Updated on 2024/10/24


KOJIMA, Hiroshi
Faculty of Social Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. ( Brown University (USA) )
M.A. ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2024.10

    Waseda University   Institute of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Research   Advisor

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Professor Emeritus

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Institute for Advanced Social Sciences   Adjunct Researcher

  • 2007.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Social Sciences   Professor

  • 2010.06

    Institute for Asian Muslim Studies, Waseda University   Director

  • 1996.12

    Director, Dept of International Research and Cooperation, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research

  • 1996.04

    Director, Dept of Population Policy Studies, Institute of Population Problems

  • 1981

    Research Officer, Institute of Population Problems

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Education Background


    Brown University   Others   Sociology/Demography  


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Economics   Applied Economics  


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Letters   Sociology  


    Waseda University   School of Political Science and Economics   Economics  

Professional Memberships


    Japan Association of Middfle-Eastern Studies


    American Sociological Association


    International Sociological Association


    Japanese Society for Family Sociology


    Japanese Sociological Society


    Asian Population Association


    International Union for the Scientific Studies of Population


    Society for Comparative Family History


    Population Association of Japan


    Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies

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Research Areas

  • Sociology / Economic policy / Economic statistics

Research Interests

  • Muslim Population

  • Comparative Demography

  • Family Demography

  • Migratio

  • Population Policy


  • The 19th (2024) Popularizing Book Award

    2024.06   Population Association of Japan   Hiroshi KOJIMA and Kohei WADA eds., 2022, The Demography of Sexuality, Tokyo, Hara Shobo

    Winner: Editors, Authors, Publisher



  • Malthusian and Neo-Malthusian Practices and Other Correlates of Reproduction

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The Journal of Population Studies   ( 58 ) 1 - 12  2022.09

    Authorship:Lead author


  • A Review of Recent Literature on Marital Formation in Japan

    Hiroshi Kojima

    Journal of Population Studies   57   45 - 55  2021.09  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Cohabitation Strategies and Family Policies

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    Kanagawa Law Review   52 (504) ( 3 (456) ) 1 - 49  2020.06  [Invited]


  • The 4th Asian Population Association Conference

    Hiroshi Kojima

    Jinkogaku Kenkyu (J. of Population Studies)   ( 55 ) 55 - 59  2019.09  [Invited]


  • Trends in International Migration and Migration Policy in France

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    Toukei (Statistics)   70 ( 1 ) 17 - 25  2019.01  [Invited]

  • The Effects of Media Use on the Dietary Integration of the Second- Generation Muslim Youth in Europe

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    Waseda Studies in Social Sciences   17 ( 3 ) 1-14 - 14  2017.07

     View Summary

    This study focuses on the effects of internet( new media) use on the dietary integration
    (halal food consumption and fasting during the last Ramadan) of the second-generation
    Muslim youth, applying comparable ordered logit models to TIES (2005─ 2007) survey data
    from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. It also analyzes the effect of ethnic TV (old
    media) watching. The analysis has revealed rather consistent results across sexes and
    societies. The internet use for religious matters has positive effects on halal food
    consumption among Dutch and Belgian males and females, but it does not have significant
    effects among Germans. The internet use for leisure has negative effects among German
    males and females, but it does not have significant effects among Dutch and Belgians.
    Watching ethnic TV for more than 3 hours per week has positive effects on halal food
    consumption among Belgian males and females. Watching ethnic TV for equal hours to or
    more hours than national TV has also positive effects on halal food consumption among
    German males and Dutch females. Therefore, the effect of new and old media use on
    dietary restrictions among the European Muslim youth depends on the ethno-religious
    context as well the market and media preparedness in an European country.


  • Policy-Related Correlates of Health Status and Concerns for Old Age in East Asia

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    Waseda Studies in Social Sciences   17 ( 1 ) 1 - 34  2016.10

     View Summary

    This study analyzes the policy-related correlates of health status and concerns for old
    age in East Asia (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Mainland China), applying the multi-level
    analysis to microdata from the East Asian Social Survey conducted in 2010( EASS2010,
    Health Module). The six dependent variables include 1) subjective ill health, 2) no
    perceived limitation of daily activities due to pain, 3) the presence of a chronicle disease and
    the concerns for old-age 4) physical capacities, 5) decision-making capacities and 6) financial
    The five policy-related independent variables at the individual level include 1) being
    constrained to have only public health insurance, 2) having made efforts to reduce medical
    expenses, having perceived the seriousness of 3) air pollution, 4) water pollution and 5)
    noise nuisance. The community-level policy-related independent variables include the
    aggregation of the five individual-level policy-related variables for the municipality of
    residence as well as their interaction with the individual-level policy-related variables.
    Control variables include dummies for age group, education level, self-rated socio-economic
    status and urban-rural residence.
    The results revealed that having made efforts to reduce medical expenses at the
    individual level tends to increase ill health and concerns for old age in the four societies,
    suggesting the rooms for improvements in the policy measures for medical services and
    health insurance. The municipality-level variables and its interaction with individual-level
    variables did not tend to have significant effects, possibly reflecting the reverse causation
    through migration.


  • International Migration and the Employment of Farm Workers by Farm Households

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    Waseda Studies in Social Sciences   16 ( 2/3 ) 27 - 49  2016.07

     View Summary

    The employment of farm workers by farm households has been on the increase during
    the past two decades in Japan even though most of them still rely totally or largely on family
    members’ labor supply. At least a part of the increase can be attributable to an increase in
    foreign “technical intern trainees,” but there is no direct information on the nationality of
    trainees at the farm household level. This study aims to assess the effects of foreign
    trainees in agriculture (and foreign spouses in rural areas) on the employment of farm
    workers by farm households in 12 prefectures with higher percentages of foreign trainees or
    spouses, applying the Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) model to the microdata from the 2010
    Agriculture Census and the municipality-level data on foreign population from the 2010
    Population Census.
    The ZIP model reveals that the proportion of foreign population in the municipality
    population (random-effect variable) has negative effects on the employment of regular farm
    workers of both sexes by farm households in Hokkaido and Gunma Prefectures, while it has
    a negative effect on the employment of male regular workers and a positive effect on the
    employment of female regular workers in Chiba Prefecture. It has positive effects on the
    employment of temporary farm workers of both sexes in Hokkaido, Tokushima and Yamagata
    Prefectures and negative effects in Ibaraki and Chiba Prefectures. The effects of fixed-effect
    variables (the proportions of Chinese and Filipinos in foreign population and the percentages
    of women in Chinese and Filipino population) are in both directions depending on the
    prefecture and the gender of farm workers. The only relatively consistent effect across
    prefectures with a larger number of trainees turns out to be the negative effect of the percentage
    of women in Filipino population on the employment of temporary farm workers of both
    sexes. This may suggests that Filipino female trainees (and/or spouses) replace Japanese
    part-time workers to some extent.


  • The Family Composition of Farm Households and the Employment of Farm Workers: An Analysis of Microdata from the 2010 Agriculture Census

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    Waseda Studies in Social Sciences   16 ( 1 ) 21 - 40  2015.12

     View Summary

    Due to the extreme aging of heads of farm households, the employment of farm workers
    (including foreign “technical intern trainees”) has been on the increase during the past two
    decades even though most of them still rely totally or largely on family members. But among
    those farm households employing farm workers, the employment pattern depends on the
    family composition. This study aims to clarify the effects of family composition on the
    employment of farm workers by farm households, applying the Zero-Inflated Negative Binary
    (ZIMB) model to the microdata from the 2010 Agriculture Census.
    According to the results of the ZIMB model for the employment of regular farm workers
    by farm households, the households consisting of relatives tend not to employ regular farm
    workers possibly because of reverse causation (non-relative households may include live-in
    workers). The farm households whose “inheritors” live apart are somewhat more likely to
    hire regular workers possibly for the continuation of farm operation. They are highly likely
    to hire temporary workers probably due to the counting of adult children living apart with
    helping hands as temporary workers. At the same time, there is some indication that those
    farm workers include foreign “technical intern trainees” and foreign-origin spouses.


  • Religion and the Use of Family Policy Measures in Japan, South Korea and Singapore

    KOJIMA, Hiroshi

    Waseda Studies in Social Sciences(『早稲田社会科学総合研究』)   15 ( 3 ) 1 - 21  2015.03


  • 東アジアにおける宗教と健康—EASS2010の比較分析—

    小島 宏

    早稲田社会科学総合研究   15 ( 2 ) 1 - 32  2014.12


  • The Effects of Religion on Fertility-Related Attitudes and Behavior in Japan, South Korea and Singapore

    KOJIMA, Hiroshi

    Waseda Studies in Social Sciences(『早稲田社会科学総合研究』)   15 ( 1 ) 1 - 26  2014.07


  • 日本・韓国・台湾のムスリム移動者におけるハラール食品消費行動の関連要因

    小島 宏

    早稲田社会科学総合研究   14 ( 1 ) 1 - 21  2013.07


  • 東アジアにおける子育て支援制度利用経験の関連要因

    小島 宏

    人口問題研究   69 ( 1 ) 67 - 93  2013.03


  • Correlates of Cross-Border Marriages among Muslim Migrants in Tokyo Metropolitan Area: A Comparison with Seoul Metropolitan Area

    KOJIMA, Hiroshi

    Waseda Studies in Social Sciences(『早稲田社会科学総合研究』)   13 ( 1 ) 1 - 17  2012.08

  • Religion and Attitudes toward Family Policies in Japan, South Korea and Singapore

    Kojima Hiroshi

    Waseda Studies in Social Sciences(『早稲田社会科学総合研究』)   12 ( 2 ) 23 - 48  2011.12


  • 研究フォーラム アジア・ムスリム研究のはじまり

    小島 宏

    歴史と地理   ( 646(世界史の研究, No.228) ) 49 - 52  2011.08


  • 在日ムスリムにおける就業行動の規定要因

    小島 宏

    早稲田社会科学総合研究   10 ( 2 ) 21 - 32  2009.11

  • SARs国際会議「センサス・ミクロデータ:分析結果と将来」

    小島 宏

    人口学研究   44 ( 44 ) 51 - 53  2009.05

    DOI CiNii

  • 近年の日本の人口移動——第6回人口移動調査(2006年)の結果

    西岡八郎, 清水昌人, 千年よしみ, 小池司朗, 小島宏

    人口問題研究   64 ( 4 ) 35 - 63  2008.12


  • Gendered Determinants of Allergies in Japanese Families

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    Waseda Studies in Social Sciences (早稲田社会科学総合研究)   9 ( 2 ) 65 - 81  2008.12


  • 日本と台湾における既婚女性の就業中断と出生--JGSSとTSCSの比較分析--

    小島 宏

    日本版General Social Surveys研究論文集 JGSSで見た日本人の意識と行動(大阪商業大学比較地域研究所)   7   45 - 55  2008.03

  • (住みよい少子化社会の形成:論点の背景)科学的根拠のある少子化対策を

    小島 宏

    NIRA政策レビュー   ( 18 ) 6 - 8  2007.08

  • 国際結婚夫婦の家族形成行動——日本と台湾の比較分析——

    小島 宏

    経済学論纂(中央大学)   47 ( 3/4 ) 175 - 196  2007.03


  • 国際人口移動に関する国際協調は可能か——第39回国連人口開発委員会に参加して

    小島 宏

    週刊社会保障   60 ( 2392 ) 60 - 61  2006.07

  • Population decline and its demographic correlates in Japan,” European Policy Centre

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    The Second EU-Japan Think tank Roundtable, Global Governance, Brussels, 14-15 November 2005, Conference papers, European Policy Centre (EPC Issue Paper)     8 - 13  2006.04

  • Variations in Demographic Characteristics of Foreign ‘Muslim’ Population in Japan: A Preliminary Estimation

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    Japanese Journal of Population   4 ( 1 ) 115 - 130  2006.03

  • Foreign Workers and Health Insurance in Japan: The Case of Japanese Brazilians

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    Japanese Journal of Population   4 ( 1 ) 78 - 92  2006.03

  • A Comparative Analysis of Fertility-Related Attitudes in Japan, Korea and Taiwan

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    F-GENS Journal (Ochanomizu University)   ( 5 ) 324 - 336  2006.03

  • Return Migration of Japanese Managers and Their Health

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    Korean Journal of Industrial Relations   15 ( 2 ) 35 - 65  2005.12

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Books and Other Publications

  • Preliminary Report of the Survey on Islamic Practices during COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK (November 2021)

    Hiroshi KOJIMA( Part: Sole author)

    RESEARCHGATE http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.10931.03360  2024.05

  • Report of the Secondary Analyais of Foreign Resident Survey Microdata (SSJ Data Archive Research Paper Series)

    Center for Social Research, Data Archive, Institute of Social, Science, The University of Tokyo (SSJDA rps, No.88)( Part: Contributor, pp.1-24 (Correlates of COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Infection among Foreign Residents))

    CSRDA, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo  2024.03

  • The Demography of Sexuality

    ( Part: Joint editor)

    2022.11 ISBN: 9784562092222

  • 数理社会学事典 = Encyclopedia of mathematical sociology

    数理社会学会数理社会学事典刊行委員会( Part: Contributor, 出産(再生産))

    丸善出版  2022.08 ISBN: 9784621306659

  • A Comparative History of Population Policies: Conflicts between Families and Administration

    Hiroshi Kojima, Hiroshi Kojima, Kiyosi Hirosima( Part: Joint editor)

    Nihon Keizai Hyoron  2019.09 ISBN: 9784818825352

     View Summary

    Authored the Introduction, "The Concept, Analytical Framework and Comparative History"

  • Encyclopedia of Population Science

    Population Association of Japan( Part: Contributor)

    Maruzen Publishing Co.  2018.11 ISBN: 9784621303078

     View Summary

    "Religious Demography"; "Projections by Characteristics: Race, Language and Religion"

  • Proceedings of the International Workshop on Halal Food Consumption in East and West (with Appendix of Survey Report)

    Institute for Asian Muslim Studies, Waseda University, Hiroshi KOJIMA) ed( Part: Edit)

    Institute for Asian Muslim Studies, Waseda University  2018.03 ISBN: 9784990740245

  • Report of the Survey on Muslim Students in Japan (2013-2014)

    KOJIMA, Hiroshi, Jin NODA, Hirofumi OKAI, Yukari SAI

    Institute for Asian Muslim Studies, Waseda University (Research Paper Series, Vol.4)  2015.02 ISBN: 9784990740238

  • 東亜的男女同居及其人口学意義

    小島 宏

    王偉(主編)『中日韓人口老齢化与老年人問題』中国社会科学出版社, pp.61-102.  2014.05 ISBN: 9787516141328

  • Variations in Islamic Faith and Practice among Muslim Immigrants: A Comparative Analysis of East Asia and Europe

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    Organization for Islamic Area Studies, Waseda University and Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya (eds.), Islam and Multiculturalism: Coexistence and Symbiosis, JSPS Asia and Africa Science Platform Program, Tokyo: Organization for Islamic Area Studies, Waseda University, pp.7-15  2014.03 ISBN: 9784904039816

  • 世界の宗教別人口のデータと将来推計

    小島 宏

    早瀬保子・小島宏編『世界の宗教と人口』原書房, pp.1-29.  2013.07

  • 日仏両国におけるカップル形成・出生行動とその関連要因

    小島 宏

    井上たか子編『フランス女性はなぜ結婚しないで子どもを産むのか』勁草書房, pp.29-57.  2012.10

  • 内外で利用可能なミクロデータと利用例

    小島 宏

    安藏伸治・小島宏編『ミクロ計量人口学』原書房, pp.25-47.  2012.04 ISBN: 9784562091836

  • Differences in Demographic Behaviors between Muslims and Non-Muslims in a Non-Muslim Society: A Case Study of Singapore

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    FUKAMI Naoko and SATO Shohei (eds.), Islam and Multiculturalism: Between Norms and Forms, JSPS Asia and Africa Science Platform Program, Tokyo: Organization for Islamic Area Studies, Waseda University, pp.63-70  2012.03 ISBN: 9784904039526

  • 中東・北アフリカ:イスラームと人口

    小島 宏

    早瀬保子・大淵寛編『世界主要国・地域の人口問題』原書房, pp.127-159  2010.09 ISBN: 9784562091706

  • アンケート調査結果3カ国比較

    小島 宏

    内閣府政策統括官(共生社会政策担当)(2009)『アジア地域(韓国、シンガポール、日本)における少子化対策の比較調査研究報告書』, pp.372-404  2009.11

  • おわりに:歴史人口学と家族史研究の架橋に貢献した人々

    小島 宏

    落合恵美子・小島宏・八木透(編)(2009)『歴史人口学と比較家族史』早稲田大学出版部, pp.333-335  2009.08 ISBN: 9784657097026

  • 外国からの移動

    小島 宏

    国立社会保障・人口問題研究所編『日本における近年の人口移動——第6回人口移動調査——』厚生統計協会, pp.43-48.  2009.04 ISBN: 9784875114154

  • Family Formation Behaviors of Couples in International Marriages: A Comparative Analysis of Japan and Taiwan

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    Hong-Zen Wang and Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (eds.), Cross-Border Marriages with Asian Characteristics. Taipei: Academia Sinica, pp.107-146.  2009 ISBN: 9789860221718

  • 日本・韓国・台湾における子どもの必要性意識と性別選好

    小島 宏

    谷岡一郎・仁田道夫・岩井紀子(編)『日本人の意識と行動 日本版総合的社会調査JGSSによる分析』東京大学出版会  2008.01 ISBN: 9784130561013

  • 結婚戦略 家族と階級の再生産

    ピエール・ブルデュー著, 丸山茂, 小島宏, 須田文明

    藤原書店  2007.12 ISBN: 9784894346055

  • L’augmentation rapide de population musulmane au Japon : une dynamique démographique

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    AIDELF (éd.), Les migrations internationales : observation, analyse et perspectives, AIDELF/PUF  2007.05 ISBN: 2952122032

  • Contexual Analysis of Allergies in Japan, Drawing on the JGSS-2002 and the PRTR Macro-Data

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    A. F. Militino et al. (eds.), International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA3), Pamplona, Spain, 27th, 28th, and 29th September 2006, Instituto de Estadistica de Navarra  2006.09 ISBN: 8497691393

  • Déterminants environnementaux de la santé infantile et maternelle dans les pays asiatiques

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    AIDELF (éd.), Enfants d’aujourd’hui: diversité des contextes, pluralité des parcours, AIDELF/PUF  2006.07 ISBN: 2952122016

  • 国際人口移動に関する世論と移民の社会的統合——ヨーロッパの経験

    小島 宏

    吉田良生・河野稠果(編)『国際人口移動の新時代』原書房  2006.05 ISBN: 4562091118

  • Population Decline and Its Demographic Correlates in Japan

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    Japan Foundation, NIRA, and EPC (eds.), The Second Japan-EU Think Tank Roundtable Report, Japan Foundation  2006.03

  • 日本における人口減少と人口関連現象

    小島 宏

    国際交流基金総合研究開発機構(NIRA)European Policy Centre (EPC) (編)『第2回日-EUシンクタンク円卓会議 報告書/The Second Japan-EU Think Tank Roundtable Report』国際交流基金 日本研究・知的交流部  2006.03

  • 日本と台湾における結婚行動の規定要因--NFRJ-S01とTSCS-2001の比較分析--

    小島 宏

    熊谷苑子・大久保孝治編『コーホート比較による戦後日本の家族変動の研究(全国調査「戦後日本の家族の歩み」報告書No.2)』 日本家族社会学会・全国家族調査(NFRJ)委員会  2005.05

  • Basic Skills, Thinking Skill, and Competencies of Skilled Workers: A Comparative Analysis of Thailand with East Asia and Other Southeast Asia Countries

    Kojima, Hiroshi

    Kua Wongboonsin, Philip Guest (eds.), The Demographic Dividend: Policy Options for Asia, College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, pp.129-170  2005.05 ISBN: 9741334656

  • アレルギー疾患の規定要因--JGSS-2002の予備的分析と探索的コンテクスチュアル分析--

    小島 宏

    大阪商業大学比較地域研究所編『日本版General Social Surveys研究論文集[4]JGSSで見た日本人の意識と行動』大阪商業大学比較地域研究所  2005.03

  • アジアの少子化と少子化対策

    小島 宏

    店田廣文編『アジアの少子高齢化と社会・経済発展』早稲田大学出版部  2005.02

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  • Changes in Faith and Health among Muslims during COVID-19 Pandemic

    Hiroshi Kojima

    51st BSPS (British Society for Population Studeis) Conference, 9-11 September, University of Bath (2024.09.10). 

    Presentation date: 2024.09

    Event date:
  • Past Sexual Victimization and Partnership Attitudes and Behaviors

    Hiroshi Kojima

    34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Family Sociology 

    Presentation date: 2024.09

    Event date:
  • 'Sexual Violence Victimization' and Health among College Students at the End of 20th Century

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 74th Spring Meeting of the Japan Society for Comparative Family History 

    Presentation date: 2024.06

    Event date:
  • Policy-Related Correlates of COVID-19 Infection among Foreign Residents in Japan (PO-85)

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 2024 EASP & FISS Joint Conference, June 13 & 14, 2024, Kyoto International Conference Center 

    Presentation date: 2024.06

    Event date:
  • Sexual Behaviors and 'Sexual Violence Victimization' among College Students at the End of 20th Century

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 76th Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2024.06

    Event date:
  • Changes in Religious Behaviors and Health among British Muslims during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Middle Eastern Studies 

    Presentation date: 2024.05

    Event date:
  • Why Is the Probability of Close Contact with the Infected High and Is the Probabilty of Infection Lower among Foreign Residents in Kansai Area?

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    FY2023 Kansai Regional Meeting of the Population Association of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2024.03

    Event date:
  • Response to COVID-19 and Religious Practices among British Muslims

    Hiroshi Kojima

    96th Annual Meetings of Japanese Sociological Society 

    Presentation date: 2023.10

    Event date:
  • Correlates of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Infection among Foreign Residents

    Hiroshi Kojima

    2023 Fist Meeting of the Eastern Japan Section of the Population Association of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 3-F Correlates of Infidelity among College Students: Faith, Friends and Family

    Hiroshi Kojima

    33rd Annual Meetings of the Japan Society for Family Sociology, Kobe University 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • Correlates of Vaccine Non-Uptake Among Younger Muslims in Britain during COVID-19 Pandemic

    Hiroshi Kojima

    XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia, June 25-July 1, 2023 

    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • Correlates of Infidelity among College Students at the End of 20th Century

    Hiroshi Kojima

    The 75th Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • Internet Use and Religious Behaviors among the Muslim Youth in Britain under Pandemic

    Hiroshi Kojima

    The 39th Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Middle East Studies 

    Presentation date: 2023.05

    Event date:
  • The Family-Related Correlates of Health among Younger British Muslims During the Pandemic

    Hiroshi KOJIMA  [Invited]

    The 75th Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, Ottemon University, Ibaraki City, 12-13 November 2022. 

    Presentation date: 2022.11

    Event date:
  • 英国ムスリム男女におけるコロナ・ワクチン接種躊躇の関連要因

    小島 宏

    日本人口学会 2022 年度第 1 回東日本地域部会 

    Presentation date: 2022.10

    Event date:
  • LGBT人口の意識・行動と関連要因:日米のミクロデータの比較

    小島 宏


    Presentation date: 2022.09

    Event date:
  • The Use of Internet and Islamic Practices in Britain During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The ESA-RN34 Biennial Conference 2022 “Religion in an Unstable World: Challenges, Transformations and Future Prospects,” Groningen, 13-15 July 2022 

    Presentation date: 2022.07

    Event date:
  • 英国のムスリム若年者における宗教関連行動とパンデミック対処行動

    小島 宏


    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • 英国のムスリム若者における宗教関連行動と健康

    小島 宏


    Presentation date: 2022.05

    Event date:
  • お試し同棲後婚夫婦と見極め同棲後婚夫婦はどう違うのか

    小島 宏

    日本人口学会 2021 年度第 1 回東日本地域部会 

    Presentation date: 2021.12

    Event date:
  • リスク回避意識は晩婚化をもたらすのか

    小島 宏


    Presentation date: 2021.11

    Event date:
  • 大学生の初交タイミングと健康、スピリチュアリティ、宗教

    小島 宏


    Presentation date: 2021.09

    Event date:
  • Correlates of Premarital Cohabitation Experience of Married Adults in Japan

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 5th Asian Population Association (APA) Conference, August 3-5, Jakarta, Indonesia 

    Presentation date: 2021.08

    Event date:
  • 会長講演:新旧のマルサス的実践と他の生殖関連要因

    小島 宏  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.06

    Event date:
  • ベルギーのムスリム若者における宗教実践と初婚タイミング

    小島 宏


    Presentation date: 2021.05

    Event date:
  • LGBT人口の意識・行動と関連要因:米国のLGBT調査ミクロデータの分析を中心に

    小島 宏


    Presentation date: 2020.12

    Event date:
  • 近年の日本における婚前同棲経験の関連要因

    小島 宏


    Presentation date: 2020.11

    Event date:
  • ベルギーのムスリム移民二世男性における宗教実践への学校関連要因の影響

    小島 宏


    Presentation date: 2020.10

    Event date:
  • Correlates of Premarital Cohabitation and Their Changes

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Family Sociology  (Online (Tohoku University))  Japan Society of Family Sociology

    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • 近年日本における『婚前同棲』の動向とその関連要因

    小島 宏


    Presentation date: 2019.11

    Event date:
  • Correlates of Sexual Orientation and Behaviors among theThai Youth

    Hiroshi Kojima

    92nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society  (Tokyo Christian Women's University)  Japan Sociological Society

    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • A Meta Analysis of the Effects of Religion on Family Policies

    Hiroshi Kojima

    29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Family Sociology  (Port Island Campus, Kobe Gakuin University)  Japan Society for Family Sociology

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • The Effects of Siblings on the Religiosity among Muslim Youth in Belgium: Does the Migrant Generation Matter?

    Hiroshi Kojima

    14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Manchester, 20th - 23rd August, 2019  (Manchester)  European Sociological Association

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Correlates of the First Marriage Timing among the Muslim Youth in Belgium

    Hiroshi Kojima

    71st Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan  (Kagawa University)  Population Association of Japan

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • Correlates of Religious Practices among the Muslim Youth in Belgium: An Analysis Focusing on the Effects of Sibling Configuration

    Hiroshi Kojima

    35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Middle Eastern Studies  (Akita University)  Japan Association for Middle Eastern Studies

    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • The Changes in the Correlates of Religious Dietary Restrictions among the Muslim Youth

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 91st Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society  (Kobe)  Tjhe Japan Sociological Society

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • Changes in the Correlates of Religious Dietary Restrictions among the First- and Second-Generation Muslim Youth in France.

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    ESA RN 34 - Mid-term Conference “Religions and Identities in the European Migration Crisis,” August - 1 September 2018, University of Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Turin, Italy  (Italy) 

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • The Effects of Siblings on the Dietary Integration of the Second-Generation Muslim Youth in Europe

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The ASA 113th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August 11-14, 2018  (Philadelphia Philadelphia)  American Sociological Association

    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Demographic Correlates of Religious Dietary Restrictions among First- and Second-Generation Muslims in France in the Early 1990s the 4th Asian Population Association Conference, 11-14 July, 2018, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China (2018.7.13).

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 4th Asian Population Association Conference, 11-14 July, 2018, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China  (Shanghai)  The Asian Population Association

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • Correlates of the Use of Family Policy Measures in Japan and Korea: Comparative Analysis of the 2005 and 2009 Survey Data.(2018.7.12).

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 4th Asian Population Association Conference, 11-14 July, 2018, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China  (Shanghai)  The Asian Population Association

    Presentation date: 2018.07

  • The Concepts, Theories and Comparative History of Fertility and Family Policies

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 63th Spring Meeting of the Japan Society for Comparative Family History  (Okayama)  The Japan Society for Comparative Family History

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Changes in the Correlates of Religious Dietary REstrictions among Firs- and Second-Generation Muslim Migrants

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 70th Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan  (Urayasu)  The Population Association of Japan

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • The Dietary Restrictions among the First- and Second-Generation Muslim Migrantsin France in the late 2000s

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Middle Eastern Studies  (Tokyo)  The Japan Association for Middle Eastern Studies

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • The Correlates of Wearing Religious Symbols among Muslim Migrants and Their Descendants in France

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    2017 Eastern Japan Regional Meeting of the Population Association of Japan  (Sapporo)  The Population Association of Japan

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • The Correlates of Religious Dietary Restrictions among First- and Second-Generation Muslim Migrants in France in the early 1990s

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 90th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society  (Tokyo)  The Japan Sociological Society

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Changes in the Correlates of Dietary Behaviors among Second-Generation Muslims in France: Re-Islamization or Demographic Changes?, Seoul, Korea (2017.9.23).

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    the 2017 International Conference of the Korean Association of the Middle East Studies, 22-24 September 2017  The Korean Association of the Middle East Studies

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • The Family-Related Correlates of the Religious Dietary Restrictions among the Second-Generation Muslim Migrants

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Family Sociology  (Kyoto)  The Japan Society for Family Sociology

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 'Third Demographic Transition’ and the Changes in Correlates of Religious Dietary Restrictions among Second-Generation Muslims in France

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The British Society for Population Studies 2017 Conference, University of Liverpool, 6-8 September 2017  (Liverpool)  The British Society for Population Studies

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • Sibling Configuration and Dietary “Re-islamization” among Second-Generation Muslim Youth in Europe

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, Greece, 29 Aug. - 01 Sept. 2017  (Athens)  European Sociological Association

    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • The Effects of Media Use on Dietary Integration among Muslim Youth in Europe

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    American Sociological Association 112th Annual Meeting  (Montreal)  American Sociological Association

    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • "Third Demographic Transition" in France and Changes in the Dietary Restrictions among the Second-Generation Muslim Migrants in France

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    The 69th Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Japan  (Sendai)  The Population Association of Japan

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Koran Lessons during Childhood and Islamic Dietary Restrictions among Second-Generation Muslim Youth in Western Europe

    Hiroshi KOJIMA


    Presentation date: 2017.05

  • ICT Use and Halal Food Consumption among Muslim Youth in the European Sharing Economy

    Hiroshi Kojima

    3rd Halal Marketing and Tourism Research Symposium  (Christchurch)  University of Canterbury

    Presentation date: 2016.12

  • Changes in the Use of Family Policy Measures in Japan and Korea

    Hiroshi Kojima

    5th CIFA Regional Symposium 2016  (Seoul)  CIFA

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • New and Old Media and Halal Food Consumption among European Muslim Youth: Implications for Globalized Food Processing Industries

    Hiroshi Kojima

    15th International Conference of the Japan Economic Policy Association  (Onuma, Hokkaido)  Japan Economic Policy Association

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • Halal food consumption among Muslim migrants in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan

    Hiroshi Kojima

    2016 International Metropolis Conference  (Hokkaido)  International Metropolis

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 西欧ムスリム移民二世の卒業小中学校における生徒の出自別構成と食行動の「再イスラーム化

    小島 宏

    日本社会学会第89回大会  (福岡)  日本社会学会

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 西欧のムスリム移民二世における兄弟姉妹構成とハラール食品消費行動

    小島 宏

    第26回日本家族社会学会大会  (東京)  日本家族社会学会

    Presentation date: 2016.09

  • Dietary ‘Re-islamization’ among Second-Generation Muslim Youth in Europe: Do Birth Order and Sibship Size Matter?

    Hiroshi Kojima

    18th Nordic Migration Conference  (Oslo)  Nordic Migration Society

    Presentation date: 2016.08

  • International Migration and the Employment of ‘Workers’ By Farm Households in Japan

    Hiroshi Kojima

    3rd ISA Forum of Sociology  (Vienna)  ISA

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Families, Friends or Foods?: Correlates of Integration and Wellbeing Among Muslim Immigrants in East Asia

    Hiroshi Kojima

    3rd ISA Forum of Sociology  (Vienna)  ISA

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • Cohabitation and Family Formation in Asia and Europe

    Hiroshi Kojima

    CRFR International Conference “Unequal Families and Relationships”  CRFR (Edinburgh University)

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • The Effects of Transnational Family on Halal Food Consumption among Muslim Immigrants in East Asia

    Hiroshi Kojima

    CRFR International Conference “Unequal Families and Relationships”  (Edinburgh)  CRFR (Edinburgh University)

    Presentation date: 2016.06

  • Internet Use and Dietary Integration of Second-Generation Muslim Youth in Europe

    Hiroshi Kojima

    IUSSP Seminar on Social Media and Demographic Research: Applications and Implications  (Cologne)  IUSSP

    Presentation date: 2016.05

  • The Effects of Cohabitation on Family Formation in Asia and Europe

    Hiroshi KOJIMA

    Dutch Demography Day 2015  (Utrecht)  Netherlands Demographic Society

    Presentation date: 2015.11

     View Summary

    This study presents the results from a comparative analysis of the effects of premarital cohabitation on the timing of family formation in Asia and Europe, applying proportional hazard models to microdata from the 2009 (Japan, South Korea and Singapore) and 2005 (Japan, South Korea, France, Sweden and the U.S.) surveys on family policy, which were conducted by the Cabinet Office (Japanese Government). The results reveal that premarital cohabitation tends to have positive (hastening) effects on the timing of marriage and childbearing among Japanese men and women as well as Singaporean women, but negative effects on the timing of childbearing among Korean men and women. While premarital cohabitation tends to have negative (delaying) effects on the timing of childbearing among male and female college graduates in Japan and female college graduates in Singapore, it tends to have positive effects among male college graduates in South Korea. Premarital cohabitation has positive effects on the timing of marriage and childbearing among French men and Swedish men and women. It also has a positive effect on the timing of marriage among French women including college graduates and a negative effect on the timing of marriage among Swedish male college graduates.

  • Transnational Family and Halal Food Consumption among Muslim International Students

    The 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 25-28 August, Prague 

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • Religion and Health in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis of the EASS2010

    The 3rd APA International Conference, 27-30 July, 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • Household Structure and Halal Food Consumption among Muslim Immigrants in East Asia

    The 3rd APA International Conference, 27-30 July, 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 農家における家族構成と労働力雇用:2010年農林業センサス個票の分析結果


    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • 農家における農業労働力雇用と国際人口移動


    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 滞日ムスリム留学生のトランスナショナルな家族とハラール食品消費行動


    Presentation date: 2015.05

  • Correlates of Halal Food Consumption in Japan, Korea and Taiwan: with Special Reference to the Effects of Transnational Family

    The 10th Conference of Asian Federation of Middle East Studies Associations (AFMA), Kyoto University, December 13-14, 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014.12

  • 東アジアのムスリム移動者のトランスナショナルな家族とハラール食品消費行動

    日本社会学会第87回大会、 神戸大学 

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 滞日ムスリム留学生における世帯構成とハラール食品消費行動


    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Halal Food Consumption among Muslim Migrants in Tokyo, Seoul, and Taipei Metropolitan Areas

    World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES4), Ankara, 18-22 August 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014.08

  • Halal Food Consumption among Muslim Migrants in Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei and a Chinese City: A Comparative Analysis of Correlates

    XVIII World Congress of Sociology, Pacifico Yokohama 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Correlates of Work Behaviors among Muslim Migrants in Japan, South Korean and Taiwan

    XVIII World Congress of Sociology, Pacifico Yokohama 

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • 東アジアにおける宗教と健康——EASS2010の比較分析——


    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • 西欧と日本におけるイスラーモフォビアの比較分析


    Presentation date: 2014.05

  • Halal Food Consumption among Muslim Migrants in East Asia

    International Symposium “Halal Food Consumption in Western Europe and East Asia,” Waseda University, Tokyo, 4 March 2014 

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • The Effects of Religion on Fertility-Related Attitudes in Japan, South Korea and Singapore

    International Conference on Discrepancies between Behavior and Attitudes toward Marriage and Fertility in Asia, 13-14 February 2014, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore 

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • Variations in the Islamic Faith and Practice among Muslim Immigrants: A Comparative Analysis of East Asia and Europe

    International Seminar on Islam and Multiculturalism: Coexistence and Symbiosis, 20 -21 December 2013, Waseda University 

    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • 中国と台湾のムスリムにおけるイスラーム信仰・実践とその関連要因の比較分析


    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • Correlates of Halal Food Consumption Behaviors among Muslim Migrants in East Asia

    Colloque International, <<Vous avez dit halal? Normativites Islamiques, Mondialisation, Secularisation >>, College de France, Paris, 7-8 Novembre 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • ムスリム人口に対する意識の関連要因—日欧の比較分析—


    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 在日・在韓・在台のムスリム移動者における就業行動の関連要因


    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • 東アジア諸国における同棲状態の関連要因——EASSミクロデータの分析結果を中心に——


    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Premarital Cohabitation and the Timing of Family Formation in East Asia and the West

    27th IUSSP International Population Conference, BEXCO, Busan, August 26-31, 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • Correlates of Cross-Border Marriages among Muslim Migrants in Tokyo, Seoul and Taipei

    ISA RC41 (Sociology of Population) Side Meeting of the IUSSP Population Conference, BEXCO, Busan, 26 August 2013 

    Presentation date: 2013.08

  • 東アジアにおける宗教と出生関連意識


    Presentation date: 2013.06

  • 滞日ムスリムにおける第2世代教育に関する意識・行動の関連要因


    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • "Religion and the Use of Family Policy Measures in Japan, South Korea and Singapore"

    International Conference on Demographic and Institutional Changes in Global Families, March 28-30, Academia Sinica, Taipei 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • 日韓のムスリム移入者における宗教実践の関連要因


    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • アジア3カ国における家族政策関連制度利用の規定要因


    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • Religion and the Timing of Family Formation in East Asia

    The 2012 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of Korea, BEXCO, Busan, 7-8 September 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • Partnership Status and Attitudes toward Family Policies in Japan, South Korea and Singapore

    The 2nd Asian Population Association Conference, Bangkok, 26-29 August 2012 

    Presentation date: 2012.08

  • 東アジアにおける宗教とパートナーシップ形成


    Presentation date: 2012.06

  • 日韓のムスリム移動者におけるハラール食品消費行動の関連要因


    Presentation date: 2012.05

  • Religion and Partnership Behaviors in Japan, South Korea and Singapore: A Comparative Analysis focusing on the Effects of Religion by Age

    40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (IIS), 16-19 February, New Delhi 

    Presentation date: 2012.02

  • Family Formation Behaviors of Muslims and Non-Muslims in Singapore

    The 2011 Thai National Symposium on Population Studies, 16 - 17, February 2012, Twin Towers Hotel, Bangkok 

    Presentation date: 2012.02

  • Differences in Demographic Behaviors between Muslims and Non-Muslims in a Non-Muslim Society: a Case Study of Singapore

    International Seminar on Islam and Multiculturalism: Between Norms and Forms, 26 -27 November 2011, Waseda University 

    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • 日仏におけるカップル形成・出生行動とその関連要因


    Presentation date: 2011.11

  • Correlates of Cross-Border Marriages among Muslim Migrants in Tokyo Metropolitan Area

    IUSSP Seminar on Global Perspectives on Marriage and International Migration, Seoul, 20-21 October 2011 

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • 東アジアにおける同棲とその人口学的意味


    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • Religion and Attitudes toward Family Policies in Japan, South Korea and Singapore

    ISA RC06 – CFR Kyoto Seminar 2011 on Reconstruction of Intimate and Public Spheres in a Global Perspective, Kyoto University, September 12th – 14th, 2011 

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 日韓における健康と家族形成—EASS2010の比較分析—


    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • The Effects of Premarital Cohabitation on Family Formation Behaviors in East Asia and the West

    58th World Statistical Congress of the International Statistical Institute (ISI 2011), Dublin, 21-16 August 2011 

    Presentation date: 2011.08

  • 結婚促進政策への態度の規定要因——東アジアを中心とする比較分析——


    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • シンガポールにおける家族形成行動のムスリム・非ムスリム間の差異」(2011.5.22)


    Presentation date: 2011.05

  • 日本人の移入の関連要因


    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • Cross-Border Marriage and Work Behavior among Male Muslim Migrants in Japan

    Asian Population Association Conference 2010, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, 16-20 November 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • Correlates of Cohabitation and Their Policy Implications in Japan, South Korea and Singapore

    Asian Population Association Conference 2010, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, 16-20 November 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • Comparative Analysis of Cohabitation in East Asia and in the West

    Invited Lecture at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 16 November 2010 

    Presentation date: 2010.11

  • 社会的排除とパートナー関係形成——東アジアと欧米の比較分析——


    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • Variations in Islamic Faith and Practice among Muslim Immigrants: A Comparative Analysis of Europe and Japan

    105th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 14-17, 2009, Atlanta 

    Presentation date: 2010.08

  • Determinants of Islamic Religiosity among Muslim Immigrants in Japan and Europe

    World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, Barcelona, July 19th – 24th, 2010 

    Presentation date: 2010.07

  • 日本、韓国、シンガポールにおけるパートナー関係の関連要因


    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • ムスリム移民におけるイスラーム信仰・実践の規定要因——日欧比較分析——


    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • 東アジア・欧米諸国における同棲とその関連要因ーー少子化対策への含意ーー


    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • アジアの少子化と人口政策


    Presentation date: 2009.11

  • Determinants of Islamic Beliefs and Practices of Muslim Migrants in Japan

    XXVI International Population Conference, 27 September- 2 October 2009, Marrakech, Morocco 

    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • 同棲の規定要因


    Presentation date: 2009.10

  • A Comparative Analysis of Variations in Islamic Faith and Practice among Muslim Immigrants in Europe and Japan

    9th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 02-05 September 2009, Lisboa, Portugal 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • 東アジアにおける就業と家族形成——ミクロデータの比較分析——


    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • Determinants of Attitudes toward Immigration among Europeans and Japanese, drawing on the ESS-2002/2003 and the JGSS-2003

    XXVI International Population Conference, 27 September- 2 October 2009, Marrakech, Morocco 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • Determinants of Family Status among Muslim Migrants in Tokyo Metropolitan Area

    104th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 8-11, 2009, San Francisco 

    Presentation date: 2009.08

  • 宗教別人口推計方法の比較


    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • マレーシア人ムスリム元留学生の滞日中の宗教実践


    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • Citizenship Implications of Pronatalistic Family Policies in Japan

    International Conference, "Contested Citizenship in East Asia," Seoul, May 28-29, 2009 

    Presentation date: 2009.05

  • 在日ムスリムにおける就業行動の規定要因


    Presentation date: 2008.11

  • Family Formation of ‘Foreign Brides’ in Japan and Taiwan: A Comparative Analysis of Two Types of Censuses

    SARs 2008 Conference, “Census Microdata: Findings and Future,” University of Manchester, 1-3 September 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • A Comparative Analysis of Determinants of Environmental Attitudes in Four Capitals in East Asia

    First ISA Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, Spain, September 5-8, 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • Globalization of “Labor” in Japan and Taiwan: A Comparative Analysis of Family Formation in Internationally Married Couples

    First ISA Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, Spain, September 5-8, 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • Determinants of Religious Beliefs and Practices of Muslim Migrants in Tokyo Metropolitan Area

    First ISA Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, Spain, September 5-8, 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes toward Children in East Asia

    CFR Conference, “Family Diversity and Gender,” ISCSP, Lisbon, Portugal, September 9-13 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • Gendered Determinants of Allergies in Japanese Families

    CFR Conference, “Family Diversity and Gender,” ISCSP, Lisbon, Portugal, September 9-13 

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • 在日ムスリムにおける配偶関係の規定要因


    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • 在日ムスリムにおける宗教実践の規定要因


    Presentation date: 2008.05

  • Determinants of Environmental Attitudes in Four Capitals in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis

    The 3rd East Asian Symposium on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Hitotsubashi University, February 19-21, 2008 

    Presentation date: 2008.02

  • 日本・韓国・台湾における子どもの必要性意識と性別選好--JGSS、KNFS、TSCSの比較分析--


    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 東アジア4首都における環境関連意識の規定要因——東アジア環境意識比較調査の比較分析——


    Presentation date: 2007.10

  • A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes toward Immigration among Europeans and Japanese, drawing on the ESS-2002/2003 and JGSS-2003

    The 8th European Sociological Association Conference, Glasgow, 3-6 September 2007 

    Presentation date: 2007.09

  • A Comparative Analysis of Fertility-Related Attitudes in Japan, Korea and Taiwan

    EASS Symposium on East Asian Societies and the Family, July 17, 2007, Hong Kong 

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • アジアの少子化と政策対応


    Presentation date: 2007.06

  • 有配偶の外国人「ムスリム」男性とその妻の労働供給——2000年国勢調査個票の分析——


    Presentation date: 2007.05

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Research Projects

  • Religio-Demographic Study of Religious Practices among Muslim Minorities in Western Europe

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Change of Japanese Agriculture due to Introduction of Foreign Labors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 滞日ムスリム・コミュニティの地域社会活動と地方自治体の多文化共生政策の課題

    Project Year :


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  • 滞日ムスリムの生活世界の変容とムスリム・コミュニティの持続的発展

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    2015年から2016年にかけて、ヨーロッパでのテロ事件、またバングラデシュでの日本人が犠牲になったテロ事件などが頻発し、滞日ムスリムの意識調査を実施する環境としては最悪の状況となった。このため、調査の企画を練り直し、モスクが所在する自治体を対象とするアンケート調査を実施すること、および、イスラーム団体の活動が活性化している現状があることから、それらの団体を対象とするインタビュー調査や参与観察的な調査をおこなうこととして、調査研究を実施した。<BR>前者については、愛知県の新安城モスクが所在する安城市の市役所におけるインタビュー調査を実施した。このモスクはイスラム団体の主要活動拠点であり、多くのムスリムが往来する中部地方の拠点であるが、ムスリムが行政の関心対象としては、十分把握されておらず、ほぼ接触がないことが明らかになった。また宮崎市を訪問し、当地の多文化共生政策やムスリムと行政との交流の現状について、インタビュー調査をおこなった。宮崎市でもムスリムの存在は、認知しているが、主たる政策の対象としてはあがっていない状況が明らかであった。日本各地のモスク所在自治体の状況もほぼ同様と思われる。後者については、東京都のお花茶屋モスク・蒲田モスク・大塚モスク、埼玉県の一ノ割モスク、群馬県の境町モスクと関係先のダールッサラーム学院・オリーブ学院などにおいて、インタビュー調査を実施し、タブリーギー・ジャマアートの活動が活発におこなわれていることが確認できた。<BR>欧州評議会の「インターカルチュラル・シティ」のセミナー「Tackling prejudice and engaging with religious minorities」に、岡井助手が出席し、日本のムスリム社会と偏見や差別、多文化共生の現状について報告し、意見交換した。また中国の寧夏大学でも店田が研究発表をおこない、意見交換した。滞日ムスリムの生活世界に関するアンケート調査の実施を主たる目的として来たが、2015年から2016年にかけて、ヨーロッパでのテロ事件、またバングラデシュでの日本人が犠牲になったテロ事件などが頻発し、滞日ムスリムの意識調査を実施する環境としては最悪の状況となった。このため、調査の企画を練り直し、モスクが所在する自治体を対象とする外国人政策、とりわけ多文化共生政策に焦点を絞って、その策定状況やムスリムを対象とする政策の有無や課題について、アンケート調査を実施する方向に転換することとした。もう一方では、近年、イスラーム団体の活動が活性化している現状があることから、それらの団体を対象とするインタビュー調査や参与観察的な調査をおこなうことと企画するなど、以上のように、調査研究の方針を変更したことが主な理由である。調査研究の方針変更にともない、モスク所在自治体のうち、いくつかを抽出して、行政の多文化共生政策やムスリムとの交流の現状を,インタビューすると同時に、郵送調査によって、モスクが所在するすべての自治体を対象として、各自治体の政策の現状と課題、ムスリムやモスクの認知や接触交流の現状と課題について、アンケート調査を実施する予定である。この調査とは別に、イスラム団体、とりわけタブリーギー・ジャマアートの構造や活動の現状と課題について、主にインタビュー調査を実施する予定である。今年度は、地方自治体の多文化共生政策に関する調査のため、いくつかの地方自治体のインタビュー調査をおこなう。このための国内旅費として使用する予定である

  • ムスリム・マイノリティのハラール食品消費行動の関連要因:東アジアと西欧の比較研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


  • Survey on conciousness of Muslims living in Japan and Reconsideration of multicultural policies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANADA Hirofumi, OKAI Hirofumi, KOJIMA Hiroshi, MURATA Hisashi

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    We have conducted Social Surveys on Muslims living in Japan since 2005. We published research papers and made academic presentations, making use of the analysis of the results of these surveys. At the end of this research project, we conducted summarization of our researches and surveys on Muslims, Mosques in Japan as of 2013-2014. It was published as a book named "Mosques in Japan: Social Activities by Muslims in Japan"(Yamakawa Shuppan sha,2015,112p).We also held "Meeting of Representatives of Masjids in Japan" in 2013,2014 and 2015. These are important acitivities for formation of mutual relationships between Muslim communities and Japanese communities

  • 農業の労働力調達と労働市場開放の論理

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

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    〔研究成果〕 以上の研究によって得られた成果は、日本農業経済学会や農村計画学会などの学会報告・学会誌において公表されたほか、全農林労働組合刊『農村と都市をむすぶ』748号(2014年2月)の特集「農業における外国人労働者問題」で公表した。また、2013年度堀口科研報告書として、2013年度の研究成果について刊行する予定である。

  • Coexistence of Muslims and Non-Muslims in East Asia: A Comparative Study on the Acculturation of Life Styles

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    This study focused on the acculturation of life styles (in the four dimensions of family, religious group, economic activity, and education) through the transcultural interaction between Muslim minority and non-Muslim majority in East Asian societies and aimed at clarifying the situation and challenges of coexistence of Muslims and non-Muslims in these societies. The results of cross-national, historical and institutional analyses suggest that local-level integration policies or multicultural coexistence policies based on the situation in each local community are preferable to the national-level unitary integration policy in Japan, where Muslim minority population is small but diverse and non-Muslim majority population is also diverse in terms of the interaction with Muslims.

  • Evaluation of Policies for Multi-cultural Society toward Muslim communities in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANADA Hirofumi, KOJIMA Hiroshi, MURATA Hisashi

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    We conducted two social surveys in Gifu city, Gifu Prefecture and Imizu city, Toyama Prefecture to assess the attitudes and perceptions of non-Muslim Japanese citizens toward Islam and Muslims within their local communities. Then we published research papers and made academic presentations according to the analysis of the results of these surveys. We also held the second, third and fourth "Meeting of Representatives of Masjids in Japan" in 2010, 2011 and 2012.These are important activities for formation of mutual relationships between Muslim communities and Japanese communities.

  • Socio-economic Activities and Religious Network of Muslims living in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TANADA Hirofumi, KOJIMA Hiroshi, MURATA Hisashi

  • 非イスラム圏におけるムスリム人口の社会統合-ミクロデータに基づく国際比較研究-

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Overseas Activities

  • ムスリム・マイノリティのハラール食品消費行動の関連要因:東アジアと西欧の比較研究


    ベルギー   ゲント大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • カップル形成促進政策の効果に関する国際比較研究(2)


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    まず、SRHR政策を含む性的パートナーシップ形成過程の関連要因に関する文献サーベイを行い、寄稿した(小島 2022a)。その過程でcasual sexが近年の日本で少なからず行われていることが判明したため、大学生の「浮気」に関する多変量解析を行い、結果を来年度に報告する予定である(小島 2023予定)。次に、日米のLGBT調査のミクロデータを用いて家族形成行動の関連要因の多変量解析を行い(小島 2022d)、学会報告をするとともに編著の一章として寄稿した(小島 2022b)。他方、性的パートナーシップ形成過程も含む生殖(再生産)過程に関する出産モデルについて事典の一項目として執筆した(小島 2022c)。

  • カップル形成促進政策の効果に関する国際比較研究


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    まず、結婚形成促進施策を含む、結婚形成過程の関連要因に関する文献サーベイを行い、展望論文を学会誌に寄稿した(小島2021a)。また、引き続き、明治安田生命総合研究所調査ミクロデータを用いた、婚前同棲の関連要因多変量解析結果とともに結婚形成促進施策の潜在的効果に関する含意について内外の学会で報告した(小島 2021e, 2021f, Kojima 2021)。さらに、大学生の性行動調査の分析から未婚カップル形成の政策関連要因について検討した(小島2021c, 2021d)。そして、日米のLGBT調査のミクロデータを用いて家族形成行動の関連要因の多変量解析を行い、編著の一章として寄稿する。

  • 出生・家族政策の効果に関する国際比較研究(3)


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     明治安田生命総合研究所調査ミクロデータを用いた、婚前同棲の関連要因とその変化の多変量解析結果とともに婚活支援施策の潜在的効果に関する多変量解析結果を学会で報告した(小島 2000b, 2000d)。また、主として昨年度の研究成果であるが、同じデータのクロス表分析に基づく同棲後婚の男女の育児支援施策に対する潜在的ニーズや婚活支援施策の効果を含む予備的分析結果が刊行された(小島 2000a)。さらに、米国のLGBTの関連要因を研究会で報告した(小島 2020e)。なお、他の参加学会では西欧の国際人口移動政策関係の報告をした(小島 2020c)。出生・家族政策全般の情報収集・文献収集も進めた。

  • 出生・家族政策の効果に関する国際比較研究(2)


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    内閣府調査ミクロデータを用いた、出生・家族政策の効果に関する分析結果を共編著『人口政策の比較史』の序章(小島2019b)で紹介し、結婚促進政策に特化した研究成果を学会で報告した(小島 2019c)。また、明治安田生命総合研究所調査ミクロデータを用いた、同棲後婚の男女の育児支援施策に対するニーズを含む予備的分析結果を研究会で報告し(小島2019d)、婚活支援施策の効果に関する分析結果を内外の学会で報告予定である。なお、他の内外の参加学会では西欧の国際人口移動政策関係の報告をしたが(小島2019a, Kojima 2019)、学会大会と現地調査では出生・家族政策全般の情報収集・文献収集を進めた。

  • 出生・家族政策の効果に関する国際比較研究:内閣府ミクロデータを中心とする実証分析


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    本研究では出生・家族政策の効果に関する国際比較研究の一環として内閣府「アジア地域における少子化対策の比較調査」付帯調査等のミクロデータの比較実証分析を行いKojima (2018a)として国外学会で報告した。また、文献研究としては国内学会でシンポジウム組織者として報告した(小島 2018)。それに基づく序章を含む『人口政策』という書物(小島・廣嶋 2019)を編集中で、2019年秋には刊行予定である。出生・家族政策全般の文献研究は大きく進めたものの、国際人口移動政策の文献研究・実証研究を並行して進めたため(Kojima 2018b, c, d, 小島 2019)、効果に関する実証研究が深化しなかった。

  • ミクロデータによる宗教と人口に関する国際比較研究(3)


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    本研究では宗教と人口・家族政策の関係については内閣府「アジア地域における少子化対策の比較調査」付帯調査のミクロデータを比較分析し、結果をKojima (2018b)として国外の学会で報告予定である。また、文献研究としては小島(2018)として学会報告予定である。国際人口移動者の社会統合政策については欧州のTIES調査のミクロデータを比較分析し、結果をKojima (2017) として刊行し、日韓台ムスリム移民比較調査のミクロデータと欧州のMGIS調査とMHSM調査のミクロデータを用いて国際人口移動と宗教の関係についての比較分析をし、結果をKojima (2018a)として刊行した。

  • ミクロデータによる宗教と人口に関する国際比較研究(2)


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    本研究では結婚、家族、健康については内閣府「アジア地域における少子化対策の比較調査」付帯調査のミクロデータを分析してKojima (2016a, 2016c)として国外で学会報告し、東アジア社会調査のミクロデータを分析して小島(2016a)として刊行した。また、国際人口移動については日韓台ムスリム移民比較調査のミクロデータを分析し、Kojima (2016b)として国外の学会で報告した。さらに、在外研究中に利用可能となった欧州のTIESとTeO調査のミクロデータを用いた国際人口移動と宗教の関係に関する研究を実施し、分析結果を小島(2016b)として内外の学会で報告した。

  • ミクロデータによる宗教と人口に関する国際比較研究


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    本研究では結婚、健康については内閣府「アジア地域における少子化対策の比較調査」付帯調査、東アジア社会調査のミクロデータを分析し、Kojima (2015a, 2015b)として学会報告した。国際人口移動については日韓台ムスリム移民比較調査や滞日ムスリム留学生調査のミクロデータを分析し、小島(2015)として国内の学会で報告した。また、内閣府調査のとムスリム移民比較調査の分析結果を6月にCRFR 国際会議で報告する。さらに、在外研究開始後に利用可能となった欧州のTIES、MGIS、TeO調査のミクロデータを用いた国際人口移動と宗教の関係に関する研究に着手し、分析結果を内外の学会等で報告する。

  • ムスリム・マイノリティのハラール食品消費行動の関連要因:東アジアと西欧の比較研究

    2014   岡井 宏文

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    &nbsp;本研究では東アジア・西欧各国のムスリム・マイノリティのハラール食品消費行動について定量的・定性的分析を行った。定量的分析としては先行研究で実施された東アジア調査データの二次分析(小島 2014a, Kojima 2014a,2014b)、特に滞日ムスリム留学生調査データの分析を行い(小島 2014b, Kojima 2014c)、その結果の一部を調査報告書(Kojimaet al. 2015)に反映させた。定性的分析としては東アジア・西欧に関する文献・史料研究に重点を置いて実施した。以上の分析結果を学会等で報告し、研究会(森一橋大学准教授)等を開催するとともに科研費申請のための準備を行った。&nbsp;

  • 東アジアの人的資源開発における早稲田大学の役割


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     本研究では韓国・台湾における人的資源開発に対する早大の寄与を定量的に明らかにするための予備的研究として、台湾で約20名の台湾人校友に対する面接調査を行うとともに、1993年韓国校友会名簿と2001年韓国校友会名簿をつき合わせて名寄せをし、韓国人校友の職業経歴を明らかにすることにより、韓国人・台湾人校友の人的資源形成に対する早大留学の効果を探ることを試みた。また、台湾・韓国訪問により各国校友会の協力を得て、既存の帰国留学生調査や台湾人校友の面接結果を踏まえて設計した調査票を用いた「早稲田大学の韓国・台湾校友の留学・仕事に関する比較調査」を実施した。成功者だけを定性的に研究するのではなく、各国の校友全体と対比しながら代表性のある客観的な形で早大卒業の個人や社会への寄与を定量的に明らかにすることを目指した。 しかし、2003年に法人化された台湾校友会は積極的に加入した校友しか入会していないため、会員が高い社会経済的地位の校友や日本と関連がある仕事をしている校友に偏っており、名簿を用いた客観的な定量分析が難しいことが判明した。また、同様の理由で面接に応じてくれた台湾人校友も校友会役員を中心とする経営者、自営業者、日系企業勤務者に偏っていたため、面接結果を一般化しにくいことも明らかになった。さらに、基になった1990年の早大校友名簿の問題であるが、1993年韓国校友会名簿に掲載された古い校友は必ずしも存命中でなく、2001年名簿に記載されていない場合が多いし、記載されていても高齢で同じ勤務先等が記載されている場合が多いことも判明した。その上、2001年名簿で氏名や職業が初出の比較的新しい校友も多く、2時点の職業がわかる校友が少ないし、両方に職業が掲載された校友は高齢者や大学関係者に偏っていることも明らかになった。以上の結果、両国において職業経歴を客観的に定量分析するのが難しいことが判明した。なお、校友比較調査は2月末から3月初めに着手されたため、まだ調査票が回収されていないが、調査票を返送する校友の属性にも偏りがある可能性が強い。

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