルバースィトの事例を中心に(Ⅲ ユーラシア大陸西部・アフリカ大陸)」(pp. 489–537))
中央大学出版部 2014.03
Land Tenure and Mamluk Waqfs
Igarashi Daisuke( Part: Sole author)
EB-Verlag (Berlin) 2014
五十嵐大介( Part: Sole author)
刀水書房 2011.01
中央大学人文科学研( Part: Contributor, 「中世エジプトの寄進文書(イスラーム教圏・キリスト教圏の都市と宗教)」(pp. 199–241))
中央大学出版部 2010.03
Freed Slaves and Their Descendants in Mamluk Waqf Documents
Daisuke Igarashi
International Symposium “Strong Asymmetries in Social Relations Compared: The Mamluk Sultanate, Medieval Japan and Beyond”
Presentation date: 2022.10
The descendants of Mamluks in waqf documents
Daisuke Igarashi
International Conference “In search for a hidden group: Where are the awlād al-nās?”
Presentation date: 2020.12
Who were the Mutadarrikun?: Tax-Farming and Rural Society in Circassian Mamluk Egypt.
Daisuke Igarashi
Inaugural Workshop of the EGYLandscape Project: Sources, Methods, and Tools (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Presentation date: 2019.09
2017年度白東史学会年次大会 (中央大学駿河台記念館)
Presentation date: 2017.12
Father’s Will, Daughter’s Waqf: Tatarkhān bint Ṭashtamur, a Female Waqf Founder/Administrator
Fourth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies (American University of Beirut)
Presentation date: 2017.05
Charity and Endowments of the Civilian Elite: The Case of Zayn al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Bāsiṭ, the Nāẓir al-Jaysh (d. 854/1451
German-Japanese Workshop on Mamlukology (Toyo Bunko (Oriental Library), Tokyo, Japan) Miura Toru and Stephan Conermann
Presentation date: 2016.11
Land Tenure and Mamluk Waqfs
Fifteenth Ulrich Haarmann Memorial Lecture (Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg, The University of Bonn) Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg, The University of Bonn
Presentation date: 2013.12
2011年度立教史学会大会 (立教大学)
Presentation date: 2011.07
The New Developments of Mutual Welfare Support Systems in Asian Muslim Countries: The Reconstruction of Islamic Economy in Post-Neoliberalist Era
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Women and Family in Post-Black Death Egypt and Syria As Viewed from the Endowment Documents
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Project Year :
Waqf and Donation in Asia: A Joint International Study
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Miura Toru
International Joint Research of Waqf
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Miura Toru, IGARASHI Daisuke, KISHIMOTO Mio, OHTSUKI Yasuhiro, TAKAHASHI Kazuki
The Impact of the Black Plague on Medieval Egypt as seen from the Islamic Endowment System
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
The social functions of Islamic religious endowment(waqf) system in medieval Arab world
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
イスラーム信頼学News Letter 4 20 - 21 2024.03
Review of Kumakura, Chusei Ejiputo no Tochiseido to Nairukangai
Daisuke Igarashi
Al-ʿUsur al-Wusta 31 244 - 250 2023.11 [Refereed] [Invited]
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
研究動向 マムルーク朝政治史と国家論に関する近年の研究動向:ファン・ステーンベルヘンの研究から
オリエント 63 ( 2 ) 205 - 214 2021.03 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
「第6回国際マムルーク会議」開催報告(特集7 RILAS研究部門「拡大するムスリム社会との共生:歴史的背景とグローバル化」
WASEDA RILAS Journal 8 503 - 507 2020.10
Authorship:Lead author
Meeting report
書評 熊倉和歌子著『中世エジプトの土地制度とナイル灌漑』(東京大学出版会,2019年)
オリエント 63 ( 1 ) 62 - 67 2020.09 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Book review, literature introduction, etc.
Pre-Modern Middle Eastern and Islamic History
School of Culture, Media and Society
2025 spring semester
Seminar in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 2
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
Seminar in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 1
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025 spring semester
Pre-Modern Middle Eastern and Islamic History
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025 spring semester
Seminar in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 6
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Seminar (Graduation Thesis) fall (IGARASHI, Daisuke)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025 fall semester
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Seminar (Graduation Thesis) spring (IGARASHI, Daisuke)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
2025 spring semester
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 3-2: Research Seminar
Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences
2025 fall semester
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 3-1: Research Seminar
Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences
2025 spring semester
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 3-2: Seminar
Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences
2025 fall semester
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 3-1: Seminar
Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences
2025 spring semester
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies: Research Seminar
Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences
2025 fall semester
Special Lecture on Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 1
Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences
2025 spring semester
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies: Research Seminar
Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences
2025 spring semester
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