Education Background
University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering
University of Tokyo Faculty of Liberal Arts
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/13
University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering
University of Tokyo Faculty of Liberal Arts
Journalism Practitioners' Forum Chairman
FactCheck Initiative Japan Chairman
石橋湛山記念早稲田ジャーナリズム大賞 選考委員
Japan Society for Journalism and Mass Communications Editorial committee member
国立国会図書館 客員調査員
Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies Chairman of the 8th Annual Research Conference
一般財団法人・山本美香記念財団 理事
文部科学省独立行政法人評価委員会 臨時委員
Japanese Association of Science & Technology Journalists Director
日本記者クラブ 企画委員
Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies
Japan Association for Media, Journalism and Communication Studies
Journalism studies, Fact checking, Information Literacy, STS, Environment and Media
Science Journalsit Award 2017
2017.05 Japanese Association of Science & Technology Journalists For his book, "The Truth of Science Reporting: Journalism and the Mass Media Community" (Chikuma Shobo)
Winner: Shiro SEGAWA
瀬川 至朗
新聞研究 ( 865 ) 24 - 27 2024.06 [Invited]
企業も学びへの挑戦の後押しを : メディア実務者のリカレント教育は成功したか—ジャーナリズム教育の現在地
瀬川 至朗
新聞研究 / 日本新聞協会 [編] ( 841 ) 28 - 31 2022.01
From Trust Me to Show Me: Reviewing the "Mass Media Community"
Journalism ( 366 ) 34 - 41 2020.11
What is Needed of Newspapers Today: An Analysis of the News Reporting about Covid-19
( 285 ) 17 - 22 2020.10
How the Media Confront Hoaxes : Strengthening Fact-Checking for Democracy
( 826 ) 24 - 27 2020.07
Kentaro NAGAI, Shiro SEGAWA
Environmental information science 49 ( 2 ) 53 - 58 2020
Authorship:Last author
Journalism ( 333 ) 74 - 81 2018.02
The Role of Journalists and Professional Education in the Age of Social Media
26 119 - 127 2012
Journalism ( 255 ) 28 - 39 2011.08 [Invited]
Scientific reports in newspapers and the normative function of journalism
The Waseda journal of political science and economics 373-374 ( 373 ) 72 - 94 2009.06 [Refereed]
「忖度」なきジャーナリズムを考える(「石橋湛山記念 早稲田ジャーナリズム大賞」記念講座2024)
( Part: Edit, はじめに;「忖度」をめぐる私論;あとがき)
早稲田大学出版部 2024.12 ISBN: 9784657240163
データが切り拓く新しいジャーナリズム(石橋湛山記念早稲田ジャーナリズム大賞記念講座 2023)
瀬川至朗( Part: Edit, はじめに;社会科学方法論とデータジャーナリズム;あとがき)
早稲田大学出版部 2023.12 ISBN: 9784657230157
SNS時代のジャーナリズムを考える(石橋湛山記念早稲田ジャーナリズム大賞記念講座 2022)
瀬川 至朗( Part: Edit, はじめに;異なる「事実」にジャーナリズムはどう向き合うのか;あとがき)
早稲田大学出版部 2022.12 ISBN: 9784657220158
村上, 陽一郎, 藤垣, 裕子, 隠岐, さや香, 佐藤, 卓己, 瀬川, 至朗, 神里, 達博, 佐伯, 順子, 小林, 傳司, 鈴木, 哲也( Part: Contributor, 「ジャーナリストと専門家は協働できるか」)
晶文社 2022.10 ISBN: 9784794973351
民主主義は支えられることを求めている!(石橋湛山記念早稲田ジャーナリズム大賞記念講座 2021)
瀬川, 至朗( Part: Edit)
早稲田大学出版部 2021.12 ISBN: 9784657210203
Is the news "truth"?
Shiro SEGAWA( Part: Edit)
2019.12 ISBN: 9784657190253
Journalism is the rough draft of history.
Shiro SEGAWA( Part: Edit)
2018.12 ISBN: 9784792333829
Transformation of science and technology policies in the Post-Cold War era : science and technology research project 2016
National Diet Library( Part: Contributor, 'The US Department of Energy and the Human Genome Project')
National Diet Library (Japan) 2017.03 ISBN: 9784875827962
The Truth of Science Reporting : Journalism and the Mass Media Community
Shiro SEGAWA( Part: Sole author)
Chikuma-Shobo 2017.01 ISBN: 9784480069276
Aspects in life sciences : science and technology research project 2015
( Part: Contributor, 'Overview of the Discussions on State-of-the-art Medical Technology and Bioethics Based on the Analysis of Newspaper Editorials')
National Diet Library (Japan) 2016.03 ISBN: 9784875827856
Naoya SEKIYA, Shiro SEGAWA( Part: Joint editor)
ミネルヴァ書房 2015.04 ISBN: 9784623073634
震災後に考える : 東日本大震災と向きあう92の分析と提言
鎌田薫監修, 瀬川至朗分担執筆
早稲田大学出版部 2015.03 ISBN: 9784657150035
図説 日本のメディア
藤竹曉編著, 瀬川至朗分担執筆
NHK出版 2012.09 ISBN: 9784140911969
英和・和英 エコロジー用語辞典
瀬川至朗, 研究社編集( Part: Edit)
研究社 2010.08 ISBN: 4767434688
小林宏一, 瀬川至朗, 谷川建司( Part: Joint editor)
東京電機大学出版局 2009.04
毎日新聞科学環境部( Part: Joint author)
講談社 2003.06
Shiro SEGAWA( Part: Sole author)
岩波書店 2002.02 ISBN: 4004307732
アジア30億人の爆発 : 迫り来る食糧危機,資源戦争
毎日新聞社外信部( Part: Joint author)
毎日新聞社 1996.08 ISBN: 4620311294
An Encyclopedia of the next generation of Media and Networks
Shiro SEGAWA( Part: Edit)
1995.02 ISBN: 4534022794
毎日新聞社科学部( Part: Joint author)
新潮社 1994.12 ISBN: 4104023019
カードの科学 : 磁気からICへカードは進化する
瀬川, 至朗( Part: Sole author)
講談社 1993.01 ISBN: 4061329502
瀬川至朗( Part: Sole author)
新潮社 1988.10 ISBN: 4103706015
Shiro SEGAWA, Osamu NAKAMURA, Kou YAMADA, Atsushi OKETA Database science
永井健太郎, 瀬川至朗
Presentation date: 2023.11
永井健太郎, Talia Hagerty, 瀬川至朗
Presentation date: 2023.02
熊谷宏彰, 今里直樹, 円谷真路, 中田和宏, 瀬川至朗 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2021.08
Global Warming Reporting and Skepticism
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
Society for the Study of Intelligence
Presentation date: 2019.12
Fact-checking as a Countermeasure against Mis- & Disinformation, and its Introduction into Journalism Education in Japan
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
“Journalism and Communication Education in the Context of Media Convergence” 3rd International Forum for Yuelu Media and Culture Industry Development
Presentation date: 2019.11
Methodology, Specialized Journalism, Data and Investigative Journalism
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
Paradigm Exploration and Innovation: Journalism and Communication Talents Cultivation in a Changing Era
Presentation date: 2018.10
How to Read and Understand Science News
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
A lecture event for Super Science High School at Komaba High School, University of Tsukuba
Presentation date: 2017.12
Current Status and Issues of Fact Checking in Japan
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
Presentation date: 2017.11
How to Read Science News--Basic Knowledge on How to Avoid Being Deceived by Fake News and PR Reports
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
”Hibiya College," a lecture series at Hibiya Library and Culture Center
Presentation date: 2017.10
Fact Checking and Journalism Education in Japan
Presentation date: 2017.09
A Comparative Analysis of Japanese National Newspaper Editorials on Historical Perceptions in Japan and Korea
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
Jeju University and Waseda University Joint Symposium
Presentation date: 2015.09
Issues in the Media: Thinking from the Field of Journalism Education
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
Presentation date: 2015.06
菅原智広, 今野俊宏, 早川正也, 小野広司, 瀬川至朗
Presentation date: 2013.05
瀬川至朗 [Invited]
第 6 回日本化学連合シンポジウム『科学技術と社会を結ぶサイエンスコミュニケーション』
Presentation date: 2013.03
Was the Coverage of the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident a "Dai-honei happyo (Government said Journalism)"?
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
Symposium hosted by Japan Association of Science and Technology Journalists (JASTJ) "Examining the Reporting of the Nuclear Power Plant Accident”
Presentation date: 2011.11
瀬川至朗 [Invited]
日本新聞協会第 162 回メディア開発委員会
Presentation date: 2011.05
Presentation date: 2011.03
Presentation date: 2011.03
Climate Change and Journalism
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
International Symposium "Global Climate Policy at the Crossroads and the Role of Journalism"
Presentation date: 2010.01
Media coverage of the new influenza and citizens' awareness and actions;especially regarding wearing masks
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
Presentation date: 2009.12
New innovative challenges of the first J-School in Japan
Shiro SEGAWA [Invited]
Forum of the 80th Anniversary celebration Event of Journalism School of Fudan University
Presentation date: 2009.11
Disinformation Risk Assessment: The Online News Market in Japan
Project Year :
Shiro Segawa (Waseda University), Talia Hagerty (Global Disinformation Index)
Study on construction of factchecking system as effective countermeasure against dis- & mis-information
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Project Year :
Shiro SEGAWA, Kentaro INUI, Naoya SEKIYA, Emi MAKINO
一般財団法人 櫻田会 2019年度政治研究助成
Project Year :
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Project Year :
Establishment of the "Science Media Centre of Japan" as an Information Hub for Science and Technology
Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Social Technology Research and Development Program
Project Year :
Mass Media Literacy of Researchers
Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Social Technology Research and Development Program
Project Year :
Shiro SEGAWA, Mikihito TANAKA
ファクトチェック・イニシアティブ, 早稲田大学次世代ジャーナリズム・メディア研究所
Authorship:Corresponding author
Disinformation Risk Assessment: The Online News Market in Japan
Kentaro Nagai, Nozomi Tomura, Shiro Segawa
Authorship:Corresponding author
新たな情報社会における既成メディアの役割 : ネットの情報も取材対象とし、双方向の議論を—特集 問われるメディアの現状と役割
瀬川 至朗, 村上 勝彦
マスコミ市民 : ジャーナリストと市民を結ぶ情報誌 ( 613 ) 16 - 29 2020.02
「発表報道」と「抑制」が目立った新聞・テレビの原発事故報道—特集 原発事故 政治とメディアの責任
瀬川 至朗
マスコミ市民 : ジャーナリストと市民を結ぶ情報誌 ( 510 ) 2 - 6 2011.07
慶應・上智・早稲田教授座談会 メディアは揺らぎ学生は変わる--今、大学は何を教えるべきか?—特集 大学とジャーナリスト教育
大石 裕, 音 好宏, 瀬川 至朗
Journalism ( 245 ) 4 - 17 2010.10
地球環境破壊とのゴ-ルなき競争が始まった--今後の焦点は国際協調と実行性に (地球サミット開幕で始まる緑の戦い<特集>)
瀬川 至朗
エコノミスト 70 ( 27 ) p52 - 55 1992.06
Faculty of Political Science and Economics Graduate School of Public Management
Affiliated organization Global Education Center
Faculty of Science and Engineering Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
2016 中村理, 山田耕
2015 中村理