Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title
Ph.D. in History ( Chuo University )

Committee Memberships

  • 2023.04

    日本中東学会  理事

Professional Memberships






    Middle East Studies Association




    Japan Association for the Middle Eastern Studies


    The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan

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Research Areas

  • History of Asia and Africa

Research Interests

  • West-Asian History

  • Mamluk History

  • Medieval Arab-Islamic History



  • The Mamluk Family as Viewed from the Beneficiary Stipulations in Waqf Documents

    Daisuke Igarashi

      82 ( 3 ) 1 - 32  2023.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Rural Administration, Tax-farming, and the Mutadarriks in Egypt from the Late 14th to the Early 16th Centuries

    Daisuke Igarashi

    Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient   66 ( 5-6 ) 628 - 655  2023.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



  • 14世紀末~16世紀初頭エジプトの地方行政と徴税請負の発展:ムタダッリクに注目して


    中央大学アジア史研究   46   63 - 82  2022.03

  • Khāzindār

    Daisuke Igarashi

    The Encyclopaedia of Islam Three   2020 ( 1 ) 114 - 115  2020.01  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Introduction: An Overview of Recent Studies on Women and Family in Mamluk Society

    Daisuke Igarashi, Takao Ito

    Orient   54   1 - 6  2019.03  [Refereed]


  • Father’s Will, Daughter’s Waqf: A Testamentary Waqf and Its Female Founder/Administrator in Fourteenth-Century Egypt

    Daisuke Igarashi

    Orient   54   41 - 53  2019.03  [Refereed]


  • The Waqf-endowment Strategy of a Mamluk Military Man: The Contexts, Motives, and Purposes of the Endowments of Qijmās al-Isḥāqī (d. 1487)

    Daisuke Igarashi

    Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies   82 ( 1 ) 25 - 53  2019.02  [Refereed]



  • 14世紀末~16世紀初頭エジプトにおける土地制度の展開 :ワクフ(寄進)地の拡大とその影響


    史苑   72 ( 2 ) 85 - 94  2012.03

  • あるマムルーク軍人の生涯と寄進 :キジュマースの事例に見るワクフの多面的機能


    史学雑誌   120 ( 3 ) 39 - 65  2011.03  [Refereed]


  • The Evolution of the Sultanic Fisc and al-Dhakhīrah during the Circassian Mamluk Period

    Igarashi Daisuke

    Mamlūk Studies Review   14 ( 1 ) 85 - 108  2010.01  [Refereed]

  • 財産保有形態としてのワクフ :「自己受益ワクフ」の理論と実態


    東洋学報   91 ( 1 ) 029 - 056  2009.06  [Refereed]

  • The Financial Reforms of Sultan Qāytbāy

    Igarashi Daisuke

    Mamlūk Studies Review   13 ( 1 ) 27 - 51  2009.01  [Refereed]

  • The Private Property and Awqāf of the Circassian Mamluk Sultans: The Case of Barqūq

    Daisuke Igarashi

    Orient   43   167 - 196  2008.03  [Refereed]


  • ポスト・ナースィル時代の政治システムの変動:チェルケス・マムルーク朝の成立過程


    中央大学アジア史研究   32 ( 32 ) 547 - 570  2008.03


  • マムルーク体制とワクフ:イクター制衰退期の軍人支配の構造


    東洋史研究   66 ( 3 ) 34 - 64  2007.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • The fiscal administration in the late Mamluk sultanate: the state's finances and the sultanic finances

    Journal of the Institute of Cultural Science,Chuo University   61 ( 61 ) 81 - 108  2007.09


  • 「国有地ワクフ」をめぐるイスラーム法上の議論:12~16世紀


    東洋学報   88 ( 4 ) 021 - 048  2007.03  [Refereed]

  • A study on al-Dhakhira: the Sultan's finance during the Circassian Mamluk Period

    Igarashi Daisuke

      73 ( 73 ) 129 - 157  2007.03  [Refereed]


  • The Establishment and Development of al-Dīwān al-Mufrad: Its Background and Implications

    Igarashi Daisuke

    Mamlūk Studies Review   10 ( 1 ) 117 - 140  2006.01  [Refereed]

  • 後期マムルーク朝スルターンの私財とワクフ :バルクークの事例


    オリエント   47 ( 2 ) 20 - 45  2005.03  [Refereed]


  • 後期マムルーク朝におけるムフラド庁の設立と展開:制度的変化から見るマムルーク体制の変容


    史学雑誌   113 ( 11 ) 1 - 36  2004.11  [Refereed]


  • バラートゥヌスィーの『国庫論』


    中央大学アジア史研究   27   1 - 23  2003.03

  • Shari'a Court Documents (al-hujajal-shar'iya) in Ottoman Syria--An Archival Study

    IGARASHI Daisuke

    The Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko   84 ( 2 ) 052 - 080  2002.09  [Refereed]


  • The Commercial Court in Ottoman Damascus : An Introduction to the Commercial Court Registers in the Center of Historical Documents in Damascus

    IGARASHI Daisuke

    Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies   17 ( 1 ) 201 - 224  2002.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The aim of this article is to introduce the Commercial Court Registers of Damascus in the Ottoman period, which are kept in the Center of Historical Documents in Damascus (Markaz al-watha'iq al-ta'rikhiya bi-Dimashq) on the basis of my experience in this Center. I worked there from July 1999 to July 2001 as an archivist, with the aids of JICA, and was responsible for setting up of a database of the documents in this Center. In this time I dealt with the registers of the Commercial Court, which had little been used for historical studies. The "comercial court" registers are numbered from 1 to 156 but they are muddled up with registers of other courts (28 volumes of Courts of First Instance, 10volumes of Courts of Arbitration, etc.). I found that 99 of those 156 volumes were really registers of the Commercial Court of Damascus. They can be classified as the below: 1, daftar al-istid'a': 8 vols. 2, daftar al-jalab: 3 vols. 3, daftar al-sanadat: 7vols. 4, jarida al-dabt: 44 vols. 5, daftar al-qararat: 12 vols. 6, sijill al-i'lamat: 20 vols. 7, daftar al-hasilat: 3 vols. 8, Others: 2 vols. General information Age: These registers cover a period of about 30 years from 1885 to 1918 when Syria became independent of the Ottoman rule. Calendar: Dates used in those registers are basically on the Rumi calendar, although the Hijri calendar and rarely the Christian calendar are used too. Each case in registers is numbered consecutively and updated every Rumi New Year. Language: The page headings of almost all registers are printed in Ottoman-Turkish. While descriptions are usually written in Arabic but some types of registers are written in Ottoman-Turkish (see the below). The Civil Court Law issued in 1879 prescribes various types of registers of commercial courts according to the judicial process as the below. At first when a plaintiff send in his bill of complaint to the court, the date and counts are entered in the daftar al-istid'a' [art. 15-22]. This bill of complaint is copied and sent to a defendant. Next, The date of first instance is fixed according to the order in the daftar al-istid'a' and summonses are sent to both parties. In this time contents of the summons are written down in the daftar al-jalab [art. 23-34]. Then, the trial begin in the fixed date. The protocols (dabt) are kept with the president of the court during the trial, then they are fair-copied and bound as a book. This is the jarida al-dabt. All documents and certificates submitted to the court during the trial are entered in the daftar al-sanadat. The adjudication is written down in the daftar al-qararat when the judgment comes out, and the judgement paper (i'lam) issued to the parties is recorded on the sijill al-i'lamat. The Civil Court Law prescribes how to deal with the court registers. All registers are bound, then the president's seal is put on the top edge of each page and the page number is written below it. These registers are used after that the president and the scribe ascertain the total number of pages, write down it on the top and end of pages, and put their signatures and seals there [art. 6]. Detailed accounts of each type of registers are given below. 1, daftar al-istid'a': vol. 13, 23, 27, 35, 41, 48, 49, 55. Bills of complaint and their contents (the date, names of a plaintiff and a defendant, their nationalities and addresses, cause of action, name of the official who accept it) are recorded with numbering [Civil Court Law art. 6]. These registers actually contain this information in addition to numbers of sheets, signature of the scribe (katib al-dabt) and the result of suit. The space for a result of suit is filled with the date of judgment or that of registration on sijill al-i'lamat and registration number on it. If a case is called off, this space is blank. The registration number on this register is the basic number of the case used on the other registers too. 2, daftar al-jalab: vol. 4, 30, 57. This register is to entry a summons that makes notice of the date of appearance to the court and the cause of action to both parties [art. 6]. The register in this Center contains information about a judgment and its date that are written later when the case is decided, in addition to the information about the number (same number in daftar al-istid'a'), the date of action, names of both parties, names of the scribe and the official who accepted it. 3, daftar al-sanadat: vol. 3, 16, 25, 34, 42, 53, 93. This register is to entry all documents and certificates that were presented to the court for a trial. Their kinds, numbers and dates are registered on it [art. 6, 8]. The court issued their copies on the basis of this register when the parties applied for it [art. 9]. But we can find that documents were not entered in every case and they were entered several days after the judgment. The provision of the law might not have been observed strictly. 4, jarida al-dabt: vol. 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 29, 31, 32, 36, 38, 43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 54, 54-1, 58, 61, 62, 65, 67, 68, 69, 73, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 87, 89, 91, 99, 100, 131, 155. The Civil Court Law prescribed that the protocols (dabt) of the trial are fair copied on the regular-printed sheets and bound every six months. This bound-book was called "jarida al-dabt" [art. 7]. There are three spaces on a sheet for recording the date, the number and signatures of the president of the court and a clerk. The date on this space is a date of the first trial, not of the judgment. Numbers in some books are consecutive-numbers in the book but those in some books are same with the numbers in daftar al-istid'a'. These protocol sheets are bound every six months as the law specifies. Those sheets are arranged in order according to the date of the first trial at the beginning (vol. 2-11), and then according to the date of judgment (vol. 19-. The arrangement rule in vol. 14 and 17 is a mixture of them). The adjudication at the end of each protocol came to be written in Ottoman-Turkish from vol.62 (1317/1901/2), and then in Arabic again from vol. 87 (1327/1911/2). We can find that documents in another types of registers also come to be written in Ottoman-Turkish in the same time, but the reason is not clear. 5, daftar al-qararat: vol. 7, 15, 26, 31-1, 37, 49-1, 56, 64, 74, 88, 94, 101. The adjudication of the judgment is written down in this register with signatures of the president and the court members [art. 6]. The spaces for recording the number, the action-number (same number in daftar al-istid'a'), a complainant's name, a defendant's name, and the contents of judgment are arranged on a page of this register. Since the adjudication come to be written in Ottoman-Turkish after 1317/1901/2 as mentioned above, the descriptions in this register are also written in Ottoman-Turkish. 6, sijill al-i'lamat: vol. 1, 8, 12, 18, 28, 33, 40, 46, 59, 63, 66, 70, 84, 116, 117, 122, 135, 143, 148,154. All judgement papers issued from the court are written down in this register. The methods of registration are strictly regulated in the law for preventing any alterations [art. 6]. In the register, the date of registration is written at the end of the document and the president and the court members' seals are put on there. The registration date is a few days after from the date of judgment, but these documents are not always arranged in order according to the date of judgment. Therefore we should regard that the judgment paper was registered and issued to parties several days after from the judgment, but not in order of judgement. There are some documents about the accounts of the court in the registers (kinds of coin and numbers of each kept in the court, salaries to the officials, etc.). Documents are generally written in Arabic but those in some registers are written in Ottoman-Turkish. 7, daftar al-hasilat: vol.9, 52, 124. This is an account book to record all incomes paid to the court as commissions according to the law [art. 6]. All types of commission (action, issue of a judement paper, copy of a judgment paper, registration of an agent, etc.)are listed and incomes are written down item by item. The president and the accountant check them and put their seal every day. 8, Others There are two registers differ from 7 types above that were prescribed in the Civil Court Law. Vol. 39 is a very detailed note about the lawsuit between two Russian merchants and two Ottoman subjects. Vol.72 is a register for recording the names of agents (wakil). I believe that these registers are useful historical sources to make clear the secular courts system in the Tanzimat period as well as the registers of courts of first instance and courts of appeals kept in the Center. I hope that this note helps researchers who aim to study those registers.


  • The Ruling Policies on Syria in the Late Mamluk Period--With Special Reference to the Financial Policy and Its Influence on the Syrian Ruling Class

    IGARASHI Daisuke

    The Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko   80 ( 4 ) 030 - 058  1999.03  [Refereed]


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Books and Other Publications

  • 貨幣・所有・市場のモビリティ

    長岡, 慎介( Part: Contributor, 新たな経済が生まれるとき:中世エジプトのワクフ経済(第Ⅱ部 所有と市場のパラドクス,第5章)(pp. 125-146))

    東京大学出版会  2024.04 ISBN: 9784130343527

  • 一冊でわかるエジプト史

    山崎, 世理愛, 五十嵐, 大介( Part: Joint author)

    河出書房新社  2023.11 ISBN: 9784309811192

  • ヨーロッパと西アジアの変容 11~15世紀 (岩波講座 世界歴史)

    ( Part: Contributor, 「西アジアの軍人奴隷政権」(pp. 137-159))

    岩波書店  2022.09 ISBN: 4000114190


  • Mamluk Descendants: In search for the awlad al-nas

    Anna Kollatz( Part: Contributor, ‘Who should benefit from my Waqf?’ Mamluks’ Views on Progeny, Lineage, and Family based on their Waqf Stipulations)

    Göttingen: Bonn University Press  2022.08 ISBN: 9783847014584  [Refereed]

  • Egypt and Syria under Mamluk Rule: Political, Social and Cultural Aspects

    Amalia Levanoni( Part: Contributor, “Waqf as a Means of Securing Financial Assets: The “Self-Benefiting Waqf” in Mamluk Egypt and Syria” (pp. 277–291))

    Brill (Leiden)  2021.12

  • Studies on the History and Culture of the Mamluk Sultanate (1250–1517)

    Stephan Conermann, Toru Miura( Part: Contributor, “Charity and Endowments of the Civilian Elite: The Case of Zayn al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Bāsiṭ, the nāẓir al-jaysh (d. 854/1451)” (pp. 57-84))

    Bonn University Press (Göttingen)  2021.03  [Refereed]

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    Title of Article: “Charity and Endowments of the Civilian Elite: The Case of Zayn al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Bāsiṭ, the nāẓir al-jaysh (d. 854/1451)”

  • Developing Perspectives in Mamluk History: Essays in Honor of Amalia Levanoni

    Yuval Ben-Bassat (ed.)( Part: Contributor, “The Office of the Ustādār al-ʿĀliya in the Circassian Mamluk Era” (pp. 115-142))

    Brill (Leiden)  2017.09

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    Title of Article: "The Office of the Ustādār al-ʿĀliya in the Circassian Mamluk Era"

  • Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid, and Mamluk Eras VIII: Proceedings of the 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd International Colloquium Organized at Ghent University in May 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013

    U. Vermeulen, K. D’hulster, J. Van Steenber( Part: Contributor, “Religious Endowments of the Mamluk Amir Qijmās al-Isḥāqī: A Preliminary Study” (pp. 419-427))

    Peeters (Leuven)  2016

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    “Religious Endowments of the Mamluk Amir Qijmās al-Isḥāqī: A Preliminary Study”

  • Land Tenure, Fiscal Policy, and Imperial Power in Medieval Syro-Egypt

    Daisuke Igarashi( Part: Sole author)

    Middle East Documentation Center, University of Chicago  2015

  • アフロ・ユーラシア大陸の都市と国家

    中央大学人文科学研( Part: Contributor, 「後期マムルーク朝の官僚と慈善事業:ザイン・アッディーン・アブドゥルバースィトの事例を中心に(Ⅲ ユーラシア大陸西部・アフリカ大陸)」(pp. 489–537))

    中央大学出版部  2014.03

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    「後期マムルーク朝の官僚と慈善事業―ザイン・アッディーン・アブドゥルバースィトの事例を中心に―(Ⅲ ユーラシア大陸西部・アフリカ大陸)」執筆

  • Land Tenure and Mamluk Waqfs

    Igarashi Daisuke( Part: Sole author)

    EB-Verlag (Berlin)  2014

  • 中世イスラーム国家の財政と寄進:後期マムルーク朝の研究

    五十嵐大介( Part: Sole author)

    刀水書房  2011.01

  • アフロ・ユーラシアの都市と宗教

    中央大学人文科学研( Part: Contributor, 「中世エジプトの寄進文書(イスラーム教圏・キリスト教圏の都市と宗教)」(pp. 199–241))

    中央大学出版部  2010.03

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  • Freed Slaves and Their Descendants in Mamluk Waqf Documents

    Daisuke Igarashi

    International Symposium “Strong Asymmetries in Social Relations Compared: The Mamluk Sultanate, Medieval Japan and Beyond” 

    Presentation date: 2022.10

    Event date:
  • The descendants of Mamluks in waqf documents

    Daisuke Igarashi

    International Conference “In search for a hidden group: Where are the awlād al-nās?” 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

    Event date:
  • Who were the Mutadarrikun?: Tax-Farming and Rural Society in Circassian Mamluk Egypt.

    Daisuke Igarashi

    Inaugural Workshop of the EGYLandscape Project: Sources, Methods, and Tools  (Philipps-Universität Marburg) 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

    Event date:
  • 遺言、寄進、そしてその後:マムルーク朝時代の遺言ワクフの一事例


    2017年度白東史学会年次大会  (中央大学駿河台記念館) 

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • Father’s Will, Daughter’s Waqf: Tatarkhān bint Ṭashtamur, a Female Waqf Founder/Administrator

    Fourth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies  (American University of Beirut) 

    Presentation date: 2017.05

    Event date:
  • Charity and Endowments of the Civilian Elite: The Case of Zayn al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Bāsiṭ, the Nāẓir al-Jaysh (d. 854/1451

    German-Japanese Workshop on Mamlukology  (Toyo Bunko (Oriental Library), Tokyo, Japan)  Miura Toru and Stephan Conermann

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • Land Tenure and Mamluk Waqfs


    Fifteenth Ulrich Haarmann Memorial Lecture  (Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg, The University of Bonn)  Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg, The University of Bonn

    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • 14世紀末~16世紀初頭エジプトにおける土地制度の展開


    2011年度立教史学会大会  (立教大学) 

    Presentation date: 2011.07

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Research Projects

  • The New Developments of Mutual Welfare Support Systems in Asian Muslim Countries: The Reconstruction of Islamic Economy in Post-Neoliberalist Era

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Women and Family in Post-Black Death Egypt and Syria As Viewed from the Endowment Documents

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 13-15世紀におけるアラビア語文化圏再編の文献学的研究

    Project Year :


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    イブン・ハルドゥーン研究班では合宿1回を含む研究会を計10回実施し、東西アラブ地域間の外交と知識人への関与など、様々な点について検討をおこなった。ウマリー研究班では研究会を計9回実施し、官僚手引き書に見られる地理認識など、様々な点について検討をおこなった。6月には、イブン・ハルドゥーン研究班およびウマリー研究班合同で研究会を実施し、問題意識の共有や後述の第5回中東研究世界大会に向けた予備報告をおこなった。7月には、研究分担者の伊藤隆郎を中心に、セビーリャ(スペイン)で開催された第5回中東研究世界大会 (Fifth World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, WOCMES)でパネルArabic Republic of Letters in the Middle Ages? : Intellectual Networks of the Maghrib and the Mashriqを組織し、研究分担者の伊藤、研究代表者の佐藤健太郎に加え、研究協力者のAlex Mallet・柳谷あゆみ・野口舞子・荒井悠太が研究報告をおこなった。同じく7月には、研究分担者の中町信孝が、ゲント(ベルギー)で開催された第5回マムルーク朝学会(School of Mamluk Studies)に参加し、研究報告をおこなった。12月には、東京で開催された第2回日独マムルーク研究ワークショップSecond German-Japanese Workshop on Mamlukologyにおいてパネルを組織した。研究分担者の近藤真美が3月にイギリスおよびエジプトにおいて、研究協力者の横内吾郎が2月にトルコおよびレバノンにおいて、それぞれ関連史資料の調査を実施した。イブン・ハルドゥーン研究班およびウマリー研究班ともに、順調にテクストの分析が進んでいる。当初予定していた二つの国際学会への参加に加え、12月には第2回日独マムルーク研究ワークショップにも参加することができ、国際的な研究の連携を進めることができた。海外調査によって、史資料も着実に蓄積されている。引き続き、史資料の収集、テクストの分析、成果の国際的な場での公表を進めていく。また、スペインにおいて同じような問題関心で実施されている国際研究プロジェクトLocal contexts and global dymanics: al-Andalus and the Maghreb in the Islamic East (AMOI)との協力関係を築くことができたので、今後さらに連携を進めていく

  • Waqf and Donation in Asia: A Joint International Study

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Miura Toru

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    Donation of one's own property to others had been widespread in various regions of the world since ancient times, and especially became popular in the Middle Ages. In this research, we held international research meetings in collaboration with overseas research groups of donation, focusing on Islamic waqf and comparing it with donations in Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, China, and Japan. Analyzing the differences in purpose, management, and social effects of donations in each region, personal motives (good deeds for salvation, fame, tomb construction, transfer of property) and social benefits (religious institutions, charity, economic infrastructure) were commonly discerned. Mixture of personal motives and social benefit, that is, being both egoistic and altruistic must have been the appeal of donation. In modern times when egoism and altruism were being separated, the waqf system and similar donations began to be reformed.

  • International Joint Research of Waqf

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Miura Toru, IGARASHI Daisuke, KISHIMOTO Mio, OHTSUKI Yasuhiro, TAKAHASHI Kazuki

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    This research program has conducted a comparative study of waqf endowment,in collaboration with the CNRS International Research Program (GDRI) centered at Aix-Marseille University (headed by Professor Randi Deguilhem), holding the eight international workshops in Aix-en-Provence, Tunis, Birzeit (Palestine), Mascara (Algeria), New Oreans (USA), Ankara (Turkey) and Tokyo. This research clarifies the socio-economic role of waqf donation by cross-area comparisons among waqf, not only within the Middle East, but also to include Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and similar endowments in China and Japan. Our goal was to find and locate both regional features and historical changes of the waqf and similar donations within the sweep of human history, based on a common definition of the waqf, by analyzing historical materials of each region from comparative perspectives on topics such as purpose,management, profit and its distribution, transformation and abuse etc

  • The Impact of the Black Plague on Medieval Egypt as seen from the Islamic Endowment System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    In the period following the mid-fourteenth century, there were several outbreaks of plague in Egypt and Syria resulting in the death of millions of people. Under these calamitous circumstances, people actively endowed their private property as waqf (Islamic religious endowment) for the purpose of founding various religious institutions and supporting charitable activities. Using the original endowment deeds as the main sources, this research revealed the motives and purposes of people who established waqfs, while providing a glimpse into their thoughts about life and death

  • The social functions of Islamic religious endowment(waqf) system in medieval Arab world

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IGARASHI Daisuke

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    The popularity of the waqf(Islamic religious endowment) system throughout the premodern Islamic world cannot be attributed simply to its characteristics as a "charitable act" supported by altruism and benevolence. Waqfs have been established by people out of more realistic and self-interested motives. By using original waqf deeds as main sources, this study reveals the multifaceted and complex functions performed by the waqf system in medieval Arab society, as well as how the waqf system was strategically and selectively utilized, depending on the personal and social circumstances of endowers

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  • 寄進文書に埋め込まれた信頼

    イスラーム信頼学News Letter   4   20 - 21  2024.03

  • Review of Kumakura, Chusei Ejiputo no Tochiseido to Nairukangai

    Daisuke Igarashi

    Al-ʿUsur al-Wusta   31   244 - 250  2023.11  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • 研究動向 マムルーク朝政治史と国家論に関する近年の研究動向:ファン・ステーンベルヘンの研究から


    オリエント   63 ( 2 ) 205 - 214  2021.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 「第6回国際マムルーク会議」開催報告(特集7 RILAS研究部門「拡大するムスリム社会との共生:歴史的背景とグローバル化」


    WASEDA RILAS Journal   8   503 - 507  2020.10

    Authorship:Lead author

    Meeting report  

  • 書評 熊倉和歌子著『中世エジプトの土地制度とナイル灌漑』(東京大学出版会,2019年)


    オリエント   63 ( 1 ) 62 - 67  2020.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  



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Internal Special Research Projects

  • マムルーク朝の軍事奴隷制度と政治体制に関する批判的研究:アヤロニズム批判を超 えて


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    本研究課題につき、以下の研究を行った1)軍事奴隷制度の実態の研究:特に寄進文書の受益者規定と管財人規定を分析し、軍人奴隷関係と彼らの間の血縁・姻戚関係のありかたについて分析した。2)シカゴ大学図書館にて、マムルーク朝時代エジプトの寄進文書の調査を行い、複写した。3)軍事奴隷制度と関係する、奴隷貿易や当時の「人種」に関する先行研究を読み進めた。4)アメリカ・ブラウン大学で開催された第9回国際マムルーク学会(School of Mamluk Studies)に参加した。特に今回、本研究テーマと深く関わるパネルMamluks and Ethnicity in the Circassian Periodに参加し、パネルオーガナイザーのハンナ・バーカー氏をはじめパネラーたちと意見交換することができた。

  • 15~16世紀エジプトの土地制度と農村社会


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  • ポスト黒死病時代エジプト・シリアにおける家族と女性:寄進文書を手がかりに


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    2020年度は、ワクフ(寄進)文書を史料として、そこにあらわれる家族形態についての本格的な分析を開始した。12月に開催されたアウラード・アンナース(awlad al-nas)と呼ばれるマムルーク軍人の子孫の社会的役割に焦点を当てた国際ワークショップで、The descendants of Mamluksin waqf documentsというタイトルで発表を行った。この発表では、現存するワクフ文書から受益者や管財人を指定したワクフの規定がどのようなものであったか探り、マムルーク軍人にとって、自身の資産をワクフとして継承する資格がある「子孫」とは、どの範囲を指すのか、というマムルークの家族/子孫観を明らかにすることを試みた。

  • ポスト黒死病時代エジプト・シリアにおける家族と女性:寄進文書を手がかりに


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    本年度は、本研究課題の関連分野で優れた業績を持つ海外の研究者を招いて下記の講演会を開催した。併せて彼らとの今後の共同研究の可能性を模索した。 1、Yehoshua Frenkel教授(University of Haifa), " The Waqf Systemin the Late Mamluk Decades"(6月18日) 2、Koby Yosef博士(Bar-Ilan University), "Sīdīs and Asbāṭ:Women, Cognate Lines, In-laws, and Family during the Circassian Period of theMamluk Sultanate (1382-1517)" (6月18日) 3、Julien Loiseau教授(Aix-Marseille University), “Seeking for Early Islam in Ethiopia: Landmarks for a ConnectedHistory of the Horn of Africa in the Middle Ages”(11月5日) 4、Julien Loiseau, “WealthTransmission and Familial Strategies in Fifteenth-century Egypt: ReappraisingWomen’s Position According to Endowment Documents”(11月9日) また、伊藤隆郎氏(神戸大学)とMamluk Waqfsというタイトルで英語の研究論文集を刊行することを企画し、その実現のためのミーティングを行った(11月10日)。

  • ポスト黒死病時代エジプト・シリアにおける家族と女性:寄進文書を手がかりに


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    本研究課題は、ポスト黒死病時代(14世紀半ば~)のマムルーク朝エジプト・シリア社会における家族のあり方と、その中で女性が果たした役割について明らかにすることを目的とした。その研究成果は、研究代表者(五十嵐)が伊藤隆郎氏(神戸大学)と共同で責任編集を務めた、欧文学術誌Orient, Vol. 54の特集Women and Family in Mamluk and Early-Ottoman Egypt,Syria, and Hijazとして結実した。本特集号には、国内外の研究者計8名の論文が掲載され、2019年3月に刊行された。本特集号には、研究代表者も、近年のマムルーク朝時代の女性・家族研究の研究動向と、14世紀末のカイロに生きたマムルーク軍人の娘Tatarkhān bintTashtamurの遺言寄進文書を用いた英語論文を発表した。

  • オスマン帝国時代の調査台帳を用いたマムルーク朝ダマスカスのワクフの量的研究


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    本研究課題では、オスマン朝時代16世紀ダマスカス州のワクフ調査台帳を解読・分析し、そこから得られる寄進者、寄進対象などについての情報を抽出し、データベース化を試みた。どのようなデータをどのような形でカードに取るか、標記の統一性、パソコンでテータベース化した際の検索の利便性などを慎重に検討しながらカードのフォーマットを作成した後、 データの記入に着手した。2018年3月31日の段階において、全300ページ中231ページまで終了し、592点のワクフの情報について記録した。全体的な傾向としては、そのほとんどが小規模であり、存命中は寄進者自身が受益者となる「自己受益ワクフ」の形態をもつこと、自身の死後は家族を主たる受益対象とするワクフ(家族ワクフ)であることが明らかになった。

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