Updated on 2024/07/03


ISHIKURA, Yoshihiro
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
修士(学術) ( 1996.03 東京大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2013.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 2007.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 2003.07

    The University of Tokyo   Institute of Social Science

  • 2001.04

    The University of Tokyo   Institute of Social Science

  • 1999.04

    The University of Tokyo   Institute of Social Science

  • 1996.04

    日本学術振興会   特別研究員(DC1)

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Education Background

  • 1996.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences   Graduate Dept. of Advanced Social and International Studies  

  • 1994.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Arts and Sciences  

Committee Memberships

  • 2017.07

    早稲田社会学会  研究活動担当理事

Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • Sociology

Research Interests

  • 地域移動

  • 言説分析

  • 情報社会論

  • 社会意識論



  • Internal Migration from Non-metropolitan Aria: Intergenerational Comparison of Kamaishi and Fukui

      56   99 - 108  2023.05  [Refereed]

  • 質的縦断調査と質問紙調査からみる東日本大震災後の住宅再建判断ー岩手県釜石市A地区世帯を対象にー

    西野淑美, 石倉義博, 平井太郎, 秋田典子, 荒木笙子, 永井暁子

    日本都市学会年報   ( 51 ) 221 - 230  2018.05  [Refereed]

  • 調査者として地域に関わること:「希望学」釜石調査から

    石倉 義博, 西野 淑美

    社会と調査   19 ( 19 ) 13 - 22  2017.09  [Invited]


  • Towards Housing Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Through a Longitudinal Study of Kanaishi-city Households

    NISHINO Yoshimi, ISHIKURA Yoshihiro, HIRAI Taro, AKITA Noriko

      50   221 - 230  2017.05  [Refereed]

  • 地域移動の発生時期とその要因:探索的研究

    石倉 義博

    「福井市内高校卒業後の地域移動調査」Discussion Papers   1   22 - 37  2015.03

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  • 釜石の希望と誇り:同窓会調査自由記述の分析から


    社会科学研究   61 ( 5,6 ) 125 - 141  2010

  • 感情社会学と感情労働論:批判的検討


    人文社会科学研究   48   113 - 129  2008

  • 大衆化のなかの情報化社会論


    社会科学研究   54 ( 4 ) 33 - 57  2003  [Refereed]

  • パソコン保有者の属性とその変化


    SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series:全国大学生活協同組合連合会「学生生活実態調査」の再分析   23   96 - 110  2002

  • 「家族を語ること」の位相


    現代社会理論研究   9 ( 9 ) 133 - 143  1999  [Refereed]


  • 〈社会〉を語る文学:戦後日本の社会的想像力をめぐって


    ソシオロゴス   22   222 - 240  1998  [Refereed]

  • 推理と動機


    ソシオロゴス   21   149 - 169  1997  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 地域の危機・釜石の対応 : 多層化する構造

    東京大学社会科学研究所, 中村, 尚史, 玄田, 有史( Part: Contributor, 第11章 住宅再建までの判断と道程――同じ町の人々の異なる8年間(西野淑美・石倉義博))

    東京大学出版会  2020.06 ISBN: 9784130302173

  • 『「釜石市A地区町内会の皆様への聞き取り調査」第6回調査 報告書』

    西野淑美, 石倉義博, 平井太郎, 秋田典子, 永井暁子, 荒木笙子( Part: Joint author, 1. 調査の概要、2. インタビューの要点)


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  • 『「釜石市A地区町内会の皆様への聞き取り調査」第5回調査 報告書』

    西野淑美, 石倉義博, 平井太郎, 秋田典子, 永井暁子( Part: Joint author, 1. 調査の概要)

    科研費報告書  2017.08

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  • 『「釜石市A地区町内会の皆様への聞き取り調査」第4回調査 報告書』

    西野淑美, 石倉義博, 平井太郎, 秋田典子, 永井暁子( Part: Joint author, 1. 調査の概要)

    科研費報告書  2016.08

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  • 『「釜石市A地区町内会の皆様への聞き取り調査」第3回調査 報告書』

    西野淑美, 石倉義博, 平井太郎, 秋田典子( Part: Joint author, 「2. インタビューの要点」)

    科研費報告書  2015.09

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  • 『〈持ち場〉の希望学:釜石と震災、もう一つの記憶』(東大社研・中村尚史・玄田有史(編))

    石倉 義博( Part: Contributor, 第10章:「住まいの選択」をめぐる困難さ)

    東京大学出版会  2014.12 ISBN: 9784130330725

  • 『「釜石市A地区町内会の皆様への聞き取り調査」第2回調査 報告書』

    西野淑美, 石倉義博, 平井太郎, 秋田典子( Part: Joint author, 「2. インタビューの要点」)

    科研費報告書  2014.08

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  • 『「釜石市A地区町内会の皆様への聞き取り調査」第1回調査 報告書』

    西野淑美, 石倉義博, 平井太郎, 秋田典子( Part: Joint author, 「2. インタビューの要点」)

    科研費報告書  2013.08

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  • 『希望学 あしたの向こうに:希望の福井、福井の希望』(東大社研・玄田有史(編))

    石倉 義博( Part: Contributor, (II-15「「Uターン」とは何だろう(1)――人生設計と居住地選び」を担当))

    東京大学出版会  2013.07 ISBN: 9784130330701

  • A Social History of Science & Technology in Japan at the Turn of the Century

    ISHIKURA Yoshihiro( Part: Contributor, Vol.2 4-9 Transformation of Online Community Question)

    HARA SHOBO  2012.02

  • 『釜石市民の暮らしと復興についての意識調査 基本報告書』

    石倉 義博, 釜石市民の暮らしと復興についての意識調査, 調査実施グルー( Part: Joint author, 「雇用の変化」を担当)


  • 『希望学3:希望をつなぐ』(第7章「地域からの転出と「Uターン」の背景」を担当)

    東京大学出版会  2009 ISBN: 9784130341936

  • 『希望学』(第5章「挫折と幸福、希望を語るということ」を担当)

    中央公論新社  2006 ISBN: 4121502116

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  • 地方都市出身者の地域移動経験とライフイベント―岩手県釜石市と福井県福井市の比較から―

    西野淑美, 石倉義博

    日本都市学会大会 第69回大会 

    Presentation date: 2022.10

  • 津波被災からの生活再建過程:釜石市A地区住民の8年間

    石倉義博  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • 質的縦断調査と質問紙調査からみる東日本大震災後の住宅再建判断―岩手県釜石市A町内会員を対象に―

    西野淑美, 石倉義博, 平井太郎, 秋田典子, 荒木笙子, 永井暁子


    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 東日本大震災被災世帯の住宅再建判断過程:岩手県釜石市A町内会への質的縦断調査より

    西野 淑美, 石倉 義博, 平井 太郎, 秋田 典子


    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 福井市内高校卒業者の地域移動の変化と将来イメージ

    西野 淑美, 石倉 義博, 元森 絵里子, 西村 幸満, 平井 太郎


    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • 「家族を語ること」の問題構成

    石倉 義博


    Presentation date: 2000.11

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Research Projects

  • Housing Reconstruction and Community Transformation after the Great East Japan Earthquake: A Ten-year Longitudinal Study of a Neighborhood

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • Sociological Longitudinal Study of Households in an Area Struck by the Earthquake: Diversity of Reconstruction and Transformation of the Local Community

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Nishino Yoshimi, ARAKI Shoko

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    This study consists of longitudinal qualitative interviews to Kamaishi-city A area households, where land readjustment project is undergoing after the Great East Japan Earthquake. In the process of housing reconstruction, people are making varieties of effort to procure resources in a broad sense. It is important whether next generation is willing to inherit the reconstructed house, and whether the members of families are agreed on the way of reconstruction. If there are two generations of earners in the household, it is possible to reconstruct without waiting for the land readjustment, buying new land off the A area. However, if there is only one generation of earner, they intend to wait for the land readjustment to complete. If there is no earner in the household, disaster public housing is often used. While working income is the basic resource, other factors as commitment to the local community adds on, to cause differences in housing reconstructions among households of same area.

  • The formation and modification of the lifecourse perspectives in social/ regional mobility process

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    ISHIKURA Yoshihiro, NISHINO Yoshimi, HIRAI Taro, NISHIMURA Yukimitsu, MOTOMORI Eriko

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    Our Research investigated about the life course and the regional mobility, by quantitative survey and interviews for the graduates of one region "Fukui City".
    Even people who sent a high school life in the same area, in the process of social selection, life course is going to branch. Although career after graduating from high school appears to diversity in seemingly, but in the long term and quantitative view, variations of the pattern of regional mobility and career formation is small, also progressed immobilization. At the time high school enrollment, People have become so aware of the prospect of the residence and their career, to some extent. Selection in subsequent life events, are adapted to trace their imagined life course. And tracing the life course images makes the pattern of differentiation and selection on life events more robust.

  • Longitudinal Research on Regional Migration and Transformation as a Result of Accumulated Decisions of Reconstruction by Earthquake Victims

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    NISHINO Yoshimi, ISHIKURA Yoshihiro, AKITA Noriko, HIRAI Taro

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    Kamaishi city in Iwate prefecture sustained massive damage from Great East Japan Earthquake. This research aimed to compare the reconstruction processes of members of a neighborhood association in Kamaishi, by conducting longitudinal interviews to the same 40 or more households every year, and also a questionnaire survey to the rest of the member households. A land readjustment project is under way in a part of this neighborhood which had a total of 200 members at the time of the earthquake. Decisions and speed of home rebuilding differed among members of the same neighborhood, and the difference had widened over the past 5 years since the earthquake. Willingness to rebuild his/her own home could change even within the same person. Decision was found to be especially influenced by the children’s intention to inherit the rebuilt house.

  • The Life Course Perspectives and Regional Mobility : How People from Fukui City Chose their Education, Career and Residential Location

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    ISHIKURA Yoshihiro, NISHINO Yoshimi, NISHIMURA Yukimitsu, MOTOMORI Eriko, HIRAI Taro

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    We conducted a questionnaire survey to the graduates of 3 public high schools in Fukui City, who finished those schools during these 50 years. The survey was on their life course, focusing on further education after high school, employment, and residential choice. The survey shows that those who left Fukui prefecture after high school and later U-turned to Fukui prefecture mostly came back to Fukui immediately after graduating from university or college, and that it is rear to U-turn after mid-30s, when their lives outside Fukui tend to be fixed. In the recent years, cost of mobility is increasing, and opportunities of regional mobility tend to be limited to advancement to college. The survey also shows that the rate of those settling down in Fukui prefecture largely differ among eldest sons, younger sons, and daughters, because of the norm of eldest son taking over the family.

  • A Study of a Lifestyle Choice in Contemporary Japan-with a Central Focus on Family Formation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    NAGAI Akiko, ISHIKURA Yoshihiro, MIWA Satoshi, SATOH Kaoru, MAEDA Yukio, NAKAI Miki, NISHINO Yoshimi, OHORI Ken

  • 19世紀イギリスにおける家族の規範と表象についての社会学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    石倉 義博

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  • Introduction: Affected Areas, Residents, and Sociology 10 Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Focusing on Housing and Living

    Yoshihiro ISHIKURA

    The Annuals of Sociology   ( 63 ) 1 - 3  2022.03  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • Sociological Research and Sociological Education

    ISHIKURA Yoshihiro

    The Annuals of Sociology (Waseda Sociological Society)   ( 60 ) 1 - 5  2019.03  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 〈書評〉貞包英之 著『地方都市を考える:「消費社会」の先端から』

    石倉 義博

    季刊家計経済研究   ( 112 ) 82 - 83  2016.10

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 「23歳は人生の岐路:Uターン? 「戻る」「戻らない」半々」(希望学 あしたの向こうに File 25)

    石倉 義博

    『福井新聞』2012年8月4日    2012.08


  • 〈書評〉山田昌弘 著『希望格差社会:「負け組」の絶望感が日本を引き裂く』


    季刊家計経済研究   2005 ( 3 ) 84 - 85  2005

  • 〈書評〉吉川徹 著『学歴社会のローカルトラック:地方からの大学進学』


    季刊家計経済研究   2002 ( 2 ) 90 - 91  2002

  • 調査結果の総括

    石倉義博, 金井雅之, 山本泰

    青森県佐井村の地域活性化(調査報告書)     189 - 210  1995

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Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher