Updated on 2025/03/13


SUZUKI, Shinichi
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Ph. D. (Human Sciences) ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    National Cancer Center

  • 2010.04

    Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University   Professor

  • 2017.10

    Science Council of Japan

  • 2017.03

    Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neurosciences, King's Collage London   Visiting Researcher

  • 2007

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences

  • 2003

    Hiroshima University   Graduate School of Education

  • 2000

    Okayama Prefectural University   Health and Welfare Science

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Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Human Science  

Professional Memberships






    Internacional Society of Behavior Medicine























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Research Areas

  • Clinical psychology

Research Interests

  • Clinical Psychology, Cognitive behavior therapy, Medical psychology, Behavior medicine, Clinical stress sciences,


  • 日本心理学会学術大会 優秀発表賞(連名受賞 筆頭者 佐藤秀樹)

    2020.10   公益社団法人 日本心理学会  

  • 日本健康心理学会Early Career Health Psychologist 賞 (連名受賞 筆頭者 小野はるか)


  • 日本総合病院精神医学会 国際論文賞 (連名受賞 筆頭者 市倉加奈子)

    2017.11   日本総合病院精神医学会   Avoidance behavior associated with depressive symptoms in patients with implantable cardioverterdefibrillators

    Winner: Kanako Ichikuraa,b, Sayaka Kobayashic, Shiho Matsuokaa, Tsuyoshi Suzukic, Katsuji Nishimurac, Tsuyoshi Shigac, Nobuhisa Hagiwarac, Jun Ishigookac, Shin-ichi Suzuki

  • 日本サイコオンコロジー学会 優秀演題賞 (連名受賞 筆頭者 小川祐子)


  • 日本循環器心身医学会 学会賞(連名受賞 筆頭者 市倉加奈子)


  • 日本ストレス学会 学会賞(連名受賞 筆頭者 伊藤大輔)


  • International Congress of Psychosomatic Medichine 2013 Best Poster Award


  • 日本行動療法学会 内山記念賞(連名受賞 筆頭者 伊藤大輔)


  • 日本行動療法学会 内山記念賞(連名受賞 筆頭者 岡島純子)


  • 3rd Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy Conference Best PosterAward


  • 日本うつ病学会 学会奨励賞(連名受賞 筆頭者 吉村晋平)


  • 日本うつ病学会 学会奨励賞(連名受賞 筆頭者 松永美希)


  • 日本ストレス学会 学会賞 (連名受賞 筆頭者 金井嘉宏)


  • 日本心身医学会 石川賞(筆頭受賞)


  • 日本行動医学会 内山記念賞(筆頭受賞)


  • 日本行動療法学会 内山記念賞(筆頭受賞)


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  • Behavioral activation for depression in patients with advanced cancer: study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial

    Takatoshi Hirayama, Yuko Ogawa, Asao Ogawa, Emi Igarashi, Saaya Soejima, Kotone Hata, Yusuke Utsumi, Yuki Mashiko, Kyoka Ogata, Ayako Kayano, Yuko Yanai, Shin-ichi Suzuki

    BMC Cancer   23 ( 1 )  2023.05

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    Though behavioral activation (BA) has been shown to be effective for depression, evidence in patients with advanced cancer has not been established. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a BA program on depression in this population.


    A randomized controlled trial with a wait-list control group (waiting group) of 38 patients with advanced cancer and depression will be conducted at three sites in Japan. The BA program consists of seven sessions. Outcome measures will be evaluated at three times in the intervention group; at the entry, at the end of the intervention and 4 months after the end of the intervention and four times in the waiting group: at the entry, before the intervention, at the end of the intervention, and 4 months after the end of the intervention. Primary outcome is Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) score. To examine the main effect of the intervention, two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be conducted, with timing and intervention status as the independent variables and BDI-II score as the dependent variable. One-way repeated measures ANOVA will be conducted to combine data from the intervention and control groups and examine changes in BDI-II scores by timing in both groups. Secondary endpoints (anxiety, quality of life, spirituality, degree of behavioral activation, value, and pain) will be evaluated with rating scales. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA will be conducted to examine whether there are differences between the groups before and after the intervention, with timing and intervention status as the independent variables and scores on each rating scale as the dependent variables.


    This multicenter randomized controlled trial is the first study to assess the effectiveness of BA on depression in patients with advanced cancer. Our findings will provide evidence about the effectiveness of BA on depression and provide an intervention option that is acceptable and feasible for the treatment of depression in this population. The results of this study will lead to improved mood and rebuilding to regain life purpose and value in this vulnerable population.

    Trial Registration Number

    jRCT, jRCT1030210687, Registered 22 March 2022, https://jrct.niph.go.jp/en-latest-detail/jRCT1030210687.



  • The mediating effect of environmental reward on activity restriction and depressive mood in cancer survivors: a cross-sectional study

    Kotone Hata, Emi Tajima, Shin-ichi Suzuki

    Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research & Practice   5 ( 2 )  2023.04


  • Feasibility and Preliminary Effectiveness of Behavioral Activation for Patients with Cancer and Depression in Japan

    Takatoshi Hirayama, Yuko Ogawa, Yuko Yanai, Akie Shindo, Moeko Tanaka, Shin-Ichi Suzuki

    Palliative Medicine Reports   4 ( 1 ) 150 - 160  2023.03



  • 強化感受性,反芻,抑うつと労働遂行能力の低下の関連 地方公共団体の職員を対象とした検討

    佐藤 秀樹, 伊藤 理紗, 小野 はるか, 畑 琴音, 鈴木 伸一

    Journal of Health Psychology Research   35 ( 1-2 ) 101 - 109  2023.02

  • Developing Cancer Survivors’ Psychosocial Difficulties Related to Work Scale and Its Reliability and Validity

    KOUNO Haruka, HATA Kotone, TAJIMA Emi, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Japanese Journal of Behavioral Medicine   27 ( 1 ) 12 - 20  2023


  • 心理職の訪問支援における支援スキルの使用頻度および使用場面に関する検討

    二宮 朝日菜, 竹田 光輝, 田島 えみ, 畑 琴音, 松永 美希, 鈴木 伸一

    早稲田大学臨床心理学研究   22 ( 1 ) 41 - 49  2022.12

  • 進行がん患者の抑うつへの行動活性化療法 多施設共同無作為化比較試験プロトコル

    平山 貴敏, 小川 祐子, 小川 朝生, 五十嵐 江美, 副島 沙彩, 畑 琴音, 内海 裕介, 増子 侑希, 緒方 杏香, 茅野 綾子, 柳井 優子, 鈴木 伸一

    総合病院精神医学   34 ( Suppl. ) S - 157  2022.10

  • The relationship between reinforcement sensitivity, rumination, depression, and decline in work performance: A study of local government employees

    Hideki Sato, Risa Ito, Haruka Ono, Kotone Hata, Shin-ichi Suzuki

    Journal of Health Psychology Research   35 ( 2 ) 101 - 109  2022.08


  • 日本の大学院生における認知行動療法のコンピテンスに関する現状

    小関 俊祐, 伊藤 大輔, 杉山 智風, 小川 祐子, 木下 奈緒子, 小野 はるか, 柳井 優子, 鈴木 伸一

    認知行動療法研究   48 ( 1 ) 61 - 72  2022.01

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  • 非臨床群におけるアンへドニアの特徴—Characteristics of anhedonia in healthy population

    太田, 美都, 畑, 琴音, 田島, えみ, 鈴木, 伸一

    早稲田大学臨床心理学研究   21 ( 1 ) 43 - 48  2021.12


  • 運動部活動での挫折からの立ち直りについての質的研究 支えになった他者との関わりに着目して

    竹田 光輝, 畑 琴音, 八巻 秀, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   47回   262 - 263  2021.10

  • がんサバイバーにおける活動抑制が報酬知覚を媒介して抑うつに及ぼす影響 縦断的検討

    畑 琴音, 田島 えみ, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   47回   308 - 309  2021.10

  • 乳がん患者の心理状態と家族機能が子どものQOLに与える影響(乳がん患者の家族機能が子どもに与える影響)

    唐 ぎょく穎, 小野 はるか, 小川 祐子, 小澤 美和, 田巻 知宏, 大谷 弘行, 清藤 佐知子, 鈴木 伸一

    Palliative Care Research   16 ( 2 ) 169 - 177  2021

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  • The Influence of Rejection Hypersensitivity and Social Skills on Social Anxiety Symptoms

    Misako Nakamura, Risa Ito, Hideki Sato, Shunsuke Koseki, Shin-ichi Suzuki

    Anxiety Disorder Research   12 ( 1 ) 27 - 36  2020.11


  • 高齢者の生活状況と不安および生きがいに関する質的研究

    齋藤 鴻二朗, 畑 琴音, 田島 えみ, 北條 英勝, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   46回   227 - 228  2020.08

  • アレルギー疾患経験者の精神的健康

    田島 えみ, 畑 琴音, 齋藤 鴻二朗, 高瀬 由嗣, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   46回   229 - 230  2020.08

  • The mediating effect of activity restriction on the relationship between perceived physical symptoms and depression in cancer survivors.

    Kotone Hata, Haruka Ono, Yuko Ogawa, Shin-Ichi Suzuki

    Psycho-oncology   29 ( 4 ) 663 - 670  2020.04  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    PURPOSE: Several studies have explored factors causing depression in cancer survivors, including perceived physical symptoms. Another critical factor in the depression symptomatology of cancer survivors is activity restriction (AR). We investigated how AR mediate the effects of perceived pain and fatigue on depression in cancer survivors. METHODS: Cancer survivors (n = 61; mean age 56.16 years) that were recruited through cancer support groups in Japan participated in this study. Participants completed a battery of questionnaires comprising demographic and clinical information, the Pain Catastrophizing Scale, the Cancer Fatigue Scale, the Activity Restriction Scale for Cancer Patients, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. RESULTS: Mediation analysis indicated that AR partially mediates the effect of pain on depression. Direct paths from pain to AR, AR to depression, and pain to depression were significant (P < .005). Moreover, indirect paths from pain to AR, AR to depression, and pain to depression were also significant at the 95% level [0.04-0.13]. However, AR did not mediate the effect of fatigue on depression, and fatigue had a significant direct path to both AR and depression (P < .005). CONCLUSION: This study aimed to explore the mediating effect of AR in the relationships of perceived pain and fatigue and depression in cancer survivors. We found that AR mediates perceived pain to depression, however not for perceived fatigue. In addition, because AR was experienced in the face of any survivorship period, AR may need to be treated as a long-term effect of the cancer diagnosis.

    DOI PubMed


  • Reliability and validity of the Children's Depression Inventory-Japanese version.

    Shuichi Ozono, Shinichiro Nagamitsu, Toyojiro Matsuishi, Yushiro Yamashita, Akiko Ogata, Shinichi Suzuki, Naoki Mashida, Shunsuke Koseki, Hiroshi Sato, Shinichi Ishikawa, Yasuko Togasaki, Yoko Sato, Shoji Sato, Kazuyoshi Sasaki, Hironori Shimada, Shigeto Yamawaki

    Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society   61 ( 11 ) 1159 - 1167  2019.11  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Depression has major negative consequences for individuals and society, and psychological assessment tools for early disease detection are needed. The aim of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of an updated Japanese version of the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI-J) and set a cut-off score for the detection of depression. METHODS: The participants consisted of 465 children and adolescents aged 7-17 years. The control (CON) groups consisted of students recruited from elementary and junior-high school (CONEJ) and children recruited from among hospital staff members (CONRE), while the outpatient clinical (OPC) groups consisted of pediatric psychosomatic outpatients (OPCPD) and adolescent psychiatric outpatients (OPCPS). The CON and OPC CDI-J scores underwent factor analysis using varimax rotation, followed by measurement invariance analysis. The Youth Self-Report (YSR) was administered to assess concurrent validity. The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview was administered to the OPC group to diagnose current depressive symptoms. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was conducted to evaluate case-finding performance and to set cut-off points for the detection of depression. RESULTS: The CDI-J was reliable in terms of internal consistency (Cronbach α = 0.86; mean inter-item correlation, 0.16). Re-test reliability was substantial (mean interval 18 days: γ = 0.59, P < 0.05). The four-factor solution exhibited adequate internal consistency (range, 0.52-0.73) and correspondence (Pearson correlation of 0.65 with the YSR) for both the CON and OPC groups. On ROC analysis the optimal cut-off score was 23/24. CONCLUSION: The CDI-J can be used as a reliable and well-validated instrument alongside standard diagnostic procedures.

    DOI PubMed


  • がんに罹患した母親の病状を子どもに伝えた後の母親の心理

    小川祐子, 小澤美和, 鈴木伸一

    総合病院精神医学   31 ( 2 ) 184 - 192  2019.04


  • 抗うつ薬による治療に同意しないうつ病の乳がん患者に行動活性化療法が奏効した1例

    平山 貴敏, 小川 祐子, 鈴木 伸一, 清水 研

    総合病院精神医学   31 ( 2 ) 199 - 206  2019.04  [Refereed]

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  • Interaction Effects of Behavioral Inhibition System/Behavioral Activation System and Cost/Probability Biases on Social Anxiety.

    Risa Ito, Natsuki Kobayashi, Satoshi Yokoyama, Haruna Irino, Yui Takebayashi, Shin-Ichi Suzuki

    Frontiers in psychology   10   2536 - 2536  2019  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Introduction: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) symptoms are maintained by cognitive biases, which are overestimations of the severity and likelihood of negative social events (cost/probability biases), and by sensitivity to rewards and punishments that are determined according to behavioral inhibition/behavioral activation systems (BIS/BAS). Cost/probability biases might activate the behavioral immune system and exacerbate the avoidance of social events. Earlier studies have proposed that low BIS or high BAS decrease SAD symptoms; BIS/BAS may even change the effects of cognitive biases on SAD symptoms. Hence, the current study investigates the interaction effects of BIS/BAS and cost/probability biases on SAD symptoms. Method: Seventy-six Japanese undergraduate students completed the Japanese version of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), which comprises Fear and Avoidance subscales, the BIS/BAS Scale, and the Social Cost Probability Scale. Results: A multiple regression analysis was performed to examine whether cost/probability biases, BIS/BAS, and their interactions affected SAD symptoms; following this, the main effects of cost bias and BIS were determined for LSAS-Fear (β = 0.64, p < 0.001; β = 0.33, p < 0.01) and LSAS-Avoidance (β = 0.49, p < 0.001; β = 0.35, p < 0.01). The interaction effect between cost bias and BAS was significant for LSAS-Avoidance (β = -0.32, p < 0.05). Simple slope analysis showed that the slope of cost bias was significant for low-BAS individuals (β = 0.77, p < 0.001) but not for high-BAS individuals (β = -0.21, n.s.). The interaction effect between probability bias and BAS was significant for LSAS-Avoidance (β = 0.40, p < 0.01) as well. Further, simple slope analysis revealed that the slope of probability bias was significant for low-BAS individuals (β = -0.53, p < 0.05) but not for high-BAS individuals (β = 0.17, n.s.). Discussion: The study found interesting results with respect to the avoidance of social events. Low-BAS individuals with high cost or low probability biases regarding social events may have a tendency to avoid social events. In contrast, if high-BAS individuals overestimate the cost of social events or underestimate the probability of social events, their anticipation of rewards might prevent them from avoiding social events.

    DOI PubMed


  • Therapeutic Effects of Exposure Therapy Based on Safety Behavior with Fear Activation

    Ito Risa, Yajima Ryo, Sato Hideki, Higami Koyo, Matsumoto Satomi, Namiki Nobutaka, Kunisato Yoshihiko, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    Japanese Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies   45 ( 1 ) 13 - 22  2019.01  [Refereed]


  • 臨床心理士養成大学院におけるCBTトレーニングの基本構成要素と教育方法 -日本のトレーニング・ガイドラインの策定に向けた実態調査-

    伊藤大輔, 小関俊祐, 小野はるか, 木下奈緒子, 小川祐子, 柳井優子, 鈴木伸一

    認知行動療法研究   45 ( 1 ) 23 - 37  2019  [Refereed]

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    本研究の目的は、認知行動療法(cognitive behavioural therapy;CBT)のトレーニングの基本構成要素と教育方法に関する日本の現状を明らかにすることであった。臨床心理士養成大学院(修士課程)にてCBTの教育に携わる大学専任教員を対象に、CBTのトレーニングの基本構成要素と教育方法を評価する質問紙への回答と、教育構成要素の自由記述を求めた。74名のデータを整理した結果、CBTの基本構成要素に関する教育は、概して十分に実施されているとは言えないことが示唆された。特に、理論や技法の基礎教育は行われている一方で、臨床実践のための教育や訓練が不足していることが示唆された。また、それらの教育の実施の程度は教員間でばらつきも大きく、各教員の裁量に依存して教育が行われている傾向が示唆された。最後に、日本のトレーニングの基本構成要素には、複数の教育項目が新たに必要であることが示されたため、日本の現状を踏まえて、CBTのトレーニング・ガイドラインを整備する必要性がある。(著者抄録)

  • Behavioral activation therapy for depression and anxiety in cancer patients: a case series study.

    Takatoshi Hirayama, Yuko Ogawa, Yuko Yanai, Shin-Ichi Suzuki, Ken Shimizu

    BioPsychoSocial medicine   13 ( 9 ) 9 - 9  2019  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Background: Behavioral activation therapy (BAT) directly addresses activities that individuals value most highly, and may be easily applicable to cancer patients. However, there is no established evidence of the use of BAT in this population. In this study, we examined the possibility of a BAT program for depression and anxiety in cancer patients. Case presentation: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of cancer patients with each of the following characteristics: 1) were outpatients or inpatients visiting the psycho-oncology division of the National Cancer Center Hospital in Japan; 2) met criteria for Major Depressive Disorder or Adjustment Disorders; and 3) participated in a BAT program. The primary outcome was the program completion percentage. Secondary outcomes were self-reported depression severity (Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) score), anxiety disorder status (Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) score), and clinical improvement (Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) score) after the program. We analyzed both depression and anxiety by the matched paired t-test. Ten patients participated in the program, and nine completed it. One dropped out due to cognitive impairment secondary to brain metastasis. Both the PHQ-9 scores (pre: 14.4 (SD, 6.1); post: 5.1 (SD, 5.8)) and the GAD-7 scores (pre: 11.9 (SD, 4.9); post: 4.7 (SD, 5.5)) significantly improved after the program (PHQ-9: P = 0.0014; GAD-7: P = 0.0004). CGI-I scores ranged from 1 to 3, and all subjects except the patient who dropped out improved clinically. Among the ten patients, three distinctive cases could be observed as follows. Case 1; a 45-year-old housewife with breast cancer who did not agree to take antidepressants because of concerns about the side effects achieved remission without antidepressants and began to live an active life. Case 4; a 66-year-old housewife was so shocked after endometrial cancer diagnosis that she was absent-minded and her compliance with the assigned homework was poor, therefore, her depression did not improve much. Case 9; a 62-year-old man with laryngeal cancer who had recurrent anxiety. Increased business activity, on which he put great value, gradually allowed him to be able to live his life actively without concerns. Conclusions: This study suggests that BAT would be effective for the depression and anxiety of cancer patients.

    DOI PubMed


  • 前立腺がん患者における抑うつ、不安、PTGの関連要因の検討

    畑 琴音, 小野 はるか, 小川 祐子, 竹下 若那, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   44回   394 - 395  2018.10

  • 薬物療法に抵抗を示すうつ病のがん患者に行動活性化療法が有効であった一例

    平山 貴敏, 小川 祐子, 鈴木 伸一, 清水 研

    精神神経学雑誌   ( 2018特別号 ) S645 - S645  2018.06

  • Basic components and methods of cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT) training in the UK: Implication for establishing CBT training guideline in Japan.

    Shin-ichi Suzuki

    Japanese Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies   44 ( 2 ) 93 - 100  2018.05

  • Treatment component of behavioral activation treatment for cancer

    Hata K, Ono H, Takeshita W, Sato H, Kunisato Y, Suzuki S

    Japanese Journal od Cognitive Therapy   11 ( 1 ) 42 - 52  2018.02  [Refereed]


  • 認知行動療法トレーニングにおける基本構成要素の検討:英国のガイドラインに基づく検討

    小関俊祐, 伊藤大輔, 小野はるか, 木下奈緒子, 武井優子, 小川祐子, 鈴木伸一

    認知・行動療法研究   44 ( 1 ) 15 - 28  2018  [Refereed]

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  • 認知行動療法の実践で必要とされるコンピテンスの概念構成の検討:英国のImproving Access to Psychological Therapies制度における実践家養成モデルに基づく検討

    柳井優子, 小川祐子, 木下奈緒子, 小関俊祐, 伊藤大輔, 小野はるか, 鈴木伸一

    認知行動療法研究   44 ( 2 ) 101 - 113  2018  [Refereed]

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  • Competencies Required to deliver effective cognitive and behavioral therapy: Based on "Improving Access to Psychological Therapy" developed in England.

    Yuko Yanai

    Japanese Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies   44 ( 2 ) 115 - 126  2018  [Refereed]

  • Influence of Depression and Anxiety on Self-Care Behavior in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

    Sasaki Miho, Suzuki Shin-ichi, Miyao Mariko, Okuyama Tomoko, Nanao Michiko, Koshizaka Masaya, Sata Akira, Ishikawa Ko, Mizuno Yuzo, Kumano Hiroaki

    Japanese Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies   44 ( 2 ) 81 - 91  2018  [Refereed]

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    <p>The purpose of the present study was to explore influences of depression and anxiety on self-care behavior in patients with type 2 diabetes. Outpatients with type 2 diabetes (N=65) were recruited from an endocrinology and metabolism clinic. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that anxiety affected diet therapy and depression affected foot-care, both as components of diabetes-related self-care behavior. On the other hand, depression and anxiety did not significantly affect exercise therapy. Before providing medical-treatment instruction in alimentary therapy or foot care for type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with depression or anxiety, the patients' strategies for coping with the depression and anxiety that may arise when performing self-care behavior should be investigated. For doing that, assessment and intervention by behavior analysis may be effective.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Relationship between Styles of Coping and Subjective Well-being among University Students with Non-Lethal Trauma

    竹下 若那, 小川 祐子, 小野 はるか, 畑 琴音, 佐藤 秀樹, 伊藤 理紗, 市倉 加奈子, 松永 美希, 国里 愛彦, 鈴木 伸一

    早稲田大学臨床心理学研究   17 ( 1 ) 43 - 50  2017.12  [Refereed]


  • がん患者に対する行動活性化療法プログラムの可能性

    平山 貴敏, 小川 祐子, 堂谷 知香子, 鈴木 伸一, 清水 研

    日本サイコオンコロジー学会総会・日本臨床死生学会総会合同大会プログラム・抄録集   30回・23回   191 - 191  2017.10

  • 子育て中のがん患者が病気を子どもに伝えることと親の心理的健康との関連

    小川 祐子, 小澤 美和, 国里 愛彦, 鈴木 伸一

    日本サイコオンコロジー学会総会・日本臨床死生学会総会合同大会プログラム・抄録集   30回・23回   210 - 210  2017.10

  • がん患者に対する行動活性化療法の構成要素に関する文献レビュー

    畑 琴音, 小川 祐子, 小野 はるか, 竹下 若那, 佐藤 秀樹, 国里 愛彦, 鈴木 伸一

    日本サイコオンコロジー学会総会・日本臨床死生学会総会合同大会プログラム・抄録集   30回・23回   223 - 223  2017.10

  • 親の病気を子どもに伝える困難感を抱えやすいがん患者の特徴

    小川 祐子, 小澤 美和, 国里 愛彦, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   43回   273 - 274  2017.09

  • 大学生の非致死性トラウマ体験者におけるストレスコーピングと主観的幸福感の関連

    竹下 若那, 小川 祐子, 小野 はるか, 畑 琴音, 佐藤 秀樹, 市倉 加奈子, 松永 美希, 国里 愛彦, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   43回   313 - 314  2017.09

  • 乳がんサバイバーのソーシャル・サポートに関する質的研究 PTGとの関連をふまえて

    畑 琴音, 近藤 夏生, 副島 沙彩, 小川 祐子, 小野 はるか, 国里 愛彦, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   43回   507 - 508  2017.09

  • Improving Access to Psychological Therapies(IAPT)に基づく認知行動療法で必要とされるコンピテンスに関する検討

    柳井 優子, 小川 祐子, 木下 奈緒子, 小関 俊祐, 伊藤 大輔, 小野 はるか, 鈴木 伸一

    日本うつ病学会総会・日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会プログラム・抄録集   14回・17回   303 - 303  2017.07

  • Improving Acess to Psychological Therapies(IAPT)に基づく英国におけるCBTトレーニングの構成要素の検討

    小関 俊祐, 伊藤 大輔, 小野 はるか, 木下 奈緒子, 柳井 優子, 小川 祐子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本うつ病学会総会・日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会プログラム・抄録集   14回・17回   304 - 304  2017.07

  • 考え込み方略の有無と刺激の感情価による検索誘導性忘却の差異の検討

    佐藤 秀樹, 伊藤 理紗, 鈴木 伸一

    認知療法研究   10 ( 1 ) 45 - 53  2017.02  [Refereed]

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy changes functional connectivity between medial prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices.

    Shinpei Yoshimura, Yasumasa Okamoto, Miki Matsunaga, Keiichi Onoda, Go Okada, Yoshihiko Kunisato, Atsuo Yoshino, Kazutaka Ueda, Shin-Ichi Suzuki, Shigeto Yamawaki

    Journal of affective disorders   208   610 - 614  2017.01  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Depression is characterized by negative self-cognition. Our previous study (Yoshimura et al. 2014) revealed changes in brain activity after cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression, but changes in functional connectivity were not assessed. METHOD: This study included 29 depressive patients and 15 healthy control participants. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging was used to investigate possible CBT-related functional connectivity changes associated with negative emotional self-referential processing. Depressed and healthy participants (overlapping with our previous study, Yoshimura et al. 2014) were included. We defined a seed region (medial prefrontal cortex) and coupled region (ACC) based on our previous study, and we examined changes in MPFC-ACC functional connectivity from pretreatment to posttreatment. RESULTS: CBT was associated with reduced functional connectivity between the MPFC and ACC. Symptom change with CBT was positively correlated with change in MPFC-ACC functional connectivity. LIMITATIONS: Patients received pharmacotherapy including antidepressant. The present sample size was quite small and more study is needed. Statistical threshold in fMRI analysis was relatively liberal. CONCLUSIONS: CBT for depression may disrupt MPFC-ACC connectivity, with associated improvements in depressive symptoms and dysfunctional cognition.

    DOI PubMed


  • 東日本大震災被災生徒の抑うつと生活支障度の関連

    仲座舞姫, 伊藤大輔, 小関俊祐, 大谷哲弘, 鈴木伸一

    ストレス科学研究   32   41 - 49  2017  [Refereed]


  • Effects of brooding on verbal working memory capacity

    Sato Hideki, Takebayashi Yui, Suyama Haruna, Ito Risa, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    Journal of Health Psychology Research    2017

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    <p>Effects of brooding, a negative component of cognitive information processing during rumination, and possible effects of depressive symptoms on verbal working memory capacity were investigated. Healthy undergraduate and graduate students (N=37) participated in a test for assessing reading span and recall, and also completed the Japanese version of the Ruminative Responses Scale (RRS), the Japanese version of Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and the Stanford Sleepiness Scale. Results of t-tests conducted on recall and reading span scores with high and low brooding as independent variables indicated no significant differences. Moreover, an analysis of variance on recall and reading span scores, with high and low brooding and high and low depressive symptoms as independent variables also indicated no significant differences. These results suggest that characteristics of verbal working memory capacity are not impaired by brooding and rather that brooding might cause impairments of visuospatial working memory capacity.</p>


  • Avoidance behavior associated with depressive symptoms in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators

    Kanako Ichikura, Sayaka Kobayashi, Shiho Matsuoka, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Katsuji Nishimura, Tsuyoshi Shiga, Nobuhisa Hagiwara, Jun Ishigooka, Shin-ichi Suzuki


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    Objective: Many patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators experience depressive symptoms. In addition, avoidance behavior is a common problem among patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators. We examined the association between avoidance behaviors and depressive symptoms in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Method: We conducted a single-center, cross-sectional study with self-completed questionnaires between May 2010 and March 2011. We measured avoidance behaviors (avoidance of places, avoidance of objects, and avoidance of situations) and depressive symptoms (using the Beck Depression Inventory, Version II) in 119 participants. An avoidance behaviors instrument was developed for this study and we confirmed its internal consistency reliability. Results: Ninety-two (77.3%) patients were aged older than 50 years, and 86 (72.3%) were men. Fifty-one (42.9%) patients reported avoidance of places, 34 (28.6%) reported avoidance of objects, and 63 (52.9%) reported avoidance of activity. Avoidance behavior was associated with increased odds for the presence of depressive symptoms (OR 1.31; 95% CI 1.06-1.62). Conclusions: This was the first study to identify the relationship between avoidance behavior and depressive symptoms among patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators; however, there are a few methodological limitations. (C) 2016 Asociacion Espanola de Psicologia Conductual. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U.



  • 小児がん患児のきょうだいへの情報提供の内容ときょうだいの情報の認識の内容と現状

    長谷川 由美, 小澤 美和, 小川 祐子, 竹内 恵美, 石川 愛海, 原 沙彩, 鈴木 伸一

    日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌   53 ( 4 ) 341 - 341  2016.11

  • 乳がんサバイバーの疾患認識と抑うつ、不安の検討 再発の有無の違いから

    原 沙彩, 竹内 恵美, 小川 祐子, 長谷川 由美, 石川 愛海, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   42回   237 - 238  2016.10

  • 子育て中のがん患者の家庭において親の病気について親から子に伝えられる内容とその工夫および関連要因に関する検討

    小川 祐子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   42回   422 - 423  2016.10

  • The Effects of State Brooding and Emotional Stimuli on Retrieval-Induced Forgetting

    Hideki Sato, Ito Risa, Higami Koyo, Matsumoto Satomi, Namiki Nobutaka, Yajima Ryo, Suzuki Shin-Ichi

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   147 - 148  2016.07  [Refereed]

  • 終末期における親の病気に関する子どもとのコミュニケーションの関連要因の探索

    小川 祐子, 河原 正典, 的場 元弘, 鈴木 伸一

    Palliative Care Research   11 ( Suppl. ) S411 - S411  2016.06

  • 子育て中に配偶者をがんで亡くした遺族における臨終期から死別後までの病気についてのコミュニケーションに関する一事例

    小川 祐子, 久野 美智子, 小澤 美和, 林 章敏, 鈴木 伸一

    Palliative Care Research   11 ( Suppl. ) S414 - S414  2016.06

  • 単一恐怖症状の高い大学生における,エクスポージャー中の安全確保行動の効果

    伊藤理紗, 兼子唯, 巣山晴菜, 兼子唯, 巣山晴菜, 佐藤秀樹, 横山仁史, 国里愛彦, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   42 ( 2 ) 237 - 246  2016.05  [Refereed]


  • 乳がんサバイバーにおける再発不安の構成要因の検討―再発の心配および対処行動の観点から―

    竹内恵美, 竹内恵美, 小川祐子, 原沙彩, 鈴木伸一

    行動医学研究   22 ( 1 ) 009‐017 - 17  2016.04

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    Fear of cancer recurrence (FOR) is one of major concerns among cancer survivors, and psychological supportis necessary. This study defined that FOR consisted of concerns of cancer recurrence (CR) and coping behavior toward CR, and examined the correlation between concerns of and coping behavior toward CR, anxiety and depression in order to identify the picture of cancer survivors with excessive level of FOR. The cross.sectional study was conducted. The target was breast cancer survivors who aged over 20 and had no recurrence. The questionnaires were distributed to 220 members in breast cancer patient association. The questionnaires were demographic data, concerns about recurrence scale Japanese version (CARS-J), coping behavior to CR which was developed in this study and HADS. Forty six participants were included in analysis. The multiple linear regression analysis showed that years since diagnosis, cognition of CARS-J and filling everyday life with activities were correlated with anxiety; while cognition of CARS-J, filling everyday life with activities and avoiding recurrence risk were correlated with depression. This result may contributed to capture the picture of breast cancer survivors with excessive level of FOR.

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 公認心理師に期待されるスタンダード・コンピテンス

    鈴木 伸一

    心身医学   56 ( 7 ) 691 - 691  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • 小児集中治療室で病気の子どもを亡くしたきょうだいへの情報提供の現状

    長谷川 由美, 小澤 美和, 小川 祐子, 岡田 眞人, 植田 育也, 小沼 睦代, 小中 節子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌   52 ( 4 ) 393 - 393  2015.10

  • 拒絶に対する過敏性の認知的特徴と拒絶予期・知覚および気分反応の関連の検討

    巣山 晴菜, 兼子 唯, 小川 祐子, 伊藤 理紗, 佐藤 秀樹, 松元 智美, 樋上 巧洋, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   41回   308 - 309  2015.10

  • Influences of Rejection Sensitivity in Course of Depressive Symptoms

    Suyama Haruna, Kaneko Yui, Ito Risa, Noguchi Kyoko, Kaiya Hisanobu, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   55 ( 9 ) 1047 - 1054  2015.09

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    Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictive power of rejection sensitivity with respect to change in depressive symptoms in outpatients with atypical or other types of depression. Method : Twenty-seven depression patients completed the questionnaire assessing their rejection sensitivity and depressive symptoms twice at 6-month intervals. Results : The results indicated that rejection sensitivity was not only related to simultaneous depressive symptoms, but also led to an increase in depressive symptoms 6 months later. Simultaneous depressive symptoms were related to all factors associated with rejection sensitivity except "unassertive interpersonal behavior due to fear of hurting others." In contrast, increases in depressive symptoms were related to "unassertive interpersonal behavior due to fear of hurting others" as well as "obsequence to others." Conclusion : These results suggest that depressive symptoms at a given point in time are linked to an individual's cognition, implying that the fear of being rejected by others is present, while changes in depressive symptoms are predicted by whether an individual takes specific actions or countermeasures to avoid being rejected.

    DOI CiNii

  • Psychosocial difficulties in adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer.

    Yuko Takei, Akiko Ogata, Miwa Ozawa, Hiroshi Moritake, Kei Hirai, Atsushi Manabe, Shin-ichi Suzuki

    Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society   57 ( 2 ) 239 - 46  2015.04  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: With a large number of children surviving cancer worldwide, numerous investigations have assessed psychological and social adjustment among childhood cancer survivors. According to these studies, it is unclear whether childhood cancer survivors successfully adjust to daily life after being discharged from hospital, especially for adolescent and young adult survivors who have unique needs and concerns. The primary aim of this study was to identify the factors underlying psychosocial difficulties faced by adolescent and young adult survivors in their day-to-day lives after being discharged from hospital. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted. Twenty-five childhood cancer survivors were recruited from two regional cancer institutions in Japan. Content analysis was applied to the responses. RESULTS: Nineteen attributes were extracted and classified into four categories as follows: physical difficulties, interpersonal difficulties, behavioral difficulties, and uncertainty about the future. The attributes indicated by >50% of the participants were "I am worried about not feeling well," "I have difficulty continuing treatment in daily life," "I have difficulty moving my body," "I have to be absent from school or work because of illness," and "I am left behind academically." CONCLUSIONS: This study identified important factors of psychosocial day-to-day difficulties. Clinically, these results suggest that it is important to watch for these signs and to provide early support to survivors so that their daily life and development are not hindered by the treatment and its side-effects, and to offer long-term support focusing on individual patient characteristics such as sex, age, and cancer history.

    DOI PubMed


  • Interpretation Bias for SAD Patients Affects Social Anxiety:—Investigation of the Positive, Neutral, and Negative Interpretation of Ambiguous Events

    Ito Risa, Suyama Haruna, Shimada Mai, Kaneko Yui, Ito Daisuke, Yokoyama Satoshi, Kaiya Hisanobu, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    Anxiety Disorder Research   6 ( 2 ) 63 - 71  2015.03

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    This study explored the relationship between the neutral and negative interpretation, and explored the influence of the positive, neutral, and negative interpretations in ambiguous events for SAD patients. In this study, 50 SAD patients completed (1) the Japanese version of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (Asakura et al., 2002); (2) the interpretation measure of ambiguous events. The results of correlation analysis revealed that the negative interpretation did not relate to neutral interpretation but positive interpretation (r=-.48, p<.001) in social events. The regression analysis revealed that the influence of negative interpretation in social events predicted social anxiety symptoms (β=.34, p<.05). The results suggest that to benign negative interpretations of ambiguous events will be decrease social anxiety symptoms by increasing positive interpretation of them.


  • The effects of dysphoria and emotional stimuli on retrieval-induced forgetting

    Sato Hideki, Kaneko Yui, Suyama Haruna, Ito Risa, Higami Koyo, Matsumoto Satomi, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology   2015   109 - 109  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • Hesitation in Speaking with Primary Doctors among Cancer Outpatients Who are Undergoing Complementary and Alternative Therapy

    Ogawa Yuko, Takei Yuko, Koga Harumi, Shimada Mai, Nagao Ayami, Sasaki Miho, Kunisato Yoshihiko, Tanigawa Keishi, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   55 ( 7 ) 873 - 883  2015

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    Background : Effective communication between cancer patients and their doctors is important in alleviating patients&#039; physical and psychological burdens. Hence, there is a growing need to encourage an improvement in patientdoctor communication. Cancer outpatients often hesitate to speak with their doctors even when they have necessary information to provide or questions to ask. This study examines the relationships between patients&#039; hesitation in speaking with their doctors and their communication behaviors. Subjects &amp; Method : The participants were 51 individuals (21 male and 31 female, mean age 62.08±11.38 years) undergoing outpatient treatment with complementary and alternative medicine. They were asked to recall the most recent consultation with their primary doctor, and then completed questionnaires measuring the degree of their hesitation in that particular social exchange. The factors influencing patients&#039; hesitation were analyzed using the maximum likelihood estimation. Subsequently, the relationship between patient characteristics and hesitation was examined using Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results : The results revealed that indecision regarding the topic of discussion, and the decision to forsake their doctors, are among the prime factors influencing patients&#039; hesitance to engage in effective communication with their primary doctors. A marginally significant difference with respect to age, stage of disease, employment, and recurrence status was observed. In particular, patients with recurrence were more likely to exhibit hesitance in communication compared to patients without recurrence (p=0.05). In addition, patients under 50 years of age were more likely to be indecisive about the topics of discussion, compared to patients in their 60 s (p=0.08). Similarly, patients at stages I-III were more likely to be indecisive than were patients at stage IV (p=0.08). In addition, employed patients were more likely to forsake their doctors than were unemployed patients (p=0.08). However, hesitation did not significantly differ by sex, cancer type, treatment, ECOG performance status, presence or absence of metastasis, residential conditions, or disease duration. Conclusion : To encourage better patient-doctor communication, it is necessary to alleviate patients&#039; hesitation to talk to their primary doctors. Communication skill training programs for patients targeting both the alleviation of patients&#039; hesitation and the amelioration of patients&#039; communication skills may be necessary.

    DOI CiNii

  • Relationship between Hesitation in Speaking with Primary Doctors and Communication Behaviors Among Cancer Outpatients

    OGAWA Yuko, NAGAO Ayami, TANIGAWA Keishi, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Jpn J Behav Med   21 ( 1 ) 22 - 30  2015

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    Effective communication between cancer patients and their primary doctors is important in alleviating patients' physical and psychological burdens. However, cancer outpatients often hesitate to speak with their doctors even when they have something to say or questions to ask. This study examines the relationships between patients' hesitance to communicate with their primary doctors and patients' communication behaviors during their medical interviews. The participants were 51 individuals undergoing outpatient treatment in the form of complementary and alternative medicine. They were asked to recall the most recent consultation with their primary doctor, and then completed questionnaires about the degree of their hesitation, their communication behaviors, and their degree of satisfaction with that particular social exchange. In order to examine the relationships between patients' communication behaviors, satisfaction, and hesitation, partial correlation coefficients controlling for patients' age, cancer type, and employment condition were calculated. The results revealed that patients' hesitation was related to some of their communication behaviors: presenting information, asking questions, stating preferences, and checking information. Hesitation is an obstructive factor in the effective communication of patients. Therefore, it is necessary for primary doctors to recognize this hesitation, and to address it by actively engaging in communication with their patients.

    DOI CiNii

  • Comparison of Attentional Bias in Patients with Different Subtypes of Social Anxiety Disorder

    KANEKO Yui, NAKAZAWA Kanako, OHTUKI Tomu, ITO Daisuke, SUYAMA Haruna, ITO Risa, YAMADA Kazuo, YOSHIDA Eiji, KAIYA Hisanobu, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   41 ( 1 ) 43 - 54  2015.01

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    The aims of the present study were to compare symptoms and attentional bias of patients with generalized social anxiety disorder (GSAD) to those of patients with non-generalized social anxiety disorder (NGSAD), and of patients with high perceived physiological arousal social anxiety disorder to those of patients with low perceived physiological arousal social anxiety disorder. Participants (n=16) with social anxiety disorder and control participants without social anxiety disorder (NC; n=6) were asked to fill out questionnaires and to perform a modified dot-probe task in which they were presented with negative and positive evaluation words, body-sensation words in 2 separate exposures that involved automatic and strategic processing. ANOVAs of the attentional bias scores, with subtype (GSAD vs. NGSAD vs. NC) and perceived physiological arousal (high vs. low vs. NC) as independent variables, revealed no significant differences. However, t-tests comparing attentional bias scores with 0 indicated that whereas participants with non-generalized social anxiety disorder were vigilant while performing automatic processing with positive evaluation words, patients with high perceived physiological arousal and social anxiety disorder tended to pay more attention to the body-sensation words on the tasks requiring strategic processing. The significance of assessing social anxiety disorder subtypes and possibly appropriate interventions for each subtype were discussed.


  • Factors Related to Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms and Social Disability in Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    ITO Daisuke, NAKAZAWA Kanako, KAMO Toshiko, UJIIE Yuri, SUZUKI Shin-ichi, KIM Yoshiharu

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   41 ( 1 ) 19 - 29  2015.01

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    The present study aimed to investigate differences between factors related to post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and social disability in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. Female patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (N=41) who visited the clinic mainly in the wake of an experience with domestic violence (DV) completed the Event Check List (ECL), the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDISS), the Cognitive Appraisal Rating Scale (CARS), the Negative Appraisal for Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms (NAP), and the Tri-Axial Coping Scale-24 (TAC). A partial correlation analysis, performed to determine whether symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder were related to social disability, revealed a weak correlation between their scores on the Impact of Event Scale-Revised and the SDISS. Moreover, hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that the appraisal of threat, negative prediction and implications relating to post-traumatic stress symptoms, and avoidance-like thinking positively influenced post-traumatic stress symptoms. However, appraisal of threat and becoming resigned positively influenced social disability, and negatively influenced positive interpretation and evading one's responsibility. These results suggest that even if the post-traumatic stress disorder condition improves, the degree of social disability may not. Furthermore, the relationship between cognitive behavioral variables and post-traumatic stress symptoms is different from the relationship between cognitive behavioral variables and social disability. Therefore, in addition to conventional treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder, such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), an intervention may be required that positively influences social disability.


  • Dysfunction of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex underlying social anxiety disorder: A multi-channel NIRS study.

    Chika Yokoyama, Hisanobu Kaiya, Hiroaki Kumano, Masaru Kinou, Tadashi Umekage, Shin Yasuda, Kunio Takei, Masami Nishikawa, Tsukasa Sasaki, Yukika Nishimura, Naomi Hara, Ken Inoue, Yui Kaneko, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Hisashi Tanii, Motohiro Okada, Yuji Okazaki

    NeuroImage. Clinical   8   455 - 61  2015  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is characterized by strong fear and anxiety during social interactions. Although ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) activity in response to emotional stimuli is related to pathological anxiety, little is known about the relationship between VLPFC activity and social anxiety. This study aimed to investigate whether VLPFC activity was involved in SAD and whether VLPFC activity was related to the level of social anxiety. Twenty-four drug-naïve patients with SAD and 35 healthy controls underwent near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) scanning while performing a verbal fluency task (VFT). Results indicated that, compared to the healthy controls, the SAD patients exhibited smaller changes of oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) concentrations in the VLPFC during the VFT. Furthermore, the right VLPFC activation was negatively correlated with social avoidance. In contrast to the latter, the healthy controls exhibited a positive correlation between changes of oxy-Hb concentrations in the bilateral VLPFC and social fear. Our findings provide evidence for VLPFC dysfunction in SAD, and indicate that the VLPFC dysfunction may contribute to the difference between normal and abnormal social anxiety.

    DOI PubMed


  • 小児がん患児の母親の心的外傷後ストレス症状と患児のきょうだいの自尊感情との関連

    長谷川 由美, 岡本 直子, 長尾 愛美, 小川 祐子, 竹内 恵美, 石川 愛海, 小澤 美和, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   40回   382 - 383  2014.11

  • Impact of clustered depression and anxiety on mortality and rehospitalization in patients with heart failure

    Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Shiga, Kazue Kuwahara, Sayaka Kobayashi, Shinichi Suzuki, Katsuji Nishimura, Atsushi Suzuki, Yuichiro Minami, Jun Ishigooka, Hiroshi Kasanuki, Nobuhisa Hagiwara

    JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY   64 ( 5-6 ) 456 - 462  2014.11  [Refereed]

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    Background: Anxiety is often present in patients with depression. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of clustered depression and anxiety on mortality and rehospitalization in hospitalized patients with heart failure (HF).
    Methods: A total of 221 hospitalized patients with HF, who completed the questionnaires, were analyzed in this prospective study (mean age 62 +/- 13 years; 28% female). One-third patients had implanted cardiac devices. Depression was defined as a Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale index score of &gt;= 60 and anxiety was defined as a State-Trait Anxiety Inventory score of &gt;= 40 (male) or &gt;= 42 (female). The primary outcome was the composite of death from any cause or rehospitalization due to worsened HF and refractory arrhythmia.
    Results: Of the 221 HF patients, 29(13%) had depression alone, 80(36%) had anxiety alone, and 46 patients (21%) had both depression and anxiety. During an average follow-up of 41 +/- 21 months, patients with depression alone and those with clustered depression and anxiety were at an increased risk of the primary outcome [hazard ratio (HR) 2.24, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.17-4.28, p = 0.01 and HR 2.75,95% CI: 1.51-4.99, p = 0.01, respectively] compared to patients with no symptoms. Multivariate analysis after adjusting for age, gender, New York Heart Association functional class, B-type natriuretic peptide, device implantation, renal dysfunction, and left ventricular dysfunction showed clustered depression and anxiety, but not depression alone or anxiety alone, was an independent predictor of the primary outcome (HR 1.96,95% CI: 1.00-3.27, p = 0.04).
    Conclusions: Our results showed that clustered depression and anxiety were associated with worse outcomes in patients with HF. (C) 2014 Japanese College of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • 小児がん患児のきょうだいと母親のサポート知覚の特徴

    長尾 愛美, 小澤 美和, 小川 祐子, 武井 優子, 竹内 恵美, 長谷川 由美, 真部 淳, 鈴木 伸一

    日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌   51 ( 4 ) 375 - 375  2014.10

  • 重症社交不安障害患者における拒絶に対する過敏性とうつ症状が社交不安症状に与える影響性の検討

    巣山 晴菜, 兼子 唯, 伊藤 理紗, 横山 仁史, 伊藤 大輔, 国里 愛彦, 貝谷 久宣, 鈴木 伸一

    不安症研究   6 ( 1 ) 7 - 16  2014.09

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  • 不安症状と気分症状の併存する症例に対する認知行動療法(口頭発表,行動療法コロキウム'13 in Kyoto開催報告,コロキウム報告)

    兼子 唯, 西 優子, 菅野 純, 鈴木 伸一, 田中 恒彦

    行動療法研究   40 ( 3 ) 222 - 223  2014.09


  • Social Skills Training for a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder in a General Education Classroom

    OKAJIMA Junko, TANI Shinji, SUZUKI Shin-Ichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   40 ( 3 ) 201 - 211  2014.09

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine generalization and maintenance effects of social skills training (SST) for a fifth-grade boy with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in a general education classroom. A social skills training program was developed that identifies target skills from a functional assessment, instructs matches for characteristics of autism spectrum disorder, and includes some homework on behavioral rehearsal. The social skills training consisted of 10 sessions, focusing on the following target skills: responding to initiations skills, entry skills, assertive skills, anger management skills, and problem-solving skills. The results were as follows: (a) The teacher's ratings of the boy's social skills improved, and (b) the frequency of his playing with peers after school increased. These results suggest that social skills training for this elementary school child with autism spectrum disorder improved his skills, and that the improvement generalized and was maintained. The discussion suggests that functional assessment of peer, teacher, and parent interactions is necessary for social skills training with individuals with autism spectrum disorder.


  • Difficulties in Communicating with Female Breast Cancer Patients with regard to Marital Relations : about Male Partners'

    Koga Harumi, Shiozaki Mariko, Suzuki Shin-ichi, Sanjo Makiko, Shimosaka Noriko, Hirai Kei

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   54 ( 8 ) 786 - 795  2014.08

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Japanese women. As patients with breast cancer have a lower level of mental health than healthy individuals, it is most important that they have the support of their partners to adapt to everyday life. However, 3 years after diagnosis the mental health of partners of breast cancer patients is lower than that of the patients. Few studies have examined the difficulties partners may have after their wife has been diagnosed as breast cancer. The aims of this study on partners of breast cancer patients were to investigate (l) the percentage of partners who needed information and advice services, and sympathetic support, (2) difficulties in marital communication regarding the illness, and (3) the relationship between the characteristics and difficulties in marital communication about the illness. The partners completed self-administered questionnaires (n=368). The results showed more than one-half of the partners needed support on information services (67.1 %), advice services (63.9 %), and sympathetic support (56.5%). At the time of diagnosis 66.6% of the partners had trouble grasping what his wife wanted and what he could do for her. These difficulties declined over time, however, 10-30% of partners had continuing problems regarding marital communication about the illness. Difficulties in marital communication about the illness were shown to be associated with recurrence of breast cancer, use of anticancer drug therapy, and a partner's previous experience with cancer. It is therefore necessary to provide partners who have these characteristics with information regarding marital communication about breast cancer.

    DOI CiNii

  • Clinicians' perspectives on support for children with a parent who is diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Yuko Takei, Miwa Ozawa, Yasushi Ishida, Shin-Ichi Suzuki, Shinji Ohno, Atsushi Manabe

    Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)   21 ( 4 ) 463 - 71  2014.07  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

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    BACKGROUND: There are few data on clinicians' perspectives regarding support for children who have a parent who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to survey the attitudes of physicians and nurses regarding the care of children who had a parent diagnosed with breast cancer. METHODS: A survey was mailed to 898 physicians and 135 nurses who were members of the Japanese Breast Cancer Society in 2009. They were asked to answer questions about their attitudes toward and current practice regarding care for children who had a parent with breast cancer. RESULTS: A total of 340 surveys (284 physicians and 56 nurses) were used in this analysis. The mean age of the respondents was 47.2 years, and their mean number of years of practice was 21.7 years. While 69.1 % of them reported that they felt it important for people in their roles to provide support for children, 84.4 % felt they could not provide sufficient support. The results also suggested that female gender in practitioners and nurses as opposed to doctor status seemed to be associated with preference for intervention, current practice of intervention, and recognition of difficulty to support. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians and nurses express a variety of opinions with regard to support for children with a parent who has breast cancer. It is important to cooperate with other specialists including physicians, nurses, and psychologists and allocate roles appropriately among them to improve outcomes for these children.

    DOI PubMed


  • Feature of Interpersonal Sensitivity in Japan : Findings in Atypical Depression

    Suyama Haruna, Kaiya Hisanobu, Ogawa Yuko, Koseki Shunsuke, Koseki Mami, Kaneko Yui, Ito Risa, Yokoyama Satoshi, Ito Daisuke, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   54 ( 5 ) 422 - 430  2014.05

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the factor structure of the Japanese version of Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure (J-IPSM). The J-IPSM assesses the tendency for being sensitive to rejection (interpersonal rejection sensitivity). This study comprised 301 undergraduate students who completed the J-IPSM. The J-IPSM included 27 items loading on 5 factors - "fear of breakup of a relationship", "unassertive interpersonal behavior due to fear of hurting others", "fear of criticism by others", "discrepancy between social self-image and true self-image", and "obsequence to others". The internal consistency of the scale and each subscale explored by the factor analysis were suffi-ciently high (α=0.78-0.91). Furthermore, among atypical depressive patients, the scores of J-IPSM correlated strongly with the score of the self-reported measures of depressive symptoms. The J-IPSM, therefore, may be highly valid and potential for clinical and research applications. Finally, differences in the results of original IPSM and J-IPSM were discussed from the viewpoint of culture.


  • Cognitive behavioral therapy for depression changes medial prefrontal and ventral anterior cingulate cortex activity associated with self-referential processing.

    Shinpei Yoshimura, Yasumasa Okamoto, Keiichi Onoda, Miki Matsunaga, Go Okada, Yoshihiko Kunisato, Atsuo Yoshino, Kazutaka Ueda, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Shigeto Yamawaki

    Social cognitive and affective neuroscience   9 ( 4 ) 487 - 93  2014.04  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), an effective treatment for depression, targets self-referential processing of emotional stimuli. We examined the effects of CBT on brain functioning during self-referential processing in depressive patients using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Depressive patients (n = 23) and healthy participants (n = 15) underwent fMRI scans during a self-referential task using emotional trait words. The depressive patients had fMRI scans before and after completing a total of 12 weekly sessions of group CBT for depression, whereas the healthy participants underwent fMRI scans 12 weeks apart with no intervention. Before undergoing CBT, the depressive patients showed hyperactivity in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) during self-referential processing of negative words. Following CBT, MPFC and ventral anterior cingulate cortex (vACC) activity during self-referential processing among depressive patients was increased for positive stimuli, whereas it was decreased for negative stimuli. Improvements in depressive symptoms were negatively correlated with vACC activity during self-referential processing of negative stimuli. These results suggest that CBT-related improvements in depressive symptoms are associated with changes in MPFC and vACC activation during self-referential processing of emotional stimuli.

    DOI PubMed


  • 臨床心理士の育成と認知行動療法のトレーニング


    認知療法研究   7 ( 1 ) 29 - 34  2014.02

  • The Term “Fuan Sho” Literally Means the Disorder (Sho) of Anxiety (Fuan) in Japanese Version of DSM-5

    Shimizu Eiji, Sasaki Tsukasa, Suzuki Shin-ichi, Hashizume Masahiro, Yamanaka Gaku, Kaiya Hisanobu, Kuboki Tomifusa

    Anxiety Disorder Research   5 ( 2 ) 116 - 121  2014

    DOI CiNii

  • Influences of Interpersonal Rejection Sensitivity and Depressive Symptoms on Social Anxiety Symptoms in Severe Social Anxiety Disorder Patients

    Suyama Haruna, Kaneko Yui, Ito Risa, Yokoyama Satoshi, Ito Daisuke, Kunisato Yoshihiko, Kaiya Hisanobu, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    Anxiety Disord Res   6 ( 1 ) 7 - 16  2014

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of interpersonal rejection sensitivity on depressive symptoms and social anxiety symptoms in social anxiety disorder (SAD) patients. Eighty-one SAD patients completed the questionnaire assessing their rejection sensitivity, depressive symptoms, and social anxiety symptoms. The results indicated that rejection sensitivity led an increase in SAD symptoms through depressive symptoms. In rejection sensitivity, "discrepancy between social self-image and true self-image" and "obsequence to others" in particular are strongly related with depressive symptoms. These results suggest that rejection sensitivity as a possible cause of depressive symptoms in the course of SAD, and were discussed in terms of possibility of approach that focus on rejection sensitivity.

    DOI CiNii

  • Effects of rejection sensitivity, and anxious, depressed thoughts on undergraduates in teacher-education

    Koseki Shunsuke, Suyama Haruna, Kaneko Yui, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    The Japanese Journal of Health Psychology   27 ( 1 ) 35 - 44  2014

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    Effects of interpersonal rejection sensitivity and automatic thoughts relating to social phobia, trait anxiety, and depression, in university students in a teacher education course were investigated to determine if these effects differed between pre- and post-practicum students. We administered questionnaires to first year students (n=84; 37 boys and 47 girls) with no practicum experience (no practicum group) and to fourth year students (n=82; 51 boys and 31 girls) with a practicum experience (practicum group). The results showed that in the no practicum group, "Dependence on Evaluation by Others" and "Negative Expectations for the Future" significantly affected interpersonal rejection sensitivity and automatic thoughts related to social phobia, whereas "Negative Expectation for the Future" had a significant effect on these variables in the practicum group. In addition, "Negative Thoughts about the Self" significantly affected trait anxiety. Furthermore, "Fear of Relationship Failure" and "Unassertive Interpersonal Behavior significantly affected the "Fear of Hurting Others" in the no practicum group, whereas there was a significant effect of "Fear of Criticism by Others" on these variables in the practicum group. In both groups, there was a significant effect of "Negative Expectation for the Future" on depression, whereas in the no practicum group, there was a significant effect of "Positive Automatic Thoughts" on depression.


  • 寛解状態にある小児がん患者の退院後の生活を支えるソーシャルサポートの特徴

    武井 優子, 小澤 美和, 盛武 浩, 真部 淳, 鈴木 伸一

    日本小児血液・がん学会学術集会・日本小児がん看護学会・公益財団法人がんの子どもを守る会公開シンポジウムプログラム総会号   55回・11回・18回   310 - 310  2013.11

  • The relationship between positive and negative automatic thought and activity in the prefrontal and temporal cortices: a multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) study.

    Shunsuke Koseki, Takamasa Noda, Satoshi Yokoyama, Yoshihiko Kunisato, Daisuke Ito, Haruna Suyama, Taro Matsuda, Yuji Sugimura, Naoko Ishihara, Yu Shimizu, Kanako Nakazawa, Sumiko Yoshida, Kunimasa Arima, Shin-ichi Suzuki

    Journal of affective disorders   151 ( 1 ) 352 - 9  2013.10  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, neurobiological studies of the cognitive model of depression have become vastly more important, and a growing number of such studies are being reported. However, the relationship between the proportion of positive and negative automatic thought and activity in the prefrontal and temporal cortices has not yet been explored. We examined the relationship between brain activity and the proportion of positive and negative automatic thought in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), using multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). METHODS: We recruited 75 individuals with MDD (36 females; mean age=39.23 ± 12.49). They completed the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Revised, Japanese version of the National Adult Reading Test, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Brain activation was measured by 52-channel NIRS. RESULTS: We found that activation in the vicinity of the right superior temporal gyrus is related to a deviation to negative of the proportion of positive and negative thoughts in individuals with MDD. Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity was higher in the group with comparatively frequent positive thought. LIMITATIONS: Our participants were patients taking antidepressant medication, which is known to influence brain activity. Second, the poor spatial resolution of NIRS increases the difficulty of identifying the measurement position. CONCLUSIONS: We found that activation of the prefrontal and temporal cortices is related to the proportion of automatic thoughts in the cognitive model of depression.

    DOI PubMed


  • I-1. 成人がん患者と医師間の会話の戸惑いについて(一般演題,第117回日本心身医学会関東地方会演題抄録)

    古賀 晴美, 市倉 加奈子, 中澤 佳奈子, 松岡 志帆, 武井 優子, 犬塚 真由子, 島田 真衣, 長尾 愛美, 谷川 啓司, オスタペンコ バレンチナ, 鈴木 伸一

    心身医学   53 ( 7 ) 697 - 697  2013.07


  • Development and Validation of an Anxious Depression Scale (ADS)

    SUYAMA Haruna, YOKOYAMA Chika, KOMATSU Chika, NOGUCHI Kyoko, KANEKO Yui, SUZUKI Shin-ichi, KAIYA Hisanobu

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   39 ( 2 ) 87 - 97  2013.05

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    The purpose of the present study was to develop and evaluate a self-report Anxious Depression Scale (ADS). The Anxious Depression Scale assesses symptoms of anxious depression, which is a depressive condition comorbid with anxiety disorders. The participants, 114 outpatients having any anxiety disorder with depression, 153 outpatients having any anxiety disorder without depression, 80 outpatients with major depression, and 97 undergraduate students, completed the Anxious Depression Scale and other clinical scales relating to depression and anxiety. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the Anxious Depression Scale, including 20 items, appropriately fell into 4 factors: "behavioral/emotional symptoms," "physical symptoms," "aggressive emotions (dynamic emotions) ," and "non-aggressive emotions (static emotions)." Internal consistency of the scale and each subscale was sufficiently high (α=0.74-0.87). The results of an analysis of variance showed that the patients with anxious depression had higher scores than the other participants on all subscales and also had a higher sum on the Anxious Depression Scale. Furthermore, the Anxious Depression Scale scores correlated moderately with other self-report measures of depression. The Anxious Depression Scale is able to measure specifically the severity of anxious depression. Differences in depressive symptoms of each type of anxious disorder were discussed.


  • 行動活性化療法


    Depression Frontier   11 ( 1 ) 65 - 68  2013.03

  • 死性トラウマによって生じた外傷後ストレス症状に及ぼす影響

    伊藤大輔, 鈴木伸一

    ストレス科学   27   208 - 290  2013

  • 企業従業員における報酬と罰の感受性とストレッサー,ストレス反応との関連

    伊藤大輔, 田上明日香, 大野真由子, 清水馨, 奈良元壽, 鈴木伸一

    ストレス科学   27   291 - 300  2013

  • 不安うつ病尺度の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討 行動療法研究

    巣山晴菜, 横山知加, 小松智賀, 野口恭子, 兼子唯, 鈴木伸一, 貝谷久宣

    行動療法研究   39 ( 2 ) 87 - 96  2013


  • 行動療法コロキウム'11 in 多摩湖開催報告(コロキウム報告)

    鈴木 伸一

    行動療法研究   39 ( 1 ) 55 - 55  2013.01


  • Characteristics of Illness Perception and Psychosocial Adaptation of Survivors of Childhood Cancer

    TAKEI Yuko, OGATA Akiko, OZAWA Miwa, MORITAKE Hiroshi, HIRAI Kei, MANABE Atsushi, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   39 ( 1 ) 23 - 33  2013.01

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine the correlation between perceived illness experiences and psychosocial adaptation in adolescent childhood cancer survivors. The participants, 21 youth (7 boys, 14 girls; average age 15.8 years, SD 2.1) who were cancer patients attending pediatric outpatient clinics, were asked to participate in a semi-structured interview and complete the Pediatric Quality of Life (QOL) Inventory. The results indicated that psychosocial daily difficulties influenced their illness perception. Although the results were not statistically significant, positive perception might correlate positively with QOL, and negative perception or a despairing attitude might correlate negatively with QOL. Future research should investigate those influences in a quantitative study.


  • Effects of depression on reward-based decision making and variability of action in probabilistic learning.

    Yoshihiko Kunisato, Yasumasa Okamoto, Kazutaka Ueda, Keiichi Onoda, Go Okada, Shinpei Yoshimura, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Kazuyuki Samejima, Shigeto Yamawaki

    Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry   43 ( 4 ) 1088 - 94  2012.12  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Depression is characterized by low reward sensitivity in behavioral studies applying signal detection theory. We examined deficits in reward-based decision making in depressed participants during a probabilistic learning task, and used a reinforcement learning model to examine learning parameters during the task. METHODS: Thirty-six nonclinical undergraduates completed a probabilistic selection task. Participants were divided into depressed and non-depressed groups based on Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression (CES-D) cut scores. We then applied a reinforcement learning model to every participant's behavioral data. RESULTS: Depressed participants showed a reward-based decision making deficit and higher levels of the learning parameter τ, which modulates variability of action selection, as compared to non-depressed participants. Highly variable action selection is more random and characterized by difficulties with selecting a specific course of action. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that depression is characterized by deficits in reward-based decision making as well as high variability in terms of action selection.

    DOI PubMed


  • 心疾患患者の抱える抑うつ症状に対する心理的介入に関する研究展望

    島田 真衣, 佐々木 美保, 武井 優子, 小川 祐子, 長尾 愛美, 尾城 友美, 松田 敦子, 堂園 知惠, 国里 愛彦, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   38回   318 - 319  2012.09

  • Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy on Adults with Depression : A Controlled Clinical Trial(<Special Issue>Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression Provided by Psychologists in Japan)

    ITO Daisuke, KANEKO Yui, SUYAMA Haruna, KANAYA Toshihiro, TANOUE Asuka, KOSEKI Shunsuke, KAIYA Hisanobu, KUMANO Hiroaki, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   38 ( 3 ) 169 - 180  2012.09

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    The present article reports effects of cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBGT) on adults with depression, using a controlled clinical trial. The cognitive behavioral group therapy consisted of 12 sessions developed by psychologists, consisting of Beck's cognitive therapy and problemsolving therapy. Participants (n=10) received this treatment from a psychologist, including pharmacotherapy (treatment as usual; TAU) combined with the cognitive behavioral group therapy program (TAU+CBGT group). The other participants (n=10) received only pharmacotherapy (TAU group). The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) which measures depression was completed by the participants at 3 times (pre-, mid-, and post) during the cognitive behavioral group therapy program. The results revealed that after the therapy, depression in the group receiving cognitive behavioral therapy with pharmacotherapy improved significantly more than in the treatment-as-usual group. These results suggest that for adults with depression, the administration of pharmacotherapy combined with cognitive behavioral group therapy managed by a psychologist may be more effective than treatment with pharmacotherapy only.

    DOI CiNii

  • Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Employees on Sick Leave Due to Depression(<Special Issue>Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression Provided by Psychologists in Japan)

    TANOUE Asuka, ITO Daisuke, SHIMIZU Kaori, OHNO Mayuko, SHIRAI Mari, SHIMADA Hironori, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   38 ( 3 ) 193 - 202  2012.09

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    The purpose of the present study was to explore the effect of cognitive behavioral group therapy on depression, social functioning, and the difficulties that employees face when returning to work after sick leave taken to obtain treatment for depression. Participants (N=22) were diagnosed as having unipolar depressive disorder, and were on sick leave. The therapy consisted of 10 weekly 90-minute sessions of closed cognitive behavioral group therapy; the therapist, the therapist's assistant, and a supporter in the therapy were all psychologists. Before and after the treatment, the participants completed the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Revised (ATQ-R), the Tri-axial Coping Scale-24 (TAC), Kikuchi's Scale of Social Skills (KISS) , the Beck Depression Inventory-II, the Social Adaptation Self-evaluation Scale (SASS), and the Difficulty in Returning to Work Inventory (DRW). The results revealed that depression and social functioning scores improved significantly after cognitive behavioral group therapy. On the other hand, the employees still had difficulties in returning to work. This suggests that it is necessary to develop and implement more components of treatment or change the timing of the treatment, in order to reduce difficulties employees face when returning to work.


  • 行動活性化療法


    臨床精神医学   41 ( 8 ) 1001 - 1005  2012.08

  • The Perceived Cancer Experience in Japanese Childhood Cancer Patients : A Qualitative Study

    Takei Yuko, Ogata Akiko, Hirai Kei, Ozawa Miwa, Moritake Hiroshi, Manabe Atushi, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   52 ( 7 ) 638 - 645  2012.07

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    Objectives : Experience of cancer has been linked to post-traumatic stress disorder for childhood cancer survivors. However, it is also an opportunity for personal growth (Jim & Jacobsen., 2008). Evaluating the long-term effects of cancer and its treatment, we have to investigate the impact of cancer in life domains. The purpose of this study was to explore the perception of the cancer experience in Japanese childhood cancer patients. Methods : Subjects were 25 childhood cancer patients attending the pediatric outpatient clinics (8 male and 17 female), median age at survey was 16.8 yrs (13.8-28.8 yrs), median age at diagnosis was 8.0 yrs (2.3-15.0 yrs). Approximately 18 patients had leukemia, 4 suffered from malignant lymphoma and 3 suffered from osteosarcoma, respectively. They were asked to participate in a semi-structured interview regarding the perception of the cancer experience. The data was analyzed with the content analysis, chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. Results: A total of 11 attributes were extracted. The attributes indicated by many of the participants were "having cancer brought my family closer together (n=14)", "I have met various people (n=12)", "cancer has been a precious experience of my life (n=11)", "I wonder why I got cancer (n=9)". Some attributes showed statistically significant differences among age at survey. Conclusion : This study identified the important components of the perceived cancer experience in Japanese childhood cancer patients. Most patients thought that good things have come out of having had cancer. In addition, older patients have more diversified views of cancer than younger patients because they have had many problems and benefits.


  • 循環器心身症への認知行動療法:不安・抑うつのマネジメントを中心に,

    松岡志帆, 鈴木伸一

    日本心療内科学会誌   16 ( 1 ) 37 - 44  2012.02


  • [Examination of the quality of life in the cancer patients under immunotherapy].

    Nagao Ayami, Takei Yuko, Ogawa Yuko, Shimada Mai, Tanigawa Keishi, Suzuki Shinichi

    [Examination of the quality of life in the cancer patients under immunotherapy].   39 ( 12 ) 1785 - 7  2012  [Domestic journal]

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    :In recent years, quality of life(QOL) has received much attention as a subjective health outcome by which to measure and adopt patient treatment. Few studies, however, have examined how the QOL of cancer patients differs depending on treatment methods, or the effects of immunotherapy on patients' QOL. Thus, this study aimed to reveal: 1) the differences in QOL between patients treated with immunotherapy and other methods, and 2) whether the QOL of cancer patients treated with immunotherapy improves in accordance with the duration of immunotherapy. Thirty-nine cancer patients receiving immunotherapy who completed a Quality of Life Questionnaire for Cancer Patients Treated with Anti-Cancer Drugs(QOL-ACD) were the subjects for statistical analyses. The result indicated that patients treated with immunotherapy exhibited a higher physical conditions score than did patients receiving chemotherapy (p<0.01). Given that the side effects of immunotherapy are fewer than those of chemotherapy, the results suggested that the presence of side effects during cancer treatment plays an important role in determining patients' QOL.


  • 生活習慣病への認知行動療法

    佐々木美保, 武井優子, 小川祐子, 島田真衣, 長尾愛美, 国里愛彦, 鈴木伸一

    認知療法研究   5 ( 2 ) 128 - 136  2012


  • 認知行動療法を学ぶ—医療場面への適用

    市倉加奈子, 鈴木伸一

    臨床心理学   13  2012

  • 通常学級に在籍する自閉症スペクトラム障害児に対する社会的スキル訓練—欧米との比較による日本における現状と課題

    岡島純子, 鈴木伸一

    カウンセリング研究   45 ( 4 ) 21 - 30  2012

  • 免疫療法受療中のがん患者におけるQuality of lifeの検討

    長尾愛美, 武井優子, 小川祐子, 島田真衣, 谷川啓司, 鈴木伸一

    癌と化学療法   39 ( 12 ) 1785 - 1787  2012

  • Effects of Video Feedback in Alleviating Social Anxiety : Interpretation Bias in Speech Predicts Response to Video Feedback from Speech

    SUYAMA Haruna, OHTSUKI Tomu, ITO Daisuke, KANEKO Yui, NAKAZAWA Kanako, YOKOYAMA Satoshi, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   38 ( 1 ) 35 - 45  2012.01

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    The present study investigated whether a speaker's interpretation bias predicts effects of video feedback on that person's social anxiety. Undergraduate student participants (N=27) in the experiment made 2 speeches, receiving video feedback for the first speech. Subjective anxiety (visual analog scale), speech perception (Speech Perception Questionnaire; evaluation by oneself and others), and heart rate were measured. Interpretation bias was indicated by the standardized residual of scores by oneself and others. The results indicated that the quality of the speeches did not differ in relation to the degree of interpretation bias. On the other hand, the effects of the video feedback on subjective anxiety before and during the speeches differed in relation to the amount of interpretation bias. Participants' heart rate before the speeches was significantly lower before the second speech, regardless of the degree of interpretation bias. These results suggest that video feedback is more effective for those with high interpretation bias in self-evaluation of performance and subjective anxiety. Interpretation bias might be a factor determining effects of video feedback in alleviating social anxiety.


  • Depression, Social Function, and Employees' Difficulties in Returning to Work because of Depression

    TANOUE Asuka, ITO Daisuke, SHIMIZU Kaori, OHNO Mayuko, SHIRAI Mari, SHIMADA Hironori, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   38 ( 1 ) 11 - 22  2012.01

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    The purposes of the present study were to develop a Difficulties in Returning to Work Inventory (DRW) and to examine characteristics of the inventory. The inventory was developed based on a sample of 34 patients with unipolar depressive disorder. A total of 60 employees who were on sick leave because of unipolar depressive disorder completed the inventory. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the DRW was constituted of 10 items, centering on 3 factors. Cronbach's α coefficient was sufficiently high (α=.87), and the validity of the inventory was confirmed by content as well as concurrent validity. The results of the present study suggest that the DRW has high reliability and validity. The inventory was used to classify the 60 employees into 4 categories. The results considered the employees' difficulties in returning to work and suggested treatments that could be provided to them.


  • Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy Conducted by Clinical Psychologists for Individuals with Major Depression : CBGT Program Conducted in a University Hospital(<Special Issue>Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression Provided by Psychologists in Japan)


    Japanese Journal of Behavior Therapy   38 ( 3 ) 181 - 191  2012  [Refereed]

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    The present study examined effectiveness of combined cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBGT) and medication for patients with major depression. The cognitive behavioral group therapy program, which consisted of 12 structured sessions including psycho-education, self-monitoring, behavior activation, challenging and restructuring negative thinking, was conducted by clinical psychologists at Hiroshima University Hospital. At baseline, termination of treatment, and 12-month follow-up, patients (N-74) completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) , the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) , the Global Assessment of Functioning scale (GAF) , the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) , the Automatic Thought Questionnaire-Revised (ATQ-R) , and the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS). The post-treatment scores on the 4 measurement instruments were significantly lower after the treatment. In addition, the scores on the Global Assessment of Functioning scale and 36-item Short-Form Health Survey were significantly higher than the baseline scores. In other words, the patients improved on all measurements of psychosocial functioning and mood symptoms. Their improvement in depressive symptoms, psychosocial functioning, and dysfunctional cognitions were sustained at 12 months following the completion of the group-cognitive behavioral therapy.

    DOI CiNii

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Depression

    Shimizu Kaori, Suzuki Shin-ichi

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   51 ( 12 ) 1079 - 1087  2011.12

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    Depression is the commonest mental disease. In Japan, depression is not a rare disease and 5% of her people suffer it in their life. It is reported recently that among the causes of the suicide, 27.6% are by depression, and about 70% of the employees'suicide are considered due to depression. So our Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is promoting preventive measures for depression as the core of suicide prevention. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for depression has been covered by national health insurance since April, 2010 in Japan. We showed in this study the trend of late years of the CBT for depression as well as its contents and points of application in practice.

    DOI CiNii

  • 小児がん患者が退院後に抱える心理社会的問題に関するパンフレット作成の試み

    武井 優子, 小澤 美和, 樋口 明子, 片山 麻子, 斎藤 秀子, 横川 めぐみ, 真部 淳, 尾形 明子, 鈴木 伸一

    小児がん   48 ( プログラム・総会号 ) 245 - 245  2011.11

  • 成人がん患者における痛みの特徴とQOLの関連性の検討

    小川 祐子, 武井 優子, 島田 真衣, 長尾 愛美, 安田 理恵, 谷川 啓司, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   37回   228 - 229  2011.11

  • Depression and Outcomes in Hospitalized Japanese Patients With Cardiovascular Disease - Prospective Single-Center Observational Study

    Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Shiga, Kazue Kuwahara, Sayaka Kobayashi, Shinichi Suzuki, Katsuji Nishimura, Atsushi Suzuki, Hisako Omori, Fumiaki Mori, Jun Ishigooka, Hiroshi Kasanuki, Nobuhisa Hagiwara

    CIRCULATION JOURNAL   75 ( 10 ) 2465 - 2473  2011.10  [Refereed]

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    Background: Several studies have suggested that depression poses a risk in cardiovascular patients. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of depression and its effect on cardiovascular events and mortality in Japanese inpatients with cardiovascular disease.
    Methods and Results: A total of 505 patients hospitalized with cardiovascular disease (28% female; mean age, 61 +/- 14 years; 31% ischemic heart disease; 47% New York Heart Association [NYHA] class II-IV; 25% implantation of pacing devices) were enrolled in the present prospective observational study. The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) was used to screen for depression. The primary outcome was the time to death or cardiovascular event, and the secondary outcome was death. In total, 109 patients (22%) were diagnosed with depression (Zung SDS index score 60). NYHA class III/IV, defibrillator implantation, and being unmarried were independently associated with depression. During an average follow-up period of 38 +/- 15 months, 92 patients (18%) reached the primary outcome. There was a higher incidence of the primary outcome in patients with depression than in those who were not depressed (P &lt; 0.01). Depressed patients had a significantly higher rate of mortality than non-depressed patients (P &lt; 0.01). Depression was an independent predictor of the primary outcome (hazard ratio, 2.25; 95% confidence interval: 1.30-3.92, P &lt; 0.01).
    Conclusions: Depression was not uncommon in Japanese inpatients with cardiovascular disease and was associated with cardiovascular outcomes. (Circ J 2011; 75: 2465-2473)



  • 医療心理学の新展開―うつ病の心理社会的支援の最前線―

    鈴木 伸一, 神村 栄一, 小林 奈穂美, 松永 美希

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   75   WS028 - WS028  2011.09

    DOI CiNii

  • うつ病の認知行動療法の展開と実践の工夫

    臨床心理学   11 ( 5 ) 751 - 755  2011.09

  • Relation of Self-Efficacy and Self-Care Behavior of Children with Type 1 Diabetes to Durationof Their Diabetes : A Summer Camp Study(Brief Notes)

    SASAKI Miho, OGATA Akiko, ITO Yuri, TAKEI Yuko, KANEKO Yui, MIYAGAWA Shin-ichiro, JINNO Kazuhiko, KOBAYASHI Masao, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   37 ( 3 ) 157 - 169  2011.09

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    The purposes of the present study were to explore long-term effects of a diabetes camp on self-care behavior of Japanese children with type 1 diabetes, as well as relations between the children's self-care behavior and self-efficacy, and the duration of their diabetes. The participants, 20 children with type 1 diabetes, were asked to complete questionnaires at the beginning and end of a diabetes camp. In addition, a follow-up survey was administered 6 months after they left the camp. The results were as follows: (a) the participants' self-care behavior improved after attending the camp, but this effect was not maintained after several months. (b) participants who had had diabetes for a long duration showed less improvement in self-care behavior than those who had recently been diagnosed with diabetes. (c) participants with high self-efficacy exhibited a larger degree of improvement in self-care behavior than those with low self-efficacy. These findings suggest the importance of considering duration of diabetes and self-efficacy in improving self-care behavior of summer camp participants with type 1 diabetes.


  • Cardiologists' and Nurses' Recognition of End-Stage Heart Failure : A National Survey

    MATSUOKA Shiho, OKUMURA Yasuyuki, ICHIKURA Kanako, KOBAYASHI Mika, SUZUKI Shin-ichi, ITO Hiroto, NODA Takashi, YOKOYAMA Hiroyuki, KAMAKURA Shiro, NONOGI Hiroshi

      6 ( 2 ) 115 - 121  2011.06


  • 「うつ」で休職中の患者への認知行動療法:適応と限界


    精神科治療学   26 ( 2 ) 181 - 187  2011.02

  • Cognitive and Behavioral Features on the Recovery Process of Loss

    TAKEI Yuko, SHIMADA Hironori, SUZUKI Shinichi

    Japanese Journal of Counseling Science   44 ( 1 ) 50 - 59  2011

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the cognitive and behavioral changes through the recovery process of loss. Subjects were eight undergraduate students (mean age=21.88, SD=2.93) who had experienced personal significant loss. Semi-structured interviews were conducted. A modified grounded theory approach was conducted to analyze what they discussed about in their interview. In addition, subjects were requested to complete a set of questionnaires on the levels of grief, Japanese version of the Posttraumatic Cognitive Inventory (JPTCI), Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), and Tri-Axial Coping Scale (TAC-24). The results of this study suggested that increasing positive cognition and behavioral activation are important for the adaptive recovery process of loss.

    DOI CiNii

  • 心不全患者の終末期に対する心臓専門医と看護師の認識 —ICD認定施設の全国調査—

    松岡志帆, 奥村泰之, 市倉加奈子, 小林未果, 鈴木伸一, 伊藤弘人, 野田崇, 横山広行, 鎌倉史郎, 野々木宏

    心臓病学会誌   6 ( 2 ) 115 - 121  2011


  • Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire for Child-Rearing: Automatic Thoughts and Stress Responses in Mothers Rearing Children(Original Articles)

    OKAJIMA Junko, SATO Yoko, SUZUKI Shin-ichii

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   37 ( 1 ) 1 - 11  2011.01

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    The purposes of the present study were to develop an Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire for Child-Rearing (ATQ-CR) and to investigate the relationship between automatic thoughts and stress responses in mothers rearing young children. The results of exploratory and high- dimensional factor analysis of data from 324 mothers of preschool children supported the validity of 2 factors: a negative factor, which consisted of 29 items, and a positive factor, which consisted of 14 items. Cronbach's a coefficient was sufficiently high (negative factor: α=.90, positive factor: α=.76) , and scores on the negative factor of the Questionnaire correlated significantly with stress response scores (r=.23-.35). These data suggest that the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire for Child-Rearing has high reliability and validity. In order to investigate the relationship between automatic thoughts and stress responses, scores on the Questionnaire were compared across 3 groups based on their scores on a State of Mind questionnaire. The results of ANOVAs suggested that the Low Positive group had significantly lower stress response scores than the Neutral and Low Negative groups. The data suggest that a balance of negative and positive thinking is related to stress responses, and .that stress management of automatic thoughts would be helpful for mothers rearing young children.


  • 小児がん患者における病気のとらえ方と退院後の困難の関連性の検討

    武井 優子, 尾形 明子, 小澤 美和, 盛武 浩, 真部 淳, 平井 啓, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   36回   164 - 165  2010.12

  • Prevalence and Persistence of Depression in Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator: A 2-year Longitudinal Study

    Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Shiga, Kazue Kuwahara, Sayaka Kobayashi, Shinichi Suzuki, Katsuji Nishimura, Atsushi Suzuki, Koichiro Ejima, Tetsuyuki Manaka, Morio Shoda, Jun Ishigooka, Hiroshi Kasanuki, Nobuhisa Hagiwara

    PACE-PACING AND CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY   33 ( 12 ) 1455 - 1461  2010.12  [Refereed]

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    Methods: The study included 90 consecutively hospitalized patients. Patients underlying heart disease was 24% coronary artery disease, 29% idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, 24% hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 13% idiopathic VF/long QT syndrome and miscellaneous conditions 11%. A secondary indication for ICD implantation was present in 20 patients. All patients completed the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) at study baseline and at the their routine follow-up visit 2 years after the baseline questionnaire. Delivery of ICD therapies was tracked throughout the 2 years.
    Results: Depression, indicated by a Zung SDS index score exceeding 60, was present in 29 (32%) of patients at study baseline. Depression was present in 11/51 (21%) patients scheduled to undergo ICD implantation, 2/2 (100%) patients whose device was upgraded to a CRT-D, 3/14 (21%) patients who had undergone pulse generator replacement, 7/14 (50%) patients who experienced electrical storm and 6/9 (66%) patients hospitalized with acute decompensated heart failure. NYHA functional class III was significantly associated with depression at baseline (HR 6.7, 95% CI 1.68-27.2, p = 0.0007). No differences were noted for female gender, demographics, beta-blocker use, or LVEF &lt; 35% (p = ns). Depression was present in 25 (28%) of patients at 2 years follow-up, persisting in 21 (72%) of patients whose Zung SDS scores were elevated at baseline. The median time from ICD shock therapy to completion of the 2 year questionnaire was 9 months (range, 1-22). Patients who were depressed (9/25, 36%) experienced more shocks than non-depressed patients (6/65, 9%) after 2 years (p = 0.002).
    Conclusions: Depression is not uncommon among patients who meet criteria for ICD implantation and persists over time particularly when functional status is impaired. Depression is associated with a higher incidence shock therapy. (PACE 2010; 33:1455-1461).



  • 認知行動療法:最新の進歩


    精神科   17 ( 6 ) 567 - 572  2010.12

  • Guided Exposureによって治療を終結した30代女性の強迫性障害治療(口頭発表,コロキウム報告)

    西川 公平, 鈴木 伸一

    行動療法研究   36 ( 3 ) 235 - 236  2010.09


  • Factors Correlating Depressionand Social Adaptation for Depression:Using the ATQ-R,TAC,KISS(Original Articles)

    TANOUE Asuka, ITO Daisuke, OHNO Mayuko, SHIRAI Mari, SHIMADA Hironori, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   36 ( 2 ) 95 - 106  2010.06

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    Although it is known that the impairment of social functioning, which is a significant aspect of depression, is distinct from depressive symptoms, whether there are any psychological factors that affect depressive symptoms and social functioning has not yet been investigated. The present study examines relations between psychosocial factors and depressive symptoms or social functioning. Patients (N-66) who had been diagnosed with unipolar major depressive disorder completed the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Revised (ATQ-R) , the Tri-Axial Coping Scale (TAC-24) , Kikuchi's Scale of Social Skills (18 items version; Kiss-18) , the Beck Depression Inventory-IT (BDI-II), and the Social Adaptation Self-evaluation Scale (SASS) . The results showed that "self-criticism" was related to depressive symptoms, whereas "positive thoughts" "positive thinking-distraction" and "social skills" were related to social adaptation. Overall, the results of the present study suggest that the evaluation of psychological factors affecting depression is just as important as the evaluation of the extent of impairment of social functioning.


  • 外傷後ストレス障害に対する認知行動療法の効果 -メタ分析を用いた検証-

    伊藤大輔, 兼子唯, 小関俊祐, 清水悠, 中澤佳奈子, 田上明日香, 大月友, 鈴木伸一

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   36 ( 2 ) 119 - 129  2010.06

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    The purposes of the present study were to verify the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) through a meta-analysis of data from recent research, and to deal with issues related to research on posttraumatic stress disorder. The results of the meta-analysis verified the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder and suggested further potential applications. Tasks set for the future include: (a) examination of intervention methods in relation to patients' symptom profiles and condition. (b) verification of the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy when used in combination with medical treatment. (c) identification and specification of treatment techniqus and factors that influence therapeutic gain, examination of the techniques' efficiency, and identification of appropriate intervention methods. and (d) examination of factors other than treatment techniques that are known to be effective.


  • Rostral anterior cingulate cortex activity mediates the relationship between the depressive symptoms and the medial prefrontal cortex activity.

    Shinpei Yoshimura, Yasumasa Okamoto, Keiichi Onoda, Miki Matsunaga, Kazutaka Ueda, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Shigetoyamawaki

    Journal of affective disorders   122 ( 1-2 ) 76 - 85  2010.04  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Depression is characterized by enhanced self-referential processing of negative emotional stimuli. Imaging studies have suggested that activation of both the medial prefrontal (MPFC) and anterior cingulate cortices (ACC) is associated with self-referential processing. However, whether this pattern of activation occurs in depressed individuals during the self-referential processing of the emotional stimuli had not been investigated to date. METHODS: Participants were 13 patients with major depressive disorder and 13 normal controls. We used block-designed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate neural activity during the self-referential judgments of positive and negative valenced personality trait words. RESULTS: Compared with the normal controls, the depressed patients showed hyperactivity in the MPFC and the rostral ACC during the self-referential processing of negative words. In addition, the activity of these regions during self-referential processing of the negative stimuli was correlated with the depressive symptom severity. The rostral ACC activity mediated the correlation between the MPFC activity and the depressive symptoms. Functional connectivity analysis revealed positive connectivities between the MPFC, the rostral ACC, and the amygdala. LIMITATION: Small N and antidepressant effect on imaging data limit the stability of reported findings. CONCLUSIONS: The relationships between the MPFC, the rostral ACC, and the amygdala appear to reflect an interaction between the self-referential processing and the negative emotional information processing, and we propose that the strong connection between the MPFC and the rostral ACC is associated with depressive symptoms.

    DOI PubMed


  • Psychosocial functioning in patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression after group cognitive behavioral therapy.

    Miki Matsunaga, Yasumasa Okamoto, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Akiko Kinoshita, Shinpei Yoshimura, Atsuo Yoshino, Yoshihiko Kunisato, Shigeto Yamawaki

    BMC psychiatry   10   22 - 22  2010.03  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Although patients with Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) often have impaired social functioning, few studies have investigated the effectiveness of psychosocial treatment for these patients. We examined whether adding group cognitive behavioral therapy (group-CBT) to medication would improve both the depressive symptoms and the social functioning of patient with mild TRD, and whether any improvements would be maintained over one year. METHODS: Forty-three patients with TRD were treated with 12 weekly sessions of group-CBT. Patients were assessed with the Global Assessment of Functioning scale (GAF), the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD), the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS), and the Automatic Thought Questionnaire-Revised (ATQ-R) at baseline, at the termination of treatment, and at the 12-month follow-up. RESULTS: Thirty-eight patients completed treatment; five dropped out. For the patients who completed treatment, post-treatment scores on the GAF and SF-36 were significantly higher than baseline scores. Scores on the HRSD, DAS, and ATQ-R were significantly lower after the treatment. Thus patients improved on all measurements of psychosocial functioning and mood symptoms. Twenty patients participated in the 12-month follow-up. Their improvements for psychosocial functioning, depressive symptoms, and dysfunctional cognitions were sustained at 12 months following the completion of group-CBT. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest a positive effect that the addition of cognitive behavioural group therapy to medication on depressive symptoms and social functioning of mildly depressed patients, showing treatment resistance.

    DOI PubMed


  • 社交不安傾向者に対するビデオフィードバックの効果 パフォーマンスの解釈バイアスの観点からの検討

    巣山 晴菜, 大月 友, 中澤 佳奈子, 兼子 唯, 横山 仁史, 島田 みなみ, 鈴木 伸一

    不安障害研究   2 ( 1 ) 162 - 162  2010.03

  • うつ病のCBTと再燃・再発ケア

    鈴木伸一, 大野真由子, 松永美希

    臨床心理学   10 ( 1 ) 22 - 28  2010.01

  • 小学校1年生に対する集団社会的スキル訓練の試み:取り組みやすく、動機づけを高める集団SSTプログラム

    浅本有美, 国里愛彦, 村岡洋子, 在原理沙, 堂谷千香子, 田所健児, 伊大輔, 伊藤有里, 佐々木美保, 尾形明子, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   36 ( 1 ) 57 - 58  2010

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine effects of classroom-based social skills training (C-SST) on first grade elementary school students. The participants were 30 first-grade elementary school students (16 boys, 14 girls; 6-7 years old) in one class. The target skill was selected in cooperation with the teacher in charge of the class. We developed a classroom-based social skills training program that the students could work with easily and be readily motivated by. Classroom-based social skills training was done 2 times. Effects of the training were evaluated using teacher-reported target skill behavior scores, social skill scores, self-reported target skill behavior scores, and classroom satisfaction scores. The results suggest that the classroom-based social skills training improved the target skill behavior, social skills, and sociability.


  • 小児がん患者が退院後に抱える心理社会的問題に関する研究の現状と課題

    武井優子, 尾形明子, 小澤美和, 真部淳, 鈴木伸一

    小児がん   47 ( 1 ) 84 - 90  2010

  • うつ病患者のうつ症状と社会適応に関する要因の検討 -自動思考とストレス対処方略および社会的スキルを関連要因として-

    田上明日香, 伊藤大輔, 大野真由子, 白井麻理, 嶋田洋徳, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   36   95 - 105  2010

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    Although it is known that the impairment of social functioning, which is a significant aspect of depression, is distinct from depressive symptoms, whether there are any psychological factors that affect depressive symptoms and social functioning has not yet been investigated. The present study examines relations between psychosocial factors and depressive symptoms or social functioning. Patients (N-66) who had been diagnosed with unipolar major depressive disorder completed the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Revised (ATQ-R) , the Tri-Axial Coping Scale (TAC-24) , Kikuchi's Scale of Social Skills (18 items version; Kiss-18) , the Beck Depression Inventory-IT (BDI-II), and the Social Adaptation Self-evaluation Scale (SASS) . The results showed that "self-criticism" was related to depressive symptoms, whereas "positive thoughts" "positive thinking-distraction" and "social skills" were related to social adaptation. Overall, the results of the present study suggest that the evaluation of psychological factors affecting depression is just as important as the evaluation of the extent of impairment of social functioning.


  • トラウマ体験者の外傷後ストレス反応の形成過程に不安感受性が及ぼす影響

    伊藤大輔, 金吉晴, 鈴木伸一

    認知療法研究   3   49 - 58  2010


  • 高校新入生のストレッサーとコーピングがストレス反応に及ぼす影響 -4ヵ月フォローアップによる経時的検討-

    伊藤大輔, 国里愛彦, 浅本有美, 長原啓三, 鈴木伸一

    ストレス科学   24 ( 4 ) 261 - 270  2010


  • 高校新入生ストレッサー尺度の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討

    国里愛彦, 伊藤大輔, 浅本有美, 長原啓三, 鈴木伸一

    ストレス科学   24 ( 4 ) 271 - 280  2010


  • 派遣社員の期待充足がストレス反応に及ぼす影響:キャリアカウンセリング来談者を対象として

    田上明日香, 水島秀聡, 嶋田洋徳, 鈴木伸一

    カウンセリング研究   43 ( 2 ) 141 - 149  2010

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    This study involved the classification of temporary employees into distinct types based on expectancy fulfillment, with the aim of examining the characteristics of each type of employee. Items describing the viewpoints of 91 temporary employees (mean age±SD: 30.64±4.94) regarding their expectancy fulfillment were collected. A factor analysis was conducted, and a measure comprising 20 items and 3 factors was prepared. Using this measure, 61 temporary female employees (mean age±SD: 31.36±5.00) were classified into three types: the unsatisfied expectancy type of occupational skills, the unsatisfied expectancy type of job, and the unsatisfied expectancy type of work-life balance. Regarding the differences among the three types of temporary employees, the "depression anxiety" score (F(2, 58) =3.31, p<.05) and the "helplessness" score (F(2, 58) =4.84, p<.01) as a subscale of stress responses were significant in the unsatisfied expectancy type of work-life balance/the unsatisfied expectancy type of occupational skills. These results provided suggestions regarding the type of career counseling to be provided to temporary employees, considering their expectancy fulfillment.

    DOI CiNii

  • 小児がん患者が退院後に抱える病気や体調面に関する困難の検討

    武井 優子, 尾形 明子, 鈴木 伸一, 小澤 美和, 盛武 浩, 平井 啓, 真部 淳

    小児がん   46 ( プログラム・総会号 ) 419 - 419  2009.11

  • 小児抑うつ尺度(Children’s Depression Inventory)日本語版作成の試み

    真志田直希, 尾形明子, 大園秀一, 小関俊祐, 佐藤寛, 石川信一, 戸ケ崎泰子, 佐藤容子, 佐藤正二, 佐々木和義, 嶋田洋徳, 山脇成人, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   35 ( 3 ) 219 - 232  2009.09

  • うつ病者における反応スタイル―認知行動療法の効果に関する検討―

    松永 美希, 鈴木 伸一

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   73   2PM060 - 2PM060  2009.08


  • 社会不安障害患者の言語流暢性課題時の脳血液量変化 多チャンネルNIRSによる検討

    横山 知加, 貝谷 久宣, 西村 幸香, 谷井 久志, 木納 賢, 音羽 健司, 梅景 正, 安田 新, 武井 邦夫, 兼子 唯, 鈴木 伸一, 佐々木 司, 岡崎 祐士

    不安障害研究   1 ( 1 ) 335 - 336  2009.03

  • Self-referential processing of negative stimuli within the ventral anterior cingulate gyrus and right amygdala.

    Shinpei Yoshimura, Kazutaka Ueda, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Keiichi Onoda, Yasumasa Okamoto, Shigeto Yamawaki

    Brain and cognition   69 ( 1 ) 218 - 25  2009.02  [International journal]

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    Neural activity associated with self-referential processing of emotional stimuli was investigated using whole brain functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Fifteen healthy subjects underwent fMRI scanning while making judgments about positive and negative trait words in four conditions (self-reference, other-reference, semantic processing, and letter processing). Significant activity was observed in the right ventral anterior cingulate gyrus and the right amygdala in the negative-word/self-reference condition, and in the left amygdala in the positive-word/self-reference condition. Compared with the semantic-processing condition, the self-reference conditions showed significantly more activity in the medial prefrontal and temporal gyri, posterior cingulate gyrus, and precuneus. These results suggest that the medial prefrontal gyrus, posterior cingulate gyrus, and precuneus are associated with a self-referential processing, and the ventral anterior cingulate gyrus is involved in self-referential processing of negative emotional stimuli. The results also suggest that the amygdala is associated with self-referential processing of both positive and negative emotional stimuli.

    DOI PubMed


  • トラウマの開示が心身の健康に及ぼす影響 -構造化開示・自由開示・統制群の比較-

    伊藤大輔, 佐藤健二, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   35 ( 1 ) 1 - 12  2009

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate effects on mental and physical health of structured disclosure of trauma. Participants (25 undergraduate students) were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: (a) structured disclosure of trauma (S) , (b) free disclosure of trauma (F) , and (c) a control group (C) . Over a 3-day period, all participants completed daily written reports in 20-30 minute sessions. To promote cognitive reappraisal, the structured disclosure group was required to follow detailed instructions when describing a trauma. The free disclosure group was asked to describe a trauma freely, as they remembered it. The control group was asked to write about a neutral topic. The findings suggested that endocrine functions in the structured and free recall groups were maintained to improvement. Furthermore, the results for cognitive functions showed a significant tendency for the structured recall group to get higher working-memory scores, compared to the control group.


  • トラウマ体験の致死性の有無が外傷後ストレス反応および外傷体験後の認知に及ぼす影響

    伊藤大輔, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   35   13 - 22  2009

  • 非致死性トラウマ体験後の認知尺度の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討

    伊藤大輔, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   35 ( 2 ) 155 - 166  2009

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    The purposes of the present study were to develop a Cognitions Inventory of Non-lethal Trauma (CINT), and to investigate the reliability and validity of that inventory. After the inventory was developed on a sample of 302 undergraduate students, 902 undergraduates completed the resulting inventory. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the Cognitions Inventory of Non-lethal Trauma consisted of 19 items loading on 4 factors. Cronbach's a coefficient was sufficiently high (a= .85), and the validity of the inventory was confirmed by content validity and criterion-referenced validity, concurrent validity. The present results suggest that the Cognitions Inventory of Non-lethal Trauma has high reliability and validity. The clinical availability of the Cognitions Inventory of Non-lethal Trauma was discussed.


  • I 型糖尿病患児を対象としたキャンプがセルフエフィカシー,病気に対する知識,ストレス反応,HbA1cに及ぼす影響

    藤目文子, 尾形明子, 在原理沙, 宮河真一郎, 神野和彦, 小林正夫, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   35   167 - 175  2009

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    The present study was conducted in order to examine how summer camps for children with type 1 diabetes would affect the children's self-control abilities. The self-efficacy of 28 children with type 1 diabetes (average age 10.36 years) in the areas of self-control, knowledge about type 1 diabetes, stress responses, and HbAlc were examined before and after a summer-camp experience. After the camp experience, the children's self-efficacy increased and their stress responses decreased, compared to before they had gone to the camp. In addition, their increased self-efficacy in self-injection, diet control, and self-control of insulin dosage resulted in an improvement in their stress responses and HbAlc. The discussion suggested that summer camps for children with type 1 diabetes could be effective in improving children's self-efficacy in self-control and their knowledge about diabetes.


  • 小学校における集団社会的スキル訓練が対人的自己効力感と学校生活満足度に及ぼす影響

    在原理沙, 古澤裕美, 堂谷知香子, 田所健児, 尾形明子, 竹内博行, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   35 ( 2 ) 177 - 188  2009

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine effects of classroom-based social skills training for elementary school children. Elementary school children (n=18 boys, 24 girls; 9-10 years old) were divided into training and wait-list groups. All the children participated in a 4-week classroom-based social skills training program (C-SST). The effects of training were evaluated through self-reported social skills scores, social self-efficacy scores, and scores on satisfaction with school life. The results suggested that classroom-based social skills training improved social skills and social self-efficacy, and decreased negative feelings. Next, the participants were divided into 3 social skills groups (high, moderate, and low) based on their pretreatment scores, and group differences in each score category were analyzed. The results of this analysis indicated that classroom-based social skills training was especially effective in improving the social skills of the moderately skilled children.


  • 社交不安障害に対する認知行動療法に基づく心理教育グループの実践

    小林清香, 井上敦子, 鈴木伸一, 坂元薫, 石郷岡純

    認知療法研究   2   66 - 74  2009


  • 身体疾患に伴う不安障害への認知行動療法

    鈴木伸一, 西村勝治, 小林清香, 筒井順子, 堀川直史

    認知療法研究   2   30 - 39  2009


  • 植え込み型除細動器(ICD)患者の抑うつおよび不安に対する精神科的支援の現状と展望

    市倉加奈子, 奥村泰之, 松岡志帆, 鈴木伸一, 野田崇, 鎌倉史郎

    臨床精神医学   38 ( 9 ) 1359 - 1372  2009


  • Negative interpretation of bodily sensations in social anxiety.

    Kanai, Y, Sasagawa, S, Chen, J, Suzuki, S, Shimada, H, am, Sakano, Y

    Journal of Cognitive Therapy     292 - 307  2009

  • 認知行動療法の基本


    臨床スポーツ医学   25 ( 12 ) 1431 - 1437  2008.12

  • 医療心理学の新展開(3) Medical Psychologist Networkの可能性

    鈴木 伸一, 平井 啓, 富家 直明, 中村 菜々子

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   72回   WS(52) - WS(52)  2008.07  [Refereed]

  • 項目反応理論による日本語版BIS/BAS尺度の検討

    国里 愛彦, 淡野 将太, 山口 陽弘, 鈴木 伸一

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   72 ( 0 ) 3AM189 - 3AM189  2008

    DOI CiNii

  • 不安による自己関連処理が記憶再生の低下に及ぼす影響

    尾形明子, 宮谷真人, 中尾敬, 島津明人, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   34   33 - 42  2008

  • 大学病院精神科における取り組み—集団認知行動療法プログラムによる復職・社会復帰支援-

    松永美希, 岡本泰昌, 鈴木伸一, 木下亜紀子, 吉村晋平, 吉野敦雄, 山脇成人

    精神科   11 ( 6 ) 468 - 474  2008


  • Cloningerの気質・性格モデルとBig Fiveモデルとの関連性

    国里愛彦, 山口陽弘, 鈴木伸一

    パーソナリティー研究   16   324 - 334  2008


  • 高次脳機能障害者における社会行動障害についての検討(1):社会適応障害調査票作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討

    駒澤敦子, 鈴木伸一, 久保義郎, 丸石正治

    高次脳機能研究   28   20 - 29  2008


  • 親の期待認知が高校生の強迫傾向に及ぼす影響

    藤目文子, 東條光彦, 鈴木伸一

    行動療法研究   34 ( 2 ) 127 - 135  2008


  • 高次脳機能障害者における社会行動障害についての検討(2):受傷後の生活状況との関連

    駒澤敦子, 鈴木伸一, 久保義郎, 丸石正治

    高次脳機能研究   28 ( 2 ) 231 - 235  2008


  • ヨーガと認知行動療法を行った摂食障害合併1型糖尿病の1症例

    筒井順子, 中野完, 村永鉄郎, 鈴木伸一, 野添新一, 乾明夫

    心身医学   48 ( 9 ) 803 - 808  2008

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    Yoga and Cognitive Behavior Therapy were applied to a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus and eating disorder. At the beginning of intervention, the patient's motivation towards therapy was uncertain and she was alexithymic. To help the patient identify and express her emotions, thought records were chronicled during sessions. At the same time, yoga was introduced to control her emotions. Behavioral planning enabled the patient to substitute binge-purging with other activities. From the thought records, it was inferred that the patient's lack of confidence in job ability was found to trigger binge eating. Clarification of the areas in which she lacked confidence and then taking small steps to overcome these through the application of cognitive techniques was found to be effective. In addition, her mother's excessive worrying was found to be a major factor in lowering the patient's self-confidence. Therefore, the mother was advised to pay extra attention and give positive feedback in regards to the patient's adaptive behaviors. Our intervention to motivate the patient to actively participate in therapy using cognitive techniques in addition to yoga as a mindfulness technique were found to be effective in controlling eating disorder in a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus.

    DOI CiNii

  • 軽いうつ状態に対する認知行動療法の適応


    精神科治療学   23   957 - 962  2008

  • PF088 入学時のストレッサーと学校不適応との関連(1) : 高校新入生ストレッサー尺度の作成

    国里 愛彦, 長原 啓三, 浅本 有美, 伊藤 有里, 鈴木 伸一

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   49   610 - 610  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • PF089 入学時のストレッサーと学校不適応との関連(2) : 高校新入生ストレッサー尺度とストレス反応・学校享受感の関連

    長原 啓三, 国里 愛彦, 伊藤 大輔, 在原 理沙, 鈴木 伸一

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   49   611 - 611  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • PC028 TCIによるBig Five尺度の予測について(ポスター発表C,研究発表)

    国里 愛彦, 山口 陽弘, 鈴木 伸一

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   48   213 - 213  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • [Efficacy of a cognitive and behavioral group therapy program applied to patients with depression].

    Akiko Kinoshita, Shinichi Suzuki, Miki Matsunaga, Kazutaka Ueda, Yasumasa Okamoto, Shigeto Yamawaki

    Seishin shinkeigaku zasshi = Psychiatria et neurologia Japonica   108 ( 2 ) 166 - 71  2006  [Domestic journal]


  • コーピング選択における認知過程の検討


    心理学研究   76 ( 6 ) 527 - 533  2006

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the cognitive process in selection of stress coping behavior. Subjects were 182 undergraduate students, who were asked to answer the questionnaire about their own stress experience and coping behavior. Factor analysis showed that the cognitive process in selection of coping behavior included four factors: "Expectation of positive outcome", "Expectation of emotion regulation", "Selection of habitual coping", "Selection in the elimination". Regression analysis showed that the score of "Expectation of positive outcome" was negatively correlated with stress response, the score of "Selection in the elimination" was positively correlated with stress response. Furthermore, interaction between the individual differences of cognitive process and coping behavior was found. People who engaged in emotion-focused coping style with elimination thinking felt more stressful than the others.

    DOI CiNii


  • Research of depression and emotion congruent effect

    Yoshimura Shinpei, Araki Yukiko, Matsukawa Junko, Suzuki Shinichi

    Bulletin of Training and Research Center for Clinical Psychology   3   40 - 49  2005.03

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate negative bias on self-referent processing in depression, focused on the emotion congruent effects in a depressed trait and an experimentally induced depressed mood state based on integration approach. Self-relevant ratings of personality trait words were examined among a depressed trait group, non-depressed trait group and average depressed trait group. Results indicated that the emotion congruent effect was found on each group. The effect of trait on emotion and self-relevant information processing was strong.

    DOI CiNii

  • 平成15年度前期広島大学研究支援金文・理ジョイントプロジェクト研究成果報告 うつ病患者への医学-心理学統合的アプローチに関する研究

    上田 一貴, 鈴木 伸一, 岡本 泰昌, 山脇 成人, 利島 保

    広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要   ( 4 ) 158 - 165  2005  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 3次元(接近-回避,問題-情動,行動-認知)モデルによるコーピング分類の妥当性の検討


    心理学研究   74 ( 6 ) 504 - 511  2004

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    The purpose of this study was to validate the three dimensional model of classifying coping behavior. The three are: Encounter-Avoidance, Problem-Emotion, Behavior-Cognition Dimension. A set of questionnaires on coping behavior and psychological stress responses were administered, and 1 604 undergraduates and 1 296 adults completed them. Analyses of covariance structure were performed, and results indicated that the three dimensional model, with eight coping style, showed the highest goodness-of-fit statistics. Multiple regression analyses also indicated that Problem-Emotion and Behavior-Cognition dimensions were useful for predicting the coping effects on psychological stress responses. Therefore, the two dimensional model of Problem-Emotion and Behavior-Cognition, with four coping style, would be helpful for further investigation of coping behavior that would buffer psychological stress responses.

    DOI CiNii


  • The influences of psychosocial aspects and anxiety symptoms on quality of life of patients with arrhythmia: investigation in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

    Shin-Ichi Suzuki, Hiroshi Kasanuki

    International journal of behavioral medicine   11 ( 2 ) 104 - 9  2004  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the feature of the psychosocial aspects of patients with atrial fibrillation and to explore the influences of the subjective symptoms of attack, perceived psychosocial inducers of attack, and anxiety on the quality of life (QOL). The participants were 240 patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (57.89 +/- 13.78 years old), who were requested to complete questionnaires on the subjective symptoms of attack, perceived psychosocial inducers of attack, anxiety symptoms, and QOL. The results of this study showed that 29.5% patients met the criteria of agoraphobia of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. [DSM-IV]; American Psychiatric Association, 1994). This percentage of prevalence was higher than the general prevalence of DSM-IV data. The subjective symptoms of attack (frequency, duration, and distress of attack) intensify their fear of attack and agoraphobic symptoms, which worsen their QOL. Psychological stress is the main perceived inducer in daily life, and a attack induced by psychological stress affects their anxiety symptoms and QOL.


  • Effects of effort and distress coping processes on psychophysiological and psychological stress responses.

    Shin-ichi Suzuki, Hiroaki Kumano, Yuji Sakano

    International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology   47 ( 2 ) 117 - 28  2003.02  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of coping processes on psychophysiological and psychological responses in stressful settings. In particular, we focused on the effects of a combination of active and avoidant coping processes. Subjects were 40 healthy undergraduate male students (mean=19.80, S.D.=0.97) who were randomly divided into four groups: (a) an effort coping group in which a subject faced a controllable stressor mobilizing an effortful and active coping behavior for a reward; (b) a distress coping group in which a subject faced a distressful stressor mobilizing an avoidant coping behavior for threat of punishment; (c) an effort-distress coping group in which a subject faced an ambivalent stressor mobilizing active coping behavior for a reward and avoidant coping behavior for threat of punishment; and (d) a control group. Initially, the effects of effort coping, distress coping, and effort-distress coping on psychophysiological and psychological responses were investigated. It was found that effort coping and effort-distress coping intensified cardiovascular responses, particularly blood pressure, and that distress coping and effort-distress coping intensified skin conductance level (SCL). Secondarily, the relationships between effort coping process, distress coping process, psychophysiological responses, and psychological responses were investigated. As a result of cluster analysis, the changes of heart rate and blood pressure were correlated to the change of the effort score, and the changes of SCL and psychological responses were correlated to the change of the distress score. These findings suggest that active coping processes and avoidant coping processes independently affect different response systems.


  • Characteristics of the General Self-efficacy Scale on Patients with Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

    Chen Junwen, Kataoka Mihoko, Suzuki Shin-ichi, Kawamura Yumiko, Kumano Hiroaki, Kaiya Hisanobu, Sakano Yuji

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   43 ( 12 ) 821 - 828  2003

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the General Self-efficacy Scale (GSES: Sakano & Toujyo, 1986) for the patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia. Subjects were 102 outpatients whose primary diagnoses were panic disorder with agoraphobia according to DSM-IV, who were asked to complete the GSES, comprised of 16 items. As a result of factor analysis with varimax rotation, three factors including 15 items were extracted: "Anxiety on failure", "Activeness in behavior", and "Social locus of ability", which were quite similar to that of Shimada et al (1994). Cronbach's a Coefficients revealed that GSES had high reliability when it was conducted for patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia. Furthermore, high concurrent validity was also revealed by the parallel tests using State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Japanese version (Trait form, 20 items), which supported that the higher the self-efficacy was, the lower the anxiety the patients had. Finally, the characteristics of the general self-efficacy were discussed with consideration of the symptoms of panic disorder with agoraphobia.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Effects of Inducer of Attack on Anxiety Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation

    Suzuki Shin-ichi, Kasanuki Hiroshi

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   41 ( 5 ) 343 - 349  2001

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    The purposes of this study were to explore the inducers of atrial fibrillation attack, and to investigate the effects of inducers on fear of attack, agoraphobic symptoms, and quality of life(QOL)in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Subjects were 180 patients(119 males and 61 females), who were requested to perform a set of questionnaires on inducer of attack, fear of attack, agoraphobic symptoms, and QOL. Result of factor analysis revealed that atrial fibrillation attacks were induced by the factors of "Psychological", "Tension reduction" and "Exercise". Results of comparing the frequency of each factor indicated that "Psychological stres" was most frequent in their daily lives. Furthermore, results of regression analyses revealed that "Psychological stress" intensified their anxiety symptoms, and degraded their somatic QOL.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Effect of Inducing Pattern of Arrhythmia Attack on Anxiety Symptoms and Quality of Life: Investigation in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation.


    Bulletin of Faculty of Health and Welfare Science,Okayama Prefectural University   7   17 - 24  2000

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    The purposes of this study were to explore the individual differences in inducing pattern of arrhythmia attack,and to investigate those effects on fear of attack,agoraphobic symptoms,and quality of life (QOL) in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Subjects were 180 patients (119males and 61 females),who were requested to perform a set of questionnaries on inducer of attack,subjective symptoms of attack,fear of attack,agoraphobic symptoms,and QOL.First, the individual differences in inducing patterns of arrhythmia attack were investigated.Result of cluster analysis,four clusters were found: "low frequency pattern(LF)","high frequency pattern(HF)" ,"high frequency on stress pattern(HFS)",and"high frequency on exercise pattern(HFE)". Second,the relationship among inducing pattern,anxiety symptoms,and QOL wasinvestigated. Results of ANOVAs revealed that agoraphobic symptoms score of HFS patients were higher than that of other groups,and that QOL score of HF,HFS,and HFE patients were lower than that of LF patients.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Effect of Self-efficacy on Quality of Life and Psychological Stress Responses in Heart Failure Patients

    Suzuki Shin-ichi, Kasanuki Hiroshi, Sakano Yuji

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   39 ( 3 ) 259 - 265  1999

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of self-efficacy on quality of life and psychologi cal stress responses in heart failure patients. Subjects were 30 (17 males and 13 females) heart failure patients and 30 (17 males and 13 females) matched non-clinical adults. Results of comparison of self-efficacy and psychological stress responses between heart failure patients and non-clinical adults revealed that heart failure patients felt lower self-efficacy and higher helplessness than non-clinical adults. Results of investigation of the relationship among NYHA classification of cardiac functioning, quality of life, and psychological stress responses suggested that quality of life and psychological stress responses were not associated with symptoms of cardiac functioning. Furthermore, the results of investigation of the effect of self-efficacy on quality of life and psychological stress responses revealed that patients whose "Posrtrveness m behavror" score and "Socral locus of ability" score were high and "Anxiety concerning failure" ecore was low felt high quality of life and low psychological stress responses. Finally, the effectiveness of self-efficacy on improving the quality of life and alleviating psychological stress responses in heart failure patient in clinical settings were discussed,

    DOI CiNii

  • The Effect of Effort-Distress Dimensions Stress Coping Process on Psychological and Psychophysiological Responses

    Suzuki Shin-ichi, Kumano Hiroaki, Sakano Yuji

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   38 ( 8 ) 597 - 605  1998

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate psychological and psychophysiological responses under an effortful coping condition and an distress coping condition. Efforful coping condition was defined as a condition in which a subject reported high commitment to the task and engaged in active coping. Distress coping condition was defined as a condition in which a subject reported uncontrollability and engaged in passive coping. Subjects were 22 male undergraduate students and were divided into 2 groups : control group and experimental group. All of them underwent both effortful coping condition and distress coping condition.In effortful coping condition, Ss were engaged in 2 mental arithmetic task sessions (low effort tast and high effort task). In the first session, Ss in both groups were requested to perform the low effort tasks under the same condition. In the second session, Ss in the experimental group were engaged in the high effort task session with rewards, and Ss in the control group were engaged in the low effort task session without rewards.In distress coping condition, Ss were engaged in 2 movie sessions(relaxation movie and aversive movie). In the first session, Ss in both groups were requested to watch the relaxation movie under the same condition. In the second session, Ss in the experimental group watched the aversive movie (eye surgery), and Ss in the control group watched the relaxation movie.Heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, skin conductance level and skin temperature were recorded, and effort-distress scores, and psychological responses were measured.Heart rate, blood pressure, and skin temperature were significantly aroused in effortful coping condition and Depression-Anxiety score and skin conductance level were significantly aroused in distress coping condition. The results of ANOVAs revealed that a significant interaction among group, condition, and session was found in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and skin conductance level. These suggest that cardiovascular responses are associated with effort coping, and Depression-Anxiety and skin conductance level are associated with distress coping. Furthermore, the results of regression analyses revealed that the changes of diastolic blood pressure corresponded to the changes of effort score, and that the changes of skin conductance level corresponded to the changes of distress score.Finally, the specific relationship between effort-distress status in stress coping process and psychological-psychopsysiological responses were discussed.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • エビデンスに基づく認知行動療法スーパービジョン・マニュアル

    鈴木伸一( Part: Translator/Editor)

    北大路書房  2022.11

  • 認知行動療法における治療関係:セラピーを効果的に展開するための基本的態度と応答技術

    鈴木伸一( Part: Translator/Editor)

    北大路書房  2020

  • 公認心理師技法ガイド : 臨床の場で役立つ実践のすべて

    下山, 晴彦, 伊藤, 絵美, 黒田, 美保, 鈴木, 伸一, 松田, 修

    文光堂  2019.03 ISBN: 9784830636264

  • 公認心理師養成のための保健・医療系実習ガイドブック

    鈴木, 伸一, 田中, 恒彦, 小林, 清香( Part: Edit)

    北大路書房  2018.08 ISBN: 9784762830365

  • 健康心理学の測定法・アセスメント

    鈴木, 伸一( Part: Edit)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2018.07 ISBN: 9784779512933

  • 認知行動療法入門

    熊野, 宏昭, 鈴木, 伸一, 下山, 晴彦

    講談社  2017.10 ISBN: 9784061548114

  • 対人援助と心のケアに活かす心理学

    鈴木, 伸一, 伊藤, 大輔, 尾形, 明子, 国里, 愛彦, 小関, 俊祐, 中村, 菜々子, 松永, 美希( Part: Edit)

    有斐閣  2017.03 ISBN: 9784641150409

  • がん患者の認知行動療法 : メンタルケアと生活支援のための実践ガイド

    Moorey, Stirling, Greer, S. (Steven), 鈴木, 伸一

    北大路書房  2016.03 ISBN: 9784762829215

  • からだの病気のこころのケア : チーム医療に活かす心理職の専門性

    鈴木, 伸一

    北大路書房  2016.03 ISBN: 9784762829314

  • 公認心理師必携 精神医療・臨床心理の知識と技法

    下山晴彦, 中嶋義文, 鈴木伸一, 花村温子, 滝沢龍( Part: Edit)

    医学書院  2016

  • 認知行動療法実践レッスン : エキスパートに学ぶ12の極意

    神村, 栄一, 鈴木, 伸一

    金剛出版  2014.11 ISBN: 9784772413978

  • レベルアップしたい実践家のための事例で学ぶ認知行動療法テクニックガイド

    鈴木伸一, 神村栄一

    北大路書房  2013.07 ISBN: 9784762828072

  • 60のケースから学ぶ認知行動療法

    坂野雄二, 東条光彦, 大河内浩人, 嶋田洋徳, 鈴木伸一, 金井嘉宏


  • うつ病の行動活性化療法 : 新世代の認知行動療法によるブレイクスルー

    Martell, Christopher R., Addis, Michael E., Jacobson, Neil S., 熊野, 宏昭, 鈴木, 伸一

    日本評論社  2011.07 ISBN: 9784535983182

  • うつ病の集団認知行動療法実践マニュアル : 再発予防や復職支援に向けて

    鈴木, 伸一, 岡本, 泰昌, 松永, 美希, 吉村, 晋平, 国里, 愛彦

    日本評論社  2011.06 ISBN: 9784535983410

  • DVDで学ぶ新しい認知行動療法 うつ病の復職支援

    神村栄一, 鈴木伸一, 小林奈緒美


  • エビデンスベイスト心理療法シリーズ 社交不安障害



  • 医療心理学の新展開 : チーム医療に活かす心理学の最前線

    鈴木, 伸一

    北大路書房  2008.11 ISBN: 9784762826269

  • 実践家のための認知行動療法テクニックガイド : 行動変容と認知変容のためのキーポイント

    鈴木, 伸一, 神村, 栄一, 坂野, 雄二

    北大路書房  2005.12 ISBN: 9784762824784

  • 慢性うつ病の精神療法 : CBASPの理論と技法

    McCullough, James P., 古川, 壽亮, 大野, 裕, 岡本, 泰昌, 鈴木, 伸一

    医学書院  2005.11 ISBN: 4260000993

  • 学校、職場、地域におけるストレスマネジメント実践マニュアル

    嶋田, 洋徳, 鈴木, 伸一, 坂野, 雄二

    北大路書房  2004.09 ISBN: 4762824089

  • ストレス対処の心理・生理的反応に及ぼす影響に関する研究

    鈴木, 伸一

    風間書房  2002.01 ISBN: 4759912924

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Research Projects

  • 進行がん患者への新たな心理的支援法開発に向けた行動活性化療法のランダム化比較試験

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    鈴木 伸一, 平山 貴敏, 小川 祐子, 小川 朝生

     View Summary


  • Investigating the components of CBT training and competencies to establish training guidelines to improve the practice of CBT in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    SUZUKI Shin-ichi

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to identify the critical components of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) training program and to investigate the characteristics of the competencies among students undergoing CBT training.
    As a result, we identified 3 categories for a CBT training program comprising 62 items, and we developed a checklist for CBT competencies (45 large categories and 108 small categories). We also compared CBT training and competencies between Japan and the UK. The results indicate that the Japanese training is generally insufficient compared with that of the UK. In particular, practical training seems to be lacking. And while the UK trainees rated their CBT competencies significantly higher, most Japanese trainees regarded themselves as being able to demonstrate few of the required CBT competencies.
    This study suggests that CBT training guidelines and procedures for the accreditation of CBT therapists should be established in Japan.

  • Psychological Support for Mothers with Cancer and Promoting / Obstructing Factors Associated with Telling Their Children about Their Medical Condition

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up

    Project Year :


    Ogawa Yuko, Suzuki Shin-ichi, Ozawa Miwa, Hisano Michiko

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate promoting and obstructing factors associated with mothers’ decision to disclose their cancer diagnosis to their children, and to explore the status of the support system for mothers with cancer and their children. Results revealed that the promoting factors consisted of five items, including “To maintain a trusting relationship with my children” and “To enable my children to cope better with my illness.” Similarly, the obstructing factors consisted of four items, such as “Not to put an emotional burden on my children.” In addition, it is suggested that individual counseling that focuses on providing such information as children’s general response to disclosure of parents’ cancer may improve negative factors including the barriers, their anxiety, and post-traumatic stress symptoms.

  • Psychological, educational, and career developmental support for the disaster victims based on the new trauma definition.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    Suzuki Shinichi, Ohtani Tetsuhiro, Ono Haruka, Nakaza Maki, Koseki Mami, Tsuchiya Satomi

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the current state of trauma experienced after the acute phase by using the new trauma definition rather than the trauma as defined in conventional psychiatric areas. From a psychological and educational perspective, it also aimed at examining a working viewpoint that might become a foundation to provide integrated support. This study clarified the effects of non-lethal trauma, which cannot be captured in the framework of the conventional concept of trauma on the mind and body, and its risk factors. Based on the new trauma definition and the results of this study, we proposed a specific strategy for supporting the disaster victims of the earthquake disaster area by integrating psychology, education, and employment. We were able to share the results extensively with the research community and the public at large.

  • Development of the mental care system for employee who returned to work from sick leave using the behavioral checklist of depression symptoms in the workplace.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Suzuki Shin-ichi, Tanoue Asuka, Ito Daisuke, Kunisato Yoshihiko, Shimizu Kaori, Kaneko Yui, Suyama Haruna, Yada Saori, Ogawa Yuko, Ito Risa, Sato Hideki, Namiki Kensuke, Yajima Ryo, Hara Saaya

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    Prevention of depression in the workplace is very important. However, the symptoms of depression are often subjectively experienced and go unnoticed by others. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a behavioral checklist that manager can easily make use of in the workplace.
    As a result of this study, a nine-item behavioral checklist was developed. The checklist was tested for reliability and validity. Notably, it had high predictive validity for workers’ mental health problems. Furthermore, we investigated the difficulties manager faced when supporting an employee who returned to work from sick leave. Manager alike felt difficulties with respect to “health management problems”, “work management problems”, and “interrelationship problems” These results suggest that it is important to manage a return-to-work program using this behavioral checklist, and the human resources and the health-promoting departments must support manager when an employee returns to work.

  • Cognitive-behavioral theory research that focuses on the negative-positive cognition and activities with trauma survivors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up

    Project Year :


    ITO Daisuke, KIM Yoshiharu, KAMO Toshiko, SUZUKI Shin-ichi, KOSEKI Syunsuke

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of interaction of negative - positive cognition and activities on QOL and PTSD symptoms with trauma survivors.
    According to analog samples, the negative cognition and activities were exacerbate PTSD symptoms. However, the positive cognition and activities do not affect PTSD symptoms.On the other hand, according to clinical samples, the positive cognition and activities affect QOL.
    Psychological interventions that promote activities and cognitive positive, may not be effective for the improvement of PTSD, but may be effective in improving QOL. From the above results, consider the effectiveness of interventions intended to increase positive recognition and activity was suggested.

  • Development of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Program for relapse prevention and assistance of returning to work for patients suffering from depression

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SUZUKI Shin-ichi, ITO Daisuke, KANEKO Yui, KUNISATO Yoshihiko, OHNO Mayuko, SASAKI Miho, SHIMIZU Kaori, SON Sonmi, SUYAMA Haruna, TAKEI Yuko, TANOUE Asuka, YADA Saori, YOKOYAMA Hitishi

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    The purposes of this study were (a) to investigate the influences of various psychosocial factors of work stress on the reintegration of workers in the workplace after a period of sick leave, and (b) the development of cognitive behavior therapy programs for relapse prevention and assistance with returning to work for patients suffering from depression.The results of this study suggest that relationships with colleagues in the workplace, hard work, and the avoidant tendencies of suffering workers made it difficult to detect depressive symptoms. Therefore, it is important to introduce programs for improving communication in the workplace and programs which aim to offer and/or improve strategies for coping with stress, in addition to the standard cognitive behavior therapy for depression.

  • The System Development for the Scientific Formulation of Treatment Processes by Using Personal Digital Assistance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    KUMANO Hiroaki, YAMAMOTO Yoshiharu, YOSHIUCHI Kazuhiro, FUKUI Itaru, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

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    This study aimed at the system development for the scientific formulation of treatment processes targeting psychosomatic diseases or panic disorder utilizing the methods of computerlized Ecological Momentary Assessment (cEMA). cEMA is a recently developed time-series momentary assessment method of one's signs and symptoms in actual life using a personal digital assistance (PDA).
    Firstly, we demonstrated the merit of using cEMA for the assessment of pathologic conditions of the patients with tension-type headache or panic disorder, and showed the newly found pathologic mechanisms of these diseases.
    Secondly, the program of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) operating on the Windows Mobile PDA was developed for the agoraphobic symptoms of panic disorder patients, which enabled on-site behavioral process control by showing in a graph the real-time anxiety level every 5 minutes. As a result of applying it to the four patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia, it was remarkably effective and the precise data of intervention processes were obtained. The program of CBT using a pocket notebook was also developed and tested for moderately depressed university students, which indicated that the method of recording by remembering later was superior to that of recording immediately after experiencing a depressive mood.
    Thirdly, we developed the methods for analyzing and interpreting the time-series ecological data and intervention process data. We could thus investigate the pathologic mechanisms of tension-type headache and panic disorder that had never been clarified. In addition, we indicated that the necessary condition for invoking the desirable behavior modification in everyday life is somewhat different from that for accurate assessment by EMA. The latter requires the ecological validity that is assured by not informing the subjects of the results of assessment, while the former contains a self-monitoring method as a vital ingredient that surely informs the subjects of the results of assessment.

  • うつ病の生物・心理・社会的病態モデルの検討とそれに及ぼす認知行動療法の効果

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)

    Project Year :


    鈴木 伸一

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  • 視覚障害者の単独歩行に伴う心理・生理的ストレス反応と歩行に及ぼす影響

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)

    Project Year :


    鈴木 伸一

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▼display all


  • Research trends regarding effects of work-life balance on workers’ mental health

    七原麻衣, 畑琴音, 田島えみ, 二宮朝日菜, 鈴木伸一

    早稲田大学人間科学学術院人間科学研究   37 ( 1/Supplement )  2024


  • 日本のうつ病休職者の早期復職および就労継続に関連する要因についてのシステマティックレビュー—Systematic Review of Factors Associated with Returning to Work Early and Continuous Employment among Depressed Workers in Japan

    竹田 光輝, 畑 琴音, 田島 えみ, 鈴木 伸一

    産業精神保健 = Japanese journal of occupational mental health   30 ( 3・4 ) 267 - 279  2022.11

  • 訪問支援における心理職支援スキルの使用頻度に関する検討

    二宮朝日菜, 竹田光輝, 田島えみ, 畑琴音, 松永美希, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集(CD-ROM)   48th  2022


  • 社交不安症の診療ガイドライン

    清水 栄司, 井上 猛, 佐々木 司, 熊野 宏昭, 稲田 健, 松永 寿人, 塩入 俊樹, 朝倉 聡, 今井 必生, 竹島 望, 早坂 佑, 馬場 俊明, 山田 恒, 藤井 泰, 三井 信幸, 吉永 尚紀, 金井 嘉宏, 貝谷 久宣, 鈴木 伸一, 奥村 泰之, 有園 正俊, 生坂 政臣, 日本不安症学会, 日本神経精神薬理学会

    不安症研究   13 ( 1 ) 53 - 111  2021.11

  • 社交不安症の診療ガイドライン

    清水 栄司, 井上 猛, 佐々木 司, 熊野 宏昭, 稲田 健, 松永 寿人, 塩入 俊樹, 朝倉 聡, 今井 必生, 竹島 望, 早坂 佑, 馬場 俊明, 朝倉 聡, 山田 恒, 藤井 泰, 三井 信幸, 吉永 尚紀, 金井 嘉宏, 貝谷 久宣, 鈴木 伸一, 奥村 泰之, 有園 正俊, 生坂 政臣, 日本不安症学会, 日本神経精神薬理学会

    不安症研究   13 ( 1 ) 53 - 111  2021.11

  • 反すうと刺激の感情価による潜在的回避行動の差異の検討

    佐藤 秀樹, 関野 拓紀, 伊藤 理紗, 鈴木 伸一

    認知療法研究   14 ( 1 ) 77 - 86  2021.02

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  • 反すうによる注意の範囲の差異 思考内容の感情価と思考時間からの検討

    佐藤 秀樹, 鈴木 伸一

    Journal of Health Psychology Research   33 ( 1-2 ) 93 - 102  2021.02

  • 反すうと刺激の感情価による潜在的回避行動の差異の検討

    佐藤 秀樹, 関野 拓紀, 伊藤 理紗, 鈴木 伸一

    認知療法研究   14 ( 1 ) 77 - 86  2021.02

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  • がんサバイバーの就労に関する心理社会的困難の構成概念-質的検討-

    神野遥香, 畑琴音, 畑琴音, 田島えみ, 鈴木伸一

    日本サイコオンコロジー学会総会プログラム・抄録集   34th (Web)  2021


  • がんサバイバーの心理適応改善を目指したセルフヘルププログラム-適用可能性の検討-

    畑琴音, 畑琴音, 田島えみ, 鈴木伸一

    日本サイコオンコロジー学会総会プログラム・抄録集   34th (Web)  2021


  • 大学生におけるJapanese Cancer Stigma Scaleの因子構造の検討

    三島菜乃, 畑琴音, 畑琴音, 川島義高, 鈴木伸一

    日本サイコオンコロジー学会総会プログラム・抄録集   34th (Web)  2021


  • Development and validation of the revised version of activity restriction scale for cancer patients (SIP-C-R)

    畑琴音, 畑琴音, 小野はるか, 鈴木伸一

    総合病院精神医学   33 ( 2 )  2021


  • Psychosocial factors of adherence in pediatric Type 1 diabetes patients at different developmental stages: A literature review

    田島えみ, 畑琴音, 畑琴音, TANG Yuying, 齋藤鴻二朗, 鈴木伸一

    総合病院精神医学   33 ( 4 )  2021


  • 思春期の1型糖尿病患者におけるアドヒアランスに関連する心理要因

    田島えみ, 畑琴音, 畑琴音, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集(CD-ROM)   47th  2021


  • がんサバイバーの就労に関する心理社会的困難尺度の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討

    神野遥香, 畑琴音, 畑琴音, 田島えみ, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集(CD-ROM)   47th  2021


  • 非臨床群におけるアンへドニアの特徴

    太田美都, 畑琴音, 畑琴音, 田島えみ, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集(CD-ROM)   47th  2021


  • がんサバイバーの心理適応改善を目指したセルフヘルププログラムの効果検討

    畑琴音, 畑琴音, 田島えみ, 鈴木伸一

    総合病院精神医学   33 ( Supplement )  2021


  • 【〜グリーフケアの今〜】がんで配偶者を亡くした遺族のグリーフケア 心理状態と対処行動の視点から

    小川 祐子, 平山 貴敏, 鈴木 伸一, 浅井 真理子

    グリーフ&ビリーブメント研究   ( 1 ) 29 - 36  2020.12

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  • がんサバイバーにおける疾患認識の因子構造の検討

    畑 琴音, 鈴木 伸一

    総合病院精神医学   32 ( Suppl. ) S - 177  2020.11

  • 拒絶過敏性と社会的スキルが社交不安症状に及ぼす影響

    中村 美咲子, 伊藤 理紗, 佐藤 秀樹, 小関 俊祐, 鈴木 伸一

    不安症研究   12 ( 1 ) 27 - 36  2020.11

  • 組織風土と個人要因が抑うつとワーク・エンゲイジメントを媒介してプレゼンティーズムに及ぼす影響 県庁職員を対象にした検討

    佐藤 秀樹, 鈴木 伸一, 前田 正治

    福島医学雑誌   70 ( 2 ) 147 - 148  2020.08

  • 小児がんサバイバーの認知機能に関連する要因の文献レビュー

    唐 玉穎, 畑 琴音, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   46回   363 - 364  2020.08

  • 我が国のうつ病のがん患者に対する行動活性化療法の有用性に関する研究

    小川 祐子, 平山 貴敏, 鈴木 伸一, 清水 研

    Palliative Care Research   15 ( Suppl. ) S613 - S613  2020.08

  • 高齢者の生活状況と不安および生きがいに関する質的研究

    齋藤 鴻二朗, 畑 琴音, 田島 えみ, 北條 英勝, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   46回   227 - 228  2020.08

  • アレルギー疾患経験者の精神的健康

    田島 えみ, 畑 琴音, 齋藤 鴻二朗, 高瀬 由嗣, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   46回   229 - 230  2020.08

  • 小児がんサバイバーの認知機能に関連する要因の文献レビュー

    唐 玉穎, 畑 琴音, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   46回   363 - 364  2020.08

  • ケースフォーミュレーション(認知行動療法師資格申請対応科目)

    鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   46回   376 - 376  2020.08

  • 【公認心理師と認知行動療法】保健医療分野への認知行動療法の適用と課題 身体疾患のチーム医療と認知行動療法

    市倉 加奈子, 鈴木 伸一

    認知行動療法研究   46 ( 2 ) 79 - 88  2020.05

     View Summary

    身体疾患患者は、それぞれの疾患に特有な問題を抱えている。たとえば、がん患者は診断や余命の告知が衝撃や絶望をもたらす。心疾患や糖尿病患者はセルフケアや長期療養に伴う苦痛が大きい。これらの心理社会的問題や苦痛の改善に、認知行動療法(Cognitive behavioral therapy:CBT)が有用であることが先行研究で明らかにされてきた。がんのCBTは、認知療法、行動活性化療法、問題解決療法、マインドフルネス認知療法などで構成される。一方で心疾患や糖尿病のCBTは認知療法、生活習慣改善を目指す行動療法が用いられることが多い。チーム医療において、上記の身体疾患患者に対するCBTを適用していくために、公認心理師の役割や行動コンサルテーションなどのCBT活用方法について議論する必要がある。今後はさらにエビデンスを蓄積し、身体疾患患者に広く心理的支援が提供されることが求められている。(著者抄録)

  • がんの再発や病状悪化に関する不安や心配の緩和行動尺度(Effortful Relieving Behaviors for Anxiety and worries related to Cancer;ERBA-C)の開発と信頼性・妥当性の検討

    畑琴音, 畑琴音, 小野はるか, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集(CD-ROM)   46th  2020


  • The Influence of Rejection Hypersensitivity and Social Skills on Social Anxiety Symptoms

    中村美咲子, 伊藤理紗, 佐藤秀樹, 佐藤秀樹, 小関俊祐, 鈴木伸一

    不安症研究(Web)   12 ( 1 ) 364 - 365  2020


  • がんサバイバーの心理社会的困難に対するセルフヘルププログラムの現状と課題

    畑 琴音, 小野 はるか, 鈴木 伸一

    総合病院精神医学   31 ( Suppl. ) S - 152  2019.11

  • 行動活性化療法が「がん患者の価値に沿った行動」に与える影響

    平山 貴敏, 小川 祐子, 柳井 優子, 新藤 明絵, 田中 萌子, 鈴木 伸一, 清水 研

    総合病院精神医学   31 ( Suppl. ) S - 235  2019.11

  • がん患者用活動抑制尺度(SIP-C)の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討

    畑 琴音, 小野 はるか, 小川 祐子, 竹下 若那, 国里 愛彦, 鈴木 伸一

    総合病院精神医学   31 ( 4 ) 422 - 429  2019.10

     View Summary


  • Rumination about an Interpersonal Offense Scale(RIO)日本語版の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討

    佐藤 秀樹, 国里 愛彦, 小関 俊祐, 鈴木 伸一

    認知療法研究   12 ( 2 ) 111 - 119  2019.08

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    本研究では、抑うつと関連のある、状態反すうを測定するための尺度であるRumination about an Interpersonal Offense Scale(RIO)日本語版を作成し、その信頼性と妥当性を検討することを目的とした。対象者は大学生と大学院生であり、対象者は質問紙に回答した。そして208名を分析対象としたうえで、項目分析・構造的妥当性・内的整合性・構成概念妥当性の検討を行った。また、55名を分析対象としたうえで、再検査信頼性の検討を行った。その結果、RIO日本語版は6項目1因子構造であり、高い信頼性と妥当性を有することが示された。今後は、実験操作によるRIO日本語版の反応性を検討する必要がある。(著者抄録)

  • 不安を抱える者における侵入思考と思考抑制に関する研究動向

    中村 美咲子, 畑 琴音, 小澤 優璃, 小野 はるか, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   45回   147 - 148  2019.08

  • 反すうによる注意の範囲の差異 思考内容の感情価と思考時間からの検討

    佐藤 秀樹, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   45回   211 - 212  2019.08

  • 認知行動療法に対するコア・コンピテンス評価のためのチェックリストによる実態調査

    小関 俊祐, 杉山 智風, 伊藤 大輔, 小川 祐子, 木下 奈緒子, 小野 はるか, 柳井 優子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   45回   287 - 288  2019.08

  • がんサバイバーにおける活動抑制が随伴性知覚を媒介して抑うつに及ぼす影響

    畑 琴音, 小野 はるか, 小川 祐子, 竹下 若那, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   45回   291 - 292  2019.08

  • 楽観性と組織市民行動がワーク・エンゲイジメントに及ぼす影響

    若杉 美樹, 佐藤 秀樹, 小澤 優璃, 中村 美咲子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   45回   345 - 346  2019.08

  • 発達障害をもつ者における抑うつと攻撃性に対する認知行動論的アプローチの現状と課題

    小澤 優璃, 小野 はるか, 中村 美咲子, 畑 琴音, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   45回   377 - 378  2019.08

  • 乳がん患者の心理状態と家族機能が子どものQOLに与える影響

    唐 玉穎, 小野 はるか, 小川 祐子, 小澤 美和, 田巻 知宏, 大谷 弘行, 清藤 佐知子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   45回   433 - 434  2019.08

  • 子どものがんに対するこわさ尺度の信頼性および妥当性の検討

    小野 はるか, 小川 祐子, 三浦 絵莉子, 大久保 香織, 久野 美智子, 小澤 美和, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   45回   435 - 436  2019.08

  • 慢性疾患患者における心理的支援へのアクセスの阻害要因に関する文献レビュー

    竹下 若那, 小野 はるか, 小川 祐子, 鈴木 伸一

    総合病院精神医学   30 ( Suppl. ) S - 132  2018.11

  • 終末期がん・精神科領域における心理面接の差異 内容分析を用いた質的研究

    市倉 加奈子, 竹下 若那, 小林 清香, 副島 沙彩, 中山 菜央, 深瀬 裕子, 村山 憲男, 田ヶ谷 浩邦, 鈴木 伸一, 松島 英介

    総合病院精神医学   30 ( Suppl. ) S - 135  2018.11

  • うつ病のがん患者に対する行動活性化療法の有用性に関する研究の経過報告

    平山 貴敏, 小川 祐子, 柳井 優子, 新藤 明絵, 鈴木 伸一, 清水 研

    総合病院精神医学   30 ( Suppl. ) S - 158  2018.11

  • 拒絶過敏性と社会的スキルが社交不安症状に及ぼす影響

    中村美咲子, 伊藤理紗, 佐藤秀樹, 小澤優璃, 若杉美樹, 小関俊祐, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集   44th   364 - 365  2018.10


  • Quality of life and psychological distress in cancer survivors with a minor child

    Kotone Hata, Maiko Fujimori, Daisuke Fujisawa, Shin-ichi Suzuki, Mitsunori Miyashita

    PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY   27   190 - 190  2018.10

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Barriers to and Facilitators Determining Cancer Patients' Consultation with a Clinical Psychologist: Interim Report of a Questionnaire Survey

    Wakana Takeshita, Kanako Ichikura, Yuko Ogawa, Haruka Ono, Eisuke Matsushima, Shin-ichi Suzuki

    PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY   27   124 - 125  2018.10

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 管理職におけるストレスコーピングと組織風土がワーク・エンゲイジメントと抑うつに及ぼす影響

    若杉 美樹, 佐藤 秀樹, 小澤 優璃, 中村 美咲子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   44回   280 - 281  2018.10

  • 感情制御方略とマインドフルネスがアンガーマネジメントに及ぼす影響

    小澤 優璃, 鈴木 伸一, テリー・クリストファー

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   44回   330 - 331  2018.10

  • Rumination about an Interpersonal Offense Scale(RIO)日本語版の作成ならびに信頼性・妥当性の検討

    佐藤 秀樹, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   44回   382 - 383  2018.10

  • がん患者が抱える心配の内容による不安・抑うつの差異についての検討

    竹下 若那, 市倉 加奈子, 小野 はるか, 小川 祐子, 畑 琴音, 松島 英介, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   44回   400 - 401  2018.10

  • 日本のCBTトレーニングにおける基本構成要素と教育方法に関する実態調査

    伊藤 大輔, 小関 俊祐, 小野 はるか, 木下 奈緒子, 小川 祐子, 柳井 優子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   44回   418 - 419  2018.10

  • 認知行動療法のトレーニング・ガイドラインの作成に向けて 英国の「本気のCBT育成」に学ぼう!

    鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   44回   68 - 68  2018.10

  • 臨床心理士養成大学院に在籍する大学院生の認知行動療法のコンピテンスの実態調査

    小川 祐子, 柳井 優子, 木下 奈緒子, 小関 俊祐, 伊藤 大輔, 小野 はるか, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   44回   414 - 415  2018.10

  • 認知行動療法の実践に必要な基本コンピテンスを学ぶ

    鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   44回   493 - 493  2018.10

  • "人が怖い"の心理学"人が怖い"をどうみるか なぜ人が怖いのか? 心理学の観点から

    入野 晴菜, 鈴木 伸一

    こころの科学   ( 201 ) 14 - 19  2018.09

  • 仕事の要求度・組織要因・個人要因が心理的ストレス反応やワークエンゲイジメントに及ぼす影響

    佐藤秀樹, 伊藤理紗, 小野はるか, 竹下若那, 畑琴音, 小川祐子, 小川祐子, 鈴木伸一

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   82回 ( 0 ) 330 - 330  2018.08

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 行動変容に関する代表的理論・概念・技法 認知行動療法

    小川祐子, 鈴木伸一

    臨床栄養   132 ( 6 ) 698 - 703  2018.05


  • がん患者用活動抑制尺度(Sickness Impact Profile for Cancer Patients)開発の試み-経過報告

    畑琴音, 小川祐子, 小川祐子, 小野はるか, 竹下若那, 国里愛彦, 鈴木伸一

    日本サイコオンコロジー学会総会プログラム・抄録集   31st  2018


  • がん患者における心理師への相談行為の阻害要因の検討-自由記述に関する経過報告-

    竹下若那, 小野はるか, 畑琴音, 中村美咲子, 市倉加奈子, 市倉加奈子, 松島英介, 鈴木伸一

    日本サイコオンコロジー学会総会プログラム・抄録集   31st  2018


  • がんに罹患した母親が子どもとのコミュニケーションにおいて医療者に求めるサポート

    小川祐子, 小野はるか, 畑琴音, 鈴木伸一

    日本行動医学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集   25th  2018


  • 反芻がエフォートフル・コントロールと回避行動を媒介して抑うつに及ぼす影響

    佐藤秀樹, 岡本文子, 伊藤理紗, 国里愛彦, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集   43rd   279 - 280  2017.09


  • オーギュメンテッドリアリティを用いた、恐怖の行動評定方法の作成

    伊藤 理紗, 佐藤 秀樹, 国里 愛彦, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   43回   277 - 278  2017.09

  • 必携保存版 臨床心理学実践ガイド 行動活性化

    小川祐子, 鈴木伸一

    臨床心理学   17 ( 4 ) 444‐445  2017.07


  • 考え込み方略と刺激の感情価による検索誘導性忘却の差異の検討

    佐藤秀樹, 伊藤理紗, 鈴木伸一

    日本うつ病学会総会プログラム・抄録集   14th   307 - 307  2017.07


  • 臨床家として伸びるために 臨床がうまくなるって、どういうこと?

    鈴木 伸一

    ブリーフサイコセラピー研究   25 ( 1-2 ) 24 - 26  2017.03

  • 温熱療法のがん患者QOLに与える影響

    伊藤裕介, 佐々木友香, 山形志津子, 小川祐子, 小野はるか, 鈴木伸一, 小林泰信, 谷川啓司

    Thermal Medicine   33 ( Supplement )  2017


  • 認知行動療法の新たなる展開―慢性疾患患者の生活指導に役立つノウハウ 2)肥満に対する認知行動療法

    小川祐子, 鈴木伸一

    Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation   25 ( 12 ) 1189‐1193 - 1193  2016.12


  • 乳がん患者における疾患認識の定義と測定方法に関する系統的レビュー

    原沙彩, 小川祐子, 伊藤理紗, 鈴木伸一

    日本サイコオンコロジー学会総会プログラム・抄録集   29th ( 1 ) 158 - 174  2016.12

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 認知行動療法が開く新しい公認心理師の世界:これまでの資格と国家資格はどこがどう違うのか 内科領域の認知行動療法と公認心理師

    鈴木 伸一

    日本認知療法学会プログラム・抄録集   16回   86 - 86  2016.11

  • 考え込み方略の有無と刺激の感情価による検索誘導性忘却の差異―刺激の感情価評定を用いた検討―

    佐藤秀樹, 伊藤理紗, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集   42nd   2A‐01 - 123  2016.10


  • 汚染恐怖者における安全行動の機能的相違の検討:文献レビュー

    矢島涼, 伊藤理紗, 佐藤秀樹, 並木伸賢, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集   42nd   2P‐63 - 246  2016.10


  • The Influence of avoidance cognition on self-care behaviors and satisfaction in type 2 diabetes patients

    Miho Sasaki, Mariko Miyao, Tomoko Okuyama, Michiko Nanao, Masaya Koshizaka, Ko Ishikawa, Akira Sata, Yuzo Mizuno, Hiroaki Kumano, Shin-Ichi Suzuki

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   707 - 707  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Examination of the effects of trait and state anxiety on memory retrieval

    Koyo Higami, Yui Kaneko, Suyama Haruna, Risa Ito, Hideki Sato, Satomi Matsumoto, Nobutaka Namiki, Ryo Yajima, Shin-Ichi Suzuki

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   127 - 128  2016.07  [Refereed]

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Judicious Use of Safety Behaviors in terms of Attention Bias and Start Timing of Safety Behaviors in Undergraduates with Specific Phobia Symptoms during Exposure Therapy

    Risa Ito, Yui Kaneko, Haruna Suyama, Hideki Sato, Shin-Ichi Suzuki

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   75 - 75  2016.07  [Refereed]

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 専門医のための心身医学講座 認知行動療法の基本テクニックを学ぶ

    鈴木 伸一

    心身医学   56 ( 6 ) 593 - 593  2016.06

  • 【これでいいのか うつ病治療:どうしたらいい よくならない抑うつ症状II】長引く抑うつ症状への専門治療 行動活性化療法

    岡島 義, 鈴木 伸一

    精神科臨床サービス   16 ( 2 ) 260 - 263  2016.05

     View Summary

    行動活性化療法は学習理論に基づいた、うつ病への認知行動的アプローチであり、内側(例えば、考え方、気分)から外側(例えば、行動)を変える"inside-out"行動ではなく、外側から内側を変える"outside-in"行動を増やすことを重視している。この"inside-out"行動の理解としてTRAPモデル、"outside-in"行動の理解としてTRACモデルが提唱され、抑うつ症状を維持・悪化させる行動の特定とそれに変わる行動の促進に焦点が当てられる。行動活性化療法は、従来型の認知療法よりも治療後の効果が高いことが明らかにされている。また、うつ病に限らず、がん患者や喫煙者などの抑うつ症状に対してもその有効性が示されていることから、うつ病に特化した治療法ではなく、診断横断的治療(transdiagnostic treatment)としての側面が強いといえる。本稿では、行動活性化療法のアプローチ方法とその有効性について論じた。(著者抄録)

  • メンタルヘルス不調者の復職支援で管理職者が抱える困難感の検討:共感性の観点から

    並木伸賢, 佐藤秀樹, 伊藤理紗, 矢島涼, 鈴木伸一

    ストレス科学   31 ( 2 )  2016


  • メンタルヘルス不調者の復職支援において管理職者が抱える困難感の構成概念の検討

    並木伸賢, 佐藤秀樹, 伊藤理紗, 矢島涼, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集(CD-ROM)   42nd  2016


  • 反すうと刺激の感情価が検索誘導性忘却に及ぼす影響

    佐藤秀樹, 兼子唯, 巣山晴菜, 巣山晴菜, 伊藤理紗, 樋上巧洋, 松元智美, 鈴木伸一

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   79th   344 - 344  2015.08


  • 不安と価値割引が衝動的行動に与える直接的・間接的影響

    兼子唯, 兼子唯, 巣山晴菜, 巣山晴菜, 伊藤理紗, 鈴木伸一

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   79th   462 - 462  2015.08


  • うつ病に対する認知行動療法による内側前頭前野 前帯状回間の機能的結合性の変化について

    吉村 晋平, 岡本 泰昌, 松永 美希, 国里 愛彦, 小野田 慶一, 鈴木 伸一, 山脇 成人

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   79回   461 - 461  2015.08

  • うつ病者の復職において管理職者が感じる困難に関する質的検討

    並木伸賢, 清水馨, 田上明日香, 兼子唯, 巣山晴菜, 伊藤理紗, 佐藤秀樹, 松元智美, 鈴木伸一

    日本うつ病学会総会プログラム・抄録集   12th   273 - 273  2015.07


  • broodingがワーキングメモリ容量に及ぼす影響

    佐藤秀樹, 兼子唯, 巣山晴菜, 巣山晴菜, 伊藤理紗, 松元智美, 樋上巧洋, 鈴木伸一

    日本うつ病学会総会プログラム・抄録集   12th   285 - 285  2015.07


  • うつ病休職者における集団認知行動療法の効果に影響を与える要因の検討―精神的・身体的うつ症状と職場復帰の困難感の観点から―

    清水瑠莉, 伊藤大輔, 兼子唯, 巣山晴菜, 巣山晴菜, 伊藤理紗, 佐藤秀樹, 樋上巧洋, 熊野宏昭, 貝谷久宣, 鈴木伸一

    日本うつ病学会総会プログラム・抄録集   12th   273 - 273  2015.07


  • さまざまなうつ病への認知行動療法 職場結合性うつ病のCBT 復職支援に活かす認知行動療法の工夫

    鈴木 伸一

    日本うつ病学会総会・日本認知療法学会プログラム・抄録集   12回・15回   138 - 138  2015.07

  • うつ症状の重症度と職場におけるうつ症状の兆候の自覚の性差による検討

    並木伸賢, 八木彩美, 兼子唯, 田上明日香, 伊藤大輔, 清水馨, 横山仁史, 横山仁史, 伊藤理紗, 佐藤秀樹, 樋上巧洋, 松元智美, 矢島涼, 鈴木伸一

    日本行動医学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集   22nd  2015


  • P3-23 うつ病休職者の復職支援において管理職者が感じる困難に関する質的検討 : 復職支援の制度の観点から(一般演題)

    並木 伸賢, 松元 智美, 巣山 晴菜, 兼子 唯, 伊藤 理紗, 佐藤 秀樹, 樋上 巧洋, 矢島 涼, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 41 ) 342 - 343  2015


  • P3-3 組織風土におけるコーピングがうつ症状に及ぼす影響(一般演題)

    矢島 涼, 松浪 奈緒, 矢田 さゆり, 兼子 唯, 巣山 晴菜, 伊藤 理紗, 佐藤 秀樹, 樋上 巧洋, 松元 智美, 並木 伸賢, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 41 ) 302 - 303  2015


  • P2-38 安全確保行動からネガティブ情動への影響の検討(一般演題)

    兼子 唯, 巣山 晴菜, 国里 愛彦, 伊藤 理紗, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 41 ) 254 - 255  2015


  • P3-15 エクスポージャー中の安全確保行動の機能の検討 : 文献レビュー(一般演題)

    伊藤 理紗, 兼子 唯, 巣山 晴菜, 佐藤 秀樹, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 41 ) 326 - 327  2015


  • P2-5 反すうと抑うつがワーキングメモリ容量に及ぼす影響(一般演題)

    佐藤 秀樹, 兼子 唯, 巣山 晴菜, 伊藤 理紗, 松元 智美, 樋上 巧洋, 並木 伸賢, 矢島 涼, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 41 ) 192 - 193  2015


  • P3-40 子育て中のがん患者の親子間コミュニケーションの現状 : がん患者遺族を対象とした質的調査(一般演題)

    小川 祐子, 原 沙彩, 小林 明希, 河原 正典, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 41 ) 376 - 377  2015


  • P3-46 乳がん患者における疾患認識の構成概念の検討 : 尺度検討の今後の展望として(一般演題)

    原 沙彩, 竹内 恵美, 小川 祐子, 石川 愛海, 長谷川 由美, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 41 ) 388 - 389  2015


  • P1-78 女子大学生にみられる自己犠牲傾向 : 摂食障害とSelflessness、Self-Silencing(一般演題ポスター,認知行動療法のポテンシャル)

    松元 智美, 巣山 晴菜, 兼子 唯, 伊藤 理紗, 佐藤 秀樹, 佐藤 貴宣, 樋上 巧洋, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 40 ) 236 - 237  2014.11


  • P2-5 うつ症状の変化に対する拒絶に対する過敏性の予測力の検討(一般演題ポスター,認知行動療法のポテンシャル)

    巣山 晴菜, 兼子 唯, 伊藤 理紗, 野口 恭子, 貝谷 久宣, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 40 ) 270 - 271  2014.11


  • P2-18 Broodingがワーキングメモリ容量と検索誘導性忘却に及ぼす影響(一般演題ポスター,認知行動療法のポテンシャル)

    佐藤 秀樹, 兼子 唯, 巣山 晴菜, 伊藤 理紗, 樋上 巧洋, 松元 智美, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 40 ) 296 - 297  2014.11


  • 心理士による集団認知行動療法がうつ病患者のうつ症状の改善に及ぼす効果 : 対照比較研究(内山記念賞受賞講演1,認知行動療法のポテンシャル)

    伊藤 大輔, 兼子 唯, 巣山 晴菜, 金谷 順浩, 田上 明日香, 小関 俊祐, 貝谷 久宣, 熊野 宏昭, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 40 ) 50 - 50  2014.11


  • 生活習慣病の臨床における認知行動療法のポテンシャル(日本認知・行動療法学会 生活習慣病認知行動療法研究会 合同企画シンポジウム,認知行動療法のポテンシャル)

    小崎 篤志, 鈴木 伸一, 中尾 睦宏, 巣黒 慎太郎, 小林 清香, 筒井 順子, 西村 勝治, 足達 淑子, 熊野 宏昭

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 40 ) 48 - 49  2014.11


  • P2-54 エクスポージャー中の恐怖の高まり前後の安全確保行動が不安低減効果に及ぼす影響性の差異(一般演題ポスター,認知行動療法のポテンシャル)

    伊藤 理紗, 兼子 唯, 巣山 晴菜, 佐藤 秀樹, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 40 ) 368 - 369  2014.11


  • P2-71 特性不安とストレス負荷が記憶に及ぼす影響(一般演題ポスター,認知行動療法のポテンシャル)

    樋上 巧洋, 兼子 唯, 巣山 晴菜, 伊藤 理紗, 佐藤 貴宣, 佐藤 秀樹, 松元 智美, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 40 ) 401 - 402  2014.11


  • P1-81 継続的な受診行動の中で医師との会話に対して抱くためらいと疾患の重症度との関連(一般演題ポスター,認知行動療法のポテンシャル)

    竹内 恵美, 八田 潤, 小川 祐子, 石川 愛海, 長谷川 由美, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 40 ) 242 - 243  2014.11


  • P2-59 児童期の強迫性障害傾向に対する集団心理教育プログラムによる効果の検討(一般演題ポスター,認知行動療法のポテンシャル)

    石川 愛海, 小川 祐子, 竹内 恵美, 長谷川 由美, 小関 俊祐, 石川 信一, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 40 ) 378 - 379  2014.11


  • P2-78 主治医との会話をためらう外来がん患者のコミュニケーション行動と患者の心理社会的健康との関連(一般演題ポスター,認知行動療法のポテンシャル)

    小川 祐子, 古賀 晴美, 武井 優子, 谷川 啓司, 鈴木 伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会プログラム・抄録集   ( 40 ) 415 - 416  2014.11


  • 日常生活内における安全確保行動がネガティブ感情に与える影響の検討

    兼子唯, 兼子唯, 巣山晴菜, 巣山晴菜, 国里愛彦, 伊藤理紗, 鈴木伸一

    日本認知・行動療法学会大会抄録集   40th ( 40 ) P2-66 - 393  2014.11

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • うつ病の認知行動療法の脳内作用メカニズムと今後の展開

    国里愛彦, 岡本泰昌, 吉村晋平, 松永美希, 岡田剛, 吉野敦雄, 小野田慶一, 上田一貴, 鈴木伸一, 山脇成人

    Depression Frontier   12 ( 2 ) 41 - 45  2014.10


  • 医療機関における復職支援

    松永美希, 岡本泰昌, 鈴木伸一, 神人蘭, 吉村晋平, 国里愛彦, 吉野敦雄, 山脇成人

    行動医学研究   21st   32  2014.10


  • 社会に貢献できる心理生物学的研究 うつ病における認知行動療法の神経作用メカニズム

    国里 愛彦, 岡本 泰昌, 吉村 晋平, 松永 美希, 岡田 剛, 吉野 敦雄, 小野田 慶一, 上田 一貴, 鈴木 伸一, 山脇 成人

    ストレス科学   29 ( 1 ) 45 - 54  2014.07

     View Summary


  • CBTを始めよう

    鈴木 伸一

    日本認知療法学会・日本行動療法学会プログラム&抄録・発表論文集   13回・39回   CB - WS3  2013.08

  • 【精神保健・医療・福祉の今がわかる キーワード126】(第4章)精神科治療トピックス マインドフルネス/行動活性化療法/弁証法的行動療法

    国里 愛彦, 鈴木 伸一

    精神科臨床サービス   13 ( 2 ) 212 - 213  2013.04

  • SAD患者における人間関係の特徴とSAD症状との関連

    伊藤理紗, 兼子唯, 兼子唯, 巣山晴菜, 国里愛彦, 吉田栄治, 貝谷久宣, 鈴木伸一

    行動医学研究   19 ( Supplement ) 124  2013.03


  • 温熱療法を受けている患者の受療回数によるQOLの変化の縦断的検討

    小川祐子, 武井優子, 古賀晴美, 長尾愛美, 鈴木伸一, 谷田川あゆみ, 伊藤裕介, 小林泰信, 谷川啓司

    Thermal Medicine   29 ( Supplement )  2013


  • P2-28 うつ病に対する集団認知行動療法における認知的介入でうつ症状に改善が認められた者と行動的介入で改善が認められた者の,治療前の状態の検討(一般演題(ポスター),テーマ:認知行動療法の「今」)

    巣山 晴菜, 兼子 唯, 伊藤 大輔, 貝谷 久宣, 熊野 宏昭, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 38 ) 306 - 307  2012.09


  • P2-26 うつ病に対する集団認知行動療法におけるドロップアウトをする患者の治療前の状態に関する検討(一般演題(ポスター),テーマ:認知行動療法の「今」)

    兼子 唯, 巣山 晴菜, 伊藤 大輔, 貝谷 久宣, 熊野 宏昭, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 38 ) 302 - 303  2012.09


  • P2-59 外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)患者の外傷後ストレス症状と生活支障度の関連の検討(一般演題(ポスター),テーマ:認知行動療法の「今」)

    伊藤 大輔, 中澤 佳奈子, 加茂 登志子, 氏家 由里, 鈴木 伸一, 金吉 晴

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 38 ) 368 - 369  2012.09


  • P2-22 評価過敏性および誇大性が不安うつ傾向に与える影響(一般演題(ポスター),テーマ:認知行動療法の「今」)

    佐藤 貴宣, 藤井 智枝, 小川 祐子, 巣山 晴菜, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 38 ) 294 - 295  2012.09



    Y. Kunisato, Y. Okamoto, G. Okada, Y. Nishiyama, Y. Kanai, S. Sasaki-Aoki, S. Yoshimura, T. Katsuragawa, S. Suzuki, S. Yamawaki


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 心疾患患者のうつの評価と対応 認知行動療法と段階的治療

    鈴木 伸一

    日本心臓病学会誌   7 ( Suppl.I ) 223 - 223  2012.08

  • 認知/行動療法の第三の波はどこまで届いたか(大会企画シンポジウム3,現在から未来へ 我が国における認知行動療法の展開)

    熊野 宏昭, 越川 房子, 武藤 崇, 鈴木 伸一, 遊佐 安一郎

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 37 ) 74 - 75  2011.11


  • P1-40 植込み型除細動器(ICD)植込み後の患者における回避行動と抑うつの関連性の検討(一般演題(ポスター),現在から未来へ 我が国における認知行動療法の展開)

    島田 真衣, 市倉 加奈子, 松岡 志帆, 小林 清香, 鈴木 豪, 西村 勝治, 志賀 剛, 萩原 誠久, 石郷岡 純, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 37 ) 240 - 241  2011.11


  • P1-16 メンタル不調に繋がる兆候に関する検討(一般演題(ポスター),現在から未来へ 我が国における認知行動療法の展開)

    清水 馨, 田上 明日香, 大野 真由子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 37 ) 192 - 193  2011.11


  • P1-58 PTSD症状を呈する者における受診行動に影響する要因の検討 : 罪責感の特性・認知・情動的側面からの検討(一般演題(ポスター),現在から未来へ 我が国における認知行動療法の展開)

    中澤 佳奈子, 伊藤 大輔, 加茂 登志子, 氏家 由里, 鈴木 伸一, 金 吉晴

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 37 ) 276 - 277  2011.11


  • 認知/行動療法の第三の波はどこまで届いたか 古くて新しい「うつ病の行動活性化療法」の可能性

    鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   37回   75 - 75  2011.11

  • 治療抵抗性うつ病患者の反すう傾向と脳構造との関連性

    国里 愛彦, 岡本 泰昌, 吉村 普平, 上田 一貴, 岡田 剛, 松永 美希, 鈴木 伸一, 山脇 成人

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   37回   474 - 475  2011.11

  • 生活改善プログラムにおける健康行動の促進・妨害要因の検討

    松岡 志帆, 市倉 加奈子, 武内 大輔, 島田 真衣, 鈴木 豪, 志賀 剛, 萩原 誠久, 鈴木 伸一

    日本循環器病予防学会誌   46 ( 2 ) 156 - 156  2011.04


  • SY-6 コミュニケーション・モードとしてのケース・フオーミュレーション(3) : ケース・フォーミュレーションの共通メOSモは生成可能か?(自主企画シンポジウム,切れる最新の理論と途切れない地道な実践)

    武藤 崇, 伊藤 絵美, 鈴木 伸一, 熊野 宏昭

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 36 ) 104 - 105  2010.12


  • P2-3 うつ病休職者の復職に向けた準備に関する検討(一般演題(ポスター発表),切れる最新の理論と途切れない地道な実践)

    大野 真由子, 田上 明日香, 伊藤 大輔, 清水 馨, 白井 麻理, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 36 ) 298 - 299  2010.12


  • P2-4 うつ病休職につながる変調の検討 : 休職者本人を取り巻く周囲との比較から(一般演題(ポスター発表),切れる最新の理論と途切れない地道な実践)

    清水 馨, 田上 明日香, 伊藤 里奈子, 大野 真由子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 36 ) 300 - 301  2010.12


  • P2-2 うつ病休職者の職場復帰支援 : 認知行動療法はどの程度寄与できているのか?(一般演題(ポスター発表),切れる最新の理論と途切れない地道な実践)

    田上 明日香, 伊藤 大輔, 清水 馨, 大野 真由子, 白井 麻理, 嶋田 洋徳, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 36 ) 296 - 297  2010.12


  • P2-53 トラウマ体験者の外傷後ストレス症状に対する 解釈の測定(一般演題(ポスター発表),切れる最新の理論と途切れない地道な実践)

    伊藤 大輔, 中澤 佳奈子, 鈴木 伸一, 金 吉晴

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 36 ) 398 - 399  2010.12


  • P2-32 社交不安の生理的側面に対する ビデオフィードバックの効果 : 解釈バイアスの観点から(一般演題(ポスター発表),切れる最新の理論と途切れない地道な実践)

    巣山 晴菜, 大月 友, 伊藤 大輔, 兼子 唯, 中澤 佳奈子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 36 ) 356 - 357  2010.12


  • トラウマ体験者の外傷後ストレス症状に対する解釈の測定 Negative Appraisal for Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms(NAP)の開発

    伊藤 大輔, 中澤 佳奈子, 鈴木 伸一, 金 吉晴

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   36回   398 - 399  2010.12

  • 右上側頭回体積が集団認知行動療法への治療反応性を予測する Voxel based morphometryを用いた検討

    国里 愛彦, 岡本 泰昌, 吉村 晋平, 上田 一貴, 岡田 剛, 松永 美希, 小野田 慶一, 鈴木 伸一, 山脇 成人

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   36回   436 - 437  2010.12

  • トラウマ体験者の外傷後ストレス症状に対する解釈の特徴

    伊藤 大輔, 中澤 佳奈子, 鈴木 伸一, 金 吉晴

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   74回   387 - 387  2010.08


    Yuko Takei, Akiko Ogata, Miwa Ozawa, Atsushi Manabe, Hiroshi Moritake, Kei Hirai, Shinichi Suzuki


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 【休職者への職場復帰支援プログラム最前線】休職者に対する認知行動療法の実践のポイント うつ病休職者の支援を中心に

    鈴木 伸一

    産業精神保健   18 ( 1 ) 35 - 39  2010.02

  • 気分障害の治療システムの開発と検証に関する研究 うつ病に対する認知行動療法の併用効果に関する検討―難治性うつ病に対する治療システム開発に向けて―(第五報)

    岡本泰昌, 松永美希, 吉村晋平, 吉野敦夫, 国里愛彦, 鈴木伸一, 山脇成人

    厚生労働省精神・神経疾患研究委託費による研究報告集 平成21年度 (2年度班・初年度班)     9 - 10  2010



    Atsushi Manabe, Miwa Ozawa, Akiko Higuchi, Hiroko Kondo, Motohiro Matoba, Makiko Oshikawa, Shinichi Suzuki, Megumi Oda, Kiyoko Kamibeppu, Keizo Horibe, Ryota Hosoya

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER   53 ( 5 ) 876 - 877  2009.11

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • P2-73 喪失体験こ対する認知行動療脚的援助に関する記述的研究(一般演題(ポスター発表),認知行動療法を全国民に提供するために、総力の結集を!)

    古賀 晴美, 橋本 塁, 丹野 恵, 嶋田 洋徳, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 35 ) 534 - 535  2009.10


  • P1-29 1型糖尿病患児における罹患期間がセルフエフィカシーとストレス反応に及ぼす影響(一般演題(ポスター発表),認知行動療法を全国民に提供するために、総力の結集を!)

    松岡 志帆, 佐々木 美保, 武井 優子, 兼子 唯, 市倉 加奈子, 古賀 晴美, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 35 ) 282 - 283  2009.10


  • P1-48 児童の不安に影響を及ぼす心理社会的要因の検討(一般演題(ポスター発表),認知行動療法を全国民に提供するために、総力の結集を!)

    兼子 唯, 小関 俊祐, 大野 真由子, 伊藤 大輔, 田上 明日香, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 35 ) 320 - 321  2009.10


  • P2-51 うつ病休職者の職場復帰の不安尺度作成の試み(一般演題(ポスター発表),認知行動療法を全国民に提供するために、総力の結集を!)

    田上 明日香, 伊藤 大輔, 大野 真由子, 嶋田 洋徳, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 35 ) 490 - 491  2009.10


  • P1-28 1型糖尿病患児を対象とした糖尿病教室の効果の検討 : インスリン自己注射行動とストレス反応,セルフエフィカシーの関連(一般演題(ポスター発表),認知行動療法を全国民に提供するために、総力の結集を!)

    武井 優子, 佐々木 美保, 兼子 唯, 市倉 加奈子, 古賀 晴美, 松岡 志帆, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 35 ) 280 - 281  2009.10


  • SY-7 新旧の認知行動療法の共通性を探る : 行動療法,認知療法,ACT(自主企画シンポジウム,認知行動療法を全国民に提供するために、総力の結集を!)

    岡島 義, 松永 美希, 高橋 稔, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 35 ) 114 - 115  2009.10


  • P1-24 トラウマ体験者の外傷後ストレス反応と社会的機能の関連(一般演題(ポスター発表),認知行動療法を全国民に提供するために、総力の結集を!)

    伊藤 大輔, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 35 ) 272 - 273  2009.10


  • 生活習慣を改善する方法としての認知行動療法 身体疾患患者の病態管理行動の形成をねらいとした認知行動療法

    鈴木 伸一

    日本認知療法学会・日本行動療法学会プログラム&抄録・発表論文集   9回・35回   111 - 111  2009.10

  • 抑うつと報酬・罰に対する感受性 強化学習モデルを用いた検討(2)

    国里 愛彦, 上田 一貴, 小野田 慶一, 吉村 晋平, 鈴木 伸一, 岡本 泰昌, 山脇 成人

    日本認知療法学会・日本行動療法学会プログラム&抄録・発表論文集   9回・35回   181 - 181  2009.10

  • 治療抵抗性うつ病に対する集団認知行動療法の効果 短期的効果と治療反応に関する検討

    松永 美希, 岡本 泰昌, 鈴木 伸一, 吉村 晋平, 国里 愛彦, 吉野 敦雄, 山脇 成人

    日本認知療法学会・日本行動療法学会プログラム&抄録・発表論文集   9回・35回   167 - 167  2009.10


  • 男子中学生の不潔恐怖型強迫性障害に対する曝露介入と再燃(コロキウム報告)

    神村 栄一, 松見 淳子, 鈴木 伸一

    行動療法研究   35 ( 3 ) 304 - 305  2009.09


  • SY-9 がん医療における認知行動療法の実践(自主シンポジウム9,サイコセラピーの融合とより良き社会的貢献を目指して)

    藤森 麻衣子, 堂谷 知香子, 尾形 明子, 平井 啓, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 34 ) 102 - 103  2008.11


  • P4-35 喪失体験からの回復過程における認知と対処行動の変化(一般演題(ポスター),サイコセラピーの融合とより良き社会的貢献を目指して)

    武井 優子, 五十川 ちよみ, 五十嵐 友里, 嶋田 洋徳, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 34 ) 508 - 509  2008.11


  • P3-46 非致死性トラウマ体験後の認知尺度の作成(一般演題(ポスター),サイコセラピーの融合とより良き社会的貢献を目指して)

    伊藤 大輔, 佐々木 美保, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 34 ) 430 - 431  2008.11


  • メタボリックシンドロームと心理・社会的側面 メタボリックシンドロームと心理社会的側面

    鈴木 伸一

    日本補完代替医療学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   11回   56 - 56  2008.11

  • メタボリックシンドロームへの新たな挑戦「心と伝統からのメッセージ」 行動から

    鈴木 伸一

    日本補完代替医療学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   11回   64 - 64  2008.11

  • 【「軽いうつ」「軽い躁」 どう対応するか】軽いうつ状態に対する認知行動療法の適応

    鈴木 伸一

    精神科治療学   23 ( 8 ) 857 - 862  2008.08

     View Summary


  • 小林奈穂美発表へのコメントと議論の概要

    鈴木 伸一

    行動療法研究   34 ( 2 ) 207 - 207  2008.05

  • Brain activity for depressive patients during self-reference

    S. Yoshimura, K. Ueda, S. Suzuki, K. Onoda, M. Matsunaga, A. Kinoshita, Y. Okamoto, S. Yamawaki


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • P2-65 1型糖尿病患児の属性がセルフケア関連指標に及ぼす影響の検討(1,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展) : 患児の罹患期間とHbAlc,セルフケア行動の関連(ポスター発表II,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    佐々木 美保, 伊藤 有里, 尾形 明子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 384 - 385  2007.11


  • P2-03 入学時のストレッサーと学校不適応との関連(5) : 高校新入生ストレッサー尺度の信頼性・妥当性の検討(ポスター発表II,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    山本 友美子, 国里 愛彦, 伊藤 大輔, 浅本 有美, 川人 潤子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 260 - 261  2007.11


  • P2-02 入学時のストレッサーと学校不適応との関連(4) : 同一高等学校の学科差に着目して(ポスター発表II,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    川人 潤子, 国里 愛彦, 浅本 有美, 伊藤 大輔, 山本 友美子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 258 - 259  2007.11


  • P2-01 入学時のストレッサーと学校不適応との関連(3) : 高校新入生ストレッサーの継時的変化とストレス反応との関連(ポスター発表II,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    田所 健児, 小河 修祐, 藤目 文子, 佐々木 美保, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 256 - 257  2007.11


  • P2-66 1型糖尿病患児の属性がセルフケア関連指標に及ぼす影響の検討(2) : 患児の年齢とセルフエフィカシーの関連(ポスター発表II,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    伊藤 有里, 佐々木 美保, 尾形 明子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 386 - 387  2007.11


  • P2-21 トラウマの性質の違いが外傷後ストレス反応・認知に及ぼす影響(ポスター発表II,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    伊藤 大輔, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 296 - 297  2007.11


  • P3-32 小学校低学年児童に対する集団SSTの効果の検討 : 訓練前の社会的スキルのレベルの違いに着目して(ポスター発表III,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    村岡 洋子, 佐々木 美保, 浅本 有美, 在原 理沙, 堂谷 知香子, 田所 健児, 伊藤 大輔, 伊藤 有里, 国里 愛彦, 尾形 明子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 468 - 469  2007.11


  • P1-51 報酬・罰への感受性と抑うつの関連 : 報酬・罰への感受性の個人内の組み合わせパターンに着目して(ポスター発表I,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    国里 愛彦, 上田 一貴, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 240 - 241  2007.11


  • P3-33 小学校低学年児童に対する集団SST : 取り組みやすく,児童の動機づけを高める集団SSTプログラム(ポスター発表III,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    浅本 有美, 国里 愛彦, 村岡 洋子, 堂谷 知香子, 在原 理沙, 田所 建児, 伊藤 大輔, 伊藤 有里, 佐々木 美保, 尾形 明子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 470 - 471  2007.11


  • P1-53 自己記入式の手帳を用いた日常生活での自動思考および気分のセルフモニタリングがうつ状態の改善に及ぼす影響に関する研究 : 記録のタイミングに着目して(ポスター発表I,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    小河 修祐, 鈴木 伸一, 吉内 一浩, 熊野 宏昭

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 244 - 245  2007.11


  • P2-53 集団認知行動療法に参加したうつ病患者の思考・行動の変化 : 思考記録表の内容分析から(ポスター発表II,教育・福祉・健康分野への進展)

    松永 美希, 鈴木 伸一, 木下 亜紀子, 岡本 泰昌, 山脇 成人

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 33 ) 360 - 361  2007.11


  • うつ病に対する集団認知行動療法の展望

    松永美希, 鈴木伸一, 岡本泰昌, 木下亜紀子, 吉村晋平, 山脇成人

    精神科治療学   22 ( 9 ) 1081 - 1091  2007.09


  • 情動形成とその異常の脳内機構 情動と心身相関のBlack Boxに迫る うつ病の認知に関する神経基盤

    岡本 泰昌, 木下 亜紀子, 吉村 晋平, 小野田 慶一, 松永 美希, 志々田 一宏, 上田 一貴, 鈴木 伸一, 山脇 成人

    心身医学   47 ( 8 ) 705 - 712  2007.08

     View Summary

    われわれは、うつ病の認知的側面に着目し、病態解明に向けたfunctional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)を用いた研究を行っている。本稿では、Beck(1967)の提案したABC図式のB(Belief)に関連した脳機能局在(Kurosaki,et al.2005)、推論の誤りに関連した脳内機構(Ueda,et al.2003),Teasdale(1988)の提唱したdifferential activation hypothesisに類似した脳内機構(Tanaka,et al.2004)などについて紹介する。次に、現在行っているうつ病に対する集団認知行動療法(CBGT)前後の脳機能の変化について報告する。治療前のうつ病では、健常者で課題遂行中に賦活される脳領域において活動性低下が認められた。うつ病のCBGT前後の変化では、個別の検討でBDIの改善度が高い症例では、CBGT後の脳活動が健常者に近いレベルまで改善していた。(著者抄録)

  • うつ病患者を対象とした認知行動療法に基づく復職支援プログラムの効果

    鈴木伸一, 松永美希, 木下亜紀子, 上田一貴, 岡本泰昌, 山脇成人

    心身医学   47 ( 6 ) 534  2007.06


  • Mothers' Perception of Their Children's Vulnerability and Parenting Behavior

    OGATA Akiko, SUZUKI Shin-ichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   33 ( 1 ) 25 - 32  2007.03

     View Summary

    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relation between mothers' parent-ing behavior and their perception of their children's vulnerability as measured by the Japanese version of the Child Vulnerability Scale (CVS-J). Participants in the study were 218 mothers (mean age 38.35 years) who had children between 4 and 15 years of age (mean age of the children, 9.43 years; total number of children: 116 boys, 102 girls). The results were as follows: (1) The mothers who perceived their children as vulnerable tended to discipline inconsistently, and (2) Maternal parenting behavior could be classified into 3 types: receptive, desiring control, and unconcerned. The mothers who were classified as having a desire for control perceived their children as significantly more vulnerable than did the mothers in the other parenting categories. These results suggest that mothers who perceive their children as vulnerable are likely to limit their children's activities and spoil their children.


  • 医療心理学の新展開(2):チーム医療における医療心理学の新展開

    鈴木 伸一, 藤森 麻衣子, 小嶋 なみ子, 筒井 順子

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   71 ( 0 ) WS071 - WS071  2007

    DOI CiNii

  • Neural Basis of Cognition in Depression

    岡本泰昌, 木下亜紀子, 吉村晋平, 小野田慶一, 松永美希, 志々田一宏, 上田一貴, 鈴木伸一, 山脇成人

    心身医学   47 ( 8 )  2007


  • うつ病の認知に関する脳機能局在

    岡本泰昌, 木下亜紀子, 小野田慶一, 吉村晋平, 松永美希, 高見浩, 山下英尚, 上田一貴, 鈴木伸一, 山脇成人

    基礎心理学研究   25 ( 2 )  2007


  • P1B-30 トラウマの構造化開示が心身に及ぼす影響 : 助言場面想定法に関する3ヵ月フォローアップ研究(ポスター発表1B(基礎研究・ストレス・精神保健),行動療法の先端性と一般性)

    伊藤 大輔, 佐藤 健二, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 32 ) 216 - 217  2006.10


  • P2A-9 大学生における対人ストレスモデルの検討(ポスター発表2A(学校臨床),行動療法の先端性と一般性)

    佐々木 美保, 佐藤 健二, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 32 ) 272 - 273  2006.10


  • P2B-11 うつ病に対する集団認知行動療法の予後 : 社会的機能の改善に注目して(ポスター発表2B(うつ・不安・精神医療),行動療法の先端性と一般性)

    松永 美希, 鈴木 伸一, 木下 亜紀子, 吉村 晋平, 岡本 泰昌, 山脇 成人

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 32 ) 336 - 337  2006.10


  • P2B-7 うつ病患者の自己関連付け課題遂行時の脳機能の検討(ポスター発表2B(うつ・不安・精神医療),行動療法の先端性と一般性)

    吉村 晋平, 上田 一貴, 鈴木 伸一, 岡本 泰昌, 山脇 成人

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 32 ) 328 - 329  2006.10


  • 長期寛解状態にある小児がん患児の母親の心理的適応と病弱傾向認知の関連

    尾形 明子, 鈴木 伸一, 大園 秀一, 佐伯 俊成, 佐藤 貴, 西村 真一郎, 浜本 和子, 小林 正夫, 山脇 成人

    日本小児血液学会雑誌   20 ( 5 ) 450 - 450  2006.10

  • サイコオンコロジー3)がん患者を取り巻く人々の心理的ストレス

    尾形 明子, 塩崎 麻里子, 大谷 弘行, 鈴木 伸一, 岩満 優美

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   70 ( 0 ) WS022 - WS022  2006.10


  • 小児がん患児の学校不適応と母親の子どもの健康に関する認知

    尾形 明子, 鈴木 伸一, 大園 秀一, 佐伯 俊成, 萬谷 智之, 小林 正夫, 山脇 成人

    小児がん   43 ( 2 ) 180 - 185  2006.09

     View Summary



  • 乳がん患者の家族における不安・抑うつと家族機能の関連

    佐伯 俊成, 萬谷 智之, 山下 美樹, 山脇 成人, 尾形 明子, 鈴木 伸一, 岡村 仁, 田妻 進

    心身医学   46 ( 6 ) 601 - 601  2006.06

  • 精神療法のこれから(課題と展望)うつ病を対象とした集団認知行動療法プログラムの有用性

    木下亜紀子, 鈴木伸一, 松永美希, 上田一貴, 岡本泰昌, 山脇成人

    精神神経学雑誌   108 ( 2 ) 166 - 171  2006.02

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • The relationships among anger coping styles, ability of recognizing and verbalizing emotion, and physical health

    村岡 洋子, 堀越 勝, 鈴木 伸一

    Bulletin of Training and Research Center for Clinical Psychology   ( 5 ) 42 - 51  2006

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships among anger coping styles, ability of recognizing and verbalizing emotion, and physical health. The subjects were 214 middle-age men and female. The results of this study were as follows; (1) The subjects who took constructive anger expression style were likely to have higher ability of recognizing and verbalizing emotion, less likely to be exhausted, and less likely to be angry than those who took other anger coping styles, (2)the subjects who took physical anger expression style had high risk of cardiovascular diseases. key words; anger coping styles, ability of recognizing and verbalizing emotion, physical health

    DOI CiNii

  • The cognitive disorder of depressed patients and the mechanisms of cognitive behavioral therapy to depression: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study

    木下亜紀子, 岡本泰昌, 上田一貴, 松永美希, 鈴木伸一, 吉村晋平, 志々田一宏, 万谷智之, 山下英尚, 岡田剛, 山脇成人

    精神薬療研究年報   ( 38 )  2006


  • 腹痛への懸念を強く訴えた社会不安障害患者に対する認知行動療法

    松永美希, 鈴木伸一, 貝谷久宣, 坂野雄二

    行動療法研究   32 ( 2 )  2006


  • P2A-13 自己関連付け課題における脳活動の変化(ポスター発表3(基礎研究・ストレス・精神保健),人間科学としての行動療法の展開)

    吉村 晋平, 鈴木 伸一, 上田 一貴, 木下 亜紀子, 岡本 泰昌, 山脇 成人

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 31 ) 318 - 319  2005.10


  • 【強迫性障害の研究】強迫性障害に対するグループ療法の試み 認知行動療法を応用して

    森信 繁, 鈴木 伸一, 松永 美希, 尾形 明子, 利島 保, 山脇 成人

    強迫性障害の研究   6   67 - 71  2005.04

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  • O-01 集団認知行動療法への参加が有効であった大うつ病性障害の一症例(口頭発表I,研究発表,わが国の行動療法の現状と将来への展望)

    鈴木 伸一, 松永 美希, 木下 亜紀子, 尾形 明子, 上田 一貴, 岡本 泰昌, 山脇 成人

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 30 ) 94 - 95  2004.10


  • P-20 抑うつと感情一致效果に関する研究(ポスター発表I,研究発表,わが国の行動療法の現状と将来への展望)

    吉村 晋平, 荒木 友希子, 鈴木 伸一

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 30 ) 158 - 159  2004.10


  • P-15 集団CBTに参加したうつ病患者の思考・行動の探索的分析 : ワークシートの記述内容から(ポスター発表I,研究発表,わが国の行動療法の現状と将来への展望)

    松永 美希, 鈴木 伸一, 木下 亜紀子, 尾形 明子, 上田 一貴, 岡本 泰昌, 山脇 成人

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 30 ) 148 - 149  2004.10


  • Development and Validation of the Japanese Version of Social Phobia Scale and Social Interaction Anxiety Scale

    Kanai Yoshihiro, Sasagawa Satoko, Chen Junwen, Suzuki Shin-ichi, Shimada Hironori, Sakano Yuji

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   44 ( 11 ) 841 - 850  2004

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Japanese version of Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS). The SPS assesses fear of being scrutinized during performance in the presence of others, while the SIAS assesses fear of social interaction. Six-hundred and fifteen undergraduate students and 21 outpatients with soclal phobia completed the SPS and the SIAS. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the SPS included 20-items loading on one factor, which was named &quot;Fear of being scrutinized&quot; and the SIAS included 20-items loading on two factors, which were named &quot;Soclal interaction anxiety&quot; and &quot;Deficit of _self-efficacy In social interactive situation&quot;. Internal consistency of both scales were sufficiently high (SPS : α=0.91. SIAS : α=0.72-0.92) . Results of t test revealed that patients with social phobia showed higher scores than undergraduate students for both scales. Therefore, it was concluded that the SPS and the SIAS have high discriminant validity. The SPS and the SIAS correlated moderately with other self-report measures of social anxiety. Furthermore, the SPS and the SIAS predicted anxious response to speech situations. It was suggested that the SPS and the SIAS have high validity and potential for clinical and research application. Finally, the efficacy of these scales for evaluating subtypes of social phobia was discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • Group cognitive behavior therapy for depression.

    木下亜紀子, 鈴木伸一, 松永美希, 尾形明子, 上田一貴, 岡本泰昌

    カレントテラピー   23 ( 1 )  2004


  • Use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Two Psychosomatic and Psychiatric Primary Care Clinics(Special Issue: Primary Care and Behavior Therapy/Cognitive Behavior Therapy Original Article)

    OTSUKA Akiko, KATAOKA Mihoko, MURANAKA Yasuko, KAWAMURA Yumiko, SUZUKI Shin-ichi, KUMANO Hiroaki

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   28 ( 1 ) 15 - 24  2002.03

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    The present article reports the use of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) in two psychosomatic and psychiatric primary care settings, based on data from 121 patients visiting either a medical and psychosomatic clinic or a psychiatry and psychosomatic clinic during the past 5.5 years. It was found that although both clinics had many patients with anxiety disorders and adjustment disorders, those patients whose psychological factors affected a medical condition or who had somatoform disorders were more likely to visit the medical and psychosomatic clinic, whereas patients with eating disorders were more likely to visit the psychiatry and psychosomatic clinic. Mood disorders were generally treated by graded task assignment and cognitive behavior counseling; anxiety disorders, by exposure and autogenic training; somatoform disorders, sleep disorders, and psychological factors affecting medical condition, by autogenic training; and adjustment disorders, by cognitive behavior counseling. Patients who had psychological factors affecting a medical condition, adjustment disorders, or anxiety disorders were likely to complete the treatment and recover. These findings suggest that CBT is an efficient treatment for psychosomatic and psychiatric primary care.


  • P・B・8 心療内科・神経科における認知行動療法の治療過程の指標に関する研究(ポスター発表B)

    大塚 明子, 形岡 美穂子, 村中 泰子, 川村 有美子, 鈴木 伸一, 熊野 宏昭

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 27 ) 153 - 154  2001.09


  • P・C・4 感性スペクトラム解析によるeffort-distress次元の検討(ポスター発表C)

    形岡 美穂子, 鈴木 伸一, 熊野 宏昭, 坂野 雄二

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 27 ) 161 - 162  2001.09


  • P・H・4 広場恐怖を伴うパニック障害患者における一般性セルフ・エフィカシー尺度(GSES)の検討(ポスター発表H)

    陳 峻文, 形岡 美穂子, 鈴木 伸一, 川村 由美子, 熊野 宏昭, 貝谷 久宣, 坂野 雄二

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 27 ) 229 - 230  2001.09


  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anticipatory Anxiety and Agoraphobic Symptoms in a Patient with Ventricular Tachycardia

    SUZUKI Shinichi

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   27 ( 1 ) 25 - 32  2001.03

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    The present case study reports treatment with graded exposure, coping skills training, and cognitive restructuring for anticipatory anxiety and agoraphobic symptoms in a patient with ventricular tachycardia. The patient was a 30-year-old woman without a history of anxiety disorder. Her anxiety symptoms and agoraphobic symptoms developed after she experienced a severe heart attack. She reported that this illness led her to anticipate impending sudden death. The treatment focused on improving her controllability and the efficacy of her coping with the feared situation. In addition, collaboration among the doctors, nurses, and behavior therapist appeared to be effective in relieving her anxiety symptoms. The effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety symptoms in patients with heart disease was discussed.


  • P-D-1 内科・心療内科プライマリケアにおける認知行動療法(ポスター発表D)

    熊野 宏昭, 川村 有美子, 形岡 美穂子, 鈴木 伸一, 大塚 明子

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 26 ) 148 - 149  2000.05


  • 嫌悪状況下の心理的,生理的反応に及ぼす対処行動の効果(内山記念賞受賞講演B)

    鈴木 伸一, 熊野 宏昭, 坂野 雄二

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 26 ) 60 - 60  2000.05


  • P-28 プライマリケアにおける認知行動療法(ポスター発表4)

    熊野 宏昭, 鈴木 伸一, 川村 有美子, 村岡 理子, 大塚 明子

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 25 ) 130 - 131  1999.11


  • 課題の脅威度と困難度がストレス反応及びパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響(1)

    松本 明生, 尾崎 健一, 小林 清香, 松元 由紀子, 鈴木 伸一, 宮野 秀市, 陳 峻文, 小山 徹平, 境 泉洋, 藤森 麻衣子

    ストレス科学   14 ( 2 ) 137 - 137  1999.10

  • 課題の脅威度と困難度がストレス反応及びパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響(2)

    尾崎 健一, 松本 明生, 小林 清香, 松元 由紀子, 鈴木 伸一, 宮野 秀市, 陳 峻文, 藤森 麻衣子, 小山 徹平, 境 泉洋

    ストレス科学   14 ( 2 ) 138 - 138  1999.10

  • プラント作業員における心理的要因がストレス反応に及ぼす影響

    藤森 麻衣子, 宮野 秀市, 鈴木 伸一, 陳 峻文, 松本 明生, 尾崎 健一, 小林 清香, 小山 徹平, 境 泉洋, 松元 由紀子

    ストレス科学   14 ( 2 ) 132 - 132  1999.10

  • プラント作業員のself-control,及びストレス対処の個人差が心理的ストレス反応に及ぼす影響

    小山 徹平, 境 泉洋, 鈴木 伸一, 宮野 秀市, 松本 明生, 陳 峻文, 尾崎 健一, 小林 清香, 藤森 麻衣子, 松元 由紀子

    ストレス科学   14 ( 2 ) 133 - 133  1999.10

  • The Effect of Effort-Distress Dimensions in Stress Coping Process on Psychological and Psychophysiological Responses

    SUZUKI Shin-ichi, KUMANO Hiroaki, SAKANO Yuji

      39   182 - 182  1999.01


  • P-18 ストレス対処過程におけるEffort-Distress次元のストレス軽減効果 : 対処の違いだけで本当にストレス反応はかわるのか?(ポスター発表3)

    鈴木 伸一, 熊野 宏昭, 坂野 雄二

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 24 ) 132 - 133  1998.11


  • The effects of coping strategies on psychological and psychophysiological responses in aversive stressful settings

    Suzuki Shin-ichi, Kumano Hiroaki, Sakano Yuji

    Japanese journal of behavior therapy   24 ( 2 ) 85 - 97  1998.09

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of coping strategies on psychological and psychophysiological responses in aversive stressful settings. Subjects were 40 male undergraduate students, who were randomly assigned to one of four groups: an effort coping group, a distress coping group, an effort-distress coping group, and a control group. Heart rate, blood pressure, skin conductance level, and psychological stress responses were compared among the four groups in the coping session and in the shock anticipating session. The main findings were as follows: (1) Effort coping strategy activated cardiovascular responses in the coping session, and reduced psychological and psychophysiological responses in the shock anticipating session; (2) Distress coping strategy activated electrodermal activity and psychological responses in the coping session, and intensified electrodermal activity in the shock anticipating session; and (3) Effort-distress coping strategy activated moderately psychological and psychophysiological responses in both the coping session and the shock anticipating session.


  • P-5 ストレス対処過程におけるEffort次元とDistress次元の関係性(ポスター発表)

    鈴木 伸一, 熊野 宏昭, 坂野 雄二

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 23 ) 95 - 96  1997.11


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Overseas Activities

  • 医療心理学領域におけるr心理士養成システムに関する研究


    United Kingdom   Oxford University

    USA   University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo

    USA   Kekaimalino

    United Kingdom   Exeter University

    United Kingdom   King’s Collage London


  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 認知行動療法の最適化と臨床効果に関する研究


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     認知行動療法は、精神疾患や心理的問題を抱える人への心理行動的支援技法として多くの臨床研究において有効性が示されてきた。しかし、一般臨床現場における有効性に関するエビデンスは依然として乏しく、社会実装を想定したプログラムの精緻化を行うととともに、その実装効果を検証することが急務である。 本研究では認知行動療法の一般臨床現場における実践の現状を把握するとともに、社会実装に向けたプログラムの精緻化とその効果を検討することが目的であった。 本年度は、公認心理師が行う認知行動療法に基づく心理支援に関する臨床研究のレビューを行うとともに、 公認心理師が行う認知行動療法に基づく心理支援の診療報酬科目新設に向けた取り組みとして、精神医学、心身医学、および心理学の諸学会と連携した要望書等の作成を行った。今後は、関連省庁への働きかけ等の活動を進めていく予定である。

  • 認知行動療法の臨床効果と社会実装、および実践家養成に関する研究


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     認知行動療法は、精神疾患や心理的問題を抱える人への心理行動的支援技法として多くの臨床研究において有効性が示されてきた。しかし、一般臨床現場における有効性に関するエビデンスは依然として乏しく、社会実装を想定したプログラムの精緻化を行うととともに、その実装効果を検証することが急務である。本研究の目的は、認知行動療法の一般臨床現場における実践の現状を把握するとともに、社会実装に向けたログラムの精緻化とその効果を検討することであった。 本年度は、認知行動療法の実践家養成に資するスーパービジョンの在り方について検討するとともに、精神医療のみならず、一般医療における認知行動療法の普及の現状および発展可能性について検討を行った。その結果、日本における認知行動療法の実践家養成は発展途上にあり、トレーニングガイドラインの整備やスーパービジョン体制の充実が急務であることが明らかになった。

  • 認知行動療法の臨床効果と社会実装、および実践家養成に関する研究

    2022   小関俊祐

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     認知行動療法は、精神疾患や心理的問題を抱える人への心理行動的支援技法として多くの臨床研究において有効性が示されてきた。しかし、社会実装を想定したプログラムの精緻化を行うととともに、その実践家の養成が急務である。そこで本研究では認知行動療法の一般臨床現場における実践の現状を把握するとともに、社会実装に向けたログラムの精緻化と実践家の養成の在り方を検討することを目的とした。 本年度は、認知行動療法の実践家を養成するためのトレーニングシステムの精緻化を行うとともに、そのトレーニングによって養成された実践家が行う認知行動療法の質の評価を行うためのレジストリーの基盤づくりを行った。

  • 認知行動療法の質保証に向けたコア・コンピテンスの解明と教育研修プログラムの精緻化

    2021   小関俊祐, 伊藤大輔

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    本研究の目的は,わが国における認知行動療法の質保証及び均てん化と,それを担保する養成プログラムの最適化を図るために,認知行動療法の実践家に必要とされるコア・コンピテンスを解明するとともに,コア・コンピテンスを育成するための教育研修内容について検討することであった. 本研究では、英国のガイドラインを参考にしながら、日本認知・行動療法学会と連携の下、認知行動療法の実践家に必要とされるコンピテンスリストを策定・公開するとともに、そのコンピテンスを習得するための教育研修システムの構築を行った。また、認知行動療法のスーパービジョン・ガイドライン案を作成した。

  • 認知行動療法トレーニングガイドラインの検討

    2021   小関俊祐, 伊藤大輔

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    本研究の目的は,わが国における認知行動療法の質保証及び均てん化と,それを担保する養成プログラムの最適化を図るために,認知行動療法の実践家に必要とされるコア・コンピテンスを解明するとともに,コア・コンピテンスを育成するための教育研修内容について検討することを目的とした. まず、これまでの研究で検討されてきた認知行動療法の実践家に必要とされるコア・コンピテンスを習得するための教育研究システムの構築を行うとともに、臨床実習のスーパービジョンを行うスーパーバイザーの育成を行い、日本認知・行動療法学会と連携して認知行動療法師の資格認定医制度の運用を開始した。

  • 国際標準に対応した認知行動療法の実践家養成システムの確立と臨床データベースの 構築


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  • 認知行動療法トレーニング・ガイドラインの策定と普及に関する研究


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  • 医療心理学領域における心理士養成システムに関する研究

    2018   伊藤大輔, 小関俊祐, 小川祐子, 柳井優子

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    わが国の臨床心理学専門家教育は一定の成果を上げているが,身体疾患患者を対象とした医療心理学の領域においては,欧米に大きく遅れを取っている.我が国では,臨床心理の国家資格化制度のスタートにあたり,がんや心臓疾患,生活習慣病をはじめとする主要な身体疾患患者のメンタルケアをチーム医療の一員として担うことができる医療心理学の専門家の教育・実習システムの確立が急務である. このような問題意識を背景に、医療心理学の専門家の養成システムや,医療機関でのメンタルケアシステムの先進的な取り組みを調査し,日本における臨床心理学教育の方向性を検討を行った。

  • 医療心理学領域における心理士養成システムに関する研究


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    本研究は、終末期のメンタルケアおけるスピリチュアルケアや自然療法などを活用したホリスティックケアの中心的地域であるハワイにおいて,先進的な臨床技法を習得し,今後の臨床研究に還元していくことを目的とした。具体的には、Kekaimalinoにおいてハワイの伝統的な自然療法およびスピリチュアルセラピーの研究を行うとともに、Daishojiにてマインドフルネス瞑想の理論と実践について研究を行った。さらに、Universityof Hawaiʻi at Hiloにおいては、ハワイ大学におけるカウンセリングコースのトレーニングプログラムの概要と臨床実習制度についての情報収集を行った。

  • うつ病復職者の職場見守りシステム構築に向けた管理職用ツールの開発

    2016   並木伸賢, 佐藤秀樹, 伊藤理沙

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  • うつ病復職者の職場見守りシステム構築に向けた管理職用ツールの開発


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  • うつ病復職者の職場見守りシステム構築に向けた管理職用ツールの開発


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  • チーム医療における心理職の専門性と他職種との連携に関する研究


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    本研究の目的は、医療現場で働く心理職の業務の現状を把握するとともに、チーム医療に求められる心理職の専門性は何かを明らかにし、チーム医療におけるメンタルケアシステムあり方と心理職の役割および他職種との連携のあり方について考察することであった。まず、これまでの取り組みで構築されてきたネットワークを活用して、全国の医療機関で働く心理士のチーム医療における専門性と職務上の問題点について相互の情報交換を行った。また、日本心理学会等においては、医療心理学における若手研究者育成に関するワークショップを開催し、情報発信を行った。さらに、全国の医療心理学の実践家、研究者によるMedical Psychologist Networkミーティングを開催し、がん医療、慢性疾患医療、精神医療における医療心理学の現状と課題について議論を行った。また、精神科医師を招聘し、精神科医と心理の連携についてのパテルディスカッションも行った。 以上の研究から、医療機関における心理士の役割は、医療に対する患者のニーズの多様化や全人的医療への意識の高まりに呼応して、重要視されるようになっているが、チーム医療に行ける心理士のワーキングモデルが確立していないために、十分に機能的な活動ができていないことが明らかにされた。今後は、相互の情報交換を深めながら、チーム医療にける心理士の役割と専門性を明確にしていくことが必要であると考えられる。

  • チーム医療を基盤とした新たなメンタルケアシステムのあり方と心理職の役割


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     本研究の目的は、チーム医療における心理職業務の現状を明らかにすることをねらいとしている.本年度は,研究の基盤づくりを行うとともに、心理職業務に関する予備的調査を行い、実態調査に向けた基礎資料を得ることを目的とした。 まず、全国の医療機関に勤務する心理職のネットワークを構築する為に、各施設への研究協力の依頼を行うとともに、ネットワークへの参加募集を行った。その結果、46施設、77名の心理職がネットワークへの参加に応じ、情報交換のためのメーリングリストが構築された。次に、メーリングリストを活用して各施設の現状および問題点について情報を収集した結果、チーム医療における役割が不明確なこと、一人職場が多く情報交換や連携の機会が不足していること、収入や社会保障等の待遇が貧弱であることなどが問題点として挙げられた。さらに、ネットワークメンバーの情報交換と共同研究の打ち合わせをねらいとした会合を開催し、次年度に向けて実態調査の内容について議論が行われた。その結果,調査項目案として,勤務形態、心理職の人数、対象者、対象疾患、連携診療科、業務内容、採用条件・雇用形態、収入、研修機会、他職種の連携における問題点などの点を調査していくことになった。 次年度以降は、上記の調査を行うとともに、他職種に対する調査も行っていく予定である。

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