Updated on 2025/03/12


TAKAI, Toshibumi
Affiliated organization, Waseda University Honjo Senior High School
Job title
Teacher (Affiliated Senior High School)
学士(地理学) ( 1997.03 駒澤大学 )
修士(地理学) ( 2000.03 名古屋大学 )

Education Background

  • 2000.04

    Nagoya University   Graduate School of Humanities   Department of Humanities, Department of geography  

  • 1997.04

    Nagoya University   Graduate School of Letters   Department of geography  

  • 1993.04

    Komazawa University   Faculty of Letters   Department of Geography  

Research Areas

  • Geography / Human geography   行動地理学 / Architectural planning and city planning   ハザードマップ

Research Interests

  • human geography

  • 行動地理学

  • spatial cognition

  • 地図

  • ハザードマップ

  • 地図表現

  • 読図

  • 車窓景観

  • 地理教育

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  • 高齢者による洪水ハザードマップ基図の読図と地図表現

    斎藤七菜子, 髙井寿文

    埼玉地理   ( 44 ) 1 - 10  2024.07  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Spatial Cognition of Villagers in a Rural Area of Bangladesh as Shown by Their Sketch Maps

    TAKAI Toshibumi

    Regional Views   ( 29 ) 35 - 44  2016.03  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]


  • アニメによる観光振興に対する住民意識-埼玉県久喜市の事例-

    髙井寿文, 大石さつき

    教育と研究(早稲田大学本庄高等学院紀要)   ( 30 ) 19 - 25  2012.03

  • The relationship between a base map reading and the representations of a hazard map

    TAKAI Toshibumi

    Japan Cartographic Association   47 ( 3 ) 1 - 7  2009.12  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]


  • Spatial Cognition of Japanese-Brazilians in Japanese Urban Space

    TAKAI Toshibumi

    Geographical Review of Japan   77 ( 8 ) 523 - 543  2004.07  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

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    In this paper, the author examines the spatial cognition of and navigation in a Japanese city by different ethnic groups. The purpose of this study was to identify any uneasiness that the subjects Japanese-Brazilians living in Japan, feel in finding their way in a city in Japan by studying the clues they use for navigation and their cognitive maps in comparison to those of a Japanese group.<br> This study consists of two approaches. First, the author used the Sense of Direction Questionnaire Simple Version (SDQ-S) developed by Takeuchi (1992) to study how one's consciousness perceives navigation and space. The author obtained responses to the questionnaire from 41 Japanese-Brazilians and 252 Japanese college students and compared the scores of the responses to the questionnaire by item and conducted a factor analysis. As a result, it was found that Japanese-Brazilians had a poor sense of directions and that it was important for them to use and remember landmarks for navigation.<br> Next, the author focused on the fact that landmarks play a significant role in their navigation and conducted two types of sketch map survey. In the first type, the subjects were asked to draw a sketch map of a route to identify the features of the landmarks they used as clues. In the second type, they drew a sketch map around their own homes to examine the differences in the space areas and forms perceived. Analysis of their sketch maps of a route found that stores and traffic lights with signs written in the Roman alphabet or Japanese kana characters that they could read were important landmarks used in their navigation.<br> Regarding the sketch maps around their homes, the author conducted quantitative analysis of the area drawn on the map, number of factors drawn, forms of drawing, and direction. The sketch maps by Japanese-Brazilians covered a much smaller area and had fewer factors than those drawn by Japanese. They all drew route-type maps regardless of the number of years that they had resided there. Transition from route-type maps to survey-type maps was not seen based on the number of years they had been there. This means that the cognitive maps of Japanese-Brazilians do not undergo the typical development process to survey-type maps even if they live in Japan longer.<br> Based on these results, the author considered the factors hindering the development of cognitive maps of Japanese-Brazilians from route-type maps to survey-type maps. Japanese-Brazilians may be affected by their limited Japanese language proficiency, the fact that the streets and house numbers are marked in different ways in Japan, different cultural backgrounds, and unfamiliarity with the Japanese landscape and urban structure, The author assumes that they have route-type cognitive maps and their navigation in Japanese cities is limited to the use of certain landmarks for these reasons.

    DOI CiNii


  • Sketch map analysis using GIS buffer operation

    K Okamoto, K Okunuki, T Takai

    SPATIAL COGNITION IV, REASONING, ACTION, INTERACTION   3343   227 - 244  2004  [Refereed]

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    We developed a method to analyze sketch maps by GIS, and applied it to an actual case study. We found that analysis using buffer operation was more effective for sketch map analyses than other methods, such as the entire road length method and area method. After modeling the buffer method, an experimental study of the micro-genetic cognitive process was conducted on sketch maps from Japanese students and Brazilian residents in Japan.


  • A Method for Analyzing Sketch Maps Using GIS

    TAKAI Toshibumi, OKUNUKI Kei-ichi, OKAMOTO Kohei

    Map   41 ( 4 ) 27 - 36  2003.12  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    DOI CiNii

  • The relation between the sequence of landscape through the train window and people's impression of the region along the railway line

    TAKAI Toshibumi

    Geographical Sciences   58 ( 2 ) 112 - 132  2003.04  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    DOI CiNii

  • Scallops Formation and Composition of Deposited Pebbles in Irimizu Cave, Northeast Japan

    URUSHIBARA YOSHINO Kazuko, SUZUKI Hidekazu, GOTO Norihisa, TAKAI Toshibumi, HIRAYAMA Naoki

    Journal of the Speleological Society of Japan   22   71 - 80  1997.12  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]


  • The formation of scallops in the Irimizu Cave, Northeast Japan

    URUSHIBARA-YOSHIO Kazuko, SUZUKI Hidekazu, GOTO Norihisa, TAKAI Toshibumi

    Komazawa Geography   ( 32 ) 55 - 67  1996.05  [Domestic journal]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 論文から学ぶ地域調査 : 地域について卒論・レポートを書く人のためのガイドブック

    阿部康久, 土屋 純, 山元貴継, 岡本耕平( Part: Contributor, 第21章 外国人がとらえた日本の都市空間)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2022.03 ISBN: 9784779516207

  • わたしたちの地理総合 : 世界から日本へ(文部科学省検定済教科書 高等学校 地理歴史科用)

    井田仁康, 秋本弘章, 長谷川直子, 林 敦子, 河合豊明, 後藤泰彦, 今野良祐, 髙井寿文( Part: Joint author)

    二宮書店  2022.01 ISBN: 9784817604521

  • 地図の事典

    森田 喬, 有川正俊, 今井健三, 太田 弘, 熊木洋太, 齊藤忠光, 鈴木厚志, 鈴木純子, 滝沢由美子, 若林芳樹( Part: Contributor, C1-5 地図を用いた定位と伝達)

    朝倉書店  2021.11 ISBN: 9784254163582

  • GISと空間認知-進化する地図の科学-

    村越 真, 若林芳樹( Part: Contributor, 文化によって異なる空間の認知-日系ブラジル人の手描き地図と空間把握-)

    古今書院  2008.04 ISBN: 9784772241151

  • ハンディキャップと都市空間-地理学と心理学の対話-

    岡本耕平, 若林芳樹, 寺本 潔( Part: Contributor, 在日外国人に判りやすい「まち案内」や地図作成の試み)

    古今書院  2006.12 ISBN: 4772270191

  • Spatial cognition IV : reasoning, action, and interaction : International Conference Spatial Cognition 2004, Frauenchiemsee, Germany, October 11-13, 2004 : revised selected papers

    International Conference Spatial Cognition, Freksa, C.( Part: Contributor, OKamoto, K., Okunuki, K., and TAKAI, T. : Sketch Map Analysis Using GIS Buffer Operation)

    Springer  2005.02 ISBN: 3540250484

  • 江戸期なごやアトラス-絵図・分布図からの発想(新修名古屋市史報告書4)

    溝口常俊, 山元貴継, 髙井寿文, 村田祐介, 野広哲史( Part: Contributor)

    名古屋市総務局  1998.09

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  • 地方自治体における外国籍住民向けハザードマップの作成状況


    2016年 日本地理学会春季学術大会 

    Presentation date: 2016.03

  • 日系ブラジル人によるハザードマップ基図の読図過程と地図表現との関わり


    2015年 日本地理学会秋季学術大会 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 埼玉県久喜市におけるコンテンツ・ツーリズムに関する住民意識

    髙井寿文, 大石さつき

    第26回 日本観光研究学会 全国大会 

    Presentation date: 2011.12

  • バングラデシュ農村地域における村人の空間認知


    2011年 日本地理学会春季学術大会(東北地方太平洋沖地震により大会自体は中止) 

    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • バングラデシュ農村部における村人の空間認知


    第14回「東アジアの歴史と文化」懇話会(主催:早稲田大学本庄高等学院 地理歴史科) 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • ハザードマップ基図の読図に関する研究


    平成18年度 日本国際地図学会定期大会 

    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • Sketch Map Analysis Using GIS Buffer Operation

    OKAMOTO Kohei, OKUNUKI Kei-ichi, TAKAI Toshibumi

    International Conference Spatial Cognition 2004  (Frauenchiemsee)  International Conference Spatial Cognition

    Event date:
  • 地理情報システムを用いた手描き地図分析の試み


    第12回 地理情報システム学会学術研究発表会 

    Presentation date: 2003.10

  • 車窓シークエンス景観と乗客が沿線地域に抱く印象との関わり


    2002年度 日本地理学会春季学術大会 

    Presentation date: 2002.04

  • 社会・文化的状況を考慮した外国人向け「まち案内」の提案-日系ブラジル人による手描き地図の分析から-


    第9回 地理情報システム学会学術研究発表会 

    Presentation date: 2000.10

  • 日系ブラジル人の空間的知識の獲得に関する研究


    2000年度 日本地理学会春季学術大会シンポジウム 

    Presentation date: 2000.04

  • 車窓景観による地域の認識


    1997年度 全国地理学専攻学生卒業論文発表大会 

    Presentation date: 1998.03

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Research Projects

  • 村絵図に描かれた地理的事象の定量的把握に関する基礎的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究

    Project Year :


    髙井 寿文

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  • JR八高線からみた車窓景観(特集:車窓景観の魅力-私のイチオシ車窓景観-)


    月刊地理   62 ( 12 ) 30 - 31  2017.12

  • 西蔵自治区拉薩周辺の風景から考えた授業や研究の題材


    中国・チベット研修-高原の自然と人々の生活・文化を巡る教材開発の旅-(神奈川県高等学校教科研究会 社会科部会地理分科会 2017年度海外研修報告書)     52 - 52  2017.12

  • Hazard mapping for foreign residents in local municipalities

    Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers    2016.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • The relationship between a base map reading and representation of hazard map by Japanese-Brazilians

    Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers    2015.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • ブルネイを訪れて-水上集落での着想-


    ボルネオ・ブルネイ研修-熱帯・豊かな天然資源・イスラム文化を巡る教材開発の旅-(神奈川県高等学校教科研究会 社会科部会地理分科会 2014年度海外研修報告書)     28 - 28  2014.12

  • Residents' Consciousness to Contents Tourism in Kuki City, Saitama

    Proceedings of JITR Annual Conference   26   221 - 224  2011.12  [Domestic journal]


  • バングラデシュ農村部における村人の空間認知


    Asian Letter(アジアン レター)   ( 17 ) 4 - 7  2011.10  [Domestic journal]

  • Spatial cognition of the villagers in a rural area of Bangladesh

    Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers     67 - 67  2011.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • ハザードマップ基図の読図に関する研究


    平成18年度日本国際地図学会定期大会発表論文集   44   70 - 71  2006.10  [Domestic journal]

    DOI CiNii

  • Methods for analyzing sketch maps using GIS

    TAKAI Toshibumi, OKUNUKI Kei-ichi, OKAMOTO Kohei

    Papers and proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association   12   375 - 378  2003.10

  • The relation between the sequence of landscape from a train window and peoples' impression of the region along the railway line

    Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers   61   225 - 225  2002.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 在日日系ブラジル人の空間的知識に関する一考察


    ハンディキャップ集団による都市空間の認知とナヴィゲーションに関する研究(研究代表者:岡本耕平 平成10・11年度科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)(1)研究成果報告書     55 - 61  2001.03

  • Social and cultural difference within the acquisition of spatial knowledge : suggestions for the improvement of multilingual services such as guidance systems used by foreign residents in Japan : From an analysis of sketch maps drawn by Japanese-Brazilians

    TAKAI Toshibumi

    Papers and proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems Association   9   367 - 370  2000.10

  • A Study of Spatial Knowledge Acquisition by Japanese-Brazilian

    Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers   57   46 - 47  2000.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

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Social Activities

  • 名古屋市港区九番団地日本語教室 Aula Do Kyuba 日本語講師

    名古屋市港区九番団地日本語教室 Aula Do Kyuba 


Internal Special Research Projects

  • 外国籍住民向け多言語版ハザードマップの作成状況と利用実態に関する研究


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