Updated on 2024/07/26


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
PhD ( Unoversity of Tokyo )

Research Experience

  • 2004

    Iwate University   Faculty of Agriculture

  • 2002

    東京農工大学農学部 非常勤講師

  • 2007

    茨城大学大学院 非常勤講師

  • 2007

    Ibaraki University

  • 2003

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Tecnology, Graduate School (Professor)

  • 2003

    Ibaraki University (Professor)

  • 2002


  • 2002

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology   Faculty of Agriculture

  • 2004

    Chiba University

  • 1990

    Ibaraki University (Associate Professor)

  • 1990

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Tecnology, Graduate School,(Associate Professor)

  • 2001

    東京大学大学院生命農学研究科 非常勤講師

  • 2001

    Utsunomiya University

  • 2000

    University of London, Imperial Gollege at Wye (Honorary Research Fellow)

  • 1999

    University of Birmingham (Honorary Research Fellow)

  • 1999

    東京農工大学大学院農学研究科 非常勤講師

  • 1998

    Gifu University   Graduate School of Agriculture

  • 1988

    Ibaraki University (Assistant)



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Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science   Agricurtural Economics  


    University of Tokyo   Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science   Agricultural Economics  


    Hokkaido University   Faculty of Agriculture   Department of Agriculture  

Committee Memberships

  • 2015

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費委員会専門委員

  • 2014

    農林水産省  農山漁村地域ビジネス創出人材育成プログラム検討委員会委員長

  • 2014

    農林水産省  地域における食と農と福祉の連携の在り方検討会委員

  • 2010

    天皇杯中央審査委員会(農林水産分野)  委員

  • 2011

    日本学術振興会  国際事業委員会委員

  • 2011

    日本学術振興会  特別研究員審査会専門委員

  • 2010

    日本国際賞(Japan Prize)  候補者推薦人

  • 2008

    日本国際賞(Japan Prize)、国際科学技術財団  選考委員会委員

  • 1999

    農林水産省「中山間地域総合振興検討会」  委員

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Professional Memberships


    The Association for Kyosei Studies


    The Association of Rural Planning




    The Farm Management of Japan


    Association of Japanese Agricultural Scientific Societies


    The Union of National Economic Association in Japan


    The Union of National Economic Association in Japan


    The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan

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Research Interests

  • Environmental Economics


  • a special award of Association of Rural Planning


  • A special award of Japanese Society of Agricultural Economics


  • A special award of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Economics




  • 農地の借り手市場下における集落営農法人の経営展開と地域営農再編

    呉鳶・柏 雅之

    農業経営研究   54 ( 3 ) 31 - 36  2016.12  [Refereed]

  • 農山村地域における日本型社会的企業の意義と政策課題

    柏 雅之

    共生社会システム研究   54 ( 3 ) 1 - 24  2016.06  [Invited]

  • 中山間地域の広域集落営農取組みからみる諸生産要素の再配分―個別大規模稲作経営と集落営農法人との連携を中心に―

    呉鳶・柏 雅之

    農業経営研究   53 ( 4 ) 25 - 30  2016.03  [Refereed]

  • 社会的企業の役割-農業・農村領域におけるイギリスと日本との比較研究-

    フードシステム研究   20 ( 2 ) 155 - 163  2013  [Invited]

  • 単一支払制度の受給権取引と農業構造の変化―EUの「先端」をゆくイングランドのケース―

        37 - 52  2011

  • 条件不利地域直接支払政策と農業再建の論理—堡塁としての社会的企業と新たな公民連携システム—

    柏 雅之

    農業法研究   46   8 - 30  2011  [Invited]

  • 社会的企業と農村—欧州・イギリスでの展開から学びえるもの—

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.29,No.1   3 - 6  2010.06  [Invited]

  • イギリスの農村・農業領域における社会的企業の展開と課題

    柏 雅之

    生活経済政策   149   35 - 41  2009  [Invited]

  • 中山間地域等直接支払政策の戦略的運用問題—人口的限界への対応方向—

    柏 雅之

    日本経済団体連合会・21世紀政策研究所プロジェクト研究報告書     57 - 70  2009  [Invited]

  • EUにおける農村開発の展開—イギリスの農業環境政策を中心に—

    柏 雅之

    農業と経済    2009

  • イギリスの地域再生政策とローカル・ガヴァナンス

    柏 雅之

    AFC Forum     15 - 18  2008.05

  • Agricultural Policy reform and Less-Favoured Areas Policy : Application of EU Policy to Japan

    Shiget,S, M.Kashiwagi, G.Whitman

    Centre for Rural Economy Discussin Paper (The University of Newcastle )   No.15   1 - 14  2007.04  [Refereed]

  • 日本の農村と社会的企業

    柏 雅之

    農業 (大日本農会編)   No.1500   49 - 52  2007

  • 劉文春・柏 雅之


    農村計画学論文集   No.8   491 - 496  2006.09  [Refereed]

  • イギリス農業環境政策の諸問題と農村ガヴァナンス

    柏 雅之

    環境情報科学     33 - 41  2005.09  [Invited]

  • 市町村農業公社による担い手創出方式の意義と限界

    副島恒治, 柏 雅之

    農業経営研究   Vol.42,No.1 ( 1 ) 89 - 94  2004.06  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • イギリス農村開発政策の展開と地域マネジメント—土地経営事業(LMIs)の意義を中心に—

    柏 雅之

    農業問題研究   No.56   24 - 38  2004.06  [Refereed]

  • アジェンダ2000改革以降のEU条件不利地域政策

    柏 雅之

    畜産に関わる直接支払制度研究報告書(農林水産省委託研究報告書)     74 - 100  2004.04

  • Direct Payment Policies for the Regeneration of Less-Favoured Areas: A Comparative Study of the EU and Japan


    International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (IJARGE)   3 ( 3/4 ) 193 - 215  2004  [Refereed]

  • 市町村農業公社のインキュベーション機能の諸形態

    副島恒治, 柏 雅之

    農村計画学論文集   No.5   193 - 198  2003.10  [Refereed]

  • Current Direct Payment Policy and Regeneration Problem of Agriculture in Hill and Mountainous Areas in Japan


    Study Meeting on Land Classification in Sloping Upland Areas for Sustainable Production Systems ,Asian Productivity Organization(APO)     17 - 23  2002.08  [Invited]

  • Features of Direct Payment Policy for Farming in Hilly and Mountainous Area in Japan


    Study Meeting on Land Classification in Sloping Upland Areas for Sustainable Production Systems ,Asian Productivity Organization(APO)     10 - 16  2002.08  [Invited]

  • 農村地域政策の実態と諸問題

    柏 雅之

    農業と経済   Vol.68,No.10   78 - 91  2002

  • 中山間地域直接支払い政策の意義と限界

    柏 雅之

    林業経済研究   Vol.47,No.1   27 - 34  2001.06  [Invited]

  • わが国中山間地域政策の意義と課題—イギリス条件不利地域政策との比較検討—

    柏 雅之

    JAGREE(農業土木事業協会編)   61   22 - 32  2001  [Invited]

  • イギリスの内発型地域再生政策とパートナーシップ型マネジメント主体

    柏 雅之

    人間と社会   12   136 - 166  2001

  • 農業における環境共生問題

    柏 雅之

    環境共生   Vol.2,No.1   61 - 66  1998.06  [Invited]

  • 耕作放棄地の実態と資源管理システムの再建問題

    柏 雅之

    農業と経済   Vol.48,No.6   45 - 50  1998  [Invited]

  • 新食糧法下における中山間地域農業・資源管理の担い手再編問題

    柏 雅之

    農業経済研究   Vol.69,No.2   103 - 117  1997.09  [Refereed]

  • 条件不利地域政策の論理と方法

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.15,No.4   3 - 6  1997.03  [Invited]

  • イギリスにおける公民パートナーシップ型地域資源管理計画の意義と限界

    農村地域の資源管理のための上下流連携システムに関する研究報告書, 農林水産省委託研究

        203 - 222  1997

  • 中山間地域農業の地域性と再編課題

    柏 雅之

    農業経営研究   Vol.33,No.4   4 - 16  1996.03  [Refereed]

  • 中山間地域農業と環境保全問題

    柏 雅之

    人間社会と自然との共存をめざして: 日本学術会議・公開シンポジウム論文集     14 - 28  1995.12  [Invited]

  • 第三セクターによる農地管理の実態と課題

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.14,No.2   51 - 58  1995.09  [Refereed]

  • 中山間地域農業の存在形態と再編課題

    柏 雅之

    中山間地域における土地利用型農業の実態と対策(農林水産省草地試験場研究資料)     1 - 17  1995.07  [Refereed]

  • 中山間地域農業の諸形態と第三セクターによる支援システムに関する研究

    柏 雅之

    システム農学   Vol.10,No.1   31 - 43  1994.06  [Refereed]

  • 限界地における産業構造の変化と大規模経営の形成過程

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.6,No.3 ( 3 ) 33 - 46  1987.12  [Refereed]


  • 農山村過疎地域における土地利用再編に関する計画論的研究

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.5,No.1 ( 1 ) 13 - 28  1986.06  [Refereed]


  • 定住機能による計画論的過疎分級の理論と方法

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.3,No.3   8 - 22  1984.12  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 国際化時代の農業と農政Ⅱ(戦後日本の食料・農業・農村)

    柏 雅之, 梶井功, 生源寺眞一, 矢口芳生編集( Part: Contributor)

    農林統計協会  2017.09 ISBN: 9784541041470

     View Summary


  • 共生社会Ⅱー共生社会をつくるー

    柏 雅之, 古沢広祐, 津谷好人, 岡野一郎編( Part: Contributor)

    農林統計出版  2016.09 ISBN: 9784897323503

  • フードチェーンと地域再生

    柏 雅之, 斎, 佐藤和憲編( Part: Contributor)

    農林統計出版  2014.07

  • 再生可能資源と役立つ市場取引

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    御茶の水書房  2014.03 ISBN: 9784275010674

     View Summary


  • 戦後日本の食料・農業・農村・第15巻(地域農業と自治体農政)

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    農林統計協会  2012.10

  • 農村計画学

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    朝倉書店  2012.04

  • 農村地域における資源の循環活用と管理

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    農林統計協会  2009.03

  • 経済の相互依存と北東アジア農業

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    東京大学出版会  2008.03

  • 地域の生存と社会的企業—日本とイギリスとの比較をとおして—

    柏 雅之( Part: Edit)

    公人の友社  2007.03 ISBN: 9784875554929

  • 農業経営の持続的成長と地域農業

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    養賢堂  2006.03

  • 国際競争に打ち勝つ農業経営自立化戦略

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    農林統計協会  2004.03

  • 再編下の世界農業市場

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    筑波書房  2004.03 ISBN: 4811902548

  • これからの国土・定住地域圏づくり—都市と農業の共生空間をめざして—

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    鹿島出版会  2002.03

  • Theories and Policies for the Regeneration of LFAs:A Comparative Study of the United Kingdom and Japan

    Kashiwagi,M( Part: Sole author)

    Norintokeikyokai  2002.02 ISBN: 4541028980

  • 中山間地域農業の担い手再建問題

    柏 雅之( Part: Sole author)

    農政調査委員会 (農林水産省補助事業による刊行、pp.1-104)  2000.03

  • 農村計画システム—21世紀の農村計画を探る—

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    農林統計協会  1996.03

  • 大規模水田経営の成長と管理

    柏 雅之

    東京大学出版会  1995.02

  • 現代中山間地域農業論

    柏 雅之( Part: Sole author)

    御茶の水書房  1994.02


  • 農村計画学の展開

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    農林統計協会  1993.03

  • 過疎地域における土地利用再編

    柏 雅之( Part: Sole author)

    農政調査委員会 (農林水産省補助事業による刊行、pp.1-135)  1989.04

  • 地域農業と農地利用計画

    柏 雅之( Part: Contributor)

    地球社  1986.03

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  • 農業・農村領域における社会的企業の意義と課題―イギリスと日本との比較をとおして―

    柏 雅之  [Invited]

    日本流通学会関東甲信越部会・イギリス流通研究会共催シンポジウム  (東京)  日本流通学会関東甲信越部会、イギリス流通研究会(共催)

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 農山村地域における日本型社会的企業の意義と課題

    柏 雅之  [Invited]

    2015年度・共生社会システム学会シンポジウム  (東京)  共生社会システム学会

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 社会的企業の役割―イギリスとの比較から―

    柏 雅之  [Invited]

    日本フードシステム学会ミニシンポジウム  (つくば市(筑波大学))  日本フードシステム学会

    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • Considering the Design of LFA Policies under Population Decline: A Comparsion between Japan and Europe

    Masayuki Kashiwagi  [Invited]

    PRIMAFF Symposium, Ministry of Agricurture,Forestry and Fisheries  (Tokyo)  Policies Research Institute of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(PRIMAFF)

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • New Local Management Systems for Community Regeneration in Japan's Less-Favoured Areas: Perspective from Social Enterprises

    Masayuki Kashiwagi

    World Congress of Rural Sociology of the International Rural Sociology Association(IRSA)  (Seoul)  the International Rural Sociology Association(IRSA)

    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • Two Phases of Difficulties in Sustainability and Local Goverance in Japan

    Shiraishi,K, M.Kashiwagi

    World Congress of Rural Sociology of the International Rural Sociology Association(IRSA)  (Seoul)  the International Rural Sociology Association(IRSA)

    Presentation date: 2008.08

  • Agricultural Policy in the Context of the New Rural Policy Paradigm

    Kashiwagi,M, S.Shigeto

    QUCAN Meeting, The University of the Highlands and Islands  The University of the Highlands and Islands

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • Features og Direct Payment for Farming in Hilly and Mountainous Aewas in Japan

    Masayuki Kashiwagi  [Invited]

    Study Meeting on Land Classification in Sloping Upland Areas for Sustainable Production Systems, Asian Productivity Organization(APO)  (Tokyo)  Asian Productivity Organization(APO)

    Presentation date: 2002

  • Current Direct Payment Policy and Regeneration Problem of Agriculture in Hilly and Mountainous Areas in Japan

    Masayuki Kashiwagi  [Invited]

    Study Meeting on Land Classification in Sloping Upland Areas for Sustainable Production Systems  (Tokyo)  Asian Productivity Organization(APO)

    Presentation date: 2002

  • 中山間地域等直接支払い政策の意義と限界

    柏 雅之  [Invited]

    2001年度・林業経済学会大会シンポジウム  日本林業経済学会

    Presentation date: 2001.04

  • 農業における環境共生問題

    柏 雅之  [Invited]

    1998年度・日本環境共生学会大会シンポジウム  日本環境共生学会

    Presentation date: 1998.10

  • 新食糧法下における中山間地域農業・資源管理の担い手再編問題

    柏 雅之  [Invited]

    1997年度・日本農業経済学会大会シンポジウム  日本農業経済学会

    Presentation date: 1997.04

  • 中山間地域農業の地域性と再編課題

    柏 雅之  [Invited]

    1996年・日本農業経営学会大会シンポジウム  日本農業経営学会

    Presentation date: 1996.10

  • 第三セクターによる農地管理の実態と課題

    柏 雅之  [Invited]

    1995年度・農村計画学会大会シンポジウム  農村計画学会

    Presentation date: 1995.04

  • 中山間地域農業の諸形態と第三セクターによる支援システムに関する研究

    柏 雅之  [Invited]

    1994年度・システム農学会大会シンポジウム  システム農学会

    Presentation date: 1994.10

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Research Projects

  • 中山間地域における農業資源管理の広域的担い手システムに関する研究

    Project Year :


     View Summary


  • Extended-area Farming corporations in Hilly and Mountainous Areas: Implications and Future Policy Issues

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kashiwagi Masayuki

     View Summary

    Hilly and Mountainous areas in Japan have been faced with a shrink of rural communities and a rapid increase of farmland abandonment due to a drastic declining and aging population. Such problems threaten huge and precious multi-functionalities of agriculture in the areas. In this research, I elucidated the configuration of new Extended-area Farming Corporation(EFC) responsible for fairly farming of large areas which have been emerged due to limits of conventional Community-based Farming Corporation. EFC was reexamined in the context of social enterprises of Japanese rural areas

  • Configurations and growing strategy of community management agencies for reconstruction of local farming systems in Less-Favoured Areas

    Project Year :


     View Summary

    In this research I explicated the configuration(field work)of new community management agencies responsible for fairly large regions in Japan's Less Favoured Areas(LFAs), and revealed the strategic significance of direct payment to these agencies for the purpose of regenerating farming systems in theses regions. While treating such field work as a social enterprise in LFAs, I suggested a new significance for public-private partnership.In each of the various examples cited in this research, "stopper" agencies and systems for preventing the loss of farmland under cultivation were established at the initiated of municipalities and JA(Japan Agricultural Cooperatives) on the level of "Kyuson" or former municipalities

  • Regional Planning Studies on the Policy Reform for Agricultural Reconstruction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHOGENJI Shinichi, ITONAGA Koji, YAMAJI Eiji, KASHIWAGI Masayuki, NOHMI Makoto, HOSHINO Satoshi, YOKOHARI Makoto, KUNIMITSU Yoji, NAKASHIMA Yasuhiro, YAMAOKA Kazumi, ASANO Kota, AOYAGI Midori, KANADA Norikazu, ICHINOSE Tomohiro, NAKATSUKA Masaya, YAGI Hironori, SHIGEOKA Tetsushi

     View Summary

    The purpose of this regional planning study is to explore a little further into the needed policy reform for agricultural reconstruction to recover the beautiful and vital rural area in Japan, making use of the multi-purpose use structure of rural space. Economic, environmental and social perspectives were taken. Arrival points of regional planning theory, the reality of rural area and agriculture, the content of the reform aimed for agriculture reconstruction that is needed in the future, were summarized. Based on field work, field survey and discussion among research members, a final report was prepared. In the spring meeting of the Association of Rural Planning, which is the most relevant academic society, the final report was distributed to the participants

  • 権利取引の農林水産業への適用可能性に関する法経済学的視点からの分析

    Project Year :


  • Study on the condition of dissemination and establishment of GROUNDWORK as an intermediary supporting organization toward the revitalization of rural areas.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SENGA Yutaro, TUCHIYA Tosiyuki, ASAOKA Yukihiko, MITSUHASHI Nobuo, KAMATA Motohiro, HIROTA Junichi, KASHIWAGI Masayuki, HORIGUCHI Kenji

     View Summary

    We studied the condition of dissemination and establishment of GROUNDWORK as an intermediary supporting organization toward the revitalization of areas. The groundwork produced various regional reproduction activities by constructing partnerships among residents, NPOs, enterprises and local governments. We analyzed how the groundwork developed activities in various places nationwide, organized collaborations among residents, local enterprises etc. towards the sustainable development of regions through environmental improvement as well as employments creation and clarified the conditions of dissemination of groundwork in most necessary regions situated in economically less favored conditions

  • Analysis on significance and conditions of new farming systems confronting drastic population decrease in Japan's Less-Favoured Areas

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KASHIWAGI Masayuki

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    In this research, to maintain local farming resources and regenerate local agriculture of land use type like terraced paddy field farming in Japan's Less-Favoured Areas(Hill Mountainous Area) where population has decreased sharply, what new local farming systems should be was analyzed. In conclusion, various forts to maintain local farming should be constructed in 'Kyuson' areas. As to them, social enterprises of Japanese rural type and strategic use of direct payments for farmers in LFAs should be made a point

  • Construction of environmental restoration and forage rice production system basing on resources recycling

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    In the present study, to construct the system of circulation material production and environmental restoration basing on appropriate nitrogen cycling in the region by using the forage rice as "Environmental material", the nitrogen removal efficiency of anaerobic digestion slurry, nutrient polluted river water, and liquid cattle waste by forage rice were evaluated. Moreover, the model of the nitrogen removal by forage rice field and the water balance model of watershed size were constructed.In addition, to evaluate the sustainability of circulation material production system using forage rice, the survey was done at the Zengajima, Menuma district of Kumagaya city, Saitama prefecture, where forage rice has been producing over 20 years. The system construction and further economic evaluation are important for the spread of forage rice and maintenance of stable production

  • agricultural policy reform for establishing genuine food security

    Project Year :


  • Reconstruction of Community Farming System with Partnership of Various Entities in Hilly and Mountainous Areas

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KASHIWAGI Masayuki

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    This study focuses on the path to reconstruction of community farming and rural resources conservation systems in hilly and mountainous areas in Japan. In the study I tried to analyze the following : firstly how to operate Japan's direct payment to farmers in hilly and mountainous areas' to achieve maximum results, secondly how to construct proper partnership system among local governments, farmers, various non-profit organizations and local agricultural cooperatives in such areas for new rural management replacing monopoly of supplying quasi-public goods, thirdly possibility and perspective of social enterprises in such areas, fourthly examining implication off EU Less-Favored Areas policy measures for Japan's policy making. As for first and second issues I investigated into the actual conditions of public farming corporations established mainly local authorities in Niigata, Toyama and Gifu prefectures and as for third Miyama Town in Kyoto was selected. As for forth issue, the practical conditions of LEADER program in Wels and Scotland were selected as the field research. These results led to the conclusion that new rural management entities ; like Local Action Groups in LEADER program, composed of multi-sectors should be constructed in Japan's rural areas especially hilly and mountainous areas which are suffering badly from depopulation

  • 文部科学省21世紀COEプログラム「新エネルギー・物質代謝と『生存科学』の構築」(サブリーダーを務めた)

    Project Year :


  • Research on the Partnership Among Government, Private Sector and Private Finance Initiative to Revitalize the Hilly and Mountainous Area : Evaluation of the Possibility of Public and Private Mix Management

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MONMA Toshiyuki, KASHIWAGI Masayuki, SATO Kazunori, ASANO Kota, ITONAGA Koji, TSUJI Masao

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    The main results of this study for three years are as follows.First of all, we clarified the characteristics of public business management influence on the revitalization of hilly and mountainous areas, according to analyze the function of an agricultural public corporation, third-sector company, NPO and economic activity in special area which free from restriction of law. In addition, we pointed out the importance of synergistic dependence type economy which integrated market economy supported by rural company and voluntary economy composed from nonprofit organization. Moreover, we arranged the meaning of a regional environment tax by use a concept of social capital.Next, we clarified the success factors and subjects of public and private mix management from following cases analysis. (1) motivation analysis to join the training course of greening volunteer performed by NPO, (2) function and problem of third-sector company to maintain the agriculture and rural community resources in the hilly and mountainous areas, (3) success factors of rural revitalization activities performed by inhabitants, local government, agricultural cooperative and extension office.On the other hand, we analyzed the public and private mix management in foreign countries. The first, we analyzed the meaning and limit of revitalization of rural areas by the partnership between public sector and private sector in England, next, we evaluated the apply possibility of rural development policy and governance in EU and ecological and local resources recycling planning in EU and Australia.Moreover, we performed comparative analysis of the movement of one village one product between Japan and Thailand, from the point of business form of processing company and marketing

  • Function and development of the regional diversified agribusiness and the regional management nucleus

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    That paid attention with this research is a strategic marketing based on the diversified regional farming and also agricultural production processing. We did the clarification of the factor that is leading the development of the business.We see the wisdom which was obtained with this research and be as follows.The 1st attaches the high added value farm product and be to be systematizing the stage such as processing, wholesale, retail, with the structure such as the inside organization, intermediate organization or continual transaction according to the characteristic of the merchandise characteristic and nucleus, the corporation, semi-public enterprise etc. other than the agribusiness or autonomy, JA, agricultural legal person and also it inside the area of each, although be nucleus, to sell to the area interior and exterior.As for the 2nd the diversified regional agriculture production-processing-sales forms the system that makes the most of the area resources to the maximum and unified persistently and the case is the important element of area vitalization it is case. The overall development of such business is contributing to the bearer cultivating of agriculture largely.We paid attention to the marketing function of Farmers' Market as the case that reviews the multilateral function of the rural area thirdly and commercialize the effective profit utilization as one business and be tackling with farm village vitalizatio

  • A Study on Public Support System for Farm Resources Management in Less-Favored Areas

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KASHIWAGI Masayuki

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    Japanese MAFF launched on the direct payments for farmers in Hill Mountainous Areas in 2000. However with this as a turning point, we should make an issue of strategies for reconstruction of management system concerning farmland resources which has been collapsing specially in such areas. Besides farmland resources, endogenous rural development should be put emphasis on.The aim of this research is firstly to investigate a new farmland management system in Hill Mountainous Areas in Japan, secondly to examine rural development policy measures in the European Union especially in the United Kingdom and to compare them with those in Japan. As for the latter the main issue regarded as important is LEADER programme as the EC initiative because many remarkable case studies of endogenous rural development has emerged in such an initiative. Finally such experiences of new rural governance in the EU since 1990 ' are examined closely whether those are applicable to the Hill Mountainous Areas in Japan. In conclusion of this research, the Japanese model of new rural governance system for endogenous development is brought up


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TSUJI Masao, KASHIWAGI Masayuki, HOTTA Kazuhiko, IWAMOTO Izumi

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    (1) Public enterprise-management in Japanese agriculture is grouped two categories by established purpose; "(1) reasonable utilization of resional agricultural resources, "(2)"" reasonable utilization of farm-land.(2) The limitation and sustainable conditions of public enterprise-management in Japanese agriculture are the following points. First is whether it succeeds in the upbringing of the successor. Second is whether it can lighten the deficit in management. Because it is difficult for most managements to cover cost by self-profit

  • Reconstruction of Regional Agriculture and Farm Land Resources Management in Less-Favoured Areas

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KASHIWAGI Masayuki

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    The purpose of this research project is to discuss the measures concerned wit-h reconstruction of paddy-field farming and farm land resources management in the Japanese LFAs under the Agreement on Agriculture in WTO.In this research project the investigator had made clear the following five m-am subjects : l)the analysis of new hardships which a lower price of rice under the new act will bring to paddy-field farming and land resources management in the Japanese LFAs, 2)the rationale of the reconstruction of the above-mentioned farming, 3)the re-examination of meaning and limitations regarding existing paddy-field farms as fostering pillars whose first type is large-scale individual tenant farms, and second type is group farming in reference to regional agriculture, 4)the investigation into a private-public partnership to complement the above-mentioned limitations on two types of existing private farms, 5) the examination of strategic measures to support regional agriculture of which leading part is paddy-field farming and to reconstruct farm land resources management system instead of the old system by aging farm households

  • Development of Farm Management Method and Decision Making Support System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAGI Hironori, KIMINAMI Akira, KASHIWAGI Masayuki, NOMI Makoto, SAITO Osamu, AKIYAMA Kunihiro

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    During the final year of our research project, we tried to put our research results in order and to develop the logic of the system of our study, titled on The Development of Farm Management Method and Decision Making Support System. In addition to this, we arranged many farm data had got from our field surveys for three years, classified them and summarized our final report.In general, manager needs many informations internal and external of the farm to make decisions in farm management Decision-maker has to sort out those informations to make up some alternative plans, and to implement the selected best one after the evaluation of those plans. Most important points, which were found in our research project, in decision making process in farm management are summarized as follows.The first, decision making in farm management starts from making up the program of practical farm operation needed in the proper farm. Especially in the farm such as producing grain or feed crops, manager has to make decision at first in the area of timing and scale of operation, number of machineries and laborers in the farm.The second information from the cash flow statements is the most important one in addition to other financial informations. Manager has to refer to this information before anything else when lie evaluate his alternative plans in order to check if it is safety for investment for purpose of making use of his operational found profitably in fanning.The third, some indicators outside of farm has to he kept in mind when manager decision in farm management Those indicators, for example, location of plots of land, competitional situation of land market and other institutional factors for grain or feed crops farm, are the external and environmental indicators of farm that influence the decision makers. Those indicators usually bias the formula of calculating interest rate of investment in decision making process of farm manager

  • Reorganization of the cooperative silk manufactures and the agricultural communities under the period of Showa crisis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIRANO Yasushi, ANDO Mistuyoshi, KASHIWAGI Masayuki, NAKJIMA Masamichi, TANAKA Manabu

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    At the end of Taisho era, the Nagano Prefecture Shimoina District The Cooperative Silk Manufacturers organized a combined union called "Inasha" for the purpose of joing marketing. The union worked for the improvement of small business in each local union, and at the same time, constructed high-quality silk production systems.When the Showa crisis came, however, the instability of the silk price and the bankruptcies of consignees like traders in Yokohama, lead to some major crises at the base of the silk union operation, such as increases in unpaid allotments and overpaid dividends of partial distributed dividends. These facts caused differences in evaluating productive levels for each union, which also lead to differences in business result dividends, both of which caused some serious problems for the basic role of the union. As a matter of course, almost all the leading silkworm-rearing farmers (former cooperative silk management members) faced management crises, and this became one of the major problems for the economical regeneration movement under the Showa era.As a result of this, the Shimoina corperative silk union changed its initial role as a marketing union, and forced itself to nationalize its management by unifing its factories. This was done not only to solve problems in constructing unified factories, but also to solve problems in standardizingtechniques for large-scale silk business.Bringing automatic silk reeling machines into the business, in order to meet the marketing needs for high-quality silk production, allowed the problem of standardizing cocoons as a raw material to be solved in the department of silkworm rearing which had been a long-term problem. At the same time, this also weakened the business of the leading silkworm-rearing farmers.Having these above mentioned problems, reconstructing the cooperative silk managements resulted in the development of "Tenryusha." Regarding the silk industry, which was struck a serious blow by the Showa Crisis, the Government maintained the strategic value of the silk in order to obtain foreign currency, and at the same time offered some financial assistance for the construction of Tenryusha in terms of processing and marketing cocoons for the independent farmers who were facing economic crises. In reality, this was done for the purpose of reconstructing the agricultural community in order to be ready for forthcoming wartime structures, and also for the purpose of developing the leading farmer's capacity for reorganizing the agricultural community with the help of the government

  • 中山間地域の農業構造に関する東日本と西日本との比較研究-土地利用型経営展開、農地保全方式、および農地潰廃に関する地域性の検討-

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  • 中山間地域農業構造の地域性と第三セクターを中軸とした農業支援システムに関する研究-後退型の中国山地展開型の東北水田型中山間地域とに関する比較研究-

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  • 中山間地における第三セクターによる水田農業再編方式の諸形態と展望に関する研究-農業構造の地域性と関連した担い手再編・地域資源管理方式のありかたを中心に-

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  • 地域社会型農業の形成展開に関する比較研究-日本・ヨーロッパ・アジアを対象に-

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  • 単一支払制度の受給権取引と農業構造の変化―EUの「先端」をゆくイングランドのケース―

    柏 雅之

    農林水産政策研究所委託研究「権利取引の農林水産業への適用可能性に関する法経済学的視点からの分析」(堀口健治研究総括)研究報告書     37 - 52  2011

  • 条件不利地域直接支払政策と農業再建の論理―堡塁としての社会的企業と新たな公民連携システム―

    柏 雅之

    農業法研究   46   8 - 30  2011

  • 社会的企業と農村—欧州・イギリスでの展開から学びえるもの—

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.29,No.1   3 - 6  2010.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • イギリスの農村・農業領域における社会的企業の展開と課題

    柏 雅之

    生活経済政策   149   35 - 41  2009

  • 中山間地域等直接支払政策の戦略的運用問題―人口的限界への対応方向―

    柏 雅之

    日本経済団体連合会・21世紀政策研究所プロジェクト研究報告書     57 - 70  2009

  • EUにおける農村開発の展開―イギリスの農業環境政策を中心に―

    柏 雅之

    農業と経済    2009

  • イギリスの地域再生政策とローカル・ガヴァナンス

    柏 雅之

    AFC Forum     15 - 18  2008.05  [Refereed]

  • Agricultural Policy reform and Less-Favoured Areas Policy : Application of EU Policy to Japan

    Shiget,S, M.Kashiwagi, G.Whitman

    Centre for Rural Economy Discussin Paper (The University of Newcastle )   No.15   1 - 14  2007.04  [Refereed]

  • Agricultural Policy reform and Less-Favoured Areas Policy : Application of EU Policy to Japan

    Shiget,S, M.Kashiwagi, G.Whitman

    Centre for Rural Economy Discussin Paper (The University of Newcastle )   No.15   1 - 14  2007.04  [Refereed]

  • 日本の農村と社会的企業

    柏 雅之

    農業 (大日本農会編)   No.1500   49 - 52  2007

  • 劉文春・柏 雅之


    農村計画学論文集   No.8   491 - 496  2006.09  [Refereed]

  • イギリス農業環境政策の諸問題と農村ガヴァナンス

    柏 雅之

    環境情報科学     33 - 41  2005.09  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • 市町村農業公社による担い手創出方式の意義と限界

    副島恒治, 柏 雅之

    農業経営研究   Vol.42,No.1 ( 1 ) 89 - 94  2004.06  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • アジェンダ2000改革以降のEU条件不利地域政策

    柏 雅之

    畜産に関わる直接支払制度研究報告書(農林水産省委託研究報告書)     74 - 100  2004.04

  • イギリス農村開発政策の展開と地域マネジメント―土地経営事業(LKIs)の意義を中心に―

    柏 雅之

    農業問題研究   No.56   24 - 38  2004

  • Direct Payment Policies for the Regeneration of Less-Favoured Areas: A Comparative Study of the EU and Japan


    International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology(IJARGE)   Vol.3,No.4   193 - 215  2004

  • Direct Payment Policies for the Regeneration of Less-Favoured Areas: A Comparative Study of the EU and Japan


    International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology(IJARGE)   Vol.3,No.4   193 - 215  2004

  • 市町村農業公社のインキュベーション機能の諸形態

    副島恒治, 柏 雅之

    農村計画学論文集   No.5   193 - 198  2003.10  [Refereed]

  • 農村地域政策の実態と諸問題

    柏 雅之

    農業と経済   Vol.68,No.10   78 - 91  2002

  • 中山間地域直接支払い政策の意義と限界

    柏 雅之

    林業経済研究   Vol.47,No.1   27 - 34  2001.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • わが国中山間地域政策の意義と課題―イギリス条件不利地域政策との比較検討―

    柏 雅之

    JAGREE(農業土木事業協会編)   61   22 - 32  2001

  • イギリスの内発型地域再生政策とパートナーシップ型マネジメント主体


      12   136 - 166  2001

  • 農業における環境共生問題

    柏 雅之

    環境共生   Vol.2,No.1   61 - 66  1998.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • 耕作放棄地の実態と資源管理システムの再建問題

    柏 雅之

    農業と経済   Vol.48,No.6   45 - 50  1998

  • 新食糧法下における中山間地域農業・資源管理の担い手再編問題

    柏 雅之

    農業経済研究   Vol.69,No.2   103 - 117  1997.09  [Refereed]

  • 条件不利地域政策の論理と方法

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.15,No.4   3 - 6  1997.03  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • イギリスにおける公民パートナーシップ型地域資源管理計画の意義と限界

    農村地域の資源管理のための上下流連携システムに関する研究報告書, 農林水産省委託研究

        203 - 222  1997

  • 中山間地域農業の地域性と再編課題

    柏 雅之

    農業経営研究   Vol.33,No.4   4 - 16  1996.03  [Refereed]

  • 中山間地域農業と環境保全問題

    柏 雅之

    人間社会と自然との共存をめざして: 日本学術会議・公開シンポジウム論文集     14 - 28  1995.12  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • 第三セクターによる農地管理の実態と課題

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.14,No.2   51 - 58  1995.09  [Refereed]


  • 中山間地域農業の存在形態と再編課題

    柏 雅之

    中山間地域における土地利用型農業の実態と対策(農林水産省草地試験場研究資料)     1 - 17  1995.07  [Refereed]

  • 中山間地域農業の諸形態と第三セクターによる支援システムに関する研究

    柏 雅之

    システム農学   Vol.10,No.1   31 - 43  1994.06  [Refereed]

  • 限界地における産業構造の変化と大規模経営の形成過程

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.6,No.3 ( 3 ) 33 - 46  1987.12  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 農山村過疎地域における土地利用再編に関する計画論的研究

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.5,No.1   13 - 28  1986.06  [Refereed]


  • 定住機能による計画論的過疎分級の理論と方法

    柏 雅之

    農村計画学会誌   Vol.3,No.3   8 - 22  1984.12  [Refereed]

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  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 中山間地域農業・資源管理に関する広域経営システムと主体形成に関する研究


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  • 中山間地域水田営農・資源管理の担い手システムと日本農山村型の社会的企業


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  • 日本農山村型の社会的企業としての広域経営法人の意義と限界


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  • 中山間地域における地域資源管理主体としての広域経営法人と集落営農法人に関する研究


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  • 中山間地域における農業・資源管理の広域経営システムに関する研究


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  • 中山間地域農業・資源管理の担い手システムに関する研究-集落営農不在地域における広域経営法人の意義と課題-


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  • 中山間地域農業・資源管理の広域的担い手経営システム構築に関する研究


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  • 条件不利地域農業・資源管理の担い手システム再建に関する研究―広域拠点経営体の意義と課題―


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  • 中山間地域農業・資源管理の担い手としての広域経営法人の意義と課題


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  • 中山間地域農業・資源管理の担い手システム再建と直接支払制度改革


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     本研究では、広島県における集落営農法人の意義と限界に関する検討、および今後の地域農業の面的担い手としての展望と支援施策のあり方について分析した。広島県に特徴的な担い手中心型集落営農法人であるが、その成立状況は大規模個別経営の成立状況に規定され今後の量的拡大の展望は厳しい。また全戸参加型も設立時の特定のリーダーやオペレータ層に依存する状況から多くは脱却できず、後継担い手が形成されない実態を限界としてかかえる。また任意団体を含めた集落営農自体も量的には限界にきつつあり、その空白地域をどのような担い手システムで補っていくかが大きく問われている。こうしたなかで、広域レベルを管理する主体やシステムの必要性が課題となる。 他方、高知県では、戦後合併の市町村レベルの広域を経営する地域主体育成を進めつつある。本研究ではJA出資型農業生産法人や第3セクターによる担い手システムの可能性と支援手法についての分析を行った。そこでは経営管理のみならず、米価下落等の問題が大きな桎梏となる。他方で中山間地域等直接金の戦略的利用等の新たな可能性も生まれている。 最後に、京都市旧京北町の第3セクターである「きょうと京北ふるさと公社」の実態をとおして、自治体やJAの広域合併に伴う中山間地区でのサービス機能低下に対抗しうるための諸条件について分析した。

  • 中山間地域での土地利用型農業の担い手としての社会的企業の意義と存立条件


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  • 旧村レベルでの地域営農法人の意義と課題に関する研究-「個と集団」の確執を越えた新たな地域営農システム構築-


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     本研究では、大分県の集落営農法人を中心とした実態分析を、大分県農林水産部の協力をいただきながら行った。大分県庁では農林水産部集落・水田対策室の集落・生産振興班の集落営農主幹らから聞き取り調査を行った。そして大分県西部振興局農山村振興部集落・水田班や大分県農林水産部研究普及課の専門職員からとくに大分県中山間地域での集落営農法人の展開動向について聞き取り調査を行った。そこでは、集落営農法人の展開が顕著な広島県や島根県との比較をとおして、大分県での展開の特徴の解明を進めてきた。また大分県の平坦部農村と中山間地域での集落営農法人の展開動向の差異とその要因について検討を行った。さらに柏(研究代表者)が、島根県、広島県における中山間地域での集落営農法人の展開と課題について研究報告を行い、前述の大分県集落営農法人育成担当者らから、意見を聴取しながら相互に理解を深めた。また、「株式会社中津江村農林支援センター」を県担当職員らと共に訪問し、集落営農法人育成の方法と課題について同センター理事から聞き取り調査を行った。現場の集落には、同センター理事や県職員と共に、中津江村・鯛生地区の中川内集落を訪問し調査を行った。そこでは島根や広島とは異なる厳しい水田圃場条件の中での困難な集落営農法人育成の実態について調査し得た。 さらに、大分県北部振興局の集落・水田第1班担当職員らと国東半島の中山間地域である宇佐市安心院町の「農事組合法人こがらこ生産組合」を訪問し、代表理事組合長から集落営農法人の展開動向と課題とを聞き取り調査し、また意見交換を行った。また、大分県東部振興局専門職員と共に、同じく国東半島の中山間地域である杵築市山香町野原地区の「農事組合法人こめ・こめ・くらぶ」を訪問し、集落営農法人の実態と課題について聞き取り調査を行った。以上、大分県庁の集落営農法人担当職員はじめ出先機関担当職員、さらに集落営農法人代表者らからの聞き取り調査を通して、圃場条件の厳しい山間地区での水田農業の課題の解明に努めてきた。そして、中山間地域水田農業の担い手システムのあり方と、集落営農法人が果たし得る意義と限界、そして限界をおぎうなうための施策のあり方について考察してきた。

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